Hill Street 0350 Y
350 Hill St.
0 -David Lewis 0- Albert Eisbech
Reroofing frame dwelling B.P. 841 11/13/41 ;96.00
0 -Bob Hedrick C -Danny Dietz
erect 20x20 det. carport, SF frm dwllg BP 16276 11/22/89
Board of Adjustment Docket 66 -89 for variance in side
yard setback & lot coverage to allow det. gar. 1 foot
from side prop. line & exceedi;;ng 40% lot coverage by
84 sq. ft. Approved w /no overhang to the north 11/16/89
350 Hill St.
0 -Bob Hedrick - G- Owner
tear -off, reroof SF frm dwllg BP20353 6/1/92 $1000.00
0 _Stacy _Moore_ ______ C Bel AireHomeImp__
t/o, reroof SF BP34282 3/22/96 $6147.00