South Grandview Avenue 1089 1089 b. Grandview Ave. 0 -Jos. vchiltz. Areet 2 story frame dwelling. B.P. 250 7/30/37 B.of A. Petn. waive ye/id requirement to erect porch. Action deferred Docket No. 105 - .ect 33? 8/23/37 1713.00 0 -Dr. Richard Kane 0- Cletus Palm Replace porch to S.F.Fr.Dwellg.B.P. 1148 11_1 -62 90,00 0- Richard J. Kane C Pick Henschel Reroof S.F,Frame Dwellg,B.P. 1245 11 -20 -62 200.00 1089 South Grandview Av 0 -Leroy Kraske C -Owner Erect addn SF fr dwllg BP 2196 6/25/80 $11785.00 0 -Leroy Kraske C -Dave Then tear -off, reroof upper half SF frm dwllg BP 11628 4/20/87 $840.00 0 -Keith Weibersch C -M &W Construction t /o,reroof SF BP35261 6/27/96 $1900.00