1973 April Council Proceedings Regular Session, April 2, 1973 169 CITY COUNCIL timaœ Cost p..-..graph 2, word City addCounciI. Motion died for lack of a se- cond. Mr. Fred M. Schweiger of Bar. ton AscI>man Asøociates addressed the Council .hy weJeoming pa~; palion from fhe Council throughout the study, on hofh poocy and tecI1- nical issu.... The five......" stress- ed by him for a complete and &a'tiod'actory study wouId be 1. Framework for tr_rtation for the area. 2. Growth & DeveJop- mem. 3. Treat J.F.K. Road as a spine, Wilat sIhouId right of way be? 4. What steps can be taken immediately? 5. Wilat policies need to ,be a<¥>pted to reinforce the plan. CoUllocilm.... Ju.shna"" moved thd the Co_I meet wi!.h the City od!fieials of AobW"¥ and the County Board of Supervisor>. Se- conded by Counciltman Mol den. hauer. Ca'rried by tile following vote: Yea&-Mayor Bt«er, Councilmen Jus,lmam, Moldenhauer, Thoms. Na~.-Counciiman Pregler. RESOLUTION NO. 98-73 WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa has roferred to 1i1e City Manager and staff !.he matter of the study of the Joim F. Kennedy Road Cor. ridooc; and WHERE;\s, the City Manager of the City of nuliuque, Iowa has been in cons<iltation with Barton- Asoebman Associàtes and a techni. cal evaluoatiOD b"" been made of the project, togetherwi1ft data ana- I~¡s and u-affic-<leve!opmem pr0- jection and pi.... deve[opmenfJ and plan -eo and study schedule", together wi!.h -ated cooIJs which shaY' not exeeed the sum of $10,000.00; and WHERE;\S, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa bas examined said scope of otody, a ropy of wbicb is bereto attached andliy reference made a part hereof and -the City Council ap- proves the ...me. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED BY THE ,CITY COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the City Cow¡cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa dOes herehy approve the - of studry of theJoim F,. Kennedy Road. 0Jr. OFFICIAL _..ular ...sion, April 2, 1973. Council met at 7:30 P.M. IC.S.T.) P......,t - Mayor Bitter, Coun. cUmen Justmenn, Moldenbeuer, Pregler, Thoms. City Mena,er Gil. bert D. Chavenelle. KayOll' Bi1ter read the clllll and stated ,that serme thereof had been duly made and this is the r..ular meeting of the City Council called for the purpOse of ""öng upon such bus.tnes.. a& may pro- pei'tycomè before the meeliDg. March 30, 1973 HOMrail>le Mayor and Còundllui... In _Wanee I1\'ÏC!1 your iDstmc- liOn, we are, enctosing tor your conoideratloo the proposed, Seope of Sb,¡dy fOr (!Ie Joim F. Kennedy Road CorrIdor project. Re¡ireseo tatâves of Barton-Ascb- man AooœIates wiJŒ be' in atten. d....e at your meeting of April 2nd. We request an oppommtty to reVlÎew the proposed Scope of Study with you at that time, and to sool< your au1bortzation to pro. ceed'Wi1b this project. Daniel Dittemore Development Plann... Ma~or Bitter moved that the comm1Hrleation he received and fil- ed and (!Ie rWes be """"ended in order ~ let IIOYO,," present ad- dl'esstlle CoUDCil iltlley so desire. Seconded by CouncdIiInan Pregler. Canied liy 1he foHowing vote: Ye.......Mayor Bitter, Couneilmen J...anann,. 'Moidenhauer, PregI!..., Thoms. . Nay~None. Councilman 'lbom¡¡ moved to au- fhori.e 1he Mayor and Manager to "",,"ule a- contract at earJiest conveni.enœ ~1Jh Bal'tOD & Ascb. m""Associatea witllin the scope of study sulijectto following amendmeolis 5.1, in<>iude and Co1m- cü, 5.2 Loç¡¡:! St.. & CouooiI, 5.3 Local St.. & Council, and Consul- tant, 5.4 Loca[ Planning group and Council, 7.[ Council, COnouItantand add CotIDCil,.7.2 Delete Area Plan- ning Group Co"""ii win etC., os- 170 Regular Session, April 2, 1973 ridor Plan submitted ,to the Coun- I ried ,liy the foJIowing wte:,. cil. as sulimitted liy the City Ma.... Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Cóuncilmen ge.- and bi- obaff. Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregl..." Section 2. That the City Manager Thoms. be and he is hereliy authorized, Na~-None. empowered and directed to nego- Communìca,tion of' 'lberJnòIyne tiate ,fur the servi.... of Barton- Corporlition proposing to prepare ASlchman A&sooiates as consuttants and maÌIKain the newly optioned in the seope of aWdy of. the Joim a"reage ,to the south of their pro. F. Kenned(v Road Cornidor Plan perty as to grade, sodding etc. and ,to contract for the cœt of p<esented and read. CoUDciiman said study in an amount not w Justmann moved 1tIaJ¡. the "",m- exceed $10,000.00. muniœüon be received and filed Section 3. That the City Council and referred for prÒper proceed- of the City of .Dubuque, Ioow.a does ings. Secœided by Co 'I nci Ima!! herelby ratify and con:fim1the a<# Thoms. .Carried by the ~, of lI1eCity Manage.- in connedJìon vote: herewifh.' YeaSt-Mayor »i1ter, ~ Pasæd," approved and adopted Justmann, Pregl.e.-, Thoms. this 2nd day of Ap:ü, 1973. Nays-None. . Wùt8r A. Pregler " . , AIIanT. Thoms Minuitea of the PlBUllingand Zon. Wayne, A¡ Mo1denhauer ing . q¡rnwi-ssio", , of" JIeir, ~~ Councilmen of March 21., 19'13" presented d!<1', Attest. filing. MaYOll'Bitter moved, tha< Leo . F Frommelt the minutes b!l reeeLwd and filed. City aerk Seconded liy,CoonciJman ThotÞs. Carried liy the fuliowing vote: CoUIJoCåùnan Moldmohauer moved Yeas-Mayor Bitter CoUJ>CÍlllmen adoption of Ule resoJutiOlllo. Second- Jœbmann Moldooha~er Pregler; ed by Councilman .Pn!gile.-. Oar. Thoms. ' " ried liy the following vote: Na-ys-Nooe. YelUO-CoUJlCÜmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Naya.-Mayor Bitter, Couneilman Justmano. . Communi.eatioo of State of Iowa Inouraoce Deps:tmeot e e r tiÍying that Merdlants Mutual Bond i n g Company is authorized to ,transact appropriate insurance business in the Statew April 1, 1974, presented and read. M..yor Bitter moved that the commuoOOation he received and fiíle<!. Seconded tiy Councilman Mol- denhauer. Carried liy the fOIIIowing vote: Yea&-MaYOll' Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, MoJdenhau.." Pregler, Thoms. Nay&-None. Communication of Thermolyne Corporation proposing to prepare use of their 1<>1, to the Recreation Commission .00 He proposing a meeting to consider lighting, lia- Ii¡¡¡ty etc., presented and read. Ma. yor Bitter moved that the com" ~ation lir received and filed, and referred ,to ÖIe City Managér and Recreation Departnlent. Se- cooded by Councilman Thoms. Car- Ma.roh 30, 19'13. To the Honorable Mayor and Memtiers of the City Council. This is to advise that I have approved the fo1IoowiDg poIic¡y and hand and desire to ha..e your ap- proval on same. General Liability Policy F.N. Smith ConstruetiOll' Iloo. Bi- tuminous Casualty Corp. to April 1, 1974. Policy NwDher GA7O1066. Sidewalk Construction Bond J.W. Hansen CoœtructionC 0 m. pany Inc. Merd1ants Mutuoal BOIId. ing Co. Bond No. 253048. Gillbert D. Cbavenelle City Manager. Mayor Bitter moved for filing approva:l SlJib:jeet to _va,1 of the City Alitoroey. Seconded by CounciJman PreIIler. Canied tiy the f<>ilowlng vote : ' , Yeas-Ma¥<>r Bitter, Councilmen Jusbmamt, Mo)denhauer,. Pregler, Thoms. Nays--None. CommunJ<:alion of GovenlOr R.o-' tiert D. Ra~ of liie State of IoWa Regular Session, April 2, 1973 171 advising of a. conference on the Aging to be held In Des Moines on May 16th, presented and read. Mayor Bitter moved that the com- mtmieation be referred to himself. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. CaITied liy the foJlowing vote: Yeas~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. March ZI, 1973 Honorable Mayor and City Council On Mareh 1, 1.973, JU&Iin and Delores M. Finn of 2Ii12 Broad- way, 4iù. city, filed claim against the City of Dubuque, Iowa, In Ute amount of $100.45 and alleging said damages ooourred 'to the right rear fender, trunk lid and bent fender of their automobile 'as the result of its tieing struck liy a city owned saM; trock on FeiJ<-uary 19, 1973 wbil.e their auto was parked on King Street. 'I'IÐs ma1ter was referred to Ute appropriate City Agency, who on March 22, 1973 advised the City Attorney that said claim bad been amicably disposed of. Aiccoroingly, It is Ute recommen- dation of the City Attorney that Ute claim of Justin and Delores M. Finn be denied and original claim is returned herewifh. R. N. Russo City Attorney Cooncilm'an Pregler moved ap- I provail of the recommendation. Se- conded by Ma,yor Bitter. C...ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregle.-, Thol11&. Na'ys-None. Mareh 26, 1.973 Honorable Mayor and City Council On September 21, 1972, Miss Rosemarie J. Wicl!: of 1001 Main Street, Apartment #l,this city, flied claim agaiDst the City of Dubuque in an unopeclñed amount and e!alming pel'<lOna.! mjuries and 10.. of wages ouHered by her as the result of a fan caused liy her tripping on an ùieged portion of the public waJk raised ahove the level of the rest of Ute said sidewaU<, while waU<lng on the right hand side of 16tb Street faéing Central Averwe on A_t 20, 1972, and this ma-tter wa& referred to this writer. I haove made an investigation of said ma'tter and bave conferred with the claimant and have learn. ed that she suffered a, broken big toe on her lea foot, incurred medi- cal and X-ray liillo and I.... of wages for some six weelœ. Claim- ant haa made an odi'er of &ettle- ment of her claim in the amount of $200.00 and it is the recom. menda'tion of the City Attorney that said offer of settlement be accepted and that the City Auditor be instructed to draw a warrant payalile to Mis6 Rosemarie J. Wiek in the amount of $200.00 and tran- smit the same to Ute City Attorney for deJdvery upon receipt of duly executed relea&e6. Originail claim is returned here- with. R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Pregler moved ap- proval of the recommendation. Se- conded by Mayor Bitter. Carried tiy Ute foJlowing vote: Yea&-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays<-None. Notice of claim of Herbert E. Goedken, in the amount of $441.98, for broken storm and salÙlary &ew- er al 847 Kaufmann Ave., present- ed and read. Mayor Bitter moved tha,t the e[aim be roferred to Ute City Attorney fa<' proper action. Seconded liy Councilman Just- maoo. Carried by the fuI1owing v<>le: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Cooncìlmen J...lmano, Moldenhauer, Pregier, 1'1101118. Naya>-None. ORDINANCE NO. 15.73 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33.49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by repealing Subsection 21 of Section A of Schedule IV thereof and ...acting a new Sub- section 21 to Section A of Schedule IV in lieu thereof to limit parkl... of motor vehicle. on streets here. inafter designated, said OrdinallCO having been previously presented and read at the Councii meetings 172 Regular Session, April 2, 1973 of Marcl1 1~, 1973 and Marelt 26, 1973, presented for fina4 adoption. ORDINANCE No. 15-13 uf, ,u. ul, "SCHEDULE IV A. Th' fOllowing ,'"," °' oo",on' .,. ""gnat.. " _hou, time zon", 21. P",", ,..'ou.. end ,do.'" 'hI, 2nd d,v 01 A.,II. "13. Jo".h J. ai- M'..' Walt" A. P,..I.. All,. T. Thom. Wavne A. Mold,nha... Councilmen ATTEST, Leo F. F"""me" Cltv CI". ~~:,~h"l.:':~~~ ¡\',,~e"¡;el¡,o,~a.~, A.,1I1"'. Leo F. F<ammelt Cltv C,.... 11.'" Councilman Moldenhauer moved final adoption of the Ordinance Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, 00unciIInen Moldenhauer, P're,gier, Thoms. N"ys-CoUDcilm... JUSIIimann. ORDINANCE NO. 16.73 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 37-65 known as the "Street Parking Meter Ordinance of Du. buque, Iowa" as amended by re. pealing Section 6 and each sub- ..ction thereof, Section 7 and Sec- tion 8 and enacting a new Section 6, a new Section 7 and a new Section 8 in lieu thereof to estab. Iish three parking meter districts, to establish the required deposits of U.S. coin in seid respect/ve parking meter dis"'lcts and estab- lishing the hours of I..al parking in the respective perking meter _ces within the respective dls. "'icts, said Ordinaooe having been prevWuoly presented and read at the Couooii meetiJIgs of Mareh 12, 1973 IU1d Marcl1 26, 1973, present. ed for :fiDti aOO¡>tion. Regular Session, April 2, 1973 u.. Jl::r:~~L~~, "~'\',~a No"" "'d, between low, and Main St,..". 6.2.9 Fou,'h ,>,-, .~ " r- 'hlo 11. '/5 Councilman Moldenhauer moved fiDa, adoption of Üle Ordinance. Seconded by Cotmcilman Pregler. Carried by the f()iIowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CounciJ.men Moldenhauer, PregJ.er, Thoms. NaYl>-Oouncilman Justmaan. ORDINANCE NO. 21.73 Naming a public roadway in Table Mound Township which is now a driveway to Table Mound School, to be named Tower Drive, pre- smted and read. Counci\!n"n Moldenhauer moved that therea<iin¡¡ just had be con- &idered - the first reading of the Ordinartèe. Seconded ,by Council- ma12 Preg¡\er. Carried by ÜIe fDJ.. lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Juslmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays--None. Councilman Moldenhauer moved tha,t ÜIe ru9.e requiring an Ordi- naœe Ix> be read on three separate days be Waived. Seconded by Coun- 6.2.2 6.2.' 173 Regular Session, April 2, 1973 cWnan PregieI'. Carried by tihe to the Oity Attorney. Seeooded liy fo~owing vote: CoUllCÜman Thoms. Camed by the Yeas-Mayor Bitter, OoUllci!men following vote: Justmann, ,Moldenhauer, Pregler, Yeas-Mayor mtt.er, Councilmen Thoms. Justmann, Moidenhauer, Pregler, Nays-None. Thoms. Councilman Moldellh8l1er moved Nays-None. that the Ordinance he set down Petition of Area One Vocalional for a publi<: healing on May 7, Teclmical School requestmg per- 1973 intib.e Council Obamlier at mission to paint house numbers the City Ha.I1 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. ontihe cmI>s of streets for a $1.00 and the 0leriI: .be iDstNcted to donation from Ihe home owner to publish notice of the bearing in help finance a trip to New Mes;"o the manner presoerihed by law. Be. to represent the City, presented conded by Councilman Pregler. and read. CowIciIman Pregler Ca.-ried by ihe foBowing vote: moved that the petition he denied. Yeas-Mayor Bi1ter Coun<:ôimen Seconded by 00unci1m.... Thoms. Justmann Moidenh";'" PregJer Carried by the folIDwing vote: Thoma. ' ,,' Yeas-Councllmen Moldenhauer, Na\ys-None. Pregler, Tho"",. Petition of Riebard FueMt reo J'=~~ Bitter, Councilman =~ =:O~t "is: :::'v': Pet!lIDn of Wm. J. L:mn, re- Street, olijecting to storage of hoats questiog ~ refund. of $56.25, on and campe.r.o, presented and read. the unexp~ portion of~aa C Mr. Riebard Fuerøt addressed ~eer Per~ .. be bas diocon- the Cotmcil relative to his petition. tmued business on March 1!1,. 1II7B, Councilman Juotmann moved 1hat preseDted and read. CoUllci!man the petition to vacate the alley Pregler moved that the ~ he be denied. Seconded liy Mayor Bit- gran~ and the Auditor lD&t!'11ct- ter. earned by the foilowing vote: ed to lSIIUe ~ warrant. Sec- . . onded by CouÐeilinan Tho"",. Oer. Yeas-Mayor BItter, Councilmen ried liy the following vote: :ann, MoIdeÐI1auer, Pregler, Ye...-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Nay';"-None. :,:::::nn, MoJdenhauer, Pregler, . Petition of West Side Realty, Nay<>-None. agent for P. D. Johansen, owner Petition of Wm. J. LynD request- of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Block ing a refund of $25 on the unex. 1 of P. D: Johansen ~ub. requ"!'t- pired portion of cigarette ücense log re",:,nmg fr~ Sing!.e. F~y No. 1!1, as he baa diacontinued to MlMtiple FanWy Cl.....tfie~tion, liusine.. on March 1!1, 1973, pre. preseuted and read. CouncÜ!",an seated and read. CouIIcl1màn Preg- Pregler moved that the petUion ler moved that the refund lie grant. lie, .referred to ~ Nauning and ed and the Auditor Instrw>ted to Zomng CommiaslOli. Seconded by issue proper wattaDt. Seconded liy Counc~an 'I11oms. Carried by the CouœWnan Thoms. Carried by the follOW1J]g vote: following vote: Yea&-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Coomeibnen Moldenhauer, Pregler, 'lboms. Justmann MoIdenI1auer, Pregler, Nays-Councihnan J_8OO. Thoms.' Petition of Dubuque Advisory Nays-None. Co!DØlÎSlSlion requesting a revised Petition of Paul Ei&I>acb request- paragraph mF2 lie added In lieu ing a refund of $25 on the unexpired of paragrapl1proposed in a letter portion of cigarette license No. 134, dated March æfh to read "2. Four as he !wi diocontinued bllSiness ahoe""'es from regularly ocbeduled on January 5, 1973, presented and montblymee!ings in a period of read. CouncÜD1an Pregl.er moved one yea.- shall constitute automatic that IJhe ,refund be granted and recommendation to Mayor and City the Auditor Insttueted to Issue pro. Council for replacement", present- per warrant. Seeonded liy CowlCn. ed and read. Councilman Pregler man Thoms. CHried by 1he foI. moved ,that 1i1e petition be refen-ed lowing vote: 174 175 Regular Session, April 2, 1973 Yeas-M"yor 'Bitter, Councilmen JustmalH>;Moidenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Proof of Publication, eertified to bytòe Publisber, of Notice of Pen- deo,cy of Resolution of Necessity for pulilåe in>provemenlia and he.... ing upon proposed plans, specifi- cations, form of contract and cost of ÎmprOvemeDlis for c01l6troction of, City of Dubqque 1973 ASphaltic Paving Project No.1 riD the follow- ing named streets: \ 1. Algona Street, from the N.P.L. of ~,BIvd. to the N,P.L., of De%ler Street. 2., Atlaøtjc Street, Irom IJhe N.P.L. of Lor... Blvd. to the N.P.L. of J>øl.erStreet. 3. Aub1Ìrn, Strflclt, h'om tòe, N.P;r.. oj' Lora. Blvd. to the S.P.L. of De%ler Street. '. , , 4.-l!oyer ~ Irom the E.~.¡;. of No. Gr¡¡ndv ew Avenue to the W.P,L. of.AÐdlew Court. 5, Gordon nr¡ve, ,from the S.P.L. of Kau6nann .Avenue.to the !'t.P.I.. of 'l'beda, Drive. 6. Grandview Avenue, from the N.P.L. of Lor.. IIWd. to the N.P.L. of . DeJOter Street. 7. Kaufmann Avenue, from W.P.L. of Cllfler Road to ,the W.P.:1.. of G(¡rdoI>' DriVe. ' 8,'Key ,KDOYa SulldiVision a.Phylltich Drive, from the N..P. L. of Keymont Drive to the N.'P. L. of Lot 6 Btock 10. Ii. Norl:U¡d Drive, from the N.lI'. L': of .8:eYmOlÍt,Drive to theN.P. t.: Of Lot 6 ,Block liI.. c: Ránsel Drive, from the N.P. L. of K"Ymont DrIve to the N.P. L. of Lot 6 of Block 9. d. VizaIeea Drive from the N.R L. of Key-tDrive to the N.P. L. of Lot 5 of 'Block 8. 9.' Lotust Streel from 1i1e N.P.L. ol9tllStreet to, the S.P.L. of Loras Blvd. ro. Suœet Park Subdivision No. 1: a. Dove Street from the E.P.L. of Bonson lI!>ad to the W.P.L. I of' Meggm Strcet. b. Waller Street from the E.P.L. of BoRSOn Road to the N.P.L. of Lot 15 of Block 8. .11. U!1iveràty A'VeIlue-lrom the W.P.L. of McCormick Street to tòe E.P.L. of Gilliam Street. 12. Eclwuclt Street firom the W.lI'. L. of Windsor Avenue to the E..P. L. of Queen Street. 13. Century Drive, GuardRail. 14. Grandview Avenue & Umversity Avenue Intersection 15. Overview Court from the W. P.L. of, Grandview Avenue to .the west end of the Street. 16. Bieyde Path from 16th Street to smr... on the, Ftoodwall. . .Carry over from 1972 Street Pro- gram. preseÍlf.!!d 'and read. CounciJ.man Preg!ermoved .that theprôöf of pid>lIcation be rec<!ived and fü~. SecoDded I»> Q6uncilinali Justmann. Oarriedhy 1he foDoWing vote: " Ye"fl-MayorJiitter, ~ Justmann.lIIGlder¡l1auer, Pregl,er, T!1om.. . " . Nays-,None. 'Mr. Gene Thornpoon of 34&1 Me¡:. gaD Stl'eetvoieed bi& oPinion as not' being against"'the Asphaltic street' progr,,'m'liut did Object to the City paying for the zeplacement of Meg¡gan Street and Dove Street area. He was of the opinion' that !be City sI1òuJiI 1Iot pay for1his and' get Ii- at, the contrØdor who laid the street originally; Councilman Pregler moVed that the City ,Mana:ger and stalf confer With the City Solicitor in the area' to Seck' indc¡onity: 'Seconded' by Councilman, Mj¡Jdellbl\Uer. CUrled by the' folløwing, vote: , Ye...~Mayor Blttér,' CounclJ.mei1 Juslmann, Mo/den ¡"uer, Pregler, Thorm. NaYS-None. Statement of City CIeri!: certify- ing that notices of hearing on re.... iutionOf Necessity for CODstruotion of City ofDuliuquel.Wl3 Asl>åaltie Paving Project No.1 were mailed by certified ma.il. on Mareb 6, 1m, to property owr>e1'6, on recOll'd, pre- sented and read: CoImdIman Preg. ler moved fhat' ,the statement lie reccived and flied. Seconded by COuncilman JuøtDlaDn. Cartied liy the following vote: ' Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J...lmann, Moldenh8l1er, Pregler, Thoms. Nay"";"No"". Decision of Cooncil. U >on objec. tions to plans, specifications, form of contract and cost of Improve. men,ts. 176 Regular Session, April 2, 1973 Decision of Coun<:11 ",pon obje.. tionsto pi"'" specHfcatioll8, form of contract. -, _t of Improve- ment.. RESOLUTION NO. 99.73 WHERE;\S, propoeed p1ans and specificaü- aM form of contract for the CIty of Duliuque 1973 As- phaltic Paving PToject No.1 have been approved liy the CIty Council of the City of Doouque and pni>lic ootice given as provided liyChap- ter æ of the ,Code oI.Jowa, per- tainin¡¡ to, p~ contracl& and bonds, and .Ii!e time., and place fixed fur the hearing of I!B l>i>ject- ions to said pia...., specifications or contract for or, cost" of""",h improvemenis,saåd li!Ìlebeing this 2nd day of AI'rii, 1973; and, WHERE;\S, the City CQ\ll>CÏl.met in regular session this' 2nd day of ,April, 1973.. at 7:30 o'cioek P.M. at the Council Cbamb..... in the City Hall fOl' the- of, he.... tog all interested parties and eon. sidering any and all objections which have Iieen filed to the pro. posed plans, specifications or con- traet fur or cost of the improve. ment 'herein described and pro. posee . to he made; and WHE~AS, aU interested parties have lieen, given an opportunity to, lie, heam and aU objections which have been duly weigihed and cl)Ìlaidered; now, therefore ÌlEIT RESOLVED ,by the City ~uncil of the City, of Duliuqne, that alll>i>jections wlrlcb ha'Ve lieon made and filed to the ptans, speci. fications, contraet for 01' cost of said improvement herein deocrilied allit proposed to be ,made, be and the. ~e hel'eby overruled and snch plans,~ifications and form of 'contract heretofore a¡pproved are hereby adopted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution containing the decision of this Couneil upon aD objections wI>icb have been filed to' the plans, specifications and form of cost said improvement he made a matter ofpermBJIeot re- COM in connecti. with, $&idlm- provement. ' passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of April,' 19'/3. Joseph J, Bitter Mayor . Walter, A. Pregler All.an T. Thoons . ,.. '," Wa~ A. Moldenbailer C. Robert JIIIStmIlllD Oounci\men Attest: Leo F. Frommeat City CierI< Couneilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by CoUf\CÏlman Justmann. Carried by the fol1owiDe vote: , Yea&-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen JustInaan, Moldenihauer, PTegler, Thoms. Nayo-,-,None. (NeceSsity forlmpro..._) RESOLUTION NO. 62-73 wHEREAS, propòsèif p1ans, 'øipe-' 'cificatiom, fom or'coBtraet,p1at and schedule have been dnIý'pre. pared and approv<id hy the City Couøci1 of 'the City. of J)u!juque and are oow on file in' the office of the Oily ClerksflowiDg '-ng other thing,; !.he fo-.,g: . 1. The assessment Hmits of each street to be improved. 2. The Streets to be improved. 3. The width of' SUICh Improve- ment, . ' 4. Eàch lot propoeed to be a.....s; ed together with a valuation fixed by the council. . , , 5. An estimate of the, cost of the proposed improveinel)t, s,t.!jng the same fur each different 'type of construction and kind of mat- erial to ~ used. , 6, In each case the a,mount there- of which is estimated to he .....,.- ed against eadl Jot" for, the con. -tioo of City ,of, Dnhuque 1973 Asphaltic Paving Proj..t No.1 on the following named streets. 1. A}gona Street - from U1e N.P.L. of Loras BWd. to fhe 8.P.L. of Dexter Street. 2. Atlantic Street -' from the N. P.L. of LoraSBWd. to 1he N.P.L. of Dexter Street. 3. A"liurn Street - from theN.P.L. of Loras Blvd. to the S.P.L. of Dexter Street. ' 4. Boyer Street ,','f¡-QIIJ,',ÌIÌI','¡¡:.P.L. of No. qran4vieWAve1 .1/e'tò the W.P.L. Qf Andrew Court; , 5. Gordon cDrive . from the S.P .L. c¡f'Kautlll;!!W Avenue to the N.P.L. of Theda Drive. 6. Graftdv;ew, Aveaue - from the N,P;L.' Q/. M>r~S Bl'Vd; ~:theN1P.!¿ ole Dextel:Street. Regular Session, April 2, 1973 7. Kaufmann ÅJVŒUe . from W.P.L. City Clerk. That the cost and ex- of' Carter Boad to !be W.P.L. of pense of making said improvement Gordon Drive. will be assessed upon and against 8. Kay Knolls SUbdivision all privately owned property lying a. 'PhyJirieh Drive . from the within assessable distance provided N.P.L. of Keymont Drive to the liy law and in an amount not N.P.L. of Lot 6 Block 10. to exceed the amount provided liy Ii. NO,rland Drive. from the N.P. law, property will he assessed whe. L. of Ke"",ont Drive to the N.J>. ther the same abuts thereon or L. of Lot 6 Block 11. is adjacent thereto aceording to c. I{a"..,¡ Drive - from the N.P.L. area and in proportion to the spe. <Jt Keymont Drive to the N.P.L. cial lienefits conferred thereliy, and of Lot 6 of Btook 9. any defieiency ,ball be paid out d. Vizaleea Drive from the N,P. 01. the street funds. Bonds .:haD L. of Keymont Drive to the N.P. be issued and sold,in anticipation L. of Lot 5 of Block, 8. of deferred payments of ...eos. 9. :Locwt Street from the N.J>.L. meats wben a contract has been of 9th Street to the S.'P .L. of Lor... performed and accepled and the Blvd. proceeds thereof used to pay the 10. Sunset Park Sulidivision No. contractor. The railway portion of I: any street or a..essmentdistrict a: Dove Street from the E.'P.L. shall be asaessedto and paid liy ,of Boll son Road to the W.P.L. the railway company. of .M~gan Street. The ahove -on -intra- b. WIlBer Street from the E.P. dueed, approved and ordered plaice L. of BoDaOn Road to 1i1e N.J>.L. ed on file wi!b the 'City Clerk of Lot 15 of Block 8. thi, 28th day 01. February, 1973. "l1. Univer.sity ,Avenue - from the Record of Final Adoption W.P.L. of McCormick Street to The foregoing resolution 'Was fin- the E,P.L. of Gilli..m Street. ally passed and adopted, as pro. 12. Edwa.rds .Street from the W.P. posed by the City Cotmcil this 2nd L. of Win&or Avenue to the E.P. day 01 Aprta, 1973. L. of Queen Street. Joseph J. Bitter 13. Century Drive - Guard Rail Mayor 14. Grand9le\V Avenue &: Univer. Walter A. PT8( \er sit,. Avenue Interseetion Allan T. Thoms 15. Overview Court.from the W.P. Wayne A. Moldenhauer L. 'of 'GrandVi... Avenue to the C. Robert Justmann west end of the Street. Attest. Councflmen U;, ~cyele Path ,from 16th Street Leo' F. Frommelt to Shira. on the ~walL "Carry City Clerk over from 1972 Street Program. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLV- . CoUIllCilman PTeg¡le: moved aOOp. ED th tthe OilY Oouncii. 'ts tiOD of the resolution. Secondt!d a . . !,n I by Councilman J11S'\m'ann. Carried own motion or I4lOl1 ~on.of by the following vote: pl'operty owners" deems It advis- Yeas-Mayor Bitter COuncilmen aiJIe and _ry ,for th~public Justmann Mooldenha~er Pregler welfare to make the herem men.- Thoms' " tioned improvement, aIId. Im!ess Nay':""None. property owners at 1i1e time of the finl>l consideration of this pro. tOrdering Construction) posed teJIOltItion have on me with RESOLUTION NO. 100.73 IIJe my CleM objeelio"" to the Be it resolved Iiy the City Cocm. amount of the proposed asses.. cil of the City of Dnbuque that mento, Ihey .balil be deemed to pursuant to a resoIJrtion of nec. havewalYed 411 Objecti0D6 thereto. e»slty No. 62-13whidJ was duly Said i_ements shall be con. passed by ibis Council, for the _ted and done in accordance construetion of: City of Dubuque with the plans and I IeClfications 1973 Asphaltic Paving Project No. whidJ hove been prepared there. 1 lie aDd the sa-me are hereliy fori! liy' the City Engineer -dJ ordered and COMtnu!ted Ii,. this have beeft' approved by the City Council. upon its own motion and CiJuiIftl and are' naw on file with with or without the petition of prop- 177 178 erty owners. All. 1he work shan be con-ted in aecordanœ with the 1'1""" and specifications here- tofore adopted and now on file in the oImee of the City Clerk. BE IT FUR'DHERRESOLVED that the~coot and expenSe of the oaid improvements be, paid fOl' liy levying ""I' e cia i ...........ents against the privatelY owned prop. erty lying within the . assessaüe distance frOm the improvemeats, whetller such property abut' upon the'sa,meor are adjacem _eto, according to thè area thereof and in 'proportion to the spedal. ,hen- efits conlerred,and eny defici"""Y wili !Ie paid out cifthe ,general iniprovement,~ or sewer f1inde of thei.city,or làrtty from eacll ,of snch fimdoi Payment will be made to. 1M cobtractor out of funda re- alized from the sale of honds to be' 1s&ue4 in aDtidpatiOIf of 'de- ferred'pa}>me1>t6 of a&Sess- a:. provided Ii" law after' tbe wor!< bas lieon compl.eted and act:epted liy the City Council. ,BE IT FURTBIEIt BESOLVIiID that theGitY. Clerk be and he is ,herel:l7" ordered and directed to advertise for proposaJs for the C!OI>- struction ,of ,the various improve- ments herein provided' for in the manner ~provided liy law, the said improvements shaiIl 1). completed on~ 01' hef<>n>I2O' days liter notice to p~d', has' lieon issued BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tbat this resolutioo 'being deemed urgent and of immediate neces. sity shaD be in force~ and effect from and after its passage and adoption liy the City Council. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day ;\priI, 19'13. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor, " Walter A. Pr.er Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. RoIiert Juotmann Councilmen Attest: , Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler 'moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seeonded liy Councilman Moldenhauer. Car. ried by the foUówing vote: Ye.....-Mayor Bitter, Couneilmen Justmami, Moldenhauer; Pl'<!Cler, Thoms. ~ Nays~None. Regular Session, April 2, 1973 Proof ofPubliœ1ion, certified to by tbePnhlisher, of NOtice of Pend. ency of Resolution of Necesoity for public improvements and bear. ing upon proposed plans and spec- ifieations, form of contra<>t and cost of improvements for the e<II1- struclion of City of Dulinque' 1m Concrete Paving Project No.1 on the foJaowing named' streets: 1. Grandview Avenue "":~from the S.P.L. of WheI8ÌI street to the s.p .L. of Delhi Streèt. ~ 2. tenth Street - from the W.P.L. of LocustStteet to the l'J.P.L. of BluffStreetand..~~. secÌion - of "Ninth' ~nd ' 'B1uft Streèt, ",,"" presented and ,read. , ' No writtenolljeè14ons wer.. re' ceived on, GrandviorN Avenue and nq.9bJectón<'wère 'pi-e~¡¡' the Councíl OhaIimer, at, the, f.illie "~ fqrthe. pUbtieheatinC.~- DlJI!' I'.ro;tller , J1IOved .fh~ ~¡>rijof of pulilicatWn, lie received ajld filed. SecoBdêcì .by"Çqunci!màn Molden/laller. Carried liýthe ,fol. lowing vote:, " " Yeas - Mayor Bitter, councl1. men Justmann", Mqldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. ' NaYI>-None. Statement.ofCity ~ (Jerk cer1ify- ing that notices of. plbJicl!earing on resolution of ~ty for con. otr<uction of City Of Dubuque 1m COncrete Paviag .with..I~Ogr!1i Curb Project NO.1, were maiied to Pfoperty,OWllersof téeord, on Grandview ÆVe lueon Match' 6, 1973, presented and read: Council; man Pregler moved that the state- ment be received. and':med.' Set' onded liyCounicfiman MOidenha-u. er. 