1972 February Council Proceedings
Special Session, January 31, 1972
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Rev. Thomas Rhomherg stressed
the need for the Ecumenical proj-
ect. Over eight thousand people
are 62 years of age or over and
many with low income. Those with
$1500. per year income should not
spend more than $31.50 per month
rent. We could meet the material,
social and spiritual needs of the
people. Section 23 is not geared
to meet these needs. One Hundred
sixty five people could be taken
care of which is only the begin-
ning. It would be good use of the
Attorney AI Hughes stated the
potential bidder should be allowed
to huy the property from the City.
Ecumenical Housing Inc. is a non-
profit organization and would pay
its fair share of taxes. The build.
ing would cost $1,413,444 and it
could be started within one
hundred days. The rent would be
paid on a basis of 30%- from ten-
ants and 70% from the Govern.
Communication of Erma M. Kidd
& Ruby Pappas being in favor of
the Ecumenical Housing project
for the elderly, presented and read.
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
the communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Thoms. Carried by the followin,g
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Regular Session, February 7, 1972
At 12:00 P.M. the Council re-
convened in regular session with
the announcement that Urban fie.
newaJ land transactions were dIs.
There being no further business
Councilman Bitter moved to ad.
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Thoms. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Juslmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Leo F. Frommelt
Clt:r Clerk
¡Regular Session, February 7,
T977; .
Council mat at 7:30 P.M. (C.5.T.)
Present - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Couniclmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg.
ler, Thoms. City Manager Gilbert
D. Chavenelle.
Mayor Moldenhauer read the call
and stated that service thereof had
been duly made and this meeting
is called for the purpose of CON-
acting upon such other business as
may properly come before a regu-
lar meeting of the Council. Proof
of Publication, certified to by
the Publisher, of Invitation for
Proposals for the purchase and re-
development of property in the
Downtown Urban Renewal area, lo-
cated on the southeast corner of
Sixth and Locust for Commercial
and/or Multiple Family Residences,
presented and read. Councilman
Pregler moved that the proof of
publication be received and flied.
Seconded by Councilman Bitter. I
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Approved ....................................1972
Adopted ......................................1972
Attest """"""ëiï;:"ëi;;t""""""""""
Proposal of Ecumenical Housing
Inc. to purchase a parcel of Urban
Renewal property described as Re-
use 8-9, located at 6th & Locust,
together with supporting documen-
tation, in order to construct an
eight story apartment building
under Section 221 (d) (3) of MUD
act of 1968, 12,540 square feet, at
$4.09, total price $51,288, presented
and read.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the proposal be received and flied
and the rules be suspended and I
the proposer be allowed to make
formai presentation to the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Bitter.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Communication of Dubuque Ad-
visory COmmission submitting a
resolution in support of Ecumeni-
cal Housing and encouraging the
Council to do likewise, and also
advising Council to instruct the
Low-Rent Housing Commission to
continue their efforts to develop
Title No. 23 for rent supplement
for the elderly, presented and read.
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
the communication be received and
flied. Seconded by Councilman
Thoms. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n,
Pregler, Thoms.
requesting approval on the project
for the elderly, presented and
read. Mayor Moldenhauer moved
that the communication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Thoms. Carried.. by
the following vote: :""
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of Dub u que
Council of Churches Social Action
Commission in support of the Ecu-
menical Housing project, also
stating that 110 unit would only
partially fill overwhelming need
for low rent housing, presented
and read. Mayor Moldenhauer
moved that the communication be
received and flied. Seconded by
Councilman Tboms. carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n,
Pregler, Thoms.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus tm ann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of Dub u que
Homeowners and Landlords Ass'n.
submitting a copy of letter sent to
the Dubuque Advisory Commission
that was treated lightly, asking for
an investigation into Mr. Witten.
berg's past performance of duty,
presented and read. Councilman
Bitter moved that the communIca.
C 'cat. f Re Thomas tion be referred to the first meet-
~mmuDl IOn 0 . v. ing in March. Seconded by Coun-
F. 0 Meara D.P. expre~sIDg support cilman Pregler. Carried by th fol-
for Ecumemc~l. Hous~g Inc. and lowin vote: e
requesting POSItIve action, present- g
ed and read. Mayor Moldenhauer Yea~ - ~ayor Moldenhauer,
moved that the communication be Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n ,
received and filed. Seconded by Pregler, Thoms.
Councilman Thoms. Carried by Nays-None.
the following vote: Communication of Dub u que
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer Board of Realtors submitting a
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n, resolution passed by their body
Pregler, Thoms. recommending that the request
Nays-None. made by Ecumenical Housing Inc.
to purchase land at the southeast
Petition of Robert L. Spaight et Corner of 6th & Locust Street be
al (170 signatures) supporting denied and further to forthwith
100% rent supplement housing proceed to effectively secure par-
project for the elderly in the ticipation in programs, existing
Downtown area sponsored by Ecu- and planned, which will utilize
menical Housing due to high per- existing structures and accomplish
centage of elderly in the City, dif- those objectives outlined in their
ficulty of locating decent, safe and resolution including the maximum
sanitary housing at rentals within possible participation of free and
the financial means of low and I private enterprise, presented and
moderate income elderly, present. read. Mayor Moldenhauer moved
ed and read. Mayor Moldenhauer that the communication be re-
moved that the communication be ceived and filed. Seconded by
received and flied. Seconded by , Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote:
following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n , Pregler, Thoms.
Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None.
Special Session, February 7, 1972
Special Session, February 7, 1972
Communieation of Dubuque Ad-
visory Commission submitting a
resolution that the Henkel letter
be referred to the Low-Rent
Housing Commission duly indica-
ting that the Commission have dis-
cussed the matter with Mr. Gent
Wittenberg, presented and read.
Councilman Bitter moved that the
communication be referred to the
first meeting in March. Seconded
by Councilman Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of League of
Women Voters endorsing the con-
cept of construction of Federal
Subsidized housing for the elderly
in the Urban Renewal Area, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Molden-
hauer moved that the communica-
tion be received and filed. Sec.
onded by Councilman Thoms. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Just man n,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of Rev. John
Wenker, of Holy Trinity Parish,
voicing his support for the Ecu-
menical Housing proposal, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Moldenhau-
er moved that the communication
be received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of Dubuque Area
Project Concern for the Elderly &
Retired Inc. endorsing proposal of
Ecumenical Housing Inc. to con.
struct apartment complex at 6th
& Locust for the elderly, presented
and read. Mayor Moldenhauer
moved that the communication be
received and field. Seconded by
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
following vote:
Yea s - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n ,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of Dubuque Area
Citizens Council on Community Re-
lations voicing strong support and
ciency apartments for elderly
people and if agreement could be
reached would consider leasing
apartment to the City for the
elderly, presented and read. May.
or Moldenhauer moved that the
communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Thoms. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of James F.
Connelly, owner of five rental
units renting from $85 to $110,
wants no subsidy, should set greed
aside and see that the elderly get
a decent place to live in, thinks
proposed ecumenical project is a
good place to live, presented and
read. Mayor Moldenhauer moved
that the communication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of Susan J.
Soley urging the Council to vote
in favor of the proposed Ecumeni.
cal Housing project, presented and
read. Mayor Moldenhauer moved
that the communication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Ju s tm ann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of Dub u que
Homeowners and Landlords Assn.
dated January 25, 1972 requesting
an investigation into the actions
of Gent Wittenberg in regard to
his failure to apply for leased
housing funds from MUD that be.
cause of his slowness the low.
income families and elderly have
missed out on necessary rent sub-
sidies, presented and read. Mayor
Moldenhauer moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Thoms.
Communication of W. M. Gotz of
2043 Main St. being opposed to the
Ecumenical Housing project and
the Council establishing a tax sup-
ported business in direct competi-
tion to taxpayers, presented and
read. Mayor Moldenhauer moved
that the communication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
fOllowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n ,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of A & 0 Cor-
poration supporting the City's ap-
plication for Federal Assistance
under Section 23 and they are in
stages of completion of eight effi-
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n ,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of David E. Bi-
senius et ux of 1203 Grove Terrace
objecting to proposed high rise in
prime Urban Renewal area as be-
ing unfair to local landlords and
taxpayers and issuing a challenge
to the supporters of the project to
match their contributions and to
support a local subsidy program
with voluntary time and money in-
stead of verbal generosities and
pious platitudes, presented and
read. Mayor Moldenhauer moved
that the communication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n ,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of Allen E.
Stoltz stating that it would be a
sad mistake to change the Victor
Gruen plan for Downtown Du-
buque and suggesting that the high
rise be bnilt in some other Du-
buque area, more snitable plan-
ning wise, and not endangering
the orderly development of Du-
buque' business core, presented
and read. Mayor Moldenhauer
moved that the communication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n,
Pregler, Thoms.
Carl V. Riley, Grace Ryan, Ruth
Michel, Carl Fay, Jim Platt, Agatha
Funke, Catherine Urbain, Edna
Thompson, Rev. Anthony Sigwarth,
Rev. Odden, O. Carlson, Audrey
Mortenson, Eldon Herrig, John
Ewarts spoke in favor of the Ecu-
menical high rise project. Chester
Orton was in favor of Section 23.
Councilman Jushnann move1 to
re-impose the rules. MOTION DIED
Mr. Paul Allen spoke in favor of
the project along with Edw. Shep-
pley, Walter Clark and Pat Dillon.
Mrs. Wurster objected due to the
Federal Government subsidy idea.
Councilman Thoms moved to re-
impose the rules. Seconded by
Communication of Dub u que
County Historical Society to clari-
fy a recent statement published
in the Telegraph Herald of January
16, 1972 and as a result is on rec-
ord "that we encourage the use of
the Dubuque City Hall for munici-
pal purposes as long as it is func-
tional and efficient" and "that
they encourage the City Council
in any renovation of the present
City Hall to respect the architec-
tural consistency of the structure
(particularly the exterior of the
building)," presented and read,
Councilman Pregler moved that the
communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Bitter. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Ju stm an n,
Pregler, Thoms. I
Communication of Dubuque Mu-
sicians Protective Ass'n relative to
consideration for additional co-
sponsorship for past and future
performances for Dubuque citizens
(forward from meeting of January
3rd), presented and read. Mr. Irv
Behr head of the musician's group
addressed the Council relative to
an increase for the coming season.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the Manager be instructed to pre-
pare papers to amend tbe budget
Special Session, February 7, 1972
Special Session, February 7, 1972
Communication of Tom Dougher-
ty of 2620 Chaney Road being op-
posed to Ecumenical Housing proj- I
ect by stating that the taxpayers
have to pay for the Urban Renewal
land and they have a right to de-
mand that it be sold to a business
that will return tax dollars to the
City, presented and read. Mayor
Moldenhauer moved that the com.
