1974 August Council Proceedings
Regular Session, August 5, 1974
Special Session, July 29, 1974
ricd by the foilowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Authorizing an Extension of time
in which R. Hampton and Com.
pany, Inc. is to commence con.
structlon on certain land in the
Downtown Urban Renewal Proj-
ect, Iowa R.15
WHEREAS, under date of Sep-
tember 4, 1973, the City of Du-
buque and R. Hampton and Com-
pany, lnc. entered into a Contract
for Sale of Land for Private Re-
development covering Block 14 in
Dubuque Downtown Plaza; and
WHEREAS, the said Contract
provided that construction was to
commence within six months from
November 11, 1973, the date of
deilvery of the deed to said parcel
of real estate by the City ofDu-
buque to R. Hampton and Com-
pany, Inc.; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque at their meet-
ing of May 6, 1974, granted R.
Hampton and Company, Inc., at
their request, a ninety day exten-
sion of time in which to commence
construction upon the said parcel
of real estate; and
WHEREAS, R. Hampton and
Company, Inc. has been unable
to secure the required commi.tment
for financing the construction of
the improvements upon the said
parcel of real estate; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed lobe in
the best interest of the Downtown
Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15,
and the City of Dubuque to grant
R. Hampton and Company, lnc. a
further extension of time in which
to commence and complete con-
struotion of the required improve-
ments; now therefore
Section 1. That the time in which
R. Hampton and Company, Inc. is
to commence construction of the
required improvements upon Block
14 in Dubuque Downtown Plaza be
and the same is hereby extended to
11-4, 1974, and the bme in which
the said improvements are 10 be
completed shail be eighteen months
from said date.
Regular Session, August 5, 1974.
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.D.T.)
Presenl-Mayor Thoms, Council.
men Brady, Lundh, stack;s. City
Manager Gilbert D. Chavenelle.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Mayor Thoms read the cail and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and this is The
Regular Monthly Meeting of the
Council cailed for the purpose of
acting upon such business as may
properly come before the meeting.
Mayor Thoms read a proclama-
tion declaring the week of August
19, 1974, as "Mental Retardation
Week" per the request of Knights
of Columbm Local Council #510-
Communication of Urban Re-
newal Director Gent M. Witten-
berg, requesting time for Mr. Rob-
ert Hampton to discms the statm
of the proposed Motor Inn Lodge,
granted 90 day extension on May
6, 1974, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Stackis moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Lundh.
Carried by the foilowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays ~ None.
Absent - Councilman Jmtmann-
Councilman Stackis moved to
smpend the rules to let anyone
address the Council if they so de-
sire. Seconded by Councilman
Lundh. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stack!s.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Mr. Mills and Mr. Hampton ad-
dressed the Council stating they
feel confident Motor Inn Lodge
project will become a reality in
the very near future. At this time,
they are requesting another 90 day
extension on their Contract due to
financing difficulties.
Mayor Thoms moved that the 90
day extension request of R. Hamp-
ton Associates be granted, subject
to re-negotiation by the City of
Dubuque at their discretion and in
consultation with R. Hampton As-
sociates to November 4, 1974. Sec-
onded by Councilman Stackis. Car-
City Clerk
."""'" ,'-
Regular Session, August 5, 1974
Section 2. That all other terms,
conditions and provisions of the
Contract for Sale of Land for Pri-
vate Redevelopment dated Septem-
ber 4, 1973, shall remain in full
force and effect, as amended.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of August, 1974.
Allan T. Thoms
Emil Stackis
James E. Brady
Alvin E. Lundh
ùeo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Mayor Thoms moved adoption of
the resolution as amended. Second-
ed by Couneiiman Stackis. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor ThomS, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilmen Justmann.
Communication of Senator Har-
old E. Hughes, addressed to the
Mayor, along with a communication
from Mr. R. C. Moot, V.P. of Gov-
ermnent Affairs relative to the
possibility of Experimental Am-
trak rail passenger service through
Dubuque, presented and read. May,
or Thoms moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Lundh.
Carried by tbe following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Jmtmann.
COpy of Resoluiton No. 5-25649
from the Council of Sioux City
approving the concept of a modern
rail system service for goods and
persons in and through the State
of Iowa urging appropriate Fed-
eral, State and Local action toward
that goal, pres'ented and read. May.
or Thoms moved that the resolu-
tion be received and filed. Serond.
ed by Councilman Lundh. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Conncil-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Communication of David L.
Clemens advising that the Advisory
Commission unanimously approved
the Five Flags Center and Ice-
skating facility as presented by
Mr. Slattery and Mr. Norman at
their meeting of July 23, 1974, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the communication be
referred to the Council. Seconded
by Councilman Lundh. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council.
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Juotman!l.
Printed Council proceedings for
tbe month of March, 1974, present-
ed for approval. Councilman Brady
moved that the proceedings be ap-
proved as printed and made a mat.
ter of record. Seconded by Mayor
Thoms. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lnndh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
August 1, 1974
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Attached is a copy of an invoice
from the East Central Intergovern-
mental Association in the amount
of $15,577.25 which is an assess-
ment for the year 1974-75.
I request your aulhorny to pay
the $15,577.25. It is intended that
it will be paid in installments as
indicated on the invoice and that
it will be paid from Revenue Shar-
ing Funds.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Lundh m<Jved that
the request be approved. Seconded
by Mayor Thoms. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publisher, of Notice of
Receipt of Bids for Fire Appara-
tus, presented and read. Mayor
Thoms m<Jved that the proof of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by C<Juncilman Lundh.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
August 1, 1974
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
I recommend that a Pumping
Engine be purchased from the
American LaFrance Company. The
LaFrance bid is $8,818.00 over the
budget appropriation, however, it
Regular Session, August 5, 1974
is the lowest of four competitive
bids and funds are available for
the purchase.
ln support of my recommenda-
tion I submit a copy of a letter
received from Mr. Dunphy and
Mr. Udethofen. ln the letter ,they
have tabulated the bids received
and recommended that a contract
be awarded to the lowest bidder.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle,
City Manager
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and the recommendation be
approved. Seconded by Councilman
Brady. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Jmtmann.
August 1, 1974
Honorable Mayor
and City C<>uncil
I am returning the petition of
The Sisters of Charity requesting
the installation of street lighting
in Carmel Heights subdivision.
The area has been investigated
by the Electrical Inspector and it
is recommended that three 175
watt mercury vapor fixtures
mounted on metal standards be
installed at the following loca-
One on northeast curb line,
midway Lot 2
One on northea£t curb line, be-
tM)€n Lot 4 and Lot 5
One on northeast curb line, be-
tween Lot 6 and Mt. Carmel
Your approval of these installa-
tions is requested.
Gilbert D. ChaveneIle,
City Manager
Councilman Lundh moved that
the request be approved. Second-
ed by Mayor Thoms. Vote on the
motion was as foIlows:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
man Lundh.
Nays-Councilmen Brady, Stack-
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
August 1, 1974
Honorable Mayor
and City Council
The Dubuque Airport Commis-
sion is recommending as the first
phase of its five year Capital
Improvement Program the acquis~
tion of the equipment and im-
provement of Airport Facilities as
noted below:
1. Purchase of tw<J fire engine.s
with radio equipment as recom-
mended by FAA-financed 82%
Federal, 18% Local cost $83,500
2. Purchase of radi<Js for the op-
erational mobile units-financed
75% Federal, 25% Local
cost $ 4,000
3. Construction of equipment stor-
age building - financed 100%
Local cost $15,000
4. Purchas,e of four base stations
for communication with all units
-financed 100% Local
cost $ 4,000
Item Cost
1. Fire Engines
$83,500 $68,470 $15,030
2. Radios for Operating Units
4,000 3,000 1,000
3. Equipment-Storage Bldg.
15,000 15,000
4. Radios-Base Stations
4,000 4,000
TOTAL $106,500 $71,470 $35,030
Attached are letters of explana-
tion for these pro'¡"cts.
Exhibit 1 Letter from FAA on re-
quirement for fire fight-
ing equipment
Exhibit 2 Justification for equip.
ment storage building
Exhibit 3 Necessity of bsse radio
The Airport Commission has dis-
cUBSed its proposed program with
our office. We are in concurrence
with the recommendations outlin-
ed in this letter. Sufficient money
is available in the Airport fund to
finance the local share of the cap-
ital improvements.
We are recommending you auth-
orize the City Manager to allot
$35,030 of Airport funds for the
proposed capital improvements. We
will submit to you at a later date
an ordinance amending our cur-
rent budget to reflect the expendi-
Francis A. Murray
Assistant City
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and fil.
ed. Seconded by Councilman
Regular Session, August 5, 1974
Lundh. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
man Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann. I
Counciiman Stackis further mOV-
ed the approval of Items 1 and 2
and instructed Airport Commission
to come back at a later date on
Items 3 and 4. Seconded by Mayor
Thoms. Vote on the motion was
as follows:
Yeas-Councilmen Brady, Stack-
Nays - Mayor Thoms, Council-
man Lundh.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
After discussion, Councilman
Lund-h moved approval of Items 1,
2, & 3 and Airport Commission
to come back at a later date on
Item 4. Seconded by Councilman
Brady. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council- I
men Brady, Lundh.
Nays - Councilman Stackis.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
JIlly 29, 1974
Honorable Mayor and
City Council
On November 6, 1973, Bernard
Shireman, R.R. #1, Dubuque, filed
claim against the City of Dubuque
in the amount of $238.13 as the
result of damages occurred to
his motor vehicle on September
15, 1973, at the City of Dubuque
Sanitary Landfill on E. 16th Street
as the result of the equipment op-
erator at said landfill driving into
the side door of the claimant's
truck and pushing in the left door
of the vehicle.
This matter was referred to the I
appropriate City Agency, who on
July 23, 1974, advised the City
Attorney that said ciaim had been
amicably disposed of.
Accordingly, it is the recom-
mendation of the City Attorney
that said claim be denied. Origin-
ai claim is returned herewith.
R. N. Russo,
City Mtorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed, and the recommendation of
denial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
July 29, 1974
Honorabie Mayor and
City Council
On June 22, 1973, Margaret V.
Schiei, 509 Lowell Street, Dubu-
que, filed claim against the City
of Dubuque claiming damages in
the amount of $219.08 as a result
of a City truck backing into her
car which was ,parked in front of
her home.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency, who on
July 23, 1974, advised the City At-
toruey that said claim had been
amicably disposed of.
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
said claim be denied. Original
claim is returned herewith.
R. N. Rmso
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and the recommendation of
denial be 'approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
July 29, 1974
Honorable Mayor and
City Council
On October 9, 1973, Ronald V.
Timpe, 2995 Brunswick Street,
filed claim in the amount of $92.70
against the City of Dubuque, and
alleging said damages occurred to
the hood of his motor vehicle as
the result of a tree limb falling on
same on September 26, 1973, while
said vehicle was parked in front of
the Loras Fieldhouse on Alta Vista
Street in the City of Dubuque,
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Age!1eY, who
made an investigation of same and
has informed this office of no neg-
ligence on the part of the City.
ln view of the foregoing, it is
the recommendation of the City
Attorney that said claim be denied.
Original claim is returned here-
R. N.Russo
City Attorney
Mayo'r Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
Regular Session, August 5, 1974
filed, and the recommendation of
denial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
July 29, 1974
Honorable Mayor and
City Council
On June 22, 1973, Peter B. Wag-
ner, 851 Kane Street, Dubuque,
filed claim against the City of Du-
buque claiming damages in an un-
s,pecified amount as the result of
being struck by a City owned ve-
hicle on June 19, 1973.
This mabter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency, who on
July 23, 1974, advised the City At-
torney that said claim had been
amicably disposed of.
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
said claim be denied. Original
claim is returned herewith.
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of de-
nial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
foilowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent - Councilman Jmtmann.
July 29, 1974
Honorable Mayor and
City Council
On January 21, 1974, Stacia
Schuster, 830 Loras, Dubuque,
filed claim in the estimated amount
of $164.73 sent to Mrs. Schuster
February 4, 1974, and alleging da-
mages to her motor vehicle as the
result of iis being struck by a City
owned vehicle on January 14, 1974,
at 341 Main Street while said ve-
hicle was parked thereat.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency, who on
July 23, 1974, advised the City At-
torney that said claim had been
amicably disposed of.
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
said claim be denied. Original
claim is returned herewith.
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and the recommendation of
denial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent - Councllman Justmann.
July 29, 1974
Honorable Mayor and
City Council
On February 15, 1973, Jerry
Steadman, 686 University, Du-
buque, filed claim against the City
of Dubuque, in an unspecified
amount as the result of salt dis-
charge from a City owned vehicle
cracking windshield of car on
driver's side on February 15, 1973.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency, who
made an investigation of same and
has informed this office of no neg-
ligence On the part of the City.
In view of the foregoing, it is
the recommendation of the City
At,torney that said claim be denied.
Original claim is returned here-
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of denial
be approved. Seconded by Council-
man Lundh. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
July 30, 1974
Honorable Mayor
and City Council
On June 13, 1974, Sophie Muel-
ler, 3256 Hillcrest Road, Dubuque,
filed claim against the City of Du-
buque for personal injuries alleged-
ly suffered on June 11, 1974, as a
result of stepping into a hole in
the street at Fourth and Locust
This matter was referred to the
City Attorney who has made an in-
vestigation thereof and has oo,n-
ferred with the claimant and finds
that claimant suffered bruises, da-
mage to a tooth, and a cut lip re-
quiring suturing, as well as having
her giasses broken in said fall. Clai-
mant has made an offer of settle-
Regular Session, August 5, 1974
:"$~~~:":'~~~i: :'~~:r':,: I
going, it is the recommendation of
the City Attorney ,that said offer
of settlement be accepted and that
.the City Auditor be instructed to
draw a warrant payable to Sophie
Mueller in the amount of $150.00
and transmit same .to the City At-
torney for delivery upon receipt
of duJy executed releases.
Original c1aim is returned here-
with, together with medical bills.
R. N. Russo
CitY Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation be ap- I
proved and City Auditor be direct-
ed to issue proper warrant. Second-
ed by Councilman Lundh. Carried
by the fo!lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Coundlman Justmann.
August 1, 1974
Honorable Mayor and
CitY Council
On July 3, 1974, John C. Sanner,
597 Edith Street, Dubuque, IDee!
claim againSt the City of Du-
buque, alleging damages in the I
amount of $10.00 for wrecker ser-
vices allegedlY required by him on
June 21, 1974, claimant further al-
leg>e6th~t while backing his car
from the driveway behind his re-
sidence .the alley apparently caved
in, and said auto had to be lifted
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who has
reported to this office on July 30.
