1972 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1972 Regular meetings of the City Council are held on the First Monday of each month at 7:30 o'clock P.M. CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1972 COUNCILMEN WAYNE A. MOLDENHAUER, Mayor JOSEPH J. BITTER C. ROBERT JUSTMANN WALTER A. PREGLER ALLAN T. THOMS City Clerk ....................................".""""""...""LEO F. FROMMELT City Solicitor ".........."....."""."""""""".".""".."""".."..R. N. RUSSO Assistant City Solicitor """"."...................JAMES G. SCHILLING MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGES FRANK D. GILLOON JR. KARL KENLINE Municipal Court Clerk "".."...""...........".....".JOSEPH A. STIEBER Municipal Court Bailiff ..........ELMER D. JOHANNINGMEIER CITY MANAGER GILBERT D. CHAVENELLE Assistant City Manager ....W. KENNETH GEARHART 7/28/12 PAUL H. FISCHER 10/23/12 Administrative Assistant .................."...."..".."GERALD J. KOPPES Budget Analyst ""..".""""..".."..."..............MICHAEL E. BROOKS Personnel Director ""........"."""""""".".".""WALTER K. BOCKES City Auditor ............" "........ ". "....." "."" " """. ""....A. G. HEITZMAN City Treasurer ...."........""."".......""......""""""..""GERALD HIRD City Engineer .."""...."................"...."".."...."....""JOHN L. WHITE City Assessor ..""...."""........................".........."JAMES J. GREGORY Chief of Fire Department "...".................."."ROBERT N. DUNPHY Chief of Police ..""..".."......""......"...."".."..."".ROBERT J. O'BRIEN Civil Defense Director "..."..".""""""..""""..""..BEN J. O'LEARY Sup't. of Water Work ...... "".............. ""..." ".."." "......"......J. J. HAIL Street Commissioner ............""...".".."....".".....""CLETUS ALLEN Director of Recreation ..............."".........RICHARD J. SLATTERY Planning Director .....""""....""....""""""."DON GILSON 3/31/72 DANIEL DITTEMORE Building Commissioner "...."".""".."......"."""DONALD J. BANDY Electrical Inspector ..""........""".""....".".."""EDWARD O. ALBER Heating-Ventilating Inspector ...""".."".ROY SPRENGELMEYER Health Director """.."........."....".."...KENNETH K. HAZLET, M.D. Health Administrator "... "......"........"............."...."."" ""...A. J. ROTH Sanitary Officer ...................."............"""...."..LA VERNE G0ERDT Food and Restaurant Inspector ...."..."."......MILDRED KENNEDY Plumbing Inspector ."""..".""......"".....""""...RICHARD J. FEYEN Library Director """""..........""."""..."..WILLIAM G. FULLMER Supt's of Parks ...."...".................."...."............."RICHARD KRAMER Airport Manager ...".."".......................""...".."..""""...JEFF MOLID Urban Renewal Director """"""...".......GENT M. WITTENBERG Feb. Mar. I April lI!,ay A 3-American Trust & Savings Bank, appointed official depository of public funds. ."..".......".""""....... 3-Allendorf William F. & Darlene, claim denied. .". 17-Advisory Commission, advising the Council of three vacancies, and submitting a list of six names as replacements. "."..."......"""".".......""" 17-Advisory Commission, subnritting a Code of Ethics for the City. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 17-American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission to conduct a poppy sale. ".""".."."."""""......". 17-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Ken- nedy Mall Inc., for the location and main- tenance of a Civil Defense Warning Siren..... 25, 283 17-Andresen Thomas, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ............................"........."......"....... 31-Agreement between H. Sidwell Smith and the City of Dubuque for consulting service at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. ".............. 7-Advisory Commission, submitting a resolution supporting Ecumenical Housing. .."""""""""".. 7-Advisory Commission, subnritting a resolution that the letter of Dubuque Homeowners & Land- owners concerning actions of Gent Wittenberg be referred to the Low Rent Housing Commis- sion. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7-A & 0 Corporation, supporting Ecumenical Hous- ing Development. "......."............"."."....."...""..... 28-American States Insurance, subnritting claim on behalf of Frank Zmudka. ".".."....."......."".."""." 28-A-1 Plumbing & Heating Co., requesting permis- sion to excavate at 189M. Central Avenue. "" 28-Apartments Ltd., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. """"........."...""....".".."............................... 8-Althaus Dennis Albert, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. "".""..."."..".."""......................,,................. 8-Ames Dan & Bobbe, objecting to the H-M classifi. cation of zoning ordinance for Mercy Medical Center. ""...".""".."..""..".."..."..".....""........"........ 8-Ant Gunnar, Mr. & Mrs., objecting to the rezoning of Mercy Medical Center property. """"..".... 13-Asbury ltoad, installation of street lights recom- mended """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 13-Aristo Foods of Iowa Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Pennit. ........"......................".""."."."...........".".... 3-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Iowa State Highway Commission for Improve. ment of Highway No. 20 with 6" stabilized shoulders """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 17-Airport Terminal Building, construction completed and accepted. .".".........".""""""........."""...""."." 17-Algona Street Sanitary Sewer, preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of sani- tary sewer from the existing manhole in Uni- versity Avenue northerly 277 feet. ".............. """"""""""""""""""""""""""" 177, 178, 215, 217, 266 I-Adams John S., Notice of Claim. """.".....".......... 190, 240 l-"Arbor Oaks," approval of plat of Blocks 1, 2 and 3. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" I-Agreement between the United States Department ~~t:~~s¡fi~~~~n~r~gli~e;;~~~e::oj~J M:,e WS-IOWA-99. ."..."."........"..""."...........""".""...". I-Agreement between the City and the American Trust & Savings Bank on a Bookmobile for the Carnegie Stont Library. 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT Jan. Page 18 18 21 27 61 63 64 64 89 90 93 102 105 106 109 123 152 175 195 197 198 15-Advisory Commission, urging the City Council to adopt a portion of the Home Rule Bill to establish a five year capital improvement program, and urging support of Project Con- cern. .......................................................................... 15-Atchison Dan and Eileen, certifying cost of con- struction of Sanitary sewer in Jansen Street, north of Roosevelt Street. ..........."................. 217, 218 22-Ai~f::n<;'.~:~~t.~'H'."J~i~<;,ï:~~ f~': to and from the Airport. .................................... 231 June 5-Asbury Road, restriction of parking recommended by the City Manager. ..............................".......... 248, 307 5-American Legion Dubuque Post No.6, requesting a para4e permit for July I, 1972.. ........."......... 250 5-Agreement between Dubuque Community School District, Richard C. Henschel and the City of Dubuque for a piece of property to be used for a play~ound area. ..................................253, 254, 318 12--Atlantic & PaCIfic Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permit.. ....,................................................................. 12--Althaus Dennis A., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 12--Agreement between the County of Dubu\lue and the City of Dubuque for the construetion of a joint Law Enforcement Center Building. ......" ........................................., 273, 353, 355, 361, 362, 367 19-Asbury Road and Carter ltoad, 1972 Traffic Sig- nal Project, prelinrinary plans and specifica- tions. ..................................................................264, 18-Andresen John C., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 18-Andresen Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit. ...... 18-Arvanitis George K., granted Cigarette Permit. 28-Adams Charles, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 28-Alba Cruso A., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 28-Aristo Foods of Iowa Inc., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ................................................ 3-Agreement between the Iowa State Highway Commission and the City of Dubuque for Primary ltoad Extension Maintenance from June 1, 1972 to June 30, 1973. ........................ 3-American Society of Landscape Architects, awards to Durrant, Deininger, Dommer, Kramer & Gordon-Architects, CUllen-Schiltz & Associ- ates Engineers, M. F. Goerdt Construction Co., Contractors, Westphal & Company Elec- trical Contractors and City of Dubuque Ur- ban Renewal Department, for construction of Downtown Clock Plaza. ..............."..................... 17-Agreement between the City of Dubuque, Ryan Construction Company and the Key City In- vestment Company, granting curb cuts into Kennedy ltoad and Wacker Drive to serve the Zayre Store. ........................."................................. 17-Agreement between the Dlinois Central Railroad and the City of Dubuque for the construction and maintenance of a sixteen inch water main on railroad property. .......................................... 24-Audit Report of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year 1971. ..............................."............................. 24-Amvets Auxiliary, requesting permission to con- duct a White Clover Days sale. ........................ Aug. 21-Agreement hetween Jeanette Luerkens and Wil- liam Luerkens and the City of Dubuque for the operation of a Taxicab service. ................ 21-Application and Agreement with the Iowa Sec- retary of Agriculture for authority to con. duct a milk inspection program. INDEX.-BOOK 102 SUBJECT 1972 July I 21-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Pernrit. .................................................. 21-American Veterans WW II-Korean & Vietnam, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. .... Sept. ll-Adams Clarice E., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... 18-Annexation request of Mer! F. and Margaret E. Goerdt of property fronting Sheridan and Peru Roads. ............................................................ 18-Aldeman Dan, appointed to the Youth Services Council. .................................................................... Oct. 3-Arensdorf Robert J., Notice of Claim. .................... " 16--Area One Vocational Technical School, requesting permission to sell glitter plaques. """""""""" I8-Asbury Park Subdivision Sanitary Sewer 1972, preliminary plans and specifications. ............ ...................................................... 480, 482, 522, 523, 558 Nov. 8-A~~:tfo~ ~nHg~;~~tu~:II:EKli;:tifo"sa:is e:; more. ........................................................................ 8-Advisory Commission, relative to the delay in adopting a Code of Ethics for the City .......... 8-American Snack, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 13-Assistant City Manager, subnritting cost estimate of $2600 for the remodeling of 1st Floor of City Hall for the organization of the Finance De- partment. .................................................................. 13-Alley Parking, recommendation of the City Man- al1.er that Traffic Ordinance be amended to pro- hibit parking in alleys in the pedestrianway area. .......................................................................... 13-Agreement between the City and the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the future expansion of the Water Treatment Plant .............................................-........................... Dec. ll-Alcoholism Information Center, subnritting budget for 1973. .................................................................. ll-Asbury, Town of, requesting perpetual right of way and easement over certain real estate for construction and maintenance of a proposed sanitary sewer. ........................................................ ll-Agreement between the City and Durrant-Deining- er-Dommer-Krammer.Gordon, P. G. for design of a Joint County-City Law Enforcement Cen- ter. ........................................................................... 569, 584 ll-Agreement between the City and the Dlinois Cen- tral Gulf Railroad for an Easement In connec- tion with installation of an underground sanitary sewer. ..................................................... 18-American Massage Parlor, requesting pernrission to construct a marque at 320 Main Street .... 18-Airport Commission, requesting permission to charge an Airport tax of $1.00 per person. .... 18-Ames Realty Inc., certificate of completion for improvement in the Downtown Urban Renewal Area. Page INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT 1972 213 231 270 271 285, 341.! 280 290 280 297 298 299 303 330 336 345 348 353 392 400 Page 412 412 438 448 446 465 475 496 497 510 515 517 524 585 586 572 581 583 587 B 3-Board of Review, settlement of tax assessment against Swift Agricultural Corp. for the year 1970........................................................................... 3-Brown Lewis R., Notice of Claim. ............................ 3-Bell Joseph E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 17-Black & White, Yellow & Checker Cab, liability policy. ....................................19, 6'7, 108, 251, 265, 280 17-Burke Josephine Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit & Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. .................. 24-Bitter Councitman, relative to formation of Com- nrittee System for Council members. .............. 31-Bitter Councitman, opinion of City Solicitor con- cerning conflict of interest. .............................. Feb. 7-Bisenius David E. et aI., objecting to proposed Ecumenical Housing development. .................. 14-Behnke Lavern et. al., objecting to new Zoning Ordinance concernmg storage of recreational vehicles and equipment. ........................",......... 14-Bisenius David E., appointed to the Low Rent Housing Commission. .......................................... 14-Braig Karla and Mary Fleming, complaining of a menacing dog in South Hill Street area. .... 28-Boardman Arthur & Catherine R., objecting to portions of new zoning ordinance. ................ 64, 104 28-Bisanz Robert P., Notice of Claim. .......................... 88 28-Bridge Restaurant & Lounge, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. .......................................... 93, 169 Mar. 9-Basic Freedoms Inc., requesting permission to ad- dress Council regarding the new proposed zoning ordinance. .................................................. 9-Berg Bonnie et. al., subnritting petition favoring a sound zoning ordinance. .................................. 13-Butler Harriet C., settlement of claim. .................. 20-Buelow Naomi, appointed to the Board of Zoning Adjustment. ............................................................ 129, 486 20-Budget Amended to provide for increase in Band Concert appropriation. .......................................... 20-Biggin Judy, requesting that her name be with- drawn from a petition protesting billboards. 20-Buechel Lonis, requesting refund on heating and plumbing permit. .................................................. 20-Brant Carl N., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. .................................................................... 136, 192 April 3-Bicycle Paths for the City of Dubuque requested by Councilman Justmann. ......".......................... 3-Bush Joe, Notice of Claim for material furnished to H & R Wrecking Co. ...................................... IO-Becker Paul Mr. & Mrs. et. al.. offering no ob- jections to the proposed move of Medical As. sociates to Mercy Medical Center property. .... 100Berwanger Boiler Shop Inc., authorized to con- struct an Identification Sign. .............................. 10-Brown Publishing Co., authorized to construct an Identification Sign. .............................................. IO-Baumgartner Richard, requesting sewer and water service for property off of West 32nd. Street 10-Bisping Herbert F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. I-Brown Publishing Co., requesting permission to construct a sprinkler system and two trees. 8-Barton-Aschman Associates Inc., subnritting a re- view of traffic conditions at Eighth and Ninth Streets corridor. ................................................ 30-Becker James G., sidewalk bond. .......................... June 12-Bockes Walter, selected to attend Community De- 13-Bak;;IWmi~~,C~!~~~CM~r~~fea rf::ir;ii:":::::::::::: 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT Jan. May ,",00' Page 4 6 15 28, 27 30 39 66 75, 104 80, 81 84 106 106 110 133 134 134 141, 393 143, 209 162 164 167 168 181 S~pt. 190 203 236 280 270 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 12-Beecher Company Inc.. granted Cigarette Permits. 12-Birch Marshall R., granted Cigarette Pernrit. ...... 12-Brant Carl N., granted Cigarette Pernrit. .............. 12-Beecher Company Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permits. .................................................................... 271, 279 18-Baumhover Ronald F., appointed to the Dubuque County Commission on Crime and Delinquency. 19-Becker Robert L., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 18-Barkalow Bros., granted Cigarette Permit. """"" 19-Beidler ltobert, granted Cigarette Pernrit. ............ 19-Bauer Dan. granted Cigarette Pernrit. """"""""" 19-Becker Robert L., granted Class "c" Beer Pernrit. 28-BeI1 Joseph, fanted Cigarette Pernrit. ................ 28-BailHas~d¡,v~E ¿or ~atl~~.;iW:::'t. P:~t...~.~~ 28-Bishop Buffet, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 28-Burke Josephine, granted Cigarette Pernrit. ........ 28-Brookside Dairy, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 298, 3-Building Code Committee, recommendations con. cerning adoption of Electrical Ordinances No. 30-72 and 31-72. ...................................................... 3-Bridge Restaurant and Lounge Inc., granted Cigar- ette Pernrit. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-Bridge Marian J., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... t::::,,~~c'., g';~~:;P~~~~~t~erp~¡[' . .:: :::::::: 3-Brimeyer Donald C., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 3-Bisping Herbert F., granted Cigarette Pernrit. .... 3-Bradley Clyde L., granted Cigarette Pernrit. .......... 10-Boardman Arthur M., Suggestions concerning the construction of Five Flags Civic Center ........ 17-Brunswick Street, installation of street light re- quested. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'""", 17-Bike-A-Thon, requested by the Recreation Depart- ment. ..................................................................340, 24-Beer and Liquor, regulating the sale and con- sumption, providi~ for the issuance and re- vocation or suspensIOn of permits and licenses. 31-Beef Supreme Inc., requesting permission to con- struct a car wash on J.F.K. ltoad near U.S. Highway No. 20 and University Avenue. .......... 360, 386 7-Brace B. J. et. aI., supporting proposed Youth Services Bureau. """""""""""""""""""""""""" 7-Blind Association of Dubuque, relative to the ~:f~~ 1T~~i~st~:t'i:'~ :'~a~~g~~~ththa~ Jackson and on Dodge Street at the Doctors Court......................................................................... 7-Bandy Fred R., Notice of Claim. .......................... 7-Bargroan Leo C., Notice of Claim. ............................ 7-Bradley Helen M., petition for suspension of taxes. 21-Bader Byrdena Mrs. and Mr. Milton J. Bader, ordered to dismantle building and clean up premises at 2560 Elm Street. ............................ 21-Bardon Thomas J., Notice of Claim. ...................... 23-Budget Recommendation for the year 1973 sub- mitted by the City Manager. 415, 477, 495, 5-Brandel Gerald S., Notice of Claim. ........................ 5-Blakeman Clarence Mrs., Notice of Claim. .......... 5-Burlington Northern Railroad, requesting closing of Market Street between 3rd Street and the I. C. tracks between Blocks C & F in Booths Addition. ..........."..................................................... 5-BONDS, Notice of meeting for the issuance of Sewer Bonds in the amount of $1,000,000. ...... ...................................................... 426, 427, 453, 455, 456 5-Baker William H., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. 1972 July Aug. Page 270 270 271 282 290 290 290 290 291 297 297, 299 297 297 443 308 326 328, 510 326 326 326 328 327 330 341, 388 392, 418 349 365 368 369, 499 369 373, 394 393, 436 395, 498 496, 497 420, 489 421 424 430 I I 1972 Oct. INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 5-Bainbridge James Richard, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. .................................................. 5-Bitter Councilman, requesting prohibition of smok. ing in the Council Chamber. ................................ 18-Berger David, appointed to the Youth Services Council. .................................................................... 3-Bock Earl J., offering snggestions to alleviate traf- fic congestion. ......................."............................... 3-Board of Adjustment, reqnesting a hearing on petition from Mercy Medical Center for the issuance of a building permit. ............................ 3-Bahl Steven E., Notice of Claim. ................................ 3-Brimeyer Donald C., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit. ............................................................................ 18-Becker & Sons Stone Co., liability policy. ............ 24--Betts Danie1d M. and J. P. Sandman, Notice of Claim. ........................................................................ 490, 499 24-Buell George B., Notice of Claim. ........................... 490 8-Bechen Harold Mrs. objecting to the proposed Couler Valley Corridor freeway. ...................... 6-Blind Association of Dubuque, requesting permis- sion to conduct candy sales. ............................ 8-Bridge Marian Juanita, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....................................................................... 13-Beer Ordinance, amendment governing the pro- hibition of films in taverns subnritted by the City Solicitor. .......................................................... 20-Board of Health, Regular Session. .......................... 27-Bitter Councilman, subnritting excuse for nrissing Council Meeting. .................................................... 27-Burger King #1100, granted Cigarete Permit. ........ 4-Burden George R., endorsing the preservation of City Hall. .................................................................. 4--Budget Report of Municipality for Municipal Streets and Parking for 1973. .......................................... 4--Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks #297, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...... 18-Board of Health, Special Session. ............."............. 18-Buechel Louis, comprehensive liability policy. ...... 18-Bitter Councilman, submitting a resolution calling for appointment of a Citizens Freeway Study Committee. .............................................................. 18-Barker Robert C., granted Cigarette Permit & Class "c" Liquor Permit. .................................. 591, 592 18-Baum William J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 591 INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT 1972 Page Page 430 431 Jan. C 3-City Council, Regular Session. .................................. 3-Chavenelle Gilbert D., appointed City Manager for the ensuing fiscal year. .................................... 3-City Manager, advising the Council of his appoint- ment of all personnel under his supervision and control. ............................................................ 3-City Manager, subnritting Ordinance No. 1-72, al- locating and making appropriations of tax levies and other sources of revenue for ex- penditures for the year 1972. .......................... 3-City Assessor, recommending settlement with Swift Agricultural Chemical Corp. for tax assessment for the year 1970. .............................. tj;n~ve'§~~~~~~e~~~miM~:' 'ö¡;föiöii""ëöiïCërnïiiii Councilman Thoms and a conflict of interest. 3-Crissy Drive Storm Sewer, completed and ac- 3-CityceK;~itor:"ädV'iš¡niï'ïïi~"cöüiïciï'öf"';¡¡š;;;jsšäi 12 of suit of JoseJ;>h Piluzza. .................................... 16, 578 17---City Council, SpeCIal Session. .................................... 18 17-Chase Duane, appointed to the Advisory Com- mission. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 17---City Manager, submitting report on request of Lyle Whalen to construct a car wash at 1277 Elm Street. ............................................................ 17---Civil Service Commission, subnritting report of entrance examination for positions on the Police Department. ..................................20, 95, 359, 394 17---Civil Defense Warning Siren, to be located and maintained at Kennedy Mall Inc. .................... 25, 283 24-City Council, Special Session. ................................ 30 31-City Council, Special Session. .................................... 37 31-Council proceedings for the month of October and November 1971, approved as printed. .............. 38 31---City Auditor, Treasurer, Health and Water Depart- ments, monthly reports. ..........................39, 71, 85, 96, 130, 142, 189, 236, 294, 348, 367, 461, 498, 532 31---City Solicitor, submitting opinion concerning con- flict of interest of Councilman Bitter ............ 39 31---CITY OF DUBUQUE 1971 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER PROJECT NO.1, Schedule of Assess- ments. ..........................................................42, 44, 45, 46 31-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1971 ASPHALT PAVING PROJECT NO.1, Schedule of Assessments. ....................47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 234, 286, 288 31-Couchman Gaylord M., Mayor, resolution of gratitude extended to him for years of service to the citizens of Dubuque. .............................. 7---City Council, Regular Session. .................................. 7---Connelly James F., supporting the Ecumenical Housing Development .......................................... 7-Civil Service Comnrission, submitting report of entrance examination for positions on the Fire Department. ........................................................68, 159, 359 14--City Council, Special Session. ................................ 71 14--Claims for the month of December 1971, Proof of Publication .............................................................. 21---City Council, Special Session .................................... 28-City Council, Special Session. .................................... 28-City Assessor, submitting a stipulation agreed upon by Kennedy Mall, Romac and the City Assessor relative to the real estate assessment. .......... 28-Council proceedings for month of December 1971, approved as printed. .......................................... 28-City Manager, recommending denial of petition requesting permission to paint house numbers on curb fronts. 448 480 462 465 470 474 3 Nov. 497 505 511 18 517 528 542 547 20 Dec. 549 557 38 560 576 577 39 565 Feb. 59 63 64 71 82 64 84 85 85 II, IIII 'Iii :" 28-Cos1ey James A., request to rezone property at corner of Kennedy and Asbury Road denied. 28-City Manager, subnritting a food service and a per- mit fee ordinance. ................................89, 97, 111, 112 8-City Council, Regular Session. ................................ 95 8-City of Dubuque Financial Report for the Fiscal Year 1971. .............................................................. 8-Claims for the month of January 1972, proof of publication. .............................................................. 8-City of Dubuque Street Budget Report for 1971. 8-City Council, Special Session. .................................. 9-Cicciare1li Terry, objecting to the proposed zoning ordinance. ................................................................ 18-City Council, Special Session. ......".......................... 13-Cottingham & Butler Inc., requesting return of Black & White Cab Co. insurance policies. .... 13-City Manager, requesting approval of city partici. pation in a study of nursing services within the City and in the County. ............................ 109, 134 18-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1972 CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB PROJECT NO.1, preliminary plans and specifications. ................ ....................................114, 116, 202, 203, 205, 256, 556 18-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1972 ASPHALT PAVING PROJECT NO.1, preliminary plans and speci- fications. .................................................................. 117, 118, 206, 207, 208, 255, 256, 506, 553, 554, 555, 556 18-City Solicitor, submitting opinion concerning zon- ing ordinance to pernrit Mercy Medical Center's request for a clinic and apothecary. ......125, 146, 162 15-City Council, Special Session. ..........."....................... 126 20-City Council, Special Session. ..............".................... 129 20-Collins James, appointed to the Human Rights Commission. ............................................................ 20-City Solicitor, explanation to the Council concern- ing the provisions of Majority Vote on ordi- nances and resolutions. """""""""""""""""""" 2O-Catholic Mothers Club, complaining of X-rated movies to be shown in Dubuque. ....."............... 134, 140 3-City Council, Regular Session. ....................,........... 139 3-Culver Congressman, acknowledging receipt of copy of resolution relative to Intergovernmen- tal Coordination Act. ..............................."........... 3-Claims for the month of February 1972, proof of publication. .............................................................. 3-City Manager, recommending that parking be pro- hibited on the north side of 16th Street from Elm to Pine and Maple to Kerper, and south side from Sycamore to Kerper. ...........,.......... 3-Clark Walter O. et. al" Leon Wersinger, Senior Citizens of the north end, objecting to Medi- cal Associates moving. ...".............................."'" 145, 161 3-City ~~~~~to:f :;:~~~~~! ~t~:;¡~~~~{~ ~~': vising the Council that any attempt by ordi. nance to place such powers in any other body or person would clearly conflict with the State Statutes. ...................................................... 146, 162 3-City Solicitor, submitting a proposed ordinance pertaining to Mercy Medical Center's petition for Special Use Pernrit. ..............................147, 162, 420 3-City of Dubuque to participate in program with the Iowa Crime Commission to obtain Grants under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act. ........................................."................. 3-City Manager, recommending that the Mayor sign an Agreement with the Iowa State Highway Commission for the improvement of Highway No. 20 with 6" stabilized shoulders. ........... 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT Mar. ~pril ,..,,'" Page 85 96 96 101 104 105 108 108 129 131 140 142 143 J~ne 151 152 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT Page l\f~y 3-City of Dubuque Waste Water Treatment Facility, Phase IT, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Consent Order. 152, 153, 154, 231, 589, 590 4--City Council, Special Session. """"""""""""""""" 157 10-City Council, Special Session. """"""""""""""""" 158 lO-Civil Service Commission, subnritting report of examination for position of Automotive Me- chanic. ...................................................................... 158 10-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of promotional exanrination for position of As- sistant Chief Training and Personnel Officer of the Fire Department. """""""""""""""""" 159, 448 10-City Manager, advising the Council of his approval of Police Chief Robert J. O'Brien's application for training at the F.B.i Academy. ................ 17-City Council, Special Session. .................................... 17-City of Dubuque Airport Terminal Building com- pleted and accepted. """"""""""""""""""""" 1-City Council, Regular Session. """"""""""""""""" 1-Culver Congressman, advising that the Ways and Means Committee has completed work on the Intergovernmental Fiscal Coordination Act. .... l-Claims for the month of March 1972, proof of publication. