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Hill Street 0069
09 Hill St. 0-Bred vat€uerd 0- Henschel Flo. Co. erccf lir. Louse- B.P. 777 3/30/32 4100.00 0- Joseph Beck C.-Modern Siding & Roofing Co. Reside S,F,Frame Dwellg.B,P. 881 12 -2J -58 990.00 0 -Joe Beck Reroof S. F. Frame Dwe11g, B.P. 100 3 225.00 0 -Jack Eichhorn C- Mid -State Co. reroof SF dwllg BP 8240 4/8/85 $1800.00 0. Iowa DDT C. Zinser Enterprises demolish SFFrm dwllg __ B.P. 24174 7 -1 -94 N/A 69 Hill St. 0 -Carl Summers C- Owner /Mary Ransdell install fndn for house of be moved onto site SF BP41095 .- 1 - 11 - 2 - 3/99 - 15 - 900 - 0700 - 0 -Car l— Summers C= Ayisworth - House 1<7overs ' move SF frmdw119_.to__founda_t -on_at 69 Hill_ 12/28/99 n/a