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Jackson Street 1101
7• 1101 Jackson , cut. 0-Spahn_Bose_Ur.. Eeroof lbr. shed. B.P. 336 11/9/34 500.00 99:eroof office 82 werehunse. ' 53 4/27/37 '500.00 0-Spphn & B ose Lumber Co. Erect Storage Bldg., B.P. 1070 12-7-61 1,200.00 C. Kress Const. Reroof Brick Business Bldg B.P. 909 11/5/73 1,200.00 C. Heitzman Const. Masonry Addition Warehouse B.P. 211 4/11/74 15,000.00 ' • - 11th & Jackson. St, 0 -Carr Adams & Collier C- Dubuque Roofing Col Re -roof lumber shed B.P. 848 11/25/40* $395,00 0 -Willy Construction Co. Alterations to interior of Brick Mfg. Bldg., B.P. 880 2 -22 -50 20,000.00 O. Spahn Rose Lumber Co. C. Heitzman Const. Co. Enlarge Office Frame Bus. B1dg.B.P.305 5 -3 -83 18,000.00 0 - C- Kennedy Industries remodel interior mas & Fr. Comm. Bldg, B.P. 1229, 12/13 1000.00 2 llth & Jackson O -Spahn & Rose Lumber C- Anthony Const. - reroof (tin) -- stucco comm. -bldg. -BP- 5396 - 3/18/83- $10000.0( O -Spahn & Rose Lumber C- Signgraphics, Inc. install 3'x32' int. illum. display BP 5976 7/19/83 O -Spahn & Rose Lumber C -Elroy Hinz reside frm. storage bldg. BP 6139 8/23/83 $4000.00 O -Spahn & Rose C -Owner remodel & alter to inter. comm. bldg BP18O36 1/10/91 $40,000.00 0 -Spahn & Rose C -Owner erect 2 temporary banners BP19391 10/1/91 1101 Jackson 9 0 -Spahn & Rose Lumber C -Owner alter - to front of bldg, windows, side front, comm. BP38648 5/18/98 $8000 .00 O.Spahn & Rose _Lumber_ C- Owner remodel inter. 2nd flr for conference room & offices, comm. BP3969O 1/14/99 $60;000.00