1972 August Council Proceedings
Special Session, July 31, 1972
l'Iassed, adopted ,and approved
this 31st day of July, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer I
Walt... A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmaun
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Olerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Se<:onded I
by Councilman Pregler. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justm"nn,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
'!'here being no further business
Coundiman Pregler moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Mayor Mol-
denhauer. c"rried by the foll()w-
iog vote:
Yeas - Mayor M()ldenbauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Leo F. Frommelt
CIty Clerk
Approved ......................................1972
Adopted ........................................1972
Attest: """"""""ciÏŸ"ëï~~k"""""""
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
Regular Sanion, August 7, 1972.
Council mat at 7:30 P.M. (D.
P- - Mayor Moldenhauer
CounellmanB It tar, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms. City Manager Gil.
bert D. Cha_e.
Mayor Mo1dEllhauer read 1Iœ ea~l
and sta,ted that semce tbeTeof bad
been duly made and 1Jbia is the
eaIled for ,the ,punpose of aeting
upon such business as may pro-
perly come before the meeting.
Communication 0 f Outre""",
Committee of Westminster Pres-
b,-terian Church being in support
of the proposed Youth Services
Bureau, presented and read. Coun-
cilman BitteT moved that the eom-
munieation he received and filed.
Seconded 'by Councilman Jus t-
mann. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen ,B i t t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Communications of B. J. Braee
et al (20 postMrds)heing in sup-
port of the propoaed Youth Ser-
vices Bureau,presented and read.
Councii'manBitter moved tbat the
cards he received and filed. Se-
conded by Councilman Justmann.
Carned by the f<>!lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenh!aueT,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - N<>ne.
Commumcation of Dubuque
CoUDty Department of Social Ser-
viees registering SUI>,port of ,pro-
posal that the City Sponsor and
participate in the Youth Services
Project, ,presented and read. Coun-
cilman Bitter moved that the com-
munlcatioo he received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Jus t-
mann. c"rried by the following
Yeas - Mayor MoldenhaueT,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Telegram from United States Se-
nator Harold Hughes commending
e«orts mended in hebaJf of a
Youtit Services Bureau, presented
and read. Coundlman Bitter mov-
ed that the telegram he received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Justmann. Carned ,hy the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor MOldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Juotmann,
PregleT, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition of Chris Dtrfty et aJ
(.'í60 signatures) requesting the
Council to endorse and suPPOrt the
Youth of Duhuque through the
sponsorhsip of the "Youth S e r-
vices Bureau" presented and read.
Councilman Bitter moved that the
petition he received and filed. Se-
conded by Councilman Justmann.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
OounciIman Pre¡jler moved that
tbe rules be suspended in order
10 let anyone present address the
Council if they so desire. Second"
ed by Mayor Moldenhauer. Car-
ried by the i<illowing wte:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Mrs. Dan Ernst spoke in favor
of tbe Youth Sel'VieesProject along
with Mrs. Louise Thompson of the
School Board, .Mike Breitbach as
head of student government a t
Hempstead, Mike Brooks of the
City staff, Steve Udelhofen of
Youth ,Emplloyment and Diek Slat-
tery as head of 1>I1e Recrea'oon
department. M . Bob Humke and
Arthur Boardman spoke with some
apprehension of tbe project.
Councilman Justmann presented
and read a "critique" aoolyzing
the Youtb Ser,vioes Pr()ject heing
critical of the preferential treat-
mentlo a selected group of resi-
dents of the City. Councilman
Pregler moved that the critique
be received and filed. Seconded
by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Justmann, Pre~,
Nays - Councilman Bitter.
Mayor's weekly report letter to
the Council dated August 6, 19'/2,
preoented for filing. Councilman
Bitter moVed that the report he
received and filed. Seconded by
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
Councilman Justmann. Carried by tractors as proposed by the Iowa
the following vote: Chapter of Nationa~ ,Electrical Con-
Yea~ - M~yor Moldenbauer tractors Ass'n. presented and read.
