1974 Index Council Proceedings Leo F. Frommelt May 12, 1975 ANTON WELU CO. PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING DUBUQUE, IOWA OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1974 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1974 COUNCILMEN ALLAN T. THOMS, Mayor C. ROBERT JUSTMANN ALVIN E. LUNDH JAMES E. BRADY EMIL STACKIS City Clerk ........, .................................................LEO F. FROMMELT City Sohcitor ......................................................................R. N. RUSSO Assistant City Solicitors ....................................WILLIAM G. BLUM JOSEPH P. ZWACK CII~Y MANAGER GILBERT D. CIIAVENELLE Assistant City Manager ................................FRANCIS A. MURRAY Administrative Assistant ....................................GERALD J. KOPPES Personnel Director ..........................................WALTER K. BOCKES Program Planner ..................................................PAULINE J. JOYCE Fuiance Director ......................................................A. G. HEITZMAN Deputy Finance Director ..........................................GERALD HIRD City Engineer ............................................................JOHN L. WHITE City Assessor ......................................................JAMES J. GREGORY Chief of Fire Department ..............................ROBERT N. DUNPHY Chief of Police ..................................................ROBERT J. O'BRIEN Civil Defense Director ............................................BEN J. O'LEARY Supt. of Water Works ..........................................................J. J. HAIL Street Commissioner ......................................MERLE FELDERMAN Direotor of Recreation ............................RICHARD J. SLATTERY Planning Director ..........................................DANIEL DITTEMORE Building Commissioner ......................................DONALD J. BANDY Electrical Inspector ..........................................EDWARD O. ALBER Health Director ..............................KENNETH K. HAZLET, M. D. Health Administrator ..........................................................A. J. BOTH Sanitary Officer ..................................................LAVERNE GOERDT Food and Resta~u•ant Inspector ..................MILDRED KENNEDY Plumbing Inspector ..........................................RICHARD J. FEYEN Library Director ........................................WILLIAM G. FULLMER Supt, of Parks ....................................................RICHARD KRAMER Airport Manager ..........................................................JEFF MOLID Urban Renewal Director ........................GENT M. WITTENBERG Regular meetings of the City Council are held on the First Monday of each month at 7:30 P.M. ~~ -~- -_. 1.¡¡¡'8.11II.\t!l!!"""HII"'."""'"" 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT 28-Meehan, John V. & Naomi R., owners of Lot 2 of Eagle Point View exchanging for Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Eagle Point View owned by Board of Park Com. missioners. ................................................................536, 584, 616 28-Motorola Inc., City Manager authorized to enter into contract, along with Dubuque County and with same for acquisition and installation of communi. cation equipment in Law Enforcement Center. ...... 538 Nov. 4-M. P. Kluck. & Sons, Inc., Sidewalk Construction Bond subnutted. ........................................".................... 4-Maerschalk, Rachel M., Airport Commissioner, Official Bond submitted. .............................................................. 4-Moldt Electric Service, completion of Central Business District Traffic Signal System Improvement Proj- ectby same. .................................................................... 4-Mackert, Roy C., reappointed to the Citizens Trans- portation Committee. ......,............................................... IS-Menadue, Donald J., Notice of Claim. ............................ IS-March of Dizoes, National Foundation of same, request. ing to solicit funds for the annual mother's march from January 1 to January 31, 1975. .......................... IS-Marina, Dubuque, possibility of connecting to tbe sani- tary sewer in the area. ................................................ 565,601 IS-Murphy, Joan R., Granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Li. cense. .................................................................................. 567 Dec. 2-Moldenhauer, Dr. Wayne, reappointed to Dock Com- mission. ............................................................................ 587 9-Marting, Mrs. Mary Lee, relative to legislation as to each State adopting their own o'bscenity law, and objecting to Triple X movies and theatre. ................ 9-Mihalakis, Shirley, Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ""'."'.".""".""""""."".............................,.....""" 22-Mettel Realty & Investment Co., requesting the pro- posed izopoundment structure on north fork of Catfish Creek be moved far enough West so as not to interfere with the Mettel Byrne Suhdivision. .... 23-Morehouse, Wm. P., etal, requesting removal of "No Parking" signs on south side of Fenelon Place....... 23-Miller, Gerald E., Sr.. requesting refund on unexpired portion of Cigarette License. INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT page Page 1974 I-Motorcycle Helmet Law, Nancy L. Slattery requesting resolution in support of same for the State. .......". 365, 396 I-Morett. Merlin P., Granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 373 I-Mihalakis, John P. and Richard L. Billmeyer Granted Cigarette Permit. .................................................................... 8-Mezvinsky, Congressman Edward, reference on im. proved transportation service in Northern Iowa. .... S-Mayor of Manchester, reference on improved transpor- tation service in Northern Iowa. .................................. 3-Mosiman, Steven E., Notice of Claim. ................"""""" 8-Masuen, Bertha M., Notice of Claiin. .............................. 8-Meyer, Herman J., Granted Cigarette Permit. ...........,.... 15-Mai, Thomas R.. Notice of Claim. .................................... 15-Mister Donut, Granted Cigarette Permit. ...................... 22-Municipal Civil Defense Agency/Dubuque County re. port for 1973 submitted. ................................................ Aug. 5-Mental Retardation Week-August 19, 1974. ................ " 5-Mueller, Sophie, Settlement of personal injuries claim. 5-Murphv. Joan. Granted Cigarette License. .................... 12-Mettel-Byrne Addn., installation of street lighting re- quested along Rosemont St. ...................................."" 12-Meyer, Al J., denial of car damages claim. .............,........ 12-Moran. Kenneth J., denial of car damages claim. ........ 19-Muscular DystrophY Assoc., advising of annual drive on Nov. 10, 1974. ........................................................ 19-Mihm, Mark David, by his father Bernard W. Mihm, Notice of Suit. .................................................................. 28-Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program, report giYen. .................................................................................. 28-Meyers, Donald reappointed to Low.Rent Housing Commission. ...................................................................... Sept. 3-Monte Carlo Restaurant, Tatiana O'Rourke vs. sarGe, Notice of Suit. .................................................................. 9-Municipal Code Corporation of Tallahassee, Florida, be contracted for codification of the City Ordinances. 472 9-Murphy, Tizo, Notice of Claim. ............................................ 473,526 18-Mayors Industrial Committee, recommending selling of additional .13 acres of land to Iowa Coaches, Inc.. next to original purchase. .................................... 18-Maerschalk, Mrs. Carl (Rachael), appointed to Airport Commission. ...................................................................... 23-Mettel Realty & Investment Co. requesting permission to install street lighting with underground cable in Aurora and Admiral Streets in Mettel.Byrne Addn. 486,493 23-Meloy, Harold P., County Auditor, submitting results of Special Election for Recreation Bnilding. ..,......... 3o-Meyer, Leroy L., Notice of Claim. .................................... 3o-Mihalakis. John P., Granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. .............................................................................. 7-Mini.ASAP program, Ass't. City Manager submitting application for grant to participate in same. ......".. 7-Mason, Wm., Director of Teleprompter, relative to Cable TV situation. ...............................""."".""""""'" 14-Morris, Robert L., etal. objecting to installation of commercial high intensity parking lot lighting sys- tem installed by the Church of Latter Day Saints in the Knob Hill Addn. .................................................. 14-My.Cap Vendors Inc., requesting Lots I, 2, 3 and 4 in Humholdt Addn. be rezoned to a multiple residence district classification to permit off.street parking. ......................................................................................515, 571, 597 28-Morocco. Jungwirth's. Bert T. & Hazel R. Hillary, re. questing annexation of same to the City of Do. buque. ................................................................................ 533,577 28-Miller, Delbert, approving the plat of Lots 1-13 in. clusive in West Ridge Addn. ........................................ 373 376 376 377 377 381 388 390 394 411 415. 419 542 542 545 548 551 424 427 428 433 554 435 440 590 597 453 459 622 629 477 482 630 491 493 505 Oct. 508 509 514 534 --~.....__.. ----~ - -""."..""""""""""'~'N 1974 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT Me Jan. 7-McCarthy, Mike, denial of petition requesting com. mercial use of property located at 289 S. Locust St. ...................................................................'...........-....... 7-McQuillen, Jannetta A. and Howard, Grantors in deed of real estate in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15. ........................-..................'............. 21~McCarthy, Attorney Leo, requesting consideration to include an alternative in the zoning classification in parcel #3, "powers Place". .........-........................... 21-McFadden, Vincent, et ux, ohjecting to the proposed landfill site at the County Home. .............................. Feb. 4-McCarthy, Michael, City Mgr, reèommending vacation of perpetual right of easement in over and acroSS Lot 7 of Tschirgi schwinds Sub, ...................-........... ll-McCarthy Leo A., attorney for Dubuque Savings & Loan Assn. requesting permission to extend an entrance way three inches. ...................................-..... 18-McClain, Tom, heing in favor of Ecumenical Housing project. .............................................................................. 18-McCarthy, Leo, being in favor of Ecumenical I;!ousing project. .............................................................................. Mar. ll-McCarthy, Leo, on behalf of Art Pins asking for new date for public hearing for rezoning Old Timers Athletic & Supper Club Place. .................................... April I-McSperrin, Melvin B. Granted Class "C" Beer & Liq. uor License. ...................................................................... I-McMahan, Paul F., appointed to Board of Htg. Venti. lating, Ref., & Air-Cond. .........................-................... ~McGowan, Joe, objecting to proposed Ordinanee pro- hibiting parking in area on Kaufmann Ave. be. tween Chaney Rd. to J.F.K. Rd. ...................-..-......... 15-McCarthy, Mike for Dubuque Realty, offering to sub- mit a proposal on the purchase of Lot 153 in Len' nox Addition. .................................................................. 206,418 May 13-McCallister, J.A.. attorney for Pat Chew, objections to proposals made by Planning & Zoning for Chew property. ............................................................................ 277,342 28-McCarthy, Leo A., attorney for Arthur W. Pins, reo questing rezoning classification of All of Old Tim- ers Supper Place except the Nly 180' thereof, from Single Family Residence to. planned unit multiple residence classüication. ..........................."""""""""'" 297,430 28-MC~~~;:ènf~iìvÎ~tr~nÓ~c;,~. ~~~~r.:s..~~.u.~t.r.i~~..~e.~ 304 June 3-McCarthy, Leo A., attorney for Michael Clemens & Clemens Beverage, requesting permission to con. struct a warehouse between E. 3rd & 4th Sts. .... 311 356 lo-McCoy. Judy, relative to Affirmative Action Program. ' 331 17-McCallister, attorney representing Mr. Chew, stating all reasonable demands by neighhorhood have been met. .................................................................................... 17-McCollum, Phil, Granted Cigarette Permit. ..............".... 28-McDonald, A. Y. Mfg. Co., Granted Cigarette Permit. 28-McSperrin, Melvin B.. and Richard stecklein, Granted Cigarette Permit. ............................................................ July I-McGovern, Robert, objecting to the issuance of park. ing tickets. ........................................................................ Aug. 28-McCullough, J. A., objecting to cable TV rate increase. " 28-McCarthY, Leo, attorney for Schiltz development prop. erty, relative to rezoning of Schiltz property be. hind Hempstead School. ............................................. 28-McLaughlin, Helen, reappointed to Citizens Transpor: tation Committee. 592 601 INDEX- BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page Page 1974 Sept. 18-McCallister, William, behalf of Iowa Coaches, Inc., reo questing additional purchase of land on Industrial Island................................................................................. Oct. 7-McCarthy, Leo, attorney, relative to Cable TV situa. tion..................................................................................... Doc 9-McDonald. Ray. Construction, completion of 1973 Con. . crete Sidewalk Program. .............................................. I&-McMahon, Jim, winner of Bicentennial Symbol Con. test. 478 8 509 15 34,55 35 77 87 99 99 128 182 183 185 342 352 355 356 365 442 444 453 1974 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT N Jan. 7-N. Grandview and Grandview Ave. intersection, rec- ommendation of replacement of three street lights. 7-North Algona Sanitary Sewer~ inch, between Uni. versity Ave. and Loras Blvd.. schedule of assess- ments. ................................................................................ 2l-Naval Reserve Building, Thomas A. Tully Jr. request- ing to lease. ....................................."""""""""""""""'" 24-National American Group Insurance on behalf of Cedar Rentals Inc., stating city may 'be responsible for accident inyolving a city.owned bus, and their client. ................................................................................ 24-Nebel, Mrs. Roger, Notice of claim for personal prop- erty damage from sewer back.up. .............................. Feb. 4-Naval Reserve Building, agreement with Dubuque Lumber Co. for rent of part. ...................................... " ll-North East Iowa Area Crime Commission requesting the selection of an elected official to the Board. (Stackis) ............................................................................ Mar. ll-Northeastern Iowa Regional Library System, inviting Council to discuss pending library legislation. ........ ll-N.E. Iowa Crime Commission, authority for applica. tion to, for Police Youth Program. .................."........ 125,195 ll-Notice of Petition for Injunction to the implementa. tion of gift for $100,000. to Ecumenical housing. ......................................................................................127, 296, 551 ll-Notice of Expiration of right of redemption on the S.'"' of Lot 162 in East Dubuque Addn. to expire within 90 days. property sold for detinquent taxes for 1945 to 1969. ........................................................"" 126 18-Noise Ordinances-That all motor vehicles be equipped with mufflers; to prohihit operation of motor vehicles in violation of noise standards; and providing for penalties for the violations of same. ..................................................148, 149, 186, 188, 285, 519, 530 25-Norman, Mr. Wayne, requesting the east half of the Orpheum block be sold to Five Flags. .................... 161 25-Nachtman Tire Co.. Granted Cigarette License. ......,..... 164 25-N. W. Bell Telephone Co., requesting permission to cut into ten year street along Central Ave. at 17th and 19th Streets. ............................................................ Aprill5-Nash, Ruth, supporting Flight 4-5-60. .............................. " 15-Ney, Raymond, Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Li. cense. .................................................................................. " 29-National Historic Preservation Week, May 6 to 12. ...... " 29-Noonan, Wm. T., expressing condolences to family and friends. .............................................................................. May l8-Northeast Iowa Crime Commission, authorized to act in City's 'behalf in the receipt, deposit and disper- sal of Federal Funds received from Iowa Crime Comm. ................................................................................ " 13-Norwood, Nelson M., Sr., Granted Class "B" Beer Per. mit. .................................................................................... June 8-NAHRO conference, Councilmen Lundh and Stackis to attend, at Denver, Colo. ................................................ 8-Nash Finch Co.. Granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 3-Neuhaus, Mary, appointed to Advisory Commission..... 5-Northeast Iowa Crime Commission authorized to act in behalf of City for receipt, deposit & dispersal of Federal Funds for City.County Law Enforcement Center. .............................................................................. 17-Norton, James L., Granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 17-Nesteby, Charles. Granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 28-Nabors Drug #4, Granted Cigarette Permit. ...,.............. 28-National Tea Company, Granted Cigarette Permit. ...... 28-Ney, Albert J., and Dolores S. Roeth, Granted Ciga. rette Permit. Page 17 29 54 54 80 85 122 126 165 201 208 242 253 278 280 310 320 322 324 351 352 355 355 355 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page 355 356 356 1974 28-Ney, Raymond, Granted Cigarette Permit. .."......,......... 28-Norwood, Nelson, Granted Cigarette Permit. ..........,..... 28-Neumeister, John, Granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 28-Ney, Albert & Dolores Roeth, Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. .......................................................... 357 JulY 22-Ney, LaVern, Notice of Claizo. ........................................"" 394,479 Aug. 12-Nabisco Inc., Notice of Claim for truck damages. ........ 429,445 " 26-Nehaus, Ms. Mary Lynn, relative to Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program. .................................... 440 " 26-Nayal Reserve Building, old, Jim Furry, etal, request- ing permission to use same for indoor sports. ........ 453,550 Sept.I8-Noise Ordinance effectiveness of same requested by Mayor Thoms. .........................................."...................... " IS-Norpel, Craig, Notice from District Court, small claizos Division, Notice of claizo. ...........",.............................. 23-Naughton, Dennis J., representing Timothy M. Allen, Notice of Claim. .................................................,..........., 23-Nash Fincb Company, Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 23-Nash, Russell, President of DACCCR, meeting to help solve the housing crisis in the City. .......................... 3o-National Tea Company, Granted Class "C" Beer Per. mit. .................................................................................... Oct. 7-Northwestern Bell, requesting permission to excavate at Grandview Ave. & Delhi St. for cable repairs. .... 14-National Confectioners Ass'n., submitting a "Meet 'n Treat" campaign. ............................................................ 14-Nabors Drug, Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .............. 28-Naughton, Dennis explaining Bicentennial Sym'bol Contest. .............................................................................. 28-Nemmers, Kay, Granted Class "C" Beer Permit .......... Nov. l8-National Foundation of the March of Dizoes, request- ing to solicit funds for the annual mothers march from January I to January 31, 1975. ................""""" Dec. 2-Neighborhood Parks, particularly in the 3rd Street area, Advisory Commission in favor of. .................... 2-Notice of Appeal to the District Court in the matter of condemnation for purpose of erecting, construct. ing, operating and maintaining a sanitary landfill. 9-Norwood, Nelson M. Sr., requesting refund on unex. pired portion of Class "B" Beer Permit. .................. 18-New View Governing Board Annual Report, submitted by Gerald J. Koppes. ..........................."""""""""""'" l8-National Guard Armory, General Francis Kelly, rela. tive to possible land acquisition in 4th Street Penin- sula Area for same. ............................................""""" 18-Neumeister, John, Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .... 23-Norwood, Nelson M., Sr., requesting refund on unex. pired portion of Cigarette License. 440 478 479 463 488 492 504 508 510 518 525 539 554 561 562 592 601 610 617 630 ---- - ------__I ,.JJ.I,!I!I""'.,"""""""""""", 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page Jan. 0 7-Dperating Engineers Local 758, requesting a meeting with City Council due to impasse having been reached in negotiations. ..................."""""""""""""'" 7-Drdinance No. 1.74 An Ordinance Allocating and Mak- ing Appropriations of Tax Levies and other Sources of Revenue to the Expenditures of City Government for 1974-1975, 18 Mon. Period from Jan. 1, 1974 to June 30,1975. ..........................""""""" 7-Drdinance No. 7.74 Amending Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by amending Article X thereof by repealing the definition of Drive-In Restaurant and enacting a new definition of a Driye-In Restaurant. ..................".........................."""" 10, 65 7-0rdinance No. 2-74 Vacating a portion of West Sixth Street in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Area. (Lot 'A' of Block 16) ............................................ 11-Dffice of Mass Transportation of Chicago, lll. advis. ing delay of Amtrak service is due to repairs needed. .............................................................................. 21-Drdinance No. 3.74 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as aroended, 'by repealing Subsection 23 of Schedule IV thereof thereby removing the two hour time zone on University Ave. from Irving st. to As- bury St. ............................................................................ 30, 31 21-Drdinance No. 4-74 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa," as amended, by repealing Subsection 29 of Schedule VI and enacting a new Subsection 29 of Schedule VI to prohibit parking on the south side of University Avenue from Gilliam Street to a point one hundred and two feet east of the east line of Auburn Street and on the north side of University Ayenue from Loras Boulevard to Pennsylvania Avenue....................",..........."""""""""""""""""""""'" 21-0rdinance No. 5-74 An Ordinance authorizing Molo Sand & Gravel Co. to construct 34 ft. x 10 ft. wide scale with 10' approach on Block M part of Booth's Addn. in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. .......................... 32, 33 21-0rdinance No. 13-74 An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3.34 known as "the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Duhuque, Iowa", so as to change certain property hereinaf. ter described from "Single Family Residence Dis- trict" Classification to "Multiple Residence Planned Unit Development District" classification (Sister of St. Francis property). ........................................"..33, 102, 103 21-0rdinance No. 14-74 An Ordinance Amending and Changing No. 3-34, known as "The Zoning Ordi. nance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque Iowa," to change the Zoning Classification of var: ious parts of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot I of "Powers Place" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, from "Multi. pie Residence District" and "Single Family Resi. dence District" to Local Business "A" District" Local Business 'B' District" and "Multiple Resi: dence-Planned Unit Development District" (pow. ers Place) ........................................"....................34, 55, 103, 104 24-0rdinance No. 6.74 An Ordinance vacating a portion of Roosevelt Street Extension to be hereafter de. scrihed as Lot "A" of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Block 5 in River Front Subdivision No.3. ........",..... 47, 55 12 29 31 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page 1974 24-0peration: New View Approving agreement between Dubuque County, Jackson County, Delaware Coun. ty and City of Dubuque creating a separate legal entity. ................................................................................ Feb. 4-0rdinance No. .74 Amending and cbanging Ordinance No. 3-34 known as "The Zoning Ordinance and Zon. ing Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Single Family Residence District" Classification to "Multiple Residence District" Classification. (Old Timers Athletic & Supper Club Place.) (NOT ADOPTED) ..................................................................66, 127, 128 4-0rdinance No. 8-74 A.n Ordinance regulating the keep. ing of dogs in the City of Dubuque; providing for the licensing of dogs and license fees for sarGe; f~~~~~ti~~s~~:ti~~":.n"3::rn.;n~~~:::¡ ~f~~t,.~ dogs; establishing specific procedures for the con. trol of rabies; providing penalties for the violation hereof and repealing Ordinance No. 7.65. ................ 4-Ordinance No. 9-74 A.n Ordinance to regulate the li. censing, inspection, desigu and operation of arobu- lances, to provide standards for the licensing of ambulances and of ambulance drivers, attendants, and attendant.drivers, to provide for renewal and revocation of licenses, to require written reports, to provide for traffic regulations of ambulances, and to establish penalties for violation of its pro- visions. .............................................................................. 4-Ordinance No. IG-74 A.n Ordinance fixing and estab- lishing rates and charges for City Ambulance Ser- vice and repealing Ordinance No. 52-69. .................... 4-Ordinance No. 11.74 A.n Ordinance vacating a per- petual right of easement, in, over and across Lot 7 of Tschirgi & Schwind Sub. in the City of Dubuque. (McCarthy) .............................................................."........ 11-D'Brien, Wm. J., Expressing condolence to family and friends. ............."............................................................... 11-0rdinance No. 12.74 An Ordinance authorizing Du. buque Savings and Loan Association to construct stone veneer 3" into city walk. .................................. 11-D'Connor, Francis, representing Sisters of Charity re- zoning request. ................................................................ I~dden, Rev., spoke heing in favor of Ecumenical Housing. ............................................................................ I~eth, Arthur, questioning if able to furnish natural gas to new subdivision. ......................................"""""" l~rdinance No. 17.74 An Ordinance vacating that por. tion of Prospect St. hetween Lot 32 and Lots 38, 39, 40 and 41 in Coriell's Dubuque, now platted and known as Lot 32A and Lot 40A in Coriell's Du. buque. That Lot 4OA be disposed of to Wm. P. Woodward and Beyerly B. Woodward, and Lot 32A be disposed of to Wm. J. Klauer and Carol R. Klauer, together with cost of publication, in addi. tion to the payment of $1000. each, no abstract of title shall be furnished. .............................."................ 107,146 25-<>peration: New View, progress report given. .....""""'" 114,143 Feb. 25-0rdinance No. 18.74 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zon- ing Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa", by amending Article IV, Section 2, Subsection (i) there. of to include Lot 1 of the Subdivision of Lot lA of Dennis Dorgan Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to permit off.street parking. (James Gruber) 114,148 25-0rdinance No. 15-74 An Ordinance authorizing Rich. ard Zahina to construct a chain link fence at 2513 Windsor Ave. 56 66 70 76 78 84 88 89 99 101 115 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT 1974 Page 25-0xus Grotto, requesting permission to place cannis- ters in local business estahlishments for victims of cerebral palsy and dentistry for the handicapped. Mar. 11-0rdinance No. 28.74 An Ordinance vacating a dedi. cated walkway located between Lot 1 of 7 and Lot 2 of 6 of the Dubuque Homes Subdivision No.2 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. (FrancisP. Raymond) 128,204 l1-Ordinance No. 27.74 An Ordinance aroending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as "The Zon. ing Ordinance and Zoning Map of the city of Du. ~~~~inalt~~a'je:~:d tof,.g~anN:rur'u~in J:.?X:i: District" classification to "Local Business 'B' Dis- trict" Classification. (Manternach-Terrace Heigbts Mobile Home) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 129, 203 l1-Ordinance No. 16-74 Placing the Reed Property under control and management of the Park Board and be hereafter named as "The E. B. Lyons Forest Pre- serve and Nature Center." .......................................... 129 ll-Oeth, A. H., Suhdivision No.4, plat approved. ............ 