Iowa Street 0658-0660 z _ floofinE Go, Ue .. ..eroof r_ci•c 557 5/2.38 168.00 0. Goodyear Service Store C. Total Structures, Inc. Erect Masonry store & service bldg B.P. 643 9/3/71 160,000.00 0. C & W. Imports C. Advanta Signs wall mounted non- illum. sign BP 2481 9/2/80 10.00 0- Scheib Auto Painting C -Total Structures, Inc. alter. to int. msnry & stl comm. bldg. BP 8964 7/29/85 $3211.00 660 Iowa ` Board of Adjustment Docket 39 -85 for Conditional Use —Perm -ft to allow an auto body repair . . :.•- • business. Approved 8/15/85 w /conditons 0 -Earl Scheiv C -Terry Griggs remodel i n etr. - f ^ body shop BP 9U52 87fi6 5600 - 0D -0-Earl Sahetb- o. C Sig ngr- ap- h- tc -s-, -1 nom. install flat alum. sign on Iowa St. side BP 9184 9/13/85 " " Central St. side 9/13/85 i ii " " " 7t-h St. -side BP 9186 -9 0 -Earl Scheib C- Conrad -Herr insta sprin er system, comm. bldg. BP ' 000.00 660 Iowa Board of Adjustment Docket 17 -87 for variance in off - street parking requirements to allow establishment of indoor restaurant/bar w/24 off-street parking spaces. Approved 4/23/87 0 -VII Hills, Ltd. C- Conlon Const. remodel interior comm. bldg. BP 12039 6/23/87 $135,000.00 0- Thunderbirds C -Larry -Weitz Sign Syst. install neon signage on fascia (5) BP 12376 8/19/87 0- Thills Ltd. C- Rafoth reroof comm. bldg BP17780 10/15/90 $10,000.00 O- :Yernandos -- C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. BP17885 11 -1 -90 660 Iowa 0 -Mike Runde C- Satellite Systems install 10' diameter satellite dish -comm. BP19211 8/30/91 - 400.00 ��ta -11 T0- -- diameter— s- tcl - }i-tc dish - roof -m -td. - comm. BP19212 8/30.91 $400.00 0- Conlon Const. Co. C- Conlon Const. alter, to inter. - mas - & sfl comm - hTTg BPZ30 1 315 - x000 -._00 — Board of Adjustment Docket 13 -94 for Parking Variance to aTYow 2 sand cts - place of 18 parking , ___s_pac.es_- -D_eni-ed. --3724/94__.___--- _- _..... — Board of Adjustment Docket 28 -94 for Variance to allow 2 sand volleyball cts in of 98 parking spaces. Denied 5_/26/94 660 Iowa 0 -Ralph Digman C -Owner erect 4 wall mtd sign alum, ilium & 4x4 sign BP23970 _6/1/94 0 -Mona. Merrick C- Owner Temp banner BP 30579 6/12/95 $ N/A 0- Floridino'sPizza C -Acme Sign Co Install 8x8' dble sided pole BP 31768 8/1/95 0- Conlon Const. Co. C- Conlon Const. Co. inter. remodelling to convert to office, mas & stl 8236968 5/14/97 $200,000.00 _ 658 -660 Iowa X/ 0-Sera-Tec Plasma Center C- Advanta Sign Co. install (1)- 4'x8' free-standing-sign on exist pole, 2 sets of plastic wall letters BP37384 7/8/97 n/a 0 Sera -Tec C- Blackhawk Sprinklers provide sprinkler heads for new ciling, comm. BP37600 8/12/97 $8800.00 9