Counellmen BIt t e r, Justmann, Councilman Pregler moved that
Pre~er, Thoms. the communication be re""ived and
Nays - None. filed. Seconded by CouncilmOin Bit.
RESOLUTION NO. 239-72 ter. Carried by the foJlowing vote:
W!HE!REAS The City of Dubuque Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer
has been asl<:;"¡ to s'ponsor a Youth Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann',
Services Bureau, and Pregler, Thoms.
WiHIDREiAS the State of Iowa Nays - None.
thru the Y~uth CoOrdinator ha~ Communicati()n of Dub u que
expressed great interest in such Ass'n of the Blind as not bøing
an activity being instituted in the entirely satiSlfied with the outcome
City <>f Dubuque and of the Naval Reserve Building and
WIHiEJR;FJAS th~ Youth Services also suggesting tbat some type of
Bureau will 'strive to serve as a traffic light system ,be insta~led
coordination structure to all com- at 12th & Jackson and 00 Dodge
munity services directed toward Street at the Doctor's Court, pre-
and availabie to young peo.ple, and sented and read. Miss Kathy Ag-
wm;JREAS the Youth Services new, a member of the Ass'n of
Bureau will ,play an important role the Blind, sp()ke to the Council
in crisis intervention, and by requesting enforeement of the
WHEJRiEJAS, the Youth Services pedesm-ian law. There is way too
Bureau identifies gaps in services much disregard for the blind in
and purchases need services wben cros.walks and parking lots of su-
nO other alternative is av'aila!Jl\e I permarkets ate.
and ' Councilman Pregler moved that
WH!EiRJE'AS the Youth Services the communication he referred to
Bureau wor~ to change attitudes the TraMic Committee to contact
and practices which contribute to the Safety Council. Seeonded hy
delinquency and youth crimes: Councilman Bitter. Carried by the
NOW, 'l1HE;RiEJFOiRJE BE IT iRJE- I following vote:
SOLVE[) BY TlIiE CITY COUN(JIjL \ Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
ofth. e City <>f D. ubuque Iowa, do Counc.ilmen Bitt e r, Just-un.
hereby lend our support to the Pre¡ler, Thoms.
Youth Services Projeet to be ini. Nays - None.
tiated in the City of Dubuque forth- Communication of Frank Kelly
with. et al (8 signatures) showing c()n-
IN WI'11NESS 'l.1IIElI.ÐOF, we cern as to the Freeway Corridor
bave hereunto set our band and study and would like to have some
caused the seal <>f the City <>f questions answered before the next
Dubuque to be affixed this 14th regularly scheduled meeting on the
day of August, 1972. study to be held on SeptemheT
Wayne A. Moldenhauer 14, 1972, presented and read. Coun-
Mayor cilman Pregler moved thlat the
Walter A. Pregler communication be referred to the
AJlan T. Thoms Council for consideration at the
Councilmen Freeway Corridor meeting. Second~
Attest: ed by Councilman Bitter. Carried
Leo F. Frommelt by the following vote:
City Clerk Yeas - Mayor Mdldenhauer,
Councilman Thoms moved adop- Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
tion <>f the resolution. Seconded Pregler, Thoms.
by Councilman Pregler. Carried Nays - None.
by the fOllowing vote: Petition of Albert Nauman et
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, al (7G signatures) mostly from the
CouncilmenP;egleT, ~oms. surrounding area outside the City)
Nays-Councilman Bitter, Just- requesting consideration to locating
mann. the proposed freeway on the west-
Com m u n i eat i () n of OLti- ern .portion of Dubuque running
zens Advisory Commission oppos- \ from Key West to Highway 52
ing the. bon~ and insurance require- near Daytonville, presented and
ment for liceD&log electrical con- read. Councilman Pregler moved
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
tbat the .petition 'be referred to
the Council for consideration at
the Freeway Corridor meeting. Se-
conded by Councilman Bitter. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
CouncNmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
July 25, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
I herewith sœbmit the report of
the Water Department f()r the
month of June, 1972.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Maooger
Councilman Pregler moved that
the communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Thoms. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Mdldenhauer,
C()uncilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
July 25, 1972
To the Honorable May()r and
Members of the City Council
I request permission to attend
the International City Management
Conference, September 17-21, in
Gilhert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Pregler moved ap-
proval of the request. Sconded by
Counc;!man Thoms. Carried by the
following v()te:
Yeas - M,ayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Proof of PubJication, certified to
by the Puhlisher, of Statement of
Receipts and Disbursements also
list <>f claims for June 1972, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Preg-
!er moved that the proof of pub-
li""tion be received and filed. Se- I
conded by Councilman Thoms. Car-
ried by the fOllowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
August 7, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor and
Memhers ()f the City Council.
