Hillcrest Road 3365 3365 Hillcrest Rd. a 0 -First Family Credit Union C -Kirk Gross Co. install footings & fndn. for future office bldg. BP 15397 6/12/89 N /A__ 0 -1st Fam. Cr. Union C -Kirk Gross Co. erect new brk comm. bldg. on exist. fndn. BP 15675 --7/24189—$390-,800.00- 0-First Fam. Cr. Union C-Advanta Sign Co. install free standing sign & 2 wall mtd. signs BP 15985 9/20/89 0-Fred Riechenberger C Bi11 Burkhart inter. alter. to make therapy facility, comm. BP19300 9/13/91 $40,000.00 3365 Hillcrest 0-Comprehensive Rehab C- Advanta Sign Co. remove exist., replace with 75 "x132" sign BP19420 70/8/91 O- Fred- Rei-c-henberger -- -- G Bur-kfkart interior partitions Comm.Bldg. BP21981 5 -17 -93 $1500.00 0-Fred Rieckenberger C- Bill Burkhart Interior altera, partitions, Comm, remodel - --------------- - - — - BP 31E56 7t2 - 4fI0.fl0 -_ 0 -Mone Brandt -mgr C- American Sign replace sign faces in exist. pole,channel letters on bldg BP33827 12/1 -/ -95 n /a