132 l1-Orpheum Theatre-Five Flags Center Fund to pur- chase for restoration and/or renovation of same..... 138,139 18-0rdinance No. 21.74 An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 known as "The Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Seetion 19.4 thereof and enacting a new Section 19.4 in lieu thereof to :~~~~ ~atp~~~ro:x~:~\~~S n~'is:q~:rr:":~;~n; smoke. """"""""""""""""""""""""'-"""""""""""""'" 148, 186 I8-0rdinance No. 22-74 An Ordinance Amending Ordi. nance No. 33-49, known as the "Traffic Code of the City of Dobuque, Iowa" 'by adding a new Section 30 thereto to establish noise standards, to prohibit the operation of motor vehicles in violation of es- tablished noise standards and providing penalties for violation hereof. ..............................................149, 186, 519 18-0rdinance No. 23-74 An Ordinance relating to the Con- trol of excessive noise and providing penalties for the violation hereof. ..............................................149, 188, 284 18-0rdinance No. 19-74 Ordinance Governing operation of bicycles in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the licensing of same, providing penalties for viola. tion hereof and repealing Ordinance No. 1~ and Ordinance No. 33-56. """"""""""""""""""""""""""" 150 18-Ordinance No. .74 An Ordinance amending Ordi. nance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Du. buque, Iowa" as amended, by repealing subsection 76 of Schedule VI thereof and enacting a new sub- section 76 to Schedule VI to prohibit the parking of motor vehicles on the south side of Kanfmann Avenue from Central Avenue to Francis Street and on the North side from Francis Street to Valeria Street and from Chaney Road to Jobn F. Kennedy Road. (NOT ADOPTED) ................................................ 151, 185 IS-Ordinance No. -74 An Ordinance creating the office ~I ~'g>l:~cfo~r~l ~g¡f:',v~~k'! :~~ ~s'i.fJ'.~¡;'t;':':¿ duties of the Director of Public Works. (White. Urell) (NOT ADOPTED) """""""""""'......................... 15¡ 18-0rdinance No. 30-74 An Ordinance amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" to remove the minimum Lot area per family requirement for Multiple Dwelling Structures with. in portions of the Business District Contained with. in the Dubuque Downtown Renewal Project Iowa R.15. """""""""'............................................. 152, 221 116 150 152 -- - ~.lJ."¡¡ AlIi"."""_-""""-",.,~.-- 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page 18-0rdinance No. 24-74 An Ordinance Amending the Budget as approved by Ordinance No. 1-74 to pro- vide appropriations for a Community Develop. ment Project. """""""""'............................................... 154, 192 18-0rdinance No. 25-74 An Ordinance Amending the budget as approved by Ordinance No. 1-74 in the amount of $1,175,527.00. ................................................157, 193 25-0rpheum Block, requesting to he sold to Five Flags. 161 25-0rdinance No. 20.74 An Ordinance Authorizing John J. and Ethel Beurskens to construct a chain link fence. 162 April l-Ordinance .74 Amending Ordinance 3-34 known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa," by repealing Section 1 of Article U and enacting a new section 1 of Article U in lieu thereof limiting tbe extension of education- :~t:~~~~':,"f ~ru~~I~~~o~~io~""un"ii~ :;'~~~ts~s~ (Not Adopted) ..........................................................171,219, 461 15-Opperman, Earl opposing to American Le~ion Bar. 200 15-0rdinance No. 26-74 An Ordinance amending Ordi. nance No. 24-69 known as the Ordinance regulating conduct in Public Parks of the City, hy amending Section 30 thereof and enacting a new section 30 in lieu thereof to provide for the open season or hours for the respective parks in tbe City. """""" 202 15-0rdinance -74 Authorizing Ronald Amundson and Richard B. Windsor to construct a canopy over sidewalk at 253 Main Street. (NOT ADOPTED) .... 203, 223 15-0rder of Ahepa, requesting permission to place can- nisters in various establishments for funds for the fight against Cooley's anemia. """"""".................. 22-Ordinance No. 29-74 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 11-69 by repealing Section 2 thereof and enacting a new Section 2 in lieu thereof ,to provide for the rate or fare to be paid hy one passenger from seventy cents for the first one-fifth mile to ninety cents therefor and to provide for rate or fare to be charged each passenger regardless of ori~in and regardless of destination and to provide a five dollars an hour waiting charge: and repeal- ing Ordinance No. 55-73. (Taxi-cabs) """.................. 22-Ordinanee No. 31.74 Ordinance authorizing Ecumeni. cal Housing, Inc. to Construct Footings. ...........-....... 22-0rdinance No. 32-74 An Ordinance amending Ordi. nance No. 37-65 known as the "Street Parking Meter Ordinance of Dubuque Iowa" by repealing Subsection 6.2.5. of Section 6.2 Parking Meter District B and enacting a New Subsection 6.2.5 of Section 6.2 Parking Meter District B in lieu thereof to lizoit parking to 120 minutes at anyone time on Central Avenue, both sides, between Ninth and Twelfth Streets and both sides between Loras Boulevard and Eighteenth Street and the east side between Eighteenth Street and Nineteenth Street. 22-Ordinance No. 33-74 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 37.65 known as the Street Parking Meter ~â~~nã~2.~ftoD~~~ìI~~' i~';";;;'J~g r;¡:¡:;;nßis~~~ B and enacting a New Subsection 6.2.4 to Schedule 6.2 Parking Meter District B in lieu thereof to lizoit ~::~~gJth 1~:~~~~e~t~'iJd ~~~ ~~'::~~s~:'~ and both sides between Tenth and Eleventh Streets and both sides between Twelfth and Thirtenth Streets and the west side between Thirteenth Street and Loras Boulevard. """"""""""".................. 22-Ordinance No. 34.74 An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 37-65 known as the "Street Parking Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing 162 202 206 214 222 224 225 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT page subsection 6.3.4 of Section 6.3 Parking Meter District C and enacting a New Subsection 6.3.4 of Section 6.3 Parking Meter District C in lieu thereof to limit parking to ten hours on both sides of Iowa Street from Second Street to Third Street. 22-0rdinance No. 35-74 An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance Amending Ordinance No. 37-65 known as the "Street Parking Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing subsection 6.1.4 of Section 6.1 Parking Meter District A and repealing subsection ~l-~~f :~;~3::g 6~1 :e~k¡¡:'1,:~ifon D~i~c~/s;~t'oe~ 6.1 Parking Meter District A and enacting a New Subsection of 6.1.5 to Section 6.1 parking Meter District A in lieu thereof to limit the parking of motor vehicles on Iowa St., both sides between 11th & 12th Sts. and the east side from 13th St. to Loras Blvd.; and central Ave., bOth sides between 4th and 9th Sts. and bOth sides between 12th St. and Loras Blvd. .................................................................... 2~peration: New View requesting funding in approx. $5000. and submitting a proposal for its use, plant. ing areas, seeds, etc. .........................."........................ 29-Odefrey, Gary J., Notice of claim. ........................".. 2~hnesorge, Daniel, Concern about woodworth St. May 13-0rdinance No. 36.74 An Ordinance aroending Ordi. nance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as aroended, by enacting a new subsection 20 to Section B of Schedule III thereof to provide that northbOund and southbound vehi. cles on Washington Street must stop before enter. ing the intersection of East Twenty-fourth Street ana Washingon Street. .."............................................ 13-0rdinance No. 38.74 An Ordinance amending the Budget as approved by Ordinance No. 1.74 and repealing Ordinance No. 25.74. ................................276, 309 I;¡.-Ordinance No. -74 An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as "The Zon. ing Ordinance and Zoning Map of City of Dubuque, Iowa," so as to change the Sly 100' of Lot 2 in westside Manor to LoCal Business "A"; Profession. al office on the Nly 230.53' of Lot 2 in West Side Manor Place and Lot 13 of Block 4 in Westside Manor Sub; Permit off.street parking on Nly 230.53' of Lot 2 in Westside Manor Place and Lot 13 of Block 4 in Westside Manor Sub. (Chew) (NOT ADOPTED) ......................................".................... l3-Ordinance No. 74 An Ordinance aroending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as "The Zon. ing Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Du. buque, Iowa," so as to change the Sly 100' and Nly 100' of Lot 2 in Westside Manor Place from Single FamilY to Local Business "A" also amend Article IV for all street parking within the Nly 130.53' of ~t ~0~3~f;c~0¿ G. iw~t~ï~~d~:~~'[u~~(h~~ (NOT ADOPTED) ............................................................ 20-0'Brien, Bill, "portrait Fund Drive" submitted for same. .................................................................................. 20-0rdinance No. 40-74 An Ordinance amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34, Known as "The Zouing ordinance and Zoning MaP of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to change the zoning classifi. cation of the Sly 75 feet and the Nly 75 feet of Lot 2 in "Westside Manor Place" from single family residence district to Local Business "A" District and changing the Nly 130.53 feet of tbe Soutb 255.53 feet of Lot 2 in "westside Manor Place" and all of Lot 13 of Block 4 in westsideManor 1974 225 226 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page Subd." from single faroily residence district to mul. tiple residence district with inclusion in Para. graph (i) of Section 2 of Article IV to permit off. street parking within the following described area: The Nly 130.53 feet of the Sly 255.53 feet of Lot 2 in "Westside Manor Place" and Lot 13 of Block 4 in "Westside Manor Subd.", all in ,the City of Du. buque, Iowa. (Pat Chew) m"m............."."mm"""".... 284, 342 " 2!1--0rdinance No. 37.74 An Ordinance amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 23.74 heing an Ordinance relat. ing to the control of excessive noise and providing penalties for the violation thereof by repealing Section 2 thereof and enacting a new Section 2 in lieu thereof to change the hours relating to the construction and the repair of huildings from 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. of any day, Monday through Friday, and to change the hours of garhage collection from 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. of any day. m"".."..m 285 " 2O-0dden, Rev. Roht., appointed Protestant Chaplain of the Police & Fire Dept. ......................".."..mm.." 294, 307 June 1O-0rdinance No. 39-74 An Ordinance amending Subsec. tion e of Schedule VII of Ordinance 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by repealing Subsection e of Schedule VII thereof and enacting a new Subsection e of Schedule VII in lieu therof to prohibit the parking of motor vehicles in the alley from East Fourth Street to East Eighteenth Street between Central Avenue and White Street. ....."mmm..m,""m.."""""""""""" 329 " IO-0gaard, Robert G., suspension of 1973 taxes requested. 329 " lo-Drdinance No. 42.74 An Ordinance aroending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as "The Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to chan~e certain hereinafter described property; CommenCIng at a point on the East line of the West 12 of Lot 2 of the Southwest '14 of the Southeast '14 of Sec. 12, T89N, R2E of the 5th PM, lying 625 feet north of the south line of said Section 12, thence westerly a distance of ap. proxizoately 630 feet to the West line of said West 12 of Lot 2 of the Southwest '14, of the South. east '14 of Section 12, thence northerly along said West line a distance of 150 feet, thence Easterly a ~~s~~rdce w:.i'~r~t~t~l~l~e f~~~t1;'w~~~ ~a~f ~~: Soutbeast 'I, of Section 12, thence Southerly a dis. tance of 150 feet to the point of beginning; from "Multiple Residence.Planned Unit Development District classification to "Hospital.Medical Dis. trict." (Sisters of St. Francis) ......mm.....m....."......... 330, 362 17-0berembt, C., objecting to rezoning of Chew property. 342 17-0rdinance No. 49.74 An Ordinance for the vacation and sale of that portion of Maple Street lying be. tween the north curb line of East 16th Street to south curb line of East 17th Street. (Dubuque Packing Co.) m..................mm....m.....m...m.........".........343, 388 17-Ordinance No. 41.74 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 37-65 known as the "Street Parking Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Sub. section 6.1.8 of Section 6.1 Parking Meter District A and enacting a New Subsection 6.1.8 of Section 6.1 of Parking Meter District A in lieu thereof to lizoit the parking of motor vehicles on the south side of East Eighth Street from White Street East for a distance of sixty.six feet. "....m....".."................. 345 17-Office Grill, Granted Cigarette Permit. ...."..""".............. 351 17-0'Neill, WilliarD, Granted Cigarette Permit. ...m.......... 351 28-0'Hara, Dick, Granted Cigarette Permit. .."....""""".. 355 1974 240 241 243 275 277 277 282 INDEX - BOOK 104 m4 soomcr 28-0tting, Eugene A., Granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 28-0tting, Eugene Arthur, Granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ................................................................ July l-Ordinance No. 43-74 An Ordinanee Amending Ordi. nance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by adding a new Sub- section 27 to Section A of Schedule ill thereof to provide ,that Eastbound and west bound Vehicles on Fengler Street must stop before entering the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Fengler Street. I-Ordinance No. 44-74 An Ordinanee Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 Known as "the Traffic Code of the City of Duhuque, Iowa" by repealing Section 5.2 ~:~~t f:dpr~~~~~fora ri~Jif :~iogn 5r~ intra~fi~ light and provide for left turn on red traffic light. l-Osco Drug Inc., Granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 8-Ombruni, Mr. Paul, representative of HD&R, reference to proposals for Sewage Waste Water Treatment Facilities Plant. .......................""""""""""""""""""'" 375, 379 8-Ordinance No. 53-74 Vacation and sale of that porUon of an alley at the extreme west end of Cherry Street running north from the N.P.L. of Cherry Street to the S.P.L. of the 1st alley south of Green Street and abutting Lot 1 of Lot 208 of Finley's Addn. to Herbert F. Heitzman for $200- .................." 378, 417 8-Qrdinance No. 45-74 An Ordinance aroending Ordi. nance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by repealing Section gg of Schedule II thereof and enacting a new Sec. tion gg of Schedule II in lieu thereof to provide that Kaufmann Avenue from the West Property Line of Central Avenue to the East Proper,ty Line of carter Road; and from the West Prope~ Line of carter Road to the East Property Line of CrlsSY Drive; and from the West Property Line of CrisSy Drive to the East Property Line of John F. Kennedy Road; and from the West Property ~: o~l~n:~Wt:"\Y :~a~e~::~¡ ~~h street. ................................................................................ 8-Ordinance No. 46-74 An Ordinance aroending Ordi. nanee No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by adding a new Sub- section 21 of Section B of Schedule ill thereof to proyide that northbound and southbound vehicles on Crissy Drive must stop before entering the in. tersection of Kaufmann Avenue. ................................ 8-Ordinance No. 47.74 An Ordinance aroending Ordi. nance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Du- buque, Iowa" as amended by adding a new Subsec. tion 9 to Section D of Schedule X and a new Sub- section 10 to Section D of Schedule X thereof to require westbound vehicles to yield the right of way before entering the South Intersection and the North Intersection of Crissy Drive and Mary. wood Drive. .................................................................... 8-Ordinance No. 48.74 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dobuque, Iowa" as amended by adding a new Sub. se<\tion 8 to Section C of Schedule X and a new Subsection 9 to Section C of schedule X thereof to reqnire eastbound vehicles to yield the right of way before entering the South Intersection and the North Interrection of Crissy Drive and Mary. 29-0rd'f~~ceD~~. 52:;ï4'ÃÏiiëiiiïiñi"ördiñ¡;;;-è~"Nö:"ii4:69 known as the "Ordinance Regulating Conduct in Public Parks of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by .... -. -... ---_........+,"'..,,~.._, Page 355 358 363 363 373 362 363 363 364 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page jjj'¡4 amending Secti<>n 30 thereof and enacting a new Section 30 in lieu thereof to provide for the open season or hours for the respective parks in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ................................403,416, 440, 469 Aug. 5-Ordinance No. 53.74 An Ordinance for the vacation & Sale of that portion of an alley at the extreme west end of Cherry St. and running north from the N.P.L. of Cherry St. to the S.P.L. of the 1st alley south of Green St. and abutting Lot 1 of Lot 208 of Finley's Addn. to Herbert F. Heitzman for $200.00. ............................................................................ 417, 459 12-0rdinance No. 50-74 An Ordinance amending Ordi. nance No. 33-49 kDown as "The Traffic Code of ~:u~:ü:~w:Õ.:s p='ft~ b¡ve~~~ítt~"¡,~er~ length ,trucks to operate in the CIty of Dubuque. I9-Ordinante No. 51.74 An Ordinance authorizing Key City Plating Co. to construct planter & Sign. .......... 26-Ordinance No. 56-74 An Ordinance aroending and cba~ Ordinance No. 3.34, known as "The Zon- ing Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Du. buque, Iowa", so as to change Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Bloek 5 of Rolling Ridge Suhd. #2; Lots 408, 408 & 410 of Lennox Addn.; Lots 1, 2 and :1 of Mettel. Brooks Addn.; and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1, Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1, and Lot 2 <>f Lot 1 an in Blk 1 of St. Anne's Subd., from "Local Business 'A' Dis. trict" to "Multiple Residence District". (Ohio, TIli- nois, Drexel Sts. and Cbaney Rd. area). .................... 443, 485 Sept. 9-Ordinance No. 54-74 An Ordinance amending Ordi. nance No. 33-49 kDown as the "Traffic Code of Du. buque, Iowa" as amended by repealing Subsection , of Section A ef Schedule IV thereof and enacting a new Subsection 7 to Section A of Scbedule IV in lieu thereof to lizoit parking of motor vehicles on both sides of Locust Street from Jones Street ,to First Street. .............."""..........."."................................ 9-Ord~~~~e N~~' 35,f~~4 k~~r~na:: '~:~~ar~~ Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa, as amended by repeal~ SUbsection 6.2.2 of Section 6.2 Parking Meter DIStrict B thereof and enacting a new Sub. section 6.2.2 of Section 6.2 Parking Meter District B in lieu thereof to limit parking of motor vehicles on Locust Street, both sides between First and Sec. ond Streets and both sides hetween Third and Fourth Streets and the West side between Fourth and Fifth Streets and 'both sides between Tenth and Twelftb Streets. "................""".....".............."..... 16--0'Brlen, Police Chief, to attend lOOth session of F.B.I. National Aeademy. .......................",.............................. 16-0lson, William etal, requesting removal of parking hazard en certam sections of Ungs Street near H<>yt Street. .........................................."..479, 569, 591, 604, 605 16--0'NeiU, William, Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. """"""""""""",,""""""""""""""""""""""""" 481 23-Ordinance No. 56.74 An Ordinance aroending and changing Ordinance No. 3.34, known as the "The Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Two Family Residence District" Classification to "Multiple Residence Dis. trict" Classification with inclusion in Section 2, Subsection (i) of Article IV thereof to permit off. street parking. (YM.YWCA) ......"......"""................"" 485, 512 3o-Q'Neal, Martha, Notice of Suit .."."..........""."......"....".. 493 30 -Ordinance No. 57.74 An Ordinance amending 'Ordi. nance No. 33-49 known as "The Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as aroended by repealing Subsec- 429 435 473 474 478 481 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT Pðge 11174 tion 95 of Schedule VI th~reof which prohibited parking of motor yehicles on the east side of Maple Street from Sixteenth Street to Sev~nteenth Street. """""""""""""""""""""""""",""""""""""""'" 3O-0rdinance No. 62.74 An Ordinance amending and changin~ Ordinance No. 3.34, known as "The Zon. ing Ordmance and Zoning Map of the City of Du- buque, Iowa," so as to change Lot B, Lot C, and Lot D of Block 12, Lots 3 through 22, inclusive, of Block 13; all of Block 13.A; Lots 1 through 5, inclu. sive, of Block 14; Lots I> through 13, inclusive, of Block 14; Lots 9 through 14, inclusive, of Block 14.A; Lots 1 through 13, inclusive, of Block 15; Lots 1 through 12, inclusive, of Block 16; all in "Key Knolls Subdivision", Sec. 21, T89N, R2E, of 5th P.M., all in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Lot 2- of the Northwest '14 of the South. east '14 of Sec. 21, T89N, R2E of the 5th PM., all in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; from "Multiple Residence District" Classification to "Single Family Residence District" classification. (Hansel) """""" 3o-Drdinance No. 61.74 An Ordinance zoning and classify. ing Lot 2 of Lot 1 of the Northwest '14, Northwest Fractional '14, Section 2, T88N, R2E; and Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot 1 of the Northeast '14, Northwest Fraction '14, Section 2, T88N, R2E of the 5th P.M., all in Table Mound Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, cousisting of 1.261 acres more or less, as a "Single Family Residence District". (Henschel) ...... 496, 527 SO-Ordinance No. 60.74 An Ordinance zoning and classify- ing Lot 2 of the Southeast '14 of the Southeast '14 of Section 34, T89N, R2E of the 5th P.M. in Table Mound Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, consist. ing of 14.06 acres, more or less as a "Single Family Residence District" (Henschel). """"""",,"""""""" 496, 527 3o-Drdinance No. .74 An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as "The Zon. ing Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Du. buque, Iowa" so as to change Lots 5, 6, and 7 of Block 2; and Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Block 3, all in "C. J. Bies Subdivision" in the City of Duhuque, Iowa, from "Single Family Residence District" classification to "Local Business 'B' District" Class. ification (Klauer). NOT ADOPTED. "..."............"....".497, 529 Oct. 14-0rdinance No. .74 AN INTERIM ORDINANCE re- quiring a special permit from the Board of Adjust. ment to allow the exterior alteration of any build. ing located in the West 4th Street west of Bluff Street area, and further reqniring a ninety (90) day waiting period prior to the issuance of a demolition permit for any building located within such afore. mentioned area. NOT ADOPTED. ...."...".""....",,510, 590, 591 14-0rdinance No. 59.74 An Ordinance establishing a Fire Limits for the City of Duhuque, Iowa, for the pur. pose of the protection of closely built commercial districts against the hazards of fire spreading from building to bnilding, by supplementary restrictions on the construction permitted within such limits. 513 28-0rdinance No. 64.74 An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as "The Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Duhuque, Iowa," zoning and classifying territory recently an. nexed to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as a "Local Business 'B' District," to-wit: "Waechter Place in Center Groye" in Dubuque Township, Duhuque County, Iowa, consisting of 1.936 acres more or less. (Yiannias) """"""""""""""""","""""""""""""'" 530, 552 28-0rdinance No. 63.74 An Ordinance amending Ordi. nance No. 33-49, known as The Traffic Code of the 494 495 - - - _)1 i .""'_W".!!1'."..""""""""""""'d> 513 ï974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new section 30 thereto to establish Noise Standards, to prohibit the operation of motor vehicle in violation of estab. lished noise standards and providing penalties for violation hereof, and repealing Ordinance No. 22-74. Nov 4-O'Hara, John Patrick, Granted Cigarette P~rmit. """" " . 4-O'Hara, John Patrick, Granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 18-0strander, Lee, Sidewalk Construction Bond sub- mitted. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 18-0ption Agreem~nt, Thermolyne requesting an exten. sion of same for another two years to February 12, 1977 on land in River Front Sub. No.3. .........""... 25-0rdinance No. 71.74 An Ordinance Amending Ordi. nance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa," as amended, by enacting a new subsection 95 to Schedule VI thereof to prohibit parking of motor yehicles on the North side of Ungs Street from Clarke Drive to Hoyt Street. 569,591, 605 25-0rd~~~ce J'o~' 3~5Js4 ~~d~a~: ~:~~n~ar«?J~~ Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by repealing Section 6.1.1 of Parking Meter District A thereof and enacting a new Section 6.1.1 of District A in lieu thereof and by repealing Section 6.2.1 of District B and Section 6.2.12 of District B thereof and enacting a new Section 6.2.1 of District B and enacting a new Section 6.2.12 of District B in lieu thereof and repealing Section 6.3.14 of Parking Meter District C thereof and enacting a new Section 6.3.14 of District C in lieu thereof to limit the parking of motor vehicles on streets hereinafter described. """""""""""""""""""""""""" 25-An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3.34, known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa," by amending Article IV, Sec. tion 2, Subsection (i) thereof to permit Off Street parking within the following described area: Lots I, 2, 3 and 4 of "Humboldt Addition". (Completed in 1975) """"""""""""""""""""""",,""""""""""""""""" 2~rdinance No. 66-74 An Ordinance authorizing Du. buque & Wisconsin Bridge Co. to construct New Toll Plaza. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2~rdinance No. 67.74 Ordinance renaming portion of Front Street to Volunteer Drive. """""""""""""""" 2~mbruni, Mr. of H D & R, consultants for Sewage Treatment Plant construction, assuring Council fees will be frozen for project. """""""""""""""""" Dec. 2-Ordinance No. 63.74 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 33.49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by repealing Sec- tion 37 of Schedule VI tbereof and repealing Section 52 of Schedule VI thereof and repealing Section 84 of Schedule VI thereof and enacting a new Section 37 to Schedule VI thereof and enacting a new Section 52 to Schedule VI thereof and enacting a new Section 84 to Schedule VI in lieu thereof to provide that Motor Vehicles ,h,J1be prohibited from parking on Streets as hereinafter designated. (Paris of W. 10th, both sides Bluff St. and both sides W. 9th.) """"""""""",,"""""""""""" 2-Osco Drug, Inc., Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. """" 2-Oyen, Coletta A., Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. .......".".........."n......"""""""""""""""""""""" 9-Qyen, Eldon, Notice of Claim. """............""""""""""" 18-0'Connor, Brooks & Co., audit transactions of Water Utility, Parking & Sewage Facilities funds for fiscal period of 1.1.74 thru 12.31.74; and Auditor of State to audit all other financial funds of City. """""""" Page 530 546 547 551 555 570 571 571 573 575 582 536 587 590 602 --,--. -. -. -. -- -'",-",.."...-.~.,.~.," 1974 INDEX - BOOK 1M SUBJECT page 16-0rdinance No. 69-74 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of R~~u~u:f ~~~;~:s3 ~e~~~d~re rf~~l~'¡f r~~~~';¡ that vehicles shall travel West.bound only on West Ninth St. from Locust St. to its Westerly terminus and by repealing Subsection a of Section 4 of Schedule I which required that vehicles shall travel East.bound only on Eighth Avenue from Hill Street to Locust Street. ............................................................ 16-0rdinance No. 70.74 An Ordinance amending Ordi. nance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of ~:::'1~[;;n ~r'~~ .r.cti,,:"¥>d~1 J3,.~~:i ~:.~ to reqnire Westbound vehicles to yield right of way before entering the intersection of West Ninth Street and University Avenue, ...............-................... 16-0'Brien, Police Chief, recommending that no parking proposed for the north side of Ungs St. from Clarke Dr. to Hoyt St. remain after trial rnns by Police .. Fire Eqnipment proved satisfactory. .......-.......". l6-Ordinanœ - An Qrdinanee vaeating a portion of Avoea Street located west of west property line of the East 28' of tbe West 50' of the West 100' of Lot Z of Mineral Lot 179, in the City of Dobaque, Iowa. (ADOPTED IN 1975) ........................................ l8-Ordinance No. 7Z-74 An Ordinance aroendiug Ordi. nance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Do. bnque, Iowa" as amended by repealing Section J of Schedule n and enacting a new Section J to Schedule n tbereof to provide that Eigbth Avenue ,be designated a through Street from the West Property Line of Locust Street to the extension of the East Line of Hill Street. ..........m........""""""'" 606, 607 16-0rdinanee - An Ordinance revising and reo :':~~~,st~a ~:W::fi.;':,1~~oroft~mTA\~g °blli~ ial, regulating tbe construction, alteration, recon. struction, removal, maintenance, use, eqnipment and inspection of bnildings and structures within the citf of Dubuque, Iowa: and fixing fees for such inspectIon and providing for penalties for violation of said Ordinance. (ADOPTED IN 1975.) .............". 1~~~~~e ~ ~nm?::fna:~~m::~!~ o:t~ Prevention Code For The ~ity of Dobu,\ue, Iowa" by repealing Section 1 thereof and enactmg a new Section 1 in lieu thereof to provide that the City Council adopt the Fire Prevention Code recom. mended by the Western Fire Chiefs Association and the International Conference of Building Offic. ials being particularly tbe 1973 Edition. (ADOPT. ED IN 1975.) .................................................................... 16-0rdinance - An Ordinance creating and estab- lishing Fire Zones in tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of the protection of closely bnilt commercial districts against the hazards of fire spreading from building to building, by suJ¡>ple. mentary restrictions on the construction pernutted within such limits. (ADOPTED IN 1975) ................ 