Jackson Street 1097 C horber; R eltJ %o. r lie- s1er1 Bros,
Revoof ar;.ck bu s, bldg. i..1,R 1624 . 11/2/42 75.00
0 -Harpy Murphy C -John Fischbach
Construct Bear porch to 3 story brick Bus. Bldg,,
B.F. 260 5 -15-54 1,500.00
0 -Wm. Olsen C - CV. Hanten
Construct new store front to Bus.Bldg., B.F. 88 ' - 2_62
=Dubuque Insulation & Siding G o.
Reface front of Br,Bus, Bldg., B.P. 180 4 - - 900 ® 00
1097 Jackson
0- Dennis Zirkelbach C- Owner
install partition wall, brk comm. bldg BP 16333 12/1- 1/89
0- Michael Kalmes C -Owner
remodel 2nd flr apt. Comm /apt. BP39014 7/21/98 $30,000.00
O- Kalmes Break Time C- Gene Bird Sign Co.
install 1 4'x4' dbl face Pepsi sign, - remove - exist.
- --
BP39102 8/4/98 n/a
Board of Adjustment Docket 32 -99 for Variance to allow
expansion of a restaurant - - & -- bar -wi th a variance of --
8off street parking spaces in HI district. Approved
1097 Jackson
0-Michael Kalmes C- Owner /Steve Lampe
rerect; 23'724 T story addition, relocate walkin cooler
-- c.omm/- aP-t -. - -BP41-2g7-- - -3-/- 1-12-000-$1 -00 -. 000.00