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South Grandview Avenue 0900
r • Cris Gr.ndvl e d - Te e 'rank Kelly C -Fred t;.erty Oonsc 2nd story. B<'. 158 7/30/35 250.00 900 S-, Grandview Ate, 0-Paul Dodds C-Zephyr Aluminum Products Inc Reside S,F,Fr.Dwellg.B.P.420 6 -25 -62 2,487,00 0-Zephyr Aluminum Products Inc. Reroof S,F,Frsre Dwellg,B,P, 1269 11 -23 -62 468.00 0 -Paul Dodds C- Zephyr Aluminum Re- soffit SF Fr Dwelling B.P 308 4 -23 -76 2499.00 0-Pam Swift C -Davis Rfg & Sdg t/o, reroof SF BP40767 9/10/99 $3000.00