16-0rdinance - An Ordinance regulating the ~:~ti.:tferi~~n~~ir:Šp~~~~~:i ~~c~tl'\~st~~~ City of Dubuque, Iowa; and providing for fees for such inspection and providing for licensing of contractors, bonding for signs and penalties for violation of said Ordinanœ. (ADOPTED IN 1975.) 608, 609 603 604 604 608 607 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page JJ74 16-0rdinance No. 73-74 An Ordinance amending Ordi. nance No. 39-65 known as ,the Parking Meter Lot Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section 5, Section 5A, and 5A.! and 5A.2 and enacting a New Section 5, 5A, 5A.! and 5A.2 in lieu thereof to establish numher and location of municipal own- ed parking lots and to estabJish time and parking meter fee respectively. ................................................ 22-ûrdinance No. 74-74 An Ordinance authorizing the issuance of $2,000,000 Sewer Ronds and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same. ................ 626-629 609 608 608 ... --". "..._._IIJI')~'II..I!!.,I"'It"""""""""" 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page p Jan. 7-Playground & Recreation Commission submitting min. utes of their meetings. ................................................ 7,29,120,170,260,325,377,401,422,433,507,522,541,581 7-paisltel¡'eRg~r;~q~~ ~~~~~n!o~e ~ir:o~~~~..:.~~~...~~~~ 7 7-Paeper, Donald, objecting to a proposed land fill at the County Home Site .................................................... 7 7-Planning & Zoning Commission submitting minutes of their meetings. .................................................""""""'" 7-Planning 8& 6iòn\~~ ~~~i~~io;8;ec30~~~~i::3de~~~i 522, 589 of petition of Mike McCarthy requesting commer. cial use of property located at 289 S. Locust St. .... 8 7-Planning & Zoning Commission requesting considera. tion in the appointment of City representation on the East.Central Inter.goyernmental Ass'n. and the Dubuque County Metropolitan Area Planning Com. mission as considered at the Council Meeting of December 17, 1973. ........................................................ 8 7-Planning & Zonmg Commission recommending adop. tion of an Ordinance on Drive.In Restaurants by amending Article X of the Zoning Ordinance..... 10, 65 7-Planning & Zoning Commission suhmitting resoiution No. 1.73 and recommending an amendment to the Urban Renewal plan to allow multiple family residential use over and above first floor permitted in Blocks 12, 13, 17, 18 and Redevelopment Area ll. 11, 135 7-Plauning & Zoning Commission recommending ap. proval of plat covering a proposal to vacate a por. tion of platted W. Sboth St. in Dubuque Downtown Plaza. ................................................................................ 7-Parochetti, David A., Granted a cigarette permit. .... 7-parochetti, David A. Granted 'Class "C" Beer and Liquor License ................................................................ 21-Pascual, Jean, a resume sen,t, from Human Rights Commission. .................................................................... 21-Petropoulos, Mary, reappointed to Human Rights Commission. .................................................................... 21-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending ap. proval of proposed Zoning reclassification in reo sponse to petition of Sisters of St. Francis to estab. lish a planned unit development on property lying north of Davis Avenue. ................................................ 21-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending ap- proval of rezoning petition of Philip A. Powers on Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of Powers Place to permit a planned unit development consisting of various commercial and residential uses. ............................ 33 21-"powers Place" rezoning request. 33, 34, 103, 104, 105, 106 21-Prier, Wilfred, objecting to the proposed landfill site at the County Home. .................................................... 35 21-Pi~'f ~íJh~fm:" A[hI~~i:t~gs .:;~~i~fu bCl;'¡;~~C~~~~ Single Family to Multiple Family District. 36, 66,127, 297 24-Petesch, E. W., Notice of claim for towing his car while parked behind his home. ................................ 54 341 24-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending vaca- ' tion of a portion of the platted extension of Roose- velt St. described as Lot "A" of 2 of 2 of 1 in Block 5, River Front Sub. No.3. ........................................ 24-Pease, Kenneth R., appointed to the Library Board. .... Feb. 4-Peterson, Mrs. Lyle H., requesting support of Senator Tom Riley'sbiJI to ensure cleaner air for non smokers. ............................................................................ 61 4-Peil, William S., Notice of Claim. ............................64, 65, 296 12 25 26 29 29 33 54 57 ï974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page 4-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending ap. proval of request for the rezoning of Old Timers Athletic & Supper Club Place except the Nly 180' thereof as submitted by Arthur Pins. ........................ ll-Project Concern, additional $1,000. requested by Mrs. Heathcote. ........................................................................ 11-Puhlic Employment Relations Act, being in favor of. 18-Planning & Zoning Commission, submitting final reo port and recommendations for the J.F.K. Road Corridor. ............................................................................ 99, 100 18-Peoples Natural Gas Co., instituting an application and permit system that will apply to customers in order to determine in advance the potential load requirements. .................................................................. 100 18-Prospect Street, vacating portion of and disposing of sarGe to Wm. P. & Beverly B. Woodward and Wm. J. and Carol R. Klauer. ................................................ 107, 146 25-Pfeiler, Mrs. Merle, complimenting Council on their Ecumenical Housing decision. .................................... 111 25-Pfeiler, Mrs. Ray, objecting to County Home area for land fill site. ................................................................ 25-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending vaca. tion of a parcel of City owned property ahutting Lots 6 through 9, inclusiye of Linehan Park Addn. (Gleason Memorials) ...................................................... 25-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending ap. proval of petition by James Gruber to include a portion of his property on Dorgan Place for off. street parking. ................................................................ Mar. 11-Planning & Programming, Iowa State Office for, recommending area planning office be located in City aud fun time Director paid from locai funds. 11-Police Youth Prograro, authority for application to N.E. Iowa Crime Commission for. ............................ 125 I1~Petition for Injunction, Notice of, to the implementa. tion of gift for $100,000, for Ecumenical Housing. 127, 296 11-Park Board, control & Management of Reed Property. 129 11-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending rezon. ing portion of Terrace Heights Sub. to Local Busi. ness "B" District Classification. (Manternach)........ ll-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending ap. proval of plat of "A. H. Oeth Subdivision No.4." ll-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending ap. proval of plat of Blocks 8.A, 9.A, IO.A & Lots C & D of Block 12 in Key Knolls Sub. (Hillcrest Builders) """""""""""""""""""""'................................. 11-Planning & Zoning and Housing & Redevelopment De. partment, execution of lease extensions for Suites IO.B and 411 in Fischer Building. ............................ 11-page¡ John P., Granted Class "C" Beer and Liquor License. """"""""""""""................................................ 18-Planning & Zoning Commission and City Solicitor suggesting that the minimum lot area requirement of the Zoning District in the Urban Renewal area be eliminated due to Resoluion No. 73.74 recently adopted to permit multi.faroily residential use within the project area. """"""""""""""""".............. 25-Planning & Zoning Commission approving plat of Block 1 of Riverfront Sub. No.5. """"""................ 25-Palmer Drug Co., Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .... 25-Peoples Natural Gas, advising of reduction of rates for natural gas service. """"""""""""""".................. April I-Peoples Natural Gas, permission to excavate on Loras near Adair. """""""""""""""'....................................... " I-peoples Natural Gas, permission to excavate on Rhom. herg at Shiras & Farragut. """""""""""'..................... 8-Pierce, M. C., objecting to proposed Ordinance pro. hibiting parking on North side of Kaufmann Ave. from Carter Rd. to J.F.K. Rd. 66 87 91 100 111 114 114 122 128 132 134 137 141 152 163 164 167 171 171 185 1974 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT 8-Planning & Zoning Comm. recommending approval of final plat of Blocks 13, 15, 16, and 13-A in "Key Knolls SMdiYision" ......................."""""""""""""""'" 15-Public Parks, Ordinance regulating conduct in and providing for the open - or hours f<>r the respective parks. ....................................................202,403, 469 15-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca- vate in Gilliam St. ........................................................ 15-peo~.:!~ i~aÁ':."fub:::sS{~.~~~.~~..~~.iS~i~~...~...~~~~: 15-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending ap. proval of final plat of Block 14 in "Sunrise Heights Subdivision." ......................."""""""""""""'" 22-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending denial of reclassification of part of "Olds Place" and part of Mineral Lot 343 as requested by George Kennedy & Sons Construction. .................................... 22-Pla~r~&~~~fo;°.r~:i~~ ~~,;¡,,~e;:i:1 ~i~l:: Addn. from Single Family residence District to Multiple Residence District as requested by Jerry L. Donoyan. .................................................................... 22-Planning " Zoning Commission returning proposed Ordinanee relating to limit the extension of educa. tional, religious or philanthropic uses, and clubs, lodges and community center buildings with no recommendation. ............................................................ 22-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending ap. proval of revised Urban Renewal Project Plan. .... 22-l'lanning & Zoning Commission recommending reclass. ification to establish Multiple Residence.Profession. al Office Use on Lot 2 of "Westside Manor Place." (CHEW) ............................................................................ 22-Peoples Natural Gas Co. requesting permission to excavate at 18th & Central for removal of existing gas. main to allow Phone Co. to install new cable. 29-Peacock, Betty J., Notice of Claizo. .................................... 29-Proclamation, National Historic Preservation Week. May &-Peoples Natural Gas Co., requesting permission to ex, cavate at 910 W. 5th Street to repair service line. 8-Planning & Zoning recommending annexing of Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of "DeLuxe Cottage Com!" and Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of "George Jeeklin Farm." ................ 18-Peoples Natural Gas Co. submitting revisions to its current late payment penalty procedure. ................ 13-Palm, Cletus, Sidewalk Construction Bond submitted. 13-Planning & Zoning submitting an Ordinance which would provide for Local Business "A" District Classification of the Sly 1O<Y of Westside Manor Place and permitting off-street parking or pro. fessional office development on the remainder. (Pat Chew property) ................................................................ 2o-portrait Fund Drive submitted by Councilman Just. mann. (Bill O'Brien) ........................................................ 2O-Playground " Recreation Commission submitting their 1973 organizational and activity report. .................... 2O-Planning & Zoning recommending denial of reclass. ification of Lots 568 and 569 of Lenox Addition from Single Family District to Two Faroily District, as requested by Harlan J. Roth. ................................ 28-PiJlsbury Co. has applied for a permit to make im. provements at their dock facilities at 7th St. Harbor. 28-PinS, Arthur W., by attorney Leo A. McCarthy reo questing rezoning of All of Old Timers Supper Club except the Nly 180' thereof, from Single Family Residence to Planned Unit multiple Restdence classification. page 196 206 206 206 218 218 219 221 227 227 242 242 263 263 272 273 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT Pace ïií~ 276 282 28-Pit3, Mrs. Dorrance, objecting to immense amount of traffic, lour busses as to parking and the emission of fumes; tours with school children have very poor supervision, in tbe 347 Bluff St. area. ........................ June 3-Pe.ples Natural Gas, requesting permission to exca. vale at 2UO9 Rhomherg Ave. t. provide seTVice to a new customer. ............................................................ 3-Project Notes, antboTizing sale, issuance & delivery of same in the aggregate aroount of $1,490,000. and the e=tion of Reqnisition Agreement No. 3-74 in eonneetion with Dowll!own Urban Renewal Prejeet. .............................................................................. IO-Planning & Zoning reeommendìng approval of plat of Block 4 & 5 of "Knob Hill" Subdin.ion. (Regina Duggan Trust) ...............................................-............... IO-P!efler, Walter A., objectiuf to rezm1Ìng Cbew 17-- p¡J.:'° ~¡ opp¡;ïi" ë ë;;i;;;: . . m ë~ i;¡;~~ ï;,' . (ï 3 .. ¡; ;;-Šiñëšsë.š j reqllesling a dlange in the ,traffic pattern on their entrance way. .................................................................. 17-Parochetti, D~ am SteTe Glew, Granted Cigarette Permit ............................"................................................ 17-PlunIIey, Donald, Granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 17-Pw, Arthur, Granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 17-pomerooa Steak Home, Granted CigareUe Permit. .... 17-Pusateri, Michael l". Granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 29--PiDa Hut, Gra Permit. ..............."........... ~t:~t:'if,J~':,",f:d,Gr ::e =\. :::::::::::::::::::: 28-Paradiso, Joseph, rmit. ................ 28-pOtter, Coletta A., Gr Permit. ............ 21!---"ParlHfiso, Joseph A. and Gary Bms, Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ 28-PilJlS, Arthur W., Granted CIa.. "C' Beer & Liquor Lieense. ............................................................................ 28-Pusateri, Micbael F., Granted Class "Cn Beer" Li<¡uor Lieense. ............................................................ July I-Planned Use Report General Revenue Sharing, proof of publication. ................................................................ I-Planning & Zoning snbmitting final plat of Lots I tbru 7 of Carmel Heights Sub. (Sisters of Charity) I-PHASE II WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACIIr rI'IES, City Manager recommending authorization to excute "Letters of Intent" to certain major equipment suppliers for same .................................... 372, 378 I-Palmer Drug Store, Granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 373 l-Puhlic Employment Prograro/Emergeney Act of 1971, submitted by Citr, Manager. ............"..............."......... 373 8-Penberthy & Houdaille represented by Mr. Lowell & Roger Walker, reference to proposals for Sewage Waste Water Treatment Facilities Plant. ............ 375 15-Pelers, James Mo, Notice of Claizo. ................................ 388, 6:14 22-Pitz, Dorrance and others petition, Dan Dittemore sub. mitting status of same coneerning zoning in Bluff " 4th Sts. area. ............................"..........................398,493, 510 29-Pilot Research Program in cooperation with City and local colleges an<l universities bearing on problems confronting city officials submitted by Mayor. ........ 401 29-Playgronnd & Recreation Commission submitting feasi. bility report on Ice Facility and outline of tbe Five Flags Center. .........................."........................................ 402, 423 29-Planning & Zoning recommending denial of petitions of Hollingworth, Manning, Steffen, Koerperick & Johnson concerning reclassifying 5 single family lots to Local Business "B" District between Glen. cove Lane & Pennsylvania Ave. ....................".......... 402 29-Public Parks, providing for tbe open season or hours for the respective parks in the Clty of Dubuque. 403,416, 440 297 310 315 331 342 345 351 352 352 352 352 355 355 355 356 356 357 357 357 360 369 373 282 401 263 295 297 INDEX-BOOK IO4 SUBJECT I'<>ge 1974 Aug. 5-Pregler, Walter A., requesting negotiations be inaug. urated with the Board of Supervisors and the Coun. ty Board of Health for the purpose of merging into one consolidated Public Health Agency. .,................,. 12-Playground & Recreation Commission submitting peti. tions requesting special election for the purpose of acquiring lands, estahlishing, construeting and equipping a recreation bnilding thereon & incurring indebtedness for such purposes. ..........,.......,....,........ 423, 447 12-Palm Ronald C., Denial of car daroages claim. ...........' 428 12-Pins, Art, withdrawing request for reclassification of "All of Old Timers Athletic and Supper Club Place except the Nly 180 feet thereof. .,.............,...,............ 12-Peoples Natural Gas Co., requesting permission to ex. cavate 3 holes on W. 14th St. and 1 on Avalon Road. 19-Pettit, Don, etal, requesting vacation of the East 281 feet of the HI' wide access between the 1800 block of N. Algona and Avoca Strets. (DENIED) ......,.....437, 542 19-Pitz, Dorrance, appointed to Citizens Advisory Board. 438 19-Pearce, Douglas, appointed to Low.Rent Housing Com. mission. ..,.,...,.,............,........................,.,............,....,...,..... 438 26-Planning & Zoning recommending portion of area known as portion of Kerper property be reclassi. fied from Single Family Residence to Multiple Residence. (Vicinity of Ohio St., Drexel AYe., Chaney Rd. and Bristol Dr. at their intersection with Pennsylvania Ave.) .,.,.....,...,..............,..............,....442, 484 26-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending denial of rezoning Lot 2-J.1.1 of the East 'h of the South. west ¥4 of Sec. 21 T89N R2E 5th P.M. from Single Family Residence District to Multiple Residence District. (L. J. Schiltz request, behind Hempstead Schoo!.) ....,...,.............................,.,.,.............................,... 26-Payne, Burton, reappointed to Citizens Transportation Committee. .........,....,...,...............,....,.,.,.............,...........,.. 26-Perry, Virginia, reappointed to Low.Rent Housing Commission. ..,...,.,.,......,.......................,.,...,.,...........,...... Sept. 3-Planning & Zoning submitting an amended Ordinance associated with the wordiug of present provisions regarding "educational, religious, and philanthropic use" in Single Faroily Residence District. .,..,....,,"'" 3-Planning & Zoning recommending anoexing two par. eels of property abutting the "Thomas Farm Addi- tion" (Henscbel). ..,.................................................466.495, 533 9-Planning & Zoning recommending final approval of F.D.R. Park View Heights in Table Mound Town. ship. .............................,........,..........,........,..................,.... 475 16-Police Chief O'Brien to attend 10Oth Session of F.B.!. National Academy. ..............,...........................,...."""'" 478 23-Planning & Zoning recommending rezoning of proper. ty at 1497 Dodge Street from two family residence to multiple Residence District. (YM-YWCA) ........ 485 23-Planning & Zoning recommending annexation of 1.936 acres located at northeast corner of intersection of Wacker Drive & U.S. #20 (Yiannias) .,....................., 486, 529 23-Planoing & Zoning recommending approval of "Charles E. Eickert" Sub. in Scction 2 Dubuque Township, Dubuque County, Iowa. .,........,...,..........,.. 3O-Planning & Zoning recommending rezoning certain portions of "Key Knolls Subdivision" from Multiple Residence to Single Family Residence District. ..,. 30-Planning & Zoning recommending rezoning certain portions of C. J. Bies Subd. to Locai Business "B" District classification. .. ............................,.................. 3O-PHASE IT WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES -CONTRACT IV-approyal of preliminary esti. mates. Necessity for Improyement, and Fixing Date of Hearing. .............................,.....,.....,...........,.........,...,.... 502, 545 421 430 431 438 443 453 453 480 485 487 494 496 . .. ~__4__._-~_..~*_. Oct 14-Planning & Zoning Commission, Council to concur . with same, relative to Dubuque Packing Company's request, by rejecting tendered Ordinance, and Building Commissioner instructed to issue building permit if requested. """"""""".........",........................ 519, 522 2S-Peoples Natural Gas Co., advising of gas rate increase on gas bills issued on and after Novemher 18th. 522 28-Park Board, reference to Third Street Reservoir, John Dnggan Petition. .....................................,...................... 524, 589 28-Peoples Natural Gas Co. requesting to excavate on Merz Stret and Rhomberg Ave. to provide cathodic protection. """""""""...................................................... 28-Planning & Zoning recommending final approyal of plat of Lots 1.13 inclusive in West Ridge Addn. (Delbert Miller) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 26-Park Commissioners, Board of, owners of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot I of Eagle Point View exchanging for Lot 2 of Eagle Point View owned hy John V. Meehan & Naomi R. Meehan. ................................................536, 584, 616 Nov. 4-Planning & Zoning recommending NOT VACATING easterly 281 feet of alley in biock bounded by N. Grandview Ave., N. Algona, Green St., and Avoca. (Pettit) """""""""""""""'",............................................ 542 ~Privately owned housing, Dept. of Community Devel. opment, autborized to publish an Invitation for Proposals for same. .............................................,.......... 544, 592 18-Planning & Zoning recommending approval of final plat of Blocks 1, 2 and 3 in Timher Ridge Addi- tion. (Henschel) """""""""""...................................... 557 16-PHASE FI OF THE WASTE WATER FACILITY, City Manager submitting resolution and an AMEND. MENT TO CONSENT ORDER with Dept. of En. vironmental Quality revising completion date for same from July, 1976 to August, 1977. .................... 559 25-Parking Meter, Street. adjusted Ordoinance submitted.569, 570 25-Planning & Zoning recommending Lots 1 thru 4 of "Humbolt Addition" be rezoned to a multiple resi. dence district to permit off.street parking, per request of My.Cap Vendors. ...................,.................... 25-Peoples Natural Gas Co. requesting permission to excavate at 1525 Rhomberg Ave. to repair leaky main. """"'..................,......,.................................,............, 25-PHASE IT, WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILIT. IES - CONTRACT IV - construction contract for same awarded to J. P. Cullen & Son Construction Co. .."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 25-Planning & Zoning recommending annexing property known as "Jungwirth's Morocco" to City as reo quested by Bert T. and Hazel R. Hillary. ..........,..... Dec. 2-PHASE IT, WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILIT- IES - CONTRACT IV - construction permit sub- mitted by Dept. of Environmental Quality. ............ 2-Puls, Vernon E., being in favor of granting permit to Tom Gihbs. """"""""""""".......................................... 9-Planning & Zoning recommending rejection of an Interizo Historical Preservation Ordinance in pres. ent form & submitting a revised Ordinance. ..,..... " 9-Parochetti, David A., Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. """'..................................................................... 23-Peoples Natural Gas advising of a gas rate increase to its customers on and after January 20, 1975, as permitted by the Iowa State Commerce Commission. 23-Police & Fire Departments, resolutions submitted to comply with directives of the Fair Labor Stand. ards Act as to work periods for same. """'............. 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page 532 534 542 557 571 573 574 577 581 583 591 597 620 630 11174. JNDEX-IIOOK 104 silllJEC'l' ~ Q Aug. 12-Quinn, John T., denial of car damages claim. ................ 427 R Jan 7-Russo, R. N., appointed City Solicitor for """uing year. ,,' 7-RaYg;,:~:U;D~V~:' ~~~.~~:..~~~:.~~..~.~..:~~~..~f.f 7-Raucb, 1\4r. Joseph, oJ>jecting to the occupancy of the Brammer property by tbe American Legion to be used as an open bar. ...-..--...-.............--................. 7~Rnroden. :Mary L., Notice of Claizo for car damage incurred when struck by city owned vehicle at 17th & White St. on December 27, 1973. ................ l1-ReiTIy, Mr. Owen, indicating tbat an impasse has been reached with the personnel Dept. ...-.................-.... 24-Richard. Paul C., Notice of Claizo for car damage......... 24-Rooseve1t Street Extension, yacating a portion thereof. Feb. 4-Roth, Arthur 1., opposed to House File #1u. ..-..."'" . 4-Reed, Marjorie D. delivery of deed be approved. .... 4-llo!ing, Gilbert F.. Sidewalk COll5truction BOM sub- mitted. ...........................-.......-..--............-.............. 4---,Rugby Coach, Mr. B. J. Weber, reque¡¡ting aequisitWn of a playmg field for their particular sport. ....-..... 83 n~~~ :Òb~t d~~~l:~d~:;t~..:::::::: ~~ 18-Rhomherjl, (Rev.) Thoma& W., aB!<ing Council to ap. ~.=.F:"::.J\/':'.~~.."~~~~~~..:.~::"~~: 99, 885 18-Revenue Sharing Funds, appropria<e $100,000 for Ecumenical Housing. ...........................-................-... 99, 154 Mar. ll-Bay, Governor, invitation to the Governor's Confer. enee on Juveuile Ju.otice. ...............................-.."....... " ll-Bay, Governor, advising that tbe State Office for Plan. uing & ProgrammIng will be conducting a series of 12 regional meetings in :March to explam the Iowa Conununity Betterment Program. .............................. ll-Reed Property, under eonlrol & management of Park Board. ................................................................................ ll-Baymond, Francis P., vacating a dedieated walkway located between Lot 1 of 7 and Lot 2 of 6 of the Dubuque Homea Sub. No.2. .................................... 128, 204 ll-Re';:l~fn' ~e~, ~vfu"~:: :~~~b:¿kbJ::g 0: elation Move. ......-........................................................ ll--1tenier, Maurice J., suggeatiog additional parking in UrbaD ¡renewal Area. ...-......-.........-.-"-""""""'" ll-Rockford Area Chamber of Commerce, ùvising of a meeting for an informal evaluation meeting with I.C. Gulf and Amtrak represntatiye¡¡. ........."......... 25-Revised Section 23 Leased Housing Program, Goat M. Wittenberg requesting Mayor execute "Letter of Intent" on. ...........................-........................................... 25-R " s EnterPrises, dìaposing of real estate in Urban Renewal Area to same. .-...............-..............,........ 25-Recreatioll Col1UlÙ>Sion, move ahead with plans for ice rink proposal ......-................-............................... 161 25--Rock Isw.d Corps of Engineers, inspection report & results of inspections of Flood Protection Works. 165, 169 April 15-Rosenth.aI, M. 0.,. oJ?PDsing to ~meri~aa Legion Bar. 200 : t~f~tI~':te~o=-¡¡ SU¡ß;:nU"Jbgh:..~~:..::=:::: ~:n . 15-Roth, Harlan J., requesting rezoning of Lots 568 '" 569 in Lennox Addn. from sing1e family to double faro. ily dwelling on Xel'oland St. -_................................206, 263 l:>-Regional Planning Commission, Mayor and City Man. ager to ..".., as members aDd two Councilmen as alternates. ........................................................................ 22-'ßecreation, Director of, Riehm! J. Slattery, recom. ~r~l. not to initiate the special food services ïi74 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECi' Page 6 10 28 54, 64 47,55 59 60 64 120 120 129 130 137 142 167 166 212 216 INDEX-BOOK 104 .~ SUBJECT 29-Reiter, Gladys L., et ai, objecting to proposed paving of Stewart Street. .................................................."""" 29-R & S Enterprises, Inc., execution of a contract for sale of land for private redeyelopment for total price of $19,924.82. ........................................................ 2{¡-Rail system service for goods and persons in & through the State of Iowa and urging appropriate Federal, Sta,te, and Local action toward that goal. 251 May 6-Roberson, Dennis E. attorney for Mrs. Dorothy Dut. ton, Notice of Claim. .................................................... 262 6-Ramada Inn, by Robt. Hampton, request extension of 90 days. ................................................................260,411, 541 13-Rosemont Street area by Donald C. Moody, objecting to student parking on the street durmg school hours. (Hempstead school) ............................................ 277, 325 2O-Riverside Bowl Inc., Granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ............................................................................ 294 " 28-Runde, Robert, appointed to Mayor's Industrial Devel. opment AdvisoryComm. ............................................ 304 June IO-Remhold, Elma M., suspension of 1973 taxes requested. 329 " 17-Revenue Sharing Funds from July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975, Ass't. City Manager Murray, submitting com. pleted copy summarizmg planned use of SarGe. .... " 17-Radio Trade Supply Co., requesting for a loading zone or limited parking in front of 100 East 8th Street. " 17-Riverside Bowl, Inc., Granted Cigarette Permit. ............ " 17-Reisdorf, Joseph E., Granted Cigarette Permit. .........." " 17-Ricketts, Karl, Granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 17-Roy, Sally Josephine, Granted Cigarette Permit. ........ " 17-Ruegnitz Drug Store, Granted Cigarette Permit. ..".... :: n =~~~al~~c~~o~ar~:;;'~tetra~¡~æ'<¿[;ar~f{."'t~rmi¡: ..:: :::::: " 17-Reisdorf, Joseph E., Granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ............................................................................ 28-Roeth, Dolores S., & Albert J. Ney, Granted Cigarette Permit. .............................................................................. 28-Rainbow Oil Co., Granted Cigarette Permit. ........"...... 28-Roshek's Dept. Store, Granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 28-Ring, Louis A., Granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 28-Roeth, Dolores & Aibert Ney, Granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................................ 28-Roy, Sally Josephine, Granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ............................................................................ July l-Reyenue Sharing, planned Use Report General, Proof of publication. ................................................................ I-Right turn on red light. .................................................... I-Revelle, Patricia, Granted Cigarette Permit. ............ l-Riekena, Mrs. Doris, Granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 15-Revelle, Mrs. Patricia, Granted Class "c" Beer & License. ............................................................................ 390 " 29-Repair of Storm Sewer on 24th st. (between Jackson & Washington) ........................................................405,462, 537 Aug. 12-River Front Sub. No.5, street lighting requested by City Manager for same. ................................................ 423 .. 12-Rosemont St., installation of street lighting requested along same. .................................................................... 424 12-Revenue Sharing Fund report for July 1, 1973 to June 30, 1974, request for publications. ............................ 424 12-Roth, Ray, Denial of car damages claizo. .......................' 427 12-Ruroden, Mary L., Denial of car daroages claizo. ...................,428 19-Rettenberger, Max, Granted Cigarette License. ............ 437 19-Russo, Paul, appointed to Playground & Recreation Commission. .................................................................... 438 26-Reynolds, Jim, Atty., regarding barricading in wash. ington St. neighborhood. ............................................ 440, 553 28-ReyenUe Sharing, Actual Use Report, Proof of Pub- lication. ............................................................................ 440 28-Roepsch, Joe, objecting to TV rate increase. ................ 442 Page 243 250 340 344 351 351 351 351 351 352 352 353 355 355 356 356 357 357 360 363 373 373 - - - ---'-""'-"""""'-~""'4 ~ INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page 1974 28-R ~a~e~~~~rpdi~e:%~;~~P3.~gEWi~3fã~')', ~r"~t f~°:rl Block 6 in Dubuque Downtown Plaza, and directing the payment of $98.55 for said real estate. ........ 26-Recreation Building, election on the proposition of issuing bonds to an amount not exceeding $2,500,000. for same. .................................................... 447, 491 26-Randails Foodarama, Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 452 Sept. 2-Ricken, Leona G., suspension of 1973 and first half 1974 taxes. ........................................................................ " {¡-Repair of emergency storm daroage which occurred in summer, City Manager submitting Receipt of proposed bids on the same. ........................................ Noy. 4-Revenue Sharing Funds for subsidizing Dubuque Tran. sit System. exceeding budget appropriation of $225,000. in same. ........................................................ 4-Regal 8 Motel, Granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 4-Railroad Alignment of the Proposed Dubuque Down. town Freeway, resolution approving the alternate of same. ............................................................................ 18-Radio Station WSUI.FM, endorsing the proposed ex. ~:~b¡~nag~r~~;?J:'y irh:atl.~rn D~~':;:t~~~tU~fi~~~K Education and welfare to the University of Iowa's request. ............................................................................ 25-Rubel, James L., Housing Inspector, advising property at 759 Hill St. has met with 95% compliance of Housing Law, no further action needed. ................ 25-Renaming portion of Front Street to Volunteer Drive. 25-Riekena, Doris, relatiye to equipment needs for the bus system. .................................................................... Dec. 2-Rudzianski, Theresa, Notice of Claim. ............................ .. 16-Riverview Park, Conservation Society advising of de. velopment and maintenance of same, at northern end of Industrial Island. ............................................ " 23-Rasmussen, Delmar, General Liability Policy submitted. "RESOLUTIONS" Jan. 7-Resolution No. 1.74 Providing for the Appointment of a City Manager, City Clerk and City Solicitor for the City; providing their salaries and fixing their bonds. .................................................................... 7-Resolution No. 2-74 Designating "The Telegraph.Her. aId" the official newspaper of the City. .................... 7-Resolution No. 3.74 Designating "American Trust & Savings Bank", "Dubuque Bank & Trust Company" "First National Bank of Dubuque", and "Key City Bank & Trust Company" to be depositories of the City Funds. .................................................................... 7-Resolution No. 4-74 Approving a Plat of Portions of Vacated Streets and Alleys in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Area. ................................................ 7-Resolution No. 5.74 Fixing the Date of Public Hearing for an Urban Renewal Plan Change for the Down. town Urban Renwal Project, Iowa R.15. ................ 7-Resolution No. 6-74 Accepting Delivery of a Deed for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15, from Jannetta A. and Howard McQuillen. ............ 7-Resolution No. 7.74 Assessing delinquent garhage and refuse collection charges against various properties in Key Knolls Sub. (Hansel) """""""'..................... 7-Resolution No. 8-74 Requestin~ the Auditor of State to audit the financial condItions and transactions of the City for the fiscal year 1973, and that the audit of the Water, Parking Facilities and Sewage Rental Funds be contraeted with the CPA firm of O'Connor, Brook. and Company. ................................ 7-Resolution No. 9.74 Schedule of Assessments for 1973 North Algona Sanitary Sewer-8 inch, between Uni. versity Avenue and Loras Boulevard. .................... 447 462 472 542 546 548 562 568 573 576 582 601 621 13 13 15 15 16 17 .~~ .n' __~_lIIlIflll .!;¡J.'_"!""""",,,--,*,,, 1974 INDEX - BOOK 104 sUBJEëT 7-Resolution No. 10-74 Providing for the issuance of Sewer Bonds to pay for the assessed cost of City of Dubuque 1973 North Algona Sanitary Sewer-8 inch. between University Ave. and Loras Blvd. .............." 7-Resolution No. 11.74 Schedule of Assessments for Locusi Street from N.P.L. of 9th St. to the S.P.L. of Loras Blyd. (part of 1973 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1.) .............................................................................. 7-Resolution No. 12.74 Providing for the issuance of Street Improvement Bonds for the purpose of pro. viding for the payment of the assessed cost of 1973 Asphalt Paving Project No.1. (Locust Street) ....".. 7-Resolution No. 13.74 Granting Cigarette permits. .." 7-Resolution No. 14-74 Granting applications for Class "B" and "C" Beer Permits. ..................."""""""""'" 7-Resolution No. 15-74 Directing the issuanee of Class "B" and "C" Beer Permits. .................................... 7-Resolution No. 1~74 Granting application for Class "C" Beer and Liquor Licenses. .................................... 7-Resolution No. 17.74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer and Liquor Licenses. ................................ 21-Resolution No. 18.74 Schedule of Assesments-City of Dubuque 1973 Asphalt Paving Project No. l-Uni. yersity Ave. .................................................................... 21-Res~~~: J'r°S~~~t4 =~~~nr~~~~10~0~~h~~~: pose of proYiding for the payment of the assessed cost of the 1973 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1- University Ave. ................................................................ 21-Resolution No. 396.73-Necessity for Improvement for construction of East 4th Street Extension Sanitary Sewer.-1973 .................................................................... 21-Resolution No. 20-74 Decision of Council upon objec. tions to plans, specifications, form of contract and cost of izoprovements for construction of East 4th Street extension Sanitary Sewer-1973. ................ 21-Resolution No. 21.74 Ordering Construction of East 4th Street Extension Sanitary Sewer-1973. ............ 21-Resolution No. 22-74 Approving Easement Agreement between the City and Illinois Central Gulf Rail. road to construct 8" sanitary sewer line under tracks at Clinque Addn. off Century Dr. ................ 21-Resolution No. 23.74 Approving plat of Lot "A" of 2 of 2 of 1 of Block 5 in River Front Sub. No.3. ........ 21-Resolution No. 24-74 Approving plat of Sub. of Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of Block 5 River Front Sub. 3 and the Sub. of "A" of Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of Block 5. ........................ 21-Resolution No. 25-74 ApproYing plat of the Sub. of Lot 2 of 2 of 2 of 1 of Block 5 River Front Sub. No.3. ................................................................................ 21-Resolution No. 26-74 Approving sale of Lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 2 of 1 of Block 5 River Front Sub. No.3 to United Parcel Service Inc. in the amount of $21,780.00........................"""""""""""""""""""""""", 21-Resolution No. 27.74 Approving action of Eminent Domain Proceedings for the acquisition of No 28' of Lot 639 and South 23'2" of City Lot 639 and Lot 2 of N. 11.8" of City Lot 640 from John C. and Margaret Duffey. ............................................... 21-Resolution No. 26-74 Authorizing the Public~ti~~"'~i Notice of Sale of Project Notes (First Series 1974) and the Receiving of Proposals for the Sale of Said Notes for the Downtown Urban Renewal Proj. ect, Iowa R.15. ......................................... .. 21-Resolution No. 29.74 Acceptance of w~.:r~~ï;"Ïi;;;;;¡ from Flora Harkett, for Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 2 of Out Lot 735 dedicated for street purposes. (Hill St widening) . Page 17 20 23 25 25 25 25 26 38 41 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 1i74 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT Paee 21-Resolution No. 30-74 Approving signing of Memoran- dum of Agreement relating to wages and working conditions and other employee benefits with city employees. ........................................................................ 21-Resolution No. 31.74 Granting of Cigarette Permits. 21-Resolution No. 32.74 Granting application of Class "C" Beer Permit. ............................................................ 21-Resolution No. 33-74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit. ............................................................ " 21-Resolution No. 34-74 Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor Licenses. .................................... 21-Resolution No. 35-74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses .................................... 24-Resolution No. 36.74 Approving and being in favor of passage of Senate File 225 being a bill to appropri. ate $5,000,000 annually to Iowa cities and towns for urban mass transit systems. ...-................................... 24-Resolution No. 37.74 Approving agreement between Dubu~ue County, Jackson County, Delaware County and CIty creating a separate legal entitty known as "Operation: New View." ................................................ Feb. 4-Resolution No. 38-74 Formal opposition to House File 712 being a bill to license and regulate restaurants and eating establishments. (Health Dept.) ................ " 4-ReS~~~~ogy N~;)]:-J4R.AG~:i~~a"ct,d:~;:;~Y"fn'f'::':ta~¿~ Marjorie Reed conyeying Lots 2 & 3 of NE¥. SE¥. Sec. 1, Lots 2 & 3 of NW¥. of SW¥. Lots 2 and 3 of NE¥. of SW¥. and Lot 2 of 1 of SW¥. of SW¥. Sec. 6, Twp. 88 N. Range 3 East of 5th P.M. ........ " 4-Resolution No. 40-74 Approving termination of the lease by BrlllJ1Ille1's Inc. and said lease be cancelled and held for naught on Lot 1 of Summit Place W. 126' effective February 28, 1974. ............................ .. 4-Resolution No. 41.74 Requesting Soil Conservation Service to render technical assistance in the in. vestigation of soil & water characteristics, study of the feasibility of various measures of soil and water resource management, in the watersbed of the North Branch of the Catfish Creek. .................... " 4-Resolution No. 42--74 Approving agreement with the Dubuque Lumber Co. for rental of a portion of quonset bnildings of the Naval Reserve. ................ .. 4-Resolution No. .74-Directing ,the City Attorney to prepare necessary proceedings for presentation to the Council to consider the construction of an en. closed swizoming pool and ice rink at Veteran's Memorial Park. (NOT ADOPTED) ............................ 4-Resolution No. 43.74 Granting Cigarette Permit to Design Center Inc. ........................................................ 4-Resolution No. 44.74 Granting applications for Class "c" Beer Permits. ........................................................ 4-Resolution No. 45-74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits. ........................................................ 4-Resolution No. 46-74 Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor Licenses. ........................................ 4-Resolution No. 47.74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses. .................................... ll-ResrU::n:.o 'orz:o ~P~'J;'~fiec:n~~.I~.~~~. ~~. .f~~~l~ I1-Resolution No. 49-74 Expressing condolence to faroily & friends of Wm. J. O'Brien. .................................... ll-Resolution No. 50-74 Approving sale of Lot 2 of Sub. of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot I of Block 5 of River Front Sub. No.3, and Lot 2 of Lot "A" of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Block 5 of River Front Sub. No.3, to American Optical Corp. by Mayor's Industrial Committee. 51 51 52 52 52 52 56 56 59 60 79 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 82 84 84 90 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT page ll-Resolution No. 51.74 Making it known to all persons and in particular to the Iowa House of Representa. tives that the enactment of a Public Employment Relations Act be a top priority order of business of said House. Senate File 531. .................................... ll-Resolution No. 52.74 APproving schedule of yalua. tions and assessments for construction of Century Driye & Bies Driye 8 inch sanitary sewer. ......."....... ll-Resolution No. 53-74 APproval of proposed plans, specs., form of contract plat and all other docu, ments for construction of Century Drive & Bies Drive 8" sanitary sewer. ............................................ lI-Resolution No. 54-74 Necessity for Improvement for construction of Century Drive & Bies Drive 8" sanitary sewer. ................................................................ lI-Resolution No. 55-74 Fixing date of hearing on pro. posed resolution of necessity for construction of Century Dr. & Hies Dr. 8" sanitary sewer. ............ lI-Resolution No. 56.74 Authorizing the sale of project notes in the aroount of $1,565,000. and tbe exeCU' tion of requisition agreement No. 4-73 in connec. tion with the downtown urban renewal project, No. Iowa R.15........................................................................... lI-Resolution No. 57.74 Granting application for Class "B" Beer Permit. ............................................................ lI-Resolution No. 58-74 Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer permit. ........................................................ ll-Resolution No. 59-74 Granting application for Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. .................................... lI-Resolution No. 60.74 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ 18-Resolution No. 61.74 Approving Easement Agreement with 1. C. Gulf R R Co. in connection with installa. tion of the South Dubuque Interceptor Sanitary Sewer. ................................................................................ 18-Resolution No. 62.74 Awarding contract to Tschiggfrie Excayating in the amount of $13,590.00 for con. struction of E. 4th St. Extension Sanitary Sewer. 18-Resolution No. 63.74 APproving official repor.t of Municipality for Municipal Streets and Parking for 1973. ............................................................................ l8-Resolutions No. 64.74 Granting applications for Class "B" Beer Permits. ........................................................ 18-Resolution No. 65.74 Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permits. ........................................................ 25-Resolution No. 66-74 Granting of cigarette License. Mar. ll-Resolution No. 67.74 Authorizing the execution of a contract with Henningson, Durham & Richardson, Inc., for Water Treatment Facilities. ........................ ll-Resolution 68.74 Authorizing the N.E. Iowa Area Crime Commission to act in its behalf in the reo ceipt, deposit and dispersal of Federal Funds received from the Commission for police School Liaison Program. ............................................................ ll-Resolution NO. 69.74 Matching resolution to provide cash funds for 1974 not to exceed $6,569.87 for Liaison Officer/Coordinator & Contract Services. .................................................................................... 125, 126, 277 lI-Resolution No. 70-74 APproving the sale of Lot 2 of the Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lot "A" of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 in Block 5 of River Front Sub. No.3 to American Optical Corp. .................................................................... lI-Resolution No. 71.74 APproving the plat of "A. H. Oeth Subdivision No.4" ................................................ lI-Resolution No. 72.74 Approving the plat of Blocks 8-A, 9.A, 10.A and Lot C and D, Block 12, in "Key Knolls Subdivision" (Hillcrest Builders) .. 91 ï974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT 92 92 92 93 93 95 96 96 96 107 108 109 109 109 116 124 125 131 132 134 Page ll~Resolution No. 73.74 Approving a change to the Ur. ban Renewal Plan for the Downtown Urhan Re. newal project Iowa R.15 permitting multiple fam' ily residential use as an additional land use in a designated Urhan Renewal area. ................................ ll-Resolution No. 74-74 Authorizing the execution of lease extensions for Suites lO-B and 411 in the Fischer Bnilding to house the Departments of Housing and Redevelopment and Planning and Zoning. .............................................................................. ll-Resolution No. 75-74 Authorizing tbe execution of a contract with Iowa Appraisal and Research Corp- oration for a special appraisal of the Orpheum Theatre for the Downtown Urban Renewál Project, not to exceed $900.00. ................................................ ll-Resolution No. 76-74 Authorizing the execution of a contract with Iowa Appraisal and Research Corp. oration for a reuse Appraisal for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project at a cost not to exceed $2700.00. ................................................................"""""" lI~Resolution No. 77.74 Approving plat of Lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 1 of Block 5, River Front Suh. No.3. ........ lI-Resolution No. 78-74 Approving sale of Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lot 1 of 2 of 2 of I of Block 5 River Front Sub. 3 to Iowa Coaches, Inc. ........................................139, 140 ll-Resolution No. 79.74 Granting applications for Class "c" Beer Permit. ............................................................ ll-Resolution No. 80-74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits. ........................................................ ll-Resolution No. 81.74 Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ ll-Resolution No. 82-74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ I~Resolution No. 83.74 Approving sale of that portion of vacated Prospect Street known as Lot 32A and Lot 4OA in "Coriell's Dubuque" .to Wm. J. and Carol R. Klauer and Wm. P. Woodward and Bev. erly B. Woodward. ........................................................ 18-Resolution No. 84-74 An application for approval of the permanent transfer of funds in the amount of $83,200. from Liquor Sales Profit to General, Public Safety, Park and Trust and Agency Funds. l8-Resolution No. 85.74 Approving contract for services between Ecumenical Housing Inc. and City approv- ing the expe.nditures of $100,000 Revenue Sharing Funds. .............................................................................. l8-Resolution No. 66-74 Authorizing an amendment to demolition Contract No. 1.72 for Parcel 8.4B of the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, under con. tract with F. N. Smith ConsL and K. W. Gaher Const. Co. ........................................................................ l8-Resolution No. 87.74 Granting of cigarette License. 18-Resolution No. 88-74 Granting applications for Class "B" and "c" Beer Permits. ........................................ 18-Resolution No. 89.74 Directing the issuance of Class "B" and "c" Beer Permits. .................................... 18-Resolution No. 90-74 Granting applications for Class "B" and "c" Beer and Liquor Licenses. .................... 18-Resolution No. 91.74 Directing the issuance of Class "B" and "c" Beer and Liquor Licenses. .................... 25-Resolution No. 92-74 Approving plat of Block 1 of Riverfront Sub. No.5. ......................................""" 25-Resolution No. 93.74 Granting of Cigarette License. 25-Resolution No. 94-75 Granting applications for Class "C" Beer Permits. .................................................""'" 25--'Resolution No. 95-74 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer Permits. ........................................................ 25-Resolution No. 96.74 Granting applications for Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. 136 137 138 138 139 140 141 141 141 147 153 154 156 158 158 159 159 159 163 164 164 164 165 1974 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT Pace 25-Resolution No. 97-74 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ 25-ResOlution No. 98-74 Declaring intent to sell a por. tion of the Downtown Renewal Project, Iowa R.15, to R. & S. Enterprises, inc. ........................................ Aprill-Resolution No. 99-74 Dissolving the Dubuque County Municipal League as of April 17, 1974, and Secre. tary-Treasurer of the Dubuque County Municipal League, be instructed to transfer the remainIng funds, to the Secretary of the Area Council of Governments. .................................................................. I-Resolution No. 100-74 Schedule of proposed assess- ments for the City of Dubuque 1974 Asphalt Pav- ing Project No.1. ............................................................ I-Resolution No. 101-74 APproval of Preliminary esti. mate, proposed plans specification, form of Con- tract, Pia!, and all othër documents for Construc. tion of \City of Dubuque 1974 Asphalt Paving Project No.1. ................................................................ I-Resolution No. 102-74 Necessity for ImProvement for Asphalt Paving Project No.1. ....................................173, 244 I-Resolution No. 103.74 Fixing date of Hearing for Asphalt Paving Project No.1. ................................ 174 I-Resolution No. 104-74 Approval of Preliminary esti. mate, proposed plans, specification, fOrm of Con- tract, Plat, and all other documents for Construc- tion of City of Dubuque 1974 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.1 on 10th Street from Locust St. to Bluff St. and intersection of 9th & Bluff Sts., Contract No.2 P. C. Concrete Paving & Buildings remoyaL .................................................... 17J I-Resolution No. 105-74 Necessity for Improvement for ~~.41 C~ci\~~~ l'r~~lo~~~ Jrtr;r~lJtJ'¡. ~~~~~ tersection of 9th and Bluff Sts., Contract No.2 P. C. Paving & Buildings RemoyaL ............................ 175, 257 I-Resolution No. 106.74 Fixing date of Hearing for 1974 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.1, 10th St. from Locust St. to Bluff St. and inter- section of 9th and Blnff Sts., Contract No.2 P. C. Paving & Buildings Removal. .................................... I-Resolution No. 107.74 APproval of Preliminary esti- mate proposed plans, specifications, form of Con. tract, plat, and otber documents for Construc. tion 1974 Concrete paving with Integral Curb Proj. ect No.1 on 10th st. from Locust St. to Bluff St. and intersection of 9th and Bluff Sts., Con. tract No.1, Traffic Signals and Signing. ................ I-Resolution No. 108.74 Necessity for Improvement for Construction 1974 Concr!e Paving with Integral Curb Project No.1 on 10th St. from Locust St. to Bluff st. and intersection of 9th & Bluff St., Contract No.1, Traffic siguals & Signing. ............177, 259 I-Resolution No. 109.74 Fixing Date of Hearing on 1974 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.1 on 10th St. from Locust St. to Bluff St. and inter. section of 9th & Bluff St., Contract No.1, Traffic Signals & Signing. .............................................................. I-Resolution No. 110-74 APproval of Preliminary e.ti- mate proposed plans, specs., form of Contract, plat and other documents for 1974 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.2 on Dodge Street, Ninth St., Eighth St., Hill St., University Ave., in. tersection reconstruction. .............................................. I-Resolution No. 111.74 Necessity for Improvement for 1974 Concrete paving with Integral Curb Project No.2. ."............" 178, 247 165 166 172 172 173 175 176 178 INDEX - BOOK 104 ~ SUBJECT " I-Resolution No. 112.74 Fixing Date of Hearing for 1974 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.2. ........................................................"...................... " I-Resolution No. 113.74 Approving plat covering 5 foot wide public utitity easement in Lot 4 and Lot 5 in Clin-Que, Inc. No.2 Addn. ........................................ " I-Resolution No. 114-74 Agreeing to vacation of plats for purposes of extingnishing the 5' utilities ease. ment in Lot 4 and Lot 5 in Clin-Que, Inc. No.2 Addn. ........................"...................................................... " I-Resolution No. 115.74 Approving plat covering 5 foot wide utitity easement along the SOuth line of the North 30 feet of Lot 4 in Ctin~Que, Inc. No.2 Addn. ........................................................."..................... " I-Resolution No. 116-74 Agreeing for vacation of plat covering 5 foot wide utility easement along the South line of the North 30 feet of Lot 4 in Clin. Que Inc. No.2 AdM. ................................................ " I-Resolution No. 117.74 Granting applications for Class "c" (Commercia!) Beer and Liquor License. ............ " I-Resolution No. 118.74 Directing the issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer and Liquor License. ............ " 8-Resolution No. 119-74 Authorizing the structure known as 850 Montcrest St., Lot 24, Pleasant View Addn., .to be dismantled and removed. .................... " 8-Resolution No. 120-74 Matching Resolution Approving Cash Funds for School Liaison Officer not to ex. œd 21.925% of total project cost. ............................ " 8-Resolution No. 121.74 Authorizing Northeast Iowa Area Crizoe Conunission ,to act in behalf of the City. (School Liaison Officer) .................................... " 8-Resolution No. 122-74 Approving plat of Blocks 13, 15, 16 and 13-A each in "Key Knolls Subdivision." " 8-Resolution No. 123-74 Granting application for Class "B" Beer Permit. ........................................................ " 8-Resolution No. 124-74 Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit. ............................................................ " 15-Resolution No. 125.74 Disposing of intere.t of Lot "A", a crosswalk hetween Lot I of Lot 6 and Lot I of Lot 7, in Dubuque Homes Suh. 2, to Francis P. Raymond for $100.00 plus publication costs and filing fees. ........................................................................ 15-Resolution No. 126.74 Approviog plat of Block 14 in "Sunrise Heights". ........................................................ 15-Resolution No. 127-74 Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ 15-Resolution No. 128.74 Directing issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ 15-Resolution No. 129-74 Granting application for Class "B" Beer Permit. ............................................................ 15-Resolution No. 130-74 Directing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit. ............................................................ l5-Resolution No. 131-74 Granting application for Class "B" Beer Permit. ........................................................ 15-Resolution No. 132-74 Directing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit. ........................................................ " 15-Resolution No. 133-74 Support for the Proposed Cor. ridor Aligrunent of Freeway 520 in Dubuque Coun. ty, and requesting the timely completion of the proposed improyement together wi,th other high priority elements of the Arterial Road System in tbe Dubuque Metropolitan Area. ................................ 22-Resolution No. 135-74 Directing City Attorney to in. stitute Eminent Domain Proceedings for entering upon certain real estate for purpose of making subsurface soil investigations on Gantz Enterprise Farm and Dayid and Audrey Waller Farm. 217 Page 179 180 180 181 181 182 182 194 195 195 196 198 198 205 206 208 177 208 208 209 211 211 211 178 INDEX-BOOK 104 W74 SUBJECT 22-Resolution No. 134.74 Resolution in response to Draft Environmental Impact Statements for the 9pera: tion and Maintenance of the Upper MlSSlSSlppl River Nine Foot Navigation Channel by the U.s. Corps of Enginers. ........................................................ 