1974, of no liability on the part of
the City. Accordingly, it is the reo
COmJIlendation of the City Attor-
ney that the clai.m. of John C. San-
ner be denied.
Original claim is returned here-
City Atto,rney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of de-
nilal be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lunðh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Communication of Park Board
requesting Council to amend Ordi-
nance No. 24-69 Section 30 to read
"Lonis Murphy Park shall be
closed to the public during the
hours from 10:30 P.M. to 7:00
A.M.", presented and read. Mayor
Thoms moved that the communica-
tion be received and filed. Second-
ed by Councilman Lundh. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Tboms, council-
men Brady, Lnndh, Stackis.
Ab..nt - Councilman Justmann.
AN ORDINANCE amending Ordi-
nance No. 24-69 k.oown as the Ordi-
nance regulating conduct in public
parks 01 the City of Dubuque, lowa,
by amending Section 30 thereof
and enacting a new Section 30 in
lieu thereof to provide for the
open season or bours for the re-
spective parks in ,the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the read-
ing just had 'be considered the first
reading of the Ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Stackis. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - Councilman Brady.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Mayor Thoms moved that the
rule requiring an Ordinance to be
read on three separate days be
waived. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - Councilman Brady.
Aœent - Councilman Justmann.
Mayor Thoms moved that a pub-
lic hearing be held on the Ordi,
n;¡nce on Angust 19, 1974, at. 7:30
o'clock P.M. in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall and that the
City Clerk be iustructed to publish
notice of the hearing in the man-
ner required by 1aw. Seconded by
Coun<:ilman Stackis. Carried hy the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - Councilman Brady.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Rroof of Publication, certified to
by the publisher, of Notice of Va-
cation and time of place of hear-
ing to dispose of a portion of an
Regular Session, August 5, 1974
alley from Cherry Street to alley
south of Green Street, presented
and read. No written objections
were received and no oral objec-
tors were present in the Conncil
Chambers at the time æt for hear-
ing. Mayor Thoms moved that the
proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Lundh. Camed by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Aoooot - Councilman Justmann.
AN ORDINANCE for the vaCa-
tion and sale of ,that portion of an
~ey .at the extreme west end of
Cherry Street and running north
from the N.P.L. of Cberry Street
to the SP.I.. of 1st alley south of
Green Street and abutting Lot 1
of Lot 208 of Finley's Addition,
presented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the Ordinance be
tabled to the Council meeting of
September 3, 1974, to allow for
compliance of petitioner. Seconded
by Councilman Stackis. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
mend Brady, Lnndh, Stackis.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
A Resolution for approval of
sale of vacated po"tion of alley
running from N.P.L. of Cherry
Street to S.P.L. of 1st alley south
of Green Street abutting Lot 1 of
Lot 208 of Finley's Addition to Her-
bert Heitzman for $200.00, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved ,that the resolution be
tabled to the Council meeting of
September 3, 1974, ,to allow for
compliance of petitioner. Second-
ed by Councilman Stackis. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Ab..nt - Councilman JUBtmann.
Petition of Sister Kenny Insti-
tute requesting permission to con-
duct their annual door to door Sis-
ter Kenny Institute Fund drive in
the City, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Lundh moved that the pe-
titi.ûn be approved subject to ap-
proval and coordination of the
City Manager. Seconded by Mayor
Thoms. Carried by the foll<>wing
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent - Councilman JUBtmann.
Petition of Riehard C. & Mildred
L. Henschel requesting annexation
of Lot 2 ûf Lot 1 of NW'I., NW
Fract'l 'I, and Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of
NE¥4, NW Fract1 'I. Section 2,
Twp. 88 N. R. 2 E. 5th P.M. (coo-
taining 1.261 acres), presented and
read. Councilman Stackis moved
that the petition be referred to the
Planning & Zoning Commission.
Seconded by Councilman Lundh.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Petition!>f Richard C. & Mildred
L. Henschel requesting annexation
of L<>t 2 of SE¥4 of SE'I. See. 34
1'1<1'. 89, N. R. 2 E. 5th P.M. (con-
talning 14.06 acres), presented and
re.d. Councilman Stackis moved
that the petition be referred t.ö the
Planning & Zoning Cûmmission.
Seconded by Councilman Lundh.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justlnann.
Petition of Raphael W. Grant
requesting a refund of $211.25 on
the uuexpired ,portion of Beer-Li-
quor License #4697, as he discon-
tinued business on JulY 1, 1974,
presented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the refund be granted
and the City Auditor be directed
to issue proper wacrant. Second-
ed by Councilman Lundh. Camed
by the follûwing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
me" Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Abò."t - Councilman Justniann.
Petition of Tom Leibold & Asso-
ciates requesting the City to take
over and maintain water and. sewer
lines in Tower Hills Mobile Home
Park, presented and read. Council-
man Lundh moved that the peti-
tio" be referred to the City Mana-
ger and Staff for recommendation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Stackis. Carried by the fol-
loving vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
Regular Session, August 5, 1974
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Jwtmann.
Petition of Councilman Brady
for a preliminary feasibility report
of ertending Kerper Blvd. from
9th Street to 2nd Street as the key
to opening the 4th Street Peninsu-
la and providing a continued in-
dwtrial report, presented an, d I'
read. Councilman Brady moved
that the investigation and report i
prepared by Councilman Brady on
the possibility of extending Kerper
Blvd. from 9th to 2nd Street be re-
ferred to the City Planner, the Con-
sultant on 4th St., Crawford-West-
brook, .the City Engineering De-
partment, the Dock Commission,
Transportation Committee and the
local traffic committee for evalua-
tion study and report back to the
Council in the near future as to
the desirability and feasibility. Se-
conded by Councilman Stackis.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
August 2, 1974
Honorable Mayor and
City Council
I am returning to you a letter of
inquiry from Mike McCarthy arout
the sale of Lot 153 r.enox Addition.
I reoommend that the lot be
sold, that it be sold by requesting
sealed bids, and that the sales
price be no! less than $3,000.
I have informed Mr. McCarthy
of this recommendation.
Gilbert D. Chaveneile
City Manager
Mayor Thoms moved that the
conununicationbe received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
SÍ!a<'kis. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Couœil-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent - Councilman Justmaon.
WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque,
Iowa is the owner of real estate de-
scribed as: Lot 153 in r.enox Addi-
tion in the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
WHEREAS, general taxes and
special assessments in the total
amount of $2649.00 appear unpÜd
as levied against said I()t; and
WHEREAS, an interest appears
by a private individual to acquire
said lot; and
WHEREAS, the City of Du-
buque, Iowa should dispose ()f said
I()t for the highest price obtain-
able, but in no event for a price
less than $3,000.00 and that said
sale should be on a seaied bid ba-
sis and that no abstract of title be
furnished, the costs of publication
be paid by the purchaser.
Section 1. That the disposition
of Lot 153 in r.enox Addition in
the City of Dubuque on a sealed
bid proposal basis for a price not
less than $3,000.00, together with
costs of publication, together with
any platting costs, be approved
and that no abstract of title be fur-
nished and that conveyance be
made by Quit Claim Deed to be
delivered upon the payment of
purchase price.
Section 2. That the City Clerk
be and he is hereby directed to
publish notice of intent to dispose
of interest in real estate as pro-
vided by law and in accordance
with this Resolution.
Passed, approved and adopted
this 5th day of Augwt, 1974.
Allan T. Thoms
Emil Stackis
James E. Brady
Alvin E. Lundh
r.eo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Thoms moved adoption of
the resolution and public hearing
be set for September 3, 1974
at 7:30 P.M. in the Council
Chamber at the City Hail and that
the City Clerk be instructed to pub-
lish notice of the hearing in the
manner required by law. Second-
ed by Councilman Stackis. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Jwtmann.
WHEREAS, there has been pre-
sented to the City Council of the
Regular Session, August 5, 1974
City of Dubuque, plat, dated July
31, 1974, plat prepared by John
L. White, P. E., Professional En-
gineer and Land Surveyor, cover-
ing the Southerly 8"14" of the East.
erly 53'8"14" of Lot 4 of Block 6
in "Dubuque Downtown Plaza" in
,the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and
WHEREAS, said plat conforms
to the laws and statutes pertain-
ing thereto;
Section 1. That the plat dated
July 31, 1974, prepared by John L.
White, P. E., Professional Engineer
and Land Surveyor, covering the
real ...tate hereinabove described,
be and the same is hereby ap-
proved and that the Mayor and
City Clerk be and they are here-
by authorized and directed to exe-
cute said plat for and on behalf
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Section 2. That the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorized
and directed to file said plat and
certüied copy of this Resolution in
the office of the Recorder in and
for Dub\lque County, Iowa.
Passed, approved and adopted
this 5th day of August, 1974.
Allan T. Thoms
Emil Stackis
James E. Brady
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Thoms moved adoption of
the resolution. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Stackis. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the following having
complied with the provisions of
law relating to the sale of Ciga-
re,trles within the City of Du-
buque, Iowa,be granted a permit
to sell Cigarettes and Cigare,tte
Papers within said City.
Gene F. Sullivan, dba, King of
Clubs, 1902 Central
Eugene L. Kopp, dba, The Down-
towner, 951 Main Street
Richard Schurbon, dba, Sir Rich-
ard's, 1091 Main Street
Joan Murphy, dbs, Plaza, 1101 Cen-
tral Avenue
Bossed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of AugUBt 1974.
Allan T. Thoms
Emil Stackis
James E. Brady
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Cierk
Mayor Thoms moved adoption
of the resolution. Secooded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman JUBtmann.
WHEREAS, applications for
Beer Permits have been subwtted
to this CouncH for approval and
the same have been examined;
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the following applications be
granted and permits issued upon
the compItance with the terms of
the Ordinances of the City.
Women's Recreation Assn, lnc.,
Sunday Sales, McAleece Field
St. Columbkille Parish, Sunday
Sales, 1240 Rwh Street
The Great Atlantic and Pacific
Tea Co., 3333 Asbury Road
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of August 1974.
Allan T. Thoms
Emil Stackis
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Thoms moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - Councilman Brady.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Regular Session, August 5, 1974
WHEREAS, applications for
Beer Penrots were filed by the I
within named applicants and they
have received the approval of this
Council; and
wHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
with the Ordinances of this City
and they have filed proper bonds;
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the Manager be authorized to cause
to be issued 00 the following
named applicants a Beer Permit.
Women's Recreation Assn., Inc.
ALso Sunday Sal"", McA1eeœ
St. Columbkille Parish, Also Sun-
day Sol"", 1240 Rush Street
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea
Co., 3333 Asbury Road
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day {)f August 1974.
A}]an T. Thoms
Emil Stackis
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Miay<>r ThOOlS moved adoption
of the res{)lution. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Lundh, SIackis.
Nays - Councilman Brady.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Angust 5, 1974
To the Honorable May{)r and
City Council
Attached isa matching resolu-
tion for the communications cen-
ter in which the City of Dubuque
resolves to provide $9,182.75 10
the calendar year 1974 'as match-
ing funds in relation to funds pro-
vided by the Iowa Crime Commis-
This is an amendment to a
matching resolution passed by the
City Council on June 5, 1974 in
the amount of $12,123. Attached
is a copy of the grant application
that was approved on June 5, 1974.
Since ,that time the Iowa Crime
Commission, in working with our
consultants, has recommended that
the county install a high frequency
mobile units and a base station
now rather than waiting for Phase
II for the installation of this equip-
ment. As a result o,f this recom-
mendation the amount of money
spent On the county equipment
will increase by 'about $13,000 and
there will be a corresponding de-
crease In the amount spent on
city communication equipment.
Consequently, there is a ,total
grant applicOJtion of $96,985.00.
The county share will increase
from $12,123.12 to $15,063.50 and
the city share will decrease from
$12,123.13 to $9,182.75.
ln order that proper papers can
be filed with the Iowa Crime Com-
mission on our communications
grant, you are requested to ap-
prove the alitached matching reso-
lution for $9,182.75. This resolu-
tion will nu1lify the resolution
pa..ed on June 5, 1974 for
Francis A. Murray
Assistant City Manager
Mayor Thoms moved that the
cammunication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council,
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
NO. 299.74
Whereas, the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, by resolution duly passed
heretofore, has resolved that it
will provide during thecalendar
year of 1974 cash funds for the
f()llowing Iowa Crime Commission
Brief Description of Project: Es-
tablishment of Joint Communica-
tions Center.
Amount of Funds Being Provid-
ed, $9,182.75.
Passed this 50th day of Augwt,
Allan T. Thoms
Emil Staekis
James E. Brady
Alvin E Lundh
Regular Session, August 5, 1974
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
This resoiution nullifies City of
Dubuque Resolution No. 227-74
passed On 6/5/74.
Mayor Thoms moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Stackis. Oarried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Jwtmann.
Autographed Copy conveying
Best Wishes signed by R. C. Wah.
lert in retrospect of 40 years of
service at the Dubuque Packing
Co., presented to the City. Mayor
Thoon.s moved that the booklet be
rece;ved and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Stackis. Carried by the
foilowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Communication of Walter A.
Pregler requesting negotiations be
inaugurated with the Board of Su-
pervisors and the COU11ty Board of
Health for the purpose of merg-
ing into one consolidated Public
HeaJth Agency, presented and
read. Mayor Thoms moved that
the communication be referred to
the Mayor and the Chairman of the
Board of SUpervisors to report at
next meeting. Seoonded by Coun-
cilman Stackis. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Jwtrnann.
Kenneth K. Hazlet, M.D. sub-
mitted a report ,to the Council on
Control of Communicable Diseases
relative to shigellosis.
There bein,g no further business,
Councilman Lundh moved the
meeting be adjourned. Seconded
by Councilman Brady. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Approved ................................19--.
Adopted ..................................19--.
Attest: """"""""""""'."-"""-"""-'"
City Clerk
Special Session, August 12, 1974
Special session, August 12, 1974.
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.D.T.)
Present - Mayor Thoms, Coun.
cilmen 'Brady, Lundh, stackis. City
Manager Gilbert D. Chavenelle.
Absent - Councilman Justman...
Mayor Thoms read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and this meeting
is called for the purpose of RE-
CIAL ELECTION and acting upon
such other business as may pro,
perly come before a regular meet- I
ing of the City Council.
Communication of Playground &
Recreation Commission submitting
minutes of their meetings of Juiy
22, 23, and 29, 1974, presented and
read. Mayor Thoms moved that
the minutes be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Lundh.
Carried by ,the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
"'bsent _Councilman Jwtmann.