'Carried liy the IdtowiDg vote: Yeas - MalOr' Bittet, 'Council. men' Jœtm8Ìln, 'Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tho"",; , Nàys,....None. Decision of Council - objections to plans, ~ specifications, for", .of contract and coot of Improvements RESOLUTION NO. 1tl.73 WHEREAS, propœecÌ - plaJ)S and specifications and form of contract for the City of Dubuque 1.9'13 'Con. crete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.1. bave lieen a",roved liythe City 'Øounc:ü of the City of Dubuque and puI:Jiic nDliee g¡.ven as provided by-Chapter 23 of the Regular Session, April 2, 1973 179 !MIe of Iowa, pertaining to putiJic contracts and bonds, and the time and 'pi..., fio<ed for the hearing of all. objections to said plans, .spec fications or contract for or cOst of sum improvements, said time being this 2nd day of April, 1973; and WHEREAS, the City Council met in regular session this 2nd day ~f April, 1973, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the Council. Chambers in the City HaM for the PU11PO5e of hear- ing ~all interested parties and con- sidering any and all ohjections which, have been filed to the pro. posed plans, specifications or con- tract for or com of the improve- ment herein described and pro- posed to be made; and WHERE;\S, ill interested parties have been given an opportunity to he heard and ail objections which have lieen duly weighed and coIllidered; now, therefore 'BE IT RESOLVED by tile City Council of the City of Duliuque, that all objections which bave been made and filed to the 1'1"", spec- ifieations, contract for or com of saÌ i inoprovement herein described and proposed to be made, lie and 1i1e same herdJy overruled and such plans, specificaUons and form of conIract bereto.fore approved are hereby adopted. BE ITFUoRTHER RESOLVED thattbi& resolution eontaining the deci$ion of this Council II pon ill objections wbieb have lieen filed to ,the pIJms, Sl>8ciJicatioœ and 1orm of cost oaid improvement lie made a matter of permanent rec. ord in connection with said im- provement. Pasoed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of April, 1m. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allàn T. Thoms W,ayne A. Moldenhauer Attest: Leo F. FrOmmelt , City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Car. ried liy the following vote: Yeas";'" MaynrBitter, Council. men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays.-.Cooneilman J""tmann. (Necessity for Improvement) RESOLUTION NO. 66-73 WHERE;\S, Proposed pIa"", specifications, form of con,tract, plat and schedule have been duly prepared and approved hy the City Councü of the City of Duliuque and are now on, file in the office of the City Clerk showing among other things the foHowing: 1. The ....essment limits of each street to be improved. 2. The streets to lie improved. 3. The width of such improve- ment. 4. Each lot proposed to be as- sessed together with a "a:luation fixed liy the council 5. An estimate of the cos,t of the proposed improvement, stat- ing the same for eaeb di«erent type of construction and kind of material to be used. 6. In each case the amount there. of which is estimated to be as- sessed against each lot, for the City of Dubuque 1973 Concrete Pav- ing with Integral Corb Projeet No. 1 on the foil<>wing named streets. 1. Grandview Avenue - from the S.P.L. of Whelan Street to the S.-P.L. of Delhi Street. .2. Tenth Street - from the W.P.L. of Locust Street to the E.P.L. of Bluff Street and the in- tersection of Ninth and BluM Street. .Carry over ~om I972 Street Pro. gram. BE IT THEREFORE RE. SOLVED that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property owners, deems it ad- visable and necessary for the pub- lic welfare to make the her.... mentioned improvement, and un- less property owners at the time of the final eoosideration of tbis proposed resolution have on file with the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed as- sessments, they shail be deemed to have waived all oIijections there- to. Said improvements mall he con. structed and done in, accordance with the plans and specifications which have lieen prepared there- fore liy the City Enllineer whieb have lieen approved' by the City Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the, cost and e"PeDSe of maidng ,said improve- 180 Regular Session, April 2, 11113 ment will lie assessed upon and agamst aiJ priV'ately owned prop- erty lying within assessable dis. tance provided liy law and in an amount not to e""eed the amount provided liy I_, property will lie assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adjacent thereto ac- cording to area and in proportion to the special benefits conferred thereby, and any defiCiency shall be paid out of the fund. Bonds shall lie issued and sold in an. 1Iicipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contract has been performed and accepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the contractor. The railway por- tion of any streel or assessment district shall lie assessed to and paid liy the raiJlway company. The aoove resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered plac- ed on tile with the City Clerk this 2&th day of Febroary, 1973. RECORD OF FINAL AI>OPTION The foregoing reoolUilion was fi- nally passed and adopted, as pro- posed, liy the City Council this 2nd day of April 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thom. Wayne A. Moldenhauer Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Preg!.er moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded liy Counci1man Moldenhauer. Oar- ried liy the foUowing vote: Yea. - Mayor Bitter, Council. men Moldenhauer, Pre~ler, Thoms. Nays-4:oUncilman Juslmann. (Ordering Construdlon) RESOLUTION NO. 102.73 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI- TY COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE that pUl'SUant to a reo solution of n""esslty No. 66-73 wbleh was duly passed liy this Council, for the construction of: City of Duliuquel973 Concrete Pav- ing with Integral Curb Project No. 1 lie and the same are bereliyor. dered and constructed liy this Councll upon its own motion and with or without the petition of pro- perly owners. All the work shall lie constl'W'ted in accordance with the plans and specifications _e. tofore adopted and now on file in the oMce of the City Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost and e,qlense of the said Improvements be paid for liy I e v y i ng special assessment agaillS't the privately owned pro- perty lying within the _ble distance from the improvements, whether such property abut upon the same of are adjacent thereto, according to tbe area thereof and in proportion to the special bene. fits conferred, and any de/licienq will lie paid out of the general, improvement, or sewer fundo of the city, or partly from each of such foods. Payment wHl he made to the contractor out of fundi! rea- lized from the sale of honds or with Street improvement honds to be issued in anticipation of deferr- ed payments of _onto as provided liy law after the work has been completed and accepted liy the City Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLYED that the City Clerk lie and he is hereby ordered and directed to advertise for proposals for the con- struction of the variou& improve- ments herein proWled for in the manner provided liy I..w, the said improvemeJllt& shall be completed on or liefore lOO day" after noUce to proeeed b... been is1lUOd. BE IT FURTRE,R RESOLVED that this resolution tieing deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in forœ and effect from and after its pas.sage and ad<1;Ption by the City Council. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day April, 19'/3. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayoe A. Mo1denhauer Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt Oity Clerk Councilman pregler movedadop' tion of the resolution. Seconded liy Councilman Moklenhauer. Car. ried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Preg!.er, Thoms. N..ys-Oouncilmm JustmallD. March 16. 1973 Regular Session, April 2, 1973 181 Honorable Mayor and eouncilmen The City Planning and Zoning CoDlll11iB5åon has, reviewed the final plat of Block 8 in "Thomas Farm Addition" in the City of Duliuque, Iowa. The Com_ol> has found that the plat coDforms to the approved prelõminary plat for this area and meets the minimum requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the City of Duliuque, Iowa'. It is the recommendation of the City, Planning and ZonIing COm- mission that the final plat be ap- proved. CITY I'LANNING AND ZONING COMJIISSION Daniel Dittemore Development lIlanner Councilman Pregler moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded liyCo1mClilman Mol- denhauer. Carried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter" CounlClilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 103.73 Resolution approving the plat of Block 8 in "Thomas Farm Addi. tlon" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa WHERE;\S, there has lieen filed with the City' Clerk a plat of the Subdivision to be !mown as Block 8 in "ThomíÌis Farm Addition" in the' City of DUbuque, Iowa, liy Richard C. Henschel and Mildred L. Henschel; and WHEißE;\S, upon said plat ap. pear streets to be imown as Va- lentine Drive, together with cer. tain publåc utility easements, which the Owner. by said plat have de- dicated to the puliJoic forever; and WiIÐREAS, s,aid plat has lieen examined by 'the City Planning and ZOning' Commission and had its approval endoroed thereon; and WHERE;\s, said plat has been examined by the City Council and they find thUthe' _.oonforms to stàtute& md-o1'(!ånatjces relating thereto, exœpt'that"street grades 'have- not- beene_shed, the streets:liroUØ!--to grade, or paving, sewer or w..ter installed; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the dedications of Valentine Drive together with the easements fur pulilic utilities as the same appear upon said plat, lie and the s,ame are hereby accepted; Section 2. That the plat of Block 8 in "Thomas Farm Addition" in the City of Duliuque, Iowa, be and the same is bereby appl'oved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and direct- ed to endorse the approval of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon said plat, provided the awners of said property herein named, execute their written acceplance hereto at- ta"hed agreeing : a. To reduce lIIIl,streets to grade and to conslruct concrete curl> and gutter and to bard surface Valen- tine Drive with liitulllinoæ con- crete, or with concrete pa,ving with integral curb, all in accordance with City of DUbuque standard spe. cifications; b. To install sanitary sewer mains and sewer se1'V!ice laterals in aœordance with pIlans submitted with the plat; c. To install water mains and water se1'V!i.. laterals in accor- dance with plans sulimitted with the plat; d. To install storm sewers and calc¡'liasins in aœordance wit h plans submitted with the plat; e. To instaJi concrete sidewalks as required liy Ordinances, and where directed liy the City Engi- neer and the City Manager; f. To construct the foregoing jm. provements in accordance wit h plans' and ~ations approved by the CitY Manager, under the inspectiDn of the City Engineer, and in a manner approved liy the City Manager; g. To maintain the furegoing im. provements for a period of four (4) years from the date of their _eptan..liy the City of Dulbuque, Iowa; h. To provide the .fOregoing con. struction: and' maintenance-, at the sole expense of the Sulidivider, Ri. chard C. HellS<:het --and Mildred L. Henschel, as owner; 182 Regular Session, April 2, 1973 LTo construct said improve- CoUDcilmanPrecIer moved aclop- menU, .....,ept sidewallos, prior to lion of the resolution. Seœnded March 1, 1976, and to construct by Councilman Moldenhauer Car. the sidewa!ks prior to March 1, ried liy the folloWÍDII votë: 1977; Yea&-Mayor Bitter, C()uDcibnen and further provided that sa:id Ri. Jnstmalm Moldenhauer Pregler Oharo C. HeDSchel and Mildred Thoms. ' " L. Hensehel as owner of oaid Sub. Nay&-None. division, secure the performance, of the foregoing conditions by pro- RESOLUTION 1\10. 1t4-73 viding security in such form and NOW, THEBEFORE BE IT BE. with .ucb sureties as may be ac. SOLVED BY THE CITY COUN. ceptable to the City Manager. CIl. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, Section ~. That in the event Ri- IOWA: chard ,C. 'Henocl1el and Mildred That the City Manacer lie and L. Henschel shall fail to execute iJI hereliyauthortud and direct" the acceptance and furnish the..... ed to execute a Ucense ~. curity provided for in Section 2 mentfor an easement in coD;jimc- hereof within 45 days after' the tion with the Park Hill Feed Main date of this Resolution, the pro- Water Dlatribution Syste~ Im- visions hereof shall be null and provements, a - ',of which is void and the acceptanœ of the attached. This is being completed dedication and ap¡>rovai of the plat as... part of the IIUD Project sball not he elfective. WS.Iowa-99. Passed, adopted and approved Passed, "",rom and adopted by unanlmoœ reeoroed roll caD this 2nd day of April, 1ØI3. this 2nd day of April, A.D., 1973. ~ph J. Bitter Jœepb J. Bitter Mayor Mayor Walter A. prej !er Waiter A. Pregler Allan T. Tboms .\llan T. Tho"'" C. Robert .Tustmann Wayne A. Moldenhauer Wayne A. Moldenhaner C. Robert J_ann Couneilmen' Councnmen Atteøt: Leo F. Frommelt City Cledt I, Leo F. Frommelt, CIeri< of the City of Dubuque, Iowa do here- by Certify tile foregoing to be 'true and correct copy ,of, a Resolution AdoPted liy fhe City Conncll of the City of Dn!iuqne, IÓ- at a meeting on the 2nd day of April 1973. Witness the seal of the said City of Dubuque, Iowa and my oIgna. lure this 2nd day of April" 1973. Leo. F. Frommelt City Clerk CoIl1>èÜDl8l1 JlIStmanD moved adoption of thereao1ution. Seeond. ed liy CouDcilman Pregler. Car. ried liy the follcnriDg vote; , Ye... - Mayor, Bitter. ~- men Justm..nn, Moidenllauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na,........None. RESOLUTION NO. 1~73 WHEREAS, plat date4 ' March 18,' 1973,prepa'1'ed ,by. Jolm L. White,1:ieeD8ed,eiWl èJIi ineer ud land surve,...-, co-ma the Sub- division of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Sears Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION' NO. 103-73 We, the under$Îgned Mildred L. HenSchel and Ricbaro C. Hell8Cl1el' having read the terms and condi- tion!! of the foregoÍDg Resolu1ion No. 1œ-73 and lielng familiar with, the con~lions thereof, bereby a,,- I copt the same and agree to per- form the condi1ions required fhere. ' in. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 2nd day of Apri1, 19711. s M'Ildred L. Henschel s Richard C. Henschel. To: Leo F. Frommelt City CIeri< ' :11Iis is to certlity that the Be-' curtty proVided by the foregoing Resolution No. 103.73 bas been fur- : aished liy the oWners. :Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 3rd day of May 19'13. cmliert D.Oh8iVene1Ie City Manager $., Regular Session, April 2, 1973 IIVeINeIt ani Company SUbdivillion No.2 in the City of Dubuque, -. ; 8IId . WHEItEAS, said' plat conforms to the laws and statutes pertain- ing thereto; , NOW 'l'HEIREFOBE BE If BE. SOLVED BY mE' CITY COUN- OIIJOF '!'HE ClTY OF Dt1BUQUE, IOWA: ' I' Sedloa I., That'the pl..t dated M'arcþ.18. 19!I3, prepared 'by John L,' Wbit~,lic...sed, civil encmeer 811d' Iud ' lUÑeyor, ' eov..-mc the reel, estate"bereiDai>o.ve ~ed, be' aDd the """'" is lael.'eby ap-, peoftd, 'anot thát" the ',Mayor and City Clerk of the City, of Dulluque.; ~ bit, ~,they are herl\l!y,au. thorizedand direCted to ex"'" said pl",,¡;~ ,",* QII;hehall' of the City of DubuQ¥8,~wa. Secti.., ,1.' That 'ØIe.'Qty Clerk be and be,';.' bereIt,. 'lIutborized anot>'dir'm8à'1o,Iile..d plat and this Iieoølutiøn ia -\tie' . oIifiœ of the Recorder ia8llli' for, Dubuque County, Iowa. Passed, --, and adopted this 2nd day of April, 11'13. ' ""'r' 'Jœtplt ¡,,'Bitter ,'II1i,.. Wàlter A. Pregler ";AIlan T.Thoms ' ,..' ,Wa".. A. MoldenIuouer C.,JIobeñ' Justmann CouDciImen Attest: Leo F.Fro_dt OilY, celt: ' , ~ P¡'~er mo~ed adot>- \lpn, ,0(. 'the, reso1a1ioi>. Seconded liY Cóun<>1Iman ¡'ustmann. Carried liYthe foJlo:WU¡g ...te: Yeas"';" Mayor Bitter" Council. men JûstDtann, Mol<1ellilauer, Pr~, 'IYwmil. Na~Hone. RESOLUTION NO. 1111-73 WHEREAS, the City of Duliuque, I-a and WaJile Motor Saies en- tered Iøto .. written 1ease, dated ApritlO, 1II7Z; and ' WHE~, a misdescription in """Please 'us heerrðbserved and same should lie eerreeted and a. mende<land ~ 1- is hereto attaehed. ' NOW 'I'HEREFORE BE IT BE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF' TI'IE ClTY 011' DUBUQUE, IOWA: , Section 1." That lease liy' 8IId betWeen, City , of' Dubuque, IOwa and Wayne Motor Sales, dated A- pril10, 1972; be amended to correct misl\eseriptjon in red estate, there. in leased &lid' that correeied lease as hereto a'ttadled leasing the foll- owing deseripted reai estate, ta- Wit. Lot 1 of the SubdÍviSiÔII of Loi 1 of Sears-Roebuclr & Co.,' subdi. vision No.2 in the OitYof Dubu- que, IOwa" sidiject to exUlting lease 'In' WIIioards re; Good. year or Frank 'Hardie Advertis- , ing - '" , " be and the,salÎle is hereby ap- proved.' ,¡" Seètroli 2. ,That' the Mayor and City Clerk ¡¡ë¡ma 1Iiey ire hereby, autbohõèdand cIii-eeted' to execute said Amendment to Lea&e. ,', t'~,'aIJili-ovi;cf 811d' a~ this ,3I«Fclay Of A\J!ß.,' 19'18. , ',}~ :S.' Bitter Mayor' ' Walter A. Pregler "A1laø T. TIIo1llll ,warne' At Moldenhauer C. Robert~ann . -Co1lbcilmeD A'ITEST: ," Leo F; Frommeä CityCleIfr Councïaman Preig(et IOOved adop- tion of the resolution. 8eeonded by Councilman 'JutJna.im. Carried by the following vote:. . ,Yeas-Mayor Bitter" CoIIJICjIm¡!n Justmallill, MoIdenJaauer; Preg1eJ; Thoms. ' , Nay&--None. , RESOLUTION NO. 101.73 WHERE;\s, the City of Dubuque Iowa and Frommelt Building COr- poration, an Iowa Corporation, en- tered "into 11 ,written lease dated August 2. 11185, wåiOh lease,wa. sulJsequeøtly amea4ed on Ma,. 1, 19&'1 and turther amended under amenclm~t;' dated Septembe" 22, 1_; and ~, a misdeocriÌnáon in seI4. lease" and amendments. has been ðbserved and same shouid lie ,corrected and that amended and, COl'l'ected" lease is hereto at- tacbM. NOW THEREFORE BE IT BE. SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY, OF DUBUQUE, ¡IOWA: 183 184 Regular Session, April.2, 1973 'Section 1. That lease by,and ll>an Justmaun. ~ed bY the fø1- between Cil¥ of Dübuque,lowa lowing vote: ' ~d 'Frommdt Building. CoI1>Dra- Yeas-Mayor Bitter, OouÐeilmen lion, an Iowa Corporation, dated Justmann, Moldenhauer PreeIer August 2, 1966 and amended on Tholll&. " May I, lfJtIland íurlher amended Nays-None, 011, 'September 22, 1969" be. further amended to correct misdescription RESOLUTION NO. "..-73 in real estate therein leased and BE IT RESOLVEÐ BY THE th;It corrected ¡ease as hereto in CITY OOUNOIL OF' TlliECITY lel'aåIIg the fOllowing descrtlied real OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: esta,te; ,to.wit: ' Section 1. That 'the attach-e d LOt 2, of the Subdivision of Lot sheets No. 1to 32\n<!luve; u'e 1.01 Lot 1 of Sears-Roebuck & liereby determined to ,be Ibe sche- C..., tRIIJdiv1sion ,No.2, and Lot dIIIe of the proposed _Ollis 2 of the Suhdivi'!Ì.on of Lot 1 fer the atyoi Dubuque UI'I8 Con- of See.....Ro<IIiuck & ,Co. SUlJcj. crete SW-alll: Project, and the vision No.2, all in the City nlaa1ions aet out therein are here" of Dubuque" Iøwa, auiljeetto liy approved. ' eaoemODtBoI, record, Adopted 1IIis 2nd day of Apnl he and the,6ame ÎIS hereby ap- 19'I3, ' , proved. ' , ' JOOO!>I> J. JIitter Section 2. . That the Mayor and lIIa,or City Clerk be and they' are hereily Walter A. Pregler authorized and directed to execute Allan T. Th<>11111 ' said Amendment to Lease. Wayne A.MoIdenbauer Passed, _roved and adopted C.RoIiert Justn""m this 2od day of April,. JÐ73. ATl'EST: Counclbnen ¡JoøepbJ, Bitter Leo F FroDl'llleil MaJOr . . Walter A. Pregler CityClerl< Allan T. Thoms,' Co";""Ìlman MoJdeu/Jauer moved Wayne A. Moldenhauer adoption of the reøoltiUon. Second- C. RolieIt J_ann, ~ by Couneilman .Justinann. Car- Councilmen ned ,liy the ,fo1towingilote: ATl'EST: Yeas-MayOr Bitler,' Councilmen Leo F, Frommelt Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, City Clerk Thoms.' - ' Nays-None. tJouDeßmaJ> ,Pregle<' moved adop. tion ,01 the' résollltion. Seconded RESOLUTION No.' 109.73 by Councilman Justmann. Carried Approval of preliminary est i. by the following vote: mate, p¡ans, specifications, form Y~a,or Bitt..-, Councilmen of contract, plat ,and aD ,other, doc. JustInann, Moodenhauer, Pregler, uments for the !:i>nst:ruc1linn of 1973 Thom&. ' ' Co~,ete Sid-a!): ~jed, in the Nays--.-None. estimated. amouot of' $'17,366.00, on the foUowmg named streets Mareh 7, 1973 Primrose Street: fr~1I1 Daven- To the Honorable Mayor port to Kane Streets. and City, Coundl BudirllltOl' OS_: 'irom' Prim- J hereby sulimit the attached roaeto Broadway. sheet No.1 thm 32 showing a Keok1ã: Street:frøm Œ'rÏ1'II%OSO schedule of, the proposed valua- to Gleøwood. ' IlOIlo and 1uisessments for the 'con- Sauoders Street: from Lemon to otritction 01 fhe1973 Concrete Side- Tlmberine. walll: Project. " Oakereot )rive: fr(} ll G r e.. n- RespectfuMY sulnnd.tted wood to ,Maplewood. John L White P E ' Mesa Drive: east side, from City ,Wneer' .. Kane to Allura Streets. Boyer Streets: from lindaCourt , 'Coundlm81L 1\icidrenballe¡-: .fOOyed to Andrew Court. ' that the'tómmtlnieation lie;receiv.BÐhoa Street: ..rest Side from ed and filed. Seconded liy Council. Kane to Cortez Streets. " Regular Session, April 2, 1973 185 Chaney Road; from Kaufmann to ,Kane Streets. Kane Street: north side, from IDcI<ory Hill Road to Chaney Road. Kaufnwum Avenue: from Thecla to Eve"green Street. Gordon Drive: Ú'Om Theda Drive to Kaufmann Avenue. ertssy Drive: west side, from TIIeda Drive to Aobury Road. ¡¡;ey Co_: from Sharon to ¡¡:e~y Drive. Key-!IJoDt Drive: from VizaIlea to, Ke,yoway-Orive. PeDllSylvan1a Av...ue: hoth øíd- eo, from, Bies Drive to Lea Lane. WiihriciltLane: south øíde, from Asbury Road to St. Anne, Drive. MqlIen ,Roa<i:lioth sides, from Iúl1c;rest Road -,to.o\sllury Road. ,C/Umey, Road: :west side,' from PennsyLvania to St. Anne, Drive. University, Avenue: DOrthside, from' ,Pr»i¡i tdVan Buren Streets. Van Buren Street: oouth side, from Beverjy Street to University Avenue. PrY\'!Ì. Street: both sides, from New Haven' Street to Univeroity Avenue. ' Grandview '.wenue: west side, from iJel!ìi to UÌ>iver'sity Avenue. Cummins Street: west side, from Loras Blvd. to end of Street. Auburn Street: east side. from N.Grandview Avenue to Dexter Street.' 'Kaufmann Avenue: both sides, from N. Grandview ATenue to Ma- ryville. N. Grand\'iew Avenue: west side, from Clarke Drive to Cerro Drive. Avoca Street: from Rosedaieto Green Streets. Atlantic Street: west side, from N. GPlIDdview Avenue to Dexter Street. N. AIgona: hoth sides, from N. GPandview Avenue to De x t e r Street. Clarke Drive: north side from WQOdWOl'tb to, Ungs Streets Diamond Street: north side, from J""bon Street to Central Avenue presented end read. Councilman Moldenhauer moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Conn. ciiman JUSÚl anu.' Carried by the following vote: Y'OU--MayorBitler, Councilmen JuslmallA;Mo1danhauer, 'Pregler, Thoms.', .- -, Nays-Nolle, ' CNeceuity for Improvement) RESOLUTION NO. 110-73 WHEREAS, proposed plans, ope- oifications, form of contract, plat and schedule have been duly pre- pared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the oJñce of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundaries of the dis- trict, if any. 2. The streets to he imPOrved. 3. The width of such improve- ment. 4. Each lot proposed to be, as- se&aed wgether with a, valuation fixed- -by the council, ; 5. An estimate of the' cost of , the Proposed improvement, stating the '9àme fore8lCb diJifereDt, type of coll6truiction and kind of ma- terial to lie used. 6. In' eacl1 Ca&e the amount thereof which is iOStimated to he assessed against each lot, for fhe UI73 Concrete Sidewalk Project. Primrose Street: from Daven- port to Kane Streets. ,Qurlington Street: from Prim. rose to Broadway. KeoIrukStreet: from Primrose to Glenwood. Sauoders Street: from Lemon to Timberline. Oalœrest Drive: from Greenl\Vood to Maplewood. Mesa Drive: east side, fr 0 m Kane to Miura Streets. Boyer Streets: from Linda Court to Andrew Court. Balboa Street: west side, from Kane to Cortez Streets. Chaney Road: from Kaufmann to Kane Streets. ' Kane Street: north side, from Inckory Inll Road to Chaney Road. Kaufmann Avenue: from Theda to Evergreen Street. Gordon Drive: from Theda Drive w Kaufmann Avenue. Crissy Drive: west side, from Theda Drive to Asbury Road. Key Come,.,,: from Sharon to Keyway Drive. Keymont Drive: from Vizallea to Ke,YOWay Drive. Pennsylvania Avenue: hath oides from Bies Drive to Lea Lane. Wilbricht Lane: south side, from Asbury Road to SI.Anne Drive, Mullen Road: hoth sides, from Inllèrest Road to Asbury 1Ioed, 186 Regular Session, April 2, 11113 Chaney Road: west side, from I p~=:~~a A~ens.;,: ^:"rth Dr':: I from Prysi to Van Buren Streets. Van Buren Street: south side, from Beverty Street to University Avenue. Prysi Street: hoth sides, from New Haven Street to University Avenue. Grandview Avenue: west side, from De1l1i to University Avenue. Cummins Street: west side, from Lo~as Blvd. to end of Street. Auburn Street: ea&t side, from N. Grandview Avenue to Dexter Street. Kaafmarm Avenue: hoth sides, from N, GrandviewAv"""e tÐ Maryville. N. Grandview Avenne: west side, from Clarke Drive to Cem> Drive. Avoèa Street: from Rosedale to Green Streets. Atlantic Street: west side, from N. Granòview Avenue to Dexter Street. N. AIgona: 1roth sides, from N. Grandview Avenue to De x t e r Street. Clarke Drive: north side, from Woodworth to Ungs Streets. , Diamond Street: north side, from Jackson Street to Central Avenue. BE IT THEREFORE BESOL~ ED that the City Coum:iil on its own motion or UPOJ> petition of pt'operty tRIle.., deems it am8>- able and aeeessary for the pulilie welfare to make the herein men- tioned improvement, and 1UIies. property ownera at the time of the final cœøideratioo of this' pro- posed resolulÎØlt have IIIl file with the City Clerk objections, to the amount of the proposed ......s- monts, they shan ¡be deemed to bave waiwd an Objections thereto. Said improvements sàall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plana and specifications whiell have been prepared 1iIere- fore liy the CIty Engineer which have Ii.... _ved by the Oily Council and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the COBt and expense of making aaid improve- ment wiJl be assessed upon and against all pri...tely owned pro. perty lyiDg within assesaable dis- tallce provided by law and iI> an amount not to exceed the amount provided tiy laW; pmpertywin be assessed wbetber the same abuts thereon or is adj- thereto ac. cording 10 area andil> proportion to the special I>e11efits conferred thereby, and any _cieœy shall be paid out of the general fund, improvement f1m<is or parUy out of each of SlÙd funda Street Im- provement Bonds shall be Issued and sold in an1icipa'tion of deferred payments of assess- when a contract has been performed and oocepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the' contractor. The railway portioD Of any street' or as..."",.ent di.strld shatIbe a......- ed to and pe1d tiy the railway company. TIle eIJove ~lu1ion' wa. intro. duced, approved and ordered pf:œ. ed on file with the City Cierk tIiis '2nd day of Aprll, 1m, Approved and placed on file for final aetion. , Approved Joseph J. Bitter MlIJOr C. BoiIert Ju.stmalm Walter A. Pregler All.... T. Thoma Wayne Ä. Moldenbauer 00uncilmeD Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Moldenhauer moWlt ap Jl'ovai of the ~tion. 8eco1lld- ed liy CoUDCihnu JuMmam>. Cor. ried liy the fullowing vote: Yea&--llfa",r lIitter, Coundlmen Justmaun, MoiMDI>8uer, PregleT, ThoDØ. NaYl>-None. (Fixing d8te of hearing) RESOLUTfONNO. ¡n.73 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dulmque, IOwa, bas by Resolution No. 109"73 given its pre1ilJ1inary aipproval on the pr0- posed plàn., speclficatioM and form of contract IDId placed .ame on file in the offiee of '18e CIty Clerk for pUblic ÌI1IJI JecIion, for the construction of 1Ø13 Concrete Side. walk Project and, WHEREAS, the propœed Resolu- tion of Necesllity for &aid improve- ment bas, been iutrodue'ed and Is now on file in the <i1;yClerk's office for pulJllk iDspeetion, B'E IT THEREFORE RESOLV. ED that on the 7th day of Mey Regular Session, April 2, 1973 187 19711, a P\1blie hearing will be held at 7:30 o'elock P.M. D.S.T. in the Council Chamber in the City of D"liuque al which lime the owners of property ."liject to assessment for the proposed improvement may appear and make olijection to the proposed plans and speci£ications and proposed form of contract and at the same time to the lioundaries of the proposed district, to the cost of the improvement, to the amount proposed to lie assessed against any lot and to the pass'age of the proposed Resolution of Ne- cesoity and the City Olerk be and he is hereby d!neted to cause a noti.ce of the time and place of such hearing to he published ja aome D_r pubJisl1ed in the eity of DUbuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than (4) -ek& prior to the day fixed for its considera- tion aM UBk!ss pr"petty owners at the time of final eons:ideration of said. reSlÑlltion have on file with tlte Clerk abjeetions to the amount ~~h~=~~1 waived all oojections thereto, at which hearin& the Council will hear such Objection. and enter on record ita final decision tber_. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd clay of April. 19711. Jospeh J. Bitter Mayor C. RObert J"slmona Wa1lier A. Pregler AIl"" T. 'I'homs Wayne A. Moldenhauer Cauncil- Attest: Leo F. 1'r<>mm.u City Clerk CoUDClilman Moldenhauer moved adopti<>n of the r""¡uti"n. Second- ed by Councilman Justlnaan. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas>----Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nayo-None, 11150WTtOH NO. 111-73 WHERE;\s, the City Coundl of the City of Dubuque, Iowa has l1eretllfDre by bu4get provided for the appointment of a second Ais,s;a- tant City Attorney; and WHERE;\S, the appointment of a second Assistant City Attorney i. esoentilOi and in the liest >1/bJ;" i"terest; !roW THE)REFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNQIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Joseph P. Zwack be and he is hereby appointed Assistant City Attorney of the City of Dubuque, Iowa at a salary of Six Hundred ($800.00) Dollars per month commencing April 1, 1973. Passed, approved and adopted this 2nd day of April, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor C, Roliert Justmann Walter A. Pregler AJ¡ an T. Thoms Wayoe A. Moldenhauer Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Cieri< Mayor Bitter moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded liy COun- cilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, MOldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays.-None, RESOLUTION No. 113.73. BE IT RESOLVED liy the City Council of the City of Duliuque, Iowa, that the following have com- plied with the provisions of law relating to the ""Ie of Cigarettes within the City of Duliuque, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Cig- arettes and Cigarette _en; with- in s:aid City. Will.Co, , Inc. sœ West 5th Street. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds filed with the appli. catton be aipproved. Passed, adopted and aipproved this 2nd day of April, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter M"Y<\I' C. Rohert Juatmann Walter A. Preller Allan T. Thoma Wayne A. Moldenhauer OouncWnen A'ttEST: Leo F. Frommelt City CIeri!: - - 188 Regular Session, April 2, 1973 Counc:ilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by OoundJrnan Thoms. O&rned liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann,Moidenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 114-73 WHERE;\S, app1ieations for Beer permits have been sulimitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Oity of Duliuque, Iowa, that the following applica- tions be granted and permits issued upon the complianee with the terms of the ordinances of the City. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Will-<Co., Inc. 805 West 5th Street. Passed, a<klpted and approved tbiIs 2nd day of April, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter, Mayor C. RObert Justmann Walter A. Pregler AJlan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer Councilmen A'I'I'EST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried liy the follDwiDg vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 115.73 WHEREAS, app1ieations for Beer permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this COun- cil; and WHEREAS, the premises to lie occupied by such appJieants were inspected ,and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed proper honds; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to caU$e to lie issued to the following named applicants a Beer permit. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Will-<Co, Inc. 805 West 5th Street. Passed, adopted and apProved this 2nd day of April, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor C. Robert Justmann Walter A. Pregler AJlan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer Councilmen ATTEST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councliman Thoms. Carried liy the following vote: Yea&-Mayor Bitter, CollJldlmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-NOne. RESOLUTION No. 116-73 WHEItE;\S, applieations for li- quor lieeases have been IAlhmitted to this Council for approval and the ..,me have Ii.... examined, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED ,liy the City OoUllciI of the City of Dubuque, ,Iowa, that the following app1ieations be grant. ed and !iicenses issued upon the co¡nplial1ce with the \el'ms of the IOWA LIQUOR CONTROL ACT- CHAPTER 1II1---as amended liy the 64th Generai Assembly, 1971. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER LIQUOR LICENSE Knights of Columlius Council 510, 781 Locust Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of April, 1973. Jos. J. Bitter Mayor C. Robert J_ana Walter A. Pregler AJ.Ian T. Thoma Wayne A. Moldenhauer Councilmen ATTEST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the r...lutton. 8eeonded liy Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen JustInann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays.--None. Regular Session, April 2, 1973 189 RESOLUTION No. 117.73 WHERE;\S, applications for li- quor licenses were filed liy the within named appJicants and they have received the approval of this Council, and 'WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied liy such applicants were inspected and found to comply Wiith the State Law and all City ordinan- ces relevant ,theretx> and they have filed proper hondo, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to cause to be issued to the follDwing named applicants a Liquor license. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER LIQUOR LICENSE Knights of Oolumlius Council 510, 781 Locust Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of April, 1978. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor C. Robert Justmann Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer Councilmen ATTEST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried liy the follDwing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. with the a~~ ~ ~ed as: Lot 1 of Lot 6, of Lot 12 of Mineral Lot 172; City of Duliuque, Iowa; and WHERE;\S, Hartig Drug COm- pany now proposes to sell of said property; and WImRiEAS, the proposed put- chaser'deslres the City of Duhuque to affirm that the conditions of said deed have lieel> met and sat- Isfied and that none of the restric- tions of said deed have been violat- ed; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIiE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: , Section 1. That the City CoUllcll of the City of Duliuque, Iowa àfter examination and inspection of the aIorementioned and descrllied pre- mises has determined and does hereby affirm that Hartig Drug Company, an IOwa Corporation, has not violated any of the restric- tions or conditions set forth in the aforesaid deed from the Ci,ty of Duliuque, Iowa, to Hartig Drug Company, an Iowa Corporation, property conveyed in said deed has not reverted to the City of Duliuque, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted this 2nd day of April, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor WlI1ter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann Councilmen RESOLUTION NO. 118-73 ATTEST: WHEREAS the City of Duliuque Leo F. Frommelt Iowa liy deed dated July 9, JS62: Ci-tyCIerk and filed Septemlier 10, 1962, in' Councilman Thoms Moved adop- Book 1~8 Town Lots, pages 127 tion of the resolution. Seconded and 1æ, did convey to Hartig Drug, by Counoilman Pregler. O&rried Company the follDwing descril>ed' by the following vote: real estate: . . . .. ' Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneilmen Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Ri!ll SubdivlSlon Justmann Moldenhauer Pregler and Lot 2 of Lot 6 of Lot 12 Thoms' " of Mineral Lot 172; each in the . City of D"liuque, Iowa; Nays-None. and , Petition of Memorial Day Oom- WHERE;\s, such conveyance mittee requesting permission to was made upon certain conditions conduct a Memorial Day Parade stated in said deed with respect on May æth, presented and read. to the use and development of Mayor Bitter moved ap!>l"OV'a1 of laid conveyed pruperty together the petition and refer same to HJO Regular &,ssÏ(8, April 2, 1913 tile Oity lIan",. Seconded h7 Councilman Pregler. Carried by the foi\()WÏII f vote: Y.a..-Ma""r Bitter, CouMIImen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay..-None, There being no fuRller buain- Mayor mUM IJI<)ved to .,.¡journ. SeçQadad liY CoIIaciilnf,ll Pregler. CarrieI\ liy the Iollewing vote: Yeu-JlQOI' Bitw, ~ J.-...ua, Jloldeahauer. PrecW, 'IbeoJts. Nays-None. Lee 1'. J'rommelt City CIerit APPfO\'e4 .................................. 11'13 AAlDpÞd .................................... H'I3 ...........................................",.............. ..........................................................,. ........,.............,..................,................., ...on....""""""""""""""""""""""""" .............................................,.........".., Councilmen Attest: """"'~'Ci;k""""""""""'" Spedal S~ April 9, 1973 191 my COUNCIL OFFICIAL. Special ...ion, AprU 9, J973. Due to lack of a quorum, as ... ......11 of .. ~II\I, the mølfng was4lll/8wJle4 bV .... Ma- ,... toMond.,. Ewn- ~rß 16, 1973, at 1:. .'dock ".M. 110 ... '-<II Cbethbera lit 1M City He... Leo F. ~eIt City OJerk A lpreved .................................. Jft3 A~ .........;..........-.-.-. øra """"""""-'" ..-............-..-- .....--..............................................., .-.-....-........................................ ....-.....,-.................................... ...--.........-..................................... CounCilmen AlteR: """"Citiä;;;:k-"""""""""" Adjourned SpeêialSession, April 16, 1973 deDhlluer. Carried by the ioliDw. ing vote: Yea&-'-Ma:yor Bttter, Councilmen OFFICIAL Moldenhauer, Pre¡ler,Thoms. Nays-::.None., Ad(ourned special session, April; Aibsent--Councilma1> JustlÍ1aDn. 16, 1m. I, Couneiimaa prOc1er moved that Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.s.T.) ! the l'Ides be SUSlJ'lllded in order Present - Mayor Bitter, Conn. to let 811Y0II8 pr.entaddre&e the cilmen Moldenhauer, Proeler, Coaneil if they"" de....... Thoms. City Manager Gilbert D.! 1I(i. Bob Dorothy of the DIiIII.ç.e Chavenelle. Absent - Councilman I Industrial keau explained the Justmann. proposed sale of land in the In. Mayor Bitter read the call and dustrial Park to the Council liy stated that service thereof had requeolt. been duly made aIld this is on ,:flUmmunieation ofMa~,,»i~r adjourned special ...slon of April submitting a communicalion from 9, 1m, called for the purpose of the Mayor of Sioux City, Iowa, conducting public hearings on va. _uragingattendanee. at '" pqbl1c nous parcels of cIeIapidated real hearing to lie held in Sioux City estate throughout the City, aIld on April 19th, to lend support to acting upon such other liusiness legj&lation regarding local option as may properly come before a taxes, presented and read. Mayor regular .meeting of the COunciL Bitter moved that the communi. Minutes of the Playground and cation be received and ,filed aIld Recreation Commission of their that a letter be drafted una";. meetings of March 12th aIld 15th, mously endorsing the ~al option presented fur the record. Oouncil- tax. Seconded ~y CoUllcilmall ~ol. mal> Pregler moved that the mi- denhauer. Carned liy the followmg nutes lie received and filed. Be. vote: conded liy Mayor Bitter, Carried Yeas--'Mayor Bitter, Councilmen liy the following vote: Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Yeas--'Mayor Bitter Councilmen Nays-None. Moldenhauer, Pregler: Thoms. ~sent----O>uncilJl18n J_am. Nays-NOne. Communication of the Iowa State AlJ6ent--Councilman JU&lmann. Highway Commisoion sulimitting Communication of YM-YWCA maps ~ theeorridor Iocatielr':of Community Center sullmitting a U.S. ffighwa, ~' in' Jackso!, aIld . . , Dubuque Counties and notice of proposed "!I,:nda. and diVlSlon of corridor public hearing to Ii held school partiCIpation for Youth in e Government Days for April 23, U, ~~e::¡J~' a:3 :~a:~ll~~~~'::a~ and ~th, presented and read. Pregler moved that the communi. Councilman . pr~gler moved that cation he referred to the City Ma- the commumcation lie referred ~ nager and Staff and report liael< the Staff.. Seconded liy M~yor BIt- 10 the Council. Seconded liy COun- ter. Oarned by th.e foIlowmg .vote: cilmal> Moldenhauer. Carried liy Yeas--'Mayor Bitter, Councilmen the following vote: Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Yeas--'Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Nays-None. Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. ~ti&enlr-Councilman Justmann. NaYs--'None. Communication of Mayor's In. Ailsent--Councilman J_ann. dustrial Committee recommending Communication of State of Iowa sale of a parcel of land in Block Department of Environmental Qua. 5 Riverfront Suli. No.3 to L, C. lit)' sulimitting a Needs Survey Riggs Associates, approx. 1.28 acres I'. Questionnaire relative to Federal for an approx. price of $8,973. pre- I grants for consf:ruclion of Treat- sented and reed. Councilman Pre¡- i ment Works, under authority of ler moved that the communication Federal Water Pollution Control lie referred for proper proceed~ 'Act amendments of 1872, present. ings. Seconded by Councilman Mol- " ed and read. Councilman Thoms l11i CITY COUNCIL " , Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 193 moved that the communication he referred to the Manager, Second- ed by .Councilman Pregler. Oar. riedhy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councl1men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent--Councilman Justmann. April 5, 11173 To the Honorable Ma:yor and City Council I submit a proposal for the ex- penditure of federally shared "Ge. neral Revel1ue Fuode." There is $933,934.00 available. It is proposed to expend $II32,!I12.00 in 1973. I am certain that the council lielieyes th~t revenuø shared funds shOlll1l be us~d for sometlHng spe- cial, something out of the ordi- nary. ~ proposal is 59 couche4, I Either Ö\e items of eXPense are ~Ilsllal or Ö\e circllmstance of the request is extraordb1ary. It is proposed that the funds be expended in the following ways: 1) I1ems of speeial and imme- di~te need, $88,080.00. 2) Programs and inprovement.o which citizens will use directly, Direct appropriation reqllest $129,500,00. Prudent reserve $171,000.00. Total $300,500.00. 3) Important and sizable capital improvements $330,800.00. 4) Items needed for future de- velopment $315,000,00. 5) Use of funds to reduce pro- perty taxes $14\1,532.00. 6) Items (or administration-to accomplish the work $31,000,00. Total $932,912.00, . It Should be r¡oted th~t $143,532.00 I has already been appropriated to the 1973 blldget for t!1~ I'< duction of taxes. This amount has been used to fund, in part, fire depart. ment salaries. It is recommended that $619,$0.00 be additionally &p- propria,ted for 1V13 liUdget, and that $1~l,OOO.OO Ie r~tained as "P!"1ldent reserve" for imminent programs. Already appropriated, $143,532,00 Requested appropriation $618,380.00 Prudent 'Res~rve, $171,000.00. Total $932,!I12.00. Beyond the amount of available funds, an additional list of im. portant program .toms bas been submitted. The total estimated ex- pense of these programs is $235,200. 00. I have submitted the list to provide range of choice. Beside the Items presented in thû! report, some 49 other proposals at an es- timated expense of $594,000 were considered, sifted and not selected, Many of these ideas will be con- sidered in the 1$74 hudget, We h~ve "'lid that a proposal for the expenditure of shared funds is something special. It is ~n his. toric occasion, and indeed a hap. py event. I would suggeat that this liill of affairs be roundly discussed, presented to citizens for opinion and set down for hearing. Gilbert D. Cbavenelle City M'anager Councilman Thom<¡ moved th~t the proposal be referred to the Advisory Commission with a re- commer¡dation that they make a recommendation to the Chamlier of Commerce Committee for are, view of the proposal. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldeuliauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-.-None. Ai>sent-Councilman Justmann. April, 11, 1973 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council A request has lieen received for additiol1al street lighting in the 2490 block of Queen Street. The area has lieon investigated by the electrical inspector and it is recommended that a 4000 lumen incandescent fixture be mounted on a new wood pole on the north property line of 2417 Queen Street, adjacent to the curb line. Gilbert D, Ohavenelle City M'anager Councilman Pregler moved ap- proval of the recommendation. Se- conded by Councilman :!(oldenhau- er. Carried by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor lUtter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent..councilman Justmann. Minutes of the Human Rights Coml!1ÌSlliOl> of their meeting duro ing the month of March, presented for the record. Councilman preg. Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 Adjourned SpeciaJ Session, April 16, 1973 Communication .of .University of Iowa, advising of a one day semi. nar on Alcoholism to 'be held in Maquoketa on M~y 10,19'13, pre. sented and read. Councilmall' Pre- gler moved that,the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. QaniedbY the foRowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. ,u,sent-Couneilman Justmann, April. 2, l873 Honorable Mayor and City CoUllciI On J~nllary 22, 1973, Marl< Grace of 568 West 7th street, filed claim for damages as the result of strik- ing an alleged Ì1<Jlein the ,a~y behind Stampfer's on !.he 20th da~ of January, 19'13 at approximately 1;4.0 P.M. claiming dallÏagès that knocked the rear end' of llis ear out of alignment andpQ6Stlile uni. versal damage, and claiming tile amount of $l5.00.' I have made an inves!ig<¡tion of this matter and I have had "reports from the Street Depart- ment, Water Department and the Engineering Department and it is the opinion of the ,City Attorney that there is no actionai>lenegli- gence on !.he part. of the City of Duliuque and therefore recommend denial of said claim. Original claim is, returned here. with. 195 194 the result thereof in the amonnt of $57.20. This matter was referred to the City Attorney and I beg to advise that I have made an investigation thereof through the Street Depart- ment and through the Water De. partment and through the En- gin..ring Department and it is my opinion that there is no actionable negligence on the part of the City of Doouque in connection with this élaim. Accordingly, it Is the re- commendation of the City Attorney thatsiad claim for damages be .denied. Original claim ,is returned here- With. of 'a fall on the east curb of Lin. coln north of. northeast corner of intersection of Lincoln and Mar- shall Streets, presented and read. Councilman Moldenhauer moved that the notice 01: claim be referred to the City Attorney for proper action. Seconded by Conncilman Thoms. Carried liy 'the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Bitter, COuncil- men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Ahaent--Conncilman Justmaan. Notice of Suit of Roy A. & M'arie L. Knch in the amount 01:$22,500, for ,personal induries received in a fall on an icy sidewalk liy Roy A. Kuch, on 24th Street abutting the property of Donald Sand at 2364 Washington St. on December 30, 1972, presented and read. Conn- cilman Moldenhauer moved that the notice of Suit lie referred to the City Attorney for proper ac. tion. Seconded liy Councilman Thoms. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Bitter, Conncil- men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Ab6ent--Conncilman Justmann. Notice of Olaim of Reliance In- surance Companies claiming sub- rogation rights in the amonnt of $288.32 in the accident case of JOOo R. Grimes claiming their insured was not at fauÍt, presented and read. Councilman MoldeDhauer moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Attorney for proper action. Seconded tiy Councilman Thoms. Carried liy the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Bitter, Conncil- men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Justmann... Notice of Claim of John M. Hei- dorn, in the amount of $37.08, for car damage incurred as the result of striking a chuck-hole in the street at 180 Devon on April 10, 1973, presented and read. Council. man Moldenhauer moved that the notice of claim lie referred to the Oity Attorney for proper action, Seconded by Councilman Thoms, Carried liy the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Bitter, Council- men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms, Nays-None. Absent-Conncilman Ju&tmann. ler moved that the minutes .he I received and filed. Seconded liy I Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, ,Councilmen Moldenhauer," Pregler, Thoms. Nays--None. Absent-Councilman Justmann. Communication of Ruth Nash, being in sympathy with the olijec- tors of the 4th and Bluff street area, also Objecting to code en. forcement in the 3rd and 4th street area lilocks when they are not being enforced in other areas of the City, aloò Objecting to action taken by tile, Planning & ZOning Comll1Îß5ion that their property lie- come a parcel of the grand. plan; however requesting tile Council to follow present r",,!,mmendation of the Planning lit Zoning COmmiss- ion, with,enlorceâble limits 'to ~ny oommercial development, present. ed and read. Councilman Pregler moved that the' comrnnnieation lie received and fil.ed. Seconded liy Councilman Tboms. Carried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter Conncilmen Pregler, Thoms. Nays--None. Alisent-Councilman Justmann. ,u,stained-Councilmall Mold en. hauer. Mrs. Rutll Nasb ~ddressed the Council requésting that tlleir re- quest stand on its own merits. The olijectors from as far away as 3rd and Bluff should not be I considered ás Objectors to their , particular property. ' Communication of City Attorney being of' the opinion that the pas- tore of the parties involved in the rezoning of the 4th & Bluff Street are:1 is such that no area of com. promise is likely and tile matter i. now so framed that only action by the Council can be of any signi- ficance and according1y awaits Council's further instruction, pre- sentedand read. Conncilman Preg. ler ,moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Conncilman Thoms'. Carried liy the following vote: Ye8lS-Mayor Bitter, Conncilmen Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Justmaou. ~listainec\.Councilman Mold en. hauer. R.N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Moldenhauer moved approval of the recommendation. Seconded liy Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhau.., Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Ahaent-Conncilman Justmann. April 3, 1973 Honorable Mayor "nd City Council On March 14, 19'13, Telemàhos IIogas of 207 Dillon Street, this city, filed claim against the City of Dubuque in thé amount of $90.00 claiming damages to the ba&ement of his home allegedly as the result of a sewer backup. This matter was rèferred to the appropriate City Agency who has made an investigation of said claim and has advised this o!ñce liy let- ter, ,dated March 28, 19'13, of no ,actionable negligence on the part of 'the City and in view of the fo""COini, it ,is the recommenda- tiøD,of the 0iQ> Atú)rney tIIat said claim be deDieci. OrIIb>alcLaiID Ïareturned here. with. R. N. RuSllO City Attorney Conncilman Molden\tauer moved approval of the recommendation. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays--Noue. Absent-Councilman Juøtmann. April :I, 1973 Hoooralile Mayor ànd City Council On January 28, 19'1S, Miss Vickie Kruser, RR #1, Hazel Green, Wis- consin, filed claim against the City of Dubuque for damages allegedly suffered as the result of sttiiing a hole in Uie alley behind Stamp- fer'. in the 800 Block of Main Street which allegedly caused het' muffler to be knocked off, the tail. pipe to be knocked off,' and the front end knocked out ,of align. ment and claiming damages' as R. N. Russo. City Attorney Councilman Moldenhauer moved approval, of the recommendation. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-,-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. :N"Y6--'None. Absent-Councilman Justmann. Notice 01: Claim:of Helen M. Kenneally in the amonnt of $30,- 000 forp..sonalinjuries received 'on ~Mareb 1ß,1973, as the result ,)11M< - 196 Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 Notice of Claim of Donald Gross, in the amount of $M.W, for car damage incurred as the result of operation of a snowplow at 1328 Jacloson St. on April 9, 1973, pre- sented and read. Councilman Mol- denhauer moved that the notice of Claim lie referred to the City I Attorney for proper action. Sec- onded by Councilman Thoms. Car- ried by the fallowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Bitter, Council- men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays~None. ~lisent-Councilman Justmann. Proof of Puli]iCation, certified to by the PUblisher, of notice of hear- ing to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 3-34 by repealing Section 1 of Article VA thereof and enact- ing a new section 1 of Article VA in lieu thereof, covering uses in a Multiple Residence District, Restaurants, cafes etc" and pro- fessional uses, presented and read. Councilman Moldenhauer moved that the proof of pulilica-!ion lie received and filed. Seconded liy Mayor miter. Carried :by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Bitter, Coullcil- men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay~None. Absent-Councilman Justmann. An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 3-34 by repealing Section L of Article VA thereof and enacting a new section 1 of Article VA in lieu thereof to per- mit the location of a tavern in a cafe or restaurant operating as such at last three years prior to effective date hereof, said Ordi- nance having been previously pre- sented and read at the Council meetings of January 29, 1973, March lJ!, 1973, presented for fi- nal adoption. Councilman Thoms moved that the Ordinance lie re- ferred to the meeting of April z¡"d. Seconded liy Councilman Pregler, Carried hý the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Bitter, Council. men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na,.s~None. Absent-Cöuncilm.an Justmaoo. Petition of Michael James Ryan reques,ting that the liuilding at 7111 Bluff Street be declu'ed to have historical and or architeetural sig- nificance as under Subsection H article 4, presented and read. Coun- cilmsn Pregler moved that the petition be referred to the Man- ager and staff for investigation and report. Seconded liy Council. man Thoms. Carried liy the fol- lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Bitter, Council. men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Ahsent-Councilman Justmann. Petition of Duliuque Downtown Assn.requesting permission to sponsor a community Garage Sale on May 5, 1973, presented and read. Councilman Pregler moved that the petition be approved snd referred to the Manager. Seconded by Councilman Thoms, Carried liy the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Bitter, COuncil- men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms, Nays-None. ~lisent-Coullcilman Justmann, Petition of C, D, WoI« request- ing rezoning of LOt 2 of McMahon Place located on the northeast cor- ner of ,Glen Oak & Vernon Strèets from Single to Two Family Clasa- ifi.cation, presented and read. The dIerk advised the Council that the petition had been withdrawn liy the petitioner. Councilman Preg- ler moved that the petition lie re- ceived and filed. Seconded liy Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Bitter, COuncil- men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay~None. Al:>sent-Councilman Justmailn. Petition of Boy Scouts of Amer. ica requesting the use of two City dump trucks to he!p in their effort, along with the Girl Scouts, in clean- ing up parlœ, roadways, riverfront etc. presented and read. Councii- man Moldenhauer moved approval of the petition and same lie re- ferred to the City Manager. Sec. onded liy Mayor Bitter. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas ~ Mayor Bitter, COuncil- men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay......None. AbSent-Councilman Ju.shnann. Petition of Beta Sigma Phi So. rority subínittinll a proclamation and requesting that the 'Week of Máy 14th to 20th he proc1aimed Beta Sigma Phi week, presented and read, CoUI1A!ilman Mol d e n. Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 hauer moved approval of the pe- We have carefully reviewed the tition. Seconded by Ma)'Or Bitter. soil analysis and horing results Carried by the following vote: with our consultants. We have Yeao--Mayor Bitter, Councilmen come to the eonclusion that the Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Smith property in question pre- Nays-None. sented serious doulits regerding its Alisent---Q)Unèilmatl Juøtmann. acceptability for use as a sanitary landfil1 for the following reasons: Petition of Lo~as Colleg~ ~tudent 1. The ,soil results indicate a Senate requ,:sting perDllsslon to lower permeability and lack of stiff conduct. a bike relay, on Sa.tur- clay cover over the Silurian Lime- day Aprll 28th, sUliDlltting varIOus stone This would necessitate an possWle rou~s, presented and e"pe~Slive sealing process to insure read. Councilman Moldenhauer the protection of the underlying moved approval of the pe!ition sub. limestone aquifer. jeet to approval of the CIty Mana- 2. The water tàble on the pro. ger ,and Police, Department. Se. perty 'was higher than anticipated. conded by M;ayor Bitter. Carried While the site could lie engineered, by the folloWIng vote: this does decrease the amount of Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen usable earth. Moldenhauer, P,regler, Thoms. These two elements raise serious NaY~None. . questions, and it Is doubtful that J\lisent-Councllman Justmann. a State permit for the operation Petition of Thompson's Food of. a sanitary .I~ could be 00- Market aœ W. 5th Street request- tame~ on this sIte. , , . ing refund of $56 25 on the unex- It IS our recommend~tion that pired portion of Cia.s C Beer Per- the, City of Duliuque withdraw !ts mit No. 0309 as they have dlscon- option for purchase of the Sn,uth tinned liusine... on April 1, 1673, pro.perty and pursue other SItes presented and read. Councilman which ma,: lie more acceptàble. Moldenhauer moved that the reo G!1liert D. Cbavenelle fund be granted and the Auditor CIty Manager issue proper warrant. Seconded by Councilman Pregler moved that Mayor Bitter. Carried by the fol- the communication be received and loWing vote: and filed. Seconded liy Council- Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen man Thoms. Carried by the fol- Mol<Ìellhauer, Pregler, Thoms. loWing vote: NaY~None. Yeas~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J\lisent-Councilman Justmann. Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Petition of Citizens. against Du- ~:::~~~ilman Justmllml. buque Landfil requestil1g the Coun- cil to reconsider their selection Communication, of Richard Worm of the proposed landfil1 on the .xtending an invitation to ,attend Leonard T. Smith farm, containing the showing of two films at Hemp. approx. 2500 signatures, presented stead High School called "Waste and read. Councilman Pre g I e r Away" and the "The Great All- moved that the petition be receiv- American Trash Can" which could ed and flied. Seconded liy Conn- be of great interest realizing that cilman Thoms. Carried by the fol- theCitý has á landfill prolilem lowing vote: aiso their limited success of the Yeas-Mayor .Bitter, Councilmen newspaper recycling prolilem, and Moldellhauer, Pregler, Thoms. the City should be getting ready Nay~None. to undertaking a pro/Ì1'am far the Ahsent-Councilman Justmann. recycling of all solid 'wastes, pre. April lJ!, 1973 ~::te:o~~~ r~~i ~~~"::;:Z~: To the Honorable Mayor tion lie received and filed. Second- and City Counèil ed 'liy CoUncilman Thoms. Carried We areWtiting to discuss with by the following vote: you the mat!et of the proposed Yeás=Maÿôt Sitter, Councilmen SaI1Ítáfÿ láìidfill site on the Leo- Mold/;l1hatief, Pfl;j¡ler, Thi) Ds. n.rd T. Smith property in Dubu- NaY~None. qtie Countý. Absent-Councilman Justmann" 197 198 Adjouined Special Session, April 16, 1973 Petition of Peoples Natural Gas requesting permisaion to excavate at '2058' Lincoln Ave.,presellted and read. COuncilman ,P reg I e r movedat'Proval of the petition. Seconded by Councilman MOlden- hauer. Carried by the following vote: , Yeas-Mayor Bitter, counci1Jnen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent.-Oounellman Justmano. petition of Tho Duliuque Bible Church requesting permission to conduct evangelistic meetings in \be Downtown area, 'such "" Wash- ington Park, d~ ,thepertod of May 6th to 13th" presented and reád. Councilman Pregler moved that the petitioø be referred to the p""kBoard. SecOndedÞY Coun- cilman Moldenhauer. Carried liy thefollDwing "ate: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, ThoJJl6. Nays.--.None. Absent.--.Councllman Justmann. Petition of William P. Heitzman of the Jaycee City Hall Renovation Committee, reques1ing -permission to address \he Còuncil to unveil \be results of a study conducted liy \he, Jaycees concerning the bouaing of City -Government, pre. sented and sea!!. -Mr. Wm. Heitz- man sulimitted a comprehen6ive prQPOSal relative to the possilile purchase of \he Medical AesO!'iates property at 1200 Main St, ,Each Councilman was presented a de. tailed sketch showing a layout de- tail of all the Oity offices and how they would fit Into the)(edi- cal Associates building; ,Proof of Publica1ion, certified to liy the pu.lili<lher, and certified mail receipt, of notice of public hear- inC to consider the City Manager's report of d~pïdated buildings at 576-82 Avon Stre<:t, located on I.,ot 7 of M. ,A. M<:Paniel's Su!>. OWIIed liY Mrs. Margaret Steic;ben, pre- sented and read. Councilman Preg- ler mo\'ed ,that the proof of pub- lication and ,wtified mall receipt ber~vedand filed. Seconded by Couneilnw1 Moldenhauer. Car. lied liy the foUøwing vote: Yeas-Mayor -Jlitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pt'eIier, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent.--.Councilman JustmllllÙ. ..-" -" 'Mrs. MargaretSteiehen address- ed the Council and requested -two more weeks to solve her proIilems on the properly. The request was granted. (I. !SOLUT.IØN MO. lU,73 WHEREAS the City Manager ha,s reported to \he City Council that the liulldings and premises located on Lot 7 of M.A. McDalÙeI.s Snh. division in the City of Dnhuque, Duliuque County, 'Iowa, ""edange. rous to life and health because of tb!>ir condition and that demand bas lieen made by!ÛQl upon Mrs. Margaret Steichen, ~_Wblte Street, Dubuque, Iowa; as owner of said propertythattb!>, condition complain..ed of be eorrected and that said owner bas 'failed to cor. rect the conditions within the time providedliy the notice; and, WH¡;mEAS on Marc;b ~z, 1973, the Clity Counei1 set said report down 1M bearing at 7:90 o'clock P .M.Central Standard Time April 9, 1973, in the City COw¡cilCham- ber in the City Hall in the City of 'Dutiuque,Dubuque County, 10' wa, ,and directed the ,City Clerk to give notice of said -hearine; and, WHEREAS it appears liy røturn of _vice now on file ,in -the -re. cords of the CityCounèil -tIIa-t no- tice of said bearil!lwas pen liy servÏl!i by~red Mail on March 16, 1973, and liy pnhlication in the Teiegt'apb -Herald-a. peron Mardi 16, 18'1S,anj\, WHEREAS pursuant 'to said no- tice on order of \he City Council a public hearin¡l w.., caned 'at 7:90 o'clock P:M. Central Standard Time on April 9;1973, ,and duly adjQUrnedto meeting of April 16, 1973, in the City COuncil Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Duliuque, Iowa, at whid1 "time 'the owner of the ahove deseril>ed real estate were.,atforded .,.opportuit"i. ty to be heard and witDl!sees -con- cerning the condition of 'the -pro- perty and the ha~ard was heard; and, WHEREAS the COuncil bas <iu1Y consi~red the tesUIIIOJ»' Of ,the witnesses...d viewed the "pre~es and has rDebed ItslleWr,lIIIna1ioa. NOW, TBEBEFORE,"BElT_- SOLVED BY 'I1IE CITY,œtJNCIL Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 199 CITY, OF DUBUQUE, I port of deiapidated h\IÏldin.gs .t 446 E. li4th Street, located on Lot 2 of Lot 1.92 East Dubuque, Addu. owne4 liyTimothy B. &, Lula M. Sargent, presented and read. Coull- eilmanPr.,gler moved that the proof of pulilicatioa a:nd ~ertified mail receipt be røce!Ved and filed. Secoadedby QÌImcilman Molden- hauer. Carried Ii)' the following vote: Yeas-Ma~. Bitter, Còundllilen Moldeob'auer, Pregler, Tho....... Nays-None. Absent-<:ouDcilmàÞ, Justmamt RESOLÚTKHt' Nb. 1~Jì WHEIiEAs the City Manager has reported tô the City COuncil tIIa:t the ,buiJ¡ting...d' prelllÚesioeated on I.,ot 2 Of SubdiVision. 192 East Dubuque Addition in the City of D"liuqU!', Dubuque CountY,Iówa, lite dÍUlgeto11sto, "life ¡ind health because of their' condition and that dema:nd' bas been made by liim upon, Timothy B. and' Lull' 14; Sar; gent,: R:R.#Z",D1ìbuque; Iowa, U owners of said' proPerty tIIat the condition compla,iJled of he correct- ed and' that said owner has failed tocorre~t the CQllditiomf witllin the time provided" by thellotice; and, ' WHEREAS on March 12, 1973, We CitY CòunCiI" , set said reøøn down for hearing at, 1:30 o'clock P;M. Oe"tral Standard Time April 9" 1973, in the City ,CoÌlœIl Cham' ber in the ,City Hall ill the City of Duliuque, Dubuque County, i0- wa:, and ditêcted the City Clerk to give notiœ' of said hearing; md, WHERE;\S it appear" liy return of _vice now on, file in tile re- cords of the City Council that n0- tice of said hearin¡l "was given by serving by Regtstêred Mail on March 16, 1973 and hy publication in the Telegraph Herald newspap- er on March 16, 1S72, md, WHEREAS pùr.ua:nt to said no- tice on- order of the' City COuncil a puliUc heal'Úlll "'liS, called at 7:30 o'clock PJII:. Central Standard Time on April 9, lS'/3, and duly adjourned to meeting of April 16, 1973 in the City COul1êll Chamlier in the City Hall in the-City, of Duliuque, Iowa, at whieh time the owners of- the above, described resl OF THE IOWA-; Section 1. That the struetures known as 576-582 Avoa Stl-eet, Lot 7 of M.A. MèDlllliels Suliclivision in the,City of Dubuque, Dubuque County,IOwa,. ,be and: the same ar-e hepeby found and declared to be d_erou8 to life, health and p1'<JPOl1¥ and & n1Ûsance; Ssotloll' 2. That the City Ma:nager be ""d he is hereby- authorized and, cfu<ec1l!d ,to cause- the structure ImIfWn as' 57O-a13 Avon Street, I.,ot 7- of MeA. MèDallieis Sulidivisløn in the City of Dubuque" DuIiu<iue County; Iowa,. to Ii.. clismanUed and, reII1o¥ed. SftfI..,S; '11Iat,"u¡IØII. <!Ompløtion of said work, the: Oity Jd'anagêi' shall certify the eoat 'tbetiof to the City. ~;- SeotIon 4. That - receipt, of said COI'tificate of oost ffom' the City Hanager"tbeCity Clerk shs,li thereupon eerti.fy saidco$t to the County Auditor of Du!>uque County, Iowa,' and, it shall be collected with and mille same manner ... ¡eneral property taxes. SeotI.. 5. That the City Clerk be and ill, hereliy directed to reeord a certified COp; ' of this Resolution in' the ,office of the COunty'Recorder of 'Dubuque County, 101\>... Pa8iled', adòpted, and approved this 18th' day of A9ril, - 1973. Josepb J.Sitter Mayor Wi1ter A. Pl'egier AlIa:n T. Thom. Wayne A. Moldenhauer CCilmdimen A'l'TEST: Leo, F; Foommelt Ci4' Clerk CoUllcl1Dlan Thomsmo¥ed adOp' tiOIl <if! tIle resolution and that the a:dv<ÌttiùllMOnt few bida &lr demoli- tion of' tIle b1llldillfs not lie d<llle for t\wo '""" from tliis date. Se- eondl!d by Counci1lnan' Moldenhau- er: Öirriëd b1ltlfe fòlfowiøg vote: y.,.....M.yor Bttter,COuncilmen MoMðIlIUluer;Pregler, Thoms. Noys-Noað. AIistIøt--Counci1n\aD JWltmann. Proot of. 'Puldication¡ certified to by the Publisher, andcenüied mail .ec8i.pt,of Mlice 01, pulille hearin¡l to consider the City Manager's re- 200 Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 estate were afferded an opportun- ity to be heard and witnesses con. oorning the condition of the pro- perty and the hazard was heard; and, WH¡;:RE;,\S the Co1mcil lias duly collsidered the testimony of the wltoe...s ;¡nd viewed the premises and \las reached its determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SO~VED BY THE CI,TY COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF DUBUQUE, lOW;\': Sect,on 1. ':\'lIat ~ structures !mown as 4.f6 East 14th Street, Lot 2 \If SUbcli.~OIl In, E~st Du- buque Additi,on to the City of Du- \luque, Dul¡\Ique County, Iowa, lie and the same are hereliY Í\lund and declared to lie dangeroU$ to life, lIealth and property and a nuis8 ICe; S..tion 2. 'n>at the CiQ' M8I1ager be and he is herebY aut\1Orized 8I1d directed to Ca\!Be the slrl1cture k!1own as 4.f6 East 14th Street, Lot 2 of Subdh'isiol1 1S2, East Du. liuque Additi,oll in the City of Du- liUqUe, I¡uliuque County, Iowa, to be cjismantled and removed. $ection 3. That UpOI1 completion of said ",ork, the City Manager shall certify the cost thereof to tIle CiQ' Clerk. $ectiOA 4. That IJpoIl receipt of said certificate of cost from the CitY Jl!anager, libeCiQ' Clerk shaH tIlereuPOII ~fy saÏ!I cost to the CouIIt¡¡- A1¡cjitor of Dubqque COun.- ty, IOWa, and il shall lie collected With and in the Same manner as g~lIeral property ta~es. Section 5. That the City Clerk be and is hereliy directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution in th,e office of the County Record. er of Duliuque County, IOwa. Pas~, adopted ;¡nd approved this 16th !lay of April, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Ma~r Walter ;\. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer Co1lnci1men ATrEST: LØo F, Frolllmelt City CIeri< Co1lncilman Thoms moved adop. tion of the resalutiol\. Seconded liyCounctiman Moldènhauer. Car. ried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Justmann. Proof of Pulilication, C1!rtified to by the Pulilisher, and certified mail rèceipl, of notice of pulilic hearing to conMder the City Manager's re- port of delapidated liuildings at 1637 Iowa Street, located on the SOuth J,!, of Ea&t \jo of City Lot 'NØ, owned liy John A. Nagle, pre- sented and read. Councilman Pre- gler moved that the proof of puli. lieatioa be received and filed. Se- conded liy Councilman Moldenhau- er. Carried by the followiag vote: Yeas-.-Mayer Bitter, Coual'ilmen Moldentlauer, Pregler, Thoms. NaY&-!il(QH!. Absent..Oouncilman J\lstJnann. Attorney Michael Coyle addre$S' ed the Council by stating that Mr. A.-thur Nagel is in the process of securing the l¡uildi¡¡g. Attorney Francis O'Connor stated that the Nagle property is to be used only for a single family home, as stated in a covenant, which he showed to the Council. However later on the covenant was amended and recited to read for a two family home. This eovenant is not a mat- ter of public record, but it was drawn UP lietw- the owners of the Nagel prOperty alld the pro- perty now owned by the Hoffmann Mortuary. Mr, Art Nagel state!l that if the covenant lIe1d it would not lie worth it to develop and restore the Nagle property for single Or even two family use. RESOLUTION "0. 121.73 WHEREAS the City Manager bas reported to the qity Council that tile liuildinis and premisee loealed on the South J,!, of East J,!, of the 'City Lot 748 in Ü!e City of Duliuque, I>uliuque Co1ll!ty, Io-wa, are 118I1gerouS to life alld health because of their con<!iti<111 ...<1 thaI dem8l1d has beOl\ made liy him upon John A. Nagle, Canfield !i<>t. el 36 West 4th Street, nuliuque, IoWa, as ow.er of said i\!'OPWty that the conditåon complained of he correeted and that said owner has failed to' eorrect the condi. tions within the time provided hy the notice; and, Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 ,'WHEIliEASon Mareh 12, 1m, Section 4. That upon receipt of the City Council set said report said certificate of cost from the doWII for hearing at 7:30 o'clock City Manager, the City Clerk shall PM. Central Standard TIme April therelJpon certify oaid cost to the 9, 1m, in the City Council Cham- County Auditor of Duliuque County, bet in the' City Hall in the City Iowa, and it shall be collected of Dubuque, Duliuque County, 10- with and in the same, ma"""" as wà; and dirèeted the City Clerk general property tans. to give notice of said hearing; Section S. That the City Clerk and, be and is hereby directed to record WHEREAs It appears liy return a certified copy of this Resolution of service now on file in the records in the office of the County Re. of the City CoùnCil that notice corder of Dubuque County IOwa, of said hearing was given hy servo Passed adopted and a~ro"ed iDg liy Registered Mail on March this 18th day of April 1m 18, 1J73, IJId by pulilication In the Joseph J;' BlttI.r . TelOflJ'8ph Herald newspaper 0 n Mayor March 18, 1973, aad. Walter A. Pregler WHERE;\S pursuant to said no- Allan T. Thoms tice on order of the CiQ' CoùnCil Wayne A; Moldenhauer a public hearing was held at 7:30 CoUDcilmen, o'eiockp;lI1. Celìtral "Standard ATl'EST: TIme on April 9, 19'III' and duly Leo F. Frommelt adjd1Írned to the lI1eeöng of April City Clerk 16, 11!7ß in ~City œ~ Cha!'l- Co1lllCilman Moldenhauer moved ber m the City Hall m .the City adoption of the r_Iution but - to of Dubuque, Iowa, at which time withhold receipt of dell1olition liids the owner of the above deacribed for thirty days. SecOnded by May. real estate were afforded. an op- or Bitter. Carried by the following portunit.y to be hear~ and Wltoesses vote: eoncernmg the condition of the pro- Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen perty and the hazard was heard; Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. and, . NayS-None. ~EREAS the Co~cil h.. duly Absent-Councilman Justtnann. consIdered the testimony of the witnesses and viewed the premises Proof of pulilication, certified to and has reached its determination. by the Pulilisher, and ce.-tified mail NOW TIIEaEFORE BE IT RE- reeeipt, of notice of pulilic hearing SOLVED BY '11lŒ CITY COUNCIL to consider the City Manager's re- OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, port of de1apidated liuildings at IOWA: 544-60 Avon Street, owned liy Jam. Section 1. That the structures es W. & Catherine W'mall~ located known as 1637 IOw,a Street and on Lot 8 of M. A. McDame!s; Sub. located on the South J,!, of East presented and read. Councilman J,!, of City Lot 746 in the City Pr~ler. moved tha.t the proof of of Dubuque, Dubuque County, 10- pulilication ,be re...."ed and filed. wa, be and the oame are hereby Seconded by: CouncJlman Mol~. found and declared to be dangerous hauer. CarrIed liy the followmg to ,ll!e, health and property and v°i"~"-M yo Bitter Councilmen an",sance' a r , Sa i 2., Tht th City M Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. ct on a e an.a. Nays-None. ger be a~d he is hereby authonz- Absent-Councilman Justmann. ed and directed to cause the struc- ture known ae 1637 Iowa Street RESOLUTION No. 122-73 and located on the SOuth J,!, of WHEREAS the City Manager has East J,!, of City Lot 746 In the reported' to the City CoùnCil thai City of Duliuque, Dubuque County, the liuildings and premises located IOWa, to be disman,tled and re- on Lot 8 of M.A. McDaniels SuIi- moved. division in the City of Dubuque Section 3. That upon completion County, Iowa, are dangerous to of said wort the City Manager lile and health betause of their shall certify 'the COst thereof to condition and that demand has the City Clerk. been made liy him upon James 201 W. Winall, 632 Chestnut Street, Du- buque, Iowa, as owner of said property that the condition com- plained of be corrected and that said owner haa failed to correct the conditions within the time provided liy the notice; and, WHEREAS on Mareh 12, 1973 the City Council set said report down for bearing at 7:30 o'clock i P oM. Central Standard Time April 9, 197ß, in the City Council Cham- ber in the City of Duliuque, Du. buque County, Iowa, and directed the City Clerk to give notice of said hearing and WHERE;\s it 'appears by return of service now on file in the records of the Ci!y Council that notice of said hearing was liven by serv- ing liy Regis- Mail on March 16, 1973, and liy pulilication in the Telegraph Herald newspaper on March 16, 1973, and, WHEREAS pursuant to said ""- lice on order of the City Council a pulili.c bearing was called at 7:30 o'ctock P.M. Central Standard Time on April 9, 1973, and duly adjourned to the meeting of April 16, 1B73 in the City Council Cham. ber in the City Hall in the City of Duliuque, Iowa, at whicb time the owner of the ahove described real estate were afforded an op- portunlty to he beard and witnesses concerning the condition of the pro. perty and the hazard was beard; and, WIIERE;\S the Council has duly comrldered the testimony of 1i1e witnesses and viewed the premises and bas reached Its determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVEÐ BY mE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOW;\: Section 1. That the structures known as 544~O Avon Street, Lot 8 of M. A. McDaniels Sulidivision in the City of Duliuque, Duliuque County, Iowa, lie and the same are hereliy found and declared to be dangerous to" life, bealth and property and a nuisance; Section 2. That the City Mana- ger be and he is bereliy authorized and directed to cause the structure known as 544-560 Avon Street, Lot 8 of M.A. McDaniels Subdivision in the City of Duliuque, Duliuque County, Iowa, to be dismantled and removed, Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 Section 3. That upon completion of said work, the City Manager shall certify the cost thereof to the City Clerk. Section 4. That upon receiPt of said certificate of cost from the City Manager, the City Clerk shall therenpon certify said cost to the County Auditor of Duliuque Coun. ty, Iowa, and it shaJi be collected with and in the same manner as general property taxes. Section 5. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution in the offiee of the County Record- er of Duliuque County, Iowa. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of April 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. hegler AYan T. Thoms Wayne A. MoldeDhauer Councilmen ATIEST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Moldenhaner moved adoption of the resolution. Second- ed liy Mayor Bitter Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent..Conncilman Justmann. RESOLUTION No. 123.73 WHE"RE;\S, plat dated February 20, 1973, prepared liy Bartels, McMahan, LeMay & Haas Engin- eering Co. covering Lot 86 A, Wood's Addition; and the Eaoterly 19,96 feet of Lot 97 A, Wood's Addition; and Original Uuion Av- nue lying on th southerly side of Lot 86, Wood's Addition and on the snutherly side of the Eas- terly 19.96 feet of Lot 87, Wood's Addition, southerly to the existing northerly street line of Kirkwood Street; each of the a'liove tieing in the City of Duliuque Iowa, here- inafter known and tieing a part of Lot 2 of "John J. Breitlil eb Place" in the City of Duliuque, Iowa; and WHEREAS, said plat conforms to the la,ws and statutes pertain. ing thereto; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: 2D2 Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 203 Section I. That the plat dated February 211, 19'/3, prepared liy Bartels, McMahan, LeMay & Haas Engineering Co., engineering com- pany, covering the real estate here- inabove described, be and the same is hereby approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Iowa lie and they are herliy authorized and direct- ed to execute said plat for and on behalf of the City of Duhuque, Iowa. Section 2. That the City Clerk lie and he is hereby authorized and directed to file said plat and this Resolution in the office of the Recorder in and for Dubuqne County, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopred this 16th day of April 1973, Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T, Thoms Wayoe A. Moldenhauer Councilmen ATIEST; Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Moldenhauer moved adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Mayor Bitter. Carried liy the foßowing vote; Yeas-Mayor Bitrer, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-NOne. Absent..Councilman Justmann. Proof of Pulilication, certified to liy the Publisher, of notice of public hearing to dispose of interest in Lot 86A and the Ely 19.96' of Lot fIlA of Woods Addn. and that parcel or real estate aliutting Lot 86, and the Ely 19.96' of Lot 87, tieing a parcel 30.92' at its easrerly houn. dary, being 7[.:11' at its Nly lioun- dary, tieing 34.7[' at its westerly houndary and 71.86' at its south- erly lioundary to Nelson P. & Ra- mona R. Klavitter, presented and read. No written objections were filed and no oral objectors were present in the Council Chambers at the time set for the puli1ic hearing. Councilman Moldenhauer m 0 v e d that the proof of pnlilication be received and filed. Seconded liy Mayor Bitrer, Carried by the fol- lowing vate: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent..Councilman Justmann. RESOLUTION NO. 124-73 WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolu. tion of publisbed notice of time and place of hearing pulilished in the Telegraph-Herald, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Dubuque, Iowa on March 16, 1973 and March 2:1, 1973, City Council of City of Dubuque, Iowa, met on the 9th day of April, 1973 at 7:30 o'clock P,M. (Central Standard Time) in the City COun- cil Chambers, City Hall, Duliuque, Iowa to consider the proposal to dispose of interest of the City of Dubuque, Iowa of Iwo parcels of real estate, hereinafter described, to Nelson P. Klavitter and Ramona R. Klavitter, husliand and wife, as joint tenants; and WHERE;\S, City Council of Du- buque, Iowa overruled any and all objections, oral or written, to the proposal to dispose of interest of City of Duliuque, Iowa, in the aliove described real estate to Nel- son P. Klavitter and Ramona R. Klavitter, husband and wife, as joint tenants: NOW THERE'FOBE BE IT RE- SOLVÐD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section I. That the disposal of interest of City of Dubuque, Iowa in the following described parcel of real estate, to-wit: Lot 86A and the ea&terly 19.96 feet of Lot 97"" of Wood's Addi- tion, in ,the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to Nelson p, Klavitter and Ramona R. Klavitter, husband and wife, as joint tenants for the purchase price of $50.00 together with costs of pulilication, be and the s'ame is hereliy approved. Section 2. That the disposal of interest of City of Dubuque, Iowa in the following descrilied parcel of real estate, to-wit: That parcel of real estate aliut. ling Lot 86 in oWod"s Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the easterly 19.96 feet of Lot 87 of Wood's Addition tieing a parcel 30.92 feet at its ea&terly houndary, being 7[.31 feet at its 204 northerly boundary, betug 34.71 feet at its westerly houndery and 71.86 feet at its southerly boun- dary to Nelson P. Klavitter and Ramona R. Klavitter, husbnd and wife, as I joint tenants for the purcbase price of $50.00, together with costs of publication, be and the same Is hereby approved. Section 3. That the City Cl..-k be and he is bereby authorized and directed to deliver deed of conveyance conveying said two parcels of real estate, which have been platted and are noW part of Lot 2 of "John J. Breithach Place" in the City of Duliuque, Iowa, to NeJoon P. Klavitter and Ramona R. Klavitter, husliand and wife, as joint tenants, upon receipt of the purchase price of $50.00 for each parcel of rea:l estate, to- gether with costs of pulilication and that no alistract will lie fur- nished. Section 4. That the City Clerk lie and be Is hereliy authorized and directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution in the Of- fiee of the Duliuqe County Record- er. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of April, 19'13. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldeubauer COuncilmen ATfEST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Moldenhauer moved adoption of the resolu1ion. Second. ed liy Mayor Bitter. Carried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent-COuncilman Justmann. Proof of pulilication certified to liy the pulilisher, of Notice of Sale of project Noœs in the amouut of $1,74<1,000. first series 1979, Matur. ity Novemlier 2, 19'13, notes to lie dated May 1; 1973, for Utlian Renewa:l, pre_ted and read. No written ob eetions were filed and no oral olijeetors were present Adjourned SpeciaJ Session, April 16, 1973 in the Cbamlier at the time set for the pnhlic heariDe. Councilman Pregler moved that the proof of publication he received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried liy the foil. owing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, COuncilmen Moldenhauer, 'Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Alisent-Oouncilman Justmaon. RESOLUTION NO. 125.73 Authorizing the lale, Issuan.. and delivery of protect notes In the a"r..ate principal amount of $1,741,000 ancl the execution of r. quisition agreement no. 1.73 in con. nectlon with the Downtown Urban R_al ProJect, ProJect No. Iowa R.15 WKERE;\S, the City of Dubuque (herein called the "Loeal Issuing Agency") bas entered into one or more contracts (wbieh, together with any oupp1ements thereto or amendments or waivers of any provisions thereOf, are herein cali. ed the "Contraet") with the United States of America (berein eaned the "Government") providing for a loan liy the Government to the Loeal wuing Agency fœ- financing the urban renewal, low.rent boWl- tug or redevelopment proje8t(I) de. serilied in the Contract and herein called the "Projeet"; aDd WHEREAS, pursuant to adver. tisement for the receipt of pr0po- sals for the purchase of the FIrst Series 19'13 of Project Notes (here- in sometimes called "New Project Notes") of the LoeollssuinC Agen. cy aggregating $1,74<1,000 wlrle\l -ap peared in a Notice of Sale pub- lished on March 20, 19'13, a 11 d M,arch 27, 1973, in the Telegraph Herald in the City of Duliuque, Iowa, and in The Daily Bond Buyer in the City of New York, N- York, proposals for the purchase of the New Project Notes in the form approved by the Loeal is- suing Agency were received, open- ed, and canvassed at the time and place meutioi1ed in said ad. vertisement, to wit: at Council Chambers, City Hall, 13th and IOwa in the City of Dubuque, IOwa ,5œIIl at one o'clock P.M. E.S.T; on April 3, 1973,wbleh proposals are as follows: Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 205 Nome of Bidder, Interest Rate, _P""".a Amount, Premium First N81iònal City Bank of New , YOI'k, 3.98%, $l,-7o4!1,OOO, $75.00 Continental Illinois National. Bank and Trust Company of Chtcago, 3.86%, $1,'Nil,OOO, No Premium Salon>im Brofhers, Morgan Guaran- ty Trust Co. of N- York, 3.99%, $1,7401,000, $74.00 Cbemieal. Bank, First Na1ional Ba!>k of ChIcago, John Nuveeo & Company, 4.04%, $1,7401,000, $2.00 first Nation8'i Bank in Dallas, 4.67%, $1,7401,000, $2.00 Pittsburgh Nation,al Bank, 4.08%, $1,74<1,000, $7'1.00 first National Bank of Boston, 'Lehman Brothers, Inc., 4.14%, $1,7411,000, $15.00 Bank of America N.T. '" S.A., BaRkera Trust Company, 4.44%, $1,7411,000, $75.00 NOWmEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE: Section 1. The aforesaid pulilica- tion of the Notice of Sale and the'form and contents thereof as so pulilished are hereby, in all respects, approved, ratified and confirmed. Section 2. In order to provide funds to pay expe....s incurred or to lie incurred in the develop- ment of the Project, or to refund, renew or eJOtend its outstanding Notes Issued in connection there- with, the Local Issuing Agency hereby determines to liorrow the sum of One llilIion Seven Hun- dred Forty One Thousand Dollars ($1,7401,000) and issue Its nego1iàlile -Project Notes therefor. Seétlèn 3. The Local Iàsuing Agency herel>y ratifies and ap. N"ovesthe form of each proposal hereil>aiter in this Section 3 enu. merated for the purch.... of the designated principal amount of Notes allli determines that each such proposal offers to purchase ~ such 'Notes at the lowest interest ratealld is therefore accepted, and said Notes are hereliy awarded to the purchaser, as follows: Principal Amount,$1,M,OOO, In- terest - Rate, 11.96", Purchaser, first National City Bank of New York. Section 4. Eaeh Note shall lie dated May 1, 1973, shall be payable as to hoth principal and interest to liearer, on November 2, 1973, and, pursuant to each proposal for the purchase of said Notes herein. above accepted, shall bear the rate of interest per annum, payàlile at matu.rity; shall bear the numhers and be in the denominations; and shall be payalile as to hoth princi- pal and interest a,t the incorporated liank having trust powers or in- corporated trust company, as fol. loW!!: Purcha..r: First National City Bank of New York. N"mbers HI, Denominations $100,000; Numbers 4-00, Denominationl $25,000; Number 61, Denomination $10,- 000; Number &2, Denomination $5,000; Number 88, Denomina. tlon, $1,000; Interest Rate lor all 3.96%; Payable d FirstNa- tioual City B..- of New York None of such Notes shall he va- lid until after the lianll: or trust company at which it is payalile shall have signed the agreement, appearing on each Note, to ad as paying agent thereof. Each such Note shall lie executed in the name of the Local Issuing Agency liy the manual or facsimile signature of the M'ayor and City Treasurer of the Local Issuing Ageney and shall have the corporate seal of the Local Issuing Agency Impress. ed, imprinted or reproduced there- on and attested liy the City Clerk, and said oUlcers are hereby au- thorized and directed to cause said Notes to be properly executed. Section 5. Each such Note shall be in substantially the form of IIUD-900.0, which Is incorporated herein by roference, and aI1all lie secured liy an agreement entitled "'Requisition Agreement No. 1-73" (herein called the "Requisition Agreement"), in substantially the form of HUD-9003, which Is incw- porated berein liy reference, to be entered into between the Local Ia6ulng Agency and the Govern- ment. SectIon 6. The Requisition Agree- ment shall be executed in the IWIme of the Loea:l ¡'¡sulng Agency by the lIIanuai or facsimile -signa- ture of the Mayor of the Local ,Issuing Agency and shall have the corporate seal of the Local Is- 206 Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 suing Agency impressed, imprinted mit therewith (a) tIae N- Pro eeot or reproduced thereon and attested Notes for which tbe addreslee is liy the City Clerk, and said om- the paying agent for delivery and cers are hereliy authorized and payment and (II) a signature cer- directed to cause the Requisition tificate and receipt, in accordance Agreement to lie properly execut- with the terms of said letter, and ed. to take sucla other ""lions as may Section 7. For the puoctual pay- lie required to complete the de- ment of the principà! of and in- livery transaction in accordance terest on the New Project Notes, with th~ terms of the letter to the Local Issuing Agency hereliy the paying agent. expressly and lrrevoca~1!y promiaes Passed, approved, and adopted to pay any sums which may lie this 16th day of April, 1973. received from fhe. C!