Harlan Street 0855 855 Harlan St. 0- 2Aabuque Homes, Inc, C -Vern Qarris. Hrect S.F.Frame Dwelle.B.P. 487 11 -16 -45 4,500.00 0- Dorrance Rapp. 2,500.00 Addition to rear of s.f.fr.dwellg.B.P.. 381 6 -6 -55 0- Zephyr Aluminum Products Inc. Reside S,F,Frame Dwellg.B.P, 418 6 -25 -62 970.00 O-Dorrance Rapp Sr. C -R & R Const. - -tear -off one half, reroof entire SF frm -dwllg BP 10023 5/8/86 $584.00 _ J 855 HARLAN 0- Dorance Rapp C- Masters Siding FReside; as; - Toor & window case SA, SF - rrm BP2 - 9 - 541 5-5-85 $4€.36 00 - -.... —