Jackson Street 1349 J
1349 Jackson St
a ,., .. _...
Cq nn drew Stcua1 0' Henschel nag. Co.
Reroof house B.P.391 9/1/31 30400
0 -C. R. Schmitt
Reside Part of M.F.Prame Dwellg.B.P. 305 6 -7 -50 93.00
0- Merlin Schonoff C_Dubuque Insulation & Siding Co,
Reisde S.F. Frame Dwellg. B.P. 88 3 -13 -61 1
C. Woodward Sdg. Co.
Reroof part Mf Br -Fr Dw11g.B.P.342 5/17/74 395.00
1349 Jackson St. --
0 -Merle Schonhoff C -Joe Faley Const.
erect fnd. for repairs to SF frm dwllg BP 4652 7/19/82
0 -Merle Schonhoff C -Joe Faley Const.
convert part of SF frm dwllg to gar. BP 4740 8/4/82
Board of Adjustment Docket 4 -85 for Conditional
Use Permit to allow expansion of a residential structure.
Approved 3/28/85
0- Merlin Schoenhoff C -Dave Reno
remove, rebuild small L at rear 2F frm dwllg BP 8624
6/3/85 $5950.00
1349 Jackson
0 =Mule Schoenhoff C -Dave Reno
tear -off, reroof 2F frm dwllg BP 8949 7/23/85 $1450.00
0 -Merle Schoenhoff C -Reno Const.
change pi c o roo , rear — frm, sotto, fascia BP 100
5/13,86$.1500 00
0 -Merle Schoenhoff C -Dave Reno
apply 6 squares siding SF frm dwllg BP