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South Grandview Avenue 1840
1840 S. Grandview Ave. / 0- Herbert Harrimson Erect frame Duelling. B.P. 90 5/22/34 0 - paul Brith C - Mid -West Ins] & Siding Reroof SFFr Dwllg, B.P.534, 5/24/78 594.00 0 -Paul Britt C -Joe Rupp enclose open porch w /wind. wall const. SF frm dwllg BP 6622 2/16/84 $3200.00 0 -Paul Britt C -Disco Bldg. Improve. reroof SF res BP 12054 6/25/87 $1800.00 1840 So. Grandview • 0 -Paul Britt C -Dick Loetscher Const. erect 22x36 att. gar., remodel old, SF frm dwllg BP 13234 4/4/88 $22,000.00 0-Bernelda Britt C -Pat Johnson Const t/o, reroof, SF, sd BP 31241 7/10/95--- $4500.00- - •