Hale Street 1935 1935 Hale St.
0- Arthur Witherall C- Witherall Contractors
Erect S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 9 4 -2 -48 4,800.00
B.of. A. Petn for erection of car port "H8'! from
side lot line. Granted Docket No. 57 -56
0 -Leo F. Rolling C-C. L. Haase
Construct Car Fort to side of S.F.Fr.Dwellg.B.P. 616
8 -29 -56 500.00
C. Sultak Roofing &- Siding
Reroof sf fr dw B.P. 350 6/7/71 295.00
_ O -Leo Rolling C -Burke Alumatic
reside sf fr dwelling B.P. 1027 12 -12 -75 1950.00
1935 Hale
Board of Adjustment Docket 69 -90 for variance in side yard
setback to-allow const . of an addition 4' from side prop.
Pine, Approved w /conditions 11/29/90