1973 June Council Proceedings Regular Session, June 4, 1973 299 CITY COUNCIL (OFFICIAL) Reoular session June 4, 1973. Council mot at 7:30 P.M. (C.D. T.). Present- Mayor Bitter, Coun. oilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Preoler, Thoms. City Manager Gil. bert D. Chev_lIe. M..~or Bitter rood Ule call and stated ,that semœ 1Jhereof had been dUlly made and this is the reoular monthly meeting of the CouneileaUed for the purpose of acting n¡JOn such buoiness as may pio¡Je~ly eonie I>efore ,the meeting. Coonci:Iman Moldenbauer moved tbat the rules lbe s""P"nded in order to let 'anyone present ad.. dress the. Couneiil ;f they so de- sire. Seoonded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by ,the following V<J4Ie: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneßmen Justanann, MoIdenh"""", Pregler, Thoms. Nays~None. Mrs. Jacqueline H. Herourger addressed the Council relative to the Thi..çenlenmal œJelbration and the re-enactment of Jolliet-Mar- quette expedition on ,UleMissts'sippi River. Comm1JllÜation of Leo SelhUSllJer et UX, semar citizens, showing con- cern for be future of bUIS oper¡ation and also requesting emoreemem of the dog ordinance in the area of 1064 Cleveland Ave., presented and rood. ()ouncHman M<>kIenhauer moved that .tIIe communication be received and fided and referred to 1II1e bus IfiJe and also to the HeaWl 'Department. Seoonded by Miayor Bitter. Oarr:ied by /.be fàl- lowing ,vote: Ye_Mayor Bitter, Co1l1lCÜmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Preg¡ler, Thoms. Nays~None. .Communicalion of Mrs. Jobn Corbett objecting to some of the I present bus roIrtes more parfu:u- lady III!I'ecIting the sid: and younger ocIbool ehndren and hoping for a better system, presented and read. Couooillman Màldenb..uer moved that the co!ILIDumootion be receiv- ed IOnd. med 'and refer to tlJe bus .'" " file. ~conded by Mayor Bitter. Carried ,by ,the following V<>te: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneiilmen Justmann,MOIIdenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Comm1llllicalt:ion of Mrs. James Pearooo requesting pernnission to address the Council, a,t 1ms. meet. ing, relative to Oity HaM renova- tion, presented <and read. Council- man Tboms moved tbat the com- mUDlÎcation be r""¡oved and filed, along with a prepared statement she read to 1iN Coun<!il. Seconded by CouooiJman, Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yoos-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tooms. . Nays-None. Mr. Paul Rossiter prese'ptedthe Council with ,a ,booi<let or propósal entitled "The June 41th 1m addi. tions to the May 3, 1973 proposal for renovation of the City Hall, Dubuque I<>wa" 'Which ouffined a combined County.(Jity form of G<>- overnment, iocIudinig'""",o[ ad. joining 'buiil<iing., around he City RaJa, at a total estLmated cost of $3,915.691. A' master plan CòUlld be considered and renov>ation coold be done in .s:ta,ges. A plan COU'ld be adopted now, for future eounci15 to follow. May 31, 1973 Honoralble Mayor and Members of Œty Council Transmitted herewith is a pro- poso[ J;rom R. Hampton & Co., Ine. for the pureh..e of Parcel 4>-2 in tlle DUbuque Uroan Renewal Projeet together with a bank mo- ney orner in the ,..mount of $17,000.00 representing 10% of the purei>ase prÎlCe of said Parcel. 'l1be pl'O )Ol>Bi\ is con1ingent n¡JOn the Mlowing : 1. A &tudy from Eugene W. SIJu- nard, MM, SßJA of Clúcago, 1:1. linois indica.tiug that it woUlid be CICODomicaUy feasIDIe to COJ]l<¡1rurt and operOlte not less than a 140 unit motel 1I¡pOn the real estate to /be acquired. 2. A grant of wanelbise to ope. r..te the proposed motel upon the "...bjeot sille from Ra;m..da Inn, Ine. of Phoenix, Arizona. 3. An expression of commitment by .the Oity of Dubuque to issue Regular Session, June 4, 1973 301 Regular Session, June 4, 1973 an appropriate beer and liquor Ii- . ably resol'Ved, R. Hampton & Co., cense for <be proposed motel. I Inc. stands ready 1.0 enter into 4. Assurance that there are no ' the formæl contract to expeditious- easements of any nature whieb Iy carry tJhe project fol1Waro. W<>Uld impede or prevent the fun ROOert E. Hampton utilization of 1iN Parcel to be "". Mr. R. Ha,mpton, Ray Mills and quired for motel purposes. Attorney Robert Berliseh address- 5. Son condòtionos that will not ed lite Council hoping for a favor- prevent the construetiOll of a SItrue- able response from the CouncIl ture 6ix floors above 1be Main and particu~arty stressed tbe time Street level. element. of. 60 days to co_lete The above $17,000.00 good f..ith tJhe fea~ibiJ.ity study. deposit is to be returned to 'R Councilman. Preg¡ler moved that . . tbe proposal be referred for proper Ha,mpton & Co., Inc. m ~ eY"~ proceedings. Seconded by Council- that. any .of tbe above 'dentì!ied man Moldeobauer. Ca.rried by tIhe continge_.. preveDJt tile project. following vote' ~-r.m':r ~a,v~=~ fe~:~~ Y eas-Mayo~ Bitter, Counci!men i. not gra~, oaä.sfaetolry d?"u- =:.00, Moldenhauer, Pregler, men.tary ev,denee wiIllJe PfOVIded Nays-None tbe City of 'Dubuque as a condition . to the <Eiturn of the $17,000.00 good bitb depos>t. It is anticipated that it will reo quire 60 days to obtain the feasi- biJity stu<ly from Mr. Stunardand the flran:cbise from R>amada Inn, Inc. The following inform1ltion ill sub- mitted in support of Ibis propos¡al. 1. R. Hampton & Co., Inc. i. a corporation ",ho!&y owned and managed by Mr. Robert E. Hamp- ton of Sterling, DIinois. Mr. Hamp- ton has been a General Contrac- toc since 1956 and has built many m"jor projedls ,witlJin 50 mtles of Sterling. The Com¡>any has been the geneNl contractor for fuur mo- tels ¡oooJled ..t (1) Sterling, Illi- nois f1l0 UDlÎt Holiday Inn); (2) I ruoron, Illinois (00 unit addition to Ramada Inn; .(3) PrineeIon, n- linois (110 UDlÎt Voyager Inn); and (4) Rock F.a!Is, TIlinois (120 unit R..mada Inn).R. Hampton & Co., Inc. i. one of tI1e priøcipd de- velopers of IheRock Fans Ramada Inn. The firm together wiIi1 its dfW.tated firms has had an an- nual voM1me 011 over $2,000,000.00 for the past tbree ye..rs. 2. R. Hampton & Co., Inc. has held a preliminary meeting with representatives of tbe Ft'Ve Flags Center FuDd, omd is..ware of tlJe prOlP""ed Main Street treatment and agrees in principal to the ne- """",ty <if the compatibility of at- obiteeturæl fearores and harmony with tbe propoaed Five Flags Pro- ject. If aI! contingencies are ~alVOf- 300 claim be referred to COty Attorney fur proper action. Seconded b y Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried by libe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Juotmann, M<>kIenhauer, PregJer, 'lbom.s . Nays-None. Petition of Phi1IIip Langas re- questing a refund of $56.25 on OJass C beer license #0569, lireenoe changeover, presented and read. Mayor Bitter moved that the re- fund be gil1anted and ,libe Auditor instructed to i...,e proper warrant. Seconded by Co1IDlCÜ1lllan Molden- hauer. Carried by the foliowing vote: Yeas-M.ayor Bitter, Councilmen Ju&tmaoo, Moldenhauer, PregJer, Thoms. Nays-None. MOlY 24, 1973 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Couneôi Re: Urlban Renewal Site Piareel No. 2-6 The p...".,.., of ,tbiø letter ÌB b> convey certain idoos and >['O >OO"¡,, of Loriœ Inc., au Iowa Corpor;a- tion reg.aromg the redevelopment of approXlÍmately 22,908 square feet of tlJe south 144 feet of lot 1 of block 5 in the Dubuque, Downtown Pia... On Ibis SÌIte LoriJceInc., - to construct a one story odIfice btrilding and pamng lot. The build- ing will be oeeu¡pied by libe Iowa EmploymeDJt Security Conunission. TbiIS modern aestbetie buHding wID. contadn 'approxima,teiy 10,125 square feet of business and admin- walJive falClÎlÜtieø. Th actual d""ign of the btrilding is sbown in the attached arebitecual d r a '" ings. Some of the general features of tbe building ate as follow,,: (a) The bui:lding wnq co...i«t of an all steel frame wi.th random na.tive W>estone veneer. ~b) Windows and donra will be tinted gray Øass with bronzed aIu. minum frames. (c) The buiJdiog .wj ¡ be air. eondi1lionedand "'-"cally heated with indiVlidu:a.i room eonIroIs. (d) The parlring lot i. to aspha t with concrete cum and gutter. (e) The entire site will be de- signed witù varioU/ areas deoign¡a.t- ed to grass, shrubs and trees. The buHding will be conotrueted by Dubuque Blaekitop Company of ".,¡,;oo Lorice, line ÍJs an ailfitiai\e. Lome, Inc. i« a real estate ren.tal corporation. Its stoethodder" h<we bad past experience in real - estate development. The entire project will be 1Iinaneed, engineeo-. ed and desôgned by JooaI qualified bUiSin"""""en. We believe tms proPOSæl meets IIbe Urlban Renew>al Plan objectives aslibe land ÎiS being redeveloped for the use of a to-be dis¡ptaeed tenant. The buHding will offer ex- tremely attl1actWe, tasteful and functional fætures to downtown I>u buque. It is reopeeiI:ively submitted that libe Council carefully consider this propos.al and approve !hi« project May 29, 1973 To tbe Honor.able Mayor and City CoUUlCil A peti.tion bas been received for a street tigbt at the intersection of B1H'!ington and Stoltz Streets. The elecu-;"al inspector bas inves- tigated the situalion and it is re- recommended that a 4000 lumen ineaD<!escent IigIrt be ins.taIled at tbis location. Gilbert D. Obavenei]e City Manager Co1l1lCÜman Pregler moved ap- proval of the reeommend:>tion. Se- conded by Mayor Bitter. Oanied by tùe following vote: Yell5-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jœtmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na~one. Proof of PUJ¡J;¡eoüon, eeröfied to by the Pwblisher, of Statement of Receipts and Disbursements .and list of cIa;arw for Arpil 1973, pre- sented and read. CouncHman Preg- ler moved that the proof of pubIi- ealion be ;received ,and filed. Se- conded by Mayor Bdt\eI'. Oarried by the ~ voœ: Yeas-Mayor BItter, Councilmen Ju"tmaoo, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Notiœ of ciaòm of Joseph A. Bueroltens, in an undetermined a- mount, for personal injuries receilv- ed in a fan on W. 28th Street due to icy conditio... on April. 11, 1973, presented and read. Mayor Bitter moved that the notJiee of Petition of William H. Baker reo queoliing a refund of $2lil.25 on unexpired porttion of combination beer-liquor lieenoe No. C-4098, dis- continued busdness on 5-1443, pre- sented and read. Mayor B;tter m0- ved that the refund be granted and the Auditor inatrueted to is- sue proper warnant. Seoonded by Councilman Mo1denbauer. Carried by the follmVling vote: Yeas~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, MoIdenh..uer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. Petition of Interstate Power Co. (forward from meeting of ¡;.æ-7ß) requesting permØioo to addreso the Council to explain matter. .... l..ted to po1ilution control financing and requesting .the adoption of a resolution, presented and read. Mr. Bob Dyer and Mr. Ed. N'1cl1- olson, repreoentatives of Interstate Power Co., mentioned ,that their company intends b> install addi- tion..l Precipita,tors and requested libe Council to consider a resow- lion and memorandum of agree- ment between tbe City "nd inter- state Power. Co1l1lCÜman Thoms moved that libe request be referred to next Monday'. meeting of the Councit Seoonded by Councilman Mo1deniba.uer. Carried by the ful- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Preg'ler, Thoms. Nays-None. 302 at the ea,rliest possible date for the benefit of all partlies concerned. Loriee, 1m:. Mauri.ce E. Humke II Secretary - Trea,surer Councilman Pregler moved 1Jbat the communication be reeei<ved and ..led. Seconded by Councilman Mot denhauer. Carried by the f<iJi<¡lWing vote: Ye..,......Mayor Bi\¡ter, Councilmen Justmaun, Moldoohauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays~None. RESOLUTION NO. 185-73 Declaring Intent to sell a portion of the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, to Lorlce, Inc. WŒJE)REAS, under date of May I 7, 1973, the Council of tile City of Dubuque ,adopted Resàlution No. 15&-113 wI1icl1 approved a'nd "UÜlO- rized ,the recei¡>t of p~sa1!s for tile sale and redevelopment of a certain parcel of rea! estate in the Downtown U11ban Renewal Pro- ject, Iowa R-il5; and WHEßEAS, pul"&uant to said re- ~ution, a notie<! of In'Vitation for pro )OSIOls was pub!ôsbed in the Telegraph-Herald, a newspaper of general cireubtion in the City of DUibuque, IOIWa, on May 8, l!rn, and May 15, 1973; and WHEREAS, in response to said offering, a prop08'al for tile pur- ch...e and redevlo¡pment of the real estate w>as received !\rom Lo- rice, Ine; and WlHEiREAS, pursuaDlt to Cbap- ter 403 of the Code oil Iowa, as amended to date, and eerta!in re- gulations of the United States De- partment of Housing and Urban' Developmetn, certain documents must be made av:ill.3!ble fur pub- lic insi¡>eCtion and a pubJie hear- ing condooted; now therefore BE IT RESOLVE[) BY TH!E CI- TY OOUNClL OF 'I1HE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the City of Du- buque hereby declares its intent, after a pubJie hearing, to dis¡>ose of the South 144 feet of Disposi- tion pa,r<:el 2-6 in the Downtown UrlJan Rooewal project, Iowa R- 15, to Larke, Inc. in accordance with tile terms and conditions of the Lsnd Marketing Documents g"",ernin4! such sale on file in the œfice oil the Department oil Hous- ing and Redevelopment. Regular Session, June 4, 1973 Section 2. Tbat the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to publish notice of pu¡,œ hearing to be held on JUily 9, 1973, and to make certain docu- meDibs ava,ilable fur pUlbJic insPec- tion. Sueh M1i£e shall be s u b- stantia!ly in the form of "Exhibit A" attached hereto a,nd made a part hereof, and sueb notice may co- one or more proposals. Passed, appro'Ved and adopted this 4Ul day of J.une, 1973. Joseph J. 'Bitter Mayor Wa!ler A. Pregler Allan T. TholD5 Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robe~t Jus.tmann Couneil:men Atteslt: Leo F. Frommelt Oity Clerk EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL NOTICE OF HEARING p"l'Sua,nt to Chapter 4œ of tile 1966 Code of Iowa, as amended, the Ci,ty Council of the City of Dubuque w>ll bold a public hear- ing for tile pur¡>OSe of considering the authorization of tbe exec<Jtion of propused agreemeDibs by and between the City of Dubuque and the de'Velopers hereinafter listed fur the purehase and redevelop- ment of certain parcels of real estate looa,ted in the Downtown Url>an Renewal Project, IOIWa R-il6, wbieh project includes the area bounded by FOUl".th Street on the south, Coni....! Avenue on the east, Ninlh Street on the OOI1h, and ¡",.,ust Street on the west. Name (jf developer, Lori.ce, Inc., Address, Mlddie Road, Dubuque, Iowa. Said hearing wil'l be held in Coun- cil Cbambel'S, Oity Hall, l3ith and IOIWa Streebs, DUlbuqu<!, IOIWII>, at 7:30 P.M. on the 9th day of July, 1973, and a,ny person or organiza- tion desiring to be heard win be given an op¡portUD>ty to be beard on tile question of the proposed mspositions. A "Redeveloper's Statement fur Public Disclôsure" in tlJe form prescribed by tIhe Depa,rtment of lInusing and U~ban Development and the p~sed "Disposi tion Agreement" for each of oaid de- velopel'S are on me and "vail- a,ble fur inSIPection at tbe office .o"'~' Regular Session, June 4, 1973 of tile City Clerk, Oity HaW!, Du- buque, Iowa between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Said docu- ments shall am be availabae at the time of the public hearing. Leo F. Frommelt Oity CleI'k Mayor Bitter moved adoption of the resolution. Seoonded 'by Coun. cil= Moldenhauer. Carried by tile following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneilmen Justmann, MoJdenhauer, Preg¡ler, Tboms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 186-73 WHEREAS, the sale of beer and liquor have consistenUy provided some very necessary funds into the cofifers of the State, County and City '!1reasuries over the ye...., and WHEREAS, Sunday openings in rea¡;¡ty is not a Chriotian, moral is6ue in itsel:f, and WlIEREAS, the economic and moral stability and the financial 1Iibre of the entire State wåIl be .sl:reni¡¡lihened, and WHEREAS, the progr-ve trend of our neigiJiJoring States bs been manifest in the enact- ment of modem beer and liquor laws, and WHEREAS, contrary to elaborat- ed oraltory, the sale of alcobolic bever.ages on Sunday, statistieally, will not signifieatively increase the drunk-driving or the disease of al- cohoœm, and WHEREAS, it is in the best in- terests of the Oity oIf Dubuque to ha,ve tile prilVi!ege of Sunday openings. NOW THERE'FOR'E BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY OOUNClL OF THE OITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the City Connell of the City of Dubuque requests tlhe Speaker of tile Iowa House of Representatives to act expedj- ti<>usily and affirmatively on tile motion to reconsider the legisla- tion to legalize the Sunday s,a,les of beer and Liquor. Section 2. That this resolution be made avllllal>le for examination of tile membero of the General Assembly. Section 3. That it be intended that the City Couocll of Dubuque 303 Iowa deems it in the best interest of Dubuque that Sunday opeDlÎngs be passed. Section 4. That the City Clerk attest to the above action, and fol1Waro s,ame to the Speak"" with haste. P,assed, adopted a,nd approved this 4th day of June, 1973. Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms C. Robert Justmann CoUJJci\men Mtest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of lJhe resolution. Seconded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by the fuUowing vote: Yeas - CountJilmen Justmann, Pregler, Tboms. Nays- Mayor Bitler, Council- man Moldenhauer. March :!l, 1973 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council. Rom.., Inc., an Iowa corpora. tion, the owner, and Inns of Iowa, LTD-Dubuque, an Iowa corpora. tion, Ü>e contract purcl1aser of ¡be following de.<lCllÎbed real estate: That part oi Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Hawkeye Stock ~rm in Sec- tions z¡ and 28, TownshiP 89 Nor1lh, Range 2 East of tile 5th Principal Meridian, and a vacated part of Di'VIsion Street described as ful- lows: Commencing at the Easl: One Quarter Corner of Section 28, Town sbip 89 NortlJ, Range 2 East of tile 5th P~ipal Meridian, being in Dubuque TownShip, Dubuque County, Iowa; thence South 481.07 feet on section line between Sec- tions 28 and 2fl, TownsI1i¡> 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th Principal Meridian to southerly Right-<>f-way line of U.S. Highway No. 20 and point of begjuning of the street fx> be "acated; !hence NortIJ 88 degrees 14' East alœg said sou- tberly RiIgbt-of-way line, 30.01 feet ,thence South 476.77 feet to north line of Orchard Street; the n c e Soulih æ degrees 50' west, 3O.t7 feet along said nor:th Une of Or- chard Street to said seeti<>n line; lhenee NortIJ 479.08 feet along said sec1Jiooline to point of beginning, ,and Commencing lilt the East 000- Qua11ler Corner of Section 28, 304 Regular Session, June 4, 1973 To_ship 89 Nortb,Range 2 E81't of 1Jbe 5th Principa¡ Me- ridian; dlence Soutb 431..07 feet along tlJe section lIÎne between See. tions 28 and 27, Townsbi¡p 89 Nor;th, Range 2 EMt of the 5tb Princip9!1 Merildian to the southerly Rigbt- of-way lIÎne of U.S. Higbway No. 20 and the point of beginning; tbence Soutb 88 degress 14' West, 3.0 feet along said Right-of....ay line; thence Soutb 479.31 feet to the Nor1lh line of Orohard Street; tbence Nor1lh 83 degrees 50' East, 3.02 feet along said NorIh lIÎne; thence Nor1lh 4179.08 feet to tbe point of beginning, aU lying South of the soutbedy Right-of-Way line of U.S. ~way No. 20 in Dubuque Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, and is totally described as f 0 1- -: Commencing at the West One-Quarter Corner of Section 27, Town!lhip 89 North, Range 2 E&ot of the 5th Principal Mer idian; thence Sou.tlh 431.07 feet to the southeriy rjght-of-way lIÎne of U.S. IDgbway No. 20; tbenee South 88 degrees 12' 41)" West, 3.00 feet to tile point of beginning; thence Nor1lh 88 degrees 12' 41)" East, 891.41) feet aJong said soutber I y rigbt-of....ay lIÎne; tbenee SOl> t h 1 degree 9' 16" ¡;;"st, 225.60 feet; thence South 88 degrees 34,' 50" West, 3(13.00 feet; thence Sou t h 3 degrees 19' 41)" E'ast, 69.92 feet, thence South 86 degrees 40' 16" West, 15.00 feet;tbenee South 3 degrees 19' 41)" EæI:, 1«1.75 feet; thence Sol>th 83 degrees 50' 15" West, 563.00 feet; thence Nor1lh 4119. 30 feet to the point of beginning; a plat of wIrleib is hereto attaeibed, hereby petition that the Ci.ty annex so much of that portion of U.S. Hiigbway No. 20 ex;tending from tbe in1leNOCtion of Highway No. 20, Wacl<er Drive and D i'VÏSiÍon SlreeIt, east, as the Oity feels ne. œs.sary to make the above de- scribed real estate contiguous to the City lim>ts of Dubuque, and tIlat immediately tbereMter the Ci. ty annex the abo'Ve deserIDed real estate to the City of Dwbuque and zone the property Local B"""'- Dislriet "B". Inns of Iowa p~ to build a Ramada Inn with 150 or more units, restaurant facilities, lounge, meeting rooms, indoor pool, a re- erealtion area and a gasoline fiming station on the premises at the ap- proximate cost of $2,500,000.00, con- Slbructioo to coromeooe as soon as pwmissible. . The annexation of a portion of U.S.~ay, No. 20, the ~y in question, and the zoning tIlereo!, will. nawaHy take con sideral>le time, and your Petitioners request tIlat tile Oity permit tbe Inns of Iowa to use the avMilable water and soon to be BIVIOilable sewnge facilities prior to anne""tion and zoning in order not to delay con. struction of the Complex. Tiley will. pay the usual a- menil: for the w..tor, which bas recently been insiaJled in front of tile premises, ILt the present rate of $2.25 per linead foot, and 'NiIl buiJd at their MVI> expense a eon- neoting sewer lIÎne from the Catfish interceptor sewer wIrlch is present- ly being construeted to their pro- perty and pay wIlatever C'harges tIlere are in connecting to the j¡n¡ter- ceptor sewer. In consideration of being permit- ted to use tile water a,nd sewage facilities, your Petitionel'lS will en- ter into a contract with the City in terms acceptable to the City rela,ti'Ve to annexaJtioo. In the evenil: construetioo is start- ed prior to anneJ<ation and zoning the s.ite and any buôl<finlls tbereon w'ill be constructed in accordance with the my Building Code and Zoning llLws. Sòneere!y , ROMAC, fNIC. By Wilma A. MeIN..mara PresideDII: JlNNS OF IOW,\., LTD. DUBUQUE By M. M. Cooney Its Attorney Attorney M. M. Cooney address- ed the Council in behalf of the petition of Romac me. and Inns of Iowa, l/I1D.J>UBUQUE, by st..t- ing tIlat construetion of the facili- ty would cost approx.imate1y tlwo and ooe-bdf mi!JIon dolIars and would employ thirty to furty pe0- ple. FinW1cing has been ananged and a f1\anchise agreemenil: bIOs been presented. It was generally agreed the City eouad SUNort two mote... Mr. I!å!il Henig of the Building Trades expressed an idea as being in flLvor of annexatioo. .Mrs. Paul Franzenberg stated th8t Dubuque is a jewIel of a City and Regular Session, June 4, 1973 that a RJamada Inn would be a great asset to the City. Councilman Pregelr moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign an agreemeDJt and the matter be referred to the City Solicitor for proper prOCeedingo on anne",alt:ion. Seconded 'by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the ioMowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Pregler, Thoms. Nays~unciJ.men Jus t mann, M<>kIenbauer. April. 20, 1973 Honor"ble Mayor and Coun.ciimen Tbe City of Dubuque Planning and Zoning Comnùssion has consid- ered the petition of Rom.., Inoor- po~ated for annexatioo of a p...eel of 7.61-2 acres lying south of U.S. Higbway 20 and east Of Division Street in Dubuque Township, Du- buque County, Iowa. The pe1Jitioner bas indicated an intenJt w erect a motel and certain accessory uses on the property, and to provide vebicwar aceess to it via DÌIViSion Street and an existing entrance way to U.S. H1gb. way 20 east of the property. It bas also been determined that a portion of the right-of....ay of U.s. Higbway 20 must also be annexed to provide contiguity to the Romac paree;¡. The Planning and Zoning Com- mission has considered that the proposed Jobn F. Kennedy Road Corridor Study WlilI not bear upon the anne",ation or development of thiS parcel. Tile Commi8sioo also detem1Jined 1hat the sanitary sewer and water services of the Oity of J>uibuque wiH he a'VaiJlab1e to the property. It is the finding of the City of Dubuque Planning and Zoning Co- mmissioo that the Romac property and an adjaceDII: POrtion of the right",!<woy of U.S IDgmwy 20 qwrliiiy for annexation to tile City of Dubuque. It is the reeommenda. tioo of the CoDllmissiion that tbe property be annexed ILS proposed. CITY PlJANNlNG AMI ZONJNG OOMMlSSIONo Daniel Dittemore Development Planner Councilman Pregler m ov e d thail the commUDlÎ"..tion be receiv- ed and filed. Seoonded by Coun- cilman Moldenbauer. Carried by 305 the foJ.lowing vote: Yeas-Ma,yor Bitter, Coune.ümen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays~unciiman Justmann. Proof of Publication, certified to by tbe PubJ;sber, of Notice of time and place of hearing on vacation and cliS X)S"1 of interest in real estate, Lot 2 of 2 of RandaU's Suib. No.2 to ClemeDII: F. & An- geline C. PoIfer, presented and read. No written objections were filed and no ol1al objec1ions were preseDII: in tbe Council Cbaml>er at the time set for tbe hearing. Counci.lman Pregler moved thalt the proof of pu!bMcation be reœi'Ved and med. Seoonded by Councilman Thoms. CarTlied by tile following vote: Y~ayor Bitter, Councilmen JUiStmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. NIOys-None. ORDINANCE No. 27.73 An ordinance vacating Lot 2 of 2 of Randall's Subdivision No.2 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Iy. ing within the right of way of U.S. Highways No. 52 and 61 and 151 and Kerrigan Rood, said Ordinance hlWing been pre- viousiy presented a,nd read at the Council meeting of ApriJ 23, 1973, preseDJted fur finail adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 27.73 WHEREAS, on March 13, 1973, ClemeDJt F. PoJifer filed a petition witb the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa aoidng fur the vacation and conveyance of por- tioo of: Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Randaill'. Sub- division No.2 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, a,nd; WHEREAS, City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa finds and determines that said petitioner and his predecessors in title ha'Ve paid taxes on said property for some thirty (30) years Jasit past, and; WŒIEIREAS, the City Council tiinds and determines that a par- tioo of said property lies within tbe right-of....ay of U.S. Highways No. 52 and 61 and 151 and Kerri- gan Road, a,nd; WHEREAS, the City COunciil finds and determines thlLt said por- tion of said real estate herein- above described lying within a right-of-way is no longer needed - 306 Regular Session, June 4, 1973 for any pui>lie purpose except fur the 1oeation, m..intenance and re- pair of an eJdoting sewer therein situated, and; WHEREAS, City Council of the Oity of Dubuque, Iowa finds and determines that that portion of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Randa.ll'. Subdi- vision No.2 in the Oity of Dubuque, Iowa lying within 1iN rigl>t-<>f-way of U.S. Ifighwaya No. 52 and t!l and 1M and Kerrigan Road s!bouJd be v>acated. I NOW THEREFODE BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE CITY COUN- ' OIL OF THE CITY OF DUBU- QUE, roWA: Section 1. That Lot 2 of Lot 2 of RandaU'. Snhdivislon No.2 as lies within the rlght-of-way of U.S. Highways No. 5e and t!l and 151 and Kerrigan Road in Ibe City of Dubuque, Iowa be and the same i. hereby vaea.ted. Section 2. That 1iN City Clerk be and he i. hereby authorized and directed to publish notice of intent to dispose of interest in real estate as is by law required gioving no1ree thai!: the Oity intenœ to w.- pose of same to petitioner for the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dol- lars tngether with costs of publi- cation subject, however, that no improvemenlt be plaeed on .aid real estate berein..bove described as lies eas.tward.ly of the concrete walil located on said premises and subjeet to a perpetu..l easement for ingress and egr- and fur the IDeation and mainten..nce and ~ir of an eJ<isting 78" rein- fumed concrete storm sewer, and that the costs of publication be paid by the petitioner and that no abstract of title be furnished. Passed, appro'Ved and adopted this 4IIh day of June, 1973. Josepb J. Bitter Mayor W~ter A. Pregler ,wan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Rober:!: Justmann Councilmen ATTEST: Leo F. Fromme1t City Clerk Publisbed o!!ficially in The Tele. grapll-Heraad Newspaper ,tiws 8Ih day of June, 1973. Leo F. Frommelt Ci.ty Clerk It. 64!. ,.IV . Councilman Pregler moved ft- naa adoption of the oroinance. Se- conded by Councilman Tboms. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldeniba.uer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay~one. RESOLUTION NO. 187.73 WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolu- tion of published notice of time and place of hearing pu!»isbed in the Telegnph.JIer:illd, a newspa- per of generaa ciremai!:ion publish- ed in the City of Dubuque, Iowa on May 4, 1973 and May lJl, 1978, City Council of City of Dubuque, Iowa, met on the 41!1 day of June, 1973 at 7:30 o'clock: P.M. (Central Dayiight S..viIlßS Time) in the Oity Council Cbambel1S, Oity Hail, Du- buque, Iowa to consider the pro- posai to dispose of In.terest of the City of Dubuque, Iowa in the ful- lowing described real estate to Cle- ment F. Polfer and Angeline C. Polfer, biB wif<>, to-wit: Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Randall's Subdivioi.on No. 2 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and WIlIEBEJAS, Oity Counell of Du- buque, Iowa overruled any and aU objections, oraa or written, to the propœaa to dispœe of interest of City of Dubuque, Iowa, in the aJoo'Ve deserilJed reaa estate to Cle- ment F. Poller and Angeline C. PoKer, biB -: NOW THEHiEFORE BE IT HiE- SOLVED BY THiE CITY COUNCIL OF THIE OITY OF DUBUQUE, lOW,,": Section 1. Thai!: the dispos..l of mteresi of City of Dubuque, Iowa in lI1e follawing described p..rœl of reaa estate, to-wit: LDt 2 of Lot 2 of Randall's SuI>- division No.2 in the City of Du- buque, Iowa to Clemenlt F. Poifer and Angeline C. Polfer, husband and wifIe, as joint tenanils, fur the purchase prke of $100.00 plus coSlbs of pub- lication and no abstract of title wiJ!. be furnished. The proposed sade is subject oowever, that no improvement be placed on s>a!d real estate hereinaOO'Ve described as lies eastwardly of the concrete Wiall located on said premises and subject to a perpetual easement fur ingre'" and egre'" and fur the IDeation and maintenance and Regular Session, June 4, 1973 repair of an eJOisting 78" rein- furced concrete storm sewer, be and the ...me is hereby "' )Proved. Section 2. That the City Oleri< be and he is hereby authorized and directed to de!i'Ver deed of CU"""yiaJI¡œ coIWe)'!ing saki p..reel at fOOl estate, bereinabo'Ve describ- ed, to ClemeDJt F. PoIfer and An- geline C. Poifer, buoband and wife, as join¡! tenants, upon receipt of the P\U'd>a.e pr;œ of $100.00 plus oosIJ¡ of Publieal!ion and !>h",t no abs!raet mil be furnished said con- vey>anee being oubjeelt, however, to reSltriCllion as II> impro'Vemenis a. bereiIraòove set fuur1Ih. Section 3. ThaI 1I1e Oity Clerk be and Ire is hereby authorized and di.rooted to record a certified copy of 1iIis Reso1nfJion in the of- fiœ of Ute Dulbuque County Re- curder. P""sed, approved and a,q,ted IhI.s 4th' day of June, 11113. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pre¡ ler Allan T. 'l'hoIm Wayne A. MoldeJritauer C. Robert JustllllallfJ Coumeilmen Attest : Leo F. Fn>mmeIt City Clerk Councilman Pregær moved adop. tiOft fJi the resolution. Seconded by Councilman TIIams. Carried by the 1'oiIow1ng rote: Yeas-Ma:ror Bitter, Counciimen J_a>m, Moldenltauer, Pregler, Thoms. NaYl'!-None. Proof of Pub!i.eation, certified to by 1>he PUIbIIol1er, of Notice of tak- ing bids fur the cons.truction of the Joint County.;Çjty LaM> EnIforce- ment Center in 1>he City of Du- buqne, Iowa, presented and read. Councilman ~er moved thai!: the p~ of publiea,tion be re- ceived "nd med. Seconded by Couneilmlan Thoms. c..rried by the foUowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counci1men Ju.tmann, Moildenhauer, Pregler, Tho"",. NaY8-None. June 4, 1973 To tile Honorable Mayor and Oity CoU1lcil Bids were received on May 22 !\¡r the construction of the Joint 3i11 Law Enfureement Building. The low bid was submitted by the Winy Construction Company. On May 30 the Board of Super- vioors and City Council determined the bid "alt""""tes" wI1id1 were to lbe conSiidered. On May &1 re- presentatWes of the county and city met with the representatives of the arClhiteet and Ute Willy Con- -on Company aDd '!'I.justed the base bid. The modifiedioos and bid alter- nates ...e sIIcnvn on the attaehed sheet. The toW eoJIStnJdion con- tract is $1,II4l,Ot8. ,TIle eon n t y sba.re of the expense is $736,351. Tbe city sb...e is $304,687. I recommend tbat a 00Ilm.e. be aovarded to the WiJly CoI1lStnætiOD Company and tlJat the city mana- ger .beMltborized to 6igD .the eo<>- tra,ct wiIb the cltaÎI'lDan fJi the Dubuque County Board, of Super. visors. Gübert D. (J¡;goy- Oity Mana.ger OoUDC'ilanan Preg¡ler moved tbat authorization be granted. Seconded by Councilman Tboms. Carried by the fulfuwing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CoU1lcilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. LAW ENFORCEMENT 8UtLD. ING PROGRAM BUDGET FINAL CONSTRUCTION CON- TRACT ARRANGEMENT Construction Contrad Base bid ...........-.--....-.......$950,21!6 Deductions (oee ~ from 'DDDKiG, dated May 30) Architectural 1. Select bridl; wìIb b.oer material CO$\ -"'........... 400 2. Select floor ~. 1st floor C<>l'I'iOOro &nd 100- by of lower material cost ...-.......-.....-...-............. 2,500 4. Use SeIlUJlllocher Eile. vafur "".......................-....... 1,450 6. Use a mMA. roof ........ !1m 7. Waive building pernüt fee """""""""""""""""""'", 980 10. Use standard paint pri. mer for jail equipment 1,270 11. Obange waterproo5ng from BFG to J1tWP.