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Grove Terrance 1106
1106„Zest„„Grole „Tarr.. Smith C-Peter J. Enoch Enclos'Ir seem perch of brick dvelliug B. Y. 242 // 5/28/41 // i00/// E5 .00 0-Stanley Doerr C-Chas Reroof S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P, 661 9-11-52 195.00 0-Stanley Doerr C-Chas. lams Reroof S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 730 10-1-52 225.00 C-Builders Supply Co. Reside S.F.Br.Dwellg.B.P. 487 7-6-55 2,800.00 1106 Grove Terrace 0- John Knopf_ C- Owner reroof SF frm dwlig BP 10259 6/11/86 5900.00