1973 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1973 A Jan. 2-American Trust & Savings Bank. appointed depository of public funds. .......................................................... " 2-Audit of City Financial condition and transactions for 1972 to be conducted by the Auditor of the State. and audit of Water, Parking Facilities and sew- age Rental Funds to be contracted by O'Connor. Brooks and Company. ................................................ 7 " 2--Alba Cruso A., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 204. ........................................................................ 13 .. 2-ANNEXATION of 0.763 acres of land requested by Richard C. & Mildred L. Henschel. ....13. 52. 53. 108. 161 " 2-Andresen Thomas, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Penult. .......................................................................... 30 .. 16-A-l Plumbing Cooling & Heating Co.. requesting per. mission to. excavate at 2900 Central Ave. ............ 42 " 16--American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission to conduct a Poppy Day. ........................................ 42 .. 22-Airport Commission. recommending that a $1.00 bead tax be charged to all passengers using the Mu- nicipal Airport, including all charter operations. 45 .. 22-Arensdorf Robert and Sharon. claim denied. ............ 46 " 29--Asbury Park Subdivision sanitary Sewer 1972, com- pleted and accepted. ....................................63. 64.127. 129 Feb. 12-Agreement between City and Thermolyne Corporation covering real estate in "River Front Subdivision No.. 3". .......................................................................... 81 .. 12-Agreement between City and ll1inois Central Gulf Rail- road Company in connection with the Center Grove Valley Interceptor Sanitary Sewer Project. 82 " 12-Assistant City Manager, submitting resolutions for matching funds for the financing of the County- City Law Enforcement Center. ................................ 83 Mar. 6-Althaus Dennis Aibert. granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 131 .. 6-Apartroent Ltd. The, granted Class "e" Liquor Penult. 132 " 12-Area Residential Care Inc., extending invitation to attend an open Forum to be presented at St. Rose Priory. ................................................................ 133 " 26-AdvisoryCommission, requesting a change in their By- Laws calling for an automatic recommendation to Mayor and Council for replacement on boards and commissions of any member who misses four reguiarly scbeduled meetings. ........................157.174. 232 " 26--Advisory Commission, recommending that if Plumbing Board is paid $5.00 per meeting. the Electrical, Heating. Veutilation. Air Conditionin~ & Refrig- eration Board should likewise be prod, not ex- ceeding 12 meetings per year. ............................ 160 April 2-Area One Voc-Tech School. requesting permission to paint house numbers on curbs to raise funds. .... 174 .. 16-Adams Ronald. granted Cigarette Penult. .................... 219 .. 23--Arensdorf Robert J.. Notice of Claim. ............................ 224 .. 23-Annexation Policy. to be drafted and adopted by the Planning & Zoning Commission. ............................ 229, 356 .. 30-Alley Parking Prohibited. (Ordinance No. 20-73). ........ 235 May 7-Artus Merlin Mrs., objecting to "X" rated movies heing sbown at the Orpheum Theatre. ............................ 243 7-Aitman John R.. sidewalk bond. .................................... 244 7-Alley between Cherry Street and Pennsylvania Av- enue, recommendation of the Planning & Zon- ing Commission that the alley not be vacated. .... 245 7-Ambrosy Vincent, approval of condemnation award in the amount of $27.000. Denied ........................ 247. 610 14-Adams June Mrs.. Notice of Claim. ................................ 258, 390 14-ANNEXATION of property in M. L. 323. M. L. 324 and Lot 94 in O'Neill's Riverview requested by Merl F. Goerdt et. al. ....................................................259.424. 483 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1973 Page 5 City Clerk ....................... EO F. FROMMELT City Solicitor ..................................mu .............R. N. RUSSO Assistant City Solicitors 'uu,........WlLLlAM G. BLUM JOSEPH P. ZWACK MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGES FRANK D. GILLooN JR. KARL KENLlNE 4/2173 WAYNE A. NORMAN JR. 6/18/73 Municipal Court Clerk ....................................JOSEPH A. STIEBER Municipal Court BaUiff ............ELMER D. JOHANNINGMElER Municipal Court changed to Iowa District Court as of July 1, 1973 CITY MANAGER GILBERT D. CHAVENELLE Assistant City Manager........................PAUL H. FISCHER 6/22/73 FRANCIS A. MURRAY 8/27173 Administrative Assistant ....................................GERAW J. KOPPES Budget Analyst ............................MICHAEL E. BROOKS 8/20173 Personnel Director ........................................WALTER K. BOCKES Program Planner ................................................PAULINE J. JOYCE Finance Director ....................................................A. G. HEITZMAN Deputy Finance Director ..........................................GERAW HIRD City Engineer ............................................................JOHN L. WHITE City Assessor ....................................................JAMES J. GREGORY Chief of Fire Department ........................ROBERT N. DUNPHY Chief of Police ....................................................ROBERT J. O'BRIEN Civil Defense Director ............................................BEN J. O'LEARY Sup't. of Water Works ........................................................J. J. HAIL Street Commissioner ....................................MERLE FELDERMAN Director of Recreation ............................RICHARD J. SLAITERY Planning Director ........................................DANIEL DITIEMORE BuUding Commissioner ....................................DONALD J. BANDY Electrical Inspector ........................................EDWARD O. ALBER Heating, Ventilating Inspector ................ROY SPRENGLEMEYER Health Director ................................KENNETH K. HAZLET. M.D. Health Administrator ........................................................A. J. ROTH Sanitary Officer ..............................................LAVERNE GOERDT Food and Restaurant Inspector ....................MILDRED KENNEDY Plumbing Inspector ............................................RICHARD J. FEYEN Library Director ........................................WILLIAM G. FULLMER Sup't. of Parks ....................................................RICHARD KRAMER Airport Manager ............................................................JEFF MOLlD Urban Renewal Director ........................GENT M. WlITENBERG Regular meetings of the City CouncU are held On the First Monday of each month at 7:30 P.M. ;.};", 1973 COUNCILMEN JOSEPH J. BIITER. Mayor C. ROBERT JUSTMANN WAYNE A. MOLDENHAUER WALTER A. PREGLER ALLAN T. THOMS Page 530 583 558 561 568 598 590 610 623 625 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT " " Nov. Dec. " page 21-Advisory Commission, accepting the recommendation of the Administration concerning revenue shar. iog expenditures. ........................................................ 21-A-l PluIIlJbing. Cooling & Heating Co.. requesting per- mission to excavate in 16th Street. ........................ 21-Airport Commission, recommending a head tax and re- questing hte City Solicitor to prepare proper procedings. .................................................................. June 4-ANNEXATlON of 7.612 acres lying south of U.S. High- way 20 owned 'by Romac Ineorporated, recom- mended by the Planning & Zoning Commission. ................................................................................ 305.324. 325 II-Asbury Town Council, relative to their sewer hookup problem. ........................................................316, 373.404. 427 ll-ANNEXATION of the right of way on Highway No. 20 requested by the Iowa state Highway Com- mission. ......._............................................................... 324, 325 ll-Agreement between tbe City of Dubuque and the In- terstate Power Company for the issuance of Rev- enue Bonds, not to exceed $4,850,000 for the pur- pose of pollution control. ................325. 326. 327.326. 604 ll-Algona Street. Sanitary Sewer 8 inch between Univer- sity Avenue and Loras Boulevard, preli.minary plans and specifications. ........337. 338. 397. 398.443. 602 ll-Althaus Dennis A.. granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 338 ll-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.. granted Cigarette Permit. 338 lS-Airport Commission, Authorized and directed to exe. cute the First Amendment to Grant Agreement on behalf of City of Dubuque. ....................349.350. 354 18--Andresen Thomas. granted Cigarette Penult. ............ 351 25-Audit Report of the City.s records for the year 1972 submitted by the State Auditor. ............................ 357 25-Adams Charles. granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 365 25--Andresen John C.. granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 365 25-Arvanitis George K.. granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 366 2-Airport Commission, relative to fire protection and use of firefighters. .................................................... 379 2-Adams Ronald D., granted Cigarette Penult. ................ 265 16-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the County of Dubuque regarding the assumption of parking and parking meter violations, providing the County with services, personnel andadminis- tration facilities for taking of bonds, fines, court costs, etc. .................................................................... 411 30-Agreement between the Town of Asbury and the City of Dubuque concerning sewage facilities. ............ 427 6-Architectural & Historical properties designated sig- nificant pursuant to requirements of Ordinance No. 28-70. ....................................................................438. 439 6-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Class <lC" Beer Penult. ................................................................ 448 2O--Airport Ordinance, providing for the name, control, supervision and operation of the DUbuque Mu- nicipal Airport. ............................................................ 457 20--American veterans. WW II, Korea-Viet Nam, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ........................................ 465 4-Alta Vista street. request for "No Student Parking" between 1500 and 1800 blocks. ................................ 477 17-Aldeman Dan. reappointed to the Youth Services Bureau. .......................................................................... 492 l7-Assistant City Manager, advising of discussion of proposed budget on September 18. 19. 20. 25. 26 and 27. .................................................................... 493 17-A.OK Yellow Cab Co.. reqnesting a rate increase for cab service .................................................................... 495 24-Audit Report of Disaster Claim in the amount of $25.841.02 submitted by the Auditor of State of Iowa ....... 507. 564 276 277 279 INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT 1973 " " July " Aug. " Sept. " " " .:';E,..-.r Page 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJElCT l1~Budget Amended from funds generated from the 1972 Entitlement Funds of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972. ....................................322. 379. 360 ll-BONDS in an amount not to exceed $4.650.00 for the purpose of pollution control (Interstate Power Company). ............................................325. 326. 327.328. 604 ll-Brant Carl N.. granted Cigarette Penult. .................... 338 16-Barkalow Bros. News Stand. granted Cigarette Permit. 350 18-Beecber Co. Inc.. granted Cigarette Penult. .................... 351 16-Bell Joseph. granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 351 16-Bauer Daniel. granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 351 16-Bailey Edward A.. granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 351 16-Becker Robert L.. grauted Cigarette Permit. ................ 351 16-Baum William J., granted Cigarette Penult. ................ 351 25-Bahl Steven E.. Claim denied. ........................................ 358 25-Bisanz Robert P.. Claim denied. .................................... 359 25-Broessel Lynea Susan. Settlement of Claim. ................ 359 25-Bries Francis G.. Notice of Claim. ,......,........................360. 454 25-Bishop Buffets. Inc.. granted Cigarette Penult. ............ 365 25-Beidler Robert. granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 365 25-Burger King #1100, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 365 25-Burke Josephine. granted Cigarette Penult. ............ 366 25-Becker Robert 1.. granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 367 25-Bailey Edward A.. granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 367 2-Bradley street, installation of stop sign recommended to provide that eastbound and westbound vehicles must stop at Randall Street. ................................ 381. 391 2-Birch Marshall & Betty. granted Cigarette Permits. .... 385 2-Brimeyer Donald C.. granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 385 2-Bridge Marian. granted Cigarette Penult. .................... 385 2-Brammers Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 386 6-Bisping Herbert. granted Cigarette Penult. ............... 447 6-Barnhart David L. and Pearl Seeley. granted Class "C" Liquor Penult. ............................................................ 448 2O-Buechel Louis. liability policy. ........................................ 4~1 2Q.-Bitzberger Lester. ordered to dismantle building and clean up premises at 470 East 14th Street. ....452. 496 2Q.-Bower Richard J.. granted Cigarette and Class "C" Liquor Penults. .......................................................... 464, 465 2Q.-Barnhart David L. & Pearl Seeley. granted Cigarette Permit. .......................................................................... 464 20---Bisenius David E., appointed to the Low Rent Housing Commission. ...... 465 473 473 476 487 533 490 492 492 493 549 463 486 ~Breitbach Leo. offer to purchase city owned lot 66 in Voelker Highlands Sub. ........................................ ~Bicycle Fun Day. rescheduled for October 18. 1973. .... ~Blondin Sam. Notice of Claim. ........................................ 4-Bries Susan M. et. aI., requestin~ "No- Student Park- ing" on west side of Alta VIsta from 1500 block to 1800 block and also on Edina Street. ............477. 4-Bo-ard of Supervisors, requesting annexation of county roads north of the city in conjunction with an- nexation request of Merl F. Goerdt et. a1. ............ 4-Bainbridge James R., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ~Bitter Mayor. opposed to the State Department of Revenue order of increasing property valuations. 13---BUDGET covering period of January 1. 1974 and end- ing June 30, 1975. submitted by the City Manag- er. ................................................489. 510. 530, 531,532. 18-Bond Allin. appointed to the Humau Rights Commis- sion. .............................................................................. 17-Berger Dave. reappointed to the Youth Services Bureau. 17-Board of Supervisors, advising of hearing to consider revoking the designation of River Valley Inc. as the community action agency for Dubuque Coun- ty, and designate the Board of Supervisors as said agency. ................................................................ 17-Blackburn James. sidewalk bond. ....... 1973 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " July " " " " Aug. " " " " " " Sept. " " " " " " " " " " 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJEcr B 2-Bitter Joseph J., elected Mayor for the ensuing fiscal year. .............................................................................. 3 2-Blum William G., appointed Assistant City Solicitor. 4 2-Bell Joseph E.. granted Class "B" Beer Penult. ........ 29 2--Burke Josephine, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. .......................................................................... 30 16-Buechele Paul. Notice of Claim. .................................... 41, 79 . 16-Baal Henry F.. Notice of Claim. ........................................ 41. 79 " 16-Bradley Clyde, requesting a refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 235. .........m.................................................... 42 " 16-Blind Association. requesting permission to address the Council concerning the Civil Rights Ord- inance. .......................................................................... 42 Feb. 6-Bisenius David E. Mr. & Mrs.. objecting to the propos- ed Ecumenical Housing project. ............................ 71 " 6-Balke & Strauss streets. installation of street light recommended. ............................................................. 72 " 12-BUnd Association of Dubuque. requesting change of dates to conduct a candy sale. ................................ 80 " 19--Book Stores, expression of thanks from concerned citizens on action of City relative to the Danish Book Store. ................................................................ 102. 103 " 26--Blaser Gerald et. at, supporting H-M Ordinance and construction of a doctor's office building. ............ 105 " 26-Brant Carl N.. granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Penult. 116 Mar. 12-Bus Transportation System, the Interstate Power Com~ pany to discontinue bus service and turn it over to the City prior to August 31. 1973 for the sum of $1.00 ........................................................................ 120. 143. 147. 223. 269. 270. 272. 276. 356. 371.410. 468 " 19-Bogas Telemahos. Notice of Claim. ................................ 151. 195 " 26-Berwanger Boiler Shop. Notice of Claim. .................... 158. 235 " 26-Boet John N.. Notice of Claim. .................................... 158 April 2-Barton-Aschman Associates, to serve as Consultants for the scope study of John F. Kennedy Road Corridor Project at a cost not to exceed $10.000. 169 " 16-Boy Scouts of America, requesting use of two City trucks for their clean up campaign. ...........-....... 196, 276 " 16-Beta Sigma Phi Sorority. requesting a proclamation of same by the Mayor. .................................................... 196 " 23-Brimeyer Thomas M., Notice of Claim. ............................ 224 " 23-Burkart Elmer, relative to a drainage problem existing from Romac property. ................................................ 231 " 3o-Burrows Clyde et. ai., requesting repair of West 8th Avenue. ................................................236. 246. 265.267. 348 " 3Q.-Bonds In Amount of $205.000 for Law Euforcement Center. ........................_...............237. 281. 282. 309.311, 313 " 3Q.-Bisping Herbert. granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 240 May 7_Becker James G.. sidewalk bond. ................................ 244 " 7__Barton-Ashman Asociates, execution of two contracts for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15. .. ......................... ................................................... 249 " 14--Bardon Rose Mrs. et. al. (280 signatures), requesting that the City take over the bus system, and to hold a referendum on the issue. ............................ 259 " 21_Bieberman Louise, request for suspension of taxes. .... 277 " 21-Bradley Helen M., requesting suspension of taxes. .... 277 " 29--Beecher ,Company Inc., granted two Class "C" Beer Permits. ........................................................................ 295 June 4--Burlington and Stoltz streets. installation of a street light recommended. .................................................... 300 " 4--Beurskens Joseph A., Notice of Claim. ........................ 300. 343 4-Baker William H., requesting a refund on Class "e" Liquor License No. C-4098. ........................................ 301 4-_Beer-Liquor Sales on Sunday, advocating the sale of beer and liquor on Sunday, and directing the City Clerk to forward affirmative resolution to the Speaker of House. ....... 303. 368 Page 1973 Jan. ,~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 14 14 21. 636 28 32 33 33 34 39 39 565 44 147 44 45 46 49 55 55 95 Page C l--City Council, Regolar Session ............................................ 2-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session. .................... ~havenelle Gilbert D.. appointed City Manager for the ensuing fiscal year. .................................................... 2-CIty Manager, advising the Council of his appointment of all personnel under his supervision and control. 2-Cbavenelle Gilbert D.. bond. ............................................ ~ity Manager. submitting Ordinance No. 1-73. allocat- ing and making appropriations of tax levies for the fiscal year 1973. ......................._....................... 2-C.ity Auditor. Treasurer. Health and Water Depart. ments, monthly reports. ........................................ 9. 56, 120. 148, 223. 231, 284. 357, 417. 450. 506,549. 565 2-Cla.im.s for the month of November 1972, proof 01 publication. .................................................................. 9 ~ity Manager authorized and directed to cause struc- ture located at 1208 Dodge Street, owned by Marvin Kahle; and structure located at 1210 Dodge Street, owned br James W. Collins be dis- mantled and the prenuses cleaned up. ................ 13, 2-Collins James W.. ordered to dismantle bnildin~ at 1210 Dodge Street and clean up the prennses. 2-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1972 CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB PBOJECT NO.1. schedule of assessments ..............................................................16. 19, 23, 25. 26. 27. 630. 631, 632, 633. 634, 635. 636, 637. 2-Oin-Que lncorporated No. 2 Aadition. approval of petition and plat requesting vacation of five foot easements in Lots 9 and 10. ......._........................... 8--City GOnncil, Special Session. ..................................._....... &-Culver John C. Congressman. submitting a list of data information used to determine the intro-state allocations under the local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972. ................................................................ 6-C<>uncil proceedings for the month 00 October 1972. approved as printed. ................................................ 8--Chase Duane & Marie .Sullivan, request to rezone prop- erty on Asbury Road from Two Family to Mul- tiple Family classification denied. ........................ 1&-C!ty Council. Special Session. ..............._.._.._............... 16-Collins J.ames. reappointed to the HII1l1all Rights Com- mission. ...............................................-........................ 16----oCivil Service Commission, submitting report of en~ trance examination for positions on the Fire De- partment. ........................................................41. 73,452. 22--City Council, Special session. ..........._............................... 22-Catholic Mothers Clubs of Dubuque, obiecting to pro- posed merger of Park and Recreation Commis- sions. ............... .........................................................44, 79, 22--City Assessor, recommending settlement of protest of assessment of real estate owned by Stampfer Bldg. Company. ............................................................ 22---City Assessor, recommending settlement of protest of assessment of real estate owned by John J. .and Marjorie Roshek. ................................................ 22-City Solicitor, submitting opinion concerning request of Sisters of St. Francis to rezone a portion of their property from Single Family to Multiple "Residence classification. ........................................ 22-City Solicitor. submitting report of appeal of John V. Reisner to the Supreme Court of Iowa for a dis- ability retirement. .................................................... 29-City Council, Special Session. ............................................ 29--Clemens Dave, appointed to the Advisory Commission replacing Arthur L. Roling. .................................... 29-City Manager, recommending that buildings located at 1729 Proscott Street and 614 Lincoin Avenue be dismantled and the premises cleaned up. 55. 93. 5. 94. INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT 1973 Jan. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Page 506 518 522 522 536 564 570 577 594 608 614 620 646 647 646 '--~ ---,.~,..-'"'lF' INDEX-BOOK 103 sUBJECT 24--Berning Robert. appointed to the Youth Services Bur- eau. .......................u....................................................... I-Buell George B.. settlement of claim. ................................ I-Becker William &. Sons Stone Company. liability policy. 8-Brimmer Roger A.. Notice of Claim. ................................ 8-Bradley Street. request for the installation of a street light. .............................................................................. 523. 24-Brimeyer Donald C.. granted Class "B" Beer Penult. 28-Burkholder Richard W. & Kay J. Nemmers. granted Cigarette and Class "e" Beer Permit. ......".... 5--Bridge Marian J.,granted Class "B" Beer Pennit. ........ 18-Brady James. obiecting to the proposal to improve the City Hall. ............................................................ Dec. 3-Bond issue City Hall election report in the amount of $560.000 to remodel City Hall ................................ " 3-Brammer's Super Valu requesting cigarette refund 14-Bonds issuance of pollution Control Bonds Interstate Power Co. .................................................................... 17-Baum, William J. granted Class "en Beer License .... 17-Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks. granted Class "c" Commercial BeerMLiquor License .................... 17-Bisping, He~b:rt, name submitted to serve on the Dock COmm.ISSIOn ........ lD73 " Oct. " " " Nov. " " 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 103 Page 126 133 135 135 145 145 147 147 156 165 182 193 650 222 193 194 157 157 165 169 559 191 192 135 140 197 6-Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee, urg~ ing the approval of resolution for Pre-Design Project Agreement with Iowa State Highway Commission covering Project No. U-561-4. ............ l~ity Council, Special Session. ............................................ 12-City Manager, recommending that the owners of prop-. erty located at 544-560 Avon street. 1637 Iowa Street. 570-582 Avon Street and at 446 East 14th Street dismantle buildings and clean up premis- es. .......................... ..................................................133, 134, 12-City Manager. submitting Financial Report of City Auditor for the year 1972. ........................................ 12-City Manat{er, submitting certified audit repQrt of the Parking Facilities for 1972. .................................... 12-City of Dubuque, authorized to execute a Memoran- dum of Understanding with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. 12-City Manager. submitting a report on the City's Land- fill Development Program and recommending that the City execute an Option to Purchase Agreement with Leonard T. Smith and Innocence Aon Smith for making of tests of land. ....141.142. 12-City Solicitor, returning Notice of Expiration of Right of Redemption from Tax Sale of Ellas Micbalakis covering Lot 387 and south half of Lot 386 in "East Dubuque No.2," which was originally as- sessed to Evandelia Goetzinger and Ruth Salcedo. 12-City Solicitor, submitting for council action request for conveyance of parcels of real estate that the City had vacated to Jon. B. Middleton (Resolu- tion No. 88-73). ............................................................ 19--City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 19-Catholic Mothers Clubs. objecting to the merging of the Park and Recreation systems, and requesting that no fees be charged for use of pavilions and shelter houses, and advising of their efforts to "Keep Our Parks Clean." ........................................ 26-CityCouncil. Special Session. ............................................ 2&-Claims for the month of February 1973. proof of pub- lication. ........................................................................ 26-City Manager, submitting Municipal Sewage Disposal Works and Facilities Report for the year 1972. 26--City Manager, authorized to execute and file an appli- cation with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under Section 701 of Hous- ing Act of 1954. ........................................................ 2&-Clarke College Sophomore Committee. requesting a parade permit. ........................................................ April 2-City Council. Regular Session. ............................................ .. 2--City Manager authorized to execute a License Agree. ment for an easement for the Park Hill Feed Main Water Distribution Improvements, HUD Project WS-Iowa-99. .................................................... 2-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1973 CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROJECT. 184. 186. 247. 248. 260. 262. 341. 519.520, 9-City Council, Special Session. ............................................ 16-City Council, Adjourned Special Session. ........................ 16----City Manager, submitting a proposal for expenditure of federally shared "General Revenue Funds" in the amount of $932.912.00. ........................................ 16--City Manager, recommending installation of a street light on Queen Street. ............................................ 16--City Solicitor, stating that only the City Council can resolve the rezoning of 4th & Bluff Street area. 16-City Hall Renovation. proposal submitted by Dubuque Jaycees. ........................................198. 277. 284. 509.584. 23-City Council. Special Session. ......... 1973 " " " " " " " " " " page 56 65 67 69 70 71 72 73 564 74 78 78 82 84 65 88 650 88 91 96 96 360 102 103 103 644 617 119 120 121 126 71 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 29-Claims for the month of December 1972. proof of publication. .................................................................. 29---Clancy Eugene J. & Rita M.. granted Cigarette and Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. ........................ 31--City Council. Adjourned special Session. ........-........... 5---City Council. Re~u1ar Session. ........................................ 6----City Council, Adjourned Regular SessiQD. .................... &-Clark Walter 0.. objecting to the height of the propos- ed Ecumenical Housing project. ............................ &-Citizens Watchdogs, objecting to the proposed Ecu- menical HOUSIng project. ........................................ 6--City Manager, recommending installation of street lights at Balke and Strauss Streets. ........................ &-CITY-COUNTY Authority. submitting a check in the amount of $12,500 as part of the City Contributed funds. ............................................................................ &-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of en. trance examination for positions on the Police Department. ............................................73, 781 121,407, &-Colt .45 Drum & Bugle Corps requesting pernnssion to conduct a phone telethon. ............................ 12---City Council, Special Session. ............................................ 12--Co-uncil proceedings for the months of November and December 1972 approved as printed. ............ 12--Center Grove Valley Interce.ptor Sanitary Sewer Proj. ect. Agreement with the lllinois Gulf Railroad for a 30 inch steel pipe. .......................-..-..-....... 12--Clark Richard Senator, urged to support the Emerg- eucy Bridge Replacemnet Program of the Fed- eral Highway Act. .................................................... 12-Culver John C. Congressman, urged to support the the Emergency Bridge Replacement Program of the Federal Highway Act. ........................................ 19-City Council. Special Session. ...................................-....... 19-CITY HALL, communications relative to the renova- tion, preservation and continued use of the build- ing for functional purposes. ................................ 88, 93, 198, 277, 284, 299, 466, 490, 546, 594,640, 19--Conlon Construction Co., sidewalk Bond. .................... 19--City Manager, requesting amendment of the hudget covering 1972 appropriations that should be car. ried forward ..... ............. ............................. ................. 19--Citizens Freeway' Study Committee, to be a.ppointed by the Mayor. ............................................................ 19--City Manager, submitting suggestions and recom- mendations concerning the formation of a Citi- zens Freeway Study Committee. ............................ 19-Canfield Hotel Inc., purchase of property located in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project. Iowa R-15. 97. 19-City Solicitor, advising that Eminent Domain proceed. ings against Richard V. Hansel for purposes of securing a permanent easement, have been suc- cessfully concluded. .................................................... 26--City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 26-C0unty-City Authority. Report for the fiscal year 1972. 26-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1973 ASPHALTIC PAVING PROJECT NO.1. preliminary plans and spec- ifications. ........110. 111. 112. 113. 175, 238. 336.643. 26-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1973 CONCRETE PAVING WiTH INTEGRAL CURB PROJECT NO.1. preliminary plans and specifications. ............................................ ....................113. 114. 115. 178. 180. 248. 591. 592.616. Mar. 5-City Council, Regular Sessio-n. ........................................ " 6--City Council, Adjourned Regular Session. .................... " 6--Claims for the month of January 1973, proof of pub- lication. ....... ................................................................. &-City Manager. submitting Budget Report for Streets for the year 1972. ........................................................ .~ " " " " " 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page 318 321 322 324 338 404 342 407 351 351 354 356 357 357 358 361 362 363 365 365 365 365 366 366 371 374 377 377 378 378 379 ~ty Council. Regular Session. ............................................ 2-City Manager, requesting permission to attend an International City Management Convention in Boston. ........................... ............................................... ~ty Manager. submitting report of Tri State Inde- pendent Blind Society's request far a peddler's license. ................. ......................................................... 2---Claims for the month of May 1973. proof of publica- tion. ................................................................................ 2---Crubaugb Melvin L.. Notice of Claim. ............................ 2---City Manager, submitting an ordinance providing for a stop sign at Kelly Lane and Fremont Avenue, and Randall at Bradley Streets. ............................ 380, 391 2---ClTY OF DUBUQUE 1973 SroRM SEWER IMPROVE- MENT PROGRAM. ....................................383. 364.444, 446 2-C1ay Charles. granted Cigarette Penult. ................ 385 2---Carousel Snack Bar. granted Cigarette Permit. 385 9-City Council. Special Session. 388 ll-City Manager, recommending that the building located at 1648-1650-1652 Wasnmgton Street owned by Walter B. and Joyce H. Somers. be dismantled and the premises cleaned up. ................................ II-Childers F. W. Mrs., authorized to construct an awning at 1604 Central Aveuue. ............................................ ll-City Manager. recommendmg amendment of Budget from funds utilized from 1972 Entitlement Funds of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972. .............................................................................. ll-City Manager. requesting that A. G. Heitzman be auth- orized to execute for and on behalf of City an application to obtain Federal assistance under DIsaster Relief Act. .................................................... ll-Canfield Hotel Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ ll--Creslanes Bowling Inc., granted Class "e" Liquor Permit. ........................................................................... 340, 18----City Council, Special Session ............................................ 18-City Manager, submitting an inventory of the MuniciM pal Court. .................................................................... 342. 16-Cremer Ralph J., granted Cigarette Penult. ................ 16-Corbett Earl G.. granted Cigaret,e Permit. .................... 