22-Resoiution No. 136-74 Disposing of interest of Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Block 5 of "River Front Subdivision No.3" to Iowa Coaches, Inc. for the price of 40\! per square foot. .................................................................................. 22-Resolution No. 137-74 Allowing Wm. C. Brown Co. to purchase Lot 2 of Block 1 of Riverfront Sub. No.5 for price of 40\! per square foot. ................................ 22-Resolution No. 138.74 Preliminary approyal of pians, specs., form of contract, plat and other documents for construction of 1974 Asphalt Paving Project No.2, Riverfront Sub. No.5 on Rooseyelt St. Est., Kilgore St., Haroilton St. ............................................ 22-ReSolution No. 139-74 Necessity for Improvement for 1974 Aspbalt Paving Project No.2 Riverfront Sub. division No.5. ................................................................ 230, 287 22-Resolution No. 140.74 Fixing Date of Hearing for 1974 Asphalt Paving Project No.2 Riverfront Sub. division No.5. ................................................................ 22-Resolution No. 141.74 Approval of Preliminary Esti. mate, proposed plans, specs., form of contract, plat and other documents for construction of Contract 1, Section 2 and 3 construct a sanitary and storm sewer for River Front Sub. No.5, and Section 3 construct a sanitary sewer from the intersection of Roosevelt st. Extension and Kilgore St. to Du. buque, Marina. ................................................................ 22-Resolution No. 142-74 Necessity for Improvement for Contract 1, Section 2 and Section 3, sanitary and storm sewer for River Front Sub. No.5 and in. tersection of Roosevelt St. Ext. and Kilgore St. to the Duhuque Marina. .................................................... 231, 291 22-Resolution No. 143-74 Fixing Date of Hearing for Contract 1, Section 2 and Section 3, sanitary and storm sewer for Riyer Front Sub. No.5 and in- tersection of Roosevelt St. Ext. and Kilgore st. to the Dubuque Marina. .................................................... 22-Resolution No. 144.74 Approval of Preliminary Esti. mates, proposed plans, specs., form of contract, plat and other documents for construction of Con. tract 1, Section 1 construction of a 10 inch water main for River Front Sub. No.5. ............................ 22-Resolution No. 142.74 Necessity for Improvement for construction of Contract 1, Section 1, construction of a 10 inch water main for River Front Sub. No.5. 233. 289 22-Resolution No. 146.74 Fixing Date of Hearing for con. struction of Contract 1, Section 1, construction of a 10 inch water main for Riverfront Sub. No.5. .... 22-Resolution No. 147.74 Approval of preliminary esti. mate, proposed plans, specs., letter of intent agree. ment and all documents including all items of material and work required to proceed with receipt of proposals on Phase IT Waste Water Treatment, Facilities selection of Centrifuges, High Purity Oxygen Generator and Dissolution Equipment and 22-Re~r~~~1 J;nd{¡~~71nbi~~~~~e~~e "ëitÿ"'ëïërk"'iö advertise for proposals for the varions items of equipment for the Phase IT Waste Water Treatment Facilities. .......................................................................... 22-Resolution No. 149.74 Granting applications for Class "B" and "C" Beer Permits. ........................................ 22-Resolution No. 150.74 Directing issuance of Class "B" and "c" Beer Permits. page 220 227 229 229 230 -~- ~- .. ~.IJLtL'IL.~4lIll!1!J"'.'!I!'!"""+""-~~""w" 231 232 233 233 235 236 236 236 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page 22-Resolution No. 151-74 Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ 22-Resolution No. 152-74 Directing issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ 22-Resolution No. 153-74 Approving the concept of the proposed Freeway 520 in the vicinity of the City, and urging appropriate state and federal action toward implementation of the Freeway 520 plan. (Rockford, Ill. to Waterloo, Ia.) ................................ 22-Resolution No. 154-74 Approving the concept of the proposed Freeway 561 in the vicinity of the City, and urging appropriate state and federal action toward implementation of the Freeway 561 Pian. (LaCrosse, Wise. to Davenport, Ia.) ........................ 29-Resolution No. 155-74 Resolution amendiug Resolu. tion No. 102-74. deleting Stewart Street from the N.P.L. of Delhi St. to the S.P.L. of Uniyersity Ave., from 1974 Asphalt Paving Project No.1. ................ 29--Resolution No. 156-74 Decision of Council upon ob. jections to plans, specifications, form of contract & cost of improvements for 1974 Asphalt Paving Project #1. ........................................................................ 29-Resolution No. 157-74 Ordering Construction for 1974 Asphalt Paving Project No.1. .................................... 29-Resolution No. 156.74 Decision of Council upon ob. jections to plans, specifications, form of contract and cost of izoprovements for Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No. 2.-1974. ............................ 28-Resolution No. 159-74 Ordering Construction for Con. crete Paving with Integral Curb Project No. 2-1974. 28-Resolution No. 16()'74 Approving plat for Block I Riyerfront Sub. No.5 and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1, Block 5, Riverfront Sub. No.3. 29-Resolution No. 161.74 Authorizing the publication of Notice of Sale of Project Notes (Third Series 1974) (totaling $1,490,000.) and the receiying of proposals for the sale of said notes for the Down. town Urban Renewal Project. ................................ 29-Resolution No. 162.74 Authorizing the execution of a contract for sale of land for priyate redevelop. ment with R & S Enterprises, Inc. ............................ 29--Resolution No. 163-74 Authorizing the execution and delivery of deed to R & S Enterprises, Inc., for sale of land in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15. ........................................................................ 29-Resolution No. 164-75 Resolution approving concept of modern rail system seryice for goods and per. sons in and through the State of Iowa & urging appropriate Federal, State, and Local action toward that goal. (AMTRAK) .................................................... 29-Resolution No. 165-74 Expressing condolences to fam. ily and friends of Rohert A. SulliYan. .................... 29-Resolution No. 166-74 Expressing condolences to fam. ily and friends of William .T. Noonan. .................... 29--Resolution No. 167-74 Granting Cigarette Permit. .... 29-Resolution No. 168.74 Granting application for Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ 29--Resolution No. 169-74 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ May 6-Resolution No. 170.74 Decision of Council upon ob. jection to plans, specs., form of contract and cost of improvements for 1974 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No. I, and Contract No.2 P. C. Concrete Paving buildings removal. ................ 8-Resolution No. 171.74 Ordering Construction for 1974 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No. I, Contract No.2 P. C. Concrete PaYing Buildings Removal. 237 237 237 238 244 245 246 247 246 248 249 250 251 251 252 253 253 254 254 257 258 1974 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT 8-Resolution No. 172-74 Decision of Council upon objec. tions to plans, specs., form of contract and cost of izoprovements for 1974 Concrete Paving with In- tegral Curb Project No.1, Traffic Signals and Signing. ............................................................................ 8-Resolution No. 173.74 Ordering Construetion for 1974 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb PrOject No.1, Traffic Signals and Signing. ........................................ 8-Resolution No. 174.74 Annextng Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of "DeLuxe Cottage Court" and Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of "George Jecklin Farm". ................................ 8-Resolution No. 175-74 Approving the plat of Block 8, Block 9 and Block 10 in Mettel-Bryne Addition. 8-Resolution No. 176-74 Approving Vacation Plat of 1<1' Utility Easement in Lots 13 and 1-14 in West Side Manor Subdivision. ........................................................ 6-Resolution No. 177.74 Signing of Memorandum of ~.::re~arJ>¡ of~s~~~:eror Ct:r. ~:,ag:d ~~ Amalgamated Transit Union, Division 329, AFL- ClO. .................................................................................... 8-Resolution No. 178-74 Authorizing Mayor & City Clerk to execute agreement with State Highway Commission for 1974 Cooperative City Traffic Sig. nal Program, at the intersection of U.S. Highway #20 and Grandview Ave. ............................................ 8-Resolution No. 179.74 Final Estimate for construction of East 4th Street Extension Sanitary Sewer. ........ 8-Resolution No. 180-74 Accepting Improvement and Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice for con- struction of East 4th Street Extension Sanitary Sewer. ................................................................................ 8-Resolution No. 181.74 Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ 8-Resolution No. 182-74 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor License, ........................................ 8-Re'3lf;i~ c~ëa~~~.itil:!..re~~~f ~~~e:~ic~f:~e,:¡~ road Co., cutting track area approxizoately in half and eliminating tract and easement in vicinity of real estate proposed to be sold to Wm. C. Brown Co., original agreement November 4, 1969. ..........., IS-Resolution No. 184-74 Approving the concept of cer. tain soil and water conservation facilities in the watershed of the north fork of Catfish Creek and directing the staff in cooperation with the Soil Conservation Service to develop a detailed prograro of said facilities. ............................................................ IS-Re~~~f~:&' f~~i~~ ~~~~,::~g o~~;~:~~~tfh~;:g~ services from the County Mental Health Center not to exceed 8.78% of total project cost. ........."......... IS-Resolution No. 186-74 City Authorizing Northeast Iowa Crizoe Commission to act in its behalf in the receipt, deposit and dispersal of Federal Funds received from the Iowa Crizoe Commission, for counseling/therapy services from County Health Mental Center. ................................................................ IS-Resolution No. 187.74 Authorizing the execution and filing of an application for a comprehensive Plan- ning Assistance Grant (701 Prograro) ........................ l3--Resolution No. 188-74 Granting Cigarette Permit. .... IS-Resolution No. 189-74 Granting Applications for Class "B" Beer Permit. ................................................ 13-Resolution No. 190-74 Directing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit. ............................................................ IS-Resolution No. 191.74 Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. - - 1If"""---"",-~-" page 259 260 263 264 266 266 267 267 268 288 268 269 274 278 278 279 279 279 280 280 ~ INDEX-BOOK 104 sUBJÈ:CT Page IS-Resolution No. 192-74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ 2o-Resolution No. 193-74 Decision of Council upon ob- jections to plans, specs., form of contract and cost of improvements for 1974 Asphalt PaYing PrOject No.2, Riverfront Subd. No.5. ............................ 2o-Resolution No. 194.74 Ordering Construction for 1974 Asphalt Paving Project No.2, Riverfront Subdivi. sion No.5. ....................................."................................. 2o-Resolution No. 195.74 Decision of Council upon ob- t~ct,';ro~e~=~~ sf:rCSïr!,oWar;r c':~~C\oa;dRi~i Front Sub. No.5. ................................"""""""""""""" 2o-Resolution No. 196.74 Ordering Construetion on HI" Water Main for River Front Sub. No.5. ................ 2o-Resolution No. 197-74 Decision of Council upon objec. tions to plans, specs., form of contract and cost of improvements for Construetion of a sanitary and storm sewer for River Front Subd. No.5 from the intersection of Roosevelt St. Ext. and Kilgore St. to Dubuque Marina. ............................................................ 2o-Resolution No. 198-74 Ordering Construction of a sanitary and storm sewer for River Front Subd. No. 5 and from the intersection of Roosevelt St. Ext. and Kilgore St. to Dobuque Marina. ........................ 2o-~~:0~:~w 1:;1:in~c~~~0:~e~ OFfLo~e~ of Central Addition. .................................................... 2o-Resolution No. 200-74 Granting applications for Class "B" '" "c" Beer Permits. ............................................ 2o-Resolution No. 201.74 Directing issuance of Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. ............................................ " 2o-Resolution No. 202-74 Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ 2o-Resolution No. 203.74 Directing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ 28-Res~ti~':ltn ~J4 H~,\'~oil~g1e~eg~~rya~fc~~y:J 28-ReS~ru=ie ~~~;7:t ~\;"~d~~ cg::~~¡ ~lt~l Aspbalt Paving Project No.1 to Mulgrew Blacktop Co. ...................................................................................... 28-Resolution No. 206.75 REORDERING Construction for 1974 Conerete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.2. ................................................................................ 300 " 28-Resolution No. 207-74 Approving the DeLeuw, Cather & Co. "Short.Range Transit Planning Study" as pre. sented by the Dubuque Transit Board of Trustees. 300 28-Resolution No. 206.74 Stating an Intent to re-<!xamine Land Use Plans and Regulatory Policies now in Force in an area known as tbe E. 4th St Peninsula Area and Directing the Manager to action toward revision of said plans and policies. ............................ 301, 346 28-Resolution No. 209-74 Establishing a Moratorium on the issuance of building permits with the area de- scribed as "the East Fourtb Street Peninsula, being w.r'g':~ ~~uf:~ ~~t ~: th:t~a% u:,~ rhU:'ð\'!~a~~~ Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, on the northwest ,by Ninth Street and Kerper Boulevard, on the northeast hy Dove Harbor and on the east by the Mississippi River"; establishing the duration of said Moratorium; and setting forth such purposes as shall be served thereby. """""""""""""'............. 302 28-Resolution No. 210.74 Granting Cigarette Permits. .... 303 28-Resolution No. 211.74 Granting application for Class "B" Beer Permit. """""""""""""'............................. 303 28-Resolution No. 212-74 Directing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit. 280 288 288 289 290 291 292 292 293 293 293 293 298 299 303 1NDEX- BOOK 104 1974 SUBJECT 28-Resolution No. 213-74 Granting applications for Class "A" & "c" Beer & Liquor Licenses. ........................ 28-Resolution No. 214-74 Dlrectin~ issuance of Class "A" & "c" Beer & Liquor Licenses. ......................" June 3-Resolution No. 215-74 Council urging Amtrak's de. velopment of the Burlington Northern from Chi. cago to the Twin Cities. ................................................ 3-Resolution No. 216.74 Schedule of As&essments for East 4th Street Extension Sanitary Sewer. ........,....... 3--Resolution No. 217.74 Providing for the issuance of sewer bonds for the purpo&e of proYiding for the payment of the assessed cost of City of Du. buque 1973 East 4th st. Ext. Sanitary Sewer, in aroount of $10,000.00. .................................................... 3-Resoiution No. 218.74 Authorizing Sale, Issuance and Delivery of Project Notes in the Aggregate Princi. pal Amount of $1,490,000. and the execution of Requisition Agreement No. 3-74 in connection with Downtown Urban Renewal project, Project No. Iowa, R.15. ........................................................................ 3-Resolution No. 219.74 Disposing of interest of Lot 2 of Block 1 of River Front Sub. No.5 (3.6371 acres) Wm. C. Brown publishers for 40\! per sq. foot. 3-Resolution No. 220-74 Awarding Contract for Con. crete Paving with Integral Curb Project No. 1- 10th St. from Locust St. to Bluff St. and inter. section of 9th & Bluff Sts., Contract No.2 P. C. Concrete Paving & Bldgs. removal to Tri. State Paving Co. ........................................................................ 3-Resolution No. 221.74 Awarding contract for Con. crete Paving with Integral Curb Project No. 1- 10th SL from Locust St. to Bluff st. and intersec. tion of 9th & Bluff Sts., Contract No.1, Traffic Signals and Signing to Moldt Electric Servo ......" 3-Resolution No. 222-74 Granting Cigarettes Permits. 3-Resolution No. 223-74 Granting applications for Class "c" Beer Permits. .....................................................", 3--Resolution No. 224-74 Directing issuance of Class "c" Beer Permits. ........................................................ 3-Resolution No. 225-74 Granting application for Class "c" Beer & Liquor License ........................................ 3-Resolution No. 226-74 Directing issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor License ........................................ 5-Resolution No. 227.74 Matching resolution providing cash funds for year 1974 for communicàtions Equip. & Consultants Services in amount of $12,123.13. ........................................................................ 5-Resolution No. 228.74 Authorizing Northeast Iowa Crime Commission to act in behalf of City for receipt, deposit and dispersal of Federal Funds on City.county Law Enforcement Center. ........."......... IO-Resolution No. 229.74 Approving the City's Narrative Affirmatiye Action Program. ......................""""""" lo-Resolution No. 230.74 APproving the plat of Block 4 and Block 5 of "Knob Hill" Subdivision. (Regina Duggan Trust) .................................................................. lo-Resolution No. 231.74 Approving applications of the provisions of Section 23 of the United States Hous. ing Act of 1937, as aroended to the City of Du. buque, Iowa. .................................................................... lo-Resolution No. 232.74 Authorizing and directing the submission of an application for a low.rent housing program under Section 23 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended. ............"""""""" IO-Resolution No. 233-74 Authorizing the Mayor to sigu his acceptance of a cooperative agreement between the City, the Dubuque County Metropolitan Area Planning Comm. and the Iowa State Highway "".""".""""""".'~ *~ Page 304 304 307 311 313 315 317 319 319 320 320 320 321 321 323 324 331 331 333 333 l!E INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page Comm., providing for major activities and steps necessary for conducting a feasibility study of ton hridges....... ............................... ......................................... lo-Resolution No. 234-74 Affirming the 1990 Transporta. lion Plan for the Dubuque Metropolitan Area, as an acceptahle framework for the further planning of Arterial Roadway Improvements in the City of Dobuque........................................................................... lo-Resolution No. 235-74 Granting Cigarette Permits..... lo-Resolution No. 236-74 Granting applications for Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. ............................................ lo-Resolution No. 237.74 Directing issuance of Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. ..................",....................... lo-Resolution No. 238.74 Granting application for Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses. ........................................ lo-Resolution No. 239.74 Directing issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Licenses. ........................................ 17-Resolution No. 240-74 Expressing condolences to fam. 17-Res~ìu:o~riÑ~~ 241~ 7 ~a~e~'in~ ~h1;:J¡,ošë;¡" šë(,-¡;ë' 'öí work for an East Fourth Street Peninsula Develop. ment Study and authorizing such study to proceed to Gruen and Associates in amount not to exceed $10,750. plus $3500 if necessary. ................................ 17-Resolution No. 242-74 Awarding Contract for Asphalt Paving Project No.2 River Front Subd. No.5 to Mulgrew Blacktop Co. .................................................... 17-Resolution No. 243.74 Awarding Contract for 10" Watermain and Sanitary and Storm Sewer for Riv- erfront Subd. No.5. to Stewart Const. Co. ............ 17-Resolution No. 244-74 Authorizing the Advertising of Bids for the Demolition and Site Clearance of Parcel 15-4 in the Downtown Urban Renewal Proj. ect, Iowa R-15. ..................................""".............",........ 17~Resolution No. 245-74 Awarding contract to Flynn Company for construction of 9th, Hill, University and 8th St. intersection only, delete Dodge & Grandview intersection. ........................"................".... 17-Resolution No. 246-74 Granting Cigarette Permits. .... 17~Resolution No. 247.74 Granting application for Class "c" Beer Permit. ......".................................."..........".." 17-Resolution No. 248.74 Directing issuance of Class "c" Beer Permit. ...............""....;.................................... 17-Resolution No. 249-74 Granting application for Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. "................."................... 17-Resolution No. 250-74 Directing issuance of Class "c" Reer & Liquor License. ..........".........".........."..... 28-Resolution No. 251.74 Granting Cigarette Permits. "" 28--Resolution No. 252-74 Granting application for Class "B" Beer Permit. ............"........"........."........"............." 28--Resolution No. 253-74 Directing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit. ",...................."...................."..",........ 28-Resolution No. 254-74 Granting .applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor Licenses. "........"......."........."..".... 28-Resolution No. 255-74 Directing issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Licenses. """"""",,"""""""""""" July I-Resolution No. 256.74 Authorizing City Manager to sign all documents, make application and provide the local share of funding for continued opera. tion of the Youth Services Project from 7.1.74 thru 6-30.75..". ........".............. .."".......................".........."....... I-Resolution No. 257.74 Resolution placing into effect certain traffic and parking changes within a por. tion of Washington Street Neighborhood for a period not to exceed 90 days. ".................................. I-Resolution No. 258-74 Accepting work performed un. der Demolition Contract No. 1.72 for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15. 334 335 336 336 337 337 337 339 347 347 348 349 350 351 352 352 353 353 355 356 356 357 357 366 387 363 ~ - - - II..' ....__..._..,,"~'." INDEX - BOOK 104 sUBJECT I-Resolution No. 259-74 Approving and accepting War. ranty Deed conveying Lot 2 of 2 of powers place in the City. .................................................................... I-Resolution No. 260.74 Approving the plat of "Carmel Heights". .......................................................................... I-Resolution No. 261.74 Authorizing the Msyor and City Clerk to execute an Engineering Services Agree- ment with the firm of HD&R to evaluate and recommend supplementary processes for the dis- posal of solid waste. ........................................................ I-Resolution No. 262-74 Adopting Statement of Goals for the Affirmative Action Prograro for the City of Dubuque. (REVISED) :;.............................................. I-Resolution NO. 263.74 Granting Cigarette Permits. .... 8-Resolution No. 264-74 Authorizing the Mayor to ex- ecute a "Letter of Intent" to certain major eqniP- ment suppliers for the Phase n waste Water Treatment 'Facility. ........................................................ 8-Resolution NO. 285-74 Designating A. G. Heitzman as authorized official to execute in behalf of City, to obtain certain Federal financial assistance nnder Disaster Relief Act (Public Law 93288, 91st Con. gress). ................................................................................ 8-Resolution No. 266-74 Authorizing tbe execution of Demolition Contract No. 1.74 for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15, at cost not to exceed $4,500,00, to F. N. Smith Const. & K. W. Gaber Const. Co. ............................................................ 8-Resolution No. 267.74 Granting Cigarette Permits. .." 8-Resolution No. 263-74 Grantin~ Class "c" (Commerc. ial) Reer & Liquor applicatIons. ................................ 8-Resolution No. 269-74 Directing tbe issuance of Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor. ............................ 15-Resolution No. 270.74 Disposing of interest of that portion of yacated Maple Street lying between tbe north curb line of East 16th Street to the south curb line of East 17th Street to Dobuque Packing Co. for $1800.00. ............................................................ 15-Resolution NO. 271.74 Granting Cigarette permits. .." 15-Resolution No. 272-74 Granting Class "C" Beer & Liq. uor applications. ............................................................ 15-Resolution No. 273.74 Directing issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. .............................................. 15-ReSOlution No. 274-74 Granting Class "B" Beer per. mit applications. ............................................................ 15-Resolution No. 275-74 Directing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permits. ................................................................ 22-Resolution No. 276.74 Authorizing the execution of a Certificate of Completion for Thomas F. Leibold. 22-Resolution No. 277.74 Authorizing the execution of a Certificate of Completion for The First National Bank of Dubuque. .......................................................... 22-Resolution No. 278.74 City of Dubuque does formally go on record requesting the Legislature of the State of Iowa to adopt a motorcycle helmet law for the State of Iowa. .................................................... 22-Resolution No. 279-74 APproving "Westchester" in the City of Dubuque. ............................................................ 29-Resolution No. 280-74 Final Estimate for West 8th street Retaining Wall Reconstruction 1973. .....". 29-Resolution No. 281.74 Accepting Improvement for the construction of West 6th Street Retaining Wall Reconstruction. .................................................... 29-Resolution No. 282.74 Preliminary estimate, proposed plans, specs, form of contract for the construction of and repair of storm Sewer on 24th Street (between Jackson & Washington Sts.). ....."............. page 409 409 363 369 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page " 29-Resolution No. 283-74 Necessity for Improvement for the repair of storm sewer on 24th St. (between Jackson and Washington Streets). ............................ 405, 463 29-Resolution No. 284-74 Orde..ing Construction for the repair of Storm Sewer on 24th Street (between Jackson and Washington Streets). ............................ 406 29-Resolution No. 285-74 Fixing Date of Hearing for the repair of Storm Sewer on 24th Street between Jackson & Washington Sts.) ........................................ 406 2!1--Resolution No. 286.74 Approving schednie of proposed assessments for Century Drive and Bies Drive 8" Sanitary Sewer. ................................................"""""""" 407 29-Resolution No. 287-74 Preliminary estimate, proposed plans, specs, form of contract and plat for construe. tion of Century Drive and Bies Drive 8" Sanitary Sewer. ................................................................................ 407 29-Resolution No. 268-74 Necessity for Improvement for construction of Century Driye and Bies Drive 8" Sanitary Sewer. ................................................................407, 465 29-Resolution No. 289-74 Fixing Date of Hearing for con- struction of Century Drive and Bies Drive 8" San- itary Sewer. .................................................................... 408 " 29-Resolution No. 290-74 Granting Cigarette Licenses. .... 408 " 29-Resolution No. 291.74 Granting Class "c" Beer & Liquor License applications. ........................................ " 29-Resolution No. 292.74 Directing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses. ................................................ Aug. 5-Resolution No. 293.74 Authorizing an Extension of time in which R. Haropton and Co. Inc. is to com. mence construction on certain land in the Down. town Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15. ................ " 5-ReS~~tt:,n~n~x ~J~. ~J":~~~:d ~flo;:~~sayfb~~ for a price not less than $3000. and directing Clerk to puhlish notice. ........................................................ " 5-Resolution No. 295-74 Approving plat of the Sly 8'14" of Ely 53' 80/4" of Lot 4 of Block 6 in Dubuque Downtown Plaza. ............................................................ 5-Resolution No. 296.74 Grantng Cigarette Licenses. .... 5-Resolution No. 297.74 Granting Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. ....,....................................................................... 5-Resolution No. 298-74 Directing issuance of Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. .................................................... ~Resolution No. 299-74 Approving Matching resolution in the amount of $9,182.75 for the establishment of Joint Communications Center, ullifying resolution No. 227-74 passed on 6-5.74. .................................... 12-Resolution No. 300-74 Granting Class "c" Beer & Liquor License application. ........................................ 12-Resolution No. 301.74 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ........................................ 12-Resolution No. 302-74 Granting Cigarette Licenses. .... 19-Resolution No. 303-74 Granting Cigarette Licenses. .... 19-Resolution No. 304-74 Granting Class "c" Beer Permit application. ...................................................................... 19-Resolution No. 305-74 Directing issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit. .................................................................... 