Communication of KMNS Radio
620 Sioux City, Iowa, submitting
a copy of brœdcast in the public
interest on August 2, 1974, heard
by nearly 70,000 persons urging
all citizens to push hard for rail
passenger service, presented and
read. Mayor Thoms moved that
the communication be received and I
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Lundh. Carried by ,the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Copy of communication of Pat
Dillon, Pres. of Local 94 UAW,
addressed to Region Administra-
tive Office in Kansas City, request.
ing that the exact location of the
contaminates in the Mississippi Ri-
ver be found and that pollution
be stopped, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Lundh.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Jwtmann.
Communication of Iowa State
Highway Commission, addressed to
the Mayor, advising that the Com-
mission hog approved the corridor
public hearing of April 18, 1974,
at Epworth and Freeway 520 will
be comtructed beginning on pre-
sent U.S. 20 approximateiy 0.5 mile
east of its junction with Iowa 38
and extending easterly along the
present alignment of u.S. 20 to ap-
proximately 3.5 miles east of peos-
ta, thence east on relocation to
U.S. 61, 4 lane highway, presented
and read. Mayor Thoms moved that
'[he communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Lundh. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent - Counciiman Justmann.
Notice of U.S. Environmental
Proteotion Agency & Iowa Depart-
ment of Environmental Quality of
Application by Caradco to dis-
charge into the Mississippi River
via a storm sewer, presented and
read. Mayor Thoms moved that the
Notice be referred to the City
Manager for proper proceedings.
Seconded by Councilman Lundh.
carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Communication of Director of
Illinois Department of Transporta-
tion, addressed to the Mayor, look,
ing forward to working with the
Mayor and the people of Dubuque
to improve State subsidized rail
service, presented and read. Mayor
Thoms moved that ,the communica-
tion be received and filed. Second-
ed by Councilman Lundh. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Jwtmann.
Communication of Tri-State In-
dependent Blind Society Inc.,
thanking the Mayor and Council
for the quick response to the Am-
trak issue, they are well satis.fied
Special Session, August 12, 1974
with the result, presented and
read. Mayor Thoms moved that
!the communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Concilman
Lundh. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Communication of Playground &
Recreation Commission submitting
petitions requesting a call and or-
der for a special election for .the
pur¡><J<;e of acquiring lands, estab-
lishing, constructing and equip-
ping a recreation building there-
on and incurring indebtedness for
such purposes, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved to refer the
communication and attached peti-
tions for proper proceedings as
amended. Seconded by Counciiman
Lundh. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilman JUBtmann.
Councilman Brady moved that
the motion be amended by calling
for 1% signature certification on
the petitions. Seconded by Council-
man Stackis. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Councilmen Brady,
Lundh, Stackis.
Nays - Mayor Thoms.
Absent - Councilman Justmann.
Communication of Planning &
Zoning Commission submitting
minutes of their meeting of Aug-
ust 7, 1974, presented and read.
May<>r Thoms moved that the min-
utes be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Stackis. Car-
ried by the f<>llowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absen1>-Counciiman Jwtmann.
Proof of Publication, certified
to by the Publisher, of List of
Claims for the month of June,
1974, presented and read. Mayor
Thoms moved that the proof of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Lundh.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
AugUBt 7, 1974
Honorable Mayor
and City Council
It has been proposed by the
staff that street lighting be in-
stalled in River Front Subdivision
No.5. The area has been inves-
tigated by the Electrical Inspector
and he recommends that boule-
vard lighting fixtures, 175 watt
mercury vapor type, mounted on
wood poles be ins tailed at the
following locations:
1. At the intersection of Hamilton
Street Extension and Kilgore
2. At one-third the distance of
Hamilton Street Extension to
Roosevelt Street, on Kilgore
3. At two-thirds the distance of
Hamilton Street Extension to
Roosevelt Street, on Kilgore
4. At the intersection of Kilgore
Street and Roosevelt Street.
5. At the property line between
Lot 3 and Lot 4 of Block 1 on
Roosevelt Street.
6. At the inside turn radiw of
Roosevelt Street, adjacent to
Lot 4 of Block 1.
Your approval <>f these installa-
tions is requested.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Brady moved that
the communication be received
and filed and request he appr<>ved.
Seconded by Councilman Lundh.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Augwt 8, 1974
Honorable Mayor and Members
of the City Council
I have approved the filing of
the following bond and desire to
have your approval of same, sub-
ject to approval of the City Solici-
Hartmann Construction Co. Mid-
western Casualty & Surety Co.
Bond No. 2945l-issued Augwt
21, 1974.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Mayor Thoms moved that the
filing be approved subject to the
approval of the City Solicitor. See-
Special Session, August 12, 1974
onded by Councilman Lundh. Car- I
ried by the fnIlOW'M vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Conncll-
men Brady, Lundh, "tackis.
Absent-Coundlman Justmann.
August 5, 1974
Honorable Mayor and
City Council
I return to y<>u the petition of
Mr. Delos A. D<>rweiler about cut-
ting weeds. It w.. referred to the
staff for investigati<>n and report.
The are.. listed in the petition
have been investigated and by way
of report I have attached Mr.
Roth's letter, dated Augwt 6th.
I have retained in my file copies
of weed notices which are re-
ferred to me by Mr. IWth in his
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Lundh. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
August 8, 1974
Honorable Mayor
and City Council
A request has been received
from C. E. Mettel, Mettel-Byrue
Addition, f<>r installati<>n of new
street lighting along IWsemont
The area has been investigated
by the Electrical Inspector and it
is his recommendation that five
new 175 watt mercury vapor fix,
tures on metal poles be instailed
at the foilowing locations:
1. Northeast corner of the inter-
section <>f Hillcrest Road and
Rosem<>nt Street
2. On easement between Lot 10
and 11 of Block 6
3. On easement between Lot 6 and
7 of Block 6
4. On property line between Lot
3 and 4 of Block 7
5. On easement between Lot 1
and lA of BlDck 6
Y<>ur approval <>f these installa-
ti<>ns is requested.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Mayor Thoms m<>ved that the
c<>mmunicati<>n be received and
filed and request be approved.
,-~= .
Seconded by Councilman Stackis.
Carried by the f<>lIowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Jwtmann.
August 8, 1974
To the Honorahle Mayor and
City Council
The Office <>f Revenue Sharing
each year requires the recipient
govermnental unit of revenue shar.
ing funds to submit a report iden-
tifying how revenue sharing funds
were expended. By Spetember 1
of this year the Office of Revenue
Sharing has asked that we report
to them use of revenue sharing
for the period July 1, 1973 to June
30, 1974.
Attached is a copy of the report
that we will be submitting to the
Office of Revenue Sharing. This
report must be published in the
local newspaper f<>r the benefit
of the citizens of the community.
The expenses reflected in the re-
port are funds either spent or
obiigated by appropriation in the
period July 1, 1973 to June 30,
You are requested to auth<>rize
the City Manager to sign this re-
port and to direct the City Clerk
to publish in the I<>cal newspaper.
After publicati<>n, the report will
be forwarded to the Office of
Revenue Sharing.
Francis A. Murray
Assistant City
Mayor Th<>ms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and City Manager be author-
ized to sign the report and the
City Clerk to publish same in the
local newspaper. Sec<>nded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
August 9, 1974
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
We are writing to advise you
that it is necessary to proceed with
the reoonstructi<>n of the steel
tr..h racks on the inlet channels
of the flood pumps along Kerper
Boulevard near 16th Street.
The existing trash racks were
damaged beyond repair during the
Special Session, August 12, 1974
emergency flood pumping at high
river levels in the latter part of
June. The damage resulted fr<>m
the rem<>val of an algae growth
which was clogging the pump in-
takes and prevented the pumping
of storm runoff building up in
the detension basin.
Bids for the reconstruction of
the racks were solicited fr<>m both
local steel fabricating firms. The
low bid was submitted by the
E. J. Voggenthaler Company in
the amount of $6,186.00.
A purchase order for the repair
is being issued to Voggenthaler. It
is imperative the racks be fab-
ricated and reinstalled this fall
to be certain this pumping facility
is operable as quickly as possible.
The project is being financed
by remaining funds in the City's
Floodwall Bond Issue Construction
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Stackis moved that
the communication be received
and filed and the bid of $6186.00
be accepted. Seconded by Council-
man Lundh. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Th<>ms, Councii-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-CounciJuran Jwtmann.
Augwt 6, 1974
Honorable Mayor and City Council
On August 22. 1973. Mrs. Rose-
mary Goetzinger. 2800 Pinard
S t r e e t, Dubuque, filed claim
against the City of Dubuque in
the amount of $57.17 as the result
of the parking ramp gate arm
falling on her auto and denting
the auto roof and damaging paint.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who ad-
vised the City Attorney that said
claim had been amicably disposed
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
said claim be denied. Original
claim is returned herewitb.
&. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms m<>ved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of denial
be approved. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Lundh. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - May<>r Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Coundlman Justmann.
August 6, 1974
Honorable Mayor and City Council
On October 14, 1971, Farm Bu-
reau Mutual lnsurance Company,
filed subrogation claim for dam,
ages involving their insured claim-
ing said damages resulting from
a stop sign being so posted as t<>
be impossible to see.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency wh<> ad-
vised the City Attorney that said
claim had been amicably disposed
Accordingly, it is the recom-
mendation of the City Attorney
that said claim be denied. Original
claim is returned llerewith.
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of de-
nial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lnudh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
August 6, 1974
Hon<J1'able Mayor and City Council
On November 24, 1972, James
M. Downey, 1101 Race Street Du-
buque, filed claim against the' City
of Dubuque in tbe amount of
$59.78 as the result of his aut<>
being struck by a City owned gar-
bage truck.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who ad-
vised the City Attorney that said
claim had been amicably disposed
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
said claim be denied. Original
claim is returned herewith.
R. N. Rwso
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of de-
nial be approved. Seconded by
C<>uncilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Special Session, August 12, 1974
August 6, 1974
Honorable Mayor and City council
On July 12, 1973, Donald J.
Fleege, 2375 Rhomberg, Dubuque,
filed claim against the City of
Dubuque in the amount of $154.00
as the result of damages to his I
motor vehicle as the result of a
City garbage truck hacking into
said vehicle which was stopped
at a traffic light.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who ad-
vised the City Attorney that said
claim had been amicably disposed
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
said claim be denied. Original
claim is returned herewith.
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of de- I
Dial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Juslmann.
Augwt 6, 1974
Honorable Mayor and City Council
On December 3, 1973, Mark P.
Anglin, 1910 St. Anne Court, Du-
buque, filed claim against the City
of Dubuque in the amount of
$26.75 as the result of a City
rubbish truck breaking off a bas-
ketball post as it made a turn in
the area.
This matter was referred to the I
appropriate City Agency who ad-
vised the City Attorney that said
claim had been amicably disposed
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
said claim be denied. Original
claim is returned herewith.
R. N. Rwso
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of de-
nial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
August 5, 1974
Honorable Mayor and City Council
On August 24, 1972, James B.
Lehman, 2675 Beverly, Dubuque,
filed claim against the City of
Dubuque in the amount of $56.65
as the result of tar being splashed
on his motor vehicle by City street
resurfacing crew.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who ad-
vised the City Attorney that said
claim had been amicably disposed
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
said claim be denied. Original
claim is returned herewith.
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of de-
nial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Jwtmann.
August 5, 1974
Honorable Mayor and City Council
On April 26, 1973, Kristine E.
Harber, 613 S. Bench Street, Ga-
lena, lllinois, filed claim against
the City of Dubuque in the amount
of $51.80 claiming damages as the
result of the front end of her auto
being damaged as a result of being
struck by a City-operated dump
truck during snow removal.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who, ad.
vised the City Attorney that said
claim had been amicably disposed
Accordingly, ìt is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
said claim be denied. Original
Claim is returned herewith.
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of de-
nial he approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Special Session, August 12, 1974
August 5, 1974
Honorable Mayor and City Council
On AugüBt 31, 1972, Al J. Meyer,
657 Kane Street, Dubuque, filed
claim against the City of Dubuque
in the amount of $50.00 as the
result of dead tree limb striking
and damaging his roof.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who ad-
vised the City Attorney that said
claim had been amicably disposed
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
said claim be denied. Original
claim is returned herewith.
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of de-
nial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
August 5, 1974
Honorable Mayor and City Council
On January 2, 1973, John Hryn-
kow, 670 Harvard, Dubuque, filed
a claim against the City of Du-
buque in the amount of $47.86
claiming damages as the result
of his motor vehicle being struck
by a City owned salt-truck.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who ad-
vised the City Attorney that said
claim had been amicably disposed
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
said claim be denied. Original
claim is returned herewith.
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of de-
nial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Oarried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council.
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
August 5, 1974
Honorable Mayor and City Council
On December 19, 1972, William
G. LaRue, 2735 Pinard Street, Du-
buque, filed claim against the City
of Dubuque in the amount of
$75.00 as the result of a City
owned traotor backing into his
truck while at the City Landfill
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who ad-
vised the City Attorney that said
claim had been amicably disposed
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
said claim be denied. Original
claim is returned herewith.
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communicaiton be received and
filed and recommendation of de-
nial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Oarried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Jwtmann.
Augwt 5, 1974
Honorable Mayor and City Council
On May 23, 1974, John T. Quinn,
200 Thomas Avenue, East Du-
buque, Illinois, filed claim against
the City of Dubuque in the amount
of $140.61 as the result of his
vehicle being struck by City owned
Police car.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who ad.
vised the City Attorney that said
claim had been amicably disposed
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
said claim be denied. Original
claim is returned herewith.
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of de-
nial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
August 5, 1974
Honorable Mayor and City Council
On June 14, 1973, Ray Roth,
295 South Hill, Dubuque, filed
claim against the City of Dubuque,
in the amount of $299.49 as the
result of damages being done to
his car by a City truck crashing
Special Session, August 12, 1974
into the left side of claimant's car.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who a<!.
vised the City Attorney that said
claim had been amicably disposed
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
said claim be denied. Origìnal
claim is returned herewith.
R. N. Russo
City Attorney I
Mayor Thoms mì>ved that the '
communication he reeel~ and
filed and recðmmendation of de.
nial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
lollowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Coul1cil-
men Brady, Lundh, SWòkis.
Absent-Councilman JustmJ1nn.
Augwt 6, 1974
Honorable Mayor and City Council
On April 18, 1973, Robert J.
Arensdorf, 3õO Kaufman Avenue,
Dubuque, filed cl-aim against the
City of Dubuque in the amount
of $81.88 as the result of the gate
at the Iowa Street Parking Ramp
dropping on top of his camper
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who ad-
vised the City Attorney that said
claim had been amicably disposed
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney thM I
said claim be denied. Original
claim is returned herewith.
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication he received and
filed and recommendation of de-
nial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council.
men Brady, Lundh, Stack is.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
August 5, 1974
Honorable Mayor and City Council
On September 12, 1973, Ronald
C. Palm, 2743 Burden Avenue, Du-
buque, filed claim against the City
of Dubuque in the estimated
amount of $429.28 as the result
of his motor vehicle being struck
by a City owned Transit System
This m~tter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who ad-
vised the City Attorney that said
Agency had denied said claim.