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" l-City Clerk, communication of the County Auditor concerning the transfer of all registration and 8-Cit/~~~~cJ,e~~~ai'" -Šë..¡öñ.""::: :::::::: :::: ~:: :::: ::::::::: 15-City Council, Special Session. """""""""""""""" 15-Central Avenue Merchants, requesting permission to hold a Central Avenue promotion, includ- 22-City :inëo':n~n~~eciaï"šëSšïö;;:"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 214, ~ 22-Claims for the Month of April 1972, proof of publication. .............................................................. 222 22-City o:J:~af~m s~~i:~:f ~ta~P\v:t~r a p~g~t:'~~ Control Commission which is to be executed by the City and by Industry in order to receive :~~~v~~s~~~~~..~.. ~~~~~~~~~~.. ~~.~.. ~~t~~: 22-Celotex Corporation, agreeing to Consent Order from the Iowa Water Pollution Control Com. mission. .................................................................... 3O-City Council, Special Session. """"""""""""""""" 30-City Manager, recommending the transfer of the following Special Assessments Accounts to the Special Assessment Reserve Account to close out inactive accounts. ............................................ 3O-C 0 u~~J G~~ ~nî~7~~ ra p ~:o v '::J. n:~spr 1~ dJ.n ~~~ 3O-City Manager, authorized to execute and file ap- plication with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, to participate in the Comprehensive Planning and Management Pro- gram. ........................................................................ 5-Clty Council, Regnlar Session. .................................. 5-City Manager, notifying John A. Nagle to dis- mantle property and clean up premises located at 109 St. Mary's Street. ........................................ 247, 319 5-City Manager, recommending restriction of park. ing on Asbury Road. ............................................ 248, 307 5-City Manager, recommending the adoption of an ordinance to Establish an Electrical Examin. ing Board, and an ordinance to Establish a complete Electrical Code. ........ ................249, 308, 311 12--City Council, Special Session. ......... 260 158 159 172 175 187 187 188 188 202 213 231 232 236 237 240 242 247 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 12-City Hall, an architectural firm to be hired to determine how existing space can best be used, and restoration of third floor be considered. 12-Canfield Hotel Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 13-Corbett Earl G., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 13-City Council, Special Session. .................................. 18-City Council, Special Session. .................................. 18-Cornerstore, requesting permission to solicit funds. 18-Corson Kent C., appointed to the Dubuque County Commission on Crime and Deliquency. ............ 18-City Auditor, submitting a resolution concerning S. F. 1125 (Fiscal Year Bill). .............................. 18-Coveney William, granted Cigarette Permit. ...... 19-Coates James E., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 22-City Council, Special Session. ....................".......... 28-City Council, Special Session. ...................."............ 28-Cock & Bull; granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 28-Cremer R. J., granted Cigarette Permit. ............,..... 28-Clark Service Station, granted Cigarette Permit. 28-Chalder Florence E., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 28-Clarke College, granted Cigarette Permit. ..".......... 28-Crescent Realty Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 27-City Council-reconvened at 4:30 P.M. .................... 27-Creslanes Bowling, granted Class "c" Beer and Liquor Permit. ........................................................ 3-City Council, Regular Session. ................."............... 3-Cu1~h'~ ~t':.':r~~~t~:g:Á:~~~,:'c~ ~~ <;;~ :.~ vide the City an annual apportionment of $885,245. .................................................................. 3-Claims for the month of May 1972, proof of pub- lication. .................................................................... 3-City Manager, recommending issuance of a permit for Car Wash owned by Sun Oil Company at Pennsylvania Avenue and John F. Kennedy ltoad. ........................................................................ 306, 338 3-City of Dubuque 1971 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project No.1, completed and accepted. ........" 306 3-Council proceedings for the months of March and April 1972, approved as printed. ...................." 306 3-City Engineer, submitting progress report on Water Treatment Facilities and Contract II. 306, 348 3-Cahill Rohert E., granted Cigarette Pernrit. .......... 326 lO-City Council, Special Session. .................."................ 330 10-Cullen Schiltz Associates, receiving award from the American Society of Landscape Architects for construction of Downtown Clock Plaza..... l~ty of Dubuque receiving an award from the American Society of Landscape Architects for construction of Downtown Clock Plaza. ..."..... 17-City Council, Special Session. ..................."............. 17-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Gienwood Court and Creston Street. 17-Colt .45 Drum & Bugle Corps, requesting permis- sion to sell apples. ................................................ 24-City Council, Special Session. .................................... 24-Coffee John P., appointed to the Recreation Com- mission to replace Gerald McAleece. ..........."..... U-City Manager submitting State Auditor's Report of the City for the fiscal year 1971. ............,........... 24-City Manager, recommending restriction of park- ing on south side of East Fifteenth Street be- tween Sycamore and Lynn Streets to two hour parking. .............................. 31-City Council, Special Session. 31-Car Wash to be constructed on J.F.K. ltoad near U.S. #20 and University Avenue. ..........."....... 360, 387 J~ly 7-City Council, Regular Session. """""""""""""""""" 7-County Department of Social Services, supporting proposed Youth Services Bureau. ...................... 7-Citizens Advisory Commission, opposing the bond and insurance requirements for licensing elec- trical contractors as proposed by the Natl. Electrical Contractors Asa'n. """"""""""""""" 7-Claims for the month of June 1972, proof of pub- lication. .................................................................... 7-Canfield Hotel Inc., offer to purchase a portion of the Downtown Urban Renewal land for re- development. ..........................................375, 437, 509, 567 7-CITY OF DUBUQUE SOUTHERN AVENUE WATER MAIN EXTENSION, completed and accepted. .................................................................. 376 7-CENTER GROVE VALLEY SANITARY INTER- CEPTOR SEWER 1972, CONTRACT I, BUD project Number WS-IOWA-99, preliminary plans and specifications. ..........381, 382, 408, 467, 469 7-City Manager, recommending that the CITY, COUNTY and DUBUQUE COMMUNITY and WESTERN DUBUQUE SCHOOL DISTRICTS enter into a cooperative purchase program. 385, 512, 559 14-Üty Council, Special Session. .................................. 3B9 14-City Manager, recommending installation of street light on Brunswick Street. """""""""""""""""" 21-City Council, Special Session. """""""""""""""'"", 21-Council proceedings for the month of May 1972, approved as printed. """""""""""""""""""""" 21-City Manager, ordering Mrs. Byrdena Bader and Mr. Milton J. Bader to dismantle building and clean up premises at 2560 Elm Street. ............ 393, 436 23-City Council, Special Session. """"""""""""""""" 414 23-City Manager, submitting budget recommendation for the fiscal year 1973. ............415, 477, 495, 4-City Council Regular Session. """"""""""""""""" 5-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session. .............. ~ty Assessor, recommending settlement of assess- ment of real estate owned by Fischer Inc., Fischer Realty Co. and Plastic Center, Inc. ...... 5-C1aims for the month of July 1972, proof of publi- cation. ...................................................................... 5-City Solicitor, submitting an amendment for au- thority to issue a Class "B" Beer permit to fi~~~~~" ~~~a~~:':;~~~¡~U~hn.~ssU:~'~~~ti not issue a permit to Mr. Phil Langas. ............ 5-City Auditor, authorized to execute for and in be- half of City an application for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal Financial Assistance under the Disaster Relief Act (Public Law 606, 91st Congress). ........ 11-City Council Special Session. ll-City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Phyllrich Drive, intersection of Phyll- rich and Keystone Drives, Norland Drive and at the intersection of Norland and Keystone Drives. ...................................................................... ll--City Clerk authorized to sign city papers during the absence of the City Manager. 18-City Council, Special Session. ........ 18-"Consent Order," the City Manager authorized and directed to execute a Consent Order with the Iowa Water Pollution Control Commission. 25-City Council, Special Session. Page INDEX -- BOOK 102 SUBJECT 1972 ~~g. 264 270 271 276 2'18 279 282 282 290 280 294 296 297 297 297 297 297 298 300 301 303 303 303 Sept. 330 330 336 338 240 348 348 348 349 359 Page 365 365 366 367 376 389 392 393 496, 497 417 418 418 419 422 428, 478 482 434 434 440 445 447 I 25-Council proceedings for the month of June 1972, approved as printed. .............................................. 25-Claims for the month of Angust 1972, proof of publication. .............................................................. 25-Curtis Straub Company, liability policy. .................... 25-C1in-Que Inc., Notice of Suit. 26-City Council, Special Session. 2-City Council, Regular Session. 3--City Council, Adjourned Regular Session. ............ 3-Catholic Mothers Study Clubs, objecting to the prol'°sal that a fee be charged for use of the pavlllions and shelter houses in the Dubuque Parks. ........................................................................ 3-City Assessor, recommending settlement of real estate assessment of frvin L., Judy A. & Duane C. Koethe for property located at 2100 Rhom- berg Avenue. ........................................................,. 3--City A~~~~~:~"d'~~~':;b~~. ~~:~~M~~~~ 16-Cit/~=.g~ ~=.Y ~:S~:n~..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 18-City Manager, subnritting proposal from Rossiter & Hamm, Architects, covering study and design for renovation of the City Hall. .......................... 473, 528 18-City Solicitor, recommending that an Ordinance adopted on March 21, 1907 vacating and grant- ing use to Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works of a portion of levee property on the north side of the Ice Harbor be repealed. ............................ 477, 502 16-Chalder Florence E., granted Class "C" Beer Per- nrit. ............................................................................ 24-City Council, Special Session. .................................. 24-Claims for the month of September 1972, proof of publication. .............................................................. 24-Clar~ds~::';Sto D:ëp:,,~o~~rtow ~od .:ts.o~~.. ~.o.~: 24-Chase Duane & Marie Sullivan, requesting rezon- ing of property at 1710, 1726 and 1740 Asbury Street from Two Family to Multiple Family Classification. ......."............. 6-City Council, Regular Session. 6-Chamber of Commerce submitting report on the City's 1973 Budget. ................................................ 6-Clty Manager, submitting a list of parcels of real estate consisting of 10 acres or more, which is eligible fe>r taxation as agricultural land. .... 8-Ciccarelli Frank Mrs., appointed to the Board of Zoning Adjnstment. .............................................. 13-City Council, Special Session. .................................... 13-City Hall, remodeling of the 1st. Floor to accomo- date the organization of the Finance Depart- ment. ....................................................................".. 13--City Garage, Invitation for Bids for the vacant City Garage located at 14th and Etm Streets. 517, 559 13--City Manager, subnritting an amendment to the Traffic Code to prohibit parking in downtown allers, except for loading and unloading of vehicles. ......................................................,............. 13-City Solicitor, subnritting an amendment to the Beer Ordinance governing the prohibition of films in taverns. ...................................................... 13--City Manager, requesting permission to execute an Agreement with RUD for the futore expansion of the Water Treatment Plant. 2o-City Council, Special Session. 1972 INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT Oct. Nov. "'.." Page 446 448 448 449 453 459 460 460 461 466 473 464 486 486 487 490 495 496 496 497 515 515 517 518 2o-City Manager, submitting a report concerning com- plaints against the Police Department as re- :~~Yftin": ~n~~t":.t De':,.¿t'::'.~l ~~nJ:~ ~~ suggesting that a Task Force be organized 10 review and report on the handbook. ........532, 542, 549 ~~::g~im~°r:.ci¡heS,;:~~à. S;¡S~~o¡jë¡:"ï¡¡;¡:Cp¡:ööi"Öf 542 publication. .............................................................. 542 27-City l\huager, recommending denial of petition of John V. Meehan for an easement for a drive. way to Lot 2 Eagle Point View. 4-City Council, Regular Session. .......... 4-Clark JlIJIles N., bond. ................................................ ll-City Counci~ Special Session. """""""""""""""" ll--aty Manager, recommending that the property loœted at 1210 Dodge Street, owned by James W. Collins, and property located at 1208 Dodge Street, owned by Marvin Kahle, be dismantled and the premises cleaned up. """"""""""""""" 563, 564 ll-Collins JlIJIles W., ordered to dismantle building and clean up premises at 1210 Dodge Street. 563 ll-City Manager, recommending that O'Connor, Brooks and Companr. be retained to audit Water, Parking Facilities and Sewage Rental Funds, and that the State Auditor audit all other accounts of the City. """"""""""""""""" 564, 578 ll-Carr Laverne P. Mrs., Notice of Claim. """"""""" 566 ll-CJarke College, granted Class UB" Beer Permit. .... 574 18-Cìty Council, Special Session. """""""""""""""""" 577 1B--<:ouncil proceedings for the months of July, Ang- ust and September, approved as printed. ........ 577 18-Culver Congressman, submitting a list of initial revenue sharing payments. """"""""""""""""" 18-City Solicitor, recommending settlement of suit in the amount of $2000 of Joseph James Piluaa against Police Officers of the City of Dubuque. 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 šUBJECT Dec. 524 529 Page 542, 564 549 550 563 563 577 578 INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT 1972 Jan. D 3-Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, appointed of- ficial depository of public funds. ............"........ 3-Dubuque Packing Company, purchase of Lot 3 Riverfront Subdivision No.4 ........................11, 17-Day Robert, appointed to the Advisory Commis- sion. ............................................................................ 17-Dubuque Stone Products Company, liability policy. 17-Dubuque Community School District, requesting vacation of a portion of Johnson Street. .......... ................................................................21, 38, 98, 17-Dubuque Savings & Loan Assn., requesting a curb cut on J.F.K. ltoad for customer traffic. 17-Drake Ursula, granted Class "c" Beer and Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... 17-Dubuque Building, Mr. Sheppley addressed the Council concerning the possibility of the City's occupancy of the building. .................................. 31-Dubuque Homeowners & Landowners Association, requesting an investigation into the actions of Gent Wittenberg and failure to apply for HUD funds. .............................................................. 7-Dubuque Board of Realtors, opposing the Ecumeni. cal Housing Development at Sixth and Locust Streets. """"""""""""""""",,""""""""""""""""" 7-Dougherty Tom Mr. & Mrs., objecting to the Ecu. menical Housing development. ............................ 7-Dubuque County Historical Society, going on rec- ord for the encouragement of the use of City Hall for municipal purposes. .............................. 7-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Company, liability policy. ...................................................................... 14-DanglemeyerLaurine, Notice of Claim. ................ 14-D.A.V. requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Per. mit No. 87. ................................................................ 28-Daughters of Union Veterans Mary Agard Tent #35, requesting permission to hold tag days. 8-D. B. Q. Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ........ 8-Dubuque County Taxpayers Assn., requesting that the Zoning Commission do a complete survey of all non conforming use in regard to size, structures and land use. ...................................... 9-Dubuque Art Association, objecting to billboards and recommending the control of commercial signs. ........................................................................ 8-Dubuque Board of Realtors, subnritting sugges- tions concerning the new proposed zoning ordi- nance, and recommending changes in appoint- ments to Boards and Commissions. .................. 20-Duncan Malachi, replaced on Human Rights Com. nrission by James Collins. .................................... 3-Doty Virginia Mrs., claim denied. ............................ 3-Dubuque Downtown Association, requesting per- mission to sponsor a Garage Sale. .................... 3-Dubuque Shrine Club, requesting permission to conduct a parade. ................................................ 3-Dodge Street Corridor Study, Iowa State High- way Commission asking for additional funds in the amount of $6,988.00. ............153, 320, 3-Deutsch Florance Theodore, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ....................................................."..... 10-Democratic Central Committee, requesting per- mission to conduct a door-to-door candy sale. 17-Dubuque Disposal Co., objecting to proposed amendment to Garbage and Refuse Ordinance. 17-Dungeon Ltd. The, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. Feb. Mar. ~pril ""~ " Page 2 22, 76 18 19 99, 169 22, 38 28 28 37, 65 65 66 67 67 72, 130 76 90 102 104 105 July 106, 139 129 142, 247 147 147 376, 389 155, 373 Aug. 168 174 182 I-Dubuque Symphony Orchestra, requesting special Youth Symphony Orchestra Day. ...................... 1-Daykin Robert, requesting the vacation of alley in rear of 810 So. Grandview Ave. .......................... 193, 236 I-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Class "A" Beer & Liquor Permit. """"""""""""""""""""" 200 15-Dubuque Yacht Basin, endorsing legislation pro- hibiting swimming in boat harbors. .................. 213, 278 15-D. B. Q. Inc., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... 220 22-Dubuque Packing Co., requesting the City to reo linquish easements described in Resolution No. 775-52, known as Lot 1 Block 8 of Dubuque Packing Co. Addition. ....................................230, 264, 317 22-Dubuque Packing Company, agreeing to Consent Order issued by the Iowa Water Pollution Con. . trol Commission. """"""""""""............................ 22-Dubuque Tank' Terminal Company, agreeing to . Co.nseht Order issued by the Iowa. Water Pol- lution Control Commission. '-"""""'................... 5-Dubuque COmhlunity School.District,autborizing the City. to use an undeveloped playgro!llld site for a City.recreation area. ................253, 318, 319 12-Dubuque Packing Company. Retail Store, granted Cigarette Permit.............,....................................... 12-Dunbar Linnie, granted Cigarette Permit. ...,........ 19-Dubuque Tank Terminal Co., supporting the Health Department in its effort to prevent swimming in the Mississippi River. .................................... 19-Dubuque County Comnrission on Crime and De- linquency, appointment of members to the Comnrission. ............................................................ 22-Dubuque County Nursing Home, requesting an ad- ditional access road to and from the Nursing Home ........................................................................ 28-D. A. V. Club, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 28-Dunne William, Granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 28-D. B. Q. Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. .................. 28-Drake Ursula, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 28-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Cigarette Permit....................................................................... 3-Dubuque Youth Services Project, to receive aid from the Dubuque County Mental Health Cen. ter of 15 hours per month of staff time. .......... 3-Donovan Melville E., granted Cigarette Pernrit. .... 3-Dubuque Motor Hotels, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer & Liquor Permit. """""""""""'................... 10-Durrant, Deininger, Dommer, Kramer, Gordon, Architects, receiving award from the American Society of Landscape Architects for construe. tion of Downtown Clock Plaza. ".......................... 230 100Dangiemeyer Carl J., Notice of Claim. .................... 332, 394 10-Dubuque Downtown Business Association, request- ing permission to conduct a "Krazy Day" side. walk sale. """"""""""""""".................................. 17-Dubuque Blacktop Inc., sidewalk bond. .................. 17-Duve Harvey A., Notice of Claim. """"""................ 17-Dubuque Jaycees Inc., granted two Class "B" Beer Permits. ............................................................346, 401, 423 7-Duffy Chris et aI., requesting the City to endorse and support the Youth of Dubuque by means of a Service Bureau. """"""""""""...................... 7-Dorweiler Delos, proposing that the City Attorney . help him in taking legal action against Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, forcing them to install a storm sewer. 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT May June Page 182 200 232 232 270 271 278 281 294 287 297 297 298 298 303 326 328 334 338 339 385 368 ". 1972 Sept. INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT Oct. 7-Dubuque Building and Construction Trades Coun- cil, requesting a meeting with the City Council. 7-D. A. V. Fighting Back Chapter No.6, requesting permission to have a tag day. ................"........ 21-Dubuque Downtown Plaza, Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15, amendment of Resolution No. 274- 70 to correct a City Lot number to read 224B rather than 244B. .................................................. 5-Dorweiler Delos, reqnestlng denial of petition to rezone property located hetween Foothillltoad and Hillcrest west of Kennedy Road from Multiple Residence to Business DIstrict. Classi- fication. .................................................................... 5-Dillon Pat et. aI., requestIng inst8llatlon of a street light on Greenfield Street. ......."............. 5-Disaster Relief Act, City Auditor authorized to execute aDd file application for the City for purpose of obtainlDg Federal financial assistance. ll-Democratic Club of Dubuque County, opposing the north-south freeway plan. .............................. ll-1JreeaeDs Priseill8 E., Notice of ClaIm. ........"........ 18-Dubuque Board of Realtors, urging the CIty Coun- ~~~ t~oðt~a:o~a~u:' u:,~ f:"u&::=. ~"'.~ 18-Dubuque Piping Contractors AssD. Inc., wishing to be reeogmzed as an organization and to he represented on any City Committee. ..........,..... 18-De"t:""';~~e~:a':' ~'~III/~Ùe;r~:«~~~~ Headquarters. .......................................................... 18-Dor~t\:[""rão~f ~~~~~ffnk~~"L~ ~~e~~ classification to Business "B" elassifieation. .... 25-Dubuque Automobile Club, presenting the City wtth a Pedestrian Safety Plaque. ................."..... 25-Dimmer Paul M. & Lyle J., sidewalk bond. ............ 25-Denman James R., Notice of ClaIm. ........................ 25-Dubuque Jaycees, requesting permission to eon- duet their annual HolIC)I sale. ............................ 3-DUb~~~~~~ ~;.~~~~' ~::r';,~~~ns:::;nUo; storm sewer in Lot 2 of 2 of River Front Subdivision No.4. ................................................ 3-Dittmar Rudy, granted CIgarette Pernrit. ..........."... 18-DUb~~~e ':.ic~~~~e;:":~'J:;\~e~!.tu:,~t~= 16th & 17th Streets. ............................................ 18- Dub ~1 uð i t~~ li~ ~~ t W 8~'¡a~:':;:: ti ~ ~ March 21, 1907 purporting to vacate and grant the use of a ¡ortion of levee property on the North side 0 Ice Harbor he repealed. ............ 18-Disaster Declaration of September 26, 1972, for ~~'¡¡~~ D?:'~~~Ner".f~f."~. ~~.~.~. ~.~ 8-Dis~et ';'~~f o~:>,~u~~'ki~:n?:ral .~~.~~~~.~ 8-Dubuque Association of Blind, requesting permis- sion to conduct candy sales. .............................. 2O-Dubnque County Historical Society, requesting favorable consideration shown to Robert Sulli- 1~~ °'io~:'t\~~fo~. .~.~~~.~~~.. ~~.. ~.~~~.~~. .a.t 27-Downey James M., Notice of Claim. Nov. .s'" Pa,e INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 4-Davis James C., appointed to the Plumbing Board. 11-Durrant-Deininger-Dommer-Kramer--Gordon, Archi- tects, A¡¡reement with the City in eonnection with deSlgn for a Joint County-City Law En. forcement Center. .................................................. lS-Dorweiler DeIOW relative to the rezoning of his r~;~i~: 2 ".;':c~:re S&~fl~~I::n~~~: 3--34. ........................................................................ IS-Duggan John et. a!., requesting extension of sani- tary sewer in the vicinity of Kelly Lane area. 1972 Dec. 368 372 410 421 424, 434 428 433 435, 474 440 441 441 443 446 446 440, 516 449, 474 467 470 473, 498 477, 502 478 499 1105 536 544 Page 550 569, 564 579 583 E Jan. 31-Ecumenical Housing Inc., communications endors- ing and opposing the proposed construction of housing units for the elderly in Downtown Dubuque. ....................................................37, 38, ,64, 66 Feb. 7-Ecumenica1 Housing Inc., offer to purchase Urban Renewal property at 6th & Locust Streets to be used for construction of an eight story apartment building ..........................................63, 67, 582 Mar. 8-Erschen Alice H., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit ..........................."......................................... 103, 192 " 8-Environmental Coordinating Organization of Du- buque, pointing out deficiencies in the pro- posed zoning ordinance .........................."............ 106, 215 April l~Eska Companr, authorized to construct an Identi- " 17-En/=~ ~:Ftï";"örëïäiiii":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 172, ~ " 17-Esser Brenda, objecting to proposed amendment of Refuse Ordinance ......................................"...... May I-Edwards Construction Company, Sidewalk Bond " 22-Even Joseph J., expressing intent of quitting Taxi- cab business ..................................231, 251, 285, 280, 336 June 5-Electrical Code, recommendation of the Dubuque Code Committee that the local electrical code be revised and that the 1971 National Electri- cal Code be adopted ..............................249, 250, 12-Eagle Food Stores, granted three Cigarette Permits 18-Eagles Club, granted Cigarette Permit ........."......... 18-Eichhorn Lester & Marie, granted Cigarette Permit 28-Elks Club, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... July 3-Erschen Alice, granted Cigarette Permit ................ " 3-Ellis Victoria, granted Cigarette Pernrit .................. l7-Ehlers Donald H., appointed to the Board of Elec- trical Examiners ....................................."............. 17-Ellis Merwyn, appointed to the Electrical Board of Appeal................................................................ 24-ELECTION on the proposition of issuing bonds to the amount of $195,000 for a JOINT COUNTY- CITY LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER BUILD- ING ..................................353, 355, 356, 361, 362, 367, 414 Aug. 21-Eichman Damaris et. aI., supporting bike-ways for the City of Dubuque ............................."............. Sept. 11-Eberhardt Au1een C., suggesting that the freeway be routed around rather than through the City of Dubuque ..............."............................................. 18-Engling Pat, appointed to the Youth Services Council ...................................................................... 18-Ernst Ellen, appointed to the Youth Services Council ................................................."................... Oct. 18-Ellsworth for Congress Committee, requesting per- mission to have a meet the people coffee at the Town Clock Plaza Fountain ........................ Nov. 2~Ecumenical Housing Inc., Dismissal of Suit .......... 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT Page INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT F 3-Frommelt Leo F., appointed City Clerk for the ensuing fiscal year ................................................ 3-First National Bank, appointed official depository of public funds ...................................................... t::~i~:li ~ ~~::'n~{, ~¡;iH:;~¿~~o~.~~..:::::::::::::::::: 17-Furuseth Leslie, appointed to the Dock Commission 17-Fire Department Headquarters Building at Ninth & Central Avenue, complete and accepted """ 31-Fluhr Carl, Notice of Claim by State Automobile & Casualty Underwriters ...................................... 31-Fischer Marion, Notice of Claim """"""""""""""" Feb. 7-Fens Adele M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit "" 7-Fransen William P., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit ........................................................ 28-Fleege David, Notice of Claim .................................... 28-First Congregational Church, requesting permis- sion to construct a 6" high curb in alley right of way...................................................................... Mar. 8-Frommelt Industries, offer to purchase land on Industrial Island ..............................................95, " 8-Fischer & Co. Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit " 8-Fraternal Order of Eagles #568, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit .......................................... April 3-Ford Mary Kathryn, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit ........................................................ l~Farr Clara Markey, complaining of pigeon nuisance on Bluff Street """"""""""""""""""" l~Frommelt Bldg. Corp., authorized to construct a Flag Pole .................................................................. l~Fraternal Order of Eagles requesting refund on Class "ß" Beer Permit No. 67 ... May I-Flynn Company Inc., liability policy June 12-Furry Dale J., SetUement of Suit """"""""""""""', " 12-Fritz Beulah E., granted Cigarette Permit """"""" 12-Fis~e~:'swY~,1 ~~e':i. ß~n,,~: p~~~t~~...~~~~~ 12-Fcrring Theodore J., granted Cigarette Permit .... 12-Felderman Laverne, granted Cigarette Permit .... 12-Fettgather Ramona, granted Cigarette Permit & Class "c" Beer & Liquor Pernrit """""""""""" 271, 272 18-Freymann Donald W., appointed to Dubuque County Commission on Crime and Delinquency 18-Ford Mary Kathryn, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 18-Fotos George, granted Cigarette Permit """""""" 18-Ferch Denny, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 18-Friederick Carl, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 18-Fries Cyril J., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 28-Fens Adele Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 28-Fransen William P., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 28-Fenelon Patrick, granted Cigarette Pernrit """""" 26-Friedman Leona R., granted Cigarette Permit """" 28-Fink Milton F., granted Cigarette Pernrit """"""" 28-Fess Roger L., granted Cigarette Permit """"""" 3-Fence heights, recommendation of Planning & Zoning Commission to increase height of rear yard fences from five feet to eight feet .......... 3-Franchise Realty Interstate Corporation, (Mc- Donald's Corp.), offer to purchase a parcel of real estate in Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15 ............................................321, 374, 411 3-Five Flags Civic Center, endorsement by the f~~ p~~~;i:lr:db;cr~~t~~:'; f~~ \t~ ~s~liJl a'¡ citizens ..............................................................324, 330, 376 1972 Page Jan. 2 5 5 18 24 40 40 69 70 87 175 188 90, 144 307, 311 270 290 290 287 326 326 336 122, 176 102, 340 103, 168 155 158 336 165 168 188 261 270 392 270, 272 270 270 432 446 282 290 290 290, 423 290 290 297 297 297 297 297 297 446 476 532 July 305 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 šUBÆëT 10--Flynn Thomas, replaced on Planning & Zoning CommiSsion by Lester J. Pthart .........,..........".. 