22---City Council,. SpeCIal Session. ............................................ 25-City Council,. Special Session. ............................................ 25-City Manager, submitling Official State Auditor's Re- port of the Ctty for 1972. ........................................ 25--City Manager. submitting report on Revenue Sharing and requesting that the City Clerk be authorized to publish report and the report forwarded to Office of Revenue Sharing. .................................... 25--City Manager, reporting on complaint of R. C.. Wahlert concerning a high speed chase of law enforceM ment vehicles on June 14, 1973 ............................ ~ity Council, going on record favoring the retention of the United States District Court in the City of Dubuque. ................................................................ 25--County-City of Dubuque Authority. reservation for parcels of real estate in Downtown Urban Re- newal area withdrawn. ............................................ 25--County of Dubuque, purchase 'Of urban renewal prop. erty for public redevelopment. ................................ 25--Crane Leouard H. & Betty L.. granted Cigarette Penult. 25--Clarke College. granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 25--Clancy Rita M.. granted Cigarette Penult. .................... 25--Clark Super "100". granted Cigarette Penult. ............ 25--Chalder Florence E.. granted Cigarette Penult. ........ 25-Cahill Robert E.. granted Cigarette Penult. .................... 27-City Council. Special Session. ............................................ 29-City Council. Special Session. ....... 1973 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " J~ly " " " " " " " " 222 317 317 228 231 231 317 page 23-Council proceedings f.or the month of January and February, approved as printed. ............................ 22-Crane Leonara H. & Betty L.. granted Cigarette and Claes "C" Liquor Permits. ........................................ 3O-City Council, Special Session. ............................................ 3O--Claims for the month of March 1973. proof of publica- tion. .............................................................................. 3O--City Manager, requesting approval for the advertiseM ment of bids for repowering' "Seagrave Quint" Fire Engine. ................................................................ 231. 278 3O---City Solicitor, opinion concerning absences of members of Boards and Commisf<ions. .................................... 232 30--Conze-tt Dale, addressed Council concerning Ibus serv- ice for tbe City. ........................................................ 236 3O--City Solicitor. directed to take necessary action to recover costs of damages incurred by acts of vandalism. .................................................................... 236. 290 3O-City Manager, authorized to execute an Extra W'Ork Order' with the Iowa State Highway Commission on Dodge Street Corridor Study. ............................ 239 3O--Catholic Mothers Study Clubs. objecting to the show- ing of "R" and "X" rated movies at the Orpheum Theatre. ........................................................................ 241. 243 3Q-Catholic Alumnae International Federation, extending an invitation to attend a Mary's Day Mass for World Peace. ................................................................ 241 May 7-City Council, Regular Session. ........................................ 243 " 7--Citizens Watchdogs, objecting to proposed construc- tion of Ecumenical Housing project and of the Law Enforcement Center. ........................................ 251 .. 14--City Council, Special Session. ............................................ 257 " 14-Coates Pauline, Notice of Claim. .................................... 258, 28'5 OJ 14-City Engineer. requesting Council approval of propos- ed plans for the West Eigbth Street Retaining Wall Reconstruction 1973. ........................................265. 266 " 16-City Council. Special Session. ............................................ 270 " 18-City Manager, submitting a copy of proposal by De- Leuw. Cather and Company relative to the bus situation. ...................................................................... 274 " 21-City Council, Special Session. ............................................ 276 " 21-Caradco Window & Door Division of Scovill. request- ing vaeation of alley between Jackson and WashM ington and 11th and 12th Streets. .................... 277. 378 .. 21-County Board of Supervisors, submitting names of Louise Bieberman, Helen M. Bradley, Blanche Donovan. Hilda M. Leppert, Gertrude and Robert Ogaard. Elma B. Rembold, and requesting sus- pension of ,taxes due to. old age' and infirmity. 277 " 29--Central Business District TOP1CS Project Sigoal 1m. provement on Bluff Street. Wbite Street. Tenth Street. Twelfth Street and Fourteenth Street. 292. 323. 324 June 4-City Council, Begular Session. ........................................ 299 " 4--Corbett John Mrs.. obiectinll to the present bus routes. 299 " 4-City Manager. recommendmg installation of street light at Burlington & Stoltz Streets. .................... 300 " 4-Claims for the month of April 1973. proof of publica- tion. ................................................................................ 300 " ll-City Council. Special Session. ............................................ 316 ll-City Manager. recommending the installation of 40 street lights on Rhomberg Avenue extending from Eagle Point Bridge Toll House to Stafford Avenue. ...... ............................................ ........... ........... ll-City Manager, recommending that name of Lorimer Street not be changed. .............................................. ll-City Mlma~er. recommending that the building located at 701 Rhomberg Avenue, 'Owned by Bernard Olansky. be torn down and the premises cleaned up. ....... ,ifi;-if 1973 " " " " " " " Page 489 533 489 492 493 493 599 495 509 513 517 517 563 522 525 530 530 531 531 535 536 537 542 543 546 548 103 13--City Council, Special Session. ............................................ 13--City Manager, submitting a Budget in the amount of $12,074,576 covering period of January I, 1974 to June 30, 1975. ....................................469. 530, 531, 532, 13--City Manager, submitting the Revenue Sharing Report for the City available in the entitlement period Jniy I, 1973 to June 30, 1974. ................................ 17-Gity Council, Special Session. ............................................ 17--City Manager, reconunending installation of a street light at Hogrefe and Burden Avenues. ................ 17-Gurtis Straub Co., liability policy. .................................... 17-,Chicago and Northwestern Transportation Company relative to damage of railroad property by the City and possibility of a claim filed by Donald E. Robinson. ................................................................ 494, 17--Cystic Fibrosis Campaign, requesting permission to solicit funds. ................................................................ 17-Gity Manager, submitting a traffic signal program for the Central Business District from 1st Street to 14th Street, under superviSion of a Master Traffic Controller. and requesting authority to enter into TOPICS Agreement with Federal and State Highway Commission. ............501, 502, 503,540, 541 ~ty Council, Special Session. ............................................ 506 24-Citizens Transportation Committee, submitting minutes of meetings of 9.14 and 10-15. ................................ 506, 568 24--City Manager, requesting permission to execute an application for the Solids Handling Facilities at the Water Treatment Plant. .................................... 24--ClTY HALL Election on the issuance o,I $560,000 City Hall Bonds to be held on November 6, 1973. .... 512, " " Oct. l-Gity Council. Regular Session. ........................................ " I-Claims for the month of Augnst 1973, proof of pub- lication. ........................................................................ l-City Clerk, certifying a list Df names of applicants for nomination for the office of Councilman and for the office of Park Commissioner. ................517,518, 8----Gity Council, Special Session. ............................................ 3--C. W. Enterprises Inc., owner of Lot A of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of De Luxe C<>ttage Court, granted a Revocable Penult. .................................................... lo---city Council, Special Session. ............................................ 100000ty Manager, submitting a list of parcels of land of ten acres or more, eligible for Agricultural or Horticultural exemption. .......................................... lO-Catbolic Charities Board, urging the Council to include $33,446 in the budget for the Human Rights Com. nUssion. ........................................................................ 1O---Chamber of Commerce Tax Study Committee. recom~ mending a cut in the budget of $281,141.00. .... 15--City Council. Special Session. ............................................ 15---City Manager. recommending installation of street ligh~ .on Bradley Street and in Westchester SulxliVlsIon. .................................................................. 15--Cox Charles P., Notice of Claim. ....................................537, 15---City Manager, requesting favorable action on an Amendment to Consent Order and directing the Manager and staff to proceed with Waste Water Treatment Facility Program. .................................... 15-Celotex Corporation, compliance with Amendment to Conse",t . <>:der i!, the matter of Pollution of the MISSISSIPPI River. ................................................ 15--Citizens Transportation CommitteeJ requesting the Iowa State Highway CommiSSIOn to conduct a study of the feasibility of erecting a bridge or bridges from the City of Dubuque to the State of Wisconsin. ............................................... ..................... 545. 22-City Council, Special Session. ........, " " " " INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 1973 " " Page 546 389 404 406 406 409 413 415 417 479 478 477 475 420 432 435 493 462 449 449 450 450 451 498 461 545 468 565 472 473 474 474 475 465 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECI' 9-Civil Service Commission, submitti~ report of Promo- tional Examination for positions on the Fire Depariment. ................................................................ 389, 9--Civil Service Commission, submitting report of Pro- motional Examination for positions on the Police Department. ................................................................ 13--City Council, Special Sessoin. ............................................ 16--City Council, Special Session. ......................................:. l&-Council proceedings for the months of March, April and May 1973, proof of publication. ..............:....:.... 16---Colt .45 Drum & Bugle Corps, requestmgpernusslOn to conduct a parade ................................................ 16--Choral Club, ~ted Cla~ "G" liquor Permit. ............ 17-{:ity Council. Special SeSSIOn. ............................................ 3O----City Council. Special Session. ........................................ 3O-City Manager, recommending that the owners of a building located at 1781-1783 Central Avenue and owned by Mrs. Mildred Kohler et al cause said building to he dismantled and premises cleaned up .................................................................... 418, 30-city Manager, recommending that the building located at 1785 Central Avenue. and owned by Merlin F. & Rosemary Hohmann, be dismantled and the premises cleaned up. ................................................ 418. 3O----City Manager. recommending that the puilding located at 300 East Seventh Street, owned by C. M. St. P. & P. R. R. be dismantled and premises cleaned up. .................................................................................. 418, 30-carr Helen M., Notice of Claim. ........................................419, 3O-City Solicitorl recommending that the City Manager direct Fischer Inc. to complete contract on prop- erty located at 8th & Locust Streets. ................419, 30-creslanes Bowling lnc., granted Cigarette Penult. ........ 6--City Council. Regular Session. ........................................ &-Curler Robert, Notice of Claim. .................................... 437, &-Caldwell R. J.. appoiuted to the Citizens Transporta- tion Committee. ......................................................... 449, 6-C<>ursey Eileen, appointed to the Library Board. ........ 6-Calian Samuel Rev., appointed to the Library Board. 2(}-City Council. Special Session. ........................................ 2O-Claims for the month of June 1973, proof of pub- lication. ...............~............ ........................................... 2O-City Manager, requesting that the Eagle Point Park roadway be included in the 1973 Hot Mix- Hot Laid Asphalt Program. .................................... 2O-City Manager, recommending that the buildings locat- ed at 470 East 14tb Street, owned by Lester Bitzberger, and 476-460 East 14th Street owned by the Patrick Norton Estate, be dismantled and the premises cleaned up. ................451J 452, 496 497 2O--C. W. Enterprises Inc., requesting permiSSIOn to use ' frontage land for parking purposes off Highway 20 near Mr. Steak, to service a new Regal motel. 2O-Citizens Transportation Committee, approval of ap- pointment of twelve members. ........................462. 506 31--City Council, Special Session. ............................................ ' 31--Civil Service Commission, submitting a list of Inter- state Power Company Employees who are being transferred to the City of Dubuque Munici'pal Transit System. .......................................... ...... 470 3--City Council, Re(lUlar Session. ........................::......:::::::: ' 4-City Council, AdJourned Regular Session. .................... 4--City Clerk, authorized to sign papers in absence of the City Manager. ..................................................... 4---Claims for the month of July 1973, proof of pub: lication. ............................................................... 4-Cain Donald, Notice of Claim. ...............................::::::::: 4--Chalmers Mary B., sale of property in Downtown Renewal area. ...............-. 103 1973 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Aug. " " " " " " " " " " " " Sept. " " " " " - -a.m Page 623 627 623 650 649 INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT 17--Collins, James H. submitting his resignation from Human Rights Commission thru City Manager 17-City Manager submitting an Ordinance Regolating Ambulance Service also an Ordinance Fixing and establishing rates ........................................................ 17--County Board of Supervisors petition for suspension of taxes for Bernard W. Mihm ................................ 27-City Engineering submitting recommendations of mini- mum amount of work to be done on City Hall to make it safe for occupancy..... 27-City Council Special Session ............ 1973 " Page 549 568 553 596 563 568 570 573 574 580 582 584 565 586 590 596 596 599 599 603 607 608 609 609 609-610 611 INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT 22-City Manager, Assistant, relative to "No Student Park- ing" on west side of Alta vista street, 1500 to 1800 block and Edina Street from Aita Vista to the alley. ........n........-................................................. 22-Claims for the month of September 1973, proof of pub- lication. ......................................................................... 549, 22--City Manager. recommending adoption of an ordinance prohibiting parking of motor vehicles on the south side of Theisen street from Jenni Street to Stetmore Street. .................................................... 22--City Solicitor, submitting an ordinance to eliminate the use of a restaurant, cafe or cafeteria ina Local Business District "A" classification, (A & W Drive-In). ........................................................555, 583, 24-City Council, Special Session. ............................................ 29--CityCouncil, Special Session. ............................................ 29--Chalder Florence E., granted Class "c" Beer Permit. 5---City Council, Regolar Session. ........................................ 5-City Manager, recommending that the City accept and approve the Recreation and Open Space Plan for the pnrposes of rlH'stablisbing tbe City's eligibility to participate in Land and Water Con- servation Fund Programs. ........................................ 7-CityCouncil, Special Session. ............................................ 13---City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 19--City Council, Special Session. ............................................ 19---Civil Service Commission, submitting report of exam- ination for positions as Bus Driver. ........................ l~ty Manager Assistant, relative to redncing time of parking on 13th Street between Iowa and Central and increasing the rate to lot per hour; also recommending that the 10 hour parking lot meters on the south side of City Hall not be changed. ........................................................................ 19-Conrad.Herr plumbing & Heating Inc., requesting permission to excavate in Kennedy Road between Pennsylvania Avenue and Wacker Drive. ........ 26-City Council, Special Session. ........................................ 26-Claimsfor the month of October 1973, proof of pub- lication. ........................................................................ 26---City Manager, requesting that O'Connor, Brooks and Company be retained to make tbe 1973 audit of Water, Parking Facilities and Sewage Rental Funds, and balance to be audited by Auditor of the State of Iowa. ........................................................ 26--City Manager, recommending denial of petition of Bernard Ruess et. a1., requesting installation of a traffic light at intersection of Loras Boulevard and Alta Vista Street. ................................................ 26-City Manager, requesting approval of a tentative three year street construction program, to be submitted prior to December 10 in order to receive share of State Gasoline taxes for street related pur- poses. ............................................................................ 8-City Council Special Session. ............................................ 3-Council proceedings for the montba of June and July 1973 approved as printed. ........................................ -Civil Service Commission conducted entrance exams on September 26, 1973 for Police Department.... 3-Civil Service Commission submitting report of en- trance exams conducted on September 26, 1973 for Fire Department. ................................................ 3-City Solicitor recommending settlement of Vincent Ambrosy claim in the amount of $38,500, suit pending in District Court for damages in eminent domain proceedings. ................................................ 8-Cliff, Deanne objecting to rezoning of Gocrdt property off Sheridan Road ....... 1973 " " " , , " .. Nov. " " " " " " " .. " " " " Dec. " " " " " . i&::J. -~---,--, 1973 Jan. " " " " " " " " " ,. Feb. " " " " " Mar. " " " " " 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page 300 260 344 351 351 351 351 351 351 356 359 360 367 385 433 433 439 447 450 454 363 365 366 374 388 461 566 424 255 374 255 274 277 277 318 338 338 338 May 7-Demkier Paul et. aI., requesting street light at Bur- lington & Stoltz Streets. ........................................ 246, .. 7~Demkier Harold R, objecting to installation of a re~ taining wall in connection with the construction of a sidewalk. on North Grandview Avenue. ....248, " 7-Diener Joe, granted Cigarette Permit and Class "cn Liquor Permit. ............................................................ 254, .. 7-D. B. Q. Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ................ 255, " 7---J>ubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Class HA" I...iquor Permit. .............................. .............................. " 14----De Leuw Cather, submitting a proposal relative to the .bus situation. ............................................................ 269, " 21-Dubuque Packing Company, requesting the purchase of Lot 1 of Riverfront Subdivision NO.4. ............ " 21-Donovan Blanche, requesting suspension of taxes. ........ June ll-Dubuque Boat & Boiler CO'1 petition issued in District Court, barring any rIght, title or interest the City may have in property. .................................... " ll-Dunbar Linnie, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... " ll-D. B. Q. Inc., granted Cigarette Penult. ........................ .. ll-Dubuque Packing Company, granted Cigarette Permit. " IS-Dock Board Ordinance No. 2-73. An Ordinance fixing and establishing wharfage fees, which shall be paid by lessees of waterfront pro-perty under the jurisdiction and control of the Board of Dock Commissioners of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. 343, " 18--Dittmar Rudy, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... " 18--Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Cigarette Per- mit. ................................................................................ " 18-Dubuque Marina Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ " IS-Dodge House Motel, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ " IS-Dunne William, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... " IS-Donovan Melville E., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ " 25--Dorweiler Delos, objecting to weed notice that he received from City. .................................................... " 25-Duccini John and Alice, claim denied. ..........................._ .. 25-Dubuque Downtown Assn., requesting permission to conduct a "Crazy Days" sale. .................................... " 25----Dubuque County, purchase of property in Urban Re- newal area for public redevelopment. ................ " 25-D. A. V. Club, granted Cigarette Penult. .................... " 25----Dungeon LTD., granted Cigarette Penni-i. .................... " 25-Dubuque Motor Hotels, Inc., granted Class "B" Liquor Penult. ..........................................................................367, " 29-Dubuque Golf & Country Club. granted Sunday Sales Penult. ............................... ........................................... July 2-Drake Ursula, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... " 9-Dubuque Packing Company, demonstrating a me.thod to increase their removal of pollutants and re- duce the load to the Treatment Plant. .................... " 16-Dubuque Jaycees, granted Class "Bn Beer Permit. .... 412, " 17-Dubuque Industrial Bureau, requesting a meeting with the Council concerning industrial development and sale of land in the Dubuque Industrial Park. 415, " 30-Daughters of Union Veterans, Mary Agard Tent No. 35, requesting permiSSion to conduct a tag day. " 30-Dubuque Transit Authority appointed for the City of Dubuque, consisting of Doris Riekena, Chester Solomon and George Deininger. ............................ " 30--Deininger George E., appointed to the Transit Auth- ority. .............................................................................. Aug. 6--Dubuque County Historical Society, commending the Council for their concern for upbuilding and renovating historical sites. ........................................ " 6-Diener Joseph L.. granted Cigarette Permit. ................ " 20-Deininger George, submitting his resignatoin from the Board of Zoning Adjustment. ...... " 20--Denman Tim, Notice of Claim. ....... 1973 Page 5 9 15 29,30 30 34 38 38 46 55 94 74 79 80 88 92 103 162 123 136 147 276 162 196 198 230 231 235 239 157, 6-Dubuque Federation of Labor, requesting considera- tion o,n. appointments to various Boards and COmIDlSSIOns. .............. ................................................ 12-Davidsaver G. G., Notice of Claim. ................................ 12-Dubuque Association of the Blind, requesting change of dates \Q conduct a candy sale. ........................ 19--Dubuque County Democratic Club, submitting reso- lu~iop. ~p~S~g proposed twelve foot channel in MiSSlSSlppl River. .................................................... 19----Dupaco Credit Union, authorized \Q construct a light- ing standard on city owned Lot 412 of East Du- buque Addition No.2. ............................................ 26-Dubuque Human Rights Commission, submitting an- nual report for 1972. ................................................ 6--Dock Board Ordinance regulating the use of the water- front by floats and repairs and launching of boats, presented by the City Attorney. ............121, 122, 6-Dubuque Community School District, vacation and con- veyance of Lot 4B of M. L. 472, being an unopen- ed street along Linwood Cemetery. ........................ 122, 12--Dorweiler Delos, favoring the rezoning of property on Kennedy Road to professional office use as requested hy Phillip powers. .................................... 19-Dock Board, relative to recommendation sought by the Council on a proposed 12' channel. ........................ 26-Dock Board, submitting minutes of their meetings. .... 26-Dock Board Resolution No. 3-73. approving Ordinance No. 14-73. ...... 93, Aprill6-Dubuque Downtown Association, requesting permis- sion to sponsor a Garage Sale. ................................ " 16--Dubuque Bible Church, requesting permission to con- duct evangelistic meetings in the downtown area. .............................................................................. 16--Dungeon Limited, The, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. ................................................................................ 23-Dubuque Building and Construction Trades Council, recommending annexation of property for the construction of a Ramada Inn. ................................ 30-D. A. V. Fighting Back Chapter No.6, requesting permission to conduct a tag day. ............................ 30-Dodge Street Corridor Study, City Manager authorized to execute an Extra Work Order with Iowa State Highway Commission. ................. .;;.@;.~ D 2-Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, appointed official depository of public funds. .................................... 2-Dow Evelyn H., conservator of Jeffrey Dow, Notice of Suit. .......................................................................... _Dubuque Disposal Co., owned by Louis Mibalakis and Milton Schwartz, lease agreement for the rental of the former City Garage at 14th & Elm Streets. 2-D. A. V. Club Plaza 20 Lounge, granted Class "C" Bere & Liquor Penult. ............................................ 2-Drake Ursula, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Penult. 3-Dorweiler Delos A., request to reclassify Lot 10 of Block 3 of the Mettel-Link Subdivision from Single Family to Local Business "A" classifica- tion denied. .............................................. .................. 6-Donahue William R., appointed to Human ltights Com- mission, replacing Charles E. Stork. .................... 16-Dubuque Audubon Society, suggesting remedies for the elimination of a pigeon nuisance. ................ 2:?r-Dubuque Plumbing and Heating Co., liability policy. 29----Day Robert L., replaced on Advisory Comnussion by Charlotte Solomon. .................................................... 29---Dondlinger Helen K., ordered to dismantle building at 1729 Prescott Street. ............................................55, 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page E Jan. 22-Eminent Domain Proceedings, City Solicitor directed to institute proceedings to acquire easement from Richard V. Hansel for the Center Grove Valley Sanitary Interceptor Sewer ....................51, 51, 102 " 29--Easement covering a thirty (30) foot wide railroad right of way in Lot 1 of Block 12 and Block 13 of Riverfront Subdivision NO.3. ............................ 62 Feb. 6-Ecumenical Housing Inc., offer to purchase Urban Re- newal property at 6th & Locust Streets to be used for construction of an eight story apartment building. ................................70, 71, 250, 470, 510,615, 641 " 12-East Dubuque NO.2 Addition, Lot 387 and S. 'h of Lot 386, Notice of expiration of right of redemeption from tax sale, (Goetzinger property). .................... 78, 145 " 26-Egelhof Charles L., requesting rezoning to Multiple classification of the Ely. 115' of Lot 706 in Mc- Daniels Sub., located at southwest corner of 12th & Bluff Streets. .......................................................... 110, 226 Mar. 12-Erschen Alice H., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Penult. ........................................................................ 144, 374 " 26-Elliott Delores B., granted Cigarette and Class "C" Beer & Liquor Penults. ....................................165, 167, 366 April 2-Eisbach Paul, requesting refund of $25.00 on Cigarette Permit No. 134. ........................................................ 174 " 23--Edwards Construction Co. sidewalk bond. .................... 222 May 7-EIliott Richard et. 31., requesting permission to address the Council relative to makeup of baseball teams in the City League. .................................................... 244 " I_Eighth Street Retaining Wail Reconstruction 1973, preliminary plans and specifications. .................... ................................................................ 265, 266, 267,348, 349 " 28-Election on the Proposition of Establishing and Ac- quiring a Municipal Transit System. ................ 270, 371 June ll-Ehlinger Loren H., Notice of Claim. ................................ 318, 379 " ll-Eichhorn Lester & Marie, granted Cigarette Permit. 338 " IS-Elbow street, request for vacation of portion of street by Clem Hayes. .......................................................... 347 " 16-Elks Club, granted Cigarette Permit. ............................ 351 .. 25-Erschen Alice Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 366 " 25-Ellis Victorina, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 366 " 29-Erschen Alice, granted Sunday Sales Permit. ............ 374 July 9-Excavations, complaint by Councilman Justmann con- cerning the unnecessary delay in closing street excavations. ........................... ........ ...... ....................... 402 " 16----Egelhof Funeral Home, requesting permission to use city owned property at 12th & Bluff Streets for parking use. ................................................................409, 456 Aug. 20-Eagle Point Park Roadway, to be included in the 1973 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphalt Program. .................... 451 Sept. 13---Ede Alfred Rev., replace on Human Rights Commis- sion by Mary Petropoulos. ........................................ 490 .. 24----Election on the Issuance of $560,000 City Hall Bonds. ............................................................ 512, 415, 536,582 608 Oct. I-Election. Municipal Primary to be held October 23, ' 1973. ....................................................517, 518 538,563 564 " I-Election, Regular Municipal election to be held No- ' vember 6, 1973. ............................................517, 518,536 562 Dec. 17-East 4th Street Extension Sanitary Sewer 1973 ........638: 639 1973 461 474 517 566 506 566 535 549 543 543 545 566 576 597 601 607 623 644 Page 20-Dubuque Women's Club, requesting the blocking off of Alpine street from 3rd to Melrose Streets for a Fine Arts Festival........................................ 4-Dubuque Insulation and Siding Company Inc., side- walk bond. .................................................................... 13---Daugherty W.. J., reappointed to the Airport Zoning COmmlSSlon. .............. ................................ ......... ......... 17-Dempsey Edgar M., objecting to noise pollution caused by vehicular traffic, and requesting adoption of a noise ordinance. ...................................................... 492, 17-Dubuque Yacht Basin, requesting sewer and water service at 1630 East 16th Street. ............................ 494, 17-Dougherty Tom et. a1., objecting to proposed zoning change of 81. Marys Place subdivision. ................ 24--Dubuque County Medical Society, submitting a resolu- tion requesting the City to adopt and enforce an ordinance governing ambulance service. ............ 8--Dock Commission. relative to the cost of sewer and water connections for area "C" on the Industrial Island. ..................................................... .......... ............. 523, 6-De Luxe Cottage Court, approval of plat of Lot A of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1. ............................................ I5-Dubuque Council 'Of Churches, expressing support fOf the maintaining of a full time director and hir- ing of a full time investigator f'Of the Human Rights Commission. .................................................... 15-Davis Avenue, request for installation of a street light. ......................................... .......... ............ ............... 537, 15----Dubuque Packing Company, compliance with Amend- ment to Consent Order in the matter of Pollution of the Mississippi River. ............................................ I5-Dubuque Tank Terminal Company, compliance with Amendment to Consent Order in the matter of Pollution of the Mississippi River. ........................ 15-Del Farm Food Store, granted Class HC" Beer Permit. 29-Dubuque Safety Council to provide funds for the schol patrol system. .................................................... 5--Dock Commission, agreeing to explore the possibilities of using properties under their jurisdiction for Recreation and Open Spaces Program. ................ 19-Drive-In Restaurant, amendment of Article X of Ord- inance No. 3-34 by repealing definition of Drive- In Restaurant and enacting a new definition. ....596, 26-Dubuque Realty, requesting rezoning of property at 289 South Locust Street from Two Family to Com- mercial Zoning Classification. ................................ 3--Dock Board submitting a report requesting considera~ tion to provide water service to Industrial Area "e" for construction of water main over 16th Street bridge ..............................-................................. 17-Dubuque Federation of Labor not in fav'Or of retain- ing the City Hall however requesting a committee to investigate relocation ............................................ 17-Dubuque Life Insurance Co. sh'Owing interest in the purchase of city owned property at Delhi & Forest Lane, Formerly Brammers. ........................ 623, 649 17-Dubuque Connty Metropolitan Area Planning Com- mission submitting Articles of agreement for the East Central Intergovernmental Assn. >~ 524 495 490 INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT ", Page 347 351 351 351 359 359 363 366 366 366 366 374 454 379 422 385 385 522 571 417 434 437 462 459 462 465 485 493 511 524 574 600 589 610 625 103 IS-Furlong Leo, objections to his operation of an Over- head Door Co. ............................................................ 16-Fransen William P., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 16-Ford Mary Kathryn, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ IS-Fens Adele Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 25--Fiscber Marian Mrs., Claim Denied. ............................ 2~Federated Insurance Companies, on 'behalf of John & Alice Duccini. claim denied. .................................... 25----Fisch~r Realty, ~e~se agreement for Planning & Zon- Ing COIDIIl1SS10n. ........................................................ 25-Fotos George, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 2l>-Fenelon Patrick, granted Cigarette Penult. ................ 25--Fiseher Bowling Lanes granted Cigarette Permit. .... 2l>-Fink Milton, granted Cigarette Penult. ....................... 25-Friedman Leona R., granted Cigarette Penult and Sunday Sal~s Permit. ................................................366, 2-Fonley Doyle et. ux., Notice of Claim. ....................379, 453, 2-Fire Department, requ~sting that the City Fire De. partment be used to man the Municipal Air. port, rather .than inexperienced firefighters. .... 2-First National Bank, requesting rezoning of property at 2222 White Street to provide for off street parking and to remain in Multiple Zoning class- ification. ......................... ...... .................................381, 421, 2-Frateroal Order of Eagles, granted Cigarette Permit. 2-Fleckenstein Ray, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 16-Fleege Donald J., Notice of Claim. ....................................407, 16--Fischer & Co., revestiture proceedings to be instituted on property located at 8th & Locust Streets. and condition of sidewalk investigated. 407, 408, 419,420, 3~Fire Chief, submitting a review of home inspections for the past eight years. ............................................ " 30--Flood Protection Project, acceptance of Stage II. ........ Aug. 6-Fischer Inc., sidewalk bond. ............................................ " 6-Fahey Bernard, appointed to the Citizens Transporta- tion Committee. ........................................................ 449, 2O-Fenley Charles L. and Ediel I., authorized to coustruct private access stairway to home. ............................ 20----Felderman LaVerne, requesting a refund On Class "C" Beer Penult No.2. .................................................... 20--Fleming M":'"Y. C., appointed to the Low.Rent Housing CommISSIon. ................................................................ 4--First National Bank of Chicago and William K. Stev- ens, sale of property in the Downtown Urban Re- newal area. ..........................................._................... 17-Five Flags Civic Center. opposed to the idea of an indoor ice skating facility as proposed by the Recreation Commission. ............................................ 24---Ferring Theodore J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 6-Fisch Robert, requesting the Council to 'stay' with River Valley Cap. ........................................................ 5Finley Hospital SchOOl of Nursing, requesting permission to sell candles, candy and stationery from house to house. ........................................................................ 19-Food Service Establisbments, fixing and establishing fees for the issuance of Permits by Ordinance No. 53-73. .................................................................... 589, 19----Fondell & Sons, requesting permision to excavate in Pennsylvania Avenue. ........................................ 3-Faulhaber. John objecting to proposed parking chang- es in the 1800 block of Kane Street and in lieu thereof have Student Parking ................................ 17-Fuhrman, Robert L. Notice o.f backed-up sewer claim " " " " " " " July " " " Sept. " Oct. Nov. Dec. " INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 1973 Page F Jan. 2-Frommelt Leo F., appointed City Clerk for the ensning fiscal year. .................................................................... " 2-First National Bank, appointed official depository of public funds. ................................................................ " 2-Finley Hospital, requesting rezoning of property in Boxleiter's Su.b. of Caroline Boxleiters Sub.,. Sid- onia Hosford's Sub. and Finley Home Adaition from its present Two Family to Multiple Resi- dence District permitted use (h). ........................10, 11, 12 " 2--Fritz Beulah E., requesting refund on Cigarette Per. mit No.7.................................................................... 12 " 2-Firzlaff Carl, resolution of condolence extended to the Firzlaff family. ......................................................30, 32, 44 " 8--Forslund E. D., Claim denied. ........................................ 35 " 22-Fens Adele,granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ................ 53 Feb. 6--Fondell & Sons Inc.. requesting permisison to excavate at 2034-38 Central Avenue. .................................... 74 " 6--Fries Cyril J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 84. .......................................................................... 74 " 6-Freeway Study Committee, to be appointed by the Mayor. .......................................................................... 75, 96 .. 6--Fransen William P., granted Class ICC" Beer & Liquor Permit. .......................................................................... 76 " 19--Five Flags Center, designated as a Bicentennial Cen- ter. ....................................................................97, 358,417, 548 .. 26-Freeway 561 Corridor Location and City Island Missis- sippi River Bridge, Mayor Authorized to execute a pre-Design Agreement. .......................................... 110, 239 Mar. 6-Finn Justin & Dolores, Notice of Claim. ........................121, 171 " 6-Fourth Street Area, petitions for and against the rezoning area for professional office use. ............ ................125. 125, 159, 160, 291, 292, 408, 409,438, 440 " 6-Fraternal Order of Eagles #568, granted Class "e" Uquor Permit. ............................................................ 132 " 12-Fondell & Sons Inc., liability policy. ................................ 135 " 19-Fries Cyril J., requesting refund on Liquor Permit No. C-4311. .................................................................. 152, 260 " 26---Fourth Street Area Task Force, requesting a meeting to review the preliminary version of Riverfront Development Study. .................................................. 164 " 26-Ford Mary Kathryn, granted Class "c" Liquor Penult. 167 April 2-Fuerst Richard, requesting vacation of an alley behind his home at 1895 Roosevelt Street, and complain- ing of storage of boats and campers. .................... 174 " 2-Frommelt Building Corporation, amendment of lease to correct misdescription of property in Sears- Roebuck & Company Subdivision No.2. ................ 183 .. 30--Fire Department, advertising for bids for the repower- ing and renovation of Seagrave "Quint" Fire Engine. ........................................................................ 231, 278 May 7_Friedman Leona R, requesting refund on Class liB" Beer Permit No. 2731. ............................................ 247 " 29-Five Flags Committee, requesting that the area across from the Center to be developed with an archi- tectural design to enhance the whole Plaza area. ................................................................................ 284,329, 417 June 4-Fischer & Co. Inc., granted Class "C" Uquor Permit. 314, 374 " ll_Fischer Paul H., submitting resignation as Assistant City Manager. ............................................................ 318 ll_ICFive Flags Sculpture" competition authorized to obtain a suitable and distinctive piece of sculp- ture for the Town Clock Plaza. ........................329, 330, 573 ll_Fettgather Ramona, granted Cigarette Penult. ........ 338, 629 ll_Felderman LaVerne, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 338, 443 ll_Ferring Theodore J., granted Cigarette Penult. ........ 338 ll_Fettgather Ramona, granted Class "G" Liquor Permit. 340 13-Fangman John L., Notice of Claim. ................................343, 390 " " " " " " 3 5 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 1973 ;,t 25-George Frank & John, granted Cigarette Penult. ........ " 25--Grabow Ralph. granted Cigarette Permit. .................... July 2-Gerdes Henry Jr., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ " 2-Grant Raphael William, granted Cigarette Permit. .... .. 2---Gordon Lorraine, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ " 2--Grandview Avenue Drug, granted Cigarette Permit. .... Aug. 6---Ginter Donna M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. " 2Q......-.Goerd.t Construction Co., sidewalk bond. ........................ Sept. 4-Goetzinger Rosemary Mrs., Notice of Claim. ................ " 4--Grandview Avenue, request for "No Student Park. ing" from Clarke Dr. to Ungs Street. .................... " 4--Grabow Ralph J., granted Class. "C" Beer Permit. .... " 17--Goerdt Merle F., requesting multiple rezoning for recently annexed property in M. L. 324, M. L. 323 and Lot 94 in O'Neills Riverview. .....m................ " 2~ese Sheet Metal Co., Notice of Lien. (Pillsbury) ........ 507, " 24--Grice Victor, replaced On Airport Commission by John Higley. ................................................................ " 29-Greenstein Patsy Mrs., submitting resignation from the Library Board. .................................................... Nov. 5-Glynn John F., granted Class "C" Liquor Penult. .... " 19---Grandview Avenue, from S. P. L. of Whelan Street to the S. P. L. of Delhi Street, final estimate and acceptance of improvement with Concrete Paving. .......................................................................... 591, 19--Grant Raphael W., granted Class "Cn Liquor Pennit. 26---Gruber James J., requesting rezoning of property in Dennis Dorgan Sub. from Multiple to Business "B". .......................................................;........................ 3---Giesler, Duane R. et al objecting to proposed rezoning of Gocrdt property at Sheridan, Hogrefe, Peru Roads. ............................................................................ 17-Glynn, Beverly A. gran.ted Class HC" Commercial Beer.Liquor License .................................................. 17-Gordon, Lorraine. granted Class "e" Commercial Beer- Uquor License ............................................................ 27-Gilligan, Walter F. ex-pressing sadness at his passing INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT 103 INDEX-BOOK SuBJECT Page 366 366 385 385 365 385 448 451 475 515 477 486 495 624 1973 Page 26 41 46 51 194 421 137 H5 629 1973 Feb. Mar. Jan. " " " " " " 569 578 592 595 647 647 650 601 611 Dec. - 138 143 171 454 193 195 196 232 260 347 354 351 352 356 356 356 366 366 Apri.. " " .~.~ May " " " 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 255 408 425 316 317 351 351 351 366 438 439 Page 7-Hall John F., granted Class "C" Liquor Penult. ........ 2ll--Hurley Fordyce J. et. al., objecting to the proposed Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance af- fecting the 4th Street area. .................................... 292. 29----Haas Charles R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 295 June 4-Herburger Jacqueline H., addressed the Council rela- tive to the Tri-Centennial celebration and re. enactment of Jolliet..,Marquette expedition. ........ 4--Hampton R. & Co. Inc.) offer to purchase Parcel 4-2 in the Downtown Urban Renewal Area for a pro- posed motel site. ........................299, 364, 436, 485,500, 4--Humke Maurice E., offer to purchase Parcel No. 2-6 of U"ban Renewal property. ................................294, 301, II-Higgins Grace M., objecting to fumes from an incin- erator and from an automobile parked beneath her window at 605 Bluff Street. ............................ ll-Haase C. L., sidewalk bond. ................................................ ll-Hartig Drug Co.. by Insurance Company of North America, Notice of Claim concerning personal injury accident by Evelyn C. Wieland. ................ 319, ll-Hilkin Elmer J. et. al. (296 signatures) requesting that Flexsteel be allowed to put in a driveway onto East 32nd Street. ............................................323, I1-H. R. W. Associates requesting a curb cut on Kennedy Road between Hiilcrest and Foothill Roads .... 323, ll-Heitzman A. G., authorized to execute documents on bebalf of City to obtain Federal financial assist- ance under the Disaster Relief Act. .................... ll-Heiderscheit John J., granted Cigarette Penult. ........ ll-Hartig Drug Company, granted four Cigarette Permits. 18--Hawkeye Estates, approval of sanitary and functional features and issuance of a 'Construction permit by the Iowa State Environmental Department. 18--Hayes Clem, requesting vacation of a portion of Elbow Street. .......................................................... ......... ......... 16-Hunt George R., granted Cigarette Penult. ................ Hennen LaVerne, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 16-Holiday Oil Distr., Inc., granted five Cigarette Permits. 16-Habeger Anthony & Gary Stewart. granted Cigarette PermIt. .......................................................................... 19----Hancock William, granted Cigarette Penult. ............ 16-Hirsch Carl, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 2&---Holiday Inn Motel, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 25--Hall John F., granted Cigarette Penult and Sunday Sales Permit. .............................................................. 366, 374 25--Heinz Albert, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 366 25--Hentges Dorothy, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 366 2--Henry's Drive Inn, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 385 2-Hantelmann Richard J., granted Cigarette Penult. .... 385 9-Hardie Advertising Inc., requesting a refund of $54.00 for unused permits. .................................................... 9-Haas Ronald J., granted Cigarette and Sunday Sales Permits. ........................................................... ................. 9----Home Rule Act, Chapter 1086 of acts of Sixty Fourth General Assembly, to be adopted by the City of Dubuque. ...................................................................... SO--Hohmanp ~erlin F. & Rosemary. ordered to dismantle buIldmg and clean up premises located at 1785 Central Avenue. ........................................................ 418 3lJ.--.Harkey Sally Mrs., Notice of Claim. ................................ ' 30-Hillcrest Builders Inc., requesting vacation of utility easement between Lot 3 Block lOA and Lot 4 of Block lOA in Key Knolls Subdivision. .................... 424 SO-Hirsch John R., granted Cigarette Permit. .................... ' 6-Hansen Michael R., Notice of U.S. District Court Referee in Bankruptcy. ...........................................: 6--Historical and Architectural properties designated significant pursuant to the requirements of Ordinance No. 28-70. ...... 438, 396 402 478 419 447 432 343 347 324 338 339 342 347 351 351 351 401 289 302 357 501 1973 " Aug. J~ly " May " " " " " " " " Page H 2-Henschel Richard C. & Mildred L., requesting annexa- tion of 0.763 acres of land south of Valentine Drive. ................................................................13, 53,108, 161 2-Hendricks William H. & Laura C., objecting to their assessment ,for the paving of South Grandview Avenue. ........................................................................ 16 8-Hrynkow John, Notice of Claim. .................................... 36 8-Hipschen Susan, appointed to Human Rights Commis. sion replacing Patrick R. Quinn. ............................ 38 22-H. R. W. Associates, request to rezone Block 22 in Key Knolls Subdivision from Multiple Residence classification to Local Business 'A'classifica- tion approved. ................................................49, 58, 89, 90 22-Hansel Richard V.. of Hillcrest Builders Inc., City Attorney directed to institute Eminent' Domain proceedings to acquire easement for Center Grove Valley Sanitary interceptor Sewer. ....51, 52, 102 22-HUD, submitting copy of a review for the adoption of provisions of the Uniform Plumbing Code. ........ 53 29-Human Rights Commission, submitting minutes of meetings. ........................................55, 147, 193, 222,276, 377 29--Human Rights Ordinance amended by repealing Sec. tion 100 of Article I and Sections 201, 202, 203 and 204 of Article II. ................................................ 59, 61 6-Healy Joyce J.. Notice of Claim. ......................,......... 74 6---Hirsch John R., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. .......................................................................... 76 6---Health & Engineering Departments, submitting official notice of meeting in Ames on establishing regu. lations to control odors and pollution. ............ 76 12----"Hughes Harold senatorj urged to support the Emer- gency Bridge Rep acement Program of the Fed- eral Highway Act. ...................................................... 86 19--Hartle~ Sidney R., supporting proposed plan of Coun- cIlman Moldenhauer concerning Low-Rent hous- ing plan. ........................................................................ 88 19----Hempstead Senior High School, advising Council of their spring program. ............................................ 88 19-Human Rights Commission, requesting proclamation of "Dubuque Black Cultural Week." .................... 93 19----Haferbecker Charles et. aI., urging the renovation of City Hall. .................................................................... 93 26-Holy Trinity Third Order of St. Francis, protesting the operation of Book Stores located at 306 Main Street and 1101 Rhomberg Avenue. .................... 103 26-Hospital.Medical District established as an eighth zon. ing classification. ........................................................ 106, 108 Mar. 19-Heitzman Construciotn Company, sidewalk bond. ........ 148 " 26-Heinz Albert, granted -Glass "c" Beer Permit. ............ 166 " 26----'Hennen LaVern N., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 166 April z.-,Hansen J. W. Construction Company Inc., sidewalk bond. .............................................................................. 170 " 2-Henschel Richard C. & Mildred L.. approval of plat of Block 8 ''Thomas Farm Addition." .................... 181 2-Hartig Drug Company, affirmation of City that there have been no violations of any restructions to deed covering purchase of property in Urban Renewal area. ........................................................... 189 16-Heidorn John M., Notice of Claim. ............................ 195, 232 16-Hefel Brothers Additiou, approval of plat of Lots 1-29 and Lot A of Hawkeye Estates. ............................ 209 16-Hentges Dorothy R., granted Class "c" Liquor Permit. 220 23--Husemann Concrete Contractor, sidewalk bond. ........ 222 3lJ.--.Harber Kristine E., Notice of Claim. ............................ 233 3O-Haudenshield~DeWachter Funeral Home, requesting permission to construct a marquee at 2170 Cen. tral Avenue. ...... 235, 286 :7/i- 1973 Feb. " " Jan. " " II -- ~~-~~_. Page 7 7 83 33 33 38 39 103 278 86 99 468 147 156 535 543 194 239 239 284 103 I 2-Iowa State Department of Health, submitting a new approved rule relating to the State Plumbing Code .............................................................................. 2--Iorwa State' Auditor to audit the 1972 financial condition and transactions of the City of Dubuque. ............ 2-Iawa State Crime Commissian, autharized to act on behalf of the City of Dubuque to obtain federal fu.nd:5 for .pragrams approved by ,the Crime .com~ nusslon. ....................... .................. ......... ....................8, S-Iawa State Department of Health, advising af an in- crease of $33Q,454.00 for Wastewater Treatment Facilities. ...................................................................... 8----Iawa State Highway Cammission, submitting a tran- script of the public hearin~ held on Septem- ber 14, 1972, on the comdor study of the narth-south Freeway. ................................................ S-Iowa Beer & Liquor Control De:partment Hearing Board, setting January 12, 1973 as date for appeal of Phillip T. Langas. .................................... 16----Iowa Air Pollution Cantrol Commission, advising of a public hearing relative to air pollution contral af adors, emission data etc. .................................... 16--Internatianal Union of Operating Engineers, request- ing permission to. attend meeting af the Cauncil to. discuss eight issues to. be resolved. ............39, 80, 12-lllino.is Central Gulf Railro.ad Campany, Agreement with the City for a 30 inch steel pipe' in can- nection with Center Grave Valley Interceptar Sanitary Sewer Project. .......................................... 82, 19-1owa State Department of Health, submitting revision af the "State Plumbing Code". .............................. 19---Iowa State Highway CommISsion, submitting Agree- ment covering TOPICS project at 10th and Bluff Street. ............................................................................ 19-Iawa State Highway Commission, submitting Agree- ment cavering TOPICS project an University Avenue fram Loras Boulevard to. Gilliam street. ..........................................................................100. 227,228, 239 6--Interstate Pawer Campany, advising the City of Du- buque that Bus Operatians will be discontinued as of AugllS't 31. 1973, and offer to turn over to the City all real and personal bus property for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00). .............................. ......................120. 143, 223, 269, 270, 272, 356, 371.410, 19--Iowa Pav}ng A~saciatian, paying recagnitian to. City on Its paVing program. ............................................ 26--Insurance Campany o.f Narth America, Natice of claim far Gail Richardson. 65, 16-Iawa State Highway Cammission, submitting maps of the carridar lacatio.n af U. S. Highway No.. 52 in Jackso.n and Dubuque Counties and natice of hearing May 17, 1973. ........................................192, 16---Iowa State Department of Environmental Quality sub- mitting a Needs Survey relative to. Federal Grants far canstruction of Treatment Works. ................................................................192, 509, 535, 542, 16--Io.wa University, adviSing of a one day seminar on Alcohalism. .................................................................. 23-Iowa State Highway Cammissian, requesting "Location and Design" approval far reconstructing of Uni- versity Avenue fram Loras Baulevard to Gilliam Street. ....................................................................227.228, 3O--Iowa State Highway Commissio.n, Extra Work Order for the Dodge Street Corridor StUdy. .................... State Highway Commission, no.tice o.f bridge re- pair project an Julien Dubuque Bridge. INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 1973 Jan. " " " Feb. " " " Mar. " April " May 29-Iowa " Page 462 462 451 465 587 476 476 492 493 495 501 515 519 525 535 537 549 560 566 570 578 566 595 619 647 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 6-Haas Urban, appointed to the Citizens Transportation ComInittee. .................................................................. 449, 6-Hemmer Andrew C., appointed to the Citizens Trans- porta,lion Committee. ................................................ 449, 2Q-Hartmann Construction Co., sidewalk bond. ................ 2~Hen~.g Florence. ~" apPointed to. the Low-Rent Hous- mg Comnu.sslan. ........................................................ 4-H. R. W. Associates, petitian of Mandamus command- ing the Building Commissioner to issue a build~ ing permit far a structure an Lot A af Block 22 in Key Knolls Sub. ...............................................475, 507, 4---Hawthorne Street, parking prohibited on the north side fram Rhomberg Avenue to. Kerper Boulevard. 4---Huff Donald E. et. aI., requesting two hour parking on Kane Street, south side, Manday thraugh Fri- day. ................................................................................ 17-.:.....Herrrnann Henry, submitting ideas cancerning the Gp- eratian of the Bus system. ........................................ 17--Hogrefe & Burden Avenues, installation of a street light recommended. .................................................... 17-Hempstead High School, requesting permissian to. can- duct a hamecoming parade. .................................... 17-"Hatel," defined to inclUde motel, motor inn, motor hotel and motor lodge as a penultted land use in Urban Renewal Praject" Iowa R~15. .................... 24---Higley John, appointed to the Airport Commission, replacing Victar Grice. ............................................ Oct. I-Henningsan, Durham & Richardson, slide presentation showing how other cities and towns handle solid waste material. .......... ........................................... ....... " 8---Haliday Inn af Dubuque, granted Class "B" Liquar Pennit .......................................................................... " 15-Human Rights Commission, expressio.n af support by the Dubuque Cauncil af Churches, and disapprov- al of use of Police Department for investigatian purposes. ........................................................... ........... .. 15-Hawtho.me Street, request for removal af "No. Park- ing" signs. .................................................................... " 15-Hills & Dales Child Development Center Inc., request- ing installation of a street light on Davis Ave- nue. . .............. ................................................................. 537, " 22-Helling Anthony A & Bette 0., granted Class "B" Liquor PerIDit. ............................................................ " 29--Housing Supervisor, Dubuque Area Project Concern for the Elderly and Retired. relative to the City's failure to hire a Hausing Supervisor to manage a program for low rent incame :persons. ................ .. 29--Halloween Parade, request af Y' Men's Club to con- duct a parade on October 30, 1973. ...................... Nov. 5---Haas Ranald J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .... .. 19--Hennessy James M., sidewalk 'band. ................................ .. 19-Hartig Drug Company, granted four Class "B" Beer Permits. ....... ....... .......................................................... Dec. 3-Hantelmann, Richard J., granted Class C Beer-Liquo.r li.cense ..... .................. ............................................ " 17-Heiderscheit, Jahn, granted Class C Beer license 646, 103 -~ 19'13 " " Sept. " INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT Page J 19--J. F. K. Foods, granted Class "B" Beer and Cigarette Permits. ..................................................................100, 144, 374 Mar. 29--Jotbam William R., requesting refund on Liquor Per- mit No. C.4549 and Cigarette Penult No. 18. .... 165 April 2-Johansen P. D., requesting rezoning of property in Block 5 0' P. D. Johansen Sub. from Single to Multiple Family classification. ..............................174, 277 Of 16-Jaycee City Hall Renovation Committee, requesting permission to address the Council concerning the results of a conducted study. ..................198, 277,284, 509 " 3O--Jolliet Marquette Tricentennial, requestin.g permission to sell buttons from door to door. ........................ 236 May ~acobson.s Incorporated, authorized to construct a loading dock. .............................................................. 287 July 9--Johnson Clara L., granted Cigarette Penult. ................ 401, 629 Aug. 2O-Justmann C. Robert Councilman, sobmittinj: aresolu- tion encouraging promotion to designate Du- buque as a Port of call for river trade, to es- tablish a waste disposal study team to explore feasibility of 'building a plant to process waste to produce electricity. ................................................ Sept. 4-Justmann C. Robert Councilman, moved the allocation of $208,300 from the Revenue Federal Sharing funds to bring the City Hali into compliance with City, State building and fire laws. .............. " 17----Jobnston Arend, appointed to the Youth Services Bureau. .......................................................................... Oct. 8-Justmann C. Robert Councilman, expressing concern about the activities of the Human Rights Com- mission and suggesting that Realtors be given the opportunity of selling Urban Renewal proJ>- erty. ................................................................................ Nov. 19--Jushnann C. Robert. Councilman, relative to a letter he received from the Iowa Conservation Com- mission concerning utilization of Area 1'C" as a State Park. ....... 464 487 492 522 597 1973 Feb. 604 "~3 325 342 342 342 357 366 543 407 433 435 450 474 464 564 549 640 589 597 603 607 621 624 page 29-Interstate power Company, requesting permission to address the Council concerning pollution control financing. ....................................292, 301, 325, 326,327, 29-Iowa State Highway Commission, requesti~ HLocation and Design" approval from Federal Highway Ad. ministration for Traffic Signal System on Bluff, Wbite, Tenth, Twelfth and Fourteenth Streets. ............................................... ......................................... 292, 293 ll-Insurance Company of North America, representing Hartig Drug Company, Notice of Claim, advising of personal injury accident by Evelyn C. Wie- land. .............................................................................. 319, n.. ll-Iowa State Highway Commissio.n, requesting annexa- tion of the right of way on Highway No. 20 into the City. ........................................................................324, 16-10wa State Depariment of Environmental Quality, approving sanitary and functional features for Hawkeye Estates Notice #73-86W, 1438' of ClP Hawkeye Drive and Inwood Avenue. .................... 16-10wa State Department of Environmental Quality, is- suing construction penult No. 73-114-S Sanitary Sewer Plans, Phase 1 for Hawkeye Estates. ........ 18---Iowa State Highway Commission, submitting agree- ment for Primary Road Extension Maintenance to June 30, 1974 in amount of $3583.50. .............. 25-1owa State Auditor, Report of records of the City for the year 1972. ............................................................ 25--Iowa Commission for the Blind, granted Cigarette Per- mit. ................................................................................ 2-Iowa State Department of Environmental Quality, Mr. Joseph Obr addresed the Council relative to Sewage Treatment Plant. ..377,378,437, 473, 517,535 16--Iowa Conservation Commission, requesting work and cost estimates on the restoration of City Hall. .... 3O-Imperial Lanes Inc., granted Class IIC" Liquor Permit. .. 6--Iowa Coaches, Inc., offer to purchase a parcel of property in the Industrial Park. ............................ 20--Iowa Engineering Society, recommending that a reg- istered professional engineer be appointed as a member of the Transportation Committee. ........ 2O-Indian Ridge, installation of a street ligbt requested by Roy Vyverberg et. al. .......................................... 461 2O-lmperial Lanes Inc., granted Cigarette Penult. ............ 24--Iowa State Auditor, submitting report of Disaster Claim in amount of $25,841.02. ............................50< 22-Iowa Department of Environmental Quality, submit- ting sanitary survey of Dubuque Municipal Wa- ter Supply. .................................................................. 22-1uvestment Planning Inc., offer to purchase Block 8, Parcel 7-4 in Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15. ............................................................556, 61, 22--Iowa Northwestern Development Co., approval of plat of Blo-cks 4 and 5 in "Arbor Oaks Sulxlivision, and requesting installation of street light. ........ 55 19-Iowa Conservation Commission, relative to. utilization of Area "C" as a State Park. ................................ 26-111inois Central Gulf Railroad, Easement Agreement with City of Dubuque. .............................................. 3-1owa State Highway Commission sobmitting maps of proposed corridor location of Freway 520 in Delaware and Dubuque counties ............................ 14--Interstate Power Company issuance of $4,400 000 Pol- lution Control Revenue Bonds ................:............... 6~ 17-Iowa State Highway Commission submitting copy of Iowa's approved action plan in developing a proj- ect on the Primary Road System ........ ~ji INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT 1973 June July Aug. Sept. Nov. Dec. " " " " " " " " " " Oct. " 103 1NDEX-.BQ()K SUBJECT INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT Page 2-Kelly Robert P.. granted Cigarette Pennit and Class "C" Liquor Pemtit. ....................................366, 413,590, 602 9--Kieffer Richard Mrs., claim denied. ................................ 390 9--Kirchberg Gerald C., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 401 16-Kennedy Ron et. al., requesting parking on both sides _ of Wilson Avenue. .................................................... 410 30--KoehIer Mildred Mrs., Elma Rembold et. al., ordered to dismantle building and clean up premises at 1781-1783 Central Avenue. ......................................418, 479 30----Key Knolls Subdivision, request of Hillcrest Builders for vacation of a utility easement in Lot 3 and Lot 4 of Block lOA. ..................................................424, 447 .. 3O-Klauer James J., granted Class "e" Liquor Permit. ,.... 432 Aug. 6-KehI Robert, granted Cigarette Permit. ,....................... 447 .. 6-K<>pp Eugene L.. granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 447 .. 2O--Key City Plating Co., submitting copy of letter from Corning Laboratories relating to existing prob- lem with Keystone Gelatin. .................................... 450 " 20----Koeller Duane C., granted Class "e" Liquor Permit. .... 465 Se!>!. ~KaneM~~J:~' tt~ti~id~~'.'u~~~~...~~..~~":'...~~~~ 476 " 4-Kiwanis Club, requesting permission to conduct their 1973 Peanut Sale. ...................................................... 477 .. ~Knights of Clumbus Council 510, granted Class "C" Liquor Penult. ............................................................ 486 .. 13-Kutchera Barbara Sr., replaced On Human Rights Com- mission by Allin Bond. .....'......................................... 490 " 17----KDeller Duane C., granted Class "C' Liquor Permit. .... 504 " 24-Kopple Harry, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ............ 511 .. 24--KDTH, objecting to proposed policy by Councilman Justmann preventing staff members from divulg- ing information to the news media. ...................... 515 Oct. 6-Kuehn Archie et. aI., requesting a street light on Bradley Street. ............................................................523, 536 .. 15--Kieffer Francis H., sidewalk bond. .................................. 535 .. 25-Keystone Gelatine Company. eomplieance with Amend. ment to Consent Order in the matter of Pollu- tion of the Mississippi River. ................................ Nov. 5---Kroeger Jeanette M., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. ................................................................................ " 19---Kaufmann Avenue, request for parking on one side of street only, between Carter and Evergreen. .... " 19--Key City Investment Co., requesting annexation of Waechter Plate in Center Grove in Dubuque Township. ..... ........ ........................ .... .......... ................... Dec. 17---Kaiser Gordon et. al., requesting No Parking regula- tions along Sunset Park Circle at Kennedy Road. .............................................................................. .. 17-Kopp Eugene L., granted Cigarette and Class C Com. merical Beer.Liquor Licenses. ................................646, " 17---Kachevas James P., granted Class C Commercial Beer- Liquor License 543 478 550 589 628 647 647 1973 " " .. Page K Jan. 2-Key City Bank & Trust Company, appointed official depository of public funds. .................................... " 2--Kahle Marvin, ordered to dismantle building located at 1208 Dodge Street and clean up the premises. .. " 2---Kies Donald, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Per- mit. ................................................................................ 29, " 2----Kachevas James P., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit .......................................................................... " 8-Koos Richard J. and Kathryn Koos, Decree filed in favor of the City and County of Dubuque con. cerning annexation of Rockdale Road. ................ " 8-K & K Heating Co., requesting a refund on Permit No. 21600. ............................................................................ " 8--Karigan Gust & Andrew, requesting. consideration of their property at 4th & Central in the event temporary offices are needed by the City during renovation of City Hall. .............~............................ .. 22-Key Knolls Subdivision, rezoning of Block 22 to Local Business "A" classification recommended by Planning & Zoning commission. ..,......................... 49. .. 22-Kunkel Kenneth N., Notice of Claim. ............................ 50 " 29-Kruser Vickie, Notice of Claim. ......................................57 .. 29--Kraemer Mary G., granted Cigarette Penult. .............. Feb. 6-Kirchberg Gerald C_, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. ........................................................................... " 19--Karr Robert J., granted Cigarette and Class "e" Beer & Liquor Penults. ..............................................100, 101, April 2-Kennedy Road Corridor Project, a Scope of Study presented by the Planning & Zoning Commis~ sion. ................................................................................ " 2-Knights of Columbus Council 510, granted Class "C" Liquor Penult. ............................................................ .. 16-Kenneally Helen M., Notice of Claim ............................ .. 16-Kuch Roy A. & Marie L., Notice of Snit. ...................... " 16---Klavitter Nelson P. & Ramona R., conveyance of Lot 86A and easterly 19.96 feet of Lot 87A of Wood's Addition. ............. ...... ........................... ......... ............... " 16--"Kennedy-Larches Subdivision". approval of plat of. .. May 14--Keystone Gelatin Co., concerned about contamination due to the sale of land to the Key City Plating Co.. adjacent to the Gelatin Plant. ........................257, .. 