Attached is a list of judges and
clerks selected to serve in the
various .precincts in the City for
the coming election scheduled for
August 22, 1972, entitled "L a' w
Enforcement CenteT Bond Propo-
This list has been submitted by
the County Auditor and County
Commissioner of Elections.
The list is submitted for your
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
,Councilman Pregler moved ap-
proval of the list. Seconded by
Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Mdldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, P r egle r,
Nays - None.
Abstained - Councilman Just-
July 31, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
The City Planning and Zoning
Commission has held a pœblic hear-
ing on a proposal to reclassify
.property described as Block 19 of
Key Knolls Subdivision in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa from Multiple
Residence District to Business Dis-
trict classification. This .property
is located on the west side of
John F. Kennedy Road between
Hillcrest Road and Footbil! Drive.
The Commission has determined
that the re-c1assification of this
property is in accordance with its
plan for the area. It is the recom-
mendation <>f the City Planning
and Zoning Commission that the
petition be approved.
City Planning and Zoning
Daniel Dittemore
Development Planner
Councilman Pregler m<>ved that
the communiœtion he referred for
proper proceedingS. Seconded by
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
following V()te:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
July 31, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor and
Memhers of the City Council
The City Planning and Zoning
Commission has held a ,public bear-
ing on a propos ail to reclassify
pr()perty located at 2215 and =
Ja'ckson Street and 2216 and :!'J18
White Street in the City of Dubuque
Iowa, from Multiple Residence
classificatJion to Business District
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
cJ.a .SS.ifi.caü..on.. This 'property. is de- I Buil.din.g. and constrn. eü'on Trad.es.
scribed as foilows: Couneil extending an invitation to
The Easterly one.half of the meet with them either on August
Southerly one-haH of Lot:ll! ~lth or 25th, presented and read.
and the Eiasterly one-half of Councilman Thoms moved that the
the Northerly 2 feet of Lot c()mmuDication he refen-ed to the
33 in L. H. Langworthy's Ad. Mayor. Seconded by Mayor Mold-
dition; and enhauer. Carried by the following
The Easterly 80 feet of the vote:
Northerlly half of Lot 32 in Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
L. H. LangworthY's Addttion; Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
and Pregler, Thoms.
The Westerly one-haH of the Nays - None.
Southerly one-balf of Lot 3e Notice of claim of Mrs. Har()ld
and the Westerly one-half of Leitner Jr. in the amoung of $119.11,
the Northerly 2 feet of Lot for ear damage ineun-ed as result
æ in L. H. Langworthy's Ad- of dropping into a hole in the
dition; and pavement on Hamilton Street on
The Westerly 80 feet of the July 23, 19'm, presented and read.
Northerly half of Lot 32 in Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
L. H. LaDgWorthY's Addition; the claim be referred to the City
and Solicitor for investigation and re-
The Southerly 30 feet of Lot port. Seconded by Councilman
æ of L. H. LangworthY's Ad- Thoms. Carried by the following
dition, ali in the City of Du- vote:
buque, Iowa. Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
The Commission has determined Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
that the proposed re-cla..ification Pregler, Th()ms.
is in accordance with the plan Nays - None.
for this area, and reeommends that Notiee of claim of Mrs. Janet
the petition be approved. K. Metelak, in an undermined a
City Planning and Zoning mount, for personal injuries re-
Commission ceived ina fall on a defective
Daniel Dittemore sidewalk on the ea"t side of Glen-
Development planner view Circle on June 3, 1\172, pre-
CoUI>C,ilman Pregler moved that senied and read. Mayor Molden-
the recommendation he referred hauer moved that the claim be
for proper proceedings. Secooded referred to the City So\ieiinr for
by Councilman Thoms. Carried by investigation and report. Sec()nd-
the following vote: tied hy Councilman Thoms. Car-
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, ried by the following vote:
Councilmen Bitter, Juotmann, Yeas - Ma'yor Moldenhauer,
Pregler, Thoms. Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Nays - None. PregleT, Thoms.
