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South Grandview Avenue 0600 Block
600 Blk So Grandview 0 City_of _Dubuque_ -__._- G.=Environ_e-Lawns erect temporar,_ sign-_BP42_168- 8/21_[2000fif_a_- _for__- 1u ly____ -O- --City o_f_Dubuque- C- En_v_ir-oUae Lawns---- - - - - -- - -- erect temporary sign BP 42170 8/21/2000 n/a for August 0 -City of Dubuque C- Enviro One Lawns erecL Lemporarysigrr Se - pt:_BP424O0_ . _'f07 - 212OOO - n/a - -0- City -af -- Dubuque___. __- G-- E-n- vi- r- o- One -- Lawns-------- ._. -_._ erect temporary sign for Oct. BP42402 10/2/2000 n/a