<>,vernment pur- Joseph J. Bitter suant to the Reqws>tion Agreement Mayor relating to such series of Project Notes and said Agreement, when Walter A. Pregler executed liy the Government, is AlIau T. Tlaoms hereliy declared to lie and is here. Wayoe ~. Moldenhauer liy ass>gned I>y the Local IsBuing Couocilmen Agency for the lienefit of the holder Attest: or holders from time to time of Leo F. Frommelt the New Project Notes. All eontri- City Clerk liutions, funds. and amounts autho- Oouocilman Pregler moved adop. rized (It r~uired liy the Contract tion of the resolutiou. Seconded to lie applied to the payment of liy Councilman Moldenhauer Car- ~roject Loan Notes (re~erred to ried liy the fol1owin¡ vo~: m the Contract as "Project Tem- .' porary Loau Oliligaüons" "A d- Yeas-Mayor BItter, Cooocllmen vance Notes" (It "P';'manent Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Notes") as issued in conueclion Nays-NOne. with the Project are hereby irre- Alisent--CouDA:ilmu J_ann. vocably pledged to secure the pay. meul of the principal of and in- April 6, 1973 terest to maturity on the New Pro- ject Notes. SUch pledge and the lien created thereby shall cease and terminate when monies or in- veotment securities convertilile into cash uot later than the maturity date of the New Project Notes, sufficient and for the purpose of paying the principal and interest to maturity on such Notes, are deposited with the paying agent or agents for such Notes. Section .. The proceeds derived from the sale of the New Project Notes, together with such amount of other funds of the Local Is- suing Agency as may lie neces- sary, shall lie applied, simul. taneously with the receipt of said proceeds, in accordance with the proVÏ9iOIl9 oftbe Requisition Agree- ment. Section 9. The City Treasurer io hereliY authorized and directed to send promptly a letter to each paying .,gent for the New Project Notes in substantially the form of HUD.9004, which Is incorporated herein liy reference, and to trans- Honoralile Mayor and Couocilmen The Dubuque Planning and Zon- ing Commission has reviewed the final plat of Block 6 and Btock 7 in Kettel-Byrne Addition, in the City of Duliuque, Iowa. The Commission had deternúDed that this plat conforms to the ap- proved preliminary plat of this area and meetl> the requirements of the SUl>division Ordinanee; It is the recommendatioD of tbe Com- mi.ssion that the plat be approved as soomitted. CITY pLANNiNG AND ZONING COMJOSSION Daniel DittemOle IJeveiøpment Plam1er Mayor Bitter moved that the communication lie received and filed. Seconded by Oouncilman Thoms. Carried liy the "'llowing vote: y.....-..yor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-NOne. Alisent-Councilman Justmann. Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 197~ 'JIJ7 RESOLUTION NO. 126-73 tuminous concrete, or with con- lIMoIution approving the plet of crete paVÙl with integral curti, Bleck ~ - aI- 7 in Mette!. all in accordance with City of Du. Byrne Addition in the City of Du- buque standard speciW:ations; louque, 10- b. To install sanitary s e we r WHEREAS there has been IDed maiDs and sewer -eo laterals with the CitÝ Clerk a plat of the in accordance with plans submitt- Subdivision to be known as Block ed with the plat; 6 and Block 7 in Mettel-Byrne Ad- c. To install wa,ter mains and diticm in the City of Duliuqne, Iowa, water ,service laterà!s in accor. by Hettel Realty '" Investment danee 'With plans snlimiUed with Co.; and the plat; WHERE;\S, - satdplat ap- d, To install storm &ewers and pear streets Iohelmownu Rœe- calelliiasins in accordance w; t h _at SUeet, Hil1c.restRoad, Short plans oulimitted ,with the plat; S':'"eet aDd .Aurora .Stre~. lGgether e. To instaU concrete sidewalks WIth ~ public utility ~ as required liy Ordinanees, and meøt&which ~ ~ by ~d where directed liy the City En- plat !lave dedicated to the pabJic gineer and the CIty Manager' forever; and , . t To COlIstruct tile foregoing im- WHERE;\S, saId plat has lieen provements in accordance... i t h examiBed by the City Planning plans and specifications approved ~ ZoniJIg Commisaion and had by the CIty Manager, nnder the Its approval endorsed thereon; and inspection of the City Engineer, WIfEBEAS, said plat has been a~d in a manner approved by the examined by the CIty Council and CIty Manager; they find that the same conforms g. To maintain tile fore~g im. to statutes and ordinances relating provements for a period of four thereto, except that street grades (4) years from the date of their have not been esta:lilished, the acceptance by the City of Duliuque, streets brought to grade, or paving, Iowa; sewer or water ÌDOtailed; h. To provide the foregoing con- NOW mEBEFORE, BE IT 'RE- struction and maintenance at the SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL sole expense of the Subdivider, (J ! THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, MettelRealty.\ Investment Co., IOWlA: as owner; S8ction 1. That the dedications i, To construct said improve- of Rosemont Street, Hillcrest Road menls, except sidewalks, prior to Short Street and Aurora Street' April 1, 1975, and to construct the together with the ...ements fo; sidewalks prior to April 1, 19'17; pubJic uti!ities as the same appear and further provided that said Met- upon said plat be and the same tel Realty & Investment Co., as are lteœIiy"';ospted; owner of said Sulidivision, secure the performance of the "'...,going Section!. That ,the plat of Block conditions by providing security in 6 and Block 7 in Mettel-Byrne Ad- such form and with such sureties dition in the City of Duliuque, Iowa, as may be acceptable to the City be and the same is- hereby ap. Manager. proved -and the Mayor and City Cletk are he.-eIJy authorized and Section 3. That in the event Met. diTected to endoroe the approval tel Realty" Investment Co., shall <>f the City 01. Dulmque Iowa npon fail to execute the acceptance and said p!at,provided ~ ~rs of ~rnish, the security .pr?vided for aaid _erty herein named, exe- m Section 2 hereof '!'thin 45 c!:"~ cute their written acceptance here- after the date of this Resolution, to aU..,hed agreeing: the provisions hereof shall lie null a To Nduce all streets to grade and void and the acceptance of and to construct cooorete curl> and the dedication and approval of the gutter and to hwd suriace Rose- plat shall not be effective. mont Street, Hillcrest Road, Short Passed, adopted and approved Street and Aurora Street with bi- ' by unanimous recorded roll call 208 Adjourned special Session, April 16, 1973 tIiio 18th day ofAPril,A.Ð., 11m!. JosephJ. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Preg~r Allan T. Tholll& Wayne A. 'Moldenhauer Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION NO. 126-73 We, theunders!gned Mettet Real- ty , '" ,'Inv_ent 'Co. having read the _s ,'and eondiliolUl of the ~e~ I\eSOlulion No.U6-73 IUld lleIng' fa:miliilr ,with the _ditions thereof, he~ahY aèeept the same and a/Ì1'ee, ~ petfcírl l the ~n¡ l- tions required tlièrein. "I>a~ at ,Dubuq1le,' lMira, this 19th day' of Apn1, 1973, ' , By /&1 C. E. )(ét\e! preølde!1t BY III Lonaine Klumpp VIce-Pres. ' To: Leo F. Frommelt Ci1'Y ,Clerk This Is to certify that the se. curity provided liy the foregoing R_lution No. 126-73 has lieen fur. nished liy the ",",era. CIty MIUla,ger 'Dated at D1¡buque, lMira, thIs lØIh day of May, 1Ð'I3. ,Mayor Bitter moved adoption of the reao!.ution. Seconded liy Coun- cilmlUl Thoma. Carried by the fol- lONg vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoma. Nays-None. Al>sent--Couneilman Justmann. , April S, 19'13 Uonorable Mayor IUld Councilmen The City of Duliuque PlaDDÌIIII and Zoolng CommisSiion ha& re- \>leVied the proposed plat of the Kennedy-Larche.' " Sulidivislcmln Seetioni! 1 IUld 2, Duliuque Town' ship, Duliuque County Iowa. ThIsSubdivislon Is located out. side of the cotpOrate limits of the City hut Within the City's jurlsdlc- tioIi;!.1 review area, for sulidlvisions, aa specified In Chapter 409.H, Code of Iowa, 1973. 'I'Ire Commlasion has deterllllíled that the land use and street patterll in theSUlidivision ia In aGcótdance withplaDlling ,for the Peru Rnad area; It has alao determined that "the øtreet construction standards required liy the Dubuqae County Sulidi:vi&ion Reguiations are consis- tent with CIty specificatioIi;!.. The City of Duliuq1le Plalmtng and Zoning Commission has recom. mepded that you approve this plat. Ii CITY PUNNING ANiD ZON1NG COMMISSION Daniel Dittemore Development Planner 'Coi!n<!ftmanTbilins' IÌIOved that thei:óDilliutikationllf .-ee,eh'ed IUld filed. Seconded' ¡';-lI'ayÖr Bit(él. carried, 'liythe ,foIlOwin& 'vote;" " YèaO-:-MàýGr Bitter, ,CoUÏlc\1lìl<in Moldenhauer, Pregle1:, TholÍls. Nays-None. ," "" -' Alisent,eo1lJlcilJll1Ul Juatmanll. , eommtuu".Uou'aI Attötiiey DàVidLeØll.er,'iI>beiìä1t, of the Keímedy family incò\-Ì>Orafed 'tIiÌ! Ken1Iedy'Cof1lOration, ,\,resen!ÏJ> ! a proposed plat of Kelll ooY.:tarehes SulidivlSion, w!Ìieb lie. ouiøide\he City,however within two miles of the City Limits, presented, and reád, Councllma¡¡ Tbilma,moved that the communicalionhe receiv. ed and filed. Seconded, by KaJar Bitter. Carried liy thefol1o~ vote:, , Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, 'l'I1oms. Nays-None. Alisent-Councllman J""tmann. Attorney Dàvid Leifk¡>r address. ed the Council by stating that ,the plat ,bas been appro,ved liy the County,Boanl of Supervisors. ' RESOLUTION NO. 127.73 RESOf,UTIDN. approving Plat of "Kennedy-Lareh~ SÙl>division" in Sections 1 and 2, Towns!Ìip 88 North Range, 2 East of the 5th,Principàl Meridian in Dubuque County, Iowa. WHEREAS, thereh.. I>een filed with, the City Clerk of the City of Duliuque a plat in wbIeh: I..ot A, Block 4 in MatteI-Larches Addition; I1IId I..ot' 2' of Bernhard Larches Sulidlvt&oi>, an in section' 1 and 2, Township 88 North Range 2 East of the 5th PrincipalMeri. dlan in Duliuqùè Obunty, Iowa; 18 PLI\T!'ED AS: ' , Lot 1 throùgh' 28; in¡,lulllve, of "Kennêdy-'Larches Sulidi:vislott'" hi Adioumed Special Session, April 16, 1973 209 Seetiens-l and 2, Township 89 North I Range 2 East of the 5th Principal Meridian in nuliuque County, Iowa, &ad, WHEREAS, oaï« plat Is of real estate willlin' two (2) miles of the IImItß,of the CIty; of Dubuque, Iowa, and therefore, UllderSection a.14 ollie 1873 Code of Iowa, must IIf filed with and approved liy tbö DuiJuqueetty Council and tiy tile City of Dnhuque Pian Com~ œissten; ,lUld, wlIER&s, .WI:lp\àt hu heen øxamlned ,bY' the' Dltbuque C I t y Plan ComlllÌ'SSlon and bU had its _val- , endoraed 'thereon; and, WlmREAS,' 'ssid plat haa been exanñried liy me City <:ounci1 and tIie7 find th" same CQRforlll& with the ; statutes ami ordinances ànd pro:vis{ons'scfout In Section a.14 of'lIIe -1873 'Code of Ioowa relating dIerefÐ;.' " " !I1QW,'l1\UJREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLWD BY THE crrv COUNCIL ~rm CITY OF, DUBUQUE, Section 1. Thal the ahove de- scribed plat, of "Kennedy-Larcbes Sulidlvision" in Dubuque County, Iowa, be and the same Is hereby approved and the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereliy authorized and directÀ!d to eÎldorse the approv- al of the City upOn, said pIal Passed, adopted and approved this 18th day Of April, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor WalterA. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer Councilmen ATTES'l' : Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Cbullci1Dlan Thema moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded tiy Councilman Mo1denhauer. Car- ried ily tile following vote: 'Yeas-)(a,.... BlUer, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay......Nœe. Ab&eJ>t-Councilman Justmann, MlU'eb 22, 1973 Honorable Mayor and Councilmen The City Planning and Zoning Commlsoiotl has"reviewed tile final plal. of I..ots 1, thru 29 and Lot 10 of, Hawkeye Estates, Hefel Broth- ers Addition in the City of Du- buque, Iowa. The Commission haa found that the plat cooforms ,to the approved preliminary plat for tIiio area and meets the mInInwm reqUÏi'ements of the Subdivision Regulations of the City of Duliuque, Iowa. It Is the recommendation of the City Planning ,and ZonIng COmmis- sion that the final plat be, approved. CITY PLANmNG AND ZONING COM,M'I5SION Daniel Dittemore Development Planner Councilman Pregler moved that the, coUllD,unication be recieved IUld filed. Sei:ónded liy Councilman Mol. denhauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. AlJsent.Couneilman Justmaoo. RESOLUTION No. 121-73 R_lution approving the plat of Lots 1.29 inclusive: and Lot A, all in Hawkey. Estates in the CIty of Dubuque, Iowa. Whereas, there has been filed with the City Clerk a plat in which: Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 1 of the Sulidivision of Iøt 1 of Iøt 1 of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 33&, In Dubuque Township, Duliuque County, lMira, is platted as I..ots 1-29 in¡,1U&ive, and Lot A in "Hawkeye Estates" in the City of Duliuque, Iowa, liy Lawrence and Bernard Hefe! as Owner thereof; and Wh.....as said plat has been ex- amined liy the City PlanninglUld Zoning Commission and approved liy sáid hody; IUld Whereas upon said plat appears streets to lie known as Hawkeye Drive, Inwood Avenue and also easements for public utilities which the Owner upon said plat has de- dicated to the pulillc forever; and Whereas said plat has,heen found by the City CQuncil to conform to the Statutes and Ordinances reo lating thereto exe,ept that the streets have not lieen reduced to grade or pavillg, sewer, water or sidewaJ,ks installed therein; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE. SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: 210 Adjourned Special Session, Apn1 16, 1973 Section 1. That the dedication I of Hawkeye Drive and Inwood Ave- nue together with tile easements for public utilities all as the same appears upon said plat; be and the same are hereby accepted and that said Streets he and are here- by established as polilic streets in the City of Dubuque; Section 2. That the plat of the Subdivision of LotL of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the Sulidivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 324, in Duliuque Township, Duliu- que County, Iowa, and which will hereafter be known as Lots 1..2Ø iÐclDsive, and Lot A in "Hawkeye Estates" in the City of Dttbuq"", Iowa, is hereliy approved and the Ma')'Or and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to endorse the approval of the City of Du- buque upon said plat providing the Owner of said property, hereinhe- fore named, executes written ac- ceptance hereto attached, agree- ing: a, To reduce Haowkeye Drive and Inwood Avenue to grade as shown tiy the profiles submîtted with the plat. h, To surface Hawkeye Drive and Inwood Avenue a width of 3Q feet with 6" Portland Cement Con<orete Pavement with integral curb and gutter or 8" Roiled Stone Base with 2W' Bituminous COn- crete Surface. All of the foregoing shall lie constructed accordiag to the latest City of Duliuque speci- fications. c. To install sidewalks on hath sides of IIawkeye Drive and 10- wood Avenue in accordance with the City of Duliuque Standard Spe. cilica,tions for Permanent Sid e- w&lks. d. To install water mains in ac- cordance with plans sulimîtted with this plat. e. To install sanitary sewers in accordance with plam sulimîtted with this plat. f. To install the sanitary sewer and water house laterals, for each lot to behind the property line. g. To construct the foregoing im. provements in accordance with plans and specifications approved lif the City Manager and under the inspection of the City Eogineer. b. To maintain all street im- provemertts and sewer and water mains for a period of four (4) years from the date of its accep- tance. i. To construct said imp r 0 ve- ments prior to November 30, 1975. j, To provide the forcoiDg con. struction and maintenance as the expense of the Owner. and further prO'ridedthat Law. rence and Bernard IIefd, as Owa- erg of said SubdiviJioasecure the performance gf the Jo.regoing ....... ditions hy providing .ecurity in such sums and with _h .ureties as may be acceptable to the City Mana,ger. Section 3. That in the event Law. rence and Bernard Retel shall fail to execute the acceptance and pro. vide security provided for in See- tioo 2 hereof within forty.,five (46) days from the date of this Resolu- tion. the provisions thereof allan be null and void anll the accep- tance of the dediA:ation and ap- prDval of the plat sba1l not he effective. Passed, adopted and approvea by recorded Ioll call vote this lØIII day of APIU, 1973. .JOseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. TIuIms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C<>uncHmen ATI'EST: Leo F. Frommelt City CleIl< To Leo F, Frommelt, City Clerk This is to certify that the se- curity required for the foregoin~ ReSOllution 128-'13 bas been provided liy the Owner, Dubuque, Iowa, May 29, 1II7S. Gili>ert D. Ch&venelle City Manager ACCEPTANCE OF REIOWTION NO. 121.73 Lawrence and Bemard He f e I, having read the terms andeondi. tion. of the forego!n« Resolution 128-7;, and tieing familiar with the contents thereof, hereby aeeept the same and agree to perform the conditions therein required. Hef,,1 Brothers, Contractors Lawrence Retel Bernard Retel Dated: Meyllll, JjfjS Councilman Pregler move4 adop- tion of the resolution. Seeonded 211 Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 by Councilman Moldenhauer. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Mo.ldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms, Nays--None. Aliseul-Comeilman Juatmann, April 13, 1973 Honorable Mayor and Councilmen At its special mee1ùJg of April 4, 19~. the City of Dnbuque Plan. niIIg and Zoning CommîS6ion re- viewed the architect's plan of the proposed County-City La... Enforce- meIlt Center. The Commission has determined that the proposed loca- Ü6Il and design of this facility is, appropriate for the site and is iR ac"""dance with its plans for the general area. CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Daniei< Dittemor-e Development Planner Councilman Moldenhaner moved that the communicafion lie receiv- ed and filed. seconded tiy Mayor Bitter. Carried Iiy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen I Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nayo-None. Absent.COuncilman Jnstmann. RESOLUTION NO. 129.73 RMGlutioot /¥În!I p<elimÍllary ap. provat to, the preliminary estimate of cost allÖ approvat of plans, spe. cifications, contract documents for IIoe conotI'uctton of Dullu- Conn- !¥-CIty of Dubuq.,. '-- Enforc. - c.w.r WHElIEAS, DlllilP:¡ue County, Io- wa and City of Dubuqne, Iowa bave entered iIoto a written agree- ment lor the construetion and erec. tion of saicf .Toint Couniy--City Law Enforcement Cen1lel'; and WHERE;\S, each of said govern- mental bodies have ordered the preparation of cost estimates and proposed plans, specifications and form of contract tbr the construc- tion of said Joint County-City Law Enforcement center; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dubuque" Iowa should give preliminary approval to the estimated cost of improvement, plans, specifications and contra'Ct document; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVEiD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section J. That the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa does hereby approve the estimated cost of tbe said improvement, specifi- cation. and form of contract as prepared and submîtted by Dur- rant -Deininger. D<>mmer . Kra. mer - Gordon, Architeets, Engi- neers, dated April 9, Ul73. Section 2. That the said pro- posed pl¡>ns, specifications and form of contract are bereliy order- ed filed in tbe office of the City Clerk for public inspection, which are hereby incorporated by refe- rence. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of April, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Ai1an T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Moldenhauer moved adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Mayor Bitter. Carried liy the follOwing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Cotmcilmen Mooldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Justmann. RESOLUTION NO. 130-73 Resolution providing for . notice of hHring on pr_sed plans, spe. cificatio... and form of contract for construction of Dubuque Coun. ty.City 8f Dul>uque Law Enforce. - cenhtr. WHEREåS, the existing city jail facilities of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the existing county jail facilities of Dubuque County, Iowa. are inadequate, inefficient and an. tiquated and do not meet the pulilic needs for law enfor""ment pur- poses; and WHEREAS, the County of Du- buque, Iowa and the City of Du. ooqlie, Iowa have entered into a written a.greement for the erec. tion, construction, operation and maintenance of a Joint County. City Law Enforcement Center; and WHE'REAS" the County of Du- buque, I"wa and the City of Du- 212 Adjourned Special Session, Ápril16, l1J1'3 liuque, Iowa have ordered the pre- paration of plans, specifications and contract document; and WilIERE;\s, the estimated cost of said improvement is in the alllOUDt of $1,,045,000, and of 'Whieb cost ,the portion to be paid liy the City of D..liuque, Iowa is es- timsted to be in the amount of ,$205,.000.00; and WHERE;\s, it is necessary to fix a time and place of hearing on said proposed plans, specifica. tions and form of contract and to give notice thereof. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA AS FOLLOWS: $actIon 1. That the plans, speci- fications and form of contract re- ferred to in the preamlile hereof be and the same are hereliy adop- ted suliject to hearing hereinafter fixed and set for the 7th day of May, 1973 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. DST) at the Council Cbamlier in the City Hall in the City of Du- buque, Iowa and same is hereby fixed as the time and place of :hearing on said proposed plans, specifications and foJ:m of contract for the construction of a Joint County-City La,w Enforcement Cen. ter, and appurtenances. Section 2. That the City Clerk is hereliy authorized and diceeted to give notice of hearing on said proposed plans, specifications and form of contract liy pu¡¡¡¡cation of such notice at lea&t once, not less than ten (10) days prior to the date fixed for said hearing in the "T-elegraph-Herald", a news- paper pulilished in the City of Du- buque, Iowa and having a general circulation in said City. Said No. tice shall be sulistantially in the following form: NOTICE of pulilic hearing on proposed plans, ,specifications and form of contract covering the erec- tion ani! construction of a new Joint County-City Law Enforce- ment Center in the City of Du- liuque, Duliuque County, Iowa. PUBIJIC NOTICE is hereby gi- ven that the City Council of the City of Duliuque, Iowa will meet on the 7th day of May, 1973, at the Council Cbamlier in the City Hall, Duliuque, Iowa at 7:30 o'clock P.M., (DST) for the purpose of conducting aPùbllc Hearing on the propesed plans, ..pecificatiOll<l and form ,of contract for the erec- tion and con&ln1ctionof" '- Joint County-City Law Enforce- ment Center in theCitf of Du. liuque, Duliuque (Jounty, Iowa. The proposed plans, specifica. tions and form' of contract have been prepared by Durrant-Deinin. g er' Do m m er - Kr a m er -Gordon,Ar - chitects and Engineers, and .... now on file in the office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, Du- liuque, Iowa. The Project conoisls øenerally of the construction ofa two (2) storyconerete frame and mUon- r,/ building 'with a partial Ii...... ment with the liasementcontàin- ing mechanical eqnipment and sto- raee;the - floor 'containing ad. ministrative offices and law en- forcement spaces for hoth the City of Duliuque Police Department ,and the Duliuque County Sheriff De. partment, and the second :1I0oI' eon- taining ,the comtiinedjail and re- lated jail function spaces for ,lioth the County of Duliuque and the City of Duliuque, ,and appur. tenances. At such hearing allY intereeted person may appear and file oli- jection to the proposed plans, spe- cifications ani! form of ,eontraet or the cost of such improvement. By Order of the,Clty Councll of Duliuque, Iowa, dated April 18, 1973. Section 3. That all Resolutiona or partsthereolf in cœl1ict here- with be and the same are hereby repealed and thi6 Reaolution shall lie effective forthwith upon pas- sage and approvaL Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of April, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. PreglU Anan T. Thoms Wayne å. Moldenhauer Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Moldenhauer moved adoption of the resolution. Second. ~ed liy Mayor Bitter. Carried liy the following vote: ' Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councl1men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoma. Nays-None. Al>sent-Councilm8l1 Justmann. 213 Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 .".ttEIOLUTION NO. 131.73 '..óolutionproviding for taking lilds for '1118 construction of a loint County-City.Law Enforcement Con. "r In the City of Dubuq"", Iowa , WHEREAS, the existing city jail facilities of the City of Duliuque, Iowa, and the exis.ting county jail facilities of, DuliuqueCounty, Iowa, are inadequate, inefficient and an- tiquated and do not meet the pulilic needs for law enforcement purpos. 'es; 'and WftEREAS, the County of Du- liuque, Iowa and the City of Du. liuque, Iowa have entered into a ,g\tea agreement for the erection, donstruction, operation and main- tenance of a Joint County-City Law Enforcement Center; and WHEREAS, proposed plans, spe- cifications and form of contract for said Joint County-City Law En- fOt'Cement Center have lieen pre- pared' liy Durrant-Deininger.Dom. mer-Kramer.Gordon, Architects and it is necessary to fix a time 'and place for taking liidafor the construction of said improvement. NOW THEREFO~E BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'l1HE CITY, OF DUBUQUE, I IOWA, AS FOLLOWS: $action 1. That on the 22nd day of May, 1973, at 3:00 o'clock P.M. {CDST) at, -the office of the City Clerk,in the City Hall in the City <¡f Dubuque, Iowa is hereby- fixed as 'the time and place of taking liids ,for the construction of the Joint County.City Law E n for c e- ment center. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to give notice of the takingðfsaid bids liy publication of such notice once each week for at least two <:onsecutive weeks in the "Telegraph-Herald", a news. paper pUlilishedin the City of Du- buque, Iowa, and having a general circulation in said city, the first of which pulilications in said news- paper shall be at least fifteen (15) days prior to the' date fixed for receipt ofliids, Said Notice shall be in 'substantially the following form: '~"of'.kIn bids for the construction of" the ióint' Cou~ty. City Law Enforce_ntCenter in the tHy of Dubuque, Iowa PUBLIC NOTIOE is hereby' giv- en that sealed proposals endorsed Joint County-City Law En for c e- ment Center will lie received liy the City of Duhuque, Iewa at the office of the City Clerk in, the City Hall, Duliuque, Iowa un t i I 3:00 o'eiock P.M. (CDST) on the 22nd day of May, 1973, for furnish- ing all necessary materials, eqnip- ment, superintendence and lahar for the construction of the Joint County-City Law Eoforcement Cen- ter to be located on west side of Central Avenue lietween Seventh Street on the south and Eighth Street on the north in the City of Duhuque, Iowa, according to the plans and specifications pre- pared liy Durrant.J>eininger-Dom- .mer-Kramer.Gordon, Arc h i tecls and Engineers, 1JŒ Rockdaie Road Dubuque, IOwa, IiI!OOl and now on file in the office, ,of the Ciq. Clerk. The project consists of the con- struction of a two story concrete frame, and masonry liuilding with a partial liasement with the hase- ment containing mechanical equip- ment and storage, the first floor containing administrative, offices and law enforcement spaces for both Dubuque Police Department and of Duliuque County Sheriff De- partment and the second floor con- taining the comliined jail and relat- ed j:n1 function spaces; with a total areaapproximatelý' 21.,350 square teet plus 1,540 square feet rooftop, equipment enclosure, all as shown in the plans and specifi- .catio"". Each proposal shall lie made on form furnisbed liy the City as a part of the specificatio"" shall be addressed to the City of Du. buque, c/o LeoF. Frommelt, City CIeri!:, City Hall, Duliuque, Iowa, and must lie accompanied in a separate envelope tiy a certified "hoek drawn on a' 9OIYellt Iowa bank payable to the order of Du- buque County, Iowa and City of Duliuque, Iowa ora deposit of money in an amount eqlllll to at least five' (5) percent of the ,"",ount of the proposal. If tbe successful bidder fails to enter into a contract with Dubuque County, Iowa' and the City of Duliuque,Iowa for said work örfaik to' furn:ish, a satis- factory performance liòlid <>r fails 'to file the necessary insurance' as Tequiredliy the specifications ,with- Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 19:73 in fifteel1 (15) days after notiñca- office ef. th" Ci~ Eqjnær. Îl1 the tion of the award the Check may City Ha1l of 'Dubuque, IOW1i or Dur. be cashed or deposit money fur- raut - Deining¡>r . Dommer - Kram- feited as liquidated damage... er - GordOn. Architects and Engi. . neers, Ll22 Rœkda!:e m>ad, Dubu- Payment to the contractor will que Iowa 52001 on deposdt of he ~ proceeds of sale of getreral the 'sum of FI:!ty' ($1;0.00) Dollars obligation lionds and from. Federal fino e""h set <1f pfam and spec. and State grants ~spectiVe.ly of ifieations. The fWI a1llOllDt of funds, monthly estimates WIn lie the deposit will be refunded upon paid to the contraetor, as the work the return of the plans and specifi- progresses m amounts equal to cations transportation prepaid in ninety (90) percent of the eontr~ct good condition within ten (10) days value of th~ work completed ~ after the opening of the bids. the preceding calendar mo!'th, '!'