Aœordingly, it is the reconuo<m-
dation of the City Attol'hey that
claim of Ronald C. Plllm be denied.
Original claim is returned. here-
R. N. Rú!;So
City Attorney
Mayor Thorns moved that the
communication be received and
filed and rètOmmendatÌon ;)f de-
nialbe epproved. Sè<:ottded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by lhe
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent.....councilman Justmann.
August 5, 1974
Honorable Mayor and CIty Council
On January 4, 1974, Mary L.
Ruroden, 3514 Keymont Drive, Du-
huque, filed claim against the City
of Dubuque in the amount 01
$68.83 as the result 01 her m<>tor
vehicle being struck by a City
owned vehicle.
This matter was referred to 1Ir.
approprillte City Agency who ad-
vised the City Attorney that snid
Agency hM denied said claim.
Acoordingly, it Is the recommen.
dation 01 the City Attorney that
claim of Mary L. Ruroden be
denied. Original claim Is returned
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommend«tion of de-
nial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried. by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
August 5, 1974
Honorable Mayor and City Council
On December 14, 1973, Kenneth
J. Moran, 745 English Lane filed
claim against the City of Dubuque,
in the approximate amount of
$100.00 as the result of a tree
limb falling on his automobile and
damagìng Same.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who ad-
vised the City Attorney that said
Agency had denied said claim.
Special SesSÏOla, August 12, 1974
Accordingly, it is t"" recommen-
dation of the City Attorney that
claim "f Kenneth J. Moran be
denied. OÚginal claim is returned
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of de-
nial he approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vQte:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Jwtmann.
Notice of claim of Patrick J.
Egan, in the amount of $200. as
the result of Spiegel Construction
Company equipment driving over
his sidewalk at 398 N. Algona St.,
presented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the notice be referred
to the City Solicitor for proper
proceedings. Seconded by Council-
man Lundh. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Notice of Clnim of Doris Church-
iI~ in an estimated amount of
$337.55 as the result of broken
limbs falling on her car on June
20, 1974, at 2539 Traut Terrace,
presented and read. Mayor Thome
moved that the notice be referred
to the City Solicitor for proper
proceedings. Seconded by Council-
man Lundh. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thorns, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Notice of Claim of Nabisco lnc..
in the amount of $247.04 for truck
damage incurred as the result of
being struck. by a city owned ve-
hicle on July 15, 1974 at Primrose
& Burlington St., presented and
read., Mayor Thoms moved that the
notice be referred to the City
Solicitor for proper proceedings.
Seco,nded by Councilman Lundh.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Communication of National Au-
tomobile Transporters Assn., sub-
mitting a COpy of Ordinance passed
by t"" City c>f Couneil Rluffs, low"
relating to length and weight of
trucks entering from Nebraska,
presented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the communication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Lund-b. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent~Counci.lma.n Ju£tmaRll.
Augwt 7, 1974
The Honorable Mayor and
City Council
I submit to you an ordinance
amending the Dubuque Traffic
Code so that over length trucks
permitted in llIinois can operate
on, City streets. This is in accord
with Iowa regulation.
As an explanation of the pro-
posed ordinance I have attached
a copy of a letOOi' from Chief
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Lundh. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council.
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
An Ordinance amending Ordi-
nance No. 33.49 known as "The
Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa"
as amended by adding thereto
a new Section 20.8 permitting
overweight and over length trucks
to operate in the City of Du-
buque, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the
reading just had be considered the
first reading of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Lundh.
Carried by the foilowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Mayor Thoms moved that the
rule requiring an Ordinance to be
read on three separate days be
waived. Seconded: by Councilman
Lund-b. Carried by the foilowing
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Ahsent-Çounci1man Jwtmann.
Special Session, August 12, 1974
Special Session, August 12, 1974
ORDINANCE NO. 50-74 per Club Place except the north-
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORD- erly 180 foot thereof" in the City
INANCE NO. 33-49 KNOWN AS of Dubuque, Iowa, from Single
"THE TRAFFIC CODE OF DUBU- Family Residence District to Mul-
QUE, IOWA" AS AMENDED BY tiple Residence-Planned Unit De-
ADDING THERETO A NEW SEC. velopment District classification.
nON 20.8 PERMITTING OVER. At their meeting of Augwt 7,
:¡!:b~'i.r T~NgPE&~R-~JN~'Ri 1974 the Commtssion. acted. to
CITY OF DUBUQUE lOW A rescmd the publ1c hearIng which
NOW THEREFORE 'BE IT ORDAIN- had been scheduled. for August
ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 21st, l,n compl1ance with the petI.
4,'i;:;~~~, \h;~~},~í~;n~~d' ".,~. ¿~: ZONING. COMMISSION
bnqu" low," " ,mwd,d Ire ,nd th, "m' Daniel DIttemore
i, h,tOby ,mwd,d by ,ddins ' now ",- Development Planner
tion 20.8 thmto " lollow" Councilman Brady moved that
"20.8 OVERWEIGHT AND OVER- the communication be received
LENGTH TRUCKS. A mow< "hid, and filed. Seoonded by Councilman
0' combi..tion 01 moW< vohid" Stackis. Carried by the following
w"dng th, 'OtPO"" limi" 01 Du- vote'
boon"~ low, hom tb, Su" 01 minio, Y~as - Mayor Thoms Council-
h.~h::y;P:í":~:~i~yth:¡";:~~~:~ men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
low', im,pwi" 01 th, wdgbt ,nd Nays-None..
lwgth ¡imit"io", impo"d by tb, Absent-Councllman Justmann.
bw' 01 th, SUtO 01 low, if th, Petition of Dubuque Composite
lwgth ,nd w,ight 01 th, motot ,,- Squadron requesting that the week
bicl<, Ot ,"mbi.."on 01 motUt "bic- of September 1 to 7, 1974 be de-
l" i, in conlotmity witb th, l,w, to- ciared Civil Air Patrol Week pre-
b"ng to ~h, lwgth. ,nd w,isbt 01 sented and read. '
motot. vêhtd" ,ff""" m tb, .~UtO Councilman Lundh moved that
01 mmm' " 01 July I, 1974.. the rules be SUBpended in order
P""d, ,pptU"d ,nd ,doptOd th" 12th to let anyone present address the
d,y 01 Augu", I~~n T Thom' Council if they so desire. Seconded
M,~ot by Councilman Brady. carried by
Emil St"k" the following vote:
¡,m" E. B"dy Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
Alvin E. Lundh men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Conncilmw Nays-None.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Mary Donahue and Cindy Stef-
fen, members of the Composite
Squadron, addressed the Council
by relating their various activities
of the Squadron membership.
Councilman Stackis moved ap-
proval of the request and the
Mayor declared the proclamation.
Seconded by Mayor Thoms. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Petition of Schiltz Development
Corp. requesting the rezoning of
Lot 2-1-1-1 of East 'h of SW¥4 of
Section 21 Twp. 89 N. R. 2 E. from
Single Family 00 Multiple Family
Classification, 10 cat e d behind
Hempstead High School, presented
and read. Mayor Thoms moved
that the petition be referred to
the Planning & Zoning Commis,
sion. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Petition of Bernard Hefel re-
questing the erection of 5 street
lights in Hawkeye Estates, present-
ed and read. Mayor Thoms moved
that the petition be referred to
the City Manager and Electrical
Inspector. Seconded by Council-
man Stackis. Carried by the fol.
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Petition of Peoples Natural Gas
requesting permission to excavate
3 holes on W. 14th Street and 1 on
Avalon Road, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the pe-
tition be received and filed and re-
quest be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Stackis. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Petition of Dorothy L. Jones et
ai, desiring to go on record of
protesting the vacation of an alley
running east and west off Cath-
erine Street between W. 17th and
W. 16th Streets and requesting to
be notified if any attempt is made
as to the vacation of said alley,
presented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the petition be re-
ceived and filed and a copy of pe-
tition be sent to the Planning &
Zoning Commission. Seconded by
Councilman Stackis. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Petition of Teleprompter Cable
TV requesting approval of month-
ly service charges from $4.03 to
$5.75 Lifetime rate; From $5.70
to $7.25 regular rate, Secondary
service from $1.00 to $1.50, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the petition be re-
ferred to the City Manager and
City Solicitor for consideration and
report prior to setting a date for
pubiic hearing and they be desig-
nated to receive TV financial reo-
ord. Seconded by Councilman Bra-
dy. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Stackis.
Abstain-Councilman Lundh.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
WHEREAS, applications for Liq-
uor Licenses have been submitted
to this Council for approval and
the same have been examined.
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the following applications be ap-
proved and iiceases issued upon
the compliance with the provisions
of Chapter 131, Acts of the First
Regular Session, 64th General As-
Imperial Lanes, lnc., 3505 Stone-
man Road (and Sunday Sales)
Passed, adopted and approved
this 12th day of August 1974.
Allan T. Thomas
Emil Stackis
James E. Brady
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Thoms moved adoption of
the resolution. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Lundh. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
L'a F. FtUmm,¡',
City Clock
Publ"h,d offici,lly in th, Td,guph
Hmld N,w,p'p" thi, 16th d,y 01 Aus-
ut<, 1974.
Loo F. Fmmmdt,
City Clock
WHEREAS, applications for Liq-
uor Licenses were filed by the
within named appiicants and they
have received the approval of this
Council, and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
with the State Law and all City Or-
dinances relevant thereto and they
have filed proper bonds.
SOLVED by the City Council of
Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager
be authorized to cause to be issued
to the following named applicants
a Liquor License.
It. 8-16
Mayor Thoms moved final adop-
tion of the Ordinance. Seconded
by Councilman Lundh. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Ahsent-Councilman Juslmann.
Augwt 9, 1974
Honorable Mayor and Councilmen
The City of Dubuque Planning
and Zoning Commission has re-
ceived a communication from the
attorney representing Mr. Arthur
Pins withdrawing Mr. Pins' re-
quest for reclassification of "All
of Old Timers Athietic and Sup-
""'" è
Special SeS,'iion, Augu.s~ 12., l\;ì74
.\1npedal 1,.a.D,es, ln~. 3505 Stone.
man Road (A,ND SUnday Sales)
Passed, adopted and approved
this l~th day of August 1974-
Allan T. Thoms
);mil SiaIlJæ
James E. Brady
Alvin E. Lundh
\ÆO F. Frommelt
City CierI¡
!.\:ayor Thoms moved adoption
Qi, tI¡¡! resol1.\tioll. Seconded by I
CQW;Icilman Lun<})l. Carried by the
fo]]Pwi,J¡g vote:
Yeas - MaYor Thoms, Council-
nwn BradY, I,.un4h, Siackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
RE$QI,UT,IØN NO. 302.74
BE IT RESOI,.VED by the City
Co~ of t)¡e City of Dubuque,
IoWa, that the following having
comp1;ied with the provisions of
law rela!iD,g to the sale of Ciga-
rettes within the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, be granted, a permit to sell
Cigarettes.' an¡! Cigarette Papers
within S'!Ìd City.
Joseph 1,. ~e""r, 1064 University
Passed, adopl<¡d and approved
this 12th day of August 1974.
Allan T. Thoms
Emil Stackis
James E. Brady
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Tlton;s; roo-v..1 ad/J¡¡.tion
of the resolution. Seconded, by
Councilman 1,und\l.. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms. Council-
m<>n Brady, Lundh, st,,~kis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
There being no further bwiness,
Councihnan stackis moved that
the meeting be adjourned. Second-
ed by CoUl¡cilman Lundh. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Absent-Councilman Justmann.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Approved ................................19------.
Adopted ..................................19------.
Att~t: """""""""""""ëiii"'ëi~¡:k""
Sp~cial Ses~¡on, August 19, 1974
Special Session, Aù~ust 19, 1974.
Courtcil met at 6:00 P.M. (C.D.T.)
ÞreSeht - Mayor Thom's, Coun.
cilrn.en Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
stacki.. City Ma'nager Gilbi>rI D.
Mayor '!"horns tead the call and
stated th-at service thereof had
been duly made and thIs meeting
is cAlled fOr the putpoSê of aCting
upon such business as may pro>-
etly Come before the Council.
èomunication of Playground 8<
RècreatiOn COmmisSion ~ubmitting
~utes ()f thèir meeting of Au~
g\lst 12, 1914, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the min.
utes be received and filed. Sl!c-
oMed by Councilman Brady. Car.
tied by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
iftèn Btady, J\i.!lnal1l\, Lund.h,
CommunicatÌon of Dock Com-
missiú!1 submitting minutes of
their meetings of May 15, June 5
and 19, 1974, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the min-
IIt~. lie l'(!C'eiveti and filed. Sec-
ofided by Councilman Brady. Car-
ried by the followIng vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Communication of Muscular Dys-
trophy As!OCiations of Aìnérica
lnc., advising of its annUal drive
on November 10, 1974, presénted
and reM. Mayot Thoms moved
that the communication be re-
ceived and filed and referred to
the City Manager. Seconded by
Councilman Brady. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Communication of Dock Commis-
sion commending Councilman Bra-
dy for his efforts on a proposal
to provide an access road opening
the 4th-6th Street peninsula area
to vehicular traffic at Second 81.,
presented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the cOmmunication be
received and filed and copies re-
fel'teïÍ to tile Oouncil and partku-
larly to Councilm'an Brady. Sec-
ò'/1dèd by Councilm"n Lundh. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas ~ Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justînann, Lundh,
August 14, 1974
Honorable Mayot
and City Oouncil
I am returIDng the petition of
Hefel Bro.s. requesting new .treat
lighting in Hawkeye E.ta!es &1b-
The arM hàs béè!l il!veâtlgàted
by tile Electtical lnspecto't and It
is recommè!ldèd that nV'e (1i) 1'15
watt mercury vapor type tiXÌl1tèâ,
mOunted on metal pores, be þlàced
at the followlfig locatlOfis:
Hawkeye DrÍÝe
One (1) on easemênt betWéèn
Lots ~ and 3.
One (1) 011 Msèînent l>etweè!\
Lots 22 and 23.
One (1) on easement between
Lots 26 and 27.
hI..,;cd \,yeno)\\
OJtè (í) òl1 ëâlièmellt bl!tweèll
LOts \I alld 11\.
One (1) 011 eàseme!\t, n\)rtll side
of LOt 12.
Your approval of these installa-
tions is requested.
Gilbert D. Cha'lètlellê
City Mànager
Mayor Thorn. moved that the
request be approved. Secol1ded by
Councilman Lundb. Carried by the
following vote:
Yea. - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Augwt 1, 1974
Honorable Mayor
and City Council
1 am returning the petition of
The Sisters of Charity requesting
the installation of street lighting
in Carmel Heights subdivision.