¡¡ SI>ecs. (asphalt and dur- amellb) 400 980 2,600 308 Regular Session, June 4, 1973 $1,00,048 RESOLUTION NO. 188-73 R_lution awarding contract to Willy Construction Company for the construction and erection of Dubuque County.City of Dubuque Low Enforcement Center WHEREJAS, sealed propo&al ha'Ve been submitted by contu.tors for the constrw:ti<m of Dubuque Conn- ty.()ity of Dubuque La.. Enforce- ment Center building at Central _e between Seven1h Street and Eigbth Street in the City Of Du- buque, Iowa pursuant to Re.soIlu- lion No. 1:n-73 and Noli.. to Bid. ders pwb1iBlhed in newspaper pub. lished in the City of Dubuque, 10- Mechanical 1. (bange from X-Hea'Vy to ~andard weight soU piping Ihroughout s\.r1Je> ture'........................................ 3. -Delete 1 fuel oil tank (6000 gat) .....................". 8. Delete automatic roll ti- ers of ;Ur Handling Un. its- #land' #2 ""bsitute manual .type : Electrical 1. Use 4"Œ"VC eonduitin lieu of 4" steØl eondui.L. 2. Eliminate telepbone eon- dmtabove ceiling spac- es .............."......................""" 3. EliminaJte eondaìt 1m: I:Iøse circuit TV ................ 8. Delete re&trietion on . %" conduit, minimum 14. ÇhaDge safety switeh from heavy dDJty to gen- _I duty .........................". 15. Change main switcil to main breaker $ Mtemate 1--A Kitcilen and laundry eqlrlpment ........ Mtemate ["B Metai lod<er.. .............. ................... Mternate [-Eparlrlng area" CO<IiCrete curb and gutter ...............................-... Alternate loG Parlring aroo, asphtit aurlfa,cing AltemaJte l-iII PJ.ants-land- seaping ................................ Alternate 1JJ Full! ba'SeDIent ..............."........... Alternate l-K .Folding pail'- 11tiOD \ wa on the 19th day of April, 1973 and on the 26th dayoil' Aprll, 1973; and \ WHEREAS, setied proposials 500, were opened and read on May 22, 1973 and it h..s beœ deter- 1,850 t mined that the bid of Willy Con- stroction Company of Dubuque, Io- wa in the amount of $950,285.00 l,a79 I ;::n:eoi°.:ã~~~d':: ,:~~ and perfurming the work as pro- \. vid. ed fur in, the plam and specifi- 190 ootionls as presently modilEied by deletìOlllS No. [ to 15 inclusive in the total amount of $15,4I!9.oo as BOO I set I>utin the letter of the eon. su.lting architect IIDKß, dated May 44ð :11, 1973 and together with additions to said conn.wt of alternate lA, 4IL2 CO IB, IF, lG, lH, 1-J, 1-K, making : a tot:al eontracl price of $I,OO,~. NOW 'I1HEREJFOiBiE BE IT Ø:E- 60 SOLVED BY 'l1H:E0ITY OOUiNCJ\L 3r.!6 :W~ OITY OF DOOUQUIE, ~ 41!9 Section 1. Tbat the oontract fur 004'111.6 the abo'Ve. mentioned improvement , be awaroed to Willy Construction 17,56l Company and wI1icl1 contract shaM be for ,the total sum of $1,041,048.00 63122 less the deletions therefrom num- , bered 1 to 15, inclusi'Ve, as oon. tained and set furtIJ in the letter 1,744 of the ~~tingarclñtect, Dur- rant, DeinJínger, .Dommer, K<lamer, 4,soo Gordon, dated May :11, 1973, a copy of w!lieI1 is hereto attached 5 446 and together w'th additions there- , to of alternates lA to lK, indu. 68 850 sive, , The sbare of the Oity of Du. 1970 buque, Iowa of said contract price , computed at 29.2683 of the oontNet price equa1s $304,697.00 and the County of Dubuque" sIIare thereof coonputed ..t 70.7317 equals $700,35Il. Section 2. 'That the Oity Man.,ger be and he is herebY directed to execute a contracl on behaltf of the City of Dubuque fur the Oity's share of said work, and in no event sbaJ.! the City Mana.ger sign said oonn.wt until reasonable as- su~anees 11..'Ve been reeei..ed of tJhe grant of $350,000.00 by the Io- wa Crime Com_ion to be ap- plied upon the payment of the con-stru.ctWn costs for this faciJity. Section 3. That tile execution of said contract by the Oity Manager shall be contemporaneouslY witil the execution thereof by the Board Regular Session, June 4, 1973 of Su,perviso~s of Dubuque County, principal and interest of said Iowa. œn~. Section 4. That upon the execu- WHEREAS the existing city jail tion of said conilract and the lip- faeiHties of the Oity of Dubuque, prova¡ of tJhe contr.actor's bond, low'a, and the exlisting county j,an tha,t tile City Clel'lk be and he faciilities of Dubuque County, Iowa, is hereby directed and ordered to are inadequate, inefificient and an- return the bid deposits of the un- tiquated and do not meet the pub- successful bidders. lic needs fur I... enforcement pur- Paased, adopted and aPlPI'Oved poses; and this 4th day of June, 1973. WHiEREMS it has been deter- Josepb J. mtter mined by tJhe officials of the City Mayor andtile County that tJhe most """- Walter A. Pregler nomicail solution to the problem A!lan T. Thoms "! p~viding sa~aetory faciilities W,ayne A. Moldenhauer lies m a eooperati:ve efíort by tile Councilmen County and the Oity furtbe con- Attest: struction of a Joint CouDJtY-<Jity Leo F Frommelt !Jaw Enforcement Center Build- Oity 'Clerk ing to be jointly used ,by the Conn. Councilman Pregler moved adop. ty and the Oity fur lalW enforce- lion of tJhe resolution. Seconded ment purposes; and by Councilman Tho"",. Carried by WHEJREAS tJhe Count=! seat of the following vote: Dubuque County, Iowa.. ~ located YOII5-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen w:itJhin the Corporate lim11:s of the Moldenhauer Pregler Thoms City of Dubuque, Iowa, and pur- NaY~~an 'Justm.~. suant to autJhority con~ed in Sec. tions 3618.19 to 368.23, mclusliNe, of ORDINANCE NO. 28.73 tJhe Code of Iowa, 1973, as amend- An ordinance providing for the is. ed, offici"", of tJhe City and the suance of $205,000 City Low En. County b..ve approved the terms forcement Center Bonds of the City of an a'greement for the construe. of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing tion of a new Joint County..(J¡ty for ffle payment of the principal Law Enforcement Center Building and interest of said œn~, and for its joint use and oœupation presented and read. by the City fur city 1- enroree- Councilman Pregler ml>ved that ment pur pOses and by the County the reading just had be considered for county la.. enfuncement Pur- the fuot reading of the Ordinance. poses; and Seconded by Councilman Moiden- WHEREAs Rid agreement bas b>auer. Oarried by the following been dUlly approved by a resolution vote: adopted by the Board of Super. Ye~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen visors of Dubuque County, Iowa, Jus1mann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, and by an ordinance adopted by Thoms. the Oity Couooil of the Oity of Nays-None. Dubuque, Iowa; and Councilman Preg.ler mo'Ved that ,wHEREAs it h.as, been .deter- the rUlie requiring an Ordinance mmed that the Cit=!. po.~on. of to be rend on three separate day< the cost of constructing .lUd buüd. be waived. Seconded by Councii- mg ag.greg1ates $200,000; and man Moldenhauer. Carried by the WHEREAS purouant to Sectil>n following vote: 3618.20 of the Code of Iowa the Yeas-M..yor Bitter Councilmen City Councia of said City did here- Justmann Moldenba~er Pregler 1I>fore, by resolution. duly adopted Thoms. ' " on Ju.iy 24, 1m, and Jully :11, Nayo-None. 1972, cail a special mUDlÎei.pal elelc- tion to be held in said City on August 22, 1m, at wlùeib. there was submitted to the votero of said City the proposition of issuing bonds of saó.d City in the sun¡ of $205,000 to pay its portion of the cost of constroeting a building ORDINANCE NO. 28.73 AN ORDINANCE providing for the issuance of $205,000 City Low Enforcement Center Bon~ ffle City of Dubuque, Iowa, and pro. viding for the payment of the 309 310 Regular Session, June 4, 1973 to be jointly acquired, constructed, I u.oo and occupied by Dubuque County, Iowa, and by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, fur county and city 1- enforcement purposes; I and WHEREAS notice of said elec- tion' and of the submission of s,aid proposition thereat was duly ~ven in manner and form required by law and said election on said pro- position was lega¡ay held and con- d1Mted on August 22, 1972, and it has heretofore been and is here- by fuund and dedared that the vote cast in fa'Vor of s.aid pro- position was equal! to at least six:ty per cent (60 per cent) of the total votes cast for and against the same and said proposition has hereto- fore been and is hereby declared to h..ve been duly carried and adopted; and WHEREAS none of said bonds authortzed aß a,fur..,..id has been i..ued and it is deemed adw.able at this time to provide for the i""uance of said bonds in the a'g- gregate principal ..mouDJI of $205,000 and to provide for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon as the same wi!!! become due; and WHEmEiAS concurrent aclion is I being taken by Dubuque County, Iowa, pursuant to the f..vor"ble result.. of a county-wide election, for the issuance of county bonds in the sum of $490,000, the pro- ceeds of whieb, together with fe- deral aid, wiM be used to pay tile ha~a""" of the cost of con- structing said Iarw enforcement center buillding; NOW 'l'HEREiFOIRlE Be rt Or- dained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, law,a, as fullows: Section 1. That bonds of the Oity of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the s,..me are hereby authorized and ornered to be issued in the sum of $205,000 to pay the City'. portion of 1Jb.e cost of construcl!ng a joint County- City Law Enforcement C e n t e r Building, "" referred to in the preamble hereof. Thail said bonds be each desjgIlated as a "City IJaiW Enforcement Center Bond", be forty-one in number, numbered from 1 to 4!l, inclusi'Ve, of tile denomination of $5000 each, whieb bonds shail bear date of May 1, 1973, and become due and pa}'<llble .." in numerroal orner $50,000 on No- vember 1 of each of the years 1975 to 1977, in:clusive, and $55,000 on November 1, 1978. Section 2. That the bonds 011 said issue numbered 1 to 20, inclusive, and 31 to 41, inclusive, shill bear interest £rom date null[ paid at the ra.te of Four per cent (4 per cent) per annum, and the bonds of said issue numbered 21 to 30, inclusive, sb.a1Il bear interest from date until paid ..t the r.ate of Three and ninety., ¡undreths ¡per c e n t (3.90 per cent) per annum, aU of sucl1 interest being payable No- vember 1, 1973, and se.miannu..lly thereafter on the first day,s of May and November in eacl1 year. Section 3. That sa1d interest to the date of maturity of the princi- pal sb.a1l! be evidenced by proper interæt coupons atiacl1ed to eaeh bond and m..turing on the dates herein provided; botll principal of said bonlls and the interest tIlere- on Sohall be pay,a.ble in lawful mo. ney of the United States of Ameri- ca, at the oMiee of the City Trea- surer in the City of Dubuque, Io- wa; that said bonds ha'Ve the seal of s'aid City ."ed thereto and be signed by the Mayor and attest- ed by the Oity Olerk of said City; and that the coupons attached to said bonds sha1ll be signed and aottested by said oiUiclaJs by their respective facsimile signatures and said offid..Js by 1Jb.e execution of said bonds silall adopt '" and for thOlir own proper signatures ap- pearing on the said coupons. Section 4. That said bonds here- by authorized shaN be subject to regwtmtion ",s to princiqJal in 1Jb.e name of the holder on the books of the City T<easurer, aucl1 reo gistration to be e'Videnced by no- tation upon the bad< of sud!. bonds so re¡Østered. No bonds so register- ed shall be subject to transd'er eJ<cept upon such books and simil- arly noted on the back of the bond so registered, unless 1Jb.e last registration shall have been to bearer. Sueb registraillon of any of sOlid bonds shaM not, however, affect the negotialbillity of the cou- pons attached to said bonds, but su~h cou¡>OM Sohail continue trans- fer"ble by delivery merely. Section 5. That said bonds and the interest con¡>ons to be there- Regular Session, June 4, 1973 --- attached, shall be in substantially the fullo'Ning form : (Form of Bond) \JNTl1Fd) STATES OF AMERIIOA S'l1ATE OF IOWA OOUNTY OF DUBUQUE CITY OF DUBUQUE ClrrY LAW EJNiFORœà\lENT CENT:&R BONÐ No. ..... $5000 KNOW AU, MEN BY THESE MESENTS: That the City of Dn- buque, in lI1e County of Dulbuque and Staœ of Iowa, hereby acknowt- edges itJsell to owe and fur value received hereby promises to pay to bearer, or if this bond be re- gIlstered, then to the registered bot- der hereof, the StIIIJI of Five Thou- sand Doll..,. (1$5000) on the first do' y of November, 19, ' together I with interes,t on said sum from the date hereof until paid at the ra.te of """"""""" per cent <-........... per cent) per annum, payable No. vember 1, 1973, and semi-annua!ily thereafter 00 the first daY's of May and No"ember in each year, all sut:l1 interest as may aeerne on and prior to the maturity hereof to be payable only upon presenta- tion and surrender of the intere.st coupons hereto attaehed as !hey severally become due; both priooi- pal hereof and interest hereon are hereby made pay"ble in 10IWfuI money of the United States of Ameriea at the office of the Qi,ty Treasuruer in the City of DulJu- que, Iow.a. 11h!s bond is one of a series of bonds issued by said City for the ptWpOse of paying part of !he ~t ;:,., eo::~=:n: ~~:~rb:: I Attest. 1i;ÿÖ;"""'-"""""'" jug in said City, in aU respect.. . in eompl.ia.nce with ~tions 368.19 et seq. of the Code of Iowa, 1973, ' and aD other acts amendatory I thereof and supplementary there- to, in conformity wi1Jb. an ordinance dnly passed, ai>J>l'oved, recorded and p1Ù>lished, and pursuant to an election duly called, noticed and held for 1Jb.at pUfŒ)<lse. It is hereby certified and recited 1Ib.at aU actJs, conditions and things reqmred by the Constitution and ~~eo.fh~ ~a~eOf:eao~ ::,xi:; I iiïäÿ';""""""-"" performed precedent to and in!he Atie.t: ~:V":':.~ed~be.:::'d~ne d~~; I ""Ciiy"'ëii~"" 311 formed in regular and due fol1lll and time as required by lacw; that the indebtedness of said City, in. cluding this bond, does not ex- ceed any constitutional or statu- tory limitation; and 1Jb.at legal and sufficient provision has been made for the payment of the principal bereof and interest hereona. the sa.rne will respectively become due. This bond is subject to regtstra- lion as to princi¡pal in the name of 1Jb.e holder upon the books of the Oity Treasurer of said Oity, sueIh registration to be noted here- on by said Trea.urer, after wlúd!. no lranSlÍðr hereof, except upon such books and similu'ly noted hereon, sha:ll be .valid unless 1Jb.e last reg;..u,ation shall have been to bearer. Registration of this bond will not a£feet the negotialbillty of the coupons hereto attached, \Wtlch shaM continue negotialble by de- livery merely, notwithstandin¡g re- gistr.ation hereof. ~ WrnN~ WHEREOF, the said City of Dubuque, by its City ConnciJ, has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and this bond to be signed by it¡¡ Ma- yor and attested by its City Clerk, and the coupons hereto attached to be signed and attested by said 04ificialrs by their respective fac- simile signatures, and s.aid oMi- ciaL<;, by the execution hereof, do adopt as and fur their own proper signatures their res¡peetive facsi- mile signatures appeacring on Hiid coupons, an as of the first day of May, 197ß. .......................................... City Clerk Worm of Coupon) No. """""" $............ On the fills! day of ............, 19 , the City of Dubuque, Iowa, wiJil pay to bearer ............................DolIaro ($.........,....................) at the office of the City Treasurer, Dubuque, Io- wa, fur intem due 1Jb.at day on its City Law Enfurœrnent Cen- ter Bond da'ted May 1, 1973, No..... Regular Session, June 4, 1973 312 Regular Session, June 4, 1973 313 as the "1973 Law Eniforeement Center Construction Fund" and shall be devoted to and used with due dil:igenee so!.elyfur the purpose of constructing a Joint County-City Law Eniforeement Center Building in and for said City and fur whieb purpose s,..id bonds are bereinau- thorized to be ;.,,;ued. The Oity Council of lihe City of Dubuque, Iowa, covenants and agrees with the purehasersand holders of lihe bonds herein authorized -that so Jong as any of said bonds remain outstanding, said City and its of- ficers will take no action in lihe mvestment of funds wbieh may be to lihe credit of the Construc- tion Fund herein pr<Wided for wbich action would result m mok: ing the interest payable on any of said bonds herein authorized s-ubject to federal income t"".. by reason of "aid bonds being clas- sified as "adllitrage bonds" wilihin the meaDlÎng of Section 1000d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1951i, "" amended, and any regulations promurigated or proposed thereun- der, including Sections 1.103.J.3 and 1.103-14 of the 1neome Tax Regula- tions (26 CFRPan 1), as the ...me presently enst, or may from time to time hereafter be amend- ed. Provided, however, lihe Oity Council resewes the right to make any investment of sucl1 moneys permitted by state law if, wilen Section 6. Thalt "alid bonds be i and to the eJ<tent lihat said Sec. executed as herein provided as : tion 1000d) or regulations promul- soon al!ter the adoption of this I gaited hereunder roaM ,be repealed ordinance as may ,be and there- I or relaxed or shall be held 'Void UJ>OIl they shall be de¡;'vered to ' by final decision of a court of the Treasurer of said City, Who : oo~tent jurt~tion, l>ut °n!Y if shaM reg;.œr 1he fact of the is- any mvestment made by virtue ,suance of s-ame -in the book pro- ~ .such repo..l, re1~xation or de- vided for tha-t purpose and ahaM mSlOn woUIid not, ill the O >IÍDlÎon deliNer said bond. w 1Ihe Imrchaser of ~el of recognized compe- thereof, upon receLpt of the pur- tenc~ ill sucl1 matters, result in chase priee same w be not less making the mterest on said bonds than the pa~ value of said bonds, subject to federal income ta"ation. an action heretofore token in con- Section 8. That as required by nectioo with the sale and award law, including Section 368.21 and of said bonds being hereby ratilied ' Cbapter 76 of the Code of Iowa and confirmed in all respects. I If!73" and for the purpose of ~ Section 7. That <be proceeds re- ! VIding ~orbhe levy and eoUection . i of a direct annual tax sufficient ce>ved from bhe sale of bhe bonds to pay the interest on all of said herein authorized (exclusive of ac- bonds as it falls due, and also crued interest) ah..U be set apart to pay and discharge the principal and pla,ced in a fund separate and thereof. at m..turity, ~ere be and rt fro th, aI £und8 of there" hereby lewed upon aU ""." . m e gener - . of the taxable property in said saId Oity and to be des¡gnated City in each of the years while On lihe back of each bond there' shall -also -be endorsed a certifi.cate by the City Treasurer evidencing the r~stration of the issuance of the bond in subotaniiaUy the fullowing form: STATE OF lOW>\, OOUNTY OF DUBUQUE SS The issuance of this bond has been duly and properly reg¡.tered in my office. said bonds or any of <bem are outstanding, a tax sufficient fur that purpose, and in furtherance of this provision, but not in limita- tion -thereof, there be and there i. hereby levied 'on al!l tile taxable property in said Oity the fuUowing ditect annual tax, to-'Nit: For the year 1973 a tax sUf-, ficientto, produce tile Bum of $12,225 for interest; , For <be year 1974 a tax sUf- ficient to produce 1Jhe' sum !If $58,150 for principal and interest; F.,.. the year 1975 a taxoUf- ficient to produce the sum of $56,J50fur principal and interest; For the' year 1916 a tax sUf. ¡clent to produce the sum of $54,150 for principal and interest; For the - year IM7 a tax sUf- f1ciènt to produce the' sum of $57,200 for principal and interest. Said, taxes sb..U ,be Íevied and a..essed in addition to all "tiler taxes, and Wlhen ealIected, ,shall be eon'Verted into a special account fur bhe payment of principal and interest of the bonds hereby au- thorized and for no otber purpose whatsoever. That bhe principal or in-terest coming due at any time when there are insufficient funds on hand to pay the same be promptly paid when due from current funds on hand, and reimbursement be made to such current -funds in the sums thus advanced ,when the taxes here- in provided ahall have been coI- lOOted. Section 9. That a certified copy of thiis ordinance be filed willi the County Auditor of Dubuque County, and that said Auditor be and he is hereby instructed, in and fur each of tile years 1973 to 1977, inclusive, to enter fur col- lection and assess the tax hereby authorized, ..u as required and pro- vided by Cbapter 76 of the Code of Iowa, 1973, as amended. When annually entering said taxes for C(>Ueetion, the County Auditor shall include the same as a part of the tax levy fur debt service fund purposes of sadd City, and, when collected, the proceeds of said tax- es shaH be con'Verted into bhe debt service fund of said City and set aside therein.. a special aeeount to be U- sed solely and only fur j- ibe payment of the principal of and interest"" the bonds hereby auth"rized and for no obher pur- pose whatsoever. Section 10. That aH action hereto- fore tai<en by -lŒs Oily Council in conneciion wfththe' approval of bhe Joint Courity-City Law En- furcement Center' Buildiilg Agree- ment entered into by and between Dubuque County; low~', and' the City of 'Dubuque, Jowa, on June 12, 1972, and autborizjp¡ the, C1\ecu- tion of said Agreement by bheMa: ,- y<>r and City Clerk, beand'the same is hereby ratified and con- flirmed in all respeéts. - Section 11. Tb..tall ordinances, resolutions and oroers or parts thereof In.coU!lict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed and approved J-une 4, 1973. City Treasurer, Dubuque, Iowa On the bad< of eaclh bond pro- vi:s1ion shili a1Bobe made for re- gistration of ownership ill the fol- Jooving form: Date of RegÏstraiion JosephJ. Bitter Mayor Name of Registered Owner åTTEST: Leo F.Fr"mmeit City Clerk ,Recorded June 4, 1973. PuIIJIiohed June 8, 1973. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Signature of City Treasurer It. 6-8. Councilman Pregler moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Seoond- ed by Councilman-Moildenhauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councibnen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler. Thoms. Nays-None. MATCHING RESOLUTION No. 189.73 Whereas, tile Oity of Dubuque Iowa, by res<liutiolli duly passed heretofore, has resolved that it will pr<Wide during the calendar year of 1973 caah funds for the fuUowing Iowa Crime Commission projects: Brief Description of Project: Metropolitan Intelligence Unit, åmount of Funds Being Provided: $3,690.90. We ful'ther resol'Ve that WI! will provide m kind malcl1 during lihe calendar year of 1M3 for the foiI- lowing projects: Brief Description of Project: Metropolitan Intelligence Unit, Type of In-kind-(Salary, Space, et.): Salary; Valuatioo of In-kind Provided: $3,849.00. 314 Regular Session, June 4, 1973 paoaed uw. 4IU1 day of June, l1r/3. Joseph J. Bitter Ka:(Qr Wllliter J,..PrØlller Wall1e A. Moldenhauer C. IIobert J",tmoun CoIwJA::iImen Attest: Leo F. FJom,mdt City Cl~ 0 Slate ~y 0 00uIIty [x] City or Town We eertiIy lIIat (City or 'I'IIwn) _ditureo for law enforeement in the City ", Dubuque for the ü..,ai )!ear beg!mùng and eJIding 01' 1l1li ealllJl<kr )!eer begÎDIIÎIIg Ja- nua~ 1, 1975 and ending Decem- ber 31, lIi'S life at Ieut as great as in the precedUIC )!ear and as gre..t as tlte a'Verage aoollll1 m- crement in such _nditures for the past 2, 3, 4 or 5 )lean!. AmOllDt øpeJlit in 1II'i3* $1,a&7,549.00 (Year) (Amount) $1,143,4116 $1,039,882 TOTAL $2,183,368 AVERAGE $1,091,684 0 We "aBOOt eertily that 1- en- fo-ment expenditures were as great ... in 1iN pt'eeediBg year. EXPLAJN: *Budgeted - 1975 .Jøse¡>lt J. Bitter Mayor Year 1m Year 19'm CoUJlci[man Moldenhauer IIIO'Ved a<loptiðn of: !\e ~t!<>n.' Second- ed by Com¡ciiman ~er. Carried by the folkIwing vote: Yeas---Ma:ror Bitter, .Cq~ibnen Justmall1l. Koldeuhauer, Pregler. Nay..-..CoUileilmlUl 'lboms. Some queati911 Was rQòed b y CoutIeUwan 'lIhø1U8 as to tb,e se- crecy of tbe ÙI~ence Unl.t. Po- lk:e Cbief O'. Ir en stated that ap- plication Is merely a continulUlce of the MetropoJitan Ùltellig~ U- nit request for State money, II1Id is 1IDt 8Upp¡e~ money to tlte Oity. R&SOLUTION NcI, 190-13 WlßEREAS, appUcation": for Li- quor lk:e- ha... ,Men $Ubœit. ted to ~ Cow1cil fur approval and the same haw IIeeD examined; - ._~. NOW 'l'HEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, I_a, 1hat 1he foJiowiag _lieatto... be grant- ed and li.ceoses lsaued upon the compliance witb tIhe œrms of the JOYM LIQUOR OONTOOL M:!r- CHAPTER l3I1-... _ended by the 64ÜI c-ral Assembly, Hm. CLASS "'C" COMMERCIAL BEER LIQUOR LICENSE Fischer & Co. Iøc:., 880 x.oeust Street. Helen w.ïner, 109 tìJ>ivenoity Me- nue. Passed, adøpled aad approved this 4th day of June, 1973. Jœepll J. Bitter IMayor Wayne A. MOIIdenliauer Wailter A. Pregler Nlan T. Thoms C. Bober! J_ann 0I1JDei¡1meJ Attest: Leo F. Fn>mmelt CIty CIeri< ~yor Bitkr moved adopIiGa oi tbe resolution. Seconded by Co¡u>. cUølan MoldeuJ¡auer. CaJ.'rled by the f01lowini vote : Yea"....V:.,or Bit1er, eo-ume Justmum, Moldenhauer, Pre \er, Thoms. Nays---<Neae. RESOLUTION No. 191-13 V/HÐKEAS, tJpp1åeations fur Li- quor licenses were filed by 1iN within named appI>canl4 and tbey have l'eICeived tbe approval of this Council, and WHFmEM, tlte preQÙoes to be occupied by sucll applk:ants were inspected and found to comply wlith the Sta,te LaJW and ail1 City ordin- ance¡¡ relO'VaØ; liheNto and ÜIeY have filed p1'<\POf bonds, NOW THERl'JFORE BE lIT RE- SOltVIED by tbe City Couiw:ü of )ubuq~. Iowa, that the Manager be autlJorized II) ca- to be >s- sued to tbe following named IIi >- pliicants a Liquor ]¡eeDIS.C. CLASS "I:" COMMeRCIAL BE"R LIQUOR LICENSE mscoo. & Co. Inc., 880 'Loou&t Street. Helen Weiner, 70& University Ave- nue. ~--- Regular Session, June 4, 1973 Passed, adopted and appro'V.cd 1ms 4th day of J,une, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayer Wayne A. Moldenhauer Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thome C. Robert Jus,tmann Ceuneilmen Atlest: Leo F. Frommelt CIty Gerl< Mayor Bitter moved adoption of the resoll1tion. Seconded by Conn- ei1man Mbldenhauer. Carried by 1ihe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, MoldeJlbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Ail 11:20 P. M. Councilman Mol- denltaner moved to go into execu- tive session to consider ela&illied material overriding general IJ11blie interest. Seoonded by ColUlcilman ;:.,::ler. Carried by tbe fotiowing I Yeas,.....Mayor Bitter, Couneilman Justmaoo, Moldenhauer, Preg¡ler, T80ms. Nays-NoII<!. At 1l:&J P. M. the Council reo convened in regular 's...wn and the City Solicitor stated let the record show the matter discussed wa's with the Police Obief for mateiJing funds, considered to be of a eiassified nature. There being no further business Councilman Moldenhauer moved to adjourn. Seconded by CourW1man Pregler. Carried by the following vote: I Ye..-Mayor Bitler, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk 315 Approved .................................. 1973 Adopted .................................... 1973 ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ Councilmen Attest: ........................................................... City Clerk 316 Special Session, June 11, 1973 CITY COUNCIL OF'F.\CIAL Special Session, June 11, 1973. Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.D.T) Present-Mayor Bitter, Council. men Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pre- gler, Thoms. City Manager Gil- bert D. Chavenelle. Mayor Bitter read the caU and stated that semce thereof had been dwy made and this meeting is called for the purpose of Adop- ting an Ordinance amending Zon- ing Ordinance No. 3.34, so os to change block 5 and lot B of Sunset Pork Sub. No.3 from single lam. jiy to multiple residence district classification and acting upon such otIJer business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the Council. Councilman Tboms moved that tile rules be suspended in order to let anyone present address the Council j,f they so desire. Seconded by M.ayor Bitter. Carried by <be fofuWing 'Vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen I Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Tbo-. Nays-None. The City Council of Asbury was in attendance requesting further consideration ..s to their sewer pro- blem hookup with the City. After coœiderable discussion Mayor Bit- ter moved that the mallter be re- ferred to a meeting of our own Council staN and the Cow>cil direct the Sta:tlf to negotiate with the town of Asbury. Seconded by Council- man Justmann. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: I Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. CommUDlÎcation of Gr.ace M. HIg- gins, a resident of Mary of AngeJs Home, objecting to the inhaolation of fumes from tile incinerator and also the fumes from a car parked under her window, presented and read. The City Manager ad'Vised the Council that the matter has been dis,posed of by proper action and thereafter Councilman pregter moved thai the communic,ation be receIved and filed. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Gamed by the fol- lowing vote: Yoos-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldeubauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays~None. Communication of Mrs. Law- rence Odegard objecting to the dis- courteous treatement recei'Ved by employees 'at the ¡¡'¡'!n1ary, P r e- sented and read. Councilman Pre- gler moved that the communication be recieved and filed and referred to the City Manager. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by tile ful- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Blitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, PregIer, Thoms. Na.ys-None. Communication of Cbarlie SmiÜl, expressing an interest in the po- sition 'NiOOh Mr. AJifired Moran will be leaving shortly on the Human &;gbts Commission, presented a.nd read. Councilman Pregler mo'Ved tJhat the communication be receiiv- ed and filed and referred to the City Manager. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by tJhe fullowing vote: Yea,......M,..yor Bitter, Councilmen JU&tmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Tho-. Nays-None. Copy of Communic..tion of Mrs. Lyle Peterson, original of whicb was sent to the Interstate Power Company, objecting to air pollution cawed bysmolters riding the bus- es, presenied and rood. Council- man Pregler moved tJhat the com- munication be received and filed and referred to the City M..nager. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Car- ried by the fuNowdng 'Vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Leo A. Me- Car.tJhy, Attorney, in behalf of Plúl- lip A. Powers, withdrawing the January 17, 1m rezoning petition from consider..tion ..t tms time, awaiting final results of the City Transportation study on Kennedy Road, presented and read. Council- man Pregler moved that the com- munication be received and filed. 317 Special Session, June 11, 1973 Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Ye...-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. June 5, 1973 To the Honorable Mayor and City CounCliI A street lighting plan fur Rhom- berg Avenue, extending from tile Eagle Point Bridge Toll House to Stafford Avenue inteœection, has been proposed by the electrical department. It is recommended that furty (4¡}) 250 watt mercury vapor type fixtures, located on new 35 fuot wooden poles, be instaNed in this area to achieve the neœssary il- lumination. Gilbel't D. ChaveneJ.Ie City Manager Councilman Pregler moved ap- prov.al of the recommendation. Se- conded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays~uncilman Justmann. June 5, 1973 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Sever"l months a,go p e ti tions were received for the renaming of Lorimer Street. In Maya letter wa.s sent to tJhe residents of Lorimer Street asloing them to indicate a street name preference. Twelve for m s were sent out. Seven responses were received. Only two persons favored "hanging the street name. On the bas;'; of this infurm..tion it is recommended that the matter be dropped. Gili>ert D. Cbavenelle City Manager M'ayor Bitter moved appro"..l of the recommendation. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following 'Vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldeubauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na)'s-None. June 7, 1m. Honor.,ble Mayor and Members of <be Oity Council. This is to advise that I have approved the following bonds and policies, and desire to h..ve your approv,,1 on same. Comprehensive Liability Tsehiggfrie Exca.va.ting et al Bitu- minous Casualty Corp. Policy No. GA 745000. Workmen's Compensation Tsehiggtfri,e Exc..vai!:ing Bituminous Casua.!ty Corp. Policy WC 400;42. Sidewalk Construction Bond. C. L. Haa'se, Continental Casualty Co. Bond No. _0 to July 18, 1973. Gilbert D. ChaveneNe Oily Man..ger Councilman Preg¡ler moved filing approval subject to ap¡proval of the City Attorney. Seconded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by the following V<>te: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. June 11, 1m To The Honorable Mayor and City Councilmen On ~ember 21, 1972, an ex- terior inopection was made by the City of Dubuque Housing Depart- ment of a two story, one family, frame dwelling, known as 701 Rhomberg Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa. Several violations of the Minimum Housing Code were noted, and on September 25, 1972, a letter was sent to the owner of record, Mr. Bernard OIansky, P.O. Box 289, Main Post Office, Des Moin..., I0- wa 50000, lisfu1g severa.! eX<terior violatiom; of the Housing S I a n- dards. On February 22, 1973, an in- terior inspection was made of the aJbove prope11lY and on February <11, 1m, a letter "'as sent to the owner listing several interior vio- lations of the Housing Standards. On M,ay 21, 1973, an order was sent to Mr. OIansky by the Oity Manager to dismantle <be building and clean up 1De premises. This order has not been com- plied with and I recommend to the City Council that the provisions of Ordinance No. 35-52 be enIforeed and the Ownet1S of said building, known a's 701 Rbomberg Avenue, and located on the East 7íI feet of Lot 36, Cooks Addition, Oity of Dubuque, Iowa, be required to dismantle said structure and clean up the premisee. GÏilhel't D. ChaveneUe c;ty Manager 3lB Special Session, June 11, 1973 Counciiman Pregier moved tbat ibe oommuDlÎCation be received and filed and that a pwblie hearing on tbe matter be set for Jniy 2nd. Seeond<>d by Councilman Just- mann. Carried by tile føl]owing 'VOte; Yeu-YaYJOr Bi_!i!T, Oowncilmen J'us1inaon, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na,ys-None. June U, 1973 'l<> TIœ Honorable Mayor and City Councilmen On Matth 2, 1!YI1, an inspection was made by the City of Duibuque Housing Departmen!t, of a two sto- <'Y, lhi'ee family, brick dwelJing, - as I_16M Waslñng-ton Street, Dubuque, Iowa. Se'Veral vio- latioD5 of the Minimum Housing Code were DOted, and on March 9, 1971, " letter was ¡rent to tbe owners ad' rec<ml, Mr. Walter B. a1!d Mrs. Joyce H. SoJIum!, l$8 I .I'~kson Street, DUlÙUque, fowa, listing .everal inte<ior and eJOterior -.Iow-trons of the Hoosing S tan- darns. On Ma1IcI1 25, 1971, a letter was sent to Mr. 8< Mrs. Walter Somers, IIOtifyingthem that the dweMing unit at 16M Washin¡Ø¡on Street was vttant and posted as unfit f<)r Imman oeeupancy. On January 26, 1975, an order w.a. sent to Mr. '" Mrs. Somers . make tbe premises comply With tbe City of Dubuque Housing Stan- <larda. On F'e!m>ary 13, 1979, a ll'OItice ...,. ...m, llOtifying tile owner. to _rand show eause why the òove stnœtur.. should not be re- .n1D'IIIId. Qn Ka-11cl¡ 7, JJI73 a letJler Wa5 sent tø Mr. ¡. Mrs. Some..., de- claring said otrueture unfit fur hu- man ,ubitation and hereby order aU persons to vOleale the same furthwitb and said nUÙWlnCe re- moved. On May 31., 19711, an order was sem to the owners by the City :U:a_r, to dismantle the building a;od clean up dle premiseo. T!1is order ha,s not been complied With 'II>IIi I """"mmend to the City Qnmci!. that 1he pr""isiOlllSof Or- dinanee No. 25<;2 be 'enforced and the """""'" of said bmìding, known as 1648-1651h1111i2 Was!lill¡¡ton Street aDd located on Lot 109 East Du- buque Addition, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be required to dismantle said S'trueture and clean up the pre- mises. Giæbert D. Cha'VeneN.. City Manager Councilman Pr..gIer moved tbat tbe communication be received and filed and tbat a pnbJic hearing on tlhe matter be set fur July 2, 1973. Seconded by Oouncilman Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-N<>n.e. June 8, 1973 Honorable Mayor and City Council I submit - much regret tlhe letter of resigm>tion of Assistant City Manager, PaUli Fischer. Gilibert D. Cha.veneUe ,City Jl(aooger CouneilmanPregier moved tbat tbe resign.ation be accepted with regret. Seconded by Councilman TOOms. Carried by the foJ!owing vote: Yea,s-Mayor Bitter, Coune!lmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Petition issued in District Court, Dnhuque Boat " Boiler Co., plain- ti:ff, VB. Oity of Dubuque, Defen- dant, barring any interest defen- dant may have in property, and IieŒndant be ""'ever barred from any further right, title and interest, pres.ented and reJ.d. MaYJOr Bitter moved tlha,t the petition be referr- ed tc> ¡be Oity So.liciœr fur proper action. Seconded by Councilman PrcgJ.er. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--4ayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Th<>-. Nays-Non.e. Notice of claim of Loren H. Ell- -linger, in the amount of $288.20 for car dama~e incurr..d as <be result of said .arbeiug struek by a City owned garibage truck at 905 N...ad.. St. on May 29, N1I!, 'IJ1"OSe..1ed nod ""ad. Mayor 'Bitter m<>ved fuat the notice of claim be referred to the City AIiIm'- Special Session, June 11, 1973 319 ney for proper action. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneilmen Justma.ou, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-,None. Notiee of ctadm of Insurance Company of North Ameriea, lia. bility carrier for Hartig Drug Co., ad.,;sing of a personal injury acci. dent by EJvelyn C. Wieland on 12- 15-72, wilich OOC1nTed at or near 700 Ynin St. and requesting settle- ment of the .Iaim, presented and read. Mayor Bitter mO'Ved that tbe I notice be refer~ to the City At- torney for proper action. Seconded by Councilman Pr~er. Carried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneilmen Jiustmarm, MOlidenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay,s-.Non.e. Notice of Claim of P-aul Welsh, in the amount ad' iIG4.48 for damage incurred to his car as the result of striking a defect in tbe street on W. 5th Street on &-6-73, pre- sented and read. Mayor Bitter mo. ved tbat the notice be referred to the City Attorney for proper action. Seconded by Councllman I Pregler. Carried by tbe fullowing V<>te : Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counei1men JnS'tmarm, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays~None. May 1, 1973 Honorahle Mayor and Couneilm1!ll Tbe City Planning and Zoning Commission MS reviewed the final plat of B1oek 5 and Lot B ad' Sunset Park Subdivision No.3 in tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa. 'I1he ComIDiÍssion has determined tba-t this plat confm1ms to tile a¡p. proved preliminary .plat of tlhis area and meets the requirements of the SubdivWon Ordinance. It is the recommendation of the Com. mission that the plat be approved :rs submitted. CITY PLANlNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Daniel Dittemore Development Planner I Oouncilman Moldenbauer moved that the eomDlU11å:eation be receiv- ed and filed. Seconded by Couneil. man Pregler. Carried by the ful- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitler, Councilmen Jus1inann, Moldenh.a,uer, PregJ.er, Tboms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 192-n Resolution approving the plot of Lots 1.8, inclusive, Block No.5, aU in Sunset Park Subdivision No. 3, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa WHEREAS, bhere has been filed Wlith bhe City Clerk a plat in which: Block 5, Sunset Park Subdi'Vi<;ion No. 3 in the City of Dubuque, I-a is platted as Lots 1~, inelu- .we, Block 5, aU in Sunset Park Subdivision No.3 in <be City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Sehiltz DoYelop- ment Corporation as 0- there- of . and W,HEREJAS, said plat has been ßmIDiÍned by the City Plauning and Zoning Commi$SÌon- and a¡p. proved by said hody; and WHEREAS, said plat has been found by the City Council to c<m- form to the Statutes and Ordi- nanees relating thereto, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HIE- SOINEID BY THE CITY COUNen. OF THE ClTY O-F DUBUQUE, IOWcA-: Sectien 1. That tbe dedie'ation of tbe easements for public utilities all as the same appears upon said plat be and the same are hereby aeeepted, Section 2. Tbat the p1.a.t of Bloeik 5, Sunset Park SubdiMOn- No.3 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and wbieb will hereafter be known as Lots 1~, inclusive, Block No.5 aM in Sun-set Park SIIbd:Lvision No. 3 in tlhe City of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby autho- rized and directed to endOl'Se the approval of tbe City of Dubuque upon s,aid plat. Passed, adopted and apprO'Ved by reeoroed roll call this 11,th day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Allan T. Tboms WaŒter A. Pregler <C. Robert Jutmann Wayne A. M<>kIenbwer Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk 320 Special Session, June 11, 1973 Counci1man Moldenhauer moved adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Pregler. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thomo. Nays-None. May 1, 1973 Honorable Mayor and Councilmen The City Pla,nning and Zoning Commission has held a pUblic hear. ing on a petition to reclassify pro- perty described as Block 5 a,nd Lot B of Sunset Pari< Subdivisioo No.3 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, from Single FamUy Resi- dence to Multiple Residence DIs- trict classific,ation. An atliida~ of publicai!:ioo of no- tice of public hearing was sub- mitted to the Commission. There was no oral or written objection to the proposal. It is the recommendation of the City Planning and Zoning Com- mission that the petition for re- classification of the a,bove descri¡'" ed properly be "",proved. CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION .Daniel Dittemore DeveJopment Planner Councilman Moldenhauer mo'Ved tbat the communication be receiv- ed and filed. Seconded by Council- man PregJer. Carried by <be fol- lowing %te: Yeas-Ma.yor Bitter, Counei1men Justmann, Moldenhauer. Pregler. Thoms. Nays-None. Proof of Pu1Jllication, certified to by the Publisher, of Noti<:e of puIJ- Mc he~g to amend Zoning Ordi- nance No. ~ by changing Block 5 and Lot B of Sunset Pari< Sub. No.3 from singJeF,amìly Resi- dence DIstriet Classification to Multiple Residence DIstrict CI..- oificalt:ion, presented and reoo. No ,written nbjections were filed and no o~al objectors were present in tJ¡eCouncii 'Cbamber at the time 'set for the public hearing. Councilman Moldenhauer mo'Ved that the proof of publication be received and ñIed. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the fuUowing 'VOte: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, P'regler, Thoms. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 29.73 An ordinance amending and chong. ing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as "The Zoning Mop and Zoning Or. dinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Single Family Residence District" classification to "Multi- ple ResidencaDistrict" classifica- tion, sa.id Ordinance ha'Ving been pre- viously p~e"ted and read at the Council meeting of May 14, 1973, presented fur final adoption. OItDINANCE NO. 29.73 AN ORDINANCE AMENDmG ANiDOHANGING ORDINANCE NO. 3-34 KNOWN AS "TIllE ZON- ING MAP AND ZONING ORDI- NANCE OF THE OITY OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA" SO AS TO CHANGE CER'l1AIN PROPER- TY HEREJINiAFTEJR DESCRffi- ED FROM "SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT" CJ.AS. SIFlCATlON TO "MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DJSTR1CT" OLAS- SlE1ICATLON NOW THEREFORE BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE CITY OOUNOIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQœ!:, IOWå: Section 1. That Ordinaœe No. ~ known '" the"ZoDlÎng M"", and Zoning Ordinance of the City of DulJuque, Iowa" be and the same is bereby amended by chang- ing from "Single Fa,miJy Residence District" classification to "Multi- pIe Residence DIstrict" c!a.osi:fica- tion the following described real estate, to wit: Block 5 and Lot 'B of Sunset ,P,ark Subdi'Vision No.3 in the Oity of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 2. That the foregoing Àmendment has heretofore been , approved by the PIlanning and Zon- , ing Comnriosioo of /he City of i Dubuque, Iowa. Special Session, June 11, 1973 321 Passed,appro'Ved and adopted htis ll/h day of June, Hm. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A.Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt Oity Clerk PulJlished officially in The TeI!e- graph-Herald Newspaper this 14th day of June, 1973. Leo F. Frommelt City CJerk It. 6-14 Councilman Moldenhauer moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded :by Councilman PregJer. Oarried by the foHowing 'Vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneillmen Juotmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Na.ys-None. May 23, 11113 HonorabJe Mayor & City CouncN Attaebed hereto is a request for an aluminum awning, to be at- tached to the front of building at 160<1 Central A'Venue. The awning is supported by the building and no pos.ts are to be in thesidewaJk. Awning to be 25 feet - 2 inches :by 4 feet - 7 inches. 'I1his request bas been approved by the Engineering, Fire and Btril- ding Departments. I recommend the request be granted. Gilberl D. CbB'Vene.lle City Manager Councilman Moldenhauer mo'Ved a,pproval of the recommendation. Seconded by Councilman PregJer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moidenha,uer, Pregler, Thoms. NaYIS-None. ORDINANCE NO. 30.73 An ordinance authorizing Mrs. F. W. Childers to contruct an awn. ing at 1604 Central Ave., presented and read. Councillman Moldenhauer moved tbat the reading just had be considered the first readin'g of the Ordinance. Seconded by CouncH- man Thoms. Carried by the follow. ing vote: Yea~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Councilman Moldenhauer moved that the rule requiring an Oroin- ance to be read on three separate day. be waiJved. Seconded by Coun- cilman Tboms. Carried .by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counei~men Justanann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay.-None. ORDINANCE NO. 30-73 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING Mm. F. W. amide.. TO CON. STRUCT an awning at 1604 Cen- tral Ave. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Mrs. F. W. Child- ers as owners of the premises known as the South ~ of the South 1.,'; of City Lot 4!4!J. in the City of Dubuque be, and tJ¡ey are here- by grauted the revocable idcense and authority to construct and maintain an awning under the terms and conditions set forti> in this Ordinance. Section 2. That such construc- tion shan be done in accordance with plans heretofore submitted by permittees and a,pproved by City M,anager, under <be supervision and direction of the City Manager, and in accordance willi aU appli- cable state and federal law. and regula,tions, and the Ordinaœes of the City of Dubuque. Section 3. That the permission herein granted in expressly condi- tioned on permitteC6 agreement to: a) Assume and and all lia,billity fur damages to person. or pro- perty which may result from the existence, construction or main. tenance of saJd awning. b) To pay on behalf of the City of Dubuque all sums which the City of Dubuque shaM become obligated 00 pay be reason of the lia'billity imposed upon the City of Dubuque for damages of any kind ~ulting from the existence, construction or main- tenance of s'aidawning, sustained 30.2 Special Session, June 11, 1973 by any penon or persoI>S, caused by accident or otherwise, to de- iead at its own e_e and on iJel¡alf of saiil City any eIlaim against the City of Dubuque aris- ing out of the eXÌJ>teD<:e, con- struction or maintenance of said a..mng. e) To inðemnity and hold Oty of Dubuque free and harmless fnlm allY and all elaillUl, -, HalriJity and ""Pense fur injuries to third persons or oIamages to II'<I[Ie1'ty of tIlJrd per-, or for diama-ge 10 any property of City of Dubuque which may Mour "" a result of or in "onneetion with <be construction, mainten- ance and repair of the facility, wort or improvement permitted herein. lectlCIII 4. That <be permission herein granted is expressly 0000- tI.oned upon permittees furtlIer a- greement that shoWd the right and privilege herein granted b<! res- etnded or revoked by the C"rty Coon dI, permittees, or theh> """"eo"'I'II m i_est lIS !/WIle.. of the a- butting property, shall witlJin thirty (30) days úter receipt of written ~e from the Oity Manager, so to do, al their own eXlpeRSe, remove said 8JW'I1iDg, and in the event 01. Øleir failure so to do, the City of Dubuque shan be authorized \Q ~move said awning, at """mil- tees expense and dispose of the same, and the peMrittees shall halVe no claim againo>t tbe City or its acents fur da,mages result- ing fnlD1 tbe retJlOiVaI. of said a-- in«. Socii.... So This Ordinanœ shall ,become dfeetiVe and the rights hereunder acerttoe to Mrs. F. W. Childer. when this Ordinance has been adopted by the City ConnciI and the ",rms and conditions there- of accepted by permittees by ac- ceptance endlOr<ed on tbis Ordi- nance. Passed, adopted and approoved tis 11th day of June, A.D., 1973. J<>seph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. P~Jer Allan T. Tboms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. RObert Justmann Counci1men Attest: Leo F. Frommelt CIty Clerk ACCEPTANCE OF ORDINANCE NO. 311-73 The undersigned loaV'ing read and being familiar with tbe terms and conditions of Ordinanee No. 36-73 her€lby, fur tbemselNes, their suc- cessors or ....igns, ... owners- of the abutüng proparty, accept the same and agree 10 be bound by tbe conditions and a,greemeuta <berein contaiJled lobe performed by permittees. Dated J-une 11, iI.9'i3. By Mrs. F. W. ClWders ,Property Owner Pub¡¡"bed offioiaUy in The Tele. graph-Herald New;;paper this 10th day of July, 1973. Leo F. Frommelt Qty CIerI< It. 7-10 Coundlman }k¡ldenhauer IlID\'ed final adoption of !be Ordinance. Secoudeà by C4uncilmau Thoms. Carried by tale foliolJllng vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counei1men Juslmann, Moldenha....., Pre¡Jer, Tboms. Nays---Nlme. June 8, 1973 Honorable May<>r and City Couacil I submit fur your approval an ordinance a,mending the budget as approved by Ordinance 1-73. The funds utilized for this amendment are generated from the 1972 En- titlement Funds of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 197~ (-GeIW!ral Revenue Sharing). Gilbert D. Cha-venene City Manager CoUlllèilman J1u;tmann m 0 v e d that the communication be reeei'V- ed and filed. Seconded by Council- man Pregler. Carried by the ful- IoIW'ing vote: Yeas---Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. An ordinance amending the bud- get as approved by Ordinance No. 1.73. presented and read. Councilman Pregler moved thai ithe readiI>g just bad be consider- ed the first rooding of the Ordin- ance. Seconded by Council man Thoms. OCarreid by the foUowing vote: YeOli-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-NoDe. Special Session, June 11, 1973 323 Councilman Pregler moved tha,t I eonded by Couneilman Justmann. the rule requiring an Ordinance Carried by the following vote: to be read on three separate days I Ye",,-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen be wai'Ved. Seconded by Council- I Ju"tmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, man Thoms. Carried by the fol. Tboms. lowing vote: - \ ays....,None. Ye........Mayor Bitter Councilmen Petiti.". of H,R.W. A...,.,ia,tes reo Justmalm M<JI.denI1a';"r Pregler questing a c\ltlb.eut on J. F. K. Thoms. ' " Road between HiIlc,eot .. Foothill Nays-None. ::alds;,¡ a~:n21. ~ ~2 ~~ Councilman P~ler moved that Sub. presented and read. CouncÏil- a public bearing -be beld on the man Pregler moved that the pe- Ordinance on JUily 2, 19'/!!, at 7:30 tition be referred to the Manager o'clock P.M. in the Council Cham- and staff to be considered ror next ber at the City HaU and that the week's ¡¡,genda. Seoonded by Coun- Oity Clerk be instructed to pubJish cilman Jua<mann. Carried by the notice of the hearing in the man- foilowing vote: nor reqlrired by Ia,w. Seconded by Yeas~ayor Bitter Counei1men Councilman Thoms. Carried by the Justmann, Moldenha~er, Pregler, following vote: Thoms. Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Nayo-None. Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Attorney Robert Bertsch .tated Thoms; that the HiR.W. property has- a Nays-,None. right to access.. to their property . . . . abutting a commercial street. Mr. Petition of Elmer J. Hilkin et R. W. Hansel also Slp(}ie in behalf ail (296 .,gnature&) reque&ting that of the petition. tbe tr<ll!Jk problem at 3I2nd and Petition of John E. Noel request. J-ackso~s Street be resolved and in¡¡ a refund of $633.75 on beer-li- suggesting that Fle."steel be allow. quor combination license No. C- ed to put m a dflveway onto E. 1888 as be bas discontinued busi- 3I2nd ~treet, presented and read. nes-; on 5-19-73, presented and read. CoU11.C'i!man Pregler mo'Ved that Councilman P~ler moved that the petition be referred to the City the petition be granted and the Man¡¡,ger a,nd City Attorn~y. So- Auditor issue proper warrant. Se. port. Seconded by Council ,m ~ } conded by Mayor Bitter. Carried Thoms. Carried -by the folloWIng by the following vole: vote: . . Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann Moldenhauer Pregler Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. ' " Thoms. Nays-None. Nays-None. Proof of Publication, certified to by tbe Publisher, of Offieial Notice Petition of MOJtIine Ruley et III of Location and Design Approval objecting to a driveway of Team Request in re: proposed design Electronics into a residentiaJ area of Topics Project Number 1'-735-7 -IOICated at the corner of Gordon (4) 46-3.1 Central Business District Drive and Theda Drive, presented Traffic Signa'! improvement project and read. and extension of tbe existing Cen. Mr. Otto Krueger addres-sed the traJ Business District Tr<ll!Jk Sig- Council by stating he has 00 ob. I nal sys,tem on Blu:£f Street, White jection to Team Electronics !ocat- Street, Tenth Street, Twelfth Street ing in the neighbor-hood other than Fourteenth Street, Locust 10 -w a, using the driveway for semi trailer a,nd Central, presented and read. tructs and also dirt is washing Councilman Pregler mo'Ved that over his property. Mr. Duane Nil!- tbe proof of _publication be re.ce;ved es of Gordon Drive also 'Voiced and filed. Seconded by Councilman objection to the dirt washing down Juslmann. Carried by the foUowing the Team Elec-tronies drive on to vote: the street. Councilman Pregler mo- Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen ved thai the petition be reoei'Ved I Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, and filed and referred to the City> Thoms. M-anager ror investigation and reo i Nay-s-None. -~----~_._~~~ , Special Session, June 11, 1973 area for U.S. Highway No. 20 be- ginning at a point approximately 829.5 feet westerly of <be "bove d~seribed area at the corporation line of City of Dubuque aud run. ning westerly awroximately 2517.1 feet to a point 00 feet west of the west line of Section 27-T89N- R2E and in ,the west property line of Division Street as shown on the plat attached hereto and made a part hereof, -and acting pursuant to the power and autJhority granted by Section 362.34, 197:1 Code of Iowa, as amended, aud by Com- mission Order No. 73~ dated May 31, 1973 hereby makes appli- cation ,to the City Council of the Oity of Dwbuque, Iowa to annex said territory into the corporate limits and make it a part o;f the Oity of Dubuque at -the -_e time the Romac, Incorporated property i. annexed. Dated this 31lst day of May, 1973. J. R. Coupal, Jr. Director of Highway- Iowa State Highway Com- -00 Councilman Pregler moved that the application be received and I filed. Secouded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Ma,yor Bitter, Councilmen Pregler, Thoms. Nays - Councilmen Justmann, Moldemauer. RESOLUTION NO. 194-73 WHEREAS, the owners of an area approximately 24.652 acres in size lying immediately westerly of the city limits of the City of Dubuque, Iowa now voluntarily pe- tition the City Council for annexa- tion of <beir property to the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and WHEREAS, the inhabitants of saiÌd territory will be en"bled to secure the benefits of city govern- ment in the wa,y of police and fire protection if said territory is incorporated within the city limits of the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and WHEREAS, the inhabitants of said territory win be enabled to secure water, and other municipal services of said territory if incor- porated witlhin the city limits of the Oity of Dubuque, Iowa; and WHEREAS, Section 362.30, Code of Iowa, 1973, authorizes the exten. sion of city limits in siwalt:ions 324 Special Session, June 11, 1973 Proof of Publlca,tion, certified to by the Publisber, of omeïal Notice of Location Design approval in reo proposed De..gn Of Topi.,. Project project Number T-735-7 (4) 46-311 CentraJ Business Dimct Tr~ Signal Improvement project that the -Federal Highway Administra- tion has given final. approval of the Location and Design slndY re- port of the eXiÏWni! Central Busi- ness District Trai£i.c SignaJ Sys- tem on Blulf, Wbite Tenth, TweMth Four,teenth, Looust, Central and Iowa streets, presented and read. Councilman Pregler moved that the proof of publication be recm'Ved and filed. Seconded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by tJhe following vote: Yeas-M..yor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregter, Thoms. Nays-None. June 6, 1973 Honoraliíe Mayor and City Council Tlùs is to request your Honorable Body to approve Resolution to de- signa-te Mr. A. G. Heitzman as the authorized ofificial to execute for and in behaJif of the City of Dubuque for the purpose of ob- taining certain Federal financial assistance under Disaster Relief Act (Public Law 606, rost Con- gress). Gilbert D. Cha-venelle City Manager Co\UllCÜman Preg¡ler moved ap- proval of 1Ihe request. Seconded by Counci1man Justmann. Carried by <be folloiwIDg 'IOt.e: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. DESIGNATION OF APPLICANT'S AGENT RESOLUTION NO. 193.73 Be it resolved by Oity Council Of City of Dubuque, that Mr. A. G. Heitzman, City Fin-anee DIrec- tor is hereby autborized to execute for and in behH of City olf Du- buque of the Sta,te of Iowa, this application and to file it in the appropriate State o!f,ice for the p\l11POse of obtaining certain Fed- eral financial a...is,tanee under the Disaster Relief Act (public Law 606, 91st Congress). .lIr" Pa.ssed and -""",ro'Ved ¡bjs lItb day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wa-yI1e A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann ColUlcilmen CE-RTIFICATION I, Leo F. Frommelt, duly ap- pointed and City Clerk of Dubu- que, Dubuque County, Iowa, do hereby eerlJify tbat tile above Is a true and correct copy of a reso- lution passed and """,roved by tJhe City Council olf City of Dubuque, Iowa on the Mth day of June 1973. Date: J-une u., 1973. Leo F. Frommelt Oity CIeri< Councilma,n preg¡ler mo'Ved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by tile following vote: Yea,s-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay,s-None. Communica,tioo of Iowa S tat e Highway CommiB5:ion requesting annexation o;f the right of way on Highway No. 20 into the cor. porate limits of tile City, presented and read. Coundlman Pregler mo. ved that the communkation be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried ,by tJhe fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Pregler, Tb<lll1s. Nays~unc~men Jus t mann, Moldenhauer. APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION The State of Iowa, by and throUgh the Iowa State Highway Commission, as owner of p=erty as defined by Section 362.36, Code of Iowa, 1973, as amended, ad- joining the corporate limits of <be City of Dubuque, Iowa' and de- æribed as follows: The right-<>f.way area fur U.S. Higbway No. 20 beginning at a point in SecHon 27-T89N-R2E at tbe west corpora<toin line Gf the City of Dubuque and running west- e~ly a,pproximately 7«!.3 feet to the corporation ,Jine of the City o;f Dubuque; also, the rigbt-<>f-way 325 of this character by the adoption o;f a' resolution therefor; and WHEREAS the future growth, development, and preservation of ,the -pwblic health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, makes it impera. tive that said territory be made a part of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the territorial limits of the City of Dubuque, Io- wa be and they a,re hereby ex. tended to include the area compris- ing the following described real estate: That parcel of real estate de- slcribed in Exhibit "A", hereto at- taehed and by reference made a part hereof; and TbaJt pa-reel of roo,l estate de- scribed in Exhibit "B" hereto at- tached and by referenee made a part hereof. The property to be annexed is as shown on the plat marked Ex- hibit "C" attached hereto, and by this reference made a part hereof. <be boundaries of salÎd area being outlined in red thereon. Section 2. The territory hereby annexed shaM -become and be part o;f the Nineteenth Voting Precinct to the City of Dubuque, fuwa. Passed, """,roved and adopted this Hth day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Pregler, Thoms,. Nays - Councilmen Justmann. Moldenhauer. Communication of Interstate Po. wer Co. requesting to be heard on matters related to pollution con- trol, forward from last two meet- ings, presented and read. Council- man Moldenhauer moved that the communication be received and Special Session, June 11, 1973 filed. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. I tion, preventioo andelimina-tion of Ca,rried by the following vote: pollution of the air within the City Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen and the promotion of the genera,l Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, health and welfare of the inhabi- Thoms. tanto of &aid City that the Pro. Nays-None. ject be undertaken at <be earliest RESOLUTION NO 195.73 practicable date, b~t the Company . ha-s requested satisfactory assu A resolution of intention to issue ranees from the City that the pro- pollution control revenue bonds and ceeds of the sale of pollution con- authorizing the execution of a me- trol revenue bon&> of the City in morandum of agreement by and an amount not to exceed $4,850,000. between Interstate Power C 0 m- will -be made a,vailable to finance pony and the City 01 Dubuque, the Project; and Iowa . WHEIJt]1\S the City deems it . WHEREAS the Üty of Dubuque, necessary and advisable that it ~ . D~bu9-ue ~unty, Iowa (.1 he take such a<:tion as may be requir- p~~~ )~~~~~i;:°i:Ja~~::...~~ ed .under a,pplicWde statutory pro- by the provisions of Ch"",ter 419 ~lS>ons to authonze and Issue pollu- of !he Code of Iowa, 19'73, as tion control revenue bonds. to fI- amended (the "Act"), to issue pol- nance the cost of the Project to lution control revenue bonds for -an "moUIlli not to eJœeed $4,850,- tbe purpose of defraying the cost 000.00; and of acquiring (by ronotruetion, pur- WH])REiAS a form of agreement, chase or lease), improving and designa,ted as a "Memorandum of equi¡pping polJ.ution control facili- Agreement," haos been prepared ties s,uita,ble for use by an industry, under which the Company has stat- commercial enterprise or utility ed its willingness to arrange for and to lease the same to others the a,eqwsmon, impfO'Vement and at ouch rentaisand upon such equipping of the PoIlU'tion Control terms and condition. as the City Facilities and to enter into con- may deem advisable; and tracts therefor, to con'Vey <be Pro- WHEREAS in orner to reduce ject Site to the City, to lease the prevent and eliminate pollution of Pollution Control Faeilities to the the air within the City by reason City and to swblease the Project of the operations of Interstate Po- from the City under a sublea,se wer Company a Dela,ware corpora- agreement providing that the Com- tlon ..uthoriz~ to do busine.. in pany wll.l be obl\gated to pay sui!>- Iowa (the "Company"), which ope- rentals ~ufficient to pay the princl- rates an electric generating station pal of, mterest on and redemption in the City, the City proposes to premium, if any, on the bonds acquire certain ea&ement interests as and when the same &hall be- in land {.,w¡ easement being the come due and pa)'able and to con- "-Project Site"), to a,cquire, a tain such other provisioIlS as shall leaseho1d interest in certain struc. be mutually """"ptable to the City lures, equipment, impro'Vements and the Company; and and fa,cHities .useful fur the pur- WHEREAS it is considered nec- ~e. of. reducmg, pre'Venting. and essary and d",ir-",ble for the best elimma,ting pollution of the aIr by interest of said Oity that said Me- reason of the ~porati?ns of the morandum of Agreement be execut Co~~a~y(the Pollution Control ed for and on behalf of the City' Facilities") to be located on the and ' Project Site (the Project Site and the Pollution Control Facilities WHEREAS it is intended that hereinafter referred to as the "Pro- Ibis resolution, ahaUe()1>stünte ject") 'and to sublease the Project "some other similar official ac- to the Company, to be used by tion" toward the issuance of tbe the Company to reduce, prevent pollutioo contr~l ...venue bonds wi. and eliminate pollution of the air thin the meamng of $l,I03-S(a) (5) by reason of its apontious as of the Income Tax Regulations; aloresaid;and NOW 'I1EIEREFO'R;E, Be 1t Re- WHEREAS it i. deemed neces- oo1ved by !he City Council of the SHY andad'Visable fur the ~educ- Oity of Dubuque, Iowa, a,s ioNows: 326 ",", - Special Session, June 11, 1973 327 I of a,cquiring (¡by construction, ' pur- cha,se or lease), improving and eq.uiping pollution control facilities s.uitable fur use by an industry, commercial enterprise or utility and to lease the same to others at such rentals and upon such terms and conditions as the City may deem advisable. (b) In order to reduce, prevent and eliminate pWlution of the air witbin the City, The City proposes to a,cquire certain easement in- terests in land (-said easement be- ing the "Project Site"), to acquire a leaseho.ld interest in certain strue tures, equipment, impro'Vemenils and other facilities useful for the purpose of reducing, preventing and eliminating pollution of the 3Ii.r (the "Pollution Con-trol Faci- lities," which are described in fur- titer detail in Schedule 1 attached bereto and by this reference made a part hereof) to be located 00 the Project Site (the Project Site and the Pollution Contro.l Facili- ties berein>after referred to as the "Project"), and to sublease the Project to the Company, to be used by the Company to reduce, prevent and eliminate pollution of the air. (c) It is deemed necessary and Joseph J. Bitter advisable for the reduction, preven- Mayor ,lion and eliminalJion of PO.lJutioo Attest: of the air within the City and Leo F Frommelt !he _promotion of the general health City' Cieri< and welfare of the IDhabitants of the City that tlte Project be under- EXHIBIT A taken at the ea11liest pra,eticable Memorendum 01 Agreement date, but the Company has re- THIS MEMDRANDUM OF A - quested satisfactory ass urances GREEMENT is between the City fram the City that the Proceeds of Dubuque, Iowa, party of the of the sale of pollution con,tro.l first part (hereinafter referred to revenue bonds of the City will as the "City"), and Intersta,te Po- be made avail",ble to finance the wer Company, a Delaware corpor. Project. ation,. party of the second part (d) Representatives of the City (heremafter referred to as the have indicated the willingnes,s of "Company"). the City to Proceed with and effect 1. Preliminary Statement. A- such financing in order to as-slot mong the matters of mutual in- the Company to prevent control duCO1Il<9lt w.bieh laave I'eBDlted in and eliminate poIl"tlon within the the execution of this Agreement City and have advised the Com- are the fallowing: pany that, subject to due compli- fa) The City is an incorporated ance with all requirements of law mUDlÎei¡>alityauthol'iized and em. and 'ihe obtaóning of aiil _ary powered by the PI'O\'Ìsions of Ohap- consents and approvals and to the ter 4'l9 of the Code of Iowa, HJ73 ha¡ppel1ing of all acts, conditions as amended (the "Act"), to issue and things required precedent to pollution control revenue bonds for such financing, the City by 'Virtue the purpose of defraying the cost of such statutory authority as may Section 1. That in order to in- lure the acquisition, improvement and equipmeDli of these Pollution Control Facilities within the City, with the resulting pwblic benefits wiriöh will £low therefrom, it is deemed necess,ary and advisable that tbe Memorandum of Agree- ment hereinafter referred to be "",proved and executed f"" and on behaJf of said City. Seelion 2. That the Memorandum of Agreement by and between In- terstate Power Company and the City, substantially in the form and with the contents set forth in Ex. hlbit A attached hereto, be and the s,ame is hereby approved and authorized. Section 3. That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute, and the City Olerk is here- by authorized to attest and to af- fix the seal of the City to, the Memorandum of Agreement sub- sta¡¡tially in the form and with the contents set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. Section 4. That aU reso.lutions I and parts thereof in con¡fIjct bere- with are hereby repealed to tile extent of such conflict. Passed and "",prO'Ved June 11, 1973. Special Session, June 11, 1973 328 now or herea£ter be conferred, wit! suanee thereof. issue and sell its pollution control 3. Undertakings on the Port of revenue bonds in an amount not the Company. Subject to the con- exceeding $4,850,000 to pay costs ditions above stated, the Company of the Project. agrees a,s follows: (e) The City considers that the (a) Tha,t it wiM use all reas- Project, and the subleasing of the onable efforts to find one or. more same to the Company, wiU promote purchasers f~r .the bonds m an the reduooon, prevention and ell. aggregate prmcIpai amount not mination of pollution of the air exeeeding $4,~,OOO.OO. . within the City and thereby pro- (b) That It will enter mto a mote the general health and we!