14---<Key Corners and Keymont Drive, withdrawn from the 1973 Sidewalk Program. .......................................... .. 29--Kall Ben C. Mrs., Notice of Claim. ..................................286, " 29-Knapp Win~aI!l' appointed to the Planning & Zoning Comrmsslon. .................. ....... ......... .................... .......... June 11--,Kies Donald, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ " ll-Kretz Ernest J., granted Cigarette Permit. .................. .. 16-Klauer James J., granted Cigarette Penult. ................ .. 19--Kennedy Mall Cinema, granted Cigarette Penult. ........ .. 18--Kroeger Jeanette M., granted Cigarette Penult. ............ .. 19--Koeller Duane, granted Cigarette Permit. ..............351, 545, .. 16-K-Mart, granted Cigarette pemtit. .................................. " 18-Kachevas James, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ " 16-Kremer Mary G., granted Cigarette Penult. ................ .. 25-Kraus Chandler Mrs., a!>pointed to the Advisory Com- mission. . ..... ..... .... ........ ............... .................... .............. .. 25--Kni~hts of Columbus, granted Cigarette Pennit. ........ .. 25--KraJnovick Elizabeth, granted Cigarette Pennit. ........ .. 25--Kopple Harry, granted Cigarette Penult. .................... .. 25--Karr Robert, granted Cigarette Penult. ........................ " 25--Krajnovich Elizabeth, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. ................................................................................ n 29---Kachevas James, granted Sunday Sales Permit. .......... July 2-Kelly Lane, installation of stop sill'! recommended to provide that westbound vehIcles stop at the in- tersection of Kelly Lane and Fremont Avenue. .. 361, 391 .S 5 30 30 36 37 37 90 157 194 65 76 374 169 188 195 195 203 208 450 260 474 296 339 339 351 351 351 556 351 351 351 356 366 366 386 366 367 374 13 1973 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECl' 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page 411 335 339 339 351 351 351 352 360 552 493 576 611 594 610 518 549 584 425 432 474 477 484 504 363 386 377 381 385 412 368 317 29--Lorice Inc., offer to purchase Parcel No. 2-6 of Urban Renewal property. ..............................294, 301, 302,400, 4-Liquor.Beer Sales -on Sunday, advocation of sale of beer and liquor and directing the City Clerk to forward resolution to the Speaker of the House. .. 303, ll-Lorimer Street, recommendation of ,the City Manager that the name of the street not be changed. ...... ll-Law Enforcement Center, retention of Urban Renewal Land for the construction of a Law Enforcement Center. ..........................................................................331, ll-Lucky Stores Inc., granted four Cigarette Pennits. .... 11-Leonard Oil Company, granted Cigarette Penult. ........ 16-Lange James, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 16-Lenstra Thelma, granted Cigarette Permit. .................. lS-Lester Catherine, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 16-Love Philip R.. granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ........ 25-Lubbers Lloyd, requesting permission to raise a side- walk on Southern Avenue 4" higher than the existing walk. .............................................................. 25-Langman C. H. & Sons, demolition work completed and accepted. . ............ ....................................... .......... 25-Love Kenneth J., granted Cigarette Permit and Class "C" Liquor Permit. ....................................................366, 2--LuGrain William, sidewalk bond. .................................... 2-----Loras Colege, requesting permission to conduct a Home-Coming parade on Octaber 13. .................... 2-Loras College. granted Cigarette Penult. ...................... 16-Love Phillip R., granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 30-Leibold Tom & Associates, requesting rezaning .of Lot 2 of 1 of 3 of St. Mary's Place to Multiple Dis- trict Classification. ....................................424, 507,508, 30-Lang Elsie, requesting suspension of taxes on property at 904 Lincoln Avenue. ............................................ 3O-Langas Pbillip. granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 4--Luerkens William & Jeanette, liability policy. ............ 4--Ludescher J. J., requesting "No Parking" signs an east side of Grandview Avenue from Clarke Drive to Ungs Street. ................................................ 4---Leath and Company, sale of fixtures in the Downtown Urban Renewal area. ................................................ 13-Leath Bnilding, proposed as a poSSible location for a City Hall. ..........................................................490, 493, 17~Lammer Ben, objecting to unsanitary conditions ex- isting around the Cosley property on Asbury Street. ... .................... .... .... .................... ...... ......... .......... I-Landfill Site, petition containing 1500 signatures of property owners objecting to a proposed landfill site on David Waller farm, presented by Thomas W. McKay. .................................................................... 22-Loras Boulevard, "NO' Student Parking" an west side from 1500 to 1800 block and Edina Street from Alta Vista to alley. .................................................... 5---Land & Water Canservation Fund Pragram, the City to' apply for a federal acquisitian grant in con- nectian with the resaurces af the E. B. Lyons Estate for the purchase of tbe Reed Property cansisting of 34 acres in Section 6 af Dubuque Township. ..............................................................574, 575, 19-Landon William Jr., recommended far appointment to' the Yauth Services Bureau. ................................ 19-Lundh Alvin, Objecting to' the praposal to' renovate the City Hall. .............................................................. 3-Link Donald F., et. al. objecting to proposed parking changes an Kane Street, also requesting two haur parking .......................... .... ......................... ................... 3--Lundh, Alvin, submitting sketch of bUildings propased for Goerdt property canstruction off Sheridan Road. ....... 1973 June Sept. .. .. Dec. Nov. July .. Oct. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Page L 2-Library Baard, requesting a meeting with the Council concerning present and future needs. .................. 7 2--Low Rent Housing Commission, submitting minutes of meetings. ........8, 55, 103, 133. 156, 264, 377, 473,517, 548 2-LaRue William G., Notice of Claim. ..............................:. 9 2-Lease Agreement between Louis Mtbalakis & Milton Sehwartz with the City of Dubuque for rental of the former City Garage at 14th & Elm Streets. .. 15 8--Lemmer Carl J., requesting rezoning of praperty in M. L. 452. Section 16, Dubuqne Twp. from Single Family to Local Business "A" classificatian. .... 37, 57 6-Langas Phillip T., Appeal before Iowa Beer & Liquor Department set for January 12, 1973. .................. ........................38. 57, 139, 140. 225, 256, 256, 269,294, 301 22-LiI Giant Food Stares, requesting refund an Class "C" Beer and Cigarette Permits. ............................ 51 29--League of Women Voters, presenting the Council with booklet entitled "Know Dubuque". ........................ 5;; 6--Luther Manar Nursing Harne, endorsing the proposed Ecumenical Hausing project at 6th and Locust Streets. .......................................................................... 70 6--Low Rent Housing Commission, designatian af $200,- 000 Revenue Sharing Funds recommended by Councilman Moldenhauer. ........................................ 72 12-Law Enforcement Center, praviding for matching funds through the Iowa Crime Commission Proj- ect. ............................................................................63, 154, 313 19-Lemmer Ralph L., authorized to construct an iden- tification sign. base. .................................................. 91 6-Lewis Merlin K., requesting the vacation of Lot 4B of M. L. 472. .................................................................... 122 6-Loras College, request to conduct a "Shamracks for Dystrophy" drive. ...................................................... 126 6-Langas Phillip, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. ........ 131, 301 6-Lucky Stores, Inc., granted (3) Class "c" Beer Per- mits. .............................................................................. 131 12--Low Rent Housing Commissian, submitting a deter- mination of a subsidy report for low income house- holds. ............................................................................ 133. 156 19~League af Wamen Voters, submitting names af Ed- ward Cawley, Mrs. Vince Timpe and Mrs. Gloria Lipper as members of Citizens Committee far the north-south freeway. .......................................... 147 19---Loras College, requesting permission to conduct a carnival and firewarks display. ............................ 151 19--LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER, bids to be received on May 22, 1973 and to ,be let on May 29, 1973. ................................................................154, 211, 213. 215, 217, 218. 153, 384. 307, 308. 309, 313, 331,334, 335 26-Lenger Joseph R., granted Class "c" Beer Penult. .... 166 April 2--Lynn William J., requesting refund on Class "c" Beer Penult NO.5 and on Cigarette Permit No. 27. .... 174 .. 16--Loras Callege Student Body, requesting pennission to conduct a Bike Relay. ........................................ 197 " 3O--Law Enforcement Center Bonds, advertisement of sale in amount of $205,000. ....237, 281, 309, 310,311, 313 " 3()..........Leanard Oil Company, granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit. ................................................................................ 240 May 14--LYONS P~ PROJECT NO.1. proposal submitted to acqUIre 39 acre Reed property for use as a public park and conservation area. ..267, 268, 574,575, 629 21~Library Board, requesting consideration on the re- appointment of Bev. Karl G. Schroeder and Dr. George Ehlhardt. ........................................................ 276 21-Lundh AI., reappointed to the Advisory Commission. .. 277 21-Leppert Hilda ,M., requesting suspension of taxes. .... 277 29--Langas Phillip T., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ...... 294, 448 'w ~. 1973 Feb. Mar. Jan. " ~ 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJEcr 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECl' Page Me 2-McEvoy John Mrs. Notice of Claim. ................................ 9, 57 8-McNeil J. Timothy, replace on Advisory Commission by Frank Miller. ........................................................ 38 16-McDowell Appliance, claim denied. ................................ 40 29-McDonald Raymond G. Jr., ordered to dismantle build- ing located at 614 Lincoln Avenue. ...................... 55, 95 26--McSperrin Melvin B. & Richard Stecklein, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .....................................,.. 167 " 2li-'McGhee John C., Settlement of Claim. ............................ 224 April 30-McCarty Marcella, requesting a refund on Class "e" Liquor Permit No. C-3404. ...................................... 236 July 2-McDonald A. Y. Mfg. Co., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 386 " 16-McCullough J. A., objecting to poor ca'ble TV recep- tion. .................................. ... ................. ............... ........... 410 6--McKay Thomas W., appointed to the Citizens Trans- portation Committee. ................................................449, 462 6---McLaughlin Helen K., appointed to the Citizens Trans- portation Committee. ................................................449, 462 20---McKay Thomas W., address the Council as a repre- sentative for a group who opposes the proposed landfill site. .... .... ....... .... ,.. ............ .................... ... ....... 4-McCaughey Caroi M., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 486, l~McKay Thomas W., submitting a petition containing 1500 signatures of land owners objecting to the proposed landfill site. .............................................. 5-McDonald Construction Company, sidewalk bond, Workmen's liability compensation policy and automobile liability policy. ...................................... 3-McEllhiney William, member of Dock Board, submit- ting list of immediate needs f-or Area "C" ........ 3-McCarthy Mike, requesting vacation of a storm sewer easement. ....... .......... ..................................................... 3-McCaughey Mrs. Carol, requesting cigarette refund .... 466 614 518 573 607 614 614 1973 Mar. Sept. Oct. Jan. " Aug. Nov. Dec. " .. " Page 615 623 625 3--Low~Rent Housing submittin~ resolution endorsing Ecumenical Housing ProJect for the elderly...... 17-Low-Rent Housing submitting minutes of meetings of November 20th and 29th ............................. 17-Lang Charles, Notice- of personal injury claim. 1\1f 1973 .. " .. Page 103 12-Mayor Authorized to execute a Memorandum of Un- derstauding with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. .................... 12-Michalakis Elias, Notice of Expiration of Right of Redemption. ................................................................ 26-Mettille Carlton, Relative to retaining bus service for the City. ........................................................................ 26-Metelak Janet K. & Robert, Notice of Claim. ................ April 2-Merchants Mutual Bonding Company, authorized to transact business in Iowa. ........................................ " 2-Memorial Day Committee, requesting permission t.o conduct a parade on May 28, 1973. ........................ 16----Mayor's Industrial Committee, recommending sale .of parcel .of land in Block 5, Riverfront Subdivision NO.3 to L. C. Riggs Associates. ........................192, 422, 482 16-Mayor Bitter, submitting a letter of Mayor of Sioux City, urging support to legislation regarding local option taxes. .................................................... 192 l6-Mettel-Byrne Addition, approval of plat of Block 6 and Block 7. ........................................................................206, 207 16--Marco's Inc., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. .... 220 23-Miller Mary A., granted Cigarette and Class "C" Liquor Per:mit. ............................................................ 228 7-Moldenhauer Councilman, excusing his absence from meeting. ........................................................................ 243 7-Majerus James N., granted Class uC" Liquor Permit. .... 255 7---Mescher Vincent, Notice of Claim. ....................................258, 285 l8--Mayor's Proclamation of Notice of Special Election on the proposition of establishing and acquiring a Transit System for the City of Dubuque. ............ .................................................... 271, 276, 356, 371,410, 468 ll-Montgomery Ward, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 339 ll-Meitl Cyril N., granted Cigarette Permit and Class "C" liquor Permit. .................................................... 339, 340 ll-MITacle Car Walsh Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. 339 16-Municipal Court, inventory submitted by the City Manager. ...................................................................... 342, 407 l8--Miller Radio & TV, requesting permission to install marquees. .................................................................... 348, 393 16-Meyers Kermit, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 351 18--Mescher Vincent W., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 351 16-Majerus James N., granted Cigarette Penult. ............ 351 18--Myers Russel E., granted Class "C" Liquor Penult. .... 352 2()-Mortenson Mary Lou, appointed to the Youth Serv- ices Bureau. ................................................................ 356 25-Myers Russell E., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 366 25--Meyer Catherine M., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 366 25---Merchants Hotel, granted Cigarette Penult. ................ 366 2()-Mr. Steak, granted Cigarette Permit. ............................ 366 2()-Miller Gerald E., granted Cigarette Penult. .................... 366 25--Meyer Catherine Mary, granted Class "B" Beer Permi't. 367 2-Miller Mary A., granted Cigarette Penult and Sunday Sales Permit. .............................................................. 385, 401 2-Meyer Herman J., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 385 2-Manahl Dennis, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 385 2-Mihalakis Shirley, granted Cigarette Penult. ............ 386 16-Mayor's Industrial Committee and Dock Board, ad- dressed the Council relative to the remaming saleable property on the Industrial Island. .... 406 l6--Muscular Dystrophy Association, requesting permis.- sion to conduct a fund drive. ................................ 406 16-Medical Associates Bldg., to be reviewed by the City Council. ................................................413, 515,528, 546 l6--Mister Kellys, granted Class uC" Liquor Permit. ........ 413 :ID-Morett Merliu, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 432 30-Moldenhauer Councilman, submitting resolutions rela- tive to housing City Government. ....... 433, 490 145 156 158 170 141 189 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 1973 June .. Jniy " July May .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. page 8 102 15 38 38 40 75 42 81 157 55 63 108 72 80 84 86 104 105 110 122 440 126 126 133 133 138 103 M 2-Moldenhauer Wayne A., submitting Mayor's weekly report of December 31, 1972. .................................. 2, 2--Mississippi River-Illinois Waterway 12' Channel Study, completiou of Phase 1 submitted by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. ...................................... 7, 2-Mihalakis Louis & Milton Schwariz, approval of lease agreement for rental of former City Garage at 14th & Elm Streets .................................................. 8--Miller Dean, appointed to Human Rights Commission, replacing Dr. Vernon. ................................................ 8-Miller Frank, appointed to Advisory Commission re- placing J. Timothy McNeil. .................................... l6-Marburger Gary W., claim denied. ................................ l6-Mississippi Valley Milk Producers Association, re- questing refund on Cigarette Permit No. 256 and No. 255. ................................................................ 42, 16-Mississippi Valley Milk Producers Association, re- questing refund on Class ''C'' Beer Permit No. 3001. .............................................................................. 16-Mayor's Industrial Committee, approval of Option Agreement between City of Dubuque and Ther- molyne Corporation On Lot 1 of Block 12, Block 13, and Lot 1 of Block 14 in "River Front Sub- division No. 3". .......................................................... 43, 22-Meyer Richard A., Notice of Claim ................................ 50, 29-Murdock Stacey, appointed to the Airport Commission replacing Lloyd Peterson. ........................................ 29-Mineral Lot 472, approval of plat of Lots 4A and 4B. .. 29-Mercy Medical Center, requesting rezoning of prop- erty to permit operation of a pharmacy or apothecary. ......................................61. 67, 104, 105, 106, Feb. 6-Moldenhauer Councilman, designating $200,000 Rev- enue ~h~ing Funds to the Low Rent Housing ComIDlSSlon. ................................................................ " 12--Miehe Ray G. et. aI., requesting sewer service to their properties on Bies & Kebbie Drives. .................... .. 12--.Mayor Bitter, submitting copy of letter which was sent to Mayors and Supervisors in Dubuque County, Jo Daviess County nlinois and Grant County Wisconsin, urging support to the Emer- gency Bridge Replacement Program. .................... .. 19_Murdock Stacey, bond. ........................................................ " 26---Magnuson Paul H., Notice of Claim. ................................ " 26---Miller Leo M. et. al., objecting to rezoning of Mercy Medical Center property. ........................................ " 26---Mayor Bitter authorized to execute pre-Design Agree- ment covering the U. S. 561 Freeway Corridor location and City Island Mississippi River Bridge. .................................. ............. ........................... Mar. 6-M. L. 472, Lot 4B, vacation and conveyance to Du~ buque Community School District. ........................ 6---Masterpole Kathleen, attorney, representing residents of Fourth Street area objecting to proposed amendment to Article IV. Section 2 (h) of Ordi- nance No. 3-34. ........125, 159, 160, 291, 408, 409,438, 6---March of Dimes, requesting permission to conduct a drive. ................................................................................ 6-Municipal Street and Parking Report for the Year 1972. .............................................................................. 12-Moldenhauer Councilman, requesting a report from the Law Enforcement Center group relative to increased expenditure of $3500. ............................ I~Menke C. T., objecting to the business of dirty book stores. .............................................. .............................. 12-Meehan John V. & Naomi R., Notice of Declaratory Judgment to declare the title to Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of Eagle Point View. ....... INDEX-BOOK SUBJECf .. .. .. .. 1973 Jan. .. .. " .. <II Page 83 29 42 43 53 323 72 96 107 388 442 442 449 496 494 524 537 103 III 2--N. E. Iowa Crime Commission authorized to act on behalf of the City of Dubuque to obtain federal funds for programs approved by the State Crime Commission. ..............................................................8. 2--Neumeister John, granted Class "e" Beer Pennit. .... 16--National Federation .of Blind, requesting permission to address the Council relative to the Civil Rights Ordinance. ...................................................... 16--Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting permis. sian to excavate at intersection of 'Pennsylvania Avenue and J. F. K. Road. ................................ 22-National Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Pennit. 29-Noel John E., granted Class "e" Beer & Liquor Per- mit. ................................................................................ 6--Nesler Thomas O. Dr., requesting action on the pro- posed improvement of West Tenth Street. ............ 19-North-South Freeway, Citizens Freeway Stody Com- mittee to be appointed by the Mayor. .................... 26--Nemmers.Pearson Medical Clinic property rezoned to Hospital Medical District. ........................................ 6-Nash Russell & Ruth, requesting rezoning of property at 471-473 West Fourth Street for professional office use, and supporting tbe Historical Society relative to the restoration of buildings on 4th Street. ........123, 125, 159, 160, 194, 291, 408, 409,438, 440 12-Nagle John A., ordered to dismantle bnilding located at 1637 10wa Street and clean up the premises. 134, 200 April 23---Ney Raymond, granted Class "C" Liquar Permi.t. ........ 228 .. 3Q.-Nauman Gregory H., Notice .of Claim. ............................ 233 May 29-Norwood Nelson M., granted Class "B" Beer Penult. 295, 374 June ll-Nash Finch Company, granted Cigaretie Penult. ........ 339 .. IS-Nauman Cletus A, sidewalk bond. ..........._............... 342 " IS-National Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 351 .. IS-Norwood Nelson Sr., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 351 .. 25-Ney Raymond, granted Cigaretie Permit. .................... 366 .. :5-Ney Ai & Dolores Roeth granted Cigarette Penult and Class "C" Liquor Permit. ........................................ 366, 367 .. 25-Nabors Drug #4, granted Cigarette Penult. .................... 366 July 2-Nesteby Cbarles R., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 385 .. 2-Nortou James L., granted Cigarette Penult. ................ 385 " 2---Neumeister John C., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 385 " 9----National Action Council, invitation to attend confer~ ence and requesting permission to string a han~ ner across University Avenue at the University of Dubuque. ................................................................ Aug. 6-Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting permis~ sian to cut inta Central Avenue at 21st, 23rd, 24th and 25th and Diamond Streets. .................... " 6-Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting permis- sion to excavate in Loras Baulevard between Grandview and Atlantic Streets. ............................ .. 6-Nugent Betty, app~inted to the Playground & Rec- reation COIIlIDlSSlon. .................................................. .. 20--Norton James L. and Mrs. Ann Dillon, ordered to dismantle building and clean up premises located at 476-480 East 14th Street. ....................451, 452,497, .. 17-Nicks Jim, Notice of Claim. ............................................ Oct. 8-uNew View" to replace River Valley Cap as DUbuque County's Community Action Agency. .................... 15--Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting permis- sion ta make cuts in alley west of Main Street, from 10th to 1st Street; a portion of First Street from same alley to Locust Street; a portion of Locust Street from First Street to 90 South Locust Street; and Locust and Bluff Street at Loras Boulevard. ....... 65, 65, INDEX-BOOK -- SUBJECT 1973 Jan. .. .. .. Feb. Mar. page Aug. 6-Mayor's lndustrial Committee, recommending sale of parcel of property in the lnduatrial Park to United parcel Service. u.............................................. " 6--Mayor's Industrial Committee, recommending sale of parcel of property in the lndustrial Park to 10wa Coaches, lnc. .............................................................. 435 .. 6-Montelius William B. & Shirley Ann, Notice of U.s. District Court, Referee in BankrUptcy. ................ 438 .. 6---Mackert Roy C., appointed to the Citizens Transporta. tion Committee. ...................................-..................... 449, 462 .. 20--Michels Clara L., Notice of Claim. ................................ 454 Sept. 17_Moldenhauer Councilman, requesting inquiry as to why Leath Bnilding proposal has just come to light. ................... ............... ..... ....................................... 504 " 24--Moldenhauer Councilman, requesting a change in the parking meters adjacent to the City Hall. ............ 515 oct. I_Metropolitan Planning Commission, relative to Region- al Planning and Federal & State Grant in-Aid Programs. .................................................................... 517 .. l_Mihalakis John P., granted Cigarette Penult and Class "c" Liquor Permit. .................................................... 520, 521 .. 8----Medical Associates Realty Company, offer of their SK.'iTi6. ~t...~~~...~~i~...S.t~~.t...f~.r...t~.~...~~~..~~ 526 " l&-Meyer Donna Mrs., thanking the City for ex.tending bus service to Sunset Park. .................................... 535 .. 15-Manders Don J., Notice of Claim. .................................... 536, 587 " 22--Myers Robert Dr., presenting City with certificate of Official Recognition as a Bi~Centennial City. .... 548 " 22---Maiers AI. G., requesting permission to ,excavate at 2660 Central Avenue. ................................................ 555 .. 22--Murphy Joan R, granted Class "C" Liquor permit. '.... 560 Nov. 19-Moldt. ~Iectric & Lighting Maintenance, liability pol- ICIes. .......................................... ..... ............ ..... .... .... ...... 586 .. 19---Metelak Janet K., Notice of Suit. .................................... 588 .. 19-Milk Fees Mixed and Established by Ordinance No. 52-73. ............................................................................ 588, 599 " 26-Miller Gerald E., granted Cigarette and Class "C" Liquor Permits. ....................................................605, 606, 629 Dec. 3----Mihalakis, Shirley granted Class C Commercial, Beer~ Liquor applications and license ............................ 619 17-Mayor's Industrial Comm. submitting application for purchase of land in River Front Sub. No.3 from American Optical Ca. ................................................ 17-,Moran, Kenneth J. Notice of car damage claim. ............ 17-Mihm, Bernard W.petition for suspension of 1971-72 taxes on W. 130' of Lot 46 Cox Addn. 435 623 625 628 INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT 1973 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 103 INDEX-BOOK sUBJECT ~'I Page 48 11 37, 105 6 58, 90 7 89 12 90 10, 10, 9, 58, 11, o 2--Ordinance No. 1-73. An Ordinance allocating and mak- ing appropriations of tax levies and other sources of revenue .to the expenditures of City govern- ment in the City of Dubuque, for the fIscal year beginning January 1, 1973 and ending December 31, 1973 and authorizing certain transfers of funds. ............................................................................ 2---0'Connor Brooks and Company to audit the financial condition and transactions of the Water, Park- ing Facilities and Sewage Bental Funds for 1972. 2--Oberhoffer Carl L., Notice of Claim. ..............._........... 2-Ordinance No. 63-72. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. &-34 kUl>wu as the "Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, IDwa" so as to change certain prop- erty hereinafter described from "Single Family Residence District" classification to- "Multiple Residence District" classification. (Sisters of St. Francis), (Not Adopted). ........................................9, 2--Ordinance No. 64-72. An Ordinance Amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 know as the "Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Two Family ResI- dence District" classification to "MuHiple Resi- dence District" classification, (Finley Hospital). 2--Ordinance No. 65-72. An Ordinance amending Ordin. ance No. 3-34, known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by amending Article N, Section 2 (h) thereof to include certain described real estate in which professional offices or studios of a physician, dentist, architect, engineer, lawyer, reaJtor, in- surance, musician, or similar professions may be permitted, (Finley Hospital). ................................ 8-0rdinance 49-72. An Ordinance amending and chang- ing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Du- buque, Iowa" by adding a new subsection (n) to section 2 of Article N thereof, to permit medical offices and accessory uses within certain describ- ed areas of the multiple residence district, (Not adopted). ...................................................................... 29-0rdinance 2-73. An Ordinance amending and cbanging Ordinance No. 3-34 know as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque.!. Iowa" so as to change certain property hereina'Iter de~ scribed from "Multiple Residence District" class- ification to "Local Business lA' District" class- ification, (Lot A of Block 22 Key Knolls SUb.). 29-Ordinance No. 3-73. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so- as to change certain prop- erty hereinafter described from "Multiple Resi- dence District" classification to "Business Dis- trict" classification, (Lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 11 and Lot 2 of 1 of 11 in Wullweber's Sub. .................... 29-0rdinance No. 4-73. An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 61-71 known as the "Dubuque Human Rights Ordinance" by repealing Section 100 of Article I thereof by enacting a new Section 100 in lieu thereof to include Subsection 11 tbereto defining "Disability": by repealing Section 102 thereof and enacting a new Section 102 thereof of Article I to include proviSions for declaration of vacancy in the Human Rights Commission 1973 Jan. " " " " " t page 615 570 573 577 613 647 646, 22--Nesler C. O. Estate, Agreement for the acquisition of building located on the southeast corner ()f Tenth and Bluff Streets. ....................................................561, 29--Na,bors Drug NO.4, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. s-Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., advising ,that they have filed tariffs for a general increase in phone rates. ................................................................ 5--N ash Finch Company, granted Class lie" Beer Permit. 3--National Foundation March of Dimes requesting per- mission to co-nduct annual March of Dimes dur- ing month of January. ................................... 17__Neumeister, John granted Class C beer license ;;;. 1973 " Nov. Dec. 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECf INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT membership: hy repealing Section 201 thereof of Article 11, by repealing Section 202 thereof, and by repealing Section 203 thereof of Article n and enacting a new Seetion 201, a new Section 202 thereQf, a new Section 203 of Article IT in lieu thereof to provide, among other things that unfair discriminatory practices are prohibited against persons because of said person's dis- ability. .......................................................................... 29-Ordinance No. 5-73. An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 61-71 known as the "Dubuque Human Rights Ordinance" by repealing Section 204 of Article II thereof and enacting a new Section 204 of Article II in lieu thereof to define aiding or abetting in an unfair or discriminatory practice. 29-0rdinance No. 1()"73. An Ordinance amending and changin~ Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zon- ing Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Section 1 of Article I thereof, and ad- opting a new Section 1 of Article I in lieu there- of, to establish an eighth zoning classification, to be known as the Hospital-Medical District, and further amending and changing said Ordinance No. 3-34 by adding a new Article IV.A thereof, describing the purpose, permitted uses, height regulations and parking requirements applicable to the Hospital.Medical District. ............................ 61, 106 29--0rdinance No. 11-73. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 know as the "Zoning ing Map aud Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to change certain property hereinafter described from Multiple Besidence District to Hospital Medical District. ............61, 67, 108 " 29-Ordinance No. 17.73. An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 3.34 known as the "Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Section I of Article V A thereof and enacting a new Section I of Article V A in lieu thereof to penult the loca- tion of a tavern in a cafe or restaurant operat. ing as such at least three years prior to effective date hereof. ............................................61, 67, 196,224, 225 29--0xus Grotto, requesting permission to solicit to aid Cerebral Palsy victims. ............................................ 62 29--0rdinance No. 6-73. An Ordinance for vacation and sale of an unopened street abutting Linwood Cemetery and now platted and described as Lot 4B of Mineral Lot 472. ............................................ 63, 122 Feb. 12-0rdinance No. 32.73. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zon. ing Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa", so as to add a new Subsection (k) to Section 1 of Article VB to clarify a prohibition on the use of any premises in a local Business "B" District for places commonly described as adult entertainment or adult book stores. 86, 226,227, 346 19-Ordinance No. 7~73. An Ordinance amending the Budget as approved by Ordinance No. 1-73. .... 91, 138 19-Ordinance No. 8-73. An Ordinance authorizing Ralph L. Lemmer, 901 Rhomberg Avenue :to construct an identification sign base. ................................ 19--0rdinance No. 9-73. An Ordinance authorizing Dupaco Employees Credit Union to construct a lighting standard on city owned Lot 412 of East Du- buque Addition No.2. ............................................ 26--0'Brien Dental Clinic property rezoned to Hospital Medical District classification. ..... Page 161 26-0rdinance No. 12-73. An Ordinance zoning and classi- fying recently annexed territory to the City of Dubuque, Iowa as a "Single Family Residence District" which real estate is hereinafter de- scribed (Henschel). .................................................... 109, 26-0rdinance No. 13-73. An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa," as amended by repealing Sec- tion 9.3 thereof and enacting a new Section 9.3 in lieu thereof requiring vehicles to travel on the right hand side of the roadway unless otherwise provided by law. .... 