South Grandview Avenue 1260 1250 S. Gr6n dvi ew Lye. 0 -John Luber 8,00 00 erect u.F".Brick veneer Dwellg.B.P. 598 10 -9 -47 B.of A. Petn to erect garage 43 from front street line Denied Docket No. 15 - 0- Patrick Joester C- Mid -State Co. reroof garage and house, SF res BP 10541 7/23/86 $1400.00 - 0- Patrick Joester G -Mid -State Co. reroof garage and house, SF res BP 10541 7/23/86 $1400.0( 0 -Mr. & Mrs. Pat Joester C -John Schwendinger -- remodel kitchen,enlarge wall opening, drywall SF res BP22610 8/23/93 $12,000.00