- contr-~t 0: contracis for the ac- fare of the inhæbitants of s-aid area. qmSItion, Improvement and eqmp- 2. Undertakings on the Part of m,ent of the Polluti.on Co~<rol Facti- the City. Subject to the conditions Ities on the Project SIte. . bo t t d the City agrees as (c) That contemporaneously WIth a ve ~ a, e , the delivery of the bonds it will follows. .' . sublease the Project from the City (a) That 11 WIll authonze, or under the terms of which the Com- cause to be authorized, the is-sua- pany will obliga,te itself to pay ance and &Me of an issue of its to tile City sums sufficient in the pollution control revenue bonds, aggregate to pay the principal of pursuant. to the t~rms of the Act 'and interest and redemption pre- as then m force, m an allgregate mium if any on the bonds as principal amount not exceeding and ";hen the' same shall become $4,850,000.00. due and payable, such sublease (b) That it will cooperate with to contain other pro'Visions required the Company to endea'Vor to find by law and such other provisions a purchaser or purchasers for the as shall be mutually acceptable bonds, and if purchase arrange- to the City and the Company. meuts satisÆactory to the Com¡>- (d) That is will take such further any can be made, it will adopt, action and adopt such further pro- or cause to be adopted, snch pro- ceedings as may be required to ceedings and authorize the execu- implement its aforesaid undertak- tion of sucb documents a,s may ings or as it ,may deem appropriate be necessary or ad'Visahle for the in pursuance thereof. authorization, issuance and sale of 4. General Provisions. the bonds and the acquisition as (a) All commitments of <be City above defined, improvement and under paragraph 2 hereof and of equipment of the Project, as afore- the Company under paragraph 3 said, and the subleasing of the hereof are subject to the conditions Project to the Company, all as that on or before Z¡O da,ys from shall be authorized by Ia,w and the date hereof (or such other mutually ",tiSifactory to the City date as shall be mutua!! satisfac. and the Company. tory to the City and the Company), (c) 'l1haJt the aggregate bæsic sub- the City and the Company sball rentals (i.e., the subrentals to be ha'Ve agreed to mutually accept- used to pay the principal, interest -",ble terms and conditions of the and premium, if any, on the documents referred to in pa,ra- bonds) pay,aI:>le under the instru. graph 3 and the proceedings reo ment whereby the Project shall ferred to in para,graphs 2 and 3 be subleased to the Company shall hereof. be such sums as shall be soffi- (b) If tile events set forth in cient to pay the principal of and (a) of this paragraph do not take interest and redemption premium, place within the time set forth if any, on the bonds as and when or any extension thereof and the the s-ame si1aD become due and bonds are not sold within such pay-able. time, the Company agrees that (d) That it will take or cause i it will reimburse the City for all to be taken such other acts and I reasonal:>le and necessary direct ad~t such further proceedings as , out-of-pocket expenses which tile may be required to implement the i City may ineur at its request aris. aforesaid undertakings or as it I ing from the execution of t hi, may deem a,ppropriate in pur - ' Agreement and the ,performance Special Session, June 11, 1973 329 by <be City of its obligations here- !bat the communication be reeeiv- under, and this Agreement sball ed and filed. Seconded by Mayor thereupon terminate. Bitter. Carried by the following IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the vote: parnes hereto bave entered into Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen this Agreement by their a£ficers Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, thereunto duly authorized as of Thoms. the 11th day of June, 1973. Nays-None. -CITY OF DUBUQUE, 10'. RESOLUTION NO. 196.73 WA . Authorizing an open sculpture com- By Joseph J. BItter petition for the Downtown Urban Ma,yor Renewal Project, Iowa R.15 Attest: WHEREAS, under date of July Leo F. Frommelt 26 1967 the City of Dubuque and City Olerk - th~ Federai government entered lNTERSI'ATE POWER into a Loan and Capital Grant CO'MPANY Contract for the undertaking of By R. W. .Steele the Downtown Urban Renewal Pro- Its PreSIdent ject, Iowa R-15; and Attest: WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque- E. M. Nieholson pursuant to the approved Urban Its Secretary Renewal Plan for the said pro- ScI1eduile 1 to -Memo~andum of jeet is constructing Town Olock Agreement Dated June 11, 1973 Pla~a formerly known as the Main by and between the City of Do. Streei Pedestrianway; and buque, Iowa, and Interstate Po- WHEREAS, ÌJt is recognized that wer Company an item of sculpture would enntri. The pollution control facilities bute materially to a design objec. consist of electrostatic precipita- tive for Town Clock Plaza to in- tors, including fuundatioIJÆ<, s u p- clude -certain a-rchitectural features POrting steel, related equipment within the Pla~a area; and and connee-tions to the existing ash WHEREAS, an open competition disposal faellilies, togetlher w; t h would provide the opportunity to the structures in which the precipi- obtain a distinctive piece of sculp- tators and certain items of related ture design especially fur Town equipment are located, to be con- Clock Plaza as well as to provide structed, acquired and installed on a, further opportunity to promote boilers 1, 5 and 6 at Interstate's the Downtown Urban Renewa,l Pro- Dubuque Power Station. ject and !be City of Dubuque; now The electrostatic precipitators therefore will remove particulate matter BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI. from the flue g-as discharge of TY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF the boilers, prior to release of DUBUQUE, IOWA: the gas to the stack, by the elec- Section 1. That the City of Du- trosta,tie -oh"rge and ma-gnelJic lilt- buque in coopera-tion with the Du- traction process. The parnculate buque Art Association and the 10- matter will be collected in dust wa Arts Council sponsor "n open boppers for removal -to existing competition in the format of Ex- ash disposal facilities. hibit "A" a,ttached hereto, to se- Councilman Moldenhauer moved cure a suitable piece of sculpture adoption of the resolution. Second- for placement within the Tow" ed by M"yor Bitter. Carried by I Clock Plaza. the following vote: Passed, approved and adopted Yeas-Ma,yor Bitter, Councilmen this 11th day of June, 1973. Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Joseph J. Bitter Thoms,. Mayor Nays-None. Walter A. Pregler Communication of Urban Rene- All"n T. ThOlDS wal Direetor submitting "F i v e Wayne A. Moldenhauer Flags Sculpture" to secure a suit- C. Robert Justmann able piece of soolpture fur inciu- Councilmen sion within the Downtown Urban Attest: Renewal Area, presented and read. Leo F. Frommelt Councilman Moldenhauer moved City Olerk 330 Special Session, June 11, 1973 EXHIBIT "A" FIVE FLAGS SCULPTURE COMPETITION The Dubuque Art Association and the City of Dubuque; Jowa, in co- operation wtth tile IoWa ArtS Coun- cil are sponsoring an open sculP- ture competition. TIItf ,seulpture will be pl.ace6 ia an outdoor pe- destrianw..y in lID area of Down- town Dubuque lmOWD as Tow n Clock Plaza. Town CIoek Plaza has- been awarded a Lamlsea.pe Award by the American Associa- tion of Landscape Architects. Bolb aw..rda recognize the quality of design fur an urban environment. The oulpture 1lIi1leompl4meøt the Five Flags Center Fròject new Wi- der -way in the genera¡ area in which the se,.¡pture will be' lo- cated. This pro ect Inelude. lbe restoration of a bistorleally and architecturallY algnlficant lbeater joined by a nC"IIF' p.-omenade wilb a neW exhibition-arts building. This total project i. dedicated to the 2OOtb Anni'Versary of the United St..tea of America to lie observed in 1976. The piece need not be ctistineti'Ve of anY period of history, but must capture lbe spirit of the bi- centennial celebration of the fuund- I ing of tbis nation. This spirit may reflect our nation's heritage and its historic perspective"" it reldeS to Dubuqueland. The piece may be stdlle or mo- bile but must not be dependent upon water, electronics or olber mechanical processes for its in. stallation or operation. Each participant is required to submit a, maquette at a seale of 1" equal 1'. An entry label at- tached to each maquette .bll in. elude lbe name (profe..lonal as well as legal), address and phone number of the artist together with lbe title or na,me of the entry. Each participant shan alsc> submit (1) a written statement explain. ing their aubmittal; (2) a notarized affidavit that lbe design i. an origi. na! product of that artist, and tbat it has not been accepted for use elsewhere; (3) sketches of the piece at a reasonable seale; and (4) not less than four 8"x10" black and white glossy photographs suit- able for reproduction. AU photo- graphs shan become tJhe proper\)' of tJhe DUbuque Art Association and <be City of Dubuque, and lbey will not be returned. The winner of the coqetitioe will be further required to submit a _end ma. quette at a seale of 108" equal l' showing &S much detail lbat is posøi.ble l1li thi& ,redueeoi scale. Each participant is further re- quired to submit ina sepa,rate, sealed elIVelópe his' firm proposal and statement to enter into an appropriate contract wilb the CIty of Dubuque ,subject to lbe approval of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Develop ment to fabricate and in"tall in place the piece represented by the maquette, sll:e1iehe. and the photo- gra,phs at a total cost not to exceed $25,000 including all transportation charge. and expeD"""of the ar. tist. Maquette& may bede1l'fered '" ptrson to the Office of Housing and Redevelopment of the City of Dwbuque, Fiscber Building, Du""- que, Iowa, ~, the week of Oc- tober 15, 1973, betWeen lbe hours of 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. No entry will be """epted after 5:00 P.M. on FrI- day, October 19. Works sent by mail, expre.s or olberwise must be sent postage prepaid and wm be accepted only at the risk of the sender. Pre-entry registration is required of a,ll participants. A form for this purpose is provided on the re'Verse side, and must be receiv. ed in the Office of Housing and Redevel<>pment, Fischer Buildin¡¡, Dubuque, Iowa, 52001; postmatked not later <ban Friday, September 7, 1973. The officers, employees and oth. er persons ass<>ciated with the Du- buque Art Association 1>nd <be City of Dubuque will careiully handle all entries, but lbey will not be responsible fur any damage or los to any works. Submitting an entry implies agreement with this condi- tion, and all artists are urged to adequately insure their own worln- The winning scmpture will be placed in a fifteen funt sqware ba'se are cons,trueted by the City of Dubuque at the Oity's expense The height of ,the piece not to exceed thirty feet must be suitab:e for its location and mass and fabri. Special Session, June 11, 1973 331 eated of a self maintaining, s<ruc- inafter caned "Project Area") 10- turaUy adequate, durable material cated in the City; and suitable fur an exterior loea-tion WHEREAS as of the date of in an urban setting. adoption of Ìhis Resolution, lbere Judging of aU entries will b' ha,s been prepared and approved completed the week of October 27 by li1e Agenc-y, an Urban Renewal 1973, by a- }ury colD¡pOsed of Plan for lbe Project consisting of Oha-rles Mosher, Barton-Aschman the Urban Renewal Plan dated Associates, Inc., Chicago, Illinois May, 1967, and approved by the Ron Bowen, Bowen and Kanazawa, CityCounei1 of the City on May Madison, Wisconsin, Jame. Deme- 18, 1967, by Resolution No. 123. trion, Director,. Des Moines kt 67, (which plan, as it may here Center, Des Momes, Iowa. after be amended from time to The right is reserved to ~he jury time pursuant to law, and as so to reject any and all entrIes, an constituted from time to time, is the decision of the jury is fina1. unless otherwise indicated by tho All maquettes will be on display context, hereinafter called "Urban thronghoutthe month of Novem. Renewal Plan"); and ber, and they must aU be re- WHEREAS, a copy of the Ul'ban moved durmg lbe weeks of De- Renewal Plan as constituted on cember 3 and De«;In!>er 10. The tbe date of lbe Agreement has D,ubuque Art AssoCIation and the been recorded among the land re- CIty ?f Dubuque shall not be re- cords for the place in which the ~nslble for any maquettes' not Project Area is situated, na,mely, claImed by December 14, 1973. in the office of the Recorder of A cash prize of $1,000.00 will Dubuque County, Iowa, in Book be awarded to the Brost of the 295 of Mortgages, Pages 235 to winning submission at an appro- 259' and priate award ceremony. The de-' . sign, the maquettes, sketches 1>nd WHEREAS, 1D o~er to ena.ble Photogra,phs as well as the fiuished !!Ie Agency to aehieve the ob¡E!r. piece of sculpture of the winning tives of the Urban Renewal Plan, submission shall become lbe elOClu- and particularly to m.ake land In sive property of the City of Du- the ~~o~ect Area- avaUable (aft.,- buque for uses- determined to be acqwsltion and clearance by th- in the best interest of the City. Age~cy) ~or redevel?pment by a Councilman MOldenh~uer moved ~~~li~h~n~~sfu;p:~~~ ':nce~~a~~~ adoption of the r.esolution. Seeond- ban Renewal Plan, both the Fe. ed by M~yor BItter. Carned by deral Go'Vernment and the City lbe folloWIng vote.: . have undertaken to provide, and Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen ba-ve provided substan-tiai aM and Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, assistance to the Agency through Thoms. a Contract for Loan and Capital Nays-None. Grant dated July 26, 1967; and RESOLUTION NO. 197.73 WHEREAS, under date of the Retention of certain. Urban Re- 12th day of June, 1972,the Agency newal land for the JoInt Law En. and Dubuque County entered into forcement Center Building Articles of Agreement (hereinaf- WHEREAS, lbe City of Dubuque ter called "Articles") entitled (hereinafter caned "Agency") in "Joint CountY-<City Law Enforce- furlberanee of the objoc,tives of ment Center Building" and whicb Chapter 4œA of the Iowa Code Agreement provided a-mong other as amended, has undertaken a pro- things that lbe real estate in the gram for tbe clea-rance and recon- Project Area more particularly de. struction or rehabilitation of slum scribed in Section 1 (which pro- and blighted areas in the City of perty, as so described, is herein Dubuque (hereinafter caned "Ci- after called "Property"), present- ty"), and in this, connection is ly in the name of the Agency engaged in carrYing out an urban shaU be owned jointly in lbe names renewal project known as t b e of the Agency and Dubuque Coun "Downtown Urban Renewal Pro- ty, Iowa, for the purpose of con- ject, No. Iowa R-15" (hereinafter struction of a Joint Law Enforce- caned "Project") in an area (here. I ment Center Building on lbe Pro- 332 Special Session, June 11, 1973 perty with Dubuque County, Iowa being designated as Owner for con. slruction purposes; and WHEREAS, the Agency under date of June 11, 1973, has entered into a Contract fur the Sale of Land for Public Development to convey an undivided 70.7317 per- cent in and to the Property to Dubuque County in fuHillment of the terms of the Articles; and WHmEAS, the purpuse of this Resolution is to -provide fur the retention of the balance of <be Property representing 29.- per cent of the real estate by the Agency for the C<>l15truction of a Joint Law Eniforcement C enter Building for the use of the Agen- cy and Dubuque County, Iowa, as provided in the Articles; now therefore. BE IT RESOLVEID BY THE = COOOmL OF THE CITY OF mmUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That subject to aU the terms, covenants, and condi- tions of iliis,Resolution and the s-aid Loan and Grant Contract, the Agency wiN retain an undi'Vided 29.2663 per cent in and to Lot 1 of the following described Pro- perty in the Project Area. Lot 1, eXICept the South 79 feet thereof, of Block 3 in Dubuque Dountown Pla~a in the City of Dubuque, Iowa whicl1 it shaY de'Velop fur use as a Joint L- Eniforcement Center Building in aœord..nce with the Urban Renewal Plan. Section 2. The the Oity Auditor be and he is hereby au1Dorized and directed to draw his warrant or warrants a¡ ainst the proceeds from the s,ale of bonds for the Agency's share of the Joint L- Enforcement Center Building on and before July 2, 1973 in the amount of 1Jwenty three thousand eight hundred sixty and 11-.100 Dol. la'" ($23,850.11) whicl1 represents the fair market value of tbe Pro- perty, and to deposit said warrant or warrants in the Project Tem- porary Loan Repayment Account Project No. Iowa R..15. Section 3. That the Agency shall not commence to use the said Pro- perty fur the intended purpose nor commence any COl15truction there- on until the Purobase Price has been deposited to the credit of the said Project Temporary Loan Repayment Account. Section 4. That the Agency and Dabuque County wi1l jointly rede- veiop the Property by construction thereon of a Jolint Law Eniforee. ment Center Building together with appropriate off-street parlring fac. ilities and other site improvements (hereinafter caned the "Improve. ments") and all pia... and specifi. cations and an work by the Agency with respect to such redevelopment of the p~rty and the construc- tion and making of other improve. ments thereon, if any, shall be in conlfo~mity with the Urban Re. newa~ Plan, and aM applicable State and Loca~ La-ws. SECTION 5. That the Agency a- grees for itself, It successors, and assigns, and every suœessor in interest to the Property, or any part thereof, th..t the Agency shall b~n the redevelopment of the property througih the construction of the Improvements thereon, with. in two months from the date this Resolution is adopted and diligently pro<:eed to complete such construc- tion within eighteen months from such da,te. Section 6. That the Agency a. grees for itself, it successo~s and as.signs, and every suœes;sor in interest to the Property or any part thereof and the Deed, if any, shall cont..in covenants on the part of the Agency fur itself, and suc. cessors and ..sslgns, that the A- gency, and suclJ. successo.. and assigns, shall: (a) De'Vote the Property to, and only to and in accordance witb. the uses specified in the Urhan Renewal Plan, as amended, and as the same ma\y be hereafter amended and extended from time to time; (,b) Not discriminate upon the ba,;,s of race, color, creed, or na. tional origin in the s,ale, lease, or rental or in the lhSe or occu- pancy of the Property or any Im- provements erected or to be erec. ted ;hereon, or any p..rI\ thereof. Section 7. Wat it is intended and resol'Ved th..t the conditions and covenants provided in Section 6 hereof, mall be covenants run- ning willi the land and that they shall, in any event, and without regard to technical cl..s,sification 333 Special Session, June 11, 1973 or designation, legal or otherwise, and except only as othe11wise speci. Jiicaliy provided in this Resolution, be, to the fullest eJOtent permitted by law and equity, binding for the benefit and in favor of, and enforceable by, the Agency, its successors and assigns, and the United States (in the case of the covenant provided in subdi'Vision (1» of Section 6 of this Resolution), against the Agency, its SUCCessors and assigns, and every succes'sor in interest to the Property or any part thereof or any interst therein, and any party in possession or occUIPancy of the Property or any part thereof. It is fur<ber intended and resolved that the conditions and co'Venan1:5 provided in Section 6 of this Resolution shall remain in effect without limitation as to time. Section 8. That in amplification, ~~~o:t o~n s::~cti70n¿f o~t,"eR:~: I lution, it is intended and resolved that <be Agency shall be deemed a beneficiary of the conditions and covenants provided in Section 6 herein, and the United Sta-tes shall be deemed a beneficiary of the covenant provided in subdivision (b) of Section 6, both for and in their or its own right and also I fur the purposes of protecting the interes,t of tbe community and the other parties, publk or private, in whose fa-vor or for wIhose benef:it suoo conditions and eovenan1:5 have been provided. Such conditions and cove"ants shall run in fa'Vor of Ibe Agency and the United States for the entire period during which such conditions and covenants shaß be in force without regard to whe- ther <be Agency or the United State,s is or ha-s heen an owner of any land or interest therein to, or in favor of, which such conditions and covenants relate. The Agency mall ha'Ve the right in the event of any breach of any such conditions or covenants, and the Untied States shall have the right, in the event of any :::-e:~ ~OO~~isi':'~;~ of~~~:: I 6, to exercise all the rights and remedies, and to maintain any ac- tions or suits at la-w or in equity or other proper proceedings to en- force the curing of such breach of condition or covenant, to \IDich I tt or any other beneficiaries 0, f such condition or covenant may be entitled. Section 9. That no member, of- ficial or employee of the Agency shaH have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in any construc- tion contr-act _..rded pursuant to this Resolution, nor shaH any such member, o£ffi.cial, or empJoyee par- ticipate in any contract rebting to this Resolution which OIffeets his personal interests or the in. teres.ts of any corporation, part- nerSlbtp, or as'sociation in which he is, directly or indirectly in- terested. Section 10. The Agency, fur it- self, and its successors and a's- signs, agrees tbat It wiu include the following provisions of this Sec. tion 10 in every contract or pur- chase order "'hiOO may hereafter be entered into between the A. gency and any pa.ty (hereinafter in this Section called "Contractor") for or in connection with the con. struc-tion of the Improvements, or any part thereof, provided for in this Resolution unless such con- tract or purcha-se order is exemp- ted by rules, regulations, or or. der-s of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order 1!l24ß of Septem- ber 24, 1965 as amended by Exe- cutive Order 1[375 dated October 13, 1967: Equal Employment Opportunity. During the performance of this conilract, the Contractor a g r e e s with the Agency as follOlWS: (a) The Contractor wiU not dis- criminate against any employee or applicant for employment be- cause of race, religion, sex, oolor, or national origin. The Contractor will take affirmative action to en. sure thai! applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without r e- gard to their race, coJor, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall. include, but not be limited ro the foMowing: employment, U )- grading, demotion, or transfer; re- cruitment or recruitment adver. tising; layofif or termination; rates of payor other forms of compen- sa-tion; and selection for training. including apprenticeship.The Con- tractor agrees to post in conspi- cuous -places, ..vajJabie to employ- 334 Special Session, June 11, 1973 ees and awJi<;ants for employment, I ernment contracts or federally as- notice to be provided by the A- sisted construction contractJs in ac- gency setting furth the provisions I corance with procedures authorized of tills nondiscrimination clause. in Executive Order ],1246 of Sep- (b) The Contractor will in all tember 24, 1965 as amended by solieitMions or a d'V e r ti~ements Executive Oreer 11375 dated Octo- for employees placed by or on ber 13, 1967, and such other sanc- behaolf of the Contractor slate that tious may be imposed an remedies all qualified applicants ~ill recei,ve invoked as provided in Executi'Ve considera,tion for employment with- Oreer 1l246 of September 24, 1965 out regare to race, color, religion, as amended by Executive Order sex, or national origin. 11375 dated October 13, 1967, or (c) The Contractor will send to by rule, regulation, or order of each labor union or representati'Ve the Secretary. of Labor, or as 0- of workers with which the Con- theI'Wlse provIded by law. tractor has a collective bargaining (g) The Contractor will include agreemeut; or other eontra,ct or tbe provisions of Paragraphs (a) unde~standing, a notice, to be pro- bhrougll (g) of tbis Section in every vided, advising the lalJor union or subeontrac,t to pureh..se oreer 00- worker's ~resentative of the Con- les,s exempted by rules, regula- tra,ctor's commitments under Sec- tions, or ordern of the Secretary tiDn 202 of Executive Order lJ.246 of L..oor issued pursuant to Section of September 24, lOO5, as amended 204 of by Executive Order lJ.375 dated E-xecutive Oreer 1l246 of Se¡>- October 13, 196~, and shall post tember 24, 1965 as amended by copIes of the notice m conspICUOUS Executive Order 11375 dated Oct- plac~ ..v-aj ,..ble to employees and ober 13, 1967, so that such provi- a,pplicants fur employment. stions wiN be binding upon eacb (d) The Contractor will comply subcontractor or vendor. The Con- with ..11 provisions of Executive tractor will take such action with Order H246 of September 24, 1965 respect to any construction eon- as ..mended by Executive Order tract, subeontra,ct, or purch...e or. 11375 dated Ocwber 13, 1967, and der as the Agency or the Depart- of the rules, regulations, and re- ment of Housing and Urban De- levant ordern of the Secretary of velopment may direct ..s a means Labor. of enforcing such provisions, in- (e) The Contractor will furnish eluding sanctions for noncompli- all information and reports requir- ance: Provided, however, that in ed by Executi'Ve Order 11246 of the event the Contractor becomes September 24 lOO5 as amended involved in, or is lbreatened with, by Executive' Oreer 11375 dated litigation with a subcontractor or October lß, 1967, and by the roles, venoor as a result of such direction regulatiDns and orders of the Se. by the Agency or the Department cretary of 'La'oor or the Secretary of Housing and Urban Develop- of Housing and Urban Develop- , ment, the Contractor may request ment pursuant thereto, and wj¡JJ I the U,:,ited. States to enter ~to permit a,cces-s to the Contractor's' such litigation to protect the m- books, records, and accounts by I erests of the Uuited States. the Agency, the Secretary of Hous- Secion 11. Tms Resolution is ing and U~ban Development, and ado¡pted for the purpose of inducing the Secretary of Labor for pur- the Secretary of Housing and Ur- poses of in'Vestigation to ascertain ban Development to i..uebis 81'- compliance with snch rules, regu- proval of the retention of tbe said lations and orders. Property for tbe intended purpose (f) In the event of the Contrac- upon payment of the P u r chase tor's noncompliance with the non- Price, and for the purpose of creat- discrimination clauses of this con- ing the covenants running with the tract or with any of such rules, land as set forth in Section 7, regulations, or orders, this con- and in ore... to accomplish same, tra,ct may be canceled, terminated, the Oity Clerk of tbe Agency is or suspended in whole or in part hereby authorized and directed to and the Contractor may be de- canse of a certified copy of this elared ineligible for further Gov- Resolution to be recorded among "'" Special Session, June 11, 1973 335 the land records in the Office I al Pian, and particularly to make of the County Recoreer of Du- land in the Project Area a'Vail- buque County, Iowa. able for redevelopment by a public Passed approved and adopted entity for and in accordance with this 11 day of June, 1973. the uses specified in the Urban Joseph J. Bitter Renewal Plan, both the Federal Mayor Government and the City of Du- Walter A. Pregler buque bave un?ertaken to p~ovid.e, Allan T. Thoms and ha~e prOVIded substantial aId Wayne A. Moldenhauer and assIstance lbrough a Contract Councilmen for Loan and CapItal Grant dated ATTEST: July 213, 1967; and Leo F Frommelt WHEREAS, under date of the CITÝ CLERK 12th day of June, 1972, the City . of Dubuque and Dwbuque County Councllman Moldenh~uer moved entered into Articles of Agreement adoption of the resolution. Seco~d- entitled "Joint CountY-City Law ed by Councll!"an Thoms. Carned Enforcement Center Building" and by the foUowrng vote: whioh Agreement provided among Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen other tbings that the real estate Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. in the Project Area more parti- Nays-Councilman Justmann. cularly described in Section 1, pre- sentiy in the name of the City RESOLUTION NO. 198.73 of Dubuque shaH be owned jointiy Authorizing the execution of a in the names of the City of Du- contract for sale of land for public buque and Dubuque County, for redevelopment with Dubuque Coun. the purpose of construction of a ty, lowe Joint Law Euforcement C enter WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque Building on the said red estate in furtherance of the objecti'Ves WIth Dubuque County beIng des- of Cbapter 4œA of tbe Iowa Code ignated as Owner for construction as amended, has undertaken a pro- purposes; and gram for the clearance and re- WHE'REAS, the purpose of this cons'tructiDn or rehabilitation 0 f Resolution is to provide for the slum and blighted areas in the execution of a contr...t for the City of Dwbuque and in this- con- conveyance of 70.7317% of tbe red nection is enga-ged in carrying out estate at its fair market value an u"ban renewd project known to Dubuque County in fuJfil!ment as the "Downtown U"ban Renew>al of the terms of the s'aid Ar-ticles Project, No. Iowa R.,¡¡¡" in an area of Agreement; now therefore loeated in the City of Dubuque; BE IT RESOLVEID BY THE and CITY COUNiCIL OF THE CITY WHEREAS, as of the d..te nf OF DOOUQUE, IOWA: the adoption of this ResolutiDn, Section 1. That the Mayor and tbere h... been prepared a,n Urban City Clerk ,be and they are hereby Renewal Plan for the Project con- authorized and directed to enter sisting of the Urban Renewal Plan into a Contract for the Sale of dated May, 1967, and a,pproved by Land fur Pwblic Redevelopment in the City Council of the City on accordance with the reg uiations May 18, 1967, by Resolution No. governing suClh sales with Dubuque 123-iJf1; and County of an undivided 7O.73l7 per- WHEREAS, a copy of the Urban cent in and to the reail estate Renewal Plan as con"tituted on known as North 57 feet of Reuse the date of Agreement has been Parcel 1 and all of Reuse Parcel recorded among the land records 2 in Block 3 of the Dountown Ur- for the p!a,ce in wbich the Project ban Renewal Project, Project No. Area is situated, n..mely, in the Iowa R-15, legally described as o£fiee of the Recorder of Dubuque An undivided 70.7317 percent in County, Iowa, in Book 295 of Mort- and to Lot 1, except the South galges, Pages :?J5 to 259; and 79 feet thereof, of Block 3 in WHEREAS, in order to enable DuJ¡uque Downtown Plaza in the <be City of DuJ¡uque to acbieve Cliy of Dubuque, Iowa. the objectives of the Urban Renew- Section 2. That said parcel of Special Session, June 11, 1973 ed and filed. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, MoJdenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. (Awarding Contract) RESOLUTION NO. 199-73 WHEREAS, sealed propos..ls have heen snhmitted by contrac- tor-s for the 1973 Asph..ltic Pa-ving Project No.1 University Avenue from the W.P.L. of McCormick Street to the E.P.L. of Gillian' Street. TOPICS Project No. T-73ó- 7c(3)-46-31l. pursuant to ResolutiOJ No. 100-73 and notice to bidders published ina new'9aper pUblished in said City on May 18, 1973 and May 25, 1973; and WHEREAS, oaid sealed propo oals were opened and re..d on June 7, 1973, and it has been determined <bat the bid of Mulgrew Blacktop Inc- of Dubuque, Iowa in the amount of $148,800.82 was the low est bid for the furnishing of aU labor and materials and perform, ing the work as provided for in the piano and specifications; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Cit Council of the City of Dubuqnc that the contract for the above mentioned improvement be award- ed to Mulgrew Blacktop Inc., 51 ject to Federal Highwa,y Adminis- tration approvti and the Man be and he is hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf the City of Dubuque for the com. plete performance of said work BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that upon the signing of said c tract and the approva~ of the con. tra,ctors bond the City Treasurer io authorized and instructed to reo turn the bid deposits of the ur suceesful bidders. Passed and adopted this 11th da;. of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thomo C. Robert Justmann Wayne A. Moldenhauer Councilmen 336 rea~ estate shall be sold for its fair mari<ct value computed at $2.5ð per square fuot- Passed, approved and adopted this 11th day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms W,ayne A. Moldenhauer Councilmen ATTEST: Leo F. Frommelt CITY CLERK Councilman Moldenhauer mO'Ved adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Thoms. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen I Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-Counciiman Jus t manu. proof of publlcation, eertifed to by the publisher, of Notice to Con- tractors of the receipt of propooals for the construction of b..lance of City of Dubuque 1973 Asphaltic Pa- ving Project No.1 University Ave- nue from W.P.L. of McCormick Street to E.P.L. of Gilliam Street, presented and read. Councilman Moldenhauer moved that the proof of publlcation be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. June 8, 1973 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Pursuant to your instructions, sealed proposals were received un- til 10:00 A.M., C.D.T. Thursday, June 7 1973 for the 1973 Asphaltic Paving Project No.1, University Avenue from the W.P.L. of Mc Cormick St. to the E.P.L. of Gil. liam Street. The lowest bid w..o entered by Mulgrew Blacktop Inc. of Dubuque, Iowa. Their bid was 7.61% above the Engineer's Eotimate. I recommend that the contract for the improvement be awarded to Mulgrew Blacktop Inc. Gilbert D. Chavenelle Oity Mana,ger Councilman Moldenhauer moved that the communication be receiv- Attest: Leo F. Frommeit City Cleri< Special Session, June 11, 1973 337 Councilman Moldenhauer moved adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, ThoIIh'l. NaYS-None. June 6, 1973 To the Honorabie Mayor and City Council I hereby submit the attached No.1 inclusive showing a scedule of the proposed valuations and as. sessments for the construction 0 the North Aigona Sanita-ry sewer 8 inch between University Avenue and Lora. Boulevard. Jobn L. White P.E. City Engineer Councilman Pregler moved ap- proval of the schedule. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Ma~or Bitter, Councilmen I Ju1>tmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 200-73 Approval of prellminary est i- mate, proposed plans, specifica- tio,,", form of contract, plat and all other documents for the con. struction of North Algona Sanitary Sewer 8 inch, Between University Avenue and Loras Boulevard, at an ...timated cost of $5,036.72, pre- sented and read. Councilman Preg- ler moved adoption of <be reso ¡ Seconded by Councilmen Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, MOldenhauer, Pregler. Tboms. NaY8>-None. (Necessity for Improvement) RESOLUTION NO. 201-73 WHE;-REAS, proposed plans, s!pe- cifications, fu~m of contract, plat and ochedule have been duly pre- pared and approved by tbe City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the o!fiœ of the City CIeri!: sliowing among other things the fullowing. 1. The boundries of the district, if any. 2. The size of kind of sewers. 3. Each lot proposed to ,be a-s- essed together with a vaIu..tion fixed by the council. 4. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stat- ing the same for, each difterent type of construction and kind of material to be used. 5. In each case the amount there- of which is eotimated to be ""sess- ed against each lot, for the North Algona Sanita,ry Sewer 8 inch - Between University Avenue and Lora-s Boule'Vard BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property owners, deems ;,¡ -ad\'iswble and necess-ary for the public walfare to make the herein mentioned im. provement, and unless property ow ners at the time of the final consid- eration of IIIili; proposed resolution have on file willi the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assessments, they sliall be deemed to ha'Ve waived all ob- jections thereto. Said improvements sliall be con- structed and done in accordance with the plans and speeificatio,," which ha-ve been prepared there- fore by tbe City Engineer which have been awroved by the City Counci!l and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and eJGPOnse of making said improve- ment wiU be assessed n¡>on and against all privately owned pro- perty lyin,g within assess-aWe dis- tance pro'Vided by law and in an amount not toexeeed the "'mount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts thereon or is adjacent thereto ac- cording to area and in proportion to the speciail benefits conferred therelhy, and any deficiency shaH be paid out of the seewer funds. Sewer Bonds shall be is-sued and sold in anticipation of deferred pay- ments of assessments when a eon- wact has been performed and ac- cepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the contractor. The raHway portion of any street or assessment di-otriet shall be assess- ed to and paid by the railway company. Tbe above resolution was intro- duced, approved and ordered plac- ed on file with the City Clerk tbis lith day of June 1973. 338 Special Session, June 11, 1973 Approved and placed on file fur final action. Appro'Ved Joseph J. Bitter ,Mayor. Walter A. Pregler Anan T. Tboms C. Robert Justmann Wayne A. Moldenhauer Councwmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved app- roval of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by 1Ibe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Naya-None. (Fixing Dote of Hearing) RESOLUTION No. 202.73 WHEREAS, the City Counei1 of the City of Dubuque, I<>wa, has by Resolution No. 200-73 given its preJiminary ¡¡,pproval on the pro. posed plans, specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for pubIdc inspection, for the NortIJ Aligona Sanitary Sewer 8 inch - between UnI'Versity Avenue and Lora~ BoUlievard and, WHEREAS, the proposcd Reso- lution of Necessity for said im- pro'Vement has been introduced and' is now on file in the City Clerl<'s oMice for public inspection, -BE IT THEREFORJE RESOLV. ED that on the 9th day of July 1973, a pubIdc hearing will be held at 7:30 o'c1ock P.M. ODT in the Council Chamlber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property subject to ..ssessment for <be proposed improvement may appear and make objection to the proposed plans and specmcations and proposed furm of contract and at the same time to the bound- aries of the proposed district, to the cost of bhe impro'Vement, to the amount _proposed to be assessed against any lot and to the passage of the proposed Resolution of Ne- cessity and the City Clerk be and he i.s hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing to be published in some newspaper published in the city of Dubuque, the last of which shall be not less than two (2) nor more than (4) weeks prior ~~-~- _W'" - to the day fixed for its considera. tion and unless property owners at the time of final con"ideration of s-aid resolution ha'Ve 00 file with the CIeri< objections to the amount of the proposed _essment, they shall have been deemed to have waived ali objections thereto, at wblc-h hearing the Council wiJJ hear such Objections and eIJlter on record its finai decision thereon. P,assed, adopted and approved this 11th day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Anan T. Tboms C. Robert Justmann Wayne A. Moldenhauer Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City CIeri< Councilman Pregler moved adO! >- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-M>ayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. NaY's-None. RESOLUTION No. 203.73 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cound[ of 1Ibe City of Dubuque, Iowa, th&t ,the WMowinig having complied with the prov;,;ions of law relating to the sale of Cigar. ettes within the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Cigarette<¡ and Cigarette P&pers within said City. Dennis A. Althaus, 1575 CeIlitral Avenue. Car N. Brant, 2600 Central A'Venue. Cand'iield Hotel, Inc., 36 West 14th Street. Linnie Dlillbar, 504 Central Avenue. D. B. Q. Inc., 4th & Locust Street. Dubuque Packing Company (Re- tail Store), 19th & Sycamore. Ramona Fettgather, 1103 Iowa Street. Lester & Marie Eicbhorn, 1725 Del. hi. LaVerne Felderman, 1889 Jackson Street. Tbeodore J. Ferring, 3185 East 13<1> Street. John F. Glynn, 760 EaJst letb street Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., 3æß Asbury Road. John J. Heiderseheit, 1278 Central Avenue. Special Session, June 11, 1973 Hartig Drug Company, 22nd & Cen- tral Avenue. Hartig Drug Company, 1st & Lo- cust Street. Har-tig Drug Company, 2255 J. F. Kennedy Road. Har-tig Drug Company, Town Clock Plaza. Donald IDes, 26eO University Ave. Due. Ernest J. Kretz, ai,st & ~al Avenue. Lucky Stores, Inc." 3049 Asbury street. Lucky Stores, Inc., 3033 Asbury Street. L~ Stores, Inc., 1800 Elm Street Lucky Stores, Inc., 200 S. Locust Street. Leonard Oil Company, 1387, Dodge Street. Montgomery Ward, 55Ii J. F. Ken- nedy Road. CyriJ N. Meitl, 1555 Oenllr.m A'Venue Nash Finch Company, 190 J. F. Kennedy Road. Riverside Bowl, Inc., 1860 Haw- -thome-Street. Joseph E. Reisdorf, 601 Rhomberg Avenue. Rainbo Oil Company; 1075 Dodge Street. I Paull W. Selholll1neyer, 176 Loeust Street. Allen C. Tressel, 2528 Central/we- nue. Doris J. Tigges., 2776 Jlackson Street. Mr. A. J. (Marita) Tran>, l266 Central Avenue. Walgreen Company, 555 J. F. Ken- nedy Road. Helen Weiner, 700 UIWverSiity A'Ve- nue. Martin C. WesteI1field 280 S. Locust Street. Martin C. & Es<ber H. Westerfield, 2175 Centra! Avenue. Eileen Wunder, 1046 Central Ave- nue. Welsh Enterp,rises, Inc., 620 S. Grand'View Avenue. Wareco Systems of Iowa, 700 Rhom ber,g Avenue. Miracle Car Wash, Inc., 255 Locust Street. Richard O'Ha~a, 70-Locu.t street Ruegnitz Drugs, 629 Rbomberg Ave nue. 339 ~-- Pa.sed" adopted, and - approved th;,; llbh day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor OC" R<>bert Jus-tmann WaIter A. pregler AJi.an T. TIIoms Wayne A. Moldeubauer Counc¡wen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt oCity Clerk Mayor. Bittel" lIl<Wed, a<!6ption - of the resolution" Seconded by , Coun- cilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yea's----Mayol" Bitter; Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO., 204.73 WHEREAS, applications for Beer permits have been submitted to this Couneil fur approval and the same have been examined; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, bhat the following applica- tions he granted and permits is- sued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of the City. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Welsh Enterprises-, Inc., 620 S. Grandview Avenue Patricia Ann Sutton, 2850 Burling. ton Street Passed, adopted and approved tbis 11th day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Ma,yor C, Robert. Justmann Walter A. Preg,ler AUan T. Tboms Wayne A. Moldenhauer Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Bitter moved adoption of tbe resolution: Seconded by Coun- cilman Pregler.' Carried by the followiug vote: Yeas----Mayor Bitter; Councilmen Justmaun, Moldenhauer, Pregler. Tboms. Nay;s~None. ReSOLUTION NO.. 205-73 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED WHEREAS, applications for Beer tl¡at tbe bonds med with the al>' permits werefi.led, by the wi>UIin plication be approved. named applicants and they 'have 340 Special Session, June 11, 1973 reeei'Ved the approval of tms Coun- ! Creslanes Bowling, Inc., 256 S. cil; and I Main Street WHEREAS, the premi.es to be : Joseph E. Reisdorf, 601 Rhomberg occupied by such applic..nœ were: Avenue inspected and fuund to comply with' Colleen M. Wallace, 24!l Main the ordinancœ of this City and Street they have filed proper bonds; Ramona Fettgather, 1103 Iowa NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- Street SOINED by the City Council of Passed adopted and approped the City of Dubuque,. Iowa, that this lIth' da,y of June, 1973. the Manager be authonzed to cau.. J h J B'tte to be issued to the fullowing named °:rep . 1 r applicants a Beer permit. ayor CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT C. Robert Justmann Welsl1 Enterprise¡, 1nc., 600 S. Walter A. Pregler Gr-andview Avenue Allan T. Thoms Patricia Ann Sutton, 2850 Burling. Wayne ~. Moldenhauer ton Street Attest: Counc1lmen BE IT FUR~R RESOLVE~ Leo F. Frommelt that the bonds filed by such apph- City Clerk cants be and the &ame are hereby approved. Mayor B!tter moved adoption of Passed, adopted and approved ~e resolution. Seconde.d by Coun- this 11th day of June, 1973. ei1ma,! Pregler. earned by the Joseph J. Bitter followmg vote: . . Mayor Yea5-Mayor B1tter, Councilmen C. Robert Justmann Juslmann, Moldenb..uer, Pregler. Wa,lter A. Pregler Thoms. Allan T. Thoms Nays-None. Wayne A. Moldenhauer RESOLUTION NO. 207.73 . Councilmen WHEREAS, applications fur Li. Attest. quor licensC5 were filed by the Leo. F. Frommelt within named applicants, and they CIty CIeri< have received the approval of this Mayor Bitter moved adoption of Council and the resolution. Seconde,d by Coon- WHEREAS, the premÎßes to be eilma,! Pregl~r. Carned by the occupied by such applicants were followmg vote.. . inspected and found to comply with Yea5-Mayor Bitter, CoUDeilmen the State Law and ali CIty ordi. Jnstmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, nances relevant thereto and they Thoms. bave filed proper bonds, Nays-None. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RK RESOLUTION NO. 206.73 SOLVED by the City Council of WHERJEAS. applications for Li- Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manage" quor licenses have been submitted be authorized to cause to be is. to this Council for approv-a! and sued to <be following named appli. the same hlWe been examined, ca,nts a Liquor license. NO WTHEREFORE BE IT RE. - CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) SOLV~ by tbe CIty Council of \ BEER LIQUOR LICENSE the City .of Dub,:,qu,~, Iowa, <bat Eileen Wunder 1046 Central Ave. the fuliowmg applications be grant. nue ' ~m~~~n~ce:.: ::~rr:i~f:: Cyril N. Meitl, 1565 Central Ave- IOWA LIQUOR OQNTROL ACT- nue CHAPTER l3l-as amended by the Creslanes Bowling, Inc., 255 S. 64th Gene~al Assembly, 1971. Main Street CLASS "c" (COMMERCIAL) Joseph E. Reisdorf, 601 Rhomberg BEER LIQUOR LICENSE I A'Venue Eileen Wunder, 1046 Central Ave- Colleen M. Wallace, 24!l Main nue I Street Cyril N. Meitl, 1555 Centra,l Ave. Ramona Fettgather, 1103 Iowa nue Street ,.:r; Special Session, June 11, 1973 341 Passed, adopted and approved Seconded by Councilman Pregler. this lIth day of June, 1973. Carried by the fullowing vote: Joseph J. Bitter Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Mayor Jus-tmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, C. Robert Justmann Tboms- Walter A. Pregler NaY5-None. Allan T. Thoms Leo F. Frommelt Wayne A. Moldenhauer CIty Clerk Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Olerk M..yor Bitter mo'Ved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Coun- cilman Pregler. Carried by <be following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Proof of Public-ation, certified to by the Publisher, of Notice to Con- tractors of Receipt of Proposals for \be construction of 1973 Con- crete Sidewalk Project, presented and read. Councilman Preg¡ler moved tbat the proof of publiea-tion be received and filed. Seconded by Councillman Th<>ms. Carried by the following vote: Yea5-Miayor Bitter, CouncHmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. Approved .................................. 1973 Adopted .................................... 1973 Councilmen Attest: City Clerk June 1:1, 1973 To the Honorable Mayor and the Oity Counci[ Re: 1973 Sidewalk Program This is to advise you that no proposals were recei'Ved for the subject program on Thwsday, June 7, 1973. The Engineering Department ha. reviewed the program with the plan holders and it is their recom. mendation the project be rebid. We are hopeful competilive bids wlll be received on the project. Gilbert D. Chavenelle ,CIty Manager Councilman Pregler moved ap- proval of the recommendation. Se- conded by Counci1man Thoms. Car- 11ied by tbe following vote: Yeas...,Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldeubauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. There being no further business Mayor Bitter moved to adjourn. Special Session, June 18, 1973 343 Special Session, June 18, 1973 of $3533.50, presented and read. Councilman, Pregler moved that the Manager be autb.ordzed to sign the agreement. Seconded hy Coun- cilman Thoms. Carrded by the fol- Tem Moldenbauer, Councilmen Preg~er, Thoms. Nay,s--'None. AJbsent - Mayor Bitter, Council- man Justmann. June 15, 1973 To the Honorable Mayor and City Conncil I submit to you an inventory of the 'lihrary of the Municipal Court; an inventory of the furni- ture and equipment and a list of construction and installation work items. I intend to submit this inventory to the County SuperVÌßors and re- que.t payment. May I ha'Ve your approval. Gilbert D. Ch..venelle City Manager Councilman Pregler moved to au- tborize the proposed sale and same be brought back to the Council befure final disposition. Seconded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by <be following vote: Yeas - Pre'¡ding Officer Pro Tern Moldenhauer, Councilmen Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent - Mayor Bitter, Council. men Justmann. June 14, 1973 To the Honorable M..yor and Members of the City Council. This is to advise you that I have approved the following bonds and -policies- ..nd desire to have your approval on s,..me. Sidewalk Construction Bonds Cletu. A. Nauman, Mid western C..su..lty & Surety Co. Bond No. 29248 . Tri-Sbate paW¡g Compa,ny, Mer- -chants M-ultuM Bonding Co. Bond No. 2536314. General Liability Policy M. F. Goerdt Construction Co. Bituminous Oasuailty Corp. Pol. #737022. Workmen's Compensation M. F. Goerdt Construction Co. Bituminous Insurance Compan- ies Policy No. WC 470392. Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager. Councilman Pregler moved that filing be a,pproved subjeet to ap- proval of the City Solicitor. Second- 342 ed by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: YelLS-Presiding Offieer Pro Tem Moldenhauer, Co u n cilmen Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent-Mayor Bitter, Council- man Jus,tmann. Notice of claim of Ra,y A. Roth, in the amount of $299.49, for car damage incurred as the result of a oity-owned street depa11tment truœ:erasmng into I»s car on June 7,1973, presented and read. Coun. cilman Pregler moved that the no. tice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the fullowing vote: Yeas-Presiding Officer Pro Tern Moldenhauer, Counci~men Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent-Mayor Bitter, C 0 u n- cilman Justmann. Notice of claim of John L. Fang- man, in the amount of $25.00, for expense incurred as, the result of the impoundment of a eat in er- ror presented and read. Council- man Pregler moved that the no- tice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilm..n Thoms. Carried by the foIIDwing vote: Yeas-Presiding officer Pro Tem Moldenhauer, Co u n cilmen Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent-Mayor Bitter, Co un. cilman Justmann. Counci1man Pregler <naveda,p- proval of the recommendation. Se- conded by Councilma-n Thoms. Car. ried by the following vote: Ye...,.....Presiding Officer Pro Tern Moldenhauer, Co u n eilmen Pregler, Thoms. Nays--'None. AJbsent-Mayor Bitter, C ou n - cilman Justmann. June 14, 1973 Honorable M-a,yor and-City Council On May 30, 1973, Josepb A. Beur- .ken. of 2835 MWiCátine Street filed claim for damages alleging a fall on West 28th from Davenport Street to Central Avenue on April 11, 1973 due to snow and icy con- dition of the street. I have made an "inveStigation of this matter and have examined the police report and find no 'ac- tionable negligence on the part of the City of Dubuque and therefore recommend denial of said claim. Original, claim.. returned, here. with. aTY COUNCIL I OFFICIAL Special session, June 18, 1973. Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.D. T.) Present - Councilmen Molden. hauer, Pregler, Thoms. City Mana. ger Gilbert D. Chavenelle. .m AbSent - Mayor Bitter, Council. man Justmann. (at roll call). Presiding Officer Pro Tem read the'ull and stated that ser'Vlee thereof had been duly made and this meeting is called fur the pur- pose of amending zoning Ordinance No. 3.34 by amending Article IV Subsection 2 (I) thereof to include the easterly 115' of Lot 760 in McDaniels Sub. to permit off street parking, and acting upon such oth- er business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the Council. Communication of State of Iowa Department of Environment..l Qua- lity approving sanitary and func- tional fe..tures for Hawkeye EJs- t..tes Notice #73-æW, 1438' of CIP Hawkeye Dri'Ve and Inwood A'Ve- nue, presented and read. Council. man Pregler moved that the com- munication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. C~~: ~ ~:e:::It:i~:::: Pro I Tern Moldenhauer, Councilmen Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. AJbseni - Mayor Bitter, Council- man Justmann. CommUDlÎcation of State of Iowa Department of Environmental Qua- lity issuing construction permit No. 73"114-8 Sanitary Sewer Exten'¡ons Improvement Plans, Phase 1 for Hawkeye Estates presented and read. Councilmen Pregler mo'Ved that the communication be receiv- ed and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thoms. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeæs - Presiding Officer Pro Tern Moldenhauer, Councilmen Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. AJbsent - Mayor Bitter, CouncH- man Justmann. Communication of Iowa State Highway Commission submitting a,greement for Primary Road Ex- tension Maintenance and operation to June 30, 1974, in the amount R. N. Russo City Attorney ADDENDUM: The date of tile claimant's fall wa,s preceded by an unusually se. vere snowfall commencing on A. pril 8, 1973 and ending on April 10, 1973. R. N. Russo Councilman Pregler mo'Ved ap- proval of the recommendation. Se. conded by Councilman Thoms. Car ried by the following vote: Presid- ing Office Pro Tem Moldenhauer, Councilmen Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent-M..yor Bitter, Co un. cilman Justmann. Mayor BLtter entered the Council Chamber at 7:45P.M. DOCK BOARD ORDINANCE NO. 2.73 An ordinace fixing and establish. ing wharfage, fees by the Board of -Dock commissioners of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, which shall be paid by lessees of waterfront pro- perty under the iurisdiction and control of the Board of Dock Com. missioner< of ,the City of Dubuque, Iowa, presented and read. -Councilman Moldenhauer móved tbatthe reading just had be eon- June 14, 1973 Honor>a,ble Mayor and City Council On June 8, 1973, Insurance Com. pany of North America filed claim for damages paid to Evelyn C. Wieland for Hartig Drug Co. and claiming that -.aid insurance com- pany was sur<>gated to Hartig's interests and demanded we settle s-aid claim. The alleged date of injury wa-s December 1$, 1972 and the' first notice thereof received by the City, if any, was dated May 7, 1973. The pu"portedelaim of Insur. a-nce Company of North America does not state a legal claim and accordingly, same should be de- nied. R. N. Russo City Attorney 344 Special Session, June 18, 1973 sidered the first reading of the goods herein used shall not in~ude Ordin3!nce. Seconded by Council- bulk lumber wbich sha,ll be con- m3!n Pregler. Carried by the ful- sidered bulk solids even though lowing vote: packaged in bundles, or any other Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen method of transportation. Moldenhauer, Pregler. (4) Five cents (5 cents) per ton Nays~uncilman Thoms. far the first 28,000 tons of grain Aibsent~Councilman JustmaDD. transferred to, or from, the leased Councilman Moldenhauer moved or subleased premises by water that the rule requiring an Ordi- transport..tion, ram tra,nsportation nance to be read on three separ..te or motor vebicle transportation. days be waived. Seconded by Coun- Four cents (4 cen,ts) per ton fur cilman Pregler. Carried by the the second 28,000 tons and three fullo'Ning vote: cents (3 cents) per ton for any Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen additional tonnage of grain trans- Moldenhauer, Pregler. ferred to, ar from, the le...ed or Nay.s~uncl1man Thoms. subleased premises by water trans- Absent-Councilman Justmann. port3!tion, rail transportation, or DOCK BOARD motor vehicle trans¡portation. Any ORDINANCE NO. 2.73 wharfage fees in connection wi<b AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND the shipment, receipts and transfer ESTABLISHING W1MRFAGE of gr3!in totalling wharfage fees E1EES BY THE BOARD OF of $5,000.00 per year, then the rates DOCK COMMISSIONE-RS OF far any tonnage in exc""s of said THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, 10- amount shall be 3!t rate of two WA, WIDCH SHALL BE PAID cents (2 cents) per ton. BY LESSEES OF W ATE R- Section 2. That the Secretary FRONT P,ROP-ERTY UNDER af the BOard af Dock Commis- 'l1HE JURISDICTION AND CON- sioners af the City af Dubuque, TROL OF THE BOARD OF fowa is hereby directed to cause DOCK COMMISSIONERS OF a certified copy of this Ordinance THE OITY OF DUBUQUE, 10- to be transmitted farthwith to the WA City Olerk and direct said Oity NOW THEREFORE BE IT OR- Oierk to cause said O~ance to DAINED BY 'l1HE BOARD OF be published oIliCe in a newspaper DOCK COMMISSIONERS OF THE af ,general circulation published in CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: the City of Dubuque, Iowa and Section 1. The Baard of Dock that a certified copy of this Ordi. Commissioners af the City of Du- n..nee be posted in .. conspicuous buque, Iowa do hereby fix and place in the offices of the BOard estab~sh fees and charges pay- of Dock Commissioners of the City æMe by ten3!nts or lessees of said of Dubuque, Iowa. BOard of Dock Commissianers of Pa..ed and adopted this 1I1<b day the City of Dubuque, Iowa for use af June 1973. of waterfront property wbich whar- WiNiam A. McEUbiney fage fees are as follows: Chariman (1) Two and one-<half cents (2 Leslie Furuseth cents) per ton of 2,000 pounds on F. J. Schreiber all bulk :Ruids received upon the Commissioners demised premises by water trans- ATI'EST' portation, rail ar motor transpor- Leslie Furuseth tation; or. any ather method of Secretary tr~~~:ti~:~ts (5 cents) per ton . The foregoing Wh..rfage Rate Or- of 2,000 pounds on all bulk solids dinance W3!S passed! adopted. and received upon the demised pre- approyed by the City Councll of mises by w..ter, rail or motor tran- the Clty of Dubuque, Iowa on the sportation; or any other method 18th day of June, 1973. of transportation. Joseph J. Bitter (3) Fifteen cents (15 cents) per Mayor ton of 2,000 pounds on all pael<..g- Walter A. Pregler ed goods received upon the de- Wayne A. MoIldenhauer mised premises by water, rail or C. Robert Justmann motor transportation (pael<aged Councilmen -""'" - Special Session, June 18, 1973 345 ATTEST: Leo F. Frommelt Oity Olerk Published officially in the Tele- graph-Herald Newsp,aper this 21st day of June 1973. Leo F. Frommelt CUy Clerk It. 6.21. Coundlman Moldenhauer moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the fullowing vote: Yeas~Mayor Bitter, Councillmen Moldeubauer, Pregler. Nays-Counci1man Thoms. Absent-Councl1man Justmann. Councilman Justmann entered the Council Cllamlber at 7:50 P.M. Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisher, of Notice of pub- lic hearing to ..mend Zoning Ordi- nance No. 3-ß4 by amending Ar- ticle IV, Section 2 (i) thereof a-s follows "Arti"le IV Section 2, (I) Off street parking within, tbe Ely. 1115' of Lot 760 in McDaniel's Sub- division, presented and read. No written objections were filed and no oral objectors were present in the Council Chamber at the time set for <be public hearing. CouIliCilman Moldeubauer moved tbat the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: I Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 31.72 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORJDINAINOE NO. 3-ß4 KNOWN AS 'l1HE "ZONING MAP k'\.N[) ZONæIIG ORDINACE OF THiE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA," BY AMENDING ARTICLE IV, SECTION 2, SUBSECTIDN (i) TlIEREOF TO INCLUDE CER- TAIN DESCRIBED REAL ES- TATE TO PERMIT 0 F F S'I1REET PARKING. said Ordinance having been pre- VlÎoU&!y presented ood read all: the Council meeting of April 23, 1973, subject to publie hearing, present- ed for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 31-73 An Ordinance Amending Ordin.nce No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Mep .nd Zoning Ordin.nce of the City of Dubuque, low.", by amend. ing Article IV, Section 2, Subsec- i tion (i) thereof to include certain described reel estate to permit off street parking, NOW THEREFORE BE IT OR. DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIiL OF THE CJTY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. Thall: Ordinance No. 3-ß4 known a-s the "Zoning Map and Zoning O~anee of the Oity of Dubuque, Iowa", be and the s,ame is hereby amended by amend ing Article IV, Section 2 (i) there- of as follows: "Article Iv. Section 2. (I) Off street parking within the follawing deseribed area: The ea.tel1ly one hundred fifteen feet of Lot 760 in McDaniel's Sub- division in libe City of Dubuque, Iowa." Section 2. That the furegoing Amendment has here-to-lore been approved -by libe Planning and Zon. ing Commission of the City of Du- buque, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted this Isth day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann Councilmen ATTEST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published offieiaJlly in The Tele- gr..ph-Her3!ld Newspaper tibis 21st day of June, 1973. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk It. 6-21 Counctlman MOldenhauer moved final adoption of the Ordin-ance Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldeubauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-NOne. Proof of Publication, certified to by the P1>blisher, of natice of pub- lic hearing to amend Zoning Ordi- nanee No. 3-ß4 by adding a new s1>bsection (k) to Section 1 of Ar- ticle VB Docal Business "B" Dis- trict for places commonly describ- ed as Adult Entertainment, pre- sented and reoo. No written objec- tions were filed and no oral ob- jectors were present in the Coun- 346 ell Cl>amber at the time set fur the hearing. Mayor Bitter moved that the proof, of pul¡lieation. be received , and' filed: Secanded by CouncHman Œ'IIoms. Can:je,L by. the, fullowing vote: Y\ea.....M1i)'Or; Bitter, Gouooilmen "Instmann, Mioldeol1auer,.' ,Pregler, . Thoms. - Nays-;.None. ORDINANCE' NO. 32.73 An. ordiltance emendin ancl-chong. ing Ordinance No. 3'-34, known a. the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of tho City of Dubuque, Iowa", so as'" to 1Idd. a neW' Subsection Ik) to'Section' 1 'of Article' VB Ie' cl.<IEy a prohibition on the' use ofcany' premises in a Lou. Busi. _s "B" District.for places com- monly described as adult, enter- tainment, said 'ordinance lia'Vingbeen' pre- ",iouoly' presented. and read at the Council meeting April 23, 1973, sub- ject to puWc hea~, presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 32-73 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND CHANGING ORDINANCE NO. 3~4 KNOWN AS THE ZON. ING ORDINANCE AND ZONING MAP OF, THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA", SO AS TO ADD A NEW' SUBSECTION (k) TO SECTION 1 OF ARTICLE VB TO CLARIFY A PROHIBITION ON THE USE OF ANY PRE- MISES IN A LOCAL BUSINESS "'B" DISTRICT FOR PliACES COMMONLY DESCRIBED AS ADULT ENTE,RTAlNMEm: NOW THEREFORE< BE IT OR- DAINIDD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE'.OJ)I'Y OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Sactio.. 1. ,That Ordinance- No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map aild: ZOning, Ordinanee of. the City of' Dubuque, Iowa" be and the same is hereby ..mended by adding a new subsection (k) to Section 1. of Article VB, Local Busineos "B" Distriet as fullows' ".Article vB Local Busdness 'B' Distriet Section 1. Use Regulations (k) Prolnlbited uses in this zon- ing' district shall include any place of "m,.,ement or entertain- ment or other ..."blisbment which place' or ...tablishment is principally engaged in the busi. Special Session, June 18; 1973 nes.s of sh<>wing or displaying any type of materia'ls:, including books, publications"moving pie- lUres; and"lbeatrieal performan- ees¡ whicb are, commouly'referr- ed to, deseribed or. advertised as 'adoIltentertalnment' or 'adult bookstore' bY' reallOIl of a pru- rient interest or sexuat connota- tion 1n1'II1Icb, m"tem:ls. Section 2. That lbe foregoing Amendment has .heretoim'e been appro'Ved ..by,the Pianmng and Zon- inIg.Gommòssiooof the..City"Ji Du- buque, Iowa. Passed, appmved, and ad<>pted this 18th. day, of June;.1973. " Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler MIan T.' Tbc>ms iWayn6 A.' MoIdoobauer C. Bobert. Justmann CøullXlÌll1len ATTEST: Leo, F. Frommelt City Gierk PuI>lished ofiiciJj [y in The Tele- gralph-Her1lld Newsp"per this Zlst day of June,I973. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk It. 6-21 Mayor Bitter. moved fina[adop- tion of the Ordinance Seconded by, ColUlcilman Thoms. Carried by lbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, . Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. An. ordinance, amending Ordi- nance No. ),34 known as the "ZOning Map and Zoning 0 r d i- nonce 'of the City of' Dubuqua, Iowa"; by amending article I V, Section 2 (h) thereof to include oertain described real, estate in which, professional. OfflC6 or stud. ios of a physician, dentist, archi- ,teet, engineer" lawyer. reeJtor, in. surance, musician or similar pro. fessions may be permitted, and further prescribing rules govern. ing tho. issuance of such special permits a. may be authorized by the Board of Adjustment, pursuant to finding and determination by tho City Council of the existence of a district having. bistorital and architectural significance, in' ec- cor<lence with Article IV. Section 2' (1), of, said Ordinance No. ),34, Pr..ented and read. .""" ~ Special Sessic:>n, June 18, 1973 M'ayor Bitter mO'Ved that the rea- lling just had been considered liIe first reading of the Ordinanee. Be. OOIlded ,by Çouncilman JUSlf¡maoo, Oarrlied by tile fOl\k;wing vote: Xeas-1\[ayorBitter, Councilmen JUI5tmaun'~!iIl", Thoms. Na~s-None. AJbstained ~QnCÜm¡'" Mol d - ,el!!lauer. Mayor Bitter moved thai Ibe rule I FO<¡uiring an Ordinance to lbe read ontbree separate day(s be walived. , Seconded by Cou<ld1man Just- maoo. Carried by the foll"wing , vote: Yea,s-May(}f' lliitter, Councilmen Justmann, ,Pregller, Tboms. Nays-None. Abstained~unniJm'an Mol d - enhauer. Mayor Bitter moved that a pub- låcheal'ling /be held on liIe Ordi. nance on July 16, 1973, in the CouneilChamber at .the Oity HaU and that the City Clerk be i"'truc- ted/Jo publish notice of the hearing in <be manner required .by la,w. Seconded byCouncHm'On Just- mann.Carried .bythe following .vote: Ye>as-Mayor Bi.tter, <Jouneilman Juotmann.Carried Iby the following vote: 'Yea.~Ma~or 'Bitter, Councilmen Justm..nn, Pregler, Th"ms. I Nays-one. Albstained-couneilman Mol d - eDJbauer. Petition of H.IR. W. AJssoclates requesting permi",¡on for a eurb- cut on J.'F. K. Road adjacent to Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of Block 2l in Key KnoI$s Sub., fol'Wam !'rom last meeting) preseDJtedand read. Councilman Thoms mOVed fur "'P- prowal of , ¡he petition. Motion Died forlaek of a second. Councilman .Pre¡ !er .moved that tile rules be suspended in order to let anyone present address lbe Council if they so desire. Seconded ,by Mayor Bit- ter. 'GA~riW.bylhe.fQ!Jowjng 'Vote: Ye¡¡s-Ma,yor B<tter, Councßmen Justmi!l!/l, lI{()ldß\ J¡,auer, Preg'ler, 11ho1DS. Nays-None. Attorney .Robert 'Bertsch addres- sed the .Council in bebaM of H.R.W. ~iA~s I?Oti1i!<JÐby stating that lbe N~ use of tile property Wo:uIld ibe '0 .¡t-<Jøwn restaurant Par)Din¡¡ 'iorOOeàr,s would be a- vaViable. J. F. K Road Is a com. mereial street. Councilman 'Preg'ler moved <bat lbe petition 'be tabl!!<iPOUdl¡,g J.F. K. road study l'OaJQIrt. Seconded by Counc.¡¡man Justma'nn. Vote on lI¡e mutiO:n .Was .as folloWlS: Yeas-CounciJmen .J¡¡,¡tmann. P~ler. Nays-Mayor Bitter, Ço1l!1cllman Moldenbauer, Thorn.. Motion Failed. ,Mayor Bitter moved that lbe pe- tition be referred /back .to the staff. Seconded by 'Cou.ncilm'an Jus t . mann. C...ried bytbe follOWing vote: YellS-Mayor Bitter, CoUfJdlmen Jus¡mal1D., MqIdenhauer, Pregler. Nays-Councilman '1100=. Petition of J. R.Goe<Iken, re- questing that the Ibu.sin.... OIWned and qpe".,tod by Mr. Leo FUrilong d-ib.. ,o.veI1bead Ð<>or Co. at 841 Kaofm-ann AJve. Ibe required to eea.e o,¡>erai!:iun as he has expanded beyO!1d his originail. ¡building in a residential area, presented and read. Councilm"" Pregl~ moved that the ,pei\itiQa> be referred to the 0iJty M""".ger and std. So- ,conded byCow¡ciæn"", Ju.stmann. ea..ried by the following vote: Yeas-M'ayor Blbter,CouDlCÜmen JUSltmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-one. Petition of Duane A. Deniinger, Chairman ofll{ayor'.s .Committee 00 emploYment of tbe 'handic~d requesting ,that Mns. Ðvelyn Vill;- Does £rom Ibe Gove.nor's Commit- tee on Ðmployment of fbe Hand!. c;WPed, be ¡prtvik>ged ,to SlPoot to tbeCounciI, at the n¡eeting of June 25, 1973, ~rding the O\jjectöve of Awareness D~, to be h<!li!l on June 26, 1973, presented an l ,read. M.yor Bitter <D!>ved that the Com- m!J1Jication be reeei,ved ,and flIed. Seconded by 'Councilman Pregler. Carried by lbe fulI<iw;ng .'Vote: Yelll<-Mayor ,Bi~r,Çoun<>iJlmen JILStmaoo, Moi<lenhau...,Pregller, Thoms. N"YS-None. I'etil:iQn Of Clem :!j:ayes request- ilJ€ va"a.tion of a ¡>OrtjQn of Æabow SWeet in !ellmon,t Addn., present- ed ànd read. :I!1.ayorBitter n¡owed that t/¡ > Petition .be referred to tl¡e City lIfallnger. Seconded by Co1l!1c!lman ~egler. Carried by t/¡ > fQl/QMng .vot<¡: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Co1l!1cilmen 347 348 Special Session, June 18, 1973 Justmann, M<Ildenbauer, Preg¡ler, Thoms. Nays-None. Petition ofRoma,e Inc. and Inns of Iowa requesting rewning of the recenllly annexed area to the west of the City from 8ing'le Famtl3> to Local BOOiness I>iIStriet "B" eias sifieation, presented .and l' e ad. CoU1>CÜman 'Pregler moved tilat the petition be referred to tile Plan- ning & Zoning CommÔJSsion. Second. ed by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the foUowiDg vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen MOlidenhauer,Pregler, Thoms. Nay~uncilman JUßtmann. Peti1ioo of 'Dubuque Insulai!:ing & Siding Co. requ...w.g permiæioo to instaM m..-quees at Miller Radio & TV located at lSOO Central Þ.'Ve- nue, presented and read. Council. man JUßtmann moved that <be pe- tition be referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission, Oily Man- ager, aty Solicitor to be consid- ered within <be context of an ex- panded sign Ordinance. Seconded by CounciI:manMoidenb'>üer. Car- ried by tbe following vote: Yea,s-Mayor Bitter, Councilman Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays~Nooe. Petillion of .Dubuque Imulating & Siding Co. requesting permWsioo to install a marquee at the Ten Pin Tap .at 601 Rhomber<g Ave., presented and read. Councilman Justmann moved tilat the petition be referred to the 'Planning & Zon. ing Commission, City Manager, City Solicitor ro be cousidered WIi- thin the eonteXJt of an expanded sign ordinance. Seconded by Coun- cilmen Moldenhauer. Carried by the folNowing vote: Ye..s-MayorBitter, Councilmen Justmann, M<Ildenhauer, Tboms. Nays-None. AWstained-Co"""ilman Pregler. Proof of Publication, certifiied to by tile 'Publisher, of notice of pubIÎIC he..l'ing on resolution 011' nec- essity fur pul:>lic i,mprovemenlts u- pon proposed plans and speeffí.œ- tions, for.m of contract and costs of improvemem, fur tbe west Ei- ghth Street .RetaJining WallReeoo- structloo 1979, presented and read. No written Objections were filed and no oral objectors were present in <be Council Chamber at tbe time set for the public hearing. "'~ Councilman Pregler moved that the proof 011' P"blieamon be received and filed. Seconded by CouncìlmOll1 Justmann. Carried by the fo~owing vote: Yeas-Miayor Biiltter, Cooncilmen Justmann,Moldenb..uer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. ('Necessity for Improvement) RESOLUTION NO. 167.73 WHEREAS, proposed pia...., spe- cifkations, and form of contract have 'been dUlly prepared and"",- pro'Ved by tile City Council of tile City of Dubuque, Iowa, and are now on file in the dOOice of the OityCierk sboWling among other things the foll<>WÙ1g: (l) The plOll1 of such improvement, (2) An es- tim"te of the coot of <be imiProve- ment, for the West Eighth Street Retaining W,all Reconstruction 1973 BIE !If 'l1HE~EFORE RESOLV- ED that the City Council on its own nwtion, deems iIt adw...bile and necess,ary fur the publk wel- fare to make the berein mentioned improvement, and umess property QlWners at tile time of tile final consideration of 1Ihis proposed re- solution ha'Ve on file with the City CIeri<, objeiotious to the amount of Ule cost 011' the improvement, they shall be deemed to bve wai- vedall objections thereto. S..id iaIlQJfOovementshall be con- struetedand done in aœordance With the plans and "",eciiicatioos which have been appro'Ved by the City Council and are now on file \\\tth the City CIeri<. That the cost and expense of making said im- provement 'be paid £rom Revenue Sharing Funds. The above resoIutioo was inliro- dueed, approved and oodered plac- ed on file with tile City Clerk this 141th day of May, 1973. A,pproved and placed 00 me for finM a,etion. Record of Final Adoption The foregoing resolution was fi- nally passed and adopted, .as pro- posed, by tile City Council this 18th day of June 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Ma,yor W.alter A. Pregler Allan T. Th<>ms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. RoiJert Justmann Councilmen Special Session, June 18, 1973 349 ATTEST: Leo F. F1rommelt ,City Clerk CoundlmOll1 Pregler movedadop- tion of the resolution. Secooded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by ,the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CouncÍilmen Ju.otma,un, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Proof of Publication, certified to by thepubldshers, of notice to Contra,etors of reee\pt of pro >(JiSa!s for the eonstrootion of W. 8th Steet Retaining wail reconstruction 1973, presented and read. Couneilm,an Pregler moved that the proof of publica,tion be received and filed. Seconded by Couneilinan J.ust- mann. Carried Iby the following vote: Yeas-Mayor 'Bitter, Counciimen Justmann, l\fuldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. June 15, 1973 To tile Honorable Mayor and City Counci[ Pu~su..nt to your instruction, seal ed _sa ,¡ were received until 10:00 A.M., Fri<l",y June 15, 1979, for 8th Street Reta.imng Wall Re- construction. The lowest hid was entered by Wm. Becker and Sons Stone Com- pany of Dubuque, Iowa. Their bid was 2.00 % over the Engineer's IDstimate. I recommend 'that .the contract for the improvement be aw>arded to Wm. Beclœr and Sons SOOne Company. Gilbert D. aha.veneUe City Manager Councilman Pregler moved ""'- prova\ of the recommendati<>n. Be. c<>nded by Councilman Jus.tmann. Carried by lbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counciimen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Ne:fs-None. (Awarding Contract) RESOLUTION NO. 208-73 WHEREAS, sealed p r 0 ¡> 0 sa~s ¡"'ve been ,submitted by contra,c- tors for the Wesii ~th Street Reta,ining Wall Recoœtruction 1973 pursuant to Res<llution No. 169-73 and notice to bidders published in a newsp"",er pnblished in said City on May 30, 1973 and June 6, 1973; and WHEREAS, said sealed propos- a,1s were opened and read on June 15, 1973, and it has .been deter- mined that the bid of Worn. Becker & Sons Stone Co. of Dubuque, Iowa in the ,amount of $40,883.87 was the lowest ,bid for the furnishing of all l..bur and materia'is and performing the work as pro'Vided for in the plans a.nd speeifiea'tions; now therefore, BE IT RESOLV,ED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the contract for <be aiJove mentioned im¡provemeut be "w.ar- ded to Wm. Becker & Sons Stone Co. and the Manager be and he is hereby directed to execDJte a contra,et on behalf of the Oity of Dubuque for the complete perfor- mance of said work. BE IT FURTHEIR HESOLVEiD, that upon the s;gmng of said con- tract and the awrovai of the coo- tractors bond <be City Trea.urer is authorized and instructed to re- turn the bid depœ.lts of <be unsuc- cussful 'bidders. Pa'ssed and adopted this 18th day of June, 1973. Josepb J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moidenhauer C. Robert Justmann Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt Oity Cle~k Councilman Preglier moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by CouncilmOll1 Justmann. Carried by the followling vote: Yeas-M'ayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Preg¡ler, Thoms. NaY's-None. Extract from the minutes of a Special meeting of the City COUll" cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, held on June 18, 1973. The following Resolution was in- troduced ¡by Joseph J. Bitter, read in full and .considered; seconded by Walter A. Pregler. On roll call the vote w"," Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbau- er, ,Pregler, Thoms. RESOLUTION NO. 209.73 Resolution adopting end approving the execution of a first emend- ment to the Grant Agreement for Project No. 9.13.020-7011, from the 350 Special Session, June 18, 1973 administrator of the Fede,-1rI Avla. I tion Administretlon, relating to fe. deral old- In' the development of the Dubuque Munic;pal AirpOrt. BE IT'RESOLVED BY THE cr- TYCOUNCIL OF '!'HE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Secti~n 1. That the City of Du- buque, Iowa, sbæll, for ihe pur- pose of making certain changes in ihe Grant Agreement for pro- ject No. 9-13-026-7011 wbich was accepted by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, on March 25, 1970, enter into a First Amendment to the said Grant Agreement witb ihe Administrator of the Federal A'Via' tioo Administration, and that 3ucb First Amendment to Grant Agree- ment shall be as set forth herem below under Section 3. Section 2. '11hat ihe AÌIlIlort Com- mission df t¡,., City of Dubuque, Iowa, acting through its officer or officers design,ated by it to so act, is hereby authorized and <Ii rected to execute ihe said First Amendment to Grant Agreemenl on behaH of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 3. That ihe First Amend- ment to Grant Agreement ",ferred to herein..bo'Ve shall be as follows: (Attachment) FIRST' AMENDMÉ1IIT fo GRANT AGREEMENT Dubuque MunloipaoJ Airport Dubuque, Iowa Project No. 9-13-020-7011 Contract No. DOT-FA-70-CE-5573 WlHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Adníinistration (hereinafter referr- i ed tiS as the "FAA"), has deter- níined that, in the interest of the United States, the Grant Agree- ment relating to the ahove-num- bered project between the FAA, acting for and on behalf of ihe United States, and the City or Du. buque; loWâ (hereinafter referred' to as the "Sponsor"), accepted by the Sponsor ótí October 1&; 1969, should ,be amended a. hereinafter provided, ¡jjjd WHEREAS, it has been deter- mined necessiar'y to revise the pro- ject description orthe development to be a'cM!I\l¡\llshed under this "rd- jeet so as to excludë tlIerefrom the item "rèmo'Vè oostruc'tiohs". NOW THEREroRE, WITNES- SETH, That in Conside'ration, of tlie be- nefiW to a<ICrue' to tlie parties here- to, the FAA, on the one part, and ihe Sponsor, on the other part, do herehy mutu..lly agree ihat ihe said Grant Agreement he and here. by is amended by: 1. Deietion from the scope and des.cription of the development as it appears on Page 1 of the Grant Agreement: removë obstructions. 2. Addition of a new numbered Paragraph 20 immediately fonow- ingParàgraph 19 on Page 6 of Part I, Offer, ss folloWS: 20. The Sponsor hereby covenants and agrees that on or before June 30, 1974 it will remove or cause to be removed, with or without Federal participation, obstructions in the SE approach' above an ima- ginary surfa,ce with a 34:1 slope commencing at a point 200 feet outward from, and at the same elevation as, the runway end. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th e parties hereto have caused this Fir.st Amendment to said Grant Agreement' to be duly executed as of ihe day of 1973. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRAl1ION By:" "..', Chief, Ai_rts Division Central Region OITY OF DUBUQUE, IO- WA DUBUQUE, IOWA By: Joseph J. Bitter Title: Mayor Attest: Title: " Mayor Bitter mo'Ved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Coun. cilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 210.73 BE IT RESoLVED by the City Council of the Gity' of DuhuQ\lè, Iowa, that the fdllowing' ha'Ving complied with the pr<>visldns of law "Hating' to the Sale of Ci- garettes within the City of Du- buque, Iowa, be granted' a permit to8till Gigarette.:. and-Cigæ-ëtte Papers within said City. Barkalow Bros. Newstand, 200 Main Street .,..".,.".~2.-""""---" Special Session, June 18, 1973 --- Rud. Y, Dittmar, 1646 As,bury Raod I Ralph J. Cremer, 731 Rhomberg Avenue Dubuque Golf & Country Club, 1800 Randall Place William, P. Fransen, 1900 Washiug- ton Stroot George R Hunt, 229 Eighth Town .Clock Plaza L..Verne Henuen, Asbury & Ken- nedy Road Holiday Oil Distr., Inc., Kennedy I & Penns.yIvania Avenue Holiday Oil Distr., Inc., 1401 Cen- tral Avenue HOliday Oil Distr., Inc., 400 Rhom- .berg Avenue Holiday Oil Distr., Inc., 605 Dòdge Street Holiday Oil Distr., Inc., 980 Dodge Street James J. Klauer, 1646 Asbury Road Kenuedy Mail Cinema, 555 J. F. Keunedy Road Kermit Meyers, 336 Main Street Vincent W. Mescher, 12æ Rhom- I berg Avenue National Tea Company, 2013 Cen- tral A'Venue Mathai. A Schneller, 2372 Central Avenue Raymond Tschiggfrie, 1190 Dodge Street Beeeller Co., Inc., 16111 Asbury Road Beecher Co., Inc., 2399 White Street Mary Kathryn Ford, 1027 Rbom- 'berg Avenue Jeanette M. Kroeger, 4&1 Rhom- I ¡berg Avenue Jo.seph Bell, 263 Main Street Daniel Bauer, 3511 Dòdge Street Edward A. Bailey, 1298 Main Street Dubuque Marina, Inc., New City Ha~l>or Dodge House Motel, 701 Dodge Street William Dunne, Jones & Locust Streets Elk's Clnh, 701 Locust Street Mrs. Adele Fens, 210 West 1st Street Donna Ginter, 342 Main Street Lew Gore, 2987 Jackson Street Anthooy Ha.beger & Gary Stewart, 9th & Central A'Venue Willi..m Hancock, 2205 Carter Road Duane KoeJier, 1701 Asbury Street The K-Mart, 2600 Dodge Piazs 20 James Kachevas, 665 Dòdge Street Jam... Lange, 2600 Dòdge Street Thelma Lens.tra, 4[0 Weot 8th Street 351 Catherine Lester, 1&12. Central Ave' nue James N. Majerus, 253'Main Street Nelson Norwood, Sr., Bunker Hill Golf Course William O'Neill, 55 Locust Street Michael F. Pusateri, 256(¡ Dodge Street Arthur W. Pins, 2600 J. F. Ken. nedy Road Louis A. Ring, 1185 Dodge Street Roshek's. Department Store, 555 J. F. Kennedy Road Rieharo J. Ring, 116 West 11th Street Randall's Foodarama, 2600 Dodge Street Plaza 20 Stampfer's Department Store, 8 Town Clock Plaza, Mrs. Rita SchueHer, Town Clock Pia"", Nesler Center Francis J. Shanahan, 25Ol Rhom- berg A'Venue John J. Steffen, 690 West Locust Street Bessie Sfikas, 926 Main Stret>t Pete Sfikas, 400. Central Avenue Shike Richardson, Inc., 1475 J. F. Kennedy Road Jack Sießœr, 1081 University Ave- nue Geo~e & Mary Lou Sorensen, 1105 University Avenue Brian J. Vincent, 33œ As b u'r y Street Colleen Wallace, 24û. Main Street Woolworth's Department Store, 555 J. F. Kennedy Mall Thomas Andresen, 1000 University Avenue Joseph Polfer, 2612 Dodge Street Earl Schumaclter, 2204 Central Avenue Carl Hirsch, 532 East 22nd Street Robert L. Beeker, 24û.8 Central Avenue Earl G. Corbett, 408 West Locust Street Melville E. Donovan, 1876 Central A'Venue Carl Hirseh, 532 East 22nd Street Mary G. KrelJU!r, 181'5 Unive1\<;i!y A'Venue Frank Schwind, 229'7 University Avenue Carl Van Duelman. 590 Clarke Drive William J. Baum, 3165 Central Ave. nue BE IT FURTHER R>ESOINEiD fJhat the !>onds filed with- .. ip¡hc..' tion be aþPtoved. 352 Special Session, June 18, 1973 Passed, adopted and awro'Ved : this 18th day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Ma.yor Wa1lter A. pregler AMan T. Thorns W..yne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City CIeri< Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councìlman Moldenhauer. Car- ried by the follO'Wing vote: Yea.s-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay~uneHman Jœtmann. RESOLUTION NO. 211.73 WHEREAS, applicatWns for li- quor licenses have been Sl1bimitted to this Council for awroval and the same b..ve been examined, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Councm of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, th..t the foli<Jwling awliK:ations be grant- edand licenses ;,g.sued upon the eoID >uance wtith the terms of the IOWA LIQUOR CONTROL ACT- <JHA,PTEiR l3l-as amended by lJhe 64th General Assembly, 1m. CLASS "C" )COMMERCIAL) BEER LIQUOR LICENSE Phi\;(> R. Love, 1701 Centr,al A'Ve- nue. Russel E. Myers, 1618 CenilJl'aI Ave- nue. Barney WIDenlborg, 1301 Rhomberg Avenue. P....ed, adaPted and "l\Pl"oved tbis 18th day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Wa~ter A. preg[er Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Mo'denllauer C. Robert Justmann Councilmen AttesIt: Leo F. ETomme1lt City Clerk CounC'ilman pregler maved adop- tion of the resolutioo. Seconded by Councilman Moldenllauer. Car- ried by the fo11owing vote: Yeas-Mayor BItter, Councilmen Justmann, MoJdenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 212.73 WHEREiAS, applications for li- ' quor licenses were fi1ed by the witihin named applie..nts and they h..ve received the awroval of this Council, and WHEREiAS, 1Ihe premises to be occupied by such awlicoots were iDS¡peeted and fuund to comply wtith the State L..wand ,all City ordi-- n_es relevant thereto and <bey have filed proper bonds, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the Oity Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Mooager be authorized.to cause to be issued to the following named "p¡plican15 a Liquor license. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEE.R LIQUOR LICENSE Philip R. Love, 1700. Oentl'al Ave- nue. Russell E. Myers, 1618 Central Aovenue. Barney WiMooborg, 1301 Rhombel1g Avenue. P,....ed, adopted and >a >prooved this 18th day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Preg[er Allan T. Thoms W..yne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert JuSltmann Counefulmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Ooooncilman Moldenhauer. ca,r- ried by the fuì1o'Ning vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jusil:mann, MoJdenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. M.ayor Bitter moved that the City M,anager ask the CiW¡ Defense Dir- ector along with the Dock Com- mï",ion to explore the idea of the Coast Guard heJp to patrol the Mi.oslissi:p,pi river. Seconded by Carried by the followint vote: Yeas-Ma.yor Bitter, Councilmen J""tmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Captain Goodh af the Sa'1'Vation Army which w..s sent to Representative Joe Clarl< in Des Moines, rel..tive to Olarl<'s recent ....ault on the work of our loc..l Civil Defense Director Mr. Ben O'Leary, was read by Cap- tain Goodh himself. Counei1man Mo1Klenbauer moved that the com- municatWn be received and filed. Special Session, June 18, 1973 Seoonded by Mayor Bitter. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen I Approved .................................. 1973 Jwstmam, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. ~~~'::. Thorn.s moved that I Adopted .................................... 1973 the sta!flf review !be O'Leary mat- ter and send a resolution backing Mr. O'Leary and refuting Repre- sen1Jati'Ve Olarl<'s charges to a leg- islative rommlittee studying the State of 10WIa 0i'Vt! Defense Sys- tem. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen I Jootmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. NaY5--'None. A represeuta.tive of the Union Carlbide Co. was introduced by City Engineer WlMte woo addressed !be Counei1 relative to setting up a pilot plant known as "Unox" me- = :o~~l b:e:=~ w~a~:::-. I Attest: ""ciïÿ'ci~~k"""""""""'" II construction of the S"""ge Plant to be run on a two month basis, at an estimated OOBt of $40,000. The City wouJd pa.y $8000. and Federal and State agCllcies to pay !be ba!lance. 'Councilman Justmann moved au- thori.a'tion of the Unox trea'lment process. Seconded by Councill11lOn Pregler. Carried by the fullaw- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CouneHmen I Justmann, MoJdenbauer, Pregler, Nays-Councilman Thoms. There being no furtber busin- Councilman Justmann maved to adjourn. Seconded by Councålman Pregler. Carried by lJhe following vote: Yeas~uneiImen Jus t mann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-Mayor Bitter, Councilman MOIidenhauer. Leo F. Frommelt Oity Clerk. 353 .......................................................... ......................................................... Councilmen 354 Speci¡¡lSe~&iou, Juue 22, 1973 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Special session, June 22, 1973. .Council 'met '" 4,45 'P.M. 'IC.D. T.) Present - Mayor Bitter, Council. . men Justmann, Moldenhauer, City Manager Gilbert D. Chavenelle. Absent - .Councilmen Preg. ler, Thoms. Mayor Bitter read the caN and stated that service there.of had been duly made and thia meeting is called fur the purpose of ad<>pt. ing a resolution of the City Coun- cil, Dubuque, Iowa, authorizing the chairman of the Airport Commis- ,sian to execute Amendment h> Grant Agreement, and acting UP- on such other business as may properly come before It regular meeting of th,e Council. RESOLUTION NO. 213.73 Resolution of the City Council, Du. buque, Iowa, authorizing the chair. . man of the Airport Commission h> execute Amendment h> Grant Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE. SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF DUBUQUE. lOW<\.: Section 1. Tbat amendment to Grant Agreement No. 9-13-020-7011 to provide fur "'" increase in the gr..nt for the Dwbuque Municipal Airport in the 'amount of $3,300. be and the same is hereby ap- proved, and the chairman of the Airport Commission of the Cif;}' of Dubuque, Iowa be and he is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute said amend- mem to GramJ! Agreement for and in behaJf of the Oity .of Dubuque, Iowa, and to do any Itnd all other things neceaaary and incidental thereto. Section 2. Tbat the city clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certifiOO copy hereof to the Du- buque AIrport Commission furth- with. Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Juatmann Councilmen Attest: L""F.FroQW1elt Oif;}' Cieri< ,Mayor l!:itÌ r ,move,d adoption of the resolution. Seconded bY Coun- cilman Moldenhauer.CarJjed by Ute '{QII.owjngvote: Ye.........Mayor 'Bitter, Councilmeu MoJdonhauer, Justmann. 'Nays--None. M~ent - Co1 1leilmen Preg- ler, 'I'/l.oms. 'Extraat from the minutes of a .Special meeting.pf the City Council pf tþ,eCitY of ,Duh K UO, Iowa, held pn ,June 22. ,1973. Tbe fullowing Resoluti,UII was in- tr.oduced by Josepþ J. Bitter, read in fIlII and con~i!lered; sec.onded by Wayne A. MoideIlhauer. on r.oll ,call the vote ...... ¡Mayor Joseph J. ,Bitter, CoUIlcilmen C. Robert J.wmann, WIlJll1.e .A. ,)\IoldenJ¡;¡uer. RESOLUTtOI)l NO. 213.13 ~esalutipn a.dopting and aPProving the ,execution of a Second .Amend. mant h> the !>ront Agreement for Pr.aiect No. 943-020.7011, from the administrah>r .of ,the Federal Avia- tion Administration, relating h> fe. .deral aid in the develoPment of the Dubuque Municipal Airport. JlE IT BES,OLVED BY THJ;: CI, TY ÇQUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the City ()f Du- I¡uque, I.o<wa, stutll, ,fur' the pur. p()Se of making certltin ehange.s in the Gra"t Agreement for Pr() ject No. 9.13-020-7Œ!.1 .which was . acc;epted />y .tIIe Ci\y qf DulJuque, Iowa, on 0e1l!ber 16,J9ÇQ,enter into a Second Amendment to the ¡¡ai,d Grant ,¡\greelU'mt with tbe Admimstrator õf the Federal Avia. tion AdßlÌ!ÙlJtratioA,..Jld',th.at such Second Amendment To Grant AgreeIllent sh!lll ,lie as set forth hereinbel()w Jlf!d~ Section 3. Section 2. Th..t the Airport C()m. mission of the Oity of Dubuque, Iowa, acting through its officer ()r officers designated by it to so ad, is hereby authorized and di, rected to execute the said Second Amendment to Grant Agreement on behalf of the City of Dubuque, l.owa. Section 3. Tbat the Second Amendment to Grant Agreement referred to hereinabove shall be a. follows: (Attachment) Special Session, June 22, 1973 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen FEDERAL AVIATION Justmann, Moldenbauer. ADMINISTRATION Nays-None. WASHINGTON 25 Absent - Councilmen Preg. Contract No. DOT-FA-70.0E-5573 lor, Tb()ms. Dwbuque Municipa.l AIrport Leo F. Frommelt Dubuque, Iowa City Clerk Amendment No.2 to Grant Agreement for Project No. 9-13- 1J2O..700.l., I Approved .................................. 1973 WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administrati()n (hereinafter referr, ed to as the "FAA") has. deter- I Adopted .................................... 1973 mined it to be in the iutereat of the United States that the Grant Agreement between the FAA, act- ing for and on behalf of the United States, and Ibe City ()f Dubuque, Iowa (hereinafter referred to a the "Sponsor"), aeeepted by said Sponsor on the 16th da,y of Oct.ober 1009, be amended a. hereinafter provided. I NOW THEREFORE, WITNES- SETH: Tbat in consideration of the be, nefits to accrue to the parties her., to, the FAA on behalf of the United """"""""""c~;;;;~iÏ;;;~~""""""""'" States, on the one part, and the Sponsor, on Ibe other part, do here, by mutually agree that the maxi-¡ Attest: .................................................. mum amount ()f the obligation- of City Clerk. the United States ..a set forth io paragra,ph 1 of the terms and con- ditiono of the Grant Agreement between the United States and the Sponsor, accepted by said Spon,or .on the 16th day of October, 1969 relating to Dubuque Municipal AIr, port; Project No. 9-13-020-7011, is I hereby increased from $126,718.00 to $13i1,020.:!2. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to said Grant Agree. ment to he duly executed as of the . day of ","" , 19 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION By William C. Knoopfle Title Chief, Airports Di- Vision City of Dubuque, Iowa By,. Title 355 Attest: Title. "" """"", "" Tbere being n.o further business. Mayor Bitter moved to adjourn. I Seconded by Councilman M()lden. hauer. Carried by the f.olJowing i ~te: I 356 Special Session, June 25, 1973 CITY oÇF~~NCIL i Special session, June 25, 1973. i Council met et 7:30 P.M. (C.D. T.) Present-Mayor Bitter, Council. men Justmann, Molclenho,..r, Pregler, Thoms. City Mana- Gil- bert D. Chovenelle. Mayor Bitter read the call and stated that service thereof h a' d been dtrly made and this meeting is cailed for the purpose of con- siclering the city's projection of use of its first half incrament for 1973 Revenue sharing in the a- mount of $538,510, and aclJing upon sucl1 <ltber _.... as ma~ pro- perly come 'before a regular meet. ing of the Council. Commun.iJcation of PoIliœ Cbiel Robert O'<BI'Iien requesting an op- >(}rtunlity to ha.'Ve a Dulbuque Po- lice Eoq>lorer member recei'Ve IDS Eagle Badge £rom the Mayor. May. <>r Bitter moved that the communi- cation be received and Wed. Se- conded by Councilman Ju.otmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nayo¡-None. The Mayor presented Mr. Da.vid Grassel of Easlt Dubuque witb an Ea~e Badge. Mrs. V¡,¡¡m"" from the Gover- nor's CoJDJIlis,.ion for the handi- œp¡pped addressed the Council a- bout handipelapped A",areness Day. Sbe reminded the Council to be res >(}""ive to eonstruetion of buil- dings and provide for convenience therein for the handicapped. Take a look at the Building Code and the buüldiings sbotrld be designed to acromodate those that ha'Ve a dis,ability problem. Mayor _er announced the fol- lowing apq>ointments: Mrs. <Jhand- ler Kraus, Alan Spensley and Tho- ma. E. Graham for three yoor terms to the Advisory Commis- sion; Mrs. Marilyn Willrin.son and M.ary Lou Mortensen to the Youth SerVlices Bm'eau. Councilman M<il- denhauer moved ratification of the appointments. Seconded by Coun- cilman Preg¡ler. Carried by the following 'VOte: Yeas-M.ayor Bitter, Councitmen Ju.stmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Noays-NollC. Communication of Delos Dorwei- ler stating that he has received a n"tiee to cut the weeds on œ property at Carter & Kennedy Road but is objectIDg because he considers j¡j a growth of clover se~ving the purpose of not w""h- ing mud on J.'F.K. presented and rea,d. Councilman Pregler moved \bat the communication be reo"i,,- ed and fi.led. Seoonded by Mayor Bitter. CaiI'ried by the following vote: Yea.s-M..yor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. Communic..tion of Dub uque Boa.rd of Rea~tors submitting a resolution urging tbe citizens to vote on the bus referendum and the management of the b"" syo¡tem be placed in the hands of . small but select Commi..ion, presellllied and rea,d. Mayor Bitter moved that the commumca.tion be received ami med and referred to the bus file. Seconded by Councilman Molden. hauer. Carded by the foillowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bótter, CounciLmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Preg'ler, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of League of Wo- men Voters urging that a formal anne"ation policy be adopted by the City, for orderly growth and development, presented and read. Councìlman Thoms moved .that the communication be referred to the Planning & Zomng Commissi"n and request a review of annexation as found in the Gruen reporl and reporl back to the Council at tile ea~liest ¡>ossOble d.te. Seconded by Coundlman Mo.ldenbauer. Carried by the fullowing vote: Yeas-M..yor Bitter, Councilmen MoldeDbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-Councillman J u 's t mann. Communication of Maurice Re- nier shOM'ling concern about the p.rting that will be ..vailable for the proposed Em¡>loymeDJt Bureau Buiilding in the Urban Renewal area at 5th & 1<J!WIa', presented and read. Councilman Mdldenhauer mo ved that the communication be referred ,to the U11ban Renewal DIr- ector and the City M'an'ager. Se- Special Session, June 25, 1973 conded by Councilman Pregler. Ca- rried by the foUowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenh'auer, Pregler, Thoms. Na)'s-None. Communication of Mrs. Lor a s Tutbill "f 780 Kil'kl\Vood St. Object- ing to the dog ordinance and its present enforcement, pre sented and read. M'ayor Bitter mo'Ved that the communication be referred to tbe City M.anager ..nd staff. Se- conded .by Counchlman Pregler. Ca- rried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Ma~or Bitter, Councilmen Jnstmann. Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. N..ys-None. June 20, 1973 To the Hono"wble Mayor and City Council I submit <be OOOicia! State Au- ditor's Report of .the records of the City for the yea,r 1972. Mr. Heitzman bs additional cop- ies of the report a"alÎliwble. Gilbert D. Oha'Venelle City M.auager Couooilman Justmann moved tbat the report be received and filed. Seconded by CounciLman Mol- Iñ>nhauer. Ca<,~ied by the following vote: Yews-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jus,tmann, Moldooh>auer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. June 20, 1973 To tile Honorable Mayor and City Council I herew1th submit the repol'ts of the Oity Auditor, Oity TireJasurer, Water S~DJtendent, HeaW1 De. partment, as we!ll as a llist of claims paJid, for the month May 1973. Gh1bert D. CbavClllelle Cilõ' Manager Mayor Bitter moved .that the re- ports be received anf filed. Se- conded by Councilman Pregler. Ca. "ied by the fullowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, 11ho.ms. June 21, 1973 The Honor"ble Mayor and City Council Re: 1973 Revenue ShaMg, 1st Half Increment We are required by the Office of Revenue ShaMg to project how the City of Dubuque may use its, 1st half increment for 1973 of re- venue sharing. Our share for this entitlement period totals $538,510. We are also required to pnblisb a copy of the report form for the information of the citizens of Dubuque. We have prepared the required report using the budget requests received from our department heads for 1974. We wish to stres, that this report by its nature doe. not bind us at this time to the pmposed list, but does satisfy the Office of Revenue ShaMg and eon. tinues our qualification for revenue sharing funds. An extension of the deadline for filing this re >(}rt was granted b us so that we could discuss the conten.ts with You prior fJo pnhlica- tion and maiJing. We have prepared the report sti- pulating the following >(}ssible uses: Mass Transit, Bus Operations de. ficit, $250,000. Low Rent Housing, Supplement Program, $75,000. Traffic Signalization, Schools, $30,000. Municipal Airport, Security and Crash Rescue, $30,000. City Hall Improvements, $110,000. Financial Operating Reserve, $43,510. Total Funds, $538,510. We ask that you authorize the City Clerk to pnhlish this re >(}rt and the City Manager to fo~ard this report to the Office of Re. venue Sharing. Thank yOU. -Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Some objection 'was encountered as to the "Greenhouse expansion" item. Item 19 Recreation Culture on the official notice Was trans, ferred to Item 10, multi purpose and General Gov't Capita! I m- provement item. Counei1man Preg ler moved appmval of the recom, men dation as amended. Seconded by Councilman Moldenbauer. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter,Councllmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. NaYS-None. June 22, 1973 To the Honorable Mayor and City Counei1 I .m returning to you the petition of Elmer lfiJken and others regard- 357 358 Special Session, June 25, 1973 ing a curl> cut on 32nd Street Nays-None. at the Flexsteel Company paNing Communication of Uriban Re- lot. newal Director submitting a copy Attached is a copy of a letter of Bicentennial Community appli, from M'r. White indicating that the cation for the City of Duhuque, curb cut has been gr..nted. Iowa FIve Flags Center, in obser. Gilbert D. Cha'Venelle vance and commemoration of the City Manager 200th Auniversary of the U.S.A., Mayor Bitter moved th..t the presented ..nd read. Mayor Bitter communication be received and moved that the communication be filed. Seconded by Councilman received and filed. Seconded by Pregler. Carried by the following Councilman Pregler. Carried by vote: the following vote: YeaB---'Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Ye..s-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Thoms. Nay.s-None. Nay,s-None. June 19, 1973 June 15, Ul'/3 Honorable M..yor and Honorable M'ayor and City Council Members. of the City 'Council On September 29, 1972, Steven Attached is .. copy of a letter E. Bahi of 3126 Brnnswiek filed from Mr. Robert C. Wahlert about ctOlim ..gainst the Oity of Dubuque a police pursuit case on June 14th. in the total ..mount of $99.66 for The letter will be presented for damages to his c...r aNegodly occur. your consideration at next Council ing on September 15, 1972 while meeting. on Daov>s Street, claiming th..t Chief O'Brien talked to me about there were long, deep d&tches tbe incident and Mr. Wahlert's let. therein that were caused by .a ter. wa'shout. FIrst, Ohlef reported that ve I h,.ve made an inve.otigation hides of the State Highway Patrol, of tis matter and find <b..t what. the County Sheriff and the City ever alleged defect eXiisted was of Dubuque were involved. caused by an exee¡ptioua'lly heavy Second, the Dubuque Police De. rainfall immed<ately prior to the partment did conduct a critique accident, and, aeeordingJy, I find of the event and City Police ve- no aetionaIJle negligence on the hicles did pursue ..nd broke off part of the City of Dubuque IIiI1d from the pursuit because of dan. therefore recommend thail s aid gerous conditions although the oth- claim be denied. er vehieles conotinued the abase. Original claim is returned here- Third, the City Police Depart, with. ment does ha'Ve a policy in re, gards to higù speed pursuit. The policy is a part of police instruc- tion. I am attaching a copy of the order. Fourth, Chief O'Brien is contact- ing the Sheriff and the St..te High way Patrol so that their pursuit operatioIJ<l in the City will be car- ried out willi consideration of the situation. Githert D. Ch..venelle City Manager M..yorBitter moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager and Police Depart- ment and the information sent to Mr. Wahlert. Seconded by Council- man Moldenbauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, MoIdenl>auer, Pregler, Tboms. ..." ~. R. N. Russ<> City Attorney M'ayor Bitter moved approval of the recommendaüon. Seconded by Councilman Mold-uer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na}1s-None. June 19, 1973 Honorable Mayor and City Council On March 3(), 1973, Herbert C. Goedken of 1147 K..nfm..n A'Venue, filed claim ag""",t the City of Dubuque in the sum of $441.96 ..s damag"" by reason of broken storm and sanitary sewers. This claimam was referred to the City by way of suggeolion to file a claim from the en,gineering dCll"'rtmeIJit. I ha.ve reviewed the repor:t of Special Session, June 25, 1973 359 the City En.g;neer, dated February 7, 1973 to the City Manager and on the basis of the findings and conclU,<¡j,ons therein stated, it is my opln1onthat Db actionable ne- gligence Lies ,.g.OIins,t the aty of Dubuque and recommend said c.Jaim be denied. Original claim is returned here- with. # R. N. Russo City Mtomey Ma,yor Bitter moved appro'Va'l of the recommendation. Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. C...ried by the following vote: Yeas-M.ayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, MoJKIenbauer, Pregler, Thmn.. NaYs-None. June 15, 197G Honorable M'ayor and OiIty Council On the February 4, 1972, Robert P. Bisanz of 1670 ASbury Street filed a c.Jaim in the amount of $35.00 claiming damages to his ve- hicle a.s the rnsu'lt of strtkiing an open manhole coover at 1816 Cox Street on December 20, 19711. I have made an investigation of tbis ma~ter and I consulted wlt!:t <be Street Departmel1lt staff who ba"e advised me that their records sibow that on the 1m. the City was notified of some aJIleged defect on that manhole cover and a bomeade was pIaeed on ...me and there..tter on the 20th of De- cember said maniho1e cover was ~aired. In view of the foregoing, it is the recommendation of the City A,ttorney that said claim be demed I as .there is no ..ooonable ne¡ !igooee on the pa.m of the City of Dubuque. Origtool elatm is returned here- with. R. N. Russo City Attorney Ma,yor Bitter moved approval of the recommenda.tion. Seconded by CouDlCi'lman Moldenhauer. ea,rried by the following vote: Yc..s-Mayor Bitter, CouneHmen Justmann, Màldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-Nooe. June 15, 1973 Hono~..ble Mayor and City CotLD<:il On January 24, 1972, Mrs. M'arian F1ischer of 694 WeSll:5th filed ~alm, clatmdng that the emb and walk abutting her premises we.., broken and ctaeked and wa's caused by the eleanlDg of snow from FíIfth Street. Thereafter, the matter was refer- red to Mæ. George Zugeoouebler, City sidewalk inspector, who made arr..ngemen.. fur the City to re- pair the curb and wa~ and to bill Sa fron for the s..me "'the damage was caused by one John Saffron WIbile he was plOlWing fur the city. Since this matter hl>s been s,atis. f...tomy concluded, I recommend th,.t sOlid claim be denied. R. N.Ru,"", City Attorney Mayor Bitter moved "-,oV>a1 of the recommendation. Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried by \lb.e following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counclftmen Justmann, MoJKIenbauer, P.-egler, Tboms. Nays-NoDe. June 22, 1973 Honorable M'ayor and City Counlcfl On July 29, 1971, Federated In- sur.ance Companies tiled claim a" ga.inst the Oity claiming thail they had to pay a 108. to one Jobu and ALiee Duooin! fur 1050 ü>at GœUl1fed on May 3, 197!1 as \lb.e result of a backup of raw sewage. This matter was referred to the City Attomey who referred the ma- tter to the appropriate City Agency and therea~er; said ,.geney on J'a- nuary 28, 1972 denied sam claim; ..nd accordingly, tt is the recom- mendation of the City Attorney tha,t sOlid claim be denied. Origlna'l claim is returned here- with. Respecti!fu1ly submitted, R. N. RU&50 City Attorney Mayor Bi,tter moved appl'OVlal of the recommendation. Seconded by Couneillman MoldeI>l>auer, Pregler, Tho IDS . Yeas-M'ayorBitter, Councilmen Juotmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na.ys---None. June :!I;, 1973 Honoræble Mayor and City Couneil On June 18, 197,1, Lyooo Susan Broessel commenced an action a" gains< tbeCity of Dubuque, Iowa and Mu ,g¡rew BlacktoP lneorpor- ated claiming damg,g.. in lI1e a- mount of $5,000.00 for persOOllÙ in- juries a.] egodly sUIMered on the 17th day of A¡¡m!l 19711 on the aouth 360 Special Session, June 25, 1973 side of West Third Street betlween the 500 and 600 blocks ela.,ning a defective condition at s..id street which caused her fall and in wbich she suffered a firaeture ad' the fifth metatarsol of the right fuot. Appropriate defenses were en- tered thereto and this matter was scheduled fOIl' triall before a jury in the Dis,trict Court of Dulbuque County, Iowa commencing on June 25, 1973 and prior thereto the plainlti:fif made an <>£fer of settle- ment in bbe ..mount of $500.00 of which amount the City has agreed to pay $350.00 and the Mulgrew Blacktop Incorporated has a.greed to pay $t50.00 and that s,aid offer of settlement should be approved and accepted, and that the Ci!õ' Auditor be instructed to dr.a.. war- rant payahleto Lynea Susan Braes- sel in the amouDJt of $350.00 and draw warrant pay..hle to the Clerk of Distriot Cowt of Dwhuque Coun- ty, Iowa in the amounil of $27.00 and to trnnsmit s,ame to the City attorney for demvery ,,"pon receÏ¡plt of duly executed releases, p a, y- ment of costs and Dismissal wi.th Prejudice. Original notice with pe- tition ..ttached is enclosed here- with. R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Tboms moved ap- proval of the recommend..tion. So- condedby Councilman Pregler. Ca- rried by the 1IoIlowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counctlmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. Notice of claim of Margaret V. Schiel, in the amount of $219.08, for car damage incurred as the result of being struck by a city- owned truck on June 20, 1973, pre- sented and read. Mayor Bit t e r moved that the claim be referred to the Oity Attorney for proper action. Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. Notice of claim of Peter B. W..g- I ner, in tne amount of $151.62, for I ear damage incurred as the result of being struck by a city-owned truck on June 19, 1973, presented wd read. Mayor Bitter moved that the c'!aim be referred to the City Attorney fur proper action. Second- ed by Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Notice of cl"im of Francis G, Bries, in the amount of $100., for damage incurred as the result of a backed-up sewer at 38iJ College Street, presented and read. Mayor Bitter moved that the claim b: referred to the City Attorney for proper action. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moldenhauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler. Tboms. Nays-None. Petition of lJIoyd Lulbbers of 290 Southern Arve. fur penn..';"" to pour concrete from the existing waDr to be four inches lrigher than the present sidewa.Dr, presented and read. Councilman Pregler moved that the petition be referred to Ihe City Engineer. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. C..rried by the fol- lowing vote: Ye..s-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler. Tboms. Nays-None. Petition of Dubuque Downtown Ass'n. requesting permission te conduct their annual Crazy Days sidewalk s.ale on July 131h and 14th within <be Town Clock Plaza, presented and read. Mayor Bitter moved that the petition be ap. proved and referred to the Mana- ger. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. June 21, 1973 Honorable Mayor Josepb J. Bitter and Members of the City Council As you know, I have been ne gotiating witn the City of Dubuque for the purch"se of property the urban renewal area, and the property was put up for bids an' advertised in the paper, and 1 was the only bidder. I closed the sare with the City of Dulbuque on February 19, 1973, Special Session, June 25, 1973 and was deeded Lot 1 of Block Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler 7, Lot 4 of Block 6 and the souther Tboms. ly 65 feet of Lot 1 of Block 6 Nays-None. in "Dubuque Downtown Plaza". Mr. Charues Sclherrer, Preslidenil This property w..s deeded to me of Canfield Hotel Inc. addressed by a Quit Olaim Deed sig¡ned by the Council relative to the en. the Mayor and City Clerk. croaehment of eight and t h l' I have since discovered that quarters inches upon his propert., there is a wall that encroaches which was constructed by the own 8% inches onto the soulherly boun- er of pmperty to Ihe soutb. He dary line of my property described stated that when he purchased te, as Lot 4 of Block 6 which wall property from Urban Renewal h has been constructed' by the pro- had no way of knowing that a perty owner to the south of me. wall would encroach upon his pro- I am enclosing a copy of the plat perty. for your eumination, 80 that you RESOLUTION NO. 214.13 can determine from examining It WHEREAS on May 30 1973 the that there was no way that I could Honorable William C.' Hanson, know when I purchased the pro- Judge, and the Honorable Edward perty th~t there would be a wall J. McManus, Chief Judge, of tho encroaching on the property. United States District Court en. I have appro"ched various city tered an order on said date in officials about selling a portion the Matter of the Transfer of the of the south side of my lot 4 Division Office of the Clerk at of Block 6, and obt..ining from Dubuque, Iowa ordering that al tbe City of Dubuque a strip the the close of business on June 29, same size to the north, so as to 1973 the division"l office of the maintain 65 feet. I have proposed Clerk of the United States District Ihat I would sell the encmached Court at Dubuque, Iowa sball be area to Karrigan's Restaurant fo closed and the position and offi a fair price, and would purchase cial duty station of Ihe Deputy an equal sized lot on the other Clerk in said city shall be trans- side of lot 4 for the same price, ferred to the Headquarters Office In deSiparatiou, I IIO'W turn to of the Clerk at Cedar Rapids, 10- you, as I feel that having pur. wa; and . . . chased pmperty from you at WHEREAS, the divISlonal office considerable expense I am entitled of the United States District Court to receive property' which is not of Iowa located in the City o' encroached upon by a 25 foot bigh Dubuque, Iowa is <be oldest office wall. I respectfully request tho' in point of time in the State of you look into my difficulty and Iowa; and . . a,$ord me Ihe relief to Which I WHEREAS, the closlDg of saId feel I am entitled. divisional office would work a dis Canfield Hotel Inc. tinct inconvenience upon the in, Charles Sche":er, Presi- habitants of the Northern District dent of Iowa; and Councilman Justmann moved WHEREAS, .the. inhabitants of that the petition be referred to the Nortbern DlStrict of Io.wa ha:e the City Manager City Solicitor been accustomed to havmg sOld and City Enginee;. Seconded by C!erk's offic.e at D~buq~e, Iow~ Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried al~ and assISt ':he .lnhabltants ? b the following vote: saId ~orthern DlStnct of Iowa In y . . secunng passports and the neces. Yeas-Mayor BItter, Councilmen sary travel visas and it js. not Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler very likely that any substitute win Tboms. supplant the present existing me, Nays-None. thod of securing passports and-or Councilman Pregler moved sus. visas and any and all matters pension of the rules in order te in connection with Inhabitants Of let anyone present address the the Northern District traveling to Council if they so desire. Second foreign countries which has ","en ed by Councilman Moldenhauer. of great "ssistance to said inhab¡- C..rried by tiIe following vote: \ants; Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- 361 362 SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: section 1. Tbat <be City Council of the City, of Dubuque, Iowa for- mally go' on record for urging the reU>ntioD " of; the diwsional office of the Otert of the United States District court. at Dubuque, low. as 10 presently ill eodstence and that tbe order transferring same to th., Headquarte1'1! Office of the Oteri< at Cedar' Rapids, Iowa re reconsidered. Section 2. Tbat the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized and directed to communillate in writing forthwith with the Honorable Ha raid E. Hughes. with tbe Honerable Dick Clarke and .with tbe Honorable John C. Culver and transmU m each of said elected officials a certified copy of this Resolution, together with a formal request that they exercise all the good influ- ences of. their respective officæ ! in 'assisting and in effecting are. con.ideration of tbe order relating to tbe transfer of Clerk's office in Dubuque to Cedar Ra,pids, I- wa. passed, approved and adopted this 25th day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Anon T. Tboms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Bitter moved adoption of tbe resolution. Seconded by Coun- cilman Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas~ayor Bitter, Coundimen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. N"'Ys-None. ReSOLUTION NO. 215.73 Releasing Proposed Public Con. structlo.. sites' I... the. Downtown Urban Renewa' Project, Iowa R.15 WImREAS. Under date of De- cember 7,1964 and in res¡ponse to a. request Iirom the County-Oity of DUbuque Authority, the C i t Y Council of' 1111. City. of Dubuque adopted Resoiution No. 276.&4 re- serving a parcei of real estate bounded by Fourth Street on tIhe Special Session, June 25, 1973 south; Iowa Street on the east, F;;Jih Sllreet OD the nortI1 and La- eIlst Street on 1iN west fur the construction thereon of a-proposed County-Gty Building; and WiHERIDAS, under date of Feb- ruary, 2/;, 1966, 8Ild in . response from, the Counily-City of Dubuque Autbority, the City Conneil of Ibe Oity of DuJ>uque adopted R...,lu- lion No. 74-68 ",ser.ving a parcel of ...wI est..te hounded by Fourth SIre&! on th.. soulb" Iowa Street on .the out, Filth Street on the n<JiI<1¡b and Main Street on the west for <be coootructåon thereon of a proposed Countyðty Bœlding; and WHEREAS, it bas been deter- mined by tbe City Council 011 the City of DuJ>uque that n<>ith....one of the aoo'Ve <!eseribed. parce1s of reai ...tate need to be further reo &el'ved fO<' the County-City of. Du- buque Authority; now tberefure BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNOIL OF THiE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: section 1. That Ibe reser'V>ations of the pa,rce1s of real estate de. sel'libed bereinaibove for the County- City of DulJuque Authority for the construction thereon of a County- City Building are hereby wit h- drawn. Section 2. That the Director of Ibe Department of Housing and Rede'Velopment is hereby au<bori- zed and dire.cted to proceed Wlith Ibe oroe11ly .u..position of said pa,r. cels of real estate in aecorowce with""es contained in the awrov- ed U~ban Renewal Plan. this 25tb d8ð' of June 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor C. Robert J""tm..oo Wa~er A. Pregler Allan T. TbGms Wayne A. MoldenlJauer Coun<>ãmen ATTEST: Leo F. Fromme1Jt City Clerk Councilman Mo!.denbaner moved adoption of tile reoolution. Second. ed by Councilman Preglec. Carried by the following vote: Ye",,-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen JuS'tmann, Moldeabauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay.s-None. RESOLUTION, No. 216.73 Accepting work: performed under demolition Contrect No. 2.71 for .;It '. Special Session, June 25, 1973 363 tile Downtown Urban Ren_al Pro. ject, Iowa R.15. WHEREAS, DemoJiolion Cowed No. 2-1! executed umler date 01. Ju1y 26, liJ1!l wœüI C. H. Langman 10 &m tar the remoWl!! and siile clearance <>f various structures - - «te impro'Vements in th e Down...... Ud>an Renewa.1 P~o- ject aorea ha& been colJlllleted; and WHEREAS, u- recommenda- tion of the City EÀ\!lin...- and <be Director Ði Housing and Redßve.1KJ¡p- mem, the City JIIaDag" has e"a- m1ned the work aDd finds that the work h"" been completed in ac'coroance with the terms of 1iN Contxaet a.nd rewmmends its ac. ceptance; now theref<lre BoE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THiE CUI'Y OF DUBUQUE, roW,,": Section 1. ThaJI the recommenda- tion of tbe Cil¥ Manager be ape proved and that said work be and the same is hereby accepted. Passed, awroved, anù adopted this 25th day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor C. Robert Justman.. Waiter A. Pregler Allan T. TbolD& Wayne A. Ma\denbauer Co1D1ciimen ATTEST: Leo F. FoommØlt City CIerI< Co\mcilma.. Justmann mo'Ved a~ doption of the .....,¡ution. Seconded hy Couneilman Pregler. Carried by tile ft>llOIWing VÐte: VOBiS-Mayor BÏtteir, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, 'lbo-. N>a~e. RESOLUTION NO. 217.73 Authorizing the execution and delivery of deed to Dubuque Coun- ty for .ale of 'and in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15 WlHEJREAS, under date 01. June Il, 1913, pursuant to Re.soI.uliion No. 1.98-73, tbe City of Dwbuque and DuiJuque County eDJtered into a contraet fur the sale 01. land, herftualfter described, loca.ted in tbe Downtown U11ban Renewal Pro- ject, Iowa R.J.5, fur pulllie ~deve1. opment; and W., HEREM, th', e Ul>ited States." De 'I pam:mem 01. HoUðÌng and Urban DevelopmeDl has c<mcurred in !be proposed sale of tbe - to Du- buque County; and WHEREAS, Dubuque County Iw¡ eoDllPlied with the condititJos, ill any. of the CoIltr""t fur the Sale '" Land fur Puilllie RedevelopmeDl; now thereion BE n: RESOLWID BY THE CITY COUN()IL OF TH!E CJrY OF DUBUQUE: Sect"" }. Thill the Ma- and the Oity Clerk OIre herelby -ria. ed and diL-eeted to execute e Deed to Dubuque County far s.1IIe 01. an DDdivided 70.'m11 P£l' ceøt m and to the North 57 feet of Reuse P.""""l 1 and aft of Dense P..,cei 2 in Blœk 3 in Downto- UrtJan Renewal Project, Project No. J. ""'" RoIlS, legOllly 41- .. An DDdi¥ided 1Ct.73I17 per - in and to Lot 1, """~ the South 19 feet thereof, 01 Block 3 in Dubuque D""",town Naza in. the City of Dubuque, Icnra. Section 2. That the City Mtiòrney is hereby e-rized aDd directed to deli'VOr.aid IÆed to Du'bnque CoUllity u¡pon ræeipt of lIIe pur- chase prke of $51,6&1.92 whidI reo presents 11).7317 per celli of fJhe total price of tho. real eS'taile on tbe ba6iß 01. $2.50 Pßl" square foot. Pa.s.sed, approved and adopted this 25th day of J.une, 1913. Joseph J. Bitter Jlayor .C. Robert Jus.tmann Waiter A. Pregler ALlan T. Thom& Wayne A. M:uldenbauer CouneHmen ATTESr: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Moldenhauer moved adk>tplion of the resolution. Second- ed hy Couneilm.n TbGms. C...,.ied hy Ö1e fuIJowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Juotmann, Mùdenbaner, Pregler, Tholll6. Nay~ne. June :.11., 1913 H<>norahle Mayor and Councilmen Tbe Planning and ZonIng De- partment hereby requesta your au- Iboriaation to accept the ettaehed lease agreement fur office .paee 00 the FourtIJ Floor of tbe Fiseher Building. The plaJmjng and Zoning Deport- ment has been housed in office 364 Special Session, June 25, 1973 space leased to ihe Dubuque Coun, ty Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, under an agreemen: wherebY this department ha,s paid fifty percent (50%) of ihe annual cost of the .Iea,se. The Metropoli- tan Area PlalUlÌI>l! Commission will relocate its offices on or about August 1st of tbis year, 80 thai it will no longer be possible to continue under the present a r- rangement. The Attached agree. ment will permit the Planning and Zoning Department to continue to OCCUpy quarters at 4111 F i s c her Building for the unexpired portion of the DUbuque County Metropoli- tan Area Planning Commission lease. Your approval of ihe attached Resolution is herehy requested. Daniel Dittemore DeveJopment, Planner Councilman Pregler moved lIlal ihe communication be received and filed. Seconded hy M..yor .Bit- ter. Carried hy <be fullowing vote: I Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councllmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 218.73 WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque, Iowa has negotiated wiih the Fis- cher Realty Company, Incorporat- ed for office space for the De- partment of Planning and Zoniug; and WHEREAS, Fischer .RooUy Com' pany, Incorporated bas tendered a written lease to be entered into by the City of Dubuque, Iowa as lessee and ihe Fischer Realty Com- pany, Incorporated as lessor; and WHEREAS, the City Council ha,s ~~a~J~ ::e b::~~ l~::~h~ c~~~ I m.arked Exhibit "A", and bas de- termined ihat such lease should be approved; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED by ihe City Council 01 the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That the lease to be entered into by and between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and Fis- cher Realty Company, Incorporat. ed covering premises to house the Planning and Zoning Department for a term of eigbt (8) monihs at a monihly rental of three bun- dred tbirty dollars and no cents ($330.00), a COpy of whieb lease is 'hereto attacbed and marked Ex. wbit "A" be and ihe same is hereby approved. Section 2. That the Oity Manager be and is hereby authorized and ¡¡¡rooted to e""",¡¡te saåd I...... fIO<" and on behaM of IIhe City of Du- buque, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted tbis 25th day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Roi>ert Justmann Councilmen' Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Cl~rk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of die resolution. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the follòwing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, eounei1men Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 219.73 Declaring intent to sell a portion of the Downtown Urban Renewal Prolect. Iowa R.15, to. R. Hamp- ton and Company, Inc. WHEREAS, under date of March 19, 1973 and April 30, 1973, th' Council of the City of Dubuque adopted Resàlutions Numbered 90, 73 and 14.3-73 respectfully, both of which appro'Ved and authorized the receipt of proposaJis for ihe sale and redevelopment of a certaiu parcel of real estate in ihe Down. town Urban Renewal project, Iowa R~15; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said re- solutions, a notice of Invitation for Pr<>posaJis was published in ihe Te. legraph.Herald a newspaper <>f ge- neral circulation in the City 0' Dubuque, Iowa, on April 4, 1973, April 17, 1973, May 8, 1973 and May 15, 1973; and WHEREAS, in. response to s.aid offering, a proposal for ihe pur- chase and redevelopment of tb,' red estate was received from R. Hampton and Company, Inc.; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 403 of ihe Code of Iowa, a,s amend ed to date, and certain regulations of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment, certain documents. must be made ..vaUable for pub¡;" inspec. Special Session, June 25, 1973 365 tion and a public hearing conduct- I Said hearing will be held in Coun, ed; now iherefore cil Cbambers, City Hal!, 13th and HiE IT RESOLVED BY mE CII-¡ Iowa Streets, Dubuque, Iowa, at TY COUNiCIL OF THE CITY OF 7:30 P.M. on tbe 6th day of Au. DUBUQUE, IOWA: gust, 1973, and any pe1'S\)n or or. Section 1. That ihe City of Du- . ganization desiring to be heard buque hereby declares its intent, will be given an oPPOrtunity to alter a public hearing, to dispose be heard on the question of the of the Disposition Parcel 4-2 in proposed disPO.itions. the Downtown U~ban Renewal Pro- A "Redeveloper's Statement for ject, Iowa R..J.5, to. R. Hampton Public Disclosure" in the form pre- a,:,d Company, Inc. m ac~~rdance scribed by ihe Department of Hous- WIth the term. and conditions of ing and U"ban Development and the ~and Marketing Doeume~ts go- the prOPOSed "DisPOsition Agree- ve,:"""g such sale on file m the ment" for eaeb of said devel<>pers ~ffiee of <be Department of Hous- are on file and a.vaiiabJe fur Ir.- mg and Redevelopment. spection at ihe o/Dce of ihe Cih Section 2. That the City Clerk Clerk City Hall Dubuque lowå be an~ he is hereb.y au<b~rized betwe'en 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. and directed to publish notice of except Saturdays Sundays and public hearing to be held on A~- hoLidays. Said doe~ments &h~ aIiso gust 6, 1973, and to make certam be ,a."a,¡,¡able at the time of the documents availahle for public in- public hearing speetion. Such notice shall be sub- . stantially in ihe form of "Exhibit Leo F. Frommelt A" attached hereto and made a ,City Clerk part hereof, and such notice may 'Counc~man JUstanaDll moved the Cover one or more proposals. adoplfJion of the resoJutioo. Second- Passed, approved and adopted ed -by Councilman Preg;ler. Carried this 25th day of June, 1973. by the fu1Iowing vote: Joseph J. Bitter Yoos-Mayor Bitter, Councben Mayor JUSltmann MOIIdenI1auer Pregler Walter A. Pregler Thoms. ' " ~~e ~. ~~~:w.auer Nays-None. C'Co~~:uustmann RESOLUTION No. 220-73 Attest: BE IT RESOLViEID by the Oity Leo F. Frommelt CoulliCii of the Oity of Dubuque, Oity Clerk Iowa, that the foUooving ha,ve com. EXHIBIT "A" plied. wi<b the prov1siOIliS. of law LEGAL NOTICE OF HEARING relliting to t:he sale of Cigarettes Pursuant to Chapter 403 of the W¡thÎn the City of D~buque, low,!, 1966 Code of Iowa, as amended, be g~anted a .perm,t to soli C!- the City Council of the City of g~rette~ and Oigarette p-... WI- Dubuque will hold a pnhlic hearing thin salld City. for the purpose of considering ihe Charles Adams, 30th and Jaclœon authorization of the execution of Street. proposed agreements by and be- John C. Andresen, 5ó5 Kennedy tween ihe City of Dubuque and Road. the develnpers hereinafter listed Bishop BuII!'et.s, Inc., 555 J. F. Ken- for ihe purcbase and redevelop- nedy Road. ment of certain parcels of real Robert Beidler, 1122 Dodge Street estate located in the Downtown Burger Kling #1100 l3õO J. F. Ken- U11ban Renewal Project Iowa R-15, nedy Road. which project includes ihe area Leooord H. & BetJty L. Crane, 2245 bounded by Fourth Street on the J. F. Kennedy Road south Central Avenue on the ea,st, Cla.rke Coliege, 1550 Clade Dri'Ve Wmth' Street on the north, and Rita M. Clancy, 301 East 22nd Locust Street on the west. Street. Name of Developer, R. Hamp, Olark SU )er "100", 1005 Dodge ton and Company, Ine. Street Addre, ss, 502 Maple Lane, Stefl. I D. A' " V. Club, 2600 Dodge Street ing, DIinois 61œJ.. Plaza Special Session, June 25, 1973 Ge<xrge -, 2000 Dodge street I Thom,pson'6 Food Mark<>ls, Inc., Piau 20 1256 Iowa Street P,a.trlick Fenelon, :1166 Ja c k s 0 n Thompson's Food Markets, Inc., Street 52 West æoo Street Beverly Glynn, 1!lI1J1 University Thompson's Food Markets, 1Œ., ANenue 2119 Rhombel'g A'Venue Ma"'o Giunta, = Central A'Venue Thompson's Food Mairkets, Inc., 1Wliday Inn Motel, H,w.. D 0 d g e 3003 ",.buæy Street Street Kathleen Wedig, 1399 J a c k son Tbe Dungoon. LTD, 3M & Locus! Street Street Will-Co., lœ., 805 West 51111 Street KnigI11Js of Codumíbus. 781 Lucus' The Poa.., MOl Cemr-al Avenue Street I<ywa CommtSlSion foc the Blind, RuSlSeB E. Myers, 16!l8 Cenlm\ pom Office Vending Stand Avenue Robert C. Parker, 1091 Whit e Catherine M. Meyer, 530 Eaßt 22nd S\!'eet Street Josepbine Burke, 1445 Central Ave- Merehants Hotel, 304 MaID Street Due 1J<>nald Plumley, 51h & L 0 C u s.t F1lorence E. ChaJder, 1-13 M a i n Street Street George K. Aø'v.anitis, 1958 Central Victoria Ems, 120 West 41Ih Street A"ooue FiSICher Bowling Lanes, 880 Lo- Joseph Sutter, :1195 Jacloson Street cust SlJreet Cha,"les J. S¡pielman, 2401 Windsor Milton F1lnk, :1165 Centr..l A'Vooue Avenue Leona R. Friedman, 820 Eaet 16th Mr. Steak, 2660 Dudge Street Street Sears Roebuck & Company 300 S. Durothy Henbges, :Mil2 C" n t r.a I Locust Street Avenue Dunðll<l Sand, 23&1 Washing ton Harry Kowle. 1098 U n i oversiLty Street Avenue John 1.. Sa,y,ary, 827 Dodge Street Robert Kart, 35 Locu.t Street Melm A. Spiege!!hailter, 102 9'h Kenne<b J. ~ve, sœ Central Ave- Main Street nue Lawrence & Eithel Schwartz, 500 N~bors Drug #4, 1920 Eilm Street Rhomberg Avenue O!fi<:e Grill, 9th & Maoin Street Traœch Baking Company, 25 M"in Duuglas Schlickman, 1400 L 0 ra s Street Blvd. Uni'Versity of Dubuque, 2050 Uni- David Schmitz, 504 Bluff S\Jreet 'Ve"sity AwDue Robert E. Cabi1l, 402 LocU8t Street Lyle Whalen, 30 Locust Street Ger:>1x E. Miller, :Mil7 Rbomlberg Wm. J. White, 1993 Mbur~ Street A.venue Zayre Snack Bar, 255 J. F. Ken- BE IT FUlRTHER B/ESO!LVED nedy Road '!'HAT THE BONDS FIlLED WITH Del()iJ'es Elliott, 2093 Washing ton the awlicaolion be awroved. Street Passed, adOlPted and awro'Ved Mrs. Alice Erschen, 2517 Univer- tms 25th day of June, 1!I7i. sity Avenue Joseph J. Bitter Frank & Jolm Geo"ge, 1461 Dodge Mayor Street Walter A. Pregler Ra,lph Gralbow, 1050 Unive"sity A"e AiUan T. 