109 162 160 171 172 154 156 161 234 246 258 1973 " &-Ordinance No. 14-73. An Ordinance regulating the use of the municipally owned waterfront, esta'blish- ing charges for the use thereof, regulating the construction of new boat houses. ................121, 122, 6-Ordinance An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 3-34, by amending Article IV, Section 2(h)there- of to include certain described real estate in which professional offices of a physician, dentist, architect, engineer, lawyer, realtor, insurance, musician, or similar professions may be permit- ted (4th Street properly), Not adopted, See No. 42-73. ......................................................................125, 159, 12~Ordinance No. 15--73. An Ordinance Amending Ordin- ance No. 33.49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa", as amended by repealing sub- section 21 of Section A of Schedule IV thereof and enacting a new subsection 21 to Section A of Schedule IV in lieu thereof to limit Parking of motor vheicles on streets hereinafter designat- ed (White Street). ................................................139, 160, 12-0rdinance No. 16-73. An Ordinance Amending Ordin. ance No. 37-65 known as the "Street Parking Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by repealing Section 6 and each subsection there- of, Section 7 and Section 8 and enacting a new Section 6, a new Section 7 and a new Section 8 in lieu thereof to establish three parking meter districts, to establish tbe required deposits of U.S. coin in said respective parking meter dig. tricts and establishing the hours of legal parking in the respective parking meter spaces within the respective districts. ....................................139, 160, 19-0ptimist Club of Dubuque, submitting a proposal for developing a children's zoo in F.D.R. Park. ........ 26--0'Brien William J., appointed Deputy City Clerk. .... 26-0rdinance An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 48--70 by repealing Section 5 and enacting a new Section 5 to provide that members of Plumbing Board be paid $5.00 per month. (Not adopted) 26-0rdinance No. 18.73. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3--34 known as the "Zon. ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Du. buque, Iowa" so as to change certain property from "Multiple Residence District" to "Local Business liB" classification." (Tower) ...... 163, 2--Ordinance No. 21.73. An Ordinance naming a public roadway in Table Mound Township which is now a driveway to Table Mound School, to ,be named Tower Drive. ..............................................................173, 23-0rdinance No. 22-73. An Ordinance Amending Ordin- ance No. 46-72 by repealing section 4 thereof and enacting a new section 4 in lieu thereof to provide for the location of the premises of a Class HB" Beer Permit within a local business "A" District Classification. 225, page 59 Mar. April " " 91 92 106 61 ';w:''::; 1973 " " Pag<: 442 313 316 382 321 322 339 344 351 352 366 368 369 375 391 385 386 441, 311, 381, 343, INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT 19'73 June " .. " " " " " " " " " .. July " " , t r page 23-0rdinance No. 31-73. An Ordinance Amending Ord- inance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by amending Article IV. Section 2, subsection (i) thereof to include certain described real estate to permit off-street parking. .................................... 226, 345 23--Qrdinance No. 27-73. An Ordinance Vacating Lot 2 of 2 of Randall's Sub. within the r/w of Iligh. ways 52 and 61 and 151 and Kerrigan Road and directing the Clerk to publish notice of intent to dispose of city interest. ........................................ 227, 305 3O-0rdinance No. 19-73. An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 48-70 known as "Plumbing Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Section 5 thereof and enacting a new section 5 in lieu thereof to eliminate the provision of compensa- tion for the Plumbing Board members and to provide that no compensation shall be paid to said Plumbing Board members. ............................ 3O-0rdinance No. 20-73. An Ordinance Amending Ordin- ance No. 3349 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubu9,.ue, Iowa" as amended, be amended by repealmg Schedule VlI thereof and enacting a new schedule va in lieu thereof governing and regulatiug the parking of vehicles on the follow- ing alleys or portions of alleys. ....... 234 234 243 320 276 277 286 288 289 290 INDEX-BOOK SullJECf 7-Orpheum Theatre, petitions of objections to the show- ing of "R" and "X" rated movies being shown, (36 petitions). .............................................................. 14-0rdinance No. 29-73. An Ordinance Amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the "Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to change Block 5 and Lot B of Sunset Park Subdivision No. 3 from Single Family Residence District Classification to Multiple Residence District Classification. ........ 265, 21----O'Heam Lena Mrs., relative to hus transportationsys- tem. ............................................................................... 21-0gaard Gertrude and Robert, requesting suspension of taxes. ........................................................................ 29-0rdinance No. 23-73. An Ordinance Authorizing Haud- enshield-DeWachter to construct a :Ma~uee. ........ 29-0rdinance No. 24-73. An Ordinance Authorizmg Jacob- son's Incorporated to construct a loading dock on west side, Pine Street between 18th and 19th Street attached to Eagle Market abutting Lot 236 and 232 inclusive East Dubuque Add. ................ 287, 29--Ordinance No. 25-73. An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 3349 known as the ''Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by adding a new subsection 9 and a new subsection 10 to Section F. of Schedule ill thereof to provide that east- bound vehicles must stop before entering the intersection of Front Street and Harbor Street and to provide that southbound vehicles must stop before entering the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Front Street and Hawthorne Street and Front street, respectively. ................................ 29-0rdinance No. 26-73. An Ordinance amending Ordin~ ance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Du- buque, Iowa" as amended, by repealing Section 6.2 thereof and enacting a new Section 6.2 in lieu thereof maki~g. it unlawful to alter, deface, knock down, lDJure or remove or bave in pos~ session any official traffic control device. ............ 29-0rdinance No. 42-73. An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the city of Dubuque, Iowa" lit..;t 103 1973 " May " " " " " " " 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page 611 596 580 19-0rdinance NO. 52-73. An Ordinance Fixing and Estab- lishing Monthly Permit Fees to be Paid by Every Person, Firm or Corporation Operating a Milk PIant and Bringing into or Sending into or Re- ceiving in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Milk or Milk Products: and Repealing Ordinance No. No. 52-72. .................................................................... 588, 599 19-Ordinance. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33- 49, known as the "Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing subsection 23 of Schedule IV thereof thereby removing the two bour time zone on Universi.ty Avenue from Irving Street to Asbury Street. (Adopted in 1974) 588, 601 19-0rdinance. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, known as the "Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by repealing subsection 29 of Schedule VI and enacting a new subsection 29 of Schedule VI in lieu thereof to prohibit park- ing on the south side of University Avenue from Gilliam Street to a point 102' east of the west line of Auburn Street and On the North side of University Avenue from Loras Boulevard to Pennsylvania Avenue. (Adopted in 1974) ........ 589, 601 19--0rdinance No. 53-73. An Ordinance Fixing and Estab- lishing Fees far the Issuance of Permits for the Operation of Food Service Establishments in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; And Repealing Ordinance No. 14-72. ...................................................................... 589, 600 19--0rdinance. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49 by repealing subsection 105 of Schedule VI and enacting a new subsection 105 to Sched- ule VI in lieu thereof to prohibit parking on the north side of Kane Street from Ken Court to Tina Ridge and on the south side from Tina Ridge to Chaney Road. (NOT ADOPI'ED) ....... 601, 610 3-0rdinance No. 55-73 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 11-69 by repealing Section 2 thereof and enacting a new section 2 in lieu the'reof .to provide for the rate or fare to be paid by one passenger from sixty cents for the first quarter mile to seventy cents therefor and to provide for rate or fare to be charged each passenger re- gardless of origin and regardless of destination to provide Five Dollars an hour waiting charge and repealing Ordinance N~. 43-72 (Taxicabs).... 612, 613 3--Osco Drug Store granted Class "C" Beer Permit & IJcense 618 22---0rdinance No. 54-:73. An Ordinance Zoning and Classi- fying recently annexed terti tory to the City of Dubuque, Iowa as a uMultiple Residence Dis- trict," which real estate is hereinafter described, (Goerdt property). ......................................................555, 22-Ordinance. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 3-34 KnlJWn as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by Repealing Section 1 of Article VA and enacting a new Sec- tion 1 of Article V A in lieu thereof to Delete Restaurants. Cafes and Cafeterias as a Permitted use within the Local Business District "A" Class- ification. (Adopted in 1974 as amended) ....556, 583, 29-0rdinance No. 51-73. An Ordinance Prohibiting Dis- turbance of the Peace; Providing for the Preser- vation of the Public Peace and Safety; and Pro- viding Penalties for the Violation Hereof: and Repealing Ordinance No. 14-58. ........................589, 578, 1973 Nov. Dec. " I t. r f 1 I t ~ I I t 388 390 392 393 395 409 428 456 457 459 476 486 552 551 553 page 9-O'Connor Frank R. power of Attorney submitted by the Western Casualty Company. ............................ 9-Ostrander Clarence, sidewalk bond. ............................ 9--Ordinance No. 88-73. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 46-72 by repealing Section 19 thereof and enacting a new Section 19 in lieu thereof fixing and establishing hours in which alcoholic beverages or beer may be sold on Sunday. .... 9-Ordinance No. 39-73. An Ordinance Authorizing Miller Radio & Television Service to construct two mar- quees at 1599 Central Avenue. ............................ 9-Ordinanee No. 40-73. An Ordinance Authorizing Ten Pin Tap, Joseph & Irma S. Reisdorf, .owners to construct a marquee at 601 Rhomber~ Avenue. 9-Optimist Club, requesting permission to solicit funds to finance a childrens Zoo, and to sell ,garbage bags to support their youth activities. .................... 396, 3(}-()rdinance No. 43-73. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinances No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map .of the City of Dubuque, Iowa", zoning and classifying ter- ritory recently annexed to the City of Dubuque, Iowa as a "Local Business "B" District" which real estate is hereinafter described (Romac). .... 423, 455 sO--Ordinance No. 41-73. An Ordinance vacating portions of certain streets and alleys in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project area. ................................ 2Q-Ordinance No. 44-73. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by amending Article IV Section 2, Subsection (i) thereof to include certain described real estate to permit off street parking (Egelhof). ................ 2(}-()rdinance No. 45-73. An Ordinance providing for tbe name, control, supervision and operation of "The Dubuque Municipal Airport" and providing for a penalty for the violation of the provisions hereof. 20--0rdinance No. 46-73. An Ordinance authorizing Charles L. and Ediel I Fenley to construct pri- vate access stairway to home. ................................ <<.;,,;#: 4---Ordinance No. 47-73. An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance Na. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by adding a new Subsection 110 to Schedule VI thereof to pro- hibit the parking of motor vehicles on the north side .of Hawthorne Street from Rhomberg Avenue to Kerper Boulevard. ..................-............................. 4--O'Neill William, granted Class "C" Liquor Penult. .... 24-0rdinance No. 49-73. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zon- ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Du- buque, Iowa" so as to change certain property hereinafter described from uSingle Family Resi- dence District" Classification to "Multiple Resi- dence District" Classification. (St. Mary's Place). 508, 103 22-0rdinance No. 48-73. An Ordinance Authorizing St. Regis Paper Company to construct 8 x 20 Double Face Pylon Sign. ........................................................ 22-0rdinance No. 50-73. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 33-49 Known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by adding a new subsection 110 to schedule VI thereof to prohibit the parking motor vehicles on the south side of Theisen Street from Jenni Street to Stetmore Street. ................................ INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page 68 INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT P Jan. 2-Plumbing COde, a new approved rule submitted by the Iowa State Department ~f Health. ................ 7, 2--Pusateri Michael et. aI., requesting the retention of ,the present street names of Lorimer and St. George Streets. ............................................................ 13, 317 2-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending vaca- tion ~f easements in Lots 9 and 10 in ClinQue Inc. No. 2 as requested by J. Atien Wallis Jr. 28 S---;Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition to rezone property at 808 Rhomberg Avenue froOm Two Family to Local Business "B" classification. .............................................................. 33 8---Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition of Duane Chase and Marie Sullivan to rezone property on Asbury Road from Two Fam- ily to Multiple Residence classification. ................ 34 8-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition of Delos A. Dorweiler to reclassify Lot 10 of Block 3 of Mettel-Link Subdivision from Single Family to Local Business "An class... ification. ........................................................................ 34 8-Pregler Councilman, requesting reconsideration of Ordinance No. 49-72 to permit medical offices and accessory uses within certain described areas. ............................................................................ 37, 105 s..--..Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to excavate at 2666 University Avenue. .................................... 37 16-Pigeon Nuisance, remedies submitted by the DUbuque Audubon SOCiety. ........................................................ 39 22----Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that the child development nursing care center be permitted by the Sisters ~f St. Francis. ................ 48, 49 22-Planning & Zoning Conunission, recommending ap- proval of petition of H. R. W. Associates to re- zone Lot 22 in Key Knolls Subdivision from MUltiple Residence to Local Business "A" classw ification. ........................................................................ 49, 90 22-Planning & Zoning Commission. recommending apw proval of request to rezone property at 2403 Central Avenue from MUltiple to Business Dis- trict classification. .................................................... sa, 90 22-Powers Philip A., requesting rezoning for professional office use on east side of Kennedy Road from Hillcrest northerly to Fire Station. ........................ .................................................... 51, 136, 148, 150,316, 537 22--Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the annexation of 0.763 acres lying south of Valen- tine Drive. owned by Richard C. & Mildred L. Henschel. ...................................................................... 52, 53 29----Peterson LloYd, replaced on AirPOrt C~mmission by Stacey Murdock. ........................................................ 55 29-Police Department, to obtain funds for programs ap- proved by State Crime Commission. ........65, 83, 313, 315 31-Pregler Councilman, requesting a reappraisal of all County property. ........................................................ 66 6--Peterson Jean E., relative to speed limit on Kaufmann Avenue. ........................................................................ 72 6-Parker Gene C., Notice of Claim. .................................... 74, 151 l2-Planning & Zoning Commission, submitting minutes of meetings. ...................................................................... 78, 136, 170, 231, 245, 284, 378, 417, 473, 506,549, 596 l2--Police Department Handbook. revision submitted by tbe Task Force. .......................................................... 78 !6--Planning & Zoning Commision, recommending amend- ing and changing Ordinance No. 3w34 to permit medical offices and accessory uses within certain described areas of the MUltiple Residence Dis- trict. .............................. 104, 106 1973 Page 626 626 627 627 627 17-0rdinance No 56-73 An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nauce No. 37-65 known as "The Street Parking Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa" by enacting a new subsection 6.1.11 of Section 6.1 Parking Meter District A to limit parking to 60 minutes at anyone time on Thirteenth street, both sides between Central Ave. and Iowa Street ................ 17-0rdinance N~. 57-73 An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. 37-65 known as "The Street Parking Meter Ordinance of Dubll;q.ue, Iowa" -by repealing Subsection 6.2.15 of SectiOn 6.2 Parking Meter District B and enacting a new Subsection 6.2.15 of Section 6.2 Parking Meter District B in lieu there~f to limit parking to 120 minutes at any one time on Thirteenth Street, both sides from Iowa Street to Main Street. ...................................... 17-0rdinance No. 58-73 Amending Ordinance No. 7-65 by repealing Section 2 (d) thereof and enacting a new Section 2 (d) in lieu thereof Fixing and es- tablishing Dog License Fees. ................................ 17-Qrdinance Regulating Ambulance Service in the City of Dubu'l.ue (Adopted in 1974) ................................ 17-0rdinance Fixmg and establishing rates and charges for City Ambulance Service, repealing Ordinance No. 52-69 (Adopted in 1974) .................. 1973 "-(1' fii' 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page 227 234 235 241 244 245 246 260 257 264 265 280 267 299 305 316 319 320 342 351 351 351 356 363 366 366 366 357 1973 23--Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the amendment of Ordinance No. 3-34 to clarify a prohibition on the' use of any premises in a local business "B" district for places conunonly described as adult entertainment. ........................ 30-----Plumbing Board, members to receive no compensation for attending meetings. ............................................ 30-Parking Prohibited in the following alleys or portions of alleys, (Ord. No. 20-73). ...................................... ao--pillsbury Company The, requesting resurfacing of East 7th Street. .......................................................... 7-Peoples Natural Gas Division, Annual Report for 1972. .............................................................................. 7---,Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that no action be taken on request .to vacate alley between Cherry Street and Pennsylvania Ave- nue. ................................................................................ 7-Peoples Natural Gas. requesting permission to ex- cavate at 16th & Locust Streets. ............................ 7-Pusateri Sam T., objecting to installation of sidewalks on Cummins Street. ..................................................247, " 14--Park Board, relative to Councilman Pregler's com- munication to the Board concerning the posting of signs in the parks. .............................................. " 14-----Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Block 5 and Lot B of Sunset Park Subdivision No. 3. ............................................................................ " 14-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the re- zoning of Block 5 and Lot B of Sunset Park Subdivision from Single Family to Multiple Res~ idence. ................................. ......................................... " 14-Planning & Zoning Commission, requesting author- ization to submit an application for Federal Grant assistance for acqUIsition of Reed property for park purposes. .................................................... " 21.........Pregler Councilman, recommending the discontinuance of fire inspections to save on gasoline. ................ June 4-Pearson James Mrs., requesting permission to address the Council relative to the renovation of City HaIl. .............................................................................. 4--Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the annexation of the Romac property and an adja- cet portion of right of way of U. S. Highway 20, consisting of 7.612 acres. .......................................... ll-Peterson Lyle Mrs., Objecting to people smoking on City buses. .................................................................... ll-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending ap- proval of plat of Block 5 and Lot B of Sunset Park Subdivision No.3. ............................................ II-Planing & Zoning Commission, recommending the re- zoning of Block 5 and Lot B of Sunset Park Sub- division No. 3 from Single Family to Multiple Residence District classification. ............................ 18---Primary Road Extension Maintenance Agreement with the Iowa State Highway Commission to June 30, 1974 in the amount of $3583.50. ............................ IS-Pusateri Michael F., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 16-Pins Arthur W., granted Cigarette Penult. .................. 18--Polfer Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 25----Police Chief, requesting the Mayor to present David Grassel with an Eagle Badge asa member of the Dubuque Police Explorer troop. .................... 25-Planing & Zoning Commission. lease agreement with Fischer Realty for office space. ............................ 25-Plumley Donald, granted Cigarette Penult. ................ 25-Pzazz The. granted Cigarette Permit. .............................. 25-Parker Robert C., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 25-Pusateri Michael F., granted Class "Cu Liquor Per- mit. ...... " May " " " " page 161 116 124 126 135 169 137 137 139 142 306 156 159 163 169 172 181 182 198 206 208 209 211 219 226 ~", 48, 05, INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 26--Planning & Zoning Commisison, recommending that recently annexed property south of Valentine Drive be zoned as Single Family Residence Dis- trict classification. (Henschel). ................................ 108. 26-Page John P., granted Class "C" Liquor Penult. ............ 6--iPlanning & Zoning Commission. recommending the zoning reclassification of properties fronting on West Fourth Street west of Bluff Street. ............100 6-Parking and Municipal Streets Budget Report for 1972. 12-Parking Facilities Audit Report for 1972. .................... 12-Planning & Zoning Commission. recommending that the request of Phil Powers to rezone an area on the east side of Kennedy Road from Hillcrest northerly to the Fire Station be denied at this time until a plan for corridor traffic and land- use be devised. ....................................................136. J 12---Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that the petition of Eugene Siegert requesting rezon. ing of property on Hillcrest Road be denied. .... 12-Planning & Zoning Commission. recommending the vacation of an unused portion of Dexter Street as requested by Lloyd S. Gudenkauf. .................... l~Ptanning & Zoning Commission, electing to take no action concerning the issuance of a Class "B" Beer Permit to restaurants existing in Local Bus- iness "A" districts. ....................................................... 12-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending ap- proval of plat of Lot 2 in Gilchrist Place. ........ 19-Polfer Clement F., requesting vacation of Lot 2-2 Randalls Sub. No.2. ..........................................151, 26--Patike Frank A.. ohjecting to treatment received re- sulting from a parking violation. .......................... 26--Pitz Dorrance et. aI., requesting amendment of zon- ing ordinance for professional office use classifi- cation. ............................................................................ 26-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the reo zoning of property in "Tower Investment Sub. division No. I" from Multiple to Local Business "B" district. .. ....... ..... ......................... ........................ 2-Planning & Zoning Commission, submitting Scope 01 Study for the John F. Kennedy Road CorridOl Proje'ct. .. ....... .... ......... ........ ..... ........................... ......... 2-Parking Meter Ordinance No. 37-65 amended by re pealing Sections 6, 7 and 8. ..................................- 2-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommendingap proval of plat of Block 8 in "Thomas Farm Addi tion", owned by Richard C. Henschel and Mildrel L. Henschel. .............. ............................. ................... 2-Park Hill Feed Main Water Distribution System Irr. provements, City Manager authorized to execut a License Agreement for an easement, HUl Project W8-10wa-99. ................................................ 16-Peoples Natural Gas requesting permission to eXCl vate in Lincoln Avenue. .......................................... 16-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat ( Block 6 and 7 in Mettel-Byrne Addition .......... 16-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat ( Kennedy-Larches Subdivision. ............................. 16--Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat I Lots 1-29 and Lot A of Hawkeye Estates, Hef, Brothers Addition. ................................................... 16-Planning & Zoning Commission. approval of propOSE location and design of the County-City Law E forcement Center. ....... ... ... ..................................... 16--Palmer Drug Company, granted Class HC" Beer PE mit. ............................................................................ 23-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending ] zoning of the easterly 115 feet of Lot 760 McDaniel's Subdivision to permit off-street pal ing in a Multiple Residence District. 103 - 1973 " " Mar. " " " " " " " " " " April " " ., " " " " " " -- Page 573 574 574 576 586 586 592 594 609 618 619 620 624 624 628 630 103 29-Project Concern, relative to housing and employing a Housing Supervisor for the low income elderly persons. ........................................................................ 568, 5--Pliffner Monica R., Notice of Claim. ................................ ~Patrick John W., requesting a better system of traffic lighting to provide more rapid transit. ................ ~Park Board. urging the City to adopt the Recreation and Open Space Plan for a federal acquisition grant in connection with the E. B. Lyons Estate fund. .............................................................................. 19--Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of vacation of "crosswalk" property at 127 Cherokee Drive as requested by Francis P. Raymond. .................... 19--Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation of a platted alley as requested by John Zurcher at 2640 Marquette Place. ........................ 19-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of West Hill Subdivision. .............................................. 19-Ponderosa Steak House, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 3-Peacoek Betty J., Notice of personal property damage claim result of Boge shooting at home at 2282 White St. ...................................................................... 3-Potter Coletta, granted cigarette license. .................... 3-Potter Coletta, granted Class C Commercial beer li- cense. ............................................................................ 14---.Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Interstate Power Co. .................................................................................. 17-Peoples Natural Gas Co. submitting an outline of delivery priorities and their estimate and the season's peak gas supply. ........................................ 17-Peoples Natural Gas initiating a rate increase of 6.47% per M cubic feet to all small customers. .. 17-Playground & Recreation Commission requesting to discuss an ice skating rink-swimming pool pro- posal. ............................................................................ 17-Pszanka Richard T., Objecting to the method of com. puting amount of levy on Grandview Ave. Pav- mg Project Nov. " " Dec. " " " Dec. INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page 374 374 375 378 381 401 402 420 422 423 424 424 426 428 432 434 437 438 443 462 490 490 494 518 506 552 523 537 548 554 1973 " INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT 2~Pins Arthur W., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ......367, 29-Page John P., granted Sunday Sales Penult. ................ 29----Parking Violations, fixing and -establishing fines for violations. ......................................................... ........... 2--Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation of the alley bounded by 11th, 12th, Jackson and Washington Streets as requested by Caradco ........................................................................ 2-Peoples NatUral Gas, requesting permission to ex- cavate on Rose Street. .............................................. 9-Pizza Hut, granted Cigarette Permit. .............................. 9-Police Chief, requesting Council to set a date of hearing on Brothers III Rathskeller tavern. ...... 9-pfohl Louis, relative to the completion of :building located at 8th & Locust Streets. ....................402, 419, 3Q---.Planing & Zoning Commission, recommending the re- zoning of property at 2222 White street as re- quested by the First National Bank. .................... 421, 3o---.Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending ap- proval of request of Romac Incorporated to zone recently annexed territory for Local Business "B" classification. ...................................................... 3O--Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ex- cavate in Rose Street. ................................................ 3O-Planning & Zoning Commission. recommending ap- proval of annexation petition of Merle Goerdt of 11 acre tract of land west of Sheridan Road and north of Hogrefe Avenue. ................................ 3Q..--.Peru Road 15" Sanitary Sewer accepted and connec- tion charges established. .......................................... 3O-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of final plats of Block 14 in Dubuque Downtown Plaza. .. 3O-Palmer Richard E., granted Cigarette Penult. ............ 3ll-Pregler Councilman, requesting that the City Hall proposition be submitted to voters of the City. .. 6-Ploessl Edwin, sidewalk bond. ........................................ 6-Planning & Zoning Commission, submitting informa- tion relative to designa-tlng properties as architec- turally or historically significant. .......................... 6-Policemen's Protective Association, requesting per- mission to sponsor a circus at Shiras and Ker- per Boulevard. ............................................................ 6-Payne Burton S., appointed to the Citizens Transpor- tation Committee. ...................................................... 449, 13--Pregler Councilman, relative to using the Leath build- ing as a possible location for the City Hall. ........ 13-Petropoulos Mary, appointed to Human Rights Com- mission, replacing Rev; Alfred Ede. ...................... 17-Palm Ronald C., Notice of Claim. .................................... 17-Puccio Thomas R.. Notice of Claim. ................................ 494, 24----Pearson Allan, appoin.ted to the Youth Services Bu- reau. .............................................................................. 24----Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that the petition of Tom Leibold and Associates re- questing rezoning of Lot 2 of 1 of 3 of St. Mary's Place to Multiple District be approved. ..............507, 8-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permiSSion to ex- cavate in Grace Street. ............................................ 15---Powers Philip A., requestin~ rezoning of various par- cels of property includmg a Multiple Residence, Planned Unit Development to be included in Ar- ticle IV, subsection (h) .............................................. 22-Papin Rita Mrs., requesting permission to address the Council concerning the proposed dog ordinance. .. 22-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the zoning to "Multiple Residence Classification" property of Mr. & Mrs. Merle Goerdt which was recently annexed. ...". '''''..CC 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT 11' Page 3 3 4 5 5 7 7 8 28 28 29 29 13 14 15 16 17 29 30 32 33 16, 1973 R 2-Resolution No. 1.73. Providing for the appointment of a City Manager, City Clerk and City Solicitor, prescribing salaries and fixing their bonds. ........ 2---oRusso R. N., appointed City Solicitor for the ensuing fiscal year. ... ............................................................... 2-Resolution No. 2-73, Acceptin~ resignation of James G. Schilling, and appointmg William G. Blum as Assistant City Solicitor. ............................................ 2-ResolutiQn No. 3-73. Desigoating the following named banks as depositories of City of Dubuque funds. .. 2-Resolution No. 4-73. APPOinting the Telegraph Herald as official newspaper for the City of Dubuque. .. 2-Resolution No. 5-73. Requesting the Auditor of State to audit the 1972 financial conditions and trans- actions of the City, and that the audit of ,the Water, Parking Facilities and Sewage Rental Funds be contracted with O'Connor, Brooks and Company. ...................................................................... 2-Recreation Commission, submitting a proposal to pur. chase Market Square on East 4th Street Exten- siOn from Miller's Trucking & Rental Inc., and recommending that some provision should be made to move tbe lights and bleachers of Petrak- is Park in the event of sale of the ban park. .... 2-Resolution No. 17-73. Authorizing the Regional Plan- ning Commission to act on -behalf of City to ob- tain $l!O,~ planning funds from the Iowa Crime COIDllllSSIOn. ............................................. ................... 2-Resolution No. 6-73. Directing the City Manager to cause structure located at 1208 Dodge Street, owned by Marvin Kahle to be dismantled and premises cleaned up. ................................................ 2-Resolution No. 7.73. Directing the City Manager to cause structure located at 1210 Dodge Street to be dismantled and the premises cleaned up. ...... 2-Resolution No. 8-73. Approving Lease Agreement be- tween Louis Mihalakis and Milton Schwartz and the City of Dubuque for rental of former City Garage. .......................................................................... 2-Resolution No. 9-73. Schedule of Assessments for City of Dubuque 1972 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No. 1.Grandview Avenue from the W. P. L. of Southern Avenue to the S. P. L. M Whelan Street. ............................................................ 2-Resolution No. 1()"73. Providing for the issuance of Street Improvement Bonds to pay for the cost of 1972 Concrete Paving Project No. 1 on Grand~ view Avenue. ......................................... ..................... 2-Resolufion No. 11-73. Approving petition and plat for the vacation of five foot wide easements in Lots 9 and 10 in Clin-Que Inc. No.2 Addition. ............ 2-Resolution No. 12-73. Granting Cigarette Pennits. ...... 2-Resolution No. 13-73. Granting applications for Class HB" and "c" Beer Pennits. .................................... 2-Resolution No. 14-73. Directing the issuance of Class "B" and "e" Beer Permits. .................................... 2--Resolution No. 15-73. Granting applications for Class "e" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................................. 2-Resolution No. 16-73. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................................. 8-Resolution No. 18-73. Extending sympathy of the Coun- cil to the bereaved family of Carl Firzlaff. ........ 