The area has been investigated
by the Electrical inspector and It
is recommended that thrée 175
watt mercury vapot fixtUl'es
mounted 0'/1 metal standards be in-
stalled at the following locations:
One on northeast curb line, mid-
way Lot 2.
One on northeast curb line, be-
tween Lot 4 and Lot 5.
One on northeast curb line, be-
tWeen Lot 6 and MI. Carmel prop-
Special Session, August 19, 1974
4. Require the purchase of flood
insurance by property owners who
are being assisted by Federal pro-
grams or by Federally supervised,
regulated or insured agencies or
institutions in the acquisition or
improvement of land or facilities
located or to be located in identi-
fied areas having special flood
You will note in the purposes
of the Act that there will be iden-
tification of flood prone areas.
This identification of the flood
prone areas is to be determined
by the Federal Insurance Admin-
istration of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development.
Under the previous Act a map
was prepared for the City of Du-
buque, and was dated May 15,
1970. This map identified areas
that were prone to flooding prior
to construction of the floodwall
and previously included all areas
that were flooded in 1965.
I have had numerous telephone
conversations and have submitted
written information to the Federal
Insurance Administration request-
ing that they review Dubuque in
light of us now having a floodwall
and to reidentify the flood prone
Attached is a letter dated August
5, 19i4 that I have received rela-
tive to my oral and written com-
munications. You will note in this
letter that the flood insurance map
is being revised. I am told that
this revised map should be avail-
able to us by October 1. Under
the provisions of the Act there is
a 90 day appeal period in which
either the City or citizens may ap-
peal the determination made by
the Federal Insurance Administra-
tion. At the end of this 90 day
period the Federal Insurance Ad-
ministration will evaluate input
data from the communications re-
ceived and make a final determi-
nation on the flood prone areas
.hat are subject to flood insurance.
As I receive more information
from the Federallnsurance Admin-
istration, I shall keep you in-
Francis A. Murray
Assistant City Manager
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Your approval of these installa-
tions is requested.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Mayor Thoms moved that the re-
quest be ,approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried ,by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays-Councilman Brady.
August 14, 1974
Honorable Mayor and Members
of the City Council
Please be advised that I have
approved the following Compre-
hensive General Liability Policy
issued to:
Louis Buechel-Policy No. ICC
658677, from August 25, 1974 to
August 25, 1975, U. S. Fidelity &
Guaranty Co.
and desire to have your approval
on same for filing subject to ap-
proval of the City Attorney.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Stackis moved filing
be approved subject to the approv-
al of the City Attorney. Seconded
by Mayor Thoms. Carried ,by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
August 13, 1974
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council
The Flood Disaster Protection
Act of 1973, as amended from the
previous flood protection acts, be-
came effective December 31, 1973.
As outlined in the Act, its pur-
pose is as follows:
1. Substantially increase the lim-
its of coverage authorized under
the national flood insurance pro-
2. Provide for the expeditious
identification of, and the dissemi-
nation of, information concerning
flood prone areas.
3. Require States or local com-
munities, as a condition of future
Federal financial assistance, to
participate in the flood insurance
program and to adopt adequate
flood plain ordinances with effec-
tive enforcement provisions con-
sistent with Federal standards to
reduce or avoid future flood loss-
es; and
Special Session, August 19, 1974
Lundh. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
August 16, 1974
Honorable Mayor
and City Council
I herewith submit the reports
of the City Auditor, City Treasur-
er, Water Superintendent, Health
Department, as welI as a list of
claims paid, for the month of July
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Brady moved that
the communication be received and
flied. Seconded by Mayor Thoms.
Carried by the folIowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
August 9, 1974
Honorable Mayor
and City Council
On June 28, 1974, Elmer G. and
Margaret W. Thomas, 2700 IWose-
vel! Street, Dubuque, filed claim
against the City of Dubuque, claim-
ing damages in the amount of $15,
and alIeging said damages oc-
curred on June 20, 1974, when a
City crew was removing storm
damaged trees from the road, they
broke off their mailbox.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who has
advised the City Attorney that said
claim has been amicably disposed
In view of the foregoing, it is
the recommendation of the City
Attorney that said claim be denied.
Original claim is herewith re-
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed and recommendation of de-
nial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Notice of Claim of Frank Elliott,
in an unestimated amount, for
damage incurred as the result of
a city water crew backfiiling a
ditch at 2280 Woodworth Street
on August 9, 1974, presented and
read. Mayor Thoms moved that the
Nocice be referred to the City At-
torney for proper proceedings.
Seconded by Councilman Lundh.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, JUstmann, Lundh,
Notice of Claim on behalf of
Bert Gurney Associates Inc., in
the amount of $13,335.00 due from
Goerdt Construction Co., in con-
nection with the Waste Water
Treatment Facilities Phase II, Con-
tract lIB, Treatment Plant, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the Notice be referred
to the City Attorney for proper
proceedings. Seconded by Council-
man Stackis. Carried by the folIow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Stackis.
Abstain-Councilman Lundh.
Notice of Suit, with first amend-
ment to petition of Mark David
Mihm by Bernard W. Mihm, his
father, and Bernard W. Mihm, fa-
ther of Mark David Mihm a minor,
vs. Trausch Baking Co. & City of
Dubuque for personal Í1Ijuries re-
ceived by said minor in the 400
block of W. Locwt Street on May
13, 1974. in the amount of $6,000.00.
presented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the Notice be referrel..
to the City Attorney for proper pro,
œedings. Seconded by Councilman
~tackis. Carried by the folIowlne
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh.
Nays - None.
Petition of Key City Plating Co.
requesting permission to construct
a sign and planter in front of their
new building on Kerper Blvd., pre-
sented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the petition be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
An Ordinance Authorizing Key
City Plating Co. to Construct
Planter & Sign, presented and
Special Session, August 19, 1974
Mayor Thoms moved tbat the
reading jUBt had be considered the
first reading of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Stackis. I
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundb,
Nays - None.
Mayor Thoms moved that the
rule requiring an Ordinance to be
read on three separate days be
waived. Seconded by Councilman
stackis. Carried by tbe following
Yeas Mayor Thoms, Council,
men Brady, Justmann. Lundh,
SECTION 1. Th" Key City Pbtins
Co. " own'" of the p"m;'" known"
2>00 K"p" Lot 2 nf 1 of 1 Block'
Rimhont Sob. No. , in the City of
Dubnque, low" be ,nd they "e hmhy
gnn"d the moc,ble p"mit ",d ,.tho,-
ity to tonmn" ,nd m,innin Pbn'" "
Sign und" the t"m' ,nd tondition, ..t
fn"h ;n thi, Otdi",ne<.
SECTION 2. Th" ,nth tonmu"ion
,),,11 be done in "tOtd,ne< with pbn,
h,,"ofo.. suhmi.,w by PmID"'" ,nd
,pp,ond by Ci'y M,n,g", und" ,h,
sup"v~;on and di'<ttIDn of the City
M,n,g", ,nd in "to,d,ne< with ,II 'p-
pl;c,ble "'" ,nd fed",1 bw, ,nd "gub-
tio.., ",d the O,din,nt« of the City of
SECTION 3. Th" ,he p',mittion h"e-
in gnn"d i, ",p""ly tOnditioned on
reo'mi"", ,g"""e", to'
,j Attume ,ny ,nd ,II li,hility fo' d,m-
'S" to p"""" 0' ptOpe,ty whith may
",ult ftOm the e"""ne<, lo",ion, in-
",Ibtinn, ,nn",u,,;on Ot m,in"n-
one< of "id Photo' " Sign;
bj To p,y on bob,]f of the City of Du-
buque ,II ,um' whi,h the City of
Dubuquo ,h,1I betOme oblig",d to P,y
by ""on of ,he Iiabaity impo"d upon
the City of Dubuquo fOt d,m,," of
,ny kind ",ulting hom the I""ion,
in",lI"ion, ",i"en", tOnmuttion Ot
m,in"n",e< of "id Pbn'" " Sign,
,..nined by ,ny p,,"on Ot p,,"o",
"u..d by ",ident Ot Oth"w~e, to
dofend " itt own ",!"n.. ,nd nn be-
h,lf of ,,;d City ,ny d,,", 'g,in"
the City of Dubuque "i,ing out of
,he lo",ron, in",lbtion, ",i"ene<,
tOn"rn,tion Ot m,in"",nce of PI",t"
" Sign ,.d to P,y ""o",ble "to,ney
fe" th"ofo";
,) To indemnify ,nd hold City of Du-
boqoe fm ,nd h"mlett hom ,ny ,nd
,II d,;m', I..., liability and ox""'"
fOt inju,i" to thi,d p""" ot d,m'g"
to ptOpe"y of thi,d pe,ron'. Ot foe
d,m'ge to ,ny ptOp"ty of City of
Dubuque whi,h m'y 0"", " , ",ult
of 0' in tOnnoction with the I""ion,
i.."n"ion, tOnmu"ion, m,in"nant<
,nd "p,;' of the ¡'dlity, woek 0' im-
ptOnment p"mi",d hmin.
SECTION 4. Th" the ""mittion hmin
,nn"d i, oxpt",Iy tOnditioned upon p"-
mi"", fu"h" ,g"ement th" ,hould the
,ight ,nd p';viltge h",in gnn"d be
""inded Ot "voked by the City Council,
p"mi""', Ot th<i, .."",Ot, in in""",
" own'" of the abu"ing ptO!,,"y, ,h,n
within ton (10) d,y' ,f", ,occipt of
w,itten noti" hom the City Manag",
on to do, " thci, own ox!"n", "",nn ,,;d
Pl,n"t " Sign, ",d in the mnt nf thri,
¡,au" .. «> do, the City of Dubuquo
,hall be ,utho,ized to "mnve "id pbn",
" Sign, " !",mit"" e.pen" ,nd di,po..
nf ,he "me, .nd tho !"tmi"", ,h,1I h.ve
no daim agai..t the City Ot ;tt agenu foe
d,m.g" ",ulting hom the "moval nf
"id Pbn'" " Sign.
SECTION 5. P"mitt<" tOvenant and
ag'" th" the mo"ble !",mit h,,<in
.nn"d do" not tOn..i.." ,n ,pptOvol of
the d"ign, "oction, loc"ion. tOnmuttion,
"p,i, 0' ",;oteoOn" of "id ¡",Iity .nd
"id pe,mi"" h",eby "",=antt ..d 's""
not to ",," ,uth doim 0' defeo,. ,g,;n..
the City nf Dubuque in the evenc nf daim
a...."ed foc !"non.! "'iu"" ",d/o, prop-
"cy d,m,.e ,gain.. the p"mitt" .",ing
out of Ot in any w,y connec<ed with the
I""ion, in",lhtion, conmntdon, d"ign,
"poi, ond main"nan,e nf th, ¡',ility
h"cin p"mitew.
SECTION 6. Thi, O,din.nte ,h,ll be-
,ome off",ive and the ,ish" h"eund"
""'" co Key City Phtio" Co. when thi,
Oedin.o" b.. been adopted by ehe Oty
Conndl and the tern" .nd tOnditio",
thmnf ""!,,ed by !",mite'" by a"'Pt-
on" cndotted nn thi, Oedin.n".
p"..d, apptOved ,nd adopted chi, 19th
day nf Augu". 1974.
Allan T. Thnm'
J."" E. Bndy
C. Robe" Ju..mann
Emil St"k"
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. FtOmmelt,
City C¡"k
NO. 51-74
The undmigned having ",d and being
hmili" with the te,m' ,nd tOndidon, of
O,dinan" No. 51-74 h"eby, fot th"",
"Iv", thei, ,u"""" ot ",ign', " own-
"" of the .buteins p,npe"y, .mpt che
"me ,nd as"e to be bound by the condi,
tion' ,nd agteemen" the"in ,nnt,;ned to
be pednemed by ""mit_.
Special Session, August 19, 1974
Doted Aug"'t 19, 1974
Key City PI"ing Co.
By, Jam" F. Conlon
P"'ident Ot Vi",P",ident
ot Ptop"'y Own"
By, K"hl"n A. Conlon
Semt..y ot nth" Offi",
Publi,hed offi".lly in the Tele"nph
Hmld N~'pa!,,' thi, 22nd day of Ang-
n", 1974.
Leo F. F"mmelt,
City CI"k
It. 8-22
Mayor Thoms moved final adop.
tion of the Ordinance. Seconded by
Councilman Stackis. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Petition of Amvets Auxiliary re-
questing permission to sell White
Clovers on September 6th and 7th,
presented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the petition be ap-
proved and referred to the City
Manager. Seconded by Councilman
Lundh. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Petition of Don Pettit, et ai, re-
questing vacation of the East 281
feet of the 10' wide access between
the 1800 -block on N. Algona and
Avoca Streets, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the pe-
tition be referred to the Pianning
& Zoning Commission for investi-
gation and report. Seconded by
Councilman Stackis. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Juslmann, Lundh,
Petition of objection of Edwin
L. Glab, et ai, to the requested
closing of the east portion of the
alley located between Green Street
and N. Grandview Ave. from
Avoca to Algona Streets, presented
and read. Mayor Thoms moved
that the petition be referred to tbe
Planning & Zoning Commission for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Stackis. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of tho City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the following having
complied with the provisions of
law relating to the sale of Ciga-
rettes within the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, be granted a permit to sell
Cigarettes and Cigarette Papers
within said City.
Robert Kehl, 62 Locust Street
Max Rettenberger, 960 Dodge St.
Lorraine M. Hirsch, 206 West
Third Street
Phillip T. Langas, 1105 Loras Blvd.
Ronald J. Haas, 1630 East 16th St.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 19th day of August 1974.
Allan T. Thoms
James E. Brady
Emil Stackis
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Thoms moved adoption of
the resolution. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Stackis. Carried by the fol.
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
meu Brady, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays-Councilman Justmann.
WHEREAS, applications for
Beer Permits have been submitted
to this Council for approval and
the same have been examined;
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the following applications be
granted and permits issued upon
the compliance with the terms of
the ordinances of the City.
Ralph J. Grabow, 1050 University
Passed, adopted and approved
this 19th day of August 1974.
Allan T. Thoms
James E. Brady
C. Robert Justmann
Emil Stackis
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Thoms moved adoption
of the resolution. Seconded by
Special Session, August 19, 1974
Councilman Stackis. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
WHEREAS, applications for Beer
Permits were filed by the within
named applicants and they have
received the approval of this
Council; and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
with the Ordinances of this City
and they have filed proper bonds;
SOLVED by the City council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the Manager be authorized to
cause to be issued to the following
named applicants a Beer Permit.
