Grove Terrance 1203 1203 Grove Terrace
0-John M, Weida C -Giese Sheet Metal Co
Reroof M ®F ®Frame DD wellg ®B ®P 326 6®4 ®58 201 ® 00
o - Dave Bisenius C -- DISCO
Repair siding on MF Fr Dw11g, B.P. 1537, 12/20/78 120.00
Bd of Adj Docket 27 -89 for conditional use permit for
bed and breakfast - 5 guests - approved w/ cond 6/27/89
0 -Bud Geyer"W.H. Day House" C- Advanta Sign Co.
install 2'x2' sgl face painted wood sign on bldg BP 16030
9/28/89 C -Al Main
change inter. to make SF frm dwllg BP17710 10/1/90
1203 Grove Terrace
0 -Dr. Stephen Pieratti C- Rafoth
t/o tile, install synth. slate roof, SF BP35699 8/13/96