1973 October Council Proceedings 516 Special Session, September 24, 1973 ,t.... <;arried ,by the following vote: :, Yeas-Mayor Bi~, Coul>Cilmen Jus1Jmann, Moldenhauer, Pi"Ogler, Thoms. Na)'l!-None. Leo F, Fmmme1t City Clerk Aœ>!¡Jiroved .......................................1l1lll4 Adopted ...........oo................-.....oooo..1lIllI4 .............--.........................--........ """""",""""""""""""""""'-""""" ................".-..,...............................-.. """"""""""-,,,-"""""""""""""" -""""""",,""""-""""""""""""""'" Councilmen Attest: ""'cit~"ëï;;~k:"""""""""""" Regular Session, Octoberl, 1973 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Regular .esslon, October I, 1973. Counci,1 m., at 7:30 P.M;(C.D. T.) '. 'Present - Mayor ailfer, Council. men J,ustma/ln, Molt_liha,",r, Preg. ler, Thoms. 'City aMnager Gilbert D; Chav_lIe. Mayor, Bitter read U>e, caU and sfJated that &ervice thereof had be<m do¡Jy made and this meeting is the regular meeting of ,the City Council caRed for ,t)¡e!>urpooe of aCMg u¡>on :!IIlcb busin- as may _rly CO!!le before the meetiog. Communication,:of Low Ren! Hpusiog Comm;.,sion, OI/!>mittIDg minutes, of their meetiog of Sop- teml>er 18, 1973, !>resented, and read.,Council1nan ,Pregler moved t:h&tthe comnumication !>e reeeiv. ed and filed. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. ,Carried, by tbe fuJJowing vote: Y"as-MaYOr Bitter, Oouneilinen Justmann, Moklenh<luer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-NOne. . . CoQ1>lllu!I!Ïeation of Dubuque Ser. !iQma Clwb, swbmitting a note, of thaW iItaJinJ¡ -that.tJ>e liØ>t bulb sale exceeded all prior years,' pre- seuted and read. Councilman Preg- ler moved that the' communica. tion ,be received and filed. Se- conded ,by Mayor Bitter. Carried by tllefullowing vote: ¥t!8s-Mayor Bitter, CouI>CiImen JuS1Jmal!l1, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. ~ys-¡i¡one.. ' Communication of ,Iowa Depart- ment - ofED-VÛ'omnentaa' Quality sul!n>ttting,rWttceof'bearing to be held in '~s -Moines',on October 30lIl. rega.r<IÏ-Qg, t!>e revision of existingc ",!nitary disl'Qsal project rules,presentcd-and. read. Coun- cilman "Moldenbauec moved that the coml\1unication, be referrèd to the Manager 'and staff. seconded by Coùncilinan 'Pregler. Carried !>y, the following ,vote: ,Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. .lNay......-Nooe., , . CoIlllIDunication of Play ¡ roUnd 4< , R~creationCommÏ8sion submitting minutes of th~ir meetiog ol Se¡>- 517 telDJ!>er'lOth, presented and read. Councilll1an;.MoWenhauer moved that the commulÍication beree~iv- ed and filed. Seconded, ;,by Coun- cilman :Pregler.., ;Carried by, the following v"te:, . 'Yeas.-MayorBitter,' Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregiler, Tbom.. , Na,ys-None. Communication- of Edgar.Y. Dem¡>,sey -of., 2005 Rosedale, (brougbt forward from meeting of September 17th) relative to crack- d<>wn on,noise >ØUution, p\'es>ented and read. Couneilmanp r e g+e r moved that., the ÇO:mmunication !>e referred to the City Manager and WtfL' Seçonded:'by Councilman Moldenhauer.: Ca,med by the fol- lowingvote: \'aa,s-Ma,y"r ,Bitter" Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. , ' , . NaY.-None. , Metro¡>oJi.tan ,planning Commis. sion submitting- sam1>le of com- munication pro¡>o.ed, to, !>e sent to Governor Râý;' advocating and suworting - the idea to .provMe reo gional planning. and ,become cer- tified for State and, Fed,;ra! grant in-aid' ,programs,pre.ented and read. Councilman Moldenhauer mOved that the Mayor be authoriz- ed to sign a letter of intem. Se- conded ,by Col!DCilman, JOIStmann. Carried. ,by the foll!>Wing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Coundlmen Justmann, Moldenhauer" Pregler, Thoms. . Nays-None., ,proof ol Publication, certified to by tbe 'Publisher, of Receipts, Dis- bursements, and list of e1ail\1S for August 1973, presented, and read. CounciJn:¡an ,1\fuldenhauer moved that ,the proof ,of p)!l>1ication be received and filed. Secondedl¡y l\Iayor Bitter. Carried by, the' fol- lowingvo1e.: , . Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J'Uðtmann, Moldenhauer, Pregier, Thoms. lNaYs-!NoÌle. September 28,. 1973 Honorable Mayor and Members of --the City Council This;" to advise yoor HoD"rable body ,that nomination papers' for the following. named !>orsons have been filed iu..the office of Com. missioner of Elections on Septem, ber 28, 1973. 518 Regular Session, October I, 1973 FOR COUNCILMAN James E., Brady, 480 Glen Oak , Street. Michae!. G. Farley, 1-463~ Elm St. Edgar L. FrlIoUx ill, 2160 Gi'ace St. Lester. J. Haitley, 714 W. Fifth St. Johft J. Heiderscheit, 860 Goethe St. Jolm E."Holl, 2675 KO11>8r Blvd. Bud HuIJlt. 2178 Keyway Drive. Ro!>ert K!.eiu, 26416 Owen Court. Jay D. Kolker, 1763 Bosemont St, Jil'ùdredR. Leilker, 15(K Central Ave. Alvin E~: Lundh, 2678 Marywood Drive. Helen Mercer, 1~98 Mount Loretta Bobert P. Odden, 1M Nevada St. Emil Stackis, ,190 Saundens St. John L. Tigges, 505 RhoJnberg Ave. FOR PARK BOARD Frederick R. Appel, 1890 Bennett St. james G. SchilliDg, 1780 S. Grand view Ave. ':àóbert A. SuBivan, 1a2O Locust St. Dávid J. Willougbby, 36SIDIl St. Recei¡>t from tbeCommiosioner Of El..,tions is attached. Primary Electiòn will be I>eJ.d on October 23, and the General on November 6, 19'I3. ' Leo F.F1rommeJt City C!ert Councilman Moldenhauer moved that 1Ihe communication be receiv- ed and filed and made a matter of record. Seconded by Mayor Bit- ter. Carried by the.fuDowing vote: Yea&-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen JustIOann; Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-<None. .. September 21, 1973 HOnòrable Mayor and City Council. On October 14, 1972, M.-. George R. Buell, Of l'725Vizalea Drive, Sent a memorandum advising of a fan that occurred on Sepiem..ber 15, 1972' in front of 12tO West 12tb Street. I have C'onferred wi1lh the claimant and have determined that he feU on private property and, that there is no !>asls for claim. Communication of Mr. Buell is enIClosed herewith. R. N. Ru.... , CltyA!tQrney CÒulICilman Moldenhauer moved approval of the rerommendation, Seconded by M~ ]jitter. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, ',!'horns. Nay&-None. Se >tember M, 1973 HOnorable Mayor and City Council On Se¡>tem!>er 6, 19'I3, Thomas Robert Puccio filed ,claim in the estimated "mount of $574.48 and $526.52 claiming damages to his motor vebicle on Se¡>tember 5, 1973 as the result Of its being sid""wiped by a City owned sanitation depart- meIJlttrnet near his residence at 2550 ,Peart Street, tbis city. This matter was referred to the appropriate City AgellCY who in- vestigated the matter and by let- ter on Se¡>tember 19, 1973, ad- vised - the GUy Attorney that said claim h'as been amicably disposed of. In view of ,the furegoing, it is tbe rèeommenda.tion of tJ>e City Attorney that the claim of Thomas Bo!>ert Puccio 'be denied. Original claim is returned berewitlh. R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Moldenhauer moved approval of the recommendation. seconded Iby Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Juslma"", Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Oomrnunroation of Tborm." W. MIcOOay,atloimA!y, ,~ a group of ~and 0IWI\e1'6 on d>e NrorIIh OasIeade Road, ~ .. peti. tion of 11500 siI!œ- oIJijeIc!tiÐg to u.e iœ8Jlion of a OIaDitaty !.and- :Ii [ 011 the [) am Waller maIm aid requesil:ing to be beam at !biB meet- iСg, presenœd and read. lOou".,;lmm M<>IdeIIbæJer moved lIhat the ..wes be ~ in order to [eI: a- present ad- dress <!be 00un0c:óI If ~ IS<) de. sm.. SeIoonded by OouŒIiIJIòan lTeIg[er. Oarried by díe IcIIOwUIg vole: Y""s--<M~ -, OotmI:i&meo Jœtm ann, Mclldoohauer, Pregler, TOOms . Nays--Noole. M.-. MdKIay,~ he Coun,. <ü, ndllarve.m~...a""""~ the'Coum:dl oI1ould n~ bU(f Ibe Wa~er fal'm to be UBed If... a' Iand- Regular Session, October 1, 1973 519 fi~ site, 8IId1 as being 10 ..,.,;. )en. tia! ne.i¡gI!borhood, IO<IÕIIg resWilc- molliS, M a>ler runollf, ~DIÕI!oaIIion of -. etc. - I!wu¡¡It !be Oi,t.y bas lcot1d1mted - 'M.- . '\\1aUer stated that he would not séll. COU!nIcIÎooan ~er moved tbat 1Iæ peililion' be l"eic:'eWed aIId 5Ied. and ,the ¡pe<ili0ll and " !!urIher re- lOr!¡ ,by iMo'. l!MKay be rel!erred ,totbe :M!~ 'and O!tadf. Sec:ood- ed by rOounbiiman M~auer. Oaaied ,by ,the rollowling 1Vo\e: Yea"""¡Ma,yor IBiitler, OouÐIci[men Jus>Imaœ>, lMoldenhiauer; Preigl..-, Thoms. ' NaY18-1None. 'Peltition of Umversit.y of [)¡u )u. que reques<liСg ¡., permñt to set oI!f IfiLreiworkis a~ ,tbeir Homeleomillg festivfulies on !be ~ of 0c0I0ber 12th, ¡presented and read. <JounIciI,. maD Bitler moved lI;at he pet¡illion i!>e _ved providing it is done under proper ~oo. Seicond- ed by l)oumciiIman Morldenllauer. Canied by the rfOllBowliQg !Vote: Ye~ -, CoImIciIImen Juslmann, Mclldenb..,."., Pu-eiler, Thoou's. NJays--None. Peitioo of Oity F.ngin«r John White requesting 4bat the CowIIciI make time !a"ailable at tbÎJs meet, ÖQg '" reWeiw - coos-nits from II. rD. &. IR. terclmor1<>rgy m die area of ¡roIid ""'Me 'and -- engineeI'- ing data 00 !be !/IndfiM sites pre. se<>1IIry under IDv~ation, p"""""" ed and read. Counrcüm'an Pœogier moved 1Ibalt the romJJlU) ljjoation be r....,;,ved and filed. Seeooded by Councirlman IT_un. Oamied by die fuilllorwing vole: Y~yor 'Bòtter, Co1Wcilmen J"S'l>mam>, ,Mor1denI1aoor, Pre¡gier, Thoms. Nay¡s-INone. Mr. lI!arrveoy Funk of ill. D. &. R, garve a - ~ation sbOlW. ÎlI;g - other cities ,are banòlinig solid rw..... materi'aI.The enrergy recovery ideia' ...,.".. '" be the moot ,Iik~ Ix> be """sideired as themoSlt fe8!SÖble route fO<' the at¡> '" lake. J)uþuque is ŒI!OW band. lmg aplproxlÏ,matelly 2:!5 tons of w""¡' per daIY. lAbout 150 ,Ioos' eowld be S<>Ild '" enerrllY prodPJcinIg Ulliiit.y eo~ ,and M'ou!d, at løaSlt in .. oanIaWl "",y, beip 4Ibe enrg¡y crisOs. Petilli"" of the iIoIwa CoInlIIlisoion of 1Ihe Blind ""IuCO!tlinlg a refund of $76. 00 the wn.erxpjred portiron , of ~ BiiIoeoose No., !11O.as lI1ey 11.... dioroon- 1MIsin!>s6' 011 -.-'It!, p-esen¡ted and read. CouQ, eill¡nJan Pn:i!Iler m<M!d that the re- ~ be gnnted "rid Iibe Audii4ror insItø:ucted Ix> issue pro¡per ~ SeOOnòed by CoUJiìcidima" - Mo&deÐ- hauer. Oamed by ,the fo!!oWú¡g vote: Yeas----Mayor Bitter, CounICIiJImeo Jns1Jm,aoo, Moldeilbai1érr, P<egleír, 'I1homrs . NaY18-1None. ,Petillion of J();IJn _J. ~, I'!>- questin¡g a re!und of $75. 00 die un~ JOII'!¡j.on <it ~areilte ¡¡. ...... No. 68, IllS he basdi.sJcon. 1inoed iJœiœos 00 9-a4-m!, ~ ed Ia41d _d. ,Couooilomao Prei!Iler ,moved 1bat t!>e relfwnd be ¡ranted and the ~uditor iœIrUcf.ed to irosUe I¡>ro per "'amaÐlt. Seieooded by P>un- ciknan Moldenhauer. Canied by the foiIdOlWin¡g YOIe: ' y",.......,M'ayor -, CouniciImeo Ju&tmann, œ.I.oI.dendwwer, Pregler, 'I'I1oons . NJaIY~one. Art 9:45 ,P.M. d1e CotmiciI ....... into executi.ve ""';00 '" beiar !rom die st. 011 poosibIJe JOŒ'cl>ase at .. W1dfiIrl site, upon ,motion by 'Bi«er. Sereonded by CoonIoI&man MOldenbaœr. Camied by !lie ful- I<>wiIIIg rvote: Yeas-JM'ayor Bil\ter, CounJciJmen JUIOImallD, ,MoI<Ienbawer, Pregrlør, ThoDl5. N'"IY~one. At !1D:36 IP.M. the eo.-iI reeon- veoed in reguIiar seslsion ,~ !be """o_by u.e Mllyor Iih..t no eooclooionbad -. readied as to landi!illi sites, JU!I'ICb1llSC priIee etc. eom!IWllÒC>atiion of City EnIgiœer WIIite reIcoonJmendiog rEbid of the 19"lt! Com:ireIe Sidewailt progir'a ll1, submiIIIiÐIg 'a - -- orf a..._melllls, sbJ¡wjng IS td;ai eon- &1Jwictrion coot of $318,11111.118, $2O,9a\.61 IWOOId bea roœiI ¡Sty cost, and lIle net _able eost to pl'O )8'l'ty OIWIlCll"S >VOOkl be $1,7,4156.117, pI'iOSCMed and read. CooncriILman iPregIJer moved lbat ,the communli"ation be reIceiIved and fi[ed. SØeonded by Ma,yO<' illiitW, Carried by the forl!owin¡g !Vole: Yea8'----iM8¡yor Bitler, Councilmen Juslmann, MoldeoJba....., lPreei..er, Thoms. Na~s-,None. WHEREAS;, no >rò{lC< als we)'" reeeived,fôr thesul>jeeF-program 00 J<ine 7, 1973'.' , ,Now;therefóre, !>e it resolved 1)y t1œ Oity Couneil of tbe' City of DuJ>uqùe, Iowa, that the City Clerk be and is hereby òrdered and . directed to re.advertise fôr ptOpos&ls Îorthe construction 'of $aid 'improvement. 'Paued;' adopted, and approved thj¡¡ 181 day of Octo!>er, 1973. Joseþb J, lIitter Mayor Walter A; pregler AHan T. Th<>ms Wayne A,M<>ldenhauer- . 'C.' Ro!>ert JÌI$tmann iCOIm~iImen 520 Regular Session, October 1, 1973 Regular Session, October 1, 1973 521 , ,Sei¡JIremIber 01, 1915 T<>the Ho- M'ayOl1' and Ci;;yOoùnci! ' I 'berebiY s1Jbmit the attacl1ed ,sbeets',No:, 1 tbrd 00 SiroM'i"g,'a ren""¡-"5IèIhedule,' ad' ,the .pOOpó¡sed v.ooa,1iI<m...nd_menOs~ the .."struc<lioo '<JIf ,tile - Œ9'm' ~<!te SidewaJk Œ'ro~e.ct. JoimL. wmtè: P,E. dity,tug¡neer CoUIlJCòiliman Pre¡gJ!er 1I><>ved that the oommWIIiK:ation ,be .-eCe1vedand filled. 'seè<indedbyMiâ&oi' !Bitter. Carried by the ~g v"re: Y.....-:"'¥8G'Or Mer, ~~nœn JÓJSMloon. MoIIdenl1o,uer, Prë~ler, Tboons.' ' "'Niâ~s-N"~, RESOU1T11ON NO:. 321.73 BIE iLT IRìESOlJVIEID 1B'Y'11HE (JJ¡ TY QOlJWljL- OIF mBEØ1TY OF IJIUiBUQUIE, IDIWIA: , . Secti8n I. That 'the a!IIJaclJed 811- No.1 110' 16 iIIeIl1>siove, are hereby determined to ,!>e the _.. dIDO' of üre ¡n-oposed a_me"", f<>r ,the City <If Dubuqwe ¡¡g¡ß Con- crete Sidewalk' 'I'roj""t, -ami lire "'aduatiolhS retoUil; therem a,re "...... b1 awroved, Aoo,pted 1ms, 1<>t dory of 0ciI0IIer 111m. ' Joseph J. B>tœr ~8G'ôr '. W_'A;.I'Iregiler AJMn T. Tbom¡¡¡ W8!Y'le A. iMa\deoJb~ C. ~,Jug1Jm'ann OouneiMlen ' Alttest: ..' : Leo F. .FrOlDIÙleIlt ,,00tyOlerk CoUlllCÒlliman 'l'1rElgiler moved aOO¡p- 00n of the ~1Jion. S8e0nded by Maymo' BOtter. O..-ried by' 1he foWlowi<>lg vøe; , Yeä.""'¡Maynr. Bililer, ~n J1JISIt¡m,""", Modd<miliauer; Pregler, Thoms.' . . , Na¡ys-iN<>ne. RESOLUTION NO; 322.73 'wHERE!AS, tJ>e City Coundl of f.1i~ City of Dubuqne has ¡>àssed a resolution of 'necessity for the 1973 Concrete Sidewalk Prog¡ran¡. 'waEI!-EAS, ,th" Nótíee of Con- tractors åf the R""èipt of Pro- pOsals for Ibe'CO!>slruetion of the 11173' Con.rèt't! -Sidewalk 'PrográIn was duly published on the 22nd I and 29th of May, 1973: ' RESOLUTION NO. 324-73 WHEREAS,tpplieâtion : fòr Li- quor License bave been swbmltted to this Council for approval and the sam" have be<m e""mined, NOW THERiEFOItE BE IT RE. SOLVED 'bytbe City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that tlrefoHowing applications be grant- ed and ,licenses wued upOn the còmplianee with the term$ of the IOWA LIQUOR OONTROL ACT- OHAIP'I1ER 131-41. aftÆnded by the 64th General. A-s-sembly, 1971. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER-LIQUOR LICENSE John P. 'Mi.Iha~alcis, dba Junnið., 2005 Kerper Blvd. Passed, adopted and approved this' bt 'day of OeIiDber wIS. Josepb J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler AHan T. TbO'lUl! Wayne A. M<>ldenbauer C. Robert Justmann Cooncilmen Attest: . , LeaF. Frommelt , C>ty Clerk Coún";lmanPreglér moved adop. tíon of the resoJoution. seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried !>y the f<>llowing vòle: ' Ye¡rs....;May,jr tliiter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, '!'boniS." Nays-None. , ,RESOLUTION NO,' 323-73 'BE',IT RESOLVED by theClty Counc-llof the City of Dul>uque, Iowa, ,- the following ha,ving complied ,witb the provisions of law relating ,to the sale of Ciga- rettj>S within the City of Dubuque; Iowa, be granted a 'permit to sell Oigarettes and Cigarette Papers within said CÎ!ty. ¡00ri 'P. Milhalalcis,dba J'II11uies, "MIs. Kerper ,- Blvd. BE IT FURTIlE,R RESOLVED that the bond. ,filed -with ,the' ap- plication be approved: ,Pa,ssed, adopted and a¡>proved this 1st day of October'ms. . ' Joseph J. Bitter Mayor' Walter A. iP'regler Allan T;Thoms Wayne A. M"ldeilhauecr Councilmen AtteSII:: Leo F. Frommelt CIty Clerlt M<iyor Bitter moved, adoption of the resolutíon. s..:onded !>y Coun- cilman Moldenhauer. Carried !>y the fullowing vote : Yea_Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, ,Pregler, Thoms. Nayo---Nooe. RESOLUTION NO. 325'.73 WHEREAS, appl,icatioWl lor Li- quor Licenses were filed !>y the within named - a¡>pJieants and they have received the approval of tms coullCil, II1ld, WHEREAS" the premise. to be oeoupied by ouch a¡>plieants were iDsopeeted and loundto comply with State La>w aDd aM City Ordinances relevaøt thereto and they have filed proper - bond., M>WTHE\REFORiE BE IT RE- SOú\'ED by ,the Oity CGUDCIl of Dl>!>uque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to cause to be is- .""d to the following named ap- pücanls a Liquor License. CLASS "e" (COMMERCIAL) BEEIt-LIQUOR LICNESE ¡<lhn P. Mmalakis, d!ba JUDDies, 2005 Kerper BIYd. Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk' , MaYòrBitterm'¡vedadoptioil of the 'resolution. SeConded by COUD- 'èilman Moldenhauer. Carried !>y the lollowiíl'g vote: '. Yeas-;..Mayor Bitt....; Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler; Tboms. ' 'Nayo...;.eo..-a1lJæûnann: !Pa.sed, adopted and, a¡>prøved Ibis 1st day of OètoI>er, 1973. Jo",,!>h J. Bitter Mayor Waite<- A. Pregler AIlaJI. T. Th"ms .. WaYne A. Molde_uer C. 'Ro!>ert Justmann Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frlimmelt City Clerk Mayor BIIt~r moved adoption of the resolùtiÐn. Sðc1>nded by COUII- oilmAn Mold_uer. Carried by the following -rote: . Yea""';Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Juotmann, Mo!debHuer, Pregler, TI'tom$. Nays-None. CoUlleilman ,Preg!~rllroved tb~ a letter be sent to the Chairman ad' Boards and CómlDlssiouto hold meetiogsin ,theClty Hall 19henoever ¡>ossible, 1mt consider ,the Fire Sta. tlon as a 81rltable,alte1'l>atíve, Se- conded 'byCO!>ncihnan MoldeDhau- or. Carried ,by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Bitter, Coondmen Justmann, Mnldenb:auef, Pregler, Thoms. nayS-I%ne. There being f1Ò - further bu&lneu Councilman Pregler moved to ad- joura. Seeonded by Mayor Bit- ter. Carried by the following vote: Y.as~Mayor Bitter, Cou"cilmen JUß1Jmaan, Moldelill<luer, f'n.gIel', Thoms: N"y~one. Leo". Frommelt City Clerk' ~""n ,.----..-"...,um ~ ""....',...mn.......,.....,.........JIIIIIiI """""""""""""'-""""""""""""""" ....................,............................_,....... ............................................................ ............................................................ ,........................,..-........-............... CouACiJmen Attest: """"'ëïi;'C¡;;¡¡""""""""""'" 522 Special Session, October 8, 1973 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Special sesoion, Odo"-r 8, 1973. ,Çouncil met at 7:30P.M. (C.D. T.) P,resent - Mayor ,Bitter, Coun. oilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thomls. C;ty Manager Gil. bert D. Chavenello. (M'ayo¡r BdrtJter read the caJI. ood slated ,that se- IIbereof bad been' dwly nN\de and ,this meetiÐg ;,; "allIed fOIl' the JUIl' POSee of acIJiÐi! u¡poo .""h businJeSIS as may pro- ~ rome i>eIioo'e ¡he UJ£eIing. CommOOiiJcation of CouJroiIIanIan Jwstmam> ,express;",g oonœm ,of >a,Wn¡g inlVes!.igaooDS and bea.tiog¡¡ eondooted ou!>side esIaIJMI;hed pull>- ~ ,s,aifety and :iudiIcIi~ cbanneils, more Partreulla<lilv COlllOOrned IIiJout 1II1e .aotiMities oil 1IIre Hwman ffigbls 'CoDJJIlliJssion, pr~ 'and .....d. Oouncllman Jusbma"" oroved that the coI1ll111l\lDlÎlcatioo be re- ceived ,and filed. Seconded by CoWI>Ciilman Pire~ler. OaIlTied by ìhe íoIhJiwIiI>g wte: Yeas-----;Ma~()r BiJt1Jer, CounlCilmen JIJaItm""". MoIòenhauel', P""I!der, TI1oinI5" Naya-.None. Oomm...,;""tion oil CounicIiJJmJan Ju..tmano "u¡g¡gesIiing .that more s¡ >lesmen ,!>e put, 110 the iaok of sCl1lUng , IJoWntown 'Utriboan Renewta1 land ""d proposmg 1bat, ,the 0iJty ReaMors lie ~""" an OIPI[)Of'tuDity, ¡>resenl.edand .....d. Councilman J,lJaItmann moved that the rom- muni.caOOn be """'¡ved 'and fiJled and the r1rles suspended 'in ' order ,to let al1(YQIIe present .addreSIS the 00U11Jci¡J if by so desire. Second" ed by ~ Bitter. Oarned by the fuMoowia1¡g NOte: Yea's--<MayOll' -, CoUDlClilmen Jœtmarw, Moildenba?uer, Pleigíler, Tboms. Na~ooe. Mr. Don Toom, ,a Iooa[ realitor, sfJal.ed 1bat be !WOIIJd !iIœ tob....., an <>I'IPO~ W diJSIpose oil Ur!ban 'Ren__l"Iiy. OoundIman Moildenbauer nroved that OoniIICiJlman JœIm>ann'a 1A>t. ter !>e re'!erlred to the Council fur a work ,session aDd 'a meeting with the n.e..1JoN¡ oil the 0iJty. Seconded by OoUIIIC~" J_ann. Oanied by the fuMowimg lV<I1e: Yeaa-1dja~or Bi1>tN, OounI:ilinen Juslm'aoo, 'MIJi1denbauer, Pn!IgIler. 'l1boms. N-ay&---<None. OolDll11UJ1ioation oil CounIcilmim Moldenl>auer oubtnitting' a reþJ<'t on the Leagoue of Iowa' (M,1HJfujp8M" ,ties held in Cedar ~a(JIidis, [OwD, presooil>edand read. IOoUllleißlman Moldenhauer mk>Ved \bat the rom- mwIIicaltiion be receòwed ood med. Seconded by OoW>Cli&m8D Preg[er. Cauied by the _wing ""te: Ye3JS'-oMayor Bitter, CounIciílmen Ju.Omiaml, Moldenhauer, ,Pre¡glJer, 1born5 . N,aya----Nooe. ~ 5, 1!I7ß Hono~a!Jile 'Mayor and (Mœnibelra oil .the City Counlcil Œ bialVe aiJprove<! U>e foIIi.OIWing Gene~a-1 Liabillity IOÍiIC1Y and wish yoor awr<>"aIl oil .,a,me for ~. Wi!1Ii<lll1lBecI<er & Sons Stone Com. pany-<OOlwa National MUltuiaI.O In. SW'alllOO' Co. iPolie¡y #¡(IDA 88 l14l>I WI dal.ed October 111, IlOOS to 0c>t<Iber 111, 19'11>1. GôiIbert n. (b"""",eill.e City Manager (Mayar Bi1Jter moNCd JIiIiing apþro- "'.. ~ to a¡ 1PI1'OV18l oil ,U>e Ciliy Solicitor. Seicooded by Oow>k:iI.man Preg<ler. Comied bq lI1e foIj]owiÐig vote: Yeas--4MlalYOO' Bi~r, CounâDan... J,u.1Jmann, Mold-uer, ~, rt1boms. Nays----None. September 28, 1973 Œlon<>Nllblle 'Mayar and City 0Juniei[ reo FrankL. ZlmudllJa vs David J. F1Ieeige; aJaJVid J. F!eege V'S City oil Duþuqwe An action was commenced a~a- U>e City oil Dubuque in ,the MWlliCipàI. Court <if City oil iDulbuque, iDubtJiqIre Co1llllty, Œ<JIwa, a!Ilegirig lliat U>e defendiaDlt, lI>avid J. Weege, "'a& PuiItiI1g fI!'Om 'a' SItJo«> oiIg!n, the street area oil ~b ,.,.. tota,1I¡y covered 'boy' a JIiMl oil œ;, I>y rEIasOO oil" 18- I:II'CIW halVing ~ed the 6lireet 'and as", -..at, ~n Mr. Fle<lge gOt 110 Ihe œtJJ\Jel' oil the intersecl:ioo be, eoUM not proceed, and the 21mtJd1<a' v<!bœle rollided ~ him causiJQg ~ dam lges to ,the Flee¡ge"wto in ,the amount oil $l8OO.00 and:to the Zlmudkla dar in the alDOOlllt of $4I1ß.~. This ,IDIatl.er ",as noted fur trail I>ei!œ'e 'Municipal Oouirt' at Special Session, October 8, 1973 whroh time lI1e pllajntilflf made an oIðfer ofsoo1iemrot in Ö1e amount of $300.00 and the delfendant"""",a petitioner, Fleege, made ,an- oIðfer of seltllemenlt in lII1e amJ<>oot of $756.00 and lI1e City - pay court coa~ in the '1IJ]] ()1IOIt oil $1ß,æ. LIt ]s 'the recommendaJtioo of the Cilly Attorn,*, 1I>at s,aid -s of sClt>1Jlement ,!>e a<Jeepted and that the City AudliiOOr !>e ins- to draw wattant pay¡able to IDalVlid J. FleCige in lI1e a.nrount of $750.00 ,and wa""ant pa}'able to Firank L. Zmudk" in 1110' aIIlli>uut oil ,$000.00 and a wa....anJt pa}'aIJße' to Joaepb Stieber,Cierk oil Court, in the' amount of $1ß.æ. ,EnJcII<>sed l1er"""lI1;,; sulb~aA:ion ' notice of American Stales wu. ral>Ce, earrier1lor Mr. 2InÌudloa" <:Iia~1\1 fiiled,!JoY IDavid ,'F1leege a,gains'tthe Oitly oil oDubuqwe, 00d o<ii¡ginal ootilee Mith~tion at-, talCbed oil tDalVi,¡' J. Fleege, <:Il'OSIS- petiJtioner "" City of tDubuque. ' R. N. RUI!OO Oity AtOOirn,*, OoæIIe:in.man (Moldenhauer lIlOVed awro...ad of tJ>e recommendation. Seoonded by [Mayo.- -. OIm-ied by the fuII.oIwing <Vote: Yeas-MayOl1' BitlJer, 00tmciImen J""tmaoo, 'MoWenbauer, PregOer, TboIna . Na}'s--.None. Nootiœ of ear damage daim of R<>ger AOOen Brimmer, in an _. mated 'amoom of $95.66, for 00' mag<> inlcUITed a. the re&udt oil sia1ikin¡g 'a bo8Je in 1110' wee'!: a,t Uniovers1ty 'and Allgma 00 ~,7e, presenled and read. ~ MoWenbauer moved that the nOOl:e l!>e re'!erlred to tbe CiiJy A1¡torney fur inIV~tiIoo and report. Se- conded by M,ayo.- Bitter. earned by ,the fo1IowIng vote: Yeas,-,Mayor Bitter, OoUl1lCi1rnoo JusOmann, MoJdeoi>auer, PregOer, Tbomo. N'a}'s--.None. P_n of St. 'Re¡gi. PoapeŒ' Co, requeslJÏn'g perm:isoion to erect a s1gID 00 their pro¡perIty on ,the In" d""trÞad lisbnd on- 'KeI¡per BMi., presented and read. lOouneio,man Pre¡g¡ler moved that the, petition !>e refeued to U>e City Mamge¡r and City Attorne¡y fur i~a- OOn 'and rep>1t. Seconded by Cown" oHman MoJdenbauer. Canied by 1he fuIIoIwimg vote: 523 Yeas-Mayor Biibter, Counei,lmen Justma..... Mold_"""",- P.