17-Fischer Investment ComplUlY, sidewalk bond ...... 17-Firo Filhters Association, requesting permission to address the Council coneeming working conditions ................................................................ 7-First National Bank, request to rezone property at 22nd and Jackson to BUsil1esa District classificatiol1 approved by the Planning & ZOZIil1g ComIIllssiOl1 ........................................367, 14-Finzel carl )trs., objecting to cement posts con- struoted in Flora Park to prevent thru traffic 5-Fischer, Inc., Fischer Realty Co. and Plastic Cen- ter, II1e., settlement of protest of ossessment of real estate .......................................................... 5-Friedman Leona R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................................................................... 11--F1lerst Richard & Sbirley, requesting vacation al1d conveyanee of an alloy in re8I' of 1895 ltoo.seve1t Street ..............................................435, 11-Ferring Theodore J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................................................................... 18-FREEWAY 561, PrOposed Corridor Location for Dubuque County, petitlol1s for and against the proposed location ..432, 440, 447, 460, J167, 4'13, 18-Forslund E. D., Notice of Claim ........................442, 3-Fries Cyril John, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit ...................................................................... 18-Fransen William P. at. aI., objecting to proposed Couler Valley freeway.......................................... 18-Fondell & Sens, reqnest!ng permission to e"cavate in Kennedy Road for water connection for Dubnq... Savinis & Loan Association .............. 18-Finley Hospital, requesting relOning of property in Boxieitar's Sub. of Caroline Boxleiters SUb. ~t~~~afr~:ff~d~r:S:i a;:o ~~llyHfom~~: _Fon~~~l ~e;.c; R~~~q~=~.;~~n"'tö excavate in E. S2nd Street betweatl Jackson Street and the railroad viaduct ................."..... t:~~c't:'.~~ t'::an,:.~~ù:~r'fo "CöMï¡:;;~i a dock ex_on at 200 Eost 7th Street .......... &-Fleckenstein Ray, ¡¡ranted Cigarette Pernrit .......... 13-Fekierman Laverne G. ¡ranted Class "C" Beer Permit ...................................................................... Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Page 335 338 S4O 390, 422 388 418 429 446, 498 437 497, 561 465, 516 471 473 475 476, 566 490 501, 565 504 510 525 July ^;!'g. S~pt. 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT G 31-General Fund, transfer of monies to the Sani- tation Fund, Tort Liability Fund and Trust and Agency Fund """"""""""""""""""""""""" 31-Gordon Lorraine, requesting refund on Class "c" Liquor Permit No. 2137 """""""""""""" 7-Gotz W. M., opposing the Ecumenical Housing development ............................................................ 7-Goodmann Dominic, bond """""""""""""""""""""" 13-Garhage and Refuse ordinance presented and re- ferred to a future meeting ................................ 112, 172 3-Giesler Elizabeth et. aI., urging a ban on X rated films """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" l~rant Company, W. T., Dismissal Without Preju- dice of Suit against CIty...................................... 1-Grutz Clarence (Barney), sidewalk bond ................ 1-Gantert Harry N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 3~randview Avenue Sanitary Sewer, connecting the Marycrest Subdivision to the Kaufmann Ave. nue Sanitary Sewer, completed and accepted 5-Gantert Harry N., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 12-Giese Sheet Metal Co., requesting a refund on an airconditioning permit. """""""""""""""""""" 12-Œese Sheet Metal Co., requesting permission to g>:~~ a1:.:~.:':n~it!&~~~e~tc:~:~~...~.f..~ 264, 316 19-Giunta Marco, requesting refund on Liquor Permit No. C-4520 """""""""""""""""""""""', ll1-George Frank & John, granted Cigarette Permit 18-Glynn John F., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 18-Grandview Avenue Drng Store, granted Cigarette Permit """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ~t]~~~~~ ~~: r.::¡:~ g~=¡: ~:~¡ :::::::::::::: 18-Glynn John J., granted Cigarette Pernrit .............. 22-Gregory Lou Ann by Leonard Gregory, Notice of Suit """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 28-Ginter Donna, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 26-Giunta Marco, granted Cigarette Permit """"""""" 26-Gordon Lorraine, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 28-Grant Raphael William, granted Cigarette Permit l~oerdt Construction Companr, receiving award from the American SoCIety of Landscape Architects for construction of the Downtown Clock Plaza """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 17-Glenwood Court and Creston Street, installation of street lights recommended """""""""""""" 31-G. M. & M . Company, requesting rezoning ap- proval to develop 38 acres lying north of 32nd and east of Kennedy ltoad "..................,........... 7-Grimm Ray, Notice of Claim .............................."...... 7-Ginter Donna, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 21-Gerhard Henry et. aI., objecting to grant a Class "B" Beer permit to Phil Langas """""""""""" 21-Germaine Gary, requesting permission to con- duct an art fair in the 1700 block of Central Avenue """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5-Goerdt Excavating, sidewalk bond ............................ 5-Grabow Ralph J., granted Class "c" Beer Permit 11-Greenfield Street, installation of a street light recommended .......................................................... 434 ll-Grabow Mary Kathryn, Notice of Claim .................. 435, 516 18-Gen~~~~Ja~~a:s. C~~:~~, :e~:' of Claim on Page Jan. Feb. 41 42 Mar. 65 67 April ~..y 140 160 189 199, 333 242 June 256 283 280 290 290 290 290 290 290 294 297 297 297 287 380 338 380, 462 369 286 400 400 419 429 442 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 18-Goerdt Merl F. and Margaret E., requesting an- nexation of property fronting Sheridan and Peru ltoads, and rezoning to allow a mobile home park development .................................... 18-Greteman N.J., submitting resignation as member of Fire and Police Pension Boards .................... 24-Grant James W., appointed to the Low Rent Housing Commission .........."................................ 8-Glynn John F., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit ...................................................................... 13-GARAGE, Lease and Invitation for Bids for the vacant City Garage located at 14th and Elm Streets ...................................................................... 27-Grant Raphael William, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit """""""""",,""""""""""""""" 4--Glynn Beverly A., granted Class "c" Beer &Liquor Permit ..........................".......................................... 4-Gordon Lorraine, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Pernrit Oct. Nov. Dec. Page 443, 531 473, 548 487, 513 511 517 547 580 580 April 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT Page Jan. H 3-Hird Gerald, bond ........................................................ 3-Hutchinson Greg Stephen, claim denied """""""" 3-Hutter Ethel L., settlement of suit .......................... 3-Herbst John J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 102 ...................................................... 3-Holiday Oil Distr. Inc., granted Cigarette Permit 17-Honkamp Arnold, presenting gavel to Mayor Moldenhauer ............................................................ 17-Hummel 'Yilliam G., ad~isin¡¡ Council of danger- , ous s1iV1tch crossmg at RaIlroad Avenue ,......... 17-Hardie A!lvertisin¡¡ fnc., requesting a refund , . on a SJ.gll I?"rmlt .........................................,.......... J7-Holiday Oil DIStributing Inc., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 93 ........,........... 17-Heiderscheit John J., granted Class "c" Beer Permit ...................................................................... 31-Herr King, submitting resignation from the Low Rent Housing Commission """"""""""""""""" 31-I;/uebsch Oscar G., Notice of Claim .......................... 31-Heiderscheit John, requesting consideration on application for hooking up to City sewer and water coI1l!ections """""""""""'......................... 42, 90 31-Hirsch John R., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""", 60, 112 31-Hynes Mary Loretta, conveyance of Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Newman Cooper & SmYth's Subdivision of the north part of Outlot 695 to the City of Dubuque """"""...............................,...................... 7-Harkey Raymond, Notice of Claim ........................ 7-H & S 76 Service, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 14--H. R. W. requesting rezoning of Lot 2 PiCardy Park from Single Family to Multiple Family classification ..............................................:.,.....:..... 76, 141 21-Henschel Richard C., objecting to removal of pro- fessional office zoning classification of his property at 4th & Bluff Streets .......................... 28-Hoff Laverne 8., Notice of Claim ............................ 8-Humke Robert et. aI., relative to housing and ownership of dogs .................................................. 13-Heiderscheit John, requesting that his applica. tion for annexation be withdrawn .................... 13-Health Departments of City and County, in- vestigation of merits of merging the City and the County Health Agencies """"""""""" 108, 134 13-Holiday Oil Distributing Inc., requesting refund on Class "C" Liquor Permit No. 6628 .............. 2O--Heitzman Construction Co., sidewalk bond ............ 3-Heston Olivia Mrs., settlement of claim ',"""""" 3-Horizon West Subdivision, approval of plat of Lots 1 thru 9 of Block 4 .................................... 147, 148 10-Husemann Louis, sidewalk bond .............................. 159 10-Hansen Construction Co. Inc., sidewalk bond ...... 159 lO-Hanley Mona et. al., requesting Council to grant Mercy Medical Center's request to permit construction of an apothecary within a doctors office building .........."............................................ 10-H. R. W. Associates requesting rezoning of Lot A Block 22 in Key Knolls Subdivision from Multiple to Local Business "B" Classifi- cation ................................................................168, 189, 214 10-Hasler Lucile, Edwin & Cecelia, delivery of deed to Lot 2, Block 5 of "Downtown Plaza" to the City of Dubuque .............................................,...... 17-HumkeRobert, objecting to the proposed amend- . ment of the Refuse Ordinance ................... 5 5 6 9 14 18 18 21 22 27 38 39 Feb. 61 68, 110 89 Mar. 84, 104 66, 130 104 108 112 130 142 162 170 175 17-Hentges Dorothy R., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit ........................................................ I-Heinz Albert, granted Cigarette Permit ..........,..... I-Hall John F., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit ...................................................................... 22-Haye ltose Mrs. settlement of claim ........................ 30-Hall Maurice et. aI., requesting vacation of alley located on the west side of Concord Street 240, 304, 359 30-Hager Joseph Mrs., settlement of claim .................. 241 5-Henschel Richard C., Agreement with the City of Dubuque and the Dubuque Community Sehool District for. piece of property to be used for a playground area ..................................253, 254, 318 12-Hingtgen Lavern N., Notice of Claim ......".......... 261, 419 12-Hartig Drug Company, granted four Cigarette Permits .................................................................... 12-Hall John F., granted Cigarette Permit ......".......... 12-Heiderscheit John J., granted Cigarette Permit .... 12-Hanson Arsenius A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................................271, 429, 567 18-Hunt George R., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 290 18-Holiday Inn Motel, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 290 I8-Hentges Dorothy R., granted Cigarette Permit .... 290 18-Heinz Albert, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 290 I8-Holiday Oil Distr., Inc., granted Cigarette Permits 291 18-Herman Curtis et. al., objecting to an existing nuisance at the Laundromat at 27th & Jackson Streets ...................................................................... 22-Heidenreich William F. et. aI., objecting to the odor emanating from the Sewage Diposal Plant 22-H. R. W. Associates, requesting rezoning of Block 19 in Key Knolls Subdivision to Class "B" Commercial classification ...................."............ 294, 421 28-Haberger Anthony & Gary Stewart, granted Cigarette Permit .................................................. 28-Hanson Arseinus, granted Cigarette Permit .."...... 28-Helling Anthony, granted Cigarette pernrit .......... 28-Hancock William. granted Cigarette Permit .......... 3-Hanteimann Richard J., granted Cigarette Permit ...................................................................... 3-Hennen LaVerne, granted Cigarette Pernrit .......... 3-Hirsch Carl, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 10-Hillard Richard T., granted Cigarette Permit ...... 17-Hig1Mec~~~in~~~:;'d~dt~f l:~:1 ~~ 17-Henschel Richard C., appointed to the Electrical Board of Appeal.................................................... 24-Haur::p:rJ~g ~~~~e a~ ¡:,,~ ~!r~o,;~e~...~~.t: 24-Hirsch John R., granted CIgarette Permit .............. 31-Hosch Loras Mrs., Notice of Claim ......".................. 7-Hughes Harold Senator, commending the City on efforts toward a Youth Services Bureau. ........ 365 14-Helling JOIICph P., Notice of Claim. ......................" 389, 420 14-Heidenreich William Mrs., requesting donation of City trucks to assist in newspaper recycling drive. .......................................................................... 389, 461 21-Hickey Joseph P. by Frank Hickey his father, Notice of Claim. .................................................. 5-Hartman Construction Co., sidewalk bond. ............ 5-Hempstead High School, requesting pernrission to hold a homeconring parade. ........................"........ ll-Hillery Jean, appealing for legislation covering bicycle paths. ................".....................................'" ll-Har~~e c~:~"c/~~i~: ~~ 'IIÌ:~ .:fo~~l~r.mJg~ ~~ the Urban Renewal Area. .................................... 435, 450 1972 INDEX-BOOK 102 -šUÏ3JECT ~~y June July Aug. S~pt. Page 182 199 200 222 270 270 270 292 294 297 297, 567 297 297 Dec. 18-Hames Myron, Notice of Claim. """""............."......... 18-Healy Paul, appointed to the Youth Services Council. .................................................................... 18-Humke ltobert, appointed to the Youth Services Council. .................................................................... 25-Hiebel Joseph C., urging the Council to vote favorably on the proposed Freeway. """"""""" 3-Halloween Parade scheduled for October 30, 1972. 3-Holiday Oil Distrihuting, Inc., granted five Class "C" Beer Permits. """""""""""""""""""""""" 3-Helling Anthony A. & Betty 0., granted Class "B" Beer & Liquor Permit. """""""""""""""" 18-Herrig ltonald, member of Governor's Committee on employment of handicapped, requesting amendment of building code to accomodate Physi~ handicapped. """""""""""""""""""" 24- Hill~: .:~~ e~~ c¡r e~~:¡;s~~l".~.~~~.~.. .~~ 8-Hammer Lisa et. al. objecting to Halloween trick or treating during daylight hours only. .......... 6-Heitzman Herb requesting vacation of an alley from Cberry Street to alley between Cherry and Green Streets. """"""""""""""""""""""" 505, 531 13-Haas Ronald J., granted Cigarette and Class "C" 13---Harti~~ ~::~'?";"'iëd"fÖ¡;:¡:"CiiiS;""""c;; 525, 526 Beer Pernrits. .......................................................... 525 2O-Hayes Vincent J., Notice of Claim. .......................... 533, 550 27-Hindley Linda M. et. aI., requesting that Lorimer Street be changed to St. George Street. .......... 545 27-Henschel Richard C. and Mildred L., approval of Plat of Block 7 "Thomas Farm Addition." ........ 27-Hantelmann Richard J., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. .................................................. 4-Hird Gerald, bond. ...................................................... ll-H. R. W. Associates, requesting rezoning of Lot 22 in Key Knolls Subdivision from Multiple Resi. dence to Local Business "A" classification. .... 18-Hazlet Kenneth K. Dr., subnritting a detailed list of accomplishments of Health Department. .... 18-Health Administrator, advising that local mortuary establishments meet and exceed the State Standards relative to backflow contamination to City water distribution. """"""""""'""""", 18-Hartig Kenneth A., certificate of completion for improvement in Downtown Urban Renewal Area. .......................................................................... 18-Heiderscheit John J., granted Class "c" Beer Permit. ...................................................................... 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 326 326 327 334, 553 336 336 346 357 360, 464 395, 420 419 4M 432 Oct. Nov. Page 443 446 446 447 466 470 471 473 491 505 545 547 550 567 576 576 586 591 I Jan. 17-Iowa State Department of Health, approving sani- tary and functional features of Water Main Extensions of ltockdale ltoad and Southern Avenue, West 32nd Street & John F. Kennedy ltoad, Highway No. 20, and 28th Street. ..".... 17-Iowa State Department of Pnblie Instructions, urg- ing the City to offer meals to needy children during the summer programs as is done dur- ing the school year. ......................................,....... Feb. 14-Ingles Ronald and Agnes Ingles, sèttlement of suit. Mar. 13-Intergovernmental Fiscal Cooperation Act, request of the Council that the Act be amended so as w'include all municipal corporations............... 124, 187 April 3-Iowa..crIn1eConnni$Sion, City Manager authOrized to Oxecü\e. and .file ~pplications with the Com. nrisslon for Grants Under the Omnibus crIn1e Control' and Safe Streets Act. .......................... 3-Iowa State Highway COllunission, Agreement with the Cit)' of Dubuque for the improvement of Highway No. 20 with 6" stabi1ized shoulders. 3-;-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing Permit No. 72-59-S for Waste Water Treatment Facili- ties Phase n. 153, 154, 231, 265, 348, 383, 409, 445, 497 3-IOW~~~~te ~~;alorC~~:è ~:"tti~~~~~; Study. ........................................................153, 320, 376, 389 10--Iowa Supreme Court, subnritting Supplemental OpiniOn, and showing, the boundaries of the LegislatIve Districts established by the Court, based on the cumulative list of revisions in April 1, 1970 Iowa Census. ................................ I-Iowa State Office of Citizens' Aide, newly created office by Statute. ..0.."""""""""""""""""""""'" 22-Iowa State Water pollution Control Connnission, subnritting Consent Order to be executed by the City and certain local industries. ......231, 232, 265 22-Inland Molasses Company Drying Plant, agreeing to Consent Order from the Iowa Water Poilu. tion Control Commission. .................................. June 12-Iowa Liquor Control Comnrission, advising the City that the State has allowed appropriations for remodeling of stores, but has no funds for new stores or facilities ........................................ 18-Iowa League of Municipalities,' advising of their annual meeting. .................................................... 3-Iowa State Highwar Commission, submitting Agreement for PrImary ltoad Extension Main- tenance from June 1, 1972 to June 30, 1973. .... 3-Iowa Chapter of National Electrical Contractors Ass'n Inc., commendin~ Code Committee on adoption of new Electrical Ordinance. ............ 10--Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit for the Center Grove Valley Interceptor Sewer. 10--Iowa Commission for the Blind, granted Cigarette Pernrit. ...................................................................... 17-Dlinois Central Railroad Company, Agreement with the City for the construction and maintenance of a sixteen inch water main on Railroad property. .................................................................. Aug. 14-Iowa State Highway Commission, subnritting a Utilities Accomodation Permit in connection with a proposed water line along Highway. 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJEëT III I, II May July ",",.. Page 18 19 72 151 152 158 187 232 274 278 303 307 331 334 345 388 ------ 1972 INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT Page Sept. 5-Ingles ltoy V., Notice of Claim. ................................ 421, 499 " ll-Israeli Government, expression of sympathy by the ~~et;~u~.~.~...~~...~~~...~~~~~...~~...~~~...~~~~.~~~ 438, 529 18-Iow~:'ta~c~~~w~1 5~~~¿~ A ~%~seJu;:~~ County, petitions for and against. ....432, 440, 447, 460 18-Iowa Water Pollution Control Comnrission, serving the City with a "Consent Order," placing the City under penalty of law concerning the dis- charge of lime sludge from the municipal water plant to the Mississippi River. ................ 445, 524 Nov. 8-Iow~fSlr.~ ~~:r[.r~efh:u~!~l~~~~'h~~b~Ss= as possible. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " 13-IOw~a~"nf'l'u~dfo'::'.\ ~~a~;;~h~r"~~O~::'\ sMti Feeder Main Extension and Water Plant Mod- ernization. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Dec. ll-Iowa State Auditor to audit City for the year 1972. " ll-lilinois Central Gulf Railroad, Easement Agree- ment with the City for the installation of an underground sanitary sewer. .............................. 18-Iowa State Comptroller, submitting instructions for Revenue Sharing Funds. .................................... 18-Iowa State Highway Commission, requesting "Loca- tion and Desi¡¡n" approval from the Federal Highway Admmistration for TOPICS Project at intersections of Ninth at Bluff and Tenth at Bluff Streets. .................................................... 587, 588 496 515 564 572 577 J Jan. 3-Justmann C. Robert, sworn in as Councilman. " 17-Jones Jack, liability policy. ........................................ " 31-Johnson Street and alley extending from 2100 block of Jolmson Street northeasterly to Lots 60 and 81 in Cook's Addition, vacation recom- mended by the Planning & Zoning Comnrission as requested by Dubuque Community School District. .........................................."..........38, 98, 99, 169 April 3-Justmann Councitman, reqnesting a progress re- r~~t C~::'blfn'J,~leOf~W;'c~J~W1rn.~I:{;"~t;Vi~~: 17-Jahn Robert J., Notice of Clalm. ............"............" May 15-Janlin Plastic Inc., Notice of Suit. ..............."......... " 15-Jansen Street Sanitary Sewer, certification of cost by Dan & Eileen Atchison. ............".................... 217, 218 June 13-Jones Janet, appointed to the Advisory Commis- sion. .......................................................................... 13-Julien Dubuque, communication of Mrs. Yolande A. ltoux discussing the possibility of erecting a monument in Quebec, Canada, honoring the founder of Dubuque. ............................................ 13-Jotham William R., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 19-Juergens Mary C., appointed to Dubuque County Commission on Crime and Delinquency. ....".... 19-JoOO F. Kennedy Road and Pennsylvania Avenue, 1972 Traffic Signal Project, prelinrinary plans and specifications. ................................................ 284, 285 3-Justmann Councilman, recommending that Electri- cal Board members shall serve four rather than six years. .............................................."........ 3-JoOOson Clara L., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 17-Jewell Dorothy, requesting refund on unused restaurant license. ................................................ Aug. 7-Justmann Councitman, presenting a "critique" on the Youth Services Bureau. ................................ Sept. 25-Juergens Mary, urging Council approval of the pro- posed Freeway. ...................................................... Oct. 3-Justmann Councitman, subnritting a resolution to the effect that the Council goes on record declaring that the Couler Valley freeway shall not disturb residents of that area. ...................... Nov. 8-Jotham William R., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ....................."................................. 20--Jordan Harriet J., petition for suspension or re- nrission of taxes on Lot 55 Littleton & Sawyer's Addn. ........................................................................ Dec. ~ohnson Clara L., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. II Iii Iii 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUiiJECT July Oct. '" " Page INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT K 3-Key City Bank & Trust Company, appointed of. ficial depository of public funds. """"""""""" 3-Kaiser Vincent J., resignation as member of the Dock Comnrission. """"""""""""""""""""""""" 3-Kies Donald, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit.................................................".................... 3-Kachevas James P., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. ........................................................ 17-Kemp Bros. Trucking, claim against H & R Wreck- ing Company to be paid by Urhan Renewal. 17-Kennedy Mall Inc., agreement with the City of Dubuque for location, installation and Main. tenance of a Civil Defense Warning Siren. .... 25, 283 17 -Kar~~~~gm=~~~h:::'::r u~{,.~eR~~;w~f land. .......................................................................... 31-KaPKï:rn~':n. o~~.~~~..~~..t~~..~":"..C.ti~~...~~.':..':"..i~~ 31-Kunkel Alberta, settlement of suit. ........................ 31-Klauer Robert & Uvija, Notice of Suit. ................ 31-Kluesner Diane C., appointed Deputy Clerk of Municipal Court. """"""""""""""""""""""""" Feb. 14--IDrchberg Gerald, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'""", " 28-Kennedy Mall, ltomac and the City Assessor, agreed stipulation concerning real estate tax assessment. .............................................................. Mar. 8-Koenig Clarence et. al., ohjectiog to general pro. visions of Sec. 4 of the proposed zoning ordi- nance. ........................................................................ 13-Kreiman Melvin L. & Leonette, granted Class "c" Beer and U!\uor Permit. ...........,..................124, 333, 423 15-Key A~~I}:lo~~b~~~0~ío~~P~1~,:1 ao:l~l~gf ~~o~ Key Knolls. ............................................................ April 3-Kamm ltodney L., reporting on recycling project on non.returnable ¡¡lass. .................................... 3-Krieger Ruthven J., NotIce of Claim. ...................... 10-Kortmeyer Marcia M., Notice of Claim. .................. 10-KeY~¡~:t ~1~e':,ti~i~~Y~~YSlg".:'.t~~~~.~...t.o....~~: 17-Knights of Columbus Council 510, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ........ I-Kluck M. P. & Sons, liability policy. I-Key Knolls Subdivision, denial of request to re- zone Lot A of Block 22 from Multiple to Local Business "B" classification. """""""""""""""" 189, 214 8-Klett Fred and Katie Klett, Correction of Warranty Deed covering real estate acquired for Airport purposes. .................................................................. 210 15-KarIgan Gust & Pete Sfikas, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .......................................................... 220, 423 22-Konzen Arthur, requesting a permit to operate a limousine service between the City and the 22-Key~~~ci~\a~rpè'~päöÿ:"'äg¡:ëë¡;;g"'iö"'ëöñsëi1i 231, 328 Order from the Iowa Water Pollution Control Commission. ............................................................ June 5-KDTH requesting permission to reschedule a dance at D. B & T. parking lot. ...................................... 5-Krajnovlch Elizabeth, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Pernrit. ..............................................".... 12-Kolck Richard, appointed to the Police-Fire Pen- sion & Retirement Board. 1972 pa¡e 1 19 Jan. 15 15 21 141 172, 248 214 280 28 39 39 41 260 270 282 60 80 84 308 326 340 105 126 365 447 139, 213 143, 280 161 166 467 182 188 511 May 529 561 210 233 250 258 260 I ¡I'IIII 1972 INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT Page J~ly 12-Kelly Francis, appointed to the Advisory Com. mission. .................................................................... 12-Kunnert Walter J., requesting a refund on Class "B" Beer Pernrit No. 630. ........."..................... 12-Krajnovich Elizabeth, granted Cigarette Permit. 12-Kroeger Jeanette M., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 12-Kopple Harry, granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 12-Kreiman Melvin L. & Leonetta, granted Cigarette Permit. ...................................................................... 271, 372 18-Kilby Jean, appointed to Dubuque County Com. mission on Crime and Delinquency. ................ 18-Kanavas Theodore G., granted Cigarette Permit. 18-Kies Donald, granted Cigarette Permit. ................ 18-Klauer James & Robert, granted Cigarette Permit. 19-K-Mart, granted Cigarette Permit. ...."...................... 19-Knights of Columbus, granted Cigarette Permit. 18-Koeller Duane, granted Cigarette Pernrit. .............. 18-Kretz Ernest J., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 18-Kanavas Theodore G., granted Cigarette Permit. 291, 28-K1auer Robert, granted Cigarette Pernrit. ............ 28-Kachevas James, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 28-Kelly Robert P., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 3-Kehl Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 3-Kirchberg Gerald Clarence, granted Cigarette Per- mit. ............................................................................ 3-Kopp Eugene L., granted Cigarette Permit. .."...... 17-Key City Investment Company, Ryan Consruction and City of Dubuque, Agreement to grant curb cuts to serve the Zayre Store. ......................"...... 17-Kennedy Road Sanitary Sewer, from Spring Valley Road North, East Side, completed and accepted. ............................................................................ 341, 402, 403 17-Kelly Robert P. & Ronald T. Amundson, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ..........,......... 31-Kennedy Mall Cinema, granted Cigarette Permit. 7-Kelly Frank et. aI., requesting more information on Freeway Corridor. .......................................... 7-Key Knolls Subdivision, Block 19, recommendation of Planning & Zoning Commission that the property be rezoned to Business District Classi- fication. ..............................................................367, 7-Krause Thomas J., Notice of Claim. ...................... 7-Kubesheski John T., Notice of Claim. ..".................. 7-Klauer James Joseph, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ........................................................ 21-Kenny Rehabilitation Institute, requesting permis- sion to conduct a fund drive. ............................ 5-Kreiman Melvin L. & Leonette, requesting refund on unexpired portion of Class "c" Beer and Liq.uor Permit No. 2153. ......................"............ 5-KiW:I1)'k~~u~a:eJI~:~~r\af:~~~~~.~...~...~.~~~~.~ 424, 440 ll-Koeller Duane C., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... 428 18-Kemp Modesta Mrs. Notice of Claim by General Casualty Company. .............................................. 442 25-Kunkel Kenneth N., Notice of Claim. .................... 449, 515 3-Koe~~:ì ~~~~: ~"še='~nt'f:r ~:Jí/por:t°t¡~a:'t~ ments at 2100 Rhomberg Avenue. .................... 3-Kopple Market Inc., granted Class "c" Beer Per- mit. ............................................................................ 3-Kroeger Jeanette M., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ..................................".................. 18-Kramer Jerry R., objecting to proposed Couler Valley corridor freeway. 