'I11oms nue Wayne A. MOOdenbauer John F. Hall, 2ffi6 Win<lSOll' Avenue Councilmen Albert H<!in., 3001 Pennsylvan ia Attest: Avenue Leo F. F'<omme1t Eliz~beth Kra~novich, 461 Locust City Cle<k Street Councilman Moldenhauer moved Raymond Ney 2186 Centra[ A'VeUue adloption of the resolution. Seeond- Ai N~ & ~res Roeth, 000 Gen- ed by CoUŒ¡¡~"" Pregler. Carried traiÌ Avenue by the funowmg .vote: . . . . Ye..s-Mayor Bitter, CouœiImen Patrißla A. Sutton, æ5O Bu~lington MOOienhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Street Nays-Councinan Jus t mann. Thompoon's Food Markets, Inc., RESOLUTION No. 221-73 250 West 1st Street WHERE,\B, ~""" for Beer 366 ~- ----- Special Session, June 25, 1973 367 -- - permits ba,ve been subnùtted to Robert L. Becker, 3tl8 Centra] this Counei1 for BIJIproval and the Avenue s.ame have been examined; NOW BE IT FURTHER RESOINEiD 11HEREFoRE that the bonds fi1ed With the a. BE IT RESOINtED by the Oity plication be approved. - Council of the City of Dubuque, Passed, adopted and approved Iowa, thait the following apP1i<:a- this 25th day of June, 1973. tions be ~.ted "",d per~ts M- Joseph J. Bitter sued UiPOO .the compliance w.th the Ma or terms of the ordinances of the C ~b t J t City. Walter ¡r, Pr~~I:ann CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT Allan T. Thoms Catherine Mary Me,yer, 530 East 'Wayne A. Moldenbauer 2J2nd Street Councilmen CLASS "C" BEE'R PERMIT Attest: TOO_', Food Ma"kefls, Ine., Leo F. Frommelt 250 West lfit Street CIty Clerk R"bert L. Becker, 24Il8 C e n t r .a I Councillman Moldenbauer moved Avenue adoption of the resolution. Second- Pa&sed, adopted and a\1PfOved ed by Councilman Justmann. Car- this 25th day of June, 1973. ned by the foUOWing vote: J'<>seph J. Bitt... Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Conndlmen Mayor Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, C. Roibert Juostmann Thoms. Walter A. Pregler Nays-None. Allan T. Thoms 'W"".. A. MoJdenilauer RESOLUTION NO. 223-13 .Councilmen WIfEREAS, applications for Li- A.tteo.t: quor permits have been submitted Leo F. Frommelt to this Council for approval and Oity Clert the "me have been examined, CouneiJIman MOlidenbauer mO'Ved NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. adoption of the resolution. Second- SOl,yEJD by the Cily Cotmci! o! ed by Co1UllCilman Justm3J1D. Car- the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that lied by 1he foliowing vote: the following applications be grant, Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CoUßicilmen ed and licenses issued upon the J...tmuu, MoJdenbaner, Pregler, compliance with the terms. of the TOO"",- IOWA LIQUOR CONTROL ACT- RESOLUTION NO. 222-73 CHAPTER 1M-as amended by the WIlEREAS, application. for Beer 84th General Assembly, lJI71. perntits were filed by the Within CLASS "c" (COMMERCIAL) named 'Y'plicants and they have BEER LIQUOR LICENSE received the approval' of this Coun- Elizabeth Krajnovich, 4111 Locust cll and; Street WIlEREAS, the premises to be Albert J. Ney & Dolores S. Roeth. 0CC1Ipjed by sucb applicants Were 600 Central Avenue insP8eted and found to comply with Donald T. Sand, 2384 Washington the ordinances of this City and Street they have filed proper bonds; Paul Schollmeyer, 176 L 0 c u s t NOW l1lEREFORE BE IT RE Street SOLVED by the City Connei1 0' Michael F. Pnsateri, 2500 Dodge the City of Dubuque. Iowa, that Street the Manager be authorized to cause Arthur W. Pins, 2599 J. F. Ken to be issued to file fullowing ""'med nedy Road applicants a Beer permit. Melvin A. SPiegelhaiter, 1029\6 U Main Street C~SS"B BEER PERMIT John L. Savary, 827 Dodge Street cathen~~t"ry Meyer, 53Ð East Edward A. Bailey, 1298 Main Street 22IId {CLASs uB" HOTEL OR MOTEL CLASs "c" BEER PERMIT BEER LIQUOR LICENSE) ThomplOll's Food Markets, Inc.. Dubuque Motor Hotels, Inc., llŒi1 ZO West 1st Street Dodge Street ~. Special Session, JWle 2.5, 1973 !"assed, adopted and approved Passed, adopted and approved this 25th day of June, 1973. tWs 25tIh day of June, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Mayor C. Robert J"stmann C. Robert Jwstmann Walter A. Pregler W,alter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Mlan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenbauer Wayne A. Moldenbau... Councilmen Councitmen Attest: Attest: Leo F. Frommelt Leo. F. Frommelt City Clerk City Clerk Councilman Moldenllauer moved Councilman Moldenhauer mO'Ved adoption of the resolution. Second- adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Justmann. Car- ed by Counerlman Justmann. Car- ried by bhe Mk>wing vote: ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, JUßtmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Thoms. Nays-None. N~-'None. RESOLUTION NO. 224-73 ORDINANCE No. 33.73 WHEREAS, "wmcalJions for lA- An ordinance authorizing certain quor licenses were filed by.the holders of Liquor Control Licenses within named a¡pplicanils and they and beer permUs to sell alcoholic ha,ve roeei'Ved the a¡pproval of this beverages or beer on sunday, Council, and preseI>ted and read. WHIDREAS, the premises to be Councilman Pregler moved that occupied by sueh appNCiOn1ls were tbe reading just bad been consider- Ìn"Peeted and found to comply with ed the first reading of the Ordi- the State LalW and ..11 City ordin- nance. Seconded by Couneillman ances relevant thereto and thW Ju.stmann. Carried by the follow. have filed proper bonds, ing vote: NOW 'I1HERIDFORE BE IT BE- Yeas-Mayor Bòtter, Councilmen SOLVIDD by the Oity Counic:il of Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Dubuque, Iowa, that bhe Manager Nay~uneilm"'" Moldenhauer. be aubhorized to cause to be i.s- 'Councllman Pregler mo'Ved that sued to the following named 1Ip- the rule requiring an Ordinance plicants a Liquor permit. to be ~ead on three separate days be WOl'Ved. Seconded by Council- CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) man Justmann. Carried by the ful. BEER LIQUOR LICENSE lowing vote: Elizabeth Kira1oovicb, 481 Locust Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Street Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. AJlbert J. Ney & DoJores S. Roeth, Nays-Couneilman Moldenbauer. 6( () Centr.1d Avenue DonaW T. 8o,nd, 2364 W,"shington ORDI'NANCE NO. 33.73 Street AN O~DINANCE AUTHORIZ- PaUll SclwJnmeyer, 176 Locust IN,G CERTAIN HOlJDEJIS OF Street LIQUOR CONTROiL IÆOENSES Miebael F. P""ateri, 2560 Dodge AND BEER l'EIUHTS TO SELL Street ALCOHOL](; BEVERAGES OR Arbhur W. Pius, 2699 J. F. Ken- BIDIDR ON SUNDAY. nedy Road NOW THEiRiEFORE BE IT OR- Mel'V'l,'n A. ~iegelhaltor, 10291,2 I DAmED BY THE OITY COUINC1IL Main Street OF THE OITY OF DUBUQUE, J<>hn L. Savary, 8Z1 Dodge Street i IOWå: Edward A. Bailey, 1298 M ,..; n' Section 1. Any club, bote:! motel Street I. or com~ercial establliobm":t hold- " " mg a liquor control license for CLASS B HOTEL OR MOTEL wbom the sa'le of goods and ser- BEER LIQUOR LICENSE vices, other <ban ..JeohOOe liquor Dubuque Motor Hote ¡¡¡, Inc., 1111 or beer, conotitutes at least My Dodge Street per cent or more of 1he gross 368 ,,"':'è- Special Session, June 25, 1973 369 receipts from bhe Neenses premo the rule requiriI>g an Ordinance i.ses may sell and di.s¡pense aleo- to be read on three separa.te days boNe Nquor and beer to patrons be waived. Seconded by Council- on Sunday for consumption on the man Justmann. Canted by the fol- premises only. lowing vote: Section 2. Any club, botel, motel Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counci[men or eommero;æl eSitablishment hold- Justmaoo, Pregler, Thoms. jog a Class "B" Beer Pemú.t for Nays-Counei1man Moldenbauer. woom 1iN sa'le of goods and ser- vices other than beer constitutes filfty per eeDJt or more of the gras. receipts Mom the licensed premi.s- es, may sell and dispeI>Se beer to patrons on Sunday fur consump- tion on 1he premises only. Section 3. Ancv bolder of a liquor control NeeI>Se or Class "B" Beer PCI'mit granted bhe privilege of selling mayseli of dispense such liquor or beer ODIiy between the bouro of noon and ten P.,M. on Sunday. Passed, adopted and approved this 25th day of June, 1m. J""eph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms C. Robert Juotmann Councilmen AtOOst: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published officially in the Tele- graplJ..JIerald Newspaper this 28th day of June, 1973. Leo F. Frommelt Oity Clerk. ColUll:ilman Pregler moved £ina~ adoption of the Ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Justmann. Oar. ried by the Mlowjng vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jus'tmann, Pregler, Thoms. NaY~ouncilman Moldenhauer. ORDINANCE NO. 34.73 An ordinance amending ordin. ance No. 46-72 by repealing section 19 thereof and enacting a new section 19 in lieu thereof fixing and establishing hours in which alcoholic beverages or beer may be sold on sunday, preseDJted and read. Councilman Preger moved that tber reading just had been consId. ered the first reading of the Ordi- nance. Seconded by Councilman Justmann. Carried ,by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councillmen Jusimalm, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-Councilman Moldenbauer. Cooocwiman Pregler moved that ORDINANCE NO. 34.73 AIN ORDINANCE AMENmNG ORDINANOE NO. 46-72 BY RE- PEALING SECTION 19 THERE- OF AND ENACTING A NE,W SECTION 19 IN LIEU THERE- OF FIXING AND ESTABLISH- ING HOURS IN WHICH ALCO. OOUC BEVERAGES OR. BEER MAY BE SOLD ON SUNDAY. NOw. THEREFORE BE IT OR. DAINED BY THE CITY COUNÇ]L OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWå: Section 1. That Ordinente No. 46-72 knorwn as the ordinance re- gulating the saIe and eonsuttlption of beer and liquor in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the ...me i.s hereby amended by repealing Section 19 thereof and enacting a new Section 19, in lieu thereof as ful!ow.: "Section 19. PROHIBITED SAL- ES AND ACTS. No peroan holding a liquor Neeuse or beer permit nor bi.s agents or eI11i>loyees shall do any of the following: (1) Sell, <lli>pense or gIve to any into1cioated person, or one simula- ting intoxœatioo any 8I\coholic li- quor or beer. (2) Se'Il or diß¡pense any alcoholic liquor or beer on the premises covered by the license or permit, or permit the consumptil)U thereon between the hours of two a.m. and six a.m. on any weekday, and between the hoW"S of one a.m. on Sunday and six un. on the foilOlWÌng Monday. A bolder of a Nquor conilrollieense or Class "B" beer permit granted the prWilege or selling aiœbolic liquor or beer on Sundays may di.spense or sell such liquor or beer between the hours on noon and ten p.m. on Sunda.y. (3) Se'Il alooholic I4quor or beer to any person on credit, except with a bona.<fide credit card. TIùs i proW.sion shall not owly to sales I by a club to lIs members nor to saIes by a hotel, or motel to bona Jiide registered guests. Special Session, June 25, 1973 Nays~ayor Bitter, Coum:ilmm MoJdeÐbauer. 370 (4) EmpJoy any peMJI> nndot tile age of eighteen years old ÏiD. tbe øale or -ViDg of øleoIIIk Ii. qoo.r or b- tur ~ ... the preJI1iÌses where !dd. P"""" I Approved b.- 1ihe oges 011 eigIIteØ and twenty-<me shaD be a~ te \ - or dear ØoIIøIIe liquor or Adopted .........-.......,..-..-""-""" l1r13 beer as .an incideilit to a meal j¡f tihe bu_. ofseüiBIg tJod or other """"""'" """"tiMes .......e tàau fifty per cwt of the groos InIsiMM of the lilce"", f1t pen!1ittee. (5) Sell, giYe or otherwiBe S1JP- ply any akobo1ic beve..ge or beer, I to my person lmoWiII'g or baving l'e""",,..ble e.use to believe 111m 10 be under legal! age, or permit any JOl\"",tnowù>g or IImng reas- ""able eau'" 10 beIi.... bhn to be nuder legal age, to eomnme 2fty ..œoh<>lilc beverage or beer. (6) In tbe c...e of a retail! beer ~, ~"gJ¡I alJow \be mi- Jling fJI adding of aiK:<JIIol or auy odeoIIolie _."age to beer ør ..,. øtIaer lJe""""ge ill or aI3uUt his I Attest: ¡>IKe of btIBi........ (7) Keep, or &Bo.. to be kept, lIambling devi- of all'J' kind or deoftip1ion on !lie premises or place of business of tbe Jileenl;ee or pemñt Idder." P......oo, _roved and adopted Ibis mtb day of J1IIIIe, 19711. Jooeph J. Bitter :Mayor ",.a.lter A. Prefl\er Allan T. Tboms C. Robert Justmann CouncHmoo ArI'TEST : Leo F. Frommellt œyClerll: Pnblislled oMicially in Tbe Tele- gr3i>h-Herald Newspaper this 281h day of June, 19'i3. Leo F. Frommelt Qty Clerk Coundlm1L" Pregler moved tiœI adoption of the Ordinance. SeeotJd- ed by Councilman Justmann. Car- ried hy !be ~ vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Preg¡er, Thoms. Na~unc¡¡man Moldenlbal16'. There being 110 further business ()ouncΡ\man Thoms moved 00 ad- journ Seconded by Council m .a n Jœtmam. Crried by tile fDIlowing vote: y~en Justmann, Pregler, ~". .......................................m........"'.""" ............................................................ ............................................................ .........................-.............................. ......-..........-.........--. ...m-'.""'" c....ncilmen City Clerk W13 Special Session, June 27, 1973 371 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL session, June '11, 1973. met at 4:30 P.M. (C.D. Special Council T.) Present - Mayor Bitter, Coun. oilmen Justmenn, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. City Manager Gil. bert D. ChovenelJ.. Mayor Bitter read the call and stated that service thereof bad been duly made and this meeting is called for the purpose of adopt. ing a resolution canvassing and declering the results of . special election on a municipal transit pro. position and acting upon sudl oth- er business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the Council. I Proof of Pub!rea1ion, certified to by lbe PobU-her, of Sample Ballot of Special Election of June 26, 1973 on tb.e Munrici¡>aJ Transit Pr0- position, presented and read. Coun- cilman Pregler moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by M'a,yor Bit- ter. Carried by the foJlowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays----None. ELECTION REPORT I, HAROLD P. MELOY, County Auditor of Dubuque, Iowa, and as sucb County Commissioner of Elec- tions of said County, do hereby find, determine and declare lbe following: 1. Tbat the Judges and Cle,k- of the special municipal election held in and for the City of Dubu que, in Dubuque County, Iowa, on June 26, 1973, on tile following proposition, to-wit: Shall the City of Dubuque, in the County of Dubuque, State 01 Iowa, establish, acquire, maintain and operate a municiapl transit system by purchasing for One DOl- lar the exisling privately owned transit system now operating in s'aid City? ha,ve filed their returns, which have been duly examined and veri. fied. 2. Tbat at S>aid eleetion òn said Proposition there were east 11,222 ba1JÐts, of which 10,167 wtes were i cast "Yes", and 856 votes were' east "No" and 199 ballots were blank or defectively marked on said proposition. 3. Tbat a record of !he votes cast on said proposition at said election by precincts is hereby made 80S follow;,: Blank Total or Defee. Bal- Precincts "Yes" "No" Jive lets First 414 45 112 4111 Second 389 10 10 409 Third " 391 29 & 4026 Fourth . 632 52 11 &95 Fifth 405 19 12 4.'>6 Sixth, 400 26 8 CW Seventh 3e6 16 7 389 Eighth ,359 28 4 391 Ninth . 200 12 3 :!7il Tenth., . 415 æ 6 M Eleventh. ,-IIJ! 39 11 548 Twelfth.. ,41!8 :n 6 465 Thirteenth 45f 38 5 41¥1 Fourteenth 417 43 12 472 Fifteenth. 448 28 7 4113 Sixteenth 389 39 8 429 Seventeenth 606 44 G GIi6 Eigbteen<b 381 22 5 34N Nineteenth 356 59 8 423 Twentieth. 2314 26 1 270 TwentY-Ðrst 321 58 9 388 TwentY-sec'd 309 30 4 343 Twenty-third 347 62 7 416 Twenty-fou'h 332 28 20 380 Twenty-fifth 343 30 5 377 Absentee Ballots. 278 11 G 295 4. Tbat lbe votes cast in favor of said proPOsition at said election were equal to at least sixty per cent (60%) of the legal electors voting on such prOlpOSition at said election, and lbat said proposition has been duly carried and adopted 5. Tbat the total number of legal electors voting on suoh proposition at said election, as shown by the election registers was 11,222. This Election Report constitutes my official canvass of the ~sults of said election on the furegoing proposition. WITNESS my official signature and !he seal of said County hereto affixed at Dubuque, Iowa, this 37lb day of June, 1973. Harold P. Meloy County Commis&oner of Elections Subscribed and Nom to before me this day, the da.te last above written. Leo J. Meuser NiotaryPublie 372 special Session, June 27, 1973 My comtniSISiM expires 7-\1.-'15. proposition is hereby made as fol. Co~m"" Jootmaml moved lows: that the report be recmved and Blank or made a matter of record. Seconded Defec- by Couneilman p~eeler. (Janied Precincts "Ves" "No" tlve by 1he foIl......mg vote: First.,. 4!1.' 45 1~ y...,.....Mayor ~r,CowJdimen See<md . 389 10 10 Jootmam, Moldenhauer, PregIIer, Tbird ' ' 39l æ 6 Thoms. Fourth. ,632 ~ n Nàys-None. Fifth' e; 19 1~ RESOLUTION NO. 225.73 ~th . . :: ~ ~ RESOLUTION canvassing andele- Eighth . 359 28 4 clarine the, resuHs. of a special Ninth 2518;L2 3 election on a Municipal Transit Tenth, , . 4!1:5 23 6 proposition. Eleven1h.'4SB æ 11 V/HEBEAS tbis City Council did 'l'welfth., ø 31 6 heret<Jlore, at a dulY convened Tbirteenth ,. ,. ,>1M 38 5 meeting heM on MàY 18, 1003, call. FourteenJth. m......AI1~ 411 :II! .. Sl'eei"¡ eiec1ioo to be heW in Fifteenth . oMS 28 7 1m<! fur theCOty of Dubuque, IoWa, Sixteenth" ' 383i 38 .8 on June 26, 1003, 1m<! ordered that SeveI>teenth . 600 441 6 there be submi.t\ed to the qualified Eighteen1h . 387 '23 5 elootohi of S41id City at' said eléC- Nineteenth . SS6 511. 8 tion the f.oI!I>Wing pII"'IIOSition: 'l'wentieth. . 2M 36 1 ShMl the Çòty of I>1>buque, in -ty.ful¡t . ,321 58 9 1he CounA¡y' of Dubuque, State of 'l'wenty-aoconll . 309 30 4 JowIa, establish, acquire, mainUin 'l'wenty-third. . .347 62 7 and operate a municipal transö.t 'l'wenty-foon'th . 3312 :118 20 system by purch""ing fur One DoI- 11wenty.fifth . 34C! 30 5 la. the exist:ing pri'VarelY owned Albseßtee Ballots 2'18 B 6 traMit syo«m1 nOW opetIBting in Section 3. That a record of lIhe said City? a !r~te votes ~ on said pro- and ¡pasiiItWn is her<i>Y Imade'"" fullowa: WHEßEAS 1he eleetlon on said For, 10,il67, Against, 856, SIJoiled, ¡>r<>þI>SÖtion ...... duly and letàUy 199. held on said date and the Judges Section 4. Tbat <be total number and Clere of said e1l:tioo hM'e of legù electors vc,ting on sneb fild their returns, ..bicb bave been q>r<JPOSition at said election, as dUily """mined 1m<! ,verified; and shawn by Ü1e elecilion registers \WIEiltEAS .the County Commis- was lIl,222. &ionet of Elections bas filed wilJb Section 5. Th..t all ......,lUtiOM this Co"",," a copy of "'" Report and orders o.r parts thereof, insO. 00 the result>s of s>aid eleetioo, far"" "..me ma~ be in confliet wbicl1 RePOrt bas been duly ex- I>ert>Mth, are herebY repealed 1m<! aminedand verified; this r"",lution sbaIl-me eMec- NOW, '11HEßEFORE, Be 11 and tive immed>ately. It Is HerebY ResOlved by the City Pi8ssed and 'approved June ZI, Council of the City of Dubuque, 1973. Iowa', 85 fullOlWS: Section ¡. That !It is herebY foúDd determined and dedared that the election on lJbe proposition.-eferred . to in the preamble hereOf "85 :fiaVOl'able thereto; tl>at he total numiber of aft'ir¡mw'Ve votes on said p""""",tion at said elction was equal to or mote tba oixty per cent (60%) of the legBi voters voting 00 s>aid propo¡sition 'at said election, 1m<! said propooiÖon is hereby declared carried. Section 2. That a reco~ of the votes east bypreelncl& on said Joseph J. mfter Mayor Att.eot: Leo F. Fromm~ Oity am Roco~ed June ZI, 1973. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman preg¡ler moved adop- tion of Ü1eresolu.tiOO>S. seconded by eounciJ.man Moldenhauer. Oar- ried by 1Ihe folWWiÐi vote: Ye.......-Mayot Bitter, Counœmen J-aon, Moldenbauer, PregIIer, TbDms; Special Session, June 27, 1973 373 I Approved ....................................1973 Nays-Sone. A eommu!1ieatioo wa.s subm>tted by Councilman Justmann ;rom the Town of ~ury submitting basic elements wmch they (Aoibury) <feel sihould Ibe included in the sewage I Adopted ......................................1973 agreement between Aisihury and ,the COty of Dubuque, presented ..nd read. Councilman Justana.nn moved tbat the IcommUDlÎcation be receiv- ed 'and filed and referred to the sta!ßf for Friday consideration. Se- conded by Counci~man Thoms. Car. ried by <be fullowinig vote: Ye..s~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Ju.otmann, MoMenbauer, Preg¡ler, Thoms. Nayo-None. CouncHman Thoms moved tl>at the City Manager and Sta/if be directed to continue negot:iatiom willi Aoburyùong the guidelines ~ P::. ~~,tia,tio:' ~:c~.: u::: I Attest: .................................................. that said Sltalflf be iIm¡powered to City Clerk make such changes on said policy as /Jhey deem adv..aible to arrive at an acceptable conclusion with A.bury in such contract, however sue ¡ final C<>IIIWaet to be sulbjeet to Council _roval. Seconded by M'ayor Bitter. Carried by the foIl- Wwing 'Vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Coun<illmen Justmann,MoMenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. There being no fur1Iher husiness Councilman Moldenhauer moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mayor B<t- ter. Carried by <be following 'Vote: Yeas-Màyor Bitter, Councilmen Juotmann, Moldenl1auer, Pre.gier, '!1homs. Nays-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ Councilmen Special Session, June 29, 1973 CITY COUNCIL ~::s= HaMs, 1Ðe, ., lil1l.i Duibuque Motor Hotels, 1Ðe., 1Ul OFFICIAL Dodge Street Speci~1 session, June 29, 1973. 'Pa,ssed, adopted and awroved CouncIl met at 4:30 P.M. (C;D. this 29th day of June, 1978. T.) Wayne A. Moldenhauer Present - Councilmen Jus t. Presiding m£ieer Pro mann, Moldenhauer, Pre g I e r, Tern Thoms. City Manager Gilbert D. WIOIIter A. 'Preg¡ler Chavenelle. Allan T. Thoms Absent-Mayor Bitter. .C. IWbert Justmann Presiding Officer 'Pro Tern Mol- Councilmen denhauer read <be call and stated Att""t: that service .thereof had been duly Leo F. Frommelt made and this meeting is called ,City Clerk :or the ,p111' >Ose.of a"'!'"rizing the Councilman 'Pregler moved adop- Issuance of busIness licenses and tion of the resolution. Seconded acting ~n such other business by Connci1lman Thoms. Camed by as may prop~ come I>efore . a the following .vote: regular meeting of .the Couna1, Yea,s-Presiding O£fieer Pro Tern RESOLUTION NO.. 226.73 Moldenhauer, Councilmen Jus t- \WßiJREAS, applications for manu 'Pregler Thoms (SUNiDAY SAlLES P~BM¡TS) have NaY~None. ' . been 'sulbtmtted to this Council fur Albsent-Mayor Bitter. approv.8liand 1Ihe same ha.ve been e"..mined, RESOLUTION No. 227.73 NOW THEREFQIR¡E BE IT R.E- WHEREAS, applications for SOLVED by the Oity Council of (SUNDAY SAIÆS PER MITS) the (My of Dubuque, Iowa, tbat were £tIed 'by the within named the followingapplic.ations be gr.ant. applicanh5 and they have recei'Ved ed and permits issued upon tile the _val of this Council and, compliance with <be terms of <be WHEREAS, the premis"" to he ¡OWe<\. LIQUOR OQNTRO'L AJCT- oeC'lJlPÌed by sucll applicanh5 were OHAPTEm l2ß of the 1978 Code m..peeted and found to com¡lly willi of iowa as amended ¡by the 6Stib. the State Laiw and all Oity ordi. .Gener.8Ii AJs,sembi.y. nances relevant thereto and they Dwbuque Golf & Conn.try ClUb, ha.ve filed proper bonds, RandMi Pla,ce NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. Leona. iR. Friedman, 6ro East 16th SOLVED by the City Council of Street DuiJuque, Iowa, tIhIOt the Manager John F. Hall, 21116 Windsor Me- be .authorized to cause to be is. nue sued to the fullowing named ""'. Alice Erseben, 2m7 University A'Ve- ,plicanh5 a (SUNcDAY SALES PER- nue MIT). Robert Kart, 35 LocUlSlt Street Dul:Juque Gold & Country C I u b, Joil. P. Page, 200 Main Street Randall P<oce FL<eher & lCompany, Inc., 880 Ln. Leona R. Friedman, 6ro East 16th cost Street Street Fi5cher & Company, Inc., 880 La- John F. Hall, æl6 Windsor Avenue cust Street Mdce IDrncl1en, 2617 Univeœity A'Ve. Ri'Verside Bow'!, Inc., 1860 Haw- nue thorne Street RoIlert Kart, 35 Locust Street Riverside Bowl, Inc., 1880 Ha,w- John p. Page, 200 M..in Street Ihorne Street F>seber & 'Company, Inc., 880 Ln. Arthur W. Pins, - J. F. Ken- cust Street nedy .Road Fischer & Company, 1Ðe., 880 La- Pete Sfikas, 401-405 Cen~al A'Venue cust street J"mes Kachev.a,s, 665 Dodge Street Riverside Rowl, Inc., 1860 Haw. D.B.Q. 1Ðe., 4!tI1 & Locœt Street thorne Street J.F.K. Fast Foods, Inc., 2075 J. lU'VerSoide Bowl, Inc., 1860 Haw- F. Kennedy Road thorne Street NeJsoo M. Norwood, Bunker mil Arthur W. Pins, - J. F. Ken. Golif CoUl'Se nedy Road 374 .'if .., Special Session, June 29, 1973 375 Pete Sfikas, 4Ql-4Q5 Central Avenue James Kaeheva.s, 6115 Dodge Street D. B. Q. Inc., ~ & Loeust Street J. F. K. F~ FOOds, Inc., 2075 J. F. Kennedy Road Neison M. Norwood, Bunker Hill Golf Couroe Dubuque Motor Hotels, Inc., lil1l1 Dodge Street Dulbuque Motor Hotels, Inc., l1l1i Dodge Street Passed, ~ and apProved tbis 29th day of June, 1973. Wayne A. Moldenhauer Presiding 08ficer Pro Tern Walter A. .Pregler AMon T. Thoms C. Robert Justmann Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommeit City Clerk Coun"iwan P""gder movedadop- tion of the resolution. Seoonded by 'Councilman Thoms. Carried by lJbe following vote: Y~Presiding 0Bßeer Pro Tem Moldenhauer, Councilmen Jus t - mann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent-Mayor Bitter. ORDINANCE NO. 35.73 An ordinance fixing and establish. ing fines for perking violations and providing for administrative col. lection thereof, presented and read. CouncÎllman Preg.ler moved that the reading jUlSlt had be conSiidered the first reading of the Ordinance Seoonded by Presiding Officer Pro Tm Moldenhauer. Carried by tbe following vote : Yeas-Presiding OJIt'icer Pro Tern I Moldenhauer, CouncÎilmen JIISIt- maUD, Pregler, Thoms. NaYs-,None. AJbsent-Mayor Bitter. Councilman Pregler moved that the rule requiring an O~'ance to be read on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Presiding OJ!fiœr Pro Tern Moldenl1auer, Councilmen Just""""", P.. egler, Thoms. Nays-None. Ab.<¡eDJt-,Ma\yor Bitter. ORDINANCE NO. 35.73 AN OlIDlNåNOE FIXING MID ESTABLISHING FINES FOR PMKlNG VIOLATIONS AND piROVIDlNG FOR AnMINISTRA- I TIVE COLLEiC'I1IDN ~F NiOW 'I1IJiERiEiFOJIiE BE IT OR- c!MiIN~ BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF mE CITY OF DUBUQUE, roWe<\.: Section 1. The owner or_tor of any vehicle who &ball œeei'Ve notice, either perSOnally or by the attaching of sue.b noliee to said vehicle tbat said vehicle is parked in sue ¡ mauner, in sueh a plaee or fur suœ a time as to violate <be Pro""'ions of 1ms ordinance relating to the parkmg ofvelrlctes and relai!:ing to lJbe provioions of Ordinance No. Sß-49 known as the "Trar1lfie Code of tbe City of Du- buque, Iowa" relating to /he park. ing 01. velúedes may, within .... vooty-two hours from the t i m e when sue ¡ notice is served Upon II<m or attaci>ed to such vehicle, pay to .the City Treasurer as a pen.aity fur sucl1 'Violation the ful- lowing sum: Overtime perking, Double perk. ing, Illegal olley perking and any other standing or parking violation If paid within seventy-two bo- from the time 01. violai!:ion as in. dicated on tbe notice, such fine sbaJa be tbe sum of ................$1.00 ]jf not paid 'WÌ'tbiD sevenity-t w 0 hours such fine slhal.! be tbe sum of ,......--....................................$:/.60 Street Storage ;f paid within seventy-two ho- from time of vioi.ation as indicat- ed on, tile notice suœ fine sha1iI be tile sum of ..........................$:1.00 If no< paid Wlitlrin sevooty-t w 0 !lours such mne shall be the sum of .................,............................,.......$3.60 Parking In private lots If paid within seventy-two ho- from time of violation as indicat- ed On 1Ihe no1iœ sueI1 fine shall be the sum of ._...................$5.00 Parking in interference with snow or Ice removal If paid witlhin seveDJty-two ho11<S from the time of viola.t!on as in- dicated in tbe notice such fine .will be in tile sum 01. ..........$:!.60 ]f not PsÏd within seventy-t w 0 hours lJben sue.b fine mall be in the sum of ..................................$5.00 PaymeDJt of ,tI1e aiJove pelliality, or fine, lQ>On being malled .to the City Treasurer shall be deemed paid as of the time of -tmart on the en.'Velope tIlereof. Section 2. Parking vIolations- Posting Bond to Appear In' Court Any person receiving such D<>Ike Special Session, June 29, 1973 of .vimation and deemång biimsellf Nays-None. not guilty ofsueh <lHense, or de- Absent-Mayor Bitter. siring to "wear and defend agaiœt There being no further buàness the same, shall Within twenty-lour .Councilman Pregler moved to ad- ,period ap,peail' at the Po!i.ce De- journ. Seconded by Presiding Of- partment and pronùse to appoor flcer Pro Tem Moldenhauer. Car- in the Distl'Iicl Court of Dubuque ried by the fuHo<wing vote: County, IQIW.a fur trail. Presiding omreer PrO Tem Mai- Section 3. The provisions hereof denhauer, Councilmen Justmann, sball not in any manner affect Pregler, TiIoms. the penalty, provisions of any otIh- Na.ys-None. er OrdinaMe, or part of Oroinanee. AbseI>t--Mayor Bitter. reaiting to the pamng of vel1icl.. Leo F. Frommelt upon the streets, aJVenues, alleys Còty Clerk or public places, within the City of Dubuque, Iowa' but sbaI1 be I cumwilltiwe of all otIher ordinances Approved .................................. 19'13 on the sUlbject and fur the pur- pose of providmg a more can'Ve- ~:ndlint . and eeohn~~~ method of \ Adopted .................................... 19'13 ""n .g suc VIO'~Ons. Section 4. Perking violations- The ,:;,~~-o:ctl.:r;,::,r~art- ............................,............................... ment, Da,ta Processing, Traffic En- gineer, and City T<ea,surer are hereby ærected .to foro1u!a1te the I ............................................................ neeessa.-y OIfifice .and inter-<Jlßtice procedures to carry initio effect the provisions of this Ordinance. I ............................................................ Section 5. Tbat all ordinances, or pa<!ts of ordinances, in colllfliet ~-:::" h:"eb~ :,:=: of sueb I ............................................................ Section 6. That this Ordinance ;a~~~~ =:ale~::;~=: I """"""""""c~~~iï;;;~~""""""""" tion as by 1- provided. pássed, ap¡proved and aOOpted this 2Ðth :i~.:~~::=~e:ro \ Attest: """""""c¡iY"ëi~k"""""""" Tern Walter A. Preg!.er Ailan T. Thoms C. RoiJert Jus.tmann Councilmen ATTEST: Leo F. Frommelt Oit}' Olerk Published ofiIi.cially in The Tele. gtOl'b-Her.ald newo¡paper 1bis 2nd day of July, 1973. Leo F. FrommeR Oit}' Clerk tt. H Councilman pregier moved final adotPtion of the Ordinance. Second- ed by Presiding Officer Pro Tern Moldenhauer. Carried b¥ the foI.- Jawing vote: presiding OØiieer Pro Tem Mai. denhauer, Councilmen J""tmann, Pregler, TbOms. 376 Regu]ar Session, Jwy 2, 1973 377 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Reouler..,.sion" July 2; 1973. Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.D. T.) Present - Mayor Bitter, Coun. cilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. City Manager Gil- bert D. Chavenelle. Mayor Bötter read ,the ,calIa and stated that service thereof h a.d been dldy made .and IJbiis ;. ene regular mooting of Ule Oity Council fur the purpose of .8CIt1ing wpan """" bUS1Ù1ess a,s may ¡>roperty come before fue meeting. Comm""¡¡'ation of Human .Rights Oommi.ssion ""bm>tting minuiles of theÏir meeting held on June 14, 1973, preselli!ed fur tthe record. Councilman Pregler moved tbt the minutes ,be reœLved and filed. Seoonded by Councillman Thoms. Carried by tthe roUowJŒ¡g 'Vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregier, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of L<>w 'R e n t Housing Commission snhmitting minutes of tbeir meeting of June 26, 1973, presented and read. Coon- ciJman Pregler moved Ulat the communie...tion be received a.nd JIiIed. Seconded !by Couneillman Thoms. Carried !by the following vote: Yeas~M"yor Bimter, Councilmen JIlstmæm, MOIldenl1auer, Preg¡ler, Thoms. Na.ys-None. June :!1, 1973 1'0 Ule Honora/j],e Mayor and Còty Council I ha"e made iIJbe fullowiDg ap- pointment.<; to Ithe Board of Hea,t- ing, Ventllaöon, Air Conditioning and Refriger,.tlion. The appoint- me. are fur a ,three year period dadJing from March 16, 1973. Mr. Frank J. SClbwartz appointed for a tJiirst term, Mr. Adrian C. SWitftappointed for ... second term. I request your eo~ma.tion of these appointmODlts. Gilbert D. ObaveneNe OityMana,ger Councitman JuSitmann mo'Ved af- firmation of ,the appointments. Be- conded by Councilman M<>kIeaIhau. er. Carried !by iIJbe following vote: Yeas---Mayor Bitter, <Jouneilmen Justmaun, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tbo ms . Nays-None. JUne 28, J973 Totb>e Hono."ble Mayor and Members of the CiJty Counciil PIlease beadvWed tha,t I hawe approved ,the foIllowing' sidewalk ConStruc.tiOD bond and desirefu ha'Ve your filing approval on same. William LuGrain, Wes,tern Sure. ,ty Company, Bond 111'0.547885'7, IÞ 8-73. GüIbert D. Oba'VenEIMe OityManager CounciIm8Øl Preg¡ler môved JIiIini¡ I. approval' 'SiUJbject to . approval or the Oity Attorney. Seoorlded ~ Couneilman Mold.enbauer. Carried ,by tbe fo¡¡[o.wng "Cite: Yeas---¥ayor Bitter, Councilmen Jootmann,MoldeaIhauer, Pregier, TIloms. Nays-None. June :!1, 1973 To ,the Honorable M!ayor and Oity Council I reqUß$t perm"",ion to attend .the annual C<JI1Iferenee of fue in- ternational City iMan"gement AB- sooiaöon and two day confer"""" on Organiza,tion Development. The meetings ,will be held Bel>- .temiber :!1 tJbrough ~mber ZI in BosIton. Gj,¡bert D. Cba'Veneile Còty Manager Councilm8ØlPregler moved ap- proval of fue request. Seoonded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Car- ried by fue foIaowing vote: Yeas-Ma,yor Bi1Jter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregl.,., Thoms. Nays~None. June ZI, 1973 To .the lfonoraMe Mayor and City Council Mr. Whtoo has arranged fur Jo- seph Obr of tIhe Iowa State De- partmeDJt of Environmental Qual\ty to attend council meeting July 2nd and ŒseUSISwi!t:h you the sewage plant program. Mr. White has aJiso requested that Mr. OmbfUDlÎ and Mr. Dague of H D & R be present. Gilbert D.Oba'venelle City Mmager