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Indian Ridge 0945
9 Eteanettga 0-Eugene A. Gifford Erect S.P.Frame Dwe11g.B.P. 262 5 - - 11,000.00 0 -Mabel Gifford C -Jim Kress reroof SF frm dwllg BP 6512 11/22/83 $1000.00 0 -Tom Gifford C- Steele Const. erect 16'x12' open deck & 14'x12' screen room, cut patio door rear SFfrm dwllg BP22054 5 -26 -93 $8327.00 0- Thomas Gifford C- Steele Const. tear -off, reroof SF frm dwllg BP22465 7/27/93 $2800.00 945 Indian Ridge 0-Tom Gifford 0- Bretbach TV & -Sat. install 72' diam. satellite dish SF frm dwllg BP23580 4/12/94 $500. 00