-egi.er, Thoms. Na~-N()ne. iPetition of PoopIl"" Nafurnl, Gas requesting pemtÍsaion to exlCa"'8te 'aJI: 20512IGrace Street "to provIide "~mer set'lVi~e, presen'te<L IWd read. CounleilJman Moldeoi>auer 'IIJ.<)iVCd 8!JIproV'al oil tire, ¡peóiw,n. Seconded by Cotmeilman Thorn., Oareied by the f<>l!owin,g""te:, Ye8lS~ay¡or Bi1Jter, ~men J,\hSi!miam¡, Molldenbauer, Pt-egIIer" Tboms. N,ya-None. " Petition of ArebieKU<!bn et ,;¡it (4 si'gDel1S') requestin¡g 1he ereiCiIion ofa",s,treet 1iØ on the west &;de of RrediJ,*, S'tu'eet ,between 168 'and 185, presenJted ,and read. 000a1Jci[- 1\11anMoJdenhauer IDOvéd óbat the ø;>e1lliÌioo be' reICièued to the Ma1>a- ger and EJI_al ,!nspoo1Jor fur mlVes~igation andreo:>ort, Secon<!ed by Couneilman rt1boms. Oauied i!y ,the foffilOwing vote: . ' Yeaa>-JMa_, Bii1Jter, CowIJeilmen JwSl1Jmann, MoI.denbauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nay&-;None. Petitioo o!f Board oil Doick O(>m. missionem reque.ot:ing a mCt'ltin,g ,to dia.e.... the [eaaill>iJliliy, cost and """" of finanCing SCiWCr and water .ervi~e for a,rea "C", preseol.ed ,and read. CounCiiliman Moldenhauer moved that the ool11JIIllUnlÌØaJtiou be received and fiJled and 1'eiferred to the Coullcil and seta "",etJiÓlg date 0eiIJ0ber :!4itb at 4:00 P.M. with ,11110' DoIck Oommi..ion. Se- oonded by CoonciIimian 'l1homs. Oar- riedl>;y ,the fuIInowii¡g, Vote: , Yeas--M'ayo¡r Bi1Jter, Councilmen J-wstmam>, MOildenhauer, P<eIgIler, Tboms. Naya-No.re. Petition oil Lea,gue of Women voters recommendån¡g the n"""" of Mrs. Floyd Wiederbol~ to 00 a vaeal>CY 00 ,tlhe 1JiI>Il;- Board, pre- .enled 'and read. CouœilJman Mol- denhauer """""d 1I>at the ¡>e'tiitlion be -.00 to the 00"",",1. Se- oonded I>;y ICooo.<:iWman rt1boms. Oar- ried by the f<>Jic¡wi"gvote: Yeas...,MayOO' Biltiter, Co1mlcilm"" J,UlSltmaIID, MaWenbauer, Pre¡gler, Tbomo. Naya-None. Petiw,n oil M,arline Co1'!JB League requ8Slt;",g the M,ayar to proclaim 0£It0ber 28th"s U.S. Ma.-wn.e ßand 524 Special Session, October 8, 1973 ,D~ iB DulJUque, in ~on I of UIe U.S. M'a...... I8and..wear- """" aJt Sooiar High on thaJt day, presented and read. Oounicitman MOddenbauer moved' ,_Ill, of ~ ~. SeIcoœ!dA!d IJ¡y 00uDeiI.- ....... '11Ii<>InIo. Oamed by the -- iDg "00" y""...:...MiayQr -, 000mIeiIimen """"",ann, M~, PO'egl."', '!!Iotm6. N",)'IS~. ~4ioe> 01£-. ~ 9Mi11>' of - Oeotral loNe. <>b. j<cling to d1e opting Quit <II, tiver V,aiiey Oa¡>. preseDIed and .-I. M""YOr Bitler """,ed that the rom- m~"" be reMiwd omd med. $eeonded by CouIIiclImaD :rIJoonø. ()anied by ÖIe f>o!I¡oIwù]¡g ~: Y....--~ Bi_. 00mIiei~!MO ,Josi\:mIaœ, ØoiidetIbauer,' J't'eIgkr, ,""""". iN"~, ~a"'" <II '...- 'J'iiSICb <II .. ,W. WI1 St. reqœsiIúIì¡ ,1M Cou¡IIeIii to oCJay WiUI the Ri'llel' ¥dley.OaI> I!íIe. Ago-, ~ 0u1<l read. !MJa!)'lOll' Bitler mc>\"Od tbiat (he communik>ati<Jn be rooet"ed ami file!!. Sectmded b!r COuneiiknian 'ft>Ooms. DoBied by' the IoIIØwiog wte, Y~8ð'C'l' -, (JoQnIc!ameol Juo$mat1&,' Moi1doIIIbau"', Preglø', 'ftmB8 . N",~. . ~. Louie ~..-ebt, Coußt,y SUpEr. .,¡¡.or, ,sfJaœd 1Ihat.the ta<get - .,.., "New Vô"'" aøenK!W 1& get I!Q;r NovemtJer lot ... .. f.unding ""to'. 'l1oaœmi...ioa I\WM be _de oíÌ1.~ WIidt .......~ inIvoiwd. Tri~ -- w:ilI be ~ in- ~. AJtt exiI!eIJmt _nifJOlioo is In !i;aœ ,MMI the ~ IIoard r,vill. ~ 01£ lIwo superwiæn' 8iod one Çi~ 00u!IIciDaœft. RIiSQL.I.ITION NO. 326-73 R_utien _.....Ing with the Ie. tion of I)q""- CoolWy, I_a des. ¡gn,,1Ine ~... County B..rd of 60_,,1..... .. the govermnantal ..mm""ity a4!tlen ag_y fqr I)". M"e C.,my, 10," INOW TlmRE1"ORE BE IT RE- SOLVOO 'BY THE OITY COUNCIL OF' TÌŒ 0lTY OJ' DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section I. That City Couaeil of tb.è Oity' of [Dubuque, Iowa does herebY' concur In the action taken by the. Dubuque CoUllty Bolrd' of SuperVÚlOrs at their meeting on September 35, 1973 witbdrawing frðm River Valley Inc. a. Dabuque Cou D!¿ Y" s Community ActWn Age"",y Ind designating, m lieu thereof, the Dl>buque County Board of Sl>pemsors .. the governmental coDldllllDity adÏon ageI>CY for Du- ""qUI' Couuty, Stat" of J~a. Sectillfl 2, It i~ tbe Ï\IIent of City Co\1neil of the City of Du- buque, J~a 10 foml"w,y e !:pres ita wish to cooperate with the Du- buwt Couøt.y !Ioard <II S~ ÙI tlltabJislJinc said legal govern- IIlfiltal ageneyand DOt necessarilv u a. e;aplCSsion of thek, right to exercise thei.r riI\t1t to oPt out of tile 4e¡iguation of River Valley ÙIÇ. a¡ Dubuque County's ColD- II jty action age~y. ' tl'assed, ap >roved <IUd ad<)p\ed t:his at;hday of Oeto!>er, 1973. Jooepb J. Bitter 'Mayor Wa1ter A. 'Pre~r AIla\! T. 'l'boDJ$ Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Ro!>ert Justmann Attest: Leo F. FPoonmelt CityCierll: CQuIIICilman Preø1~ moved ad"p- Iloilo! the resolution. Seconded by .O>uncilman JustmanD. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneilmen JU.mmmu,' Moldenhauer, P<'ei!Ier, 'niemi, Na~Noøe. R~$OLUTION NO. 327.73 ~,~t dated Sep1em- !>er ~,.1~3, prepared by Bartels, ¥1cM;ahan, LeMay, Haas '" F¡ly 1!;ngtneering CQ., licensed civil et¡- ginee~ and land surveyors, cover' ¡Jg lot "A" of Loot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot ,I of ,"De Luxe CQttage CoUI't" i,n the City of Du- ""'que, Iowa; a,nd WHEREAS, said pl..t coni/oroxs to the laws and statutes pertaiJ¡ing thereto; NOW THERDFORE BE IT RE- SOLV!ID BY TlHECJTY COUlN1CIL OF TIHE 0lTY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Seetlon I. '!bat thE! plat dated Septem!>er 5,1973,prepared by Bartels, McMahan, leMay, Haas '" Fay Ji:ngineering Co., licensed eivil e"glneers and land ""rveyors, eovering the real estate herein, above deocribed, be aM the same Special Session, October 8, 1973 ;., hereby approved and that the Mayor 'and City Clerk be and they are bereby authorized and directed to execute said plat for and on behldi of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 2. That the City Cierk !>e and be is hereby authorized and directed to file said plat and certified copy of tbis Resolution in the office of the Recorder in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. Passed,approved and adopted tJhis 8th day of October, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Wayne A. Moldenhauer Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms C. Robert Jœtmann Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Justmann moved adoption of the resolution, Second- ed by Councilman Moldenhauer, Carried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 328.73 WHEREAS, City of Dubuque, Iowa. is the owner of Lot "A" of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of "De Luxe Cottage Court" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and WHEREAS, C. W. Enterprises ÙIÇ. desires to use said real estate pursuant to and in accordance With Agreement for Revoca'ble Permit; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section I. That Revocable Per- mit be and the same is hereby granted ro C. W. Enterprises Inc. to use the said above described real est..te in accordance with the terms and ,provisions of the Agree- ment for Revocable Permit, copy of wbich permit is hereto attached, Section 2. That said Agreement for Revocable Permit be and the same is bereby approved and the Mayor and tbe City Clerk be and they are bereby authorized and directed to execute same for and on bebalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 3. That the City Clerk 525 be and he is hereby authorized and directed to record a certified copy of this Resoiution in the office of the Dubuque County Recorder. Passed, approved and adopted this 8th day of O<:tober, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Wayne A, Moldenhauer Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms C. Robert Justmann Conncilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded -by Councilman Justmann, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, pregler, Thoms. Na~None. RESOLUTION NO. 329-73 WHEREAS, application for Liq- uor License have beeD! submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE, SOLVED 'by the City Council of the City of Du-buque, Iowa, tbat the following a,pplicationsbe grant- ed and licenses issued upon the compliaoce with the terms of the IOWA lJIQUOR CONTROL Þ£T- CHAJPTER 1G1-as amended by the 64th General Assembly, 1971 CLASS "B" (HOTEL.MOTEL) BEER and LIQUOR LICENSE Topeka Inn Management, lnc" dba Holiday Inn of nwbuque, 1111 Dodge Street Passed, adopted and approved thj¡¡ 8th day of O<:tober 1973. Josepb J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenbauer C. Robert Justmann Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Couneilman Moldenhauer moved adoption of the resolution. Second- ed ,by 'Councilman Tboms. Carried !>ythe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Coul>Cilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, P~egler, Thoms. Nays-None. 526 Special Session, October 8, 1973 RESOLUTION NO. 330.73 WŒ!'ERJEAS, ~ons fur u- C IIIDl' Licenses were Ijied by the wi,tin namedaWiOOan~ and !beG' hlWe reeci.-ed the a&JP1'O'V'IIi of tis c:ou<JJCiØ., ami, WIHIE\RJEAS, !be premi¡ses to !>e oe-eUqJlied by sudl appiJicanls were il>Slp>OOted ami fuwnd to ~ 1Mith StaJte La"" ami ail QiI<y OrdinaÐic'es ,..,1m-aOit theretJO and they baIve liMed propel' bondis, NIQW 'l'IJIJEIRiEFOR BiE IT HiE- SOlJWJD by the CiJt¡y 0000cIi8. of Dubuque, IOIWIa, that dle Mian'ager be ,a_riu.ed to "".",e.to !>e isSo1JlOd to the fu!JOIwiIIIg nwmed ap¡¡;Ireanl>s a ,Liqìwr 'lJiceœe. CLASS ",B" (HOTE!L-MO1\EL) 8EEIR and LiIQOOR LilCENSE ToPeIoá fun Man"gemreot, Inic., dþa Hodi~ kin of lMJIJque, i1J1Jl1 ~ Street p"""'¡,adoptedaml awroved ~ 8th dIllY of O<>tober I97S. J"""I>h J. Biliter lMayor Waller iA. Prregier AIDan T. Tboona Wa,yne A. <Moldenhauer C. llOObert Jus1>mann Oo<mcilInen -: Leo F. FroInImeIt Ci~~ 00w1IciIm'8f1 Moliclenbauer moved adqptJion of the resolution. Seocond. ed by CooooiImJao Tboons. Oamed bY tbe íoI!oIwUII! vote : YeaJS'o--Mayor Bitter, CouIIIciilInen Justmann, Moideobauer, PuIgler, TOOms. N>~one. ~ :!K, I97S HOlIIOl'aIble lMaJy<I(t' and MemØ>em of Ci~ CoUIIJciI iMI's. 1X>ris Riekena, ,an a&1P<Jdnted memIber of U>e DUbuque 'l1re""iIt 1IIoard, ;., -'OW and 0IWIlet' of eeI'Itam sllares of .I.œk of the R & S En~<!<pl'Ii-, Im:. R & S EnJteir¡prises, Im:. h.. sub- ,mjj ted a ~ to pIIŒ'ICb""" cer- tain real - 10 the Doiwnrown U<t>an Re~al Projedl:, - R-<l6, i!iœ' the P1J11lOSC of prov;idinig add!. tio!1laJl oI!ktreeI: parking fur their cœ1nmers dUliOJing tbe BUIS De¡pot ~ty JooaJt.ed on the adìjOOJing land. ,."","" The membership of Mrs. ,Hie- 1œna on fue Dubuque 'I1ram,it B<>aro does not a¡p¡peaT to !>e a pel'lSOnal interest o!S set - in Obapter 400.16 of the IOIW'a Code, known as the Uman :Rene¡wal. La"", pro- bibiting or ~se li~tit1¡g the p811Jæipation by ~s, Hiekena OIl' R & S ~es, Im:. in fue Œ>«JIPOOed tr""""""",,. At the ŒreictIDoo of the City At- torney it is ber<lby requested !bat this I- be relcei"ed and _de a' part of tbe oiðfiicial proœediDØ; of tis meetJimg. In a<IcIition aOODJfo¡r.med OOIPY of this letter Mil be made avail. aibde fur public inBpectÎontogether with certain OIIher dooomælis in the Ciity Clerk'. 0Iftæe. GentM. '\\ÍIDIIbenberg CouooiBimao ~ moved that the comnmnIDation !>e reeci¥Cd and dIOOd and made a ma~ of r"""rd. Seconded by Couooiiman J' u s t- maDlll. Oamed by lI1e folli>\vi!ng vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, .00000000~men JUlSltmann, Moi1denbauer, p~, Thoms. N>a:\,s~one. RESOLUTION NO. 331.73 Declaring intent to sell a portion of tho Downtown Urban Ren8IW'al Project, Iowa R.15, to R & SEnter. prises, Inc. WIIIiEiRiEIAS, under date of M'....œ 19, 19111 ami AprfuJ 30, 19111, the CoImcòI ofUJe Ci~ of Dubuque adopted Resolutions NoUnnl>ered 9(). n and lo!&-11B reSI >8CtIÌIVely, - of ",biK:b OAJII'Oved andautllll'1'li7"<l the reœipb of >l'O PIOSaJ,s for tbe .aile and redevelopment of a cer- tain pa...,eil of real. estalle in the DoIwnIioiwn Uman Ren_al PrwJdeict, Iowa R-il6; and WiHEIRJEAS, 'J'IUl'S'laOit .to said re- sdutioos, a ootice of II>viMtion fur Prqposail. WI"" \PI1IJIIisbed in the Te- ßJeigrapb-Meradd, a new.¡paper of ge- neral ci~aoon in the City of Dulbuqu<!, w,.",a, on A¡pirI!. 4, 197ß, AprjIl 1,7, 11Ø13, M,1llY 8, 19'III and Ma'y 15, [97ß; and WIIIIEIIIÐAS, in response to .aid <>ffering, a propos.al fur the pUl' ohase and redevelqpmen~ of tbe rea,1 estate ",as reeeived from R & S Enit.e<lprises, Im:.; and WlHiEJRJEAS, pursuaDit to <Jbapter 4œ of the Code of Iowa, IllS amend. Special Session, October 8, 1973 ed to daile, and certa,in regutalioœ of the United Stal!es De¡pall'tnneDit of Housdnig and U"ban n""ehJ;p- ment, œ~ta¡n doouments mUßi be made 'a'\"ai1a1b11e fur pulbliJe ins >eK:- Uon and a ~ beariIJIg eondœt- ed; IOO!W therert'ore BE 1T ~ESOUVoEiD B'Y 11HIE 01- IT OOUNmL OF 11HIE 0I'l1Y 0tF DUIBUlQUIE, roWiA: Section I. That the City of Du- buque hereby decilares its iOitent, after a public hearing, to di>¡pOse of lJot 3 of Bilocl<: 6, eoocept the Nol"tb 16 !eel thereof and exI<:$ the South 65 feet th..-eof; and Lot 1 of BOOicIk 6 in Dulbuque Doiwn. Wwn ¡P~8':" .atIso knOiWin a. Ðæsposli, tion ~art:eil lJliA in the Downrown U>1ban Renewwll!'1rojeet, I"",aR-ù5, to R <I< S Enter¡prioos, !rue, in ae. cordanlCe 1Mith the te~ms and con- ditions of the lJand Marketing Do- oo-men~s ,goreming sudl s,ale on £:Ie in the - of fue De¡part- ment of HowsÖJng and Redeve!op- meDlt. Section 2. That the Oi~ CI- be and he is ~by authorized and directed .to pwbli-sIl IlIOtlice oil public bearin¡g to !>e beld on No-- vemJ!>er 19, 1973, aDd to make cer- tain documents avaHaMe fur pu!>- lie inspection. Sud1 notiJce shaM !>e su¡'Sltawalily in the loom of "Exhibit A'" attached beret.o and made a part hereof, and SuOO 00- tice may COveT one or more pro- I'Qsals, Pa,s'sed, aw>roVed and adopted thi" 11th day of 0CI0Iber, 1973. Jose¡pb J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. PregJler AIiIan T. Thoms -yoe A. _aU8ll' C. - Ju.oIJmann CoU!dnnen Attest: Leo F. Frommdt City CIeri< 527 the devel<>.pers bereinaJfter Dilisrted for the pwebase ,ami redevehJ;p- meDit of .,..,..,in pa""e!s of _I estate Iœlal\ed in the DoiwnIown Urþan R_al Poo1oot, Iowa R-<l6, whiClh project iniC~udes the area !>ownded by Fowrbh Street 00 the sowtb, een,tNll Avenue on the eOlSll, Ninlh Street on the north, ami lJoowst Street on the west. Nwme of IÐeV<!lloper, R & S Enterprises, Inc. Address, 4116 ¡()eDlfll'laI Avenue, Do. buq¡re, Iowa. Said bearing 1MiiJI ,!>e heild in Cou¡¡. cill Chaml>e11s, OiIty HaM, 13th and Iowa Streets, Dubwque, IOIWI8, at 7:30 P.M, on lI1e 19th dlay of No- vet11J!>er, 19111, and any perron '" or~an¡.ation desiring to be !>ea:rd wi>1l be given an o¡p )Ortunity to !>e beard on ,the que.tioo of the proposed diJs¡>osótions. A "'Redeve1KJlper'. Statement fur PwbMcDi_wre" in Ihe furm pre- SlCriDed .by the De¡pa<l!itnen/; of Hous, iIJIg and Urban Develo¡pmeDlt and the proposed "Dis¡pos¡itioo Agree- ment" fur eaClh of .aid develo.pem are on . and a"aÕJIab1e for in- s¡peetion aIt the 0IfiJIiœ of the Ciity Cieri!:, Ci!¡y HaU, Dubuque, w,.",a between 8:00 A.IM. and 5:00 P.IM. eo<ICe¡;t SaÓUŒ'<ia:\,s, Stmda,ys and ho-- li<iays. Said dOiCumeDit shaM ~so !>e a'\OaiOabIe at the time of the pui¡llic b...,.;.,g. Leo F. FroIDlDleit Oi~ Clerk Counci1man Preg[er nroved adiJ¡p- tion of the resolution, Seconded by Councilman Ju.sIInn,atID. Gamed by 1Ibe fulllo¡w[ng vote: 'Yea.---<M'ayor Bitter, Cooneillmen J,UlStmann, MdLdenhaU8ll', Pre¡gl!er, TI1oms. Nlay,s~one. Aittorney M,mIJin Ooooey and Mr. Sherman !>otb addresised the Coun- cil by s~atiog !bait the buß ~ need" more spa¡ce. EXHliBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 332.73 LEGAL NOTICE OF HEARING WiHEJRiEMS, the Ci~ 0JuœiI of p"",uant to Ohapt." 400 oil the the (J¡ty of Dubuque, 'Iowa, ...... 1966 Code of w,.",a, as amended, fu~mdJy ootitied ¡n M'Titing Iby ;m,. fue ,0000y :Ooontcii of the Oity of _ate Œ'0IWeJ' Company of ¡~ 10- Dulbuque wiM bold a pwblic bealf- ten11ioo to disrontinue i~s lbus 0p- ing for the purpose of <:onslide>rinl: ."atioo m. the Qity of Dubuque, the ,awthori",ation of the ~, 00 I Iowa eIfiiecIii"e ÁiUlgU8t 311, 1l9'1II; ",Old of proposed ~ee,ments by and WIHJEIRiEJAS, Ihe Ci~ Coum:ñØ. of J>eiIJween the CiiIiY of Dubuque and the City oil 'Dubuque, Iowa resolved 528 Special Session, October 8, 1973 1Jo ,a.cquire &aid bus sy"tean and to <JIperalte Ule s'",me; and I'\VIHERIEAS, /he (J¡f(y CoUIJlcli[ of ÜIe Oity of imbuque, [OlIVIa ca [ed IIII'QD- /he lCilizen',s AdNioory Com- IniJltee 1Jo ,alSlSiSll; i" the pronrotion of ,a falVO<aIM -rote on the ~å!. EdClC'tion hEild on J,woe Œ, 1m; and IWIHIEIRIEAS, the eleelors of ÜIe City oIfDuþuque, [o¡w,a did rote in [Ja""" of ,the JIl'O\pOsilJioo oIf /he 1>11. sJ'lstem and opera:tion of ...me ¡¡y the City oIf lDU;buque, wwa; and !NOIW 11ßIERffi1FOIRI HIE 11r HIE- SOINœJD IBY mHIE OIITY \OOUINIC!IL OF 'J1HE œm' ~ [JIlJIBoUQU'E, IDWIA : Sec:Mon I. ,'!bad the Qif(y Counlci[ of ~ City oIf Dubuque, [owa 00e0 hereby ,admOlWl!edq¡e and reICQglIize the i""'-e~anee .endered by lihe OiIJizen's AdviroIö" Coonrnid- tee, oth8il' o¡>edial C<>11IIIIrittees ,amd aiJJJ <>th8il' persons M'bo ,so generousaw g¡a,ve of dleir ,tadoots .and -. tiJme in \S'8Cill1Ïng 'a ~a"""ab1e eiIee- tion resu.lt. in promoting the rom-- 'menlCemend oIf bw; 1'- and in ,!1>a.rking Sep¡tem ber 1, i1973 ,WiItb ~ade œremonies !and festW- iti.. inWgW'ating ,the operation oIf ",aid ~em. $ecNon 2. Tb8It Üle City 00unIciI of ÜIe CiIJy of Dubuque, iIoo.>a 00e0 hereby Iior,m-aMy exiporess tbeio' œt- lective ~anIOS and ¡gil'aÜtude to aM of /hose Iiinie k:åliizens twtro ha"e se11Ved. dIleio' ~y so well during tis ~ e¡¡ñrode. I\alS,sed, _roved "nd 'adlJ¡pited this 8th day oIf Oc>OOber, i1973. Jose¡ph J. IBitter iM,~ ,WaMer A. P.e¡g!l"" Aman If. '!boons W- IA. iMoldenba1l'8il' C. 'Robert J,_ann fJo1JncHmro Mtest : Leo iF. ,FrOiInJDIek City 0IeIt: JII",.,.- Bittel' ,moved 'adop1:ioo, oIf !he reS<JilDlJlon, SØconded Iby iOouI>- ci1m",,'l1IIoms. (Jamied by d1e ful- 10W!iQg rote : YeaO>-'M,ayor Bi1lt...., Cotmdilmen Jœ_, 'Mo!denhI800f, Pire¡g!."', 'lbœns . ~. The iIIiol1JOO'a;bde "os"" J. 1Bit1>er and 'Members of /hoe (Jif(y PJnmIciit The iMeæcall A_altes lReaMy Com¡pany destires 10 inilm'm the :Du- buque Cidy Cowneil ¡bat OW' - eI<tyat <lOOO iM'aID Stl'eet, IDuI:>uq"", is 'for s'Me. lIVe ofiCer tile f.o!Do¡wU¡g prQ¡>erty: A) The IMiam iOIånlÌ.k> ,Building 011 00,000 ,square Œeet oIf gross 'area. lJandarea oIf -U,571l' <quare fleet 0lIl rw'bñcl1 tile iOIdnic Winds. B) Patients' P,æd<ing Lot, :!7,1!Ii5 ,square feet, "apalCiilJy b 96 ca... The ,area is l>ound by 11weWtb, Tlmteentb and [o¡w,a Stl'eebs, ,and the alDey. ,(See ,attached diagortam.) ¡O) One and one-baWf (1"') car gaNge <lnd worIœiwp, Ibridt, heat- ed, adQ'lIIC'IIDt 10 lihealley I>ebween iMaån and fuwa Sitreebs, I>o<dering on ,'!1We1tt'Ih Street. 'l'OO1M. ~,OOO.OO. We ,antioipale being able Ix> de- tivel' ¡>ossessioo "WroXlimately JwIy, 1lm5. We invite ~, or ,,"Dr .--e- sentatives, to " lCCI111PI<>te inoJpêc- tion oIf ,t)¡e prem;,ses ,at <I tiJme -aaaw .'a&f~. Inad<Ëoon, ÜIe If<..m... Hauden- sbield, I!<'adlley æw. Hanson prop- ectIies "'0' 'aMailal>!i<!, indiv!iduadl¡y, and we in.,¡j,le negotiatioßlS liar &de if ill lW<>uid he 1110' desire 011 d1e City Coumi!. R1ICihard V. ~",y, M.ID., PresideDJt iMeæ"atl ~ eiaJtes 'Rea~ty Oompa~ ,Coundl""", Ju.tmann moved 1ba~ /he coimnHmdœtion be re- cei"ed and Jiilled ,and mer:red ro the :Counci[. Siecooded by Co"""il- man J'lllOildenbauer. O",rried by ,the fuli<J[wing ,"ole : Yea.......Mj~ tBiIJter, OoonIciIImen J-tLstmann, iM<Jd-anJe1', Preg[er, TOOmIS. N'a,ys'--None. There !>einlg no 1iurtIh.... Imsm- OOUneiliman iMo&deohawer moved to a<lj(>uxn. Seicooded I>y Co1JUJClillmla" Thoms. Camied by d1e fuMawing ou1e: YeaJS~M'ayor -, CoultlCHmeD JusOO>ann, iMo!.denha.,uer, iPreglter, I1'I1o,tm , ~OI1e. Leo F. .F¡rommeilt ally ICleri: Special Session, October 8, 1973 529 Awroved ,....oo.....,.,......,....,."..,.....,Jl87. Ado¡pted ......................,......,.............mI'1II """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ........................".................................. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ............................................................ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Councilmen Atœst: """ëit;:"ë¡;;;¡;:"""""""""""" 530 Special Session, October 10, 1973 CITY COUNCIL ,the Coonci[ of thelir bui<J¡¡>et needs ro ,be m>sed .at Ülis time to. <JipeIìaote a q"ality ,~mand ro _va OF,FICIAL 1II1e OOlWi~e in response to the wish- es of 1he citizeMY, presented and Spec,ial session, October 10, 1973. read. Cou_an Preg¡ler ,mo<ved Council met at 7:30 ,P.M. (C,D. tlha~ ,the OOI11I11lunWalioo 00 re- T.) ecivedand ~Ied ,and the ruiles "us- Present_ayor Bitter, Council. , pended in <>NIer .. let a~ne preiS- men Justmann, Moldenhauer,' em address the Coun~¡1 if they Pregler, Thoms. ,City Manager GiI- ' 50 des;æe. Sek:onded by Counci'lman bert 'D. Chavenelle. lMoIdenbauer, Carried by the ful- 100000000vote : st~~rrth~~tter~ :'er:: .~~~ Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CounciOanen been äy made and 1II1is meetmg ~stmann, 'Moldenhauer, Pre giler, is ..,a>Iled .. Conduct 'a Public Hear. O!lls. ing on the 'Budget ExpenditureS Na~-None. from January I, 1974 to Juno 30, MT. ,George ,Deio.inger, ,a mell11l!>er 1975, and sOOng ,UI'QD osucl1 other of the Thansit Board, staœd that business as may >l'O[>elW OO111e ""ltat the OOI11Imittee ",ants ;s 110 before 'a regular meeting of the l'UJ1 an adequate bw .~.teIIn. iMr, Cowwil.. (Jbester Soi>oamm,aioo a member of the Roam, mentioned ,the fact that Inters~atePOIW'CIf Co. .howed a net <>P<'"ating loss last yea~ of $4117,000.1110' pleaded .,,¡th 'tM Ooon- ell 110 ,relOO""i<!er the _t of $225,000 placed in .the bud¡g>et. As the Board ha's now figure it the total! o >erating cost fur tlhe nex>l ~ ear w H æ b e awroxi:mateily $4Iiß,OOO, that is witlhout consider- ing mucl1 needed re¡pam for the bus barn. Oounlclilliman Pregler moved that ,the City Manager be be dfiTeeted to ,a-IJooaœ during 1!he month of June lOO>I,and the Ci~ SoIIil:'ifur resea~CIb the iss"anee of boods fur mamtaindng and im- Xl'OVing tile hiamtt >Sõ"srem. See- onded ,by :OoUl>CiItmaJ> _s, OaT- Tied by the foII[owùng ""te: Yeas~M'a~ Bitter, ~men Justm'ann, Moldenhauer, PretgWr, 'l1hoam. NoaY5-None. Oœnanwrication of Frank Q]cria- reIli, as a memlJer of ,the OatiloJiic Cbaoities Board, U1'\;¡ing the Coon- ci[ tibat the bud¡glel iocllude $00,4116 fur t!be \Hu¡mlan ~, Commission, >I'esented and read. lMayor Bitter nroved that the ronununication be reeeWedand filed. Seoonded ,by Cou".,;.wan 'l1h<>ms. -Carried by the fu1!lo>wingvote: Yeas--->M~ Bitter, Councilmen SEE DETAILED BUDGET ESTI- Justmann, Molidenbauer, Pregler, MATE ON PAGE 531. Tboam. Na~s-None. Comlrn.ooroation of D" ,I> u que Communication of Obamber of Transit 'l1roSl!ee lBoaTd remmding Commerce, Tax Study Committee, OF,FICIAL 0ieM>er ao, a9'1l!. To 1:be _able Ma~or and lMembe"s of the 0iJty CoUI>CiiI AtlJak:>hed berelo is 'a 1ii:st of ¡pa~- cells oIf rea! es<tate M'ithin the City ti¡mits, C<)""iotin¡g of ten '=es C>1' more, wIlicl1 wonid be e1igilJle fur taJ<ation .. ag¡rj¡c¡uilM¡r,aJI. tand. AIlso ¡attached ,are the a¡¡JIPIliJca- tions for eJreJDiption ,"s filed by pro¡perty owners, that ba..e ten acres' of ~and C>1' nrore in one piece, ,witbdn ,the City LiIruits. ['iJ.ese 1 >I'qp- erty OIWners ¡',we oertl:iffied 1hat the 1and i. I>eing used fur a¡gri- ool1tmO[ or bort:iOOltwral pUJ1>Os"",, andaee entitled 110 tax exemp!Jion "s i(>rov!ided ¡by 1a>w. A C<JIPy oIf the att..,hed Ws<I: \'1m be filled in !be OI!IIœe of the Couniõ' Auditor 'at the time oIf lfilling the bud¡get. GiIbe<rt D. Oha......e!ie City M,anag... Counciilman P~ moved 'a¡¡>- ¡provo[ oIf 1he ~st. Seoonded by Counlciiliman MoIdeolh"uer. Carried by the foI1k¡¡wi¡n¡g vote: Yea"....,M,~or Bi>tter, Councilllnen JOJ>SIt¡¡nann, Moldenhauer, Peagler, TIroms. \ N-a y¡s-<None. """ Special Session, October 10, 1973 531 TOWN - CITY BUDGET ESTIMATE Extended Period January I, 1974-June 30, 1975 In compliance with Chopter 1020, Acts of 64--2nd General AsSembly (1972) NOTICE: Tbe City Council of Dubuque in Dubuque County, Iowa, wíil meet October 10, 1973 at 7:30 P,M. Central Daylight Time at City HaJJ, in the Council Chamber, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Taxpayers will be beard at that time for or against the following Budget Estimate. This is a Summary of the Sup¡>orting Detail of Budget Receipts and ExPenditures on file with the Town-City Clerk. Copies of the Supplemental Detail (SChedule 631-A)* will!