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Thoms.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Ju s t man n,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of Mrs. Tom
Dougherty of 2620 Chaney Road
objecting to Ecumenical Housing
project for the elderly due to tax
exempt status of the tax base
which affects all taxpayers and
the real poor will not be helped,
presented and read. Mayor Molden-
~~~e\:o;"~i~~~t :~ c~:;:u~~~: I
onded by Councilman Thoms. Car.
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Ju s t man n,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of W. H. Porter
et ux of 514 Fenelon Place object.
ing to the proposed low income
high rise apartment building in the
Urban Renewal area due to the
tax base feature and requesting
the Council not endorse this and
future low income complexes
which will be a burden to the tax-
payer, presented and read. Mayor
Moldenhauer moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Thoms.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of A. L. Weitz
requesting permission to speak on
Ecumenical Housing proposal at
the Council meeting of February
7, 1972, presented and read. Mayor
Moldenhauer moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Thoms.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilman Justmann. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Councilmen Bitter, Just-
mann, Thoms.
Nays - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilman Pregler.
presented and read.
Councilman Pregler moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thoms. Roll call on
the motion was as follows:
Yeas - Councilman Pregler,
Nays - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann.
11:15 P.M.
to cover cost up to $1600. Second-
ed by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Justmann, Pregler.
Nays - Councilmen Bitter,
Communication of Snomad Ski
Club requesting permission to dis-
cuss the feasibility of extending
the water line past the ski area on
32nd Street, presented and read.
Councilman Bitter moved that the
commuuication be referred to the
Council meeting of February 14th.
Seconded by Councilman Thoms.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, J u stm ann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Mayor Moldenhauer submitting
his weekly report to the Council
under date of February 6, 1972,
presented and read. Councilman
Bitter moved that the communica-
tion be received and filed. Second-
ed by Councilman Thoms. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Ju s t man n,
Pregler, Thoms.
February 1, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
This is to advise that I have ap-
proved the following policies and
bonds, and desire to have your ap.
proval on same.
Dominic W. Goodmann, Hartford
Accident and Indemnity Co.
Black and White, Yellow and
Checkered Cab Company, St.
Paul Fire and Marine Insurance
Dubuque Plumbing and Heating
Co. A Division of Geiger & Co.,
Bituminous Casualty Corporation.
Gilbert Roling, Merchants Mutual
Bonding Company.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
CIty Manager
Councilman Bitter moved ap-
proval for filing of bonds and
The following named applicant
has passed both the written and
phYsical examination and is hereby
certified for appointment to the
Fire Department.
Beecher, DeWayne W. 83%
Respectfully submitted,
LeRoy H. Giles
Gerard B. Noonan
Louis F. Fautsch
Civil Service Commission
Special Session, February 7, 1972
policy. Subject to approval of the
City Attorney. Seconded by Mayor
Moldenhauer. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councthnen Bitter, Jus t man n,
Pregler, Thoms.
January 28, 1972
Honorable Mayor and
Council Members
The City Planning and Zoning
Commission has held a public
hearing on a proposal to amend
Article IV, Section 2(h) of the
Zoning Ordinance to include Lot 5
of the subdivision of Lot 3 of Block
4 in Westchester Subdivision, in
the city of Dubuque, Iowa. This
property is located at 2105 John F.
Kennedy Road.
It was the opinion of the Com-
mission that because of existing
development in the area that the
previous recommendation to deny
the request was no longer valid,
and that professional office use of
this property would be in keeping
with the existing development.
It is the recommendation of the
Planning and Zoning Commission
that the request, as described, be
Respectfully submitted,
City Planning and
Zoning Commission
Don Gilson
City Planner
Councthnan Bitter moved that
the recommendation be referred
for proper proceedings. Seconded
by Councilman Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n,
Pregler, Thoms.
February 3, 1972
Honorable Mayor and Members
of the City Council
In accordance with the provi-
sions of Chapter 365 of the 1971
Code of Iowa, as amended, the
Civil Service Commission con-
ducted entrance examination on
November 22, 1971, for applicants
seeking positions on the Fire De-
Leo F. Frommelt
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 4th day of February 1972.
Eugene J. Berens
Notary Public
Councilman Bitter moved that
the communication be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Councilman Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n,
Pregler, Thoms.
Notice of Claim of Raymond
Harkey, in the amount of $250.,
for car damage incurred as the
result of driving on a patch of ice
in the turn on Kaufmann Avenue
allegedly caused by a leaking wa-
ter hYdrant on January 16, 1972,
presented and read. Councilman
Bitter moved that the notice of
claim be referred to the City So-
licitor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Pregler.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n,
Pregler, Thoms.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the CIty of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the following having
compiled with the provisions of law
relating to the sale of Cigarettes
within the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
be granted a permit to sell Cigar-
ettes and Cigarette Papers within
said City.
H. & S. 76 Service, 9th & Central
that the bonds filed with the appli.
cation be approved.
Special Session, February 7, 1972
Passed, adopted and approved Pregler, Thoms.
this 7th day of February, 1972. Nays-None.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer RESOLUTION NO. 48-72
W:::';;'o~. Pregler ~, apPIi~tions for
Allan T. Thoms Beer. permits were flied by the
C. Robert Justmann WIthin named apphcants and they
Joseph ~. Bitter ~~~~~~ce~~~d the approval of this
Attest: CounCilmen WH:EÍŒAS, the pre~ses to be
Leo F. Frommelt ?CCupied by such applicants Were
City Clerk Inspected an~ found to comply
WIth the ordmances of this CIty
Councthnan Bitter moved adop. and they have filed proper bonds;
tion of the resolution. Seconded by NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE-
Councilman Justmann. Carried by SOLVED by the City Council of
the fOllowing vote: the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, the Man~ger by authorized to cause
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n, to be iSsued to the fOllowing
Pregler Thoms. named applicants a Beer Permit.
Mrs. Adele M. Fens, 210 West 1st
Kenneth Jerome Love, 802 Central
Thompson's Food Markets, Inc.,
51 West 32nd Street
Thompson's Food Markets, Inc.,
805 West 5th Street
National Tea Company, Kennedy
that the bonds filed by such appli-
cants be and the same are hereby
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of February, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Justmann. Carried by
the fOllowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus tm ann,
Pregler, Thoms.
WHEREAs, applications for
Liquor permits have been submit-
ted to this Council for approval
and the same have been examined,
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the
WHEREAS, applications for
Beer permits have been submitted
to this Council for approval and
the same have been examined;
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the fOllowing applica-
tions be granted and licenses
issued upon the compliance with
the terms of the ordinances of the
Mrs. Adele M. Fens, 210 West 1st I
Kenneth Jerome Love, 802 Central
Thompson's Food Markets, Inc.,
51 West 32nd Street
Thompson's Food Markets, Inc.,
805 West 5th Street
National Tea Company, Kennedy
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of February, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Jushnann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman JUstmann. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Special Session, February 7, 1972
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Justmann. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n,
Pregler, Thoms.
The new Zoning Ordinance and
Zoning Map was presented to the
Council. Councilman Pregler moved
that the Zoning Ordinance and
Zoning Map be received and filed
and referred to the Council. Sec-
onded by Councilman Justmann.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
There being no further business
Councilman Bitter moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
following applications be granted
and licenses issued upon the com-
pliance with the terms of the
CHAPTER 123-as amended by
the 64th General Assembly, 1971.
John E. Noel, 2400 Central Avenue
William P. Fransen, 1900 Washing-
ton Street
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of February, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Justmann. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jus t man n ,
Pregler, Thoms.
WHEREAS, applications for
Liquor permits were filed by the
within named applicants and they
have received the approval of this
Council, and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
with the State Law and all City
ordinances relevant thereto and
they have filed proper bonds,
SOLVED by the City Council of
Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager
be authorized to cause to be
issued to the following named ap-
plicants a Liquor permit.
John E. Noel, 2400 Central Avenue
William P. Fransen, 1900 Washing-
ton Street
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of February, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
Approved ....................................1972
Adopted ......................................1972
Attest: """ëiïÿ"ëï~~k:""""""""""""
Special Session, February 14, 1972
Special Session, February 14,
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.s.T.)
PntHnt - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler. City Manager Gilbert D.
Absent - Councilman Thoms.
(Out of City).
Mayor Moldenhauer read the
call and stated that service there-.
of had been duly made and this
meeting is called for the purpose
of acting Upon a resolution eutho-
rizing the sale, issuance, and de-
livery of project not.. in the ag-
gregate .. principal.. amount.. of
$1,588,000. And the execution of
Requisition Agreement No. 1-72,
and acting upon such other busi-
ness as may properly come before
a regnlar meeting of the City
CO!UDlunication of Rev. John
Wenker, O.F.M. of Holy Trinity
Parish expressing curiosity as to
the reasoning for the negative
votes as recorded at the last meet.
ing in defeat of tbe Ecumenical
Housing project, presented and
read. Councilman Pregler moved
that the communication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Justmann. Carried by
the fOllowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
Communication of Mayor Mol-
denhauer submitting his weekly
Mayors report dated February
13th, presented for filing. Coun-
cilman Pregler moved that the
communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Justmann. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justroann,
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
February 7, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor
and CIty Council
A request has been made for a I
street light at the intersection of
Valentine Drive and June Drive.
The area has been inspected and
it is recommended that a 175 watt
mercury vapor light be installed at
this location.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle,
City Manager
Councilman Pregler moved ap-
proval of the recommendation. Sec-
onded by Councilman Justmann.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun-
cilmen Bitter, Justmann, Pregler.
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
February I, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
I herewith submit the report of
the City Water Department for the
month of December 1971.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
CIty Manager
Councilman Pregler moved that
the report be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Justmann.
Carried by the following vote:
YeSS-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun-
cilmen Bitter, Justmann, Pregler.
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
Proof of Puhlication, certified to
by the Publisher, of Statement of
Receipts and Disbursements and
list of claims for December 1971,
presented and read. Councilman
Pregler moved that the proof of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman JUstmann.
Carried by tbe follOwing vote:
YeSS-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun-
cilmen Bitter, Justmann, Pregler.
Absent-councilman Thoms.
Notice of claim of Violet E.
