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Iowa Street 0871
871 Ipwe 4° t 0-SF Btenpfer Co. v trich Willy Erect boiler room &,steck B.F. 40 4/20/45 2,500.00 ©Stempfer Bli1ding Co, 0-Leroy Alterations & Repairs to Interior of Brick Bldg. B.P. 242 5- 14-53 __800.00 0 -SEC Bldg. C- Dennis Sharkey demolish boiler room BP 12637 9/28/87 N/A O-Firstar Bank of Iowa C -Prism Corp. remodel exist. off. bldg includ. build-outs on so. wall BP38076 11/18/97 $695,929.00 4 871 Iowa O-Firstar Bank C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. 2 wall signs,4 30 "x30" direct. signs, 2 direct. signs on wall, BP38161 12/15/97 n/a 0 Firstar Bank C -Prism Corp. erect drive -thru structure comm. bldg BP38180 12/19/97 n/a 0- Firstar Bank C -Prism Corp. erect north awning over city pub. right of- -way, comm. BP38312 3/6/98 $n /a H- Firstar Bank C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. install 5'1 "hxi0'- ground mt. ID sign, 1'x5' ATM sign on base BP38441 4/13/98 n/a 871 Iowa 0- Firstar Bank C -Sign Prod. Inc. install new replacement signage BP41041 11/9/99 n/a Soard_of Adjustment locket-JELA2for V-ari-ance to_a1l-aw-__. -- 4 signs on the lot, when a maximum of 3 signs are per- 1 e h - C =4 - zone - fipproved – T2JT5 - /59" = Firstar Tank "_ — – C -Sign Prod. Inc. -- instal_1.._aon- 51.1um.– la_cut 1-etter –s-ign -BP-4la7-7--1 2-/-2819-9 -- -- n/a