260 263 270 270 270 282 290, 491 290 290 290 290 290 290 491 297 297 298 328 327 327 339 346 363 Aug. 366 390, 421 368, 489 369, 488 286 400 Sept. 423 428 Oct. 481 470 471 473 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT Page Nov. 8-Key City Plating Company, submitting a proposal to purchase 1.62 acres in Block 6 of Riverfront Subdivision No.3. ........................................512, 569, 570 13-Kann Enri1 J., requesting a driveway permit at 2085 West Third Street. ........................................ 518 4-Key t~i:r. ~e;':~~~i~lt~~c~~t~~, ~:~~~~t '¥::~ Force. ........................................................................ 549 ll-Kahle Marvin, ordered to dismantle building and clean up premises located at 1208 Dodge Street. 563, 564 518 Dec. ,,", ," 1972 J~n. Feb. Mar. April l'4~y INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT L 3-Loibl Gertrude Mrs., claim denied. ........."............... 3-Leonard Oil Company, granted Cigarette Pernrit. 3-Lucky Stores Inc., granted Class "c" Beer Permits. 17-Lions Club, supporting the Blind to acquire the Naval Reserve Center Bldg. ............................" 17-Langas Phillip T., requesting rezoning of property on Loras Boulevard from Class A to Class B Business Classification. 21, 175, 239, 251, 400, 31-Ludwig Richard, replaced on Advisory CommISSion by Arthur Roling. .................................................. 31-Low Rent Housing Commission, subnritting minutes of meetings. 38, 85, 139, 187, 240, 303, 338, 473, 31-Loney Ronald, Notice of Claim. ............................ 7-League of Women Voters, supporting Ecumenical Housing development. ..........................."............. 7-Love Kenneth Jerome, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ...................................................................... 21-Low Rent Housing Comnrission, Authorized to Exercise the Powers Granted by Chapter 4O3A of the Code of Iowa, as Amended without an Election, and authorizing a hearing for a Low Rent Housing Project. 82, 112, 113, 114, 299, 28-Laugesen Margaret, Notice of Claim. ....."......... 28-Love Donald M., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ............................................. 13-Lovett Joseph M., Notice of Claim. 13-Loibl Carl R., Notice of Claim. ......................".......... 13-Langas Phillip, granted Class "c" Beer Permit. .... 2O-Lakeman Calista M., and Joseph A., settlement of suit. .......................................................................... 20-Link John A., conveyance of property to the City for street purposes. .............................................. 3-Lions Club, requesting permission to hold a circus on the Industrial Island. ........................................ 3-Link John W., Joann C. Waldhillig and Marilyn M. Link, approval of plat of Lots 1 thru 9, Block 4 of Horizon West Subdivision. .............. 3-Link John A. Dr., approval of "Westview Shopping Center Place" and "Westview West." ........".... 3-Lenger Joseph R., granted Class "c" Beer Permit. 10-Loetscher Dick, granted sidewalk bond. ................ 17-Lutheran Youth Council, requesting permission to conduct a Jesus Walk. ......".................................. I-Link Construction Company, sidewalk bond. ........ 1-Loras College "End The War Write.In Committee," requesting permission to distribute literature, and to conduct a peace vigil in Washington Park.....................................................................""" I-Library Bookmobile, Lease Agreement between the City and the American Trust & Savings Bank. 30-Licciardi Frank & Phyllis, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....................................................................... 30-Lil' Giant Food Store Inc., granted Class "c" Beer Permit....................................................................... 5-Law Enforcement Center, original cost figure es- calated by $48,000. ................"............................ 5-Leath & Co., Notice of Claim. ..............".................... 5-Liebe Street Sanitary Sewer 1972, preliminary plans and specifi~ations. 251, 252, 324, 373, 12-Love Donald M., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 12-Lynn William J., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 12-Love Phillip R., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Pernrit. ...................................................................... 12-LA W ENFORCEMENT CENTER-Agreement be. tween the County of Dubuque and the City of Dubuque relating to a joint Law Enforce- June .."" Page 6 14, 290 15, 92 19 422, 463 37 486, 549 40 64 69 , 340 344, 473 88, 223 93, 192 110, 160 111, 131 123 132 124, 241 145 147, 148 149 155 159 175 188 193 198 245, 423 245 Oct. 247 248, 486 482, 519 270, 317 270 272 Nov. Dec. ment Center Building. .......................................... ....................273, 353, 355, 361, 362, 367, 414, 569, 584 12-LIQUOR STORE, the City Council going on record requesting the relocation of a downtown store and a new store in the west Dubuque area. .... ................................................274, 275, 276, 484, 492, 513 18-Luerkens William & Jeanette, mterested in at>- quirtng cab permits and requesting an exclu- sive franchise to operate same. ........281, 295, 336, 392, 18-Lucas Percy, appointed to Dubuque County Com. mission on Crime and Delinquency. """"""""" 282 18-Lenstra Thelma, granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 290 28-Lindecker Thomas A., granted Cigarette Permit. 297 28-Lester Catherine, granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 297 28-Licciardi Frank J. & Phyllis, granted Cigarette Permit. ...................................................................... 297, 423 28-Loras College, granted Cigarette Permit. "'.m'" 297 it:~~: ~~~fi~thR~e~:"'te.r~ri~e~~g~':~it~~~t: ~ 3-League of Iowa Municipalities, advising of a "Grass Roots" regional meeting. ...................... 303 3-Lil' Giant Food Stores, granted two Cigarette Per. mits. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-Langas Philip, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 3-Lester Catherine Rose, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-Love Kenneth Jerome, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................................................... 17-Luthro ltobert, appointed to the Advisory Com- mission. .................................................................... 17-Lippert Hilda N., petition for suspension of taxes. 31-Lehman James B., Notice of Claim. ........................ 7-Leitner Harold Mrs. Notice of Claim. .................... 5-League of Iowa Municipalities, subnritting a pro- gram for 1973. ................................................418, 433, 451 5-Lange James, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 429 11-Lyons Edwin 8., Trust Fund established for the City of Dubuque for purpose of acquiring addi- tional park areas, basehall park, athletic field or recreation area and equipping the same. 18-League of Women Voters, suggesting an appoint. ment of a Citizens Comnrittee representing all areas in the development of the proposed Freeway. .................................................................. 18-Luber John, settlement in the amount of $1,000 for damages resulting from the erection of the flood wall. ........................................................ 18-Lynch Jan., appointed to the Youth Services Council. .................................................................... 25-Loetscher Richard, requesting permission to ex. cavate in Pennsylvania Avenue. .......................... 25-Loras College, requesting permission to conduct a parade. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 25-Licciardi Frank, requesting refund on Class "c" Liquor Permit No. 1142. .................................... 18-Left Guard Drill Team, requesting permission to sell Liberty Chimes. ............................................ 13-Lil' Giant Food Stores Inc., granted Class "c" Beer Permit. .......................................................... 4--Lynn William John, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit............................................................................. 4--Lucky Stores Inc., granted Class "c" Beer Permit. 4--League of Women Voters, favoring the Freeway concept and urging the Council to act in a positive manner, supporting the proposal. ...... 11-Loras College, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 18-LANDSCAPING AND TREE PLANTING PROJECT FOR 1971, completed and accepted. .............. 585, 586 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT July Aug. Sept. Page 328 327 327 328 336 339 360 368 433 440 441 446 449 449 450 476 525 559 559 561 574 INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT Me Mar. 8-McAllister J. Wilson, subnritting opinions relative to the operation of a funeral home in residen- tial areas. .................................................................. 20-McGhee John C., Notice of Claim. ...................."...... 8-McDonald Wayne et. al., objecting to the paving of Vernon Street. ........................................................ 30-McDonough William L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ....................;................................................. 245, 333 June 12-McNeil J. Timothy, appointed to the Advisory Commission. ............................................................ ~t=:~~:~dc:.~ ~r:'al':'.f.~~~<;~~1 ~~¡,tëš proposed locating on property of Mercy Medical Center. '.........................."""""""""""""""""""""" 28-McCauley, , Howard F., granted Cigarette Permit. 28-McCarty 'Marcella, granted Cigarette Permit and Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...............". 3-McDonald's Corporation, offer to purchase a par- cel of real estate in Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa Jt.15. ........................................321, 10-McGovern Mark, granted Cigarette Pernrit. .......... 24-McA1eece Gerald, replaced on Recreation Conunis- sion by John P. Coffee. .........................."""""" 24-McDonald Ronald, requesting permission to con- struct a sidewalk and or bird bath at 548 West 7th Street. .............................................................. 353, 397 Ang. 21-McDonough William L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ...................................................................... 412, 443 l'!?v. 1t=:~~::'yAPC~ceM~~ti~ra~te~~g';¡:ëïië""åïiii 501 Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. ........"...... 27-M~.,m",':::ìssi':~lliam. appointed to the Dock 1972 May July Page INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT M 3-Moldenhauer Wayne A., elected Mayor for the en- sning fiscal year. .................................................. 3-Met~~:n::a~r p~op~~~st:::~~:edC~i m~e~ti~t.; Streets. ..................................................................8, 87, 98 3-Musicians Protective Association, requesting con- sideration for funding for musical entertain- ment provided in the parks and at parades. 9, 67, 133 3-Main Street Pedestrianway Phase I General Con- tract, completed and accepted. """"""""""""" 13 17-Mayor Moldenhauer, subnritting his weekly reports. ........................19, 37, 37, 71, 84, 130, 172, 187, 209, 214, 303, 365, 388, 393, 419, 513, 532, 543, 565 17-Mercy Medical Center, requesting rezoning of property to permit operation of a pharinacy or apothecary. ..........................22, 86, 125, 146, 147, 161, 171, 237, 296, 395, 450, 462, 499, 530, 543, 579 17-Mayors Industrial Committee, recommending sale of property in Riverfront Sub. No.4 to Du- buque Packing Company. .................................. 22, 76 31-Meyers Donald R. Councilman, a resolution of thanks extended to him for years of service. 59 Feb. 28-Medical Associates Realty Co., Dr. David Kapp M.D., explaining their contemplated move to Mercy Medical Center complex. .................. 87, 125, 147, 161, 171, 237, 296, 450, 530, 543, 579 Mar. 8-Moldenhauer Mayor, advising Council that he is attending Congressional City Conference in Washington, D.C. .................................................... 95 8-Mayor's Industrial Comnrittee, recommending sale of land on Industrial Island to Frommelt In- dustries. ..............................................................95, 122, 176 8-Marty David et. al., objecting to the new proposed zoning ordinance. .................................................... 13-Muscular Dystrophy, communication of Joseph Moran requesting pernrission to sponsor a "Shamrocks for Dystrophy" drive. .................. 13-Mercy Medical Center, opinion of City Solicitor that a proper ordinance can be drawn up to permit use as petitioned by the Medical Cen- ter. ............................................................................ April 3-Merchants Mutual Bonding Co., subnrittitng a certificate of authority. .................................. 3-Miller Senator, acknowledging receipt of copy of resolution relative to Intergovernmental Co- ordination Act. ........................................................ 3-Miller Isabel E. et. aI., objecting to the rezoning of Mercy Medical Center property and pro- posed moving of Medical Associates. .............. 147, 237 3-Marty Milton, granted Cigarette Permit. """""""" 154 3-Morarend Lois M., granted Class "C" Beer & 17-Mih~~~r J'.rl'i."~~jeëïiiig-ïö'äïiiëiidiñë;¡ï'ö[Rëfüšë Ordinance. ................................................................ 17-Manternach Tom, objecting to amendment of Orclinance. .............................................................. 1-Marco's Inc., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. .................................................................... I-Majerus Jeanann M., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Pernrit. ...................................................... 15-Memorial Day Committee, requesting permission to conduct a parade. """""""""""""""""""""" June 5-Meyer Catherine M., granted Class "B" Beer Per. nrit. ............................................................................ 12-Mayr John M., Notice of Claim. 1972 Page Jan. 105 132 206 280 290 13 296 297 297, 299 374, 411 334, 3B9 348 59 95 525, 526 548 105 108 125 139 139 155 175 May 175 200 200 215 257 261, 394 ..- 1972 INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT Oct. Page July 12-"Memorial Day" designated as a Holiday to replace "May 30th." ............................................................ ~t:::~:r ~~t.,s.\~~e'J.:a::::t;Jgg:~~J':'F':imïi:":::: 12-MiracJe Car Wash Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. 12-Meyers Kermit, granted Cigarette Permit, .......... 12-Myers Russell E., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 12-Mescher Vincent W., granted Cigarette Permit 111-Mt. Calvary Cemetery Association and Sisters of St. Francis, requesting the vacation of a public 1I1-M~~t~~reu~~tJ~~~ ~;~:'n'f.~'t~7ß'ut~~:~c:~: 396, 443 ty Commission on Crime and Delinquency. .... 282 III-Moldenhauer Wayne A., appointed to the Dubuque County Commission on Crime and Delinquency III-Merchants Hotel, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ III-Meyers Herman J., granted Cigarette Permit. .... III-Mr. Steak, granted Cigarette Permit. ........."........... 111-Mihalakis Shirley, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 19-Miller Mary Alice, granted Class "c" Beer Permit. 28-Majerus Jeanann, granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 28-Marty Milton, granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 28-Meitl Cyril, granted Cigarette Permit & Class "C" Beer Permit. ............................................................ 297, 299 28-Miller Gerald E., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 297 28-Morett Merlin, granted CIgarette Permit. ...."...... 297 28-May C. J. Jr., thanking the Council for their con- sideration shown regarding his property at 11th & Central, which is being considered for a Liquor Store site. .............................................. 3-Mihalakis John, release of easements to Lot 1 of Block 8 Dubuque Packing Company Add. ..".... 3-Morarend Lois M., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 3-Manahl Dennis K., granted Cigarette Permit. ...... 3-Montgomery Ward & Company, granted Cigarette Permit.....................................""""""""""""""""" 3-Myers Russel E., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... 328, 334 IO-Mineral Lot 545, approval of plat of Lot 2 of Lot 1. ...................................................................... 334, 425 lO-Matts Stuart, granted CIgarette Permit. .................. 334 24-Mayor's Proclamation Notice of Special Election on the proposition of issuing bonds to the amount of $195,000 for a Joint County-City Law Enforcement Center Bldg. ........................ 31-Meyer Herman J., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 7-Metelak Janet K., Notice of Claim. ..................".... 7-Mihm Bernard J., Notice of Claim. ..."................... 7-Meyer Clara A., Notice of Claim. .............................. 369, 14-Malone Keith, appointed to the Advisory Com- nrission to fill unexpired term of Rev. Allen Maruyama. .............................................................. 14-Midwest Developers Inc., requesting vacation of a portion of Stoneman Road. ......................".... 21-Milk Inspection Program, application to the Iowa Secretary of Agriculture for authority to con- duct such a program. .......................................... 5-Meyer A. J., Notice of Claim. .................................. 5-Mellon Mike et. aI., requesting installation of street light on Pinard Street. ...................................... 5-Mississippi Valley Milk Producers Assn. Inc., granted three Cigarette Pernrits. .................... 11-Manahl Don, presenting statement concerning in- cidents between local citizens and a motor- cycle gang from outside the city. ..............".... 432, 532 18-Martin Raymond L., Notice of Claim. .................... 442, 465 25-Meyer Richard A., Notice of Claim. ...................". 449, 516 261, 282 270 271 271 .271 271 271 282 290 290, 423 280 291 291, 491 297 297 300 318 328 327 327 ",:?g. 355, 414 363 368 369 488 388 389 S~pt. 400 420 424, 441 429, 535 25-Metz Mfg. Company, requesting the vacation of an alley running thru their property between E. 16th and E. 17th, between Elm and Pine Streets. ....................................................450, 503, 518, 551 25-Mercy Medical Center, requesting that the Board of Adjustment direct the Building Commis- sioner to issue a building permit for the con- struction of a physicians office building with facilities for dispensing and sale of drugs. .... 450, 462 3-Muscular Dystrophy Association, requesting per- mission to hold their annual drive. .............. 3-MeY~\'.l~~~as ~o r~t~o~~"p:::g~~~ t~:t~~~o~: of obtaining a Class "B" Beer Permit. ............ 3-Maas Donna L. et. al., complaining of speeding and careless and reckless drivers on Jackson Street. ........................................................................ 466 3-Mississippi Valley Milk Producers Assn. Inc., granted two Class "c" Beer Pernrits. .............. 470, 535 24-Mond ltobert L., appointed to the Board of Heat. ing, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Re- frigeration. .............................................................. 486 24-Meyers Donald R., a¡>pointed to the Low Rent Housing ComnrisslOn. ..........................."............. 487, 513 24-Miller James C. et. aI., requesting a street light on Providence Street. ................."....................... 490 24-March of Dimes, requesting permission to conduct a "Mothers March." ................................................ 490 8-Mays Carol, Notice of Claim. ...................................... 501, 565 8-Murphy Joan R., granted Cigarette Permit. ..."..... 510 8-Mayor's Industrial Committee, submitting a pro. posal from Key CIty Plating Company for the ~~~~~o~ ~~ ~~r~.~..~..~.I~~~..~:..~~~~1~~~ 539, 569 13-Murphy Joan R., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... 2o-Markey Clara, complaining of a pigeon problem that exists at 15th & Bluff Streets. .................. 2o-Mayor's Industrial Committee, recommending that 7.071 acres in Blocks 12 and 13 of Dubuque Industrial Park be optioned to Thermolyne Corporation. ............................................................ 2o-Marburger Gary W., Notice of Claim. ..................".. 27-Meehan John V., request for an easement for a driveway to Lot 2 Eagle Point View denied..... 542, 564 4-Municipal Streets and Parking Budget Report for 1973. .......................................................................... 4-Mihalakis Shirley, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... 4-Miller Gerald E. Jr., granted Class "c" Beer & 11-Mih~= L~u'?:,itg,.än'iëiï"¡;ërn;iss¡öÏï'ïö"piäëë"'ä container in the rear of the Kresge Building for forty-two days. 1972 INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT Page Nov. Dec. 460 463 526 528 529 533 557 560 560 571 .4., 1972 INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT Page Jan. 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT N Jan. 17-Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting per- mission to excavate at 16th & Central Avenue. Feb. 7-National Tea Company, granted Class "c" Beer Per. mit. ............................................................................ 7-Noel John E., granted Class "C" Beer and Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... Mar. 8-Nesler Emily, objecting to the odor eminating from the Sewage Disposal Plant. ...................... 8-Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting per- mission to lay a conduit along Central Avenue, north of 32nd Street. ............................................ April 3-Norton James L., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... " 17-Ney Raymond, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. .................................. May 15-Nall Clifford, Notice of Claim. June 5-Nagle John A., ordered to dismantle property and clean up premises located at 109 St. Mary's Street. ...................................................................... 247, 319 5-Norwood Nelson M. Jr., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ...................................................................... 12-Nationa1 Tea Company, granted two Cigarette Permits. ...................................................................... 12-Nash Finch Company, granted Cigarette Permit. 19-Ney Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit. ......,..... 111-Nesteby Charles R., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 28-Norwood Nelson, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 26-Neumeister John C., granted Cigarette Permit. 28-Nease Vada Jean, granted Cigarette Permit and Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. .................... 297, 289 28-Norton James L., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 298 27-Ney Albert, granted Class "c" Beer and Liquor Permit....................................................................... 3-Noel John E., granted Cigarette Permit. .............. t=~~bo~I~~'1~J:aI':.t¡~ g~~~âtt¿ig~=\'é¡:¡;;¡i:":::: 17-Nicks, Mrs. Ray et. a!., requesting installation of street light on Brunswick Street. .................... Aug. 7-Nauman Albert et. a!., requesting consideration to locating proposed freeway on western portion of Dubuque from Key West to Highway No. 52 near Daytonville. ..............."........................... Sept. 5-Nash Ruth, relative to purchasing a home at 471- 73 West Fourth Street, and classifying it as au historical building. .......................................... ll-Newt Marine Service, requesting consideration concerning the purchase of Dubuque Boat & Boiler property located at the harbor. ......435, 477, 502 25-Nicho1son M. V., objecting to the proposed Free- way. ............................................................................ 3-National Tea Company, granted Class "c" Beer Permit. ...................................................................... 3-Nabors of fowa Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Per- nrit. ............................................................................ Nov. 8-Nash Finch Company, granted Class "c" Beer Permit. ...................................................................... " 20-Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting per- mission to excavate in Jones Street. ................ Dec. 18-NINTH STREET, TOPICS Project, Location and Design Approval, intersection of Ninth & Bluff & Tenth at Bluff, realignment of streets, pro- posed purchase of several parcels of property at 958 and 968 Bluff Street. ..".............."............ 587, 586 0 3-0rdinance No. 1-72. An Ordinance allocating and making appropriations of tax levies and other sources of revenue to the expenditures of City Government in the City of Dubuque, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1972 and ending December 31, 1972 and authorizing certain transfers of funds. .................................. 3-0swald Frank, Notice of Suit against the Uuion Cigar Store and City of Dubuque. ..".................. 3-0rdinance No. 2-72. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by reo pealing Section 16.21 which prohibited the ~~~~if,t o~n'd~~Õôs k':te:~~h~~~~~S a~f a~~ cleaned by sweeping or flushing. ...................... 3--Ordinance No.. 3-72. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49, known as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended,. by reo pealing Section B of Schedule ill and by en. acting a new Section B to Schedule ill in lieu thereof designating certain intersections as stop intersections and drivers of vehicles shall stop before entering said intersections from directions indicated. .................................. 3-0rditiance No. ~72. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by en- acting a new section u. u. to Schedule n thereof to provide that Hillcrest Road from the south property line of Asbury Road to the east property line of Carter ltoad and from the west property line of John F. Ken. nedy ltoad to the east property line of Keyway and from the west property line of Keyway to its westerly terminus be established and designated as a through street. ........................ 17--Ohmert Lucille D., Notice of Claim. ........................ 17-0pportunity Inc., granted Class "C" Beer and Liquor Permit. ........................................................ 31-0rdinance No. 5-75. An Ordinance Amending the Budget as approved by Ordinance No. 1-72. 7--O'Meara Thomas F. Rev., supporting Ecumenical Housing Development. ........................................ l~Ordinance No. 8-72. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Du- ~(h\u~¡,;~~~, t~y i:cl~~~i~::'~iCJ~s~b~~c~~aî estate in which professional offices or studios of a physician, dentist, architect, engineer, law- yer, realtor, insurance, musician, or similar professions may be permitted. (Westchester. Dorweilei' property). ............................................ l~Ordinance No. 7-72. An Ordinance to provide for the comprehensive zoning of the City of Dubuque and to regnlate and restrict the location and use of buildings structures, and land for trade, industry, residence or other purposes; to regulate and restrict height of buildings hereafter erected or altered: to regu. late and determine the area of yards and other open spaces around buildings: to regulate and determine the density of use of land and lot areas and for that purpose to divide the City into districts: to provide for a Board of Adjustment and for orderly enforcement of J~ly Oct. 22 69 70 95 100 154 182 214, 241 257 271 271 290 290 297 297 301 326 326 327 340 Feb. 366 419 447 470 470 511 535 Page 3, 6, 500 8 20 27 41, 74 65 74, 97 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT Mar. the regulations hereof: to provide penalties for the violation of the provisions hereof: reo pealing all ordinances in conflict herewith: and designating this ordinance as "The Zon- ing Ordinance of the City of Dubuque." ........ 14-0xus Grotto, requesting permission to place can- nisters in business places to aid cerebral palsy victims. .................................................................... 28-0rdinance No. 6-72. An Ordinance Defining Food, potentially hazardous food, Adulterated, Mis. branded, food service establishment, temporary foodserviee establishment, Health Authority, Utensils, Equipment, etc., Providing for the sale only of unadulterated, Wholesome, Prop- erty Branded Food; Regulating the Sources of Food; Establislúng Sanitation Standards for Food, Food Protection, Foodservice Operations, Food Equipment and Utensils, SanitaryFacili- ties and controls, and other Facilities; Requir. ing Permits for the Operation of Food Service Establishments; Regulating the Inspection of such Establishments; Providing for the Ex- anrination and Condemnation of Food; Pro- viding for Incorporation by Reference of the 1962 Edition of the "United states Public Health Service Food Service Sanitation Ordi- nance and Code," and Providing for the En- forcement of this Ordinance, and the Fixing of Penalties. ............................................................88, 28-0rdinance No. 11-72. An Ordinance Amending the Budget as Approved by Ordinance No. 1-72 and Ordinance No. _72. ......,................. 28-Ordinance No. 10-72. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33--49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by en- acting a new subsection 108 and a new sub- section 109 to Schedule VI thereof to provide that the parking of motor vehicles is pro- hibited on the north side of West Seventeenth Street from West Locust Street to Clark Street and and on the North side of Davis Avenue from Windsor Avenue to Sheridan Road. ...... 8-0rdinance No. 11-72. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, by amending Article IV thereof by enacting a new Section 2-1 thereto to permit an establishment for the compounding and sale of drugs and medicines and other beaIth related items, sale of medical and sur. gical supplies and equipment, sale of ortho. pedic supplies and equipment. subject to special permit by authorization by the Board of Adjustment within the pernritted profes. siona1 offices or studios district. (MERCY HOSPITAL). ................................................97, 96, 8-Ordinance No. 16-72. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to change certain property herinafter described from "Multiple Residence District" classification to "Business" classification. (Mettel-14th & White). ...............................................""""""""""'" 6-Ordinance No. 13-72. An Ordinance vacating Johnson Street from Lincoln Avenue to Provi- dence Street and the alley between Lincoln Avenue and Providence Street to the north Page 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT property line of Lot 60 of Cook's Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. (Board of Ed.). .... 13-0rdinance No. 14-72. An Ordinance fixing and establishing fees for the issuance of permits for the operation of food service establish- ments. ...................................................................... 20-0rdinance No. 15-72. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. - known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by add- ing a new subsection 10 to section A of Sched- ule X thereof to require northbound vehicles ~~~~:~nri~~tN~~ w~~v~f~~d ~1:~. ~...i~: 3-Ordinance No. 18-72. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubnque, Iowa" as amended by Re- pealing Subsection 21 of Scbedule VI thereof and repealing Subsection 71 of Schedule VI thereof and enacting a new Subsection 21 to Schedule VI to prohibit parking of motor vehicles on the north side of East Sixteenth Street from Elm Street to Pine Street and from the north side from Maple Street to Syca- more Street and both sides from Sycamore 3-OrJn~~ ~::"W-7t'.ul,,:a~jöäñëë"'åïiiëiiiiïiiii Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended hy re- pealing subsection 28 of Section A of Sched- ule IV thereof and enacting a new subsection 26 to Section A of Schedule IV in lieu thereof to limit parking of motor vehicles on street herinafter designated (East 16th Street). ........ 3-Ordinance No. 16-72. An Ordinance Authorizing the FIrst Congregational Church to construct a footing and concrete curb and gutter. ................ 10-0'Brien Robert J., approval of appltcatton for training at the F.B.I. Academy. ........................ l0-0rdlnance No. 111-72. An Ordinance authorizing Berwanger Boller Shop Inc., to construct an Identification Sign. ................................................ 