Strand, in an undetermined amount,
for personal Injuries received in
a fall on an icy sidewalk at 997
Locust Street on January 20, 1972,
presented and read. Councilman
Bitter moved that the notice of
claim be referred to the CIty So.
liicitor for proper procedure. Sec-
onded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Car-
ried by the fOllowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun-
cilman Bitter, Justmann, Pregler.
Absent-Councliman Thoms.
ing the arrest by peace officers
from other jurisdictions and the
plaintiffs further claim against the
City of Dubuque, Iowa that the
City of Dubuque was negligent in
failing to adequately train and in-
struct members of the Police De-
partment in the use of firearms, in
failing to adequately train the
members of the Police Department
in the duties of a peace officer in
adjacent state and in using un-
justified and unnecessary and ex-
cessive force in attempting to
make an arrest under the circum-
When this notice with petition
attached was referred to the City
Attorney, who thereupon the same
to the carrier for the CIty of Du.
buque, and thereafter the said
Hartford Insurance Company, the
CIty's carrier, notified all parties
concerned, on or about July 1, 1971
that there was a serious policy
question in view of the fact that
the insurance covered negligence
of the City and its officers, agents
and employees, whereas, in fact,
the gravaman of the offense al.
legedly committed as stated in the
petition was an intentional act,
that is, the intentional act by the
particular police officer intending
to shoot and hit Ronald Ingles and
the insurance did not afford cov-
erage for intentional acts, but that
at any rate the company would
proceed to defend the case and it
did so together with the City
Attorney who has participated in
all of the proceedings thronghout
the course of this matter.
February 11, 1972, the Honorable
Thomas H. Nelson, Judge of the
District Court in and for Dubuque
County, Iowa entered a judgment
and decree in response to the de-
fendants' motion for summary
judgment that the case was dis-
missed as to defendants, Cletus J.
Golinvaux and Roger O'Brien, but
that the action against the City of
Dubuque as to the alleged grounds
of negligence was overruled and
the case stands ready for trial at
a date to be fixed.
That the City Attorney's office
receive a communication from the
law firm of Lane & Waterman, at-
torneys for the Hartford Insurance
Group, advising that there has
been an offer of settlement made
Special Session, February 14, 1972
Notice of Claim of Laurine
Danglemeyer, in the amount of
$90.64, for property damage incur-
red as the result of water gushing
into a building at 2396 Central
Ave. in the course of fighting a
fire across the street, damaging the I
foundation wall by loosening up
the mortar, on January 24th-25th,
1972, presented and read.
Councilman Bitter moved that
the notice of claim be referred to
the CIty Solicitor for proper pro-
cedure. Seconded by Mayor Mol-
denhauer. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun-
cilman Bitter, Justmann, Pregler.
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
February 14, 1972
Honorable Mayor & City Council
On April 3, 1971, notice of suit
together with petition attached
wherein Ronald Ingles, a minor, by
Agnes Ingles, his mother and next
friend, and Agnes Ingles, individ-
ually, as plaintiffs commenced an
action against Cletus J. Golinvaux
and Roger O'Brien, as defendants,
in which petition, brought in two
divisions, the first of which the
plaintiff, Ingles, demanded dam-
ages in the amount of $25,000.00
and the second division thereof is
by action claimed by his mother in
the amount of $5,000.00.
This action arises out of an in-
cident occurring on or about the
10th day of July, 1970 in which
the plaintiff, Ingles, while operat-
ing a stolen vehicle was chased by
Officers Golinvaux and O'Brien
from the City of Dubuque across
the East Dubuque Bridge and
where he was apprehended in East
Dubuque after suffering a gunshot
wound from a weapon fired by
Officer Golinvaux.
The complaint against the two
officers is premised on the fact
that the use of force involved was
an unreasonable use of force under
the circumstances and was likely
to, and did in fact, cause great
bodily harm to the plaintiff, Rod-
ney Ingles, in violation and in
contravention of the Statutes of
the State of Iowa governing pease
officers' use of force in making
arrest, force likely to cause death
or great bodily harm, and govern-
Special Session, February 14, 1972
in the amount of $3,000.00 and
with a request to have the City
contribute the sum of $1,000.00
It was the position that contri-
bute the sum of $1,000.00 to the
settlement of said action but that
the contribution of the City of Du-
buque be limited to the said sum
and made payahle to the Mercy
Hospital and the Medical Associ-
ates and Alfred Hughes, their at-
torney, it being the intention of
the City that under no circum-
stances will any portion or Part
of the settlement amount go to I
the plaintiff Rodney Leroy Ingles,
but that amount conrtibuted go
and help defray the exposure by
Mercy Hospital and the Medical
Associates in exchange for releases
from the said Rodney Leroy Ingles,
the said Mercy Hospital and the
Medical Associates.
Accordingly, it is the recom-
mendation of the City Attorney
that tbe offer of settlement in the
amount of $1,000.00 be accepted,
that the City Auditor be instructed
to draw a warrant in the amount I
of $1,000.00 payable to Mercy Hos-
pital, to Medical Associates and to
Alfred Hughes, their attorney, and
transmit same to the City Attorney
for delivery upon receipt of duly
releases, dismissals with prejudice
by the plaintiff in this action.
Original petition is returned
herewith together with copy of
medical bills.
Respectfully submitted,
R. N. Russo,
City Attorney I
Councilman Pregler moved ap-
proval of tbe recommendation. Sec-
onded by Councilman Justmann
Carried by the fOllowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun-
cilmen Bitter, Justmann, Pregler.
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
February 14, 1972
Honorable Mayor & City Council
On January 24, 1972, St. Regis I
Paper Company filed claim against
the City of Dubuque in the amount
of $447.88 claiming damages as
the result of a clogged sewer line
claiming that this is the third time
that they have had this problem
and that all three times it had
been some material, that is to say,
the material clogging the sewer
appears to be a grease of some
Said claims arose out of an in-
cident allegedely OCCurring on Oc-
tober 9, 1971.
This matter was referred to the
City Attorney, who referred the
same to the appropriate City
Agency who was in consultation
with the City Attorneys office re-
garding the timeliness of the filing
of said claim.
In view of the fact, that said
claim has not been timely filed the
carrier rejected said claim due to
the fact that it was not filed
within the time required by the
statute for causing of notice of
claim to be given to the municipal-
Respectfully submitted,
R. N. Russo,
CIty Attorney
Councilman Pregler moved ap-
proval of the recommendation.
Seconded by Councilman Just-
mann. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun-
cilmen Bitter, Justmann, Pregler.
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
Proof of Publication, certified to
by the Publisher, of notice of pub-
lic hearing to amend the current
budget adopted October 26, 1971,
by increasing expenditures in var-
ious funds, presented and read. No
written objections were filed and
no oral objectors were present in
the Council Chamber at the time
set for the public hearing.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the proof of publication be receiv-
ed and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Justmann. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun-
cilmen Bitter, Justmann, Pregler.
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
ORDINANCE NO. 1-72, said Ordi-
nance having been previously pre-
sented and read at the Council
meeting of January 31, 1972, pre-
sented for Final Adoption.
An Ordinance amending the bud-
pi as approved by Ordinance
Whereas, it is necessary to
amend the current budget to
prc>vide appropriations to com-
plete prior yeers projects and
Now, theref<>Te, be it ordained
by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, I<>wa:
That the unexpended cash bal-
ances on hand at the close of the
preceding fiscal year and revenues
not approved by Ordinance 1-72.
are hereby allocated and appropri-
ated for payment of necessary ex-
penditures of city government in
the following funds and amounts;
and to that end the appropriations
of funds are hereby authorized to
General.... ..................$ 20,868.00
Street ............................ 16,568.00
Public Safety.............. 8,065.00
Sanitation ........ .......... 63,010.00
Municipal Enterprise.. 11,250.00
Recreation .................. 22,500.00
Utilities ........................ 1,033,522.00
Sewer Rental.............. 199,059.00
Street Road Use Tax 568,271.00
Total Increased
Appropriations ............$1,944,113.00
Passed, adopted and approved
this 14th day of February, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
C. Robert Jushnann
Joseph J. Bitter
Attest:Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Herald Newspaper this 17th
day of February 1972.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved final
adoption of the Ordinance. Sec-
onded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun-
cilmen Bitter, Justmann, Pregler.
Absent-Councilman Thoms
An Ordinance amending Ordi-
nance No. 3-34 known as the
Zoning Map and Zoning Ordi.
Special Session, February 14, 1972
nance of the City of Dubuque,
'Iowa, by amending Article IV,
Section 2 (h) thereof to include
certain described real estate in
which professional offices or
studios of a physician, dentist,
architect, engineer, lawyer, rea~
tor, insurance, musician, or simi-
lar professions may be permitted,
(Westchester-Dorweiler property)
presented and read.
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the Ordinance.
Seconded hy Councilman Bitter
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun-
cilmen Bitter, Justmann, Pregler.
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
the rule requiring an Ordinance to
be read on three separate days he
waived. Seconded by Councilman
Bitter. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun-
cilman Bitter, Justmann, Pregler.
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
a public hearing he held on the
Ordinance on March 6, 1972 at
7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall and that
the City Clerk be instructed to
publish notice of the hearing in
the manner required by law. Sec-
onded by Councilman Bitter. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun-
cilman Bitter, Justmann, Pregler.
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
An Ordinance to provide for the
comprehensive zoning of the
City of Dubuque and to regulato
and restrict the location and use
of buildings structures, and land
for trade, Industry, residence or
other purposes: to regulate and
restrict the height of buildings
hereafter erected or altered: to
regulate and determine the area
of yards and other open spac..
around buildings: to regulate
and determine the density of use
of land and lot areas and for
that purpose to divide the City
Into districts: to provide for a
Board of Adjustment and the
orderly enforcement of the regu-
lations hereof: to provide penal-
_---..special Session, February 14, 1972
ties for the violation of the pro- priated to this project if and when
visions hereof: repealing all 0.. the main line is extended in 32nd
dinances or parts of ordinances street,
in conflict h...ewlth: end desig- Petition of V.F.W. requesting
neting this ordinance as "The permission to eonduct their annual
Zoning Ordinance of the City of buddy POppy day sale May 19th
Dubuque." and 20th, presented and read.
presented and read. Councilman Pregler moved op.
Councilman Pregler moved that proval of the petition and same he
the reading just had he considered referred to the City Manager.
the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Bitter.
