1973 March Council Proceedings
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lions in Dubuque just completed
by a nalionally-known consulting
firm. This in-deptb report verifies
that there is notbing we can do
to eliminate the bus losses. We
could ouly minimize our losses by
reducing bus service.
The report further states our ser-
vice in Dubuque is good, and ra.
ther than reduce service at this
lime, we feel that a decision re-
garding future bus service should
be made by the people of Du-
Therefore, to demonstrate our
beNef that Dubuque needs a bus
system, we hereby offer to turn
over at any date agreeable to the
City prior to August 31, 1973, all
of our real and personal bus trans-
portalion property, including the
bus barn at 24th Street, all items
of any kind associated with the
bus operations, with the exception
of one truck, for the sum of One
Dollar ($1.00).
Your decision with respect to
our offer will be appreciated at
an early date.
R. J. Dyer
District Manager
Mayor Bitter moved that the
cGmmunicatiGn be received and
filed and referred to the CGuncil.
SecGnded by CGuncilman Pregler.
Carried by the fGllGwing VGte:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuneilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
CGuncilman TbGms mGved that
the City S<>licitor and staff be in.
structed to draft a resolution urg.
ing the Interstate Power CG. to
extend the time Gf acceptance Gf
their Gffer to January 1, 1974. Se-
conded by CGuneilman Justmann.
Carried by the following VGte:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1973
Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1973
Adjourned regular s e s s ion,
March 6, 1973.
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T.)
Present-Mayor Bitter, Council.
men Justmann, Moldenhauer,
Pregler, Thoms. City Manager Gil-
bert D. Chavenelle.
MaYGr Bitter read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and this meeting
is an adjourned meeting of the
regular meeting of March 5, 1973,
called fGr tile purpose Gf acting
upon such business as may prG'
perty come befGre the meeting.
CGuncilman Justmann mGved
that the rules be suspended to
hear a report Gn the Washington
trip made by MaYGr Bitter, CGun-
cilman Pregler, and ThGms. Se-
cGnded by CGuncilman M G Ide n-
hauer. Carried by the fGllGwing
Yeas - CGuncilmen Justmann,
MGldenhauer, ThGms.
Nays - Mayor Bitter, CGuneil-
man Pregler.
Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen Preg-
ler and Thoms reported on their
trip to Washington seeking infor-
mation on federal funding Gn the
prGposed new bridge and also Gn
Bus transpGrtatiGn.
March 1, 1973
The Ho,wrable MaYGr
and City CGuncil
It is with regret that the Com.
pany after these many years Gf
Gperating a bus system in the City
of Dubuque must nGW file this
letter with YGU pursuant to a prior
communicatiGn dated August 24,
As agreed in the above men-
tioned letter, we now advise YGU
of our deciSlÎGn to discGntinue our
bus operations at the clGse Gf busi.
ness on August 31, 1973. The an-
nual decrease in revenue passen-
gers and the assGCiated increased
costs Gf prGvidiug bus service has
reached a IGSS Gf such magnitude
that the CGmpany can nG longer
cGntinue to absorb this IGss.
Presented with this letter is a
copy Gf a survey Gf Gur bus Gpera-
month Gf January 1973. Also report
Gf Water Superintendent.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
CGuncilman Pregler moved that
the communicatiGn be received and
filed. SeCGnded by CGuncilman
ThGms. Carried by the fGllowing
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, Councilmen
Justmaon, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
Proof of Publication, certified to
by the Publisher, Gf Statement Gf
Receipts, Disbursements and list
of claims fGr January 1973, pre-
sented and read. CGuncilman Preg-
ler moved that the proof Gf publi-
catioo be received and filed. Se-
conded by CGuncilman Thoms. Car-
ried by the following VGte:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
March 2, 1973
HonGrable Mayor and
Members Gf the City CGuncil
This is to advise Gf filing the
follGwiug bond and deSlire to have
your approval on same.
Iowa Official Bond
RGmGIo N. Russo, Western Sure-
ty CGmpany BGnd No. 5122316 fmm
M"rch 1st 1973 ro March 1st 1974.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
CGuncilman Pregler mGved that
the bond be received and filed.
SecGnded by CG1I\lcilman Thoms.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGunellmen
Justmann, MGJdenhauer, Pregler,
February 26, 1973
TG the HGnGr"ble MaYGr
and City Council
I herewith submit the reports
of the City Treasurer, City Audi.
ror, Health Department, as well
as a list Gf claims paid, for the
March 1, 1973
HonGrable MaYGr and
M~mbers Gf the City CGuncil
In acCGrdance with the p r G-
visiGUS Gf Ch"pter 365 Gf the 1971
CGde Gf IGwa, the Civil Service
CommlssiGn cGnducted entrance
examinatiGns Gn NGvember 15,
The fuliowdDg Darned appidcant
has passed both the written and
physical examinations and is here-
by certified fGr appointment to the
Flannery, RGbert W. ..............116%
Gerard B. Noonan
Marvin A. VanSickle
LGuis F. Fautsch
Civil Service CGmmis-
LeG F. Fmmmelt
City Clerk
Subscribed and sworn ro befGre
me this 5th day Gf March 1973.
Eugene J. Berens
Notary Public
CGuneilman Pregler moved that
the communicatiGn be received and
made a matter Gf recGrd. Second-
ed by Councilman Thoms. Carried
by the fGllowing VGte:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
N<>tice Gf Claim Gf Justin & De-
IGres Finn, in the amGunt of $163.45
fGr car damage incurred as the
result Gf being struck by a city-
owned salt truck on King Street
Gn February 19, 1973, presented
and read. MaYGr Bitter mGved that
the claim be referred tG the City
Atrorney for proper actiGn. SecGnd-
ed by CGuncilman Justmann. Car-
ried by the fGllowing VGte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGJdenhauer, Pregler,
CGmmunicatiGn of City AttGrney
submitting DGck Board Resolut!Gn
recGmmending adGptiGn and City
Ordinance relating to boathouses
moored ro city-owned property.
CGuncilman Pregler moved that
the cGmmunicatiGn be referred to
the meeÜDg scheduled fGr March
26th. Seconded by CGuncilman
Thoms. Carried by the fGllowing
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGJdenhauer, Pregler,
DGck BGard resolution NG. 3-73
apprGving Ordinance prepared by
the City AttGmey governing the
use of the waterfr<>nt by fi<>ats
and repair. and launclbing of boa-ts,
presented and read. CoUllcilman
Pregler moved tba,t the reooluUoo
Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1973
Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1973 123
the Telegraph.Herald, a newspaper by CGuncilman Moldenhauer. Car-
of general cireu1ation published in ried by the f<>il<>wing vote:
the City Gf Dubuqne, IGwa Gn Feb- Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
ruary 1, 1973 and February 8, 1973, Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
City CGuncil of City of Dubuque, 1boms.
Iowa, met on .the day Gf March, Nays-NGne.
1973 at 7:30 o'cl<>ck P.M. (Central
Standard Time) in the City CGuneil
Chamber, City Hall, Dubuque, IG-
wa to cGnsider the proposal I<>
diSpOse' of interest Gf the City Gf
Dubuque, IGwa Gf a platted, but
unopened, street knGwn as L<>t 4B
of Mineral LGt 472 in the City
of Dubuque, IGwa to Dubuque CGm-
munity Sehool District; and
WHEREAS, City CGuncil Gf Du-
buque, Iowa Gverruled any and
all objectiGUS, Gral Gr written, I<>
the proposal I<> dispose Gf interest
of City of Dubuque, IGwa, in the
above described real estate to Du.
buque CGmmunity ScI1ool District:
Now Therefore be It resolved
by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, Iowa:
Saétiolt 1. That the disposal of
interest of City of Dubuque, IGwa
in real estate I<> Dubuque CGm.
munity School District covering the
following described real estate, t<>-
wit: I
L<>t 4B Gf Mineral LGt 472 in
the City Gf Dnbuque, Iowa
for . the pnrchase price of $205.49
t<>getber with costs of publicatioo.
Section 2. That the City Clerk
be and he Is hereby authorized
and directed I<> deliver deed Gf
cGnveyance I<> Dubuque CGmmuni-
ty School District upon receipt Gf
the purchase price of $205.49 1<>-
gether with costs Gf publication.
Sectl... 3. That the City CJm-k
be and he is hereby authorized
and directed I<> record a certified
copy Gf this Resolutioo in the office
Gf the Dubuque CGunty RecGrder.
Passed, approved and adGpted
this 6th day.GfMarch, 11173.
Joseph J. Bitter
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. TbGms
Wayne A.. MGldenhauer
C. RGbert Justmann
Justmann, MoJ4enhauer, Pregler,
NG written. Gb~tions were filed
and nG oral objectors were present
in the C<>uncll Chamber at the
time set for the public hearing.
Vacati... and III. of lot 4B of
Mineral Lot 472 to the Dubuque
Community School Diltrlct,
said Ordinance havmg been previ-
Gusly presented and read at the
City CGuneil meeting Gf JanUary
29,1973, presented for final lOOP-
be referred I<> the meeting scI1edul-
ed lor Mardl 26th. Seconded by
CGunclIman 'Iboms. CUried by the
folIøwing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councllmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
Regulating the use of the muni.
cipally owned wlterfront .stablish.
ing ChargH for tho ".. thoroof
and regulating the construction of
now boat housH, presented and
CGuncilman Pregler mGved that
the reading just had been CGnsider-
ed the first reading Gf the Ordin-
ance. SecGnded by CGllllcil man
ThGms. Carried by the fGllowing
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, Councilman
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
CGuncilman Pregter moved that
the rule requiring an Ordinance
to be read on three separate days
be waived. SecGnded by CGuncil.
man TbGms. Carried by the f<>llow-
ing vote:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
CGuncilman Pregler moved that
a public hearing be beld GOt the
Ordinance on March 26th, 1973,
in the CGuncil Chamber at the
City Hall at 7:30 P.M. and the
City Clerk be instructed I<> publish
notice Gf hearing. Seconded b y
CGuncilman TbGms. Carried by the
fGllowing VGte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
Proof Gf Pubtication, certified to
by the Publisher, of nGtice of hear-
ing of vacatiGn and sale of LGt
4B Gf M. L. 472 I<> the Dubuque
CGmmunity Sehool District, being
part Gf an unopened street along
Linwood Cemetery, presented and
read. CGuncilman Pregler moved
that the proof of publication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Mayor Bitter. Carried by the foll-
owing vote:
Yeas-Mayur Bitter, CGuncilmen
March 1, 1973
Honorable MaYGr and CGuncilmen
On September 20, 1972 the Dubn-
que Planning and Zon.lng CGmmis.
Mon received the petition of Mrs.
Ruth Nash requesting inclusion of
her property at 471-473 West Fourth
Street in the prGfessional office
classification of the Multiple Resi-
dence District. It was the intenti<>n
Gf the petitioner I<> resl<>re this
property and I<> seek permissi<>n
to use part of it as an art gallery,
in accGrdance with the provisioos
Gf Ordinance No. 28-70. This Or-
dinance prGvides fGr the issuance
of Special Permits for limited CGm.
mercial activities in structures IG-
cated in the pr<>fessiGnal office zcme
which have been deSlignated as his-
t<>rically Gr architecturally signi-
In CGnsidering this petitiGn, the
Planning and Z<ming CGmmis8ÌGn
undertook a study Gf the cGncept
and feasibility of historical restora.
tiGn in the vicinity Gf the West
FGurth Street Elevator. Copies of
the Planning and Zoning CGmmis.
siGn report 00 this matter are here-
with tranamitted for YGur consid-
At the CGnclusiGn Gf its study,
the Planning and Zoning CGmmis.
sioo elected I<> cGndnct a public
hearing Gn a pr<>p<>sal to extend
the pr<>feSSlÎGnal office sub-elassi-
fication I<> the Nash prGperty and
I<> all Gther prGpertles mnting on
West Fourth Street west Gf Bluff
Street. This public hearing was
held Gn February 21, 1973 and waa
preceded by a general information-
al meeting CGnducted in the neigh-
borhood Gn February 8th.
The public hearing brGught forth
an abundance of thoughtful and
valuable testimGny on both sides
of the restoration issue. Based on
this testimGny and on the results
of the CGmmission's study Gf the
area, the following recGmmenda-
tions have been aOOpted:
1.C<>ntinued pmperty mllÍllten.
ance and 'rehabilit!ttiGn in the
Fourth Street Elevator area is in
the general public Interest.
-- ...Of the CIty CI... be
on. he " henbv .- .. ....... a
¡:r~'l'ca ':r~of.~,,!:,na= ,¡;
D'¡.":.~=. ~:X..'":":; app..." thl,
6th .ay of """'1. lM'riv
. Mol.""'."
C. J..Im..",
Leo F.
CIty .
'Leo F. F-
11. ",
CGuncilman Thoms mGved final
aOOpUGn of the Ordinanee. Second-
ed by CGuncilman Pregler. Carried
by the following VGte:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhaúer, Pregler,
WHEREAS, pursuant I<> Resolu-
tiGn of published nGtice of time
and place of hearing pubUsbed in
LeG F. ,Frommelt
CIty Clerk
Councilmaø Justmann mGved a-
dopt!Gn of the 'resolution. SecGnded
--------- -- --
Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1973
2. The area, presently and histor- I
icaUy, Is predominantly residential
in character and its rich historical
and architectural flaVGr derives
fr<>m that use. The predGminant
use and essentì..1 character of the
area slmu:ld be preserved.
3. Recent Gbservation reveals a
continuing en.croadmlent of gene-
ral cGmmercial uses and a gradual
decline Gf structural and environ-
mental cGnditiGns in the Cathedral
NeigbbGrhood, despite Isolated ef-
fGrts to renovate individual pro-
perties for residential p\lI')(}ses.
4. As discussed in the CGmmis-
siGn's report, certain types Gf limit-
ed commercial or semi-eommerclM
activities may be appmpriate in
the area and may, in fact, Gffer
the Gn!y econGmicaUy-sGund means
fGr attracting private rehabilita-
tiGn investment.
5. There appears to be reasGn-
able evidence that limited com-
mercial activity could Gperate
withGut necessarily diminishing the
value Gf the area for continued
residential use.
6. The questiGn Gf whether fu-
ture lImited CGmmercial activity
is cGmpa,tible with the residential
character of the area. Gr with City
preservatiGn planning gGaJs can be
answered only in response to each
specific request fGr a Special Per-
mit I<> allow limited commercial
activity in the Eleval<>r area.
7. Extending the prGfessiGnal
zone to include pmperties facing
on West Fourth Street dGes not
carry, in itse]¡f, any signifiœut
threat Gf incGmpatible development
but is rather a necessary inter-
mediate step for possibly allowing
future lImited CGmmercial activity.
8. Extending the prGfeltSiGnal Gf-
fice wne to include the We s t
FGurth Street frGntages is appr<>-
priate at this time. CGnsideration
shGuld be given to the later ex-
tenSlion of the zone to include the
area fr<>m West Third to West
Fifth Street in ree<>gnltiGn Gf the
area as a unified district fGr plan-
ning and for preservatiGn purposes.
9. Tbe Special Permit require-
ment fGr commercial establish-
ments provides effective oontrGI
of potentially undesirable activities
tbru the public hearing process
and tbru the power Gf the Bœrd
of Adjustment to establish condi-
tions and safeguards for individual
10. Specific guidelines should be
directed to the Board of Adjust-
ment for CGnsideration of Special
Permit applications, and should in-
clude the fGUGwing:
a) In each individual case it
should be determined that the
pmposed use is compatible with
the essential residential charac-
ter Gf the neighborhood.
b) Each individual request fGr
a Special Permit I<> ail<>w limited
cGmmercial activity shall be ac-
cGmpanled by detailed plans for
aU aspects of the proposed use.
Such plan should refiect gene-
rally applied standards for hia-
torical preservatiGn and restGra-
tiGn activity, consistent with the
unique character of the Fourth
street Eleval<>r area.
c) Plans should include de-
tailed descriptions of uses and
acitivites proposed, hours Gf Gpe-
ration, interior changes, exterlGr
restoratiGn schemes, Sligns, park-
ing, site impmvements, number
of emplGyees, etc.
d) In no case shGuld directly-
illuminated signs be allowed.
Signs that are n<>t an integral
part Gf the structure should be
strictly limited in size, design
and location.
e) Special attenUGn should be
given to such elements as pro-
posed exterior alteratiGns, CGIGr
schemes, signs, and pmvislon Gf
off-street parking and access.
f) Time limits shGuld be set
for completiGn Gf restoratiGn
wGrk if the Special Permit is
I<> remain vaJdd. Special Permits
for limited CGmmercial activity
shGu!d not be transferable.
g) Special Permits fGr limited
commercial activity should be
revGCable in the event that the
original intent is not earried Gut.
On a unanimous VGte, the Du-
buque Planning and Zoning CGm-
mission has recommended that you
adopt the pmposed wning reclas-
sificatiGn, subject I<> the findings
and cGnditiGns noted above.
Daniel Dittemore
Development Planner
Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1973
CGuncilman ThGms moved that
the cGmmunicatiGn be received and
filed. See<>nded by CGuncilman
Justmann. Carried by the fGUGW-
ing VGte:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Pregler, Thoms.
Abstained - CGuncilman MGI-
CGmmunication Gf Kathleen Mas-
terpole, attGrney, representing
eighteen residents in the FGurtb
Street area Gbjecting I<> the pro-
posed amendment I<> Article IV
Section 2 (h) Gf Zoning Ordinance
No. 3-34, presented and read. Coon-
cilman Thoms moved that the CGm-
municatiGn be referred I<> the date
of public hearing Gn the Ordinance
scheduled fGr March 28th. See<>nd- I
ed by CGuncilman Justmann. Car- I
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmaon, Pregler, ThGms.
Abstained - CGunciIman MGI-
Petition Gf Mrs. RtIÜI Nash et
al (502 signers) supporting the re-
commendation of the ffisl<>rical S<>-
ciety relative I<> the restoratiGn
of historically significant buildings
on 4th Street with this in mind
allGw the operatiGn of a limited
art gallery in the Nash building
at 471-473 4th Street as an econo-
mical way to preserve the build-
ing, presented and read. CGuncil-
man TbGms moved that the pe-
tition be referred I<> the date Gf
public hearing Gn the Ordinance
scheduled fGr March 28th. SecGnd-
ed by CGunciIman Justmann. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Pregler, Thoms.
Abstained - CGuncilman MGI-
Petition of Russell and Ruth
Nash requesting rewning classifi-
catiGn of their prGperty at 471-473
West 4th Street fGr professiGnal
Gffice use, presented and rea d.
CGuncilman Tboms moved that the
petition be referred I<> the date
Gf public bearing on the Ordinance
scheduled for Mareh 28th. Second-
ed by CGunediman Justmaun. Car.
ried by the fGU<>wing VGte:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Pregler, ThGms.
Abstaffied - CGuncilman MGI-
Petition Gf Elizabeth RGbertsGn
et al (7 Sligners) requesting re-
zoning of the Fourth Street area,
hGping to restore the building at
473 W. 4th Street as a hisl<>rical
structure, presently operating as
FGurth Street Artists' Cooperative,
presented and read. CGuneilman
Thoms moved that the petitiGn be
referred to the date Gf public hear-
ing on the Ordinance acheduled
for Much 26th. Seconded by CGun-
cilman Justmann. Carried by the
fGUGwing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Pregler, ThGms.
Abstained - CGuncilman MGI-
Ordinance Amending Ordinance
No. 3-34 kn<>wn as the "Zoning
M'ap and Zoning Ordinance of the
City Gf Dubuque, Iowa" by amend-
ing Article IV, Section 2 (h) there-
of I<> Include certain described real
estate in whkh professional offices
Gr stodiGS Gf a physician, dentist,
architect, engineer, lawyer, real-
tor, insurance, musician, or similar
professiGns be permitted (4th street
area property), presented and
CGuncilman ThGms mGved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading Gf the Ordinance
SecGnded by CGuncilman Jus t-
mann. Carried by the fGUGwing
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Pregler, ThGms.
Abstained - CGuncilman MGI-
CGuncilman ThGms mGved that
the rule requiring an Ordinance
I<> be read on three separate days
be waived. SecGnded by CGuncil-
man Justmann. Carried by the fol-
IGwing VGte:
Yeas-M'aYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Pregler, ThGms.
Abstained - CGuncilman Mol-
126 Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1973
CGuncilman:l'Iunns . moved that RESOLUTION NO. 72-73
a public hearing be held on the Now, Therefore. belt resolved
Ordinance on March 26, 1973, in by tIw city council of. tIw city
the CGuncil Chamber at the City of Dubuque; lowo;
Hall at 7:30 G'cloek P.M. and the That the Mayor be and he Is
City Clerk be direeted I<> publish bereby authorized and directed I<>
nGtice Gf the hearing in the manner execute the .Pre-Design Project A-
required by law. Seconded by greement No. 73-P-G24 covering the
Councilm'an J""nann. Carried by U.S. 561 Freeway Corridor. L<>ca-
the fGllowing VGte:' tioii and the CIty Island Mississippi
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counèilmen River Bridge and CGnneètions.
Justmann, Pregler, 'TbG!I1s. ,Passed. apprGved and adopted
~ays-None. this 6th 'day Gf, March, 1973.
Abstained - Cciunellman Mol- .wseph J. Bitter
denhauer. ' Jlayor '
eli. Wd~rA. Preg1~,
P tion Gf L<>ras College, AlPba Al1ån T 'nu>IDS '
Phi ~1I1~a, requestingpermisslon WayJÌe. A: Moldenhal1er,
to distribute tags on March 17, C lIbIierl Justmllmi
1973 , and . accept ,contributions In ..' ~en
CGnduc';inl "Shamroeks for Dys- Attest: ..". '
tr<>P~ drive,. presented 'and read. teo.F.:FromlDelt,
CGunellman . Thoms moved appro- CityC!erk
yal Gf Ihe petition with referral . .
