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Hempstead Street 2301
2301 Hempstead St. r 0- 1.,3.8`l0 g`cn erect w.F.Frame - wel1ing,E4P, 717 1 -6 -48 900,00 0_V, Vance Construct carport to rear of s,f.frame dwellg.B,F, 837 10 -3 -60 150.00 C. Dubuque Insulation & Siding Reside S.F. Frame D ellingB. P. 1119 12 -3 -63 400.00 0 -John Beecher C -Owner erect 16x30 add to exist. SF frm dwllg BP 8874 7/8/85 $20,217.00 2301 Hempstead 0-Russ Kerper C-Owner erect 217 sq. ft. deck SF dwllg BP24499 8/17/94 $1143.00 0-Russ Kerper C-Owner t/o, . reroof part SF & carport, sd B.P. 29691 5/10/95 750.00 0-Russ Kerper C-Owner Side frt & id-wbod SF, d BP 31543 7/20/95 $1120.00