Seconded by Councilman Bitter. Carried by the fOllowing vote:
Carried by the fOllowing vote: , Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer. COIID-
Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, CoW>- cilman Bitter, Justmann. Pregler.
cilman Bitter, JUstmann, Pregler. NByS--None.
Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Thoms.
Absent-Councilman Thoms. Petition of O"us Grotto request-
Councilman Pregler moved that ing permission to place cannisters
the rules be suspended requiring in business places and others with
an Ordinance to be read on three consent of owners during the year
separate days be waived. Seconded I 1972 to aid cerebral palsy victims
by Councilman Bitter. Carried by r and supply dentistry for the physi.
the following vote: I cally handicapped, presented and
Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun- read. Councilman Pregler moved
cilman Bitter, Justmann, Pregler. II approval of the petition and same
Nays-None. be referred to the City Manager.
Absent-Councilman Thoms. Seconded by Councilman Bitter.
. I tha ¡ Carried by the following vote:
Coun.cilman .Preg er moved h t I Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun-
a p~blic hearing be held on t e I cilman Bitter Justmann Pregler.
OrdIDa~ce on Mar.ch 9, 1972 ~t Nays-Non~. '
b:"~e~~:t:';~it~nH~~7 a~~u:,~ I Absent-Councilman Thoms.
the City Clerk be instructed to I Petition of Thirteener Fraternity
publish notice of the hearing in I from the University of Dubuque,
the manner required by law. see-I requesting permission to paint
onded by Councilman Bitter. Car- house number; on city. curbs, pre.
ried by the following vote: sented and read. Councilman Preg-
Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun- ler moved that the petition he re-
cilman Bitter, Justmann, Pregler. ferred to the City Manager for in-
Nays-None. vestigation and report Seconded
Absent-.Councilman Thoms. by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried
Petition of Snomad Ski Club Fe- by the f~llowing vote:
qnesting installation or extension cilmen Biter, Justmann, Pregler.
of the water line past the ski area Nays-None..
on 32nd Street, presented and read. Absent-CounCllman Thoms.
Councilman Bitter moved that the Petition of Lavern Behnke et aI
petition be received a,:,d filed and objecting to Article ill Section G
the rules suspended m order to of the proposed new Zoning Ordi-
let a,:,y?ne present. address the nance dealing with the storage of
CouncIl If they so desire. Seconded Recreational vehicles and equip.-
by Councilman Justmann. Carried ment, pl'1!sented and read. Coun-
by the followmg vote: cilman Pregler moved that the pc-
Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun- tition be received and filed and
cilmen Bitter, Justmann Pregler. referred to the meeting of the
Nays-None. public hearing of March 9th of
Absent-.Councilman Thoms. the new Zoning Ordinance. See-
Mr. Robert Blocker President of onded by Mayor Moldenhauer.
the Snomad Ski Club stated that Carried by the following vote:
the Club now has a membership Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
of five hundred people and the Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Club has an investment of $5000 Pregler.
plus. City Manager Chavenelle Nays-None.
stated that DlOney has been appro- Absent-CoU!lcilman Thoms.
the proposal to dispose of inter-
est of the City of Dubuque to Lot
3, Riverfront Subdivision No.4, in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, con-
taining approximately 1.18 acres,
subject to existing easements to
Dubuque Packing Company; and
WHEREAS, City Council of Du-
buque, Iowa, overruled any and
all objections, oral or written, to
the proposal to dispose of interest
of City of Dubuque, Iowa, in the
above described real estate to Du-
buque Packing Company:
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section I. That the disposal of
interest of CIty of Dubuque, Iowa,
in real estate to Dubuque Pack-
ing Company covering the foUow-
ing described real estate, to-wit:
Lot S, Riverfront Subdivision
No.4, in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, containing approximate-
ly 1.18 acres, subject to exist-
ing easements
for the purchase price of twenty
cents ($.20) per square foot, or a
total of $10,280.00 be and the same
is hereby approved, subject to the
following terms and conditions, to-
A. That said real estate be sold
to the Dubuque Packing Company
for the purpose of trading same
to another Dubuque business firm
in order to aUow both firms to
expand their respective busi-
B. That the sale price for said
real estate shall be twenty cents
(.20) per square foot, or a total
of $10,280.00, and the receipt of
Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars
as down payment is herewith ac-
knowledged by the City of Du-
C. That the standard require-
ment requiring the building of a
structure within one year from
purchase be waived 'as to the
Dubuque Packing Compnay by
virtue of the plans for trading of
real estate to another firm. How-
ever, said latter firm should be
encouraged to construct a new
building on the premises within
one year from date of purchase.
D. That the construction of aU
buildings, yards, parking lots,
fences and ancillary improve-
ments shall be constructed in con-
formance with existing City codes,
and manufacturing processes car-
Special Session, February 14, 1972 77
ried out in accord with City ordi- Section 2. That the City Clerk
nances. be and he is hereby authorized
E. That the City of Dubuque, and directed to record a certified
Iowa, retains a perpetual easement copy of this Resolution in the of-
for existing waterlines, existing fice of the Dubuque County Re-
sanitary sewer and storm sewer corder.
lines and for utilities, together Passed, approved and adopted
with right of ingress and agress this 14th day of February, 1972.
to repair, inspect and maintain Wayne A. Moldenhauer
the same. That in addition, the Mayor
City of Dubuque retains a thirty Walter A. Pregler
foot (30) easement for sewer and C. Robert Jushnann
water lines parallel to and wester- Joseph J. Bitter
Iy of the easterly property line Councilmen
of Lot 3 of Riverfront Subdivision Attest:
No.4 where said lot fronts on Leo F. Frommelt
Kerper Boulevard. City Clerk
F. That all utilities and services
to proposed buildings be connect- Councilman Pregler moved adop.
ed at buyer's expense. tion of the resolution. Seconded
G. That the purchasers, or suc- by Councl!man Bi~ter. Carried by
cessors, to the property herein the foliowlDg vote.
sold to the Dubuque Packing Com- Yea~ - M~yor Moldenhauer,
pany install and erect such build- Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
ings as are contemplated within Pregler.
twenty-four (24) montha of date of Nays-None..
acquisition and that such improve- Absent-councilman Thoms.
ments shall be installed and erect- Proof of Publication certified
ed and shaU be so designed so to by the Publisher, ol Notice of
t!Iat as not to pr~sent .an offen- Sale of Project Notes in the
Sive appe.arance either lD design amount of $1,568,000 to aid in fi-
or matenals that 'Y°uld detract nancing Urban Renewal projects,
from the general neigh~rhood. presented and read.
H. That Dubuque Packing Com- No written objections were filed
pany, by acceptance of. conveyance and no oral objectors were pres-
of the property hereinabove de- ent in the Council Chamber at the
scribed, covenants and agrees that time set for the public hearing.
in the event th.e Cit~ o! Dubuque Councilman Pregler moved that
should at any time Wlthm ten (10) the proof of publication be re-
years from t!,-e date of said con- ceived and filed. Seconded by
veyance reql11re all or part of ~e Councilman Bitter. Carried ,by the
property that Dubuque Packing following vote:
C~mpany acquires in ~xchange for Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
t~ property heremabove ~e- Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
scnbed for any purpose for which Pregler
said City has the right of eminent Nay"':"'None.
domaID, then .and m such eve,;,t, Absent-councilman Thoms.
Dubuque Packmg Company, for it-
self, successors and assigns, here- RESOLUTION NO. 52-72
by agrees to reconvey Part or all Authorizing the sale, issuance
of said property for the same price and delivery of project not.. In
it has Paid for said property, in- the aggregate principol amount
eluding costs of acquisition, Sur- of $1,588.000 and the execution
veys, platting, demolition, filling of Requisition Agreement No.
and landscaping, plus the fair mar- 1-72 in connection with the
ket value of any improvements Downtown Urban Renewa' Proj-
erected on said property since the oct, Project No. Iowa R-15.
date of the conveyance of the WHEREAS, City of Dubuque
hereinabove described property (herein called the "Local Issuing
from the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Agency") has entered into one or
together with a fair rate of re- more contracts (which, together
turn on such price, costs and val- with any supplements thereto or
ue of improvements, not to ex- amendments or waivers of any
ceed an interest rate of six (6) provisions thereof, are herein
percent on such amounts. called the "Contract") with the
Special Session, February 14, 1972
Petition of H. R. W. requesting
rezoning of Lot 2 of Picardy Park
from Single Family to Multiple
Family Residence District Classi-
fication, presented and read. Ma-
yor Moldenhauer moved that the
petition be referred to the Plan-
ning & Zoning Seconded by Coun-
cilman Pregler. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
Petition of D. A. V. requesting
a refund of $150 on the unexpired
portion of Class B Beer License
No. 87, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Pregler moved that the re-
fund be granted and the Auditor
instructed to issue proper warrant.
Seconded by Councilman Bitter.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
Proof of Publication, certified
to by the Publisher, of notice of
public hearing to dispose of inter-
est in Lot 3 Riverfront Sub. No.4
in the City of Dubuque, to the Du-
buque Packing Company, present-
and read.
No written objections were filed
and no oral objectors were pres-
ent in the Council Chamber at the
time set for the public hearing.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Justmann. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
WHEREAS, pursuant to resolu-
tion of published notice of time
and place of hearing published in
the Telegrapb-Herald, a newspa-
per of general circulation in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa on January
21, 1972 and January 28, 1972, CIty
Council of Dubuque, Iowa met on
the 14th day of February, 1972 at
7:30 P.M. (Central Standard Time)
in the City Council Chamber, City
Hall, Dubuque, Iowa, to consider
Special Session, February 14, 1972
United States of America (herein Section 1. The aforesaid publi-
called the "Government") provid- cation of the Notice of Sale and
ing for a loan by the Government the form and contents thereof as
to the Local Issuing Agency for SO published are hereby, in all re-
financing the urban renewal low- spects, approved, ratified and con-
rent housing or redevelopment firmed.
project(s) described in the Con- Section 2. In order to provide
tract and herein called the "Proj- funds to pay expenses incurred
ect"; and or to be incurred in the develop.