I<> .1heCity Manager. Secondèdby Councilman Thoms moved aðøp-
MaYGr Bitter. Carried by the fol- lion, of the resolutic>n. Secollded
lowing VGte: . by Mayor. ]Itter. . Corried by. the
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen fGUowing vote:
J.ustmann, MoldeJJllauer, Pregl~, ~eas-MayorBitter, .CouncilJnen
Thoms. Justmann, MGldenhauer, .Pregler,
Nays-~one. ThGms. ' "
Petition Gf Nationd Foundatioo
March of Dimes requesting per-
missIon I<> CGnduct Its second an-
nod pledgewalk on Saturday April
7, 1973, presented and read. CGun-
cilman Tboms moved approvd of
the petition with referrd I<> the
City Manager. SecGnded by Mayor
Bitter. Oarried by the following
vote: '
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuneilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
CGmmunication Gf Dubuque Area
Chamber of Commerce, Transpor-
tation Committee, urging the ap-
pmval and adGptlon Gf a resolution
for Pre-Design pmject Agreement
with the I<>wa State IDghway CGm-
misslGn CGver!ng Project No. U-
561", including a proposed City
Ioland bridge across the MIssis-
sippi River, presented and read.
Mayor Bitter moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Pregl~.
Carried by the following vote:.
Yeas-Mayor Bitter,' Coúncilmen
Justmann, Mo1denhauer, -Pregler,
Thoms., .
February 28,1973
To the H<>norable Mayor
and City CGuneU
Enclosed find our 19'12, Stteet
Budget RePort which cOntains aU
city expen.diturel¡ for &treet re1ated
p\lI'POSes ,in 1972. ,
This report lI1ust be fiJedeach
year'by March 10' with the Iowa
Highway Commission in' order I<>
receive <>U1" Road Use Tax Funds.
Gilbert D. ChaveneUe
City Maøager
Councilman Pregler moved that
the communication be received and
fi1ed. Seconded by CGuncD man
ThGms. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CoUllcilDien
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
A, resolution opprovlng official
report' of munlclpoiity far munl-
cipal.Jt,,-"and Perking, 'from
January 1. Im.toDecember 31,
1m. '. ,
WHEREAS. distribution Gf. ,8%-
penditures and receipts Gf Dubuque
Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1973
for "Municipal Street and Park-
ing" for the fiscal year from Jan-
nary 1, 1972 to December 31, 1972
bas been duly prepared in acc<>rd-
&nee with Chapter 312 Gf the 1971
CGde Gf Iowa, as amended and
submitted I<> the CGuncil for ap-
prGV'IIl; and
WHEREAS, this CGuneil has ex-
"mined the distributiGn of receipts
and expenditures of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa for M u n i c i pal
Streets and Parking, wherein the
receipts and expenditures for the
fiscal year are mown.
That the distribution Gf receipts
md expenditures designated "Of-
ficial Report of Municipality for
Municipal Streets and parkiing" for
the year 1972, knGWU as the Street
Finance Report, as berel<>fore pre-
pared, be and the same is hereby
Passed, adGpted and approved
this 6th day Gf March, 1973.
Joseph J. Bitter
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
C. .R<>bert Justmann
Lee¡ F. Fr<>mmelt
City Clerk.
CGuncilman Pregler mGvedadop-
tiGn Gf the res<>lution. SecGnded
by CGuncilman ThGm$. Carried by
the fGll<>wing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
Proofs Publication, certified I<>
by the Publishers, Gf NGtice Gf
levy of Special Assessments and
intenüGn of the CGuncil I<> Issue
bonds I<> pay for CGnstruction Gf
the Asbury Park SubdivisiGn San-
itary . sewer 1972, being an eight
inch sanitary sewer fr<>m eXiisting
rilanhGle in St. Celia CGurt north-
erty to the southerty pmperty line
Gf Ashury Park, thence easterty
to LGt 2-2-2 of Asbury Park, pre-
sented and Tead.
NGWrttten, objectiGns were filed
aDd ÌIO oral óbjectors were present
in the CGuncil Chamber at the
time set fGr the hearing. CGuncil-
man Pregler mGved that the proof
Gf publicatiGn be received and filed
Seconded by CGuncilman ThGms.
Carried by the f<>llGwing vote:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
Statement Gf City Clerk that not-
ices of levy were mailed by cer-
tified mail Gn January 31, 1973
to pmperty owners Gf recGrd sub-
ject I<> assessment I<> pay for CGst
Gf CGnstructing the Asbury Park
Subdivision sanitary sewer, pre-
sented and read. CGuncilman Preg.
ler moved that the statement be
received and filed. Seconded by
CGuncilman ThGms. Carried by the
fGllowing VGte:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGUIIcilDien
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
Statement Gf Andrew P. Swartz
Gf the Engineering Department
certifying that nGtices Gf assess-
ment and intentiGn to issue bonds
were posted In the assessable area
Gf the Asbury Park Snbdivision
sewer on February, 8, 1973, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Preg.
ler mGved that the statement be
received and filed. SeCGnded by
CGuncilman Thoms. Carried by the
fGUGwing VGte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
Schedule of Assessmenh.
Resolved by tIw City Council of
tIw city of Dubuquo, Iowa: That
to pay fGr the construction Gf an
8" sanitary sewer fr<>m the exist.
ing manhGle in St. Celia CGurt
northerty I<> the sGutherly prGperty
line Gf Asbury Park; thence easter-
ly to LGt 2-2-2 Gf Asbury Park,
knGwn as Asbury Park SubdivisiGn
Sanitary Sewer-1972, by Tschiggfrie
Excavating CGntractor in fr<>nt Gf
and adjoining same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied Gn the
several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels Gf real estate aU as
named, situated and Gwned, and
for' the several amGunts set oppo-
Fill Dirt, 168.93 Cu. Yd. @
2.50 .............................,......
8M, in place, Nursery,
318.0 Sq. yd. @ 1.75 ......
Seeding, 0 Sq. yd.' @.60....
Street ReplltCement .2'>2"
HGt-Mix Gver 7" Con-
crete, 24.4 Sq. yd. @
10.00 ..........................,.......
CGncrete curb & gutter--
include drive sectiGn ap-
ron, 0 Lin. ft. @ 10.00....
Extra WGrk, 1 Lump @
Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1973
site each' l<>t or parcel Gf real
estate, as set forth in the follow-
ing I!OI1edule.
For Asbury Park Subdivision
Sanitary Sewer - 1972
LeG C. & Curnelis M. Ave-
narius, Lot 1-1-1, Asbury
Park Subdivision ...."...... 589.85
Leo C. & CGrnelia M. Ave.
narius, 'City Share, Lot
1.1.1, Asbury Park Sub-
division .............................. 589.85
William W. Reddick, Lot
2-1-1, Asbury Park Sub-
divisiGn ..............................1,027.52
MiltGn J. Jr. & Mary L.
Pauly, Lot 1-2-1, Asbury
Park Subdivision ............1,027.52
Alfred S. & Sa.Íldra K. Sme-
mo, Lot 2-2-1, Asbury
Park Subdivision ............1,027.52
Emmet & Marie Winter,
Lot 1-1-2, Asbury Park
Subdivision ........................1,1127.52
Kenneth J. & Evelyn M.
Mentzer, Lot 2-1-2, A1J,-
bury Park S"bdivisiGn ....1,1127.52
Earl & Delores PfGhl, Lot
1-2-2, Asbury Park Sub-
division ..............................1,284.39
Earl & Delores Pfohl, Lot
2-2-2, Asbury Park Sub-
divisiGn .,............................1,027.52
8" Vitrified Tile Pipe, 524.4
Lin. it..@ $8.25 ............4,326.30
8" Ductile Imn Pipe, 141.6
Lin. it. @ 20.15 ..............2,85:1.24
Chain Link Fence Remove
& Replace, 1 NG. Gf @
$100.00 ................................ 100.00
4" Concrete Sidewalk &
Driveway Replace, 48 Sq.
ft. @ 1.50 ........;............... 72.00
4" CItSt Iron Stub Gut of
ManhGle, 3 No. of @
20.00 . ............,..................... 60.00
Wye Branches 6" x 8", 5
NG. of @ 12.00 ........"...... 60.00
Manhole tap, 1 No. of @
125.00 ................................
Concrete Manholes, CGm-
plete, Height in feet of
sidewall, 31' Lin. It. @
28.00 ..................................
Concrete ManhGles, Bases,
CGtnplete, 5 No. of @
60.00 """"""""""""""""" 400.00
Manholes, CGmplete, Bing
& Covers, 5 No. of @
C<>ostructiGn Cost ..........$10,441.11
Engineering & inspection 936.5IÍ
7% - 52 days .................. 105.57
Easements ........................ 549.50
Project Cost ....................$12,032.68
City Share ........................ 3,403.47
Assessable ..............._........$8,629.21
'City to pay 'h of Ave-
narius Assessment.... 539.85
City share Gf Pr<>ject .... 3,403.47
Total City Share ............$ 3,993.32
Passed, adGpted and approved
this 6th day Gf Match 1973.
Joseph J. Bitter
. Allan T. Thoms
Walter A. Pregler
Wayne A. MGldenhauer
C. RGbert Justmann
Leo F. Fr<>mmelt
City Clerk
CGuneilman Pregler mGved adop-
tiGn Gf the resolution. Seoonded
by CGUDcilman ThGms. Carried by
the fGllowing VGte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Preiller,
Pr<><>i of Publicatioo, certified I<>
by the Publisher, of notice of hear-
ing to consider proposal I<> authG-
rise . the issuance of sewer bonds
to pay fGr assessed oost Gf CGn-
structing. the Asbury Park Sub-
division sanitary sewer 1972, pre-
sented and read.
CGuncilman Pregler moved that
the proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1973
CGunci1man ThGms. Carried by the
following VGte:
Yea......Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Resolution providing for the is.
SUanCe of Sewer Bonds for the
purpose of providing for the pay.
ment of the assessed cost of As.
bury Park Subdivision Sanitary Se.
wer 1972 being an 8" sanitary se.
wer from the existing manhole in
St. Celia Court, northerly to the
southerly property line of Asbury
Park; thence easterly 10 Lot 2.2.2
of . Asbury Park.
Whereas the cGntract heretofGre
entered inl<> by the City Gf Du-
buque, Iowa, for the imprGvements
hereinafter described has been
rompleted and the City Manager
has certified the complelion there-
Gf . to the City Couneil and the
CIty CGuncil has ascertained the
CGst thereGf and has determined
that $8,039.40 DGllars Gf the CGst
thereof shall be assessed against
the prGperty subject to aBSessment
therefGr: and
Whereas public notice, as pro- I
vlded by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the in-
tention Gf the City CGuncil to issue
bGnds fGr the purpose Gf pmviding
for the payment of the assessed
cost Gf said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant to sucll notice and all ob-
jections made thereto have been
considered and determined:
SOLVED by the City CGuncil of
the City of Dubuque:
1. That to pmvide fGr the pay.
ment of the assessed CGst Gf As-
bury Park Subdivisi<>n Sanitary Se-
wer 1972 being an 8" s.anitary se-
wer fr<>m the existing manhGJe in
St. Celia CGurt, nGrtberly to the
southerly properly line Gf Ashory
Park: thence easterty to Lot 2-2-2
Gf Asbury Park.
there shall be issued sewer bonds
in the amGunt of $8,000.00 DGllars
in anticipatiGn ()f the deferred pay-
ment of assessments levied for I
such improvement.
2. Such bonds .shall be called
sewer bGnds; and shall bear the
date of ........:and sball be num-
bered consecutively: and they shall
be numbered, divided into series,
and be In such denominatiGns and
fGr such maturity dates as are
shGwn in the fGllowing table:
I-Bonds NG. 1-2, $500.00, April
1, 1974.
~Bonds NG. 3-4, $500.00, April
1, 1975
~Bonds NG. 5-6, $500.00, April
1, 1976
4--Bonds No. 7-8, $500.00, April
1, 1977
5--Bonds No. 9-10, $500.00, April
1, 1978
6--RGnds NG. 11-12, $500.00, April
1, 1979
7-Bond NG. 13, $500.00, April 1,
6--Bond NG. 14, $500.00, April I,
9-Bond No. 15, $500.00, April 1,
10-Bond No. 16, $500.00, April 1,
3. Said bonds shall bear interest
at the rate Gf six per cent per
annum, payable annually in ac-
CGrdance with CGupons thereto at.
4. Said bonds shall not make
the City Gf Dubuque liable in any
way, except fGr the applicatioo
Gf said special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall pr<>vide that
they may be payable at any lime
prior to the mat<>rity date stated
therein at the option of the City
of Dubuque and shall be in sub-
stantiaUy the followinll fGrm:
Series NG.
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises I<> pay as here-
inafter mentiGned to the bearer
hereof, the sum Gf five hundred
dollars with interest thereon at
the rate Gf six per cent per an-
num, payable annually, Gn the pre-
sentatiGn and surrender Gf the in-
terest coupons herel<> attached.
Both principal and interest Gf this
bond are payable at the office
Gf the City Treasurer in the City
Gf Ðnhuque, in the State ()f Iowa.
This bond is issued by the City
of Dubuque under and by virtue
of Chapter 396 Gf the 1954 CGde
of IGwa, as amended, .and the Re-
sGluliGn of said City duly passed
Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1973
Gn the ........ day Gf March, 1973, I
being ResolutiGn No. 75--73. '
This Bond is one of a series
of 16 bonds, !tll for $500.00 num-
bered frGm 1 thrGugh 16, aU Gf
like tenGr and date, and issued
for the purpose Gf providing for
the deferred payment of assess.
ments levied for the Asbury Pari<
SubdivisiGn Sanitary Sewer 1972 be-
ing an 8" sanitary sewer frGm
the existing manhole in St. Celia
CGurt, nGrtherly to the southerty
property line Gf Asbury Park;
thence easterty to LGt 2-~2 Gf As-
bury Park, as described in said
ResolutiGn in said City, which c<>st
is pay'able by the abutting and
adjacent pmperty alGng said im-
provements and is made by a 1Ii.en
<>n all of said property. it is pay-
able only Gut Gf the Special As-
sessment Fund 1296 created by
the CGllectiGn Gf said special tax,
and said fund can be used for
nG Gther purpose.
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
tbings required I<> be dGne, pre-
cedent to and in issuing this series
Gf bonds, have been dGne, happen.
ed, and performed, in regular and
due fGrm, as required by law and
said Resolution, and fGr the as-
sessment, cGllectiGn and payment
hereon of oaid special tax, the
full faith and diligence of said
City of Dubuque are hereby rre.
vGCably pledged.
City Gf Dubuque by its CGuncil
has caused this bond to be signed
by its MaYGr and CGunterSligned
by its City Clerk and the Seal
Gf said City I<> be thereto affixed,
this day Gf March, 1973.
City Clerk
(Form of Coupon)
On the ........day of ............, the
City of Dubuque, IGwa, prGmises
to pay to the bearer, as pmvided
in said bond, the sum Gf ...........,..
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City Gf Dubuque,
being ........ ß1(}nths' interest due
that date GO its ............ BGnd NG.
.." dated ......................."""""
City Clerk
6. That the Mayor and City Clerk
be and they are berebý instructed
to cause said bonds I<> be prepared
and when so prepared to execute
said bonds and that the City Cterk
be and he is hereby inatructed
to register said bonds in a book
kept fGr that purpose and to then
deliver them to the City Treasurer.
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed I<> sell said bonds
in the manner provided by law,
the prGCeeds of said sale to be
placed in a special fund to be
known as Special Assessment Fund
1296 and paid Gut by him to pay
the CGst Gf said CGntract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature Gf the Ma.
YGr and CGunterSligned with the
facsimile signature Gf the City
9. That as fast as funds al1ow,
beginning with the seC<>nd year
after the payment of interest d\le,
these bonds shall be called and
retired in the same order as num.
bered. The notice Gf electiGO I<>
call these bonds shan be given
by regular United States mail ad-
dressed I<> the last known address
of the purchaser.
10. Passed, a<løpted and approv-
ed this 6th day of March, 1973.
Joseph J. Bitter
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. TbGms
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
C. RGbert Juatmann
Leo F. Frommelt
City OIerk
CGuncilman Pregler mGved adGp-
tiGn of the resGlution. Seconded
by CGuncilman ThGms. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council Gf the City Gf Dubuque,
!Gwa, that the following having
CGmplied with the pmvisi<>na of
law relating I<> the sale Gf Ci-
garettes within the OIty of Du-
buque, IGwa, be granted a permit
to sell Cigaret.tes and Cigarette
papers within said City.
Lew GGre, 2987 Jaekoon Str.eet
Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1973
that the bonds filed with the ap-
plicatiGO be approved.
Passed, adopted and apprGved
this 6th day Gf March, 1973.
Joseph J. Bitter
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. TI1<>ms
Wayne A. 1\[<>ldenhauer
C. RGbert Justmann
Leo F. Frommelt
City OIerk
CGuncl1man Pregler mGved adop-
tiQfl of the resolutiGn. Seconded
by MaYGr Bitter. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
WHEREAS, applicatiGns for Beer
Permits have been submitted I<>
this Council for approval and the
same have been examined; NOW
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
CGuncil of the City Gf Dubuque,
!Gwa, that the fGllGwing applica-
tiGns be granted and permits is-
sued upon the compliance with the
terms of the ordinances of the
'Dennis 'Albert Althaus, 1575 Cen-
tral Avenue
Wimam JGhn White, 1993 Asbury
Earl E. Schumacher, 2:!04 Central
Phillip Langas, 1105 LGras Blvd.
Lucky Stores, Inc., 1800 Elm Street
Lucky Stores, Inc., 3033 Asbury
Lucky Stores, Inc., 3049 Asbury
Passed, adopted and approved
this 6th day Gf March, 1973.
JGSeph J. Bitter
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. ThGms
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
C. RGbert Justmann
Leo F. Fr<>mmelt
City Clerk
CGuncilman Pregler moved adGp-
tiGn of the tesolutiGn. Seconded
by MaYGr Bitter. Carried by the
fGllowing v<>te:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
WHEREAS, applicatiGns for Beer
permits were filed by the within
named applicants and they have
received the apprGval Gf this CGun-
cil; and
WHEREAS, the premises I<> be
GCcupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to compty with
the ordinances of this City and
they have filed proper bGnds;
SOLVED by the City CGuneil Gf
the City Gf Dubuque, IGwa, that
the Manager be authorized I<> cause
to be issued to the following named
applicants a B- permit.
Dennis Albert Althaus, 1575 Cen-
tral Avenue
William John White, 1993 Asbury
Phillip Laugas, 1105 LGras Blvd.
Earl E. Schumacher, 2:!04 Central
Lucky Stores, Inc., 1800 Elm Street
Lucky Stores, Inc., 3033 Asbury
Lucky Stores, Inc., 3049 Asbury
Passed, adopted and appmved
this 6th day of March, 1973.
Joseph J. Bitter
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T- ThGms
Wayne A. MGldenhauer
C. RGbert Justmann
Leo F. Fr<>mmelt
City Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved adop-
tion Gf the resolution. SecGnded
by MaYGr Bitter. Carried by the
follGwing vote:
Yeaa-MaYGr Bitter, Counellmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
WHEREAS, applications for li-
quor licenses have been submitted
to this CGnneilfor approval and
the same have been examined;
Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1973
The Apartments, Ltd., 555 Kennedy
Passed, adGpted and approved
this 6th day Gf March, 1973.
Joseph J. Bitter
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. ThGms
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
C. RGbert Justmann
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Pregler mGved adop-
tion of the resGlutiGn. Seconded
by MaYGr Bitter. Carried by the
foll<>wing vote:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncllmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
There being n<> futher business
CGuncilman ThGms moved I<> ad-
J<>urn. SecGnded by CGuncilman
Pregler. Carried by the fGllowing
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
SOLVED by the City CGuncil of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the follGwing applicatiGns be grant-
ed and licenses issued upon the
compliance with the terms Gf the
CHAPTER 13l-as amended by the
64th General Assembly, 1971.
Fraternal Order of Eagles #568,
1175 Century Drive
Lewis A. Gore, 2987 Jackson Street
The Apartments, Ltd. 555 Kennedy
Passed, adopted and apprGved
this 6th day Gf March, 1973.
JGseph J. Bitter
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
C. RGbert Justmann
LeG F. Frommelt
City Clerk
CGuncilman Pregler moved adop-
tiGn Gf the resGlution. SecGnded
by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the
foll<>wing v<>te:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
WHEREAS, app1!.catiGns fGr Li.
qUGr licenses were filed by the
within named applicants and they.
have received the apprGval Gf this
Connell; and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to compty with
the State Law and all City Grdi-
nances relevant tberel<> and they
have filed prGper bonds,
SOLVED by the City CGuncil of
Dubuque, IGwa, that the Manager
be authorized to cause I<> be is.
sued to the fGllGwing named appli-
cants a LiquGr license.
Fraternal Order of Eagles #568,
1175 century Drive
Lewis A. Gore, 2987 Jacksoo Street
Approved ...................."............ UI'13
AdGl!ted ............"...................... 1973
Attest: """ëïiÿ"Ci~;¡;
Special Session, March 12, 1973
--Ial -"ion, March 12. 1973.
Ceuncil met at 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T.)
Pr..ont-eyor Bitter. Ceuncil.
men Justmann. Moldenhauer,
Pregler. Thoms. CIty Manager GII.
bert D. Chavenelle.
Mayor Bitter read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been . duly made and this meeting
is called for .the purpose Gf amend.
I... the current City Budget adop.-
ted November 6, 1972. and acting
upon sucl1 other busine.. as may
Pr<>Perly come before a. regular
meetiDg Gf the CGuncil.
C<>uneilman JlGldenhauer moved
that the Law Enforcement Center
groupaubmit a report relalive to
the expenditure of $3500. additiGnal
pmposed to be spent fGr plans
as the result of CGnstructioo of
a full basement under the pm.
posed Law Enforcement C e n t e r
building. Seconded by CGuncilman
JU$tmann. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmatlll, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
CGmmunicatiGn of C. T. Merike
requestiDg w!¡y dirty book stores
are not wiped Gut locally because
this is cGnsidered a Christian com-
munity, presented and read. CGun-
cllman Pregler moved that the
communication be received and
filed. Seconded by CGuncllman
TIIoms. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
CGinmunication of L G w-Rent
HOUBing CGmmiooion SUbmitting
their min.utes of a meeting held
on. March 2, ,1973. CGuneilman
Pregler moved that the cGmmuni.
catioo be received and filed. Se-
conded by CGuneilman Thoms. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter,Councilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Communication .of L G W-Rent
Housmg ColUmission submitting
a determination of a subsidy re-
port relative to a local hGusing
assistance pmgram especially de-
signed .to supplement the rent pay-
ing capability Gf lower income
hGusebolds, presented and read.