>e furnished any taxpayer upon request. Taxes collectible on this budget will be collected in tbree installments during the. eighteen montl¡ transition period. : 1 t. 9-27 /s/ La" F, Frommelt, CierI< ABC D E F EXPENDlTUlIES FOR YEAR , EstImated EstImated FUNDS -1972 1973 Jan. " '74- EstImAted Balance ro.. Whole Dollonl) Actual t.=t~d J~~,:J5 R:.;,".':!'ve a¡m,frU (112 mos.) (12 mœ,) (18 mos.) (1-1-70) R..,eipts (UI moS.) 00,- 8Z1 .388 FuDC. sub-total (or) 5"'8,912 8,398,470 !J!, General Fund-new deliol:!>!..n 824,000 ~ .1;112,104 -ð- 1154,512 4.57,592 7G3,I~ -ð- ;¡orJ,453 ~,719 7114.112 1,<118,950 -ð- ........ , 2,OGajl70 --<J- 1,784,1120 284,159 ""4"" -ð- 1.G14.563 -ð- 1[,234- -ð- 6J383,7<rl 4,aso,479 .,.,.".. 'xxxx:x XXXXX JOp<XX ,XXXX}{ 821,2'74 1,1JJ&1,965 --<J- 5,907 1,256.0511 1,089,324 1,886,"" --<J- 30,609 ';855,387 33,781 51,- ---(h. .... 51,206 1,365,146 1,784,161 --<J- 1,'I94,Ull 1,5020,348 """'" --<J-' 1,485,841 283.021 431,8117 --<J- 4M,817 --<J- ""'..... "",086 $13.481.368 "";JJ15,326 ---(h. $10,1<12,146 $a,O13,I11O _>too Taxes per $1,000 Assessed Valuation' 68.8li2O tt. 9-2'7 "',168 "1.."'" ....... 962,9'16 Councilman Pregler moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer. Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. 532 Special Session, Octnber 10, 1973 reeommendingthat the current I budget IJe ~ by $2iIl,oo.OO iD overaM expenditures which would require a property tax levY in oVt!ol'aU dolla.... the same as last :reaT, and also recommending that IIIOIItbIy re¡>arts be Ìve" lie> the Council on ,!>ndgeted versus actual e>ope..wtuns, presented and read. CowIeÜIDan JU9Ianaœ moved that the ."'JJIIIIWIIÌcation i!>e received and filed. SeeODded b:r Councilman Pre¡1er. Carried by the following Wile: Yea......Mayor BItter, Councilmen J\J8tmaJm, lIo1denhauer, Pre Jer, 'ØIoma. Naya-None. CGmmnDicatiøD of Geo"ge Lip- per, as a menIber of the Obam- bel' "f Commerce, suggesting that ..""",epartieularly a ¡roup e1aLm- ,Ì8 I to bave .tudied Cihe !>ndget, wbo recommends 'a cut in the !>ud- get of ,more than a quarter mil- lion do11ars, has eJIICIWIIbered an øblIgation to suggest where sueb cuts should be made, pr...ented and read. ,Mayor Bitter moved that 1be eommunieation!>e received and filed. seconded by Coul>Cilman Preiler. Carried by IDe 6JI1owing vote: Yeas-Mayor 'BUller, Councilmen .Justmallll, MoJdenhiauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. TIle fuHowing items were cut from the carrenlt budget; School Slignals$10,OOO, BIWII' Street lights $8500, Couper Street steps $7000, Prospeetstreet steps $5300, Side, waJtu.<:ity Mare $1000., Engineer- in. Motor Vehicle Maintenance $3,000, Doek Commission ~4, Ty- pist Hea1oth De¡>'t $5,722, Travel ExpellSes $3000, Salary Reduction ¡>art time employees Recreation $4000, ColltrilNtlons $4OOO,Police Dispatcher $8000, also encumbered $20,000 Low Income Housing, for an O-veraU total ot $81,996. Council- man TboIllB 'moved the ,above de- letions. Seconded by M'ayor Bit- ter. CarrIed b:r ,the foJJowing vote: Yeao--Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jwstman", MoJdenbaoor, Prei!lJer, Thoms. ~ays-None. CouneilmanPregJer moved that the Oooper Street Steps not !>e deleted. Seconded by CouncUman Moldenhauer. Roll call on the mo. tion was as follows: Yeas-Counci!man Pregler. Nays-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Thoms. Motion Failed. The following ite- were con- sidered as additional ,pro!>QSed in- come; Milk ins¡>ectioD fees $6700, Dog Licenses $3000. 'Restaurant $1500, Building Inspections $16,000. Councilman Pregler moved that the City Man.ager !>e directed to order .ame. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried b:r the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, 'EI1oms. Nays--None. Conneilman .Moldenbauermoved that $5000 for ligbta and $2000 for chairs !>e deleted from the Re- creation De¡>aItment budget. Se. conded b:r Councilmaa Pregler. Oarriedby ,the W\mving vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen JœtmaIIII, JIaldeWIauer , ~ , Thoms. Nays---,None. Councilman Moldenhauer moved that in the Human Rigbts Budget it be cut to one-ba1f Clerk typist $2658, Outside rental item of $1680, and one-ba1ftime for investigator $4200. for a total of $8538. as amended. Seconded by Mayor Bit- ter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Çquueilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer. Nays - Councilmen Promer, Thoms. Councl}man Pregler left ,1be Coundl Cham!>er at 10:15 'Pol\!. lie> attend a County League ,meet. ing. Councilman Thoms moved that $14,000 ,!>e deleted from the Pa,rk Board :budget that was considered fur ,blacktop. Seeonded by Coun<:i1- man Moldenhauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas....,J\{ayor Bitter, Counclhnen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Tboms. Nay.....None. Absent-Councilman Pregler. Councilman Justmann moved that $4300 ,be deleted from the Town (JIoek Plaza !>ndget intended for a jeep 'and blade, seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Car- ried by the followinll vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Co1mcilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Thoms. Nays>-None, Absent-CouncitmaD Prel1er. Special Session, October 10, 1973 533 Council recessed at 10:40 P.M, Recon"ooedat lO:OO P.M. Oouncil!- man P~egler enlered 1Ihe Oouncil Chamber at lili:œ P.tM. Councilman Moldenhauer moved that the item of Traffic Engineer be deleted from the budget in the amount of $16,395, Seconded by Councilm'an Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jns~mann, Moldenbauer. Nay. - Councilmen Pregler, Thoms. Councilman Thoms moved that Item 2403 in the Waste Water Treatment plant ,!>e reduced from the budget in the amount of $20,000. Seconded ,by Councilman Jus t- mann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jus>tmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Councilman Pregler moved that the Health Director's salary be r,aised to $10,550 only to keep witb- in the 5.5% guide lines, said mo- tion was amended to set the figure at $1!1,OOO. Seconded ,by Councilman Justmann. Carried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Thoms. Nays - Councilmen Justmann, Pregler. CoundlmanPregJer moved that a general wage increase of 10% be given to aU employees. Se conded by Councilman Justmann. Motion failed as follows: Yeas-Councilmen Pregler, Just- mann. -Nays-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Thoms. Mr. Owen Riley, Business Agent of the Driver's Union Local 421. inquired wbat was meant by a 51>% increase. Is it to be con- sidered 51>% on base payor 51>% on base pay plus fu-inge benefits. Mr. James E. Brady was of the opinion that the Youth Employ- ment Services should ,!>e deleted entirely from the budget. Mr. Paul Feller, as a representative of the Police stated that the men are no longer satisfied with a 51>% increase on -base rate. Councilman Moldenhauer moved that $75,000 be re-allocated to the Transit Authority. Seconded by Ma- I yor Bitter. Motion failed by the following vote: Yeas-CouI>Cilmen Moldenahuer, Thoms. Nays-Mayor Bitter, Councilmeo Justmann, Pregler, Communication of Bu.ilding De, partment Inspectorsre<¡uesting 'a 1974 pay request in various de, ¡>artments in base pay as follows: Base pay Building Department in- spectors I step F from $111,968 in 1973 to $12,567 in 1974; Building Inspectors II step F from $12,408 in 1973 to $14,4M in 1974; that tbe .pay for inspectors is annually maintained pro¡>ortionally current with that pay 'of the most com- para,ble private ù:ldastry 'and in the same proportion to private in, dustry as it was in 1958 when the pay plan was adopted, pre- sented and read. Councilman .Just. Mann moved that the communica- tiou !>e -,.eferred to the peroonneJ manager. Seconded -by Councilm'an Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, ,Moldenhauer, Pregler. Thoms. Nays-INone. RJE'SOWT,IOH MO. 33:J.13 VlllJ:FmEAS, 1Ibe OouniI>il .øf the City of DUbuque, lowa,c- to .!>e prepaxed land puWslled 'so' pro- 'vided by laM', the ~ _aile of lEKpenditures fur the emended ¡>eriod IJanuarw ,1, [OOi4 Ix> June 00, 19¡¡s,and IIhe hearing u >on ,..id budget estimate ",as fioœd fur 0.- Q;(), Q973, at 7:60 0'- ,P.'M, in the Council! Cb8'm!>er at the City HaM; and WlHiEŒIJEJAS, this being 1Ihe ~me and piliaco furs,ai.d hearing, said Budget E,stimale was taken wp fur fina:l "",sideration by the 'Council and a;1il parties ,in interest ha"e ,!>een gi"enan ow-ol'tunity to be Iheard for or ag,ainsol s,aid Budget 'Es-timate. NOIW rnEJREæ'O1RJE BIE IT RE- SODVIEID IBY 'l1HIE 0lTY oomClllL OF 'l1HIE laITY OF [)UiBUQUtE, IIIOW>\: TbIat the budget e'sti:mate of ex- penditmes fur the extended period J,au;ua~y 1, 19714 to June 30, [975, >heretofore >I'e¡¡>ared and published l!>e and the same ts hereby ~a.w adapted and approved, als amend- ed, and fue Ma,yor and Clerk a~e directed to ce,rtidiy the slame to 534 Special Session, October 10, 1973 Ute County AudiIJor of Dubuque I (Joooty, -, !IogeIher 1\ViÌ1ih a veri. fied, proof of puþ1iIoation and t)¡e notiJce of hearing upon ..aid Bud- ¡get ESlli.mlate. BE wr F1UIRIl1IIIER iRiESOlLVEID, that the ,ta""" requdced to be ""¡.. lec:<ted in the eooIJended period be and the "ame are bereby lievied in 1110' amOODJts of said BucI¡get _mate. Pæseð, adiopted ,and awroved this 10th doG> of Ocitd>er 1979. Joseph J. BdUB lIokyor Aihn T. TIloom; W- A. Moldenbauer C. 'Robert J"",,f¡mann OounieiImm A_: Leo F. Frommelt Cilð' aeri< i¥ayor Bitbermoveda<iop1 .on of the resOllutioo. Seeooded by 00- cilmao ,Moddenbauer. Oamed by tibe ~ wte: . Y""""",,Ma~ DiUB, OounIciimen Justmano, Moldoohauer, 'l1I1oom. lNIa~unci!Jm¡n IPreogiler. Tbere being 110 further -- Mlayor - moved to ,~. SeeoodJed by CouniOHiman Justmann. Carried by the ñIiloIwIin¡g wte: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen JUISItnla"." Moldemhauer, P<eigI.er, 'I'booœ. lNIa,...,Nooe. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk AIJprooved ,.............,........................JlIllI4 .wop¡ed .................,......-.."......oo"..,.1lIllI4 ....."..................................................... """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ...........................................................' ........-............................................"... """""""""""""""""""""""" Attest: Coun~¡ï;;;~~ """""""""ëïiY'c¡;;t""""""""""" Special Session, October 15, 1973 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Special seoSion, October IS, 1973. Council met at 7:30 'P.M. (C.!D. T.) Present - Mayor Bilfer, COWI- cilmen Justma..., Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. City Manager Gil. berf D. Chavenella. Ma~r Biltter read the caM and stated that _e thereod' had !>een dUlly mladeand thi., meeting is ,cadlled for 'the - of acHng upon a resoI- ault1o.izing the sale, iHuance and delivery of Pro- ject""'" in !fie aggregate prin- cipal "mount of $1,738,000 and the execution of requôsitiion Agreement No. 3.73 in _mon WIi!fl Pro- ject No. Iowa 'Roo IS, and acliing u\>OO .ueb other l>uein- as ~ ¡properly come befure a regubr meetñn¡g of the 00unIciI.. CommUDliœtiJoo of IOIWa Depart- ment of En¡yjroIllDlCllllta,1 QuaJity SIlIIbmtittin¡g ruBe wmendm- relia~ !n¡g to 11110' operator certil!ication pro¡grr"m fur waste and ,WTaotewiater trea1Jme!1!l: faciliü..., presented and read. <Joum:ilin!an J""",,,ann IDlOYed ,that the eommunmation be """"iN. ed aoo filed. Seœnded by Councid- man Preg¡ler. 0..,,;00 by the 'JOI. WwiII¡g vote : Yeas~,yor Bitter, CouooiDanen Justmann, ,MJOIIdenbauer, Preg[er, 'lboms . N-ay&-Nooe. Communmation of IOIWa State Hiiglbwa,y CommiJsoion adv;.,ing that they have _roved the eoITidor pulbli<: I1earing wIrlJCIh was beld on MOlY iL7th at Bdlevue, desiþtin¡¡ tihe projtrl "" Jadœoo & Dulbuque :Cou!1!l:ies project 'No. F1N SIU, pre- .enred and read. CounicØanan Just- man.. mO!Ved that the CQ!O1 mooma. tion be reeei..oo and !Ned. Second. ed by !Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried -by the foiIß,ow:in¡g ""re: Yeas-Ma~or Biitter, CouneiO.men J"".tInlann, Moldenhauer ,P<eigJJer, TIKJiros. Na'Y"--None. 'Comimunilcation of M.s. George Reis, swbmittin¡g 'an ,action line ar- ticle relative to a prol'Qsed new dog ordinance, that bo >eIIuMy_d contain a: provision tbat fue 0I\\'Œler of an~ dog woudd lie made res. 535 ¡xmsilbde fur dean UIP in the event said dog woudd .~ from tbe home IOrt, prese- and read, 'M,ayor Bœter 'moved that the com. mu<1lication '!>e l'eIJeiived and filed. Seconded by CounIcVJma.. J". ~ mann. ,Carried by the ÍIOIiloI\ViÌDg vote: Ye",,--,}{,ayor Bitter, Councim.en J""~mann, Moldenhauer, Œ'>reIgBer, ThoIIlO. Nays--None. CommUDli"ation of M.s. Donnia ,Meyer eJ<ipre..il>!l ¡g.-atiibude fur ex. tending the Pan: HIiIIl bIJ!s rowte to Sunset Pari<, presented aDd read. CoulllCil.man Pregie1' moved .that the œmmume,wüon !>e rece1IV- ed andJiiled. Seconded by Qown. dilman Moddenbauer. Carried by the fOilWwing 'VOte: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, MoldeniJlauer, Pœg(er, TbOlDl.. I'/'ays-None. . ,CoIJIJIDunibation of Dubuque CounIcå[ of CIlurehes CIXþr...sing support for the mainreIllaDœ of a full -time <Ë1'eIelJOr and 1he IIirin¡¡ of a qualified fU!!1 time in"es~a' tor for the Human ,Rigbt¡s Com. !JJIJi..ion, presenl1.ed and read. Coun- ci&man Jœtmann moved that tOO COIl1Il11JI1tldtion be relCleirved a" d fIDed. Seiconded by Coooo~man J>reQjler. Ca'l'ried by tJ>e foOlo<w!ng vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Cou-nciI!Dlen JUSltmaoo, Moldenh"uer, PRigJIer, Thoms . !Na~--None. ,Commum"ation ofDuiJuque Area Citizens CounlCii1 on Comim1mÌll<Y 'Re- lations stron¡gl!y di"'PI!>1'OViq¡¡g tihe proposed use of the 'Poiiœ De- pal'tment to furnd.n an ÓM'es-tig¡a- tor fur rorn¡pla¡n~ IJO 1be Human Ri,gbts Commission, presented and read. Cotmcb"nJustmaoo moved that ,t)¡e cOIDlIDlunWation !>e reœiN- ed and filed. SeIconded byCouneiil- man Pregler. Oarried by the fod- 10000ng vote: Yeas--JM'a~r 'Bitter, CouooiDanen J,""¡mann, MOI1denhauer, Pre ¡Oer, Tboons. Nia:y¡s-Nooe. 0et00ber 1[, 1978 HonoMlible Mayor and Members of the City Co<mcii I halVe a Jprolved the fo!row¡¡ng Sidewau.: eon_on bond and de- ,.i.e to have YOU' aiPIProV'al of same. ~alllCi. III. Kieflfer, We<stern Surety 536 Special Session, October 15, 1973 Footbill Road to Key Way on Wood- land Drive 6, Between Lots 28 and 29 of Block 12 on Woodland Drive 7. Between Lots 3~ and 32 of Block 12 on Dana Drive 8. Between Lots 35 and 36 of Block 12 on Dana Drive 9. Between Lots 4 and 5 of Block 12 on Delmonaco Drive 10. lDitersection of Venture Court and Delmonaco Drive 11. Between Lots 9 and 10 of Oct.oiber ¡O 19I7t3 Block 12 on Venture Cowrt To the H<onoral>ile M8ij'Or' . Your awroval of these installa- and City (Joo""ü tions IS req,ueoted, r return to you the petition of GÜbert D. Cbavenelle Mr. K;ueilm and others requesting . Ctty Manager a &treet !fugbt on the west ,side CouncIlman Pregler moved ap- of B ,d1<> Street proval of the recommendatlOn. Se 1]1: ~~ '~mnne';'¡ed that a 1a5 ~on~d bj¡ ~ayor Bi~er. Carried ,waiIJI: mercury "a )Or J.iglbt be in-- y e fu owmg yote. . stafuled on the pro¡perty line be- Yeas-Mayor BItter, Councilmen tween I&! and 185 Braditey. ~~~:::ann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Your a_ai 0If this in.tafulation Na s'.....:No is requested, ys ne. Gilliert D. Ch8JVeneMe October 12, 1973 City Manager To the Honoraible Mayor and ,CouneiIiman Pre@ler moveda~- Mem!>ers of. the City Council. , pmval of the recommendation. Se, Attacbed IS a list, ~ PreclTIc conded by Mayor iBoi.tter. Carried, workers for both the P'l'lmary and by the foiJI!kJIwiÏng "",e: 'General elections to be held on Yea.s--Mayor BiOi"" CounciliInen Oeto!>er 23, 1973, and on November Jui&tmann, Moldenha~er, Pregiler, 6, Th1!!13lirteshpectibvelY. d d Th IS S as een prepare an ;--None. s~bmitted by the ,County Commis. SlOner of Elections, October 12, 1973 Leo F. Frommelt To the Honorable Mayor City Clerk and City Council Councilman Pregler moved ap- I return to you the petition of proval of the list. Seconded by Mi<lwest Realty fur street lighting Mayor Bitter, Carried by the fol in Westchester subdivision, lowing vote: The area bas !>een investigated Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen by the electrical ins,pector and it Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, is recommended that eleven (11) Thoms. 175 watt mercury vapor type fix- Nay,s-None, lures, pole top mounted on city Notice of c}aim of Don J. Mar awned and maintained lighting ders, in the am(mnt of $30., for standards ,!>e installed at the fol, car damage incurred as the resu!' lowing locations: of driving over jagged edge. of One each: metal protruding from a curb a 1. One-third ,the distance of Key the nortbwest corner of 14th & Way to Woodland Drive on Foot, Central Ave. on Octo!>er 10, 197, hill Road presented and read. Councilman 2. Two-thirds the distance of Key Pregler moved that the notice 0If Way to Woodland Drive on Foot- claim be referred to the City At- bill Road torney for investigation 'and rel'Qrt 3. Intersection of Footbill Road Seconded by Councilman Thoms. and Woodland Drive Carried by the following vote: 4. One-<third ,the distance of Foot- Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen hill Road to Key Way on Woodland Jus1Jmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler Drive Thoms. ¡j, 1'w1>-thirds the distance 0' Nayo-None. QQ., Bond No. 5IIOOI267-dated QIc, tober 4, 187t1, G1fuert D, 011.......- Oity Mlanager ð>~man PTegler moved ill- ing a¡p¡pro\'a! of the bond sulbjelclt 10, "'1>P"""at 0If the CiIG' A~rney. Seconded iJ,y IMiayor Bitter. Carried by the fullawing vote: Y,,",s---4Mayor Bitter, Cowncilmen Jwstmann, Molldenhauer, Pregller, Thoms. Nay,s--None. - ,- r '-----" , Special Session, October 15, 1973 537 Notice of claim of Charles p, Justmann, Moldenh'IUer, Pregler, Cox, in tbe amount of $45.68, f( Thoms. cleanup costs incurred as the re- Nays-None. suit of a backed-'\lp sanitary sewe Petition of Jack W. Swenson et at 3270 St. Anne Drive on Sep- al requesting removal of "No Park- tember Jß, CL97t1, ,presented and ing signs" on the east side of read. Councilman Pre¡¡ler moved Hawthrone Street, presented and that the notice of claIm !>e re- read. Mayor Bitter moved that the ferred to the City Solicitor for peition be referred to the City investigation and re¡>ort. Seconde Manager and Traffic Department. ,by 'Couneilman Thoms. Carried by Seconded -by Councilman Molden, the fuilowing vote: hauer. Carried ,by the following Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen vote: Justmann, Moldenba-uer, Pregler, Yeas-Ma,yor Bitter, Councnmen Thoms, Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Nays-None, Thoms. Notice of claim of Ronald V. Nay&--INone. Timpe, in tbe amount of $92.70, .Petition of Hills & Dales Child for car damage incurred as the Development Center Inc. request, result of a tree limb falling on ing installation of a street light said car while parked on AHa Vis- on Davis Avenue between 1004 and ta Street on September 26, 1973, I Mt. Calvary cemetery, presented presented and read. Councilman and read. Mayor Bitter moved that Pregler moved tbat the notice of I' the petition be referred to the City cla,im be referred to the City So, Manager and Electrical Inspector lôcitor for inVeStiga,tion and re¡>ort'l for investigation and re¡>ort. , Se- Seconded by Councilman Thoms. conded by Councilman Moldenhau- Carried by the following vote: er. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jnstmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Justmann, Moldenhawer, Pregler, Thoms, Thoms. Nays-None. Nays-None. Petition of Bernard Ruess et al Petition of AI Lundh requestiog (650 signatores) requesting the in- rezoning of various parcel. of pro- staJIla'tion OIfa sfup 1i¡ght ail ,the perty on the Phil Powers farm intersection of Loras Blvd. & Alta to various D;.,trict Classifications Vista, presented 'and read, Mayor including a Multiple Residence Bitter moved that the pe,tition be Planned Unit Development, to be referred to th.Manager and staff. included in Article IV swbsection Seconded by Councilman Molden, h, presented and read. Mayor Bit. ha'uer. Carried by the following ter moved that tbe petition be vote: referred to the Planning and Zon, Ye,as-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen ing Commiss'ion. Seconded by Justmann, Moldenhauer, P,regler, Councilman Moldenbauer. Carried Thoms. by the following vote: Nays-None. Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Petition of Nort!llwestern Bel! re- Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, questing permission to Cl>t into a Thoms, ¡>ortion of tbe alley west of Main Nays-None. Street from 10th street to First Proof of Publication, certified to street, also a ¡>ortion of Fir s t by the Publisher, of notice of sale street from the same ailey to Lo- of project notes in the amount oust street; a ¡>ortion of Locust of $1,738,000 thkd series 1973 show- Street from First street to ",bout ing maturity 'a,s Marcb 8, 1974 and 90 South Locust stree.t; and Locust dated October 30, 1973, presented street and Bluff street at Loras and read. Blvd. presented and read. Mayor No written objections were filed Bitter moved that the petition be and no oral objectors were present approved subject to approval of in the Council Chamber at the the Engineering Department. Se, time of tbe pu-blic bearing. conded by Councilman Moldenhau- Councilman Moldenhauer moved or. Carried by tbe following vote: that the proof of pnhllcation be Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen received and filed. Seconded by 538 Special Session, October 15, 1973 Councilman Pregler. Carried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldeuibauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 334-73 AuIt>orizing the sale, Issuance a"d delivery of 'Project Notes in the aggregate principal ",mount of $1,738,000 and the execution of re- quisition Agreement No. 3-73 in connection with the :Downtown Ur. ban Renewal Project, Project No. Iowa R.I5 WiHEiRJEIAS, tbe 0iJt' of Dubuque ~berein ca>lied the "1.ooal J&suing Aigeooy") has entered iDJto one or more œ!lltnlrets (wI1icl1, tog<>1I1er with anY~eJ1lenkos thCoreiOO or 8IIIlendJmenJto or M'aWeI1S Oil' ~ >roVisioo.!!' thereolf, are berein caIl- edthe "OoDJtrao!:") with the United Stalies of Aimerro.. (herein eIai!ed the "G<>vernment") provñdimg fur a loan by the G<>vemment to the Local rssuing A¡geney fur Ifllam:ing the uriban renewal, lK1w-rent hous- ing or redevel\oplO1ent projelClt (.s) descrilbed in- tbe eo_t and here- in eail!ed the "ProjelClt"; ..nd WHlEJRiEJAS, pu"",ua,nt to adver- tisement fur the reeei¡pt of ¡xro- iJO'Sa,ls for the ¡>tl['IC!1a'se of the Third Series il97t! Oil' ProjelClt Notes (>herein sometimes caMed "New Project Noles") Oil' the 1.ooad ms""",g Ag\eI>e'y a,~,tiing $1,r¡¡J8,OOO, wbicih 3IP!P<>ared in a Notilce O<! Sale puiblished on Se¡plieJruber 18, ~973, and Se¡plieJruber 2fi, 19'm, in The Telelgra¡pih HemM in the Oity O<! DuJbuqt¡e, 10""', and in The Datly Bond SwYer in tbe QiJty oil New York, New York, pro¡><>sats fur the I'QrCha'se O<! the New Project Notes in the form a'P!P1'oved by the 1.ooad Issuing Algenloy were reœi<ved, o¡>ened, and caIW..ssed at the time and plaiCe mentioned in s,aid adver- tisement, to wit: ,at CoœIieid Obam- 1Jeœ, CIty !Ian, 13t!l and Ioiwa in the City O<! Duibwque, _a 5i2OO1 at 0"" o'cDod<: P.IM. E.ID.S,rr, on October 2, ,1911!, wllfueb p_a~s are as fuIIlOlWlS: N..me of bidder, Contioentad n- il""is NM1ionad Bank and Trust (Jom >aný of ariJea¡go, Interest m<t.e, 4.'10%, PriÐlci¡pai amownt, $1,7a8,ooo, PremåAJm, $0. Name O<! bidder, Bank of Aim.... rica N.T. & S.A. Bankers Trust Ootnpany, 'Interesil: ralie, UK%, IPrineipaA amoUDil, $1,7a8,OOO Pre- mi,um, $56.00. Name of bidder, Salomon Bro- ther,s lMor@an Guamnty 11roIsIt Co. of New York, Interest rate, 4.98%, .Prinei¡pa!l wmoUDil, $1,7a8,OOO, Pre, Dum, $æ.OO. lNa,me O<! bidder, F1ir5lt National Oity Ba,nk of New York, Interest ra<t.e, 5.00%, PriÐJcipad wmount, $1,7a8,ooo, ¡premiwn, $5Il.OO. Name oil bidder, Obemroal Bank, New York, New York, _est rate, 5.00%, Prineipad a' m 0 un 1 $1,7a8,ooo, Premium, $7.00, NIOW 11IIiEæFORiE, BE Jrr RiE- SOINEID BY 11HIE 0lIT'Y OOUlNaL OF 11HIE 0lIT'Y OF [()UlBUQ1Æ: Section I. The afures'aid ¡>wb!ica" tion oil the NIoti<:e of Sale and tbe fo.m and c<>n<t.eIJlts l!hereOif "" so pui>liohed are l1ereiby, in ,aM res¡pects, a¡>proved, raOOed and confi1'med. Section 2. In order to provide funds to pay _nses iOOUll1l'ed or to !