10-Ordinance No. 20-72. An Ordinance authorizing Esb Company, 2400 Kerper Blvd. to construct an Identification Sign. ........................................ 10-0rdinance No. 21-72. An Ordinance authorizing ~~::::~t aBI~~g C~~ë. 2:~~...~~.~...~...~.~~~:...t~ 10-0rdlnance No. 26-72. An Ordinance authorizing fo~~~s'¡;u ~e ~~Îd ~ ~¡¡W ~:t1;' n25S~ ~ ~~ .. ~.~ ~ ~: l0-0rdinance No. 23-72. An Ordinance authorizing William C. Brown Co. Publishers, 2460 Kerper Blvd. to construct an Identification Sign. ...... l-Ordlnance No. 24--72. An Ordinance authorizing William C. Brown Co. Publishers, 2460 Kerper Blvd. to construct a Sprinkler System and two trees. """""""""""""................................................ I-Ordinance No. 2:1---72. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33--49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by add- ing a new subsection 14 to Section 8.1 thereof establishing a speed limit on Kerper Boulevard from Pine Street to Hawthorne Street. ........" I-Ordinance No. 21>-72. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by re- pealing Section 17.1 and enacting a new 74, 104 75 April 97, 111 89, 133 89 May 161, 162 98, 163 Page 99 112 133 143 144 144 159 164 165 165 166 167 190 191 \¡IIII illll!ll! I ililillll!¡!! I INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJEcT Section 17.1 in lieu thereof providing for the display of Ligbted Headlamps on Motor Vehicles under certain conditions. ....,............... 22-0rdinance No. 27-72. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa," as amended, by en. acting a new subsection 71 to Schedule VI thereof to provide that the parking of motor vehicles is prohibited on botb sides of Wacker Drive from John F. Kennedy Road to Highway No. 20. ....:................................................................. 22-Ordinance No. 28-72. Establishing Precincts and Designating Polling Places within the City of Dnbnque, Iowa. ................................................,..... 5-Ordin"nce, No. 28-72. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3~9 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by reo pealing subsection 78 of Schedule VI and en- acting a new Subsection 78 of Schedule VI in lieu thereof to prohibit parking of motor ve- hicles on the north side of Ashury Road from St. Ambrose Street to Bunker Hill Drive and from Clarke Drive to Woodlawn Street and both sides of Asbury Road from John F. Ken- nedy ltoad to the westerly city linrits. .......... 248, 307 5-0rdinance No. 30-72. An Ordinance to establish an Electrical Examining Board, to provide for the examination and registration of Electrical Contractors, Journeymen Electriciàns and Maintenance Electricians, and the collection of fees and to provide penalties for violations hereof. ..............................................,...............250, 307, 308 5-0rdinance No. 31~72. An Ordinance to adopt by reference the National Electrical Code 1971 Edition, being a complete electrical code regulating the practice, materials and fixtures used in the insta\lation, maintenance, exten- sion and alteration of a\l wiring fixtures, ap- pliances and appurtenances in connection with various electrical systems, to provide for the appointment of an ElectricallnSpeetor, the issuance of permits for electrical installa- tion and the collection of fees, to establish an Electrical Appeal Board and to provide penal- ties for violations thereof. ................................ 250, 311 12-0rdinance No. 32-72. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by reo pealing section 1.47 and enacting a new Sec. tion 1.47 defining Memorial Day as a Holiday. 12-Ordinance No. 33-72. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 37-65 known as the "Street Park- ing Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Subsection 5(a) Thereof and Enacting a new Subsection 5 (a) defining Memorial Day as a holiday. ............................................................ 12-Ordinance No. 34-72. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 39--65 known as the "Parking Meter Lot Ordinance" of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section 4 and enacting a new Section 4 defining Memorial Day as a Holiday. ............ 12-Office Grill, granted Cigarette Permit. .................... 12-0'Hara Richard, granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 12-0rdinance No. 35-72. An Ordinance approving Agreement by and between Dubuque County, Iowa and the City of Dubuque, Iowa, relating to joint County-City Law Enforcement Build- ing. Page 1972 191 223 224 June 282 282 263 271 271 273 INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT Page 1972 July 13-0rdinance No. 38-72. An Ordinance authorizing location of an Iowa Liquor Store outlet in building located at the northwest corner of the intersection of 11th Street and Central Avenue in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ............ III-Ordinance No. 37-72. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to change cer- tain property herinafter described from "Single Family Residence District Classifica- tion" to Multiple Residence District Classüica- tion, Lot 14, Block 2 of Westside Manor Sub. 278, 332 III-Ordinance No. 38-72. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, by amending Article IV, Section 2 (h) thereof to include certain described real estate in which professional offices or studios of a physician, dentist, architect, en. gineer, lawyer, realtor, insurance, musician, or similar professions may be permitted, (Lot 14 Block 2 of Westside Manor Sub). .............. 279, 333 19-0'Brien ltobert J., appointed to Dubuque Comnris. sion on Crime and Delinquency. ...................... 111-0sco Drug Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 28-0'Neill William, granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 3-Ordinance No. 41-72. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by repealing Section (8) of Article IX, thereof and enacting a substitute therefore (fence heights). """"""""""""""""" 3-Ordinance No. 38-72. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by re- pealing Subsection b and Subsection d of Sec- tion 2 of Schedule I and enacting a new sub- section b and a new subsection d to Section 2 of Schedule I thereof to require traffic to move southerly only in the alley between Main Street and Iowa Street from W. 12th Street to W. 6th Street and from 4th Street to 3rd Street and to require traffic to move southerly only on Main Street from Loras Boulevard to W. 9th Street respectively. ................................ 3-Ordinance No. 40--72. An Ordinance authorizing Linnie E. Dunbar Squire to install an air conditioning unit in Alley behind 504 Central Avenue. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-Orpheum Theatre, proposed to be used for and in conjunction with a new Civic Center. .......... ............................................................324, 330, 376, 513, 550 10-0rdinance No. 42-72. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Single Family Residence District" classifica- tion to "Multiple Residence" classification, and to include said property in subsection (m) of Section 2 of Article IV of Ordinance No. 3-34, to permit development of a mobile home park. (Wartburg Seminary). """""""" 335, 371 276 282 290 297 305, 370 315, 316 316 1972 INDEX-BOOK 102 šüBJECT Aug. 17-O'Brien, Mrs. James, appointed to the Recreation Commission. ............................................................ 17-Ordinance No. 43-72. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 11-69 by repealing Section 2 thereof and enacting a new Section 2 in lieu thereof to provide for the rate or fare to be paid by one passenger from fifty cents for the first quarter mile to sixty cents therefor and to provide for rate or fare to be cbarged ~:~~l,:s~jnå~~~t~:I~d o~ ~~:de~d f[:~ dollars an hour waiting charge. 17-Ostrander Clarence, sidewalk bond. 17-Ordinance No. 44-72. An Ordinance vacating the public street which shall hereafter be de. scribed and platted as Lot A of Lot 1 of Beth. ~~k~~~~~n¿,P'l A Ltt t<>:f t,~f 1 ~\ l:'ta~~~ St. Francis Subdivision (except the West 40 feet of the North 1,320 feet thereof) Lot A of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of St. Francis ~':.~v~~~~ f<:,~c~E:r:~:¡; ~~tA ~f i:tt 2 ":f £ho~ ~e~~ ~1 FJ.~~o~'hbd{,~:nf~ceJ;~:o"f)~:~i t~ ~ic~~n 5t~' p~0~~~8rn ND~t~q~~~~:~~ Dubuque County, Iowa, now in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and which lies within portions of Bethany Addition and St. Francis Subdivi- sions in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ............339, 24--0rdlnance No. 45-72. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by en- acting a new Subsection 14 to Section A of Schedule N to limit parking of motor vehicles from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. on the south side of East Fifteenth Street from Sycamore Street to Lynn Street. .................................................... 24-0rdinance No. 46-72. An Ordinance Regulating the sale and consumption of beer and liquor: providing for the issuance, revocation or sus. pension of permits and licenses therefor: and 31-optf~~~uC,en;~~~~s~f~g vi~:~~~~er~~f. š,ïi watermelons. .......................................................... 7-0rdinance No. _72. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the Citf of Dubuque, Iowa" by adding a new subsection (n) to section 2 of Article N thereof, to permit medical offices and acces- sory uses within certain described areas of the multiple residence district. ........................ 7-0rpboum Theatre and site nominated for regis- tration with the National Register of Historic Plaees. ................................................................376, 14-0gaard Robert G. and Gertrude, request for sus- 14--0rdE:':~~n N~~ ~i"-~2."'ÄÏi"o¡:diÏiii¡;¡;;;"Aiilë¡;dï¡;ii and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to change cer- tain property hereinafter described from "Multiple Residence District" classification to "Business DIstrict" classification, (Lot 19 of Key KnOlls Sub.) CO_",," ~ Page Page 336 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 14--0rdinance No. 48-72. An Ordinance Amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to change cer- tain property hereinafter described from "Mul. tiple Residence District" classification to "Busi- ness District classification" (22nd Street at Jackson and White Streets). .............................. 390, 422 21-0rdinance No. 50-72. An Ordinance authorizing Ronald McDonald to construct sidewalk and or bird bath located on Lot 18 Coriell's Du. buque, in the Cityo f Dubuque, Iowa. ............ 21-0rdinance No. 51-72. An Ordinance to regulate the production, transportation, processing, handling, sampling, examination, grading, labeling, and sale of milk and milk products, the inspection of dairy herds, dairy farms, and milk plants, the issuing and revocation of permits to milk producers, haulers, and dis- tributors; and the fixing of penalties. .............. 21-0rdinance No. 52-72. An Ordinance fixing and establishing monthly pernrit fees to be paid by every person, firm or corporation oper- ating a milk plant and bringing into or send. ing into or receiving in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, nrilk or milk products ............................. 5-Ordinance No. 53-72. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance 3.34 known as the "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, "Iowa" by repealing Section 1 of Article V-A thereof, and adopting a new Section 1 of Article V-A in lieu thereof, to classüy restaurants, cafes and cafeterias as uses separate and dis- tinct from retail stores, and to permit the sale and consumption of beer therein. under cer. tain specified conditions. (Not Adopted). 423, 464, 501 5-0stert James, complaining of Police action con. cerning a disturbance between local citizens and a motorcycle gang from outside the city ....................................................................424, 432, 532 5-0'Neill Willaim C., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit ........................................................ 28-0rdinance No. 54-72. An Ordinance Authorizing the issuance of $1,000,000 sewer bonds and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same 1972 337 338 398 398 399 Sept. 395, 396 349 349, 518 360 430 455 Oct. 3-0rdinance No. 55.72. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 46-72 by repealing Section 4 thereof and enacting a new Section 4 in lieu thereof to provide for the location of the prenrises of a Class "B" Beer Pernrit within a local Business "A" District classification .... 464, 502 18-0ptimist Club, requesting permission to sell trash bags ............................................................................ 475 Ordinance No. 56-72. An Ordinance repealing Ordi. nance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa adopted March 21, 1907 purporting to vacate and grant the use to Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works (now known as Dubuque Boat & Boiler Co.) of a portion of the levee property on the north side of the Ice Harbor in the City of Dubuque, Iowa .......................................................................... 477, 502 24-0dden Robert P. Rev., appointed to the Low Rent Housing Comnrission 372 513, 550 389, 394 475 390, 421 487, 513 8-Old Timers Supper and Athletic Club, approval of request for rezoning of property to Multiple Residence classüication ..........."......................... 6-Ordinance No. 57-42. An Ordinance for sale and vacation of alley lying between 16th and 17th Streets and Elm and Pine Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa (Metz Mfg. Co.). .................... 503, 551 8-Ordm~~~:r N &' g:-';;~im~n In~~dtoanc"~ns~~fr~~~~ extension ..................................."............................. 504 13-0rdinance No. 59.72. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 46-72 by repealing Section 19 thereof and enacting a new section 19 in lieu thereof to prohibit the display on the premises of a class "B" permit holder of moving pictures, slides, or other film depic- tion projected unto a screen or other surface and by repealing section 28 thereof and en- acting a new section 26 in lieu thereof to provide for penalty for violation hereof. ...... 518, 533 20-0'Neal Martha, Notice of Claim ..........".................... 533 20-0rdinance No. 6()'72. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa as amended, by repeal- ing Section 16.30 thereof and enacting a new Section in lieu thereof to regulate the park- ing of motor vehicles in the alleys enumer- ated in Schedule VII. ....".................................... 20-0rdinance No. 61-72. An Ordinance amending Schedule VII of Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" to pro- vide that when signs are erected given notice thereof, no person shall stop or park on any of the following alleys or portions of alleys, hereinafter designated, unless actually en- gaged in taking on or discharging persons, goods or merchandise and said vehicle shall have a qualified operator in attendance at all times subject to movement upon request of police officer or fire officer ..........".................. 27-0rdinance No. 62-72. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Sec. tion 2 of Article IV thereof and enacting a new Section in lieu thereof establishing and defining the uses permitted in a Multiple Residence District ................................................ 4-0rdinance amending Ordinance No. 48-70 to pro- vide that members of the Plumbing Board be paid $5.00 a month. (Not adopted). .............. 4-0rdinance No. 63-72. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of ~~~ty p~~p~:t~u'l.~%i~~;~ sde:~ri~edch::'o~ "Single Fanrily Residence District" classifica- tion to "Multiple Residence District" classi- fication. (Sister of St. Francis). ...................... 4-Osco Drng Inc., granted Class "c" Beer Permit ll-O'Connor, Brooks and Company, retained to au. dit the City Water, Parking Facilities and Sewage Rental Funds 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT Nov. Dec. ."", Page 1972 INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT ll-Ordinance No. 64-72. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to change cer. tain property hereinafter described from "Two Family Residence District" classifica. tion to "Multiple Residence District" classi. fication, (Finley Hospital) """""""""""""""", ll-Ordinance No. 65-72. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by amending Article IV, Section 2 (h) thereof to include certain de- scribed re al estate in which professional offices or studios of a physician, dentist, architect, engineer, lawyer, realtor, insur- ance, musician, or sinrilar professions may be permitted, (Finley Hosiptal) """""""""""'"", 18-0rdinance No. 66-72. An Ordinance Authorizing O. D. D. Enterprises Inc. to construct Canopy 498 504 534 534 544, 579 552 553 559 564, 578 Page 566 566 581 .-""" Jan. INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT P 3-Pedestrianway, Main Street, Phase I General Contract, completed and accepted .................... 3-Piluzza Joseph, dismissal of suit against City of Dubuque Police Department ............................ 16, 578 17-Pauly Vernon, claim denied .................................... 21 31-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending vacation of Johnson Street and alley as re- quested by Dubuque Community School District ................................................................38, 98, 169 3I-Pennsylvania Avenue, installation of street lights recommended .......................................................... Feb. 7-project Concern for Elderly & Retired Inc., sup- porting Ecumenical Housing ..........."............... 7-Porter W. H. et. aI., objecting to the Ecumenical Housing development ............................................ 7-Planning & Zoning Comnrission, recommending the rezoning of Lot 5 of Sub. of Lot 3 of Block 4 in Westchester Subdivision .........."................ 68, 97 28-Pregler Councilman, suggesting that the Advisory Commission investigate the feasibility of the City and County Health Açencies merging 84, 108, 134 28-Planning & Zoning CommissIOn, recommending denial of petition to rezone Lot 2 of "Neil Place" and Lots 1 and 2 of "Neil Place No.2 to Local Business "B" classification .............. 85 28-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition to rezone property at 3290 Asbury Road, Highland Farm Add., to permit professional office use ........................................ 86, 109 28-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending amendment of zoning ordinance to permit a pharmacy or apothecary as requested by Mercy Medical Center ....................87, 97, 237, 298, 372 28-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending reclassification of property located at 14th & White Streets from Multiple to Business classification, (Mettel Realty) ........................87, 98, 163 Mar. 8-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending approval of plat of Lots 1 through 9 and Block A of "West Creek Park" Subdivision .... 100 6-Pu1s Alfred J., on behalf of Stacy Spahn, Notice of Claim. .................................................................. 100, 132 9-Pickel Roger et. aI., objecting to the new proposed zoning ordinance .................................................... 13-Parking Facilities Report of the City of Dubuque for the year 1971 .................................................. 13-Page John P., granted Class "B" Beer & Liquor Permit ...................................................................... 15-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending approval of plat of Block A-A, Block 10-A, Block ll-A and Block 12, each in Key Knolls Subdivision .............................................................. April 3-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition of Dr. Schuster to reclassify Lot 14 of Block 2 in Westside Manor Sub. division from Single Family to Multiple Resi- dence and to include it in Article IV, Section 2(h) ....................................................140, 239, 278, 332, 333 3-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition to reclassify from Single Family to Multiple Residence classification Lot 2 of Picardy Park .......................................... 3-Pitz Angela M., Notice of Claim ............."............... 3-P1anning & Zoning Commission, recommending approval of Lots 1 through 9, Block 4 of Horizon West Subdivision ....... ...... .....' 147, 148 1972 Page 13 39 64 66 85 100 105 110 124 126 141 143 June July 1972 INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT Page May 3-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending approval of plat of "Westview Shopping Cen- ter Place" and "Westview West" .................... I-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition to rezone Lot A of Block 22 in Key Knolls Subdivision from Multiple to Local Business "B" classification """""""""" 189, 214 I-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Block 4, Lots 1 thru 60 inclusive, and Block 5 of Sunset Park Subdivision No.3.... I-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat of Blocks 1, 2 and 3, each in "Arbor Oaks" 15-Palmer Drug Company, granted Class "c" Beer Permit ...................................................................... 22-Precincts Established and Polling Places Desig- nated for City of Dubuque, Iowa """""""""""" 30-Peoples Natural Gas, submItting Financial Report for the year 1971 """"""""""""""""""""""""" 30-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition of Phillip Langas to rezone property at 1105 Loras Blvd., from Local Business "A" to Local Business "B" .............. 30-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to excavate in Carter ltoad ...................................... 5-Palm Cletus, sidewalk bond """""""""""""""""""" 12-Polfer Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 18-Palmer Drug, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 18-Patrum Betty, granted Cigarette Permit """""""" 19-Pusateri Michael F., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit ........................................................ 18-Pins Arthur W., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit ..................................."................................. 28-Pothoff Donald, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 28-Pusateri Michael, granted Cigarette Permit """"" 28-P1umley Donald, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 28-Pins A. W., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 3-Primary Road Extension Maintenance Agreement between the Iowa State Highway Commis- sion and the City of Dubuque from June 1, 1972 to June 30, 1973 ........................................ 3-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation of a public street within por- tions of Bethany Addition and St. Francis Sub. division, as requested by the Sisters of St. Francis and Mt. Calvary Cemetery Associa. tion ..................................................304, 339, 395, 396, 443 3-Planning & Zoning Commission, reviewing pro- posal to vacate an alley lying west of Concord Street from Coates to Marion Street .............. 304, 359 3-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending approval of reclassification of Mineral Lots 130 and 140 to permit development of a mobile home park as requested by Wartburg Theological Seminary.......................................... 3-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending amendment of the Zoning Ordinance to in- crease the maximum height linritation of rear yard fences from 5' to 8' """""""""""""" 3-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to excavate at 2838 Central Ave. ............................ 3-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending that the City reassign title to Lot 6 of Block 1 of Pioneer Hills Subdivision to Richard C. Henschel, in exchange for rights for develop- ment of neighborhood playground facilities as proposed in Resolution No. 167.72 ......... 149 193 195 220 224 236 239 241 247 271 290 290 292 292 297 297 297 298 303 304, 371 305 317 318, 319 ." 1972 Aug. INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT Sept. lo-Painters Union, objecting to City personnel paint- ing fire hydrants and parking meter posts .... lO-Pihart Lester J., appointed to Planning & Zoning Commission to replace Thomas Flynn 2_Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to excavate at 1498 Central and also at 2768 Ethel Street ............................................................ 31-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 345 to Joseph D. Vogt Jr and Martina A. Vogt .................................................... 7-Plauning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning of Block 19 Kef Knolls Sub- ~~~~s{;:'cf ~':\%~ti~Si~~~~~..~~~t~~~..~..~~~i: 7-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending rezoning of property located at 2215 and 2219 Jackson Street and 2216 and 2218 White Street to Business District Classification as requested by First National Bank ....................."................. 7-Palm Dennis D., Notice of Claim ......................."... Purchasing Program to be entered into by the CITY, COUNTY and DUBUQUE COMMUNITY and WESTERN DUBUQUE COUNTY COM- MUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICTS .................."...... 21-Peop1es Natural Gas, requesting permission to excavate in Lincoln Avenue and also in Avalon Road ............................................................ 5-Pinard Street, request for Installation of a street light ...................................................................... 5-Police Department, complaints concerning a dis- turbance between local citizens and a motor- "Ycle gang from outside of the city 424, 432, ll-Phyllrich Drive-Norland Drive and Keystone Drive, installation of street lights recom- mended .................................................................... 18-Planning & Zoning Commission, submitting reo port and recommendations on the Dnhuque North-South Freeway Corridor Study.............. 3-Planning & Zoning Comnrission, recommending denial of petition of G. M. and M. Company for reclassification of property lying north of 32nd Street and east of Kennedy Road for the purpose of developing a modular home community .............................................................. 16--Pape LaVern Mrs. et. aI., objecting to proposed location of a trailer court at Peru and Sheri- dan ltoads ................................................................ 24-Perry Virginia M., appointed to the Low Rent Housing Commission ............................................ 24-Providence Street, request for installation of a street light ......................................................"" 24-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to excavate at 605 West 11th Street ...................... 8-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending ~~ rlgou,:n"g~ 0~1~er¡al~ilf'!/~~ a:~l~~r-. Residence classification .................................",.. 8-PI4~gva~t:nni~f ~~~i~"f,?:'ét r==:n~i:M and 17th Street ........................................."""""'" 8-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fuerst to vacate alley lying east of Lot 155 of Hamm's Addition ............................................ Oct. Nov. .""" INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJEëT 8-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation of alley east of Elm Street and between 16th and 17th Streets, as requested by Metz Manufacturing Co. """""""""""""""" 2o-Peoples Natural Gas, advising of initiation of rate increases "".................................................... 529, 542 2o-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the changing of zoning classification from Single to Multiple Residence District of a four acre parcel of land as requested by the Sisters of St. Francis ............................................ 530 2o-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of a proposed amendment to Ordi- nance No. 3-34, enacting a new Section 2 of Article IV, establishing and defining the uses permitted in a Multiple Residence Dis- trict. (re: medical offices and apothecaries) 530, 543 2o-Planning & Zoning Comnrission, recommending the vacation of a platted alley abutting Lot 1 of Lot 208 Finley's Addn. as requested by Herb Heitzman """"""""""""'............................. 2o-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending approval of amendment to Wartburg Senri. nary Mobile Home Park Plan to permit the construction of maintenance and laundry building """""""""""""""""""""""...................... 2o-Police Chief, addressed Council relative to the showing of films in taverns """"........................ 2o-Plauning & Zoning Commission, recommending approval of plat of Lot 1 thru 4 of Lot 21, Block 10 in Sunset Park Subdivision """""""" 27-Peoples Natural Gas Company, requesting per- mission to excavate in West 3rd Street at Burch """""""""""""""""""""""'......................... 27-Planning & Zoning Comnrission, recommending approval of plat of Block 7 in "Thomas Farm Addition" """""""'................................................. -Park Board and Recreation Commission, recom- mending approval to purchase 35 acres of land off the old Bellevue Road for future expansion """"""""""""""""................................ -Plumbing Board, request for amendment of Ordi- nance 48-70 to provide that members be paid $5.00 per month .................................................... 18-Pregler Councilman, relative to the administra- tion of the Health Department Page 1972 331, 343 335 353 361 367 367 368, 487 385 400, 535 424, 441 532, 549 434 Dec. 440 482 475 487, 513 491, 498 490 498 498 499 Page 503 530 531 533 537 545 545 549 552 576 INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBiEcT R 3-Russo R. N., appointed City Solicitor for the ensu- ing fiscal year. ........................................................ 3l-Roling Arthur, appointed to Advisory Commission, replacing Richard Ludwig. .................................. 37, 280 31-Riedl Constance Lee, appointed Deputy Clerk of Municipal Court. ................................................... 7-Rhomberg Thomas Rev., expressing need for the Ecumenical Housing Project. .............................. 7-Roling Gilbert, sidewalk bond. .............................. 23-Report of Water Department for Fiscal Year 1971. 8-Report of the City Auditor for the Fiscal Year 1971. 8-Russo R. N., bond. ...................................................... 8-Report of Budget for Municipal Streets and Park. ing for 1971. ............................................................ 13-Report of Parking Facilities for the year 1971. .... 13-Refuse and Gargage Collection Ordinance, pre- sented and referred to a future meeting. ........ 112, 172 20--Report of Municipal Sewage Disposal Works for the year 1971. ........................................................ I-Registration and Voting Records tranesferred from the office of City Clerk to the office of County Auditor. .................................................................... 15-Recreation Commission, relative to granting beer permits to organizations nsing City owned facilities. .................................................................. 5-Rosenow ltobert J. et. aI., objecting to the rezon. ing of property of Phil Langas at 1105 Loras Boulevard. ................................................................ 251, 501 5-Recreation Commission, Agreement with the Du- buque Community School District and with Richard C. Henschel regarding a piece of land owned by the School Board and used for grazing purposes. .................................................... 253, 254 5-Riverside Bowl, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................................................... 12-Roux Yolande A., relative to erecting a monument of Julien Dubuque in Quebec, Canada. .......... 12-Reisdorf Joseph E., granted Cigarette Permit & Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. ................271, 272, 333 12-Rainbo Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 271 18-Roshek's Department Store, granted Cigarette Permit. ...................................................................... 19-Ring Richard J., granted Cigarette Permit. ..."....... 28-Randall's Foodarama, granted Cigarette Permit. 