CGuncilman Pregler moved that
the cGmmunicat!Gn be received and
filed. SecGnded by. CGuncilman
ThGms. Carried by the following
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGldenha.uer, Pregler,
CGmmunication Gf Area Residen.
tial Care Inc. extending an inVita-
lion I<> attend a public Fol"Um en-
titled "Who Shall SUrWve" I<> be
held Gn March 15, 1973 at St. ReIse
Priory, presented and read. Mayor
Bitter moved that the. CGmmunica.
tiGn be received and filed and that
the Clerk be instructed I<> advise
the Executive Direcl<>r' 'that the
Council wiD not be able to attend
doe I<> fGrmer commitments. Se.
cònded by eounè:Œnan Pregler.
Carried by the follOwing VGte:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, Councilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer; Pregler,
March 5, 1973
TG Tbe HooGrable MaYGr
and CIty CGuneil
On August 22, 1972, an exteriGr
inspection was made of a vacated
frame dwelling by the Housing De-
partment, koownas 544-560 AvGn
Street, Dubuque, IGwa. Several viG-
latiGIU! of the Minimum Housing
CGde Were n<>ted, and Gn August
29, 1972, a letter was sent to the
alleged cGntract buyer, Mr. George
Hayward, 1515 MItin Street, Du-
buque, Iowa. At this time the ah<>ve
units were posted as unfit for hu-
man GCcupancy.
On August 30, 1972, an interior
inapection was lUade by the HGus-
ing Department and a list of viGla.
tiGßS was m!tiled I<> Mr. HaYWard.
On January 30, 1973, an order
was sent by the Housing Depart-
ment I<> Mr. George Haywar<l, 105
NG. Edna Street, MaqUGketa, Iowa
52060,.. I<> make the. premises com-
ply with the City of Dubuque HGus-
ing CGde.
Special Session, March 12, 1973
On February 9, 1973, an order
was sent I<> theGwner of reCGrd,
James W. Wmall, 632 Chestnut
Street, Dubuqne, Iowa, I<> make
the premisescompty with the City
Gf Dubuque Housing COOe.
On February 16, 1973, an order
was sent I<> the Gwner of recGrd,
James W. Wt<>all, 632 Chestnut
Street, Dubnque, I<> dismantle the
structure and clean up the pre-
This order has J1(}t been complied
with and I recGmmend to. the City
CGuncil that the prGviSlÎons Gf Or.
dinance No. 35-52 be enforced and
the owner of said building, known
as M4-I56O Avon Stret!t and located
00 Lot 8 of M.A. McDaniels Sub-
division, CIty of Dubuque, IGwa,
be required to dismantle said
buildings and clean up the pre-
mises. '
Gilbert D. ChaveneUe
CIty Manager '
Couneilman Pregler moved that
the communication be received and
a 'public hearing be held on April
9, 1973 and the Clerk be instructed
to publish NGtice. SecGnded b y
CGuncilman Moldenhauer. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
Mareh 1, 1973
To The Hon<>rable MayGr
and CIty Council
During the past several years
many cGmplaints. have been reo
ceived regarding the CGndition of
a vacant dwelling - as 1637
Iowa Street, Dubuque, Iowa.
On May 22, 1969, an inspectioo
was made. by the H<>IlSing Depart.
ment, and at this time the buIlding
was deteriGrating I<> lack Gf Gr-
dinary maintenance and repair and
extreme vandalism, and is a fire
hazard I<> adjoining properties.
Most windows are bmken, some
boarded up. The' porches are un-
safe and the ro<>f has deteriorated.
The interior has been stripped Gf
all light fixtures, door knObs and
On January 15, 1973, a fire in
the. dwelling apparently. resulted
in extensive damage to '.the in-
teriGr, ro<>f and roof struct<>re.
On January 17, 1973, a requeot
was sent I<> the owner I<> correet
viGlations within ten (10) days. En-
clGsed a CGPy of Section 3.5, "Right
of Appeal."
On February 16, 1973, an order
was sent to the Gwner Gf recGrd,
Mr. J<>Im A. Nagle, Canfield Hotel,
36 West 4th Street, Dubuque, Iowa,
to dismantle the stnJetùre and
cleanup the premises.
This Grder has not been cGmplied
with and I recommend I<> the CIty
CGuncil that the pmvislolÌ8 of Or-
dinance No. 35-62 be eafGrced and
the Gwner of said building, known
as '1637 Iowa Street, and, located
on the south \!I of E. \!I ,of . CIty
Lot 746 in. the CIty' of Dnhuque,
Iowa, Mr. J<>Im A. Nagle of Du.
buque, Dubuque County, Iowa, be
required to dismantle said building
and clean up, the premises.
Gilbert D. Cbavenelle
CIty Manager
Councilman Pregler moved that
the communicatiGn be received and
filed and a public hearing b.. held
on 'April 9, 1973 í1nd the CIerI¡
be instructed I<> publish notice. Se-
CGnded by CGuncilman Mol d e n-
hauer. Carried by thefGllowing
VGte: ,
Yeas-:-MaYGr Bitter, Councilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
March 5, 1973
To The HonGrable Mayor
and City Council .
On August 22, 1972, an exterior
inspection was made of a vacated
frame dwelling by the Housing De'
partment, kDown as 570-582 Avon
Street, Dubuque, Iowa. Several vi<>-
lations of the' MinilDum Housing
COOe were n<>ted, and on August
24, 1972, a letter was sent I<> Mrs:
Margaret Steichen, 1.- Wlrite
Street, Dubuque, Iowa, listing the
violatiGnsand I<> .notify the owner
that the structure has been posted
as unfit for human GCeupancy.
On November 6, 1972, a com.
plete inspectíGn was made by the
Housrog Department of the struc-
ture, and' a letter was sent to
Mrs. Steichen noting the results
of this survey. .
On January 30,1973; the Housing
Department sent an order tc>Mrs.
Steichen I<> make the'. premI.es
Special Session, March 12, 1973
comply with the City of Dubuque
Housiug COOe.
On February 16, 1973, an order
was sent I<> the owner Gf recGrd,
Mrs. Margaret Steichen, 1 9 5 0 '"'
Wlùte Street, Dubuque, Iowa, I<>
dismantle tile structure and dean
up the premises.
'Ibis. <>rder has not been CGm.
plied with and I recommend I<>
the City Council that the provisiGos
of, Ordinance NG. 35-52 be enforced
and the ewner of. said. building,
l!1IeWJ!, as,.510-581! Avon Street and
loç"ted on Lot 1 Gf M. A. Mc-
D~els .~divisipn,. City of Du-
buq1a, JGwa, . be required I<> dis-
mantle said building and clean up
the; premises.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
..City Manager
'COÓnéllmanPregler moved that
the eommUDÍcation be reeeived and
flted Ìi.nda PUblic hearing be held
Gn,' April' 9, '1973 ~ the Clerk
be"instructed I<> publish notice. Se-
conded by CGuncilman Mol den-
ha""r. Carried by the follGwing
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, COuncilmen
Jn8tmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
March 8, 1973
To The Honorable Mayor
and' City Couneil
On October 12, 1972, an inspec.
tion was made Gf a vacated frame
dwel1iug, by the HGusing Depart-
ment, known as 446 East 14th
Stréet, Dubuque, IGwa. Several viG-
latiGns of the Minimum Housing
Code were noted, and on Ocl<>ber
30, 19'12, a letter was sent I<> the
°W/ICrs, TimGthy B. and Lu1a M.
Sargent, R.R. #2, Dubuque, IGwa.
At this time above unit was posted
as unfit for human QCcupancy.
On February 7, 1973, an Grder
was sent to, the owners of ree<>rd,
Timotby ,B. and Lula M. Sargent,
R,R., #2,Dubuque, Iowa, I<> dis-
mantle and elean up the premises.
Tbis order ha& not been cGmplied
with and I recom>nend I<> the City
Couneil that the provision.!l of Or-
dinance NG. 35-52 be enfGrced and I
the owners of said building, knGwn
as 446 East 14th' Street and lo-
cated on Lot 2' of Subdivision 192,
East Dubuqne Addition, City of
Ðubuqùe, lòWa, be required I<> dis-
mantle said buildings and clean
up the premises.
Gilbert D. Cltavene\le
City Manager
CGuncüman Pregler moved that
the CGmmunicatiGn be received and
filed and a public hearing be held
Gn April 9, 1973 and the Clerk
be instructed I<> publish notice. Se-
cGnd!d by CGuncilman M G Ide n-
hauer. Carried by the fGllowing
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
Nays-None. ,
March 5, 19i'3
TG the Hooorable MayGr
and City CG~cil
{ herewith submit the 1m Fi-
na!lcial RePGrt Gf the City Auditor.
GilIJert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
MaYGr Bitter moved that the re-
PGrt be received and 'filed. Second-
ed by Couneilman Jnstmann. Car-
ried by the following' vote:
Yeas--MaYGr Bitter, CGuneilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
March 6, 1973
To the HGnGrable MaYGr
and City Council
I submit the certified audit re-
port Gf the Parking Facilities for
the year ending December 31, 1972.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
MaYGr Bitter mGved that the re-
port be received and filed. Se-
conded by CGuneilman Justmann.
Carried by the following VGte:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, Councilmen
Justmann, M<>ldenhauèr, Pregler,
March 8, 1973
TG the HonGrable MaYGr and
Members of the CIty CGuncil
This is I<> advise that I have
approved the following PGlicles and
bonds, and desire I<> have YGur
apprGval GO same.
Cornp..heMive Liability
Tri-8tate Paving CG., Bituminous
Casualty CGrp. Fire &. Marine Ins.
CG. No. GA 736701.
Fondell &. Sons Inc., HartfOrd Ac.
cident &. Inderrmity, NO.' &'I C-
R<>ad to east street line <>f JGhn
F. Kennedy RGad, thence North-
easterly 153.87 feet along the eas-
terly street line <>f John F. Ken.
nedy RGad and along a curve con-
cave northeasterly having a ra.
dius Gf 851-6 feet, thence NGrtb
374.5 feet alGug said east street
line Gf said JGhn F. Kennedy RGad
to point of begiuniug, in the City
Gf Dubuque, Iowa.
The Planning and Zoning CGm.
mission has noted that a study
<>f traffic and lànd use in the John
F. Kennedy' RGad Corridor has
been prGposed and that tis study
is to be completed in June <>f
this year. It was als<>' noted that
the pr<>perty Gf the currènt petition
is part of a 1arger undevelGped
tract. Because òf its size and 10'
catiGn, the development of t his
large tract w<>uld have a critical
influence Gn traffic conditions 00
John F. Kennedy RGaÍl. It was
the Gpinion Gf the CGmmissiGn that
an action I<> permit anything other
than residential use on this ]Jr<>-
perty should be delayed until a
plan fGr corridor traffic and land-
use cGuld be devised.
The Dubuque Planning and Zon-
ing CGmmission has voted to table
this petition until the regular meet-
ing Gf May 16, 1973, and to re-
view it at that time in relation
to the preliminary findings Gf the
pmposed JGhn F. Kennedy R<>ad
Study. The CGmmission respect-
fully requests your CGucurrence in
this action. ,
Daniel Dittemo.re
Development Planner
Communicati<>n of Delos Dorwel-
ler being in full favGr Gf granting
Phil Power's request for rez<>ning
as being a reasGnable reZGning re-
quest presented and read. CGuncil-
man Pregler mGved that the CGm-
munication be received and file(.
SecGnded byCounclIma¡¡ Thoms.
Carried by the follGwing VGte:
YeaS-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen
Justmann, MGldenœuer, Pregler,
CGuncilman Pregler moved that
the roles ,be susPended in òrder
I<> let 'anyone"preseat address the
Council if they æ deSlire. Second-
Special Session, March 12, 1973
Special Session, March 12, 1973
William Spiegel, Grinnell Mutoal I
Reinsurance Cò., NG. GL 13-020818.
Sidewalk Construction Bonds
William Spiegel, Grinnell Mutoal
Reinsurance CG., NG. 08-001121.
Raphael H. Strub, Merchants Mu-
tual Bonding CG., NG. 279084.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
MaYGr Bitter mGved that filing
of the policies and bonds be ap-
proved. Seoonded by CGuncilman
Pregler. Carried by the follGwing
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
CGmmunicati<>n Gf Planning &
Zoning CGmmiSSlÎon submitting mi-
nutes of their meetings Gf Feb-
ruary 21, 1973 and Febrwary 28,
1973, presented and read. Mayor
Bitter moved that the minutes be
received and filed. Secooded by
Councilman Justmann. Carried by
the fGllowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen
Justmann, Mo1denhauer, Pregler,
March 9, 1973
HonGrable Mayor
and CGuncilmen
The Dubuque Planning and Z,ID-
ing CGmmissiGu has held a public
hearing 00 a petition to extend
the pr<>fessional office use classifi-
cation of Article IV, SectiGn 2,
paragraph (h) of the Zoning Ordi-
nance Gf the City Gf Dubuque, IG'
wa,to prGperty described as fol-
CGmmencing at East *- CGrner
<>f Section 22, TGwnship 89 North,
Range 2 East Gf 5th Prilwipal Me-
ridian, thence E'ast 33.0 feet to
eaot street line Gf JGhn F. Ken-
nedy RGad, and the point Gf be-
giuniug, thence NGrth, 635.1 feet
along said east street line to the
south line Gf L<>t 2 Gf L<>t 1 Gf
"Powers Place", thence East along
said south line <>f said L<>t 2 Gf
L<>t 1 Gf "Powers Place" and CGn-
tinning east a distance of 250 feet,
thence S<>nth and parallel I<> east
line of said John F. Kennedy RGad
to the nGrtherly street line Gf Hill.
er.est RGad,. thence, North 78 de-
grees'17 feet Westalal1g said nor-
therly street line Gf said Hillcrest
ed by CGuncilman TbGms. Carried
by the fullowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Mr. Phil PGwers addressed the
Council by stating that the prG-
perty in question is now zoned
Multiple District Classification and
be felt that pmfessiGnal use would
oot affect the traffic pmblem Gn
J.F.K. rGad. CGuncilman Thoms
moved that the CGmmunicatiGn of
the Planning " ZGning Commission
be referred to the meeting G f
Marcil 19th. Seconded by CGuncil-
man Jnstmann. Carried by the fGI-
lowing VGte:
Yeas - Councilmen Justmann,
Jl4<>ldeuhauer, Pregler, Thoms.
Nays-Mayor Bitter.
March 9, 1973
Honorable Mayor
and Councilmen
The City Gf Dubuque Planning
and Zoning CGmmissiGn has re-
viewed the petition <>f Mr. Eugene
Siegert fo.r Mullíple Residence clas-
sification Gn property generally
known as 2615 Hillcrest Road, and
described as L<>t 1 <>f L<>t 2 Gf
L<>t 2 Gf L<>t 1 Gf L<>t 1 of L<>t
1 <>f L<>t 1, and L<>t 2 Gf L<>t
2 <>f L<>t 2 Gf L<>t 1 <>f L<>t 1
of L<>t 1 Gf L<>t 1, both in "Chaney
Place" in the City <>f Dubuque,
On .Tune 18, 1971, the CGmmis-
sion held a public hearing on an
earlier petitiGn for the same re-
classification. It was nGted at that
time that re.classificati<>n of this
site I<> Multiple Residence District
would create a new, relatively
small ZGning district, primarily I<>
8CCQmmodate one use, and that
it CGuld cGnceivably be described
as "spot ZGning", without any IG-
gical relatiGnship I<> planned land-
use in the vicinity.
'l11e Commission has determined
that cœditions in the neighborhood
are eosentially unchanged fro m
1971, and that their earlier deci-
OÏ<>u tis matter should be suB-
-..t. It is Ih& recommendation
<>f the Planning and Zoning CGm-
miaslGn that the petimon be re-
Daniel Dittemore
Development Planner
CGmmunication <>f Alfred E.
Hughes, attorney for Eugene Sie-
gert requesting permission to ad-
dress the Council and that a date
be set for a public hearing on
tbe Siegert pr<>perty, at 2815 Hill-
crest Road. CGuncilman Pregler
moved that the oommunication be
received and filed. Seconded by
C0U11C11man Thoms. Carried by the
follGwing vote:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, Cooncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Mr. Eugene Siegert addressed
the CGuncil and requested a pul>-
lic hearing Gn the reZGning of his
prGperty at 2615 Hillcrest RGad.
Att<>rney Wan. McCalliSlter agreed
with the recommendaüGn <>f the
Planning & Zoning CòmmiSSlÎGn
and stated that the neighbors in
the area deserve peace and quiet
and requested re-affirmati<>n nGt
I<> allow any further business en-
crGachment on the property.
Còuneilman ThGms moved that
the rejection of the Planning &
Zoniug CGmmissiGn be sustained
and a public bearing <>f the Siegert
property be denied. Seconded by
Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried
by the fGllowing vote:
Yeas - CGuncilmen MGldenbauer
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - MaYGr Bitter, CGuncil-
man Justmann.
Council recessed at 9:43 P.M.
Reconvened at 9:50 P.M.
March 9, 1973
Honorable MaYGr
and Councilmen
Tbe Dubuque Planning and Zon-
ing CGmmission has reviewed the
petition Gf Mr. Lloyd S. Gudenka<>f
requesting vacati<>n <>f an unused
p<>rtion Gf Dexter Street between
LGt 30 and Lot 31 Gf Woodlawn
Park Addition in the City of Du-
buque, IGwa (the easterly one-half
<>f tbe platted right-of-way between
Adair Street and NGrth Grandview
The CòmmisSlÎ<>u has determined
that tbis portion Gf Dexter Street
serves ß(} present Gr forseeable
purpose asa pubic tbGroughfare,
and has, recommended that the
platted street between Lot 30 and
L<>t 31 in Woodlawn Park Addition
be vaeated subject I<> provision
138 Special Session, March 12, 1973
for nece_ry drainage facilities titian attached and Notice of Claim
and utility easements. is attached and returned herewith.
Daniel Dittemore CGuncilman Pregler moved ap-
Development Planner prGval Gf the recGmmendation. Se-
CGuncilman Pregler mGved that cGnded by M.a.YOr Bitter. Carried
the recommendatiGn be referred by the fGI!GWUJg vote:
for proper prGceedings. SecGnded Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen
by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the Justmann, Moldenhau&r, Pregler,
fGllowing VGte: Thoms.
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen Nays-NGne.
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, NGtice of Declaral<>ry Judgment
ThGms. in the case Gf JGhn V. '" Naomi
Nays-NGne. R. Meehan vs. Park BGard and
March 7 1973 City Gf Dubuque I<> declare the
, title to LGt 2 of 1 Gf 1 of Eagle
Point View invested in the Park
BGard and that the City has au.
thority to make a valid exchange
with the Meehans, presented and
read. CGuncilman PregJer moved
that the NGtice be referred I<> the
City AttGrney. SecGnded by MaYGr
Bitter. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Proof of Publication, certified I<>
by the publisher, of notice of pub-
1Ii.c hearing I<> amend. the current
city budget as adopted NGvember
6, 1972.
No written objections were flIed
and nG Gral Gbjectors were pre.
sent at the time set fGr thè public
Councilman Pregler moved that
the proof Gf publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
CGuncilman ThGms. Carried by the
fGllGwing v<>te:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncllmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
An ordinance amending the blJdget
as approved by Ordinance 1.73 ..
said Ordinancebaving been pre.
viously presented and read at the
CGuncil meeting of February 19,
1973, presented for final adoption.
NANCE 1-13.
~~~s"'¡.'¡.TD IJ~~g~E~i~~~. PROJ.
Honorable Mayor
and City CGuncil
On June 21, 1972, LGu Ann Gre-
gGry, a minor, by Leonard Gre-
gGry, her father and next friend,
and Le<>nard GregGry, individually,
commenced an aetiGn against the
City Gf Dubuque, IGwa in the Dis-
trict CGurt Gf IGwa, in and fGr
Dubuque County, Iowa in two
counts claiming damages in the
amount Gf $13,000.00 in CGunt I
for injuries suffered by the said
minor child and in CGunt n for
damages suffered by the father
in the sum Gf $2,000.00.
This Original Notice with petiUGn
attached was referred I<> the City
AttGrney whG interposed a p p r G.
priate defenses thereto and the
matter was scheduled to be tried
before a jury on the 26th day
of February, 1973 at which time
the plaintiffø made an Gffer of
settlement in the sum of $2,400.00.
AccGrdingly, it is the reCGmmen-
datiGn of the City AttGrney that
said Gffer of settlement be accept.
ed. The methGd Gf payment agreed
upon by the parties, is that the
City shall forthwith disburse the
sum of $1200.00 payable $600.00
payable I<> LGu Ann Gregory, a
minor, and Le<>nard Gregory, her
father and next friend, and I<> pay
the sum of $600.00 I<> Le<>nard Gre-
gGry, individually, and that the
remaining $1200.00 I<> he paid shall
be by CoofesslGn of Judgment and
that the same shall bear interest
at the rate Gf five (5%) percent
and shall be paid by tax levy
in acCGrdanee with law Gn Gr about
January 5, 1974 and that the court
costs ...e assessed I<> the City.
Copy Gf Original NGtice with Pe-
Special Session, March 12, 1973
~~~NEc".T~Y o"FHM~1,1,3r:~~A~F
That the .nexpend" co'h balance.
on he'" 01 Ihe close Of Ihe ._'"
""el y.., end ,.ven... not e..,..
."et.. In Ihe o,'o'ne' b"""" eo.
."'- bv G""'e- 1-73. e,. hmby
ellocet.. end e..'..'¡eted to, .ey-
ment Of neœ"..." expend"""' Of cIty
oomnment In Ihe following funde end
emo.nt" end to Ihet end Ihe e.....
."eflon, ot funde a,. he- e.tho,-
lzod to wit,
Fond Inem...
Gene...' ..
Sf,... .
""bllc Selety
M....lcl.el Enle","ee
UfIIlfI.. ..
Road U'e Tex
Sewe.. Rente'
Pe"".. ...
$ "........
Ih"""... Aoo"""ellon
TOTAL "'208.823."
Pe.... ...- end eoo""'" Ih"
12th day of Me...h. 1973.
JoeePh J. Blttet
Welle, A. P'eole,
Allen T. Thome
Wayne A. Moldenhe..,
C. RObert J.'lmenn
Leo F. F'amme"
City CIeri<
p.blleh" officially In The Teleo,eph-
H"'eld New..a.., Ihle I6Ih day of
Me"'" 1973.