- lIy virtue of statutory authority eluding the value of .material SID; a preference will lie given III pro- "bfystor, ed, on, prenmesnptoth I dUc1:s,an<f"pro",isiÐn,gro"".and eoal ~t <fay of that ~onth as es- prod\Joced within the Statio III Io- timated tiy the En~r. Such and the Iowa dmnesw w:.m. No monthly payment shall m no way I>i<t may be withdrawn within a !Ie conslrned as an act of aC'Cep- period of thirty >COO) *Y'$ from lance for any p¡lrt of the wo;k and after the date fixe,Uor opening partially or totally completed. Fin- Iiids.. al payment of the remaining ten Dubuque County and City of Du- (1!'1 percent due th~ e""traet~>r buque res...... the right, to reject WIN be made not ea.r1ier than thir- any or all propesai& and the. eon- ty'O1æ (31) day" from the final tractwiJ!. lie awarded to the lowest acceptance of the work by the responsible bidder. Cb1Inty of ~buqu. and Cio/. of Published upo OI'd.. of the Du~que, subject to ~e conditio";,, Boaril of SUpenison of Dubuque and m accordance WIth the provl- County and of the City Council sion of Chapter' 573 of the 19¡:j ø£ the City eI. -Dubuque, Iowa. Code of IOwa. Joseph J. Bitter The stœ.....ful hidder will lie ,Mayor requ1red to furnish a ,PerfOrmance ATI'EST: Boad in an amount equal to one Loo ¥. P\oommelt hundred (100) per cent of the con- City Clerk traet price, sa:id hood to be issued Seotten 3. That a1l prcwisiøœ set by a respoosib!e surety approved out i.. saki proposetf Mm of n<Jttce liy the Board of Supervisors and He hereby recognized and pre- the City Council and shall guar. scribed liy the City eoun...l and antee the faithful performance of Iht all r....lU.tion. ar orders or the contract and the terlllB and paris thereof to the exlent that conditWus. therein contained and same may be in COBfI[ct herewith shall aiso- guarantee. the work per- are herel>y repealed. formed ,ami materials or w 0 r k- passe.4, _r-<wed and adop\J!d mansbip fur a period of one. (1) this lIith day of Aptil, 1973. yea~s from the elate of final ae- J"""ph J. Bitter ceptaBce of the work by DuliW )1e Mayor ~ aDd City of Dubuque. The Walter A. Pregler oomtrud.ten work shall be com. Allan '1'. Thoms meneed within ten (~D) days after Wayne. Å., JIoldeøha....r the esecution of the. cODtract and CøuBdlme.n shall .be fully completed on or lie- ATl'EIiT: fore the. 29th day oí July, 1974, Leo F. Frommelt subject fð any eJOtension of time City Clerk which may be granted, by the Councilman Moldenhauer moved Board of Supervisors and the City adoption of tile reso1ntion. Seeond- Council. ed by M~or Bitter. Carried by Copies of the plans and speci£ia. the following vote: tiODB and pl:QpOsai form may he Yeas-]úyor Bitter. CoUDeÜlnen oIJ1Iained at the etiice of the. County Moldenhauer, 'PreøIer" Thoms. Enc;.uer in tile CounI3' C.. u r t Nays-NoDe. -"", Dubuque, IOwa"" at the ~ J_...... 214 215 Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 RESOLUTION NO..73 and correct copy ef " I'e&>lution Resolution giving preliminaryepo pa..ed and adopted by tile Board ,.."""' .. !he _liminery estimate of Supervisors of Dubuque County, of _t end _cwa .ef llus, spec. Iowa, meeting ill re¡¡ularaessinn ifimtI- contract .cum- for ""the 1&th diu> of April 1973. IIa C-..clienof Dubuque COUll- In TesIIi_, whereof, witness t,..c:1ty of ~ Law Enforce. my band and the seal of Dubuq"" ...t c-ter County, Iowa, this Mtb day of WlœREAS, Dubuque County, 10. April [973 ... ad City of DUl>uque, Iowa, ,. Harold P. Meloy llave entered iuto " 'W1'itten agree- Dubuque County Auditor _t for the C<II1StnIction and --- b of a JIIiøt ,Qmnty.eïty Law CoW1cilman '!'homs moved that Enforœment CeBter; and the re...lu-tioo be received and WHJMÐA8, ead1 of said gov. made a matte< <>f ræocd. SeconAted emmental bodies ha.... onIered tile by Cow¡ciJman Moldenhauer. Car- lnlparatiOB of ....t estimates and ried by the foJlowing vote: ~ pius, apecifiutians and Yeas - Mayor Bitter, Council. form of contract for the cOllStrue- men Moldenllauer,Pn:g er, '!'homs. tiaa d said hint Connty-City LaJW Nays-Nolle. EaforcemeRt Center; atUI Al>sent-.Councilman Justm8lll!. WREI!.&S, ¡e Board <>f Super- VÍSOI'a ." VuJ¡ugue Couaty, Iowa, RESOt.UTION NO. .73 slwuW give prelimiDary approval Resolution provlding for a no- to the estimated cost of improve- lice of hearing on proposed plans, men! pi.... specificatioRs and con- _cifications and form of contract tract docu';'ent. for conotruclion of tlcibuque Conn. NOW, 'MIERÈFORE, BE IT RE- ty.City of Dubuque Law Enforce- SOLVED :BY mE BOARD OF SUo men! Conter PERV1SORS OF DUBUQUE, WHERE;\S, the emtiAg city jài1 IU'WA: facili1ies of the CRy of Dubuque, $action 1. T.hat the Board of IO'1I'a, aDd tile existing county jail Supervisors of Dubuque County faci1ities of Dubuque County, Iowa, IOwa, does hereliy approve the es: ~re inadequate, inefficient and an- tlmated cost of the said improve- tiquated and do not meet the pull. moot, specifications and form of lic needs fur law enforcement pur. eoBtrad ... prepa....d 81Id submit- pooes; and ted by Durraut, Deiaingor, Dom. WJHlmEiAS, tile County of Du- me.-, Kra'mer ... Gordon, ArclJi- huque, Iowa and t.heCity <>f Du- tecto & Engineers, dated April 9, buque, IOwa ha..e entered into a 19T3. writt... agreement fur ¡e erec- Section 2. That the said pro- lion, COOStruCtiOD, operation and posed plans, specificatiOltS and maintenance of a, Joint County. form of contract ..... bereby or- City Law Enforcement Center; and dered rued .in the office of the WHEREAS, the Couuty of Du- County Auditor £Or puli¡;" inspec- buque, IOwa and the City of DIl- tion, whieh are hereby Jncorporat- louque, Iowa have ordered the prep- ed by reference. ara,tiooofpl&J1S,S >eciiicationa and Passed and Appro-.ed ,this 1&th eontraet doc1l111ent; .and day <>! April, 19'13. . WHEREAS. the estilJUllEd cost Chairman, Board of SuperVlSGrS of said iltl lro\"ement Is in the Leo N. Sehuel1efo amO1lnt of $l,O65 f)( () and of whieb Memb..., Board of Supervisors cost the purw.,; ~ be p8Ïd by !I..y Scberrm..n . Dtrbaque Couøty, Iowa, is estimat- Member, Board of Supet"Vlsars ed to be in the 1Il110unt of $490 000' Atteat: and ' , HuoId P. Meloy WHEREAS, it is """""""'y to COIm1;y Anditor fix a time and piaœ of hearing CERTIFICATION on said pm IOJed plaao, specjfjc.a. State of Iøwa J tíoas and form of """tract and County of Dubuque 1 .: to give notiu thereof; 'Ibis i. to certify that the ahove NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT liE- and furegóhlg resolution is a true SOLVED BY THE BOARD OF 218 Adjoumed special Seasion, April l-f¡. 1973 BUPERVISOBSoFDUBUQt)iE County Counho l l!; ~, 10- OOUNrY, IOWA, AS FOLLOWS: war , Section }. That ,the plan&, spec- The pro!iect .,.,...-øenerall.y of lfieatioos and form of eoøtract re- the construction of a two (2) sœry ferred to in the pntamble hereof coacrete frame aad malORry bUIld- lie' and ~ same are 'hereI>Y adopt- ing will> ,a partial i>asem8Dt with ed subject to hea!'inC hereinafter the Ii_ment eoutafuing'meehan. fixed and' set for the 7th day of ical equipment and sœra..; the May, lS73, at 10:00 un. (CST- fustfioOr ccmtainlDg ¡u!mmstra- CÐST) at the Meeting Room of live oHice5 aod 1_' 'eDfoccemont the BOard of SupervIsors in the sP...,.. for beth the City af.Du' Dubu lue CoUDiy Çourthouse in Du. tiuque, PoIieeDepartmelit and the liuque, rowa,and thesaíne Is here- DuliuqueCounty Sheriffs' Depart. 1>Y'fix~a&thetimeand plaee meat, &JIll the'_d:fIooI' ton' of !leatíJ!g1ina8idproposedplaJì4, tainin& the èomliined jail &JIll relat- sPeclfièations and form of œntraet elf jall.. JnDdion spàœa for. both for the, êoIIstruetion 01' a .Joint the: County of' DUbuque ami ,the CIiuøty-City Læw EilCorèement CeIl- City of Dubuque, 8IIit appurlA>; ter;itndaþpllrtlenímeê8," ". DlUllées. .' ¥I"" ~ That the OIuD~ A,uiiì- ',At .....b'hearín&',IID1"~ tor IS IIetéby autbotlzed and èIìreet- person ""'" appear ",,4 1ßê,ol1J.eé- ed tegive ,lIOtiœ ,",be8<ÏJ/ ! on tiòl1totheptop(/l!ed~;' spec- sa:id propesed plans, speclfica¥ons ifieatioas' aíld form cif' co/iti-act or and form of ,eontraèt by, p,m1ica. the....t of'Suehlínpmeni<mt/ lion ofsuehnot!4'e,'at Ieást OIIee, 'JByórde'rof~'8oà'l-dol~{ not less than ten (10) daYS prior V/!t<ÌrsofDubuque 'COwrtY : Jöwa !II tlie ~ate fixed for said, hearing dated ,t:W,S ,,16th. day of APrii; .wrn: II! the Telegr~~, Heralet;.. Dyers. Semon 3.. TIIat 81l }tesè)li1tlons ~. ~:"m\!l'Clà1 . and Oaseade or ,pan. . ,théreof 'in coof1ict, ilere: Pioneer, the of!iClà1 eounty new<;. wíth"be and the sameâre ~Ý papers, ~nd h~Vblg a, gener~1 eir- repealed, and, this, Besolution SIuIU euJ'ation m S8I~ COunt? S~d No- b~ ~tive tortb:\'ril!¡.uponpa$i¡'age ties ,s~an be substalitia!ly m the and approval. " , foUo'?'ì! form: , Passed, .and App;"vë.:8.is':íiItií NOtiee of .P\!bJlc ,~ari", on pro. day of ApP! lS73. " "," pOUd plans, speclflca!lonl and, '. ," ' , . for", ,of contrsct coverl'" the eroc- ~- Boanl;oi Sllpuv"",rs ti~n and' constrildion' 'of a new Leo N. Sehueller, ' Joint Csunty-CJty' Law' EntDrc.. Member; Board 01 Supervisors men! COnte,' In 'tIW ctty of Du- Ray" 5cherrman ' , ' þuque,DvbucÍue CclUnty.lowe. Member, Boanl of ~ , PUBLI(: NOTICE Is hereby given Attest; that the Board of ,SuperVIsors of Harold P. )I~y, Du!iuque County, Iowa, wíU meet County Auditor on the 7th day of M"'IlS73, at ,CERTIFICATION 10:00 a.tn,' at ,the 14,"', ting, Room State of IoWa " J ,,' of the BoaJd of SllperviSOl'6 in County of Duliuque 't ,IS'. " the Duliuque County Courthouse, Thi. -""... '.':'_," in Duliuque, Jowa, for the PIJI'POse ,s '" t<.> C"~T Ü!"t ~ ,¡oþove Of coiIdueting a PuIIlic Hearing and foregoIng reaoiutlon 11, a, ~ 01Í the proposedplan8 specifiea- and correct eopy, of a ,resolution 110.... and form of OOI1ttact for the passed ~d adopted by, the ßQard erecllol>and construetion of ,a new of S~ of, Dubuqu& CilJ¡Aty, JOint CoImty-City ¡¡"W Enforee. Iowa, meeting in ,r~,'se~OII ment Center in the City of Du. on the 16th day of April, :L973., liuque, Dubuque County, Iowa. In Testimony Wilereof, witness TIle proposed plans specifiea- my hand 8IIit the seal 01 ~e tiöns and form 'of "",:maèt haOle County, Iowa this 11th. day of April ¡;,;en preparedliY Durrant; Dein- 1973. , inger Dommer, Kramer, " Gar. Harold, P. Mel!>f.., ,. don 'Arcbiteets ,"'Engineers, and DÙluq~e Ç<¡1lI1W' An~r.. á'tf.' noW: or¡ file 1!1 the ofliee'of ,CoUll!:llmstl,'nómø moved:ihat tile County Auditor in the Dubuq..e the resolution be' receivèd. ä... d A<ljoumed Special Session, April 16, 1973 217 -de. ma1iler of record. Second- e<!' by CoUMilman Moldellhauer. Carried liy the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Bitter, COuncil- men Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Alisent--<:otmcIlman Jnstmann. RESOLUTION NO. .73 Resolution pro-nil for takÍJ1 !rids for the construdion of a joint c-.ty..Clty Law Enforcement Cen. ... In "'" city of DuIouqœ, Iowa 1VIIIFÆEAS, the e>:isting city jail fadlities of the City of Duliuque, ~a, and file existing county jail facilities of Dubuque County, Iowa, are inadequate. inefficient and ac- tiquated and do not meet the public needs for law enforcement purpos- es; and WHEREAS, the Comrty of Du- buque, Iowa and the City of Du- buque, Iowa have entered in t 0 a wri!tell agreement for the erec. (loft, eonstnlc!ion. Qperation and rriamten...... of.. Joint County-city Law ~ Center; and WJmREAS, proposed plans, spe- eifications and form of contract for s'aid Joint County-City Law En- forcement Center have been pre- pared by Durrant, Deininger, Dom- mer, Kramer'" GonIon, Atehif.eets &: EuØ""ers, and are no.. 011 !He in the office of the City Clerk ..d it is neceSS81'y to fix a time and place for tating bids for the coastrllctiOli of sa:id ill1 ll'Ovement. NOW, 'I'HEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUo PERVISOBS OF' DUB U QUE COUNTY, IOWA. AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the place 'of tak, ing bids shall be the office of the City Clerk in the City Hall in the City of Dubuque, Iowa 'and that the deadline for filing liids shall lie May 22, 197a, at 3:00 p.m. in the Offiee of said City Clerk. Section 2. That the Chairman and County Auditor are hereby author!zetl and directed to give notice of the taking of said bids by pablication of such notice once each week for at least two conse. eutive weeks in the "Telegraph Her1úd", "D)'oersvilIe Commercial" and "Caseade Pioneer", the offi- cial county newspapers, ODd having generà1 eïn:ulation in said County, the first vf which poblications in .aid newspapers shall be at le""t fifteen (15) days prior to the date fixed for reeeipt of bids. Said Not. ice shall lie ÎD substantially the foIk>winc form: Notice of takinR bids for the construction of the ¡oint County. City Law Enforcement Center in "'" City of Dubuque, Iowa PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that sealed proposals eodOrsed Joint County-City Law En forte. ment Center will be receive<! by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, at the office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, Dubuque, 10-..', until 3:00 p.m. (CST.CDS'!') on the 22nd day vf ]fay,' 1975, for fornishing aU """"""'Y materials, e q nip- mont, superilltendeoee ad lalior for the 'construetion of the Joint CoImty-City Law Enforcemen-t Celt- ter to be 1oeated on the weot side of Oentral Aveune between Sev. enth Strect <to the south and Eighth Street to the north ÎD the.Qty of Duillnque, Iowa, acœrding to the plans and specifications pre- pared liy Dumtnt, Deininger, Dom- mer, Kramer & Gordon, Architeets 5: Engineers, 1122 Rockdale Road, Dubuque, Iowa, 52OCII and now on file in the office of the City Cleri:. The project consists of the con. struètion of a t- story eoncrete frame and masonry limlding with a partial liasement with the liase- ment containing meebanieal equip- ment and sœrage, the first floor containing administrative offie e s and la,w enforcement spaces for hoth Duliuque Police Department and Dubuque County Sheriffs De- partment and the seeond floor coIl- taining the combined jail and reo lated jail funetion spaces; with a total area approximately 24,350 square feet plus 1,5411 square feet rooftop, equipment enclosure, all a& shown in the plans and speci. fica.tiOI>S- Each proposal &hall lie made on form furnished by the City as a part of the specifications, shall he addressed to the City of Du. buque, c/o Leo F. From'melt, City Clerk, City Hall, Dubuqae, Iowa, and mu.t be aceompanied in a separa'te envelope by a certified check drawn on a solveot Iowa bank payalile to the order of Du- liuque County, Iowa and City of Dubuque, Iowa or a deposit ,of 218 Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1913 money in an amount equal to at least five (5) percent of the amount of the proposal. If the successful bidder fails to enter into a contra"¡ with Duliuque County, Iowa and the City Dubuque, Iowa for said worl< or fails to furnish a satis. factory performance hond or fails to file the necessary insurance as required liy the specifications with- in fifteen (15) days after notifica- tion of the award the check may lie cashed or deposit money forfeit- ed as liquidated damages, Payment to the contractor will be from proceeds of sale of general obligation honds and from Fede....1 and State grants of funds, respec- tively; monthly estimates will be paid to the contractor, as the work progresses, in amounts equal to ninety (00) percent of the contra<:t value of the work completed during the preceding calendar month, in- cluding the value of material suit- alily stored on premises up to the first day of that month as estimat. I ed liy the Engineer. Such monthly' payment shall in no way lie con- strued as an act of acceptance for any part of the work partially or "'tally completed. Final pay- ment of the remaining ten (10) percent due the contrac,tor '" I II lie made not earlier than thirty-<>ne (31) days from the final acceptance of the work liy the County of Du- buque and City of Dubuque, sul>ject to the conditions and in accordance with the provision of Chapter 573 of the UI1S Code of Iowa. The suœessM bidder will lie required to furnish a Performance Bond in an amount equal to One Hundred (100) pereent of the con- tract price, said Iiond to lie issued liy a responsible surety approved by the Board of Supervisors and the City Council and shall guaran. tee the faithful performance of the contract and the terms and condi- tions therein contained and shall ..Iso guarantee the work performed and materials or workmanship for a period of one (1) years from the date of final acceptance of the work by Duliuque County and City of Duliuque. The construction work shall lie commenced within ten (10) days after the execution of the contract and shall lie fully completed on or before the 29th day of JulY, 1974, suliject to any extension of time Which may lie granted by the Board of Super. visors and the City Council. Copies of the plans alid specifi- cations and propòsa! form may be olitained at the office of the County Engineer, in the COUnty Courthouse, Duliuque, Iowa,or at the office of the City Engineer, in the City Hall of Duliuque, Iowa, or at the offices of Durrant, Deinin- ger, Dommer, Kramer & Gordon, Architects & Engineers, U22 Rock- dale Road, Duliuque, Iowa, 52001, on deposit of the sum of Fifty ($50,00) Dollars for each set of plans and specifications. The full amount of the deposit will he re, funded upon the return of the plans and specifications, transportation prepaid, in good condition, within ten (10) days after the opening of the bids. By virtue 'of statutory authority a preference will ,lie \!Íven to ~ ducts and provisiOllS grown and coal produced in the State of IOwa and the Iowa domestic lahor. No bid m..ybe withdrawn witbiJi a period of thirty (30) days from and after the date fixed for opening liids. Duliuque County and City of Du- buque reserve the right to rejeei any or all proposals and the con. tract will be _arded to the low- est responsilile lñdder. Pulilished uPon order of the Board of Supervisors of Duliuque County and of the City Council of the City of DuI>uque, Iowa. Louis C. Barrett Chairman, Board of Suo perWIOrs Leo N. Sehuelle'r Memlier, Boud of Super- visors Ray Seherrman Member, Board of Super- visors A'ITEST: Harold P. Meloy DuI>uque County Auditor Section 3. That all provisions set out in said proposed fOrm of notice are hereliy recognized and pre- scrilied liy the Board of Super. visors and that all resolutions or orders or parts thereof to the ex. tent that same may be in conflict herewith are herel>y repealed. Adjourned Special Session, April 16, 1973 219 Passed, and approved, this 16th day of April, 1973. Louis C. Burett Chairman, Board of Su- pervisors Leo N. Sehueller Member, Board of Super- visors Ray Seherrman Member, Board of Super- visors A-'ITEST: Harold P. Meloy Dubuque County Auditor CERTIFICATION State of Iowa" \ County of Dllliuque J ss: This is to certify that the "hove and ,foregoing resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed and adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Duliuque County, Iowa, meeting in regular session on the 16th day of April, 1973. In Testimony whereof, witne.. my hand and the seal of Dubuque County, Iowa, this 16th day of A- pril, 1973. Harold P. Meloy Duliuque County Auditor Councilman Thoms moved that the resolution lie received and made a matter of record. Second- ed by Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried liy the following vote: y..........Mayor Bilter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Justmann. RESOLUTION NO. 132.73 BE IT RESOLVED liy the City Council of the City of Duliuque, Iowa, that the foltowing having complied with the provisions of law rela!in¡g to the sale of Cigarel- teswithin the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Cigarettes and Cigarette Papers within said City. Ronald Adams, 535 Hill Street. BE IT FURTHEm RESOLVED that thelionds filed with the ap. plieation be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of April, UI1S. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayoe A. Moldenhauer Councilmen ATTEST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded liy M,ayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Ma'yor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Alisent-Councilman Justmann. RESOLUTION NO. 133.73 WHERE;\s, applications for Beer permits have been sulimitted to this Couocil for approval and the same have been examined; NOW THE'REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following appliea- tions be granted and permits is- sued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of the City. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Palmer Drug Company, 2600 Dodge Plaza 20 Carl Van Duelman, 590 Clarke Drive Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of April, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wa'yoe A. Moldenhauer Couocilmen Altest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Couocilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer,Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent-Couocilman Justmann, RESOLUTION NO. 134-73 WIIERE;\S, applications for Beer permits were filed liy 'the within named applicants and they have 2iO Adjonrned Special Session, April 16, 191.3 received the approval of this Coun- cil; and WIHE,ftEAS, the 1"'emises to be occupied hy such applicanu. were inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed proper bonds; NOW TImREFORE BE IT RE. SœNED lif the City Council of the City of Dulillque, Imva, that the Mana,ger be authorized to cause to be issued to the f.ollowing named app1icauts a Beer permit. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Palmer Drng Company, æoo Dodge Plaza' 20 Carl Van DuelmaÐ;, 590 Clarke Drive Passed, adopted and approved Ibis 1&th day of April, 19'11!. J~ J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer Couneilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommell City Clerk CounciIm:m Pœgler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by M'ayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yea's-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na)'B--, Absent--Councilman Juøtmamt. RIõ5O'LUTICN MO. 135.73 WHERE;\S, applications for Li- quor iicoeI>ses have 'been sulimitted to this CollDCil for approval and the !HIme have been examined, NOW THEREFO'RiE BE IT RE- SOLVED liy the City Council of the City of Duliuqne, Iowa, that the following applications he grant. ed and licenses issued upon the ooDIPl1ance with the terms of the row"- LIQUO1t CON'I1ROL ACT- CHAPTER 1M-as amended by the 64th General Asseml>ly, 197!1. CL.A5S "C' (COMMEACIAL) BEER LIQUOR LICENSE The Dungeon, Ltd., 3Q2 Lðcust Street Ma"",,'.., Inc" I!IO2ZCeUtt1II Avenue IJorntky R, -...., 31012 Central Av,""", 'Pa.sed, adopted and approved UIis I&th day <>'f April, _. Joseph J. Bittel.' Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. TIIoms W~ A. Moldenhauer Cow1cilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommell City iOIezk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded liyMayor BitteT. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bilter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pl'fIIœr,'£homs. Nays-None. Alisent-Councilman Justmann. RIiSOLUTWN NO. 136-D WHßREAS, JIIIPlieatiOÐs tor Li- quor Iie"""es wer" füed by the within named appJicallts aad they have received the approval of this Council, and WHEREAS, the pl'Omises to lie ""œpied hy ..... appüeants were inspected and found bJ comply with the State Law and a.1l Cit1 <I1'di- nances relevant thereto md -they have filed proper 1ioJids, NOW 'l1IIEREFORE BE IT RE- SOIJVEID by the CIty Council of D"lillque, Iowa, tàat the Manager be authorized tø cause to be is- sued to the foi1owing named appli- cants a liquor license. CLASS "C'" {COlllME'RC'lAL) BEn LIQUOR U'ŒN5E The Doogeun, Ltd., Sl'å " LooIIst Street Marro's, Inc.. = Central Avenue Dorothy R. Hentges, = Central Avenue Passed, a4opted a'" IIPProved tis 16th daY of ApDI, 1911. Joseph J. Bitter lliayor Walter A. Pre¡ ler .wan'l'. TloI8u Warne A. ,JloIdoIIIoauer C6uneilmen Atlest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk C.I>DciJm.. PreglerIm>ved adop- tiOIl .of the resolution. Seconded liy Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor mtær, Councilmen MolðenhllUl', Pregler, Thœn.s. Nays~NI>ne. A:1i sent-Co uncilmætJus tm ann, Adjourned Special Session, April HI, 1973 There beins no fwther business Coancilm... Pregler moved to ad- joan¡. SecODded by Mayor Bit. ter. Carried tiy the following vote: Yea-s-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Justmann. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Approve4 """"""""""""""""" 1973 A.dep$ed ......--..................... 1873 .......................................................... .......................................................... ..................................................-..... ....-................................................... ..-................-............................... Councilmen Attest: """"""""Ciï;:"ëï;t.............. - - - - 221 Special Session, April 23, 1973 223 Special Session, April 23, 1973 Printed Council proceedings for the months of Jantlary and Feb- ruary 19'/3, presented for appro. val. Councilman Moldenhauer mov- ed that the minutes for the months of January and February 1973 he approved a. printed. Seconded liy Councilman Pregler. Carried by the follOWing vote': Yea8-'-MayorBitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, p..gler, Thoms. Nays-None. 222 hauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen JustmaJlIl' 'Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nà,ys-None, 2) Prep""e plans and application for federal assistance. C) Prepare for the City Takeover of Interstate Power Bus Syatem It is recommended that inslruc. tioo be given, to the city staff to work out all the transfer details and ready the transaclion for cow.. cil approval. D) Develop with Interstate Power Company a P--sal for Continuing Bus Operation to Year End It is ,lielieved that the intervening time will .be necessary to adjust the present bus system and trans. fer It to municipal operation. It is recommended that such an a. greement be made with the com- pany. E} 'Explore and Develop Alterna. tive Plana It is recommended that a' variety of actions be explored, for' exa'm- pie: 1) Support pass~e of present state legislation~ .. bill, senate file #448, enaliltng lwo agenèiea of gov- ernment to take over a bus sys. tem without an election. 2) Explore the poss;liility of pri. vate lius "peration in th,e city. 3) Explol'Othe possibility of star. ting a new bus system. This letter in the form of a recommendation is, ,in fact, a lirlef sta'ff report to the council and the pulilic ahout bus service in Dubuque. Gilbert D. CbaveneUe, City Manager Mayor Bitter moved that the co. mmunication be received and filed and set the matter down for a work session May :Lst, at 7:30 P.M. se£oD,ded liy Councilman Thòms. Carrièd by the foUowing vote: Yea8-'-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Juslmann, Mo~denhauer, Pregler, T\10J1ls. NaY8-'-None, CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Special session, April 23, 1m. Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T.) Present - Mayor Bitter, Coun- cilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. City Manager Gil. bert D. Chavenelle. Mayor Bitter read the call and stated that service thereof had lieen duly made and this meeting is called for the purpose of amend. ing zoning Ordinance No. 3.34 by repealing Section 1 of Article VA thereot and enacting a neW Sec. tion 1 of Article VA In lieu there- of to permit the location of a tavern in a cafe or restaurant operating as such at least three years prior to effective date hareof and acting upon such other liusi- ness a. may properly come liefore a regular meeting of the Council. Mayor Bitter and his wife were in Wa.shington during the past week I and received the following citation and award which he presented to the Council and which reads as follows: Municipal Landseaping Award presented liy the American Association of Nurserymen Inc. to City of Duliuque, Iowa, in recog- nition of achievement in landscap- ing and beautification of Town Clock Plaza, April 12, 1973. Signed by Patricia Nixon and Kenneth J. Altorfer, President. Minutes of the Human Rights Commission of their meeting of April 12th, presented for the re- cord.Councilman Moldenhauer I moved that the minutes lie re- ceived and filed. Seconded liy Councilman Pregler. Carried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. NaY"-Noue. Minutes of the Low Rent Hous- ing Commission of their meeting of April 17th, presented for the record. Councilman Moldenhauer moved that the minutes be re- ceived and filed. Seconded liy Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yea8-'-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. NaY8-'-None. April 20, um To the Honorable Mayor aM . City COuncil . During the course of several u.~etings, Mr. Dittemore, Mr. Ti. ialsky, Mr. White, Mr. Russo, Mr. lI6cbér and ,myself' investigated requirements for continuing lius flÞeration, in the City of Duliuque. We . have reviewed the relevant state law. We have contacted the feileral ,government IInd explored the possibility of federal funding assistance. We have talked to se- veral transporlation en«ineers and reêmed frOm them information ahout planning and developing a lius system. We have talked to Mr. Dyer and Mr. stoppelmoor ahout'the Interstate' Power COm- päny . hus Q >8ration. We '!lave a1Io made two pre- sumptions; first, that the citizens of Du. b\lquelhould !I."e bus transporla. 1Wn service; and secolld, that such tr~tion service can he ope. rated ODd maintained within the ~ ç¡¡paþÍJj.ty of the city. Bazed on OJl1' work to date, and on the idea of the need for lius service, I recommenli that the fol- lowing program lie carried out: A) Hold an Election on the Pro. position of the City O Oerati... the Bus $t,rvic., May' 4, !iPècial c.ouncil meetiDg; council aliopt resolution calling for election. lune 5, Election, The election process ODd d,ate has been investi- g,ated, bY ¥r. Frommelt and Mr. a...... with ¥r. Meloy. It is pro- poøed that infonna,tion be develop- ell Jar _tttlOll to civic goups e!IIIi thtt a -eitiIIen commltt,ee be organized to _ist in the conduct of the cam,Paign, B) EntIa.. a Transportation Con. sultant It is recommended that a tran- sporlation consultant be engaged inllnei!iate!y and directed to: 1). Develop .a plan' for the city Q >8ration of the Interstate Power Company bIB! system. Apr\l ).9. um Honoralile Mayor and Memlie1'S of the City Council 'ThIs Is to advise that 1 ha..e approved the following honds and desire to have your approval of same. SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION BONDS Schwer. Conalruction Co., 1.1 e r- chants Bonding Co. #242528. John P. Weiter Sons, Western Su- rety Co" #5Qæ287. Husemann Concrete Contractor, Merchants Mutual Bonding Co. #202219. Edwards Construction Co., Mer. cbants Mutual Bonding CO. #185166. Gi!hert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Pregler moved fil- ing approval on the lionds subject to approval of the City Solicitor. Seconded liy Councilman Molden. hauer. Carried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, pregler, Thoms. Nays-Councilman Justmann. April 16, l673 To the Honoralile Mayor and City COuncil A request has lieen received for additional street lighting on Valen. tine Drive. The area has lieon investigated liy the electrical inspector and it is recommended that a 175 watt mercury vapor fixture lie installed on a wood pole at the southwest corner cumline 01. 