Communication of Delos Dor- Nays - None.
weiler proposing that the City At- Notice of claim of Thomas J.
torney work with him to take le- Krause ()f 1!Ji25 winDie Court, in
gal action against Our Redeemer the approximate amount of $705.
Luth...an Church at 2145 Kennedy for property damage as the result
Road requesting that they install of a backed.up sanitary sewer on
a s1:<>rm sewer to keep from wash. August 2, me, presented and read.
ing out his property, presented and Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
read. Councilman Pregler moved the notice of claim he refen-ed
that the eommunicati()n be referred to the City SolicitDr fDr investi-
to the City Manager and City Attor- gation and report. Seconded by
ney for a report hack to the Coun. Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
cil. Seconded by Councilman fdUowmg vote:
Thoms. Carried by the following Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
vote: Councilmen Bit t e r, Justll1i8nn,
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Preg]er, Thom".
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Nays - None.
Pre¡jler, Thoms. Noti.. of Claim of Dennis D.
Nays - None. Palm, of 1JI4O W'mnie Court, in
Communication of Dub u que the apprmdmate amount of $1634.,
Regular Session, August 7, 1972 369
for property damage as the result perty damage as the result of a
of a backed-up sanitary sewer on backed-up sewer on August 1, 1m
August 2, 1972, presented and re'ad. presented and read. Mayor Moll.
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that denhauer moved that the notice
the notice of claim be referred of claim be referred to the City
to the City Solicitor for invest!. Solicitor for investigation and reo
gation and report. Seconded by port. Seconded by CounClilmau
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the Thoms. Carried by the following
following vote: vote:
Yeas - Mayor MoldenhaueT, Yeas - Mayor Moidenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms. Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None. Nays - None.
Notice of OIaim of DanieI L. Notice of Claim of Fred R. Baudy
Schmit ()f 1935 Winnie Court, In in the "mount of $3,025. for loss
the approximate amoung of $596. of autom()bile as the result <>f strik-
for property damage as tbe result ing a loose manhole cover in the
of a backed-up sanitary sewer on street at 1788 Key Way on August
August 2, 197\!, presented and read. 2, 1972, presented and read. Mayor
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that Moldenhauer moved that tbe notice
the notice of claim be referred of .Iaim be referred to the City
to the City Soliciinr for invest!- Solicitor for investigation and re-
gation and report. Seconded by port. See.onded by Councilman
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the Thoms. Carried by the following
following vote: vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Yeas - Mayor Moidenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann. Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms. Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None. Nays - None.
Notice of Claim of Fred N. Smith Notice of Claim of Leo C. Barg.
of 1960 Winnie Court, in the appro- man, in an undetermined amount,
ximate amount of $1731;. for pro- for persoual injuries received as
perty damage as the result of a the result of striking a hole in
backed-up sanitary sewer on Au- the street at Charter & Salina
gust 2, 1972, presented and read. streets on August 3, 1972, present-
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that ed and read. Mayor Moldenhauer
the notice of claim be referred moved that the notice of claim
to the City S()licit()r for investi- be referred to the City Solicitor
gation and report Seconded by for investigation and report. Se-
Oounc;)man Thoms. Carried by the conded by Counc¡lman Thoms. Oar.
following vote: ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Counei1men Bit t e r, Justmann, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms. Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None. Nays - None.
Notice of claim of Bernard J. Notice of claim of Clara A. Me.
Mihm, in an undetermined amount, yer, of 1890 Adair Street, in an
fDr personal injuries reeeived in undetermined amount, for property
a fall on a defective sidewalk al damage incurred as the result of
1906 Ellis Street on July 16, 1972, a backed-up sanitary sewer on Au-
presented and read. gust 2, 1972, presented and read.