19-Resolution No. 306-74 Confirming the appointment of Charlotte Kelly and Douglas Pearce to the Low. Rent Housing Commission of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ........................"........................................................ 26-Resolution No. 307-74 authorizing the execution of a Contract with Paul T. Granlund for the design, fabrication and installation of a piece of sculpture entitled "Continuum" in the Downtown Urban Re. newal Project, Iowa R-15, at a cost not to exceed $27,000. Ur14 370 371 373 407 379 380 380 381 381 382 411 418 389 390 390 419 419 419 390 391 420 391 395 420 431 431 432 437 395 396 396 437 438 404 438 405 405 446 -... ~,-~--_...-<H"'.""""""""""~""'" 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT 499 Page INDEX-BOOK 104 t;~ SUBJECT Page " .. 23-Resolution No. 332.74 Annexing "Waechter Place in Center Grove in Dubuque Township" (Containing 1.936 acres) to City of Dubuque. (Yiannias) .".....".. 23-Resolution No. 333.74 Approving plat of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 1 of Lot No. 28 in Sec. 2, Twp. 89 North, Range 2 E. of 5th P.M.-"Chas. E. Eickert Subdivision". "..............."."...""""........"."..""................ 23-Resolution No. 334.74 Granting Class "B" & "c" Reer Permits applications. ..."""..."..."......."....."..." 23-Resolution No. 335-74 Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "c" Beer PermIts. ........................."..............". 23-Resolution No. 336-74 Granting Class "c" Beer & Liquor applications. ........................................................ 23-Resolution No. 337.74 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Reer & Liquor Licenses. ......................""..".."..".. .. 23-Resolution No. 338.74 Council formally going on rec. ord urging all the electors of the City to vote their convictions at the Special election to be held on Sept. 24, 1974, and the Recreation building as designed and framed in terms of implementing the overall growth and development of the City. ".......... 38-Resolution No. 339-74 Authorizing the City Manager to cause the structure at 759 Hill St, Lots 19 and 20 of Rogers Sub., owned by Julien Improvement Co., to be dismantled and removed. ..........".........." 38-Resolution No. 340-74 Awarding Contract for Century Drive & Bies Drive 8 inch Sanitary Sewer to Tschiggfrie Excavating Co. ........................."............. 38-Resolution No. 341-74 Approving Plat of the Sub. division of Lot 4 of Block I of River Front Sub. division No.5 in the City of Duhuque, Iowa. "...... 38-Resolution No. 342.74 Approval of preliminary esti. mates, proposed plans, specifications, form of con. tract, and all other documents for the construction of: Phase II-Waste Water Treatment Facilities- Contract IV. """""""""""""""""""""'.............".......... 38-Resolution No. 343-74 Necessity for Improvement for construction of Phase II-Waste Water Treatment Facilities-Contract IV. """"""""""""""""""".."..".. 502, 545 38-Resolution No. 344-74 Fixing Date of Hearing for Phase II - Waste Water Treatment Facilities - Contract IV. """""""""""""""""""""""""""'............ 503 38-Resolution No. 345-74 Granting Cigarette Licenses. .... 504 3O-Resolution No. 346-74 Granting Class "c" Beer Per. mit application. """"""""""""""""""""""""'............... 38-Resolution No. 347.74 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer Permit. """""""""""""""""""""""'.......""" 38-Resolution No. 348.74 Granting Class "c" Beer & Liquor License applications. """""""'..".....".............. 38-Resolution No. 349.74 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Licenses. """"""""""'................... Oct. 7-Resolution No. 350-74 Participating with the Iowa State Dept. of Public Safety in implementation of Mini. ASAP Program and City to provide $2,550. In.Kind Local Match. """""""""""""""""""""""""""'............. 7-Resolution No. 351.74 Granting Cigarette License. .....". 14-Resolution No. 352.74 Approving sale of Lot 1 of Lot 4 of Block 1 of "Riverfront Subd. No.5" in the City of Dubuque, containing approx. 6, 180.74 sq. ft, .14 acres more or less, for purchase price of 48 cents 14-Res1:futi~'}.; ~o. "ii53:74"Ap¡;roväï'~i':¡;¡'ëïimi;;ä;:Ÿ"Esïi: mate of proposed plans, specs., Form of Contract to complete the Cedar Street Lift Station Valye And Sluice Gate Madifications - 1974. """""""'......... 14-Resolution No. 354.74 Necessity for Improvement for Cedar Street Lift Station Valve And Sluice Gate Modifications. 1974. """"""""""".........."..."........."" 516, 555 26-Resolution No. 308-74 Accepting Quit Claim deed from R & S Enterprises on Sly 8:1'4" of the Ely 53'- 80/4" of Lot 3 of Block 6 in Dubuque Downtown Plaza and directing the payment of $98.55 for said real estate. ......................"......."........."............".. 26-Resolution No. 309-74 Calling an election on the pro- position of issuing bonds to an amount not exceed. ing $2,500,000. for a recreation bnilding. ....."......... 26---Resolution No. 310-74 Granting Class "C" Beer & Liquor License applications. ............................".......". 28-Resolution No. 311.74 Directing issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ...................."....................."." 28-Resolution No. 312-74 Granting Class "C" & "B" Beer Permits. ............................"...."...."..........."..................... 26-Resolution No. 313.74 Directing issuance of Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. .................................".."............. 28-Resolution No. 314.74 Confirming the appointment of Donald R Meyers and Vir~inia M. Perry as members of the Low.Rent Housmg Commission of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ......................"................ 453 Sept. 3-Resolution No. 315-74 Approving the Gantz site as a proposed Sanitary Landfill Site. ..........................""" 456, 457 3-Resolution No. 316-74 ApproYing of sale of vacated portion of alley running from N.P.L. of Cherry Street to S.P.L. of 1st alley south of Green Street abutting Lot 1 of 208 of Finley's Addition to Her. bert Heitzman for $200. ................"......."......"............. 3-Resolution No. 317.74 Decision of Council upon ohjec- tions to plans. specifications, form of contract and cost of improvements for repair of Storm Sewer on 24th St. (between Jackson & Washington Sts.) ....",. 3-Resolution No. 318-74 Awarding Contract for Repair of Storm Sewer on 24th Street (between Jackson & Washington Streets) to Tschiggfrie Excavating. .'" 8-Resolution No. 319.74 Decision of Council upon objec. tions to plans, specifications, form of contract and cost of improvements for the Century Ðriye & Bies Drive 8 inch Sanitary Sewer. .............................".....".. 3-Resolution No. 320-74 Ordering Construction for Cen. tury Drive & Bies Drive 8 inch Sanitary Sewer. ".. 3-Resolution No. 321.74 Annexing Lot 2 of SE¥4 of SE'I4 of Sec. 34 T89N R2E 5th P.M. (14.06 acres approx.) to City. (Henschel) .".............."............."""""""""""" 3-Resolution No. 322-74 Annexing Lot 2 of Lot 1 of NW'I4, NW Frac't. ¥4 Sec. 2, T88N R2E 5th P.M. and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of NE'I4, NW Fract' ¥4 Sec. 2, T88N R2E 5th P.M. (containing 1.261 acres acres approx.) to City. (Henschel) ............................ 3-Resolution No. 323-74 Granting Class "C" Beer Permit application. ............................................"......."."."......... 3-Resolution No. 324-74 Direéting issuance of Class "c" Beer Permit. .........".................."..............""""""""""'" 3-Resolution No. 325-74 Granting Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License applications. ...................."" 3-Resolution No. 326-74 Directing issuance of Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses. ....."....."...". 9-Resolution No. 327-74 Approving Plat of "F.D.R. Park View Heights" in Section 3, Table Mound Town. ship, Dubuque Count}'- Iowa. ................................"" 18-Resolution No. 328.74 Fmal Estimate for the Town Clock Plaza, phase II, Section 1 Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15. .."........................"""""" 18-Resolution No. 329.74 Resolution Accepting Improve. ment for the Town Clock Plaza, Phase II, Section 1 Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa R.15. .... 18-Resolution No. 330-74 Directing Class "c" Beer & Liquor License application. .................................... 18-Resolution No. 331.74 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. 486 447 447 451 487 488 452 452 488 489 452 489 489 498 460 462 500 463 502 464 465 466 504 504 467 486 504 505 463 469 469 509 509 475 480 515 480 481 516 481 INDEX - BOOK 104 1974 SUBJECT 14-Resolul1on No. 355.74 Fixing Date of Hearing for Ced. ar Street Lift station Valye And Sluice Gate Mod. ifications . 1974. ............................................................ 14-Resolution No. 356-74 Grantin¡¡ Class "C" and "B" Beer & Liquor License applications. ........................ 14-Resolution No. 357-74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" & "B" Beer Liquor Licenses. ..................""""" 14-Resolution No. 358.74 Granting Class "C" Beer Permit 14-Res~Y~H~:ti~~: 359:74 "Ïiir~~iing' ï¡;:~" ïšs;;äiï~~" ~f" ëï~s "C" Beer permit. ........................................................ 14-Resolution No. 360-74 Granting issuance of Cigarette Licenses..................""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 14-Resolution No. 361.74 Expressing condolences to fam' ily and friends of Joseph W. Clark. ............................ 28-Resolution No. 362-74 Resolution Approving the plat of Block 9 in "Thomas Farm Addition" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. (Henschel) ............................ 28-Resolution No. 363.74 Resolution Approving the plat of Lots 1.13 inclusive aU in West Ridge Addition in the City of Duhuque, Iowa. (Delbert Miller) .... 28-Resolution No. 364-74 Approving of sale of Lot 11 in "Watter's Subd." of part of Wooten's Addition in the City of Dubuque to Charles Hemmer in amount of $2500. ............................................................................ 28-Resolution No. 365-74 Board of Park Commissioners, owners of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Ea~le Point View exchanging for Lot 2 of Eagle POInt View owned by John V. Meehan & Naomi R. Meehan. 23-Resolution No. 366-74 Final Estimate for Repair of Storm Sewer on 24th Street ,between Jackson & Washington Sts. ............................................................ 28-Resolution No. 367.74 Resolution Accepting Improve. ment for the Repair of Storm Sewer on 24th Street between Jackson & Washington Streets. .................... 28-Resolution No. 368-74 Endorsement of the Bicenten. nial Symbol Open Competition sponsored by the Dubuque Jaycees. ........................................................ 28-Resolution No. 369.74 Awarding Contract for the Du. buque County/City of Dubuque Law Enforcement Communication System to Motorola, Inc. ................ 28-Resolution No. 370-74 Granting Class "C" Beer Permit applications. .................................................................... 28-Resolution No. 371.74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits. ........................................................ 28-Resolution No. 372-74 Granting Class "C" Beer & Liquor License applications. ........................................ 28-Resolution No. 373.74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses. .................................... Noy. 4-Resolution No. 374-74 Authorizing an Extension of Time in which R. Hampton and Company, Inc. is to Commence Construction on Certain Land in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15. ........ 4-Resolution 375.74 Authorizing the Advertising for Receipt of Proposals by Dept. of Community Devel- opment, for Development of Privately Owned Hous. ing Pursuant to Section 23 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, as amended. .................................................... 4-Resolution No. 376-74 Final Estimate for the Central Business District Traffic Signal System Improye. ment Project. .................................................................. 4-Resolution No. 377.74 Resolution accepting improve. ment for the Central Business District Traffic Sig. nal System Improvement Project. ............................ 4-Resolution No. 378-74 Granting issuance of Cigar. ette Permits. ......................................................... 4-Resolution No. 379-74 Granting Class "B" Beer p~~;;;ii applications. ~- .. _.. ... UII..I!J.A,.,t........""...",,....~,.,.. "'~ Page 517 517 518 518 518 519 519 533 534 536 536 537 537 525 538 589 589 589 540 541 544 545 546 546 546 4-Resolution No. 380-,74 Direeting the issuance of Class "B" Beer Pernuts. """"""".......................................... 4-Resolution No. 381-74 Granting Class "C" Beer & Liquor License application. """""""""...................... 4-Resolution No. 382-74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses. ........................................ 4-Resolution No. 383-74 A Resolution approYing the Al- ternate "railroad" Alignment of the Proposed Dubuque Downtown Freeway. ................................ 25-Resolution No. 384-74 Resolution Authorizing the Filing of an Application with the Department of Transportation, United States of America, for a Grant under the Urban Mass Transportal1on Act of 1964, as amended. """""""...................................... 18-Resolution No. 384-74-A Ordering Construction for Cedar Street Lift Station Valve And Sluice Gate Modifications - 1974. .................................................... IS-Resolution No. 385-74 Awarding Contract for the Cedar Street Lift Station Valve and Sluice Gate Modifications, 1974, to Fondell & Sons Inc. ........ 18-Resolution No. 388-74 Resolution approving the plat of Block 1, Block 2 and Block 3, each in Timber Ridge Addition. Œenschel) .......................................... IS-Resolution No. 387.74 Resolution Authorizing Mayor to execute an Amendment to Consent Order with Iowa Water Quality Commission and directing ,the City Manager and Staff to proceed with the Waste Water Treatroent Prograro. ............................ 18-Res~:':i~~n~ct s:tt4 tf:s"t'i3'~~J o?~n~:at~~o~~ duct a special census of tbe City in 1975. ............ 18-Resolution No. 389-74 Approving delivery of Roadway easement for a 2(Y right of way for Lot I of I of 1 of Lot 10 and Lot 2 of 1 of I of Lot 10 In Rosedale Addn. No.2. (Extension of Glen Oak St.-Willmes) IS-Resolution No. 390-74 Approving delivery of Roadway easement for a 16' right of way over the north east 18' of Lot 2 of Rosedale Addn. No.2. (Extension of Glen Oak St. - Willmes) """"""'........................... 18-Resolution No. 391-74 Endorsing the proposed expan. sion of WSUI.FM service in eastern Iowa and urg- ing favorable approval by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and welfare to the University of Iowa's request """".................................................... 18-Resolution No. 392-74 Resolution of Final Estimate for construction of Century Drlve.Bies Drive San- Itary Sewer. """"""""""""""""""".............................. IS-Resolution No. 393-74 Resolution Accepting Improve. ment and Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice for the construction of Century Drive-Bios Drive San. itary Sewer. """"".......................................................... 18-Resolution No. 394-74 Final Estimate for tbe Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer for Riverfront Subdivision No.5 Contract l-Sectlon 2; Roosevelt St. Extension, Kilgore Street. and Hamilton Street Extension. .... 18-Resolutlon No. 395-74 Resolution Accepting Improve. ment for the Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer for Riverfront Subdivision No.5 Contract 1.Section 2. 18-Resolution No. 398-74 Final Estimate for the 10" Watermaln for Riverfront Subdivision No.5 Con. tract l-Section I; Roosevelt St. Ext., Kilgore St., and Haroilton St. En. """"""""""""""........................ IS-Resolution No. 397.74 Resolution Accepting Improve- ment for the 10" Watermain for the Riverfront Subdiyision No.5 Contract 1-Section 1. .................... 18-Resolution No. 398-74 Granting Cigarette License. .... 18-Resolution No. 399-74 Granting Class "C" Beer Per- mit application. INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page 547 547 547 546 576 556 557 558 559 580 561 581 582 562 563 563 564 564 565 565 565 l8-Resolution No. 400.74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit. ...."....."."..........".."...."..."......"......." l8-Resolution No. 401.74 Granting Class "C" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License applications. "........."... 18-Resolution No. 402.74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses. "........" Resolution No. 403.74 NUMBER NOT USED. 25-Resolution No. 404-74 Resolution Awarding Construe. tion Contract to Low Bidder for Construction of Phase IT Waste Water Treatment Facilities, Con. tract IV. "".".....................".""........"..."...."........".......... 25-Resolution No. 405-74 Resolution to fix a date of meet. ing at which it is proposed to take action for the issuance of $2,000,000. Sewer Bonds. ..".."""".. 25-Resolution No. 406-74 Resolution providing for the advertisement of $2,000,000 Sewer Bonds. .".""..."". 25-Resolution No. 407.74 Resolution annexing territory located on Rockdale Road known as "Jungwirth's Morocco in Dubuque County, Iowa" to the City. .... 577, 578 25-Resolution No. 408.74 Granting Class "C" Beer & Liquor License applications. ........."..."...""............. 578 25-Resolution No. 409.74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses. ...."...""....".......".".."..." 25-Resolution No. 410-74 Granting Class "B" and "C" Beer Permit applications. "."......"....."......................" 25-Resolution No. 411.74 Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. .."".."..."."""..""..""....".". Dec. 2-Resolution No. 412-74 Disposing of interest and ap. proving of sale of Lot 11 in "Watter's Subdivision" of part of Wooten's Addition in the City of Du. buque, to Charles Hemmer in amount of $2,500.00. 583, 584 2-Resolution No. 413.74 Approving of disposal of inter. est in Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Eagle Point View in the City to John V, Meehan and Naomi R Meehan in EXCHANGE for Lot 2 of Eagle Point View in the City. "..."......"......"."....."..."......".."..."..... 2-Resolution No. 414-74 Matching Resolution to provide funds for Area Administration for the N.E. Iowa Area Crime Commission in amt. of $832.25. ..."" 2-Resolution No. 415-74 Granting Cigarette License. .." 2-Resolution No. 416-74 Granting Class "C" Beer Permit applications. ..............".""""................."..............."....." 2-Resolution No. 417.74 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer permits. .."......".".............""...."......".."...... 2-Resolution No. 418-74 Granting Class "C" Beer & Liq- uor License application. """""""""""""",,""""""'" 2-Resolution No. 419-74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ......."....""........"""...."". 9-Resolution No. 420-74 Authorizing an Extension of the Advertising Period for Receipt of Proposals for the Development of PrIvately Owned Housing in accordance with the regulations of U.S. Depart- ment of Housing & Urban Development. ".""...."". 9-Resolution No. 421.74 Final Estimate for tbe 1973 Concrete Sidewalk Program. .""..""...................."". 9-Resolution No. 422.74 Resolution accepting izoproye. ment and Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice on the completion of 1973 Concrete Sidewalk Program. 9-Resolution No. 423.74 Final Estizoate for the City of Dubuque 1974 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.1, Tenth St. from Locust St. to Bluff St. and intersection of Ninth & Bluff Streets, and Contract No.2 P.C. Concrete Paving and Build- ings Removal. ..".....".........."".""...""....."......."....."."... 9-Resolution No. 424.74 Resolution Accepting Improve. ment for City of Dubuque 1974 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.1, Tenth Street 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT -_._-- .-.- ._--------"".._.,...."",.,.",...",,- Page 597 567 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT from Locust St. to Bluff St. and intersection of Ninth & Bluff Streets, Contract No.2 P.C. Concrete Paving and Buildings Removal. ..".."..".................... 9-Resolution No. 425-74 Final Estimate for the City of Dubuque 1974 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.2, Ninth Street from Eighth Street to Hill Street and University Avenue Intersection Re. construction................."..........................""........""........ 9-Resolution No. 426.74 Resolution Accepting Improve. ment for the City of Duhuque 1974 Concrete Pav. ing with Integral Curb Project No.2, Ninth Street from Eighth Street to Hill Street and University Avenue Intersection Reconstruction. "".................... 9-Resolution No. 427.74 Resolution requiring all memo bers of Boards and Commissions must attend 66~% of all regularly scheduled and held meet- ings within any 12 month period. ".........."....""...... 595, 596 9-Resolution No. 428.74 Resolution authorizing the exe. cution of assignment of Interest to the State High. way Commission & C. W. Enterprises, Inc. for use of parcel of real estate for right of way on U.S. Highway #20. """",,""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 9-Resolution No. 429.74 Granting Class "C" Beer & Liquor License applications. "..."""...."......."...""..."" 9-Resolution No. 430.74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ""............"......".............. l2-Resolution No. 431.74 Resolution providing for the sale and award of $2,000,000. Sewer Bonds and approving and authorizing the agreement of such sale and award. """"""""",,"""""""""""""""""""""" 598, 599 12-Resolution No. 432-74 Resolution initiating proceed- ings for the issuance of '2,000,000. Sewer Bonds. 599, 600 16---Resolution No. 433.74 Adoptmg the Dubuque Bicen. tennial Logo. .........."""".....................""......................." 601 l8-Resolution No. 434-74 Approving the plat covering a vacated part of Avoca SI. located West of the West property line of the East 28' of the West 5<Y of the West 101Y of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 179, in the City of Dubuque. .................................................."...""......". 18-Resolution No. 435.74 Corrected Final Estimate Reso. lution for the construction of Century Drive.Bies Drive Sanitary Sewer. ."...".".""...."...."...""........."""" 16---Resolution No. 436-74 Schedule of Assessments for constructing Century Drive & Bies Drive 8" San. itary Sewer. ..".............."..""...""""".."....."..........".."" l8-Resolution No. 437.74 Resolution providing for the issuance of Sewer Bonds for the purpose of providing for the payment of the assessed cost of City of Dubuque Century Drive and Bies Drive 8 inch Sanitary Sewer. ..........""".."......"..............."'" IS-Resolution No. 438.74 Final Estimate for contract for the Center Grove Valley Interceptor Sewer. """" 18-Resolution No. 439.74 Resolution accepting Improve. ment for the Center Grove Valley Interceptor Sew- er. .............."..."."............"...."""......."......."....""............ 615, 616 18-Resolution No. 440-74 Approving delivery of deed from John V. Meehan and Naomi R. Meehan for Lot 2 of Eagle Point View in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, according to the recorded plat thereof, subject to easements of record. "...". 18-Resolution No. 441.74 Granting Class "B" and "C" Beer Permit applications. ...."""...""..."................".... 18-Resolution No. 442-74 Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. ."......"."..."..""..."""....".... 18-Resolution No. 443-74 Granting Class "C" (Commer. cial) & "B" (Hotel or Motel) Beer & Liquor License applications. 1974 Page 566 566 594 595 574 595 575 576 596 596 578 579 579 585 585 588 588 586 605 611 611 587 587 613 615 592 593 593 616 617 594 617 618 INDEX-BOOK 104 1974 SUBJECT 18-Resolution No. 444-74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" (Commercial) and Class "B" (Hotel or Motel) Beer & Liquor Licenses. ................................................ 23-Resolution No. 445-74 Resolution establishing and declaring the Work Period for Employees engaged in Fire Protection Activities and Establi.hing and declaring Shift Trading Policf. .................................... 28-Resolution No. 446-74 Resolubon Establishing and declaring the Work Period for Employees engaged in Law Enforcement Activities and establishing and declaring Shift Trading Policy. ..........."........... 23-Resolution No. 447-74 Granting Cigarette Licenses. .. 23-Resolution No. 414&-74 Gran!in;g Class "C" Beer & Liquor License applications. ........................................ 23-Resolution No. 449-74 Directin.g the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Licenses. .................................... 23-Resolution No. 450-74 Granting Class "B" & "C" Beer Permit applications. ............................................ 23-Resolution No. 451.74 Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. ............................................ ._~ -,. -- _~_.""4.--"'.......".""""....w-.~..,. Page 38 INDEX-BOOK 104 -- SUBJECT -- -------page 618 5 J~n. ~~~r::i, ~~, ~:;,r':.~e~t~n~o~~~~~röPöšed"cöüiïiÿ Home land fill site. .............................................,.......... 7-Stamp, Mr. William, presented a map showing prevail. ing winds in the area which should be considered as a prizoe factor in the selection of any land fill site. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7-Sewer Bonds to ,be issued in the amount of $4,500.00 for payment of 1973 North Algona Sanitary Sewer -8 inch, between University AYe. & Loras Blvd. 7-Schedule of Assessments for 1973 North Algona San- itary Sewer-8 inch, between University Avenue and Loras Boulevard. .................................................... 7-Schedule of Assessments for Locust Street from N.P.L. of 9th Street to the S.P.L. of Loras Blyd. (part of 7-Str::nn't'~~~~:n~'i:'!nd7~~ec¡,t. ~~šu~ iii"äiiïöüiiï2g¡ 21, 22 $30,500.00 for payment of 1973 Asphalt Paving Project No.1. - Locust St. .................................... 23, 24 l1-sul~~~, r~:èh~d~¡h i:¡,~c:~~~n~~tD~~ti!ll~.a.~~~...~.a~ 28 l1-Sweeney, Mr. Wm., indicating that an impasse bas been reached with the personnel Dept. ................ 28 21-Sisters of St. Franeis, rezonmg request. ........................ 33, 102 21-Sehenker, Thomas, et aI, objecting to the proposed land fill site. ................................................................ 21-Scharringhausen, Julie, objeéting to the proposed land. fill site at tbe Coun'ty Home. .................................... 21-Schedule of Assessments for 1973 Asphalt Paving Project No. I-University Ave. """""""""""""""" 21-Street Improvement Bonds to be issued in amount of $18,000.00 for payment of 1973 Asphalt Paving Project No.1 - University Ave. ............................ 41, 42 24-Schuster, Stacia, Notice of Claim for car damage. .... 54, 415 24-Senate File 225, Being in favor of and approving of the passage. .................................................................... 24-S01ey, Susan, appointed to the Human Rights Com- mission. ............................................................................ Feb. 4-ShO~J~r:~r¡o~~~~'W:ti~~~1 ~~~~~; 010~~t~~C~la:~: 4-Schmitt Harbor, Dock Commission advising negotia. tions in progress with the Dubuque Yacht Basin for proposed lease and agreement of. ........................ 4-Stroud, Mr. Ken, presenting a report entitled "Where Cornerstone IS Now" .................................................... 4-Soil Conservation Service, apply for technical assist. ance from to investigate drainage in the western area of the City. ............................................................ 79, 622 4-Swimming pool, enclosed and ice skating rink, con- struction at Veterans Memorial Park. (NOT ADOPTED) ...................................................................... l1-Stackis, Emil elected to N.E. Iowa Area crime Com. mission. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" l1-Schueller, Leo N., expressing condolence to his family and friends. ...................................................................... l1-Street Finance Report for 1973 submitted. ................ l1-Stewart, Terry, requesting appointment to the Youth Services Board. ................................................................ l1-Sisters of Charity B.V.M., requesting rezoning of prop. ~~i af';;la':,'~~~P~';,ifod':,';~fo;':;e':,'~IWìle C~~;:'~Nu-~~: ll-Senate File 531, City of Duhuque being in favor of, and supportmg the sarGe. ........................................ 18-Sheppley, Mr. Ed., being in favor of Ecumenical Housing. 8 630 8 631 63] 632 18 632 632 633 17 28 35 35 56 57 62 64 79 81 85 64 86 89 89 91 99 18-Sistgo'm °tS~~gl~~~~¡y r:~s~~~~c~f D~:[r~~ cr:~.1ifc~ tion to "Multiple Residence Planned Unit Devel. opment District" .................................................."..."... 18-South Dubuque Interceptor Sanitary Sewer, easement agreement with City and I.C. Gulf RR. for the installation of. ......."......."""....."..."".....................""...107, 108 25-State Department of Public Instruction, requesting City to inaugurate a needy children food program during the summer. ........""""""."........."...................". Mar. l1-Smith, Ms. Charlie, possible candidate for appointment on Human Rights Commission. ...."........"..."............." l1-Spiegel, William, General Liabiiity Policy Bond sub- mitted. ................"."...........................................".........". l1-Street Program for 1974 submitted by City En~ineer. 11-Slattery, Richard, Director of Recreation, wishing to explain step four, evaluation and feedback in Op. eration Move. .....................".."""......."".""......."."....... l1-Staropfer property - Livesay Enterprises interested in multiple family residential use in downtown area. 18-Smith, F. N. Const. Co., contract for demolition & clearance in Urhan Renewal Area. .."".........""".".". 18-Schwartz, Lawrence E. and Ethel M., Granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ................""