Grove Terrance 1105 1105 Grove Terrace
0 -Gene Scholtes C -Ray McDonald
install porch railing MF frm dwllg BP 4002 12/7/81 $400.00
0 -Jim Gross C -Owner
inter. remodeling MF frm dwllg BP 8684 6/10/85 $45000.00
0 -Jim Gross C -Ray McDonald
build stairs & deck, change dormer MF frm dwllg BP 8920
7/17/85 $2200.00
Board of Adjustment Docket 29 -86 for Conditional Use
Permit to allow bed and breakfast home for four guest
rooms, Approved w /cond. 7/24/86
6 month extension granted 7/24/87
1105 Grove Terrace
0-Jim Gross C-Advanta Sign Co.
install 4 sq. ft. sign to bldg., sgl face, wood
BP 12457 9/1/87
1105 Grove Terrace
Board of Adjustment Docket 12-88 for Conditional Use
Permit to allow expansion of Bed and Breakfast to 5
guest rums, Approved 4/28/88
Board of Adjustment Docket 34-91 for Conditional Use Per0i
to allow expansion 0f bed and breakfast from 5 to 9
sleeping rooms with an owner/manager opt. Approved w/
conditions 6/27/91
0-Chuck Huntley C-Old House Enthusiasts
erect temporary 3igmDPJ4498 4/15/95 n/a