Leo F. F"""melt
CIty Cle'"
11. "'0
CGlillcilman Pregler moved final
adGptlGD of the Ordinance. SecGnd-
by. Councilman Thoms. Carried by
the fGllGwing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Júòtmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
An Ordinance Amending.Ordinance
No. 33-49 known IS the "Traffic
Code of Dubuque, Iowa", IS amen.
ded by rçeallng suboeCtlon 21 of
SectIon A of Schadule IV thereof
and enacting. new suboection 21
to Section A of Schodul. IV In
lieu thereof to Limit Parking of
motor vohicles en streets Herein.
aftêr deslgnatecl, ¡White Street)
presented and read.
Couneilman Pregler moved that
the reading jnst had be CGnsider-
ed the first reading of the Ordi-
nance . and the second reading be
set fGr the meeting scheduled fGr
Ma«:h 26th. Seconded by CGuncil.
Councilman Justmann moved to
table the mGtion. SecGòded by Ma.
yor Bitter. Vote Gn the mGtiGn
was as follows:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilman
Nays-C<>uncilmen MGldenhauer,
Pregler, Thoms.
MotiGn 1<>. table failed.
On the cali fGr the question Gn
the Griginal mGtiGn it carried as
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance
No. 37-65 known .s the "Str_t
Parking M.ter Ordin.nce of Du.
buque, Iowa" IS amended by re-
pealing Section 6 and each sub.
section thereof, Section 7 and Sec.
tion 8 and enacting a new Sec.
tion 6, . new Section 7 and a
new Section 8 In lI.u thereof to
establish three parki... meter dis.
tricts, to est.blish the required
deposits of U.S. coin in s.id re-
spective p.rkíng meter districh
and establishing the hours of legal
parking in the respective parking
meter spaces within the re_ctive
presented and read.
CGuncilman Pregler moved that
the reading just had be CGnsldered
the first reading of the Ordinance,
and the second reading be set for
the meeting scheduled for March
26th. SecGnded by CGuncilman
CGuncilman Justmann moved I<>
table the moti<>n. Seconded by Ma-
YGr Bitter. VGte on the motion
was as fGllows:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilman
Nays-C<>uncilmen MGldenhauer,
Pregler, Thoms.
MGtiGn to table failed.
On the call for the quesüGn 00
the original mGtiGn it carried as
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncllmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
March 9, 1973
Honorable MaYGr
and Councilmen
The City Gf Dubuque Planning
and Zoning CGmmisslGn hasre-
viewed a prGposed. amèndment to
the Zoning Ordinance that would
pmvide .for the issuance of a Class
Special Session, March 111., 1973
"B" Beer Permit to restaurants I
existing in L<>Cal Business "A"
Zoning Districta for some number
years priGr to the adoption of this
proposed amendment.
The CGmmission has considered
that the Special Permit pmwsions
for taverns in the C-1 wning clas-
sificatioo of tile pmposed lOlling
ordinance pmvidea a far m G r e
comprehensive and effective treat-
ment Gf the issues snrroonding the
present amendment prGPosal, and
that their best judgement on this
matter has been expressed \10 this
effect Gn at least four prior (}c-
The DUbuque Planning and ZGn-
ing Commission has unanlmousty
voted I<> express an opinion <>f
having no sympathy for tile pm-
posed amendment, and has elected
to take no action on its behalf.
Daniel Dittemore
Development Planner
CGUDCilman PregIB m<>ved that
the eomnl1micatioo be received and
filed. SecGnded by C<>1mci1man
Justmann. Carried by the following
Yeas-May"" Bitter, C<>uncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregter,
An OrdinaDCe Amending Ordi-
nance NG. 3-34 knGwn as the Zon.
ing Ordinance and Zoning Map of
the City <>f Dubuque, Iowa by re-
pealing Section 1 of Article VA
there<>f and enacting a new section
1 of Article VA in lieu thereof
to permit the IGcatiGn of a tavern
in a eafe Gr Restaurant <>pcrat.
ing as such at least three years
prior to effeetive date here<>f, pre-
sented anil read, said Ordinance
was previousty presented at the
Council meeting of January 29,
C<>uncilman ThoIllB IOOved that
this be cGnsidered the first reading
Gf the Ordinance. Seconded by
fumcilman MGldenhauer. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter ,CGUllcilmen
Justmann, M<>I.denhauer, Pregler,
Councihnan Thoms moved that
the ruling requiring an Ordinance
to be read Gn three separate days
be waived. Seconded by C<>uncil-
man MGldenhauer. Carried bJ the
fGUGwing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGWICilmen
Justmann, MG!denhauer, Pregler,
CGUDCilman Tho"", mGved that
a hearing be held on the Ordinance
Gn April 9, 1973, at 7:30 o'clGCk
P.M. in the CGuncil Chamber at
the City Hall, and the City Clerk
be instructed to publish notice Gf
said hearing in the manner re-
quired by law. SecGnded by CGun-
cHman MGldenhauer. Carried by
the fGllowìne VGte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, C<>uncilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
PetitiGn of United Spanish War
Veterans requesting permiasiDn to
conduct annual tag days on April
27th and 28th presented and read.
CGuncilman Pregter moved apprG-
val Gf the petition and same be
referred to the Manager. SecGnded
by CGuncilman MGldenhauer. Car-
ried hy the foUowin& VGte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGldenhaner, Pregler,
PetitiGn <>f Peoples Natural Gas
requesting permissiGn to ""coYOte
at 273 N. Booth Street, presemed
and read. CGuncilman Pregler mG-
ved appmval 0( tbe petition. Se.
conded hy CouncilmUl H 0 Ide n-
bauer. Carried by the foUowiDg
Veas-Mayor Bitter, CGuneilmen
Justmann, )(øJdeDItauer, Pregler,
Authorizing th8 Mayor to execute
a memorandlum of understanding
with the United Slam Department
of Heusintl and Urban D8V"'pment
WHEREAS, tile City of DId>-
recognizes that an Annual Arrange.
menta proeess enables the City
to more eflicienlly plan and im.
plement at tile Ioeal level variouo
prGgrams which require federal
tedmieal and-or flnaudal . s s i s.
tance; aad
WHEREAS, the City of Dub-
fnrtber recGgnizes that the Amrual
SpeciaJ Session, March 111., 1973
A5'ran¡¡emeøts Process permits the
Cit:r' to budget i!B resources Gf
money, ¡>eI'SOD)Je and facitities 00
an annual basis for programs that
can be readily measured in terms
<>f economy, efficieney, effective-
n- and aeceptahillty each year
befure pr<>cceding inl<> an addition-
al year of commitment I<> these
pmgrams; and
WHEREAS, the City <>f Ðubnque
has prepared and submitted to the
United States Department of HGus-
ing aDd Urban Development aStra.
tegy Paper organized to recognize
and to accommodate, a variety Gf I
cGmmunity programs; and
WHEREAS, the Ullited States
Departrnosrt of Housing and Urban
DeYe!opment. in response to the
Strategy Paper has utfered I<> en-
ter inl<> with the City Gf Dubuque
of a Memorandum of Understand-
ing which recGgnizes'and seta forth
the mutual obligationa of both par-
ties I<> carry out certain acfivites
unde.- the Annual Arrangements
Pr<>cess ; now therefore
Section I. That the Mayor of
the City <>f Dubuque is he1'eby
authorized and direeted I<> execute
ÒIl behalf of the City a Memoran-
dum Gf Understanding with the
United States DepartmeJl!t of Hoos.
ing and Urbau Development.
Passed, approved and adGpted
this 12th day <>f March, 1973.
Joseph J. Bitter
Walter A. Pregler
A1Ian T. TbGms
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Couucilman Moldenhauer moved
adoption of the resolution. Second.
ed by CGuncilman Pregler. Car-
ried by the foftGwing VGte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
MGldenhaner, Pregler, Thoms.
N.~uncilman Jnstmann.
March 9, 1973
To the Hooorable MaYGr
and City Couneil
Re: City of Dubuque IAndfiI De-
veIopn\ènt Program
We are writing to dißCUSII with
YGU the development of a new
City of Dubuque Sanitary Landfill
Site and specifically I<> request
YGur autborizatiGn to execnte an
Gplion agreement Gn a selected
parcel of pmperty which WOI1ld
be used for 1iIio inteaded ptIIpOSe.
Because of certain state and fe-
deral reguktiGna requiring the
abandonment of our present land-
fin site 00 City Island, the staff
formulated a Landfill CGmmittee
\10 review the possible alternatives
available fGr the City on this mat-
ter. The various aJternates were
reviewed and on May 7, 1971 the
firm <>f Henningson, Durham and
RichardSGn was retained I<> pre-
pare an engineering report which
would include various POSsible Slites
for a Landfill operatioo in CGm-
pliance with the .rulesand regula-
tions of the Iowa State Depart-
ment of Envir<>nmental Quality.
After months of intensive review
by the cGmmittee and the consul-
tanta a I<>tal <>f fourteen sites ..ere
selected as possible locations which
frGm all available geological data,
appeared 1<> meet the necessary
criteria. These sites were then rat-
ed by grGup and listed in their
order Gf priority. Ken MGzena, a
local real estate expert in farm
properties. was retained by the
City ÍI> an attem¡>t I<> secure an
option on those properties seleeted
by the committee and eGnsultants
as the best suited for a landfill.
It is necessary I<> secure an <>P-
Ilon or a parcel because certain
soil tests are required I<> deter-
mine if the area meeta the state
criteria for a Landfill, and it is
not practical to conduct these un-
less we are certain the prGperty
is available fGr PU1'ehase if the
soil anàysis .is acceptable.
Mr. Mozena has been able I<>
negotiate an OÞtion agreement Gn
the Leonard Smith property to the
- of Dubuque. 'Ibis site Í<I Gne
of the top three Slites available
for LanclfiIl PU1'>Oses. We have en-
closed Mr. Mo.ena's report on this
option agreement.
We have alsG enclGsed a se-
quence flow diagi-am detailing the
time seheduæ necessu-y to imple.
ment the construction of the new
Landfill by July, 1975. In order
to meet this Ichedule "'" must
pmceed with testing and analysis
at this time. CoIIsequènl:l¥, "'" res-
142 Special Session, March 12, '1973
pectfully requeot your H<>norahle is hereby auth<>1izèdaød'. directed
Body I<> authorize ns I<> execute to execute an OptioD to Purchase
the attached option agreement on Agreement with LeGnard T. ,Smith
this parcel. and Innocence 'Aim Smith, a copy
To' facilitate your review of the Gf same is attached, which agree-
matter, we have inclnded' In the meat pmvides for the ,malr.inl Gf
attachments plans of' the site in certain tests GB the pmperty; and
question,. a letter, ifom the Do- if saW - sadanalyosiø indicate
buque Connty ZGnJng Comml8aion the prGperty meets &II' the nee....
relative I<> the maller, and a let- sary criteria Gf state sad local
ter I<> Mr. Smith indicating the Gtiicials, provides mr, the purChase
City's best efforts will be put forth of the attached described pmperty
to wGrk out a leaSling arrangement for the development and OperatioD
011 lie nnuaed portion, of th4Ïr pm- of the City of Dnhuque Suitary
perty. ' LandfilL ,', ,
Your cooperatioll on the Cevelop- PlUlSed, approyM .'amI" adopted
ment.of this pmgram is.sIa«rely this 12tb day of Jfarch.1973;
app~iated WaIter A. Pre_'
Gilbert D. 'Chavenene ' AllanT: Th<iIIIa'
, ,City M~ager W"1JIII A, Moldenhauer
CG1mcÜDIan Pregler.'moved that Couneilmen
the comlllUllÏèatton be l'eCeived and Attest: , '
file¡t Secondèd by Councl1mall MGI- Le.!o:" F. 'Frommelt
denhauer. €arried by the following eoCityilClerk,p..........,.~ do
VGte:' " . nnc mall, .-. mov- a p-
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen tioa of' the reøolntion,:and,the Ma-
Justmann, Moldenhauer Pregler nag« beauthoriled, I<>'proeeed.
Thoms " SeC<>nded by CoWU1ilman MoJden.
Na";""'None. hal1ér. Carried by the following
Mr. Ralph Reia, Joê Turnis, El- VG~;as-Q¡lIÌ>e~ Moldenbauer
mer Weyderi,Hobert Sehmitt, Cy Pregler"Tb<>ms . '
Genz, all farmers living in the N~.....llin~ Justmann '
area of th~ pmposed land fi]¡ ~ite AJ>stained--Mayor Bitter. ., ,
sþOke against the, proposed SIte. MarCh 9 1973
Mr. Roger Cox, a lGCal realtor, Hooorabie Mayor '
spoke against the idea Gf the high anC Councilmen
~riee .of the lane!. The Assessed The City of Dubuque, Planning
valuatiGn Gf the prope~ proposed and ZGnJng CoIJllllis!tlon has re-
mr the lan~ fill si~ IS $71,000. viewed a pmPGsed final' plat of
He quøted pnces rangmg from $600 the SubdiYiaion of Lot 2 in Gil.
to $940 per acre o! farm~ that christ Place in the City of Duo
w.ere r~.e~tly sold III the mime- buque, lowe. This aubdivisiGn pro-
diate vuwuty, as cGmpared I<> the poses I<> create, five lots as an
cost 01. $1350. per acre mr the exteJlllÎOB Gfdevek>ped'resldential
proPGsed Iud fill site. lots in IndMa ParkSubdivisiGn
,At 11:02, P.M. Councilman .Just- fr<>nting Tomahawk Drive, and' ~
~ann mov~ that 1;he Co~ go pmposed new- are not for pur-
1111<> ex.eeutive sesslØn I<> discuss poses Gf development.
an option I<> purchase land for Th.e Planning and ZGning Com-
¡.ndfil!. purposes. Seconded .bY miasiOIl has reCGlllmen4edthat, the
CGnnctlman ~oldenhauer. Carried plat be approved.
by the fGlloWl!lg !<lte:. CITY PLANNING, AND
Xeas-¥ayor, BItter. CG1lIlcilmen ZONING,COM1IUSSI0N
Jllstmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Daniel DitteDl<>re
ThGms. DeveloPlllent Planner
Nays---;-NGll.e. . Councilman Pregler moved that
Council reconvened at 11.411 P.M. the cGmmunieatiGn be received and
RESOLUTION NO. a.73 filed. See<>nded by' Mayor Bitter.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RE- Carried by the f<>llowing VGte: '
SOLVED BY THE CITYCOUNcll. Yeas--¥ayor Bitter,' CGultcilmei1
OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, Justmann, ¥oldenhauer, Pregler,
IOWA: Tlwms."
'That the City Manager be' and NaYB--'NGne.
Special Session, Maxch 12, 1973 143
RESQI.,UTION NO, 83.73 ~REAs. the CGntillued Gpera-
R&$Oi,UTION epproving plat of tioo of the bqa operations for the
Lot 2 in GiI,"ri.t Place in the City of Dubuque, Iowa is of vital
City of Dubuque, Iowa CGncern I<> the City CGuncil of the
WHEREAS there has been filed City of Dubuque, Iowa as wen
with the CitÝ Clerk of Dubuque as to the citi~- and inhabitants
IQWa 0 plat æ which, LGt 2 ¡,; in that same is vitally cGncerned
G¡¡~ PI.ee in tile City of Du- with the p<1b~ health, safety and
b\If¡Ue, low., .s platted as Lot welfare; anC
1 Gf LGt 2; Lot 2 Gf Lot 2; LGt WHEREAS, the City CGuncil
3 Gf Lot 2. I,.c¡t 4 Gf Lot 2; and Gf the Ci~ of Dubuqlle, I~wa pub-
Lot 5 of Lot 2; ..ch in ~ Iicly wishes to gG on record that
Place in the City Gf Dubuque, 10- it desires I<> exerciSe the utmœt
wa; and, good faith in this consideration 'of
WHEREAS, said plat has been termination; and
exambied by tile City PI8I1IJing WHEnEAS, the Çity Ç<¡1l!J<'il of
8114 ~1lÍ!I6 Co!llllÜ.sio!l and bad lb. City of D1Ib1lQlle, I<>wa finds
its ~val 0114<>""11 tJiereon; and, and deterJlli!¡es tJiat the PlIblic
WHE~, said plat has been s.fety and weJ¡fare <I.llland th.t
e;¡:..JIIi!¡ed by the City Council and a C<lII1plete .,,<1 colllPfeb_ive re-
lIIe)' i11d the ,ol1M! confonns to view and study ofUlis problem
the 8taWw. aQd Ordi1Ianees re- be made bY the City of Dllbuque,
lJ.tiI¡g ~eto; Iowa for ~nd Gn bebaH Gf its citi-
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- zem and inhabitants; sad
SOLVED. by tile City Ceuooil of WHEREAS, the Çity CGunei!
the City of Dubuque Iowa: finds and determines that it needs
SeeNan 1. That th~ above de- additiolNll time to make a fair
scribed plat be and the same is and re_na~le determination CGm-
hereby allthorized and directed to lI..n~rate With the grawty Gf the
endorse the approval of the City Sltuatton:
Passed adopted and approved SOLVEJD BY THE CITY COUNCIL
this 12th'day of March, 1973. ?¿wrm CITY OF DUBUQUE,
Jooepl1 J. Bitter Section I. That the City C<>uncil
Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa fånds
Walter A. Pregler and determines that in exercising
AJtaa T. Thems its best ea'orta I<> arrive at a re-
Wayne A. Moldenhauer solution and determinatiGD as re-
C. RGb<;rt Justmaoo law. I<> the CGntents of tJie letter
Co1llliei1men Gf Inters'tale PGWer I<> City of Du-
buque, Iowa, dated March 1, 1973
and in Grder to afford the City
sufficient time to consult and inter-
view with the sppropriate State
and Federal a¡¡eQCIÎes concerned
with the problell1>S presente( by
ouch Mter that it will be neces-
sary that the City of Dubuque !rave
a<!ditional time, that is I<> say
until at lesst January I, 11174 in
which the City would hope to equip
itself I<> c<IJ'C \vitti tl!e problems
reasonably I<> be anticipated.
~cti.n 2. That tl!e City Manager
is herewith directed I<> cGm'llluni-
"ate with Jnterstate Power CGm-
pany forthwith .<!vising the In'ter-
state PGwer Company of the posi-
tiGn Gf the City of Dubuque with
a view that the .aid PGwer CGm-
pa~ acknowledge and acquiesce
in the responsibility of the City
LeG F. FI'II",melt
City CJm
C<>uncilman Pregler mGved a<Jo?
tiGn of the resGlutiGn. See<>nded
by CGuncilman Bitter. Carried by
the fGllGwing wte:
Yea&-Mayor Bitter, Cotmcilmen
JuotmaDn, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
IUiJOWTloN NO. $4.73
WHEREAS, Interstate P G W ~ r
CGmpany of Dubuqlle, lowa by
written CGmmunic.tion to the HG-
norable Mayor aJld CIty CGuneil,
dated Mardi 1, ~973, adviSÍIIf! the
OIty IIf Dubuque Df the decislGJI
of tI1is firm to ~eonlinue its bus
operaijG!1B at t¡e close of business
Gn August :11, 1973; SlId
Special Session, March 12, 1973
144 Special SesSion, March 12, 1973
in attempting I<>,'resolve this prob- Allan T. 'l'hOa..,
lem that it have, ample, time I<> Wayne A. MóldenhauW'
explore, all the ayennes Gf' a.....- Cóuneilmen'
tance for this community, its citi- Attest:
zens and its inhabitants in connec- Leo F. FrGmmelt
tion With this' pmblem. City Clerk
Séction 3. That the City Manager Councilman PtegierlD9ved adöp'
is hereby o.nIeredÏortbwtth to re- tlori of the resolution'; 'Seconded
port back to the City CGuncil in by Mayor Bitter. Carriéd by' We
writing as I<> the negotiations cOn- follòwing vote: ,:
~eming.t!'" extenti<>n Gf time here- Yeas'--MaYGr Bitter, CG~
m specified. JustmaÍID,Moldenbauer, Pregler,
Section 4. That the City CGuncll ThomS. ,,' .
of thecJty of Dul)uque, Iowa for- Nays-None.
mally gG ~n recòrd. at this ,time: RESOLUTtON NO. 16-73-
~~:sst,ng :,~:."W~~~::d &",:: WHEREAS, a¡lpkati_fòr U;.
pál)y for the gøOO service it has quor !lcenses. ~ave ,been Mlbmitted
rendered this Cómmunity and its, to Ülis CGIIDCÜ for- 'attltoYal ' MId
inhabitants in the operatiGn òf' its the' same have been' damined,
bus transportation system. ' ' NOW THEREFORE ßI1f l'Í' RE'
Passed, approved and adapted SOLV~ by theüty' Cèimcllof.
this 12th day of March, 1973. the City .Gf Dub~qu~'. Iòwa,1hat
J eph J Bitter the f<>l1owi1lg appticatiollll be grut-
os. cd and licenøe& issued. upon the
Mayo>" compliance with. tile tEIrm.. Gf the
C. Robert Justmann Iowa Liquor Cont,rol Act-,-Chapter
Walter A. Pregler 131-as amended by, the, 64th Gen.
Allan T. ThGm& eral A""emIIly uru
Wayne 1;. MGldenhauer CLASS "C'~ '(COMMERCIAL) ,
Alice H. Er,socben, 2&17, Ullive$y
Mary Lou '" Geol'ge ,D. S<>ren.sea,
i 1105 University Av/We.
: Passed, adopteiI and:'approved
,this 12th day Gf ~, 1978.
, Joseph J. Bitter
C. RGbert 'Justmann
Walter A. Pregle¡-
Allan T. Tllølils
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
WHEREAS, the, premises to be
occupied by such app!icanlts wcce
inspected and found I<> CGmply
,with the State Law and all City
,ordinances, relevant thereto and
they , have. filed proper bGnds,
SOLVED by the City. C<>uneil Gf
Dubuque, IGwa, that the M'anager
:.be.authorizedl<> cause ,I<> be issued
Ix> the fGJ1owing named applicants
a Liquor ]ie-e.
Alice H.Erscheo. 2617 UniverSlity
Mary'Lou '" GeGrge. D. S<>rensen,
1105 Univel'Sity Avenue.
Passed, adopted and apprGved
this 12th day of Marcb, 1973.
Joseph J.'Bitter
:C. RGbert Juotmann
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thmos
. Wayne A. MGldenhauer
ther that need be done and I
am returning said NGtice Gf Ex.
piration Gf the Right Gf Redemp-
UGn herewith.