........."........."......"..".. 18-Schumacher, Earl Edward, Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ".."......""""......""""""""...""".."..."................" 25-Seeley, Pearl, and David Barnhart, requesting refund on Cigarette License #247. ".."...."..."..."..."............. 25-Sorensen, George D. and Mary Lou, Granted Class "C" Beer and Liquor License. ...."........"......"....""".. April l-Strub, Raphael H., Sidewalk Construction Bond sub- mItted. """""""""""""""""""""""""..."....."........."..... I-Sawvell, Margaret J., settlement of claim or 11.16-73. l-Stecklein, Richard R., Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. """""""'....................."....".............."".. 8--Schiesl, James, on behalf of minor son, Thomas Schiesl, settlement of claim. ."....""..".........""...".".... 8-Shaffert, Less, Favoring Class "C" Beer.Liquor applica. tion for Am. Legion. ........".."......."...........""...".."..." 15-St. Patrick's Church, request for Class "B" Beer Per. mit. """""""""""""""""""""'......"...".....".....".........."" 200, 211 15-Schuster, Mrs. Mary Ellen, supporting Flight 4.5-60. 201 15-"Sunrise Heights Subdivision", final plat of Block 14 be approved. "...............""."."..."...."......"....."."".......". 22--Slattery, Richard J., Director of Recreation, recom. mending not to initiate special food services pro. gram for 1974. """"""""""""""""'.............."".."......... 22-Site Service Station Mini/Mart Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. """""""""""""""""""'........."............."... 29--Sullivan, Don, objecting to surfacing of Woodwortb Street """"""""""""""""""""""""..".."..........""....""" 29--Stewart Street deleted from 1974 Asphalt Paving Proj. ect No.1. """""""'..........""..................."......."""....."" 29--Sullivan, Robert A., expressing condûlences to fam. ily & friends. """""""""""......."......"......"""...."".".. 29-Stecklein, Kenneth M., Granted Cigarette Permit. .." 29--Sutton, Mrs. Ruby, appointed to Citizens Advisory Commission. """"""""""""'..........."..."...".."......."".".. May 8-Schromen, Kenneth, Sidewalk Construction Bond Suh. mitted. """"""""""""""""""""""""............."."".......... 8-State Hwy. Comm., agreement with for 1974 Coopera. tive City Traffic Signal Program. """"......"..."....... 8-Sanitary Sewer in East 4th Street Extension completed. 8-Sidewalk completion, investigate same on J.F-K. Rd. from Penn. Ave. to Mall entrance. ....................".. 8-Senate File 321, requesting veto of. ."""......."........"".... 8-Street markings on University, Loras & Asbury made more clearly. 1974 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page 102 113 121 122 126 130 135 158 159 159 163 165 169 170 182 184 198 206 216 236 243 244 252 253 254 262 267 267 270 269 270 13-Spectra Associates, submitting contract with for the service design, checking our police radio network at an estizoated cost of $3700. with the County to share in the cost """"""""""""""""""""...."..........".. 28-Sheridan Ltd. Development, approving the sanitary and functional features of the Water Main Exten. sions by la. Dept of Environmental Quality. ....."."" 2o-Steger Construction Co., General Liability Bond suh. mitted. """"""""""""""""""""""""'"...........".............. 2o-Smith, F. N., Construction Co., General Liabiiity Bond submitted. """""""""""""...."......"""""."...."...."....."" 283 28-Stouse, Hugh L., Notice of Claim. """..."......"...".".."..... 284, 308 2o-Schumacher, David et ai, (21 signers) requesting stop sign at corner of Lincoln and Fengler streets. ".. 286, 363 2o-Sanitary and Storm Sewer, construction for River Front Sub. No.5 and from the intersection of Roosevelt St. Extension and Kilgore St. to the Dubuque Marina, Necessity for Improvement, Ord. ering Construction, Decision of Council. ...".........."... 28-State Auditor submitting the Audit Report of Disaster Claizo suhmitted by City on April 10, 1973. ."...,,".. 28-Swift Plumbing & Heating Co., General Liability Policy submitted. """"""""""""""""""'""""""""""", 28-Schiltz Development Corp., requesting approval to in. stall eleven boulevard type lights on Clifford & Lag- en Sts. ..........."".............."...".............."...".....""...."........297, 307 28-Seeley, Pearl and David L. Barnhart, requesting reo fund on unexpired Beer-Liquor Licence #C.5476. 298 28-"Short.Range Transit Planning Study" by DeLeuw, Cather & Co., presented by the Dubuque Transit Board of Trustees approved. """""""""".."......"."..." 28-Site Service Station Granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 28-Scherrman, Ray, appointed to Mayor's Industrial De. velopment Advisory Comm. """"""""""""'.""".."".. 3--Schedule of Assessments for East 4th St. Ext. Sanitary Sewer......................"""."".............."........" ""'......"......... 3-Sewer Bonds to be issued for payment of assessed cost of E. 4th St. Ext Sanitary Sewer in amount of $10,000.00..........".........."............."......." """'...............". 3--Swift, Gerald P. appointed to Heating, Vent, Air. Condo Board. """"""""""""""""""""'....."..""."......"... 18-Sanman, Mrs. Carl, requesting stop lights at Crissy Dr. & Kaufmann Ave. """""""""""""'..."".."...".".. 18-Sisters of St. Francis requestin¡¡ rezoning additional 150' area from Multiple ResIdence Planned Unit Development to Hospital Medical Zoning Classifica. tion from Windsor Avenue west to solve sewer problem. """"""""""""""""""""""""'."...................... 330, 362 18-Smith, Dorothea, relative to Affirmative Action Pro- gram. """""""""""""".."......".........."".".......""."...."..... 331 18-Scharnau, Ruth and Susan Soley, relative to Affirma. tive Action Program. """""""""""""""'..".".."......".. 331 18-Sutton, Patricia Ann, Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 337 17-Steffen, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald, requesting rezoning for portion of back lot in West Side Manor Subd. to either Class "A" or "B" Business. """"""""...""..... 342, 402 17-Shwery, R., objecting to rezoning of Chew property. 342 17-Stewart Construction Co. awarded contract for 10" Watermain for Riverfront Subd. No.5 Contract 1 . Section 2,Sanitary and Storm Sewer for River. front Subd. No.5. """""""""""""""""""'.......""."". 17--Schwartz, Lawrence and Ethel, Granted Cigarette Per. mit. """""'.....h..."....."...."...."..."....."...."..""...."."....... 17-Sfikas, Peter, Granted Cigarette Permit. ""." 17-Sfikas, Bessie, Granted Cigarette Permit. ""'...."......".. 17-Spiegelhalter, Melvin A., Granted Cigarette Permit. . 17-Sutton, Patricia A., Granted Cigarette Permit. ....".... 17-Sutter, Joseph, Granted Cigarette Permit """..."...". 17--Scars Roehuck & Co., Granted Cigarette Permit. "... 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT June _.- .. 1.1 .l1l'.IU_."..A...."'.""""~~~" ~e 272 282 283 291 295 296 300 303 304 311 313 322 330 348 351 351 351 351 351 352 352 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page 352 352 352 352 352 352 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page 415 416 17-Shanahan, Francis J., Granted Cigarette Permit. "" 17-Shike.Richardson, Inc., Granted Cigarette Permit. .... 17-Stampfers Dept. Store, Granted Cigarette Permit. .... 17-Schueller, Rita, Granled Cigarette Permit. ""......""...." 17-Siefker, Jack S., Granted Cigarette Permit. ".."...... 17-Stewart, Gary, Granted Cigarette Permit. "."........... 17-Spiegelhalter, Melvin, Granted Glass "C" Beer & Liq. uor License. ................."................................"............... 28-Savary, John L., Granted Cigarette Permit. .."""........ 28-Scherer, (Mrs.) George, Granted Cigarette Permit. ..".." 28-Schlickman, Douglas L., Granted Cigarette Permit. ".. 28-Schmitz, David C., Granted Cigarette Permit ................ 28-Schneller, Mathais A., Granted Cigarette Permit. ...."" 28-Schollmeyer, Paul W., Granted Cigarette Permit. ".. 28-Schulte, Albert J., Granted Cigarette Permit. ....""".. 28-Schumacher, Earl E., Granted Cigarette Permit. """" 28-Schwind, Frank J., Granted Cigarette Permit. ""..".....", 28-Smith, Lowrie E., Granted Cigarette Permit. ...."."". 28-Stecklein, Kenneth, Granted Cigarette Permit. .........". 28-Sand, Donald, Granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 28-Sorensen, George & Mary Lou Sorensen, Granted Cig- arette Permit. "...................".................."""................. 28-Spielman, Charles, Granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 28-Stecklein, Richard & Melvin B. McSperrin, Granted Cigarette Permit. ......................................"......"".".."... 28-Schollmeyer, Paul, Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. """"",,"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 28-Savary, John L., Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ............................................................................ 28-Sand, Donald T., Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ..............................",.........."............................... July I-State of Iowa, Highway Commission submitting Pri- mary Road Extension agreement for maintenance and operation from 7-1.74 thru 6.30-75. ............ 359 I-Snuttjer, Jerry, Notice of Claim. .................................... 361 1-S1attery, Nancy L., requesting resolution in support of Motorcycle Helmet Law for the State. ........................365, 396 l-St. Patrick's Church requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit. ......",........................................................... l-Sisters of Charity Acceptance of Resolution No. 260-74. 8-Schaben, Senator Jizo, approving resolution passed for development of adyance railroad system. ................ 8-Sanner, John C., Notice of Claim. .........."................."..... 8-Skahill, Michael J., Granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 15-Shimerda, Linda etal, requesting stop sigus in Butter. field Road area. ............................................................ 15-St. Elias The Prophet Greek Orthodox Church, Grant. ed Class "B" Beer Permit. """""""""""""""""""" 29-Smith, Congressman Neal, receipt of resolution sup- porting rail system in Northern Iowa. ....................".. 29-S1attery, Richard, presented Feasibility Report on Ice Facility. .................................................................... 29-Schwennsen & Haas, requesting installation of park. ing meters on Locust Street between 1st and 2nd Sts. ............................................................................ 29-St. Anthony Messenger requesting permission to solic- it subscriptions to their magazine. ............................ 29-Sisters of Charity of the B.V.M. requesting permission to install street lighting with underground cable 29-She~p~~';~ ~~&e ~~.,~'i".;:,:e~f:~~;'¡ïë'ï:iëëÏisë~O:: 413. ~~ 29-Sfikas, Pete S., Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ............................................................................ 409 29-Storm sewer, repair of on 24th St. (between Jackson & Washington St.) ....................................................405, 462 527 Aug. 5-Sioux City Council, submitting resolution No. S.25649 ' approving concept of a modern rail system service. 412 5-Sbireman, Bernard, Denial of car damages Claim. .... 414 5-Scbiel, Margaret V., Denial of car damages claim. ".. 414 5-Steadman, Jerry, Denial of car damage claims. ..".... 5-Sanner, John C., Deniat of Claim. .....".............."."...... 5-Sister Kenny Institute requesting permission to con- duct annual door to door Fund Drive. ........................ 5-Sullivan, Gene F., Granted Cigarette License. ..........".... 5-Schurbon, Richard, Granted Cigarette License. ".."...... 5-St. Columbkille Parish, Granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 5-Shigellosis, Kenneth K. Hazlet, M.D., submitting reo port on control of Communicahle Diseases relative to same. ................"....................".................................... 12-Steel trash racks on the inlet channels of the flood pumps along Kerper Blvd. near 16th St., bid award. ed to E. J. Voggenthaler Co. for reconstruction of same. ..............."."..............................".................."..".." 12-Steffen, Cindy, relative to Dubuque Composite Squar. don.."...... ..... ........"................... ........ ......".................."..", 12-Schiltz Development Corp., requesting the rezoning of Lot 2.1.1-1 of East 'h of SWY. of sec. 21, T89N R2E from Single Family to Multiply Family class- ification, behind Hempstead High School. ................ 430, 443 28-Sigwarth, Rev., regarding harricading in Washington St. neighborhood. ....................."..................................." 440. 553 28-Schoofs, Miss Catherine A., objecting to cable TV rate increase.............. ...."...... ....".... ........... .............................. 26--Starr, Miss Mary G., objecting to cable TV rate in. crease. .....................................................................".."..... 26-Sadler, Margaret, Notice of Snit. .................................... 26-Schmitz, David C., Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. .....................................................".."......."........ 28-Scherer, Emma Margaret, Granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ...........................................................",................ sept. 8-Sanitary & Storm sewers discharge into River in 4th Street Peninsula Area, Councilman Justmann reo questing information on same. ....",..".."...."........"..... 9-St. Paul Ammonia Products Inc., objecting to placing a toll on the Julien Duhuque Bridge. ........................ 9-Storm damage which occurred in summer, City Man. ager submitting receipt of proposed bids on the repair of same. ......................"........................................ 9-Shively, Mrs. Shirley, Notice of Claim by Hunt Claims Service Inc. ..............""............".................................... 9-Sertoma Club, requesting permission to sell light hulbs for the benefit of Retarded Children on sept. 14, 1974. .........................."...................................",.......... 18-State Dept. of Health recommending correction of de. ficiencies of mechanical or structural nature in the City's swimming pools. "............................................" 16-Smith, Lloyd, Auditor of State, submitting copy of Audit Report of the major disaster claim submitted by City on January 31, 1974. ......".............".....",..... 18-Shively, Mary, Notice of Claizo. ........."..".........".............. 18-Schiltz Development Corp., requesting street lights in West Hill Subd. ................."..........."........................ 479, 463 28-Schaller, Margaret & Harris, Notice of Claim. ........".. 484 28-Sfikas, Bessie, Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ............................................................................ 489 39-Smith Construction Inc., F.N., requesting permission to excavate for sewer and water service at 1555 J.F.K. Road. ................"...................."............................ 497 Oct. 7-Spoerre, Mrs. Margaret, objecting to the harrlcading of Washington St., between 15th & 16th. "......50S, 553, 554 7--St. Columbkille's Parish, requesting refund on unex. pired portion of Beer License. ......"............................ 508 7-St. Elias The Prophet Greek Orthodox Church request. ing refund on unexpired portion of Beer License. 508 14-Siegert, Joseph & Ruth, Notice of Claim. ................512, 526 28-Schromen Ken, General Liability Bond submitted. ........ 523 26-Sports Unlimited, Dubuque, requesting refund on un. expired portion of Class "B" Beer Permit. ........."..". 353 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 356 356 356 356 356 357 357 357 366 370 376 377 381 388 391 401 402 403 403 -- . -- IIJII"'.I\I.."._,-""",~~""",," 417 419 419 420 421 424 430 442 442 444 452 452 458 471 472 473 475 477 478 479 489 508 532 1974 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT____- _.-----.I'agoe 28-Spielman, Charles J., Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ................................................................ 28-Schurbon, Richard A., Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ................................................................ 540 Nov. 4--Schlegel, James R., Notice of Claim. ................................ 543, 581 " 4--Section 23 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, as amend. ed, Authorizing the Adyertising for Receipt of Pro. posals for Development of Privately Owned Hous- ing pursuant to same. .................................................... 544, 592 4--Sindt Motorcycle Sales, Granted Cigarette Permit. .... 546 4--Still, Gary, replacing Michael Farley, appointed to Advisory Commission. .................................................... 18-Schulte, Robert John, Sidewalk Construction Bond submitted. ........................................................................ 18-Schreiber, David, Construction Co., Sidewalk Construc. tion Bond submitted. .................................................... 18-Signali~ation of 20th St. at Elm St.; Interconnect of Signals at 20th & Elm, Jackson, White and Central; Construct Island at 18th & Central; recommended ,by City Engineer to be included in the 1975 Street Prograro. .......................................................................... 18-Scott, Steve, Atty., representing businesses & residents ~a~:~~~~o'::"i~d;;~he~~t~~~.~.~...:~...~~.:: 553, 554 18-Scheckel, Mr., being opposed to any changes proposed to barricading Washington street. .........................'" 553 18-Spoerre, Melvin, being opposed to any changes pro. posed to barricading Washington Street. ................ 18-St. Mary's Scbool students, being in favor of proposed harricading of Washington Street. ............................ 18-Stoneman Rd., Adele Urbain etal (1573 signers) re- questing authorization and permission for motor vehicle access from SarGe in vicinity of Imperial Lanes to Kennedy Mall. ................................................ 18-Sanitary and Storm sewer for Riverfront Subdivision No.5, Contract l-Section 2, Roosevelt St. Ext., Kil- gore St. and Halimton St. EJrt., completed. ............ 18-Sullivan, Gene, relative to renewal of Class "C" Beer & Liquor LIcense. .........................................""""""""'" 18-Smitb, Lowrie E., Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ............................................................................ 18-Sullivan, Gene F., Granted Class "c" Beer & Liq. uor License. .................................................................... 18-Shanley, Donald P., and M. Jack DeChristopher, Grant- ed Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ........................ 25-State Highway Commission, Iowa, requesting lease assigument agreementhetween Cil}' and C. W. Enterprises, Inc. for portion of rlght.of.way of Primary Road U.S. #20. ................................................ 569, 596 28-Street Parking Meter, Adjusted Ordinance submitted. 569, 570 28-St. Elias the Prophet Greek Orthodox Church, request. ing permission to place cannisters in business plac. es soliciting funds for tbe Cyprus Relief Fund. .... 573 25-Sewer Bonds, Fixing date of meeting for issuance and providing for advertisement of $2,000,000. of sarGe. 575, 576 25-S0lomon, Chester, relative to equipment needs for the hug system. ................................................................ 576 Dec. 9-Sidewalk Prograro, 1973, completed substantially in accordance with plans and specs. by Ray McDonald Construction Co., Final Estimate and resolution ac. cepting Improvement. .................................................... 592, 593 9-Street Improvement Bonds to be issued for the 1973 Concrete Sidewalk Program. ........................................ 593 12-Sewer Bonds, General Obligation, sealed bids received, providing for the sale and award of same, and initiating proceedings for the issuance of $2,000" 000. Sewer Bonds. ........................................598, 599, 600, 626 540 548 551 551 553 553 553 -- .- - _.----~........~""~............~.."...,, 555 563 567 567 567 567 573 576 593 18-State Auditor to audit financial funds of City except transactions of Water Utility, Parking & Sewage Facilities to be audited by O'Connor, Brooks & Co. 18-S i~~rv"? ~i~ ti~'¿'Ylin~':"c :Jri ~ai~~ ~~~~ n;i same, proposed Ordinance suhmitted. .................... 608, 609 16-Schedule of Assessments for Century Drive & Bies 18-Se~~'iio::;s,~~~~~nr;;;~r'thë"j;;;;¡~iiœ"iifšä;;ïë'för 612 payment of Century Drive.Bies Drive Sanitary Sew. er. ...................................................................................... 23-Steichen, Robert G., appointed to the Plumbing Board for term of 5 years,beginninç November 2, 1974. 23-S0il Conservation Service, technIcal assistance from :~¡ ~~~~~b~~t~:.tu4~~ 'þE~~~r1h~m&,~~ Creek. ................................................................................ 23-Siegert, Mr., represented hy Attorney Charles Kint- zinger, requesting if roadway is to be put around City on west part, he needs to know so as to plan for his future farming operations. ............................ 23-Schumacher, Josepb A., Granted Cigarette License. 23-Schumacher, Joseph A., Granted Class "C" Beer & Liq. uor License. .................................................................... ï974 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page 602 613 621 622 622 631 632 2 401 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT-- T Jan. 7-Thoms, Allan T., Elected as Mayor for the ensuing year " 7-Telegraph.Herald designated and appointed the offic- ial newspaper of the City. ............................................ 21-Teleprompter Cable Communications Corp. advising they are filing an application for renewal of license of Business Station KUX 87 with the Fed- eral Communications system. .................................... 21-Tabak, Sol, reappointed to Human Rights Commission. 21-Tully, Thomas A. Jr., requesting to lease north portion of the old Nayal Reserve Building. .................... 21-Thompson's Food Markets, Inc., granted Class "c" Beer Permit. .................................................................... 24-Tolly, Thomas Jr., appointed to the Human Rights Commission. .................................................................... Feb. 4-Town Clock and Dubuque Shot Tower has been con. sidered for the National Register of Historic Places. 4-Teleprompter Cable Communications Corp., Franchise Bond submitted. ............................................................ 4-Thompson's Food Markets, Inc., Granted Class "c" Beer Permit. .................................................................... ll-The Apartments, Ltd., Granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ................................................................ 96 18-Toom, Mr. Don, being opposed to Ecumenical Housing project. ........................................................................99, 296, 551 18-Tschiggfrie Excavating, awarded contract for E. 4th St. Extension Sanitary Sewer. .................................... 25-Thoms, Mayor to be a farmer for a day. ........................ Mar. 18-Thoms, Mayor Allan, to represent State of Iowa to assist in the Energy Crisis. ........................................ " 18-Thompson, Mrs. Edna. addressed the Council relative to Operation New View. ................................................ April 15-Traut, George In Favor of American Legion Bar. ....".. " 22-Transit Trustee Board recommending permission be granted to Cab Company to permit more than one party to ride in cabs at one time. ............................ 22-Taxi Cab Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 11-69 & repealing No. 55.73. ........................................................ 22-Thoms, Inagrace, accepting Resolution No. 31.74. ........ May 8-Thoms, Mayor, reconsider negative vote on Concrete Paying w/Integral Curb Project #1. ........................ 2o-Tri-State Twirler Square and Round Dance Cluh, reo questing for help against threatened loss of Allison- Henderson Pavilion. ...................................................... 286 2O-Taut.~d;~fr~~ a~;'de,~tf:J'%I~;:~O ~e~:;¡:eÁv~ 2~;~ 498, 561 2o-Ten inch Water Main for Riverfront Sub. No.5; Necessity for ImProvements, Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., form of contract and cost of improvement, Ordering Construction. 289 28-Tigges, Arthur C., Notioe of Claim. ................................ 297, 326 28-Thoms, Allan T., appointed to Mayor's Industrial De. velopment Advisory Comm. .................................""'" June 3-Tri-State Paying Co., awarded contract for Contract IO-Th';;~io;,P ii':s~~~~:;,e:..t.~fie~:~t~i ¡;~:."ï:.a~:..:::::::: IO-Transportation Plan, 1990, for Dubuque Metropolitan Area to maintain a continuing transportation plan. ning process. ..............................................."""""""""'" lo-Trapp, Mrs. A. J.. Granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 17-Thruput Terminals Inc. by Robert Bertsch, attorney, requesting construction of a security fence sur. rounding the premises on 3rd St. north of the Ice Harbor. ............................................................................ 17-Thompson, John F., Granted Cigarette Permits. (3) .... 17-Tressel, Allen C., Granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 28-Tegeler. Earl. Granted Cigarette Permit. ............."..... 28-Tschiggfrie, Raymond L., Granted Cigarette Permit. INDEX- BOOK I04 SUBJECT Page 28-Trausch Baking Co., Granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 356 i=it::':~¡ ¥:n~¡'; f~~.i,cere~~e~¡f~~' ¡,'üÜ,ïiö¡¡"'¡;ë;:;;;ii 361, 435 for repair of building located on 300 St., north of the Ice Harhor. ................................................................ 365 l-Tri-State Softball Tournament requesting refund on ,Class "B" Beer Permit. ............................................ 366 15-Tizomerman, Frank, Notice of Claizo. ............................ 388, 445 22-Thompson, Edna A., reprimanding charges against Mr. Zimmerman. ............................................................ 393 22-Tschiggfrie Excavating Co., General Liability Policy Bond suhmitted. .............................................................. 29-Truck Ass'n., Iowa Motor, advising of legislation to permit movement of motor carrier traffic in Iowa border cities over and ahove length and weight limitation imposed by Iowa. ........................................ 29-Twenty.fourth Street, between Jackson & Washington, repair of storm sewer, preliminary estimate, neces. sity for improvement, ordering construction and fixing date of hearing. ................................................ 405, 537 ~?g. t=~~'li1¡¡;ld Joï)ip'en~~~~r þa:,.~,ami;;,s ~:¡g'~l;¡"'& 414 Assoc., requesting City to maintain water & sewer lines to same. ................................................................ 417 12-Tri-State Independent Blind Society, Inc., grateful for quick response to Amtrak issue. ........................ 422 12-Trucks, over length and weight of same to travel in Iowa. .................................................................................. 429 12-Teleprompter Cable TV, requesting monthly rate in. creases. .............................................................................. 431, 509 28-Tri-State Electronics Assn., objecting to cable in- creases. .............................................................................. 441 Sept. 3-Tschiggfrie Excavating awarded contract for Repair of Storm Sewer on 24th Street (between Washing- ton & Jackson Sts.) ........................................................ 463, 537 " 3-Transit Trustee Board advising of celebrating their first year of ownership on Sept. 7th. ........................ 468 " 18-"Trick or Treat Night" be October 31st. .................... 477, 510 " 18-Town Clock Plaza, Phase ß, Section 1 Downtown Ur- han Renewal Project Iowa R.15, has been completed by Conlon Construction Co. ........................................ 480 " 28-Third St. Reservoir, John Duggan etal, opposing to changes at. ................................................................486, 524, 589 " 3O-Tschiggfrie Excavating Co., awarded contract for con. struction of Century Drive & Bies Drive 8 inch Sanitary Sewer. ................................................................ 498 " 3O-Topeka Inn Managements, Inc., Granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor License. ................................................ 505 Oct. 7-Tennis Court lights, appreciation ,be extended to Dubuque Bank & Trust for same at Comiskey Field. 507 " 28-Triple X Movies, Objections to showin~ of same. ....................................................................523, 541, 589,590, 602 " 28-Travis, Mrs. Jaroes, objecting .(0 showing of "Deep Throat." ............................................................................ 523 " 28-Toll Plaza to be constructed at Dubuque & Wisconsin Bridge. .............................................................................. 532, 571 " 28-Th09m~: r.~ &~~~g~Í) ~~~.~~~~.~~..:.~~..~.l~:...~~..~.~~~~ 533 Nov. 4-Transit System, Duhuque, Asst. City Manager report- ing on exceeding hudget appropriation of $225,000. in Revenue Sharing Funds for subsidizing same. 542 " IS-Traffic Counts taken durin~ 90 day test period on Washington Street, submItted by City Engineer. .... 552 " 18-Tittle, John, Being opposed to any changes made in the Washington area. """"""........................................ 553, 554 " 18-Thermolyne, requesting extension of option agreement for another two years to Fehruary 12, 1977 on land in River Front Sub. No.3. ........................................ 555 1974 ~- . _-_-...IJ'."'_...",.,-..---",-- page 29 29 29 393 52 57 62 64 82 108 113 143 143 200 213 214 223 257 304 319 326 335 336 346 351 351 356 358 INDEX-BOOK 104 1974 sUBJECT ------ IS-Table Mound Park Inc. requesting rezoning of Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Annie Wallers Sub. No.2 Sec. 1 & 12 Twp. 88 N R2E containing 64/100 of an acre from present Multiple Family District Classification to Business DlStrlct "A" Classification. .................................................................. 