South Grandview Avenue 1780 1780 South Grandview iLve.
0-G.C. C47ohn Fischbach
mrect 6 Room 2 &tory Frame Dwelling.
B.P. 770 10/20/39
B.of L. Petn. to waive lot area requiremeat for dwells.
Granted Docket No. 4-39
B.of A. Betn. for Var. of Art. II Sect. 4 c for
rrelocation of Garage 6 from rear of dwelling. Docket
No. 6o-6o
0-Donald J. G arlson
Move Garage on new foundation B.F. 855 10-11- 150.00
1780 Sough Grandview Ave,
0—Donald 3. Carlson C—Beaver Roofing Co.
Reroof S.F. Fre e Dwellg.B.F. 148 4-18-66 600.00
0- Sisters of Charity C- Masters Siding & Insul.
casings, covers,siding SF frm dwllg BP21235 10/21/92
0- Sisters of Charity C- Inter -State
New roof, dwelling & garage, sd BP26832 11 -3 -94
0-Sisters of Charity C- Masters Siding &_Insul.
reside 2 sides(alum) SF BP34279 3/22/96 $2700.00