>e inJcur,red in ,the d<weh>p- ment of ,the Pro¡jecl, or to relfund, renew or extend its outstanding Notes is<;ued in connection there- with, t'he Locad Is..uing Aigen!cy hereby determines to boTroiw the sum oil One Midt1ion seven Hundired 'I1hiIty EighJt Thousand D "Œ I ar s ($1.738,000) and is>sue ill8' oogOOiwb[e Projoot Notes, t'hereif¡or. Section 3. The Local Lsowing Agenicy hereby mOO.. and ap- proves the form O<! e'aJcih _sw¡ hereinafter in 1ms Seeltioo 3 enu- merated for the poœbase oil the desi¡gnlated ¡mi11tcipaA wmoUDil O<! Nates and deternnines 1Ihat each such Iroj>OS'ad OIfIfers to purt:lliæse such Notes at the Wwest interest "ate and ts therelfiore _ted, and said Notes are herelby aM'arded to the purleltaoser, as lIoIlio:ws: -Princi¡pad amoUDil, $1,7a8,OOO, In. terest ra<t.e, 4.~0%, PU<lcba.er, Con- tinenta!l iIIIIHroi<i Na,mooai Bank and Trust Com¡pany oil Cbrea'go. Section 4. EaJcih Note >bali. !>e da<t.ed 0e!I:00er 00, 11J113, shaM !>e pwyable as to botb princi¡>a~ and interes,t to J>earer, on MmO'cll 8, 19'1\4, and, pwrsuaDJI: to e:reh )rO- 1'0,,[ for the purt:base of "a i d Notes hereinwOOve adOO jted, shail! bear the rate oil interest per an- num, payable at maturity,; shaM !>ear the numlbel18 and !>e in- the denOmIDw1Jio",,;and slhalil !>e ¡;~- Special Session, October 15, 1973 539 ai>lle as to both princdjpal and in- te1'>85lt at the inoorpooMed bank having trust 1()W<>J's 00' il>COI1P<>l'at. ed trust 'COD1Œ>any, ... fulBx¡¡wg: PW'Cba,ser, Oontiœ<1ltad Illi""is Nlationa,¡ Hank and Trus. Com¡p~ of cru..,aLgl), Nwn1ibe,r,s, 1-5, Denoarui, nations, $100,00, Interest raJte 4.~0, Pa>,able at, OonilJineDII:ad !lI[nodls Na- tional Bank and T<wst Oomþany oil CbOOago, ,Purlclrarer, OontineDII:al - Nationwl B,ank and Trost Com¡paDJy of Ohioa¡gu Nu:mJber,s 6-119 Denomi- naJtiioos, $100,000, ~ 'raJte uo, 'I'ayable 1>1, CoDII:inental _is Nla- tionai Bank and Trust Com¡p¡any oil CbiIoa¡go. P,W'ICIha'ser, CoDll:iœ<1ltal! Illinois National¡ Bank and Trwst Com¡paDJy of Ohicago, NuI11lbers, ~, De- nomIDa,tiorus, $25,000, Int.ere.ot "aJte, 4.'10, Payable at, Con1Jinenta[ m- lliroi. Na1JiooaA ,Bank ,and Trœt Company oil CbIDca¡go. Pure barer, Oontinenj¡a,1 lllinods Nationai BaM and 11roIsIt Oompany of OIllcago, Nwmbers, -, Deno- minations, $10,000, linIt.erest "a<t.e, 4.70, P.a~a¡i>Ile at, Continenta,l illi- nois NamonaJi Bank and Trust CoIn, lIan¡y of (Jbi"ago. PiW'lClhaser, .continental Illinois National RoaM and 'l1rwst .Company O<! CJ1i"a¡go, 1'1_118, 47-611, Deno- minations $5 000 Interes:t r a, t e 4.70, Pay'w~ at, Continental Ii Wrois Na1Jional Bank and 'l1rost Co.m¡pany oil (Jbi"ago. ,PiurrClba,ser, Continental Illinois Naoonai Bank and Trust Com >any of Chieta¡go, NUiIIII!>ens, 5C!-5i4, Deno- I m¡nations, $1,000, Interest r a' t e, 4.70, I>ayaJble at, Continental JiIli- nots Nationa'¡ Bank and 11roIsIt Com- pany oil CbWago. No"" oil sud1 Notes "'aD! !>e ..a- lid unItiii aJfitIer the bank 00' tro5lt com >any at whicb it is payable shaM ha<ve signed the a'~reement, 3IP!P<>aring on eam Note, to act as paying agent 1I1"""<>1f. E'ak:lh su<:h Note sballll !>e ex""wted in the name of t)¡e Local Issmng AgeIJK:W by the manwa[ or ~_imiJle sigtnafure of the M'ayor and aity 'l1reaIS4Jrer O<! the Incad Issu'.ng Aigel>CY and shail! halVe I!he corpooa<t.e seal! of the Loica'¡ Issuing A¡gem:y im¡press- ed, ilI\Prioted or reproduœd there- on and attested by the Oi~ aierk, and said o!MiœI1S are berelJy au- thori2ed and dlirecttedto cause .aid Notes to be -riy exCICuted. Section 5. Each oweb Note "'aM be in s"bs~aDll:iaill3' the furm oil HiUÐ-OOlO, whicb .. il>COO'pOmted herein by reference, and shaH !>e 'secured by an agreement enmtJed "!Requisition AgreemCDlt No. 3-Im (herein "a~ the "Reqtilisl1tion Aigreement"), in swbstanti.allly t)¡e fu"m of HUID-OOOO, whiJoh >s incor. ¡>orated herein by referenøe, to !>e entered into bebween the Locai ls'.wng AigCDtCy and t)¡e Govern- ment. Section 6. The Reqtilisl1tion ~- ment slhail! be exCk>Ulled in. the name of the Inca! Essuing Aigen~ by the manuaA or facsimiie signaWire of the M'a~ of the Loelai ¡""uilIg Aigen~ and &hail! halve Ü>e cor- l'Q"ate sea! oil tJ>e LoeaA LseuilJg Aigeney impressed, imprinted, 00' reproduced thereon and attes.ted by the my Clerk, and said odIfi- cers a,re hereby authori2ed and di.ected to cause the Reqmsition AigreemeDJI: '" !>e pro¡perIy """",DJI:. ed. Section 7. For 1I1e puootual pay- ment of the princiP8'1 of and in- terest on the N- Project Notes, the Lœw¡ lS'sudng AigenlCy hereby express~ and irrevooably I' r 0- mises to pay any SUJl11lS which may be reeei<ved ftoom the G<>vernment parsuant to the .Req""¡tion Agree. meDJI: re!aJting to such series O<! Project Notes, ,and said Aiglreement, wben executed by the Go:vernmerK, is hereby doolared to '!>e and is bereby wssigned by Ü>e Loea! Is, swing Aig<!ncy fur the benefit at! the h<Jlder or b.oidel'S £rom. time to time of the New Pro¡joot Notes. All COJ>tr!bntiOIlß, found<¡ a'" d amounts auÜlori7Jed or required by the ContralCt to be ap¡pi!ied to the pa>,ment of ProjelClt Loan Notes (referred to in the Co"¡,,,act a. "'ProjelClt Ten1 pOa)ar\y Loan ÜIlJiligIa- ,mo",," "Ad..am:e Notes" or "Per. ffiJane~ Notes,") a. issued in coD- nection ""th 1I1e P,roject are bere- by i<revooaibly pIled¡ged to seewre fue pa,yment of the principal of and interest to maWirity on the New Pro¡ject Notes. Sooh piled¡ge and the lien created therelby &ball œa'se and teŒ1minate when momes 00' i!IJVe..tmeDJI: selCUri1Jies, conver- tible into cas>h not later than the maturity date of the NeIw Project Notes, swli!icient and for the pwr- iJO'Se of paying the pri,m:ipal and interes~ to ffiJI>1urity on such Notes, 540 Special Session, October 15, 1973 are de¡po¡¡il.ed wjjjh the In':v I n g agent or ,.,g"oo¡ fur snroh Notes. Section 8. Tile proIOOCds _..ed from :(;be ".¡æolf 1be New Project Notes, ~ ",111 s,UICh amoUDt .-if otber I1Imðs oIf 1Jbe lJooal Is- 8IIiDig AgeDICY ... m~ !>e neees.a1'\Y, _!IIbelllPlPilded, simwlltaneouody 'WIÏÖI tJ>e nœipt <if said ¡proceeds, ... a""""",,"-nk>e with 1Jbe provôsi<m. oIf the Iliequi..Oion Agrreemen1t. '&ocItien ,. 'Ibe Oi!ty Trea.wrer is herøby awtb<x1ized and mreC'led 1Jo send J>l"OIIIIPIiy a letter to each "'~ ..gem fur the New projeclt !!Iotas iD......,antiiailly the JIoo1m «~, wllii<:h is iDlC<J<!POll1aOOd llerein by referelllCe, and to trans. Wit ther.".;(h Ca') the New Pr<>- joct Notes 1Iior \1i'IOOh the addressee i. the ¡>a1YinI¡ ageot Iiœ' doeIiJverIy J8IId 'P8~E!DIt md (]b) a ¡¡Q¡naw-re ~te and recei JII:, in aceor, .duIce wi1h tile teTIms oIf s'aid letter, """ to take SUICIh<>1lher actio"" "" 1IIIII'Y be .-.qu;red ,to i!<>mpilete the deJi..e1'\Y tIianlSa,ction in aœor- daI!IIee ,.mil Ure - oIf tbe - 110 the ¡>æying .,gmt. p.a...ed, _roved, ..nd ado¡pted ;m. 1Bth d~ oIf ()etdber, 1lOOII. Jose¡pIo J. - IMlaY"" l1'IIa!ilelr A. l'IrCl! !er AM:a.. If. TIlOClllß C. ß<JI>ert Ju.tmann 'W"yue A. ~ iCoImciJmeIl A-: 'Leo F. Frommelt (Jity Olerk (bu...- MoiIdenbauer nrovecl a<IoIpIt¡ioo oIf lIhe ......,¡utiJon, Second-- ed by Counâ!mm Pir<og11er. au- ried by lIIe toIJiowiøg vote : Ye~ Bitler, (JouIiciiLmen Jusitmann, MoldeDbauer, l'Iregler, '!IIIoIII&. iN",~ooe. PrOOIf oIf ~, œrtiIIied to illy the PulJð¡;si1er, oIf notice oIf !rear. ;."gon 1P8J1<IenIeIY """"JiUItiOn oIf 00- ~ fur ~on OI! the Cen- 1ral Busòne.s Dis1riCII: 'I.1rIaffi<: Sig. soli ~S1tem J¡m¡xrøvement proåeICIt at 110 eStimated coot oIf $66,008.115, preselJlled and read. !Iio written oiJ¡jectioos were ~led aod fI6 orat ~ were pre- """t m 1be CounIciiil ,Chamber at tile time set fur the puiJilic hear- ~. 1Oouœôi!man iMOIldeOOaiuer moved :\hilt :(;be )Il'ØOt .of pulJilik>ation !>e recei..ed and 1i!led. Seconded by lMiayor Bitter. Carried by 1Jbe fo!,- Io,win¡g ""te : Yea,¡;......MaY"" llitrer, Oou~men JucOtmann, M<JIOOuhauer, PregJer, l'boms. Nays-iNone. ¡Necessity for Improvement) RESOLUTION NO. 309.73 WlHiEiRlEC'\S, proposed plans, s¡pe- c"fications, 'and furm of <:OŒJIIIDaJCt hav.. !>een duly pre¡pared and ap- proved by the City ~ of the City oIf Dubuque, IoIWa', and are 00'" on fil.e in tJ>e odIIi£e OI! tile City Clerit sOOwing a.mong ather tmngs the WiIiIoJWjn¡g : (1) The piau of swclh improve- ment o(~) AD estiJma4Je oIf the rost oIf 1ibe improV<llll<'Dt fur the QenII:118J! 1!œiineos :l)isOriì:t Thaffic Sigt1IaI Sysœm Im¡prove- ment I'rodoot IBlE ¡rr '!1mJRiEE1OIRJE RIESO[N. IDD tIIat the 'Olty Council on its <>WD motion, deems it advis,aible and noce...1'\Y \for the pu¡blüc weII- £S.re to make the herein menlJioned improvement, and .00000s. pro¡perty oIwners at the time oIf the final consideration oIf this I1'<JI¡>O'Sed re- ,dution ba^", on fide w:itb the Ci~ O1erk, dbjæöons to tile a.m0U11lt of the ""'" of the j,¡nproveoIIlent, th"Y .ha!ll be deemed to loa^", w.aWed a'll obijectio11Js thereto. Said impr<JIv-ement shall! !>e CIO!Il> .truCll:ed. and done in a<:iCordance 'W'ith the pilaus and 51PC1C¡~ations iWhid> ha..e been approved by the City Council and are UOlW on file Wtih 111e OIty Cl~. That the cost ani! ex¡penoe of malcing s'aid i'lll- 'Provement sba!ll be paid trom tJ>e 'Iroad Use 11aoc Fund. The aIJo.ve resœution,w.¡'s ;mro- DuJood, 3IW>1'Oved 'and ordered øaced on ffiIle "'th the City Olerk this 1'1'th day oIf Se>plte¡ml>er, 19111. A¡pprovedand JiIaeed on file for finaJ! a<:ltliou. :RecoRD OF FIIN.6JL ÞlDO,PTION The furegOOnig resolution ...as fi- .",lIlypasoedand adopted, a. pro- I'Qsed, by the City Council this :mth Da'y of 0ciIJ0I>er 19111. JOseph J. Bitter iMla¡yor M'IaiJler A. l'IrCl! !er ~an T. Thoms W'ayoe A. Moldenba""" C. Iro!>ert JOlISItma"" (JotmWi9ønro Special Session, October 15, 1973 541 Attest: Leo F. Fmmmelil: Ci~y Olerl< Coul>CiJanIan MoWenhauer moved final adoption oIf tlhe resowtion. Seconded by 'Ma~ 'Bitler. Carried by the foMoiwing vote: Yea's~Ma;yor Bt.tter, Coul>Cilanen Jws,tma,nn, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. N/IiY'S-None. Proof of PUJbIlicaoon, certified to by the Puib!>i,sher, of notice to Con- wactors of tlhe receipt OI! pl'Ol'QSl81o fo. coustr1JJCltion of the Centra'¡ Bu, sines" rn.tru:t Traffic Signal Sys- tem im¡provement pro~ect, present- ed and read, ICotW:ilman Molidenbauer moved that the proof OI! pwbJication !>e received and flied. 8eœnded by Councillman Preg¡ler. Canied by the foill~",in¡g vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J"".mann, Moldenhauer, Pregiler, Thom.. Nay's-iNone. 0eit0IJer 12, 1973 To the HoDm'- M,a.yor and Œty Coum:id Pursuant to your instruNions. sea,led ¡>rO!">s9ls were received un- til 10:00 a.,m., C.ID.if. TIl""sday, OctlOlber 1,1, 19111 Ifor the C.I!.Ð. T",,1Ifu: Signial Sjo...,m Lmu>ro..e, mem Pro~ect. The lo,west bid wa,s entered by Moldt ,IDlecm~ Se"Wœ, Ind. of Du- buque, IOIWa, Thei. bid was 2.1% b6Iow the Er!lg:Ïneer. EBtimate. [ relCOmmend that the con"""ct tior the improvement !>e a_rOOd to Moidt Eleotric Sermce, lJ>C. ,G<Ibert D. Cba"""edIie Ci(¡y Manager Councilm..n Moldenhauer tOOVed 1Ihattlhe commooi~ation be rece;,,- ed and filled, Seconded by Counlcil- man P,~ler. Carried by the ful. 101Wi",g vote: Ye".....M.ayor Bitter, OouDlCiœ.en Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pre¡gIler, Thoms. NOly¡s-None. (Awarding Contract) RESOLUTION NO. 335.73 wm;æEJAS, sealed J1Il'OI>O,sals have beeu submttted by œntroc, tJors fur the C.B.ID. Traffic Signal Sy¡sœm Im¡pr<wement Project pur- suant to R",oIution No. 310-7t3 and notice to biddCliS ¡mbIJi,shed in a _paper published in slaid Oi!ty on Se¡pit¡ember '20, 19113 and Septem- ber 2f1, 19:73; and WŒJIEJRiEC'\S, .aid sealed pro.po' '.a~s were 0¡Jel1ied and read on Octo- ber 11, 1&7t3, and it has been debe1'- mined that the bid oIf MoW!. EleII!. trilc Serv1iœ, Inc,of. Duibuque, }o- """ i.. the amount oIf $6!i,095.1IJl ,w.. the W\\'est bid fur 1he fw- rushing of a'lI labor and m"te<iaUs and pmfur,ming the _as pro- vided for in the pla!liS and s¡>eeilm- oations; now therelfo.., BE '¡rr RJESOlMEID by the Ci,ty Councii of !lie Ci1W oIf DulJuque that the eontract' fur the above mentioued i~- !>e a-.d- ed to Moidt Eileem-;¡, SerIv!\:e, I"". subject to Federal Hlgt;way Ad, m;nIDs"""tion aWl'OIVal and 111. Ma. nalger !>e and he is het'eiby di.-.:lt1t. ed to execute a contract on beball of ~he City of Dulbuque £<IT the ~e-te p¡edom>anœ <>If said work. BE ¡rr FU$TIHIEJR BESOlN1ED, that w¡>on the sigming of. ""id """. tract and the IIIJProVIÙ. oIf the coD- traiOtors bond the City Trea.....er to authorized and i- to re- turn the bid depo"its of the un- 91>CIœS~ bidders. Passed and a<k>pted tIhi!; 151t1h day of Oetolbe:r, 197ß. Jose;ph J. Bitter lM"yor Woa>ter A, P~egi.er Ailian T. Thoms Wayne A, MOildenhauer C. lWÞert J_nn 'CounriWmen Att",t: Leo F. Fromm""t City Oem 1000000iœ.an 'Moidenbaùer moved adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by CoUIWillIn9'11 Pregiler. Carried by the fu¡ dWinIg vote: Yea's~Mayor Bitter, OouneHmen Justmanu, MoIdenllauer, ~er, Thoms. Nay¡s-iNone. OCIi:<JI>er U, 1JI7t3 To the HionoralJde Ma,yor and City CouDICiIl '1bòs is to adivloe :Y<>O that tile Watel1WOrios Improvemem 1B1I2 Feeder Main _nsiou HiI.JIIMVS- IoM'a-/ll9, Con..aJCt III, Section 2, West 3I2nd Slreðt; Soot:iòn 3, Pa~k mIl; and Secit:ion 4. Hilgblma,y #20, has J>een rompilelted .Ubstanil:îaŒ!y in a,ccordaoee with plan" and s¡pe- dlfi""tions by M. F. Goetdt oon,. 542 Special Session, October 15, 1973 _00 Oompany 0If Dubuque, 10- WIS. GiiIbert D. CbaJveneUe 0iI¡y Manager OounciòmJan Mo!denbauer ,nroved that 1I1e COIIIIIIlIDIiœtion !>e recei..- ed and ñled. SeI:Ionded by OouDlCil- ma" P«!gler. Carried b¡y U>e foiL- lowing vote : Ye~yor Bi1lter, Oounciimen JlIJIStnvann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tbooœ. Nays-Nooe. FINAL EiSTIMATE RESOLU11IOH NO. 336-73 WŒmRlMS, the colll1JralC't fur !he con..vr.tWtiion of Watooworkis 00- proveme~ Feeder Main- E)x- t_on H!UD-iWS<IOiWa-OO, 00- III, SeC'fion :¡....meslt 3I2nd -, Section 3--iP>ark Hill, Seiclt:ion, 4>- lJj¡gbW'ay #00, bas 'been ~eted and 1Iie Oity Engineer has sub. mitted 'his final _'ate sI1OIwing the cost thereolf indl1dilJl! the ~ of e_, wtices, iMpeIcItion, and prepariDlil the a,....."ment and p!IIIt, now ther<!lfore, BE JrI' ,RIEEOINIED, b¡y the City 00UI>Cii. of 1I1e Ci,t¡y 0If Dubuque, '11Irat the cost af said >mprove- 'ment >s h~ debermined ro be $«J1,4Q4.[9. '!'bat none of 1he cost thereof sbaJíl !>e a'~e upon pr¡""w p~y and $497,40U9 mail. be paid from 1110' Waw Dept. Fund of the Ci~ af Dubuque, and lID[) GI'ant. 'l'a...ed, adopted and awroved tJ>j¡¡ !lith day 0If OetoIber, l00B. Josepll J. Bitter iMayor Waaiter IA. Pireig8.er AJ, an T. Tho¡m¡ w-a~e A. Moldenbauer C. Robert JUSItJIIIann OJuniciImen A.U.est : Leo F. Frommelt CIty Olerk Councilman- Moldeniiauer moved adoption of the resoI!wtion. Second- ed b¡y Mayoi' Bitter. Carried by the f<JIB.OIWing vote: Yea~yor Bi1Jter, Coun"""en Juo1Jm'ann, Moidenbauer, Pregier, Thoms. NoaY'S-'None. (A Resolution Accepting Improvement) RESOLUTION NO. 337-73 WŒJJElRiEIAS, the "",,~ad for the COD$IInIdion af WawflWOrIœ Iim- proV'elIlent~972 Feeder M<rln E)x. tension HlJID.<WS'¡¡owa-OO Oolll1Jract II, Section :¡....mest 3(,!nd Sil:reet, Section. 3'-iI'a.rk HiJíl, Section 4>- Hi¡g1hway #00, has been completed and the City Manager has e",,- mined the work and filed 11i!S eer. tifi"ate ~ating !bat tile "ame bas been completed according to the terms of the contract, poIans and s¡peICifiealiioœ and reoommenœ its aeee¡ptanœ, now therefore, BE JrI' ~EISOLVIED, b¡y the Ci~ Oouooi! 0If U>e City 0If DuÞuque, that 1I1e recomanendation of tile Ci~ M'anager !>e approved and that .aid improvement !>e and 1he s,"me is hereby aeœpted. BilE ,JrI' F1UIRIl1HIEiR Œ!iIESOUVIEID . that the City Treasurer !>e and be is hereby di~ooted 00 pay 00 the colll1JraC>lJor from the funds 00 be realized upon the arove de- scriJbed improvement in .amoont equal ro theamooÐJt of his contra\:t, less any retained ¡>erœnIJage pr0- vided for therein. l'aSlS'8d, adopted and approved this 15th day af O<>1Jober, 1978. Joseph J. Bttter lMa¥or rWIO'lt.er A. Pre¡gDer Allan T. Thoms ,Wayne A. MoUdenhauer C. Roibert Just.mann Oouncilmen Attest: LeoF. F1romanelt Olty' <Jlerk OoWDlC!ilanan MOildenbauer moved adop1¡ioo of the resO!lution. Second- ed by Mayor mtter. Camied b¡y the fol!oiwing vote: Yeas-JMa.yoor Bi1lter, OoooicIiimen Ju"1Jmann, Moidenbauer, Pregler, TtroJns. NaY'S-'None. Oe>IJober 12, 19'13 To the Honorable Ma¥Or and Oity Council Re : City 0If D1\IJuque ,Wa..œ Water TreaAJment F1acili- ties 'Pllrase m 0190010 A~ a re&UIII 0If alCltiion ~alœn b¡y tile Iolwa Water PoIIWtion Control Ool1llmisosi<>n on Fel>ruaov 22, 19113, \\41erei>y the -ule fur the oom- pIletion of tile sUJiJljec:t ~acil:ities -. amended and aw>roved, tile De. parltment of Emironmenta¡ Qulllii- ty has )roVIÌd<>d 115 with an &mend. men~ 00 the eoIl6ent Order entered inoo b¡y the City on May 25, 1972. ¡ I Special Session, October 15, 1973 This &mendment detaiü,s the a¡greed U¡ JOn t>me sehe<lu:le. The foI~ is enJclosed for your review: 1. Resolution awthorimng the M'a, YQr to exeewte Order and directing M'a".ger and sõa'lIf 00 prOCeed will> progr.am to cam¡p\y will> the, re- q- time schedule. 2. Amendment to Consent O,rder sdigned by the respooti..e ind1l5tries in..OIIved. 3. Letter 00 Oouncil dated J,a- nuary 22, 1978 outlinõnig slCheduie amendment request. 4. LeIter to DIEQ dated Janwarw 00., 1973 itemirred requested amend' meDJts 00 the origin,al time ",he- dule. We would respectfully request your favoral>íOO action in this mat- ter. ShouW you have any questioI16 on this, Mr, White and I will be a^,'a>laIJleat your convenience. Œlbert D. Cba..eneille City Manager Councilman Moldenhauer moved that the cOlI1lIDUnioa1Jioo !>e recei,,- ed and filled. Seconded by M,ayor Bitter. Carried b¡y the foli<>wing vote: Yea's-Ma¥Or mtter, CounIeIiWen Justl1llann, Moldenhauer, Pre¡gler, Thoms. Na)'s-None. RESOLUTION NO. 338-73 WHlERIDAS, the City of Dubuque and certain ind1l5tri,aa contribtJJtiors to the Waste WIOter Trea.menil Fa- ci¡¡~y and the loiw,a Wa,ter PoIIW" liQn Control Commt,..¡oo ha..e en- tered into a OONSEJNT OrRIDlEIR on Ma,y 25, 1972, and ~, the Ci~ of Dubuque ha. no1Jij ied the loiwa Water -Pollu- tion Control Commi..ion and the Department 011 iEM'tironmental Qua- ilty 0If its i"abillty to compty with the implemenltation .and time slClhe- dules in the afor""""ntioned Order and ha. requested a modiJfli<:ja,tion of the time schedJules, and wm;¡RiEAS, the IOlWa Water Qwa- lity Commission has conJcurred in the modifieatio ]g to the implemen- tation and time sdhedules coutain. ed herein, and WiHilEiREJAS, the Iaw,a Water Qua- lity Oomrm"'¡on has provided the City of Dubuque with a AiMEJNID-,. MENT TO COINSEINIT' OIRDEIR. NOW, the<efore, !>e it resolved hy the City Council of the City 543 of DulJuque, IOIWa; That the Mraoyor !>e and be is herelb¡y awthori2ed and direcled 00 execute .aid &MENlDMiFINT TO ()()NSEINII' OR- DEiR with the IOIWa Wa,ter PoIIIu. tion Control ComIlnfus<¡ion and that tile Manager and staff are bereJ>y directed to proceed with the w-aote Wow Treatment program in or- der to COOIIply with the time ",be- <Iu:Ie outlined in s'aid Ai M. E N D- MEiN:!' TOOONSENrr' OiRIDEiR. Tbe required sOgnatures 0If the indus- tries involved ha've !>een secured. Pa..ed, Adopted, an-d a¡pproved this 15th da.y of Octx>!>er 19'78. Jose¡pb J, Bitter Mayor W,alter A.Pregler Wa\yne A. MoUdenbauer C. RoIbert Justmann Ooooeilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Olerk ORDE,R OF THE EX'E,CUTIVE DI,RECTOR IOWA DEP.6JRTMENT OF ENVI'RONMENTAL QUALITY !iN ruE MrA'l111EJR OF POUúU- 'l1IOIN OF 11HIIE MIISSISSI!IPIPi MVER BiIE- LOW DUIBUQUIE, roWiA AIM,EI'IDIMiENT TO OOINSEINT OR- DEiR To: City of Dubuque, Dubuque Packing Co., Celotex Corpora- tion, Keystone Gelatine Co.. In. land Molasses Co. Drying Plant, and Dubuque Tank Terminal Co. ~EIWEIAS, this 111I8<ter e8lllle !>e- fore tbe Iowa Water Pollution. Con- trol OomrmsSlion on December 1, 19711., and a OouseÐJt Order wæ¡ owbsequeu1:l¥ i..ued on M'ay 25, 1972, said Order is berehy iJ>Cor- l'Q~ated herem 'b¡y re£erenœ as if set forth in fuli, and WŒI1ERIDAS, the Oity of Dubuque has ootilfied the De¡ >artment of En- vironmental Qu,"li~ of its i"abiJli- ty to coD1 ll!y with the inpIementa- lion and time sehedwles in the aforementioned Order and has re- quested a l1lO<Iifi"ation of the tLm.e scl1edJu1e as set out in the Order, and WHEJRJEiAS, the Ioowa Water Qua- lity Commission has coDlOOl"red in the modifi"ailious to the implemen- ta,tion and time ",hedwles contain- ed herein. IT IS HilEmEBY ORJDiEiaEID THAT the Ci~ of Dubuque, Du- aforesaid provIi-oioos and time sdJ,e-- dwles. Dated this :81 da,y of June, 10011. Kenneth M. Kjareh, EJJoecutive Director ~axtment of Em.;ron- me.nta~ Quality Dated thi,s l'5>th day of Octioiber, 197ß. Attest: Leo F. FrommeIDt City Olerl< Ootm<Jiillman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Moldenbauer. Oar- ried by the MIowing vote: Yea's.-;Mayor Bitter, Coul>Cillmen Jus~mann, Motderuhauer, 'Preg,1er, Tho¡ru;. Na)'s....;None. R,ESOLUTION NO. 340-73 WHEJRE~ a¡pplioatiorus for !>eer permi~s ha,ve been s,wbmitted to this Council for allP1'o"al ,and the s,ame have been e",O'Dltned; NOW 11HIEJRIEJF1OIRJE B'E I!I' RJE, SOINiEiD by the City of Dnbuque, Iowa, tha,t the fo!fi<J!wing applliic'a, tions be g~anted and a permit !>e ¡g-oued upon the corn¡pilian<:,e with the te~ms of the oroman<:es 011 the City. CLASS "C" BEE!R PERMIT Del F,arm Food Store, 2O1ß Cen- tral Avenue Passed, ado¡¡>ted and approved this lõth day of Oeto!>er, 197ß. Jos~ J. Bitter M,ayor C. Roibert Justmann Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wa,yne A. Moldenbauer Ooonei!lInen 544 Special Session, October 15, 1973 Special Session, October 15, 1973 5i5 l>utc¡ue PaCÜlig 00., CeIotex Cor. 'penatWn, Ke".rone Gei\atine 00., lo1and Moll....... 00. Drying Pillarut, and the Dubuque 'l)anl< Terminal 00. ~ with the Implementa- tion and ticme OOhedules contained in the Order sulJije<>t to the fuJIlow- ;m¡g Kew amooòme!>ts. 1. TnOit no lOIter than Ma.y 1, 197ß, the DUbuque Pacloing Oom- ¡>any and 0edi0\eX Co~ation sbaJl 'submit rot!be City of Dul>uque a rom tenltative basis of design, "",luding a"3' ¡>O\S,sdibile altemative 1>o:sts of d.,.;,gn which shOUlld be I conMdered, ' 2. That no later tban Ju~ 1, 11m, the City 011 Dubuque shaM provide JI\ro1 OI¡>e~ationlal! and main-- teI>_e eœIs and oam¡pile cowacis fur - ...1'VÒœ ro the indu... tries involve<!. Pro~ated ope~ation and mainteI>ance on a."3' a1tern,a1e baslis 011 deMign requested on M,ay 1, 11178, .halil an.o be de1>aile<!. 3- That no later than ,wgust 1. umI, the City 011 Dubuque sh.,ll cornmeIJ<:e a fin¡al cæsd¡gn for the required facildties, based on wrlit- ten commitmæ-s from the indus- t<¥ itIIyoLved. 4. That no later than December I, 11173, the Ciily 011 Dubuquesha'Jil s,w1>mit ro the De<part.ment of En- vironmenltal Qualiity mnad pllJans and s;peciiii"atiMs fur t!be required ~aei- Jiities. 6. That no later than A ril 1, J1JI'4, the o;ty. 011 DWbuque shall ~~= ~et~:w':'.stru<:tion I 6- That n" later than A¡prdl 1, 11176, the City oIf DuiJoUIc¡ue sball c«ti£y _1e1>ion of the requtred facilities 110 the De<partmetllt 011 En-- vir<mn1ent,ll Qu;aliity. 1. nrat t!be OOy of Dubuque roaM submit 60 lilY ~s re¡¡>oil'ts statiDl!! the 1'fOII!"""" made to....rd eomplli_e wi<llb the Conisem Or. der ... amended. The mrst such ~ shaM !>e S1>b",itted on ()I!' IØOI!'e August 1, 1!I7ß, 'l1!