WHEREAS, pursuant to adver- ment of the Project, or to refund,
tisement for the receipt of propos- renew or extend its outstanding
als for the purchase of the First Notes issued in connection there-
Series 1972 of Project Notes (here- with, the Local Issuing Agency
in sometimes called "New Proj- hereby determines to borrow the
ect Notes") of the Local Issuing sum of One Million Five Hundred
Agency aggregating $1,588,000, Eighty-eight Thousand Dollars
which appeared in a Notice of Sale ($1,588,000) and issue its negotia-
published on January 25, 1972, ble Project Notes therefor.
and February 1, 1972, in the Tele- Section 3. The Local Issuing
graph Herald In the City of Du- Agency hereby ratifies and ap.
buque, Iowa, and in The Daily proves the form of each proposal
Bond Buyer in the City of New hereinafter in this Section 3
York, New York, proposals for .the enumerated for the purchase of
purchas.e of the New Project the designated principal amount
Notes lD the form approved by of Notes and determines that each
the Local Issuing Agency were re- sum proposal offers to purchase
ceived, opened. and canvassed at such Notes at the lowest interest
the time and place mentioned in rate and is therefore accepted
said advertisement, to wit: at and said Notes are hereby award:
Council Chambers, City Hall, 13th ed to the purchaser as follows:
and Iowa in the City o,f Dubuque, Principal Amou~t $1,588,000,
Iowa 52001 at one 0 clock P:M. Interest Rate 2.21%, Purchaser-
:;~~;a~~ ~~b~~ar;,1l~,j;.~72, whIch The Northern Trust Company.
The Northern Trust Company, Section 4. Each Note shall be
Chicago, illinois, Interest Rate dated March 7, 1972, shall be p~-
2.21 %, Principal Am't. $1,588,000, able as to both prlDClpal and lD-
Premium $27.00. terest to bearer, on July 7, 1972,
The First National Bank of Chi- and, pursuant to each proposal for
cago, Interest Rate 2.23%, Prin- the purchase of said Notes here.
cipal Amount $1 588000 Premium mabove accepted, shall bear the
$12.00. ", rate of interest per annum, pay-
Continental Illinois National au.e at ma,unty: .bali ooar .ule
Bank and Trust Company of Chi- numbers and be lD the denonuna-
cago, First National City Bank, lIuu.; alld. .nail be .payao.e .. to
The First Boston Corporation, Mel. both pnncipal and lDter~st at the
Ion National Bank and Trust Com- lDcorporated bank haVing trust
pany, Interest Rate 2.24%, Princi- powers or incorporated trust com-
pal Amount $1,588,000, Premium pany, as follows:
$35.00. Purchaser, The Northern Trust
The First National Bank of Company, Chicago, lllinois. paya-
Boston, Lehman Brothers, Inc., In- ble at The NorÙlern Trust Com-
terest Rate 2.25%, Principal Amt. pany, Chicago, lllinois.
$1,588,000, Premi,:,m $5.00. Numbe... Denomi-
Bank of Amenca N.T. & SA. nations
Bankers Trust Company, Interest 1-20 $50000
Rate 2.28%, Principal Amount 21-40 $25'000
$1,588,000, Premium $39.00. 41-46 $10'000
Chemical Bank, John Nuveen & 4751 $ 5'000
Co., Inc., Interest Rate 2.36%, 52'54 $ 1'000
Principal Amount $1,588,000, Pre-' ,
mium $17.00. None of sucl1 Notes shall he val-
Now Therefore, Be it resolved id until after the bank or trust
by the City Council of the City of company at which it is payable
Dubuque: shall have signecl the agreement,
Special Session, February 14, 1972
appearing on each Note, to act as cease and terminate when movies
paying agent thereof. Each sucl1 or investment securities ronverti-
Note shall be executed in the ble into cash not later than the
name of the Local Issuing Agency maturity date of the New Project
by the manual or facsimile signa- Notes, sufficient and for the pur-
lure of the Mayor and City Treas- POse of paying the principal and
urer of the Local ISsuing Agency interest to maturity on such Notes,
and shall have the corporate seal are de!>OSited with the paying
of the LoCal Issuing Agency im. agent or agents for such Notes.
pressed, imprinted or reproduced Section 8. The proceeds derived
thereon and attested by the City from the sale of the New Project
Clerk, and said officers are here- Notes, together with such amount
by authorized and directed to of other funds of the Local Issu-
cause said Notes to be properly ing Agency as may be necessary,
executed. shall be applied, simultaneously
Section S. Each such Note shall with tbe receipt of said proceeds,
be in substantialiy the form of in accordance with the provisions
HUD-901O, which is incorporated of the Requisition Agreement.
herein by reference, and shall be Section 9. The City Treasurer is
secured by an agreement entitled hereby authorized and directed to
"Requisition Agreement No. 2-72" send promptly a letter to each
(herein called the "Requisition paying agent for the New Project
Agreement"), in substantially the Notes in substantially the form of
form of HUD.9003, which is incor- HUD-9OO4, which is incorporated
porated herein by reference, to berein by reference, and to trans-
be entered into between the Local mit therewith (a) the New Project
Issuing Agency and the Govern- Notes for which the addressee is
ment. the paying agent for delivery and
Section 6. The Requisition payment and (h) a signature cer-
Agreement shall be executed in tificate and receipt, in accord.ance
the name of the Local Issuing with the terms of said letter, and
Agency by the manual or facsimile to take such other actions as may
signature of the Mayor of the Lo- be required to complete the deliv-
cal Issuing Agency and shall have ery transaction in accordance with
the corporate seal of the Local Is- the terms of the letter to the pay-
suing Agency impressed, imprint- ing agent.
ed or reproduced thereon and at- Passed approved and adopted
tested hy the City Clerk, and said this 14th' day of February 1972.
o~ficers are hereby authori..,d ~d Wayne A. Moldenhauer
dIrected to caUSe the RequlSibon Mayor
Agreement to be properly exe- Walter A. Pregler
cuted. . C. Robert Justmann
Section 7. For. th.e punctUal P~y-I Joseph J. Bitter
ment of the pnnCipal ?f and lD- CIty Councilmen
terest on the New PrOject Notes, Attest.
the Local Issuing Agency her!,by Leo . F. Frommelt
expressly and irrevo~bly promises Cit Clerk
to pay any sums which may be re- y
ceived from the Govermnent pur- Councilman Bitter moved adop.
suant to the Requisition Agree- tion of the resolution. Seconded by
meut relating to such series of Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by
Project Notes and said Agreement, the following vote:
when executed by the Govern- Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
ment, is hereby declared to be Councilmen Bit t e r, JUstmann,
and is hereby assigned by the Lo- Pregler.
cal Issuing Agency for the bene- Nays-None.
fit of the holder or holders from Absent-Councilman Thoms.
time to time of the New Project
Notes. AU contributions, funds
and amounts authorized or reo
quired by the Contract to be ap.
plied to the payment of Project
Loan Notes (referred to in the
New Project Notes. Such pledge
and the lien created thereby shall
WHEREAs, applications for Liq-
uor permits have been submitted
to this Council for approval and
the same have been examined.
solved by the City Council of the
Special Session, February 14, 1972
City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the
following applications be granted
and licenses issued upon the com-
pliance with the terms of the
CHAPTER 123 - as amended by
the 64th General Assembly, 1971.
Gerald Kirchberg, 3203 Jackson
Passed, adopted and approved
this 14th day of February, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
C. Robert Jushnann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop.
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Absent---{:ouncilman Thoms.
WHEREAS, applications for
Liquor permits were filed by the
within named applicants and they
have received the approval of this
Council, and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
with the State Law and all City
ordinances relevant thereto and
they have filed proper bonds.
solved by the City Council of Du-
buque, Iowa, that the Manager be
authorized to cause to be issued
to the following named applicants
a Liquor Permit.
Gerald Kirchberg, 3203 Jackson
Passed, adopted and approved
this 14th day of February, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Pregler. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Absent---{:ouncilman Thoms.
Mayor Moldenhauer presented
the name of David E. Bisenius for
appointment to the Low-Rent
Housing Commission to fill the un-
expired term of King Herr, re-
cently resigned, to August 17,
1973. Councilman Bitter moved
confirmation of the appointment.
Seconded by Councilman Pregler.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Absent---{:ouncilman Thoms.
Confirming the Appointment of
a Member of the Low-Rent
Housing CommIssIon of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
WHEREAS, on the 17th day of
August, 1970, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, adopt-
ed Resolution No. 244-70, electing
to exercise the powers contained
in Chapter 4O3A of the Iowa Code
of 1968, as amended, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and by said City Council
through a Board of Commission-
ers to the extent of the authority
granted said Board by said CIty
Council: and
WHEREAS, on the 1st day of
February, 1971, the CIty Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
adopted Resolution No. 36-71
amending said Resolution No. 244-
70 increasing said Board of Com-
missioners from five to seven
members; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor of the
City of Dubuque, pursuant to said
Resolution No. 244-70 and to Reso-
lution No. 36-71 has appointed a
memher to the Low-Rent Housing
Commission of the City of Du-
buque; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the CIty of Dubuque,
Saction 1. That the action of the
Mayor of the City of Dubuque,
Special Session, February 14, 1972
Iowa, in apPOinting David B. Bi-
senius, to Augnst 17, 1973, as a
Commissioner of the Low-Rent
Housing Commission of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby ap-
proved and the appointment of
said Commissioner is hereby con-
firmed by this City Council for
the period designated in the Cer.
tificate of Appointment of Com-
missioners now on file in the of-
fice of the City Clerk.
Passed, approved and adopted
this 14th day of February, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A Pregler
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Certificate of Appointment
of Commislionen
of the
L_.Rent Housing Commission
of the
City of Dubuque, I-a
WHEREAs, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, held a
duly authorized meeting on the
14th day of February, 1972; and
WHEREAS, at said meeting Res.
olution No. 55-72 was adopted, a
copy of which is attached hereto
and made a Part hereof.
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant
to the provisions of Section 403.5A
of the "Low-Rent Housing Law" of
the State of Iowa, and by virtue of
my office as Mayor, I hereby ap-
point the person hereinafter
nam~dt~O ~rv~ast 'k Co'?mi"(';ion- Attest: ..................................................
~s~ion :f :~ C~ty ~fusg':bu:':: CIty Clerk
Iowa, and to serve for the period
~:"~:h:Pr::':fayaf~: :::b;'~~ I
1972, David E. Bisenius, to Aug-
ust 17, 1973.
hereunto signed my name as Ma-
yor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
and caused the official seal of said
City of Dubuque to be attached
thereto this 14th day of February,
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Pregler. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor MOldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Absent-Councilman Thoms.
There being no further business
Mayor Moldenahuer moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmsnn,
Absent---{:ouncilman Thoms.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Approved ..................................1972.
Adopted ......................................1972.
Special Session, February 21, 1972
Special Session, Februa<y 11,
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T.).