Raiph J. Grabow, 1050 University
passed, adopted and approved
this 19th day of August 1974.
Allan T. Thoms
James E. Brady
C. Robert Justmann
Emil Stackis
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Thoms moved adoption of
the resoiution. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Stackis. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
At 6:28 P.M. Mayor Thoms
moved to go into executive session
for consideration of appointments
to various Boards and Commis-
sions. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Council reconvened in regular
session at 7:05 P.M. at which time
Councilman Lundh moved approv.
al of the following appointments:
Playground & Recreation Commis-
sion, Paul Russo to replace Tom
Breitbach, term expiring July 5,
1977; Citizens Advisory Board, Da-
vid Bonnett, Vincent A. Kueper,
and Dorrance Pitz, all for 3 year
terms expiring June 1, 1977; Low-
Rent Housing Commission, Char-
lotte Kelly replacing James W.
Grant, and Douglas Pearce repiac-
ing Rev. Robert P. Odden ,both for
2 year terms expiring August 17,
1976; and Dave Loney to fill the
unexpired term of Mary Petropo-
lous to Jan. 1, 1977, on the Human
Rights Commission. Seconded by
Councilman Stackis. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Confirming the Appointment of
Members of the Low.Rent Hous-
ing Commission of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa.
WHEREAS, on the 17th day of
Augwt, 1970, the City Council of
,he City of Dubuque, Iowa, adopt-
ed Resolution No. 244-70, electing
to exercise the powers contained
in Chapter 403A of the Iowa Code
of 1966, as amended, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and by said City Council
through a Board of Commissioners
to the extent of the authority
granted said Board by said City
Council; and
WHEREAS, on the 1st day of
February, 1971, the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
adopted Resolution No. 36-71
amending said Resolution No. 244-
,0 increasing said Board of Com-
missioners from five to seven
members; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor of the
City of Dubuque, pursuant to said
Resolution No. 244-70 and to Reso,
lution 36-71 has appointed mem-
bers to the Low-Rent Housing Com-
mission of the City of Dubuque;
now therefore
Section I. That the action of the
Mayor of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, in appointing
Charlotte Kelly to 8-17-76
Douglas Pearce to 8-17-76
as Commissioners of the Low.rent
Housing Commission of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby ap-
Special Session, August 19, 1974
proved and the appointment of
said Commissioners is hereby con-
firmed by this City Council for
the period designated in the Cer-
tificate of Appointment of Com-
missioners now on file in the office
of the City Clerk.
Passed, approved and adopted
this 19th day of August, 1974.
Alian T. Thoms
James E. Brady
C. Robert Justmann
Emil Stackis
Alvin E. Lundh
(6:00 P.M.) meeting be adjourned
and the hearing scheduled for 7:30
P.M. this evening relative to park
closing hours be adjourned to the
meeting scheduled for August 26,
1974. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Approved ................................19--.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk I Adopted .................................19--.
Councilman Justman moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Brady. Carried by the ........................................................
following vote: Mayor
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays-None. "'.".".".".""'.""""""""""""""'"
Mayor Thoms moved that the
City Clerk be authorized to sign
Notice to Bidders for the Dubuque """'."""""""."-""""""""""""""'"
County,City Law enforcement com-
munication system. Seconded by
Councilman Justmann. Carried by ...-..................................-............-...
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Jwtmann, Lundh, Stackis. .................................................:........
Nays-None. Councilmen
There being no further bwiness
Mayor Thoms moved that this Attest: ..........................................-....
CIty Clerk
Special Sessiou, August 26, 1974
Adjourned Special Session, Aug-
ust 26, 1974.
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.D.T.)
Present-Mayor Thoms, Council-
m'" Brody, Justmann, Lundh,
Stockls. City Manager Gilbert D.
Mayor Thoms read the call and
stated that service thereof had
heen duly made and this is AN
of the Meeting of August 19, 1974,
called for the purpose of CON-
LIC PARKS and acting upon such
other business as may properiy
come before the Meeting.
Mayor Thoms proclaimed Sep-
tember 23, 1974, as "Hunting and
Fishing Day."
Proof of publication, certified to
hy the Publisher, of Notice of Hear-
ing on a proposed Ordinance regu-
iating conduct in public parks,
presented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the proof of publication
be received nad filed. Seconded by
Councilman BradY- Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
AN ORDINANCE amending Or-
dinance No. 24-69 known as the
Ordinance regulating conduct in
Public Parks of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa by amending Section
30 thereof and enacting a new sec-
tion 30 in lieu thereoÍ to provide
for the open season or hours for
the Respeotive Parks in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, presented and
read. Councilman Lundh moved to
suspend the rules to let anyone
present address the Council if they
so desire. Seconded by Councilman
Brady. Carried by the foliowing
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Mrs. John Wells addressed the
Council romplaining mostly about
trafflc noises during the last 3
years. Dave Schrieber Suggested
putting in a creeper lane on Kerri-
gan Road. After considerable dis,
cussion, Counciiman Lundh moved
to reimpose the rules. Seconded by
Councilman Stackis. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Jwtmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Councilman Stackis moved that
the Park Board and Council sit
down and discuss closing hours for
public parks with the City Manager.
Seconded by Councilman Juslmann.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Councilmen Brady, Just-
mann, Stackis.
Nays-Mayor Thoms, Counc:Jman
Communication of Mayor Thoms
requesting a few minutes time to
invite Ma. Morna Conlon and Ms.
Mary Lynn Neuhaus to give a re-
port on this years Mayor's Summer
Youth Employment Program, pre-
sented and read. Council1nan Stack-
is moved to suspend the rules to
iet anyone present address the
Council if they so desire. Seconded
by Councilman Brady. Ms. Marna
Conlon and Ms. Mary Lynn Neu-
haw of the Mayor's Summer Youth
Employment Program and Gary
Kempthorne of Iowa State Employ-
ment Office addressed the Council
stating the Program has become
financial self-supporting. During
the summer 431 positions were
filled and 63 part,time jobs were
obtained. Councilman Stackis mov.
ed that the rommunication of Ma-
yor Thoms be received and filed.
Seconded by Mayor Thoms. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Rev. Sigwarth, George Coffin and
Jim Reynolds addressed the Coun-
cil regarding the barricading in
the Washington Street neighbor-
hood area.
Proof of Publication, certified to
by the publisher, of Actual Use
Report of Revenue Sharing Funds
to June 30, 1974, presented and
read. Mayor Thoms moved that the
proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Justmann. Carrid by the following
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Jmtmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Special Session, August 26, 1974
Proof of Publication, certified to
by the Publisher of Statement of
Di.,bursemems and Receipts along
with list of Claims for July, 1974,
presented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the proof of publication
be received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Jwtmann, Carried by
the foliowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Jmtmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Communciation of Low-R e n t
Housing Commission submitting
minutes of their meeting of Aug-
wt 20, 1974, presen:ed and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the min-
utes be received and filed. Second-
ed by Councilman Justmann. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Justmàìln, Lundh, Staclds.
Communication of Kenneth E.
Jury objecting to the idea of re-
imposing a toll on the Julien Du-
buque Bridge, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Justmann.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Communication of C~ J. Callag-
han of 1057 W. 3rd Street object-
ing to the Delhi Group Home mov-
Ing next door to them, presented
and read. Mayor Thoms moved that
the communication be received and
filed and referred to Council. Sec-
onded by Councilman Justmann.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Counc!Imen
Brady, Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Communication of Mrs. Clarence
Galliart of 1976 W. 3rd Street ob-
jecting to locating a group home
in the area, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the com-
munciatlon be received and filed
and referred to Council. Seconded
by Councilman Justmann. Carried
by the foliowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Jus.mann, Lundh, StackÌs.
Communication of Jay P. Kopp
requesting that the Hillcrest Or-
ganization be restrained from ac-
complishing their announced inten-
tion of locating a Group Home for
adolescents at 1045 W. Third Street,
presented and reed. Mayor Thoms
moved that the communication be
receiv,ed and filed and referred to
the Council. Seconded by Council-
man Jwtmatul. Carried bt the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Petition of David Derks et a]
(27 signers) objecting to the pro-
posed location of the Hillcrest Boys
group home at 1045 W. Third
Street, presented and read. Mayor
Thom. moved that the petition he
received and filed and referred to
Council. Seconded by Councilman
Jwtmann. Carried by !be fallow.
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Communication of David Loche~,
1004 W. Third Street ob,iecting to
'be location at 1045 W. 3rd Street
for a boys group home, presented
and read. Mayor Thoms moved that
the communication be received and
filed and referred to the Council.
Seconded by Councilman JUBtmann.
Carried by the fallowing vote:
YeaS-:Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Jwtmann, Lundh, stackis.
Communication of Tri-State Elec-
tronic. Assn. recommending that
a board of TV technicans be
created to whom a cable customer
oould go to for resolving com-
plaints and for City Council guid-
ance, and requesting that any rate
increase be deferred for the Cahle
Company until the signal quality
and Cable Company service proves
oatisfactory, presented and read.
Mayor Tboms moved that the com-
munciation be referred to the pub-
lic hearing to be held at a later
date. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Justmann, Lundh, Staclds.
Communication of Local 94 UAW
Consumer Affairs CommÞttee sug-
gesting ideas relative to a request
in raise of TV rates and requesting
tbat a oorporate officer from TV
home office attend the hearing
meeting, and further that the rate
increa.e be referred to the Iowa
Special Session, August 26, 1974
Commerce Commission, presented
and read. Mayor Thoms moved that
the communication be referred to
the public hearing to be held at a
later date. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Jwtmann, Lundh, stackis.
Communication of Joe Roepsch
of 1091 Loras objecting to the pro-
posed rate increase for TV, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the communication be I
referred to the public hearing to
be held at a later date. Seconded
by Councilman Stackis. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Communication of Warthurg Theo-
logical Seminary objecting to the
idea that TV channel 10 is con-
sidering discontinuing of program-
ming here in the City as it would
mean a loss for expression for our
institutions, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the com-
munication be referred to the pub-
lic hearing to be held at a later
date. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Jwtmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Oomm~ation of Miss Cath-
erine A. Schoofs objecting to the
proposed entirely unjustified rate
increase for TV as requested, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the communication be I
referred to the public hearing to
be held at a later date. Seconded
by Councilman stackis. Carried by
the following vote:
YeaS--'Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, JUBtmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Communication of Miss Mary G.
Starr, 383 Locust Street, urging
the Council to refuse the Tele-
prompter Cable TV request for a
rate increase, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the com-
munication 'be referred to the pub-
lic hearing to be held at a later
date. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Communication of J. A. McCul-
lough of 1022 Langworthy suggest-
ing that before a rate increase be
granted Cable TV, they should im-
prove their service, presented and
read. Mayor Thoms moved that
the communication be referred to
the public hearing to be held at
a later date. Seconded by Council-
man Stackis. Carried by the follow,
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Juslmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Communication of Gen Heath.
cote objecting to Teleprompter cur-
tailing of services at the same
time they arc asking for at rate
increase, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the com-
munication be referred to the pub-
lic hearing to be held at a later
date. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Jwtmann, Lundh, Stackis.
August 23, 1974
Honorable Mayor and
The City of Dubuque Planning
and Zoning Commission has held a
public hearing on its proposal to
remove the Local Business "A"
zoning district classification from
properties in the vicinity of Ohio
Street, Drexel Avenue, Chaney
Road and Bristol Drive at their
intersection with Pennsylvania Av-
enue, and to classify such proper-
ties in the Multiple Residence
zone. The properties so considered
are described as follows:
Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block 5 of
Rolling Ridge Subdivision No.2
(Joseph and Caroline Sandman);
The west 40 feet of Lot 410 of
Lennox Addition (Margaret Casey
(life estate) and Donald and Dar,
lene Christ);
The East 70 feet of Lot 410, and
North 'h of Lot 409 all in Lennox
Addition (Donald and Darlene
Lot 408 and the South 'h of Lot
409 all in Lennox Addition (Vin-
cent and Phyllis Remake!);
Lot 3 of Block 1 of Mettal-Brooks
Addition (Arthur Witherall);
Special Session, August 26, 1974
Lots 1 and 2 of Block 1 of
Mettel-Brooks Addition (Thomas
Voelker and Thomas Luksetich);
Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1; Lot 1
of Lot 1 of Lot 1; and Lot 2 of Lot
1, all in Block 1 of St. Anne's Sub.
division (Angelo and Anna Kerper).
AI] above described property lo-
cated in the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
The Commission undertook con-
sideration of this matter at the
request of owner's of adjacent
residential property. Their peti-
tions, although addressed to the
Council, were received by the Com-
mission and are herewith transmit-
ted for your review.
In its initial work on a proposed
new zoning map in 1970 and 1971,
the Commission had determined
that commercial zoning in this area
was no longer appropriate in view
of the oharacter and extent of
residential use on adjoining prop-
erties. The Commission has elected
to pursue such an amendment at
this time in deference to the re-
quest of neighborhood residents.
The Commission has unanimous-
ly reaffirmed its earlier decision to
remove the Local Business classi-
fication from the properties de-
scribed above, and has further
recommended that the Multiple
Residence classification is more ap-
propriate for future development
in this area.
You should also note that the
petitions of Margaret A. Brewer
and 42 ()ther residents of Chaney
Road had requested that a portion
of the subject area known as the
Kerper property, be reclassified
to the Single Family Residence
District. In a separate but related
motion, the Commission has recom-
mended that this petition be de-
Daniel Dittemore
Development Planner
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
AN ORDINANCE amending and
changing Ordinance No. 3-34"
known as "The Zoning Ordinance
and Zoning map of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa" so as to change Lots
1, 2, and 3 of Block 5 of Rolling
Ridge Subdivision #2; Lots 408,
409, and 410 of Lennox Addition;
Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Mettel-Brooks
Addition; and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot
1, Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1, and
Lot 2 of Lot 1 all in Block 1 of
st. Anne's Subdivision in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, from local busi-
ness "A" district classification to
multiple residence district classifi-
cation, presented and read. Mayor
Thoms moved that the reading jwt
had be considered the first read-
ing of the Ordinance. Seconded by
Councilman Justmann. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas~Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady,Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Mayor Thoms moved that the
rule requiring an Ordinance to
read on three separate days be
waived. Seconded by Councilman
Justmann. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Mayor Thoms moved that a pub-
lic hearing be held on the Ordi-
nance on September 23, 1974, at
7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall and that
the Ci-ty Clerk be instructed to
publish notice of the hearing in the
manner required by law. Seconded
by Councilman Juslmann. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thoms, Councilmen
Brady, Jwtmann, Lundh, Stackis.
August 23, 1974
Honorable Mayor and
The City of Dubuque Planning
and Zoning Commission has re-
viewed the peti-tion of Mr. L. J.