>e City oŒ Dub<J<¡ue, Dulbuque Padclng 00., Celotex C(}I'"o1'ation, Ke)'stone ,GooIoœ;ne Co., Iniliand Mo- ~a'sses 00. D~ying Plant, and the IJwl>uqwe T,anl< Terminal Co. con- getllt Ix> the Is,sua""" of tis Order a's an order oIf the E"eeutive Di- rector 011 the D<\partnnent of En- vironmenta'l Qualiity under Section. 4511ß,æ{3), _.34 and 455B$7 of the Oode of I<ma, 1978, with tbe _...." they coUlId run to June and then quit. OI!I'Y OF DUŒlUQUE BW Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Dated tlris Z/1Ih day 011 August, 10011. RESOLUTION NO. 339.73 BE I!I' RESOLvœJD by the City Cooncii of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the fOòlloiwing having complied wàth the provisdons of law re1atio¡g to the sale of Ci, garettes within the City of Du- buque, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Cigarettes and Clg¡arette Papers within s,aid City. Duane C. Koeller, dlba We.. Du- buque T,ap, l~oo. Asbury Road BE IT FUŒtIJ1HlE'R RJES()[NEID that t!be bonds £iled with the ap- p.Iieoatioo be a¡¡:><proved. Pas,sed, adopted and approved th:is 16th day 011 Oet<Jber, 197ß, Jose<ph J. Bitter M'ayor C. Robent J-ustmann Wa'liter A. Pre¡¡ler AIIilan T. 11Jw,ms W,ayne A. Moldenha'uer Coundlmen DUŒlUQUE P.wK!iNG OOiMiPIAiNY By R. C. Wahlert Dated thils :81<11 dlbY 011 Augœt, 197ß. lJE)LOrJIDX CORIPOaA- 'l1lOIN By R, S. Frost Dated this 27<11b day of Angust, 197ß. KiElYSOONIE GiEJùAIl'JINIE CO\MŒIANY íBy R. C. W:ahlent Dated this, 29th day of A"@Il6t, 1m. iJN[JAjN[) MOLASSES OOMiPIAiNY D\RYiIiNG PiùANT !By Saul Greenstein Dated tms 29th day of Augwst, 11173. DUBUQUE '11AíNK TEIR- MiliNAiL OOM!P~ By Saul Greenstein Councilman MoIIKIenb""er moved adoption of the reSOl1Jwtion. Second- ed by M'a,yor Bitter. Carried by the fotIlowi,ng wte: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Oouncllmen J",tmann, Moldenhauer, Pregll.er. Nay¡s,...l(Jouncit1nan Thoms. Councilman J,U8'f¡mann moved that the rules !>e sus >ended in order to let anyone pi"Osent ad- dxes's the OouooJil if they so de. sire. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Oa""ied by the ful!owing vole: Yeas-Mayor BItter, OouooJilmen JusOmann, Moldenhauer, Pr~er, Thoms. Na)'s,....;None. Mr. George Deininger, Chester Solomon and D<>ris Riekeo,a, mem' !>el'8 of the 11ransit Awthority ad- dressed the Coon<:il seeking an in- crease in their 19711 o,perating bud- get. Mr. _mon menmned seve, ral aillternaoo waJl1S ",nicit they could go, among wIlid1 he stated Attest: Leo F. FrolIJJlIlelt City CIerl< OouIl<'.lman Pre¡g,ler moved adop- tion of the resotwtron. Seconded by. Couneillman Moldenhauer. Car- ried by the fulDIoW1ing vole: Yeas--.M,ayor Bll1ter, Coon<ñmen Jus~mann, Moldenhauer, Pre,gler, 11Jw¡ru;. Nay¡s....;None. RESOLUTION NO. 341.n WHEJREJAS, ap,pJicaü"ns fur Beer per,mits were 1iiIed by the wiiIbin J>a-med al'!Plli<>ants and they ha,ve received the WWI'ovail of - <Joun. cil; and WiHEIRÆJAS, the premise's ro !>e ooou¡pied by suclh a¡pIpli!c.ants were ins¡pooted and fuund to comply witb the ordinances 011 thi\s City and tOOy have 1!i!led pro¡per bonds; NOW TßIEJRJEJFOŒ!iE BE JrI' BE. SOùvœJD by the City 00umiI oil' the City 011 Dubuque, l<><wa, that the M'ana¡ger !>e authorized to cause to be i""ued to the folli>wing næned ap¡iliJcanIJs ,.. Beer permit. CLASS "C" BE'E,R PEIRtiUT Del F'ai'lJIl Food Store, 2O1ß Cen. tral ~ven"" Pused, aOOpied and approved this l:;th day of OetoI>er 11171l. Josep!h J. Bitter Mayor C. Rober't Juotmann W'ailiter A. Preg i¡e:r ARan T, Thoms W'ayne A. M<>iI<Ienb"""" Oouncilanen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Oleæk ,Councilman Pregler moved a<:lop- lion of the resolution. Seoonde<! 'by Counçllman MoJdenhoiuer. Car- ried by the foJlowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CouncilmeID Justmauo, Moldenhauer, Pre¡gller, Thoms. Nays-None, Oc>tdber 15, 10011 Honor,a ¡[e M,ayor and City OoUiIICÜ The Citizens Transportation Oom. mittee met to.day with two mem- bers of the I_a lligbwaw Com- mission stalfif, mo'st koowi.edga ¡[e on Bridge Projects, It WOos fe4t that the ¡>ossibility 011 a free bridge fur Dubuque are remote considering av:a;¡¡aIble œ,al, state and federai fooding, so 1Ihe 546 Special Session, October 15, 1973 committee ado¡pted tlhe foUOIWÛ!Ig tIomalW 10001, slJate and federal resolution to !>e presented to you: sources is remote; and, "Whereas an urgenJC'Y eXlislts fur Wl1erea,s, s'aid Oitizens Tra_r- action on a nCIW Ikidge, the City tatioo Advisory Oo.mmittee and Oi- CoUIJJCÜ is requested to a'sk that ty Oouoc.l are fu.t1tIher adivised tlhat the JooMa lfj¡gbway Commission oon- the es.ta ¡\ishment OIl awel1 bridge duct a f~ty stndy 00 the may !>e OIigniIicanitly expedited es.taibJOslbment OIl a Toll Bridge inJto throwgb the >..uance OIl revenue Wiroonaïn and that they advise bonds to mDanlCe i(,g oonstroollion, ua ,as to the immeddate steps need- with sud1 bonds payable £rom re- ed to ¡>roeeed in deve1o¡ptng aweh venues derived from bridge iIoM a hci!ity" collections; and, The Citizens Tra~a1lion Oo.m- NOW, 'l1IIIE~EFOœIE, BE IT HiE- mittee sugg8Slts a 1- to tis SOlJVEID B'Y 'l1IIIE alII'\' OOUlN'OlJL edlfeet, to M<. J. R. Cowps[, Direc- OF mE = OF DOOIUQUE, tor OIl Hfugi>..~s, JooMa State Hiigh- IOW~: w,ay Comnrlssion, Ames, IO!WI8. 'Section I. That the Iowa State Bernard M. F1al1ey, Hi!g>hwa~ Commission !>e and the OlIairman =e is bereby requested to eon- 0i1lizem TransI>O<'>bation duet a atu~ of 1Ihe feasibility OIl Committee establishing awch to¡,¡ bridge or Cowæillman Justanann moved' bridges wilJrin the Dubuque Metro. that the eommunicati.,n be reœiv- I poJilJan Area. ed and filed and reilerred to Conn- Section 2. That iihe IO!WI8' State ci!., SoliCitor and SliJaIif. Seconded High..a.y Commi,ssion !>e and the !>y Qoounci .man Pre¡ ler. Oarried s'ame is hereby _er requested by the fuldOlWing yote: . to advise the Citizens Trano¡por- Y e..s~MalYor Bitter, Couooilrnen tation ~dvisory Committee a' " d JUlStmann, Moll-auer, Pregie.r, City Council on melbodis and pro- TbOOTh'i. cednres leadiing to the ,PfOll1Œ>t es- Nays---;None. t..Ws!liInent of s,aid toll bridge or RESOLUTION NO. 342-73 bridges. A Resolution 'Requestjng the Iowa uJ.a~, d ado~te8.,=r ~raved Stat. Highway Commission to Con. J ~eph J B'~ . duct a .Study of the ,Feasibitity "iMlayor' 1 r of. Erectlng~nd Operating a T~II Wía~ter A, P~e¡gi.er BrIdge or 8r1dges From the CIty AlJ>an T TbOOlS of Dubuque, Iowa to the State of .' . Wisconsin, and for ¡Requesting Wa,yne A. MoIlde~a,uer OIlIer Relahtd Technical Assit. C'¿=m:~ann ance. Attest. Whereas, the nrgenlt necessity fur Leo' F. Fromme1i an addiitions[ inlter atate bridge Oity Olerk betlween the city OIl ~uqu~, Iawa ICoUI>Cilman Jusmnann mO'Ved and the State OIl W..""nsm bas adoption OIl the l'eS"l"tion. Second- been weN. dœumented and Joog ed by Co1lIllCÌl1Dlan Pre¡gi.er. a_ied re~zed throughout the tri_e by the folIDwing vOIle: region; and, Ye~ayor Bitter, <Jowwillanen Whereas, the Citizens Tra_r- J""tmann, Molldenbau..., Pre¡gi.er ta,tion Advisor~ Comn1ittee, being Thoms. ' duly ap¡>oi11l1!ed W the City CoUIJJCÜ, N"3',s---None. bas considered 1I1e necessity OIl Oooneilman Tboms InO'Ved tbat an addiitiona!. bridge to seflVe this the DuiOOque City CounICil diireict city and region, and has deter- the City M,a"ag... .to m..1œ l'CICOOl. mined that sweb bridge must!>e mendalioUIS to the Council of an esfJaíb1>sI1ed at the earliiest possjIb1e architect orarebi_1IiI ~rm date; and, prefe~ab1(y one not presentty 0'0: Whereas the Citizens TraDS!X>r- vol"ed with eith... City HaM Re. tation Adovisory Committee and the nov..tion or Meddc,s[ '\S\SOICiates fu. Ci~ Coun~il 011' the city of Du- ture de~menlt plans, w hi" b buque I()WI& are advised that the cowld deve1o¡p an axcI1it""tu~al atn- prese';'¡ and forseeaible likllillood OIl dy .~maining to. ~e gene~at feoa. funding SIIJd1 bridlge tbroogb cus- sibiiity of the "",sting Meddljal As- 's ^J, Special Session, October 15, 1973 547 sooiates Buiading induding a clost stu~ fur eonvernion to the needs of bousin,g a;ty Goovernmenlt ad- ministrative OIfifiœs. Said Indiovi- dua'l or firm to be awroved by Council at 1I1e earliest p<>ssiß>le OO,te. Seconded by CowJ>CÜIm<ln P~egler, MOI1.1IOiN F1AifIùEID by the follX>wing vote: Yeas - Counemmen Pre¡gi.er, TIroms. Nay's--<M,ayor Bitter, CouncWnen Justnw.nn, Moddenhauer. Cauncilm"n Thoms lel1t the Coun. cil Oha,mber at 10:00 P.M. Ai( 10:5Il P.M, MayOll' Bttter moved to retire to executive ses. sion for the purpose of di~""..ng wages ,and personnel. Seconded by Councilman JUlSIJn..nn. Carried by the fotIWW!ing vote: Yeas--<M..yor Bitter,' Councilmen JUSltmann, MOldenhauer, Pregler. N~s-,None. Aibsent---Counciiiliman Thoms. Ai( 1[:39 the Council reic<Jnvened in ~ar session. There being no furlher ooSiiness Councimn:an Pregler moved to ad. journ. Seconded by MI~r Bitter. Carried by the fodioIwing VQte: Yea,s....<Mayor Biltter, Ooun~men Ju.s<tmann, MoIldenœuer, Pregler. Nays-None. Absent-Couooilman Tboms. Leo F. F'romme1t Oity Olerk Awroved ,.............................J1.97~ Ad<J¡pi!ed ....,.................,... ,..,..,..,.....1191\1 ..,...................."................................... ................................................".......... ................................."......................... ..............................................."........... ...,........................................................ Councilmen Attest: """ëïiÿ"'ëi~~k"""""""""""'" 548 Special Session, October 22, 1973 CITY COUNCil OFFICIAL \>y CoooCilman Moldenhauer. Oar. rled by the following vote: Yeas~a!yor Bitter, Coutroilmen Jws!\Jmann, M<>Idenbauer, P...giIer, Tho.ms. Nays-None. Mi's. papin addresS<!d die Coun- cil by requesting a coPY oIf the new Do€ Ordinan<:<! <Wilen it be- rom"" a'VOial>!e, .counci\,mau Moldenhauer moved that ihe City ~an- make avaiil- al>le a COpy oIf the pro¡posed ordi- nance and the City Clerk !>e in- structed to ful'W'Ord the CO!>Y to Mr. p,apin. S8lConded by Oouncil- man Tho"",. Carried hy the f<>Ï' 10M'i",!! ""te: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneilimen Jns~m~nn, M<>Idenbauer, poog¡let:, TbOlIns. Na.~one. Special session, OclOber 22, 1973. Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.D. T.) Present - Mayor Bitter, Coun. cilmen Justma..., Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tho,ms. City Manager Gil. bert D. Chavenelle. Mayor Bitter 'read the eon and stated that gem" thereof had been dWly made and this meetiog Is caRed fur the pur¡>ose of con- ducting a public hear,ing on the rezoning of various lots in St. Mary's Place Subdivision, and loci- inJg ul'Qn sucl1 ot'her \>wsin..s as may pro¡perly come 1>efore are- ¡~ar meeting oIf the Oouncil. .Dr. Robe~t MyCl1S a,nd J}emlis Na."gbiton presented the CounÒI wìth a ""rtlifroate of Oßf;cial Re- ~niliion 8C'Corded to DubUque, 10000a, fur designation as a Bi.,cen- tenniat Oity by the 1\merrean Re- ~ution BÏ1Oentennial Commtsó'ion, and also a ftag. The cril!ie~te ~nd ftag were o'!Ificlia.uy ¡>resented I to the M,ayor on Oetolber 19th, 11m. Pla~nd and Recreation Com. mission s,wbmtWUIg minutes O<! their meeti!l\!lS of Selptemlber 24th and Oot<>!>er 1Iih, presented and read. Mayor Bitter m<>ved !bat the ml, nutes !>e received ~nd filed. Se, conded by Ooul>Cibruan MdJdenhan- er. Oarried by the f.,.llo>w>ng vote: Yeas-M,ayor Bitter, Oouneilimen JœtJmann, M\oddoo!>auer, Pregler, Tboams. Nays-None. Communication of ÙO'W R e n t RQUSing sul>mõ.tting minUtes of their meeting oIf Q\:oWber 16, l!II1B, presented and read. M,ayor Bitter mQVed that thl> coonmunieation be re<:'<!i'Ved and filed. Seeonded by Oounci1man Moldenhauer. Oarried by the folilawing vote: Yeas--OOiayor Bitter, Co1JIWi~men I Justmann, Moldenhauer, pre¡g¡lCil', Tbo""" Na.ys-None. ,Communic'ation of Mr,s. Rita P,a- pin r¡equesting peronission to 'ad" dress the Coul>Cil relative to a pmposed new dog ordin'anee. Councilman Pregler moved that the rul.. !>e suspended in order to let aIlõ'<>ne present addI18ss die ~ ill they so desire, Seconded ()ctober 1«, 1!J7S To the Rono~aI>1e M..~ and MemberS oIf the City Oou<reil In a.<J<:<¡rdaruce with 1he provi- sions of Oha¡pter 366 of ihe 1!J7S Code of Iowa, the Ci'Vil Serviee Commission conducted promotion- al EJoaiminations on Se¡>tember 2£, 1917ß, fur Fire Equipment O¡>era- !oirs on the Fire Department. The 1'oiIIDrNinIg members on the Fire D"P"~tment ha'Ve ¡>assed both the State wrlittlen and loc31 eooa- mjnatious with an aiVerage O<! se- venty per cent or better. Yos", Kenneth ............, ......,80 % Ruden, Ronald J. ......' .......78.3% Stephan, CRa!Y'ßlon<l ....... ,....76 % peter, Gera~d A..., ..,..'11> % Theis, Terrance L. ................7tI % AM promoltiollS in tbis ca.\ieigor~ shoUld !>e made from this !is!. ,G. B. Noonan Ohairman Mamn A, Y'anSid<1e Loui. F. E'a-utscl1 a,,11 Service eommõ.s- sion Mtest: Leo F. Firommelt City Clerk Swbscrlbedand 8IWOrn to befiore me this 18th day of Oero!>er 11178, Yiolet Sa"ary NO'iary pwblic Counci'1man Justman" moved ,hat the oommunic'ation !>e r8lCei". ed and filed a"d 'Dl,ade a matter of record. Seconded by Mayior Bit- ter. Carried by the fo!lMviing ""te: Yea,s-M,ayor Bilrtier, Ooune~men .'" ." Special Session, October 22, 1973 549 a"d read. Counci'1m"n pre¡giCll' mo-ved that the oommunic,aJtion !>e referred to the M,ayor, Bo..d of Su:pe~vjsors and Oity 1\tt.omey. sec. onded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by tbe fullowling vk>te: Yea.---M",yor Bitter, Councilmen JuslJmann, Moldenhauer, pmgder, 11homs. Nays-None. Communication O<! Planning & Zoning CoDl'D1ission su!>rnitting minutes of their meeting of Oeit.oIber 17, 1973, p.eseI1lOOd and read. Conn- dman J""tmann mk>ved tha,t the communica1lion be received and fi'led. See<>ndied by Councilman !'Te¡gler. Carried by the fo¡1IlOlWing vote: Yeas-M_r Bitter, Councilmen JoUs~mann, Moldenl>auer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of IOIWa ~art- ment of Envirtmmental Qua!!ity swbmltlting a sanitary survey of the Dwbuque Mwnici"M water su¡>- Oetober 19, 1973 ply, presented and read. Council- Honorable M,ayior and man P<eg¡lCll' moved ihat the rom- Oity CoUDieH muni"ation !>e re!cei"ed and filed. SThbjeci: "No Student Parlri<1¡g" Seoonded by Coundllnan M<>Iden- on west s,ide oIf Mta Yista from hauer. Carried by the fo¡1Ilo-wing 1500 to 1800 Block and Edina Stroot vote: !rom 1\1ita vœs,ta to the A\Jley Y~as-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Aittact>ed is a letter Irom Lora. Justmann, Molde"hauer, Pregler, Codilegle agreelÍng to ha"e installed Thoms. "No Student P'arking" signs in the Na~s-None. above designated are~s. Oe1x>ber 19, 1973 Yo-u will nme that Loras lColilege To the Honoraible M'a~or ag<ees to use their security De- and City Couneii pa'l1tment in eruforœment of the [herewith submit ihe re¡>orIIJs resmet:ion. 011 ,the City Treasurer, City iAudiror Signs sl1ould be a"ailaWe and and ReMth Department, a,s well erected within the next 30 days. as a ¡¡'st of daims paid, fur the Frane'" A. Murray monih of September, 1973. AssOstant City M'anager Gi!Jbert D. Cba,vene1lle CouneHman Justmann moved City Manager that the communication ,be receiv- Coul>Ci,lman M<lldenhauer m<IVed ed and filed. SeeondW \>y M'ayo¡r that ihe re¡>orts be rec..'Ved 'and Hitter. Carried by the fo\Jlolwing fHed. Seconded b~ C 0 u n c j.¡man vote: TbK>ms,. Carried hy ihe foillOW!Ïng Yeas.....Ma!yor Biltter, Coul>Cil1lllen vote: Justmann Moldenhauer Pregller Yeas~Ma,yor Bitter, CouneiJmen Thoms. ' " J""funann, Mo!denl>auer, Pregler, Na-ys-None. Thoms. Communication of Ri'ver '-'alley Nay,s-None. OAJP Inc. submitin¡g doewneDita- Oe<tober 12 1973 !:ion for formal action, in comP!i- Ronoral>1e M,ayor ' anee .with their g,rant request fur and Oity Council the current year ending Oct.olbe< On Sepl:emberL2 1973 'MTS 31, 1973 as ~1l a's. ih~ proposed Marie. Scblueter, 622' Lincom ^,v~: on,gOlrug funding be¡gmnlng N<lVem- nue, fi~ed c,lalm a ¡ainS1l: the City her ,1, l!II1B fur program yoear "R" o'f Dubuque in the amount <If $40.00 endinig Ocro!>er 31, 1m, presenJted and a-lleging damag¡es to furnisb- ~~=nn, Moi<lenhauer, Pire¡giler, I Nays-None. Oetolber 15, 1978 To ihe Ronorai>le M'ayor and City Council A requœt bas bieen reeei'Ved for additionM streelt lighting on Do. vI,s A"enue The ""ea h~s heen in>veqated by the eiectrical inSlpec<lioir and it is recommended that one 4000 lu, m¡en fiJ<ture be inst~lIed on an existing pole looated O!P!P<>slte 1020 Davis Avenue. Your ap¡pr<>\'al of this iIhSltalilia- tion Ï's reque,slied. Gilbert D. Oha,veneille Oity Manager 'Counci-lman Jus.mo."" mo"ed appro"al of the recommendation. seconded by M'8ô'or Bitter, Carried by the followiUlg vote: y\>a,s~Ma,yor Bitter, Councilmen Jusltmann, Moldenhauer, Preg¡ler, Thoms. Nay,s-None. 550 Special Sessi::>n, October 22, 1976 mø. aDd --' 011 eMmiJ¡g up- I (Jcnmty, Ix>ooa cùimilll! ciama{Ie6 ......' a. sewer,. badwp 01>, A1J IIi8t in the 8IJ)IIOUIIIt of. $20,000.00 for 211\'1\11iG'. Ì'I, la, result '011' a. cUy in¡juries allegedly receivi!d 01>. or ~ ~ 00>t súd geIWCr-' at aboUt NoVêllDbes'.,3, 1910 as a result lilid töme. of. an aiJIegedCai1on a.~.side- TIM Diatt.er>--"...cened '" tile ,walk abutting awroJdma~ 70 ~ City Af;OOPY' wbn, re- : North GŒ<amMCIW. Aw- in, tbe ~,to.the-~" A~' !>y, ¡City QIf.Du,I¡uque, n.II>uqIæoow>lY, - olt Ó<JOO¡ber 10, 19111 tIJat. said i State of fuwa. claÏiIIÌ had b<ien ..~œsposed , rr1JiIt. ÖIe' ¡j!IaiIdf' ~ 1bII1 "'- ' 'her. rillbIt, arm w... br<J/IIOn.' and . ~¡ it,;" tbe._o~ kaclu<'ed near-,tI1e-eibOIW-'and.6i1e ~ of.,' u., City Attx>rney tbat béca-me disalJiled, si4<> ..... aDd said' claim œ deIiied. Qril!iDaI la.-me and. è\al-minl!l' that sbe 'iNS. cWní ,;So re.Glrt1ed I beiœWi4h. ¡>e11ID'anootly cæabOOd, and claimÏDII BI ' N. Ru..o that- sI>e woWd be in need of fu,t¡u,re Qty oJii;tI;1m6¥ hospital care and.treat-meut. ~ PfteIer mowd lIP- 'l1iis matter was tried. before a provai 01. 1he recommendation. Seo-- Dtstrid: COOrt j~' wlJj¡cà retwrned ODd<I4,.b¡y, M~' B!Id;tei'. Oamed a _did: ag>áin6t the City of. Du- by'lII&- ~...tee: buque, IOWa 01> the 2M:!> of.,Føb<u- Yea.......~r BitteÌ', 00undl""'" M-ð', 19m in the amount o(,$IEII.60. J_nn, )IoIðenbau«¡ Pregler, Tberedter," Motion for New Trial ~ wa.'fiJ..,H:ilai.tninlg that. the ju:ry ,Na~ ooloy, returned' a verdid: in tbe Od<JI>er"l8, lØIB' amount 01. special dallIll8iges 0*. øa.-rabl& ~" wben in bot, having fuand Jial>ilòty ...a, ~ .( ouIJiei1 they sboold baiI'8 a!:lowed other Qoita¡t, W8B, filed by !he pareøt.s iœms of. cl.ajd¡led d~l;i, oI.F 'KJtfØlh '1\'iIk. ciaimåJIg œmages At any rate, the CQ~ granted on-. bebaDf of.,\Iieii', cl&ngþter, K,ueiI a IIIIW, Uta!; in t!Iis particular hl- Trill<, who aftegedly was ÏDl.inred. stance and tbe. said matter ~ on Jmy 30, 1ØÌ3 at the MuniciPal been r~uiI>d for jU!'y t,l1 i a, I 9WJ>IDÌIIIII: Œ'o<>l. in tile 0iIi<' of. comlU-iJ1tI N¡¡~ 5, 19111. J)oØ oqUe, Iowa. 'lJ>e p}a~' ~ made.' 8!> o#er Tbi6 _tter "".. referred '" the ofsettle=tof.,$l,ooo.ooplU4<eourt a~ City AgencY,wli<> re- ~,and;itis t!le,reoommcodation ¡!G,..,lito 1bis,oØice by letier dated of the City. MtoNI<\Y:. ofif4çe 1iIat 0d'<Jbeir 110¡ 19l1li, that' said matter s l id oœer of., s~meut- be, aQCept- bad been amieabl¥, di~ of; edi ' 1J¡. .-.011 tile- foreI oing, it is Aerordingiy tJ>e Cii¥ AIJtom"f 1htI' _e¡>dalioo, of. Ihe (it» is a<ked to' Confess Judgment Þ.IIWrJlef tbet-said,dajmiJlo denied, ~the, City.' of., Dubuque in 11:" N; -, the alffiOWJt. of. $11.,000;00..' together' Qj ¡y,~' iWlith interest ..t, the, rate of seven 00\IIIII:Ii!mMI. Pre¡jIer. moved ap- ('1%)' pereeDt per.annum. &om the prDvai of the r""ŒlIilllen<!aüon. sec- date, of. enArY of. judgmellt and Q!IIkd' !>y" --.Bitter; Qarrled that the court costa !>e aasessed !>y; the ~111! v<>\e< to and!>e paid by the defendant ~~~, Bitter, Coun<>iJmen city of Dub.,' wlBeil - ;,; Ju !!t(l¡ano, ldoJ4enbauer, PreI¡¡!An'¡ the a,mount 01. $9l.90. 'l'boimI<. Qrigi!!al NoIk¡e ,wj~. petition at, ~. -- -- ta<:bed; is bereWith returned: R. N. RusS<! Ojty. Atl9rnW ~n Prf/ll!ler moved ap- I'J"OVIlI-.of tbe~end~. see- 0 j\e4; !>y, M"~, ~~. QaTried by. t ¡~, fÒJØA¡<wipg v(!te.: Y"a...,...!da,y<>r, Bitter, ooumoiDinen JlJ6'1¡maDD, MOldenhauer, Pregier, Tboms. N~one. Special'Session, Octóber 22, 1973 '551 -oIMMNANC.E NO. 48.73 N' 'Pylon "6ign '.on, Ol:ty ~ An Ordina- Authorizing St. ri¡ghtof wa,y "at-'I\¡erper 'l!Iwd;; Regis PaparCo. to êOllStnlct--8x20 'b)..To' p~ on bebaiIf'of. the Qt.y -dduI>1e fo.ce pylOn ..., 'Of '.DobUI UC-"",U 'sums"'iI!\Ìù'ch ~ presented . and read. City.of. ~. &1IalLbetomehib. CounciimanPre¡j¡!ler movèdthat ¡¡fisted' to _.by Mai¡pn,'>(]¡(",- fue' readmtHi'is1t. had be COOSIider- ~álb;.¡ity;jlillpos4!d'lIp)n.4ll¡e City of ed . the firSlt readin¡g 'of' the . Or- l><JIbuque .... da:nta¡ges of a..y.-tm!i dinance. Seieonded by ooundlanan re¡¡u ¡tin¡g'1irœnthe"~~,,'ÌftStai- \Moldeooauèr. Camled--by the Ibi- lation, 'eXiistenee, ~ 'Ctr 'klwiirt,g vote: »amtenaf;!oce-ol! . oMIIid J»'.~ Y"as-<!da,yor Bitter, Cotl1JJcilmeÍl Sign'.on CitY'OIWlled ,,¡gIlt ,-ul;..ay Justmann,Moldeooauer, Pregler, ..t Kerper m"d.,aUSltained'by"any TbICOms. 'person or pe .1$OI>S, caused by 'aêd. Na)'s-None. dent or otbe11wise,.-1o. ,CIefeDd .'at Ooul>Ciliman Preg¡!ermoved that its awn eX¡pjIDse 'and, 'on '-behaJi the rUi:e' requl.-ing'an Ordinance of.aid Oity '1lÌl¥ ;'tiIa<m ........ to !>e read on lIbree ae¡parate dlays the City ,of lJ<JIbuoI¡ue arl.ing. .out !>e-waWed. Se<:Onded by Q>uJæj[. OI! the Jooation, iOlStaktion, , eIdoslt- an'MoIdienhauer. Carried by'-1oJ>e enœ, eo~n'or"maiøteQáll« fòlJo""ngvble: OI! I),F 'PyD,on Si¡gn'"and"oo pay Yeas-Mayor BlUer, {)( ~men reasonableàttomey'mes therefor: JuSltan,ann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, c) To indenmôf,y .and JwId Ci~ 'lb!mœ. of Dubuque Iilee,and bal'Jn !eos.fmm Na,ys-None. any and an ell"""", loss, ¡¡;abWty oRiolNANCE No.-4i-n and e:<pen<e 'fur Ïl$H'ies to t!Jiird An Ordinance Authorizing St. R... per~ ordlamages, to property 'II" "P"Per , C::o..To '<:onsftOCt8x20 of thIrd penlOOIS,'or ,fur dlamage DolÌble f'ace' PYlon' Sign to any pro¡¡>erty, OI! Cilõ' of Dubuque NIOW ~E BiE nOR>- which may oc<:nr .... a resaM' OI! DAiliNIED BY 11HE CITY roUINKJIrL or in connectionwith'1be Jooait.ion, OF 'l1HiE 0lTY ¥" !ÐUI9UQrn;: insfJa,JJ,atinn, OOl>Struoüoo,. main- 10lWA: . , tenanee and ,',!>ili:OI! the !~ty, '-Sectldn I. TIIat :St.'Re¡gis'- p,¡tper wo~ or unpr""""""nIt pemutted 00. $SO Ke.r¡per1!1Nd. as OIWDI!rs bereID. , of the pretnl""" , known . a. . IJot 1 Section 4. Th..t. -the permi&sion B!otIt 7' Riverå'ontSUb. No.3 in herein. gl'anted is' ez¡presoly' eon. tile Oity"of. Dwbuque, IOiWIO,'be, ditioned u¡>on permitteeswrtber and they arehereoby granted the ..greement that ~ the' right revooable'permit and'a,úthorityto and privilege herein gt'anted !>e coil<lttuet'and maintain an s>2O r"""inded orrevoked-~ 4he aty D-iFPy¡!on 9jgn on Cilõ'~ Counciil, permittees, or..their &1IC- rI4 bIt of Wað' 'at Kerper B!Jvd;'wndeor ceSßO~S in interest,aS'OIWllel'S'oI. tile le~inS and '"""di1DImsset furth tIIeaootlJiJ>g P!"JP"I'ly, maM wiUWI in'th;., fudiJ>a!\ce. ten, (10) days a«.er reœipt of. writ. Section 2. That' ~ucll èomltruc- ten notice from the City M'am¡ger, lion .haM !>e'd,me in aeeørdance so to do,~t their"""" ""Pense, with pt"OISberet.olfoœ'subrt>itte,H)y remove sadd'D-Œ Py<km Sign and P81'mittees and "awrIWed' by Citõ> in the.. e¡venlt of. thieir laiWreso Ma j¡ager, . under' .the super\\iolon to do, th~ City of. 'Dubwqu~ . shalil and dire'OÜon'of the<Jity M",,~, !>e'a.uth~zed to re~e .,d-D'F and in' accördanee with all appIIi- PyOOn S¡¡gn, at ¡>eramttees - eableota,te and federal ilalW'S and and ~ of. the sarne, and the TeIg<Jilation. aBd U>eOrdinallM"'" 'OIl perm!itbees sòalll "'we no claim the' City ~"Dubuque. against the City or its ~ fur 'Se<tion' 3. . That the' perlOå<!sfun <lamages resmtilll! &-om ,1!he' re- llle>rein' gt'anted isex¡pressly"con- rooval of. s'aid D.F ~n Sign. ditioned on, ~ agreement . Section'S. Permittees.. <:oVèn~nJt. to: and -- 1hat the revoc-ab]e .per- a) Aisðmne any and aM JiiabiMty tnôt berein gralìbed' does not, èI>n- for dIa"nag¡es to person.. or property sttitute- an' awr<>'tal.of. the design, whichllllaY' result from the e,.;s- erection, matton, constrUlCtion; Te. teooe, !oeatioo, inSlba!Gltion, coo- pair or maintenance of. Slaid~1dI:y struction or maôntenanCe of. .aid and,sadd.peMl- .bel'ell>y. ewe- _JI>,...",' IlonO'raI>le ~r and City (JouJlIcÜ QnN!W~.