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Humboldt Street 2005
2005 Humboldt. 0 - H. "inters. 0 -Henschel roofing Co. Reroof frame dwelling. P'. 263 6/6/39 50.00 0-Rey Hoffinenn v -snton Eastern n -i.: frene �_�r u 1!:eli..n� ;.m5,..20- 8/3/a4 500.00 0 -Ed. Blake C- Dubuque Roofing Co. Reroo£ S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 321 7 -11 -51 250.00 0 -Ray Hoffmann _ -- Alterations to Bathroom of S.F.Frame Dwe11g. B.P. 254 5 -11 -54 50.00 Erect Masonry Chimney B.P. 447 6- 24-55 70.00 4 2005 Humboldt St. 22 2XHMNka O. Mrs. Ray Hoffmann Reroof S.F. Frame DwllingB.P. 81810 -4 -65 525.00 e