Jackson Street 1717 1717 Jackson 3t.
U Lrs T. = +11en 0- Henschel Roofi na Co.
reroof 2 story brick house j3) . ?04 8/16/34 _300.00 - --
0- F10 >e ce Totten C- Fiorenoe Totten
- _, F _ 335 -10 7/43 30.00
ep ^ c1rS to rasr porch B _ ._ -. /
"0- D.F.Chetfield
Repairs to 2 F.Brick dwellg.B.P. 332 7 -1 -48 75.00
0-Wm. & Donald T. Chatfield
Repairs to rear steps to 2 fan br.d e lg.
B.Pi 285 5- 24-54 50.00
1717 Jackson
Board of Adjustment Docket 67-88 for variance in side yard
setback to allow det. garage 1'6" from side prop. line and
addition to home 1`6" from - side prop. line. Approved
0- Darlene Sexton C- Morarend Const.
soffit, hand rails on porches, MF brk dwllg BP 15750
8/9/89 $1500.00
0- Rosala Childers C -Mark Steger Const.
erect 16'x22' det. frm garage, MF brk dwllg BP19976
4/3/92 $3502.00
10 -Carey Routley C Inter -State Contr.
'reroof SF res BP38886 6/30/98 $2000.00