R. N- RuS8<>
City Attorney
CGuooilman Pregler mGvedthat
the CGmrounicatiGn be received and
Jiiled. See<>nded by Mayor Bitter.
Carried by the following VGte:
Yeas-Mayo>" Bitter, CGuooilmen
Juotmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
March 12, 1973
Honorable MaYGrand City <:oun.,il
On May 12,1969, the City C<>uneil
Gf the City Gf Dubuque, IGWS
referred Ix> the City Attorney the
pe1liüGn Gf HarGId Weidemann for
the CGuveyance Gf parcels of real
estate that the City had vacated
to Jon B. Middleton.
Thereafter, the City Attorney
cGmmunicated with the petitioner
Gn May 19, ,1969, requeating certain
services to be perfGrmed by the
petitiGnel'S in order I<> pr<>cess Ü!e
On Gr about February, 20, 1973,
the City Atlx>rney'sletter had been
cmniPlied with by the preparation
of appropriate plat.
AeeGrdmg1y, this matter is being
presented I<> the CGuncil for its
action at t!lis time.
R.N. Russo
City Attorney
Mayor Bitter moved that the
cGmmunication be received and
filed. Seconded by Council man
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yea&-oMaYGr Bitter, CGuooilman
Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler,
WHEREAS, the City <:oun.,il, Gf
the CiiIy of Dubuque, Iowa on Jan-
uary 4, 1931, vacated a portion
of Bellevue Street frGm Blake
Street easterly I<> the end Gf said
Street which has been platted and
shall' hereafter be, described and
koown as L<>t 86A and the Easter-
~ 19.96 feet of L<>t .87A, Wood's
AdditiGn lu the ,City of: Dubuque,
Iowa;' and
WHEREAS, what was flH'lllerly
UmonAvenlie in WO<>d's Additi<>n
as abuts L<>t 86 and the easterly
19.99 feet of L<>t 87 in Wood's
AddL!iGn bemg a parcel 30.92 feet
Leo F. Frommelt
City . Clerk
CGuncilman Pregler moved adGP-
lion of the resoJutiOll. SeCGnded
by:MaYGr Bitter. Carried by the
following vote:
'Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MG!denhauer, Pregler,
Leo F. Fromme1t
City Clerk
CGUI)cilman Pregler mGved adop-
tion of. the resoJutiolL Seconded
by Mayor, Bitter. Carried by the
f<>llowing vote:
Yeas-Mayæ' Bitter, Councilmen
Jusl>mano, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
'l11oIns. .
Mareh 12, 1973
lfunor&ble MaYGr '" City CGuncil
On February 5, 1973, a NGtice
'bfJExpiroation-of Rigbt Gf'Redemp-
tion frGm Tax Sale was served
. on the City by the attorney fGr
. ERas' Micl1alaki:s cGvermg' L<>t'3ir1
and the S<>nth Half Gf L<>t 386
in "East Dubuque NG. 2" in the
City of Dubuque, IGwa.
! have made an examinatiGn
of this matter and find that from
the Ci~ Treasurer, Mr. AI Heitz.
man that the City has received
all Gf the Special Assesments
in ÖIe total amGunt of $347.16
as well as its share Gf the general
taxes wbich had GriginaUy been
assëssed to Evandelia Gootzinger
and Ruth SaJeedG, who were the
Gwnens thereGf and which was
then acquired by the CGunty
through tax sale and subsequently
by the CGunty a..,;gned its tax
certificate I<> Ellas M.lchalaki&.
AeeGrdingly,there is nGtbing fur-
BE IT RESOLVED by ,the City
CGuooil of the City Gf Dubuque,
!Gwa, that 1he following having
CGmplied with the proV'isiGOS of
1- relating I<> the sale of Ci-
¡¡arettes within the City Gf Dubu-
que, Iowa, be granted a permit
to sell Cigarettes and Cigarette
papel'S witliin said City.
J.F.K. Foods, Inc., 2075 J.F. Ken-
nedy RGad '
Passed, a<iopted andapprGved
tIris 12f.li dayGf March, 1973.
Joseph J. Bitter
C. RGbert Justmalln
Walter A. Pregler
Leo F. FrGmmelt
City OIerk
CGuncilman.Preøler moved adop-
ti<>n Gfthe resolutiOll. Seeooded
by MaYGr Bitter. Carried by tile
following VGte: . '
YeIl6-MaYG~ Bitter" CQlIDCÜmen
Justmann, MGIdè!tI!auer, Pregler,
WHEREAS, applieatioœ' fGr Li'
quor licenses were filed by the
within named -appli.can1B. and they
have received 1he aþpn>vllhf,tWs
Council, and " ..
Special Session, March 12, 1913
and that 1110 abstraet of title be
furnished be and the sable is hue-
by approved.
Section 3. That the aty Clerk
be and he is hel"eby Rnthot'lzed
and directed to cause notice ()f
iDtent to dis¡IOBe of mterest in real
estate I<> be published as by law
i. reqllired.
P"""ed. approved and adGpted
this 19th day of March, 1973.
Joseph J. Bittel:
C. ROOèt't J_abD
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. ThGmB
Wa7l1e A. MGldenhaller
at its- easteriy boundary, being
71.31 feet at Its northerly boun.-
dary, being 34.71 feet at Its wes-
terly boundary and 71.86 feet at
its southerly boundary, was aJso
vacated by the City CGuncil at
the tl.tyof DubuqUe, Iowa in 1896;
WHEREAS, the f<>l"egGÏDg above
d"""ribed parcels of teat estate
have beèl1 pl>atted int<> and are
!\(}w part at L<>t 2 of "JGhn J.
Breitbach Place" in the City at
Dubuque, IGwa; and
WHEREAS, nG CGnveyance has
ever been made of said two par-
celS of real estate; and
WHEREAS, Nel8on P. Klavitter
aM Ramona R. Klavitter are the
present ownets of Lot 2 Gf "Jolm
Breithach Place" and \\>OOse pre-
dêtMSor in title petitiGl1ed for coo-
veyance Gf said tw<> parcels of
vacated sa-eets: and
WHEREAS, it wooId serve the
best public interest that said tWG
þIlrcels be cbllveyed to the said
pètitionel'9 WM ha... agree to pay
the sum Gf $50.00 plus coots Gf
pub1li.catiG!> for each (}f said lGts:
Section I. That the disposal I<>
Nelson P. Klavitt.... and Ramona
R. Klavittet, huSlbá.Dd and wife,
as joint tenan,ts (}f Lot 86A and
the Easterl)' 19.96 feet Gf tot 87A
of 1'1'000'. Addition in the City
of Dúbuque, Iowa for the sum
of $50.00 together with costs Gf
publication and that no abstract
Gf tiUe shall be furnished and that
conveyance shall be by Quit Claim
n....t be and. the same Is hereby
Section !. That the conveyance
of that pareel of real estate abutt-
iilg Lot 86 Í1I Wood's AdditiG!l in
the City of Dubuque, IGwa aDd
the easterly 19.116 feet Of L<>t 87
01 Wood's AtiditiGn being a parcel
3ó.92 feN at its easterly boUh.
lIàrý bell>( 71.31 feet at its nor-
therly boui1dary, being 34.71 feet
àt its wì!sterty boundary and 71.86
fe1!t at its Sbutherly boui1dary to
Nelson P. Klavitter abd Ramona
R. Klavittel', hUllband àad wife,
a$ ¡omt t_tAI fiJt .the oonsidè,'a.
tlO!l "f~.OOe" Îb additiGn I<>
thè east Gf pUblication and. that
ronvey.ånéè by Quit Claim Deed
Special Session, March 19, 1973
er. Carried by the fiJllGwing vote:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGunci1men
Justmann, M(}(llenhauer, Pregler,
Communication of CathGlc MG-
thers Study Clubs Gf Dubuque ad-
vising to again carry <>n their ef-
forls to "Keep Our Parks Cleal>"
campaign and that no fees be
charged fGr pavm;GUS and shelter
bouses, presented and read. CGun-
cilman Pregler mGved that the
cGmmuniœtion be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman MGI-
denhauet. Carried by the fGIIGw-
ing VGte:
Yea&-MaYGr Bittel', O<>uncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Communication Gf Board of DocIe
CGln1lìissionero Í1I reviewing the re-
ferral ftGm the CGuneil Gf the meet-
ing Gf March 12th, and being aware
of the many prooltlms >1ior to
a decisiGn relative to à proposed
}2' channel tIley Will 8Vbmit a
recommendation at a latêt dàte.
presented and read. CGUDcilmàn
Pre¡ler movèd tbat the commtmi-
catiofi be re¡,éived and filed. Se-
conded by Couneilmal> Moldenhau-
er. Camed by the fGRowing \Tote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuneilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Spec/ill .-sslon, March 19, 1973.
Council met at 7:30 P.M. lè.S.T.)
Pre.-nt - Mayor Bitter, Counc.
cilmen Justmann, Moldenh_uer,
Þregler, thoms. City Manager Gil.
bert D. èhavenelle.
May<>r Bitter read the call and
stated that serVlice tbete()f had
been duty made and this meeting
jj called fGr the purpose Gf au.
thorizing the publication of notice
of sale of pro/eet notes and the
_elving of proposals for the sale
of .ald notes for the Downtown
Urban Renewal Pro/eet Iowa R.t5,
in the -mount of $1,741,000., and I
acting u,pon such other business
as may pmperly CGme before a
l"ègúlar meeting Gf the Council.
HUI/J.àfi Rights CGJnmiSSiGfi oub-
mitting minutes of their meeting
Gf February 81. 1973, Pt6Sented for
the record. UJuneilman Pregler
moved that the minutes be re-
ceived and filed. Secondèd by Ma-
YGr Bitter. Carried h)' the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-M'Syor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Moldefihauer, Pregler,
Nays-NGne. I
c"lnInunica.tiGn of League Gf Wo-
mefi VGters submitting the names
of l>.r. Edlvård Càwlèy, Mts. Vince
TImpe, Mrs. Gk>ria Lipper fGr con.
sideration as members at the Ci-
tizen', CGmmittee fiJr the oorth-
Sbuth fteéway, presented and read.
Counéilmàn Pregler ttlGved that
the oommunièation be received and
filed. SeéG/!.dèd by CGuncilman
Moldenhauer. Carried by the ml-
Gwing VGte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen I
Jusitlnanb, MòÌdènhauet, Pregler,
Coì/J.I/J.UlJical!.on at Catholic Mo-
the... Study ClUbs of Dubuque (fGr-
ward from lfieeting of Februaty
12th) beihg in M:ieetion !Q merging
the Pal'k aM Recreation SYstems,
þre_tèd aliI! read. O<>uncilJnàn
Prèg!êt moved thàtthe co_un,¡-
càtk!b be l'èœived and filed. Se-
eOnded by Councilman MOldenhau-
LeO F. Frommelt
City Clêtk
MaYGr Bitter movèd ad<>ption Gf
the resOlution. Sècònded by CGunc-
cilman Pregler. Carried by the
fGllowing VGte:
y........MàyOt Bitter, Councümen
Justmann, ¥(}Id_uet, Pregler,
There being no fúrtber business
Mayot Bitter moved I<> adjourn.
Seconded by CG11I>eilman Pregler.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncillnen
Justmann, Molllenbauer, Pregler,
Loo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Approved ................"............... 111'13
Communioati(}n of IGwa Concrete
Paving Ass'n stating that Dubuque
was reoognized at the time Gf
drawings and gtenting recogn¡tiGn,
for the eo~()Q of Grandview
Avenue with cOlll!rete and which
is collBidered a well c<>notrueted
pmject, presented and read. MaYGr
Bitter movèd that the CGmmunica-
ti(}n be received and filed. SeC<>nd-
ed by CGuneilman Pregler. Carried
by the fGllowing v<>te:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
AdGpted .................,.................. 19'13
Marel1 19, 1973
TIle HGlwrable Ma¥Or
and Qly CGuneil
'lbe ~ate p- CoInpa;,y
aclmowledges receipt at your Ré-
solution No. 84-'73 Wmch was adGpo
led by CoImeil. àéUon on March
Atte~t: """"cit;"c¡;¡;:"""""""""""
Special Session, March 19, 1973
Special Session, March 19, 1973
C<>\mCÜIIIIaI1 Pregler "JDOved ..the
bond' be . fi1ed, IlUbjeet 1<>, approval
of ~City' AttømeY. seeoòd8d-bY
M'ayó'r Bitter. Carried by the fol-
IGWIÍ11g vote:
Ye_Mayor Bitter. ,CGnnciJmen
Juslmann, MGldenhauer, pre¡1er,
12, 1973. ,lJ>terotate ' Power CGm'
,'¡>any ,.,¡¡¡ agree toa Cò1ltinuanee
of' the' bus <>pcratioIls in the' City
of Dubuque to the close of busineSS
on December 31, 1973, Gn the lot.
lo~ conditiOIlS:
1. The City secures aUthority
from the citizens of Dubuque, priGr'
I<> .'A~U$t 31, 1973, by public reo,
~U;m to acquire and operate!
a bus traDSit system. '
2.00 or beloré August 31, 1973,
the City _epts Interstate's offer,
to sell its Dubuque trODSit system
fOJ: the' sum Gf' $1.00.
3. Upon recéÍving ilUch appmval,
as 'mentioned in Number 1 above,
aIld upon acceptance Gf our offer:
to. sell as prGvîded in Number 2:
above, Intersta,te power CGmpaIlY!
will act as agent for the City'
to ope~ate the bus traDSit system:
from' September 1, 1973, through'
.the close of business Gn December
31, ,1973, all Gf which is to be
at, the City's expense and reim-:
bursement wiJl be made to Inter-
state ona mGntb!y basis.
4. Interstæte power CGmpany will
.not act as an agent for the City
in the GperatioIl of the bus transit
System beyond December 31, 1973.
This offer is made in the sincere
belief that this addiliGnaJ time will
give the ,City ample, opportunity
to,aœomplish its Gbjectives as sta-
tedin its resoluüon of March 12,'
R. J. Dyer
District M.....ger
CGuncilman Justmann moved
that the èOmmunicati<>n be receiv-
ed' and filed aI1d referred to the
CGuncU. Seeotlded by CGunci1man
M<>1denhauer. Camed by the iol-
IGwing VGte:
YeàO-Mayor BlUer, CGunci1men
JusttlÌann, . Molcleinbauer, Pregler,
March 15, 1973
TG ,the Hono~able' DYGr' and
Members of the City CGUIl!ñl
I have appmved the, fol'l<>wÍDI!
bond for filing and deSlire your
approval of same.
Sidewalk CoœtrUletion Bond, C0n-
tinuation Certificate, Heitsman
ConBtrUCtion CG., Uoited Pacil!.c
msuraDCe CG., Bond NG. U-4721M.
Gilbert 'D. Cbavenelle
City Manager
DOaciwað" COttidðr. and'1iIaeimme-
diitta. demands of tile, development
IMIIœl Elll>elIienœ; SG far, should
i.8cIieate. that. tIú kind, of. balance
llliayDOt be,' aellieNeab1e.within the
preeeot; si1on.ruee',planning¡pm-
'1'li~ searclf frJr a balánced ptan
for the CGrridðr' bas been- charac-
tè..zed b'y a- gradllal intensifica.
till!> of' property use- with 87 result-
inc growth' of tnlffic . in the corri.
dðr;.~b' ¡lròlnptHlirtherintenøi-
ficaotiolr' of lmcf' develOpment, and
80,00. :M :UIIa"polnt, th,HJlty faces
"':üiItmma¡ 011 ÍONIIIeeiD the WIi-
lIIIde:neceøåty, of', major reCOJ>.
sII'netieD,on ]IO:ItioDa"ofJ; F. KeJI-
nedy, ROaA, ~oe off trail.! c,
growtb,while,:lmowble that a 0tIb.
stantiali_~emeI)tJin,#le attrac-
tiveness of that road i,. likely to
ereaté' presaureø: f6r further' in-
tefIoIIfIn.tilm of' lami-l1se 1!Id! pro-
Perty dèvelópment throug¡hout'the
ai-..., 'The Mèt/op(}lita;,.. Area' TraJ>-
!JIé>\átiOIl - aI.òo ,aIlticipatesthe
eveolùal ..-.mOD, of a west
~. arterial' m the area lie.
tween Dùbuque and AIIi>m7. It is
uncertain" whether, this, new road
c<>u1d provîde substantial traffic re-
lief in,thlt' west,Dahuque eorridGr,
ancl:wllethv,'ltlUle...lopmeat would
mt 1NcI' I<> 'a repetitiGÐ Gf the
saÒlelaud-uoe pressures that were
exertedalonl Jòlln, P. Kennedy
111 p}alllllng, tor tile, we~t Dubu-
quéèc\rridòr, toneern~ for land.
use and traffic are in¡eparable.
These concerns cannot be redUced
to' SÌSJll!I~, si1ort-raage soMioas,
_h as an immediate program
for widening, John, F. Kennedy
RGad, withønt risIIing more serious
problems as !Ill aftermath. The
ke,y¡ to"soWing problems on J¡ F.
KIm1Iedy, Road i.s in defininc those
Pl'l!bJ.ems iD area-wide terms; in
lf8lalion to: plllll11Úlg fur west,end
area, developmeat ,and in the con.
cept and liming of street network
expansion.. '
'l1iiIi: tnIe 'of,loal'Orletltad; con-
ceptual' phmnitIg does 'nGt lend it-
soli! Ib' quiet, tOOlInical solutions.
It, is' more a pro\I88a of gaining
ul,under8tanding of tile cause and
efféct, ælatiOJl8llit>s-.between road-
WIIJ" denlopment atId land-use de.
matId" of' the option. &vailiable fGr
regulaliÍl landi..., and subdlvisi<>n
activity and of t:ailoring, capital
imprGvemeDt 'progrImS, to indue¡!
desitl>ble' patterœ of pr¡ivate de--
velopment. :!'he ,proceSll' mwrt fG',
cua on loeal'policy,lWIkersfor ar-
ticulation of: -Isr ,with _rt
from s,pecial1zed, and u:perierlCed
profes&ionals fGr projecting and',"-
.....,¿ng the cons_of alter-
I1'8tive _I atructures.,' The pro-
duct, Gf this ~rt sIIou1d ,be a
coosensus, at tIœ poIicy_kin,g Ie"
vel; on oIajeetives, and programs
for dévelopmeut ÍìlJthe,iJ. F- Ken.
nedy R<>ad COØiœ"-"
Becau~ .trlifie"_:;trllll6¡lOfflía-
tiGU developmetis the' principal'
element' m,' '1111" e, PlailllinC, ,'jJt>oces.
fór the J. P; K_d1 Blllid dam-
dGr, it is eòliential: tIIatthe study
of : alœn.atiVe goàlll and' poIieies
be suP!I<>rtedby'i 'tii& juðgenteDt
and experience Gf øpecialisü' in
this field. 'The< staff' b'as had an
GWOr'tunitj>- I<> diseusø the J. F.
Kermedy Rued eorridòr: problem
with tWG nationally-recognized traf-
fic engineeri.,g'aDIÌ pliinning firms.
In cGnSlideriDg thelt 'suggested ap-
proaches to the' proM"",s, and the
ayailability and reputaUOli'oftheir
staff, it ,is (}111"', teeomm...ctatïon
thet Barton..Asélnn'antI .and Aaso-
dates of Chicago be tetainedior
this- st"d)'. .
Our di..1ISOfÍons' .with. that firm
have determiI1ed that "' IttGdy,- of
land,use atId traffio . pr,oblems, m
the J. F. Kem>edy Road C<>rrldor
ohouldproceed in two, piJa-, and
shGuld,seek I<> -we~the following
Phase I; Study,of'ExistiDe Con-
diti0R8 and Opporhmitiee,
1. What is the, reason8'ble ca-
pacity,Gf the'roadway wi1hin the
preseftt< rigbt.of-way?'
2'. Wbatminor mocllf1eaUons
could 'bema<kt I<> #Ie preeemroad.
way to imptOve trtfI'Jc service?
31 What is. the rea.sooable ex.
pectatioD- of traffic vG!umea in the
c<>rridGr ' 'fGllowing, èOmpl!ta, de-
vlilopmeøt of ,""cant,lands; accord-
ing. I<> cunent ZOning plans, and
aUowing '. for , maturation<>f, exist-
ing land..uses in the corridor?
4, Can the presem right-of-way
sU8tain these: projectecb volnmes of
traffic, accepting a' reasonable Ie.
vel, at service, without majorre-
coll6tructi<>n?,If the answer 1<>, #4
(above) is "yes", proceed with
'Mardi 15,1973
To the Hooorable MayGr
and City CGUIléil
I herewith oubmàt, 'therepôrts
of the City' Audil<>r, CIty 'Trea.
surer, Health Department, as 'well
as a listöf elalms p8id,' fur the
mGnth ,of 'Pebruaryl973.
.A!6o submitted i. the .annual re-
port for the'ye&r 1972 of #leHelllth
Department' and, Water -Depart-
'Gilbert D. CboavenèUe
City Manager
CGuncilman pregier moved that
the reports be received and Sed.
SecGnded by MaYGrBitter. 'O8rried
by the fGlfuwiDg vôte:
Yeas-May(>r Bi\ter,' 'CGunûlmen
Justmann, Mo1denhauer, Preller,
Ma<cl1 19, 1973
Honorable Mayor
At' your 'meeting Gf' March 12,
1973, the petiüon Gf Phillip Po-
wers for zoning reeluslfication of
his property <>n J.. F. Kennedy
Road was deferred I<> the meeting
of Mard119th I<> permit eonsidera-
ti<>n Gf a, proposal, fGr ..a .consul'
tant.<lided .oQIdyof future 1ou>d.....
and. traffic in the J. F. Kennedy
RGad area. The, pœpose of this
letter, is "l<>eonft1!m <>nr iÌltarest
in undertaking, such a study" and
to inform, yGU' Gf our concept for
'the, study and, for eonsultantm-
vGlvement in it.
In recent years, requests f G r
wnlng redassiflcation' for property
in the J. P. Kennedy Road' u-éa
have created a great deal of cön.
cern and debate, 'in 'the Council
omd.eLsewhere, ""the. properfune.
Uon ,Gf the road' and on :the ap-
propriate development of property
served by it. The' Powers petitioo
is Guly the mootreccmt m a iQ¡g
series of efforts, 1011. the part If
property owners and of the City,
I<> achieve, a dunble ba1aD!'e be-
tween the ,public intere8tLm",the
Ph""e II eoBeeptual plan develop. '
ft\ent, i»eluding shqrt-I'alle pro-
gram for D\ÏDOr roadway modifica.
tion and interseetiGB devel<>pment.
