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Groveland Place 0785
:L., 2 - 0-Leonard H C-Karl Eisbach 1,800.00 Addition to rear of 0on.Bloch Bus.Eldc7.3_,7, 172 L-10-61 Board of Adjustment Docket 38-81 Approved w/conditions 11/19/81 0-George Westercamp C-Owner remodel & alt. to frm comm. bldg. BP 4026 1/8/82 $5500.00 785 Groveland 0- Dominic Goodmann C -Mid -State Co: r- :. . :: : °O, S .s . D se. :. ... I $500.00 - eig orho Gene — t nSer. . 8 ?7 6/22/88