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Huff Street 0575
575 Huff 0- Zephyr Aluminum Prod. C -Owner foundation fur - future sLt - comma bldy. BP 11 N/A 0- Zephyr Alum. Products C -Owner - .. _erect - st1 frui comer big —om dr SP 11377 2/1818.7_i26.74..0116-0D___ 0 -Al Timmerman C- Zephyr Alum. — erect precast panel Ttdg., comm. storage BP T6300 II/2"gj89 ', $92450_x0 0- Alfred Timmerman C- Zephyr Alum. Prod. remodel inter of comm. bTag BP23295 1/26/94 5000.00 0