Hill Street 0068 68 11111 3t.
1 artin beippe1 O `afoth Furnace.
Reair a 2.1eter-ticne, 3.1). 277 8/13/37 1 ,000.00
C-The Hoffman Co.
__. 3 erati ons_ to fraln2_ te176,in.g to _provi de_addit ona_ 1 Unit
B.P. 224 6,./5/46 900.00
B. of A. pet. for conditional use __permit -- under
requirements of Art. IV, Sec. 4 -104.4 to allow a
Group Home: Granted Docket 35 -76
68 Hill x,
0 -Area Residential Care C -Terry Burds Const.
install second ext. stairway MF frm dwllg BP 6343
10/6/83 $895.00
0 -Area Residential Care C -Tom Zwack
alt. to int. of frm group home BP 6596 1/30/84 $500.00
0 -Area Residential Care C -Terry Burds Const.
remodel bathroom, walls, doors, ceiling - group home
BP 9962 5/1/86 $6000.00
0 -Area Residential Care C- Inter -State Contractors
close in windows w/siding, new windows, group home
BP 11552 4/7/87 $1800.00
68 Hill
O-Area Resid. Care C-Inter--State Contr.
porch windows,s-iding,rercof frt porch, SF res BP •14902
3/22/89 $4000.00
0- 1owa 1101 -C Spr-oule Constr
Demolish SF res BP 28541 3-24-95 n/a