8--Riley James P. & John W., request for rezoning of property at 808 Rhomberg Avenue from Two Family Residence to Local Business "B" classi- fication denied. ...... Jan. " Jan. " " " " " Page 38 193 286 646 Q 8-Quinn Patrick R., replaced on Human Rights Commis- sion by Susan Hipschen. ........................................ 16--QueenStreet, installation of street light recommended for the 2400 block. .................................. 29-Quinn John T., Notice of Claim. .................... 17-Query Howard E.. granted cigarette permit. ".r"i' 1973 April May Dec. Jan. INDEX-BOOK l03 SUBJECT Page 12-Resolution No. 41-73. Providing for matching funds in amount of $47,368 for County-City Law Enforce- ment Center. ..............................,................................. 12-Resolution No. 42-73. Providing for matching funds in amount of $28,636 for County-City Law Enforce- ment Center. .............................................................,.. 12----Resolution No. 43-73. Providing for matching funds in amount of $98,837 for County-City Law Enforce- ment Center. ................................................................ 12-Resolution No. 44-73. Requesting Senator Richard Clark to support the Emergency Bridge Replace- ment Program of the Federal Aid Highway Act. ................................................................................ 12-Resolution No. 45-73. Requesting Congressman John C. CUlver to support the Emergency Bridge Re- placement Program of the Federal Aid Highway Act. ................................................................................ 12-Resolution No. 46-73. Requesting Senator Harold Hughes to support the Emergency Bridge Re- placement Program of the Federal Aid Highway Act. ................................................................................ 19-Resolution No. 47-73. Authorizing and directing the City Mana'ger to cause structure at 1729 Prescott Street to be dismantled and removed. ................ 19-Resolution No. 48.73. Authorizing and directiIljl the City Manager to cause structure at 614 Lmcoln Avenue to be dismantled and removed. ................ 19----Resolution No. 49-73. Providing for the appointment of a nine member Citizens Freeway StUdy Com- mittee. .......................................................................... 19--Resolution No. 50-73. Authorizing execution and de- livery of deed to Canfield Hotel Inc. for sale of land in Urban Renewal Area ............................ 19-Resolution No. 51.73. Designating the Five Flags Cen- ter as a bicen.tennial center. .................................... 19-Resolution No. 52-73. AuthOrizing City Mayor to ex~ ecute agreement No. 72-3-228 with Iowa High- way Commission covering TOPICS Project at 10th Street and Blnff. ................................................ 19-Resolution No. 58-73. Authorizing City Mayor to ex- ecute agreement No. 72-T.229 with Iowa High- way Commission covering TOPICS Project at University Avenue. .................................................... IS-Resolution No. 54-73. Granting Cigarette Permit. ........ 19-Resolution No. 55-73. Granting application for Class "'B" Beer Permit. ........................................................ 100 19-Resolution No. 56-73. Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Pennit. ........................................................ 100 19-Resolution No. 57.73. Granting application for Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. .................................... 101 IS-Resolution No. 58-73. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. .................................... lOI 26----Recreation Commission. submitting minutes of meet~ ings. ............103, 192, 257, 386, .50, 473, 517, 548,586, 584 26-Report of Dubuque Human Rights Commission for the year 1972. .................................................................... 103 26-Report of County-City Authority for the year 1972. .. 103 26-Report of the Water Department for the year 1972. .... 104 26-Resolution No. 59-73. Authorizing the City Manager to sign all documents and provide the local share of funding for tbe Youth Services Proj. ect. ................................................................................ 26-Resolution No. 60-73. Approving Schedule of proposed assessments for CIty of Dubuque 1973 Asphaltic Paving Project No.1. ................................................ 26-Resolution No. 61-73. Preliminary plans and specifica- tions for construction of City of Dubuque 1973 Asphaltic Paving Project No. 1. ....... 83 83 83 84 85 86 94 95 96 97 99 100 100 110 97 111 111 1973 " " " " " " " " " " 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT page 43 45 49 51 102 53 53 53 55 56 62 63 62 64 64 65 65 65 66 71 75 75 76 76 81 82 16-Resolution No. 19-73. Approving Option Agreement between the City and Thermolyne Corporation covering 7.206 acres in River Front Subdivision No. 3. ........................................................................ 22-Roshek John J. & Marjorie settlement of assessment of real estate recominended 'by the City As- sessor. ........................................... ................................. 22-Reisner John V., appeal to Supreme Court of Iowa for disability retirement denied. .................................. 22-Resolution No. 20-73. Authorizing the execution of a Certificate of Completion for Graham's Style Store for Men. Inc. ........................,........................... 22-Resolution No. 21-73. Directing the City Attorney to institute Eminent Domain proceedings to secure a perpetual easement for installation, location and maintenance of the Center Grove Valley Sanitary Sewer in the property of Hillcrest Bnilders, Inc. .............................................................. 52, 22-Resolution No. 22-73. Annexing 0.763 acres south of Valentine Drive in Table Mound Township. ...... 22-Resolution No. 2~73. Granting applications for Class "B" and "C" Beer Permits. .................................... 22-Resolution No. 24-73. Directing the issuance of Class "B" and <lC" Beer PerIllits. .................................... 29---Roling Arthur L., replaced on Advisory Commission by Dave Clemens. ....................................................... 29--Roling Gilbert, sidewalk bond. ........................................ 29-Resolution No. 25-73. Approving plat covering a thirty (30) feet wide railroad right-of-war easement in Lot 1 of Block 12 and 13 in Riverfront Sub- division No. 3 ............................................................ 29-Resolution No. 28-73. Approving plat of Lot 4A of Mineral Lot 472 and Lot 4B of Mineral Lot 472. .. 29-Riverfront Subdivision No.3, approval of plat cover- ing railroad right-of-way easement in Block 12 and Block 13. .............................................................. 29-Resolution No. 27-73. Determining cost of Asbury Park Subdivision Sanitary Sewer 1972. ................ 29-Resolution No. 28-73. Accepting Asbury Park Sub- division Sanitary Sewer 1972, and directing City Clerk to publish notice. ............................................ 29--Resolution No. 29-73. Providing for matching fonds for Iowa Crime Commission Projects. .................. 29-Resolution No. 30-73. Granting Cigarette Penults. .... 29-Resolution No. 31-73. Granting applications for Class <Ie" Beer Liquor Permits. ........................................ 29--->Resolution No. 32-73. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer Liquor Permits. ........................................ 6-Resolution No. 34-73. Authorizing execution of con- tract for sale of land for redevelopment with Ecumenical Housing, Inc. ........................................ 6--R(lsolution No. 35-73. Granting application for Class "c" Beer Permit. ........................................................ 6--Resolution No. 36-73. Directing issuance of Class "C" Beer PerIllit. ...... ..................................................... ..... 6-Resolution No. 37-73. Granting applications for Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................................... 6--Resolution No. 38-73. Directing the issuance of Class "e" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................................... 12-Resolution No. 39-73. Approving Option Agreement be- tween the City and Thermolyne Corporation cov- ing real estate in "River Front Subdivision No. 3 .................................................................................... 12-Resoluiion No. 40-73. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Agreement with lllinois Central Gulf Railroad Company covering a 30 inch steel pipe for Center Grove Valley Interceptor San- Itary Sewer. -".. . Feb. 1973 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page " 12-Resolution No. 84-73. Directing the City Manager to communicate with the Interstate Power Company seekin~ additional time in taking over the bus operations for the City. ............................................ 143, 147 " 12-Resolution No. 85-73. Granting Cigarette Permit. ........ 144 " 12-Resolution No. 86-73. Granting applications of Class "C" Beer Liquor Permits. ........................................ 144 " 12--Resolution No. 87~73. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer-Liquor Permits. ........................................ 144 12-Resolution No. 88-73. Approving vacation and convey- ance of Lot 86A and the easterly 19.96 feet of Lot 87A of Wood's Addition to Nelson P. Klavit- ter and Ramona R. Klavitter. .................................. 145 19----Resolution No. 89-73. Authorizing publication of no- tice of sale of project notes (First Series 1973) and the receiving of proposals for the sale of said notes for the downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15. .................................................... 152 19-Resolution No. 90-73. Approving fixed.price competi- tion method for offering certain land in Down- town Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15 for development by private developers. .................... 153, 190 26-Resolution No. 91-73. Appointing William J. O'Brien Deputy City Clerk. .................................................... 156 26-Report of Sewage Disposal Works and Facilities for the year 1972. .............................................................. 157 26---Richardson Gail, Notice of Claim. .................................. 158, 232 26-Reardon David J. et. aI., requesting that the 4th Street area remain residential rather than be rezoned to professional offices or studios. ........ 26-R. E. T. Corporation, owners of Hamilton Glen Apart- ments, requesting consideration in the ,participa- tion of cost of extending Catfish Interceptor Sewer. ............................................................................ 26--Romac Inc. & Inns of Iowa DTD-Dubugue, requesting annexation of 7.6 cares off of Highway No. 20, and requesting consideration of sewer and water during construction of a Ramada Inn. ................ ..............................................164, 292, 303, 304, 305,324, 26-Resolution No. 92-73. Authorizing the City Manager to execute and file an application with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment under Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954. ........................................................................ 26-Resolution No. 93-73. Granting Cigarette to Delores B. Elliott. ...................................................................... 26-Resolution No. 94-73. Granting applications for Class "B" and "C" Beer Permits. .................................... 2fi---.Resolution No. ~73. Directing- the issuance of Class "B" and "c" Beer PermIts. .................................... 2fi---.Resolution No. 96-73. Granting applications for Class "c., Liquor Permits. .................................................. 26-Resolution No. 97-73. Directing the issuance of Class UC" Liquor Permits. 159 164 325 165 165 166 166 167 167 169 176 2-Resolution No. 98-73. Approving Scope of Study of John F. Kennedy Road Corridor Project and au. thorizing the City Manager to negotiate with Barton-Aschman Associates as consultants at a cost not to exceed $10,000. ...................................... 2-Resolution No. 99-73. Decision of Council upon objec- tions to plans. specifications, form. of contract and cost of improvement of City of Dubuque 1973 Asphaltic Paving Project No.1. ................ 2-Resolution No. 100-73. Ordering Construction of the City of Dubuque 1973 Asphaltic Paving Project No.1. ...... 1973 " " " " " " " " " " April " " 103 Page 176 113 114 114 179 115 116 116 116 121 160 122 126 126 126 129 129 131 131 131 131 132 135 135 140 142 177 143 ,~ INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 26-Resolution No. 62-73. Necessity for Improvement for the City of Dubuque 1973 Asphaltic Paving Proj- ect No. I. .................................................................... 112, 26-Resolution No. 63-73. Fixing Date of Hearing for City of Dubuque 1973 Asphaltic Paving Project No. 1. .................................................................................... 26-Resolution No. 64-73. Approving Scbedule of proposed assessments for City of Dubuque 1973 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.1. ............ 26---Resolution No. 65-73. Preliminary plans and specifica- tions for construction of City of Dubuque 1973 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No. 1. .................................................................................... 26-Resolution No. 66-73. Necessity for Improvement for City of Dubuque 1973 Concrete Paving with In- tegral Curb Project No. 1. ...................................... 114, 26-Resolution No. 67-73. Fixing Date of Hearing for City of Dubuque 1973 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No. 1. .................................................. 26-Resolution No. 66-73. Granting Cigarette Penult. ........ 26-Resolution No. 69-73. Granting applications for Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................................... 26--Resolution No. 70-73. Directin& the issuance of Class "e" Beer & Liquor PermIts. .................................... 6-Russo R. N., bond. ................................................................ 6-Robertson Elizaooth et. al., requesting rezoning of Fourth street area to restore property as a his.- torical structure. ................................................125, 159, 6-Resolution No. 71-73. Conveyance of Lot 4B of Mineral Lot 472 to Dubuque Community School District, and directing City Clerk to record a certified copy in office of County Recorder. ...................... 6-Resolution No. 72-73. Authorizing and directing the Mayor to execute the Pre-Design Project Agree- ment No. 73-P-024 covering tbe U. S. 561 Free- way Corridor Location and the City Island Mis- sissippi River Bridge and connections. ....'............ 6-Resolution No. 73-73. Approving official report of municipality for municipal streets and parking from January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1972. .... 6-Report for Municipal Streets and Parking for fiscal year 1972. .................................................................... 6-Resolution No. 74-73. Schedule of Assessments for Asbury Park Subdivision Sanitary Sewer 1972. ..127, 6--Resolution No. 75-73. Providing for the issuance of Sewer Bon~~ ~o pay f!Jr the cost of the Asbury Park SUbdIVISIon Samtary Sewer-1972 ................ 6-Resolution No. 76-73. Granting Cigarette Permit. ........ 6-Resolution No. 77~73. Granting applications for Class "B" and Class "C" Beer Permits. ............................ 6-Resolution No. 78-73. Directing the issuance of Class "B" and Class "C" Beer Permits. .......................... 6-Resolution No. 79-73. Granting applications for Class <lC" Liquor Permits. ........................................ 6-Resolution No. 80-73. Directing the issuance or" Cl~ "C" liquor Permits. .................................................. 12-Report of City Auditor for the year 1972. .................... 12-Report of the Parking Facilities for the year 1972. .... 12-Resolution No. 81-73. Authorizing the Mayor to ex- ecute a memorandum of understanding with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. .......... ..... ................................ ............... 12-Resolution No. 82-73. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Option to Purchase Agreement with Leonard T. Smith & Innocence Ann Smith for a Sanitary Landfill Site. .................................. 12-Resolution No. 83-73. Approving plat of Lot 2 in Gilchrist Place. 1973 Mar. " Mar. " " " Page 199 200 201 202 203 204 207 208 209 211 211 213 215 215 217 219 219 219 220 220 224 16-Resolution No. 120-73. Authorizing and directing the City Manager to cause structure at 446 East 14th Street to be dismantled and premises cleaned up (Sargent). ................................................................ 16-Resolution No. 121.73. Authorizing and directing the City Manager to cause structure at 1637 Iowa Street to be dismantled and premises cleaned up (Nagle). .................................................................. 16-Resolution No. 122-73. Authorizing and directing the City Manager to cause structure located at 544- 60 Avon Street to be dismantled and premises cleaned up (Winall). .................................................. 16-Resolution No. 123-73. Approving plat of Lot 86A and the easterly 19.96 feet of Lot 87A of Wood's Addition. ...................................................................... 16-Resolution No. 124-73. ApprOVing disposal of and conveyance of Lot B6A and the easterly 19.96 feet of Lot 87A of Wood's Addition to Nelson p. Klavitter and Ramona R. Klavitter. ................ 16--Resolution No. 125-73. Authorizing the sale, issuance and delivery of project notes in the amount of $1,741,000 in connection with Urban Renewal Project No. Iowa R-15. .............................................. 16-Resolution No. 126-73. Approving plat of Block 6 and Block 7 in Mettel-Byme Addition. ........................ 16-Resolution No. 127-73. Approving plat of "Kennedy- ~ches Subdivision. .................................................. 16-Resolution No. 128-73. Approving plat of Lots 1-29 inclusive; and Lot A, all in Hawkeye Estates. .... 16-Resolution No. 129-73. Approval to preliminary esti. mate of cost and approval of plans for the con- struction of Dubuque Connty-City of Dubuque Law Enforcement Center. ........................................ 16-Resolution No. 130-73. PrOViding for notice of hearing on proposed plans and f.orm of contract for con~ struction of Dubuque County-City of Dubuque Law Enforcement Center. .....................................'... 16-Resolution No. 131-73. Providing for taking of bids for construction of CountY-City Law Enforcement Center. .......................................................................... 16-Resolution No. -73. Approval to preliminary esti- mate of cost and approval of plans for the con- struction of DUbuque County-City of Dubuque lMlw Enforcement Center. ........................................ 16-Resolution No. -73. Providing for notice of hearing on proposed plans and form of contract for con- struction of Dubuque County-City of Dubuque Law Enforcement Center. ........................................ 16-Resolution No. -73. Providing for the taking of bids for construction of County..city Law Enforce- ment Center. ................................... ........................ ..... 16-Resolution No. 132-73. Granting Cigarette Permit to Ronald Adams. ............................................................ 16-Resolution No. 133-73. Granting application for Class "C" Beer Permit. ......................................................... 16-Resolution No. 134.:73. Directing issuance of Class "e" Beer Permit. ................................................................ 16-Resolution No. 135-73. Granting applications for Class "e" Liquor Permits. ................................................ 16-Resolution No. 136-73. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Liquor Permits. ................................................ 23-Riley Joseph R., Notice of Claim. .................................... 23-Resolution No. 137-73. Directing the City Clerk to publish notice that the Iowa State Highway Com. mission is applying for approval of Location and Design Study for the reconstruction of Univer- sity Avenue, TOPICS Project. ................................ 227, 228 23-Resolution No. 128-73. Granting Cigarette Penults. .... 228 103 INDEX-BOOK SUIlJECI' 1~3 , . " " " " " " " . " " . " " " " " " . " " " Page 178 180 181 182 182 183 183 184 184 195 196 196 INDEX-BOOK 103 sUBJECT 2-Resolution No. 101.73. Decision of Council upon ob- jections to plans, specifications, form of contract and cost of improvements of City of Dubuque 1~3 Concrete Paving with Integral CUrb Project No. 1. ............................................................................ 2-Resolution No. 102-73. Ordering Construction of the City of Dubuque 1973 Concrete Paving with In- gral Curb Project No.1. .......................................... 2-Resolution No. 103-73. Approving plat of Block 8 "Thomas Farm Addition". ........................................ 2-Resolution No. 104-73. Authorizing the City Manager to execute a License Agreement for an easement for the Park Hill Feed Main Water Distribution System Improvements, HUn Project WS-Iowa- 99. ...................................................-.............................. 2-Resolution No. 105-73. Approving plat of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Sears Roebuck and Company Subdivision No.2. ............................................................................ 2-Resolution No. 106-73. Approving amendment of lease with Wayne Motor Sales of a misdescription of real estate in Sears-Roebuck & Co. Subdivision No.2. ............................................................................ 2-Resolution No. 107-73. Approving amendment of lease with Frommelt Building Corporation of a mis- description of real estate in Sears-Roebuck & Co. Subdivision No.2. .............................................. 2-Resolution No. 108-73. Approving schedule of pro- posed assessments for City of Dubuque 1973 Concrete Sidewalk Project. .................................... 2-Resolution No. 109-73. Approving preliminary esti- mate, tlans and specifications for the construc- tion 0 City of Dubuque 1973 Concrete Sidewalk Project. ............................................... ........................ ... 2-Resolution No. 110.-73. Necessity for improvement for the City of Dubuque 1~3 Concrete Sidewalk Project. ..................................................................185, 260, 262 2-Resolution No. 111-73. Fixing Date of Hearing for City of Dubuque 1~3 Concrete Sidewalk Project. .... 186 2-Resolution No. 112-73. Appointing Joseph P. Zwack Assistant City Attorney. .......................................... 187 2-Resolution No. 113-73. Granting Cigarette Permit to Will-Co. Inc. ................................................................ 187 2-Resolution No. 114-73. Granting application for Class "C" Beer Permit. ........................................................ 188 2-Resolution No. 115-73. Directing the issuance of Class uC" Beer Permit. ...................................................... 188 2-Resol~ti~n !'lo. 116-73. .Granting application for Class C Liquor Pernut. .................................................... 188 2---Resolution No. 117.73. Directing issuance of Class "e" Liquor Permit. ............................................................ 188 2-Resolution No. 118-73. Affinulng that Hartig Drug Company has not violated any provision of deed to property in Urban Renewal area. .................... 189 16-Riggs L. C. Associates, offer to purchase a parcel of land in Block 5 Riverfront Subdivision No. 3. ............................................................................192, 422, 462 " 16--ReIiance Insurance Company. Notice of Claim in sub- ro~ation rights in accident case of John R. GrImes. .......................................................................... " 16-Ryan Michael James, requesting that 701 Bluff res- idence be declared to have historical or archw itectural significance as under Subsection H article 4. .....................................................................: 16-Resolution No. 119-73. Authorizing and directing the City Manager to cause structure at 570-582 Avon Street to be dismantled and premises cleaned up (Steichen). ...... 1~3 " " " " " " " " " ."", 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page 255 255 296 260 261 263 266 348 266 267 575 575 270 276 277 278 279 279 262 292 293 294 295 295 296 7-Resolution No. 161.73. Granting applications for Ciaas "e" and Class "An Liquor Permits. ...................... 7-Resolution No. 162-73. Directing the issuance of Class "e" and Class "A" Liquor Permits. ..........."......... 14--Resolution No. 163-73. Amending Resolution No. 110. 73, a resolution of necessity for the 1973 Con- crete Sidewalk Program. .......................................... 14-Resolution No.. 164-73. Decision of Council upon ob- jections to plans, specifications and form of COD- tract for the 1973 Concrete Sidewalk Program. .. 14--Resolution No. 165.73. Ordering Construction for the 1973 Sidewalk Program. .......................................... 14--Resolution No. 166-73. Preliminary plans arid specifica- tions for the West Eighth Street Retaining Wall Reconstruction 1973. ................................................. 14-Resolution No. 167-73. Necessity for Improvement of West Eighth Street Retaining Wall Reconstruc- tion 1973. ..........................................,........................... 266, 14--Resolution No. 168-7:1. Fixing Date of Hearing for West Eighth Street Retaining WaU Reconstruc. tion 1973. .................................................................... 14--Resolution No. 169-73. Ordering Construction for the West Eighth Street Retaining Wall Reconstruc- tion 1973. ........................................................................ 14-Resolution No. 170-73. Authorizing the 'Mayor and City Clerk to execute the required documents in connection with an application for Federal Grant under .the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program. ............................................................ 267, 14-Resolution No. 171-73. Acquisition or development for outdoor recreation under the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program, (Lyons Park Proj. ect #1). ........................................................................ 266, 16-Resolution No. 172-73. Calling of a special election on the proposition of acquiring, establishin~, maintaining and operating a Municipal TransIt System. ....................... ................................................... 21-Reis George Mrs., requesting City to take over the :bus system. ................ ......... ............................................. 21---Rembold Elma B., requesting suspension of taxes. .... 21-Resolution No. 173-73. Approving Easement Agree. mentbetween the lllinois Central Gulf Railroad Company and the City of Dubuque. .................... 21-Resolution No. 174-73. Final Estimate for the 1972 Traffic Signal Project. .............................................. 21-Resolution No. 175-73. Accepting the 1972 Traffic Signal Project. ............................................................ 24-Resolution No. 176-73. Providing for the sale and award of $205,000 City Law Enforcement Bonds. .. 29--Resolution No. 177-73. Notice that the Iowa State Highway Com.m.i.ssion is seeking Federal ap- proval for "Location and Design" of Central Business District Traffic Signal Improvement Project. ................................................................... ....... 29--Resolution No. 178.73. Notice that the Federal High- way Administration has given approval of the "Location and Design Study Report" of Central Business District Traffic Signal Improvement Project. ......................................... ................................. 29--Resolution No. 179-73. Granting application for Class "B" Beer Permit. ...................................................... 29--Resolution No. 180-73. Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit. ........................................................ 29-Resolution No. 181-73. Granting applicaitons for Class "e" and "B" Beer Perrnits. .................................... 29-Resolution No. 182-73. Directing the issuance of Class "C" and "B" Beer Permits. .................................... 29--Resolution No. 183-7:1. Granting application for Class "C" Liquor Permit. ....... 1973 " " " " " " INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT ! ( ; Page 228 229 229 233 290 237 237 238 239 239 240 240 241 245 251 247 248 249 250 252 253 254 254 255 23-Resolution No. 139-73. Granting applications for Class "c" Liquor Permits. ................................................ 23--Resolution No. 140-73. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Liquor Permits. ................................................ 23-Resolution No. 141-73. Requesting the Planning & Zoning Commission to draft and adopt an An- nexation Policy. .......................................................... 39--Reisdorf Joseph E., Notice of Claim. ................................ 39--Resolution No. 142-73. Directing the City Solicitor to take necessary action to recover costs of dam- ages incurred by acts of vandalism. .................... 236, 39--Resolution No. 143-73. Agreement between the City of Dubnque and the Sheriff of Dubuque County, holding the Sheriff harmless from acts of special deputies. ............... ......................................................... 39--Resolution No. 144-73. Providing for the advertise. ment of $205,000 City Law Enforcement Center Bonds. ....... ........................................................ ........... 39--Resolution No. 145-73. Awarding Contract for the City of Dubuque 1973 Asphalt Paving Project No. I. .................................................................................... 39--Resolution No. 146-73. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an extra Work Order with the IO'Wa State Highway Commission for Dodge Street Cor- ridor Stody. ................................................................ 39--Resolution No. 147.73. Directing the publishing of notice that the Iowa State Highway Commission has received "Location and Design" approval for the reconstruction of University Avenue, TOPICS Project No. T-735-7(3)-46-31. .................................... 39--Resolution No. 148-73. Extending time period in which to receive proposals for the sale of land in the Down- town Urban Renewal Project. ........:....................... 39--Resolution No. 149.73. Granting applications for Class "B" and Class "e" Beer Permits. .......................... 39--Resolution No. 150-73. Directing the issuance of Class "B" and Class- "C" Beer Permits. ...... 7-Report of Peoples Natural Gas for 1972. ........................ 7-Resolution No. 151~73. Authorizing and extension of time for the consummation of the sale of land for private redevelopment with Ecumenical Hous- ing, Inc. ............. ........................................................... 7_Resolution No. 152-73. Appointing and electing Coun- cilman Moldenhauer presiding officer pro~tem. .. 7_Resolution No. 153-73. Awarding Contract for the City of Dubuque 1973 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No. 1. .................................................. 7_Resolution No. 154-73. Authorizing the execution of two contracts with Barton~Asehman Associates, Inc. For Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15. .............................................................................. 7-Resolution No. 155-73. Authorizing the execution of a Certificate of Completion for Time Finance Corporation. ....................................................... ...... ... 7_Resolution No. 156-73. Approving the Fixed-Price com- petition method for offering certain land in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, for Redevelopment by Private developers. ........ 7_Resolution No. 157-73. Approving proposed plans, spec- ifications and fonn of contract for construction of Dubuque County-City of Dubuque Law En- forcement Center. ...................................................... 7-Resolution No. 158-73. Granting Cigarette Penult to Joe Diener. ......... ................ ......... ................................ 7_Resolution No. 159-73. Granting applications for Class "C" Beer 'Permits. .................................................... 7-Resolution No. 160-73. Directing the issuance of Class "Cn Beer Permits. ...................................................... . ..:iji May " " " " " 1973 " " " " " " " " ll-Resolution No. 205-73. Directing the issuance of Class "en Beer Permits. .................................................... ll-Resolution No. 206-73. Granting applications for Class "e" Liquor Permits. ................................................ ll-Resolution No. 207-73. Directing the issuance of Class "e" liquor Permits. ................................................ ll-Riverside Bowl, Inc., granted Cigarete Permit. ............ ll-Reisdorf Joseph E., granted Cigarette Permit and Class "e" Liquor Permit. ........................................ 339, 340 ll-Rainbo Oil Company, granted Cigarette Penult. ............ 339 ll-Ruegni.tz Drugs, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 339 16-Roth Ray A., NotIce of Claim. ............................................ 343 18-Romac Inc. and Inns of Iowa. requesting rezoning of recently annexed area from Single Family to Local Business District "B" classification. ....348, 423, 455 IS-Reisdorf Joseph & Irma S., requesting permission to construct a marquee at 601 Rhomberg Avenue. 348, 395 16-Resolution No. 208-73. Awarding contract for the con- struction of West Eighth Street Retaining Wall. 349 16-Resolution No. 209.73. Authorizing the Airport Com- lUisian to execute First Amendment to Grant Agreement. .................................................................. 349, 350 16-Resolution No. 210-73. Granting Cigarette Permit to Barkalow Bros. Newsstand et. al. ............................ 350 16-Ring Louis A., granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 351 18-Roshek's Department Store, granted Cigarette Permit. 351 18-Ring Richard J., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 351 16-Randall's FOodarama, granted Cigarette Penult. ........ 351 IS-Resolution No. 211-73. Granting applications for Class "C" I.iquor Pern1i.ts. ................................................ 352 18-Resolution No. 212-73. Directing the issuance of Class "C" I...iquor Perlllits. ................................................ 352 22-Resolution No. 213-73. Authorizing the Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Amendment to Grant Agreement. ................................................ 354, 355 22----<Renier Maurice, Concerned about the parking facilities for the proposed Employment Bureau Building to be located at 5th & Iowa Streets. .................... 356 25-Report of records of City for the year 1972 by the State Auditor. .............................................................. 357 25-Revenue Sharing Report submitted by the City Man. ager. .............................................................................. 357, 380 25-Resolution No. 214-73. Urging the retention of the of. fices of the Clerk of the United States District Court at Dubuque, Iowa. ........................................ 361 25-Resolution No. 215-73. Releasing proposed public con- struction sites in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project. Iowa R-15. .................................................... 362 25-Resolution No. 216-73. Accepting work performed under demolition contract No. 2-71 for Imwn- town Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15. ............ 362 25--Resolution No. 217-73. Authorizing the execution and delivery of deed. to Dubuque County for sale of land in Urban Renewal area, ................................ 363 25-Resolution No. 218-73. ApprOving lease agreement be- tween the City Planning & Zoning Commission and Fiscber Realty. .................................................... 364 25-Resolution No. 219-73. Approving sale of Parcel 4-2 in Urban Renewal Area to R. Hampton and Company. ...................................................................... 364 25-Rseolution No. 220-73. Granting Cigarette Permits. .... 365, 366 25-Resolution No. 221-73. Granting applications for Class "B" and "e" Beer Permits. ...................................... 25--Resolution No. 222-73. Directing the issuance of Class "B" and UC" Beer Permits. .................................... 25-Resolution No. 223-73. Granting applicaUons for Class "C" and "B" Liquor Permits. ................................ 