~,l9W, OrlPnal Noöce ,with Peti1tioII..,Øhed1 WlaS sé1'>'/Cd on the CiiIõ'. of Dubuque iI¡-" matter' of. !)o11lba K. sm.- mQrI6,'piMnIófi; ...._Citð'ofo Du' qqque,. d~, I;a¡w. No. 38$IIiII- 'PWniIiiIf _øøeed the aclion illl ~ IJiItri¡øt>. 00W't of DUbuque 552 Special Session, October 22, 1973 nanJts anda'grees not to a-s,sert sucb CIIaim or dellenSO' ag,ainst the Cityoil' Dwbuque in the event of o!aim a~ for ¡>eI1sooal in¡juries ao<!><>r property d8ll1Vage a,g.ainst the ¡>ermi~ee arilSin¡g ont oil' or in any way connoote<l IWith the location, installa,tion, construttion, design, re¡pair and mainoonanee of the facilitõ' he'rein peromtted. Section 6. This oroinIanœ slJia!l1 become 8lifrotive and the rights bereunder aœroe to St. ~ Pia- per Com¡pany willen this Ordin:!mCe bas ,!>eon adopted by the Oily CoUTh- eil and the 1Jel1Ins ,md conditions t!>ereod' aClCCl¡>ted by permittees by aec.eptanee endorsed on this Or- dinance. ,pM,sed, al'iPmved and adopted this 22nd ooy of October, 1978. Josepb J. Bitter ,M,ayor W,alter A. PTeogIler Albn T. Tihoms W.wyne A. Moldenhauer C. RobErl Jwstmann CoUIliC'Îimen AM.e.ot : Leo F. Frommelt Oily Olerlt ACCE'PTANCE OF O~DI-NANCE NO. 48-73 Tbe unœr,signed ha¥in¡g read and being famÍlÌiar with the te.ms and conditio", oil' Ordinance No. 48,73 hereby, fur tbelll1se1ves, their su<:. ee.sors or assdgns, as owners of the abuttJing property, aeœlplt the .".me and agree to !>e hound by the conditions and a,gTeenlCl10S therein <:<>rrt:ained to be perOOrmed by permittees. Dated 4 0e00IÞer 1973 St. R.,gi-s il>aper Co, iB;V: N. T. B,ainbridg¡e 'General ManaJg1OŒ' BY: T. S. Bwtler pul1cl>a'sing Manager ,plJIbl>shed otiiClla'My in the 'l'eIle- 'gT1Iph Herald News ><!per - 25th d<lY of QIe1x>ber 1978, Leo F, Frommel1lt Oily OJerk It. 10-215. Councilman Pregler moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Moldenbauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, P,regler, TIloms. N<lys-None. Proof of Publication, certified to .¡¡,;" by the Publisber, of notice of pub- lic hearing to consider a pro¡>osai to amend Ordinance No, 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dwbuque, Iowa, by changing from Single Fa- mily Residence District Classifica- tion to Multiple Residence District Classification; Lot 1 of the Sub. of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 3; Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 o!f Lot 3; Lot 1 of the Sub. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of D<>t 2 od' Lot 'L of Lot 3 aM of St. M'ary'IS' Naœ in ,the City of Dwbuque, Iowa, presented and read. No written objections were filed I :~t : t~:\i:;~~~r~orw~~: :u~: ¡lie hearing. j Councilman Pregler moved that tbe proof of publication !>e receiv- ed and filed. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 49.73 An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3.34 Known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to Change Cartain Property Hereinafter De. scribed from "Single Family Re- sidenca District" Classification to "Multiple Residence District" Clas- sification, said Ordinance having been previously presented and read at the Council meeting of Septem- ber 24, 1973 presented and read, for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 49-73 M' OMlNANCE AJMENDING AND CHAJNGlNG ORDlN..rnCE NO. 3-24 KNOWN AS THE "ZOIN- "NoG MIAIP AIN1D 2JONI1!NG ORiDlI. NANCE OF THE CITY OF DU. BUQUE, IOWA" SO AS TO CHANGE CERTAIN PROPERTY HER-EINo\iFTER DES C R I BED FROM "SINGLE FAMILY RESI- mJNlOE DIlS'l1RIlIŒ'" 0lJAiASIIF!lI0A '!1IDIN. TO "MUIl.IIW'IlJEJ RIESI- DENCE DISTRICT" CLASSIFICA- 'I1I0IN NOW THEREFOR-E BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE OJ!l'Y COUNCIL I ?¿W~ CITY OF DUBUQUE, Special Session, October 22, 1973 Section I. That Ordinance No. ATTEST: 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map Leo F. Frommelt and Zoning Ordinance of the City Ci-ty Clerk of Dubuque, Iowa" be and the Pwblisbed officially in the Tele- same is hereby amended by chang- graph Herald Newspaper thiS 25th ing from "Single Family Residence day of October 1973. District" classification ro "Multiple Leo F. Frommelt Residence District" classification City Clerk the foilowing described real es' Councilman Moldenhauer moved tate, to wit: final adoption of the Ordinance. Lot 1 of the Sub of Lot 2 of Seconded by Councilman Jus t- Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot mann, Carried by the followillg 3 of St Mary's Place' vote: Lot 2' of the Swb of' Lot 2 of Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, 3 of Sit. Mary's Pla,ce; Tboms. Lot 1 of the Sub of Lot 1 of Nays-None. October 19 1973 Lot 1 of Lot, 2 of Lot 1 ~f Lot To the Honorahle Mayor' 3. of St. Mary s Place; all ill the and City Council CIty of Dwbuque, Iowa accordmg Attached is an amending ordi- to tbe recorded plats thereof. nance to the Traffic Code of Du- Sedion ,2. That the zoning re- buque prohibitiog parking on the classiflCatlOn a!>ove descTIbed lS south 'side of Theisen Street, from made for the pur¡>Oses of establisb- Jenni Street to Stetmore Street, ing on SITch real estate a Planned Also attacbed is the original peti- Unit Development, which sha1l con- tion and a letter of explanation sist of a nursing home or convales- from Chief O'Brien. cent home located generally within The ordinance amendment will Lot 1 of the Swb of Lot 1 of !>e presented at your meeting of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot Octoher 22. I recommend that it 3 of St. Mary's Place, together be adopted. with such other uses and strwc- Gi!!>ert D. Cha,venelle lures as may !>e permissible in City Manager the Multiple Residence Di-strict on CoUI>Ci!man Tbo'DlIO mO'Ved that the remainder of the property, and the communication be re<:eived and which Planned Unit De¥elopment filed, Seconded by C 0 u n c i !man plan shaH be made pursuant to Pregler. Carried by the following tbe provisions of Section 6 of Ar- vote: ticle IV of Ordinance No. 3,34. Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Section 3. That ,the Building Com, Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, missioner of the City of Duhuque, TbOl1lS. Iowa is hereby ordered and di- Nays-None. rected that such building permits ORDI.NANCE NO. 50.73. and certificates of occupancy for An Ordinance Amending Ordinance said properties shaH !>e limited No. 33-49 Known as the "Traffic only to such uses, structures and Code of Dubuque, lo,.,a" as amend. other installations as shall conform ed, by adding a new subs.oction to an approved Planned Urut De- 110 to schedule VI thereof to prohi- velopment plan. bit the parking of motor vehicles Section 4. That the foregoing on the south side of Theisen Street Amendment has heretofore been from Jenni Street to Stetmore a,pproved by the Planning and Zon- Street, ing Commission of the City of Du, presented and read. buque, Iowa. 'Councilman Tbom. mOlVed that Passed, approved and adopted the reading jwst had '!>e eorusider- this 22nd day of October, 1973. ed the first reading of the Ordl- Joseph J. Bitter nance. Seconded by Counci~an Mayor Pregler. Carried by the followmg Walter A. Pregler vote: Allan T. Thoms Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Wayne A, Moldenbauer Justmann, Moldenbawer, Pi"Ogler, C. Robert Justmann Thomas. Couocilmen Na,y~one. 553 554 CounciJ,man Thomas moved that the rule reqniring an oroinaDiCe to be read on three se'parate 'days !>e . waived. Sej,ònded by CÒ\UlCil. man "Pregler. Carried by the fol, in¡¡ vote: Yeas---'Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tbomas. Nays-None. ORÓINANC:E'MD. 50.73 'AN óR'ônt\lNOE AMEiNOJlNG OR- I)IJJNiANCE NO. 33-49 l\íNQWN AS mE','¡~C'CO )E ÒF'DU. 'nù'QúE, IOWA" As AMENlDED, BY ADDING A mJWstJ1ISEC- TJJOIN lJI.O TO, SCJI1IÊ[I{JŒ VII TItERÉOF To POOHllJ!IT THE pARKING ÓF MòTOR VEIDCLÊS ON '!1HIE !¡DUfl1H S1IIxE OF T!ßiEI. StiN s,REET FROM JENNI Sri1RIÈETTo STÈTMÒRE STRËET 'NOW ~E æ IT OR. DAlI'IED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF, THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: SKtion I. Tbat 'Ordinatwoe No. 33-49 kl1àWn as' the "Traffic Code 'of DUbuque, Iowa" as amended be and the same is heréby 'amend- ed by enacting a new subsection 110 to sebedUleVI thereof as fol- lows: hSOß '; )tJ1Æ VI." t10. On the south side of Tbeisen Strèetfri>ín J'ennïStrèet to Stet- '¡¡¡ore' Street." Passed, a¡>proved and adopted 'this ':&lid day of October, 1973. JosePh J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler . Allan T. Tbòin. WaYne A. Moldenhauer c: lloi>ert Jœtn1ann Councilmen A TI.1EST : LeoF. Frommelt City CIerI< Published' ófficially in the Tele- graph HeNlld Newspaper tbis,25th day of October 1973. Leo F. Froinmèlt City Clerk It. 10-25. , CouDiCilman Tboms moved final a<k>ptionof the Ordinance. second- ed by CouI>Cilmán PTegler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counei.1men ,Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. Special Session, October 22, 1973 communication be received and filed. seconded by Cowæilman Mol- denhauer. Carried 'by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, 'Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. An Ordi""nc. Zoning and Glass;. fyi"" recently aMexed "'rritory to: IfIé Glty of Dubuque, Iowa a. a, "Multiple, ¡Residence District" "bleb, re.1 estete i. hereinafter d~ribed, ,(!Goerdt p~rty oft Sheridan Road), presented and rcad. ,Mayor Bitter moved that the reading just !had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Se- conded !>y Councilman Moldenhau- er. Carried hythe foll<>wing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jus,tmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Mayor Bitter moved that the rUle requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days !>e waived, Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter; Councilmen Jus1Jmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. ¥!ayor Bitter moved ,that the Or- dinance !>e set down for a public hearing to be held on Deeem!>er 3: ~973 at 7:30 o'clock P,M. in the Council Chamber at the City Hall and that the City Clerk be instructed to publish notice of hear- ing in tbe manner required by law. seconded !>y Councilman Mol- denhauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jus1Jmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tb<>ms. Nays-None. Petition of ~te Shrine l'C< UI!Ot. iPl! perI11Össion to sell frutt calres 00 the m:arlœt on November 3, aìmJ, )<esenled 'and read. IMlayo<' BitltJer moved 'aWrovai oIf the Ie- titionand "ame l!>e refC11I'ed to the lMana¡ger. Seoonded by Council- man lMoldenbaueT Carrœd by fue. following vote: Yeas--'-'M'a,yor Bitter, Oounci1men Jus!Jtnlann, lMoIJd"'¡'aueT, PregiMor, Tbomß. , N~one. Special Session, October 22, 1973 'Oeto1>er 19. '1973 Honorable 'Mayor and Councilmen The Oity of Duibuque P}anning and Zoning Commission has hè1d a public hearing on the petition of Mr. and Mrs. Merle' Goerdt for MUltiple Residence c:1as&ifœa- lion on' their' prO )erty recently an- nexed to the City of Ð1;buque' and deserii>ed 'as follows: Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot'l of Lot 3 of Lot 1 of the SubdIvision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of'Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot a of Mineral LOt 324, Section 12, Townsmp 89 North, , Hal/ge 2 East of the 5th principal 'Meridian, in Duibuque COmity, ¡owa, according to the re- cOrded plat 'thereOf;and,Lbt 1 of Lot 1 of 'Mineral Lot 323, 'and Lot 10f LOn of Lot 2 of'Mineral Lot :i24;and Lot 9>1 in' O'Neill's River'View in' DubuqUe 'I'åwnSbip, Dùbnque Collnty, Iowa according to the' recorded plats thereof. Notice was sent by eertilfiéd mail to 15 owners of adja"~nt ptope\1;y. 'l'here was concern voiced at 'the public hearing' 'that 'the prO )Ôs'ed Multiple Residel>Ce 'devel..pment migbthave a' detrlnleDtal effect on the adjoinïni neighborhood.' Tbe focus or 'this con~ern waS on'mat- ters of traMie circulation and street conditions" in the Vi¿lriity 'of 'the GOerdt ptttperty. TIle Commission is aware of'tlle community's need for ItddMional apartment 'Musing' and' for 'vacant sites suitable for this type of 'de, velopmeDt. It hasœen deter,mirted that ,the GOerdtptô¡>erty is awro- priate for niWtiple residel1ce USe. The Comm;.,sion is also confident 'that a suitable' traffic' aC'Cess plan can be devised So that'no aaverse elfect'wóuJd'oc:cur irithe.ll'etgbbor, hood. Tbe City of Dubuque Planning and Zoning ,Commission bas' voted unanimously ,to recoQ1>lllend appro. val of this petition, subject to tbe requirement tbet a Planned Unit Deveaopment plan !>e reviewed and q>¡proved pur&uant to the: pr0vi- sions of 'Section, 6 of Article IV of the City of Dubuque Zoning Ordinance. CITY ~G AND . ZONING COMMISSION Daniel Dittemore , 'Development Planner Mayor Bitter ,moved that the 555 lPetiIIion of tAl :G. Maiers request- ing permioodon to "",,",val\Je lilt æ6O Cootlial lAve. to "'Pair ....ter lest and _VIiI><! line, presented and read. [Mayor iBlittermll'Ved ç¡provlri of the petition. Seconded by 01111>- cöiman, lMod<lenbouer. ¡Oa,rr¡iéd by the foIIlo¡wjn¡¡" 'Vote:' , ' Yeas--lMayor BitltJer, OoUllJlillmen JustIn""", ~ldenl;>auer" P~, Tb<JanJs. Na~s-Nooe. Petition ,of J\>bn ZU.t'ICber,requ~ !ng ..aë~ of a pla~ alley attbe end of fuè Wrn aTOUÍld on M'ltrquettle Œ'iiacè, )<e8eí;ted ;and read. \Mayor Bittlernroved !bat' the petition be re¡!eNed to, Ibe ~DiU~ geT and SlJaJIIf i!qr in..estig>ati"" and, report. Seconded by OIUlllCÒ1man lMß1denbauer. Oa.rried !\Y. the ~ lowing vote : ' Ye~"'yor Bitter, Oouooiln1en Justmann, IM<>ldenbwer, iPJ'<!gIler, '11bom.s. Nlays--None. !Petition of EWon ~~den ¡a""" etal (t!2 sj¡gneN) obj~ to the eTectioo ofa proposed -A, i& W Drive .In on 1111\' so~ ~r of JJF.IK. i& iAslbury Roads, _. s~:and _d. Mr. :EJJdon Weidenba<:l>er "didtes. sed the Counçi4 obIjelClting to- ~ erection oIf ,an A II< ~ IDrive I!n oo1be baslis of ,1Jra!Ifii¡e food odors, operating IrouM and trash. !Hie is, opposed to both dri..., in and sit, down reslauraOOl. Mr. iAanbrOse IHierIœs !aloo obôeet.. ed, to the proposed lD!'Ôve iIn. OounlcHman Pr~er lm<!Ved !bat the petition be received - fi4ed,- seconded by CouncJllman JUs, t- mann. Car~ied by the following vote: Yeas--IM'ayor Bitter, ~men, Justmann, M Jldenbauer, ~Ier, Tboms. Nays-None. ~i:!2,iL117S HooD.alJile ~ and City OIuncil M ,your I>riefin¡¡ session on Fri- day ,afllernoon, immedtatellð' Iiast past, d>sicu...ron ~a. bad <:onieero. ingan ex¡pooted, :a¡ppIicatioo fur building permit fur 'an A i& W DriIveiin Restauranlt to be iodated at fue southealSit ""rner of Asbury " at its interselCltion with John 'F: Kennedy road. ill ,was IIIIõ' understanding \bat you IDstrueilJed me to prepare Iao 556 Special Session, October 22, 1973 SpeCial Session, October 22, 1973 rm orœnance fo1' y<>u to oonodder IIrls éveruing ro elimi"aœ 1II1e !oc,ation and use of a reSltawrant, cafe or <!afm"ria' in ,a \Loea! !Business Dds. tri<:lt'IA" iOla",,¡'¡¡¡oation. Aiecorotngl!y, ![ ,am subn1H:tmll 'an MnendmenJt for your œn.side11altioo, and ,would 5'Dg)geot that you have 1IbiB made the fWst readin¡¡¡ oil' 1111" Ot<lit>imœ 1ihis evenmg. R. iN. IRus,so Qil.y Attorney Ooui1<:ilman iPreg¡1er moved 1II1al the œmmunication ,!>e re..,;ved and filed. Seconded by ICounCli1anan IMod- dei1báuer. lOarried by the folil<>wmg Vote: Yeas-'Ma,yor Bitter, Ooul>CiUrten JOOiIlll8m1, Moldenhauer, 'Pregler, 'ÍbóimS. Na'J's'-4None. A~ Ordinance Amending Ordiitlance Nil. 3034 Known as "The Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Ilowa" by Re. lèàllilll 5ectIon 'I of Article VA _lid Enacting II New Section I ... Article VA in Lieu Thereof to 'Dilate .Restuarants, Gates and Ca. fèhoria,s ... a ,Permôtted use Within the Local ,Busi...... 'Dist.ict "A" ,CI'aS!;ltlcation, prese- alld re'ad. Cou!liClilllInan IPre¡gi!er moved 1Ibal the reading iust had he oonsidered the tirst readilllg of 1Ihe Ordinance. Sooooded oby Oounèiilman Modden" hauer. Carried by the fJOlli>winig Vote : YealS>-4Mayor 'Bitter, Cound!Jnœn Just_, Moldenhauer, Pre¡giler, 'lbotns. NaY¡S-INone. èound~man iPregler moved thaI the rUile requiring ,an Ordina""e to !be read on three sC!l>St.aœ days Ire 'wailved. SeeQnded by CounlCÔ!- man IMoldenhauer. iO..rrded by 1II1e fulliJIwing 'vote: Yea~a- Bitter, OouneiWien JOOimann, iModdenbauer, Thoms. Nra,Y"'~ooe. OoUl'llcillitan iPoog[er moved !:hat a fP'I!blié hearing be belld on the Ordin,.""" 00 [)eœm!ber 3, 1003, at 7:00 \P.IM. in \he Coul>CiI Ch:am- ,l\e!'at the ,City ~alil 'and that tbe City aerk be i""trueIted to p-h nl>tiœ oil' the hearting m the manner required by lalW, seconded by CouDlci1nran Moldenhauer. Oam..d 'by the i!>øüWwån¡g ""te: Ye<a,s-Mayor Bitter, ¡Ooul>Cilmen Justmann, IMoldenihauer, Preg[er, Thoms. Niay,s-<None. Petition oil' St. EiiasGreek Oribo- doxCbureh requestin,g .a refund of $2170. on the disronüuued buså- œss Ol..ss B Beer permit ¡ß-IlSIW and S"!U980, di...on~nued busineos on JwW 2$, 1003, ¡>resenled and read. ICounooman Jwstmann moved that the r~und be granted and the Auditor instructed to issue !>ro- per warrant. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Oarried by the fo~ vote: Yeas--41,ayor Bitter, CoUIJICilmen Ju.tmann, iMoldenhauer, P'reg[er, Thoms. Nays-None. PetiI.ion of Duane ,Koelliler re- questing a refund œ $00. on the unex¡pired portion of ~i¡gare1Jte !li- cense No. MS, ,as he ha.. dis<:on. tinued business on OetoI>er [5, 197ß, presented and read. CooodWian J-wSJtmann moved tl>at the r~und be ,gT'anœdand lI1e o\udltor in" stme,ted to ;,;sue I >l'OIper "",,«,ant. Seconded by Ma,yor Sitter. Carried by tire fol1clwing 'vote: Yeas-Mayor !Bitter, Coul>Ciilimen J,ustmann, iModdenhauer, Pre¡gi!er, Thoms. Nays-<None. RiESOLUTION NO. 343.73 Declaring Intent to Sell a ,Portion of the Downlown Urban ,Renewal Project, ,Iowa IR.15, to 'Investment Planning Inc. M1IHíEJRJEJAS, under date oil' o\u- gust 00, [9'1S, the ICounC ¡! oil tire City oil iDubuque adK>pted 'ResoIlu- tion, No. :!ßO.,7:lIwtlli:h a¡>:¡>rOVed and 'ou1lbord'zed tile receipt of )l'Opos,ails for the ,s,..le "nd redevelo mlen! ofa eerlatn ¡>arce'l oil' read ootaœ in tire Downrown Urban ŒtenelWal Project, lO'Wa R-{[5; and WŒJIEIRJEAB, pu~suant I<> siaid re-- solution, ,a notice oil' ID\'itation fur Proposa.. lWas puililished m' the Te. legraph Herald, ,a' new,spaper oil' genera[ cin:uiliation in the Cityoil' [)wroque, IOIWa, o\ugu.st 2$, !1OOS, and o\ugwst SO, 1975; 'and ,WŒJIEIRJEAB, in res JOŒ1se I<> aadd o\6fering, a prOfPOSad fur the pur- cha,se and redeve~ mlenl oil' the re,ad estate ",as received from [n,. vestment p.¡..nning 'Inc.; and WŒJIEIRJEAB, pursuant ,I<> Cb:apter ~ of !:he Code oil fuIvoia, ,as amend>- e<I ,I<> 'àatè,'and certain rEJ¡ UI1a1fio... rÆthe <inited Slams DepartmCIIII of, Hou.siÐg and Url>an Ðeve[o.p. ment,. œrtaindocuments mool: be made-availalble fm'PIJIbk ;,¡.pee- tion and a public lleardngeonduict. ed; row ~re ' , ,BE IT ,RIESOUViEIDBY 'l1BiE awY ~ OF il1HIE 0Irl'Y o¡F ,DUlBiUQUE, !QWA: SectiÓl\ I. That the Cityoil' Du, roque hel'!'iby decllares i'I.s iUltient, .lItera pobIic hearing, ,I<> dispose of Bilock 8 In Dul!>ú<tUe Ðoiwnliown Plaza also known las ( );'; JOSitiOli Parœl 74 m tbe Downtown Url>aD Rffi>e\Va[ Prodecl, "IoIWa R-{[5, I<> Investm""rPlánnling ilnc. in ""'cor- danx:e m1ll1 tire liemns and condi- tions of tile oLand M,arl<e1in¡g Do<iu" ments~rning sueb - on fiD.e in the oIfIfice oil' the [)epartment of Housing and 'Redeve1opment. Section 2. That tire 0iJty' Olerk i!>e and' Ire js herelbya-wthorized and direcœd to p1Jbllish notice' oil' poo!Jic hearing to he I1eId 00 De- cember 3, [IIJß, ,and ro make_- tain dooumen\s :wmable foT pub, lic in.s¡>eel:ion. Sooh ¡¡oti¡ce shallll be ,sUibstantiaŒ'[y in1Jlie' oorm oil' "ExhIiIbIit A" 'attladbed hereto and made a pa~t befoof,and such no- tice nrayoo"er one or more )l'O' JJO's.ails. Passed, ,a¡>pmved ,and ,adoptJed this ænd day of Octo!>èr, liI7ß. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter 0\. 'Pregœr .w.&n T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldemauer C. ,1Wbert JœWanID Coun_en, -: Leo F . FroI11l!IlCilt City Olerk EXH,I,BIT "A" LE,GAL ,NOTICE OF' HEiAR'ING 'PUrsu.ant ro Chapter 4æ oil' the [008 C<Jde oil' [OIWa,a-s 'amended, the City Oouncli! of the City oil' Ðul>tl<JUO- bold. JUbI!C hearing for tJ>e pu11POSe oil' œusådering tiñe authorization oil' the eoreeution of prOl'Q,sed a,greements ibyand be- tween the laity of Dubuque' and tbe dev~rs bereina£ter lisled fa.- 1:110' purchase and redeveßljp- menJt oil' œrtain paree!s oil' real e.tate !œated in the DowDto<wn Uroan ReD_ai 'P1'Oiieot, ilowa [I-{[6, wI>ieh' .projeeIt' iDC'ludes the area bonnded ,by Fourl:Ji ~ 0It the south, Centra[ ,^",enue 00 tho ~, Ni1l!à - 'on the nortb, and LotOllSlt Shreet en !be _. iName of deveWper, _...1 i'l!an.,;",c iIræ., 'Ad<Ireo&, IJ () 'Loou.st _t, Ddbnque, _. Said helN'mg ,d be m.Id m ()ooo. cii QbaI11i>enl. Çtty HaIi, 'IIIIh &ad Iowa Streets, 'Dulbuque, -. at 7:3& P.M. on d>e 3rd <lay <>fIDe- cemlber, ilOOIl, aod.<I1 pen¡œ' >C)I!, o~aniza&n deslringtJo he heØIt wiiIl be gi"en 'an owortunity 00 be heard on the questioo of the prO JOSed diispositions. A "lRederellJ!P"1"" SÞt"",efttftlr p,, )I!JiIc Digel!o,uœe" in the fJOrl1'> ' 1M' ~ by tire Depar&m.ent oil' 80"':' mg,' 'and Urt>an 'Dev~m, ,Dev ment œd the ~ '~ Agre&- m-t" fur """b"of "aid de..,1opel'O are'"" <!ile,a1id 'MlaäaiJie &>r in. opect.ion at the offiœ '" the Oity Olerl<, Oity HaBi, Dub<ique, , 1- ,_eon 8:00 o\.iM.,and 5:00 'P.M. except Saturday.., Sundays, imd J>o. ¡¡days. Said doeœnenj¡¡, -« """' lie a-We at the '1J¡1IJIe ril die ~ hearing. ' Leo if. ',FrolIlml<k City aed: CounIci1man Justm8'nn 01l<JIV<id ,adìo¡ption of the resolution and 'set the public heating for :Deeembel" 3, '1003. Seconded by CoUIllCilman Pregler. Carried by the ifoIIowing vote: Yea8--"M,IOyor Bitter; Oouncilmen JI1S'bmaÐD, MDddeWlauer, ,~, Thoms. ~ooe. ()cIOOi)er JÐ, [003 iHooorabœ illIayor and 00- The'Oity oil' Dubuque iPI1anrJiDIg 'and Zoning Comm...."n M" ... viewed t!>e final pbt oil' BIIJioit, 4 andBiloCk 5 in Arbor Oalœ Sub- <IM'..n in the a;¡y of Dubuque, fuIvoia, It was del\ernniœd that the 'Plat ~""', to the al1J>I'OVed pre- li:mina'r,y plan for the SUlbdiovioion and Is .... ~aœ dœi¡gn fur the area, It w,"" lIIIso noted thaI the City Engineer has aw;roved 1Ibe p¡l'a""and opeciIfiOia4ions for i'mprovemeøts in, the SuIJdii,...sion, as per bis ,-ttad>ed letter of 0c00- her 16, 1003. ilit is the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning oomm~on that the, flinal lJIIait of 'Bk><:t 4 iand Block 5 in O'\rbor 0aI0s ~viJS4oIl 558 Special Session, October 22, 1973 in tJ>e City of Dub1!que, Iowa be approved, œI1Y ,NJANN\lINIG ,\iNID :r.aN1INIG OOMIMIISS!OIN Œ>:anie\ iDittemore iDevelcpnrent 'Planner CouIJ!ci!anan~r nwved that the COŒJl,mum\ ation be ..ecei..ed o.nd filed. Se>coDded by iMJayor Bitter. Oarrtied by tJ>e icIDoIWing >vote: ,Yea~ayor Bl1:ter, Councilmen J-""", iMoiden!lauer, PTeIgI.er, 1boms. N83"I-None. RESOLUT,ION NO. 344-n R_lution Approving the Plat of BlOICks 4 and 5 each in "Arbor Oaks" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa WŒJìER>EI¡\S, there b:as been filed willi, the Ci1\Y ClerIta plat of the Subdi'vision to be !mown as BbJclI: 4 .. 5 ....,h in"Amor Oae" in the Cit,y of Doubuque, [owa, by IOIWl..No~ Development ~ny; and ~, upon IPaid pLatap- pea..OIIreets to be knolwn as S¡prtiŒJ;g VaUey iRoad, AdJor Oaks Drive, Arbor Oaks Court and Oak View Col1l't, togeÜle\r with certain pub- lic utility easements whim t b e OWners !J,y said Plat hiave cleclicaled to the public fure¡ver; and ,WIHIERIEAS, said Plat baa been eJOaJDined by the City ,Pl,aooing and Zoning Oomnú&<;àon and bad its ","""val endorsed thereon; and ,WHERJEJAI , satd Plat has been examined by tJ>e City Council and they find that Ine &aIJIle colllforms to _te6 :and onlinanœs relating thereto, exæpt tbat street g....