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Green Street 2481
2481 Green_ 0- Miss. C.__kddymen 0-Dubuque t`oofing - -- Reroof frame h- elling- .P. -147 6/15/45 118.00 0- Melvin Williams 95.00 Construct Dormer to S.F. Frame Dwellg.B.P. 320 6- 8- 53gp .00 Erect Rear porch to s.f,frame dwellg,B.P. 117 3 =23-54 0-Dennis Schroeder C -Bob Shireman " Reroof S.F,Frame Dwel1C.B.P. 807 9 -10 -62 265.00 B,of A. Petn, for Var. of Art. II, Sect. 4 -c waive front yard reqmirement -for erection of garage Closer than 60 from front lot line. Granted 46' docket No. 37 - 2481 Green St. 0. Donald J. Schuster Erect Fr. Garage B.P. 521 8 -8 -69 600.00 0- William Folger C- NorthEast Siding & Supply Reside /soffits /fascia /casings SF fr+dwIlg BP 1965 5/14/80 $3490.00 0 -Bill & Trish Folger C -Owner erect 24'x24' frm add. over new bsmt, 8x18'6" open deck 8x4 covered entry, SF 8P38639- 5/15/98 $30,360.00 0 -Wm. Folger C- Masters Siding INc. soffit,fascia,siding, SF BP38905 7/1/98 $5750.00