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Grove Terrance 1045
1C45 Grove - .2erreee I O-ari Kolck 0-Henschel Rfg. Co. 75eroof f'r. ciTell. 3.Rs 250 0 6/"1/41 v -'250.00 0-Haro1 6 A . Cone Sr. : . 0 1 - 71- 10-3 ose sf Ce cort of 2 .1Dtre7 7 0 D . 5. 653 8- dd. Rear 2 F. Fr. Dw. B.P. 498 8-1-68 3,000"; 00 0. Dale C. Conzett Add rear deck & bridge B.P. 496 7-11-72 300.00 L041 Grove Terrace 0-Dale Conzett Repairs to MF Fr Dwelling B.P. 258 4-16-76 1500.00 0-Dale Conzett C-Owner erect add., enclose porch, MF frm dwllg BP 12311 8/7/87 $18,882 0-Dale Conzett C-Owner tear-off, reroof MF frm dwllg BP24271 7/15/94 $1650.00 0-Millie Conzett C-O'Malley Const. t/o,reroof MF BP35298 7/1/96 BP35298 $250.00