œ. ha.... m>t been COItahlished, the atreets i>roogIIt to grade, or paoving, sewer orw>ater in...!l.ed; NOW 'I1HEiRiEFOBIE, BIE ID' JIIE- SOIINIEID BY rm;E 0L'l'Y OOUlNK1llL OF 'I1HIE ŒI1Y OF DUIBUQUE, roWA: Seiction I. '!'bat the dedieatiooa of Spring Vaney ŒIoad iArix>r Oaks IJiri"",, Ari>or IOab Ooort and Oak View Court, toIgetber Wiitb the ease. ments 'dior publ!ic wtilities <IS tJ>e .",me ,,_or up>n ""id Plat, be and 1he s'anne are hereby a~; Seiction 2. '!'bat the Plat of Œ!ilodos 4 '" 5 eaœ in "A7Þ>r Oalos" in the Ci~ Of Dubuque, fuw'a, be and llie same is hereby a"""""",,, o.nd the Ma~... and City KJIerk ¡ are berel>y authorired and dåroobed ' ro en0011Se the appl'O'V<II of the City Of Dubuque, IOIWl, IJIIOn .:aid plat, """vide<! 1he owne<'s of ....d pro¡>erty berem named, """"",te their <wriUen aJcIœptam:e hereto at- tacl1ed agreeing; a . To reduce adD: -. to gmde and to e<>msItroot concrete C'II1'b and gwtter and to bard ~e Spring Vaili!ey Road, åirIboT Oab Drive, Arbor Oae Court and Oak View Court M'li1l> biWminous concrete, ... with concrete paoving ,willi inlteignl curb, ail in a<:rordaooe ~ City of Dubuque S'tandard spectJfica- tW",,; b. To "",taU samtalry sewer mains and sewer sem>iœ lateralo in ,accordal>CC with 1'10115 subnritted with the !'at; c. To _ail WIater mains and water aer>vice ~aterais inaccor- dance ....th plans submitted wiOl the pØ;at; d. To _aD. storm sewers and ca1cbl>a.ina in accoroa.æe w ¡ t h ptlans .ulbmitted ....itb the ¡>iIat; e. To -aI[ conCll'el.e sidewlaBt. as required by OrdiDJanees, and where directed by Ute City Eiog!i- nee. and 1he City Mana,ger; f, To >c<>nstnJcl thie furegoing im- provements in a\:rol'diance VI ¡ t b pia"" and s¡peICifioaüoll5 approved by the CIty Manager, under the inspection of the Ci1¡y !Engineer , and in 'a mlanner ,al'lProved by dte City Mana ¡er; g. To mainltain the fureogoing om- pl'OVCll1OOnts for a period Of fuwr (4) yea.s from the - of their accepbanee by the City <if 'Dulbuque, Ioiwa ; b. To tpl'OVide tJ>e fureogodng coIl- struction and m,aintenanceat tIbe saile ex¡pense Of the SulJdi!Vlider, lowa-<Nortbwestem Developmenl ,Company, oo owner; i. To CODStruct satd im"""ve- ments, eJOCC:Pt oidewaIIDs, prior to Se¡ptem!>er 15, 1Ø15" and to con- struct the side\va!lœ prior to Sap- temlJer 15, 119711; and further !>~ ilia! s'aid Iø- wa-<No~Mern ÐeveWpment Company", (jWner Of saöd Suib. dli!Vli&on, secure the perlf'>rJnance of the foregoing conditions by >ro- viding security in stroh form and ,with sooh ,sureties a's may !>e lac" eepl:aIJIle to the City iManager. SecMon 3. '!'b"t in the event [0iW!a. Northwestern Development 10 0 m- pany mal[ fail to e- 1he ac. Special Session, October 22, 1973 'ceptal>CC and furnish the æcurity provided lor in section 2 'hereof within 46 ciayo aliter the date Of bm's Resolution, the provisions hereof ahaJJl !>e null and void and the ac<:epb"n<:e of the dedi\ ation andapprovao! of the pilat .baM not he edlfe<:tive. Pa's,sed, adopted and awroved by unanimous recorded roll""U this 22nd' day of Octo!>er, A.D., lØ13. Joseph J. Bi~ M'ayor Walter A. Pre¡g[er AMan T. Thomo ,Wa~e A, Moldenhauer C. ,Robert Justmann Councilmen A1Iteot: Leo F. FroJnmett oOity iOlerk ACCEIPTANCE OF RESOLU1'ION NO. 344.n We, 1he wndersigned John A. Sch- wera, president ,and Ca""lyn E. Na,wman secreta..y-Trea'surer, lø- wa Nor,thwe.stern Development Co. having read the terms 'and condå- tions Of the fureogOling Resolution No. 3*7B and bein¡g IaIlliilia.- wiJtI1 the condilions ,thereof, hereby ax>- eepI: the oaane and - ,to .peI1form the conditio,", required therein. Dated at Dubuque, [OIWa, tIlli; 15th day of NO!VemlJer, 1Ø13. 1oiwa Northwestern Development Company a James A. SdJJwero, ,Pres. s (Jaroi,yn E. Nauman Seereta.-y-Q'reaoorer 'l1O: Leo F. 'FrO'l11melit This is ro eerotfy that the se- curity prO!Vided by the fureog<ring RJEISOljur])IOIN NO. 3*7B hoo been furnished by the owners. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 19th day of NO!Veml>er lØ13. . GiU>ert D. 0baIV- CiW Manager CounieRman P're¡g1ler mO!Ved -p0- tion Of the resoilution. Seconded by M'ayor >Bitter. Carried by the fullowing vote: Yea.-<M!a~r BItter, Counci~men Just_oo, MoldenlNluer, Pregbor, TboIms. Nay.-None. PrOOf of PuIbilieation, certiliied to by 1be ,PwbJisiher, Of notice to con. tracto.s Of receipt Of propœa!ß fur the construction of the [oot! con- 559 crete sidewaU< prog.-,aan on Prim- rose street, iB1ll\lin lion, Keokuk, Saunders, Cake-rest, KaUifimann, 'Penns.y¡!vama, Muilleill, ,GrandviCIW, Cwmmins, Aubulrn, N. GrandviCIW, Avooa, A~ni1Jix:, N. ~on'a, pre- sented 'and read. Cou~m:an Mol- denhauer moved that' the ¡:iroo:! Of publication he rooeiived and fi[ed. Seconded by CouIlC'io!man' 'l1bmn.: Carried by the fuI1owing vote: Yeas-Ma~ Bitter, Ooun<:Mmen Juotmann, Molldenhauer, Pre¡g1ler, Thomo. Na(\OS-None. O-r 22, [oot! To the HonoraibileMayor and City CoWJi)tl At 10:00 a.m, on Monday, Octo. ber22, 1Ø13 bid propooais W8i"O received on the [oot! Concrete Side- ~ P1'Qgimm. The Engineer's ....tim'ate on the P~a'ffi WIIiS $34,5Ø4.I111. There were four p_,ais sub- mitted these a.e as 6>IIßows: R. ,Po Mc:DooaM $;æ,ßll5.53 'l'I'i-5tate 'Paving Co. æ,7I1~.50 Sehreilber Construction Co. 110,IlOO.110 Edward. Constru~ti<m Co. 411,900,14 R. P. M<iDonaId'. bid was 311.00% œder the Englineer's eSltÎlln'ate, However, we as'WIDe ,MeIDona,ld bas a cJeia.. understanding Of all wori< items incWded in 'the plana and apeci1fic"ti"IIß on the prodect. I reooD1iDlend the roIJJtract for the improvement he <>warded to R. P. McIDona'ld and s'aid alWard ,!>e conditioned Ul'Qn MdDooold 'tH'- nisbing a perfurman.ce bond fur 1be <:ompletion Of the entire ¡>m- g..am. Gilhert D. OblllV<!!leMe Oity Mana,ger Counooman Moldenhauer moved that the communi~a,tion be .......ov- ed and filed. Seconded by 00unciI- man 'l1houn.s. Carried by 1be foIIIJIW- ing vote: Ye_ayor BiIIter, iCJc>uœiianen J<Lsmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoma. NIa(lOS--None. (Aw....ling Con~r:act) 'R'ESOLUifION NO. 345.n WŒIIERiEIAS, aeaie<! p:ro¡poslaiis have been sulbnrlitJted by CX>UW<:- tors fur the 1Ø13 Conc:rete Side- ""aD< ProgOO'ffi pnrS4ll8nt to' Resollu- tion No. 322-I7ß ,and notix:e to bid<Iens 'I pUibilioiled in a newspape.- P<Jbli¡sh- ed in said Qity on Oeitoiber 4, 19r13 , and Oeto!>er M, I197B; and 5IK) Special Session, October 22, 1973 Special Session, October !2, 1973 561 ~EAS, Blllid .....red 1>- ... -'-0' q¡ened ,1IiDd ""ad"" 0<:. taller æ, 19'IB, ood tt - J>een oIetBmiDed - die bid oil JR. P. IkVœ>aid oil - Dubwque in ,the am<>UDt <if. $211 ~511 w:a& .the ~ bid for die fl11'flliobia;g oI! Mil Woor and maœt1ials aoo peI1!<mming Ihe ....,;i< as _idee! for in Ute p!lans and ~_.; DOIW d>erllore, BE 'I!T RœIDVIJIID bIy 'tile Ci~ 0E0mdl <Jd' IIhe Oi!¡y, elf ID14>uque 'IbaIt !he ..,.,4ract fur dre eIJowe mentioned improvement be _rd- ed to 'R. P. M~a!d and the Nian&ger 'he ood be is here )y di- rected :to """"'"'" a """maeton l>ebaH of the ~ ,oil iDulMJque 'lor a.e ~ pet'Iiooma""'" of said 'WOrk. !BE iIJi' FlJJrImIE!It R!EB)lNII!ID, that uq:¡on the signJing oI! said con- traCt and dre "gproVlllil oil the con- traetol'lS Ixmd ÖIe City Tre""W'I8r i. a~ and _<:iIIed to re- ,turn \the bid dieIpos.ts oil the wo- stmi:es.s£uiI bidders. Passed and adOIpted t.hi£ I!i3nd <Lay Of Oc1boiber, 1Ø1II. .JooePI1 J. Bitlier Mayor W..ater A. PreIgIIer A11m> rf,. Tn-.. 'W- A. .M.o6òenI>awer C. Robert J.",,1Imiam iCJoem:iI¡meo Ml>eot : Leo iF. JI'rommt>lJt City OIeril: CouDc- M<Jil.æooouer 1lW'ved adoption oI! the resoWtion. ~- ed iJW ~ao Thoms, oàrried by the fooIiIoIwing II'ote : Y....-~ rotter, 00um:iDmen J....""", ~, p~, ~_. !lI<a~lIDe. -RMDLU11IØN filo. 346." 1WIIIJI;JBIÐAB, IliPPlieation fur [Ji- quar U""""'" !lave J>een s<>'bInitted to Itbis OoUOOil fur o¡ppI'IO!Va[ and the same hoIve - exannined, mw '~ !!IE in' HIE- smMI'D IØy 1Ibe ~ OotlDlCiI\ oI! dre<œ;y Of 1Dubuque, ÙIW18, 1Ibia,t d>e ~ aWli'ca!Ji<m¡s1>e girant. ,eè ",,4 ~,i9SUedui>Qn ÖIe .......,pü"""" ...111 \the 1et'n11'3 011' the ~ 1JIIQ1OOIR ~ ACT- (JI JA;PrI1EJR [oo.-'as ,aanended by ,the 1J411h Qef1èra!. -mJb1¡y,1Ø1Il. c~ "8M (HOTE1.-MOTEL) &EiEIR MCD UQUOR UCENS,E Aolh<my A. r& B- O. HeIIIling, ,,"s "~ - - & Rie6. ,taœant"', 701. DOOge St. C'I.A5S MC" (COMMEIRCJAL) 8E:;EIR ANID UQUOR UC.EJ\I5,E J<¡oaD R. iMW11JI!>Y, dIbia, "P!am" , i1Jlm 0en1Nl !l\irenUe lliidllaa-d A.Sdhu<lbon, dba "Sir RJiehards" , 1001 Main StreEt ,p,..,.ed, edo¡pted and a¡pproved thi<; 2I2nd day <Jd' o.,œ!>er 1Ø1II. Joseph J. Bitlier Mayor W_A.;I'lreglle:r AiIIian 'l'. Thoms W,,~ A. Moldeni>aue:r C. 1OOI!>ert Justnwm> OounciMnen Passed, ladopted and apProved - 22nd da~ oI! Oictober ì1OO!!. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor W,allier A. P~r Allilan T. Thorn. Wlayne A, Maldenbaue:r C. IOOibert Justmam Counc:ÍJimen Attest: Leo F. Fro!IlllIleJit Qity Clerk ,Councilman IPre¡g[er nwved ado¡p- lion of the resolution. Seconded by M,ayor BiltJter. Carried by the following v<Jtie: Y'ealS-<M,8>Yor Bitter, Ooundimen JIIStmann, Mo1denhauer, Pregiler, Thoms. Na~s--<Nouc. ~,>tÍ08_to uqWre said aItrocture in, Ol'der 00 promote and ser¡ve the - puiJIIåc _reSlt; NOW ~ IB>EIrr HIE- SOINiEID BY 'lHE Q IT1Y OOUNlOllL OIF 'l1HiE 0l1I'Y OF iffiJIBUQUIE, rowIA : Section I. Tba<the ...qmsition of ,the property hereinail>ove de- =.bed from the Etstate,"", Qa" renœ O. Nesler, deœszed, !>e and the ,same is hereby awroved. Sedion 2. That thex.eaJ! - cowact tendered ..-mob bas he:re- toiore J>een exeICuted by the Fiix1SIt Na,oo"..1 lSaœ elf DUJbuq\Ie,.- as Œ:o<ecwtor of the - <Jd' Cla- rence O. Nesler, deceased, on be- !ha!if 011' tloe .eawbe eM Ohe 'S!ai111C is hereby~ ,and the M.ayor and the Oity 0Ierk !>e and thew are hereiÞy amhO'l'li1:ed - "mpG- wered 10 execute the ...me for and ""l>eIJ¡¡aH 0If the ~ 0If Du. buque, 1(>wa, PIa's,zed, adopted ,and approved this 2I!nd (\a,y <Jd' 0cI0IJe:r. ~. Jœe¡¡II J.Bitter ~ayor W,aMer A. Pregier W"yne A. Moddenhaue:r C. Ro!>er< Jootmann AMon T, Thoms 00und1men Att.e&t: Leo F. œ'rommeJ;t City Clerk CounIciIlm'aID Preg¡ler J1WI\'W ado¡p- moo elf the resaJntioo. .Seconded by ~a'yor _. .oarried by the ~"ote: Yews--Mayor Bitlier, OoUlllciDJnen J...œmann., ~, Preg¡ler, ~. . ~e. RiESOLUTION NO. 347." iWIIliÐR!EJAS, ,a¡p¡>ljlcalJÎons for 1Å- quor Liœnses were !ijJled !>y the within ,naIIll8d appIàœni!Jsand tlhew have reoeived the -",ad of this eoun<:iI\, and ¡WŒJI&IIIEiAS, the prerndIses to !>e oeeupie<\ bo' .uœ a¡woIielants ,were ÏI>S >ooted and fuund to COIIIliP1õ' wWth State LaM' and ",II Ci~ QrdWanees reile"anil:tbereIJo and tbey ,halVe £Hed prqper' boDdis, MJIW ~ I3IE IJI' iBIE' SOINEID by 1I:be iCÜY (Jounci . oil JIIuI>uqne, h1wa, ~ the MaDoge:r ,!>e auüroriŒed to "au"" 00 lie is- .....,.¡ to the fJOIØMiDg named !ap- plicants a IÅqdOI' License, .oLASIS "'II" ~!HOTIE'L.-<MOTEL) B'EIe:R AND LIQUOR \.;ICENSE Antlron& A. & IBette O. HemtIg, dba "DOOge House Maœtl &: 'Res- talW8ni1:" 7UL Dod¡ge Sit. CLASS "C"(COMME;RCIAL. 8EEIR AND LIQUOR LlOENSE 'Joan IR..MoJr¡¡my, dba "N"",,,", Ililm Cenilrail A"<!Due lliilcbard IA. Sci>wIIxm, dba "Sir 'Rilcbaròs", 1.œo, Main StireeII: October 22, 197t! Honoilaible Mayor and City Couooi!. The City of Dubuque has been IIJ8goüalJÎng with OLaren« O. Nes- ler ¡¡¡Sltate fur theaeqmsition of the budilidin,g at the sootheast cor- ner 0If Tenth and B!uI1f Streets in the City oI! Dubuque, [Iow¡a and the City <Jd' Dubuque b... entered IniI:o ana¡go:eemenil: fur the pun:hase of the ...me for the """" of $60,l1li1.00. The enclosed Agreement re¡pre- sents the term" worked out be- tween the City and the seIID."",.¡ Attest: It is res¡pee!ifuWlõ' rerommended Leo F. Frommeilt iliat the M.a'yor and ,the Ci~ CIerk City QIerk be autlrorized and e_ered to 100uncillimºan iPregiler nroved adlJp- execute same, for 'and on behalf I lion of the resolwtion. sec, 00, , ded of the City of iDulbuqœ, WwIa. iby CotlDlCid¡man JustmaDn. Camed R. N, Russo ,by U>e fu1OO<wing ,,<Jtie: Ci~ Mtomey Y"alS-iM,ayor Bitlier, Councilmen ,000nciJanan Pre¡g!e:r mOlVed that I Jœtmann, MQldenhauer, Pre¡rler, the commwru..,alJÎon !>e received and I Thoms. filed. Seconded !by CounlCHman NaYIS-Nooe. JustInaun. Gamed by the fuiIloIw. A.t 9:55 !P.M. the Council retired ing vote: to an ExooutIDve Sesodon to œscW!S Yeas~Ma,yor Bitter, Counciilanen w,age negotiail.ioDsUI'Qn motion by Justmam, Moldenhauer, Preglle:r, M.ayor BiltJter. Seconded by Oom>- Thoms. c;.)man Maldenbaue:r. Carried by NIa,ys--<None. the foIIioIwing vote: 'RE$IOl.UTION NO. 348.73 Y"alS.....Mayor Bitter, Oounci1men W!II!ERiEAS, ,the City of -Dubuque, JuSltn>am, iMo1denbaue:r, Pre¡¡iIeo', fuwa has 1J>een ne¡gotiart:in¡g with Thoms. the ,E,srt;ale of O1arenœ 0 Nesler NaY1s'-lN\)uc. deceacoed, for the )ureha's~ of CitÝ At lO:m !P.M. the OounlCil reœn- Lot IJ38 in the City of Dubuque, vened m reguilar sessiÍon. There lQWa together with 'a~ iJm¡prove- '!>eing no fUl'tber IJusåness Mayor ments 1ibereof siÍwated on the Bitter .l11O1Ved to addourn. Seconded southealSt corner of Tenth and Blulfif 'by Oouooilman PregI¡ea'. Carried Streets; and by the fo!ß<Iwingvote: 562 Special Session, October 22, 1973 Special Session, October 24, 1973 563 Yea5--lMlaoyor Bitter, Oounciiimen Justmlann. MOldenhauer, Preg1er, 'l'IboiIruI. iNayo.-iNoue. '!.eoIF'. FronmneJit City Clerk Awroved ,.........".....,.....,................mi CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Special _sion, Oc:I<II>er 24, 1973. Council met at 4:30 P.M. (ID.5. T.) Present - Mayor Bllfer, Coun. cllmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, ,Pregler, City Manager Gilbert D. Coyeneile. Absent - Councilmen Thoms (at roll call) MILyOl' Bitter read the cd and staJted - ..."...¡"" thereof bad been dudy made and 1IbWs meeting is caNed fur the puxpose 011' reo ceiving tf1e canvass of -.. from tf1e County :Board of S_rvisors c..tat tf1e M...icipal ,Pdm..,ry Election held on Oc:I<II>er 23, 1973, and acting upon sucl1 other bœi- nO'.. "" mOlY pro¡per~ coone before a r~ meeting 011' U>e Coum:il, Proof 011' -.üon, 011' &aIIIIPle banot, œrtiJfied 100 by Üle Pwbilishe:r, oi the Munlicipal Primary Election BalBot for CollJOOil.men and Pull: Comrni&'ioners, regular teRm, pre- seDlted and read. Miayor Bit t e r moved that the prood' 011' puibi1iœ. lion ibe received and med. Second- ed by Councilman Pre¡ !er. Car- ried by the foolIoIwinI! vote : Ye""-.M,,,YKJIl' 'Bitter, OollJOOil.men JuSltm.."", M~auer, ,Preg[er. Nays-iNouc, AJbsent.....,()ooncilman Tbotns. MUf\lIOIIPAL PRIMARY EIL'EC'fION HEjl.¡D OCTOBEfR 23, 1973 I, Harold P. Meloy, DuiJOJIque County Auditor and Coonanå&oioner of EJlecl\:ions, do hereby certifY /hat on Tueodiay, the 2IIrd day 011' 0000- ber, 1973 in Dubuque, Io>wa, an eIeetioo .."" held to elect eandi~ dates for the General! M1lIlWi!!'aI1 EJlOIetion to !>e held on November 6,1973. I fu.ctlher œnt:iIfy that a can""". of said eloobioo w"" belld on Wed,- nesdwy, the 24th dwy of 0e1J0beir , ~OO\'! by the OoUD!l,y Boærd oi Super- vi..", in tbeir odffiiœ at the County Court _. Present at Slaid can- "I"" were Leo N. Schueller, LouiJs C. BarretJt, Hal ScbeI"!'1l1l8l>, SUper- viJsors . I ~urther œm£y - the num- !>er od' ¡>e"""'" voWIg, the IIIUIDlI>er 011' I>aUots cast for eadl candidate, and the caOOidaJtes eIooted, are w\do¡pIIed ...............oo........oo.............",1lIllI4 -.........-..................................... ---................................."............ .--.........................................1 i --.-............"""""""""-"""'" Councilmen Attest: """"ëïtÿ"ciü¡;:""""""""""" "" herein 1IabW.ated and iisIted. 'In testimony, whereof, I barve heretmlto set my hand "nd the s"ail 011' cDubuque 00UDt.y this - da'y 011 October, 1973. Hiarold P. MeI!oy Oounty iAnd>tol' and ,Com. missioner 011' - We, the wnder.signedmembers 011' the Board 011' SupetwiSlOl\' od' Dubuque County, Iolwia - "",-elf. ficio Board 011' Canyas,sens for soaid County, do bereby certify - the ~jsatrœand~ albstraC!t 011 the votes CIaOIt at tbe IMunJicipal1 Primall'Y Elecl\:ioo held October 2ß, I19'IB for the WlråoW! candidates "" \SboIwn by the od'ii. cial1 eanVaiSlS 011 the returns from the city eOøotioo precincts: For City Council: James E.B~a<b' ...,.................2,921 :W<bael! G. F,mley ......,..,........,ll,3'ffl ~ L. ¥riioox L1II ..'......... I1ß5 ,Lester J. Hlartley ..,.."...........,2,511.0 Jahn oE. HoD ................,............1l,165 Dud Ifunt .....................,.........,.....ll,J131 - K!ein """"",....oo,.............. 1m! J¡wy D. KoIIœr ..........,.......,......ll,Ð1!3 Mòidred R. LeiIIIœr ,.........,....... II1Ð AJlvin E. Lundh ........................8,22.9 - iMerœr ..........................,...2,/100 ,- ,Po Odden ............,..,...,.2,216 :IDmåt Stad<i<i ...................,c..,.......2,IiI IC John fL. '11i@Iges .........,...............1l,QIB For Pa'ri< Co_r: Fredel'licll: R. A¡p¡>eI ,............,..,.3,11Ø4 James G. SebiUiing ..................1,11117 IRoibert A. SuUi'V'an ,...................2,03& D:wid J. Wj¡Doug\bby .............ll, IW. Write-'In V- for City Council: ßudOl!ph DoodeIs .......,.......,............,...1 Wailter Œesler ..,....,..........,.................1 Doirothea ,Green ............................,......ll Qbrjs Hu~8Œ'th .............,..,..,........1 John Klauer ........................................,.1 ilValter Pregler .......,........,.....,...........,,1 Gordon Ro!>erlt.<l m¡¡ ......,.......,.......,..1l Total voters costing ballots 5- We, tile under1signed memIbers 011 the IJ!oard Of SuperMisons of Dulbuque Counity, Ioiwa and ex-elf- ficio iBoærd 011' (JaIl>Vllœsers for said Cownty, do herElby _er centify that 'at the MUIIdJoi¡pa( PlilD'aJrY œ¡¡eetioo held Odoiber 2ß, 1Il1B the fo:li!.oiwing - were elected to have their n"mes ¡IIaœd on the ,aenenal! MuniÌ.ci¡pal1 E>1eetion bailOil aseaudidaœs for the <>$ice fisIIJed o¡ppos!iœ their respective names,: M¡vin E. Lundh, iDuIbuque O.t y Counci1man 564 Special Session, October 24, 1973 EJmü SII~, 1J!IImq<\œ ~ 0Mm- \ James E. Brady 2321 Volés dJImm 'Helen Mercer 2300 VIIt"" Leober J. ~, ,1JUbUqUe City Robert P. Odden 221& Votes OtIaDciimø ' For Park Commissioners-All no- J..mes E. Bra4y, DoIIiique ~y 'mmated by Primary Election fur ~ the term commencing A&>ril1, 1974. IfèIM Merœr, ~ City 00111>- Frederick R. Awel 3104: Votes dimM Robert A. S\l1livan 2024 Votes :/IdIeiIt' \P. 0ddeD, DOOuque ~ Lea F. Frommelt , ~... City Clerk ~ R. A¡ppeI., œd (Jomo- Councilman Pregler moved that 1!IIIIso!kmt:t the commllnication be received and Øert A. Su!IiIvan, 'Þarl«)o¡mmis. made a matter of record. second- , oil- ed by Councilman Justmann. Car- f<t> 1>esIÍiIllðn", .m->I!, we hve ried by eIIe foJIawiug vote: ~dIoset óur hæIds and ."..,...d "eas~Mayor Bitter, (Jmmeilmen - 1r> bI! a~ to ,and sealed .m.tIIIiam,Moldenhsuer, ~e: "" f!!œ ~ Aumw ... Com- Nays~None. ' 1Iri...ron« of ~, tbio Ø1Ith Aibseìrt-CouncilIDMI Thoms. diay 011 ~; 1918. RESOLUTION NO. 349-73 Leo N. 1IaiIIIIiIIer, Ohair- w,¡m¡¡.EAS, applicaUòns for beer ...... pe"mits have been submitted to I!oatd <if ~ this C"WJ>Cil for approval and th" ~af ~n, Member same have !>een examined; ¡ oard <III ~ NOW THEREFORE BE 11' lIE- 'Loo¡i¡¡; c. Barrett, Mem. SOLVEID by the City of Dub1¡.que, ber Iowa, that the followil>gapplica- Board øf SuperM.""'" tioll& he granted an4' a permit !>e issuOd upon the compliaœe with the terms of the ordinance of the City. CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT )()nald C. :Brimeyer, dba Have- One-Ta'p, 1100 Lincoln Avenue ¡passed, adopted and, approved this :!4iIh day of Octo!>er 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Wa)'De A. MoldenlNiuer C. Robert J"stmann Councilmen AIIest' 'Harold p, Mdo,., Qou.dty AudIi~ ~er of ElooIio"" Q)omc!iI1m>aI1 ;p~ uroved tiIIøI Ole -""" !>e reòØived and fiœd .. made a _tter of record. øt,golded by OouneiiImao 1u6Jt. m""". 0aIrded 110' Obe ~ !1liiie' ;Ye~8(\'OI' Bmer, Oouneli1men Jœm1>aml, ~, ~. N..~-iNooe. ~uœi!an- 'lb>ms. Octo!>er 24, 1973 SEE DETAILED VOTE BY PRe.. CINCTS ON PAGE 56S. To the, Honora,¡'¡e Mayor and Jdem!>ers of the City Council We here!>y acknowledge receipt of the canvass from the Dubuque County Board of SUperyj¡¡ors of the Mun!ejpal Primary Election líeId on Qetober 29, 1973 fur the ò/fices of Cit,. Councilmen and Park Commissioners. The canvass il¡dleates that eIIe following named persons will a,pì>ear on the baUot tor the General Election to be held <In November &, 1973. 'F"r Couneilmen::"'AlI nominated bT Primary Election, fortJ>e term commencing the ",seé"nd secular -tit,. in January I!I14. AlVin E. Lundh Emil Staclds Lester J. Hartley Attest: Leo F. Frommelt CitY Clerk <JouricJtlman Preg1er moved adbiP- tion of the reoOlution, seconded by CounCilman MoldeDhauer. Car. ried by tbe following vote: Yeas~Mayor Bittel', Co1mcÎ1"",n Justmann, MoldeDhauer, pregler. Nays-iNone. Abse,,¡,.....OooncilIDan n.oms. RESOLUTION NO. 350.73 WHERE1AS, appÜlcalion for Beer permits were filed by the within J>8.med applicants and they bave ree<!wed the approval of this Coun- cR; and WHEREAS, the premises to !>e occupied b,. such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the "rdinances of this City and they have filed proper' boIJds; , 3229 Votes 2544 Votes 2S10Votes Special Session, October 24, 1973 565 ~t'~I!!:iIlI!l!!Ø;:;;¡;;:;:;iôlÞ:<;""~""""""~!l ~"¡!¡¡U~5:h~d¡¡n\:eU¡!UI!:¡¡UŠ~.":' ~."""""""\'."~'I"¡'" ~. ~1..tw........~.....~~~..<;(w..~t\t\~\J1 ~Th :1:;: ¡¡IS ¡¡ ~ ~ õ! ~ § g¡ Ii ¡¡ t m ¡¡¡I!!~I.¡£ g¡ <'ill!! I!!¡~ ;¡¡ì!!,til ~~:. i¡",!S(U ,t";H.:¡u:g¡~¡r ¡!'rlg\!i!I;¡I'I:[$ '~!S~!~~gi~~ t, ."CtS.,ttS;¡..t 5wø2~ ~tSt~.~$g~t@8 lI~r\g\-\~~- L... h""'" 1~J.."",~~ ~ ILISI!!!!1!!tô1!1tSUtl!! !!U!:iI'lI.II\!õlal!:!llIl:e III ' "., , ! 1'1 \ II Ij' I ¡¡'tgã~~8i§g¡~~ä¡¡8~:8~~~i~ ~1~d¡¡U!!h¡¡¡¡¡¡iH¡¡¡hUiß~t:¡~ 21\ :: ~\;~~g¡¡¡~!!~õ!i~~.~~i;!~\a\:e\~\~\~\s\- ~:;::¡ s h ¡¡ Ii ¡¡¡!! i ~ B18 \1î Ii i!¡¡' 8 ~ ã!li:s ~6 ..=. ~ þ i ~, ,~ '~ § 8 -";'04 R. \ ~ """"er ; Al- Eo -Lundh \ ' ... '" i ,Jo, '" 0( m ... m n i :¡: e ¡;: i :~1~~~~~~r~: ~:,:, .); ¡iôS$ø;i!ilôitiõ;¡¡ijlli;iH!8i:l:íi:ililõ8&:i!S;!!¡' - ' ~I':I, ~ ~ I \. J_G, ð~ !!I::;õ!;!¡!!Ji;j:!t¡¡ ~::;UU\UiUUtiî u~ ~-9" I. "..""", "". ~\,... ....'="';- i~ L ~!3U¡¡¡U¡;¡¡:¡i!d8:l!:~t UUU~~;bY 5J =1=1=1=============--7\=======~ , " ", ' "I_baOOl. ~1¡;¡lil~I!£I~I~I!!I~I¡¡I~~~I$U¡¡~¡¡,~Ii~U~¡¡¡J ,,~~t::. ..~ 564 Special Sessioo, October 24, 1973 ¡;¡WI 911~, IJ\'JIIm<p1e Ci'!oY 00un- eII1nan teoter J . Ha~ ,DulJuque City OIw1Ieiimaft Ji..m"" E. 1B""<\y, Dulluque City Oooncib'" ffèIm Mexw, ~ Oity Cow>- ciI-1l .lIi>fIeri: ¡P. 0ddeD, Dub_e ~ , OoUlldiilnaIl ~ R. App<oI, hit Com- 1IIIf<>!ò<m~ !Id/Jert A. SUIIii.au, 'Pmi<Coonmio- , <ikm« ~ 1!esiÍ>I!I<)onY, whereoI!, we flave ~dlJllJO8It òU1' ¡"",&, and ¡:¡auoed 1fIIL;' it> be atteSted fA> a1Jd: ,OeaIed ts1' ~ Ootrnty Jb1diw"" Com- 1lri1lSion« 14. ~, this 0Ith diay of 0IeÆ<f>eIr; 1918. Leo N. 1JoII8oiIIer, Ohair. mOIl &wd 1ft ~ ~~ Sct1erIrman, Membeo' BoaI1'd øI ~ .lJoW¡ C. Barrett, iMetn. 1>er Board <Ii superMÏS<II'iI ......, lIaroW P. M"'y, Couøty Auditor ~er I1l E\eclÍiOm; iCIow»c!iimaI1Preg¡!er IOOVed 1IbøI .. """"""'"" !>e reoei>ved ami fiœd .... made a _tter 01. reœrd. &eeoo<Ied by Ül>ll8lleliJ\man 1œII;- mann. 0aRied 110' ¡be ~ -: ;Y",;m-:Ma(YIOol' Biller. OounJCIi;!nœn _œnn, Mo]desJbaIuer, ~. N'~ooe. ~œœiIMn- '11Iro1Wl. Octo!>er :!4, 1973 SEE DETAILED VOTE BY PRE. tiNCTS ON PAGE $65. To the, Uooora'JoIe May... and Jrlem!>ers of the City Coul>Cil We here!>y ackn..wledge reeeipt of the canvass :from the Dubuque County Board of SUpervisors of the ,Munfeipal Primary Election held on October :IS, 1973 fur the óffices of City Councilmen and Párk èommissionet'1!. The can...... II¡dlcates that the following named persons will &pþear on, the ballot for the General Election to be held on Novèmher 6, 1973. , 'For Couneilmen"--All nominated !ïy Primary £1eetion, fur the term tommenemg the' """ODd secular dAy in January 1974. AlVIn E. lJundh Etni1 St..eJd. ' Lester J. IIartley 3229 Votes 2544 Votes 25'l(JVotes James E. Brady 232'l Votes Helen Mercer 2300 votes Ilobert P. Odden 221$ Votes For Park CommissioBers-All no- , mioated !>y Primary Election fur the term c9mmencing Aiprill, 11174. Frederick R. Appel 31M Votes Robeo1 A. SWlivan 2024 Votes Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Coul>Cilman Pregler moved that the communication !>e received and made a matter of record. second- ed by Councilman Justmann. Car- ried by the following vote: Yea8-'M'ayor Bitter, Oouncilmen J.