Mayor Moldenhauer moved tha,t Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
the notice of claim be referred the notice of claim be referred
to the City Solicitor for investiga- to the City Solicitor for invest!-
tion and report. Seconded by Coun- gation and r~ort. Seconded by
cilman Tiroms. Oarried by the fol- Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
lowing vote: following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, l'Ceas - Mayor Moidenhauer.
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms. Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None. Nays - None.
Notice of Claim of John T. Ku. Notice of Claim of R'ay Grimm
besheski of 229 N. Booth Street, of 1780 Adair Street, in an un.
in tbe amount of $350. for pro- determined amount, for pI'<lj>erty
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
damage incurred as the result of
a backed-up sanitary sewer on Au-
gust 1, 1972, presented and read.
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
the notice of claim be referred
to the City Solicitor for investi-
gation and report. Seconded by
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
foliowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor MoldenhaueT, I
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Notice of Claim of Louis J.
White ()f 1790 Adair Street, in an
undetermined amount, for property
damage incurred as the result 011
a backed-up sanitary sewer on Au.
gust 1, 1972, presented and read.
Mayor Moldenhauer m()ved that
the notice of c'laim be referred I
to the City Solicitor for investi-
gation and repert. Seconded by
Councilman Thoms. c"rried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor MoldenhaueT,
Councilmen Bit te r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Proof of Publication, certified t
by the publisher, of Notice of >Ill>-
lie hearing to amend Zoning Or-
dinance No. 3-M known as the I
Zoniug Map and Zoning Ordinance
so as to repeal Section S m Arti-
cle IX ..nd the following he enaeted
in lieu thereof "Articlle fX-General
Provisions (S) fences on rear yard
lot lines shall not exceed 8' in
height and fences on front and
side yard lot lines shail not exceed
5' in height, barbed wire fenees
shall not be permitted except at I
industrial plants where the lowest
strand is not less th..n seven feet
above the curl> level or ground
level in case of absence ()f curt>,
presented and read.
No written oI>jections were filed
and no oral objeetors were present
in the Council Chamber at the
time of the public hearing.
Councilman Pregler moved that I
the proof of ,publication be recei"ed
and filed. Se<:onded by Mayor Mol-
denhauer, Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pre~er, Thoms.
Nay's - None.
An Ordinance amending Ordinance
No. 3-34, known as the Zoning
Ordinance and Zoning Map of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa; by reo
pealing Section (5) of Articla IX.
thereof, and enacting a substitute
said ondinanee ha"",g been pre-
viously presented and read at the
Council meeting of July 3, !9T2
presented for final adoption.
Councilman Bitter moved for fi-
nal adQption of the Ordinance. Mo-
tion died for lack of a secor'
Prom of Public..tion, certified to
by the Publisher, of notice of pnbMc
hearing by changing from Single
Family Residence District Class'
fication to Multiple Residence Dis-
trict Classification and al.., in-
cluding the same descril:>ed pro-
perty in subsection (m) of Sectio'
2 of Article IV to permit develop-
ment of a Mobile Hrone Park in
compllance with all applicable peli-
cies and regulations of the City
on Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lot 1
of 1 of M. L. 140; m. L. W;
122, presented and read.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the proof of ,publication be received
and IDed. Seconded by Councilman
Thoms. C..rried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Mr. Dick Wert7iberger of MO
Wartburg Place voiced objection
to the proposed WaI1iburg Mobile
Home Park as possibly reducing
property values in the immediate
Dr. William H. We>blen, Presi-
dent of Wartburg, spoke of the
V1it,,1 need of the mobile park for
the benefit of students attending
Wartburg Seminary. Mr. Wertzber-
ger withdrew his objections in the
spirit m good neighborlY coopera-
ti()n, after hearing Dr. Weil>len's
plea for student housing.
