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Hillcrest Road 3300
3300 Hillcrest 0-Nash Finch C- Rawlins Const Inc. erect new frm /stl building - restaurant (Boston Market) BP 30444 -6/5f95 8490;686. -00- - - - 0-- Na-skiFinc.h_- Bos ton-- Ma- r -kst- '-'— G-- Nespe-r- -Si-gn —C -0.- - - - -- install free standing sign, illum awnings BP31120 7/3/95 0- Boston Market C- Custom Communic, Inc Install 29" satellite disk, Comm ..._._.. B-P- 3314 -7 - -- 1015f95 -- $500.00- O- Boston Market — C Omer —_ —_ - -_ erect temporary sign BP36183 10/9/96 n/a 3300 Hillcrest 0 -Taco Bell REst. C- Industrial Renovation install fndn for det. drive -thru riser /canopy, fndn for entryway, comm. BP39133 8/11/98 n/a 0 -Taco Bell Rest. C- Industrial REnovation remodel exist. comm. bldg for new restaurant, EIFS syst. BP39168 8/18/98 $108,482.00 0 -Taco Bell C -Sign Productions Inc. - - install dbl face pylon sign, sf changeable copy, 6 dir. BP39328 9/21/98 n/a