Hawthorne Street 1860 1860 Hawthorne St. 0- Riverside Bowl Inc. C- Epperson & Co. Inc. Erect One Story Building B.P. 349 6 -13 -58 110,000.00 C. Seger Bros. Erect Add. Side Boeing Lanes Bldg. B.P. 256 4 -28 -64 150,000.00 C. Giese Sheet Metal Reroof Masonry Bus. Bldg. B.P. 170 4 -1 -69 6,000.00 0- Riverside Bowl - Alteration to interior of comet bldg B.P• 1389 //// ot7 7 �esa.00� L 1860 Hawthorne Dr Alterationto steel & Mas Bowling Alley, B.P. 289 4/10/78 500.00 O Riverside Bowl Tar_ roof _of.- comm. ..bldg, B.P. 662, 6/15/78 4000.00 _... 0- Riverside Sown C -Owner Remodel int mas /st comm bldg BP 1587 11/27/79 $350.00 0-Riverside Bowl C -John Specht Plastering apply stucco to part of ext. mas. & stl. comm. bldg. BP 5150 11/3/82 $6000.00 0- Riverside Bowl - Manny's Pizza C -Gene Bird Sign Ser. one 6x6 pepsi sign on cult. pole BP 6658 3/2/84 1860 Hawthorne 0- Gerald Pregler C -Owner alterations to masonry stl. comm. bldg. BP 7627 9/7/84 0— Riverside Bowl C -Owner $500.00 replace wood soffit with alum. - comm. bldg. BP 10184 5/29/86 $2400.00 0- Riverside Bowl C- Maryville Const. inter alter to restrooms comm. bldg BP23290 1/24/94 $25,000.00 0- Riverside Bowl C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. change faces in exist. 6x6 sign, (4) 22x6 faces BP23311 2/8/94 N/A 0- riverside Bowl C -Giese Sheet Metal reroof COMM sd BP25246 9/21/94 $42035.00 1860 HAWTHORNE ST 0- Riverside Bowl G -Gene Bird Sign Svc Install (1) 3 -6" awning BP 32002 8/10/95 0- Riverside Bowl C -Larry Miller Const. erect fndn for future addition, comm. BP34833 5/14/96 na 0- Riverside Bowl C -Larry Miller Const. erct frm addition on exist. fndn, comm /assembly bldg BP34895 5/20/96 $45,000.00