Schiltz requesting reclassification
from Single Family Residence Dis-
trict to Multiple Residence District
property described as Lot 2-1-1.1 of
the East 'h of ¡he Southwest V. of
Section 21, Township 89 North,
Range 2 East of the 5th Principal
Meridian, in the City of Dubuque,
The Commission had considered
this same request at its meeeting
of May 22, 1974 and had conducted
a public hearing on it at its meet-
ing of June 19, 1974. At that time,
SpeciaJ Session, August 26, 1974
a quorum was present and It was
decided that the petition should
be denied. No official recommenda-
tion was transmiUed to the Coun-
cil insofar as the earlier action
had been initiated within the Plan-
niig and Zoning Commission. Mr.
Schiltz reported that his most re-
cent petition was made in hopes
of gaining reconsideration of the
request by Commission members
who had been absent at the prior
public hearing and who would have
been more familiar with the under,
standings that Mr. Sch'ltz feLt had
been reached with the Commission
at the time the Sunset Park No.3
Subdivision had been proposed.
The Commission has reviewed its
decision of June 19th and has
found no sufficient basis for ree<!O-
sideration of that earlier decision.
Tbe City of Dubuque Planning and
Zoning Commission has voted
unanimowly to swtain its recom-
mendation of June 19, 1974 that
the petition for Multiple Residence
classification on the subject pro¡>-
erty ,be denied.
Daniel D1temore
Development planner
Mayor Thoms moved that the
communication be received and
fiied and recommendation of de-
nial be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Stackis. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, council-
men Brady, Justmann, Stackis.
Nays--Councilman Lundh.
Leo McCarthy, attorney for
SchiLtz development property, and
L. J. Schiltz addresed the Council
stating the density is less than al.
lowed under the zoning Ordinance.
Petition of Hempstead High
School requestIng pe1'lIlÌßsion to
conduct a Homecoming Parade on
Ootoher 4, 1974, presented and
read. Mayor Thoms moved that the
petition be received and filed <I1Id
approved subject to the approval
of the City Manager. Seconded by
Councilman Justmann. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Petition of Dubuque County for
suspension of taxes for Eleanor E.
-"",. ,
and Donald G. Boettcher of 2685
Roosevelt Street for 1973 taxes and
'h of 1974, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the peti-
tion be received and filed and sus-
pension be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Justmann. carried 'by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, JUSlmann, Lundh
Stackis. '
Petition of Womens Club Art &
Craft Show by Mrs. Joe Bitter re-
questing that Alpine Street from
3rd to Melrose be closed to vehicu-
lar traffic to accommodate the
show in front of the Bissell resi-
dence on September 15th, present-
ed and read. Mayor Thoms moved
that the petition 'be ,referred to
the City Manager for proper pro-
ceedings. Seconded by Councilman
Justmann. Carried by the follow-
tag vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Jwlmann, Lundh,
Petition of Dennis Althaw, Fam-
ily Beer Store, requesting refund
of $150. on unexpired por,tion of
Class "B" Beer Permit No. B-0437,
presented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the refund be granted
and the City Auditor be directed
to issue proper warrant. Seconded
by Councilman Justmann. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Notice of Suit of Margaret Sad-
ler in the amount of $20,000. for
personal injuries received as the
result of a fall on a defeotive side-
walk at 2500 Jackson Street, pre,
sented and read. Mayor Thoms
moved that the Notice be referred
to the City Solicitor for proper
proceedings. Seconded by Council-
man Stackis. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Counell-
men Brady, Jwtmann, Lundh,
Notice of Claim of Charles D.
Dillon, tn the amount of $35.00 for
car damage incurred as the result
of striking a raised sewer cover
on Rosemount Street on August
14, 1974, presented and read.
Special Session, August 26, 1974
Mayor Thoms moved that the No-
tice be referred to the City Solici-
tor for proper proceedings. Sec-
onded by Councilman Stackis. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Juslmann, Lundh,
August 19, 1974
Honorable Mayor and
City Council
On July 8, 1974, Frank Timmer-
man, Builder and Remodeling,
3085 Oak crest Drive, Dubuque,
filed claim against the City of
Dubuque, in the amount of $50.47,
and alleged that on July 6, 1974,
after unloading his truck, a City
employee of the dump dropped
doors from a loader striking his
truck and damaging same.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who, on
April 16, 1974 advised the City
Attorney that said claim had been
amicably disposed of.
Accordingly, it is the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney ,that
said claim be denied.
Original claim is returned here.
R. N. Rwso
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved recommen-
dation of denial be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Stackis. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Augwt 22, 1974
Honorable Mayor and
City Council
On Augwt 7, 1974, Nabisco, lnc.,
filed claim against the City of
Dubuque claiming damages by a
vehicle owned by the City in the
amount of $247.04 plus loss of ve-
hicle at $24.00 for the two-day
period for repair of same in the
total amount of $271.04.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency for in-
vestigation and said Agency has
Informed the City Attorney that
said claim has been amicably dis-
posed of.
In view of the foregoing, it is
the recommendation of the City
Attorney that said claim be denied.
Original claim is returned here-
Mayor Thoms moved that the
recommendation of denial be ap,
proved. Seconded by Counciiman
Stackis. Carried by ,the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Jwtmann, Lundh,
August 20, 1974
Honorable Mayor and
City Council
On July 26, 1974, Leeann Lar-
sen, 683 West 5th, Dubuque, Iowa,
filed claim against the City of Du-
buque for body damages occurring
to the front end of her motor
vehicle on July 11, 1974 in the
amount of $62.83, and alleging said
damage resulted from a police-
man's pushing a suspect against
said vehicle.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who made
an Investigation thereof and re-
ported to the undersigned that
said matter had been amicably dis-
posed of. In view of the foregoing,
it is the recommendation of the
City Attorney that said claim be
Original claim is returned here-
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
recommendation of denial be ap-
proved. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Augwt 19, 1974
Honorable Mayor and
City Council
Thomas M. Brimeyer, 1350 Cum-
mins Street, Dubuque, filed claim
against the City of Dubuque, on
April 17, 1973, in the amount of
$400.00, and alleging said dam-
ages occurred to his motor vehicle
on April 9-10, 1973, as the result
of its being struck by a snowplow
allegedly owned by the City, or
rented by the City, while said ve-
hicle was parked on Loras Boule-
vard and Cummins SWeet.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who made
investigation thereof and made re-
port to this office of no liability
on the part of the City.
Special Session, August 26, 1974
Accordingly, it is the recom-
mendation of the City Attorney
that said claim he denied.
Originai claim is returned here-
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
recommendation of denial be ap-
proved. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council.
men Brady, Jwtmann, Lundh,
Augwt 19, 1974
Honorable Mayor and '
City Council
On April 12 1973, Donald C.
Gross, 1328 Jàckson Street, Du-
buque, filed claim against the City
of Dubuque in the ,.mount of
$51.50 alleging said damages oc-
curred to his Toyota automobile
on April 9, 1973, as the result of
a City owned snowplow pushing
snow against and into the side of
said auto.
This matter was referred to the
appropriate City Agency who made
investigation thereof and made re-
port to this office of no liability
on the part of ,the City.
Accordingly, it is the recom-
mendation of the City Attorney
that said claim be denied.
Original claim is returned here-
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Thoms moved that the
recommendation of denial be ap-
proved. Seconded by Councilman
Stackis. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council- I
men Brady, Jwtmann, Lundh,
Authorizing the Execution of a
Contract with Paul T. Granlund
for the Downtown Urban Re.
newal project, Iowa R.1S
WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque,
under date of July 26, 1967, en-
tered into a Loan and Capital
Grant Contract with the United
States of America to provide finan-
ciai aid to the City of Dubuque
under Title I of the Housing Act
of 1949, as amended to date; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to such
Contract, the City of Dubuque is
undertaking certain activities nec-
essary for the execution of the
Downtown Urban Renewal Project,
Iowa R-15; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque under date of
June 11, 1973, adopted Resolution
No. 196-73, which determined that
an open competition would provide
a distinctive piece of sculpture for
installation in that section of the
Project Area designated as Town
Clock Plaza; and
WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque
in cooperation with the Dubuque
Art Association sponsored an open
competition and 34 entries from 28
individuals were received in re-
sponse to a public announcement
provided art schools, galleries, art-
ists, sculpturer and other appro-
priate individuals and groups; and
WHEREAS, on October 30, 1973,
a jury composed of Clarence Alling,
Ron Bowen and Charles Mosher
selected an entry entitled "Conti-
nuum" submitted by Paul T. Gran-
lund as the most suitable piece for
installation in the Project Area;
WHEREAS, Paul T. Granlund
submitted a proposal for the de-
sign, fabrication and installation
in accordance with the terms and
conditions set forth in the public
announcement; and
WHEREAS, the United States
Department of Housing and Urhan
Development having been fully ap-
prised of the competition, has con-
curred in the contract documents,
the proposed artist and the design
chosen by the judges; now there-
BUQUE, Iowa:
Section 1. That the City Manager
be and he is hereby authorized and
directed to enter into a contract
with Paul T. Granlund for the de-
sign, fabrication and installation
of a piece of sculpture entitled
"Continuum" in the Downtown Ur-
ban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, at
a cost not to exceed $27,000.
Passed, approved, and adopted
this 26th day of Augnst, 1974.
Special Session, August 26, 1974
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Emil Stackis
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Thoms moved adoption of
the resolution. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Stackis. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays-Councilman Brady.
WHEREAS, there has been de-
livered to the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa a Quit Claim
Deed conveying by R. & S. Enter-
prises, Inc., an Iowa Corporation,
the following described parcel of
real estate to the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, to-wit:
Southerly eight and three-quarter
inches (sly. 8% inches) of the
Easterly fifty-three feet eight
and three-quarter inches (ely. 53
feet 8% inches) of Lot three (3)
of Block six (6) in "DUBUQUE
Downtown Plaza" in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa;
delivery of deed should be ap-
proved and accepted.
Section 1. That the delivery of
Quit Claim Deed of R. & S Enter-
prises, Inc., an Iowa Corporation,
conveying to the City of Dubuque,
Iowa the hereinabove described
real estate be and the same is here-
by approved and accepted.
Section 2. That the City Clerk be
and he is hereby authorized and
directed to record said Quit Claim
Deed in the office of the Recorder
in and for Dubuque County, Iowa.
Section 3. That the City Treasur-
er be and he is hereby authorized
to draw warrant payable to R. &
S. Enterprises, Inc. in the amount
of Ninety-eight and 55/100 ($98.55)
in payment of said parcel of real
Passed, approved and adopted
this 26th day of Augwt, 1974.
Allan T. Thoms
James E. Brady
C. Robert Jwtmann
Emil Stackis
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Thoms moved adoption of
the resolution. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Lundh. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Jwtmann, Lundh,
Resolution calling .n .Iectlon on
the proposition of issuing bonds
to an amount not exceeding
$2,500,000 for a recreation build-
WHEREAS the Ctiy of Dubuque,
Iowa, in Dubuque County, Iowa,
has heretofore established play-
grounds and a recreation center as
provided by law and, pursuant to
authority contained in Section
377.2 of the Code of Iowa, 1973,
as amended, ,the City Council of
said City has heretofore by ordi-
nance created a playground and
recreation commission; and
WHEREAS the playground and
recreation commission of said City
has recommended that lands be
acquired and that a recreation
building be established, construct-
ed and equipped thereon in said
City and that an indebtedness be
incurred and bonds of said City
be issued in the amount of
$2,500,000 for the purpose of ac-
quiring the necessary lands and
constructing and equipping said
building; and
WHEREAS it is deemed neces-
sary and advisable that the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, acquire lands
and estabilsh, construct and equip
a recreation building thereon in
said City, but it is first necessary
that this propostion be submitted
to and approved by the voters
of said City, all as contemplated
and provided by Section 377.1 of
the Code of Iowa, 1973, as amend-
ed; and
WHEREAS a petition has been
filed with this City Council re-
questing that a special election be
Special Session, August 26, 1974
called to submit to the voters of I
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, the
question of acquiring lands oEd
establishing, constructing and
equipping a recreation building
thereon in said City and of in-
curring indebtedness and issuing
bonds for such purpose not ex-
ceeding $2,500,000, all as contem-
plated by Chapter 407 of the Code
of Iowa, 1973, as amended: and
WHEREAS said petition is sign-
ed by qualified electors of said
City equal in number to more than
twen<ty-five per cent of those who
voted at, the last regular municipal I
election in said City and said
petition is in all respects sufficient
and complies with the provisions of
Section 407.6 of the Code of Iowa,
1973, as amended, and this City
Council has jurisdiction thereof
and the request therein set forth
should be granted: and
WHEREAS it is deemed neces-
sary and advisable that said City
of Dubuque, Iowa, acquire lands
and establish. construct and equip
recreation building thereon in said
City and incur indebtedness and
issue bonds in the amount of
$2,500,000 for this purpose, but it I
is first necessary that this proposi-
tion also be submitted to the vot-
ers as required by Chapter 407 of
the Code of Iowa, 1973, as amend-
ed: and
WHEREAS under the provisions
of Section 47.2 of the Code of Iowa,
1973, as amended, the Coun.ty Com-
missioner of Elections is charged
with the responsibility of conduct-
ing all elections within the County
and this Council has consulted
'With said Commissioner regard-
ing the date on which the election
may most conveniently be held
and it has been agreed .that the
24th day of September, 1974, is a
suitable date for conducting said I
election; and
WHEREAS registration of voters
is required for elections held in
said City;
solved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, as fol-
Section 1. That a special munici-
pal election is hereby called and
ordered to be held in and for
said City of Dubuque, Iowa, on
the 2Ath day of September, 1974,
at which there shall be submitted
to .the voters of said City the prop-
osition of acquiring lands and es-
tablishing, constructing and equip-
ping a recreation building thereon
in said City, and the proposition of
acquiring lands and establishing,
constructing and equipping a rec,
reation building thereon in said
City and contracting indebtedness
for such purpose not exceeding
$2,500,000 and issuing bonds for
such purpose not exceeding $2,500,-
000 and levying a tax annually
upon the taxable property in said
City not exceeding three and one-
half miils per annum for the pay-
ment of such bonds and the in-
terest thereon.