28-Ring Louis A., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 23-Ruegnitz R. S., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 3-Riverside Bowl, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 3-Riekena Doris Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit. ...... 10--Ronek Justin Mrs., Notice of claim on behalf of Jane ltonek. ............................................................ 1000Rettenberger Max, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 17-Ryan Construction Company, Key City Investment Company and the City of Dubuque, Agreement to grant curb cuts to serve the Zayre Store. .... 17-Recreation Department requesting permission to conduct a Bike-A-Thon. ...................................... 340, 392 24-Report of the State Auditor for the City of Du. buque for the year 1971. .................................... 31-Ruden Donald A. Mrs. Notice of Claim. .................. 21-ROCKDALE ROAD WATER MAIN EXTENSION, completed and accepted. .................................... 21-Randall's International, granted Class "c" Beer Permit. 1972 Jan. Feb. lI!,ar. May June J~ly Aug. """ ~ Page 60 63 67 85 96 96 101 110 Dec. Jan. 130 188 215 258 280 290 290 297 297 298 326 326 332 334 339 348 360 401 412 1972 Sept. INDEX-BOOK 102 SUBJECT Page Oct. 5-Rosary Procession, request to conduct same from St. Patrick's Church to St. Raphael's Cathedral. ll-Ruden Richard, sidewalk bond. """"""""""""""""" 3-Riley James P. and John W., requesting rezoning of Lot 14 in Dreibelbies Addition, located at corner of Rhomberg and Stafford, from Two Family to Business "B" classification. .......... 18-Rossiter & Hamm Architects, submitting proposal for study and design on the renovation of City Hall. ....................................................................473, 526, 577 18-Ryan Lavonne, Notice of Claim. """"""""""""""" 475, 500 4-Report of Municipal Streets and Parking for 1973. 557 l1-ltohey George Mrs. Notice of Claim. ........................ 565 ll-Reed Marjorie D., subnritting an option to the City of Dubuque for the jurchase of property to be used for Park & Recreation purposes. .... 3-Resolution No. 1-72. Providing for the appoint- ment of a City Manager, City Clerk, and City Solicitor; providing their sa1aries and fixing bonds......................................................................... 3-Resolution No. 2-72. Appointing Gene Schilling Assistant City Attorney. ........................................ 3-ReS~~~~~ ~~¡cp;;-¡~~~~t.~':::'~~! ~e clb!e9i"8~: bu9.ue. ...................................................................... 3-Resolution No. 4-72. Designating the American Trust & Savings Bank, Dubuque Bank & Trnst 2~';~~k :i~~a¿;o"':'n~a~AiC~~d d~~slf~~ ies of the City of Duhuque. .............................. 3-Resolution No. 5-72. Extending expression of lhanka to Vincent J. Kaiser, former member of the Dock Commisaton. .................................... 3-Resolution No. 8-72. Approving and providing for the execution of the Fourth Amendatory Con- tract Amending Contract No. Iowa &15 (LG) between the City and the United States of America. .................................................................. 3-Resolution No. 7-72. Authorizing the Issuance of Project Loan Notes in connection with Urban Renewal Project Iowa R.15. .............................. 10, 219 3-Resolution No. 8-72. Approving sale of Lot 3 ~~~~iri':.t ~~bdir~~iin~ ~~:~'::'lu~o ~':."~& notice of sale. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" 11, 22 3-Resolution No. 9-72. Final Estimate for construc- tion of Crissy Drive Storm Sewer from Kauf- mann Avenue 575 north. """"""""""""""""" 3-Resolution No. 10--72. Accepting the Crissy Drive Storm Sewer. """""""""""""""""""""'"""""", 3-Resolution No. 11-72. Final Estimate for con- struction of 1970 Downtown Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Project, Locust, Fourth, Fifth and Ninth Streets. """""""""""""""""""""""" 3-Resolution No. 12-72. Accepting the 1970 Down. town Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Project on Locust, Fourth, Fifth and Ninth Streets. .... 3-Resolution No. 13-72. Final Estimate for the Main Street Pedestrianway Phase I, Section 1, Gen. eral Contract. """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-Resolution No. 14-72. Accepting the Main Street Pedestrianway, Phase I, Section 1, General Contract. .................................................................. 3-Resolution No. 15-72. Granting Cigarette Pernllts. 3-Resolution No. 16-72. Granting Class "B" and Class "c" Beer Permits. 424 434 466 569 2 2 10 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT Page Page 3-Reso1ution No.-17-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" and Class "c" Beer Permits. ........ 3-Resolution No. 18-72. Granting Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. ................................................ 3-Resolution No. 18-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Perits. ........................ 17-Resolution No. 20-72. Final Estimate for the construction of Fire Department Headquarters Building at Ninth and Central Avenue. .......... 17-Resolution No. 21-72. Accepting construction of Fire Department Headquarters Building at Ninth and Central. ............................................ l7-Resolution No. 22-72. Approving Agreement with Kennedy Mall Inc. for the location and main. tenance of a Civil Defense Warning Siren. .... 17-Resolution No. 23-72. Authorizing the Publication of Notice of Sale of Project Notes (First Series 1972) for the Downtown Urban Renewal Pro- ject Iowa R-15. .................................................... 17-Resolution No. 24-72. Granting Cigarette Permit. 17-Resolution No. 25-72. Granting Class "C" Beer Permit. ...................................................................... 17-Resolution No. 28-72. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit. ...................................... 17-Resolution No. 27-72. Granting Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. ...................................................... 17-Resolution No. 28-72. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................. 24-Resolution No. 20-72. Approving plans, specifica- tions and form of contract and acting on ob- jections for the construction of the Town Clock Plaza-Phase IT, Downtown Urban Re. newa1 Project Iowa R-15 ...................................... 24-Reso1ution No. 338-71. Approving necessity for improvement of the Town Clock plaza-Phase IT, Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15. .......................................................................... 24-Resolution No. 30-72. Ordering Construction of improvement of the Town Clock Plaza-Phase IT, Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15........................................................................... 24-Reso1ution No. 31-72. Awarding Contract for the Town Clock Plaza-Phase IT General Contract to Conlon Construction Company. ............"............ 24-Resolution No. 3Z--72. Approving plans, specifica- tions and form of contract and acting on ob- jections for the construction of the Town Clock Plaza.Phase IT, Downtown Urhan Re- newal Project Iowa R-15, Section IT-Electrical Contract. .................................................................. 24-Resolution No. 338-71. Approving necessity for improvement of the Town Clock plaza-Phase IT, Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15, Section IT, Electrical Contract. .................. 24-Resolution No. 33-72. Ordering Construction of improvement of the Town Clock Plaza.Phase IT, Section IT-Electrical Contract. .................... 24-Reso1ution No. 34-72. Awarding Contract for the Town Clock Plaza-Phase IT, Section IT- Electri- cal Contract. ............................................................ 31-Resolution No. 35-72. Approving transfer of funds from the General Fund to Sanitation, Tort Liability and Trust & Agency Funds in the amount of $6,342.00. 31-Resolution No. 38-72. Schedule of Assessments for the City of Dubuque 1971 Concrete Curb & Gutter Project No.1. 16 31-Resolution No. 37-72. Providing for the Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds to pay the cost of the City of Dubuque 1971 Concrete Curb & Gutter Project No.1. ........................................ 31-Resolution No. 38-72. Schedule of Assessments for the City of Dubuque 1971 Asphalt Paving Project No.1, except Asbury Road. .................. 31-Resolution No. 38-72. Providing for the Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds to pay the cost of the City of Dubuque 1971 Asphalt Paving Project No.1, except Asbury Road. ................ 31-Resolution No. 40-72. Honoring Gaylord M. Couchman and Donald R. Meyers for their years of service on the City Council. .............. 31-Resolution No. 41-72. Confirming appointments of Dianne C. Kluesner and Constance Lee Riedl as Deputy Clerks of Municipal Court. .:........ 31-Resolution No. 43-72. Grar¡ting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit ,.....,............. 31-Resolution No. 43-'-72: DIrecting the iSsuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. ............:........... 31-Resolution No. 44-72. Approving delivery of deed to Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Newman, Cooper & Smyth's Subdivision of north part of Outlot 695, of Mary Loretta Hynes, and directing City Clerk to record. said deed in office of Dubuque County Recorder. ........................,......................... 7-Resolution No. 45-72. Declaring intent to sell a portion of Urban Renewal Property to Ecu- menical Housing Incorporated. .......................... 7-Resolution No. 46-72. Granting Cigarette Permit. 7-Resolution No. 47-72. Granting applications for Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. ........................ 7-Resolution No. 48-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. ............................ 7-Resolution No. 49-72. Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................... 7-Resolution No. 50-72. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................... 14-Resolution No. 51-72. Approving conveyance of Lot 3, Riverfront Subdivision No.4 to Du- buque Packing Company, under certain terms and conditions. ...................................................... 14-Resolution No. 5Z--72. Authorizing the sale, issu- ance and delivery of Project Notes in the amount of $1,588,000 in connection with Down- . town Urban Renewal Project No. Iowa R-15. 14-Resolution No. 53-72. Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................. 14-Resolution No. 54--72. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................. 14-Resolution No. 55-72. Confirming the appoint- ment of David E. Bisenius as a member of the Low Rent Housing Commission. .......................... 21-Resolution No. 58-72. Authorizing the Publica- tion of Notice of Public Hearing for a Low Rent Housing Project. ..........82, 112, 113; 114, 299, 344 28-Resolution No. 57-72. Preliminary Estimate and approval of plans, specs., form of contract for construction of 1972 Urban Renewal Sanitary Sewer Manhole Improvement Project. ............ 2O-Resolution No. 58-72. Necessity for Improvement for the 1972 Urban Renewal Sanitary Sewer Manhole Improvement Project. .......................... 28-Resolution No. 58-72. Fixing Date of Hearing for the 1972 Urban Renewal Sanitary Sewer Man. hole Improvement Project. 15 15 45 48 24 25 57 25 59 60 60 25 26 27 60 27 27 61 28 Feb. 31 67 68 69 31 69 89 31 69 32 76 33 17 79 79 33 80 34 35 91 91 43 91 1972 Mar. INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 28-Resolutlon No. 60-72. Ordering Construction for the 1972 Urban Renewal Sanitary Sewer Man- hole Improvement Project. .................................. 28-Resolution No. 61-72. Granting applications for Class "c" Beer Permits. .................................... 28-Resolution No. 62-72. Directing the isSuance of Class "c" Beer Permits. ...................................... 28-Resolution No. 83-72. Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. ................" 28-Resolution No. _72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. ..."............... 8-Resolution No. 65-72. Approving plat of vacation of Johnson Street from LincoIn Avenue to Providence Street, and the alley between Lin- coln Avenue and Providence Street from John- son Street to n.p.l. of Lot 60 of Cook's Addi- tion. .......................................................................... 6-Resolution No. 88-72. Approving Plat of Block 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and A each in "West Creek Park" ............................................................ O-Resolution No. 67-72. Approving Official Budget :"ugo tar ~k~ ~ c~ ~~~ ...~ ~~. . ~.~~~ ~~~. ~ ~ .. .~~~ ~:~ 8-Resolution No. 88-72. Granting applications for Class "B" Beer Pernrlts. ...................................... 8-Resolution No. 68-72. Directing the i..uance of Class "B" Beer Permits. .................................... 8-ResO¿f,:~n,J,°B~ Z2Ì.i~~~)n/~:"::f:~~~~~~.. .f~~ 8-Reso1ution No. 71-72. Directing the isSuance of Class "c" Beer '" Liquor Permits. ..".............. 13-Resolntion No. 72-72. To proceed to exercise the powers granted by Chapter 4O3A of the Iowa Code, as amended, on motion without an election. (Low Rent Housing Project). ............ 13-Reso1ution No. 73-72. Approving application of the provisions of Section 23 of the United State Honsing Act of 1937. ......."................... 13-Resolution No. 74--72. Authorizing the submis- sion of an application for a low rent housing program under Section 23 of the United States Housing Act of 1937. .......................................... 13-Resolution No. 75-72. Authorizing the execntion ~~~~~¡~:Sa ~~t;:tJ"I:':;'O:~~~in~n p~~ gram. ........................................................................ 13-Resolution No. 78-72. Approving Schedule of pro- proposed assessments for the City of Dubuque 1972 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Pro- ject No.1. ................................................................ 13-Reso:'::'ca~~Ds 7l;;;7:';nz.~~~ Cf~n~f t": buque 1972 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.!..........................."""""""""" 13-Resolutlon No. 78-72. Necesaity for Improvement for the City of Dubuque 1972 Concrete Pav- ing with Integral Curb Project No.1. ............ 13-Resolution No. 78-72. Fixing Date of Hearing for the City of Dubuque 1972 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.1. ..........."......... 13-Resolution No. 80-72. Approving proposed sched. u1e of usessments for the City of Dubuque 1972 Asphalt Paving Project No.1. ...."............ 13-Resolution No. 81-72. Prelinrinary plans and specifleations for construction of CIty of Du. buque 1972 Asphalt Paving Project No.!. INDEX - BOOK 102 SüBJEëT 13-Resolution No. 62-72. Necessity for Improvement For the City of Dubuque 1972 Asphalt Paving Project No.1. ...................................................... 13-Resolution No. 83-72. Fixing Date of Hearing for the City of Dubuque 1972 Asphalt Paving Proj- ect No.1. ................................................................ 13-Resolution No. 84--72. Authorizing Advertising of BJda for Demolition and Site Clearance of parcels of real estate in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15. """"""""""""""" 13-Resolution No. 65-72. Preliminary pia... and specifications for construction of Intersection of U. S. Highway 20 and J.F.K. Road Signaliza- " 13-Reso~:ro':~~~~~. N~ëiiSiiif~rï:mp¡:¡;ÿë¡;ïroi 120 ~~ 1'e~~~~~~ftza~o~.~:i{~;b"Jng~ ..~.~~ 120, 179 13-Res~¡;;'~~::éct'%-;;--:.7 õ~~Îf¡:';~yof2OH='1l:7. !toad, SignializaUon and Lighting. """""""""" 121 13-Re~tif.:'te~:-U~' uOš~'ã¡:ew;;n:~:J"f.l:7. ltoad, SIgnalization and Lighting. """""""""" 121 13-Resolution No. 88-72. Directing the Clerk and Mayor to execute Agreements with Iowa State Highway Commission for U.s. Highway 20 and l:F.K. Road, Signalization '" Lighting. ............ 121 13-Reso1ution No. 90-72. Approving application of Frommelt Industries Inc., to purchase Lot 3, Block 14 "Riverfront Subdivision No.3." ...... 122, 176 13-Resolution No. 91-72. Granting applicatiolJ8 for Class "R" and "c" Beer Permits. """"""""" 123 13-ResolutJon No. 92-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" and "c" Beer Permits. """""""""" 123 13-Resolution No. 93-72. Granting applications for Class "C" Beer & Liquor Pennlts. """""""""" 124 13-R..olution No. 84--72. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Pennits. .................... 124 13-Resolutlon No. 95-72. Requesting that the Inter. governmental FIscal Cooperation Act be amended to include all eities and to\VDS In Federal Revenue Sharing. .................................. 124 15-Resol~:,0~0-~': fl~7;,;lffr~~~gigl~k~ ~;I~ Subdivision. .............................................................. 126 20-Resolution No. 97-72. Accepting warranty deed of John A. Link, conveying Lot 2 of 1 of East 291.8' to the City of Dubuque. """"""""""""" 20-ResolutJon No. 98-72. FInal Estimate for the Cleaning of The West 32nd Street Detention Basin. ........................................................................ 20-Resolution No. 98-72. Accepting the Cleaning of the West 32nd Street Detention Basin. .......... 20-Reso¿¡'.~~n.~? i:;--:; L1~~~nle:~f~ea~~.~~..f.~~ 20-Resolution No. 101-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Pennits. """""""""" 3-Resolution No. 102-72. Approving Lots 1 through 9{ Block 4 of Horizon West Sub. """"""""""" 3-ReS~i~~ons~~pf~:- J:,;t:fP~r:1;~ ~~~t ~ :~e:; West." ........................................................................ 3-Reso~~~~;er Nfr; f~~~~lic:tY¿~~ri::n~ :g; I~~~ Crime Commission for grants under the Omni- bus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act. """"" Page 1972 92 92 92 93 93 99 100 101 102 102 102 102 113 113 114 114 115 115 115 April 116 117 117 Page 117 118 119 134 135 135 135 136 148 149 151 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT May 3-ReS~~~~:er ~~. ei~~7~ c~::~~tg~3er t~th ~~~ Iowa Water Pollution Control Commission. .... 3-Resolution No. 108-72. Granting Cigarette Per- mits. .......................................................................... 3-Resolution No. 107-72. Granting applications for Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. ....".................. 3-Resolution No. 108-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. ..................,....... 3-Resolution No. 108-72. Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Li9.uor Permits. .................. 3-Resolution No. 11~72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. ......".......... 3-Resolution No. 111-72. Approving disposal of intel'elñ. of City of Dubuque in real estate to !be DuJ¡uque Community School District, (John- son. Street). ..................................................."......... 1~Reso1ution No. 112-,-72. Accepting delivery of deeds' for the Downtown Urban Renewal Projeet,Iowa R-15. (Hasler). ............................ l~Resolution No. 113-72. Approving Lease between the City and Wayne Motor Sales. .........;.......... 17-Resolntion No. 114-72. Final Estimate for the Dubuque Airport Terminal Bldg. and Appur- tenances. .................................................................. 17-Resolution No. 115-72. Accepting Improvement for the construction of Dubuque Airport Terminal Bldg. and AppurlenanelOs. ................ 17-Reso1ution No. 118-72. Approving conveyance of Lot 3, Block 14, "Riverfront Subdivision No. 3" to Frommelt Industries, Inc. ...................." 17-Resolution No. 117-72. Approving schedule of proposed assessments for construction of an eight incb (8") Sanitary Sewer on North Algona Street. ........................................................ 17-Resolution No. 118-72. Approving Prelinrinary plans and specifications for construction of an eight inch (8") Sanitary Sewer on North Algona Street. ........................................................ 17-Resolution No. 118-72. Necessity for Improve- ment for the construction of an eight inch (8") Sanitary Sewer on North Algona Street. 17-Resolution No. 12~72. Fixing Date of Hearing for the construction of an eight inch (8") Sanitary Sewer on North Algona Street. .............."........ 17-Resolution No. 121-72. Ordering Construction of U.S. Highwar No. 20 and John F. Kennedy ltoad, Signalization and Lighting Project. ...... 17-Resolution No. 122-72. Awarding Contract for the construction of U.s. Highway No. 20 and John F. Kennedy Road, Signalization and Lighting Project. .................................................. 17-Jtesolution No. 123-72. Granting applications for Class "B" Beer Permit. ............................"........ 17-Resolution No. 124-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit. ................."..................... 17-Resolution No. 125-72. Granting applications for Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. ...........,...... 17-Resolution No. 128-72. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. ...................... 1-Res~16goi':,::gši;~: Bi;é:¥.fo".°1"!n~BfJ:i o~ ~~ all in Sunset Park Subdivision No.3. .............. I-Resolution No. 128-72. Approving the Plat of Blocks 1, 2 and 3, each In "Arbor Oaks." ...... INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJEcT I-Resolution No. 128-72. Authorizing execution of Grant Agreement with Department of Housing and Urban Development, Act of 1965, Project No. WS-IOWA 99. ................................................ I-Resolution No. 13~72. Ratifying Lease Purchase Agreement between American Trust & Savings Bank and the City for the purchase of a Bookmobile for the Library. ............................ I-Resolution No. 131-72. Granting Cigarette Permit. I-Resolution No. 132-,-72. Granting applications for Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. ............................ I-Resolution No. 133-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. """"""""""""" I-Resolution No. 134-72. Granting applications for Class "c" & "A" Liquor Permits. """"""""""" I-Resolution No. 135-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" & "A" Liquor Permits. """"""""""" 8-Resolution No. 138-72. Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specifications, form of contract and cost of 1972 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.1. """"""""" 8-Resolution No. 137-72. Ordering Construction for the City of Dubuque 1972 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.1. .............................. 8-Resolution No. 138-72. Resolution Amending Resolution No. 82-,-72, deleting Vernon Street from 1972 Asphalt Paving Project No.1. """" 8-Resolution No. 138-72. Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specifications, form of contract and cost of 1972 Asphalt Paving Project No.1. ........................................................ 8-Resolution No. 140-72. Ordering Construction for City of Dubuque 1972 Asphalt Paving Project No.1. ........................................................................ 8-Resolution No. 141-72. Accepting Corrected War- ranty Deed from Fred Klett and Kathryn Klett. 8-Resolutton No. 142-72. Authorizing the Clerk and Mayor to execute a Quit Claim Deed to Finley Hospital, covering Lot 32A and 32B in Finley Home Addition. ........................................ 8-Resolution No. 143-72. Terminating Lease NOy (R) 4083 with the Uuited States of America for a Naval Reserve site. .................................. 15-Resolntion No. 144-72. Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specifications, form of con- tract and cost of North Algona Sanitary Sewer. 15-Resolution No. 145--72. Ordering Construction for the North Algona Sanitary Sewer. .......... 15-Resolution No. 145--72. Accepting the Jansen Street Sanitary Sewer. ........................................ 15-Resolution No. 147-72. Authorizing the Publica- tion of Project Notes (third series 1972) and Receiving of Proposals for the Sale of Said Notes for Downtown Urhan Renewal Project, Iowa R-15. ................................................................ 15-Resolution No. 145--72. Granting applications for Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. .......................... 15-Resolution No. 148-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. ...................... 15- Res cg J:. ~~ ~, g!' B~~ 7i;:~ ~~8f.li ~~ ~.i ~~ . . f ~ ~ 15-Resolution No. 151-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. """"""""" 22-,-Resolution No. 152-72. Authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute a Consent Order with the Iowa Water Pollution Control Com- mission. Page 1972 152 154 154 155 155 156 169 170 171 175 176 177 177 178 178, 216 179 180 181 181 182 182 182 194 195 Page 197 198 199 199 200 200 200 204 205 206 207 208 210 211 211 215 217 218 219 220 220 220 221 233 )1"- 12-Resolution No. 175-72. Directing the City Clerk to Puhlish notice of intent to dispose of interest in Lot 1 of Block 8 of Dubuque Packing Com- pany Addition. ...................................................... 264, 318 12-Resolution No. 178-72. Accepting Contract for State Grant for Treatment Works. ................ 12-Resolution No. 177-72. Authorizing the Sale, Is- suance and Delivery of Project Notes in Amount of $1,432,000 and the Execution of Requisition Agreement No. 3-72. .................. 12-Resolution No. 178-72. Authorizing tbe Execution of Demolition Contract No. 1-72 for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15. 12-Resolution No. 178-72. Granting Cigarette Per. nrits. .......................................................................... 12-Resolution No. 180-72. Granting applications for Class "B" & "c" Beer Pernrits. """"""""""""" 12-Resolution No. 181-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. .......................... 12-Resolution No. 183-72. Granting applications for Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. """""""""" 12-Resolution No. 183-72. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................... 12-Resolution No. 184-72. Requesting the location of a second Liquor Store in the western sec- tion of Dubuque, and the moderniution of the present liquor store. .................................... 18-Resolution No. 185-72. Appointing Representa- tives to the County Comnrission on Crime and Delinquency. ............................................................ 19-Resolution No. 185-72. Opposing the Change to Fiscal Year, as set forth by Senate File No. 1125, and petitioning for its repeal by the Sixty Fifth General Assembly. """""""""""" 18-Resolution No. 187-72. Final Estimate for the Construction of the Civil Defense Warning Siren, Kennedy Mall. ............................................ 19-Resolution No. 185-72. Accepting Improvement for the Construction of Civil Defense Warning Siren, Kennedy Mall. """""""""""""""""""""" 18-Resolution No. 188-72. Preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of 1972 Traffic Signal Project, Asbury ltoad, John F. F. Kennedy Road and Pennsylvania Avenue. 18-ReS~~~fn fo~0~9oç':'ir.i'c~:~Si~ ~'9"72 Im.f:.".1í1:; ~~ruall~l~~~d~:"~ :~~d P~~s~~:a RX~: 18-Resolution No. 191-72. Fixing Date of Hearing for Construction of 1972 Traffic Signal Project; Asbury Road and Carter Road, John F. Ken. nedy Road and Pennsylvania Ave. ...................... 18-Resolution No. 192-72. Ordering Construction of 1972 Traffic Signal Project; Asbury Road and Carter ltoad, John F. Kennedy Road and Pennsylvania Avenue. ............................................ 18-Resolution No. 193-72. Schedule of Assessments for remainder of City of Dubuque 1971 Asphalt Paving Project No.1, being Ashury ltoad. .... 19-Resolntion No. 194-72. Providing for the Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds to pay the cost of the City of Dubuque 1971 Asphalt Paving Project No.1. ........................................................ 18-ResoIution No. 195-72. Granting Cigarette Per- mits. .......................................................................... 19-Resolution No. 198-72. Granting applications for Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 1972 INDEX-BOOK 102 Sï:ffiJEcT 22-Resolution No. 153-72. Final Estimate for the re- mainder of City of Dubuque 1971 Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project No. 1. 23-Resolution No. 154-72. Accepting Improvement for the remainder of the City of Dubuque 1971 Hot l'4ix.Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving Project No.1....................................."""""""""'" 30-Reso¿~~nJci'~ ~SU~ ~C;:~:~ ~rr:n~l ~::t 30- Re s6l: ìi 0 :hNI'l ir~i'i.e 'A~~:~~¡';ii . ïhe" 'Ë¡g¡¡ i' . ïii ë¡; Sanitary Sewer in North Grandview Ave., connecting Marycrest Subdivision to Kaufmann Ave. Sanitary Sewer. ............................................ 30-Resolution No. 157-72. Authorizing the City Man- aaer to flie an application with the U.S. De- partment of Housing and Urban Development Under Section 701 of the Housing Act of 19M. .......................................................................... 30-Resolution No. 158-72. Authorizing the Execution of Revised Statements for an Application for a Section 23 Leased Housing Project. .............. 30-Resolution No. 159--72. Approving the Fixed Price ~m8.~iti~~V:iJhw~d ~;b~fe~ge;~ra~;j:~ Iowa R-15 for Development by Private De- velopers .................................................................... 30-Resolution No. 160-72. Granting applications for Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. ........................ 30-Resolution No. 161-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. ..........."............. 5-ReSO~~~?tsN~f ~~72& A-&~~f~~eN~~~c~~~~k~~ and Veterans Radio Cabs. ............................251, 265, 280 5-Resolution No. 163-72. Approving proposed Schedule of Assessments for construction of Liebe Street 8" Sanitary Sewer 1972. ..."......... 5-Res"i.~t~~:'°oi6t;l; t~~¡v~~ ~:;'~~;;d s~~~~ 1972. .......................................................................... 5-Resolution No. 165-72. Necessity for Improvement for Construction of Liebe Street 8" Sanitary Sewer 1972. .............................................................. 252, 325 5-Resolutlon No. 168-72. Fixing Date of Hearing for construction of Liebe Street 8" Sanitary Sewer 1972. ............................................................ 5-ReS~~~e": ~feh~-¿2. ~f.;:c'h":rg tu1;~e::'eenðo~: munity School District and City of '¥:ubuque. 5-Resolution No. 168-72. Awarding Contract for the Construction of City of Dubuque 1972 Asphalt Paving Project No.1, except Univer. sity Avenue. ............................................................ 5-Resolution No. 168-72. Awarding Contract for the Construction of City of Dubuque 1972 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No.1. .... 5-Resolution No. 170-72. Granting applications for Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. ........."............. 5-Resolution No. 171-72. Directin~ the issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer PermIts. ..................."... 5-ReS~r~~n ,,~~. ~~;--.~. 8~~~inße:ES~ca~.0.~~..f~~ 5-Resolution No. 173-72. Directing the issnance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. ................ 12-Resolution No. 174-72. Approving the hiring of an Architectural firm to determine the best use of space at City Hall, and subnrit a cost estimate of renovating 3rd floor. .................. Page 234 234 241 242 242 243 243 245 245 June 251 251 252 253 256 256 257 257 258 258 264 Page 266 267 269 270 271 271 272 272 274 281 282 283 284 284 284 285 285 286 288 290 291 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 10-Resolution No. 22~72. Approving Agreement con- veying Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of Mineral Lot 345 to Joseph D. Vogt Jr. ..........................................334, 17-Resolution No. 225-72. Final Estimate for the Construction of the John F. Kennedy Road Sanitary Sewer from Spring Valley Road, North, East Side-1971. ...................................... 17-Resolution No. 228-72. Accepting Improvement for the John F. Kennedy Road Sanitary Sewer, North, East Side-1971. ................,..................... 17-Resolution No. 227-72. Decision of Council upon objections to plans and specifications;. form of contract and cost of 1972 Traffic Signal Project-Asbury Road and Carter Road, John F. Kennedy Road and Pennsylvania Avenue. 17-Resolution No. 228-72. Awarding Contract for the construction of 1972 Traffic Signal Project, Asbury Road and Carter ltoad, John F.Ken- nedrltoad and Pennsylvania Avenue. ...!......... 17-ResolutlOn No. 228-72. Authorizing and direct- -ing the submission of an application for a Low Rent Housing Program under Section 23 of the United States Housing Act of 1937. .... 