990 Valentine Drive. April 19, 1973 To the Hl>nQrable, Mayor and City Council I herewith 8ulimit the monthly reports for Ma...,h l673 of the City Treasurer and Health Department, qua,rterly report of the City Audi- tor, as well as '" li61 of claims paid. G¡¡¡¡ert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Pregler moved ap. proval of the recommendation. Se- conded liy Councilman Molden- Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager ""~ 29f Special Session, April 23, 19'73 COuDciIman J,_ann m 0 v e d tba,t the repørœ be r"""l~ aad flied. Seconded tiy CouneiIman Pre- rlér. Carried by the following vote: Yeeø-Mllyor Bitter, Councilmen JII!tm....., lIoldt!llha-, Pregler, Thmtts. Ifay.....Nolle. April JII, 19711 JI<moraI:Ile Mayor """ City 00uDcII On Maréh M, 11m!, Jolm C. Me- Gh8e of 13IU Jlid- SlZeet, Mid- cIWri8, Wi......... filed claim a- galut tile ~ of Dù"- 10-, in tile estimated IIJIIQUIIt of $128.. ud 8ll8 Jiag said daJnages aeeur- red on Fobma..,. 5, 1Øl2 to his motor vehicle as the result of strik- i8« poIIIola ad a pntrwIIiø& M- bole cover on Sixth Street near !he parking ramp GD :Iowa SWeet, au oity. Thi. matter was referred to tile City Atto<ney 'Wbo had made an imestigllÜon tllereof and iIaa c0n- ferred with the City of Dubuque Street Department, and claimant has made an Gffer of settlement ilL the amount of $lŒ.411 and in view of the foregoing, It It Is the recommendation of the City At- torney that said aHer of settlement lie accepted and that the City Au. ditor be I--d to draw warrant pilyàl>1e to JClhn McGhee iB the amount of $11!8,49 and transmit same to the City Attorney for de- livery upon receipt of duly ueeut- ed releu.... Original claim I. retnrned here- with. R. N. Ruso City Attorney CoUIlCilman Pregler _ed ap- proval of the recommendation. Se- conded liy Councilman Thoms. Car- ried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pre~r, Thoms. Nays-None. Notice of Claim of Thom... II. Brimeyer, in the amount of $400. for car damage iDcurred ... the r...n1t of said ear being struet hy a _tow on April 9, :urm at the corner of Loras " Cummins Streets', presented and read. Conn- cilman Pregler moved that the not- ice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for Investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried liy the following VGte: Year>-Ma1'lr Bitter, ComIcilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, P~ler, Thoms. Nay.o-Nme. Notice of Claim of Joseph R. ~y, in an undetermined amount, for car damage incurred as the rei1lIt of said car being struck by a snowplow on April 10, 1m on Quigley Lane,presented and read. <:ounellman PregXer moved that the notice of claim he referred to the City ,Solicitor for inves!iga- üon and report. Seconded liy COun. cilman Tho"",. Carried by the Ion- ~ vote: Yeas-1úyQr Bltte.-,Couneilmen JustmaJlil, 'MoldeÐhaner, Pre¡¡ler, Thoms. Nays>-None. NetIce of claim of Bollen J. Arensdorf, in the amount of $81.88. for camper damage reeeived ... the result of a closing gate falling on same in the Iowa Street Pad:- iIIg Ramp "" April 16, 1S13, pre. sented and read. CouneIlman Preg. Ier moved that the notice of elolm lie referred to the City SoJicitor for in_tigaticm and report. Se- conded liy Councilman Thoms. Car. ried l>y the fo~ vole: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 17.73 An Ordinance amending 0 r d i. nonce No. 3.34 -- as the zoning ordinance and the Zoning Map of the CIty of Dubuque, 10- by .... pear.... _tion , of Artiète VA thereof and' --I " - -- lion 1 of ArtIcle VA In - thereof to _it the IocoIlen of a tavem in a car.. er rHfa...aftt _oting as -" at least three y.... prier to effectiYe date hereof, said Or. dinance having been. pre 'riously presented and read at tile Council meeting of January 29,Mareh 12, April 16 presented for final adop- tion. Conncilman Pregler IIIaVed that ðe lilies besuspencled iB order to let anJODO preaent address the Council if they so desire. Seconded Special Session, April 23, 1973 by COuncilman Koldeaha¡¡er. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, COuncilmen J~, Muldenbauer, PregXer, Tholl14l. Nay--None. Attol'l1ey J. Wilson Mi>Caflister slated that his e1ieat Mr. Lang.. is not ,seeking " .pecial favor ...d he Ohouk\ be granted the same rilht as ....,.,... ~ under the Ordinanee.Phil Langas, & George Langas also addressed the Council with refertmee .. the Ordinance at great Ie&th. Councilman Thoms -ell tIIat the 1'Ideebe reimposed. Seoon4ed by Mayor Bitter. Ca.rr.ied by the followiag vote: Yeaa-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen ¡-ann, Moldenhauer, Pl'IIIier, 'lbo.s. Iboyc...None. 225 Po..... aPProved 'nd ado,l,d !hi. .... dar of A...II. 1973. J"..h J, BI«" May..- ~~r.~T%~~:"a,"" Councilmen ATTEST, y&F. pu':¡;" H"a" _III' In Tho rO""ooh- Ihl$ ",. .Oy 01 " ~II:-CI~;~,mmOll It,"'" COtmcilman Justmann moved fin. al adoption of the OrdInance. Se- conded by Councilman Moldenhau. er. Oarried by the following vote Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmaoo, KoldenJJauer, Thoms. NaYs-Councilman Pregler. An Ordinance Amending Ordi. nonoe He. 44J! by r~1niI _. lion 4 tItereef and -dine " - --. 4 in lieu theroef to' IN'Ovida ..., the locatiGn of the _mi- of a Cia.. "Bu Beer "'rmit within II local Min.." "A" Diot,,¡ct Class. ¡fiRStion, presellted and read. Councilman Pregler moved that the reading just had lie eons.id.... ed the first reading 01. the Ordi. nance. Seeonded by Councilmen Moldenhauer. Carried by !be foli. owing vote: Ye_Mayor Bitter, COnnell-n Justmann, Moldenhaner, P>ecler, Thoms. Nays-None. COtmciiman Pregler moved that the rule requiring an OrdInaooe to be read on three separate day. be waived. Seconded by COuncil- man Moldenhauer. Carried liy the following vote: Yea--Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmaoo, MoldenJJauer, P>e¡ler, Thoms. Nays-NOne. CowtciImu Prðller mom thM . public hearin¡ be I1eld on the Ordinanee on May 14, 1973, in the Council Chamw at the Cii7 Hall and that the City ClerIo: be Instruet. ed to PIIbJioh DOtice of the heariJIg in the manner required by ¡"w. Seeonded by Co1UlciIman Molden- hauer. Carried liy the foltowing vote : Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counciimen hRmann, M~enhner, ~I~ Thoms. N8Y8--None. ~1iB :,t~tf~¡;~~~?Yó~r~ ..=1"'.. ~o~e ¡~ ... """ CII. 01 Do. =:n', g:= ~A-n.: Ic," "ARTICLE VA LOCAl BUSINESS DISTRICT A "";00 .. USE REGULATIONS, No build" .,om- ,hall .. bulOdi.. ... "'ue"",, " olio od 10 .. ...d lhon".~ f.:, ...,....., coo Itl JI:""-~~I!!!_." a Multl,lo Ib) "'a. ,.. ,'" "'oil bu,"'" In a low... ,"d !o"'o . ,!'Om"" ., " '0'0 ."", '0 Of- ood '" no 'oml... bo ... boyo" ,,'. ..-..., ...am o! limo" I..uooco of IIcoo'" to ... ood !hOf '" charoct" o. 0 nolghbor- hood ",Ia....f ... - ond 'ov- Ic) ... ~ ....--... 226 Special Session, April 23, 1973 April 19, 1973 Honorælile Mayor and Couocilmen The City Planning and Zoning Commission has beld a pul>1i<: hear- I ing on the petition of Mr. Charles Egeibof to include property locat- ¡ ed at the southwest corner of lØth and Bluff Streets in subsection (i) of Article IV, Section 2 of the City of Duliuque Zoning Ordinance. This property is legally descrilied as the easterly ]ill; feet of Lot 760 in McDaniel's Subdivision of town lots in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the proposed ordinance amendment would permit the pro- pert:!' to be used for off-street park- ing within a Multiple Residence zootng district. . Notificatioll of the propos e d cIw1ge was sent' liy certified mail to 15 owners of nearliy property. The.. was no oral or written Ob- jeetion to the proposal TIle Commission bas determined that the use of this property for an off-street parkIng lot wiR not contribute to traffic prOblems in the area and is an appropriate use for the property. It is the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission that the petition lie approved. CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Daniel Dittemore Development Planner Councilman Pregler moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded liy Couocilman Justmann. 'Carried by the follow. ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. An Ordinance Amending Ordi. nance No. 3-34 known as the "Zon. ing Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, lowa" by amending Article IV, Section 2, subsection Ii) thereof to include certain described real estate to permit off street parking, present- ed and read. Couo.ilman Pregler moved that the reading just had lieen consider. ed the first reading of the Ordi. nance. Seèonded by Oouocil man Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couocilmen I Justmann, Moldenha:úer, Pregler, Thoms. . Nays-None. Councilman Pregler moved that the rule requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days be waived. Seconded liy COuncil- man Justmann. Carried liy the fol. lowing vote: . Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couocilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. . Nays-None. Couocilman Pregler moved that a public hearing be beld on the Ordinaneeon May 21, 19'13, in the Council' Chamber at the City Hall and that the City Clerk be instruet. to puliiish notice of the hearing in the manner required. liy law~ Seconded liy Couocilman J u.t- mann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayo< Bitter,Co\ßlCilm,en Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None, ApriJ. 19, 1975 Honorable Mayor and Couocilmen The City of Duliuque Planriing and Zoning Commission has held a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordi- nance to clarify a prohiliition on the use of premises in a Loeal Business "B" District for estab. lishments described as 'adult en- tertainment' or 'adult hookstores'. The Commission has determined that the effect of the ordinance is consistent with the general'in- tcnt of the Local Business "B" cla'ssifications and that the amend. ment is appropriate in light of the changing legal circumstances surrounding t.Iili; type' of 'use. It is the recommendation of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission that the ordinance amendment lie adop- ted. CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Daniel Dittemore Development Planner Couocilman Justmann m 0 v e d that the communication lie receh'. ed and filed. Seconded liy Couocil- man Moldenhauer. Carried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couocilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Special Session, April 23, 1973 An Ordinance Amending and I Councilman Moldenhauer moved 'changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known that the rule requiring an Ordi. as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zon. nance to lie read on three separate ing Map of the City of Dubuque, days be waived. Seconded liy May. Iowa" so as to add a new subsec. or Bitter, Carried by the following tlon (k) to Section 1 of Article vote: VB to clarify a prohibition on the Yeas-Mayor Bitter Couoci1men use' of any premises In a local Justmann Moldenha~er Pregler business "B" district for places Thoms. ' " com~only described as adult en. Nays-None. tertamment, presented and read, Couocilman Pregler moved that Councilman Moldenhauer moved the reading just had been consid- that a public hearing be held on ered, the first reading of the Or- ~e Ordinanc~ on June 4, 1973, dinance Seconded hy Councilman In the Council Chamber a,t the Moldenhauer. Carried liy the foil. City Hall and that the City Clerk owing vote: be instructed to puliiish notice of Yeas-Mayor Bitter Councilmen the hearing in the manner required Justmann, MOldenha~er, Pregler, by I~w. Seconded by ~ayor Bitter. Thoms. Carried by the followmg vote: Nays-None. Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Councilman Pregler moved that Thoms. the rule requiring an Ordinance Nays-None. to be read on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Council- RESOLUTION No. 137.73 man ~oldenh~uer. Carried by the I WHEREAS, the City of Duliuque followmg vote. . . has applied to the Iowa State ffigh- Yeas-Mayor BItter, Councilmen way Commission for funding of Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, the University Avenue reconstruc. ThNom~. ~, tion project under the Federal TO- aY~,one. PICS Program. Councilman Pregler moved that WHERE;\S, the Iowa State ffigh- a public hearing lie held on the way' Commission has reviewed the Ordinance on May at, 1973, in the application and is reques,ting Fed- Council Chamber at the City Hall eral ffighway Administration ap- and that the City Clerk be instruct. proval of the Location and Desligo cd to publish notice of the hearing Study. in the' manner req!'Ù'ed by law. WHERE;\S, it is required by the Seconded hY, Councilman Mold~- Federal ffighway Administration hauer. Carned liy the folloWIIIg that P"lilic Notice be given that vote: the Iowa State ffighway Commis- Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen sion is applYing for approval of Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, the Loca-tion and Design Study, Thoms, NOW, therefore, lie it resolved NaYs-NOÐe. by the City Council of the City An Ordinance Vacating Lot 2 of Duliuque, Io~a, ~at ~ City of 2 of Randall's Sub. Within the Clerk shall pulilish &aId n.~tice, a.s RlW of HIIf"ways S2 and 61 end sh~wn on the attached Exhiliü 151 and Kerrigan Road and direct. A. ing the Clerk to publish notice Passed, adopted, and approved of Intent to dispose of city In. this 2iIrd day of ApriJ., 19'13. terest, presented and read. Joseph J. Bitter Councilman Moldenhauer moved Mayor that the reading just had be Walter A. Pregler considered the first reading of the Allan T. Thoms Ordinance.' Seconded by Mayor Bit- Wayne A. Moldenhauer ter. Carried liy the following vote: C. Robert Justmann Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, ATTEST: Thoms. Leo F. Frommelt Nays-None. City Clerk 227 228 Special Session, April 23, 1973 "EXHIBIT "" STATE OF IOWA COUNTY OP DUBUQUE Official notIce of "Location and Deslg,," eppro"a' request In RE: Proposed design of TOPICS Pro- ject Number T435.1f(3)-46-æ, Uni. _lily Avenue widening and re- construction. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is herel>y given to all interested persons that the Iowa State Highway commission i. re- questing "Location and Design" approval from the Federal High- way AdmiDistration On the ahove described project as follows: LoCltlon and Description The proposed project includes the widening and reconstruction of Uni- versity Avenue heginnlnig approxi- mately at the in_tion of Loras Boulevard extending westerly and ending approximatety at the inter- section with Gilliam Street. The improvements will provide f 0 u r throach traHic lanes. Right-of.way aeqlJisitillDs are not required. Traf- fic oI&nal installa,tiona and-or re- visions are not includod in the project. Drawings and specifieatloJlt' ate , pUblicty availdlle in the EnJineer- ! ing Department, City Hall, J>uI>u. que, IOwa. Leo F. Frommelt Cíty Clerk Dubuque, Iowa Councilman Pre¡ler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded hy Mayor BItter. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay~None. RESOLUTION Ne. 138.73 BE IT RESOLVED by the City CounCil of the City of Dulinque, Iowa, that the following have com- plied ,with the provioions of law relating to the ..Ie of Cig...-etles within the City of Duhuque, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Ci- garettes and ,Cigarette papers with- in said City. Mary A. Miller, 700 East 1ßth Street. Leonard H. '" Betty L. Crane, 224Ii J. F. Kennedy Road. ,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds med with the appli- cation lie approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of April, 18'13. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Wa1te1' A. pregler Allan T, Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Roliert JUlltmann COuncilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt Oity Clerk Councilman Moldenhauer moved adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by COunclbnan Progl..., Carried liythe following v<>te: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Connoilmen J1Istmal'm, MIIldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION No. 139.)3 WHEREAS, applicalilans for Li. quw lieense. halVe been IIIhmitted to this Council for approval end the same have heeJ1 eumin8d. NOW THEREFORE BE IT 1tE. SOLVED liy the City CounåI Of the Ci~ of Duliuque, Iowa, that the followiDc a~aUona be I1'IJIt. ed and licenses issued - the compliance with the tenna of the IOWA LIQUOR CONTROL ACT- CHAiPTER 1JIl-as amended liy the Mth General Assembly-, 19'1'1. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER LIQUOR LlCEHSI! Raymond Ney,:!18I! Central Avenne Leonard H. '" Betty L. Ci'lIIle, ZM5 J. F. Kennedy ,Road Leona R. Friedman, 620 Ea!Ot Iðth Street Mary A. Miller, 700 East 16th Street pasoed, adopted and appro\led this ærd day of April, 1m. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler A11an T. 1'\Ioms Wayne A. Moldellhauet C. Roliert Juatmann coun.c:i\lllen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Moldenhauer moved adoption oftlae resolution. Second- ed by COuncillllart Preder. Carried by the tol1owinlt vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, councilmen Justmann, MOldenhtuer, Prel!èr, Thoms. Nays-None. Special Session. April 23, 1973 Z29 RESOLUTION No. 140.73 WHERE;\s, applications for li- quor licenses were filed liy the within named applieants and they have received the approval of this Council, and WHERE;\S,the premises to be occupied liy such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the State Law and all City ordi. nances relevant thereto and they have filed proper bond., NOW THEREFORE B'E IT 1tE- SOLVED liy the City Council of Duliuque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to cause to be issued to the following named applicants a Liquor license. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER LIQUOR LICENSE RaY'mond Ney, 2l86 Centra[ Ave- nue Leonard H. & Betty L. Crane, 224Ii J. F. Kennedy Road Leona R. Friedman, 620 East 16th Street Mary A. Miller, 700 East 16th Street Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of April, 1973. Joseph J, Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayoe A. Moldenhauer C. RObert Justmann Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Moldenhauer moved adoption of the resolution. Second- ed hy Councilman Pregler. Car- ried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 141.73 WHEREAS: Anne"ation has lieon reviewed and cliocussed jointly by the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission, and WHERE;\S: There exists sever,,1 areas on the perimeter of the City that require orderly planning and development. and WHERE;\s: These same areas pose a potential prolilem or hazard to the orderty lII'owth and develop. menl of the City of D1>buque, end WHEREAS: The City Council de- sires to lea-v. its llltentlons open to pulilic review, NOW THEREFORE BE rr RE. SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THAT: Section 1. The compilation of an annexation policy is deemed nec- essary and desh-eable. Section 2. The best interests of aU parliea concemed sbo1ald be informed of our intentions. Section 3. The Planning and Zon- ing COmmission is herehy tequœt- ed to draft and adopt an annexation policy, and forward the same to 'City Council for their action. Section 4. The policy and the area 110 be annexed should be mod- , erate and well within the capaliili. ties of the City of Dubuque to adequately service. Pas'sed, adopted and approved on this ærd day of April, 1B73 A.-D, Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. 11Ioms Wayoe A. Moldenhauer C. 'Robert Justmann Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop.- tion of the resolution. Seconded liy Councilman Justmann, Carried by the fol1owing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann,Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Mayor Bitter moved for appoint- ment of David F. Setter to the Board of Zoning AdjU<ltment, for a five year term to 3-ð-78, to re- place Lester J. Streinz. Seconded liy Councilman Thoms, Carried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. There being no further liusiness Councilman Pregler moved to ad. Special Session, April 23, 1973 230 ourn. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried liy the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Bitter, Council- men Justmann, Moldenhauer, Preg- ler, Thoms. Nays-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Approved .................................. 1973 Adopted .................................... 1973 .......;.................................................... ..,................................,........................ ............................................................ .,...,...................................................... ......,...."............................................... Councilmen Attest: """ëiÏŸ'(:ii~~i"""""""""""" Specia1 Session, April 30, 1973 231 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Special SeRion, April 30, 1973. Council met at 7:30 P.M. (CD:r) Present_avor Bitter, Council. men Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pre- gler, Thoti.s. City Mana..r Gilbert ~ Ch."enelle. Mayor Bitter read the call and stned that servicetbereof had been duly made and, this meeting i" called for the purpose of Consider. i... an "."M of contract "'r the cOnetruction of the 1f73 Asphelt Paving Proiecttlo.l Bad acting upOn such' other Ii...meal! aamay properly eOme !Jefon! s reþlsr mee1ùJg of the Council; , Minutes of the PlallDillg Ii Zein. ing 'Colll1nimon of their méêtþJg of ' April 4, 19?3,presented for'thè record. Ma:Yl>l' Bitter moved that the miIII1tes be received and filed. Seconded 'liy Councilman Mo1den- hauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tholll$. Nays-None. COaRll1l11ieationof Duliuque Buil. ding and CoßatruetIon T r'a des ComIcil reeommending :umexation of the Proposed site for the con- struction of the Ramada Ino, pre- sented and reed. 'Hayor Bitter mo- ved that the communication be received and tiled. Seconded liy Councilman, Pregler. Carried liy the following vote: ' Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, MoJ,denbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Attorney Will. iam A. Conzett, requesting nn tie-- half of Elmer Burkart, that in granting any 8nneJUitioo to the Ro- mac, property that a stipulation be ineluded that a water drainage problem be IiOlved and that the appropriate City departments he alerted to the problem, presented and read. Mayor Bi1ter moved that the co' m municatioo be r""",'Ved and fil-I ed referred to the staff. Seconded by Councilman Preg1er. Carried by the followinl' vote: , , Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, MOldenhauer. Pregler; Thoms. Nays-None. Proof of PuliUcation, certified to by the Pulilisher, of Statement of Receipts, Disbursements and list of clsims for the month of March 1973 presented and read. Council- IlIaD Pregler moved"that the proof of publication lie receive¡l and fil- ed. Seconded by ConncilJllan Mol. denhauer. Cartie¡l by thè following vote: Yeas-May",. Bitter, Councilmen Justmann,MoldeJ¡J¡il11er, Prègler, Thoms. ' , Na,ys-.None, April Ill, 1973 HonoralileMayor and.Memllers oftbe City COuncil ' Last week' 'yâU rèce1ved a copy <if the specifiêati<ins' lor the re- poweringand°' /'eJlèj"tton Òf tile Seagrave "QUint" fue' Engine'eUl'- rently in setvice as Tn1ck. No. I at Engine House 'No.4. ' Attached he¡-èto are the specifi. cation. and request 'your approval ot ~ending' out liIda for this re- powering. Respectfully submitted, Gilliert D. Chavenene City Manager. ' Councilman Pregler, movçd that the communication he received and filed, and' t.bàtthe City CIeri< lie instructed, 'to publish notice for re- ceipt of bids, and that the ,rules be suspended in order to let any. one present, address the Council if they so desire. Seconded liy Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried by the fullowing vote: Yeas-Msyor Bitter, Councilmen Juslmann, 'MOldenhsuer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Fire Chief Dunphy addressed the Council relative to repowering and renovation of the Seagrave Quint. April ZT, 11m! To the Honorable ,Mayor and City Council I herewith sulimit the report of the Water Superintendent for the mÓl1th of Msrch 1973. Gilbert,D. Cha,veneUe City Manager ' !SA Spt>cial Session. April30,1973 Councilm.... l'r~r moved' that rdo:rred ,to tile CitJ SaUd-- the ....mmunioatioa lie reeeivecl and in_tilatÎ'!l' ud report,"QOIIIied flied. SecoDdedbyCoullcilmanMoI, tiy Mayer1Jttter. Carried 'by 'Ole denhauer. Carried by the fon-tng following vote; vote: Yeas-Mayor ~Itter, Councilmen Yeg.-r.IaYl>r BltteJ', Councilmen J IIt n...., MQlde¡¡)¡auCf, 1'r.., JustmaOO, Mnldenhauer, Pregler, 'J'1I0lili. TIIo1Qo9, Nays-None. NaY$-None. April 15, 1t73 J¡onqrable Xaror MId ð b' CoUlldl 011 KaRb %II, 19'1\1, tile. <:om- m1llllcawn of the CIIah'IIlU\ of the DUbuque Advisory Comtnlssiot! re- q,W:atiJ¡¡¡ tIoat tile City Council ap- P-e tile tolloWÙllladditiOli ,to tile bylaws of the Dubuque At\Vi$<>O' Commission: "2. Four ab.....,... from regul. ar1:f aeheduled monthly meetings shaU.---q\e _tic _. mendation to m.,.r pci dtY _. cil ,tor .eplaÇellleÐ\'" '1 ,..uld ._lIuaG UIe C ¡ t y CIøn'lU 1IOt. .Jlllfove _h - tit allwUtk _mqdatieD .ee It WCIQId' -..Ite 110 _vision for a memlier cklsket w remata em 1!8Ìd OoIJIIIIIis~\a but wbiI had ~ ill, or "outfered an aecideJIt cauSing Will w,\le alts..t froœ four re¡u1ar meetings. 1~ 8\IØ~ _nlingly, the fo~ i¡¡. lieu of the foregoing: "Four un_UM4 al!Jel1ces from resuIlrly scheduled mont.i¡ y meet- IP&s ahall coJlltitute grounds for said C<¡mmiss!, on, after hearinC,W declare a ncanrY in s-,d office a!1d Shan lie grounds fQl' recom. mendatint! to the CitJ Council for replaeeme"l" R. N. Buaso City AtttJrlleY CouncUmI\l! Jaslm- lIIoved to adoPt III. wQr4û!l af tha City At- 10mI>' willi tbe cillltliou iii the word unexcused. Seconded by MaY' or Bitter. Carried by the fol1o\VÍllg vote: yeas-)!ayor Bitter, OowIeiIme!I JI"twaM, Koldenhauer, 1'regler, Thoms. N'J~I". Notice of heal'ÌDl' on applicatiòn to sell real estate in the ea.. of Bert G- Dee'd, cov.~ il>ts !filii and filii in Le1IQ)< ¡'cidn. ,in wbicl1 the CitY 11111' an in~ preøeated ,ud rqad. Councilman pregler moved that the notice lie .pri! 25, 1973 JioJIor~ Jl.arw- City ÐDUlldl Ou April 12, 1Ð73, JeIIø JL Beid. 01'11 of 3 .9, eaant HaD, Vni~ni.ty ol J;>uI¡I¡q\Ie. filed ~......t the QIy Qf DtdM\Que jp \lie ""'IUlIt of Pi'" ~ 4au¡agao¡ to the xiøbt float tke and rùn ød&J1.,. il&üW ~g.."'ceurreð..April !AI, ,.1Ips .. the ""suI.t Qi slriki8& a dauù bQW a~ a poin~ j,Q froat iii , ,MIl .n.vOD I)riva. I.bis ,.QÎ.ty, This matter was Nfernci to'the Qty AttonIlI¡¡ pel ll\a~. iA~uI;iCa' led s.a\d ..a~r "-,,d IaavlI,COIIIarrlld with Uoe e1ai,mIoI\t .... fhll' $keat D<tPa~ wi said <1W1118IIt ¡as ... 'an <¡/I,fil iii ¡etI ~ fit sai4 etaim of $aII.OO, a..Lit is the . __dMioa Qi the City Attorney that said offer of set.tle- IXIl\Ut lie aceçled SlId that Uoe Ci.t¡¡ A1Idi1Qr be ÏIlstf1¡çted to dr;>,w warrant pay,able to John M.Ret. dorn in the amount I1f $aS.00 &lid to transmit same to the City At- t.onIey for oIeUVery _.-e!pt of. iluly ex<tCUted raIoa6Oll. ' Qri&iDal claim is reI:uøIed iafle- with. R. . N. R1I8SO City Attomey CouncilmBJI !'reeler moved ap. proval of Uoe ~"'mendatinn. Se- conded liy MaYOf Bitter. Carried by the foliGwing yote: ' Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CouooIlmen J_aM, Koldenioauer, ~, Thoms. ' ' Nay,s-None, APrIl aIi, JØl3 Honarabl'l M.yor alid QtJ OoUllCiI On Mareh æ, 1973, eemmuniell- tktn was received by the City '<if Dubuque adfising tha~ "" January H. If'13, one, Gail 1Uehll1'daoa, stl>- <lent at the Uniftmty 8f Dubuque, feU on the east side Gf Gr..,., Street along the campus tit the University of DUliuque. 'ThiaOO!1UllUlÛCatioD <was referr- ed to the Oity Attorney who has made en iDM8Ii«ation lheraat ent! has been in oommunicatiou with Special Session, April 30, 1973 S33 the 'earrier for the ..liutting pro. pertyowner and ¡as confened with said claimant. Claimant has made en offer d' aaWement in the a- mount tit $7.32.00 to which amount the abutting property - has agNed to toll_ute $lu.OO and in view of the foregoing, it is the recommendation of the City Attorney that the City of Duliuque contriliute $1iJ.l.OO toward said set. tlement and that the City Auditor be instructed to draw warrant pay- able to Gail Richardson jn the amount of $1ll.ØII and transmit .ame to the City Attorney Jor de- ¡¡very upon roocipt of duly execut. ed releaoes. Original commUDicaoon is r e . turned herewith, R. N. Ruaso City Attorney Councilman 1'reg1er moved ap- proval of the recommendation. Se- conded by Kayor Bitter. Carried liy the foUowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, 1IIIoidenhauer, Pregler, Thoms, Nays-None. Notice <Jl claim of Joseph E. Reisdorf, in an lmdetermined a- mount, for property damage incur- red to his buildiDg at 66J.RItomberg Ave. during the construction of a water main on March 'n, 1Ð73, presented and read. Councilman I'regler moved that the nGtice of clJ¡lm lie referred to the City Soli. ciOOr for investlgatinn and report, Se¡:onded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J-ann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Notice of claim of Kristine E. Hamer, .in tile am"""t of $.'>1.80, for car damage incUITed as the result of beiD& struck by a city- -00 damp tnJck at 16th and K..-par on April 13, 1M3, presented and read. Councilm:w. Pregler mo. ved that the IWÜce tit claim be referred to the City Solicitor for iDVestigatioR and report. Seconded by 1IIa- BlUet. Canied by the fnIlowinC vote: Yeas--llayor _r, eoun..ilmen Justawm, Moldenhauer, Pregler- TIIoma. Nays-N'one, Notice 01 claim of Gregory H. Nauman, m the amount of $2IIi5. for car damage incurred as the result of being struck by a snow. plow at 41; Bluff Street on April 13, 1Ð73, presented and read. Coun. cilman Pregler moved that the no. tice of chUm lie referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried liy the fl>llowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Kl>ldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. At 8 P.M. Councilman Thoms moved that the Council recess to hear PrellÌdent Ni»on's message. Seconded liy Councilman Jus t. mann. Ca,rried liy the foUowing vote: Yeas-CouncUmen Jus t mann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-Mayor Bitter. Council reconvened at 8:35 P.M. Proaf of Pllblication, certified to by the Pulilisher, of notice of puli. lic hearing to amend Zoning Or- dinance No. 30M, known as the Zoning 1IIIap and Zoning Ordinance of the City Gf DII'buque, Iowa so as '" change real estate in Tower la-vestment Subdivision No.1 from Multiple 'Residence District Class- ification to Local Business B Dis- trict Clas.ification, presented and read. No written objections ,were filed and no oral olijectors were present in the Chamber at the time set for the public hearing. Councilman Pregler, mGved that the proof of publication be reeeiyed and filed. Seconded liy Councilman Molden- hauer. Carried liythe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilman Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. ORDINANCE "". II-n An orcli- a""""ing .nd challlÏn8 ordh..n.. No. 3.M kno- .. tIN "ZMing IMp and Zoning OrdinaMe of the City .f Dubuque, Ie_" .. .. III do- cort.in -rty -....hr d.s. ri bed from "Multiple Residenc. 