Section 2. For said election on
said propositions the City shall
be divided into twenty-five election
precinots, the boundaries of which
shall be as delimited by Ordinance
No. 28-72 of said City. The polls
shall be i<ept open from seven
o'clock in the morning until eight
o'clock in the evening, and the
polling places within the respective
election precincts shail be as fol-
Precincts Polling Places
1st Marshall School
1450 Rhomberg Avenue
2nd Dubuque County Court-
720 Central Avenue
3M Sacred Heart School
2211 Queen Street
4th Christensen's Greenhouse
2635 Windsor Avenue
5th Holy Ghost School
2901 Central Avenue
6th Fulton School
2540 Central Avenue
7th AudulJon School
535 Lincoln Avenue
tlth Fire Station
West Eighteenth and Cen-
tral Avenue
9th Amalgamated Meat Cutters
Union Building
1111 Bluff Street
10th Mercy Hospital Nurses Home
252 Peabody Street
11th Bryant School
12t10 Rush Street
12th YMCA
Dodge Street and Booth
Special Session, August 26, 1974
13th Washington Junior High
51 North Grandview Avenue
14th Fire Station No.4
University Avenue and At-
lantic Street
15th Lincoln School
1101 West Fifth Stre"t
16th Jackson School
715 West Locust Street
17th Dubuque Senior High School
1800 Ciarke Drive
lßth Irving School
2520 Pennsylvania Avenue
19th Kennedy School
2135 Woodland Drive
20th Hemptsead High School
3715 Pennsylvania Avenue
21st Eisenhower School
3170 Spring Valley Road
22nd Wahlert High School
2005 Kane Street
23rd Wahlert High School
2005 Kane Street
2Ath No.5 Engine Howe
689 South Grandview Avenue
25th St. Elias The Prophet Greek
Orthodox Church
1075 Rockdsle Road
Section 3. That as required and
provided for by Sections 407.7 and
4O7.tI of .the Code of Iowa, 1973,
as amended, the County Commis-
sioner of Elections is hereby au,
thorized, empowered and instructed
to issue a proclamation and notice
of election on said propositions and
of the time and places thereof, by
publication of such notice in the
"Telegraph-Herald," a legal news.
paper published in said City of
Dubuque, Iowa, and of general cir-
culation therein. Such notice shall
be published in said newspaper
once each week for at least three
consecutive weeks and on the same
day of each week, and the last of
such publications shall be not less
than five nor more than twenty
days before the date fixed for said
election. Such notice shall be in
substantailly the following form:
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given
that a special city election has
been called and ordered to be
held in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
on the 24th day of September,
1974, at which there wiil be sub-
mitted to the qualified voters of
said City, to be by them voted
upon, the proposition of acquiring
lands and establi,hing, constructing
and equipping a recreation build-
ing thereon in said City, and
the proposition of acquiring lands
and establishing, constructing and
equipping a recreation building
thereon in said City and contract-
ing indebtedness for such purpose
not exceeding $2,500,000, issuing
bonds of said City for such pur-
pose not exceeding $2,500,000, and
levying a tax on all <tauble prop-
erty in said City at the rate of not
exceeding three and one'half mills
per annum for the payment of such
bonds and the interest thereon.
At said election voting machines
will be wed for the submission
of the aforesaid propositions and
ballots prepared therefor will have
the propositions printed thereon
in substantially ,the following form:
(Notice to Voters: For an affirma-
tive vote on any question sub-
mitted upon this ballot, pull
down the lever above the word
"Yes." For a negative vote pull
down the lever above the word
Shall the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
acquire lands and establish, con.
struct and equip a recreation
building thereon in said City?
Shall lI1e City of Dubuque, Iowa,
acquire lands and establish, con.
struct and equip a receratlon
building thereon in said City
and contract indebtedness for
such purpose not exceeding
$2,500,000 and levy a tax an-
nuelly upon the taxable prop-
erty in said City of Dubuque not
exceeding three and one.half
mill per annum for the payment
of such bonds and the interest
For said election the City will be
divided into twenty-five election
precincts, the boundaries of which
shall be as delimited by Ordinance
No. 28-72 of said City. The polls
wiil be kept open from seven
o'clock in the morning until eight
o'clock in the evening, and the
Special Session, August 26, 1974
polling places within the respec-
tive election precincts will be as
Precincts Polling Places
1st Marshall School
1450 Rhomberg Avenue
2nd Duhuque County Courthouse
720 Central Avenue
3rd Sacred Heart School
2211 Queen Street
4th Christensen's Greenhowe
2635 Windsor Avenue
5th Holy Ghost School
2901 central Avenue
6th Fulton School
2540 Central Avenue
7th Audubon School
535 Lincoln Avenue
'8th Fire Station
West Eighteeenth Street and
Central Avenue
9th Amalgamated Meat cutters
Union Building
1111 Bluff Street
10th Mercy Hospital Nurses Home
252 Peabody Street
11th Bryant School
1260 Rush Street
12th YMCA
Dodge Street and Booth
13th Washington Junior High
51 North Grandview Avenue
14th Fire Station No.4
University Avenue and
Atlantic Street
16th Lincoln School
1101 West Fifth Street
16th Jackson Sehool
715 West LoCUBt Street
17th Duhuque Senior High School
1800 Clarke Drive
18th Irving School
2520 Pennsylvania Avenue
19th Kennedy School
2135 Woodland Drive
20th Hempstead High School
3715 Pennsylvania Avenue
21st Eisenhower Sehool
3170 Spring Valley Road
22nd Wahlert High School
2005 Kane street
23rd Wahlert High Sehool
2005 Kane Street
24th No.5 Engine House
689 South Grandview Avenue
25th St. Elias The Prophet Greek
Orthodox Church
1075 Rockdale Road
All qualified voters of said City
are hereby n<>tified to appear at
said election, each to vote at the
polling place for the election pre-
cinct in which suoh' voter resides
or as permitted by statute. '
This notice is given by order of
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, and the County Com-
missioner of Elections, pursuant
to Chapters 47, 49 and 407 of the
Code of Iowa, 1973, as amended,
and to a sufficent petition with the
requisite signatures in accordance
DATED at Dubuque, Iowa, this
26th day of August, 1974.
Harold P. Meloy
County Commissioner of Elections
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Section 4. That voting machines
shall be wed for said election and
the County Commissioner of Elec-
tions is authorized and directed to
causehallots for voting on said
propositions to be prepared in such
size as will permit the same to be
inserted in the proper place in
each voting machine in substantial-
ly the following form:
(Notice to Voters: For an affirma-
tive vote on any question sub-
mitted upon this ballot, pull down
the lever above the word "Yes."
For a negative vote pull down
the lever above the word "No.")
Shall the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
acquire lands and establish, con-
struct and equip a recreation
building thereon in said City?
Shall the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
acquire lands and establish, con.
struct and equip a recreation
building thereon in said City and
contract indebtedness for such
purpose not exceeding $2,500,000
and issue bonds for such purpose
not exceeding $2,500,000 and levy
a tax annually upon the taxable
property In said City of Dubuque
not exceeding three and ono-half
mills per annum for the payment
of such bonds and the interest
The County Commissioner of
Elections is authorized and direct-
ed to have the ballots for absent
Special Session, August 26, 1974
voters prepared on yellow colored
paper in substantially the follow-
ing form, and with the facsimile
signatures of the County Commis-
sioner of Elections and the City
Clerk in the spaces provided there-
for on the back of the ballots:
(Face of Ballot)
Notice to Voters: For an affirma.
tive vote on any question sub.
mitted upon this ballot make a
cross (X) mark or check (V) in
the square after the word "Yes."
For a negative vote make a siml.
lar mark in the square following
the word "No.")
Shall the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
acquire lands and establish, con-
struct and equip a recreation
building thereon In said City?
NO 0
Shall the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
acquire lands and establish, con.
struct and equip a recreation
building thereon in said City and
contract indebtedness for such
purpose not exceeding $2,500,000
and issue bonds for such purpose
not exceeding $2,500,000 and levy
a tax annually upon the taxable
property in said City of Du.
buque not exceeding three and
one-half mills per annum for
the payment of such bonds and
the interest thereon?
. NO 0
(Back of Balint) I
Official Absent Voters Ballot for I
Recreation Building Propoistioru¡
Special Election, Dubuque, Iowa
September 24, 1974.
(Facsimile Signature)
County Commissioner of Elections
(Facsimilie Signature)
City Clerk
Section 5. That for said election
the Judges and Clerks of election
in the respective election precincts
shall be appointed by the County
Commissioner of Elections as re-
quired by Section 49.13 of the
Code of Iowa, 1973, as amended.
Section 6. That upon the closing
of the polL<; for said election the
Judges and Clerks therefor shall
fiie reports of the results of the
vote on said propositions with the
County Commissioner of Elections
in order that such results may be
referred to the County Board of
Supervisors at its meeting to be
held on the next Monday after
said election at the County Court-
howe, Dubuque, Iowa, at 9:00
o'clock A.M. for the purpose of
canvassing and declaring the re-
sults of said election, as required
and provided for by Section 50.24
of the Code of Iowa, 1973, as
Section 7. That all resolutions or
parts thereof in confilct herewith
be and the same are hereby re-
Section 8. That this resolution be
in force and effect immediately
upon its passage and approval.
Passed and approved August 26,
Allan T. Thoms
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Recorded August 26, 1974.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Brady moved to
amend the resolution for consid-
eration to date of October 5th.
Mayor Thoms moved adoption of
the resolution. Seconded by Coun,
cilman Lundh. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote: '
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Justmann, Lundh, Stackis.
Nays-Councilman Brady.
WHEREAS, applications for liq-
uor Licenses have been submitted
to this Council for approval and
the same have been examined,
SOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the
following applications be approved
and licenses issued upon the com-
pliance with the provisions of Chap.
ter 131, Acts of the First Regular
Session, 64th General Assembly.
David C. Schmitz, dba The Hearth
504 Blnff Street
Passed, adopted and approved
this 26th day of Augwt 1974.
Special Session, August 26, 1974
Allan T. Thoms
James E. Brady
C. Robert Justmann
Emil Stackis
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Thoms moved adoption of
the resolution. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Stackis. Carried by the fol-
IQwing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
WHEREAS, applications for liq-
uor Licenses were filed by the
within named applicants and tbey
have received the approval of this
Council, and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply with
the State Law and all City Ordi-
nances relevant thereto and they
have filed proper bonds,
SOLVED by the City Council of
Dubuque, Iowa that the Manager
be authorized to cause to be is-
sued to the fOllowing named ap-
plicants a Liquor License.
David C. Sehmitz, dba The Hearth,
504 Bluff Street
Passed, adopted and approved
this 26th day of August 1974-
Allan T. Thoms
James E. Brady
C. Robert Justmann
Emil Stackis
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Thoms moved adoption of
the resolution. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Stackis. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Jusf:mann, Lundh,
Nays -None.
WHEREAS, applications for Beer
Permits have been submitted to
this Council for approval and the
same have been examined;
SOLVED by the City Council of
tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the following applications .be graTIJtc
ed and permits issued upon the
compliance with the terms of the
Ordinances of the City.
Emma Margaret Scherer, 1175 Iowa
Randalls Foodarama, 2600 Dodge
Dubuque Packing Company, 701
East 1Bth Street
Passed, adopted and approved
this 26th day of Augwt 1974.
Allan T. Thoms
James E. Brady
C. R<>bert Justmann
Emil Stackis
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Thoms moved adoption of
the resolution. Seconded by Coun.
cilman Stackis. Carried ,by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council.
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
WHEREAS, applications for Beer
Permits were filed by the within
named applicants and they have
received the approval of this Coun-
cil; and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply wiJth
the Ordinances of this City and
they have filed proper bonds; I
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the
Manager be authorized to cause to
be issued to the following named
applicants a Beer Permit.
Emma Margaret Scherer. 1175 Iowa
Randalls Foodarama, 2600 Dodge
Dubuque Packing Company, 701
East 16th Street.
Special Session, August 26, 1974
Passed, adopted and approved
this 26th day of AugUBt 1974.
Allan T. Thoms
James E. Brady
C. Robert Justmann
Emil Stackis
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Thoms move adoption of
the resolution. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Stackis. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Petition of Jim Furry, et ai, re-
questing permission to use the old
Naval Reserve Building for in-
door sports, presented and read.
Mayor Thoms moved that the
petition be referred to the Youth
Services and Recreation Commis-
sion for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Stackis.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
man Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
At 10:05 Mayor Thoms moved to
go into Executive Session to dis-
CUBS appointments to various
Boards and Commissions. Second-
ed by Councilman Stackis. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
At 10:13 P.M. Council recon-
vened in regular session and Mayor
Thoms moved the following ap-
pointments: David Wahlert, Burton
Payne and Helen McLaughlin be
reappointed to the Citizens Trans-
portation Committee for 3 years
term expiring August 20, 1977;
George Glynn appointed to the
Advisory Commission for 3 years
term expiring June 1, 1977; and
Donald Meyers and Virginia Perry
be reappointed to Low-Rent Hous-
ing Commission for 2 years term
expiring August 17, 1976, with
Donald Meyers being appointed
Chairman of the Low-Rent HoDS-
ing Commission. Councilman Brady
seconded the motion. Carried ,by
the foilowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council,
men Brady, Jusf:mann, Lundh,
Confirming the Appointment of
Members of the Low.Rent Hous-
ing Commission of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa
WHEREAs, on the 17th day of
August, 1970, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, adopt-
ed Resoluti<>n No. 244-70, eleoting
to exercise the powers contained
in Chapter 403A of the Iowa Code
of 1966, as amended, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa,and by said Ctiy Council
through a Board of Commissioners
to the ex;tent of the authority
granted said Board by said City
Council; and
WHEREAS, on the 1st day of
February, 1971, the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
adopted Resolution No. 36-71
amending said Resolution No. 244-
70 increasing said Board of Com-
missioners from five to seven mem,
bers; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor of the
City of Dubuque, pursuant to said
Resolution No. 244-70 and to Reso-
~ution No. 36-71 has appointed
members to the Low-Rent Housing
Commission of the City of Du-
buque; now therefore
Section 1. That the action of the
Mayor of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, in appointing
Donald R. Meyers to August 17,
VirginiaM. Perry to August 17,
as Commissioners of the Low-Rent
Howing Commission of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby approved
and the appointment of said Com,
missioners is hereby confirmed by
this City Council for the period
designated in the Certificate of
Appointment of Commissioners
oow on file in the office of the
City Clerk.
Special Session, August 26, 1974
Passed, approved and adopted
this 26th day of August 1974.
Allan T. Thoms
James E. ,Brady
C. Robert Jwtmann
Emil Stackis
Alvin E. Lundh
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Justmann moved
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Lundh. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
There being no further business,
Mayor Thoms moved that the meet-
ing be adjourned. Seconded by
Councilman Lundh. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Thoms, Council-
men Brady, Justmann, Lundh,
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Adopted ......................................-.
Attest: """""'ëiitÿ"ëlerk
Regular Session, September 2, 1974
Session, September 2,
No members of the Council being
present the meeting was adjourned
subject to call.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Approved ................................19---.
Adopted ..................................l9---.
Attest: ..............................,...................
City Clerk