South Grandview Avenue 1360 1360 6. Grandview ve, 0 -Rey Lrduser C -J, P, '"chiltz. Erect 6 Room Liana Lieliing. E.P. 61? 9/11/40 B.of A,Petn,to erect dwellg, Granted Docket No.38 -40 Erect 6 - rm. fr. dwell. B.P. 617 9 /1i / *P 44000.00 0 -Bill Fuerste C -Jim Giese Comm. Roof. reroof SF res BP 9068 8/21/85 $1200.00 0 -Wm. Fuerste C- Schromen Excavating demolish 2 story frm dwllg BP19822 3/4/92 $N /A °°J 1360 So. Grandview ®`- 0-Wm. Fuerste C- Stephan Oeth Const. install fndn for future SF dwllg BP19840 3/10/92 N /A_ 0 Wm. Fuerste C- Stephen Oeth-- Const. erect new Sf frm dwllg on exist. fndn BP19927 3/26/92 $95191.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 29 -00 for Special Exception to build an att. deck with a greenhouse 1'7" from east side - prop. line. pulled from agenda 4/27/00 _ .....................