Present - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justma,""
preø/er, Thoms. City Manager Gil-
bert D. Chavenelle.
Mayor Moldenhauer read the
call and stated that service there-
of had been duly made and this I
meeting is called for the purpose
HOUSING pBOJECl' and acting
upon such other business as may
properly come before a regular
meeting of the CounclL
-""rizing the Publication of
Notice of Public Hearing for 0
Low-Rent Housing proiect.
WHEREAS. a municipality or
low-rent housing agency may on
its own motion without an election
proceed to exercise the powers
granted by Chapter 403A of the
Iowa Code, as amended, by adopt-
ing a Resolution to proeeod in
the manner provided therein; now
BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section I. That the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorized
and directed to publish notice of
public hearing to be held on
March 13, 1972, in the form of
Exhibit "A" wbich is attacbed
hereto and made a part hereof.
passed, approved and adopted
this 21st day of February, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Exhibit "A"
Notice is herehy given
City Council of the City
by the
of Du-
buque, Iowa, pursuant to Seet.ion
403A of the Iowa Code, as amend-
ed, that on the 13th day of March,
1972, at 7:30 P.M. in CIty Coun-
eil Chambers, City Hall, Dubuque,
Iowa, the following resolution will
be introduced for adoption by tbe
CIty Council of the City of Du-
To Proceed to Exerci. the
p_en Grantee! by Chapter
403,. of tbe Iowa Code, as
Amended, on Motion without on
WHEREAS, a IØQDÍcipaIity or
low-rent housing agency may on
its own motion withnnt an elec-
tion proceed to exercise the pow-
ers granted by Chapter 4O3A of
the Iowa Code. as amended, by
adopting a Resolution to Proceed
in the manner provided therein;
WHEREAS, the """pe of the
property acquisition for the low-
rent housing project ar projects
shall be specificaßy limited in
said Resoluti!>D; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section I. That the City of Du-
buque, shall proceed with the use
of dwelling units in existing struc-
tures to be leased from private
Leo 'P. Frommelt
CIty Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Bitter. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
At 7:37 P.M. Mayor Moldenhau-
er moved to go into an executive
session for the purpose of dis-
cussing real estate in the Central
Business District. Seconded by
Councilman Justmann. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
J>ngIer, Thoms.
At 8:36 P.M. the Council recon.
vened in regular session and Coun-
cilman Justmann moved that the
executive session was for the pur-
Special Session, FebruSl'}' 21, 1972
pœe of diseussing proposed rek>-
cation of prospeet and prospects
to Urban Renewal area and pr<>-
posal for diseussion with pros-
pects for Urban Renewal real es-
tate sales. Seconded by CounciI-
... Pregler. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pregler, TIIoms.
There being no further business
Councilman Thoms moved to ad-
journ, Seconded by Councilman
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt I' r, Ju.stmann, I
Pregler, Thoms.
Ap¡Jl'Oved """"""........................1972
Adopted ....................................1J72
Attest: """"ëi¡Ÿ"ëii;;¡;:"""""""""""
Special Session, February 28, 1972
Special Session, February 28,
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.5.T.)
Present - Mayor Moldenheuer,
Councilman Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms. City Manager GII.
bert D. Chavenolle.
Mayor Moldenhauer read the
call and stated that service there-
of had been duly made and this
meeting is called for the purpose
REATION FUND and acting upon
such other business as may prop-
erly come before a regular meet-
ing of the Council.
Communications of Mayor Mol-
denhauer submitting his weekly
report to the Council members
dated February 20th and 27th, pre-
sented for the record. Councilman
Bitter moved that the communi-
cations be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Pregler. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of Richard C.
Henschel objecting to removal of
professional office zoning classifi-
cation from his property located
at 4th & Bluff and suggesting con-
solidation of R-l and R-2 zoning
classification, presented and read.
Councilman Justmann moved that
the communication be referred to
the date set for the public hear-
ing on the Zoning Ordinance set
for March 9th. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Thoms. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of Karla Braig
and Mary Fleming requesting ac-
tion as to the catching of a men-
acing dog in the South filJ street
area, presented and read. Mayor
Moldenhauer moved that the com-
munication be received and filed
after being assured that the case
was disposed of in an efficient
manner. Seconded by Councilman
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of CIty Assessor
submitting a stipulation agreed
upon by Kennedy Mall, Romac
Inc., their attorneys, appraiser and
CIty Assessor relative to protest
of assessment of real estate and
fixing a fair and reasonable actual
value on the real estate for 1971
and 1972 and that after the year
1973 the assessment of the shop-
ping center shall be made as a
single unit, presented and read.
Councilman Justmann moved that
the communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of Councilman
Pregler suggesting that the Citi-
zens Advisory Commission be giv-
en the specific charge to investi-
gate the merits of merging County
and City Health agencies, present-
ed and read. Councilman Pregler
moved that the communication be
referred to the agenda of the
Council meeting scheduled for
March 13th. Seconded by Council-
man Jushnann. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of Catherine R
Boardman et al and Arthur M.
Boardman objecting to various
portions of the new proposed Zon-
ing Ordinance, presented and
read. Mayor Moldenhauer moved
that the communications be re-
ferred to the hearing on the new
Zoning Ordinance scheduled for
March 9th. Seconded by Council-
man Thoms. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Special Session, February 28, 1972
Printed Council proceedings for February 24, 1972
the month of December 1971 pre- To the Honorable Mayor
sented for approval. Councilman and City Council
Pregler moved that the Council I submit the certified report of
proceedings for the month of De- the fiscal transactions of the Wa-
cember 1971 be approved as print- ter Department for the year 1971.
ed. Seconded hy Councilman Bit- Respectfully,
ter. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Gilbert D. Chavenelle
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, City Manager
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler Thoms. Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
Nay"':"None the report be received and filed.
. Seconded by Councilman Pregler.
Communication of Low-Rent Carried by the following vote:
Housing Commission submitting Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
minutes of their meeting of Feb- Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
ruary 15, 1972, presented and read. Pregler, Thoms.
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that Nays-None.
the communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Pregler. Carried by the folJowing
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
February 18, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
I herewith submit the reports
of the City Treasurer and Health
Department for the month of Jan-
uary 1972, as well as a list of
claims paid.
Gilbert D. Cbavenelle
City Manager
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
the reports be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Pregler.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
February 22, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
I herewith submit the report of
the Water Superintendent for the
month of January 1972.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
CIty Manager
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
the report be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Pregler.
Carried by the foilowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
February 25, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
I return to you the petition of
Steven Schultz requesting permis-
sion to Paint house numbers On
I recommend that the request
be denied because curb paintings
will not Improve our neighbor-
hoods and, like other street mark-
ings, regular repainting will he re-
quired to make them useful.
For your information I am en-
closing copies of:
Mr. Schultz's petition of last
My letter responding to the pe-
A letter to Mr. Robert Day
I suggest that a letter be writ-
ten to Mr. Sehultz similar to the
one written to Mr. Day.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Mayor Moldenhauer moved ap-
proval of the Manager's recom-
mendation. Seconded by Council-
man Pregler. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Justmann, Pregler,
NaYS-Councilman Bitter.
February 21, 1972
Honorable Mayor and
Council Members
The City Planning and Zoning
Commission has reviewed a pro-
POsal to reclassify from Local
Business "An to Local Business
"Bn property descrihed as Lot 2
remain in the Single Family classi-
Special Session, February 28, 1972
giving accoss to it, shall be such ciates Realty Co. stated that the
that It will be in harmony with proposed apothecary for the area
tho _rap;..... and orderly do. is a matter of right and that the
volopmont of tho district In new ordinance would permit an
which It i. located. apothecary. Mr. William Thill of
The purpose of this proposal is 1110 Langworthy Ave. objected
to permit a pharmacy or apothe- ~o the. P,::,posed . rezomng . hY, stat-
cary in proximity to doctors of- lUg It is convemence zoDlng'. and
fices and clinics which are pres- if once accomplished there will be
ently permitted under the profes- no controlling t?e type and amount
sional classification. of enterpnses lD the area.
It is the recommendation of the February 21 1972
Planning and Zoning CommIs~ion Honorable Mayor and '
that the proposal to amend ArtiCle Council Members
IV, Section 2(h) be adopted. . The CIty Planning and Zoning
Respectfully subnutted, Commission has held a public hear-
CITY PLANNING AND ing on a proposal to reclassify pro-
ZONING COMMISSION perty described as the South 1/5
Don Gilson of Out Lot 432' the South 1/2 of
City Planner the Middle 1/5 of Lot 432; the
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that North 1/2 of the. South Middle 1/5
the recommendation be referred of Out Lot 432, an~ the ~ddle
for proper proceedings. Seconded 1/5 of Out Lot 432, 1D th~ CIty of
by Councilman Bitter. Carried by Dubuque, Iowa, from Muitiple.Res-
the following vote: iden~e. CI.8SSifica?on to Bu~lDess
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, classification. This property IS 10-
Councilmen Bitter Justmann Preg- cated at the northwest comer of
ler Thoms.' , Fourteenth and White Streets.
Nays - None. The Commission reviewed its
recommendation on the Washing-
Dr. David Kapp M.D. of Medical ton Street Neighborhood which
Associates addressed the Council was made a couple of years ago.
as President of the Medical Asso- The recommendation had included
ciates Realty Co. by stating that this property in a commercial
The Medical Associates plan to classification. It was the opinion
move near the Mercy Hospital of the Commission that the re-
complex from their present loca- commendation still represents its
tion at 1200 Main Street. The ques- hest judgment.
tion was raised as to why they It is the recommendation of the
would elect to move from the Planning and Zoning Commission
Downtown D?buque. area.. Dr. Kapp that the property described above
stated that lD thell' OPlDlOn and be reclassified from Multiple Resi.
in the opinion of experts in the dence to Business classification.
field the contemplated move is f~r Respectfully submitted,
what 15 best for the patient. Their CITY PLANNING AND
=~n~dq~:;":re ":es':~~ .:~ ZONING COMMISSION
siderJng taking in three more doc- Do,,; GIlson
tors. Medical Associates and Mercy CIty Planner
~~spital ~l! remain separa.te en- Councilman Pregler moved that
titles. BUildIng downtown 15 not the communication be referred for
economically feasi?le a?d ~ pro. proper proceedings. Seconded by
posed ~ercy Hospital SIte IS more Councilman Bitter. Carried by the
conduCive to attract more doctors. following vote:
He . stated. c¡uite emphatically that Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
their decl81on has been reached Councilmen Bitter Justmann Preg-
and they intend to carry it ler Thoms' ,
through. Attorney Robert Kenline Nays - None.
displayed a map of the proposed
Mercy Hospital complex showing Notice of Claim of David Fleege,
layout of present and proposed in the amount of $1800., for car
streets, buildings, and parking damage incurred while driving in
Attorney Robert Betrsch as a an ice covered intersection at 17th
representative of Medical Asso- and Jackson Street, which was pre.