555 IS-Timber Ridge Addn., Blocks 1, 2 and 3 of same, final plat approved of sarGe, recommended by Planning & Zoning. ..........................................................................557, 558 25-Transit Trustee Board requesting permission to sub- stantiate their request that replacement eqnipment is urgently needed. ........................................................ 576 " 25-Town Clock Inn, Inc., Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ............................................................ 578 " 25-Tegeler, Earl John, Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 579 " 25-Thompson's Food Markets, Inc., Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .................................................................... 579 Dec. 9-Tho:."e~°'i1c;~~ ::n:'e~I~'iü.~~~:iinlv:a~~feilgf " 18-ThO~;:~~~~~'Nötiëë"~f"süïi:":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: " 18-Thompson, Earl G., Notice of Claim. ............................ " 23-Thompson's Food Markets requesting a refund on unexpired portion of Cigarette License. .................... " 23-Thompson's Food Markets, Inc., Oky Doky #11, Granted Cigarette License. ........................................ " 23-Thompson's Food Markets, Inc., Oky Doky #9, Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ............................."................. '-"" ~ - ItJJ"IJL"_-....-...~",,~*- Page 592 603 603 630 631 633 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 - '-SUBJECT . Page U Jan 7-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, A.mending Plan . to permit multiple family residence as an addition- al land use for that portion of the said Project identified as Redevelopment Area 5. ............ll, 12,135, 136 7-Urhan Renewal Project Area, Vacating a portion of West Sixth Street. """""""""""""""""'..................... 12 7-Urban Renwal Project, Iowa R-15, Fixing the Date of Public Hearing for an Urban Renewal Plan Change, 4th St. on the south, Locust St. on the west, 9th St. on the north, & Central Ave. on the eust, and to permit multiple family residential use for Blocks 12, 13, 17 and 18 in Redeyelopment Area 2. ........ 13, 14 7-Urhan Renewal Project, Iowa R.15, Accepting Delivery of a Deed. (McQuillen.) """""""""""""""'................. 15 ll-Union Representatiyes request to meet with the Coun. cil relative to wage negotiations. """"".................. 21-University Ave.-removing the two hour time zone from Irving St. to Ashury SI. """""""""'................. 21-Unlversity Ave.-Prohibiting parking on the South side from Gilliam St. to one bundred and two feet east of Auhurn St. and on North side from Loras Blvd. to Pennsylvania Ave. """""""""...................... 21-University Aye., Schedule of Assessments 1973 Asphalt Paving Project No.1. ........................................38, 39, 40 21-Unlted Parcel Seryice Inc., Approving sale of Lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 2 of I of Block 5 River Front Sub. No.3. """"""""""""""".................................................. 47, 49 21-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15 Authorizing the Publication of Notice of Sale of Project Notes (First Series 1974) and the receiving of proposals. 49, 50 Feb. ll-United spanish American War Veterans, Gen. Fitz. hugh Auxiliary requesting permission to conduct a tag day. """"""""""""""""""""""""""........................ 89 " ll-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15, authorizing the sale and issuance and delivery of project note. 93, 94, 95 Mar. ll-U.s. Army Corps of Engineers advising that March I, 1974, will be considered the official date of transfer of the completed Stage 1 Local Flood Protection Project. """""""""""""""""""""""................................ ll-Urban Renewal Project - execution of contract with f~ì":n~P¡¡~~~ll;gr~;:~"~~~ c¡;:~}~~m~af~1~~~: 18-Urban Renewal Area, Minimum lot area reqnirement of the Zoning District be eliminated due to Reso. lution No. 73.74 recently adopted to permit multi. family residential use within the Project. ............ 152, 221 18-Urhan Renewal Project, demolition and site clearance of Parcel 8-4B at a cost not to exceed $4000.00. .... 25-Urban Renewal Project, declariog intent to sell a por. tion of project to R. & S. Enterprises Inc. ............ April 8-U.S. Corps of Engineers, operation & maintenance of Upper Mississippi River Nine foot navigation chan. nel from Guttenherg, Ia. to Saverton, Mo. ................ 15-U.s. Corps of Engineers advising of navigation studies and various meetings for providing a 12 foot chan. nel. """"""""""""""""""""'............................................. IS-U.S. Department of the Interior, meetings to ascertaio puhlic views on a wilderness study on the Upper Mississippi Wild Life & Fish Refuge. ........................ 201, 261 22-University of Iowa, special seminar to be held on Alcoholism. """"""""""""'............................................. 29-Urhan Renewal Project, Iowa R.15, Notice of Sale of Project Notes (Third Series 1974) (totaling $1.490,000.) and receiving of proposals for the sale of said notes. """"""""""""'................................... 29-Urhan Renewal Project, Iowa R.15. sale of land for pri. vate redevelopment with R & S Enterprises, Inc. 12 28 31 31 89 120 138 158 166 184 200 213 249 250 May 8-Urban Renewal, extension of time for R. Hampton & Co. for Ramada Inn. ............................................260,411, 541 June 17-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15, Authorizing the advertising of bids for the demolition and site clearance of Parcel 15-4 in SarGe. ............................ " 28-Uniyersity of Dubuque, Granted Cigarette License. .... July 8-Unox System, reference to proposals for sewage Waste Water Treatment Facilities Plant. ............................ 8-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15, Demolition Con. tract No. 1.74, awarded to F. N. Smith Canst. & K. W. Gaber Const., not to exceed $4,500.00. ............ 22-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15, Lot 1 of Block 4, execution of certificate of completion for Thomas F. Leibold. ..............................................................""""" 22-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, Block 18, execution of certificate of completion for First National Bank. Aug. 28-UAW 94, Local, Consumer Affairs Committee, object. ing to TV rate increases. ................................................ " 28-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15, contract with Paul T. Granlund for design, fabrication and installation of piece of sculpture entitled "Continuum", not to exceed cost of $27,000. for same. ......................""""" Sept. 9-United Way Month - sept. 24 thru Oct. 24. ................ " 18-Ungs Street near Hoyt St., William Olson etal, request- ing remoyal of parking hazard on certain sections of same. ............................................................479, 569, 591, 605 18-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15, contract for the Town Clock Plaza, Phase II, Section 1 in sarGe com. pleted. ............................."""""""""""""""""""""""'" 480 18-University of Dubuque, requesting permission to con. duct a fireworks display at their homecoming activo ities on Oct. 11th. ............................................................ 482, 507 3O-University of Dubuque, Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity, requesting permission to solicit funds to provide re- lief to victizos of Hurricane Fifi in British Honduras. Nov. 18-Urhain, Adele etal (1573 signers) requesting authoriza- tion and permission for motor yehicle access from Stoneman Rd. in vicinity of Imperial Lanes to Kennedy Mall. ................................................................ 18-U.S. Bureau of Census, City Manager authorized to sign contract with same to conduct a special census of the City in 1975, in estimated arot. of $33,550. 25-Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, filin~ of an application with the Dept. of Transpor,tatton, for a Grant under the SarGe. 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT . _11'~'11_."~",".""""-"~~'" Page 349 356 375 380 395 395 441 446 471 480 497 555 560 577 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT Page 1974 V Jan 7-Vogt, Rohert, denial of cycle damage claim. ................ ..' 7-Vacating a portion of West 6th St. in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Area. .................................... " 21-V.F.W., requesting permission to sell poppies. """""" " 24-Vacating portion of Rooseveit St. Ext. .......................... Feb 4-Vacating a perpetual ri~ht of easement, in, over and . across Lot 7 of Tschlrgi & Schwind Subdivision in the City of Duhuque. (McCarthy) ............................ Mar ll-Vernon, R. G., for CitIzens Transportation Committee, . objecting to the proposed widening of 10th St. from Locust to Blnff. .................................................... ll-Vacating a dedicated walkway located between Lot 1 of 7 and Lot 2 of 6 of the Duhuque Homes Subd. No.2. (Francis P. Raymond) ............,....................... 126, 204 IS-Vacating portion of Prospect St. to W. P. Woodward and W. J. Klauer. ........................................................ 146 April 22-Van Duelman, Carl A., Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 236 May 2o-Vac:~,2 tl'N~~ ~~..~.~~~~..~~:...~~~..~.~~.::~..~:..~~~.~~: 283 June 17-Vacating a portion of Maple Street lying between the north curb line of East 16th St. to south curb line of East 17th St. (Dubuque Packing Co.) .................... 343, 368 .. 17-Vincent, Brian, Granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 352 .. 28-Van Duelman, Carl, Granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 356 July I-Vermeer, Administrative Ass't. to Governor of State of Iowa, appreciating interest in railroads. ............ 359 " 8-Vacating portion of alley located at extreme west end of Cherry St. and running north from N.P.L. of Cherry St. to S.P.L. of 1st alley south of Green St. abutting Lot 1 of Lot 208 of Finley's Addn. to Herbert F. Heitzman. .................................................... 378, 459 Aug. 12-Voggenthaler, Co., E. J., awarded bid for reconstruc. tion of the steel trash racks on the inlet channels of the flood pumps along Kerper Blvd. near 16th St. ...................................................................................... 425 " 19-Vacation of the East 281 feet of the 10' wide access be- tween the 1800 hlock on N. Algona and Avoca Streets, requested by Don Pettit, eta!. (DENIED) 437, 542 sept. 3o-Village Inn, H & M Foods, Inc., Granted Cigarette License. ............................................................................ 504 Oct. 28-Valentine Drive dedicated, in Thomas Farm Addition. (Henschel) ........................................................................ Nov. IS-Vorwald, Dick, being in favor of signalization & Di. verters on Washington St. ............................................ .. 25-Volunteer Drive, renaming portion of Front Street to SarGe. ............................................................................ Dec. IS-Vacating a portion of Avoca Street located west of west property line of the East 28' of the West 50' of the West 100' of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 179, in tbe City, to Harold B. and Dorothy Demkier. ................ 9 12 36 47, 55 78 126 359 425 533 553 573 605 W Jan. 7-Walsh, Mr. Tom, Stating that any licensed bar would change the character of the neighborhood in the Brammer Store area. ............................................7, 36,197, 200 7-West Sixth Street, vacating portion of in the Down. town Urhan Renewal Project Area ............................ 12 21-Ward, Clem, Notice of Claizo for car damage. ................ 30 24-Woodward, William, appointed to Dock Board. ............ 57 Feb. 4-Weber, Mr. B. J., coach of Rugby Club, requesting the acquisition of playing field for their par.ticular sport. ................................................................................ ll-Walsh, Thomas D. & Helen C., requesting that the W. 126' of Lot 1 of Summit Place (Brammers) be held for a play area. ............................................................ 18-Woodward, William P. and Beverly B., agreeing to pay $1000. for their share of vacated Prospect Street. .................................................................................... 106,107, 146 Mar. ll-White, Dan, report on minority problems submitted by Human Rights Commission. ........................................ ll-Water Treatment Facilities, authorizing the execution of a contract with Henningson, Durham & Richard. son, Inc. ............................................................................ ll-Wilson, Christine, Notice of expense claim for ear damages. .......................................................................... ll-Waechter Place in Center Grove in Dobuque, TwP., Key City Investment Co. requesting to extend ter. ritorial limits to include. ............................................ ll-White, William John, Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ll-Wedig, Kathleen L., Granted Class "C" Beer and Liq. uor License. .................................................................... 18-Weidemann, Vicki, objecting to the excessive noise from motorcycles and cars. ........................................ I_Walsh Stores, requesting consideration of the parking situation surrounding their place of business on Central Ave. .................................................................... 157, 224 18-Wittenberg, Director Gent, submitting resolution for demolitiou of Leath and Goodman buildings, in Urban Renewal Area. .................................................... 25-Will.Co., Inc., Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ............ 25-Wit:~':,~~~Ct ~~~~l dee~f~~¡~n ¡~Of~~n.,ro~ar:s~u~~~ erty to R & S Enterprieses Inc. ...........'.................... 25-Wittenberg, Gent M., requesting Mayor execute "letter of Intent" on the Revised Section 23 Leased Hous- ing Program. """""""...................................................... 167, 333 April I-Wagner, John C. & Mary and Elmer Erner, jointly, Notice of Claim. ............................................................ " I-Weidemann, Leroy et aI, repair of Asbury St. from Carter Rd. to J.F.K. Rd. """""""""'............................. 8-Women's Political Caucus, representative be sent to Rape Conference. ""'....................................................... 15-Walsh, Helen, opposing to American Legion Bar. ........ 15-Willey, Mary Jo, supporting Flight 4.5-60. .................... 15-Windsor, Richard B. and Ronald Amundson, to con. struct a canopy over sidewalk at 253 Main Street. (NOT ALLOWED) """.................................................. 203, 223 22-Waller, David & Audrey, denying access to their prope~ty. """.................................................................... 216 22-Wm. C. Brown Co., purchasing Lot 2 of Block I of Riverfront Sub. No.5 for price of 40 ! per square foot. """""""""""'............................................................. 22-WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES. City Manager requesting authority to proceed with the matter of selecting certain major components of equipment involved in the Phase IT improvements of same. ".......................................................................... 29-Wick, Mrs. objecting to asphalt paving of Stewart Street. 1974 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT V- ._on' ...-.J.J.,H."JIJI """""""""""~~~-""" Page 83 89 122 124 127 135 141 141 148 157 164 166 170 171 164 200 201 229 234 243 INDEX - BOOK 104 - suBJEcT Page .~ 29-Weulllng, Barb, objecting to speed limit on crest of hiU on Pennsylvania Ave. at Hempstead High Sehool. .............................................................................. 254, 272 JI[ay _Walsh, Gretchen, appointed as member of Northeast Crime COmmU"¡lOn. ........................,.....................,......... 261 8-West Side Manor Subd., approving vacation plat of HY Utility easement in Lots 13 and 1--14. .................... 13-Washington Street, Northbound and Southbound ve. hicles on same, stop before entering intersection with East 24th Street. ................................................ 13-Westside Manor Place and Westside Manor Subdivi- sion, for reclassification of Business "A" District on the Southerly 100 feet. (CHEW) ....................276,277, 284 2o-Warsaw Brewing Corp., accepting delivery of deed from same for Lot 2 of Lot 12 of Central Addi- tion. .................................................................................... 2o-Walgreen Co., Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ............ 2o-Welu, Daniel E., reappointed to 4 year term on Police-Fire Pension and Retirement Board. ............ 28-Wasblngton Street proposed barricading at inter. sections at 15th, 16tb, 18th, and 19th, objections to. ............,.................,...,.........298, 867, 480, 508, 514,553, 554 28-Westerfield, Martin C. and Esther H., Granted Cigar. ette Permits (2). ........................................................ 303 28-Walgreen Co., Granted Cigarette License. .....,.............. 303 June 3-Wilwert, Eldon, requesting consideration of an area around airport for off.street vehicle riding. ............ 3-Winsor, Richard B., and Ronald T. Amundson, Grant- ed Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ........................ IO-Welsh Enterprise, Inc., Granted Cigarette Permit. .... IO-Weiner, Helen, Granted Cigarette Permit. .................... IO-Welsh Enterprise Inc., Granted Class "C" Beer Permit. IO-Welner, Helen, Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. ............................................................................ 17-Wahlert, Harry W., Expressing condolences to family & friends of. .................................................................... 17-Wolfe, John, Dismissal of Claim. .................................... 17~Washington Neighborhood Council. reearding clos. ures project involving 15th, 16th, 18th and 19th Streets on Washington. ........................................344,553, 554 17-Wareco System of Iowa, Granted Cigarette Permit. 351 17-Woolworth's, Granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 352 28-White, William J., Granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 356 ~;m~~Y.o~~'B':;~':,"y~~r;~'i~e~~g:r~W:I¡'ëmrl¡:":::::::::::: ~~ 28-Wong, Chuck N., Granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 356 28-Wunder, Eileen, Granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 356 28-Winsor, Richard B. &. Ronald T. Amundson, Granted Cigarette Permit. ............................................................ 356 28-Wertz, Donald E., Granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 356 28-Wunder, Eileen, Granted Class "C" Beer &. Liquor Ucense. .,.....................................,.................................... 357 28-Willenborg, Barney, Granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Lite""e. ...,.........................."................................,........... 357 July 1- W a~~Wo~r:r.in N;if~r~~~".1"':;a;~~~U~h~n&~:c~fh¡~t~ 1-w.Nf~tiK~tyJ::::eG:~~~ét~r~~~ ~:~~..~.~~:.~: 8-Walker. Hr. Roger of Penberthy & Houdaille, refer- :¡~t t~a~1r:~a~[ ~~~~~..~~.~~..~~~.~~n::.e.~.t~ _Water Rate Increase-amend Ordinance No. 64-68- Heavy users be charged same rate as residential customers and eliminate the residential subsidy of heavy users. .......................................nnn"""""""...n 22-"Westchester" approved in the City of Dubuque. nn 29-Water Resources Congress, meeting in Minneapolis on 8.15-74. 266 275 292 293 294 310 321 336 386 337 337 339 341 367 373 375 377 396 401 29-West Eighth Street Retaining Wall Reconstruction Completed. ...................................................................... 29-W. S. Sheppley & Company, Granted Cigarette License. Aug. 5-Waguer, Peter B., Denial of car daroages claim. ........ " 5-Women's Recreation Assn., Inc., Granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .................................................................... 5-Wahlert, R. C., conveying Best Wishes in retrospect of 40 years service at Dubuque Packing Co. ................ 28-Wells, Mrs. John, relative to traffic noises around Louis Murphy Park and installation of creeper lane on Kerrigan Road. ........................................................ 28-Wartburg Theological Seminary, objecting to TV rate increase. ............................................................................ 28-Womens Club Art & Craft Show by Mrs. Joe Bitter requesting closing of Alpine st. from 3rd to Mel. rose on Sept. 15, for art show. .................................... 28-Wahlert, David, reappointed to Citizens Transportation Committee. ...................................................................... Sept. 3-Waller Farm, Not recommended for Landfill site. .... " 3-Weber, Mrs. Ed, thanking Council & staff for condol. ences on death of husband. ..............."....................... 458 8-Wilson, Mike, Notice of Claizo. ........................................ 459, 526 3-Women's Recreation Assn. Inc., refund on unexpired portion of Class "B" Beer Permit. ............................ 461 3-Wallace, James A., submitting list of septic tanks in City. .................................................................................. 462 18-Weichel, Earl L., Notice of Claim. ......................."""""'" 479, 625 18-West Hill Subd., Schiltz Deyelopment Corp. requesting street lights in same. ................................"""""""""" 479, 463 16-Wahlert High School requesting permission to conduct a Homecoming Parade on Sept. 19th. ....".............. 18-Weigroan, Wallace, etal, objecting to barricading of Washington Street at 15th and 16th. ........".............. 23-Wa.Tan.Ye Club requesting permission to sell candy in Town Clock Plaza on October 5th. .."................ 23-"Waechter Place in Center Grove" annexed to the city. (Yiannias) ........................................................486,529, 552 3O-WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES, PHASE II - CONTRACT IV - Approval of Prelizoinary estimates, Necessity for Improving and Fixing Date of Hearing. ........................................................................ 502, 545 Oct. 14-Willman, Dorothy etal, submitted by B. B. Grote, objecting to the blockading of Washington Street. 14-Wi~~~a~t to~r~ ~1¡{.:'cl.:ui~ti~f~e:fc~~s1e~e~i~~~~ Family to Multiple Family Classification. ................ 28-Wisconsin.Dubuque Bridge Co., requesting to con- struct a new plaza served by two toll houses. .... 532, 571 28-We~lu~~ei:~:~.n,t.~E~~vi~filr.~\ ~~..~~..~:.~~..~: 534 28-Westmore Drive, dedicated to City. (Delbert Miller) 535 28-Watter's Subd. Lot 11 in same, part of Wooten's Addn., approving sale of same to Charles Hemmer in amount of $2500.00. .................................................. 536, 583 Nov. 4-Wagener, Richard C., requesting anti.smut drive be started concerning showing of Triple X movies. 541, 590 16-Washington Street, City Engineer submitting traf. fic counts taken during the 90 day test period on same. ........................................................"""""""""" 18-Waltz, Hank, being in favor of signalization & divert- ers on Washington St. .................................................... 18-Wallers, Annie Sub., Table Mound Park Inc., request- ing rezoning part of SarGe from present Multiple Family District Classification to Business Ditsrict "A" Classification. ---- 1974 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT ~... .- _. ..._-l."JJ!Il~~-"""........."""",~,..w", Page 404 408 415 420 421 440 442 1974 444 453 456 INDEX-BOOK 104 SUBJECT 16-WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITY, PHASE II, City Manager submitting resolution and an AMENDMENT TO CONSENT ORDER with Dept of Enyironmental Quality revising completion date for same, from July, 1976 to August, 1977. ............ 18-Willmes, John L., & Marion Willmes, and LaVerne A. & Rosella M. WHlmes, roadway easements secured from same, for extension of Glen Oak St., to be graded, grayeled and seal coated at est. cost of $3600. ........................................................................ 18-WSUI.FM, Endorsìng service in eastern Iowa and urg- ing favorable approval by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and welfare to the University of Iowa's request. ................................................................ 18-Watermain 1(1", for Riverfront Subdiyision No.5 Con. tract l-Section I: Roosevelt St. Ext, Kilgore St. and Hamilton St. Extension, completed. .................... 25-WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES, PHASE II-eONTRACT IV-construction contract for same awarded to J. P. Cullen & Son Construction Com. pany. .................................................................................. Dec. 2-WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES, PHASE II-CONTRACT IV-construction permit submitted by Dept. of Environmental Quality. ............................ 18-Wieland, Mrs. Evelyn, Notice of Claim. ........................ 18-We.tz, Donald E., Granted Class "c" Beer Permit. 479 480 486 514 '514 552 553 555 Page 559 561 562 564 574 531 603 617 INDEX - BOOK 104 SUBJECT 1974 Page y Mar. ll-Youth Services submitting application of Miss Sharon Love for appointment to the Board of DIrectors. " 25-YMCA.YWCA, requesting to finalize position and de. tails on Youth in Government Program for April 22, 23 and 24th. ..,......................................................... April 8-YM-YWCA, parking requesting on one side of N. Booth May 13-YOU~ì, ~~!~~t¡'a<;t';'~f~~¡ing"ï;¡"':¡iië"'p~¡¡ëë"'ï:iä¡son Project. ............................................................................ " 23-Yaei~~'J;~'hi~~t~~ ~~j~~tif!th~018t'i:'.Pf:~, ~riJ~:1; Intersections. .................................................................... July I-Youth Services System, Ass't. City Manager submitting resolution application for community based same. " 22-YMCA-YWCA requesting to rezone Northeast corner ~~n~'ÿfst~':~~thm~ft!~~' g::"ll/1~ ~~~e rr,;; Don.revenue off.street parking use. ....................394, 485, 512 Sept. 23-Yiannias, N. J. and Christine, annexing "Waechter Place in Center Grove" to the City. ....................486,529, 552 Oct. 7-YMCA to sponsor Halloween Parade to ,be held Octo- ber 30. """"""""""""""""""'......................................... 508, 510 Dec. 18-Yount, Mrs. Viola, Objection to opening of Triple X Theatre. ............................................................................ 121 165 193 277 298 366 1102 Z Feb. 18-Zoning Ordinance, be revised to ,that sector relating to Clubs, Lodges, and Philanthropic Groups. 110,170, 460 " 25-Zahina, Richard, authorized to construct chain link fence at 2513 Windsor. """""""""""""".................... 115 June 17-Zayre Snack Bar, Granted Cigarette Permit. ..m........... 352 July 22-Zimmer, Mrs. Christine etal, objecting to proposed building on corner of Alpine St. & University Ave. 395, 404 Ilm .11.1_- 1. il 4.t..I1'...""""'."""""""~"'M,""'" Regular Session, January 7, 1974 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Regular Session, January 7, 1974. CouncIl met at 7:30 P.M. (C.T.D.) Present - Mayor IBltter, Coun. cllman Justmann, Moldenhauer, pregler, Thoms, City Manager GII. bert D, Chavenelle. Mayor Bitter called the meeting to order and stated that this is the REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of the City Council, and also the FIRST MEETING OF THE FISCAL YEAR, for the purpose of acting upon such business as may prop- erly come before the meeting. Retiring Mayor Bitter and Coun. cilmen Wayne A. Moldenhauer and Walter A. Pregler, expressed sen. timents of appreciation before leaving the Council Chamber. City Clerk Frommelt adminis- tered the oath of office to the newly elected Councilmen Jaroes E. Brady, Alvin E. Lundh and Emil Stackis. Councilman Justmann moved to place himself in nomination for the office of Mayor for the en- suing year. Motion died for lack of a second. At 7:50 P.M. Council- man Thoms moved that the Coun. cil retire into executive session to nominate a Mayor for the ensuing year. Seconded by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Councilmen Justmann, Lundh, Stackis. Thoms. Nays-Councilman Brady. The Council reconvened in regu- lar session at 8:17 P.M. Council. man Lundh moved that Council. man Allan T. Thoms be elected to serve as Mayor for the ensuing year. Seconded by Councilman Stackis. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Councilmen Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Abstained - Councilman Just. mann. City Clerk Frommelt adminis- tered the oath of office to Mayor Thoms. Councilman Brady moved that Councilman Justmarm be elected to serve as Presiding Of. ficer Pro Tem for the ensning year. Seconded by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council- men Brady, Justmarm, Lundh, Stackis. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO, 1.74 Providing for the Appointment of a City Manager, City Clerk, and City Solicitor for the City of Dubuque, Iowa: providing their salaries and fixing their bonds. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That the following officers be appointed, subject however, to the right of the Council to declare such offices vacant or remove the officers therefrom at the pleasure of the Council with or without cause, and to be paid the compen. satlon provided in the budget ap- proved October 10, 1973, and that the City Manager provide a bond in the aroount of $5,000, and the City Solicitor provide a bond in the amount of $1,000 at their own expense and that the City Clerk be covered under the Blanket Honesty Bond of the City. City Manager Gilbert D. Chave- nelle City Clerk Leo F. Frommelt City Solicitor R. N. Russo Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of January 1974. Allan T. Thoms Mayor Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis Jaroes E. Brady C. Robert Justmann Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Thoms moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Stackis. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council- men Brady, Justmarm, Lundh, Stackis. Nays-None. Mayor Thoms administered tbe oath of office to the Manager, Clerk and Solicitor. RESOLUTION NO, 2.74 A Resolution Designating the OHiolal N_spaper of the City of Dubuque, I_..