25-Resolution No. 224-73. Directing the issuance of Class "e" and "B" Liquor Permits. ...... Page 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 1973 " .' " 339 340 340 339 367 367 367 367 " " " " " " " " " " INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT Page 2.9--Resol?;ti~n ~o. 184-73. pirecting the issuance of Class 296 C Uquor Pertnlt. .................................................... 29-Riverside Bowl Inc., granted Class "e" Liquor Per- mit. 296 1973 339 4--Rossiter Paul, presenting the City Council with a pro-- posal to renovate City Hall. ............................299, 466, 490 4-Resolution No. 185-73. Declaring intent to sell the south 144 feet of Parcel 2-6 in Urban Renewal area to I..orice, Inc. .................................................... 302 4-Resolution No. 186-73. Re'luesting the Speaker of tbe House to act expeditIously and affinnatively on legislation to legalize Sunday Sales of Beer and Liquor. .......................................................................... 303 4-Resolution No. 187.73. Approving disposal of Lot 2 of 2 of Randall's Subdivision No. 2 to Clement F. Polfer and Angeline C. Polfer. ........................ 306 4-Resolution No. 188-73. Awarding contract to Willy Construction Company f.or the construction of Dubuque County-City of Dubuque Law Enforce- ment Center. ................................................................ 308 4-ResolutiGn No. 189-73. Providing for matching funds for the Iowa Crime Commission Projects. ........ 313 4-Resolution No. 190-73. Granting applications for Class "Cn liquor Pennits. ............................................;....... 314 4-Resolution No. 191-73. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Liquor Penults. ........................................ 314 ll-Rh()mberg Avenue, installation of 40 street lights recommended by the City Manager. .................... 317 ll-Ruley MaXine et. aI., complaining of a drainage prob- lem resulting from a driveway of Team Elec. ,tronies at the corner of Theda Drive and Gordan Drive. ............................................................................ 323 ll-Resolution No. 192-73. Approving plat of Lots 1-8 inclusive, Block 5 all in Sunset Park Subdivision NO.3. ............................................................................ 319 ll-Resolution No. 193-73. Authorizing A. G. Heitzman, Finance Director to execute and file an applica- tion for financial aid under the Disaster Relief Act. ................................................................................ 324 Il-Resolution No. 194-73. Extending the territorial limits of the City of Dubuque. ............................................ 325 ll-Resolution No. 195-73. Approving, Memorandum of Agreement between the City and the Interstate Power Company for the issuance of Pollution Control Bonds not to exceed $4,850.00. 325, 326, 327, 323 ll-Resolution No. 196-73. Authorizing an open Sculpture competition for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15. .................................................... 329 ll-Resolution No. 197-73. Retention of certain Urban Re- newal land for the Point Law Enforcement Cen. ter Bnilding. ................................................331, 332, 333, 334 ll-Resolution No. 198-73. Authorizing execution of a con- tract for sale of land for public redevelopment with Dubuque County, Iowa. (Law Enforcement Center). ........................................................................ 335 ll--Resolution No. 199-73. Awarding Contract to Mulgrew Blacktop Inc. for 1973 Asphaltic Paving Project No. 1. ............................................................................ 336 ll-Resolution No. 200..73. Preliminary plans and specifica. tions for the construction of North Algona San- itary Sewer. .................................................................. 337 ll-Resolution No. 201-73. Necessity for Improvement for the North Aigona Sanitary Sewer. .................... 337, 397 ll-Resolution No. 202-73. FiXing date of hearing for the North Algona Sanitary Sewer. ............................ 338 ll-Resolution No. 203-73. Granting Cigarette Penults. 338 ll----Resolution No. 204-73. Granting applications for Class "en Beer Permits. ...... .. 4ii>:4 June " " " .' Page 411 412 412 412 413 413 412 16-Resolution No, 249-73. Approving Agreement between the City and the County concerning the regula~ tion of parking and parking meter violations. .... 16---Resolution No. 250-73. Granting Cigarelte Permits. .... 16-Resolution No. 251-73. Granting applIcation for Class "B" Beer PerDlit. ........................................................ l6-Resolution No. 252-73. Directing the issuance of Olass "B" Beer Permit. ........................................................ 16-Resolution No. 25&.73. Granting applications for Class "C" I.iquor Perntits. ................................................ 16--Roselution No. 254-73. Directing the issuance of Class "e" Liquor Permits. ................................................ 16-Revelle Patricia G., granted Cigarette Penult. ............ 3O-Riggs L. C. & Associates, offer to purchase Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Block 5 Riverfront Subdivi- sion No.3, approved by the Mayor's Industrial Committee. ..............................................................._... 422, 482 30-Resolution No. 255.73. Approving sale of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of Block 5 of Riverfront SubdivisiuD No. 3 to L. C. Riggs & Associates. .................................... 30-River Valley C. A. P., requesting financial support from River Valley Inc. ............................................ 3O--Remakel Michael et. aI., complaining of an existing nuisance at 1387 Dodge Street. ............................ 425, 3O-Recreation Department, requesting pennission to con. duct a Bicycle Fun Dayan certain streets and park roads. ............................................................425, 437, 30-Resolution No. 256-73. Approving petition for Grante of Eastment by Runde's UphOlstery Inc. ............ 3D-Resolution No. 257-73. Accepting 15" Peru Road San- itary Sewer and establishing connection charges. 30-Resolution No, 258-73. Approving agreement between the Town of Asbury and City of Dubuque rela- tive to sewage facilities and disposal problems. 30-Resolution No. 259-73. Approving plat of portions of vacated streets and alleys in the DowntoWn Ur- ban Renewal Project area. ........................................ 3O-Resolution No. 260-73. Subdividing lots in Downtown Urban Renewal Project area for public right of way and other purposes, ........................................ 3O-Resolution No. 261-73. Dedicating lots in the Down- town Urban Renewal Project area for street pur- poses. .............. ..... .......... .... ......... .................................. 3O-Resolution No. 262-73. Approval of plat in Dubuque Downtown Plaza. .......... .... ................. ......................... 30-Resolution No. 263-73. Granting Cigarette Penults. .... 3O-Resolution No. 264-73. Granting applications far Class "C" Liquor Permits. ................................................ 30-Resolution No.. 265-73. Directing the issuance af Class "C" Liquor Permits. ................................................ 3O-Resolution No. 266-73. Appointing a Transit Author- ity for the City of Dubuque. ................................ 30-Riekena Doris M., appointed to the Transit Authority. ,. 30-Rettenberger Max, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ Aug. 6-Resolution No. 267.73. Designating structures an cer- tain properties as historically and architecturally significant, pursuant to Ordinance No. 28-70. .... 6-Resolution No. 268-73. Authorizing execution of sale of land to. R. Hampton and Co. Inc. ............................ 6-Roling Chris, appointed to the Dubuque Youth Serv- ices. ................................................................................ 6-->Resoluti-on No.. 269-73. Awarding contract for the con- struction of North Algona sanitary Sewer. ........ 6-Resolution No.. 27()"73. Decision of Council upon objec. tions to the 1973 Starm Sewer Improvement Program. ............... .... ................................................... 6-Besolution No. 271.73. Ordering construction for the 1973 Storm Sewer Improvement Program. 422 425 451 473 425 426 427 429 430 430 431 432 432 432 433 483 432 439 437 436 443 444 445 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 1973 " " " " " " " " " " " " " 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page 372 374 374 402 410 411 404 404 407 410 386 386 399 400 401 409 481 374 382 333 383 364 384 385 386 398 398 399 401 401 25-Reso1ution No. 225-73. Canvassing and declaring re- suIts af Special Election on a Municipal Transit Proposition. ............. ............................... ....................... 29--Reso1ution No. 226-73. Granting applications for Sun- day Sales Permits. .................................................... 29-Resolutian No. 227-73. Directing the issuance .of Sun- day Sales Pernrlts. .................................................... ~Riverside Bawl, Inc., granted Sunday Sales Permit. .... 2-Resolution No. 228-73. Authorizing and directing the City Manager to cause the structure lo.cated at 701 Rhomberg Avenue to be dismantled and the prenrises cleaned up. ................................................ 2-Resolution No. 22.-73. Authorizing and directing the City Manager to cause the strucLUre located at 1648-1650-1652 Washington Street to be disman- tled and the premises cleaned up. ........................ 2-Resolutian ND. 230-73. Preliminary plans and specifica- tions for construction of 1973 StDrm Sewer Impravement Program. ............................................ 2-Resolutio-n No.. 231.73. Necessity far Impravement of 1973 Storm Sewer Improvement Program. ........ 2-Resolutian No. 232--73. Fixing date of hearing for the 1973 Storm Sewer hnpravement Program. ........ 2-Resolution No. 233.73. Granting Cigarette Pernrlts. .... 2--Resolution No. 234-73. Granting applications far Class "C" I..iquor Licenses. ................................................ 2-Resolution No. 235-73. Directing the issuance of Class "C" I..iquor Licenses. ................................................ 2-Riekena Doris, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 9-Resalution No. 236-73. Decision of Council upon abjec- tions to the constructian of the North Algona Sanitary Sewer 8 inch between University Av- enue and Loras Boulevard. .................................... 9-Resolution No. 237-73. Ordering construction of North Algona Sanitary Sewer 8 inch between Univer- sity Avenue and Loras Baulevard. ........................ 9-Resolution No. 238-73. Final Estimate for cost af Tawn Clock Plaza, Phase II, Section 11 Electrical in amount of $62,(l63.81. ..........................."................... 9--Resolution No.. 239-73. Accepting improvement of Town Clock Plaza, Phase 11, Section 11 Electrical. 9--Resolution No. 240--73. Autharizing execution of con- tract for sale of land with Lorice, Inc. .................... 9-Resolution No. 241-73. Grauting Cigarette Penults. .... 9~Resolution No. 242-73. Granting applications for Sun- day Sales Permits. ..............................._..................... 9-Resolution No.. 243.7"3. Directing the issuance of Sun- day Sales Penults. .................................................... 9--Resolution No. 244-73. Electing to act and be subject to the Home Rule Act. ............................................ IS-Resolution No.. 245-73. Granting applications for Sun- day Sales Penults. .................................................... 13--Resolution No.. 246-73. Directing the issuance of Sun- day Sales Permits. .................................................... 16-Radabaugh Susan. Notice of Suit. .................................... 16-Resolutian designating structures as historically and architecturally signiificant, pursuant to Ordi- nance No. 28-70 (West 4th & Bluff Street area). 16-Runde's Custom Uphalstery Inc., requesting dedication easement of areas located at 70 Southern Av. enue. ......................................................................410, 425, 16-Ridge Motor & Machine Co., requesting paving of East 12th Street. .................................................................. 16-Resolution No. 247-73. Accepting offer of the inter- state Power Company of bus transportation sys- tem for the sum of $1.00. .................................... 16-Resolution No. 248-73. Authorizing executlon and delivery of deed to Larice, Inc. ....... m;:~ 1973 " " " " July " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ~I' Page 485 485 486 486 486 487 103 4--Resolution No. 296-73. Authorizing ext.ension of time for sale of land with R. Hampton and Company. 4-Resolution No. 297-73. Granting Cigarette Penult. .... 4--Resolution No. 298-73. Granting application for Class "en Beer Permit. ........................................................ 4-Resolution No. 299-73. Directing the issuance of Class "e" Beer Permit. ........................................................ 4-Resolution No. ~73. Granting applications for Class "c" Liquor Permits. .................................................... 4-Resolution No. 301-73. Directing the issuance of Class "e" liquor Permits. ................................................ 12-Revenue Sharing Report from July 1, 1973 to June 30, 1974. ........................................................................489,490, 506 17-River Valley Inc., hearing to be held by Board of Supervisors to revoke the designation of said Agency and designate the Board of Supervisors as the public agency. ..................................,.............492, 524 17-Recreation Commission, proposal for the inclusion of an indoor ice skating facility within the Five Flags Center. ................................................................ 493 17-Resolution No. 302-73. AuthOrizing the City Manager to cause building located at 470 East 14th Street to ,be dismantled and the premises cleaned up, (Bitzberger). .................................................................. 496 17-Resolution No. 303-73. Authorizing the City Manager to cause building located at 476 East 14th Street, owned by James Norton, Ann Dillon et. al., to be dismantled and the premises cleaned up. ........ 497 17-Resolution No. 304-73. Autborizing the City Manager to cause building located at 480 East 14th Street, owned by Anne J. Dillon et. al., to be dismantled and the premises cleaned up. ................................ 498 17-Resolution No. 305-73. Authorizing publication of not- ice of sale of Project Notes (third series 1973) and the receiving of proposals for the sale of said note for the Downtown Urban Renewal Proj- ect, Iowa R-15. ............................................................ 499 17-Resoluiton No. 306-73. Defining the term "hotel" to include motel, motor inn, motor hotel and motor lodlj"e as a penultted land use in Urban Renewal ProJect, Iowa R-15. .................................................... 500 17-Resolution No. 307-73. Authorizing execution and de- livery of deed to R. Hampton and Company, Inc. for sale of land. ........................................................ 501 17-Resolution No. 308-73. Approving preliminary plans and specifications for construction of Central Business District Traffic Signal System Improve- ment Project. ............................................................ 502 17-Resolution No. 309-73. Necessity for Improvement for Central Business District Traffic Signal System Improvement Project. ................................................ 502, 540 17-Resolution No. 310.73. Fixing date of hearing for Im- provement of Central Business District Traffic Signal System Improvement Project. .................... 17-Resolution No. 311-73. Ordering construction for Cen- tral Business District Traffic Signal System Im- provement Project. .................................................... 17-Resolution No. 312-73. Authorizing and directing the Mayor to execute agreement No. 73-T-055 with Iowa Highway Commission covering TOPfCS Project. .......................................................,.................. 17-Resol~ti~n ~o. 313-74. ~ranting applications for Class C Liquor PermItS. .................................................. 17-'Resol~ti~n ~o. 314.73. pirecting the issuance of Class C Liquor PermIts. .................................................. 24-Reisen Ralpb A., sidewalk bond. ........................................ 24-Renslow DOliy, Notice of Suit. ...... 502 503 503 504 504 506 507 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 1973 " " " " " " " " " 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECl' Page 445 447 447 448 448 448 448 448 449 462 462 464 485 465 464 470 478 480 482 485 464 464 485 468 477 481 483 451 6-Resolution No. 272-73. Awarding contract for the 1973 Storm Sewer Improvement Program. ........ 6-Resolution No. 273-73. Approving plat for purpose of extinguishing five foot utility easements in Lot 3 and 4 Block lOA "Key Knolls Subdivision. ............ 6-Resolution No. 274-73. Granting Cigarette Permits. 6-Resoiution No. 275-73. Granting applications for Class "B" and "C" Beer Permits. .................................... 6---Resolution No. 276-73. Directing the issuance of Class "B" and "C" Beer PerInits. .................................... 6-Resolution No. 277-73. Granting applications for Class "C" Liquor Permits. .................................................. 6-Resolution No. 278-73. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Liquor PerInits. .................................................. 6-Roy Saliy Josephiue, granted Cigarette Permit and Class "C" Liquor Pennit. ........................................447, 6-Reilly Michael C., appointed to the Playground & Recreation Corrunission ............................................ 2O-Revenue Sharing Funds expended in the amount of $162,652. ........................................................................ 2Q-Resolution No. 279-73. Approving appointment of "Citizens Transportation Committee." .................... 2Q-Resolution No. 280.73. Approving Fixed-Price competi- tion method for offering land in the Downtown Urban Renewal area. ................................................ 20--Resolution No. 281-73. Granting Cigarette Permits. .... 2O--Resolution No. 282--73. Granting applications for Class "B" and "c" Beer Permits. ................................ 2Q-Resolution No. 283-73. Directing the issuance of Class "B" and "Clf Beer Permits. ................................ 2Q-Resolution No. 284-73. Granting applications for Class "C" Liquor Permits. ................................................ 20----Resolution No. 285-73. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Liquor Permits. ................................................ 2D--Resolution No. 286-73. Confirming appointment of members of Low-Rent Housing Commission. ........ 2G-Randalls International. granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 31-Resolution No. 287-73. Approving Bill of Sale of In- terstate Power Company and accepting delivery of Warranty Deed by the Interstate to the City. 31-Resolution No. 288-73. Authorizing an extension of time for the consummation of sale of land with Ecumenical Housing, Inc. ...... 4-Resolution No. 289-73. Authorizing the City Manager to cause the structure located at 300 East 7th Street to be dismantled and the premises clean- ed up. ............................................................................ 4-Resolution No. 290-73. Authorizing the City Manager to cause the structure located at 1785 Central Avenue to be dismantled and the premises cleaned up. ............... ............................................ ....... 4-Resolution No. 291~73. Authorizing the City Manager to cause the structure located at 1781-1783 Cen- tral Avenue to be dismantled and the premises cleaned up. .................................................................. 4-Res-olution No. 292-73. Disposing of two easements on Lot 2 of 1 of Randall's Subdivision No. 2 to Runde's Custom Upholstery Inc. ............................ 4-Resolution No. 293.73. Disposing of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of Block 5 of "Riverfront Subdivision to L. C. Riggs and Associates Inc. .................................................... 4-Resolution No. 294-73. Annexing approximately 11 acres adjoining the northerly city limits as requested by Merl F. Goerdt et. al. ........................ 4--Resolution No. 295-73. Authorizing the 'purchase of real estate in Downtown Urban Renewal Project from Mary B. Chalmers et. aI., and First National Bank of Chicago & William K. Stevens. ....... '" ,....L Page 542 543 545 545 545 546 INDEX-BOOK 103 SUBJECT 1973 " fJiJ' 572 556 558 559 560 560 561 564 564 570 570 570 571 571 566 629 575 576 577 577 577 578 578 597 549, 74, 75, " Nov. " " " Page 24--Resolution No. 315-73. Authoriziug the filing of appli- cation for a Federal Grant under the Water Pol. !ution Control Act for the Solids Handling Facil- ItIes. .............................................................................. 24---Resolution No. 316-73. Filing of Budget Estimate in office of City Clerk and directing Clerk to pub- lish notice of public hearing, ................................ 24-Reso-lution No. 317~73. Authorizing extension of time for the consummation of the sale of land with Ecumenical Housing, Inc. ...........-........................... 24-Resolutiou No. 318-73. Grantin(: Applications for Class "B" and "C" Beer Perrmts. .................................... 24----Resolution No. 319-73. Directing the issuance of Class "RU and "e" Beer Permits. .................................... 24--Resolution No. 32Q-73. Caning an election on the issu- ance of $56,000 City Hall Bonds. ............................ 24-R. & S. Enterprises Inc., offer to purchase a portion of Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15: ;... ................................ 511, 526, 590 509 510 510 511 511 512 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECJ' 1973 " " 520 520 524 525 533 535 538 542 526 526 599 641 524 525 520 521 521 I-Resolution No. 321-73. Sebedule of proposed assess- ments for the City of Dubuque 1973 Concrete Sidewalk Program. .................................................... I-Resolution No. 322-73. Directing the City Clerk to re- advertise for proposals for the construction of 1973 Sidewalk Program. ........................................ I--':Resolution No. 323-73. Granting Cigarette Permit to John Mihalakis. .......................................................... 1-Resolution No. 324-73. Granting application for Class "e" I..iquor Permit. .................................................... l--,Resolution No. 325-73. Directing the issuance of Class "e" Liquor Permit. ........................................,............ s..-..Resolution No. 326-73. City Council concurring in ac- tion taken by Board of Supervisors withdrawing from River Valley Inc. as Dubuque County's community aetion agency. ........................................ 6-Resolution No. 327.73. Approving plat of Lot A of 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of "De Luxe Cottage Court." ........ 8--Resolution No. 328.73. Granting revocable permit to C. W. Enterprises Inc. ............................................ a--.Resolution No. 329-73. Granting application for a Class "B" I.Jquor PerInit. .................................................... a---.Resolution No. 330-73. Directing the issuance of a Class "B" Liquor Permit. ........................................ S--Resolution No. 331.73. Declaring intent to sell a por. tion of Urban Renewal property to R & S Enter- prises, Inc. .................................................................... 526, S--Resolution No. 332.73. Acknowledging and recognizing assistance rendered by the Citizens Advisory Commission on the Bus referendum. .................... lQ-Resolution No. 333-73. Adopting and approving the Budget Estimate of Expenditures from January 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. ........................................ 15--Reis George Mrs., complaining of dogs running loose. 15--Ruess Bernard et. aI., requesting installation of a stop ltght at Loras Boulevard and Alta Vista Street. 537, 15--Resolution No. 334-73. Authorizing the sale, issuance and delivery of Project Notes in amount of $1,738,000 and the execution of requisition Agree- ment No. 3.73 DO'wntown Urban Renewal Proj- ect, No. Iowa R-15. ....................................................537, 15--Resolution No. 335.73. Awarding Contract for the C. B. D. Traffic Signal System Improvement Proj- ect. pursuant to' Resolution No. 31Q..73. ................ 15--Resolution No. 336-73. Final Estimate of construction of Waterworks Improv'ement 1972 Feeder Main Extension HUD-WS-Iowa 99, Contract II, Section 2- West 32nd Street Section 3-Park Hill, Section 4-IDghway #20. ....... ;m: " " " " Oct. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page 628 643 630 636 631 638 638 638 638 639 640 640 641 641 643 644 644 645 646 646 646 647 647 650 17-Raucb, Joseph et al (Brammer Store area) requesting the area be retained as a type "A" Business D.istrict Zone. ......................................... ..................... 17-Resolution No. 391.73 Exercising option to purchase Marjorie Reed property as seller. ............................ 17-Resolution No. 392-73 Scbedule of Assessments City of Dubuque 1973 Concrete Paving with integral curb Project No.1 (Grandview Ave.) .................... 17-Resolution No. 393.73 Providing for the payment of assessed cost of City of Dubuque 1973 Concrete Paving with integral curb (Grandview Ave.) ........ 17-Resolution No. 394-73 Approving schedule of proposed assessments for E. 4th Street Extension Sanitary Sewer ....................................................... ..................... 17-Resolution No. 395.73 Approval of preliminary plans, specs. & contract for East 4th Street Extension Sanitary Sewer ............................................................ 17-Resolution No. 396-73 Necessity for Improvement for E. 4th Street Extension sanitary sewer ................ 17-Resolution No. 397-73 Setting date of hearing on Reso- lution of Necessity for E. 4th Street Sanitary Sewer ............................................................................ 17-Resolution No. 398-73 Acknowledging the valuable as- sistance rendered by the Citizens Committee for City Hall Reconstruction ........................................ 17-Resolution No. 399-73 Authorizing the execution and Delivery of Deed to Investment Planning Inc. for sale of Urban Renewal land ............................ 17-Resolution No. 400-73 Authorizing the execution and delivery of Deed to R & S Enterprises Inc. for sale of Urban Renewal land. .................................... 17-Resolution No. 401-73 Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Deed to Ecumenical Housing Inc. for sale of Urban Renewal land ........................ 17-Resolution No. 4(12-73 Accepting Delivery of Deeds for Downtown Urban Renewal Project (William K. Stevens, First National Bank of Chicago, Margaret L. Madsen, William Bradley Lewis, Geoffrey C. Bain Sr., Mary B. Chalmers, Allan J. Carew, Frank Hardie Adv. Inc., Iowa 011 Co.) .... 17-Resolution No. 4ll3-73 Final Estimate of 1973 Asphalt Paving Project No.1 (University Ave.) ................ 17-Resolution No. 404-73 Accepting Improvement of 1973 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 and directing the Clerk to publish notice. ............................................ 17-Resolution NQ. 405-73 Community'S acceptance of the Articles of Agreement with several communities and County Roard of Supervisors in Sub-State District Vill ................................................................ 17-Resolution No. 406-73 Approving application as amend- ed by United Parcel Service of Omaha, Nebr. to purchase Lot 1 of Sub. of Lot 2 of 2 or 2 of Lot 1 Block 5 River Front Sub. No.3................ 17-Resolution No. 407-73 Granting cigarette penults .... 17-Resolution No. 408-73 Granting Class "B" & "c" Beer Applications .................................................... 17----Resolution No. 409-73 Granting Class "BOO & "c" Beer Licenses. ............................................................ 17-Resowlution No. 41l1-73 Granting Class "C" Commer. cial Beer & Liquor Applications ............................ 17-Resolution No. 411.73 Granting Class "C" Commercial Beer & Liquor Lirense ............................................ 17-Resolution No. 412-73 Expressing sadness at the pass- ing of Walter F. Gilligan ....... 1973 " " " 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page 590 591 592 594 594 595 595 596 599 602 603 604 605 606 595 595 602 603 592 19-Resolution No. 362-73. Authorizing the execution 01 a contract for Sale o.f Land for Private Redevelop- ment with R & S. Enterprises, Inc. ........................ 19-Resolution No. 363-73. Final Estimate of City of Du. buque 1973 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project on Grandview Avenue. ............................ 19-Resolution No. 364-73. Accepting the City of Dubuque 1973 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No. 1 on Grandview Avenue. ................................ 19-Resolution No. 365-73. Approving plat of Lots 1.9 and Lot 5A of West Hill subdivision. ............................ 19..........Resolution No. 366-73. Necessity for Improvement of the City Hall. ........................................................ 19-Resolution No. 367-73. Granting Cigarette Penults. .... 19..........Resolution No. 868.73. Granting applications for Class "c" Beer Permits. ;................................................... 19--Resolution No. 369-7'3. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits. .................................................... 19-Resolution No. 37l1-73. Granting applications for Class "c" Liquor Permits. ................................................ 19-Resolution No. 371.73. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Liquor Permits. ................................................ 19-Resolution No. 372-73. Setting aside the first reading of an ordinance to repeal the Zoning Ordinance, which permits the location of cafes and restaur. ants in Local Business "An Business District. .... 26-Ruegnitz Robert S., Notice of Claim. ............................ 26-Resolution No. 373-73. Final Estimate of tbe Con- struction of Algona Sanitary Sewer. .................... 26-Resolution No. 374-73. Accepting Construction of the Algona Sanitary Sewer. ........................................ 26-Resolution No. 375-73. Approving Easement Agree- ment between Illinois Central Gulf Railroad and City of Dubuque. ........................................................ 26-Resolution No. 376-73. Approving Tentative Three Year Street Construction Program. ........................ 26-Resolution No. W/7.73. Fixing a date for hearing on proposed Pollution Control Revenue Bonds (in- terstate Power Company Project), Series 1973. 26-Resolution No. 378-73. Granting Cigarette Penult. .... 26-Resolution No. 379-73. Granting applications for Class "Cn Liquor Permits. ................................................ 26-Resolution No. 38lI-73. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Liquor Permits. ....... 1973 " " " 606 614 616 617 618 618 618 619 620 629 618 615 3-Resolution No. 361-73 Authorizing the execution of a contract for sale of land for private develop- ment with Investment Planning Inc. ................ 3-Rseolution No. 382-73 Accepting deed from Executor of Estate of C. O. Nesler, deceased for City Lot 638 ............................................................................ 3-Resolution No. 383-73. Final Estimate 1973 Asphalt Paving Project NO.1 (except University) ............ 3-Resolution No. 384-73 (Accel?ting Improvement of 1973 Asphalt Paving Project No.1 (except Uni. versity) ........... ............................................................... 3-Resolution No. 385-73 Granting Cigarette Penults. .... 3-Resolution No. 386-73 Granting Class "C" Beer Permit applications .................................................................. 3-Resolution No. 387-73 Directing issuance of Class "C" Beer L.icenses .............................................................. 3-Resolution No. 388-73 Granting Beer-Liquor combina- tion Licenses Applications. .................................... 3-Resolution No. 389-73 Directing issuance of Com- bination Beer-Liquor Class "C" Licenses ........ 14--Resolution No. 390-73 Authorizing the issuance of $4,400,00(1 Pollution Control Revenue Bonds (in- terstate Power Co.) .................................................... 17----Reed property agreement for sale exercising option ~';li Dec. ., .. 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECf Page 244 244 245 257 264 3~0 277 285 299 368 316 382 319 602 339 339 351 351 351 351 519 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 378 356 360 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 367 367 367 367 374 377 377 381 1973 May 7-Schromen Kennetb,. sidewalk bond. ................................ .. 7-SChrelber Constructlon Co., sIdewaLk bond. .................... u 7-Schiesl James J., Notice of Claim. ................................ ,. 14-:-Scnmitz VIncent Mrs., requestingcontinued'bw service. " 14--Sunset Park SUOdlVisioD. approval of plat of Block 5 and Lot B of Sunse~ Park SUbdlVI.'iion No.3. ........ n 14-Sunset Park SubdivISIon No.3, requesting rezoning of BlOck 5 and Lot B from Smgle F3IIllly to Multiple Residence classification, ........................ 265, " 21--Solomon C4arlOtte, reappointed to tae Advl~ory Com- mission. ........................................................................ " 29-Swift Plumbmg & Heating Co., liability policy. .......... June 4-Schuster Leo et. al., requesting enforcement of Dog Ordinance, and urgIng CODI,InUance of a CIty bus operation. ...................................................................... 4--Sunday Beer~Liquor Sales endorsed by the City Council. ........................................................................ 303, ll-Smith Charlie, expressing interest in position on Hu- man RIghts Comnu.ssion. ........................................ ll-Somers Walter B & Joyce H., ordered to dismantle buildmg and clean up premises located at 1648- 165l1-1652 Wasmngton Street. ................................318, 11-8unset Park Subdivision No.3, approval of plat of Lots 1-8 inclusive, Block 5. .................................... 11---8anitary Sewer 8 inch on North Algona Street from University Avenue to Loras Boulevard, prelim- inary plans and specifications. 337, 338, 3ll7, ;j98,443, ll-Schollmeyer Paul W., granted Cigarette Permit. .... ll-Sutton Patricia Ann, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 18--Schneller Mathias, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 16-Stampfer's Department Store, granted Cigarette Penult. 18-Schueller Rita Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 18-Snanahan Francis J., granted CIgarette Permit. ........ 16-Steffen John J., granted Cigarette Permit. ................351, 18--Sfikas Bessie, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 16-Sfikas Pete, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 16-Shike Richardson Inc., granted Cigarette Penult. ........ 18-SieIker Jack, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 18-S0rensen George & Mary Lou, granted Cigarette Permit. 16-Schumacher ],;arl, granted Cigarette Penult. ........ 16-Schwind Frank, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 18--Sewage Treatment Plant, setting up a pilot plant known as "Unox" to help determine what pro- cess should be used in Phase H construction. 353, 377, 25-Spensley Alan, appoin ted to the Advisory Commission. 25--Schiel Margaret V., Notice of Claim. ............................ 25-Sutter Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 25-Spielman Charles J., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 25--Sears Roebuck & Company, granted Cigarette Permit. 25--Sand Donald, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 25-Savary John L., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 25-Spiegelhalter Melvin A., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 25-Schwartz Lawrence & Ethel, granted Cigarette Penult. 26-Sutton Patricia A., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 25--Schlickman Douglas, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 25-Schmitz David, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 25--Sand Donald T., granted Class "C" Liquor Penult. .... 25--Schollmeyer Paul, granted Class "c" Liquor Permit. 25--Spiegelhalter Melvin A., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. ................................................................................ 25--Savary John L., granted Class "c" Liquor Permit. .... 26-Sfikas Pete, granted Sunday Sales Penult. ................ 2--Schwartz Frank J., appointed to the Board of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. 