If the answer I<> *4 is "BG", de-
ter1UÍ.lle ""'ether IIOJ!ÍIIII plans can
be modified I<> sWt madwaY cap.
5. Are projected volumes QÍ ca¡>-
tive traffic ÍJI the c<>rridor suffi.
cient to wanant maJ<>r ,e.eOBStroo.
tion t<> aelúeve aeeepable levels
of serviee (iBcluciDg ..meipated
warranœ for tutme ~
develGpment at Dodge Street?
Pba~e n. Col>QCPtqa¡ PlaDS for
CGrridor Dev~
1. 'W1Iat f~ vrill influence
the furt\IQr growth anoIi develop-
_t QÍ the ~ I)\I>uqll<! areB?
a. Wl!Bt ar41 1000Bl g(}SIB &lid. Qbjee-
ti- flf guj.<ijng future dewlop--
~. 1fQw eaR I'Qa4'1fBY develo¡>-
I!Ien\ pl'QI!ral!lS be _<I I<> inflll'
-- Ö!C PBtte\1l QÍ future growtl\?
4. Give!! a ra"ge Qf developl!lent
infIu'llOOes and local goale, wbat
alte"""tiv<! lan~ anoIi roadway
plaJ>ll mi!Ø1t best respond I<> th-
5. WIIBt nre the probable CGsts,
benefits, and like1ibood of aehiev-
mot of selected altemative plans?
6. Witbin each alternative COB--
ceptual plan, wbat is the traffic
service fuBclIon of J. F. Kennedy
Road ...d wbat type Gf re-eonetruc-
tion will be required?
7. For the selected CG""epto'al
area plan, what apecifie Improve--
ments are required Gn 101m F.
ReMedy RGad, inclwlng re-loca.
tioo of au... poiBts, Intersection
1"$\esiJll, PBV<!ft\ent widel!Ïl!l!, etc.?
8. What ge¡leral 16n!ng and land-
use stJandards, eurb.eut policies,
envirØIIfB~1 oIB!I4ards, et.e. will
be r~ I<> implem<!llt the se-
lected COÐeI'I"\1Isl pQ?
It is our ree<>mmendation that
this plaIIIIÙIII process, PBrticularly
Phase II, be directed at developing
information for a series of work.
shop meetù>gs with various policy.
makiBg g_. There WGuld not
be an elaboratAo finial report or
preseJltatiGII. 'l'1Ie pr<>eess is aimed
mGre at creatin« a general plan-
ning informaliGn file 01' the subject
of corridor developnllmt, wi1h per.
haps a short summary of a selected
cGnceptoal plan.
Special Session, March 19, 1.973
We would expect lilat Pltase I,
wilieh is JIl'Í"""rily a tecluùcal e--
valu"tion Gf the e<m!idor, would
be completed in six weeks. Ph"se
II would depen4 Qn se~ the
partiÏ.ciPBti<>n of poIiey . JJI'akiIIIg
groups, and C<>uld be expected to
take an additienal ~ I<> ~t
weeks. The CQ$t. QÍ the stu<,ly' is
estimated at a lIIII"'I!IUm Qf ten
tbl!usaJJ<l. <WIIars. The aclllal c<>st
woukl depen4, ÍJI pnrt, 00 the nwn-
ber QÍ meetings the e" II aultant
w"uld be req\lÛ'<!<l I<> a~.
We ~y reqllest that the
stafi be a\llllloriaed I<> PNPare fi-
nal contraet doowIIenta for this
studY for preS4t\tati61> to you at
your meetinc QÍ April 2, 1973.
Daniel Dittemore
Development PkllJM!l'
CG-uman Nok\e!!Mller mQved
to B~" the ~ I<> ¡¡r_re
CQlltr'ICt ~11161>11! fI>. a al<>dy
as I!IentiQned in lelW QÍ Mardl
191h. See<!lI4ed by MaYor Bitter.
Ga:r¡ie<\ by the fQIIAwiIIg ""to:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGUDCiImC!1
MoJdenirauer, Pregler, Thoma.
Nay"....()(}uøeilmaB J1II!tmall!l.
CGune!lmu Pregler I!IlIved that
the rule. be lIO18IICf¥\ed in Qrder
to let all/ODe prescot addr- the
CoImciI if theY so deSlire. Secottded
by CGUlllCi1!nan TbGIUIB. Carried by
the fGllGWÍDJg vGte:
Yeas-.-MaYQr Bitter, CG\IIldlmen
JustmaDIl, MQklenbauer, Pr~,
Mr. Phil Powers presented the
CGuøen wilh a plat of the a:rea
in ques1ion, commooly ImQwn a.
Powen¡ P!aee. He again reiterated
that the area tliat is presently
be~ conSlidered Is in a Multiple
Residenee Cla".¡n"atie" and by re.
quœtiog pmfeasional use ftJr the
area it W(}uJd DOt materially affect
the troaftic problem along Kenn~
CGmmunication Gf Planning &.
ZQning CG~.i~, åateQ Marcb
9th, and forwanl frIIm the meeting
Gf Mardi 12, ).Ø'1II ÍJI which the
Planbi1\g " ZoI>ÍBll Com miosiGn
vGted I<> table the pet:lticm until
the regular ft\.etb1I of May 11,
1873 for a ,eview at that time
in relatloo tø the preliminary find-
ings of the _sed J. F. K. RGed
Special Session, March 19, 1973
study, and requesting CGuncil oon.
eurreace in this action, presented
and read.
CGuncilm8I> Moldenhaller mGved
I<> table the matter until the meet-
iøg fG1Iowing the meeting Gf the
Plaoning &. Zoniug CGmmi.ssiGn of
May 16th. Seconded by CGuncil.
man Justmllnll. Carried by the fGI-
lowing vote:
Yeao-Mayor Bitter, CG11IWilmen
Juotmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Ma~ 13, 1973
HøIlGrable Mayor and City CGuncil
On Fehrqary 1, 1973, Gene G.
Parker QÍ 1220 Rosedale Avenue,
this çity, Ale4 claim agaiœt the
City of Dubuque, IQwa in the a-
mount Qf $110.20 clairniBg said da-
mages _urre4 Qn December 16,
1972 as the result Gf a sewer back-
w> in the bas~ of his h<>me.
TIIi. matter was referred to the
apprGpri.w City Ag~ woo made
an investigation Gf øaid matter and
on Mareh 7, ).Ø'1II advised this Gfllice
of no liability on the PBrt of ,the
City, all" ÍJI view <>f the forego~,
it is therecoIllDlendation of the
City Mtorney that the claim Gf
Gene C. Parker be denied.
Original claim is returned here-
R. N. RUSß<>
City Attorney
CGuneiln1an Pregler moved a¡>-
pmval <>f the reeommendati<>n. Se-
eonded by Mayor Bitter. Carried
by the foIloWling vote:
Yeas-Mayor BItter, CGunA>ilmen
JlIstmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Notice <>f e!aim Gf Telemahos
Bogas, in the ammmt Gf $00. fGr
damage and expense fnoorred as
the result Gf a sewer back-<lp at
his OOme at m Dillon Street Gn
March 6, 1973, presented and read.
CG1IIIciJm811 Pregler moved that
1he eJaim be referred I<> the City
A""me)' f"r in"estig>atiGn and re-
PGrt. Seconded by MaYGr Bitter.
Cnnied by the following VGte:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuneilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
petttion of Clement F. PGYer
by Gary Norby attorney requesting
vaca.tion and c<>nveyance Gf wt
2 Gf 2 of Randall's SUb. No.2
a portiGn of wbieb i. encroached
upon by 1he Brookside Dairy build--
ing at 80 S<>uthern Ave.. presented
and read. CGuneilman Pregler
mGved that the petition be referred
for proper proceedings. Sec<>nded
by Councilm'an MGldenbauer. Oar-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-May<>r Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Petition Gf Laras CoUege Student
Senate requesting permis6i.on to
CGndnct a carnival shGW Gn the
wras CGUege campus Gn April 27th
26th and 29th, 1973 presented and
read. C<>I¡nc:i\man Pregler moved
appmV'a1 of the petitiGn and same
be referred to the City Manager.
SccGnded by CGuncilman TbGms.
Carried by the folloWling vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuneilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Petition of wras College Stu-
dent Senate requeo1in¡¡ permi..,;on
to CGnduet a fireworks display Gn
the wr"" CGll- campus 00
April 27th 1973, presented anoIi r<tad.
CGuncilman Pregler mGved appro-
val Gf the petitiGn and same re-
ferred I<> the City Manager and
Fire Chief. Seconded by CGuncil-
men Thoms. Carried by the follow-
ing VGte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuneilmen
Juotmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Petitioo <>f H. W. SbelJler re-
questing a refund Gf $25. on the
unexpired portiGn Gf eigarette Ii-
ceD5e NG. 187, as he has discon-
tinued buSliness Gn Febroary 27,
1973, presented and read. MaYGr
Bitter mGved that the refund be
granted and the Auditor instruct-
ed to issue prGper warrant. Se-
conded by CGuncilman 'l1boms. Car-
ried by the foJilowting vote:
Ye8.S>-Mayor Bitter, CGunci1men
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Petitio<> 01 Cyril J. Fries re- I
questing a refund of $227.50 Gn
the unexpired portioo of LiquGr
License NG. C-43ll, as he has dis-
cGntinued bUSIÎness on March 16,
1973, presented and read. MaYGr
Bitter moved that the refund be
granted and the Auditor instructed
to issue proper warrant. SecGnd-
ed by Councilman ThGma. Carried
by the fGllowing vote:
Ye_MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGldenbauer, Pregler,
Thoms. '
Authorõxlng . the publication 0 f
notice of' ule of protect not e s
(First Series 1973) and there.
c~¡Y¡ng of proposals for "'" sale
of sarli notllS for the. c!l>wntown
Urban Renewal Prolect¡ low.. R.15.
WHEREAS, under date Gf Julf
26, 1967, tile City Gf Dubuque
entered into a wan and Capital Ii
Grant Contraet.forthe underbaking :
of the Downrown Urban Renewal
Project, Iowa R-15; and
WHEREAS, under date Gf July
3, 1972, the Council Gf the City
Gf DUbuque adopted Resolution NG.
213.72 authorizing I<> be issued,
fÌ'Gm time I<> 1ime, pmject Notes
in eoooect.ion with the Downtown
Urban Renewal Project, Iowa
R-15; and
WHEREAS, under date Gf Oc.
tober 16, 1972, the Council of the
City Gf Dubuque authorized the
issuance and "'1-le <>f Its Pmject
Notes in the aggregate principal
amount Gf $1,725,000 I<> finance cer-
tain undertakings in CGnnectiGn
with the DowntGwn Urban Renewal
Pmject, Iowa R-15; and
WHEREAS, ino~er I<> refinance
said Gutstanding Project NGtes and
to provide addW.Gnal funds fGr pro.
ject activüies, it is necessary fGr
the City of Dubuque I<> sell Project
Notes (First Series 1973) totaling
$1,741,000; now therefGre
SECTION 1. Tbat the City Clerk
be and he Is 'hereby authorized
and directed I<> publish according
to law, "Notice of Sale - Project
Special Session, March 19, 1973
in II fGrm aPPr<>ved by the L<>cal
Issuing Agency. Copies <>f such
fGrm Gf proposal and infGrmalion
ooncernmg the Notes may be Gb-
tamed from the Loc'al Issuing A-
geilCW at the address. indicated a-
bove, Detailed infGrmation with re-
spectl<> the cGnditiollB Gf this sale
may be obtained from the March
20, 1973 i...,ed Gf The Daily Bond
Buyer. .
Councilman Pregler mGved ad<>¡>-
.tion of the resolutiGn. Seconded
by Councilman ThGms. Carried by
the fGUówing vote:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, MGldenalluer, Pregler,
City Gf Dubuque, IGwa
By Loo F. Frommelt,
City Clerk
Approving the tixed-prlce compe.
tltlen method for offering certain
land In the Dewntown Urban Re.
newal Protect, Iowa R.I5, for reo
development by private developers
WHEREAS, under date Gf July
26, 1967, the 'City Gf Dnbuque and
the tln!ted States <>f America en-
tered ÍI>IO a wan and Capital
Grant CGntract for the undertaking
of the Downtown Urban Renewal
Project, Iowa, R-15; and
WHEREAS,under date of May
18, 1967, the C<>uncil of the City
of Dubuque, after a Public Hear-
iug, duly adopted an Urban Re.
newal Plan. for saô.d Pmjecl and
which Urban Renewal Plan is Gn
file in the Office Gf the City Clerk
and is recorded in the Office Gf
the ß.eeGrder Gf Dubuque CGunty,
f<>wa, in Book 295 of Mortgages,
I'lrges 235 I<> 259; and
WHEREAS, _ant to said Ur-
báll Renewal Plan and satid wan
and Cltpital' Grant Colltract, the
'dity of Dubuque has and is ac- ,
qÍlÌribg .land,'reIGCating s.ite occu- I
pants, remGving structures and
other improvemellolis, and ooœtruc-
ting and recGlIB!ructing site im-
pr<wemellolis and public facilities,;
WHEREi\S, tile Urban Renewal
,PJaIl ll'Gvide fGr the sale <>f certain
land fGr redevelopment by private
develope",,; and
WBEREIAS, the Fixed-Price
CGmpetitiGn method permits the
sale of land on criteria and fac-
Special Session, March 19, 1973
Notes" in the fotm of ExhIbit "þ.!'
attached hereto and made .. part
SECTmN 2. That the City Clerl<
be and he is hereby autborized
and directed I<> aetept and tabu-
late proposals for the sale, of satid
ootes and I<> send telegrams <>f
aeceptance to the low bidder. or
bidders all in accord"""" with ÍI>-
structi<>DS CGvering such. trllDSaC-
tiGns as pro\Med w.the Depart--
ment Gf HGusing and Urban De-
velopment, United Staw.of ,Amer.
~L '
I' SEC'J;lON 3. That a ,meeting of
the CounciJ. of the clty"f Dubuque
shall beheld .after the bl.dopeniìlg
date of Aipril3, i973, 'to . adept
I' such resolution or têso!l1tiôllti 'M-
i cessary for the c_mation, of
the sale of I'rÐjeetNotes (FiM
SerieS 1973) I<> 'the lowest bidder
or bidders. '
Passed, àppròved aild'adÖpted
this 19tbday <>f March; 1973,
JGsephJ. Bitter
Mayor '
Walter A. Preg!er
Allan T. Thoms
Wayne A. MGJdenhauer
C. Itobe1t Justmanb
Loo F. FrommeJt
City Clerk
Notice of sale - protect notes,
City ofDubu_, Iowa.
Sealed proposals will he 'received
by City Gf Dutluque, (herein caned
the "Local Issuing Agency") at
CGuneil O>ambers - 01ty Hall, 13th
and Iowa StreetB, in the City <>f
Dubuque, State Gf Iowa 52OOl, until,
and publicly opened at, One 0'-
CIlock P.M. (E.S.T.) on' April 3,
1973, for the purchase '1f $1,741,000
of Project Notes (FirstSeries,l973)
being is.sued ,to 'aid infinaDcine
its project(s) ,IllS follows:
Amount, $1,741,000; Series" Fint-
1973, Maturity, NGvember,2, 1973,
The NGtes will he dated Me,y
1, 1973, will be payable to bearer
on ,the Maturity Date, and wiU
bear interest at the rate or rates
per annum fixed in ,the pr<>pooal
or prGpooa}s accepted fot the pur-
chase <>f such' Notea.
AN proposals for the purchase
of said Notes sban be,wbmif:led
oors Gther than price and in the
best Í1IItereo1>s Gf the Urban Re-
newal Project and the City Gf Du-
buque, oow therefore
Section I. That the d<>cuments
pertaining to a proposed Fixed-
Price CGmpetition offering Gf a
certain parcel Gf real estate set
forth in ouch dGcumeDts, a CGPY
of which dGcuments are made a
part bereof and filed of reeGrd
in the Office of the City Clerk
and as they ma~ be revised as
necess'ary to comply with the re-
quirements of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development,
are hereby appmved.
Section 2. That the Fixed-Price
COmpetition methGd of oNering cer-
tain land fGr sale for redevelop-
ment by private develGpers is the
appropriltte method of making the
land available for redevelGpment.
Section 3. That the price fGr
the dispœal of said parcel in-
cluded in the proposed offering
bas been determined to be n<>t
less than the fair price fGr the
land fGr uses in ""oordanee with
the Urban Renewal Plan and said
prices are hereby approved.
Section 4- That the City Mana-
ger and the Director Gf Urban
Renewal be and are hereby au-
thGrized 'and directed to pr<>eeed
with the prGpGsed disposal Gf the
parcel set fGrtb in the attached
dGCuments in accordance with the
propœed disposal pr<>eedureand
all Gther applicl>ble requirements.
Section 5. That the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorized
and directed I<> pubJisò "Invita-
lion fGr Proposals" fGr the sale
of certain parcels Gf real estate,
in the fGrm Gf Exhibit "A" at-
tached herel<> and made a part
P..sed, approved and adopted
this 19th day Gf March, 1973.
Jooeph J. Bitter
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. ThGms
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
C. Rbbert Justmann
Leo F. Fr(}Jnmelt
City Clerl<
--- -
Special Session, March 19, 1973
The City of Dubuque, IGwa, in-
vites proposals for ll1e purohase
and redevelGpment of prGperty in
the DGwntoWII Ur.ban Renewal PrG-
ject, Iowa R-15. Parcel 1-lA i.
located immediately SGuth Gf the
Bus Depot which is 10Clated Gn
Filth Street between IGwa Street
and Central Avenue. Parcel 4--2
represents a single block i><>Unded
by Fow1h, Main, Fifth and fuwa
Parcel NG., 1-lA, Approxinrate
Square Feet, 7,960, Use, CGmmer-
clial Service Area.
Parcel NG.. 4--2, Appt<>xinrate
Square Feet, 68,000, Use, Transient
Housing aOJd..<>r CGmmercia!. Ser.
F'Uli infotmation, insI.ruètions
and bid doouments. needed I<> pre- I
pare proposals may be obtained
by depositing $10.00 with the De-
partment Gf HGusing and Rede-
velopment, Suite 1Q-B, F i s c her
Building, Dubuque, IGwa, fur each
set of Doeuments. Each such de-
po!lit shall be refunded if the DG-
cuments are returned in good con.-
dition within 30 days after bid
All prGpoSals must be received
at the GHice Gf the City Clerk,
City Hill, 13th Street and Ceotral
Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa, no later
than 10:00 A.M. CST Gn, 1973, at
which time all bids will be publicly
opened and read in CGundl Cham.
Eaeh pmposal must be accom-
panied by a good faith depoSlit
in the form of a certified check
or bank draft payable to the City
of Dubuque, or a saliofactory bid
bond, in an amGunt equal I<> 10%
of the amount Gf the Gffer.
AddiitiGnal informa-tion CGucern-
ing the City of Dubuque's Land
Marketing Progr"m fGr the Urban
Renewal Project may be obtained
ftGm Gent M. Wittenberg, Direc-
tor of the Departníent of Housing
and Redevelopment. (PhGne (319)
588-0017) .
LeG F. Frommelt
City Clerk
C<>uDcUman Moldenhauer mGved
adoption of the resolutiGn. Second-
ed by CGuncUman Pregler. Car-
ried by the fo»owin4í vote:
Yeas-MaYGr Bi4JlJer, CGuncilmen
JustmaJ>l1, MoldeJJbauer, PrCller,
Mr. DaVII.d Clemens, a member
of the CGunty--City Law Enforce.
ment Center Committee, address-
ed tI1e CGundl relative to a pro-
pGsed alternate CGustruction plan
being CGnsidered for the CGunty-
City Law Enforcement C en t e r
building. The Grlinal plans balled
fGt omy a partial basement ul>der
the building but as the result of
recent test borinllS of the soil
deeper footings Will be required.
The CGunty Board Gf Supervisors
ha.ve indicated the need fot an
alternate stndy Gf the plans. The
bids fGr the center will be tàken
on May 22, 1973 and be let Gn
May 29, 1973. Councüman MGlden-
hauer mGved that the City Mana.
ger be authorized '" partidpate
with the Board Gf Supervisors in
the extra cost Gf $3iOO. fur plans
as an all.emate for a fun base-
ment under the CGUDty-City IIIw
enfGrcement Center buüding. &e-
CGnded by CouncUman Pre g I e r.
Csrnied by the fGlowing vote:
Yeas - C<>uncilmen MG1denhau-
er, Pregler, TIl(}ms.
Nays - MaYGr Bitter, CouncIl.
man Justmann.
CGmmunicatiGn Gf Optimist Club
<>f Dubuque submitting a proposal
fGt establishing and developing a
children's ZOG in F. D. R. Park,
preseutedand read.
Three menibers representing 0p-
timist Clubs from lI1e City address-
ed the CGundl by revealing their
pi.."" for the proposed zoo pro-
ject. They oIated tbaI: Pháse 1
woUld cost from $30,000 I<> $40,000
to be reali:led from fund drives.
The CouncIl WII8 reqQ8s1ed I<> ac.
cept the responsibility fur opera-
tion of the zoo. TIle C<>uncil reo
quested that the members Gf the
Optimiost Clnhs confer will1 the
Sehool Board, County and other
tri-State Governmental. agenciu.
CGuncilman TbGms moved that
the Optimist communicatioo be re-
ferred tG the CGuncil for furthez
consideration. _oded by CòUn-
Clilmm MGJdenllauer. Carried by
the fullowlDg vnte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CouDclbnen
Justmann, Mo1denhaüe>', Pregler,
Special Session, March 19, 1973
Ceunci! recessed at 10:00 P.M.
Reconvened at 10:13 P.M.
CGmmuuieatioo Gf Dubuque Park
BGard along with the Recreation
Depar1ment presented a format
consisting Gf Parband Recreation
Mini Plan, Parks and Recreation
Maxi Plan and a review <>f 1972
Recreatioo Department activities.
Various meml>eM of both the
Park & RecreatiGn Departments
disc.....ed their "ariGus d e par t-
mental fnndÅons both as to the
present and the future.