17-Resolution No. 230-70. Approval of Agreement between the Dlinois Central Railroad Company and the City, granting the City a license to construct a sixteen inch water main on Rail- .road property......................................................... 17-Resolution No. 231-72. Granting applications for Class "B" Beer Permits. ........!........................... 17-Resolution No. 232-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permits. .................................... 17-Resolution No 233-72. Granting applications for Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................... 17-Resolution No. 23~72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................... 2~Resolution No. 235-72. Ordering an Election on the Proposition of issuing bonds in the amount of $195,000 for a Joint CountY-City Law En. forcement Center Building. """"""""""""""""" 2~Resolution No. 238-72. Granting Cigarette Permit. 2~Resolution No. 237-72. Amending Resolution No. 235-72. .................................................................... 2~Resolution No. 238-72. Granting Cigarette Permit. 7-Resolution No. 240-72. Approving Plan of Wart. burg Seminary Mobile Home Park. """""""""" 7-Resolution No. 241-72. Awarding Contract for the construction of Liebe Street Sanitary Sewer 8 inch-1972. ..................$.......................... 7-Resolution No. 242-72. Authorizing the execution of a contract for sale of land for private re- development with Franchise Realty Interstate Corporation. ............................................................ 7-Resolution No. 243-72. Declaring intent to sell portion of the Downtown Urban Renewal to Canfield Hotel Inc. .............................................. 7-Resolution No. 24~72. Authorizing the submis. sion of an application to nominate the Or- pheum Theatre and site for registration with the National Register of Historic Places. ... 7-Resolution No. 245-72. Final Estimate for the Construction of City of Dubuque Southern Avenue Water Main Extension. ..,................... 7-Resolution No. 248-76. Accepting Improvement for the City of Dubuque Southern Avenue Water Main Extension. Page July 18-Resolution No. 197-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. .................... 18-Resolution No. 198-72. Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. ................ 18-Resolution No. 198-72. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. ................ 28-Resolution No. 200-72. Granting Cigarette Per- mits. .......................................................................... 28-Resolution No. 201-72. Granting applications for Class "C" Beer Permits. ............".......................... 28-Resolution No. 202-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer Permits. ........................................ 28-Resolution No. 203-72. Granting applications for Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. ...................... 28-Resolution No. 204-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. ........"............ 28-Resolution No. 205-72. Authorizing the publication of notice of Public Hearing for a Low Rent Housing Project. .................................................. 28-Resolution No. 206-72. Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. ................ 28-Resolution No. 207-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. ..,............. 3-Resolution No. 208-72. Directing the conveyance of Lot 1 of Block 8 of Dubuque Packing Com- pany Addition to John P. Mihalakis. .............. 3-Resolution No. 208-72. Approving disposal of City's interest in Lot 6 Block 1 of Pioneer Hills Subdivision, and directing Clerk to deliver deed to Richard C. Henschel. .............................. 3-Resolution No. 210-72. Directing the City Man- ~1:~e\0 ~~~~ s~i~.;t:~I~~c~~3 ~~~:v~k, ~~~~ A. Nagle). .................................................."............ 3-Resolution No. 211-72. Declaring Intent to sell a portion of the Downtown Urban Renewal Property to Franchise Realty Interstate Cor- poration (McDonald's). ........................................ 321, 374 3-Resolntion No. 212-72. Approving and providing for the execution of a Fourth Amendatory Contract amending Contract No. Iowa R-15 (LG) between the City and the United States of America. ...........".......................................""""" 3-Resolution No. 213-72. Authorizing the issuance of project loan notes in connection with Ur- ban Renewal Project Iowa R-15. ...................... 3-Resolution No. 21~72. Endorsing the Five Flags Center Project. ................................................324, 330, 376 3-Resolution No. 215-72. Decision of Council upon objections to plans and specifications, form of contract and cost of Liebe Street Sanitary Sewer 1972. ............................................................ 3-Resolution No. 218-72. Ordering Construction for the Liebe Street Sanitary Sewer. .................... 3-Reso1ution No. 217-72. Granting Cigarette Per. mits. ............................,............................................. 3-Resolution No. 218-72. Granting application for Class "B" Beer Permit. ...................................... 3-Resolution No. 219-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit. ...................................... 3-Reso1ution No. 220-72. Granting application for Class "C" & "B" Beer & Liquor Permits. ........ 327, 328 3-Resolution No. 221-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" & "B" Beer & Liquor Permits. ........ 100Resolution No. 222-72. Approving Plat of Lot 2 of 1 of Mineral Lot 345. .................................. 10-Resolution No. 223-72. Granting Cigarette Per. mits. Aug. 291 292 292 297 298 298 299 299 299 301 301 318 319 319 322 322 324 325 326 327 327 328 334 334 Page 361, 425 341 341 342 343 344 345 346 346 346 346 353 357 361 363 371 373 374 375 376 376 377 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 7-Resolution No. 288-72. Granting applications for Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. """""""""" 7-Resolution No. 287-72. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Li;tuor Permits. """""""""" 21-ReS~~:~~n ~~y 2~'1èan~~~~1 ~fJ¡~e'ru~: kens to operaie a Taxicab aervice. .................. 21-Resolutlon No. 268-72. Approving of delivering of deed of conveyance of property to Sisters of St. Francia and Mount Calvary Cemetery Association. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 21-Resolutlon No. 270-72. Approving application to the Iowa Secretary of Agriculture to conduct MIlk Inspections. """""""""""""""""""""""""" 21-Resolution No. 271-72. Final Estimate for the Roekdale Road Water Main Extension. .......... 21-Resolution No. 272-72. Accepting Improvement for the ltockdale Road Wate Main Extension 21-Resolution No. 273-72. Schedule of Assessments for the Construction of John F. Kennedy Road Sanitary Sewer, North of Spring Valley Road- East Side. ................................................................ 21-Resolutlon No. 274-72. Providing for the Issu- ance of Sewer Bonds to pay the assessed cost of John F.Kennedy Road Sanitary Sewer, North of Spring Valley Road-East Side. .......... 21-Resolutlon No. 275--72. Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specifications and cost of Waterworks Modernization Contract U. Section I. ................................................................................ 21-Resolution No, 278-72. Decision of Counell upon objections to plans, specifications and cost of Feeder Main Extensions Contract I1. .............. 21-Resolution No. 277-72. Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specifications and cost of Contract No.1, Center Grove Valley Sanitary Interceptor Sewer-1972. """"""""""""""""""" 21-Resolution No. 278-72. Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specifications and cost of Waste Water Treatment Facilities Phase II Treatment Plant. .................................................. 21-Resolutlon No. 278-72. Amending Resolution No. 27<i-70, correction of description of Lot num- ber In Urban Renewal Area. """"""""""""""" 21-Resolutlon No. 280--72. Authorizing delivery of deed to Franchise Realty Interstate Corpora- tion. .......................................................................... 21-Resolutlon No. 281-72. Granting Cigarette Permit. 21-Resolution No. 282-72. Granting applications for Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. """""""""""" 21-Resolution No. 283-72. DIrecting the Issuance of Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. .......................... 21-ReS~~n,,~? B~ 12. J~~~:inle:E,f~~~~~~~..f~.r 21-Resolution No. 265-72. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................. 21-Resolution No. 288-72. Canvassing and declaring ~~,,"~~~~ "la~ '~~:~e:;'~~:ioBe~t~r a l.:¡\~~ ing Bond Proposition. ........................................ 5-Resolution No. 287-72. Approving conveyance of Lot I of 2 of 1 of MInerai Lot 345 to Joseph D. Vogt Jr. and Martina A. Vogt. ...................... 5- Re s~~ u~ ~sf~in~~:--'1~ u¿ ~e ~~~~: ~~~n ¡'o ~v~e: ing Lot 2 Westminster Presbyteraln Church Place to the City of Dubuque. 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 7-Resolution No. 247-72. Preliminary plans and specifications for the Construction of Water- works Modernization 1972-HUD-WS.IOWA-99, Contract ll, Section I. ..............."....................... 7-Resolution No. 248-72. Necessity for Improvement for Contract II Section Waterworks Modern- ization 19721 HUD-WS-IOWA-99. ......."........... 378, 405 7-Resolution No. 249-72. Fixing Date of Hearing for Construction of Waterworks Moderniza- tion 1972 HUD-WS-IOWA-tI9, Contract ll, Sec- tion I. ...................................................................... 7-Resolution No. 200--72. Ordering Construction for Waterworks Modernization 1972 HUD-WS- IOWA-99, Contract U. Section t. ................".... 7-ReS~.u.mca~:¡'s 25f~ 7;lÍe ~~:'~ITol~s J~~ 32nd Street, Section 3 Park Hill-Section 4 Highway 20 Waterworks Improvements 1972 Feeder lIIain Extension HUD.WS-IOWA-Ø9, Con- tract ll, Section 2. ................................................ 7-Resolution No. 252-72. Necessity for Improve- ment of Waterworks Improvement 1972-Feeder Main Extension, Contract D, Section 2.West 32nd Street, Section 3-Park Hill, Section 4- HIghway "20. .......................................................... 380, 406 7-Resolution No. 253-72. FIxing Date of Hearing for Waterworks Improvement 1972-Feeder Main Extension, Contract ll, Section 2-West 32nd Street, Section 3-Park Hill, Section 4- Highway "20. .......................................................... 7-Resolution No. 254-72. Ordering Construction for Waterworks Improvement 1972-Feeder Main Extension, Contract ll, Section 2-West 32nd Street, Section 3-Park Hill, Section 4-Highway #20. ............................................................................ 7-Resolution No. 255-72. Preliminary plans and specifications for the Construction of Center Grove Valley Sanitary Interceptor Sewer 1972, Contract I. .............................................................. 7-Reso1ution No. 258-72. Necessity for Improve- ment for Construction of Center Grove Vaney Sanitary Interceptor Sewer 1972, Contract I. 381, 408 7-Resolution No. 257-72. FIxing Date of Hearing for Construction of Center Grove Valley Sani- tary Interceptor Sewer 1972, Contract I. ........ 7-Resolutoin No. 258-72. Ordertng Construction of Center Grove Valley Sanitary Interceptor Sewer 1972, Contract No. t. ....................."......... 7-Resolution No. 258-72. Preliminary plans and specifications for Improvement of Phase II Waste Water Treatment Facilities, Contract n. 7-Resolution No. 260--72. Necessity for Improve. ment of Phase n Waste Water Treatment Facilities, Contract ll. .......................................... 383, 409 7-Resolution No. 281-72. Fixing Date of Hearing for Improvement of Phase II Waste Water Treatment Facilities, Contract I1. ......"............ 7-Reso1ution No. 262-72. Ordering Construction for Improvement of Phase n Waste Water Treat. ment Facilities, Contract ll. .............................. 7-Resolution No. 283-72. CIty of Dubuque, County of Dubuque and the Dubuque Community and Western Dubu<;lue County School DIstricts, en. tering into a ¡oint Purchasing Program. ........ 7-Resolution No. 284-72. Granting applications for Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. ................ 7-Resolution No. 265-72. DIrecting the issuance of Class "C" Beer & LIquor Permits. ................ Sept. Page 1972 378 378 379 379 386 381 381 381 382 383 384 384 385 386 386 Page 387 387 392 397 400 401 401 402 403 405 407 408 410 410 411 411 411 412 412 413 414 425 426, 585 1972 Oct. INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 5-Resolution No. 289-72. Fixing date of meeting to take action for the issuance of $1,000,000 Sewer Bonds. .......................................................... 5-Resolution No. 290-72. Providing for the Adver- tisement of $1,000,000 Sewer Bonds. .."............ 5-Resolution No. 281-72. Authorizing the City Audi- tor to execute and file application for Federal Financial Assistance under the Disaster Relief Act. ............................................................,............... 5-Resolution No. 292--72. Granting Cigarette Per- mits. ............................................................................ 5-Resolution No. 293-72. Granting applications for Class "B" & "c" Reer Permits. ..",.............""" 5-Resolution No. 294-72. Directing the issuance of Class' "B" & "C" Beer Pernrits. ...................... 5-Resolution No. 285-72. Granting applications for Class"e" ,Beer & Liquor Permits. .................:.. 5-Resolution No. 296-,-72. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................... 11-ResolutionNo. 287-72. Directing the City Man- agertoeause the structure at 2560 Elm Street to .be dismantled and removed. .........". 11-Resolution No. 298-72. Granting application for Class "B" Beer Permit. ................:..................... 11-Resolution No. 2_72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit. ....................,................. 11-Resolution No. 300-72. Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. ...."............ 11-Reso1ution No. 301-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. ......."......... 11-Reso1ution No. 302--72. Authorizing the Mayor to send condolence to the Israeli Embassy on the death of the Israeli Olympic athletes. ...." 18-Resolution No. 303-72. Conveyance of property to the Sisters of St. Francis and to Mt. Calvary Cemetery Association. .......................................... 18-Resolution No. 304-72. Authorizing the City Man- ager to execute a Consent Order with the Iowa Water Pollution Commission. ................".......... 25-Resolution No. 305-72. Authorizing the publica- tion of notice of sale of Project Notes (fifth series 1972) and the receiving of proposals for the sale of said notes for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15. ......................".... 28-Resolution No. 308-72. Providing for the sale and award of $1,000,000 Sewer Bonds and approv- ing and authorizing the agreement of such sale and award. .............................................................. 3-Resolution No. 307-72. Accepting and providing for the execution of a proposed Urban Plan- ning Grant Award. ................................................ 3-Resolution No. 308-72. Approving and accepting delivery of perpetual easement of the Du. buque Packing Company covering the south- erly 1300 feet of Lot 2 of 2 of Riverfront Sub. No. 4. .............................................................. 3-Resolution No. 308-72. Sumbitted by Councilman Justmann, resolving not to disturb the residents of Couler Valley neighborhood by a proposed freeway. (Not Adopted). .................................... 3-Reso1ution No. 310-72. Awardin~ Contract for the Center Grove Valley Samtary Interceptor Sewer 1972. .............................................................. 3-Resolution No. 311-72. Awarding Contract for the Contract n Waterworks Improvement Feeder Main Extension. -:<'" Page 426 427 428 429 429 429 430 430 436 437 437 438 438 438 443 445 450 454 466 467 467 469 469 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 3-Resolution No. 312--72. Awarding Contract for Contract n Waterworks Modernization-1972. 3-Resolution No. 313-72. Granting Cigarette Per- mits. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-Resolution No. 314-72. Granting application for Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. ...................... 3-Resolution No. 315-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "c" Beer Pernrits. """"""""""" 3-Resolution No. 318-72. Granting applications for Class "B" & "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. ........ 3-Resolution No. 317-72. Directing the isSuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. ........ 18-Resolution No. 318-72. Directing the filing of the BUDGET ESTIMATE for the year 1973, and setting date of hearing. """"""""""""""""""" 18-Resolution No. 318-72. Authorizing the City Auditor to execute an application for Federal Financial Assistance under the Disaster Relief Act. ............................................................................ 18-Resolution No. 32G-72. Authorizing sale, issuance and delivery of Project Notes in the amount of $1,725,000, and execution of Requisition Agreement No. 5-72. """"""""""""""""""" 18-Resolution No. 321-72. Approving proposed schedule of assessment for construction of Asbury Park Subdivision Park Sanitary Sewer 1972. .......................................................................... 18-Resolution No. 322-72. Preliminary plans and specifications and form of contract for Asbury Park Subdivision Sanitary Sewer 1972. .......... 18-Resolution No. 323-72. Necessity for Improve- ment for Construction of Asbury Park Sub- division Sanitary Sewer 1972. ............................ 18-Resolution No. 324-72. Fixing Date of Hearing for Construction of Asbury Park Subdivision Sanitary Sewer 1972. """"""""""""""""""""""" 18-Resolution No. 325-72. Final Estimate for the Construction of Liebe Street Sanitary Sewer- 1972. .......................................................................... 18-Resolution No. 328-72. Accepting Improvement for the Construction of Liebe Street Sanitary Sewer-1972. .............................................................. 18-Resolution No. 327-72. Granting Cigarette Per- nrits. .......................................................................... 18-Resolution No. 328-72. Granting applications for Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. ...................... 18-Resolution No. 328-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "e" Beer Pernrits. """"""""""" 18-Resolution No. 330-72. Granting applications for Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. .............. 18-Resolution No. 331-72. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Pernrits. .............. 18-Resolution No. 332--72. Declaring need for two Liquor Stores for the City of Dubuque, and asking the Governor to intervene on behalf of the City. .............................................................. 8-Reso1ution No. 323-72. Approving Budget Esti- mate of Expenditures for the fiscal year 1973. 8-Resolution No. 334-72. Prelinrinary plans and specifications for the construction of Phase n Waste Water Treatment Facilities Contract n B-Rebid. .............................................................. 6-Resolution No. 335-72. Necessity for Improvement of Phase n Waste Water Treatment Facilities Contract n B-Rebid. Nov. Page 469 470 470 470 471 472 477 478 478 481 461 481, 522 482 483 483 483 484 484 491 491 492 497 506 506, 537 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 8-Resolution No. 338-72. Ordering Construction for Improvement of Phase II Waste Water Treat- ment Facilities-Contract II B-Rebid. .............". 8-Resolution No. 337-72. Fixing Date of Hearing for Improvement of phase II Waste Water Treatment Facilities.Contract II B-Rebid. ....."... 8-Resolution No. 33S-72. Final Estimate for the City of Dubuque 1972 Asphalt Paving Project No. \, except University Avenue. .................... 8-Resolution No. 339-72. Accepting Improvement for the City of Dubuque 1972 Asphalt Paving Project No.1, except University Avenue. ........ 8-Resolution No. 340-72. Authorizing readvertising of certain urban renewal land under the fixed price competition method, (Canfield Hotel Inc.). .......................................................................... 8-Resolution No. 341-72. Granting Cigarette Per. mits. .......................................................................... 8-Reso1ution No. 342-72. Granting applications for Class "B" Beer Pernrits. ...................................... 8-Resolution No. 343--72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Pernrits. ...................................... 8-Reso1ution No. 344---72. Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. .........."........ 8-Resolution No. 345-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................... 8-Resolution No. 348-72. Authorizing City Clerk to sign Notice to Bidders for joint purchasing for the City, County and Dubuque and West. ern Dubuque Community Sehool Districts .... 8-Resolution No. 347-72. Confirming appointment of members to the Low Rent Housing Commis. sion. .......................................................................... 13-Reso1ution No. 348-72. Schedule of Assessments for the construction of Liebe Street Sanitary Sewer 1972. ............................................................ 13-Resolution No. 348-72. Providing for the lssu. ance of Bonds to pay the cost of the construc- tion of Liebe Street Sanitary Sewer \972. ...... 13-Resolution No. 354}-72. Decision of Council upon objections to plans and specifications for con- struction of the Asbury Park Subdivision Sanitary Sewer 1972. ............................................ 13-Resolution No. 351-72. Ordering Construction for the Asbury Park Subdivision Sanitary Sewer 1972..................................."""""""""""""""""""" 13-Resolution No. 352-72. Authorizing the City Man- ager to execute a Consent Order with The Iowa Water pollution Commission for expan- sion of Water Treatment Plant. ................"........ 13-Resolution No. 353-72. Granting Cigarette Per- mits. .......................................................................... 13-Resolution No. 354-72. Granting applications for Class "c" Beer Permits. ...................................... 13-Resolution No. 355-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer Permits. ...................................... 13-Resolution No. 358-72. Granting applications for Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. ..".............'" 13-Resolution No. 357-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. ............"...... 20--Reso1ution No. 358-72. Designating the property located at 1320 Locust Street as being histori. cally or architecturally significant. ......"........ 2O-Resolution No. 359-72. Approving plat of Lot 21, Block 10, Sunset Park Subdivision. .................... Page 507 507 508 508 509 510 511 511 511 511 512 513 519 520 523 523 524 525 525 525 526 528 536 537 INDEX ... BOOK 102 SUBJECT 20--Reso1ution No. 360-72. Final Estimate fur the 1971 Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Proj. ect. ............................................................................ 20--Besoluation No. 361-72. Accepting Improvement of 1971 Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Project. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 20--Resolution No. 362-72. App<oving application of Key City Plating Company to purchase Lot 1 of \ of 1 of Block 6 in Riverfront Subdivision No.3. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 20--Resolution No. 363-72. Granting Cigarette Pernrit. 20--Resolution No. ~72. Granting applications fur C1ass "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. """""""""" 2O-Resolution No. 365-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer '" Liquor Permit. .................... 27-Res~~D 7 N;;:. ,,~~~ F~rtW~!ïti~ .~~~...o~ 27-J¡esolution No. 367-72. Granting Cigarette Permit. 27-Resolution No. 368-72. Granting applications for CI.... "c" Beer " Liquor Permits. .................... 27-Resolution No. 368-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. .................... 4---Besoiution No. 370--72. Approving conveyance of alley between 16th and 17th Streets and Elm and Pine Streets. ............-..........................-.......... 551, 552 4-ResolutÏ&n No. 371-72. Schedule of Assessments for City of Dubuque 1972 Asphalt Paving Project No.1. .......................................................... 4-Rescolutiøn No. 372-72. Providing f"" the lssu- anœ of Street Improvement Bow to pay for tile cost of City of Dubuque 1972 Asphalt Pa'ring Project No. 1. """""""""""""""""""" 4-ResoIution No. 373-72. Final _ate for the City of Dubuque 1972 Concrete Paving with Intes;ral Curb Project No. 1. """""""""""""" 4-Resolution Na. 374-72. Aceepting Imp<ovement of City of Dubuque 1972 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project Na. 1. """"""""-""""'" 4-Resolution No. 375-72. Approving Official Budget Report of Municipality fur Mw>icipal Streets ad Parking for 1973. ......................,................. 4-Resolution No. 376-72. Awarding Contract for the Asbury Park Sahdivision. Sanitary Sewer 1972. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 4-_on No.. 377-7:l. GrantiDg applications for ClaM "c" Beer Permi"- .................................... 4-Resolution No. 378-72.. Directing the issuance of Class "c" B.... PermÏts. """""""'-"""""""" 4-Resolution No. 371J-72. Granting IIPplieations for Class "C" Beer '" Liquor Permits. ........"".....". 4-Kesotutian No. 380--72. Directing the issuance of Claso "C' Beer & Liquor Permit.. ""....""".... 4-Ke"'bI¡'~n,,~~. J:~-~' 8~~tin ..:£yg~~~~".f~~ ~Resolution No. 38%-72. Directing the issuance of Class .C" Beer &, Liquor Permits. ........"....".. ll-Resolution No. 38~72. AIIthorizíng the execution of a ccmtract for sale of land for private reo df!fl!l_nt with CaBfield Hotel Inc. ".......... ll-Resatutian No. 384-72. Agreeing to enter into epIion to purchase real esflrte frrlfll M'arjo'I'ie D. Reed for Park and Recre&tion pllrpo!Jes. .". ll-Re..,.p"fi(¡n No. 385-72. A JprO'f!ng A&reement J)". tween ff1e City of Dubuque and Durrant, Deininll«, Dammm:, ItFamer, Gordon far de- sign. of .. Joint LaW' Enfo"".""nt Cster. ........ 1972 Dec. Page 528 528 539 540 540 540 545 547 547 547 554 555 556 556 557 556 559 559 560 560 560 561 567 569 569 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT Page 1972 ll-Resolution No. 388-72. Conveying Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of Block 6 Riverfront Subdivision No.3 to Key City Plating Company. ................................ ll-Resolution No. 387-72. Granting Louis Mihalakis permission to place a container in the alley behind Kresge Building. .................................... ll-Resolution No. 388-72. Accepting Contract for State Grant for Treatment Works. ................ ll-Resolution No. 389-72. Approving Easement Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Dlinois Central Gulf Railroad Company. ll-Resolution No. 390-72. Granting applications for Class "c" Beer Permits. .................................. ll-Resolution No. 391-72. Directing the issuance of Class "C" Reer Permits. ................."............... ll-Resolution No. 392--72. Granting applications for Class "B" Reer Pernrits. ...................................... ll-Resolution No. 393-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permits. ...................................... 18-Resolution No. 394-72. Declaring intent of sell- ing land in Urban Renewal Project, Iowa 8-15 to Ecumenical Housing Incorporated. .............. 18-Resolution No. 395-72. Final Estimate for the Intersection of U.S. Highway No. 20 and John F. Kennedy Road Traffic Signals and Lighting. 18-Resolution No. 398-72. Accepting Improvement for the Intersection of U.S. Highway No. 20 and John F. Kennedy Road Traffic Signals and Lighting. .......................................................... 18-Reso1ution Approving Agreement between City of Dubuque and Dubuque County, Iowa and Durrant-Deininger-Dommer-Kramer-Gordon in connection with the Joint County-City Law Enforcement Center. ............................................ 18-Reso1ution No. 397-72. Accepting Warranty Deed of Westnrinster United Presbyterian Church, conveying Lot 2 of Westnrinster Presbyterian Church Place. ........................................................ 18-Resolution No. 398-72. Final Estimate for the 1971 Landscaping and Tree Planting Project. 18-Resolution No. 398-72. Accepting Improvement of 1971 Landscaping and Tree Planting Project. 18-Resolution No. 400-72. Authorizing the execution of certificate of completion for Kenneth A. Hartig. ...................................................................... 18-Resolution No. 401-72. Authorizing the execution of a certificate of completion for Ames Realty Inc. ............................................................................ 18-Resolution No. 402--72. Notice of "Location and Design" for proposed design of TOPICS Proj. ect, intersections of Ninth at Bluff and Tenth at Bluff. .................................................................... 18-Resolution No. 403-72. Awarding Contract for Phase II Waste Water Treatment Facilities Contract IIA. .......................................................... 18-Resolution No. 404-72. Awarding Contract for Phase II-Contract II-Treatment Plant Improve- ments Contract lIB. .............................................. 18-Resolution No. 405-72. Granting Cigarette Permit. 18-Resolution No. 408-72. Granting applications for Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits. ...................... 18-Reso1ution No. 407-72. Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. ...................... 18-Resolution No. 408-72. Granting application for Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................... 18-Resolution No. 409-72. Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. 570 571 572 572 573 573 574 574 582 584 564 584 585 586 586 586 587 588 590 590 591 591 591 592 592 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJEëT Page 5 3---;;chilling James Gene, appointed Assistant City Solicitor. .................................................................. 3-Swift Agricultural Chemical Corp., protest of tax assessment presented to Board of Review. .... 3---;;ullivan Samuel J. Dr., requesting rezoning of property at 3290 Asbury Road from Single Family to Multiple Family classification. 9, 86, 109, 131 3---;;torm Sewer on Crissy Drive, completed and ac- cepted. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 12 3---;;treet Lighting and Traffic Signal Project 1970, completed and accepted. .................................... 13 17-Schulz Maureen Mrs., Notice of Suit. """""""""" 20, 222 17-Schuster Michael, requesting rezoning of property at Crestwood Drive and Kennedy Road. ............ ..................................22, .68, 134, 140, 239, 278, 332, 333 31-St. Regis Paper Company, Notice of Claim. """".... 40, 73 31-Sanitation Fund, increased by transfer of $1800 from General Fund. .............................................. 41 31-Snrith H. Sidwell, Agreement with the City for Consulting Service at the Wastewater Treat- Plant. ........................................................................ Feb. 7-S01ey Susan J., supporting the proposed Ecumeni. 7-Spa4:~t . ~gg~~gL.d:r"I~r,m:.:'J¡'ort¡iiïi"Eëü¡;;ëiiiëäi Housing development. """.............,...................... 7-Stoltz Allen, objecting to the proposed Ecumenical Housing development. .......................................... 7-Snomad Ski Club, requesting extension of water- line on 32nd Street. .............................................. 67, 75 14-Strand Violet E., Notice of Claim. .......................... 71 28-Schultz Steven, request to paint house numbers on curbs denied. .................................................. 28-Spanish American War Veterans, reqnesting per- mission to conduct a tag day. ........................ 28-Sanitary Sewer Manhole Project 1972, Urban Re- newal Area. ............................................................ 91, 136 28-Shanley Donald P., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Pernrit. ...................................................... Mar. 8-Spahn Stacy, Notice of Claim. .................................... " 6-Schrobilgen Charles, Notice of Claim. """"""""" 8-Street Budget Report of Municipality for Municipal Streets and Parking for 1971. .......................... 