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Harlan Street 0835
835 Herlan St. 0- Dubuque Homes, Inc. C -Vern Cerris. Erect S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 485 11 -16 -45 4,500.00 0- Lawrence Mahhart Erect frame garage B.P. 799 3 -24 -48 500.00 0- Arthur Wernke C -M & W Const. erect 10x12 1st. flr. kit. add, reside, reroof SF frm - - -BP 8697 - 6/12/85 $10500.00 0- Arthur Wernke C -M & W Const. erect 16x22 det. frm gar., remove old gar., SF res BP 9272 - 1 0/1/85 $3502.00