C<>uncilman Justmann moved
that the repolltis be received and
filed with ins_GlIB to the Park
and RecrealiGn CGmmisSlions t G
CGme back willi a capital impmve-
ment pmgr"",. Seconded by CGun.
eilman Pregler. Carried by llie
fGUowing VGte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuneilmen
JIJstmann, MGldeooauer, Pregler,
There being nG further business
CGuncilman Justmann moved I<>
adjourn. Seconded by CGuncilman
Pregller. Carried by the following
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justínañn, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
Le<> F. Fmmmelt
City Clerk.
Approved """"""""""""""""" 19'13
.\dopled """""""""""""""""" 1973
Attest: """"""""'ëïïÿ"ë¡;;;¡;"'-"""'"
Special Session, March 26, 19'73
Special Session March 26, 1973.
Council Met at 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T.)
Present - Mayor Bitter, Coun.
cilmen Justmann, Mol denhauer,
Pregler, Thoms. City Man ager
Gilbert D. Chav_lIe.
Mayor Bitter read the e"ll and
stated tilat service thereof bad
been duly made 8Ðd this meeting
is called fGr the purpose of con.
ducting a hearing to amend zoning
ordinance No. 3.34, by amending
Article IV section 2 (h) to include
certain described real estate in
which professional oHices or stu-
dios of a physician, dentist, erchi.
tect, engineer, lawyer, realtor, in.
surance musician or similar pro.
fessions may be permitted, (West
4th & Bluff Street area) and aeting
upon such Gther business as may
properly CGme before a regular
meeting of the CGuncil.
WHEREAS, Leo F. Frommelt,
City Cierk Of the City of Dubuque,
IGwa is ill; and
WHEREAS, a deputy City Olerl<
should be appointed in his absence;
Saction 1. That William J. 0'.
Brien be and he 18 hereby appoint-
ed Deputy City Cierk in and for
the City Gf Dubuque, IGwa.
Section 2. That the said William
J. O'Brie.. a. Deputy City Cieri<
shall discharge the duties of his
Gfiice in coDformanee with the
CGnstitutiGn Gf the United States
of America, the laws of the State
Of IGwa and the Grdinanees of the
City of Dubuque, IGwa'.
Passed, appmved and adGpted
this 26th day Gf March, 1973.
Joseph J. Bitter
Walter A. Pregler
Wayne A. MGldenhauer
C. RGbert Jus1mann
Leo F. Frommelt
City Cieri<
William J. O'Brien
CGuncllman Mo}denhauer 'mo~ed
adGption .Of the resoilRioD. SecøI1.
ded by CGuneilmaD ,~egler. CaT-
ried 'by the followùJc ,vote:
Ye_Mayor Bitter, CouDeIImen
Justnllmn, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Tboms. .
Mayor Bitter administered oath
of office I<> WilliOJm' J. O'Brien
a. Deputy City Clerk.
'Comm1lnication Of Mrs. Carlton
Mottille being in favor Of rets.lnbq¡
some snIt of bns system for UIe
City, presented and .read. Mayor
Bitter moved that the com'JØUnioa-
tion be received and filed. Second.
ed by Couneå1manM<>1denbauer.
Carried by the fGllowing vote:
Yea8-Mayor BItter, CouDciImen
Justmanll, Ma1denhauer, Pregler,
Communiealtion of F1'8IIIt A. Pa.
tike Of Cedu Rapids objedilll/ I<>
treatment received as a result of
parking meter violatiolll, presented
and read. '1I(ayor Bitter moved .that
the CGmmumeatiGn be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman M<>l.
denhauer. Carried by the fonowing
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CoUDCØmen
JustMIiIltt, Jl[òldenhllUer, Pregler,
CGmmunication Gf Low.R e "t
Housing CGmmission' s U b mitüng
minutes Gf ,their meetinc of March
20, 1973, presented and read. MaYGr
Bitter moved that the cGmmlll>Íca.
tion be recëived and filed. Sèéo1ld.
ed by CGuncilman Moldenhauer.
Carried by the fGllowing'vøte:
Ye¡'¡"":MayorBittêr, CGuneümàn
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
CGmmunication Of Low.R e .. t
HGusing CGmmission expressing a
deSlire to meet with the CGuncil
regarding the Dubuque Housing As-
Slistance Program, presented and
read. Councilman TbGms moved
that the CGmmunieation be referred
to the Council and Manager for
the work SC!>SIi<>n Gf March 29, 1973.
SecGnded by Councilman Just-
mann. Carried by the fo)¡lowing
vGte: '
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncllmen
Justmaoo, MOldenhltUer, Precler,
Spe~ Session, March 26, 1973
~tion of, Dubuque Ad-
VÎliÐry ,CttmmissiOn submitting a
new paragnpbAn their by-laws,
"2. Four ab..""es hm regula,rly
scheduled monthly meetings in a
periDdof Øne year shall cGnstitute
alltDmati. l'ecommendatiGn I<> Ma-
yor and City CGunci1 fGr replace-
IDCUt. ", p~ -head Conn.
eihri-an Justmann moved that the
wmm\lnica'ti<>Í> be referred I<> the
City S<>1id,l<>r' for pr<>per Pr<>ceed'
UJeII, ~nd that other &ards and
~øm., be sø adviSOl<l. Se-
cOnded bÝ. CGunci1m.... 'Ibom$. Ca,r- I
rií;d by .1JÌOI, toUò.wIncvote:
'Yè¥-~o~Bitter. CGnnci1man
J~aIIJ>, J4ø1denbauer" Pregler,
Commlll>Íeation Of dI&' DubuqUe
B9ard Of DcI,Ii: CommiBoioners sub-
~ m,\DI!tc!. Of ,their meetings
Gl J:;IIIIW:Y 22pd a¡Íc\, Feburary 19,
l.973; pr~ and rea<l. Counci1.
m¡m Pregler mo.ved that the com.
munica.liGA berec<:ived and filed.
~qnd'" by' Counci1man Molden.
bouIe.r., C~edb¡r the folloWÙIg
wte: ,
. :Ve~""""aJOr Bitter, Counci1men
J\astnuI... .I(oJdeullaQer, Pregler,
'l'M1I.' .
ProOf Gfpublleation, certified to
by the Publiœer, of Statement Gf
ItCeeipœ aI1d DisburseJœDts and
OJ Ji~ óf elilllb$ fer Febmat-y 1973,
presented and read. C<>unellman
Pregler mGved that tbePr<>oi Of
Pub1icatiov. ,be ~Yed and filed.
Secon4ed bY Conncilman 14okhm-
h1iuer. CW'ù:d by. .the fo1lowing
.¥eas-MI\YW Bitter, Councilmen
Jlls~,:HoJdenl1auer; Pregler,
Mardi 19, 1973
To tile Hon.orable M'ayor
a;,Id, ~ CGIUIOU
I submit I<> yOU the certified
report Of the Municipal Sewage
DiIll'<lS81 Worlos and Facilities for
the year 1972.
Gilbert D. Chavenel1e
City Manager
Cenucilman,Pregfer IIIoved tbát
the report be received and filed.
Sêcoùded b,.Cbunci1manMo1<Jen.;
hauer. Carried by the. fGlløwiÐg
vote: .
Yea1>-Mayor Bitter, C<>uneilmen
Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler,
'lbGm.. '
Fe~ 12, l.973
HGn. M'ayor
and City Cow¡cij
On J.anuary 16,' 1973, Mr. and
Mm. Kenneth KunJtel Gf 1970 Lin.
e.ob. Avenue, ibis citY, filed elàim
against the. CItY. Øt DubuqUe, in
tIíe am()UJIt 01, ~'oo ÏJ) add!iGn
to resiibmittmg claim moo by them
on' September>, 16,' 1172' in" lIIe
amount of $587;95 and' wbich clllåm
had been denied hy the city. &th
claims arise Gut of ... se\'ter baèk-
up, on J~,6, 1973 and on
August 2, 1972 and September 13,
1972, respectivety. C1ai\n.ànt in' re-
sub,mitting the. September 1 &7 2
claim says same is dOIIe as he
fI,els tile ¡H'Obtem lies In adefec.
tive sewetlåtte. . ,
This matter wa$ refe,r¡;èill<> t!le
appropmteCity Agency; who, ó\Ì
February 7, 1973 repoI'!ed nG neg'
ligenee ôìÎI!ie p"rt .of'the CitY,
nor anr Ü'ability therefore; and
in . view' óf . the foregóing, it is
the reCGmmendation Gf t!le City
Attorney 'that . said claims be de'
Orig;nal claim. is. reÌurned here.
with. "
R. N. RUBI!o
City Attorney
CGuneilman MGldenhauer mGved
approval Gfthe, recommendation.
SeCGnded by M~r, Bitter. Car-
ried by the follGwing VGte:
" Yeas-14'ay~r 'Bitter, CGuneilmen
Justman.., ,MGldenf\a1ler, Pre¡¡ler,
ThOms. ,
February 12, 1973
and City CGnnci1
On JIUIIUy 15. 1973 lliclraod A.
Meyer of, 2Ò85 RGosevelt Street,
ibis city filed clailn ~gairJo¡ttbe
City of Dubuque claiming ðamages
in the amOlll>t óf $150.00 and aUeg.
in¡ said ðamages. n«urred on Ja.
nuary 6, 197388 the lesult Of a
sewer backup.
This m'8tter waø referred I<> the
appropriate City A118JIIC3', \Vb<> by
Special Session, March 26, 1973
letter dated February 7, 1973, ad-
vised the City Attorney Gf 0<> Jla.
bility nor negligence 01> the part
of the City, end in view Gf the
fGregGing, it is the recommepda-
tiGn <>f the City Attorney that said
claim be denied.
Original claim is returned here-
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
CGuncilman MGJdenhauer mGved
approval Gf the recon¡n¡enda<!iGn.
Secoocled bY Mayor Bitter. Car-
ried by th. following vote:
Yeas-Ma.yor Bittør, CG\IIlcilmen
¡ustmaJlill, !/IoJdenllauer, Pregler,
FebPlary 12, 1973
lion. Mayor
and City C<>uncil
On JaJJill8ry 12, 1973, pete TIm-
meMIIiaD of 1880 lÅIM!<>1!I this city,
filed claim -againSt \he City Gf
Dubuque claiming d"mages in the
an¡ount of $1.30.00 alld alleging said
daJnages øcCU11'ed on January 6,
1973 as the result of " sewer back-
Tbis m(ltter was referred I<> the
app.-Gpriate City Age""y wbo, Gn
FeÞ"'ary 7, 1973. IlCivised the City
Attorney Gf nG neJigience nGr lia-
bility on the part Gf the City,
and in view of the foregGing, it
is the recomn¡epdation of the City
Attorney that said claòm be denied.
Original claim is returned here-
R. N. Rusoo
City Attorney
Cc>unciiman !/I<lldenhauer moved
apprGval of the reeommendatiGn.
Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Cu-
ried by the f()\lowing vote:
Yeas-J\fJaYGr Bitter, C<>UJ>CÍlmen
Jœtmann, !/IG!denhauer, Pregler,
Notice of claim of Bel'!Wanger
Boiler Shop Inc. in the amGunt
of $544.17 for expense incurred as
the result <If a plugged up sewer
at 2240 Kerper Blvd. in February,
1973, presented and read. C<>uncil-
man MoJdenhauer moved that the
nGtice Gf claim be referred to the
City S<>lieitor for inveotigatiGn and
report. Sec(}lJded by !of¡aYGr Bitter.
Carried by the following vote:
y.,........Mayor Bitter, eo"""ilmen
Justmann, MGJdenhauer, Pregler,
Notice of clain¡ <>f John N. Boet
Sr. in the amount of $88.50 for
personal inònries received in a faU
on a defeclive sicewall< at East
22nd Street between Jacks<>u &
White Street!; on January 20, 1973,
presented .1Id read, eouneilman
Mold.nabauer Dl(}Ved tIIat \he nO-
tice Gf claim be referred to the
City S<>låcitor f<lr investigati<>n end
report. Seconded by May!)r Bitter.
Carried by the follow!uig vote:
Yeas-MaYGr Bittel", Councilmen
Justmann, MG!denhauer, Pregle.r,
NGtice Gf claim Gf Insurance
Company <>f NGrth Ameriea ad.
visi"g the CIty of a claimant nam-
ed Gail Riehardson who fell Gn
the east side <>f Grace Street along
UniveI'Sity of Dubuque C8JDPUS Gn
January 24, 1973, fuI1 amOUJlt of
dan/ages has not been determined,
presented and read. CGuncilman
MGJdenbauer moved that the 0<>-
tice Gf claim be referred to the
City S<>licitor fGr investíga<!ion aDd
report. See<>nded by C<>uneilman
ThGn¡s. Carried by the fGllowing
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGUIcilmen
Just¡nann, MGldenbauer, Pregler,
Notice Gf claim of Janet K. Mete.
lak & RGbert Metelak in Che
amount Gf $30,000 for iJljuries re.
ceived by Janet K. Metelak Gn
June 3, 1972 on a defective side-
walk, Original claim WIllS filed !)n
July 28th, 1972, presented and read.
Councilman MGldenbauer m 0 v e d
that the ooliice Gf claim be re-
feNed to the City S<>licitor fGr
investiga!iGn and report. Secønded
by C<>uncilman TOOms. Carried by
the fGUowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen
Justmann, MGldenhauer, Pregler,
ProGf Gf Pub1li.catioo, certified to
by the Publisher of n<>tice Gfhear.
ing I<> amend Zoning Ordinance
No. s-34, by amendinll Anicle IV
Special Session, March 26, 1973
Sectioo 2 (b) to ÎJIclude profes-
SIional offices or sWdiGS etc. (Weot
4th Street area). CGuncilman Preg-
ler lOOVed that the ProGf Gf Pub.
lication be reeieved and filed. Se-
conded by CGuncilman ThGms. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Pregler, Thoms.
Abotained - C<>uneilman MGI-
Mayor Bitter moved suøpem¡ion
Gf lI1e rul.... Seconded by Council-
IlIaD TOOms. Carried by the fGI-
J.owin« vote :
Yeaa-Mayo.- Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Pregler, TOOms.
Abotained - CGuncilmm Mol.
Rulb Nasi¡, Ricl1ard R<>berison,
Elizabeth Robertson, Earl Steinin-
ger, Wayne A. Norman Jr. address-
ed the Council in support Gf the
rezoning of the West 4th Street
area to profCS6lGnal use.
IWthleen Masterpole, attorney
for the residents 01 the West 4111
Street area, Dum Reardon, and
Marion Ryder addressed the CGun-
cil VG;";,,g their opposition I<> tile
pr<>posed rez()¡jug 01 the West 4th
Street area. Herb Kiefer addressed
the CoUDeil relative I<> Fen e Ion
Ploee eleval<>r and oow long it
will be in exiJteowe.
CGmmunicatiGn of Kathleen Mas-
lerpole, att<>rney for pl'Operty own.
.... in the Wellt 4th Street area
_ing the rezoning (fo.......-d
from meeting of March 6, 1973)
preoe- and rend. C<>omeilman
Pregler moved tint the cGmmun!.
cation be r«eived and filed and
referred I<> the Flaming & Zoning
CGmmisslon. Sooonded by Council.
man Thoms. Carried by the follGw-
ù¡g vole :
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Cotmcilmen
Juøtm..nn, Pl'Clller, 'Iborns.
Abstained - Councilman MG!-
PetitJon of David J. ReardGn et.
a!. (191 signers) requesting that
the West Fourth Street area re-
main residential and nGt business
zoned (petitioners not from the
immediate area), presented and
read CGuncilman Pregler moved
tltat the petition be received and
filed and referred to the Plan-
ning & Zoning CGmmisSlÎ<>n. Se-
conded by CGuncilm.an 1b<>ms. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Pregler, Th<>ms.
Abstained - CGuncilman MGI-
Petition Gf Kathleen Maslerpole
et. a!. (94 Sligners) requesting to
be heard at the meeting of March
26th in objec1ion to the reZGn!ng
of the W...t 4th Street area, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Preg-
ler moved that Ibe petition be re-
ceived and filed and referred to
the Planniug & Zoning CGmmis-
sion. Seconded by CGuncilman ThG-
ms. Carried by the folloWling vote:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilmell
Justmann, Pregler, Th<m>5.
Abstained - Councilman MGI-
Pe1ition Gf DOrrance Pit. et. &1.
(15 Sligners) requesting amendment
Gf Zoning Onfinanee for pr<>fes-
sionltl office use classificatiGn I<>
strike oot lines "beginning at the
north Line Gf W...t Third" and
illßert "beg!inning at the oorth line
of West Fifth Street", presented
and read. Councilman Pregler
moved that the peitJon be received
and filed and referred to the Plan-
ning & Zoning CGmmisslon. Se-
conded by Counclhnan Thoms. Car-
ried by the fo\lGwing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Pregler, TOOms.
Absta.ined - Cooncilm..n MGI-
Petition Gf Ruth & Russel Na.h
requesting reZGnÎIJg <>f pr<>perty at
471-73 Wellt Fom1I1 Street I<> pr0-
fessional use classification, (fGr-
ward from meeting 01 March 6,
1973), presented and read. CGun.
cUmAl> Pregler =ved that the pe-
titiGn be received and filed and
referred I<> the Planning & Zoning
CGmmiSlSåGI>. Seconded by Coun-
cilman '!bGms. Carried by the fol.
IGwing vGte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuneilmen
Justmann, Pregler, Thoms.
Abstained - CGuncitman MGI-
Carried by the foJlowiDg VIJte,
YellS-Mayor Bitter, ConII<:ilmen
Justmaoo, Pregler, TOOms.
N"Y5-NGne; Abstained - CGun-
cilman MGJdenbauer.
ORDINANCE No. ,15.73.
An ordinance am8ncliJ!tor d-i.
nance No. 33-49 known al ,he "Tro.
ffic coda of Dubuq.... Iowa", 01
Amended, by r_aling subHction
21 of section A of IchedUle IV
,thereof and enacting a new Iub-
, section 21 to section A of """"10
, IV in lieu thereof to limit parking
, of motor vehicles on - her.
inafter designated, pr.m_Jry, pre-
sented and read at 'meetiDfGf
M"rch 12, 1973, presented..nd 'nod.
Councilm'aD Pregler Dioved tliat
the reading be coosidered the Be-
CGnd reading of the Mdina""e; ,SeC
conded by C<>!mcilnlan ]I 0 Ide n-
hauer. Carried by"" {oJIc);riÐg
vote:" ,,'
Yeas-M'ayor IDtter;ècnincllllnen
JuoImann. MOldenhauer, Pr4gler
An ord--' emending, 0 r d I.
nanco No. 37-65 known al tho
"Str- ParkIng Meter Ordinance
of Dubuque, lowo" el amended
by ~aling soctlon 6 and ooch
subloction thereof, -"on 7 and
section 8 and _ctint a new sec-
tion 6, a new section 7 and 0
new section 8 in II... thereof to
establish thrM parking meter dIs.
tricts, toestoblllh.the roquired
deposits of U. 50 coin' inlaid, .....
spactivo porklng', metor districtS
and'establilhingthe,hours of legal
parking in the ~I~O parking
meter Ipa- within the respactlvo
districts, presented aDd previouSly
read at meeting of M"""h 12, 19'13,
presented and read
Councilman Pregter moved' that
the reading be considered the se-
cond reading of' u,e 0rdiDaDee.
See<>nded by C<ItIneümaD JloId6n-
hauer. Carried by ... following
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncllmen
Jœtmann, Moldenhauer, p...,g¡er,
Communåeation of the Dubuque
Advisory Coml1ÛSSÓOll iD reply I<>
Council request al Ix> fee 8c!IIiduIe
of $5.00 for the Pluml>ÏDIi Board,
Special Session, March 26, 1973
Special Session, March 26, 1973
Petition Gf Ruth Nash et. aI.
(5C12 signers) in- support of the
rezoning Gf We&! 4th Street area
to allow GPeratim> Gf a limited
a'rt gallery (foJOWard fr<>m meeting
of Marcil &, 1973) presented and
read. CGunci1man Pregler, moved
that ,the petition be received and
filed and referred to the Planning
& Zooing CGmmislSion. Seconded
by Councilman TOOms. Carried by
the follo"'ng vote:
Ye~9-M..yor Bitter, Councilmen
Jmrtmann, Pregier, ThGms.
Abstained - CGuneilman Mol-
CooJ,munieation of Eizabeth RG.
b8Ì>tson et. al.(17 signers) Fowrth
Street Artist Cooperative request-
in!¡ rezoning Gf West 4th Street
between ~ Str'eetand Fenelon
Pla¡oe elevator, (fol'Warded fro,n-
meeting of March 6, 19'13), pre-
sented ami read. C<>!mcilman Pre-
gler IIIGved that the eommuniœtion
be received aDd filed and referred
to the Planning" Zlming Com-
miSlSion. Seconded by Councilman
Thmns. Carried by the following
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, Councilmen
Juotmann, Pr4gler, 'l'11om....
Nays-None. Abstained. CGUI>-
cilman M<>idenhaue:r.
'M'ayor Bitter moved to reimpose
the rules. Seconded by Councilman
ThGms. Ca,rried by the fGJIowiDg
Yeas--Mayor Bitter, Councilmen
Justmann, Pregler, TDoms.
Nays-None. Abstained - Coun-
cilman Moldenhauer.
Ordinance Amending Ordinance
No. :¡.;4 known as the "Zoning
Map aDd Zonšng Ordinaœe Gf the
City of Dubuque, Iowa" by Amen.
<Ù4! Article IV, Section 2 (h) there-
GI I<> include certain described real
estate in which proiessiGnai offices
or stnd!(}S of a pbysician, den&!;,
arcilÍtect, engineer, lawyer, real.
tor, ïnsur"nce, musician, Gr similar
pmfessioos be permitted (4 t h
Street area property), presented
and read for ftnol aOOption.
CGuncüman' Preg¡ler moved that
the ordinance be referred I<> the
p}àiming " Zoning C G m miSISÍGn.
SecGnded by Councilman Justmann
recommending' that if the Plumb-
ing Board is paid $5.00 per meeting
then the Electrical, Heating, Vent.
ilatiGn Air Cooditioning & Refriger-
aliGn BGard sboukI Hkewise be paid
$5.00 per meeting not I<> exceed
12 'meetings per year. presented
and read.
Councilman TOOms moved that
the CGmmUl>ÍcatiGn be received and
filed and referred to the City S<>-
1Ii.èitilr for removal Gf oIipend pay-
ments frGm the ordin'anee. Second-
ed by CGun;,llman Justrn8ÐD. Car-
ried by the fGllowing VGte:
'Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuooiImen
.kIstnt'at1fl, Moldenhauer, Thoms.