œsómaD'D,lIIoldenbauer, ~~.- Nays~None. Abseirt-Countilman Tho-. RESOLUTION NO. 349.73 W\IEiREAS, ",pplic&1iòns for beer permits have been submitted to tbis Council for approval and the same have !>een examined; NOW THEREFORE BE rr RE- SOLVEID by the City of Dub\lque, Iowa, thd the following applica- tions he granted and' a permit !>e issued \lpon the èompJ.iaœe with the terms of the ordinance of the City., ' CLASS "8" BEER PERMIT Donald C. Brimeyer, dlla IIave- One-Tap, 1100 'Lincoln Aven\le Passed, adopted and, a >proved this ~ day of Octo!>er 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Wayne A, Moldenha\ler C. Robert J"stmann Oouncilmen Attest: Leo F. Fmmmel!t City Clerk Oo\ll1ci~man Pregler moved adio!P- tion of the .....,Iution. Seconded by OounCilman Moldenhauer: Car- ried !>y tbe following vote: Yeas-,Mayor Bitt..-, Cotmeilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler. N\>ys-INone. Absent.----Oonneilman Thoms. RESOLUTION NO. 350-73 WHERE<\S, application for Beet permits were filed by tbe within named applicants and they have reeewed the approval of this Coun- cil; and WHEREAS, the premises to !>e occupied by such a!>plicants were Inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed proper'boDds;, Special. Session, October 24, 1973 ~IJ\~\=I~\ÞI~\~\S\~\~\S\~\4~1~1~\'~\~I~\~\~\Ql.\wl~l~l,.1 565 _E, "-7 ØI"I~\~I!iI$I¡I;¡I¡¡¡,I'~IFfII!I¡I¡¡¡l:lši,2,1$1s:1~[¡!"I!I'~IIiiI$ltl"" .~. 8I,fI &! g¡ $ $;: !II è! Ii $$81 ¡ ti!j2iltlSl!18IItlr¡¡I¡¡1I~I!llt 'eiQw..~~.~~~4~'.~~~~~~~..~ ~ I~" !",,IS, i" ,.$ ,¡;J,!i,,'Šã.i ',=Ui.r,¡;..,:,'I8II1J.è!'n'~~'!1I.~.. ~~~$gzt ¡;¡t~t8l1!~,atg!lgg!l~~~ ~..~~!i~s:gl~~ t i'SC!l!i't!i~!i~t ~wS~!i ~!it!l!i~$ lit 81 ~1tg~~~~ ~.t¡ I!!iI~~liit~iJ~Jt8l~~t~~i~ J..n.. It !ls:.t~~J~g~.~~~~.~z I " , ' ,! ISi~~~i~~~ii~~~¡¡¡~~S\¡ \E\~~.~.~ ~II>~ h is Ii !!!!is:; :Siii¡ 18 Ii:sa 8:8I1!It\EiI~I~ !1 ~S_il!li!!!i¡ g ¡ d¡¡¡!!;:!:i11!11!1!l18I1¡;1$1~ _IG. Farley ~Th ~¥, .Ø\U'tI~y "'.I 0 ::0 ~ .. 0 !!! ~, ,= @'-c '0 m "J ... § a 8 i ~ ; ..Je m Eo- . BÞII Bud Hunt Robert ,1<1"'" :z: e ;¡; 0 I .. ¡.o :s .. 566 Special Session, October 24, 1973 NOW THE'&EFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dul>uque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized 00 cause to be issued. to the following IIIIImed applicants a Beer ¡>emrl4 CLASS "B" B&E'R PE'RMIT Donald C.Brimeyer, d.ba Have- One-Tal', 1100 Lincoln Ave. Passed, ado¡>ted and approved this 24th day of Qc:to!>er 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Ma~r Walter A. P,regler Wayne A. Moldenhauer C.Ro!>ert JuiStmano CouDci1n1en Attest: Leo F. Frommelt CIty Clerk Councilman Pregler moved ado¡>- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Oouncilman Moldenhauer. Car. ried by the following vute: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneilmen Justmano, Moldenhauer, Pregler. Nays-None. A!>s~unci1man Thoms. CouncIlman 1boms ontered the Council Cbamber at 4:40 P.M. Mem!>ers of the Dock Board were in attendance F. J. Sebre!!>er, Les- lie Furuseth, and William MoEn. biney to discuss the future use of City Island. Mr. Don straDley of the Dubuque Yaeht Basin re- quested the instal1iation of sewer and water to ma j¡¡Jand marina facilities. Mr. Shanley !liated that empooyment of the f""iJity started with three people and is now up to forty. The facility generates out of 00,"", money. He "a,ooot con, tinue to develop without sew... and water services. Mr. Fred Sehrei- !>er was of the opinion tbat the area faeing Peosta Channel sIrould be set aside fur commerce and light industry. The balance of the land could !>e used for recreational I>UI1'Oses. Dock Board Comnùs- sioner M~Ellbiney was of the same opinion. Leslie Furnsetb stated lbat Mr. Shanley bas been patient and bas a Jot of money invested and should be given some considera- tion. The thonght occurred to him if anything sbou1d be built in the Hood plane. Mr. Robert Dorothy stated that three years ago the Council marked all the area for Industrial use. Some of the people present wondered if the U.S. Corps of Engineers would allow any type of construction on tJ>e area. Infor. mation was submitted that would imdieate that the U.S. Corps of Engineers are preseot1y drawing up a statement on what type 01. development would !>e allowed, Mr. Bud Gatena prol'Qsed that a lar,ge part of City Is}and be used for a riding area fur snO'WIDO'biles, trail !>ikes etc. to service cl:tizens that are looking for a place to ride. Gatena sta,ted that the area could !>e developed fur less than $2000 and t!>en leased ,to a priVlate non;¡>rofit company. Oounci1man Pregler moved that water service for area "c" !>e inStalled in 1975 and Sewer servix:e in 1976. Seconded '!>y Couneilman Thoms. Oouncilman Moldenhauer moved to table the original mo- tion until tJ>e meeting of Decem- !>er 3rd. Seconded !>yCouneilman Justmann, Carried by the fo]¡ owing vote: Yeas - Councilmen Justmano, Moldenhauer, Thoms. NaYs----'MlIyor Bitter, Councilman Pregler. Councilman JustIna'no moved tbat the City commit itsehf on Area "C" along recreational lines in- cluding recreational industry. Se- conded !>y Councilman Moldenhau- er. Councilman Moldenbauermov- ed to table the original motion until the meeting of December 3rd. Seconded by Mia,yor Bitter. Carried by the fullowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Thoms. Nays - Councilmen Justmann, Pregler. There !>eing no furlher J>usiness Oouncilman TbI>Jn's moved to ad. journ. Seconded by Oouneilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmaoo, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thorns. Nays-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Special Session, October 24, 1973 5ifl I'\pproved .....,.....,.........,..,...............aJ1714 Adopted "....."..".,..,..,.......,...."..,..."..1lIllI4 .,.......................................................... ..............'..'............,............................. ......................,..........,.......................... ............................................................ ..........,..,.............................................. Councilmen Attest: """"ëïiÿ"ci~~k:""""""""""" 5t!8 Special Session, October 29, 1973 presented and read. Councilman rregler moved that the c<>mmuni- cation be received and filed and referred 1>0 the Tramjt AutholI'li/Q' . Se!cooded by Mia~ _. Qaræjed Specia, session, October 29, 1973. by the following v<>te: 'Council met at 7:30 P.M. (CoS. Yea8--'Mayor Bitter, Councilmen T.) JlUSltmann, M<>Jdenllaoor, Pæe¡gJ.eœ, Present - Mayor Bitter, Coun. Thoms. cllmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, NaY8--'None.. . . Pregler, Thoms. City Manger Gil. Co~\mlcotioo of Citi7J8ns ~~- bert D. Chavenelle. sl>?l'tation ~ttee, subßnW.ini¡ Immutes Of thCll!1' meeting ad' <J<:¡1Jo. Mayor Bitter read the call and i>er 1õth,pr"""""-"d land read. Conn- stated thalt service thereof had ~man Œ'æe¡gJ.er moved that the !>een duly made and this meetiog oommumœoon!>e received and is called for the puri>Qse of actiog ¡filed. seconded by iMawor Bi~r. upun sucb business as may pro- CaITied by the fulloM>1ng vote: ¡>erly come !>efore the meeting. Yeas...;M'awr Bitter, CouÐciimen Communication of Dubuque Mea c Justmann, MQldenhiouer, P.-e¡gier, Project Coucern fur tihe ElderlY, Tho"",. & Retired lne, relative to the City's. Nay>s-iNone. failure fur not hiring a bousing, ,Proof Of PuIblieaoon, eerotitlied 1>0 supervisor to manage a rent as- by the ,pubJio¡¡bex, Of statemend; ad' sistance program for low income' reœipbs and disb1msètnellits and Itot elderly persons and offering their, Of claims for Se¡ptem!>er 1100 !, pre- alSSistance to assure the elderly: sented and read. CoWIlJCi!man PreIg" ad' receiving assistal>Ce immediate-' ler moved that the proof of pub- ly, presented and read. Council-j liieation!>e receiJVed and Iii'led. Se- man Thoms moved that the com- 1C0000ded 'by ,'Mawr Bitter. Oarried munieation!>e referred to the Coun-' by the foIilo¡wing vote: ell Starf!f and Commission and the' Yeas...;Moayor Bitter, CoWJlCllllmen City Manager !>e requested to di-:' Jusbmann, Moldenhauer, Pref¡ler, rect his pr,iorities towa,rd hiring Tboms. a housing director according toi Nay>s-iNone. the Ordinance, as amended. Se-\ ICoUI>CdJlman PTe¡¡ ler moved thai conded by CouncilmaID M?ldenhau-:. the l'UIles !>e s_ded in <>rder er. Carried by th~ fulloWIDg .vote:: to let anyone present address the Yea5---'Mayor B1tt.er, CounciLmen; Counci!. ill they so desire. Seconded Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler" by Counciiliman Moldenhauer. Oar- Tbnms. ried by tbe fIoIlo\wIinjg vote: Nay>s-iNone. : Yeas...;M'a~r Bitter, Counei!l!11en Communication of Playground" Justl11l8nn Mo1deinhlauer PreIgßer, and Recreation Commission ~-¡ Tboms. ' , mitting minutes of tbeir meeting, Nays----None. of October 22, 197:1, presented and, ,M... EJls<ie Adams adressed the read. CoUI>Cthna~ Pregler mov~d, Coun"¡'l reilative to Cln'k;l¡mas de-- that the commuDlcation !>e recelV- co~ation.s in the doiwnJtoIwn area. ed and filed and the Manager and, Ailso sOOiwOO SOIIle concern a's to Mayor negotiate a meeMg date" the ereetion Of he CriIb in -. wbicb was set for Novem!>er 7" ington !\ark, She 'Mas of the o¡pinion 1973 '!'t 7:30 P.,M., second~ by' that a rown of tms s:ize sOOuid Councilma.n Justmann. Carned by: halVe Christmas deco118l:ioos -- the fullowmg vot".: .' ]¡ar to those Of the past. EvidenJtly Yeas-Mayor BItter, Councllmen, she ~ Of the opinion !:bat it Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pi"Ogler,' is a Oity funclion, - sbe Tboms. : ,WaiS informed that it usUlaMy is lNays-None. financed 'by the Do<wnItoiwn mer- Communication ad' Utile Cloud' chants, MI\'!. Adams ~ had some Girl Scout Council Inc. expressing' suggesoons motive to bæ routes. an interest in the survey for the, 0eiti0I!>e 22 1JI7t use of City busses by the Transit r , Committee and otfering their ser- Hono"wble Mia~ and vices for further surveying etc. I City Cowncil CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Special Session, October 29. 1973 569 Ail:tacbed is a letter mm. C1Iiief O'Brien indd""üng that tbe Du- buque SiaJfety Councii wiM provide the nece...ar¥ f1mós fur I!he -- patrol! s)1stem this year. il bring tbi. to your a_lion ,aiS a mea"" Of adœd\\1edg,tn¡g the gilft of the Dl>bwque Salfety Coon-- eN. Gilbert D. OhaIVene1Ø.e City 1II1~r CouooWimla!> Pre¡¡ler Qroved that the ooonmuniOOilJionbe reœt..ed and Iiiled and the MJa,yor instructed to acluwwledge tile - from the Pa- trol 03',sœm. Seconded iby Ooundl- m¡m Tho_. Oomed ~ the foil- lowiDig wOO : Yeas--'lII,ayor Biitter, Co~en JUI'>tmann, Moldenhal1er, Pregüer, Thoms. Nla')1s"-None, Ooin>mumœliion of lOarne¡gie Stout PubNc LV!>rary 'adrvisllng Of the re- s.i~a,tion of Mrs. Pa~y Green- ~in Ifrom the '~y B<>iaord, ¡>re- s- and read. Co1UlCiiliman Preg- ler moved I!hiaJt the <>O I1Jmuniœtion !>e received and maed and the M"" ~ extend It!>J'l'E!Ofation fur yeaI\'! of s~lCe to Mrs. GfeeIwtein, Se- conded by Q¡unøID.man iMoildenhaw- er, Carried by the foil/<>Wling vote:' Ye...~) jayor Biitter, Oouncillmen Justmam, iMoJdeD ¡lIoor, Pregler, Tho_. Nlayso--None. Octot>eŒ' 24, 1B13 Honorwb'1e Mayar and Olty P>tmdl On 'July 311., 19'IB, He1en~, ZuIbeT, of 1-11111 Bilu!f - fili!d da;m ag.....t the Ci ¡y Of Dubuque in no wtat.ed a.n>oWIIt and a [egin¡g sile swfIfe<ed inljuriea to her right hand, her knees and Wil'eI1ched her bad< as the l'eO'UIIt Of 'w œiLI. on II' pulJllic sid.....* 00 Ju:Jy 31, L97II at a poiJlit !>etween 161Ih and ~7Itb sltreets on J,adoson S\reeIL This ma,~ was re¡ferred to the City At\onley who has made an in,vestitgMioo th""""{ and has eon" ferred iWlith the clairnJaDt, and eŒa!- mant ha" made an <JI8fer of setrtlle-- ment of said cüûffi in the - Of $37.00 and it 10 lIhe ."""""mendia- lion of the City Aittmney that Siaid ofifeo' of s-ant be """e¡pIted and ibat' the aty Audiior be iD- structed to draIW wamam: pa,)1ab!e to !Helen C. ZuI1er in the - 01. $31,50 and Ú>1'IWIa1'd ~aid drialft to the City AMorney fur ~ u\>On receipt Of duiy _led re- Ù!l&Seo. 0rigJina1 claim ÎI! returned b- 1With. R. N. RUIOSO COty Almrney ~a" ~er nmved lIP- pro\"aI Of U>e reoommendJalion. !Ie- ,conded ~ ColUllCiimaD MaId_u- er. Garried by 1he fotliowing vote: Yeas---JMayor Bitter, ~en Jus1Jmann, Molldenbaueœ, ~r, TbomIs . N~Nooe. An Ordinance Prcahlbiting 0i61ur. "-. of the .P_el P_i..". for the P_vatkaft of the P ubi c Peace ,and Safety; and 'Providh1ø Penal ;es for the V-iqMliIIn H<treof: .nd R_IÏl18 Ordi<wlnce .-. 14-58, I!>r_nted and read. Q>un¡c¡iD!'lD JusW>1IIJn ~ that the ;reaœng ;jIJOIt bad be COI)- sidered the fiiro¡t ~ 01. the 0rdirJ,anee. Second 1)y .co."",.U",~n Moldenbawer. <:1uTied by the ~- ~ rote : Yeas - CounJc:i1men J~, 'M;oddenllauer, P.egJler. Na~ Blitleir, CouIwiIIm'an Thoms. ICoWIICj¡]¡man J~ moved that the rWe .-equiriDg an Qrdi. nanœ tIO !>e ..ead on u..- _,"ate clays be waived. ~ W Ooun-- ,",moan MioIId'IIIIIB-, 0a1TÌI!Ò ÞY ,the ~ rote: YOM - OoUlJl'lili- J~, iMoIldenhauer, preeler . Nays-'Jkyw lBiIit«r, .CouII<:iIiIMÐ TboJIIS. O>uøcilman ,J.1>J8IImIøJÐ moVtld ,!ina'¡ a40Pt!<>n CIf Ü ¡t OrdiœBee. SocoOO9d, W ~n ~ b"""" . Carrie4 bw the ~ votI! : Yeas - Cou_en JO St_, MoldenÞauer. ~. Nays-ù\{laYQf J3¡!t!ef, ~n Thoms. ~ETO ,Mia~ mtt'er ~- 1>0," tile ordinance In jiIJs -- !ioml. Pe¡ition <iI. StePJren Scott req1JJ8St. jog that a pliaœ be aililotted to him on the '&¡goods 1>0 diocœs the possô.ble use of PetNkis Œ'ark as ,a p¡a)'ing llieltd iIor . Dubuque baJse. bail! team, -- and read. Mr. Hanlin and Mr. Srott ~.,¡ the Council reqll<!iIÛM 1;bitlt don be taken as to the ~ 0If 570 Special Session, October 29, 1973 using Petrakis P,arlt. They """,e of the opinion dIait the JIDgbts were adequate .but rea<lized that tile 1KJc. kef' rooms, sIJIj¡wem e1Jc. wouJd haJVe to!>e repJiaeed. The sfJandis are in need of repa;.raiong with fel>Ces e1Jc. h_er they feet it coUJld be done with donared laIJo<' and mal(eriaoJ. TIle new group 10 !>e formed I\VOUJid !>e a cootinu..tion of Du¡buque Basel!>adi Inic. Councilman Thoms nroved bait thepelition be referred 10 the Oouncill and RecŒ'eation 00111<ll1is- sron 10 meet on N""""'-beŒ' 71th. Seconded by Mlayor iBimter. Carried by the fu1JowIin¡g vote: Yeas~ayor Bitter, 0011I1ciDmJen Jusbmann, M~denbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nayo--.Nooe. lPetilion of Y'. Men's 0Wb of Th;buque by James E. I!r~ ,..,. qu.,.,¡¡"g ~soioo to <:IOndoot the aoou<1l HiaoJi,QIWe8D p8Tade 00 Oclo-- beŒ' 3Ot:h, preseDited and read. Ma- yor - moved ~a[ of the petiItùm. seconded by ~~n JusbmaM. CaTried ~ the -- ing vote : Yeas--iM'ayor Bitter, Oounbilmren JUOItmann, IMioIldenbauer, PTeg¡!er, Tbotna . N.,ys-!None. RESOLUTION NO. 351.73 BE I'l' RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Th;.buque, Iowa, that the following having complied with the provisions of la'w relating to the sale of Ci- garøttes within the City of Du- buque, Iowa, !>e granted a permit to sell Cigarøttes and Cigarette Papers within said City. Ricbard W. Burkholder and Kay J. Nemmers, dba Thompson's Food Market #1, 250 West First Street BE IT FURTIIER RESOILVED that the !>ands filed with the ap- pJieation !>e approved. iPassed, adopted and approved tlbis 29th day of October 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T, Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer Councilmen Attest : Leo F. FroQ1>lllelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. seconded ~ Oouncilman Moldenhauer. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Oouncilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-Councilman Justmann. RESOLUTION NO. 352.73 WHÐßEAS, applications for !>eer permits ba"" - ouI:>'mitted 10 this Council for a¡>proval and the same bave been examined; NOW TIIEREFORE B'E IT ßE- SOLVED by tbe City of DW!>uque, Iowa, that the following a¡>plica- tions !>e granted and a ¡>ermit be issued ul'Qn the compli'ance with the terms of the ordinances of the City. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Florel>Ce E. Cbalder, 113 M a in Street Na!>ars Drug #4, Groves Kelco, Inc., 1920 Elm Street Richard W. Burkholder and Kay J. Nemmers, d.ba Thompson's #1, 250 West First Street Passed, adopted and a¡>proved this 29th da,y of Octo!>er 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmano Coul>Cilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resoJution. Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 353.73 WHER£AS, application for Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approva1 of this Ooun- cil; and WHEREAS, the premises to !>e occupted by such a¡>plicants were i""peeled and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed proper !>ands; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Du!>uque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized 10 cause Special Session, October 29, 1973 to !>e issued to the fullowing named applicants 'a Beer permit. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT F1Im'ence E. Cha!Ïder, 1[~ Mam Street Na!>ars Drug #4, Groves Kelco, Inc., 1920 Elm Street Richard W. Burkholder and Kay J. Nemmers, dba Tbompson's #1, 250 West First Street Passed, adopted and approved this 29th day of Oeto!>er 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert JustInano Coundlmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Cle.k Councilman ,Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Car- ried by the fullowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counc-ilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 354-73 WHEßEAS, a¡>plications fur Li- quor Licenses have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined, NOW 1'HEißEFORE BE IT RE, SOLVED by the City Oouncil of the City of Du!>uque, Iowa, that the fullowing applications be grant- ed and licenses issued Ul'Qn tbe compliance with the terms oil' the IOWA MQUOR OON'l1ROL ACT- OHINPmER lOO.~ "mended ,~ the 64tb General Assembly, 1971. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSE Charles J. spielman, 2401 Windsor Avenue Passed, adopted and approved this 29th day of Oclober 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A, Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded 571 by Councilman Moldenhauer, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jus1Jmano, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-4None. RESOLUTION NO. 355.73 WHEREAS, applications for Li- quor Licenses were filed by the within named a,pplicants and tbey have received the 'approval of this council, and WHEREAS, tJ>e prem;.,es, to be occwpied by such applicants were ins¡>ected and fuund to com,ply with State Law and all City Ordinances relevant thereto and they have filed proper !>and., NOW THEßEFORE BE IT RE, SOLVED by the City Council of Th;!>uque, Iowa, that the Manager '!>e authorized to cause to be is- sued to the following named a¡>pJi- cants a Liquor License. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) , BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSE Charles J, Spielman, 2401 Windsor Avenue Passed, adopted and approved tlbis 29th day of October 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann Oouncilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. seconded by Oouncilman Moldenhauer. Oar- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-<None. Councilman Justmano moved that the Manag<>r communicate with tbe owner of the Fischer Ar. cade property and tJ>e Council meet with tbe owner !>efore November 15th to satisfy Council of his com- pliance with the terms of tbe Coun- cil edict, and that tbe owner be there or his duly authorized repre- sentative. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. 572 Special Session, October 29, 1973 Regular Session, November 5, 1973 573 CITY COUNCIL Cðunellman Pregler moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign tM application for funds fur River Vaaey In<:. .. an offidal respOnd- ;ng to fo.m, contiogent ul'Qn City Mana,ger funding and AJpprOvmg said lI1'8"t ol $4,0(10. Seconded !>y CoUDCUman Thorn.. Carried !>y the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen JVlltmallSl, MoldCJÙUluer, Pre¡Jor, Thoms. Nays-None. There !>e;ng no furlher business Om¡nciknanJusbnann moved to adjourn. Seconded !>y Mayor Bit. tar. Carried by lb. following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen ~anD, MoIdCJÙUluer. Pr.¡Jer, Thoms. N&~. LeoF. :FI'om_lt Cilr Cl..-J, OFFICIAL Regutar session, November 5, 1m. Council met at 7,30 ,p.M. (C.S.T.) Present - Mayor Bltter, Coun. oilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. City Milnager Gil. bertD. Chav_He. Ma,yor - read <the "ill and scaled thlat serMiœ theroof had been duly made and this is, 1he regular monthly meeting OIl the City Oouncil. œMed fur the pur- pose OIl -acting u¡pon such busine&s as may ¡>roperly cœne before the meeting. CotmmuniœCion of GeIJlt WitllJen. J>ergadmsiDg that M""~ Jo Nl'my, presidelJlt of the Dwbuque Art Ms'n . presenlt <the ¡Daquette of the most apprqpriat.e piece of ..,u4>- ture fur TOwn (JIo,ck Pla-.a,' as seJected ~ the jwdiges fur the Fi"-'" flag¡; Seuiptme Competition, pre- sented .and read. Mayor - ßl()IVeÓ that the ruleð be suspended m order to Jet -a~one present addre", the Oounci[ oi they so desire. second- ed by C<>uncilman Pregier. Oar- ried by the fuJlowdmgvole: Yeas~Mayor B;tter, Oouncilmen Juslaoonn, iMo!denbau..., Proe¡gJer, Thoms. N,,~one. ;Mary Jo Wmey pl'CIOODII.ed the I maquette upon e<>mpletion of wbieh OounciDmi8D JusCmaoo mowed tbat the maque1Jte !>e """"!>ted with ap- ¡>reciation and the oommum"ation oi Mr. W;,ttenòerg be received and filed. Seconded by Oouooi!oman MIJII- demau.... oarried by the fuJlowing vote: Yeas-iM,ayor Bitter, OounciWlen JuSltmaoo, MoWenihauer, pregIler, Thoms. Nays-None. Communiœlion OIl Project 000- cern Boaro memlJer ¡Oa<1l V. 'llliey, discu...n¡g- the role of puhllie trans. pootalion in DwJ>uqœ _cia~ as it .-. tbe older segment of our PD\I>uiaOOn, preoooted and read, ~man Jusltmann moved that the eommuni\:!ation be reœW- ed and filed and referred to the Thansit Authority. Seconded by Ma. ~ed .,.............,..,.......................3S14 .Adcpted ..,..........,.oo..................,..,..,...W4 .......................................................... ........................................,................, ...................................................,...... --.................................................... "'-"""'-""""""""""ë~W;:ëij;;;ë;;-'" ..........................................,.........",..... City Cierk '-.. " yor Biiltter. Camied by the foikJIw. ing wole: Yeas---.Mayor Bitter, OouociJhmen Justman", Moldenhauer, Pregiler, Thoms. NaY'!.-<None. Oommunication of Nortbw....tern BeiIl ,ad".sing that they ha"e filed tarillils reil!looting a ,g¡eneml iœrease in phone ~ates wiJth the Iowa StJate Commeree Oommission and re- ques!inig the -~ fur a hearing, preoelJlted and read. Cowo. cilman Pregier mO\'ed that the eo11llIl1OHllÌ..,aüoo !>e reeetved and filed. Seconded by Mayor BiUer. Carried by the fuilolwinig vote: Y"",,-;Mayor \8iiI¡ter, Oouncihmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, PregIler, Thoms. NIa~.-<None. M<lyor Bitter further mO'Ved, af. ter some "'"""",ion, to go on re- cord reg;..tering a protest and they be obliged to SIboiw ca.""" h<>iwever keøp opIiioo open as to stri<:t proof, Seconded ~ Ooo~man J u <I t- mann. Oarried by the fußWwing vote: Yeas-iMaylOr BiUer, OounlCiDanen JOIStmann, Moldenbauer, pr~, Thoms. Na'y&-'None. N""""""'" 1, lOOt! Honorable ,Mai\'<lr and iMe- of the City Council p,¡e.... !>e inIfornted that I biawe approved the ioIl!owing bonds and pdticies and desire your a!>lPll"J'V"l 0" .ame. SI'DEW~LK CONS'I1RUC'I'IOIII BONDS Ray MclJ<>oo!ld CoDSltruction Co., iMerohants ,Mutual Bonding dated 0et0Ø:Jer ZI, lOOt!. Da,vid G. StJangil, Western OasuM- ty & Surety OolI1lpl8I>y, dated Oe- 1oJ>er 2411:h, IIOOß Bond No. ~. GE'NE'RAL LlA&IUTY POI..JICY WORKMENS COMP. Ray Me[)onMd Construction 00., Bituminous Oa.uaMy Oorp., da,ted 10-:!ß0,7ß to lo-æ,714 Pol No. _. GENERAL LlABIUTY AUTOMOBIL,E Ray iMcDonald ConS'Wuclion 00" Bituminous a....~ Oorp., dated :lO-œ<'Iß to 1~ Œ'oI. No. GA _. Gillbert Ð. ObavCiIleMe City Man"ger ,councilman Œ'r",!!'Jer lIlOIVed liihing appro""l of the ,bonds and poIides