Hoyt Street 2219 22T H oyt _..
0)-Yrs. L. Riley C vner
Rroof f 1, 1523 9/25/ 2 00,00
e� frame c =el in_
B.of A, Petn. to rebuild frame garage on present
location, Granted provided block or masonry construction
and written consent of adjoining owner Docket No. 21 -49
0-Matt Fagan
Reroof porches of S.F.Fr.Dwe11g.8.P. 575 8 -13 -56 60.00
C. Beavee Roofing Co.
Reroof S.F. Frame DwellingB.P.210 4 -16 -63 350.00
2219 Hoyt
0-Patrick Murphy - E -Ron Smith
remodel bathroom /new drywall SF frm dwllg BP 6930 5/9/84
- - -- 00.00
,., -Dewey Meyer =Mark Steger Const.
rcr-oof, 91-6188