Special Session, February 28, 1972
of "Neil P\acew and Lots 1 and 2
of "Neil P]aœ" Number 2, in the
city of Dubuque, Iowa. This pro-
perty is located at the northeast
corner of John F. Kennedy Road
and Asbury Road. I
It was the general opinion of the
Commission that because of the
proximity of the site to residences
on Asbury Road, Crissy Drive, and
Theda Drive, no change in zoning
should be made that would encour-
age more active commercial uses.
Mr. RIchard Manternach, 2265
Crissy Drive and Mr. Gene Potts,
S285Theda Drive were present to
speak in opposition to the proposal.
It is the recommendation of the
CommissioB that the above de-
scribed property remain in the
Local Business" A" classification.
Respectfully submitted,
Don Gilson
City Planner
Councilman Pregler moved ap-
proval of the recommendation. Sec-
onded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Car-
ried by tbe following vote:
Ye"" - Moyor Moldenhauer,
Councilman Bittel', .Justmann, Preg-
Nays - Councilman Thoms.
Fehl'uary 21, 1972
Honorable Mayor and
Council Members
The City Planning and Zoning
commission has held a public hear-
ing on a proposal to reclassify pro-
~~i ~e'c:':ir:: 2asOf~t 12 ~~ ~~ I
2 of Lot 3 of Lot 1 in Highland
Farm Addition in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, from Single Family
IiA>sidence to Multiple Residence
classification oad to include the
above described property in Ax-
ticle IV, Section 2(h) of the Zon-
ing Ordinance to permit profes-
siow office use of the property.
This property is located at 3290
Asbury Road.
It was the opinion of the Com-
mission that to change the classifi-
cation as proposed would constitute
an encroachment into the single
family residential area along As-
bury Bnad and CrissY Drive.
n is the reC()lll1DClldation of the
Pianaing and ZOning Commission
that the property described above
Respectfu]\y submitted,
Don Gilson
City Planner
Mayor Moldenhauer moved sus-
pension of the rules in order to let
anyone present addresS the Council
if they so desire. Seconded by
Councilman Bitter. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, 'l1wms.
Nays - None.
Dr. Sullivan owner of the pro-
perty located at 3290 Asbury re-
quested more time to consider the
rewning of his property when he
can be represented by legal coun-
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
the recommendation be referred to
the agenda of the meeting sched-
uled for March 13th. Seconded by
Councilman Bitter. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Febmary 21, 1972
Honorable Mayor and
Council Members
The CIty Planning and Zoning
Commission has held a public hear-
ing on a proposal to amend the
Multiple Residence District, Article
IV, Section 2(b) of the Zoning Or-
dinance of the City of Dubnque,
Iowa, to include the following:
An establishment for compound-
ing and ..Ie of drugs, medicines
and other .health related Items,
sale of medical end $1If'!Iical sup-
plies and equipment; sale 01 or-
thopedic suppliea and equip-
ment; sale of optical items and
equipment, subject to a Special
Permit being authorized by the
Board 01 Adjustment. Prior to
authorization of the Special Per-
mit ItIo Board of Adlus-nt
shall find that tho location and
sin 01 the -, the nature and
intensity 01 the operation In-
..01,," or conducled in connoc-
tion with it, .... size of tbo site
in relation to it, and the location
of the site with rellOCt to streets
Notice of Claim of Laverne B.
Hoff, in an undetermined amount,
for damage incurred as the result
of a backed-up sanitary sewer at
his home at 2899 Windsor Ave., on
January 31, 1972, presented and
read. Councilman Pregler moved
that the notice of claim be re-
ferred to the City Solicitor for in-
vestigation and report. Seconded
by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
February 25, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
A food service ordinance and a
related permit fee ordinance will
be presented for your considera-
tion at council meeting, February
For information about the or-
dinance I am enclosing copies of
letters received from Mr. Roth.
I recommend the ordinances.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Bitter moved that
the communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Mayor Mol-
denhauer. Carried by the follow.
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilman Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
An Ordinance Defining Food,
potentially hazardous food, Adul-
terated, Misbrandad, food...rvlca
establishment, temporary food-
service establishment, Health
Authority, Utensils, Equipment,
Etc.; Providing for the sale of
only unadulterated, Wholesome,
Property Branded Food; Regu-
lating the Sourc.. of Food; Es-
tablishing Sanitation Standards
for Food, Food Protection, Food-
Service Operations, Food Equip-
ment and Utensils, Sanitary Fa-
cilities and controls, and other
Facilities; Requiring Permits for
the Operation of Food-Service
Establishments; Reguiating the
In_ction of such Establish-
ments; Providing for the Exam-
ination and Condemnation of
Special Session, February 28, 1972
viously flooded by City employees
on January 19, 1972, presented and
read. Councilman Pregler moved
that the notice of claim be re-
ferred to the City Solicitor for in.
vestigation and report. Seconded
by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Notice of claim of Robert P.
Bisanz, in the amount of $35., for
car damage incurred as the result
of driving over a defective man-
hole cover at 1816 Cox Street on
December 20, 1971, presented and
read. Councilman Pregler moved
that the notice of claim be refer-
red to the City Solicitor for inves.
tigation and report. Seconded by
Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Notice of Claim of American
States Insurance Co. submitting
subrogation interest and lien in
the amount of $413.42, for car
damage incurred in an accident in.
volving Frank Zmudka, their in-
sured, on January 19th, 1972 at
17th and Jackson Street, presented
and read. Councilman Pregler
moved that the notice of claim be
referred to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Notice of Claim of Mrs. Mar-
garet Laugesen, in the amount of
$4000. plus cost of action, for per-
sonal injuries received in a fall
on the south side of Hill Street on
October 14, 1971, presented and
read. Councilman Pregler moved
that the notice of claim be reo
ferred to the City Solicitor for in-
vestigation and report. Seconded
by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Special Session, February 28, 1972
Food; Providing for Incorpora-
tion by Roference of the 1962
Edition of the "United States
Public Health Service Food Ser.
vica Sanitation Ordinance and
Code"; end Providing for the
Enforcemant of thla Ordinance,
and the Fixing of Penalties,
presented and read.
Councilman Bitter moved that
this be considered the first reading
of the Ordinance. Seconded by
Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - Councilman Justmann.
An Ordinance Amending the
Budget as Approvad by Ordin-
ance No. 1-72 and Ordinance No
presented and read.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the reading just had be considreed
the first reading of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Mayor Moldenhauer.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Justmann, Pregler.
NaYs-Councilmen Bitter, Thoms.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the rule requiring an Ordinance
to be read on three separate days
be waived. Seconded by Mayor
Moldenhauer. Carried by the fol- I
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Justmann, Pregler.
Nays-Councilmen Bitter, Thoms.
Councilman Pregler moved that
a public hearing be held on the
Ordinance on March 20, 1972 at
7:30 P.M. in the COuncil Chamber
at the City Hall and that the City
Clerk be instructed to publish no-
tice of the hearing in the manner
required by law. Seconded by
Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Justmann, Pregler.
NaYs-Councilmen Bitter, Thoms.
February 24, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Enclosed is a letter Written by
Chief O'Brien which explains an
amendment to the Traffic Code
being presented for your consider-
ation at the meeting of February
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Pregler moved that
the Communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Bitter. Carried hy the fOllow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
An Ordinance Amending Ordl...
once No. 33-49 kn_n as the
"Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa"
as Amended by Enacting a New
Subsection loa and a New Sub-
section 109 to Schedule VI there-
of to provide that t... parking
of motor vehicles Is prohibited
on the north side of West Seve...
teenth Street from West Locust
Street to Clark Street and on
the north slc1e of Davis Ave,....
from Winchor Avenue to Sheri-
dan ROod,
presented and read.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Bitter.
Carried by the fOllowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg,
Ier, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the rule requiring an Ordinance to
be read On three separate days be
waived. Seconded hy Councilman
Bitter. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, JuShnann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Soc'lon I. Tna' O""na"", No. "'49
Petition of Daughters of Union
Veterans Mary Agard Tent #35
requesting permission to conduct
tag days on Friday and Saturday,
September 15th and 16th, present-
ed and read. Councilman Pregler
moved approval of the petition to
be referred to the City Manager
for implementation. Seconded by
Councilman Bitter. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jushnann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition of Tower Investments
Inc. requesting rezoning of approx-
imately five or six acres of Tower
Hills Mobile Home Park to C-l
classifitation under the new pro-
posed zoning Ordinance, presented
and read. Mayor Moldenhauer
moved that the petition be referred
to the Planning &: Zoning Commis-
sion. Seconded by Councilman
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jushnann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition of First Congregational
Church requesting permission to
construct a 6" high curb with gut-
ter in the alley right of way par-
allel to the property line and also
concurrence is requested due to
the fact that the footing will ex-
tend 1'-8" into the alley, presented
and read. Councilman Pregler
moved that the petition be re-
ferred to the City Manager and
staff. Seconded by Mayor Molden-
hauer. Carried by the foUowing
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhaner,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition of A-I Plumbing Cooling
&: Heating Co., requesting permis-
sion to excavate at 18951,2 Central
Ave., to replace broken water ser-
vice, presented and read. Council-
man Pregler moved approval of
the petition subject to approval of
the Engineering Department. Sec-
onded by Mayor Moldenhauer.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Special Session, February 28, 1972
.oown a, the "T..fflc Cede of 00-
b"O"e, lowo" " ame"ded be Md the
..me " hmby ome"ded by eood"",
a "OW "b,eetl," i" BOd eood,"g 0
"ew "b,edi," 109 to ""ed"le VI
thmof .. tonow,
108. 0" the North ,Ide of W..f
Sey,"feen!h ",eet f' 0 m
W"" Locu,f Slteet fo Clock
109. 0" the North "de of Ooyl,
Ayen"e tcom WI"d"" Aye-
,",e to """Ida" Road."
Po"", o'COYed Md odeoted !ht,
28fh de. of Feb,",,"', 197'
Wayne A. Molde""OPe'
Wone, A. P,....,
Ano. T.Th"""
C. Robert J..tmo""
Jo,eph J. 81f1e,
Leo F. F,ommelt
City CI....
