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Hill Street 0389
389 Pill St. 0- J.5ins 0- °...Schmitt Feroof 2st. br. house B.P.58 5/1/34 :100.00 1 0 - Ruth Sims C -Giese Sheet ifetP1 Co,_ Reroof 2 Stor Br,Dwellg,B,P, 650 8 -20 -62 450.00 0 Willie °Malley C- American Insl & Siding _. Reside SF Fr nwllq, B.P. 1273, 10/21/77 1400.00 0 -Bill O'Malley C- O'Malley Const. erect 22x24 det. frm. gar., SF res BP 11041 10/20/86 $5254.00_. 389 Hill St. 0 -Mark Tressel C -ABC Seamless soffit, fascia, 3 sides SF BP34459 4/10/96 $2021.00