0 i . . triot" clas.ifio- to "1Ac81 _i. non "B" Disirlcl"" Clao_8fion, (Tower Inyes~ Sull.) s a, i d Ordle...... having been previously Special Session, April 30, 1973 234 Special Session, April 30, 1973 235 Ordinance. Seconded liy Council. man Thoms. Carried liy, the foll- owing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Thoms. Nays-None. ~listained-Councilm>m Pregler. presented and read at the Council meeting of Mareh 26, 1JI73, present. ed for final adoption. governing and roeulating tho park. ing of vehicles on the following alleys or portions of alleys, pre. sented and read. Councilman Pregler moved that the reading just had be consid. ered the first reading of the Or- dinance. Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried by the foll- owing vote: Yeas-Mayar Bitter, Councilmen Jnstmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. N..ys-None. Councilman Pregler moved that the rule requiring an Ordinance to lie read on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Council. man Moldenhauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J_ann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Pe""" e..rnv'" end edop,'" Ihl, 30th dpy of A"H, 1m, Jo,e.h J. Bifl.,. Mem ,P""", Thoni, Moldenha"" J"lmenn . Tel..".h. 's 3'" dav of Leo F. F'ommeif (;tv CI,,' 11.5/3 Councilman Pregler moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Se- condedby Councilman Moldenhau- er.Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Petition of Zephr Aluminum Pro. ducts Inc. sulimitöng a detail for the construction of 'a marquee on the Haudensmeld DeWachter Fun- eral Home at 2170 Central Ave. presented and read. Councilman Pregler moved that the petition be received and filed and referred to the Manager and staff for a recommendation. Seconded liy Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None, An Ordinance Auth<>rizing Hau. densmeld DeWachter Funeral Home to construct a marquee at 2170 Central Ave"presented and read, 'Councilman Pregler moved that the Ordinance along with the petition be referred to the Manager and staff for a recommendation. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Petition of D.A.Y. Fighting Back Chapter No.6 requesting permiss- ion to conduct a Forget Me Not Drive on August lOth and 11th, presented and read. Mayor Bitter moved that the petition 'be granted and referred to the City Manager, Seconded by Councilman Molden- bauer, Camed by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. TI.no., ~..".., NOW THEREFORE BE IT OR. OAI"EO BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C'TY OF aUBUQUE. IOWA, ...... '. Thel Ø""nanee No, 33-49 known .. the "T,aHle Code 01 0". Wa¡iii,..A. ......", Allan T. Thoni, Wevne A, Molden"""" CoOnelimen ATTEST, Leo F, Frnmmeif CIty Cle'" r.~~IS"'N~:~~.::r, "It,~he":;'el'ii""":"~ Mev 1973, Leo F, "ammeif Cifv CI,,' ATT 'teo F. F_mer: Cltv<:l"" 11, 5/3 Councilman Møldenhauer moved that the rule requiring anOrdi. nance to be read on three separate days be waived. Secondedliy COun- cilman Thoms. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor. Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Thoms. Nays-None. Alistained-Councilman Pregler. Councilman'Moldenhaner maved final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded liy Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Thoms. Nays~Nonê. '. Alistained-Councilman Pregler, ORDINANCE, NO. 20..73 An ordinance amending Or di. nance No. 33-49 known as the "Tra. ffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa", as amended, be amended byrepeellng Schedule VII thereof and enacting . new schedule VII in lieu' therof 11.5/3 Councilman Pregler moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Second- ed liy Councilman Moldenhauer. CaITied liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-Councilman Ju.tmann. ,ORDINANCE No. 19.73 An ordinance amending 0 r d j. nance No. 48.70 known as "Plumb- Ing Ordinance of the City of Du. buque, Iowa" by r_lIng Section ,5 thereof and enacting a new sec. 5 In lieu thorelli' to' eliminate the provision of compensation for the pl.mlling 'Board members end to provide thet no componsation shall be paid to said plumbing board members, presented and read. Councilman Moldenhauer moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the eOd '0_,' ... -,. e, ',om Easl Fo"rttr Slml 10 :'1:: ~~nI2J¡¡:r'A\:'e~:: and ""e S,'.." f In tho allev 'v'" betweon A'. buN St,.., end Flnl,. 8I,eo' "om Ch"O'Y S""" '" Unl",. "tv Avenue. g, In the alley be'....n C<d" S"eet and Svcem... 5',..' '!'Om 141h St,..t '0 1S1h Sl,eet, h, In the alley between Mople Street end Ced" St,... 'mm 15th S"..I to 161h Slm', 236 Special Session. April 30, 1973 Petition of Dal., C. Con~ett re- ques,ting an opportunity to discuss with the Council a proposal to operate a personalized bus service I in the City and the surrounding area, 'presented and read. M-ayor Bitter moved that the petition lie referred to the CounciL Seconded liy Councilman Thoms. Carried liy the following ""Ie: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-No...., Petition of Clyde Burrows et al (33 signers) requesting immediate action in the repair of W. 8th /Wenue which is presently closed I due to a cave in sometime ago, presented 'and read, MI'. Clyde Bur- rows, a resident of the area, ad- dresoed the Council in hehaH of the petitioners along W. 8th Ave- nue. He was somewhat eoncerned as to what IlÙght happen if there would be a fire in the area and also the res!dents must back their cars up the hill and go out on Caledonia to come downtown. Mayor Bitter moved that the pe- tition he referred to the next meet. ing. Seconded liyCouncii man Thoms. C..-ried liy the following vote: I Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmaun, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. ---Nays-None. PetitiOB of Jolliet Ma"'luette Tri. eeutennial ~questing permission to sell liøttons from door to door on May 5th and 12th to he} > fin...... their activities, presented and read. Councilman Justmann moved ap- proval of the petition and referred to the City Manager. Seconded liy Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: I Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None, Petition of Marcella McCarty re- questing a refund of $211.25 ou Liquor license No. C-34Ot as she ha. discoøtinued l>usiness on April 2, 1973, presented and read. Mayor Bitter moved that the refund lie granted and tllat a proper warrant be issued. Seconded liy Councilman Pregler. Carried bY the following vote: Yeaa--Mayor Bitter, Counciil1l4ll JostmaDD, Moldenhauer, Pr.,8ler, Thoms. N ays-Sone. RESOLUTION NO. 142-J3 WHEREAS: Certain e Ie meats within the fibre of the eol1lJlWlÙ\y have turned fÞ vandalism as an outlet for their frustrationa, and WHERE;\S: Public pro perty such as the Town Clock Plua, Eagle Point Pa,r!< and Murphy Park become the _I tareets of such sinister action, and WŒIE,REAS: Public. e n tlment has time and again expressed dls- -gust over such _less deeda, and V/lHIDRE;\S: The pulilioity of such action has had a dele!ertous refleetion upon the othewise heal. thy reputation of the cemmunity, and WHEREAS: The cost to the tax- payers Is heavy .-h without the infliction of this type of hw:den, and WHE1ŒAS: The wheels of Jus- tice have reached a stalemate in the attempt ,to t:bwart such rau- cous deeds. NOW 'I1HEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNmL OF DUBUQUE IOWA 'J1BAT Section 1. These actions are of a specia:! nature, and are serious enough to merit the special at- tention of our administration. Section 2. That the pulilic is en. titied to restitution for tax monies expeoded to rectify such damages incurred by vandalism. Section 3. That the City Solicltor lie and hereliy is directed to take whatever action is necessary to recover the cost of damages resul- tant from vandalism, either from the person convicted, and or their legal guardian. And " full report of sucli action lie spread across the pulilic records. passed adopted and approved this 30th day of April 1973 A,D. Joseph J. Bitter Kayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann. Councilmen. Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Special Session, April 30, 1973 OoImcilman Pregler moved ado >' A1lan T. Thoms tiOD 01 theresolutioll. Seconded Wayne A. Moldenhauer liy Councilman Moldenhauer. Car. C. RoI>ert Justmann ried liy the following vole: Councilmen Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Attest: Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, ~ F. Fronunelt Thoms. City Clerk Nays-None. Councllman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded RESOLUTION NO. 143.73 liy Councilman Moldenhauer. Car. WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque. ried by the following vote: irom time to time, is in need Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen to ha... persons deputized liy the Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Sheriff of Dubuque County, Iowa; Thoms. and Nays-None. WHE'RE;\s, said persons so de. RESOLUTION NO. 144-73 ""tized are under the control and Reselution previdi", for the aclver. aclmiJrù¡traÜDn 0( the City of Du- tisem- of - 008 City Law IEn. b'.'que ~s pertain.s. ~ City ParD, forcement C. 80nd.. CIty Airport facilities, and any WHERE;\s at an election duly other facilities owned by the City and legally called and held on of Duliuque; and the 22nd day of August, 1972, over WHEREAS, the Sheriff of Du- sixty per cent of the qualified elec- liuqua' County, Iowa h"" requested tors of the City of Duliuque, Iowa, that since he bas no control over voting thereon approved the pro- .aid persons so deputized at the position of issuing bonds of .aid request of the City of Duln¡que City in the sum of $205,000 to that be should be indemnified and pay its portion of the cost of con. held harmless; structing and equipping a build- NOW TIIEItm'ORE BE IT RE- ing to be jointly acquired, con. SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL structed, used and ,occupied liy Du- OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE buque County, Iowa, and liy the IOWA' " City of Duliuque, Iowa. for County . and City law emIoreement pur. Section 1. That the request of poses; and the Sherif[ of Dulinque County, 10- WHEREAS it is contemplated wa. John F. Murphy, for indemni- that said lionds lie dated May 1, ficatlon and to be held harmless 1973, numbered 1 to 41, inclusive, from any and all damages. loss of the denomination of $:1,000 each, or liabi1lty arising out of any will- maturing in numerical order ful or neglJ.igent acts or omnrlss:ions $50,000 on Novem'ber 1 of each of said deputies so on duty for of the years 1975 to 1977, inclusive, and liy the City of Dubuque, Iowa and $55,000 on November 1. 1978, should be approved. with interest at a rate or rates Section 2. That the Agreement, not exeeeding Five per cent (5'1\) a copy of which is hereto attached, per annum, payalile November 1, by and between the City of Du- 1973, and semJannuany thereafter; buque, Iowa and the Sheriff of and . . Duliuque County. Iowa relating to WHERE;\S It .. necessary that indemnification and holding harm. all of said bon.ds ~e advertised less lie and the same ia hereby and sold at this time; approved NOW, THEREFORE, Be It and . It Is Hereliy Resolved liy the City SeetiN 3. That the City Manager Council of the City of Duliuque be and he is hereliy authorized Iowa as follows: ' and directed to execute said Agree- S~tIon 1. That City Law En- ment, for and on behalf of the forcement Cuter Bonds of the City City of Dubuque. Iowa. I of Dubuque, Iowa, in the amount Passed, adopted and approved of $205,000, to be dated May 1, this 30th day of April, 1971!, : 197I!, ,and maturing a& set forth Joseph J. Bitter : in the preamble hereof, lie adver. Mayo.- ¡ tised for sale and lilds be request- Walter A. Pregler i ed for action thereon by the City 237 238 Special SeSsion, Aprl130, 1973 Council Of, said City at its meeting to be held at the J\oard of Super- visors Room in the County Court- house in ,said City at 1.2:00 o'c]ock Noon, on the 24th day Of May, 1973, and that the City Clerk be and he is hereliy authorized and directed to pnlilish notice of such sale once each week for at least two consecutive weeks in the "Te. legraph-Herald", a newspaper of general circulation in Dub u que County, and pulilished in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, such advertise- ment to lie in the form customarily employed for that purpose. Section 2. That all prior resolu- tions or orders in so far as same may be in conflict herewith be and the same are hereliy repealed. Passed and approved April 30, 11173, Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by' Co\lÍ!.cilman Moldenhauer. Car- ried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor, Bitter, Councilmen ~ustmann,M.oldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. ProOf of Pulilication, certified to liy the pulilisher, of Notice to Con- tractors of the receipt of proposals for the construction of City Of Du- buque 1973 Asphaltic Paving pro- ject No.1, except University Ave- nue from the W.P.L. of McCOrmick Street to the E.P.L. of Gilliam Street, presented and read. COun- cilman Pregler moved that the proof of pUlilication lie received and filed. Seconded liy Councilman Thoms. Carried liy the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler. Thoms. Nays-None, April 26, lII73 To the Honoralile Mayor and City Council pursuant to your instructions, sealed liids were received until 10:00 A.M. Central Standard Time, Thursday, April 26, 1973 for the City of Duliuque 1973 Asphalt Pav- ingProject No.1, exeept Univer. sity Avenue. The lowest liid recei'\l- ed was from Mulgrew BlackfbP Inc., Duliuque, Iowa; their bid was 4.6% over the estimate: I recommend that the contract for this project lie ..warded to Mulgrew Blacktop Inc. Gilliert D. Cbavenelle City )lallager Councilman ,Pregler moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. (Awarding Contract) RESOLUTIOM NO. 145-73 WHEREAS, sealed propoeà!s have been sulimitted' liy contrac. tors for the City of Duliuque lII73 Asphalt pavin¡ì project No.1, ex. ceptUniversity Avenue pursuant to Resolution No. 160-73 and notice to liidd..-s pulilished in a, news- paper published in said City on April 6, 1973 and April 13, lII73; and WHERE;\S, said sealed propo- sals were opened and read on April 26, 1973, and it has heen deter- mined that the hid of Mulgrew Blacktop Ine. of Duliuqlle, Iowa in the amount Of $232.747.59 was the lowest liid for the fúrnishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the plans and specifications; uow therefore, BE IT RESOLVED liy the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the contract for the .:hove mentioned improvement lie award. ed to MulgreW BlacktoP Inc" and the Manager be and he is hereby directed to execute a contract ,011 lieha1f of the City of Duliuque for the complete performance of said work, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT UPON THE SIGNING OF SAID CONTRACT AND THE AP. PROVAL OF THE CONTRACTORS BOND THE CIty Treasurer is au- thorized and instructed to return the liid deposits of the unsuccess- ful liidders. I¡p¡¡cial Ses¡;ion, April 30, 1973 P....,ed 8I!d,ado. ,pied ,this 30th !lay I th",e,'follo",_, "vote: of April, 1973. Y_l,(ayor Bitter, Councilmen Joseph J. Bitter Pregler, Thoms. Mayor Nays-Oouncilmen Justmann , Walter A. Pregler Moldenhauer. Allan T. Thomo Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann Couneilmen Attest: Leo 'F. Frommelt CitY 'CIèrk Councilman Pregler moyW,adQp. tion of the resolution; Seconded liy Councilman Thoms, Caoorietl liy t Ie,fo!iOwin.l\ vote: '. Yt!aS---Mayorllitter, ,Councilmen JU$tm~" cMoldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. , N.ys,--Noné. 'RBSOWTIONNo. 14U3 WHEREAS, the State ,andlfen- ningson, Durham and'1UèhaÌ'dsòn, Inc. ¡h- emerd ,into ,a .contract for:the,-preÌ!aratioll,of."the Dubuque iF1r"~Corridor Sin<!y;,and ;WB]; RE;\8; Divillionll ,-qf ,tile Mid, contnct include> the study of the Dodge Street çøllrid<tr; and , "WHEREAS; "IIY ,uthority 0 f ~'~Iutlon '3112-'10 the"ej,ty diII.exeeuie,.n agreement with the Slatedaœd:September 8,19,70, -wIIetebyUle,-city agr,eed. to accept 'fillancial .....pøø!bility for :Divi. sion II work; and WHEREAS, the Iowa State Hlgh- way Comlni8Ðon, by, letter ,dated February '29,11172, indicated that lhefe wilt be "all additional çœt for extra work. NOWTHBREFORE ,BE IT RE. SOLVIID ,BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'I1HE ,CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA that theelty 'manager is authorized to execute' an Extra Work Otder with the Iowa State HIghway ; Commission. Passed, Adopted 'and Approved this 30th day of April, 1973. Joseph J. lIitter Mayor Walter, A. Pregler Alla ! T. Thoms ATI'EST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilma ! Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded' liy Councilman Thoms. Carried liy .239 RESOLUTION No. 147.73 WHEREAS,the City Of Duliuque has applied fb the Iowa State High- way Commission för funding of the University Avenue reconstruc. tion projectllllder the ,F,e d e r a I TOPICS Program. WHEREAS, ,ÜIe ,Feller..' ,II Lg h- way ,~tration,has given "J,.o- cation and ,Desilln"., approval. WHEREAS, it IB 'required by the Fedèl'al HIghway Administration thatPuliije Notice ,liegiven<>i said approval. Now, therefore, lie' It' reaolved by ÜIe. City ..~il. p~,q¡., City of Dûbuque,' towa, ,that ,t1iÐ City Clerk, shall I'ùlilish said notice as shown on the' attachðd "E)(hibit A;'. ' , Passed, a<!opted, apd .aJ,>P1'Qved tbis3Oth 'day of April, lII73. Joseph _J: Bitter Maÿor ' ' Walter A.pregler AÙa'n'T. Thoms Way".. A.Moldenhauer C. RObert Justmann Councilmen ' Attest: LeoF. Frommelt City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" ST~TEOF IOWA COUNTY OF DU,IJUQUE OF1FI<::1AL NOTICE OF "I;.OCA- TION AND DFßIGN"APPROV AL ¡¡e:' TOPICS projeèt No. T.'136- ~(31---46-31 University Avenue Wi- dening and reconstruction To Whom It May Concern: Notice is bereby given "to all interested persons that the IOwa State Highway Commission has reo ceived "Location and Design" ap. proval fro!ll,.the F<:lIeral Highw.ay AIlministraJ;iqn on, the pro~t as follows: WCATION AND DESCRIPTION The proposed project includes the widening and reconstruction of U. niversity Avenue lieginning approx- Imately at the intersection of Loras Boulevard extending westerly and ending appro¥<Ïmately at ,\he inter- section with GiUiamStreet. The 240 Special Session, April 30, 1m improvements will provide four tIrrough traffic lanes. lUght..of.way acquisitions are not required. Traf- fic signal installations and~r revi- sions are not included in the pro. ject. Drarwtngo and specifie- are pulJlicly available in the Engineer- big Department, City Ball, Duliu- que, IOwa. Leo F. Frommelt City Clert Oquncilman Pré l1er IOO'reIl adop. tioft Of tile resolution. Secðnded by Coimcllman Thoms. Carried by \be foUowing vote: Yeall-'Mayor Bitter Councilmen '.slalOlD, - -Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na_None. , ,RESOLUTtON No. 1....n E-..dI,.. the time period in wille. too ""¡ve pr_sals for the sale of land in the Downtown Ur- b,al) R_wal Project WHÐREAS,under date ,of March 19, 1973, the <:ity of Duhoque adop- ted Resolution No. f)-'IS approving the Fized-l'rice' CQmpetition me- thod for offering certain land in the Downtown Urlian Renewal Project, Iowa &.15, for redevelop- ment liy private developers; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Ria. solution land was plaœd on the market with an estabUshed cutoff da'te of May 4, UI73. for receipt of proposa~ for the purchase and redevelopment <Of said land; and WHE'REAS, interested develop- ers have requested 'an extension of, time In which to,complete stud- ie!J and 10 prepare appropriate !MI¡¡' mission documenta'tiòn; now there- fore B'E IT RESOVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'l1IiE CITY OF DU- BUQUE, iDWA: ' Secflon 1. That it is in the best interests of the Downtown Urlian Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, the City of Dutiuque and pOtential de- velopers, to extend the time þeriOd ift which ~ recel.. proþOSals to liay 25, 11113, for the sale and redevelopmeat of Disposition Par- ee1i! No. l-1oA and (-2 located in the Downtown Urban Renewa¡ Pro- :iel!t, Iowa R.15. - , S8ction ,2. '1\at the City Clerk be and he Is heretiy authorized and directed to publish N1Itiee' of the Extension of Time for the re- ceipt of pt'oposalsfor the sale of the land hereinbefore descrilied. Passed, approved, and adopted this 30th day of April, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Waiter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms. Wayu A. Moldenhauer C. Robert JUitmaJm Councilmen NI'I'EST: Leo F. Frommelt CIty Cled< Councilman Justmann mÓved a- doption of the resolution. Seoond, ed by 'Councilman Pregler, Carried liy the following vote:, - Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justml.Ul, Moldellilauer. Pregler, Thoms. ' , Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO~ 149-13 WHEREAS, applications for Beer permits ha.. been snlimitted' tð Ulis Council for appro'fa:! ud the same have been exam1Ded; NOW THEREFOBE, 'BE ITR1I:S0L¥ED by the CIty OoItneil of tile City of D;,boqDe, Iowa, that the JaIIowing appliea. tioftsbe granted and permil8 i&- 9Ued upon the eompUanee with tile tørms of \lie Grdinanees of tho City. CLASS "." BEER PERMIT HerhertBispiDg, l4OL .EIm Street CLASS "i;" BEER peRMIT Leonard Oil Company, - Dodge Street Passed, 'adopted and appro'fed Ws 30th day of April. me. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Wa:!tar A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann Councilmen Attest: Leo F. FrommeR City Clerk Councilman Moldenahuer moved adoption of the resolution. Second. ed liy Councilman Pregktr., Car- ried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmamt, Mo1denhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Neyo-None. Special Session, April 30, 1973 241 RESOLUTION NO. 150-73 Communication of Catholic Mo- \WIEREAS, applications for Beer thers Study Clubs of Dubuque 00- permits were filed by the within jecting to the mowing of uR" and named applicants. and they have uX" rated movies at the Orpheum received the approval of this Coun. Theatre, which is a theatre operat- cil; and ing on city-owned property, pre- WHEREAS, the premises to lie sented 'and read. Councilman Preg- occupied by such applicants were ler moved that the communication inspected and found to comply with be received and filed. Seconded the ordinances of this City and by Councilman Justmann. Carried they have filed proper hondo' by the following vote: NOW THEREFORE BE IT'RE- Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen SOLVED hy the City Council of 'Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, the City of Duliuque, Iowa, that Thoms. the Manager be authorized to cause Nays-None. to be issued to the following named Councilman Moldenhauer moved applicants a Beer permit. ,that the City Solicitor be directed CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT I to draw uP an appropriate amend. Hebert Bisping, 1401 ,Elm Street i ment to the Orpheum Lease to CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT ¡prohibit the shOwing' Of "X'" ànd. Leonard Oil Company, 1387 Dodge ,uR" rated' lII°viés" in, the, tlieàtre. Street . Seconded liy Councilman Pregler. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED' Voteon the m'!tion WI/8 as folloWS: that thehonds filed liy such appli. I Yeas-eouncilmen Moldenhauer, cants he and the same are bereby ,Pr:glêr. M Bitte Co ell approved. : Just':;;:;;', a.::ms. r, un men !"assed, adopted an.d approved' Motion failed. this 39th day of April, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Communication of the Dnhnque Mayor Chapter of the International Fede- Walter A. Pregler ration of Catholic Alumnae extend- Allan T. Thoms iug 'an invitation to the Council Wayne A. Moldenhauer to attend the Mary's Day Mass C. Roliert Justmann for ",orld peace, to he held on Councilmen Saturday May 5, UI73 in St. Ra, phael'sCathedral, presented and read. Counei1man Pregler moved that the communication be receiv- ed and filed. Seconded liy Council. mall Justmann. Carried liy the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counellmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thôins. Nays-None. At Ll P.M.Counct1man Pregler moved to go into an executive session for the purpose of discu... big matters relating to eminent domain proceednigs at the Airport also to discuss matters of per- sonnel. Seconded liy Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. The Council reconvened in regu. lar session without an announce- ment of the matters discussed in the executive session. Councilman Pregler moved that the Advisory Commission he re- Attest: Leo F. Frommelt 'City Clerk Councilman Moldenhauer moved adoption of the resolution. Second. ed liy Councilm'an Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann,MoldeDhauer, Pergler, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of The Pillsbury Company issuing an appeal to the City to repair or resurface Seven- th Street from the R. R. tracks to the point where it aliuts against the northwest end of their property, presented and read. Councilman Pregler moved that the request be referred to the City Manager. Seconded liy Councilman Just- mann. Carried liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counei1men Justmann,Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay&-None. Special Session, April æ, 11113 2ß queste4 to neouider tbeir recom. mendatløn an revell... sbariDg m0- nies anci to _Reier Input liTeII to IIMm by Counåi memb8n. S6- cORCHdb!' Cölmeitm., Justnumll, Carried ¡"" tile fetlnillg vote: Yeas--lIf.,.". I!it1Ier; Councirmm Justmann, Mol\lenllauer, P\1ogter, Thoms. Nays-None. COtmdlmen Moldelbøaer - queslied !hat tile .-I\ItiOIt former. Iy presented relative to the ap- pointment of a MayO!\' Pm 'lem he brought fO.rward for furtJaer con- sider~. CowIeilman Pre. I e r moved that tile matter he tabled and the proposed resoIution fie con- sider.. at next .week's meeCiJI¡. Seconded by COwIciIInanJfot<lea. hauer. Carrie4 by !lie reIlewin¡¡ vota: Y~r aRter. ~ Justmann, Moldenhauer, PN&Jø, TIIoIu. Nays-None. There being no further liusiness cr.nmdfman Thoms JDO'I'ed to ad- joarn. 5eetmtled by, CeaIK'ilmau Moldenhauer. carried "" the' fÐI- lowiIqI vo(r. Yeao---Mayor Bitter, CowIcUmen JUltmlllUl, J(QIdenhaoer, !'\'eller, TfIom.. Na~. Lee 1'. I'nImtølt CitJ' CIeH AppJwe4 .-...--.......-..-. - Adopted ............,..........,............ :II17II "'-""'-""-"""--""""""""""'-" .............-...--.................-........,... ,-"",,-'-"-"""--"""""""" -.......---........--.....- ...._.._.._............_c¡;¡;~... Atteot ................ëitÿ'C¡;;-""""'" ReguJar Session, May 7, 1973 243 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL ROIular Session, May 7, 1973. Council met at 7:30 P.M. CC.D.T) Present_ayor Bi"er, Council. "1'" Justmann, Proeler, Thoms. City Manager Gilbert D. Chave- nelle. Absent.Councilman Molden. hauer (out of City). Mayor Bitter read the call and stated that ser. viee thereof had lieen duly made and this is the regular monthly meeting of !he City CouncH called for the purpose of ""ting upon sueh busine... as may properly come before the meeting. Communication of Council man Moldenhauer exeusing his llli>sence from' the meeting 'liecause he is out of !he City,presented and read. Mayor Bitt... moved that the com- m~a,tiOD be received aDd flied. Seconded liy Councilman Pregler. Carried by the foltowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justm:mn, Pregler, Thoms. Nays--None. Absent - Councilman Molden. hauer. Communreation of Mrs. Merlin Artus objecting to the type of mov. ies heing shown. at the Orpheum Theatre; Communreation of Fran. ces E. Crippes opposing the show- ing of dirty movies in the City; Communre:>tion of ~s. H. Duehr objecting to the showing of Rand, X-ra,ted movies at the OI1>heum Theatre; Communreation of Ruth Hammel objecting to the showing of indecent movies at the OI1>heum Thea,tre; Communreation of Mary Jane Nebel requesting the Council to be more selective about the movies he:ù1g shown at the new Civic Cent<!r; Comm1JlJkation of Mrs. M'ary Wright objecting to us- ing city-owned property for X...at. ed movies; Communication of Mrs. LaVern Pape requesting that X-rat. ed movies not be shown on city property; Communieation of Mrs. Herman Frommelt objecting to the showing of X.rated movies on city owned property; Communication of Mrs. Leonard Stecklein Objecting to the showing of X-rated movies on city owned property; Communi- cation of Mrs. Paul Wagener tieing Q IpOSed to the showing of X...ated I movies on city owned property; Communication of Bene F. Moore Objecting to the showing of X.r:>ted movics on city owned !>l"Qperty; Communication of Ethyl C. u.s- sance Objecting to the showing of X-ratcd movies on city owned pro- perty, theatre or otherwise; Com- munication of Mrs. Donald A h. mann requesting that X-rated mov. ies not be shown in a city-owned theatre; Communication of Mrs, Andrew Less opposing the showing of X-rated movies in the Orpheum Thea,tre which is city owned pro' perty; Comm1JlJkation of M r s , Margaret Toll objecting to the showing of X.rated movies in . city-owned theatre; Com m u n i. catJion of Mrs. Avis Musseh1 ob- jecting to the showing of X-rated movies in a city owned theatre; Communication of Mrs. A If r e d Manders objecting to the shòWing of X.rated films at the Orpheum and requesting th:>t good movies be hrought back; Communication of Mrs. G. Theis Objecting to the use of X-rated movies in the future civiccenter; Comm1JlJkation of Mrs Vince Timpe requesting that the City owned Orpheum Theatre not be used to show X-rated films; Communication of Mrs. Don Kratz objecting as a taxpayer to the showing of X-rated movies on city owned property; CommunicatJion of Mrs. Charles M. Miller objecting to the showing of obscene movies at the proposed Civic Center pro. ject; Comm1JlJka'tion of Mrs. Mer- tin Holzer, objecting to the show- ing of X...ated movies at the Or. pheum Theatre; Communication of Sister Rita Green requesting tha,t X.rated films not be shown at the Orpheum Theatre; Communication of Mrs. A. Hostert as not hetn'g in favor of using city-owned pro- pe.ty for X.ra,ted movies; Com. munication of M'l's Rose MikheY stating that X-rakd movies should not be shown in buildings on city property; Communication of Mrs. Richard Jahn objecting to the sho- wing of X.rated movies on city owned property; Communication of Mrs. Goo. C. Se:>r requesting that the Ol1Pheum theatre not he used for X-rated movies; COmmunica- tion of Mr. & Mrs. Jess Thompson requesting that indecent movies not be allowed to he shown at the City's theatre; Communication of Mrs, HeI'bert Welter being _sed