Pub"""" offidaly I. The Te'.."'"
H...,ld Now"",.'" this 2od doy of
Mmh 1972.
Leo F. ."""",e"
City Cle".
Councilman Pregler moved final
adoption of the Ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman' Bitter. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition of Alfred E- Hughes at-
torney, on behalf of John Heider-
scheit, requesting the Council to
reconsider application for sewer
and water connections to Lots 90
and 91 in Linehan Park Addn., pre-
sented and read.
Attorney Hughes and Jim Heid-
erscheit addressed the Council rel-
ative to the petition. Councilman
Pregler moved that the petition be
denied. Seconded by Councilman
Justmann. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Jnstmann, Preg-
Nays - Councilman Thoms.
Petition of United Spanish Amer-
ican War Veterans requesting per-
mission to conduct a tag day drive
on April 14th and 15th, presented
and read. Councilman Pregler
moved approval of the petition to
be referred to the City Manager
for implementation. Seconded by
Councilman Bitter. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, preg:
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Special Session, February 28, 1972
Preliminary Estimate and ap-
proVal of plans, spees., form of
contract, plat and all other docu-
ments for construction of 1972 Ur-
ban Renewal Sanitary Sewer Man-
hole Improvement project, at an
estimated cost of $6,879.00, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Bitter
moved adoption of the resolution.
Seconded by Councilman Pregler.
carried by the folluwing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councthnen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
(Necessity for Improvement)
WHEREAS, proposed plans, spe-
cifications, form of contract have
been duly prepared and approved
by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque and are now on file in
the office of the City Clerk show-
ing among other things the fOllow-
1. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement. for the
that the City Council on its own
motion or upon petition of pro-
perty owners, deems it advisable
and necessary for the public wel-
fare to make the hereinmentioned I
improvement, and unless property
owners at the time of the final
consideration of this proposed re-
solution have on file with the City
Clerk objections to the amount of
the cost of improvement, they
shall be seemed to have waived aU
objections thereto.
Said improvement shan be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared thereto
by the City Engineer which have
been approved hy the City Council
and are now on file with the City
Clerk. That the cost and expense
of making said improvement win
be paid from the Sanitation Sew- I
age Rental Fund.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved, and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 28th day of February, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Jushnann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved ap-
proval of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
(Fixing Daht of Heerlng
WHEREAS, the City Council of
the CIty of Dubuque, Iowa has
given its preliminary approval on
the proposed plans, specifications,
and form of contract and placed
same on file in the office of the
CIty Clerk for public inspection for
the 1972 Urban Renewal Sanitary
Sewer Manhole Improvement Pro-
that on the 20th day of March,
1972, a public hearing will be held
at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Cham-
ber of the City of Dubuque at
which time the objectors for the
proposed improvement may appear
and make objection to the Pro-
posed plans and specifications and
proposed for of contract, to the
cost of the improvement and the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
directed to caUSe a notice of the
time and place of such hearing to
be published in some newspaper
published in the CIty of Dubuque
which shall be not less than ten
(10) days prior to the day fixed
for its consideration, and said Clerk
is further instructed to advertise
for proposals for the construction
of the aforementioned improve-
Passed, ,adopted and approved
this 28th day of February, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
WaiteI' A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
92 Special Session, February 28, 1972
Councilman Bitter moved adop- RESOLUTION No. 61.72
tion of the resolution. Seconded WHEREAS, applications for Beer
by Councilman Pregler. Carried by permits have been submitted to
the following vote: this Council for approval and the
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, same have been examined, NOW
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg- THEREFORE,
ler, Thoms. BE IT RESOLVED by the CIty
Nays - None. Council of the City of Dubuque,
. Iowa, that the following applica-
(Orden"9 Construction) tions be granted and licenses is-
RESOLUTION No. 60-72 sued upon the compliance with
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY the terms of the ordinances of the
~UQUE that p~uant to a Res~lu- i. Class "c" Beer Po""lt
!Ion of NecesSIty No. ~72 which Thompson's Food Markets, Inc.,
was duly passed by thiS Coun~ 2119 Rhomberg Avenue.
for the 1972 Urban Renewal SaDl- Lucky Stores, Inc., 3049 Asbury St.
tary Sewer Manhóle Improvement Lucky Stores Inc 1800 Elm Street
Project be and the, same are her: Lucky Stores' Inc:' 3033 Asbury St.
by ordered and constructed by this ' ,
Council upon its own motion and ~assed, adopted and approved
with or without the petition of thiS 28th day of February, 1972.
property owners. All the work Wayne A. Moldenhauer
shall be constructed in accordance Mayor
with the plans and specifications Walter A Pregler
heretofore adopted and now on Allan T. Thoms
file in the office of the City Clerk. C. Robert Justmann
that the cost and expense of said Councilmen
improvement be paid from the Attest:
sanitation sewage rental fund. Leo F. Frommelt
that the CIty Clerk be and he is
hereby ordered and directed to ad-
vertise for proposals for the con-
struction of the various improve-
ments herein provided for in the
manner provided by law.
that this resolution being deemed
urgent and of IMMEDIATE NE-
CESSITY shall be in force and ef-
fect from and after its passage
and adoption by the City Council.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 28th day of February, 1972.
Wayne A Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Juslmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
WHEREAS, applications for Beer
permits were filed by the within
named applicants and they have
received the approval of this Coun-
cil, and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
with the ordinances of this City
and they have filed proper bonds;
SOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the
Manager be authorized to, cause
and be issued to the following
named applicants a Beer permit.
Closs "c" Beer Po""lt
Thompson's Food Markets, Inc.,
2119 Rhomberg Avenue
Lucky Stores, Inc., 3049 Asbury St.
Lucky Stores, Inc., 1800 Elm Street
Lucky Stores, Inc., 3033 Asbury St.
Special Session, February 28, 1972
that the bonds filed hy such appli-
cants be and the same are hereby
Passed, adopted and approved
this 28th day of February, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Mayor I
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
hy Councilman Pregler. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
WHEREAs, applications for Liq-I
uor permits have been submitted
to this Council for approval and
the same have been examined,
SOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the
following applications be granted
and licenses issued upon the com-
pliance with the terms of the Iowa
Liquor Control Act-Chapter 123--.1
as amended by the 64th General
Assembly, 1971.
Class "c" (Commerelol)
Beer & LIquor Llcen..
Bridge Restaurant and Lounge,
Inc., 31-35 Locust Street
The Apartments, Ltd., Kennedy
Donald P. Shanley, 1630 East 16th
Donald M. Love, 600 Central Ave.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 28th day of February, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer I
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Pregler. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
WHEREAS, applications for Liq-
uor permits were filed by the
within named applicants and they
have received the approval of this
Council, and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied hy such applicants were
inspected and found to comply
with the State Law and all City
ordinances relevant thereto and
they have filed proper bonds,
SOLVED hy the City Council of
Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager
be authorized to cause to be is-
sued to the following named appli-
cants a Liquor permit.
Closs "c" (Commercial)
Beer & Liquor License
Bridge Restaurant and Lounge,
Inc., 31-35 Locust Street
The Apartments, Ltd., Kennedy
Donald P. Shanley, 1630 East 16th
Donald M. Love, 600 Central Ave.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 28th day of February, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Pregler. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, JUstmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
There being no further business
Councilman Bitter moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Special Session, February 28, 1972
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Approved ....................................1972
Adopted ......................................1972
Attest: """""'ciiÿ"ëÏ~~k:""""""""'"
Regular Session, March 6, 1972
Regular Session, March 6, 1972.
Council met at 7:3Ð P.M. (C.
Present - Councilmen Bitter,
Pre91er, Thoms. City Manager Gil-
bert D. Chavenelle.
Absent - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilman Justmann (out of
Councilman Bitter moved that
Councilman Pregler be appointed
Presiding Officer Pro Tern of the
meeting in the absence of Mayor
Moldenhauer. Seconded by Council-
man Thoms. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Councilmen Bitter, Preg-
ler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Absent - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilman Justmann.
Presiding Officer Pro Tem Preg-
ler read the call and stated that
service thereof had been duly made
and this is the REGULAR MON-
THLY MEETING of the Council
called for the purpose of acting I
upon such husiness as may pro-
perly come before the meeting.
Communication of Mayor Mol.
denhauer excusing Ws and Coun-
cilman Justmann's absence from
the Council meeting as they are
attending the Congressional City
conference at Washington D. C.,
presented and read. Councilman
Bitter moved that the communi-
cation be received and filed. Se-
conded by Presiding Officer Pro
Tem Pregler. Carried by the fol-
low;ng vote:
Yeas - Presiding Officer Pro
Tem Pregler, Councilmen Bitter,
Nays - None.
Absent - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilman Justmann.
Communication of Emily Nesler
objecting to pungent odor eminat-
ing from the Sewage Disposal
Plant also objecting to Catfish
creek being an open sewage dump,
presented and read. Councilman
Bitter moved that the communi-
cation be received and filed. Se-
conded by Presiding Officer Pro
, Tem Pregler. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Presiding Officer Pro
Tem Pregler, Councilmen Bitter,
Nays - None.
Absent - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilman Justmann.
Communication of Mayors Indus-
trial Committee rècommending
sale of approximately one acre
of land to Frommelt Industries
In the amount of $8712.00, check
in the amount of $800. attached
to be acknowledged as a down
payment, presented and read. Pre-
siding Officer Pro Tem Pregler
moved that the communication be
referred to the City Solicitor for
proper proceedings. Seconded by
Councilman Bitter. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Presiding Officer Pro
Tem Pregler, Councilmen Bitter,
Nays - None.
Absent - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilman Justmann.
Councilman Bitter moved that
the rules be suspended in order
to let anyone present address the
Council if they so desire. Second-
ed by Presiding Officer Pro Tem
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas - Presiding Officer Pro
Tem Pregler, Councilmen Bitter,
Nays - None.
Absent - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilman Justmann.
Mr. Robert Dorothy of the In-
dustrial Bureau addressed the
Council by stating that Frommelt
Industries intend to build a build.
ing adjacent to their present one
on the Industrial Island to process
foam padding to be used in their
operation and also supply flexsteel
March 2, 1972
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council.
In accordance with the provi-
sions of Chapter 365 of the 1971
Code of Iowa, the Civil' Service
Commission conducted entrance
examinations on October 6, 1971,
The following named applicants
have passed both the written and