Nays-NGne. Abstained - CGun-
cHman Pregler.
OnIinance ,Amending Ordinanee
NG.' ,~.70 .by, repealing SectiGn 5
thel'eGf and ~ a DeW sectioo
'1<> lieu thereof to pl'Owde that mem-
bars of ,thePlumbiDg Board shall
be: paid $5.00 per monu,. (forward-
ed 'fr<>m meeting of' December 4,
1972), presented and read CGun-
ciltnan Pregler mGved that the 0r-
dinance be received and filed. Se-
CGnded by CGuncilman MGldenhau.
er. Carried by the folllowinog vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bttter, CGunci1men
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Proof Gf Publication, certified to
by the PUblisher Gf Notice of public
bearing to amend Zoning Ordin-
ance No. 3-34 by classtlying recent-
l¥ annexed territoty (Henschel) as
a Single Famity ReSlidenee District,
pr.....nted and read.
No written Gbjections were filed
and II<> Gral object<>rs were present
in the Council chamber at the time
set for It public hearing.
Coun;,ilman Pregler moved that
th& Proof of Publicatioo be reo
ceivedand filed. SecGnded by
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
fol1owinog VGte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen 'I
Justm'ann, Moldenhauer,Pr&gler,
An Ordinanco Zoning and Clas.
sifying r_tlv annexed territory
to the CIty of Dubuque, Iowa as
a "SIngle, Fomily Residence Dil.
trlct" which real estate Is hereafter
de.crlbed (Henlchel). laid Ordi.
nonce having boon previously pro.
sented and read at the Council
mooting of Fobrvary 26, 1973, pre-
sented for final edoption.
Couooibnan Pregler moved final
adoptiGn of the ordinanee. Secon.
ded by Councilman Thmns. Carried
by the fol1owin¡¡ vote:
Yeas-MaYGr Bitter, CGnncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
Proof of Publication certified I<>
by the Publisber of public hearing
to cGnSlider a pt"(}J()Sed Ordinance
regulating the use of tile Munici-
pally owned Waterfront establish-
ing charge.s for the use thereof,
and regulating the CGnstruetiGn Gf
new boathouses, presented and
NG written objections were filed
and no Gral oI>ject<>rs were present
in the Council cllamber at the time
set for a public hearing.
Special Session, March 26, 1973
C<>UDCi!man Pregler moved that
the Proof <>f Publication be re-
ceived and tiled. Seconded by
CGuncilman Tb<>ms. Carried by the
fGllGwing vote:
Yeas~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen
Juslmann, Moldenhauer, PregJer,
CommunicatlGn of City Attorney
submi1rtiiDg Dock Board Ordinanœ
and recGmmending adGption (fGr-
warded from meeting of March
6, 1973), presented and read.
CGuncilman Pregler mGved that
the rol1lJIlWlÍeaüGn be received and I
filed. Seconded by CGunci1 man
Thoms. Carried by the fGllowing
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen
Justmann, M<>bienhauer, Pregler,
WHEREAS, a pmposed fGrm
<>f OrdinanCe has been submi~
by the City AttGrney at the direc.
tioo <>f 1he DGCk eommòssion Gf
the City Gf Dubuque, Iowa for e-
IIIIIotment by the City Council. of
1ihe City <>f Dubuque, Iowa; and
WHEREAS, the Dock CGmmis.
sion Gf the CIty Gf Dubuque, Iowa
has examined said prGposed fGrm
of Ordinance and appmves the I
Section 1. That 1he proposed form
<>f Ordinance prepared by the my
Attorney at the directiGn Gf the
Dock CGmmi.ssi(}l> of the City Gf
Dubuque, IGwa gGverning the use
of the waterfrGnt by !IlGats and
repairs thereto and 1auncbing Gf
boaœ be and the ..me is hereby
Section 2. That the BGard Gf
Dod: CGmmissione~ recommend
to the City Council Gf the City
of Dubuque, Iowa the enactment
and passage of said Ordmance at
the earliest possible time and that
a certified copy Gf this Resolution
be transmitted to the City Clerk
for filieg and presentation to the
City Council tGgetber wi1h the Or-
dinance concerned.
paased, ad<>Pied and approved
this 19th day <>f February 1t71
W. A. Me:&œloineY
LellUe Fuø¡aelh
F. J. Sebreiber
Dock Commi...."""" <>f
The CiIiy Gf Dubuque,
Les!ie Furuseth
Councilman Pregler moved that
t!le resolution be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman ThGms.
Carried by th folk>WÍIJg wte:
YeaI>-Mayor Bi4>te1', Councilmen
Justmmm, MoJdenbaner, Pregler,
An Ordinance Regul.ting the us.
<>f the munlcipaUy 0-'" water.
front, ost.blishing cherg.. for tho
use thereof, r8llulatill8 the ...n.
truction of new boot hous.s. Said
Ordin.nce having - previously
read at the Council meeting of
March 6, 1973, prøented for final
-,--~~-~-~~ - -~
Special Session, March 26, 1973
¡o- .. _.- ~, '.'~.....
- It. A Ie ;0 defl"ed
.. ""v of"'" house 0'
"DO""" ohe<! mat"",
uoed wh":h Is enclose boat.
or boats. to, PO' hGUS'"" """e.
OoImci1man Pl'egler DWed Ü1e
final adoption of the Grdinance.
SecOIIded by Councilman 1bGms.
Oarried by the folloWÍll¡ vole:
Y.....,....Mayor Bitter, Councilmen
Jns$maJJn, MokIeDhauer, Pre¡ler,
Mardl 23, 1973
Hooorable MaYGr
and CGuncilmen
The Dubnque PI8IIDÎJIg and Zon-
ing Commiosioo has beld a pnblic
hearing on the petition at Tower
InvestDumt, Inc., I<> change the
wrUng classifieation oi the folk>w-
ing described pmperty frGm Mul-
lipJð Residence Distrie.t I<> Local
Business' "B" DiMct: Begino,ing
on the S<>utheaat C<>rner <>f Lot
1 at "Tower Invest:meDi S n b d i-
visiGn No.1" in 1åe City <>f Du-
buque, IGwa, frGnting on R<>ckdale
Road, thence NGrth 18 degrees 16',
East 299.06 feet MGng ...id R<>ck-
dale RGac!, thence North 84 de.
grees 4W, West 196.41 feet; thence
Nor1ih 16 degrees ooW, E'ast 190
feet more or less; thence NGrth
82 degre.. 36', West 600 feet more
Gr less,; 1ihenee S<>uth 111 degrees
24', West 382 feet to Ihe S<>uth
line Gf said Lot 1 <>f "Tower In.
vestment SubdivisiGn No.1";
thence S<>u1h 88 degrees 16', East
3110.113 feet; thence S<>uth 00 de-
grees 411', West 135.86 feet; thence
S<>uth 84 degrees 49', ElIOt 305.76
feet to the point at beginning, all
in 1Ihe City oi Dubuque, l<>wa. This
Pr<>Perty consiats ala five..cre
tract within the Tower HiI1o de-
velGpment traet, and lies south
of the Table Mound School.
The CGmmission has determined
that the request for Local Busi.
ness "B" Cilassific!ttiGn is consis-
tent with the plan for develop-
ment <>f the tract aDd that re.
cla6smœtinn Gf 1he prqperty is
appropriate at this time. The City
Planning and Zoning CGmmiasion
bas recommended that the petition
be approved.
RespectfuMy submitted,
Danie¡ Dittemore
Development Pbnner
CGtlllCilman Pregler moved that
the eommuniclttion be received and
1iled. See<>nded by Mayor Bitter.
Carried by the following wte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
An Ordinance Amending and
CIIaJ>giIIg Ordinance No. 3-34
known as the "Zoning M'8p and
Zoning Ordinance Gf the City Gf
Special Session, March 26, ~gt3
Dubuque, lóWa" so as to change
certain properly hereitidter de. ,
scribed from "MUltiple Reoicleote:
Di.stricl" classifieatiGn I<> "JjOc.ø
BusineSs 'B' District" classifica-
tion, (Tower Inveotinent Inc. poo-
perty 'presented aDd read. Coun-
cilman Pregler moved that read.
Ing just bad be considered the
first readlDeof 'the()rdiDance. Se-,
conded by Mayor Bitter. Carried,
by the foJlowing vote: .
YCltIO-MaYGr Bitter, CGuncilm'"
Justmann, Mo1denhOluer, Precier,
eo.wci!man Pregler mGved that
the ruìe rêquiring an' Ordinance
to be read 00 three seParate days
be waived. Sec<>nded by MaYGr
Bitter. OatTied by the following
Yeas-MÀYGr lUtter, Coonocilm'"
Justmann, Moldeohauer, pregler,
. CoUDcllman Pregler moved that
a )\IbJic hei\riDg be' held on April
30,1973 at'1:3O o'olock P.M. (D.
S.T;) In the Council Chamber at
the City Hall and that the City
Clerk be instructed I<> pubBSh no-
tlceof the hearing in the manner
required by law; SeeGndedby Ma-
yor' Bitter. Oarried by the follow.
Ing VGte:
Yea......Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
JUSÎttlann, Moldenhauer, preger,
Petition of RET CGrp<>ration,
owners Gf Hami1toD Glen Apart-
ment& 'reqUesting considellltiOD in
the par1ieipaöGn Gf the cost of
e~ the Catfish Interceptol'
Se'\veras they. woUld be one Gf
\liebènefittinllptQþerty own"",
presented aod read.
Mayor Bitter mGved that the pe.
1itiGn be received and filed aDd
referred to the Engineering De-
partment; seconded by Council-
mm Pregler. Carried by the tol-
JGwIng vote:
Yea......,Mayor Bitter, CounciJ.meII
Justmann, Moldenhauer, pregler,
Petition of Lord ,steffen et. al.
reques1ini that the alley extending
from Cberry' Street' to p~lVa--
nia Avenue be cloSed, and further
requesting' a 'meetilfg with are.
presentative of the City, p~ent-
ed aod read.
C<>nneiJ,man Pregler moved that
the petitioDberecetved and'filed
and referred to the' P1anI>\Ifg &
ZGning CGmmiosioo. Seconded by
Couneilman MGJdenhauer. (Jarried
by the fol1Gwing vote:
Yl!as-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilinen
Justmann, MoldenhaUer, pregl«,
Petition Gf Fourth Street Area
T"sk Foree Committee requesting
a work SC6'Sion I<> review the pre-
liminarY version of RIverfront De.
velopment Study, pr<!6ented and
read. Mayor Bitter moved that the
petition be received and filed and
referred I<> the City Manager. Se-
cGnded by Councilm8n Pregler.
Carried by the tollowinC vote:
Yes-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen
Justmana, Moldenbauer, pregler,
Petition Df Clerke CGltege S<>ph.
more Planning CGmmitlee request-
Ing permission I<> CÒllduet a ten
mile wall< within the City for Ca-
thGlic Clrarities on April 14,1973,
presented and ~read.
Mayor Bitterm""ed that petitiGn
be granted subject I<> a""lOval of
the City MOl....ger. Seconded by
CGuncilman MoIdenhaUe.-. (J&.rried
by the foll.owing vote:
Yea&-Ma'Yor Bitter, Councilmen
Justmann, Mo1denhauer, pregler,
Petition of RGmac Inc. & Inns
of Iowa DTD-Dubuque requestinc
annexation of 7.6. ael'és oM Df High-
way No. 20, exteDðlng from the
Jnt.en¡eCtion Df Hig1rway 20, Wac-
ker Drive and Divisì(}l> Street east,
and requell'ting consideration of ..,-
wer and water dUring the con-
stroetion of a Ramada Inn:Water
is already . Installed and they will
bUild their 'own sewer, presented
and read.
C<i1ItIclImm: pregièr moved sus--
peDoion of the tuIés. $éêondedby
MaYòr Bitter.Carritld b)ttllelal.
IoWlØg "'/>fe: .
'Yëas-){..:yor~, Com1Oibnen
'..JiiIIt!&ü;'.~er,' P1'ell1«,
Special S~ M;¡rch 26, 1973 165
'¥< ~., ~y,' Atl<>nl,ey for, 110- , NOW. TIg;;RE,FO~¡:. BJ¡: -IT1l,E.
mac 1ne. & 100& of IGwa addressed SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCiL
the ~il e'!PI.~aDd de"o:rb- OF THE CITY QF DUBUQUE,
iDlpl- for..,~ RI",ade IOWA:
100 which win be built at a cost
of approximately $2,5«I.4JØQ. Section I. '!bat the City Mana-
. ger be and is hIíreby authorized
Couodl1nen', 'l1Io_, moved tbat to execute and file. en aþp\ication
tbepetitiOQbe.creietTed,l<>tbePlan- on bellalf of the City, of Dubuque,
ninIL&' ZGI\ÙIII CQDW/.iuion. Se- Iowa with the U.S. 'Department
conded. I!Y ',,<Jouncünw¡, Prei\er. of HGuoing and U~ban Develop'
Carrled'bY Ü1/!, fo\kIwiI1e vote: meat under Sediio& 701 of the Hous-
Ye_Mayor Bitter, CouDciJmen ing Act of 1954, as amended.
JUstmaa, MoIdenlllauer, Pregler, Section 2. 'l:llat: t!le City M8\IiII.
Tho~. , ger be and j.s, hérely "rizéd
, 'Na)'&oo'NOQe. and direeted to furniSh such in-
Petltiem of William, R, Jotham fA>r.mati"!' ail the U.s. Departm<mt
~a reiind' of $4æ.SO on of HoIlSlU1g and Udlan De~
IlneJlpired LiquorLiceœe No. (). ment ~~~aso....bly. requeit. m
-. _nted and're,d Coun- conneøon Wlth the grànt aþp\ica-
eüm'an Pre". moved thai the re- tiGn Which is ~ein authOrized I<>
<IIMM be granIed,' and; the. Audil<>r be ñ1ed and Slgo all neeeasvy
be inotrueted'.I<>'¡Rue p- ,war, dGCuments.
raM.;;Seøt!dId, ,by ~YGr Bitter. Passed, aPflroved and adoptèd
0arrie4 bYthetoUo!1n1l8 V1>te: this 26th day Of Ma....b, '19'13,
Y8!">-..Mayòt.Bitter".Cotmeilmen, J.oseph J. Bitter
J"o1",,_, MoIdnhauer, PrèøIer, ' Mayor.
'l'IIems..' , WaI~A..;f.regler
Nays-:N"ne'AIlån '1'. 'Tbí>!ns
PetitiGn Gf William R. Jotham CoImc~fIII
re4uestbJe a'refIJnd of $25 011 un- A~test:
expired Cigarette License No- 18, Leo F. Frommelt,
prêsènte4 and read. CGuneIlman Cib' <:red<
PloIgl.. moved that the requeat By:
be'granted- and, the Audit<>r .be William J. O'Brien
ins1roc1ed to w.ne proper warrant. Deputy City Clerk
gee0llCled 1>Í)' MaYGr'Bitter; Oanied
by lb. foØowine ....te; M"YGr Bitter moved adoption of
Yea..-Mayor Bitter CGunci1men the resolutiOll.. Seconded by CGnn-
JUIStmann, Moldenb";e.-, Pregler, cilma~, Pregler. m,nied by the
Tboms, followmg vote:
Na"....NIMI., Yeu-Mayor Bitter, C<>uneilmen
I!.ÈSQI.UTIQN No. 92-73 Preg¡ler, TOO"",. .
WlHEREAS,tIIe Comprehensive Nays ~ Councilmen J1JStmann,
Planning and Management Pro- Moldenhauer.
gram, authoriz.ed by Section 101 RESOLUTION NO. 93.73
of the HoIIJing Act, of 1.954, ~s BE IT RESOL~D by the City
amended, has been ,~...ail. Council of the City Gf Dubuque
";hie, I<> citiet, over, SÐ,OOO PGPula- IGw", that the foIaowing havintÍ
tjcm)Y,.the.U.s. Delw'tment of c(}lnpiied with tile, provisions of
UlløsiQgudU¡beÐ Develo¡Qnent; law relating, f<> the, s.øe of Ci.
ancI ga:rettes w#llÍJt the City Gf Du.
WHPIREAS, it ba.. been reCGm- buque, Inwa, begr~\e!I a permit
III8tIded UIat. the.C\f;y of, Dubuque to se]l Cigareu.., and Cigarette
CGntinue to participate in the CGm- Papers within said City.
prehensive Planning and Manage. Delores B. Elliott, 2093 Waobing.
ment"~)Di. and ton Street
.WREIæA$¡,tbe,Ci, tY!lf ~q'.'e BE IT FUR""""R R"'~^LVED
Wlsllea.il<> ~.Pariic!pa:ioo m . ..... ""'"
the ~!tbe¥i.v" }!lanøing and that the, .b!>ndafiJed .with, the ap.
Ma_t Program. plicatioo be approved.
Special Sessioo, MarCh 26, 1973
PaSIICd, adopted ænd approved
this 26th day of March, 1973.
Joseph J. Bitter
Walter A. Pr,-er
Allan T. TOOms
Wayne A. J\IoIdenbaUer
C. Robert lustmáDII
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
WIlliam J. O'Brien
Deputy CIty CIeri<
Couneüman Pregler m<>ved adop-
tion 01 the resolution. Seconded
by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the
following VGte:
Yeas--,M..yor Bitter, Councilmen
JustIn&lll1, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
WHEREAS, applieations for Beer
permits have been Sllbmitted I<>
this CGuncil for approv11l and the
same have helm examined; NOW
CGuncil Gf the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the follGwing applica-
tion. be granted and permits is-
sued upon the cGmpJiance Wlith the
terms Gf the ordÏ1lance. of the
Lawrenee E. '" Ethel M. Scbwartz,
500 Rbomberg Avenue.
_ph Richard Lenier, 4116 North
Grandview Avenue.
Albert Heinz, 3001 Pennsylvania A-
Lavern Nichol,," Hennen, 3300 As-
pa...ed, adopted and appmved
this 26th day of March, 1973.
Joseph J. Bitbsr
W.,¡ter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoma
W"yne A. MGldenhauer
C. Robert Justmann
Leo F. Frommelt
By: WiDiam J. O'Brien
Deputy City Clerk
Councilmm mGved adop1iGn of
the resolutiOft. Seconded by MaYGr
Bitter. Oarried by the foll<>wing
Yeas-MayGr Bitbsr, C<>unenmen
Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler,
WHEREAS, applications for Bee.-
permil6 were filed by the within
named appnc'lI>t:s and they have
received the appmval of this Coun-
cil; aDd
WllEREAS, the premises I<> be
occupied by such applicauts were
inspected aoo found I<> compty with
the ordinalJlCes Gf this City and
they have filed proper bonds;
SOLVED by the City CouDcil of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, drat
the Man"ger be authorized I<> cause
I<> be iosued I<> the foJlowing named
appIiCaRt:s a Beer permit.
Lawrence E. " Ethel M. Schwartz,
500 Ithomberg Avenue
. Joseph Richard Lenger, 4116 NGrth
Grandview Avenue.
Mbert Heinz, 3301 P"""syl""nia,
LaVern N"teIIolas H......,n, 3300 As
thattbe bonds filed by sudI ap-
p1li.eants be and the nme are here-
by approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 26th day of March, 1973.
Joaeph J. Bitter
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
C. RGbert Justm"DIl
Leo F. Frommelt
By: WilliI'm J. O'Brien
Deputy Olty CIeri<
CGuDCi!man Pre;glermoved adop-
tion of the resolIutiUGn. Seconded
by MaYGr Bitter. Carried by the
fGllowing VGte:
Yeas-M'aYGr Bitbsr, CGuncl1men
Jutnwm, Moldenhauer, PffCler,
WHEREAS, applications fOl" LI-
qUGr ken.... ha.ve been submitted
to tibis CGuDCil for approval and
the same lïave been examined,
Special Session, March 26, 1973
SOLVED by the City CGuncll of
the City of Dubuque, IGwa, that
the following applications be grant-
ed and licenses issued upon the
compliance with the terms of the
Iowa Liquor Control Act-Chapter
131-&& amended by the 64th Gen-
eral Aøsembiy, 1971.
Kathleen L. Wedig, 1399 Jackson
Mary Kathryn FGrd, 1027 Rhom-
berg Avenue. I
Del""es B. EWott, 2093 Washington
Melvin B. MeSperrin '" Ricbard
Steck1ein, 450 West Locust Street.
Passed, adGpted and apprGved
this 26th day of March, 1973.
Joseph J. Bitter
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
C. RGbert Justmann
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Wllliam J. O'Brien
Deputy City CIeri<
CGuncilman Pregler moved adc>p-
tiGn of the resolutlGß. Seconded
by Mayor Bitter. Canied by the
fGllowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuneilmen
Jusmnann, MGldenbauer, Pregler,
WHEREAS, applications for Li-
quor licenses were filed by the I AdGpted ......................................1973
within named applicanl6 and they
have received the appm\'al of this
Council, and
WHEREAS, the premisœ to be
occupied by such applicants Were I
~ected and found I<> compty with
the State Law and aliI City ordin-
ances relevant therel<> and they
Irave filed pmper bonds,
SOLVED by the CIty Council of
Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager
be authorized I<> cause I<> be issued
to the foll<>wing named applicanl6
a Liquor license.
Kathleen L. Wedig, 1399 Jackson Attest: ............................-..--.-..
Street. CIty Clerk.
Mary Kathryn Ford, 1027 Rhom.
berg Avenue.
DelGre. B. EI1iGtt, 2003 Washington
Melvin B. MeSperrin '" Richard
Steck1ein, 450 West LGcust Street.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 26th day of March, 1973.
Joseph J. Bitter
Waller A. Pregler
Allan T. Thome
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
C. RGbert Justmann
Leo F. Frommelt
City CIeri<
By: William J. O'Brien
Deputy City CIeri<
CollDCilman Pregler moved adop-
tion <>f the reS(}lution. Seeonded
by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the
fGllowing VGte:
Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CGuncilmen
Juatmann, MG!denhauer, Pregler.
There being no further businesa
Mayor Bitter mGved I<> adjGum.
See<>nded by CGuncnmm Pregler.
Canied by the following vote:
YeU-Mayor Bitter, Cooneumen
Justmann, Pregler, Thome.
NaYs-Couneil"u... Moldenhauer.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clert
By: Wllliam J. O'Brien
Appmved ....................................1973