Jackson Street 1367 1367 Jackson St. b.of A. Petn for certificate to occupy building by Iowa :egg Products Co. Denied Pocket No. 66 -47 0 -Chas. Kleiner Addition to conc.Block Garage B.P. 630 9 -2 -52 5,000.0) C -Dick Henschel Reroof 1.hsonry Bus. Bldg..B.F. 616 7 -26 -60 200.00 O. Charles Kleiner Reroof Masonry Bus Bldg. B. P. 542 8 -13 -68 200.00 ael� 1367 Jackson St. Remodel & alteration to masonry comm. bldg, B.P. 21, 1/13/78 250_00