2-Swift Adrian C.. appointed to the Board of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrie-eration. 2--Swiss Valley Bachlorettes 4-H Club, requesting per- mission to. sell stationery from door to doar. .. , ,. JUly .. .. .. " " .. .. " .. " .. .. .. .. 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT ';1. 4 245 182 222 237 229 166 170 Page 5 2-Schilling James G.. submitting resignation as Assistant City Solicitor. ............................................................ 2-Sisters af St. Francis, requesting rezoning of property north of Davis Avenue from Single Family to Multiple Residence District classitlcation, to- be used for a child development care center. ........ ........................................................................9, 10, 46, 48, 574 2-Savary Violet, requesting refund on Class l<B" Beer Penult No. 3086, and Cigarette Penult No. 260. 12 2-Sutter Thomas J. Mrs. et. al., favoring the renovation of the City Hail. ........................................................ 13, 74 2--Schiickman Douglas, granted Cigarette Penult. ........ 29 8--Stork Charles E., replace on Human Rights Commission by William R. Donahue. ........................................ 38 16--Schnee Tom Mrs., claim denied. .................................... 40 16-St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. dismissal of action against City of Dubuque. .................................................... 40 22-Stampfer Bldg. Company, settlement of assessment of real estate recommended by the City Assessor. 44 22--Strandberg Veronica Mrs., request to. rezone property at 2403 Central Avenue from Mulitple Residence to Business District appro.ved. ................................ 50, 90 29-Solomon Charlotte, appointed to Advisory Commission, replacing Robert L. Day. ........................................ 55 29-Sanitary Sewer, Asbury Park Subdivision 1972, com- pleted and accepted. ................................................ 63, 64 12--Sie,gert Eugene, requesting rezoning of property at 2615 Hiticrest Road from Single Family to Mul- tiple classification. .................................................... 80, 137 6-Street Finance Report for Municipal Streets and Parking for the year 1972. ........................................ 126 6-Sanitary Sewer, Asbury Park Subdivision - 1972, Schedule of assessments. ..........................................127, 129 &-Schumacher Earl E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 131 12--Steichen Margaret Mrs., ordered to dismantle build. ing at 5~,o-582 Avon Street and clean up premises 134, 198 12-Sargent Timothy B. & Lula M., ordered to dismantle building located at 446 East 14th Street and clean up premises. .................................................... 134, 199 12-Spiegel William, liability policy and sidewalk bond. 136 12-Strub Raphael H., sidewalk bond. ................................ 136 12-Spanish War Veterans, requesting permission to conduct a tag day. ................................................ 140 12-Smith Leonard T. & Innocence Ann Smith, Option to Purchase Agreement with City far the testing and analysis of their property for a City San- itary Landfill Site. ............................................141, 142 197 12--S0rensen Mary Lou & George D., granted Class "e" ' Beer & Liquor Permit. ............................................ 144 19-5hetler Harry, requesting a refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 187. ................................................................ 151 26--Sewage Disposal Works and Facilities Report for the year 1972. .................................................................... 157 26--Steffen Loras et. al., requesting that the alley extend. ing from Cherry Street to Pennsylva'nia Avenue be closed. ..................................................... 164 2&-Schwartz Lawrence E. & Ethel M., granted Cias~..;;B;; , Beer Pernut. ....... ................................................ ......... April 2-Smith F. N. Construction Inc., liability policy. ............ " 2--Sears Roebuck & Company Subdivision, approva! of plat of Lot 1 of Lot 1. ............................................ " 23--Schwers Construction Co., sideWalk bond. .................... 23---Setter David F., appointed to Board of Zoning Ad- justment, replacing Lester Streinz. ........................ 30--Sheriff of Dubuque County, identification and to be held harmless ariSing out of negligent acts or omissions of Special Deputies ....... .,j~ 1973 Mar. " Feb. Jan. 12 .. " .. " INDEX-BOOK 103 1973 SUBJECT Page " 19-5chiltz L. J., approval of plat of Lot 5A of West Hill Subdivision. ............................................ ...................... 592 " 19-5mitb Lowrie E., granted Cigarette Penult and Class "C" Liquor Pernrit. .................................................... 594, 595 " 26--Sawvell Margaret J., Notice of Claim. ............................ 599 " 26-Street Construction Program for three years submitted by the City Manager. ................................................ 603 " 26-Schreiber F. J., submittin& resignation as a member of the Dock CommissIOn .......................................... 606 Dec. 17-Skahill, granted cigarette license. .................................... 646 " 17-Sullivan & Delaney, granted cigarette and Class C Commercial beer-liquor licenses. 646, 647 Page 446 385 386 388 556 409 420 506 43G 432 442 448 462 451 451 453 473 464 465 517 492 492 492 549 495 504 553 559 551 524 537 550 560 569 571 577 588 569 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT 2-Storm Sewer Improvement Program 1973 for the City fo Dubuque. ....................................383, 384, 444, 2-Scherer George Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 2-Stecklein Richard N. & Melvin D. McSperrin, granted Cigarette Penult. ........................................................ 9-Sutton John W., relative to the manpower shortage on the Police Department. ...............~...................... 13-St. Elias The Prophet Greek Orthodox Church, grant- ed Class "B" Beer Sunday Sales Permit. ..............404, 16-Schulte Construction Co., requesting permission to excavate in city streets. ............................................ 3O-Strand Violet E., settlement of claim. ............................ 30-St. Marys Place, Lot 2 of 1 of 3, request for rezon- ing of property to Multiple District classifica- tion. ........................................................................424, 507, 3O-S010mon Chester, appointed to the Transit Authority... 3O-Scbiel Judith A., granted Cigarette Penult. ................ 6--St. Anthony Messenger, requesting permission to solicit magazine subscripts. ...................................... &-Sfikas Pete S., granted Class "C" Liquor Penult. ........ 6Schmitt Josepb R., appointed to the Citizens Transpor. tation Committee. ...................................................... 449, 2O-Scbromen Ken, liability policy. ........................................ 2O-Schulte Robert J., liability policy. .................................. 20-Shaffert L. G. Claim demed. ............................................ 20--Sister Kenny Institute, requesting permiSSion to con- duct a fund drive. ......................................................461, 2O--Scherer Emma Margaret, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit. ................................................................................ 2O-Schmitz David C., granted Class "C" Liquor Penult. .. 4--Sertoma Club of Dubuque, requesting proclamation of Child Protection Week, and requesting per- mission to conduct their annual Light Bulb sale. ................................................................................ 477, 17-Sommer Lawrence, relative to historic preservation of buildings. ................................................................ 17-Slattery Robyn, reappointed to the Youth Services Bureau. .......................................................................... 17-Streinz Jan Mrs., reappointed to the youth Services Bureau. .......................................................................... 17-Schlueter Marie Mrs., Notice of Claim. ........................ 494, 17-Senior High School. requesting permission to con- duct a Homecoming Parade. .................................... 17-Sfikas Bessie, granted Class "C" Liquor Penult. ........ 24-St. Joseph's Catholic Church, requesting that parking on Theisen Street be limited to one side only. .. 508, l-Sidewaik Program for 1973, recommendation of the City Engineer that bids be retaken. ................519, 520, 8--St. Regis Paper Company, requesting permission to erect a sign on Industrial Island. .......................... 523, &-Smith Dorothy Mrs., objecting to tbe phasing out of River Valley Cap. ...................................................... 15-Swenson Jack W. et. aI., requesting removal of "No Parking" signs on east side of Hawthorne Street. ............................................................................ 22-Simmons Dortha K., settlement of suit. ........................ 22-Schurbon Ricbard A., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. ................................................................................ 29-Scott Stephen, addressed the Council relative to the use of Petrakis Park for A Dubuque Baseball team. .............................................................................. 29-Spielman Charles J.. granted Class HC" Liquor Per- mit. ................................................................................ 5----')churbon Richard A., granted Cigarette Penult. ........ 19-5bireman Bernard J., Notice of Claim. .......................... 19--Strohmeyer Robert L. et. aI., requesting that parking on Kaufmann Avenue, between Carter and Ever- green be limited to one side of street oniy. ........ ;;a_~ 103 1973 " " " " .. " .. " " " Aug. " " " " " " " " Sept. " " " " " " " Oct. " " .. " " " " Nov. " " .' Page 317 530 550 447 448 462 461 462 490 495 541 507 522 525 598 537 606 607 618 628 103 ll-Tschiggfrie Excavating, lia-bility poliey & Workmen's compensation policy. .................................................. ll-Team Electronics, creating a drainage problem in neighborhood caused by their driveway into a residential area at Gordon and Theda Drives .... 323 ll-Tressel Allen C., granted Cigarette Penult. ...........:...... 339 ll-Tigges Doris J., ,granted Cigarette Permit. ....................339, 443 ll-Trapp Marita, granted Cigar~tte Penult. ........................ 339 16-Tri-State PaVlng Company, Sidewalk bond. .................... 342 18--Ten Pin Tap. requesting permission to erect a mar- quee at 601 Rhomberg Avenue. .............................. 348 16-Tschiggfrie Raymond, granted Cigarette Penult. ........ 351 2&-Tuthill Loras Mrs., abjecting to the enforcement of the present dog ordinance. .....................,...,............ 357 2&-Thirty Second Street, curb cut granted at F1exsteel Company parking lot. ................................................ 357 2&-Trausch Baking Company, granted Cigarette Permit. .. 366 2&-Thompson's Food Markets, Inc., granted five Ciga- rette Permits. ......................................................366, 590, 629 2-Tegeler Earl... granted Cigarette Penult. ........................ 385 9-Town Clock rlaza. Phase U, Section U, Electrical com- pleted and accepted. ............................................._... 399 IS-Teleprompter TV Cable Co., relative to a downed TV tower in Rockford, Ulinois. .................................... 406 3O-Transit Authority for the City of Dubuque, consisting of Doris Riekena, Chester Solomon and George E. Deininger. .............................................................. 433, S-Trilk Richard Mrs., Notice of Claim. .............................. 438, 6-Takos Peter J., granted Cigarette Penult. .................... 6-Town Clock Inn Inc., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. ................................................................................ 6-Thompson Alex, al'!"'inted to the Citizens Transpor- tation ComlUlttee. ......................................................449, 20--Tschiggfrie Excavating, requesting permission to ex- cavate at 2110-14 Kniest street. ............................ 2O-Tigges Doris, requesting refund on Class "C" Liquor Penult No 4309. ........................................................ 4-Thoms Councilman. requesting a meeting with the Board of Supervisors with the idea of halding monthly meetings, also requesting a series of meetings be held to study City Hall Benova- tion. ...................-........................................................... 487, 17-Taxi Cab, A-OK Yellow Cab Co., requesting a rate increase. ........................................................................ 17-Traffic Sigoal Project for the Central Business Dis- trict from 1st Street to 14th Street, and from Blnff Street to White Street (TOPICS Agreement No. 73-T-Q55). ......................................501, 502, 503,540, 24-Telegraph Herald & William Woodward, Natice of petition for writ of mandamus vs City of Du- buque, Robert J. O'Brien and John Fangmann. .... I-Toom Donald, expreSSing desire to deal in Urban Renewal property. ...................................................... 8--Topeka Inn Management Inc., granted Class "B" Liq- quor Pennit. ................................................................ 100Transit Trustee Board. reminding the Council of their budget needs. ......................................530, 533, 544,584, IS-Timpe Ronald V., Notice of Claim. ................................ 5--Town Clock Inn, granted Class <lC" Liquor Permit. .... 578, 3-Thoms Allan T. Councilman, that Councilman Just- mann's letter getting in contact with Wm. Brah- ham, Iowa Conservation Commission relative to Area "C" as a possible State Park be referred to Park Board and Industrial Bureau. .................. 3-Tegeler, Milk House. granted Class C Beer license. .... 17-Turner Linda, requesting permission to address the Council as to rectifying the present -process against minorities. ...... 1973 " " July " " Aug. " " " " " Sept. " " Oct. " " " Nov. Dec. " " INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT T 2--Telegraph Herald, appointed official newspaper for the City of Dubuque. ................................................ 2-Tegeler Earl J{}~. granted Cigarette and Class "C" Beer PerDllts. .............................................................. S-Teleprompter Cable Communications Corporation, ad- vising of the filing of applications for renewal of license of business Radio Station KUX 87, and to add the signals of Station WSNS, Chaunel 44 Chicago. ........................................................................ 33, S- Task Force Chairman, Assistant City Manager Paul Fischer, requesting a thirty day extension of time for submission of report on Police Depart- ment Handbook. .......................................................... 33, S-Terry Agnes, Settlement of Suit. .................................... 16-Thermolyne Corporation, approval of Option Agree~ ment with the City of Dubuque for Lot 1 of Block 12, Block 13, and Lot 1 of Block 14 in uRiver Front Subdivision No.3". .......................... 43, 16-ThoIns Councilman, requesting that the City Planner and City Solicitor prepare a resolution urging adoption of the 1972 Highway Act. ........................ 43 22-Timmerman Pete, Notice of Claim. ................................ 50, 158 22-Thompson's Food Markets, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permits. ................53, 75, 197, 254, 367, 577,590, 629 29-Tower Investment Inc., requesting rezoning of an area south of Table Mound School from Multiple Res- idence to Business "B" classification. ..............62. 163, 234 29-Toom Donald, addressed Council relative to reap- praisal of property. .................................................... 66 19-TOPICS Project, Location and Design Approval, inter~ sections of 10th Street and Bluff, and at Uni- versity Avenue, Mayor authorized to execute agreement with the Iowa Highway Commis- sion. ................................................................99, 100,239, 244 26--Takos Peter J. Jr., granted Cigarette and Class lie" Beer & Liquor Permits. ....................................116, 495, 509 Mar. 12-Tri-State Paviug Co.. liability policy. ............................ 135 April 2-Thermolyne Corporation, offering use of their lot to the Recreation Department and requesting a meeting relative to lighting, liability etc. ............ 170 " 2-Thermolyne Corporation, proposing to prepare and maintain the newly optioned acreage to the south of their property as ta grade, sodding etc ............................................,................................... 170 " 2-Tower Drive, formerly a driveway to Table Mound School, named by Ordinance No. 21-73. ................ 173, 246 " 2-"Thomas Farm Addition, Block 8, approval of plat. .. 181 May 7-Time Finance Corporation, completion of improve~ ments in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15 area. ............................................................ 250 .. 7-Thompson's Food Markets Inc., granted Class HC" Beer Penult. ..............................................................254, 629 " 14- Thome David, commending the Councilmen who op.. pose "X" rated movies. ............................................ 257 " 21-TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECT 1972. Asbury Road at Carter Road, John F. Kennedy Road at Penn~ sylvania Avenue, completed and accepted. ........ 279 " 29---Tri-State Indepeudent Blind Society, requesting a peddlers license to raise funds for their organiza- tion. ....................,......................................................... 292, 378 " 29-TOPICS Project No. T-735-7(4)-46-31, Traffic Sigoal Improvement on Bluff Street, White Tenth Street, Twelfth Street and Fourteenth Street. ................................................................................ 292,323, 324 June 4--Tri-Centennial celebration and reenactment of Jolliet. Marquette expedition. ....... 299 .....'-,'" ~,'"" Page 5 29 44 78 35 81 103 1973 Jan. " " " " " " " " " " Feb. " 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT ,i.f Page 363 366 25-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, sale of parcel of land to Dubuque County for public redevelop- ment. .............................................................................. 25-University of Dubuque, granted Cigarette Penult. .... July 9-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15, Town Clock Plaza, Phase IT, Section II, Electrical com- pleted and accepted. .................................................. 399 .. 3O-Urban Renewal Director. relative to a progress report on the Five Flags Center Project. ........................ 417 " 30-Urban Renewal Project Area, vacation of certain portions of streets and alleys, ................................ 428, 429 " 30-Urban Renewal Project Area, subdiViding and dedicat- ing certain lots in the Downtown Urban Re- newal Project area. .................................................... 430, 431 " 30--Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15, approving plat of Block 14 of Downtown Plaza. ................................ 431 " 3O-U. S. Corps of Engineers, relative to the acceptance of the completed Stage II portion of the Mis- siSSippi River Flood Protection project. .............. 434 Aug. 6-United Parcel Service, application for purchase of a parcel of land in the Industrial Park. ..................435, 645 " 20---Unifieation Church, requesting permission to solicit funds. ............................................................................ 461 " 20---Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-I5, invitations for proposals for the purchase of property located at the southwest corner of 9th & Iowa Streets, parcel No. 7-4. ............................................................463, 511 Sept. 4-Urban Renewal Project. Iowa R-15, purchase of Parcel 8-3 from Mary B. Chalmers et. aI., and 8-4A from First National Bank of Chicago and William K. Stevens. ........................................................................ 485 " 17-Urban Renewal Project, Ipwa R-15, authorizing the sale of Project Notes (Third Series 1973) in amount of $1,738,000. ........................................4991537, 538 " 24-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, declaring intent 0 selling a parcel of land to R. & S. Enterprises Inc. ................................................................511, 526,590, 641 Oct. 1-University of Dubuque. requesting permission to have a fireworks display at their Homecoming foot- ball game. ........................................................................ 519 " 8-U. S. Marine Corps League, requesting proclamation of "U. S. Marine Band Day in Dubuque" ............ 523 " 8--Urban Renewal Director, advising Council that there is no conflict of interest concerning Mrs. Doris Riekena, member of Transit Board and owner of stock in R. & S. Enterprises. .................................. 526 " 22-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, declaring intent of selling Block 8, Parcel 7-4 to Investroent Plan- ning Inc. ........................................................................ 556, 640 Dec. 17-Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15 accepting delivery of deeds for the Downtown Urban Renewal proJ- ect. ...... 642 1973 " 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page 353 358 362 361 U 2-U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, submitting completion of Phase I of Mississippi River-nlinois Waterway 12' Channel Study. .................................................... 7, 102 22-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, Certificate of Com- pletion for Graham's Style Store for Men, Inc. .. 51 6-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15, Sale of Parcel 9 of Block 8 to Ecumenical Housing, IDe. .......................................................... 70, 71, 250, 470,510, 641 19-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15, sale of Parcel 3 and part of Parcel 1 of Block 1 to the Canfield Hotel Inc. .................................................... 97, 360 19-University Avenue, TOPICS project for widening Uni- versity Avenue from Loras Boulevard to Gilliam Street. .......................................... 100, 227, 226, 239,244, 336 26-U. S. 561 Freeway Corridor location and City Island Mississippi River Bridge, Mayor authorized to execute pre-Design Agreement. .............................. 110, 239 19-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15. authoriz- ing sale of project notes (First Series 1973) in amount of $1,715,000. ................................................ 142 19-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15 approving fixed.price competition method for offenng cer- tain land for redevelopment by private develop.. ers. ................................................................ 153, 154, 252, 462 19-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15, invitations for the purchase of property located on Fifth Street between Iowa Street and Central Avenue, Parcel No. I-A and No. 4-2. ..............................154, 240, 294 26-United States Department of Housing & Urban De- velopment. Section 701 of Housing Act of 1954, City Manager authorized to sign all necessary documents. .................................................................... 165 19-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15, Sale of project notes in amount of $1,741,000. .................. 204 7-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15, two con- tracts with Barton Aschman Associates, Inc. for the design construction phase of Town Clock Plaza. ............................................................................ 249 7-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, Certificate of Com- pletion for Time Finance Corporation. ................ 250 7-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15, invita. tions for the purchase of property located on Central Avenue and Iowa Street, described as South 114 feet of parcel 2-6. ....253, 294. 301, 302,400, 411 14-Utzig Arnold Mrs., urging the continuance of bus service. ........... ............................................................... 257 4-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, IOWA R-15, proposal from R. Hampton & Co. Inc., for the purchase of Parcel 4-2 in the Downtown Urban Renewal area. ............................................299, 364, 436, 465,500, 501 ll-Urban Renewal Director submitting a "Five Flags Sculpture" competition to secure a suitable piece of sculpture for the Downtown Urban Renewal Area. ......................................................329, 330, 573 18-Union Carbide Company, relative to setting up a plant known as "Unox" to determine process used in Phase II construction of the Sewage Plant. ........ 25--Urban Renewal Director. submitting a copy of Bi- centennial Community application for Five Flags Center. .......................................................................... 25--United States District Court, Dubuque, Iowa, closed on June 29. 1973, and the Deputy Clerk of Court shall be transferred to Headquarters Office at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. .................................................. 25-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, demolition work by C. H. Langman & Son completed and ac. cepted. ...... ..i$ 1973 Mar. April May " June Feb. Jan. INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT JiJi Page 28 543 103 90 79 88 104 105 131 202 167 171 277 183 188 196 244 202 222 254 475 292 314 343 453 339 339 339 340 339 339 351 351 103 W 2-Wallis J. Allen Jr., request for elimination of ease- ment in Lots 9 and 10 in Clinque Inc. No. 2 Addition, approved. .................................................. B-Waste Water Treaunent Facility. granted an ,increase of $332,454.00 by the Iowa Water PollutIOn Con- trol Commission, ..........................................33. 192,542, 16-Water Works Employees Union, requesting permission to meet with Council concerning eight issues that have Dot been resolved. ......................................38, 80, 22--Wullweber's Subdivision. rezoning of property located at 2403 Central Avenue from MUhiple to Bus~ ~ness Dist~c1: recommended by Planning & Zon. mg C0II1IIl1SS1on. .......................................................... 50, 6-Wittroan Robert D., Notice of Claim. .............................. 74, 19-Weitz A. L., urging preservation and utilization of the City Hall. .............................................................. 26---Water Department, annual report for the year 1972. .. 26--Welter William et. a1., supporting proposed plans for a Hospital Medical Section to apply to all three hospitals. ......... .............. ............................................... 6-White William John, granted Class "C" Beer Penult .. 12-Winall James W., ordered to dismantiebuildings at 544-560 Avon Street and clean up the prem- ises. ... ........... .... .................... ................ ..................133, 201, 26-Wedig Kathleen L., granted Class "C" Liqnor Li- cense. ............................................................................ 2-Wick Rosemarie J., Settlement of Suit. ............................ 2--West Side Realty for P. D. Johansen, requesting re- zoning from Single Family to Multiple Besidence cla.:,slflcadon, Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Block 1 of P. D. Johansen Sub. .................................................. 174, 2-Wayne Motor Sales, amendment of lease to correct misdescription of property in Sears-Roebuck &: Co. Subdivision No.2. .............................................. 2-Will-Co. Inc.. granted Cigarette & Class "c" Beer Permits. ................. ....................................................... 187, 16-Wolff C. D., requesting rezoning of Lot 2 of McMahon Place from Single to Two Family classifica- tion. .............................................................................. 16-Wonn Richard, extending invitation to attend two films called "Waste Away" and "The Great All American Trash Can". ..............................................197, 16-Wood's Addition, approval of plat of Lot 86A and 19.96 feet of Lot 87 A. ................................................ 23-Welter John P. & Sons, sidewalk bond. ........................ 7----Walgreen Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .... I4-Weber Eldon J.. Notice of Claim. ....................................258, 29-White Shrine Club, requesting permission to conduct a bake sale. .................................................................. 4--Weiner, Helen, granted Class HC" Liquor Permit. ........ ll-Wieland Evelyn C.. Notice of Claim by Insurance Company of North America, as representative of Hartig Drug Company. ........................................ 319, ll-Welsh Paul, Notice of Claim. ............................................ 319, ll-Walgreen Company, granted Cigarette Penult. ............ ll-Weiner Helen, granted Cigarette Permit. ...................... ll-Westerfield Martin C., granted two Cigarette Per- mits. .............................................................................. ll-Wunder Eileen, granted Cigarette and Class "c" Liq- uor Permit. ..................................................................339, ll-Welsh Enterprises Inc., granted Cigarette and Class "C" Beer Permit. ........................................................ ll-Wareco Systems of Iowa, granted Cigarette Permit. .. ll-Wallace Colleen M., granted Class "C" Liquor Penult & Cigarette Permit. .................................................... 340, IS-Woolworth's Department Store. granted Cigarette Permit. ...... 1973 Jan. " " " Feb. " " " Mar. " " ~pril " " " " " " May " " June " " " " " " " " " " 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT I . Page 36 38 236 495 625 74 161 219 222 356 351 351 462 474 V 8--VanVors Charlene, Notice of Claim. ................................ 8--Vernon Robert G. Dr., replaced on Human Rights Commission ,by Dean Miller. ...................................... 6--V. F. W. Post No. 9663, requesting permission to con- duct a Poppy Day sales. ............................................ 26--Voting Precinct Thirteen, established for recently annexed territory south of Valentine Drive, con- Sisting of 0.763 acres (Henschel). .......................... 16-Van Duelman Carl, granted Class "c" Beer Penult. .... 23-Valentine Drive. installation of a street light recom- mended. ................. ......... .............................................. 30-Vandalism of Public Property, City Solicitor directed to take necessary actiGn to recover costs of damages incurred by acts of vandalism. ............ IS-Villines Evelyn Mrs., requesting permission to. address the Council concerning Employment of the Hand- icapped. .......................... ........................... .............. ..... 347, 18-Vincent Brian, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 16-Van Duelman Carl, granted Cigarette Penult. ............ 6-Vernon Robert Dr., appointed to the Citizens Trans- Po.rtation Committee. ................................................449, 2O---Vyverberg Roy et. aI., requesting a street light at 929 Indian Ridge. ........................................................ 461, sept. 17-Veterans of World War I, requesting permission to use Washington Park on November 11. ................ 17-Vogt Robert, notice of personal injury claim ....... .." '~ 1973 ~pril " Dec. June " " Aug. Mar. Feb. Jan. " .... INDEX-BOOK 103 1973 SUBJECT Page X Feb. 26-Xavier Hospital property rezoned to Hospital Medical District classification. ................................................ 106 May 7-X-Rated Films, objections to the showing of X-rated movies at the Orpheum Theatre. .......................... 243 Dec. 3-Xavier Hospital requesting Council to consider griority under the Topics program to include S eridan Road. Peru Road to Central Ave. and viaduct at 32nd Street. 613 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT Page 542 555 566 592 647 583 577 18-Willenborg Barney, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit. ............................................................................................ 352 25-Wilkinson Marilyn Mrs., appointed to the Youth Serv- ices Bureau. ................................................................ 356 25-Wahlert R. C., compliant concerning a high speed police pursuit chase. ................................................ 358 25-Wagner Peter B., Notice of Claim. .................................. 360 25-Whalen Lyle, granted Cigarette Permit. ........................ 366, 629 25-White Wm. J., granted Cigarette Permit. ...................... 366 25-Wedig Kathleen, granted Cigarette Penult. .................. 366 25-Will-Co., lnc., granted Cigarette Penult. ........................ 366 2-Willenborg Bernard, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 365 2-Wertz Donald E., granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 366 2-Winkler Beatrice, granted Cigarette Penult. ................ 386 2-Wong Chuck N.. granted Cigarette Penult. .................. 366 6-Wright Tree Service, requesting permission to do underground trenching. ................................................ 442, 451 6-Womens Recreation Association, granted Class lOB" Beer Permit. .............................................................. 448, 496 6-Wahlert David, appointed to the Citizens Transporta- tion Committee. .......................................................... 449, 462 18- W elsh ~I~, reappointed to the Airport ZOning Com- DllSSlon. .......................................................................... 490 17-Wright Tree Service lnc., liability policy. .................... 493 17-Walsh Stores, relative to City Hall and possible use of Leath Bnilding. ...................................................... 493 24-Wahlert High School, requesting permission to conduct a Homecoming Parade. ............................................ 508 U-Waste Water Treatroent Plant, the City Manager is authorized to execute a Grant a,pplication for the Solids Handling Facilities. ........................509, 535,542, 542 8-Weiderholt Floyd Mrs., name submitted to fill vacancy on Library Board. ...................................................... 523 I5--Westchester Subdivision, installation of 11 street lights recommended. ................................................ 536 15-WATERWORKS IMPROVEMENT 1972 FEEDER MAIN EXTENSION, HUD-WS-IOWA-99, Contract II, Section 2, West 3200 Street; Section 3, Park Hill; and Section 4, Highway #20, completed and accepted. .............................................................. 541, 22-White Shrine, requesting permission to sell fruit cakes. ............................................................................ 22-Weidenbacher Eldon el. aI., objecting to the pro- posed A & W Drive-ln on Kennedy and Asbury Roads. .......................................................................... 555, 5---Warehouse Market, granted Class "C"Beer Permit. .. 19-Walsh Stores, recommending that parking meters ad- jacent to busy shopping areas should be more than one hour. ............................................................ 19---West Hill Subdivision, approval of plat of Lot 5A. .... 17-Wertz Donald E., granted Class C beer license. ........ 646, ,:i; ;IJi 1973 " " " July " " Aug. Sept. Nov. " " Dec. Oct. " " " .. " " " 1 1, 1973 Regular Session, January CITY COUNCIL 103 INDEX-BOOK SUBJECT OFFICIAL Reguler $ession, Jenu.ry 1, 1973. No memlNt... of the City Council being present the meeting was ad- iourned subiect to call. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk 1973 1973 .................. ouncilmen Approved Adopted Attest: ...................................... City Clerk ,. t ~,.,- ~~r ;-:' Page 110 192 277 12 187 366 437, 569 522 555, 586 588, 624 1973 y Feb. 26-Youth Services Bureau, City Manager authorized to sign all documents, make application and pro- vide the local shade of funding from July 1, 1973 to June 30, 1974. .............................................. Aprill6-YM-YWCA Community Center, submitting a proposed agenda for YOUTH in Government Days for April 23, 24 and 25, 1973. ........................................ May 21-Y. W. C. A., endorsing the continuance of the bus system. Z Jan. 2--Zimmerman David E., requesting refund on Cigarette Penult No. 259. .......................................................... April 2-Zwack Joseph P., appointed Assistant City Attorney. .. June 25----Zayre Snack Bar, granted Cigarette Penult. ................ Aug. 6-Zuber Helen C., Notice of Claim. .................................... Oct. 6-Zmudka Frank L., Settlement of Snit. ............................ " 22-Zurcher John, requesting vacation of alley at end of Marquette Place. .................... Nov. 19-Zumbof Gene P" Notice of Claim. '~J..