8-Schwartz Lawrence E. and Ethel M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .................................................. 9-Siegert Funeral Home, petitions of adjacent prop- erty owners offering no objections to the proposed funeral home on Hillcrest Road. .... 106, 129 13---;;chumacher Earl E., granted Class "C" Beer Per. nrit. ................................................,........................... 123 13---;;orenson George and Mary Lou, granted. Class "c" Beer and Liquor Permit. """""""""'"""", 124 20-Stackis Enril, objecting to being replaced on the Board of Zoning Adjustment. ............................ 129, 139 20-Sewage Disposal Works Audit Report for the year 1971. ............................................. 20-Spiegel William, sidewalk bond. 2O-Shaffert L. G., Notice of Claim. . April 3---;;ewage Treatment Plant, the City Manager au- thorized to execute a Consent Order with the Iowa Water Pollution Control Commission. .... ....................................................................152, 153, 154, 157 3-ShetJer Harry W., granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................................................... 3---;;tecklein Richard W., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. Jan. 12 61 64 65 66 85 90 93, 567 100, 132 100, 160 101 102 124 130 130 132 155 155, 210 INDEX - BOOK 102 šiJBJËëT 1000awvell Jay A. Mrs. complaining of dog situation near Rhomberg & Stafford Avenues. ............ lO--Smith Construction Co. Inc., liability policy. .."...... lO--Strub Raphael H., sidewalk bond. ............"................ 10-Schiltz Joe et. al., objecting to Medical Associates 17_nI't.;;in~~:: ~~:í=~"'f'ïäii~"'ä;¡;ï'š¡;ë~ïi¡ëä: üons for construction 0 a sanitary sewer from existing manhole in University Avenue northerly 277 feet. .............................................. 177, 266 17-Signalization and Lighting for the Intersection of U.s. Highwaf No. 20 and John F. Kennedy Road, prelimlDary plans and specifications. .... 1'79 l-Sunset Park Subdivision No.3, approval of plat of Block 4, Lots 1 thru 60 incluSIve, and Block 5 of Sunset Park Subdivision No.3. ..........."......... 193 15-Swimming in Boat Harbors, petitions requesting legislation probibiting same. ....................213, 278, 353 15-Schmidt AI. M., Notice of Claim. ..............."........... 214, 278 15-Sanitary Sewer, acceptance of an eight inch sewer in Jansen Street. ................................................ 217, 218 15-Schollmeyer Paul, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. ............................................................................ 220, 258, 340 30-Sanitary Sewer in North Grandview Avenue con. necting Marycrest Subdivision to the Kauf- mann Avenue Sanitary Sewer, completed and accepted. .................................................................. June 5-Swift Plumbing & Heating Co., liability policy. ...... 5-Sanltary Sewer in Liebe Street, preliminary plans and specifications. ................................................ ....................251, 252, 324, 325, 373, 482, 483, 5-Schollmeyer Paul, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... 12-8 an~~~ n~ 0 n è~ ~':i~~f J::'.ln ~~.. . ~~... t.~~ . . ~~~~.~i~~. .. ~ 12-8chulz Phyllis M. et. aI., requesting hiking and bi~le patha on the flood wall. ...................... 12-8un 011 Company, requesting permission to in- stall a car wash facility at John F. Kennedy ltoad and Pennsylvania Avenue. ............264, 306, 338 12-Schollmeyer Paul W., granted Cigarette Permit. 271 12-Schwartz Lawrence" Ethel, granted Cigarette Permit. ...................................................................... 271 12-8utton Patricia Ann, granted Class "c" Beer Per. mit. ............................................................................ 271 111--Sisters of st. Francis and Mt. Calvary Cemetery Aasociation, requesting the vacation of a pub. lie street abutting their properties. ......".......... ................................................ 279, 304, 339, 395, 396, 443 Il1--SchruP Thomas G., appointed to Dubuque County Commission on CrI1ne and Delinqueucy. ..."... 282 19-5chnell Mathias A., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 280 19-5utton Patricia Ann, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 290 1l1--Shike.Richardson Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. 290 18-S0renson George, granted Cigarette Permit. ...". 290 111--Sears Roebuck & Company, granted Cigarette Per- mit. ............................................................................ 280 18-San~cI?°¥!~:,: fat1~~0~i'Þa;~~. P~~~t..~~.~..<;1.",~ 280, 292 Il1--Siefker John, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 280 111--Shanahan Francis, granted Cigarette Permit. ...... 280 18-Spiegelhalter Melvin A., granted Cigarette Per- nrit and Class "c" Beer and Liquor Permit. 290, 292 19-5chumacher Earl E., granted Cigarette Permit. .... 280 18-Scherer Emma Mrs., granted Cigarette Permit. ...... 291 22-Sewage Dlapoaal Plant, objections to the odor emanatltig from the plant. 1972 Page 158 159 159 162 May 242 247 519, 520 258 260 264 294 July INDEX - BOOK 102 šUBJEëT 28-Schrnidt Harold et. al., requesting approval of Mercy Medical Center's petition for rezoning of their property. .................................................. 28-Steffen John J., granted Cigarette Pernrit. .......... 28-Sutter Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 28-Sfikas Pete, granted Cigarete Permit!. """""""" 28-Savary John L., granted Cigarette and Class "c" Beer " Liquor Permit!. ...................................... 297, 299 28-Schwind Frank, granted Cigarette Permit. """"" 297 28-St&mpfer's Departmeut Store, granted Cigarette Permit. ...................................................................... 28-SpieIman Charles, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 28-Schueller Rita, granted Cigarette Permit. """"""" 28-Shetler H. W., granted Cigarette Permit. """"""" 3-Shiras Avenue, Installation of 18 street lights recommended between Lincoln Avenue and Orchard Drive. ........................................................ 3-Swift Tom, objecting to restriction of parking on Asbury ltoad. .......................................................... 3-Squlre Linnie E. Dunbar, authorized to construct an air conditioning unit. """""""""""""""""" 3-SteckIeln Richard N., granted Cigarette Pernrit. 3-Shanley DoDald, granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 17-Sitteriy Charles K., appointed to Board of Elec- trical Examinen. .................................................. 17-Shifflet John S., appointed to Board of Electrical Euminers. .............................................................. 17--Schromen Ken, liability policy. .............:.................... 17-Sanitary Sewer in John F. Kennedy ltoad, North, East Side, completed and accepted. .............. 341, 402 24-Smig:,~=~ ~ aE¡;Oi:~~%~e :;::a~l~ut~ Scharnau. ............................................................... 24--Schenck Mead et. a!., requesting that swimming be banned in boat and harbor areas. .............. 31-Sertoma Club of Dubuque, requesting permission to sell light bulbs. ...................... 7-Schmit Daniel L., Notice of Clatm. 7-Snrith Fred N., Notice of Claim. """"""""""""""" 7--southern Avenue Water Main Extension, completed and accepted. ........................................................ 7-Sfikas Pete S., granted Class "c" Beer & LIquor PerDlit. ........................................."......................... l~toDelDan ltoad, request for the vacation of a portion of road by Midwest Developers Inc. l~ewage Treatment Rates, discussion held by. Coun- cil in executive session. ...................................... 21-St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Petition of Declaratory Judgment. ................................................................ 395, 420 21-Sullivan ltobert A., requesting rezoning ot prop- erty at 1320 Locust Street to Business DIstrict Classification. .......................................................... 21-Schmitz David C., granted Cigarette and Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permits. ...................................... 5-Sewer Bonds in the amount of $1,000,000 to pay for the cost of constructing sewers and im- proving sewer outlet and purifying plant. .... ..........................................................426, 427, 453, 455, 456 5-Scherer Emma Margaret, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....................................................................... 5-Sfikas Bessie, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... 5-Smoking in Council Chamber, prohibition re- quested by Councilman Bitter. """""""""""""" 430 l1-Schnee Kim, Notice of Claim. .................................... 434, 465 l1-Senior High School, requesting permission to conduct a homecoming parade. 1972 Page 296 297 297 297 298 298 298 298 305 307 316 328 326, 536 336 336 338 348 353 ~~g. 360 369, 489 369, 489 376 386 389 390 Sept. 400, 536 411, 412 429 430 435 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 18-Schreiber John et. ux., urging the Council to consider all aspects of the Freeway proposed for Dubuque County. .......................................... 18-Scott Patricia M., Settlement of Suit. ..........."..... 18-Steines LeRoy and Betty, settlement of claim. 18-Slattery Robyn, appointed to the Youth Services Council. .................................................................... 18-Streinz Jeanette, appointed to the Youth Services Council. .................................................................... 18-Sharpe David, appointed to the Youth Services Council. .................................................................... 18-Strong Steve, appointed to the Youth Services Council. .................................................................... 25-South Dubuque Businessmen's Comnrittee, request- ing a thorough study of an alternate route for 25-SaCr':!~~ Wàsíi'Ïiö¡¡¡:;¡";;fËiïüëäiiöïi;'öi)jëciiüii to the p~oposedCou1er Valley alignment of the Nòrth-South Freeway. .......................................... 447, 460 3-Spahn & ltose Lumber Co., suggesting a perimeter 3-Sto~;.:-,~e:"L,:o~ .:r'~~u~iv~~o~i SübiïiVi: ~~~u~::e 4Þ.r.~~~.::~:.~~~.t..:r..~~~~..~~..~~ 3-Schiltz Diek, objecting to the bidding procedure on Waterworks Modernization Contract II, Sec- tion 1. ........................................................................ 18-Schiltz Construction Co., requesting permission to excavate in Kennedy Road to install sewer and water service for Westside Manor Sub. 18-Sanitary Sewer 1972 Asbury park Subdivision, prelinrinary plans and specifications. 480, 482, 522, 523 18-Savary Violet, granted Cigarette and Class "B" Beer Permits. ..................................................483, 484, 491 24-Spie1man Char1es J., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. ........................................................ 24-Sisters of St. Francis, requesting rezoning of prop. erty north of Davis Avenue from Single Fam- ily to Multiple Residence District, to be used for a child development care center. ......493, 530, 553 Nov. 8-State Comptroller, snggesting the submission of the City Budget to the County Auditor as soon as possible. .................................................... 496 8-Sullivan ltobert A., requesting reclassification of the S. 1/5 of O. L. 476, which is located at 1320 Locust Street, to a historical or archi- tectura1 classification. .......................................... 505, 536 13-Schiltz L. J. et. aI., requesting permission to ex- cavate in Sunset Park Circle and J. F. K. Road. 27-Strandberg Veronica Mrs., requesting rezoning of property at 2403 Centra1 Ave. 18 447 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT T 3-Thoms, Allan T., sworn in as Councilman. .............. 3-Telegraph Herald The, appointed official news. paper for the City of Dubuque. """""""""""" 3-Thoms Councilman, opinion of the City Solicitor concerning conflict of interest. """""""""""" 5, 36 3-Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Project 1970, completed and accepted. ...................................... 17-Tri-County Senior Citizens Inc., submitting resolu- tion endorsing the Ecumenical Housing in Downtown Dubuque. .............................................. 17-Town C10ck Plaza II, Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15, Section I General Contract and Section II, Electrical Contract. 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35 31-Transfer of Funds from General Fund to Sanita. tiono Fund, Tort Liability Fund and the Trust and Agency Fund. .............................................. Feb. 7-Thompson's Food Markets Inc., granted Class "c" Beer Pernrits. ................................69, 92, 155, 14--Thirteener Fraternity, requesting permission to paint house numbers on curbs. """""""""""" 28-Tower Investments Inc., requesting rezoning of Tower Hills Mobile Home Park to C-1 classi- fication under the proposed ordinance. """""" Mar. 13-Traffic Lighting and Signalization at the Inter- section of U.S. Highway No. 20 and J. F. Ken. nedy ltoad, prelinrinary plans and specifica- tions. ..............................................120, 121, 179, 583, 584 " 20-Tri-State Paving Company, liability policy. """"" 130 " 20-Thirty Second Street Detention Basin, completion and acceptance of work. ...................................... 135 April 3-Thill William F., objecting to rezoning of Mercy Medical Center property. ............................147, 237, 579 17-Table Mound Park Inc., objecting to proposed amendment of Refuse Ordinance. """""""""" I-Tower Investments Inc., requesting rezoning of property on Rockdale Road, now classified R.4, to C.6, previously designated as a shopping area. .......................................................................... 8-Tauke Donald B. et. aI., objecting to the proposed paving of South Grandview Avenue. """""""" 8-Tenth Street, discussion of widening Tenth Street and the intersection of Ninth and Bluff Streets. ............................................................................ 203, 587, 588 15-Tschiggfrie Excavating, requesting permission to excavate in 2700 block of University Avenue. 215 22-Taxi Cab Agreement with Local 421, expiration as of December 31, 1971, present owner ex- presses intent to sell out. 231, 251, 265, 280, 336, 337 30-Transfer of Funds from various accounts to the Special Assessment Reserve Account in order to close out inactive Special Assessment ac- counts. ...................................................................... June 12--Trapp Marita, granted Cigarette Pernrit. .............. " 12--Tigges Doris J., granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 12--Tschiggfrie Raymond, granted Cigarette Pernrit. 18-Traffic Signal Project 1972, Asbury Road and Carter ltoad, John F. Kennedy Road and Penns;ylvania Avenue, preliminary plans and specifIcations. ........................................................ 284, 342 18-Tressel Allen E., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 290 18-Trausch Baking Company, granted Cigarette Per- mit. ............................................................................ 19--Thompson's Food Markets Inc., granted Cigarette Permits. 1972 Page Page 1972 440 441 442 446 Jan. 446 446 13 446 41 oct. 480 257, 573 75, 85 487 90 488 476 135 491 May 174 496 193 202 518 545 215 237 271 271 271 290 291 1972 July INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJEcT lO-Thermolyne Corporation, offering use of their parking lot for people attending River Front ball parks. .........................................,...................... 17-Taxi Cab Ordinan... amended to provide for the rate of fare. ............................................................ 24--Tabak Sol Dr., appointed to Human Rights Com- mission to fill unexpired term of Dr. Virgil Cruz. ......................................................................... 5-Trimble Jerry, requesting pernrission to conduct a Rosary procession from St. Patrick's Church to St. Raphael's Cathedral. .......................,.......... 18-Throup Michael, appointed to the Youth Services Council. .................................................................... 25-Tunstallltobert M., supporting the proposed Free- way. .......................................................................... 25-Timmerman Peter R., Notice of Claim. .........."........ 3-Tigges Doris, granted Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................................................................... 16-Theobald John P., Notice of Claim. ..............."... 2O-The~~~r:Oft C~~.~~~o:er:a~nil:J'f.liT2ti:d f~~ in Riverfroat Subdivision No, 3. ............."......... 2o-TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET LIGHTING pROJECT 1971, completed and accepted. .....". 2o-Town Clock Inn Incorporated, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. ................-........"........... ~7-Te!ePrompTer Cable Communications Corporation, Notice frollk the F. Co C. regarding an applies- tiQll for certifIcation substituting a television signal. ........................................................................ 27-Thomas Farm Addition, approval of plat of Block 7. ................................................................................ 18--TOP~~r;r..~:~ .1"= ~¿J#~n*~~ at BLUFF, realignment of Tenth Street and tbe mtersection of Ninth and Bluff. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Page 331 337 348 424 446 447 448 471, 515 475 529 538, 539 540 587, 588 543 545 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT U 3-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, Fourth Amendatory Contract. .......................................... 3-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, Au. thorizing the Issuance of Project Loan Notes. 3-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, Main Street Pedestrianway, Phase I, General Con- tract, completed and accepted. """""""""""" 17-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA 8-15, Sale of Project Notes. 25, 26, 77, 78, 219, 267, 450, 17-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R.15, Town Clock Plaza TI, Section I General Contract and Section TI Electrical Contract. ......26, 30, 31, 17-United States Department of The Interior, rela- tive to the National Register of Historical Places. ...................................................................... Feb. URBAN RENEWAL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 1972. .................... Mar. 13-United States Housing Act of 1937, approval of application under Section 23, providing finan- cial assistance in providing low rent housing. ............................................................................ 113, 13-URBAN RENEwAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, invita- tion for bids for the demolition of bnildings and structures and site clearance. .................... 13-U.S. Highway No. 20 and John F. Kennedy ltoad, Signalization and Lighting Project, prelimin. ary plans and specifications. ....120, 121, 179, April lO-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, accept- ance of delivery of deed from Lucile E. Hasler, et. aI., on Lot 2 of Block 5 m "Downtown Plaza." ...................................................................... 17-United Fund of Dubuque, thanking the Council for invitation in the participation of feasibility of joint City.county Health Services. .............. I-United States of America, renewal of Government Lease of Naval Reserve property. """""""" I-United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Grant Agreement under Section 702 to aid in financing public works Project No. WS-IOWA 99. .................. 3O-United States Department of Housing and Urban Development under Section 701 of the 1954 Housing Act. The City of Dubuque to partici- pate in the Comprehensive Planning and Man- agement Program. .................................................. 3O-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, Ap- f~~~e:f:g '¿~J;i~n&og:P~~~i'Vrb~:t'ko:. newal for Development by Private Developers. June 18-Udelhoven Jerry L., granted Cigarette Pernrit. .... " 22-Union Labor Temple Building, seeking an in- junction to prevent assessment for collection of taxes. .................................................................. 3-URBAN RENEwAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, intent to sell a portion of Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa 8-15 to Franchise Realty Inter- state Corporation (McDonald's Corp.). ....321, 3-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, Au- thorizing the issuance of Project Loan Notes. Aug. 7-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA 8-15, intent to sell a portion of Downtown Urban Renewal Project I<>wa 8-15 to Canfield Hotel Inc. ...... ....................................................................375, 437, 1972 Jan. May July Page 10, 322 10 13 451, 478 33, 35 28 91, 136 114, 243 119, 269 583, 564 170 172 187, 211 197 242 243 290, 450 294 374, 411 322 509, 567 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT 21-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, amend- ing Resolution No. 274-70 to correct a City Lot number in Dubuque Downtown Plaza to read 224B rather than 2448. .............................. Sept. 5-University of Dubuque, granted Cigarette Permit. " ll-Uthe W. J. Mrs., Notice of Claim. .......................... Oct. 3-Udelhofen Glen Mrs., complaining of enforcement of Dog ordinance. ..................................."............. 3-UNlCEF, requesting permission to conduct their drive on October 31. .......................................... 3-United States of America, Grant to the City of Dubuque to aid in financing a Program desig- nated "Comprehensive Planning Assistance Grant, Program No. Iowa-P-l71," consisting of parts I, ll, and ill. ................................................ Nov. 8-University of Dubuque, Seminar of American processes, requesting permission to use Coun- cil Chambers to conduct a panel discussion on the proposed Freeway. .................................. 20-University of Dubuque Student px, granted Cigarette Permit. ..............................".................... Dec. 18-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, de. clarlng intent to sell a portion of Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15 to Ecumeni- cal Housing Incorporated. .................................. 18-Unlversity Avenue, widening and reconstruction of street from Loras Boulevard to Gilliam Streets, Proof of publication of notice of hear. ing. 1972 Page 410 429 434 460 461 466 505, 544 540 582 588 V 3-Vincent Brian, granted Cigarette Permit. """'" 14, 297 Feb. 14-Valentine Drive, installation of street light recom. mended at intersection of Valentine and June Drives. ...................................................................... " 14-Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission to have a poppy day. ............................................ April 3-Vernon, Dr. R. G., recommending restriction of H-)I area in new proposed zoning Ordinance, :r"c~~~~r t:J::°x:;,~ri:;.,:.n~~..~~..~~~.c~..~.~.~i: 145, 161 I-Voting Records and aU registration material trans- ferred to the Office of County Auditor. ........ I-Van Duelman Carl, granted Class "c" Beer Pernrit. June 1Z-Van Sickle Marvin A., appointed to the Civil Servo ice Commission. """""""""""""..................,....... 18-Vicidomini Joseph S., appointed to Dubuque County Commission on Crime and Delinquency. 28-Van Duelman Carl, granted Cigarette Pennit. .... 3-Van Buren & Fairfax Avenues, installation of a street light recommended. """"""""""""""""" 10-Vogt Joseph D. Jr" Agreement to convey Lot 2 of 1 of Lot 163 of L. Il Langworthy's Addu. in exchange for Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of M.L. 345. 334, 361, 425 Oet. 24-Veter8DS of World War I, requesting permission to " 24-Vie~~t"M~;;~al¡D:t~~inï.;;;j"iö"¡:¡¡;;'Böä¡:d"önÏëäi: ~~~~~~~~..~. .~~~.~~~..~~.~ ..~~ Nov. 27-Voelker Joseph, replaced on Dock Commission by William MeEllhiney. 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT Jan. May July Page 71 75 188 200 260 282 298 306 486 487 548 1972 Jan. Feb. Mar. April May W 17-Whalen Lyle, requesting pernrission to construct a car wash at 1277 Etm Street. ........................ 31-Wittenberg Gent, Urban Renewal Director, com. munication of Dubuque Homeowners & Land- lords Association, requesting investigation con- 31-Way,,:~~~~:il~fes~ :&~~ t~orp=a::n::~përtŸ 27, 65 in Sears Roebuck Subdivision. ................."....... 42, 170 7-Wenker John Rev., supporting the Ecumenical Housing Development. .................................""..... 64, 71 7-Weitz A. L., requesting permission to speak on Ecumenical Housing. ............................................ 28-Water Department, Report for the Fiscal Year 1971. .......................................................................... 8-West Creek Park Subdivision, approval of plat of Lots 1 thru 9 and Block A. ................................ 13-White William J. B., granted Class "C" Beer Per. mit. ............................................................................ 20-Wolter Lowell, Notice of Claim. .............................. 3-Wersinger Leon et. aI., retirees of John Deere, objecting to Medical Associates moving to Mercy Medical Center. .......................................... 3-"Westview Shopping Center Place" and "Westview West," approval of plat. ..................".................... 3-Waste Water Treatment Facility, the City Man. ager authorized to execute a Consent Order wiht the Iowa Water pollution Control Com- mission. ..............................152, 153, 154, 157, 231, 285 3-Wedi¡: Kathleen L., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................................................... 1-Witthoeft Steve et. al., requesting permission to construct a maintenance garage and wash bay for trucks off of East 4th Street Extension. I-Walgreen Co., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. .... 8-Wartburg Theolo~ical Seminary, requesting re- zoning of portions of M. L. 130 and 140 from Single Family to Multiple Residence classifica- tion. ....................................................................209, 304, 371 5-Weiner Helen, granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit....................................................................... 5-Westminster Presbyterian Church, approving trans- fer of property along east side of University Avenue from Loras Boulevard to Irving Street. 12-Weidemann Mary Ann, appointed to the Advisory Commission. ............................................................ 12-Westerfield Martin C., granted Cigarette Permits. 12-Weiner Helen, granted Cigarette Permit. ............ 12-Weish Enterprises Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. 12-Wareco System of Iowa, granted Cigarette Permit. 12-Wallace Colleen M., granted Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................................................... 18-Walsh Gretchen, appointed to Dubuque County Comnrission on Crime and Delinquency. ........ 18-Walgreen Drug Stores, granted Cigarette Permit. 18-Wunder Eileen, granted Cigarette Permit and Class "c" Beer & Liquor Permit. ...................... 28-Wallace Colleen, granted Cigarette Pernrit. .......... Permit....................................................................... 28-Wong Chuck N., granted Cigarette Permit. .......... 28-Wolworth Department Store, granted Cigarette 28-Winkler Beatrice C., granted Cigarette Permit. 28-Weish Enterprise Inc., granted Class "c" Beer Permit. ...................................................................... 3-Water Treatment Facilities and Contract 11, prog- ress report submitted by the City Engineer. 306, 348 report submitted by the City Engineer. .... 306, 348 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJEcT June July Page 20 66 85 100 123 132 145 149 155 193 199 258 258 260 271 271 271 271 272 282 290 290, 292 287 297 297 298 298 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 3-Welter Harold 8., granted Cigarette Permit. ...... 3-Wedig Kathleen, granted Cigarette Pernrit. ........ 3-Wertz Donald E., granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 3-White Wm. J., granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 100Westphal & Company, receiving an award from the American Society of Architects for con- struction of the Downtown Clock Plaza. ........ 10-Westside Manor Subdivision, Lot 14, Block 2, re- zoned to "Multiple Residence District Classifi- cation." ......................."................"..................... 332, 333 17-Wirzbach ltobert C., appointed to the Board of Electrical Exanriners and Board of Appeal. .... 7-Westnrinster Presbyterian Church, endorsing the proposed Youth Services Bureau. ...................... 7-White Louis J., Notice of Claim. ................................ 7-"Wartburg Seminary Mobile Home Park," approval of plan. .................................................................... 7-Water Main Extension on Southern Avenue, com- pleted and accepted. """""""""""""""""""""" 7-WATERWORKS MODERNIZATION, CONTRACT 11, SECTION I, CONTRACT 11 SECTION 2, FEEDER MAiN EXTENSION WEST 32ND STREET. CONTRACT 11 SECTION 3, FEEDER MAiN EXTENSION-PARK HILL. CONTRACT 11 SECTION 4, FEEDER MAIN EXTENSION- HIGHWAY #20, prelinrinary plans and speci- fications as listed under HUD-WS-IOWA-99. ............377, 378, 379, 380, 405, 406, 407, 467, 468, 515 7-WATE WATER TREATMENT FAClLITlES, PHASE 11, CONTACT 11, prelinrinary plans and specifications. .......................................................... 383, 384, 409, 445, 505, 506, 507, 524, 572, 589, 590 14-Winall, Mrs. J. Wallis, expressing an interest to purchase Lot 9 in M. A. McDaniel Sub. which is located on Avon Street. .................................. 389 14-Welu Julius A., Notice of Claim """"""""""""" 389, 474 21-WATER MAIN EXTENSION ON ROCKDALE ROAD, completed and accepted. ...................... 401 5-Westminster Church Corporation, conveyance of Lot 2 Westminster Presbyterian Church Place to the City of Dubuque. ...................................... 426, 585 ll-Welu Richard E., Notice of Claim. ........................ 435 ll-Welu Dixie Jane, Notice of Claim. .......................... 435 25-Wick Rosemarie J., Notice of Claim. ........................ 449 3-Weigand Darlene M. et. al., objecting to the re- classification of property at 32nd Street and Kennedy Road for the development of a modu. lar home community. """"""""""""""""""""" 18-Wahlert High School, requesting permission to conduct a homecoming parade. ........................ 18-Welter Harold 8., requesting refund on unexpired portions of Class "C" Beer Permit No. 34, and Cigarette Permit No. 225. .................................... 18-Whalen Lyle, granted Cigarette Permit. .............. 24-Witt William J., replaced on Low Rent Housing Commission by Donald R. Meyers. ................ 24-Woodward Robert, replaced on Airport Commission by Dr. James Clark. .............................................. 20-Wild Ruth, requesting a reduction in a peddler's license. ...................................................................... 27-Welu Daniel E., appointed to the Police-Fire Pension and Retirement Board. """"""""""" ll-Wallis Company, requesting the elimination of easement in Lots 9 and 10 Clinque Inc. No.2 Addition. .................................................................. 18-Wertz Donald E., granted Class "c" Beer Permit. 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT Aug. Page 328 326 326 328 330 336 365 370, 437 371, 531 376 401 463 475 476 483 487 487 535 548 587 591 INDEX - BOOK 102 sUBJECT Pale 1972 y Jan. 17-York Street, installation of street light recom- mended. .................................................................... 19 Ang. 7-Youth Services Bureau, communications favoring and endorsing the proposed project. ................ 365, 366 1972 INDEX - BOOK 102 SUBJECT Z Feb. Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance presented to the Council. ..............................................70, 74, 104, " 28-Zmudka Frank, Notice of Claim by American States Insurance Co. .............................................. June 22-Zah~i~a~~~e~1 ~~~'ti':,~ ~~b b~~iie~~~a~.i~~..~~..~~: Oct. 3-Zimmerman David E., granted Cigarette Permit. Page 106, 129 88 295, 336 470