South Grandview Avenue 1385 158 5 5. __Gr an dviaadxe .. 0-Lydia Bu kingham 0-Owner Reroofing sing. faine brick dwelling B.F. 1124 5/4/42 4200.00 0- Lydia Buckingham 0 -Owner Minor elteratio4s to sing. fen. brick dwelling B.P. 1202 5/21/42 140.00 1385 So. Grandview 0 -John Hoerner C -Owner re es- - . 1, Sf brk — dwi BP 11014 10/15j86 $4 -0000 0 -John Hoerner C -Owner erec 4woofdec coon rearsFres BP 1 $10 '13 00 0 -John Hoerner C -Owner tea—r=—off, r erou f SF Irk del — B - P - - ±5650 71*8189 $1500.00 0 - Jnhn Hnerner nAr erect det. 26x26 frm garage, SF res B220849 8/14/92 6:00 Board of Adjustment Docket 58 -92 for variance to allow construction of det. garage 3' from side. Approved 7/23/92 1385 So. Grandview 3 0 -John & Cynthia Hoerner C -Owner erect 17'x18 4- season room on SF res BP37186 6/11/97 $16,500.00 ..__