An ordlnanca amending and chang-
ing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as
the "Zoning Map and Zoning Or.
dlnanee of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa" 10 as to change certain
property hereinafter deecrlbacl
Regular Session, August 7, 1972 371
from "Single Family Residence "War!f>urg Seminary Mobile Home
District" classlficaHon to "Multiple Park" In the City of Dubuque,
Residence" classification, and to Iowa
inclue!, said Pl'O>erty in subset. WHERlEC'\S, there has been filed
tion (m) of Section 2 of Article with the City Clerk a plan of
IV of Ordinance No. 3.34, to per. "Wartburg Seminary Mobile Home
mit develQpmant of a mobile homo Park" in the City of Duhuque,
park, (Wartburg Seminary) Iowa by WARTBURG THEOLOG,I.
said Ordinance ha,ving been pre- CAL SEMINARY, DUBUQUE, 10.
viously presented and read at the WA: and,
Coundl meeting of July 10, 1972, WHÐREAS, the preliminary plan
presented for final adoption. for this facility has been reviewed
by the City Planning and Zoning
Commission and has been approv-
ed by them, subject to conditions
herein acknowledged and aecepted
hy !he owDO1'S; and,
\W£EBiEAS, said plan bas been
examined hy the City Administra-
tion and has been found to ""n-
form to statutes and ordinanees
relating thereto;
Section I. That the plan of "Wart.
burg Seminary Mobil. Home
Park" in the City of Dubuque,
low.. be and the same is hereby
approved and the Mayor and City
Council are hereby authorized and
directed to endorse the approval
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon
satd plan, provided the owners
<>f s'aid property herein named,
execute their wri1Jten acceptance
hereto attached agreeing:
a. To comPlY with all require-
ments of the City of Duhuque,
Iowa and the City of Dubuque
Mobile Home Park Development
b. To establish permanent re-
getative screening along the Fre-
mont Avenue boundary of the mo-
bile home park and to provide
and maintain tree planting and
lanscaping within the interiDr por-
tions of the park.
c. To restrict OCcupancy of the
I park to students and staff of the
Wartburg Seminary.
d. 1'0 construet all improvements
required by the terms of the City
of Dubuque Mohile Home Pa~k
Development Policy, according to
plans and specifications approved
hy the Oity Engineer.
e. To maintain the foregoing im-
provements at the sole expense
of the OwneT, the Warlf>urg Thee.
lOgical Seminary.
hom,- pock
,pp""bl, ,
th, CIty of
Socfion3. - ~- -~ -
Am,"dm,"1 h" h""olo" beeo ,p-
"OV," bv th, P',",log ,"d ZoO'Og
Comml",," of th, City of Oubuq".
p",," by "<O,d," "'" ,," '"",.
,dop"" ,"d 'PP"v," thl, 7th dov
of Augu". "'2.
Wov", A. Mold,"h,u"
All," T. Thom,
W,"" A. P"gl"
Jo"ph J. Bitt"
ATTEST, L,o F F'omm,1t
City Cj"k
Pub""," offlc',"y '0 Th, T"""ph-
"""d ",w'P'..' thl, 11th d'Y 01
Augu,t. '972.
Loo F. F"mm'lt
11.8/11 City C,,'"
Councilman PregleT moved final
adoption of the Ordinance. Seœnd-
ed by Councillman Thoms. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Pregler,
Nays - Councilman Justmann.
Resolution approving the plan of
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
1'..sooo, aoopted and approved \ man Thoms. Oanied by the foll<>w-
this 7th day of August, 1972. ing vote:
Wayne A. Moldenhauer Yeas - Mayor Moldenhau..
Mayor Councilmen Bitter, Justman"
Joseph J. Bitter Pregler, Thoms. '
Walter A. Pregler Nays - None.
Allan T: Thoms ORDINANCE NO. 49-72
Councilmen An ordinance amending and chang.
Attest: . ing Ordinance No. 3-34 kMwn as
Leo F. Fromme¡( the "Zoning Map and Zoning Or.
City Clerk dinanca of tha City of Dubuque,
We, the undersigned William H. Iowa", by adding e new sub_.
Weiblen, president, Wariburg The- tion (n) to section 2 of Article
ologlcal Seminary, having read the IV thereof, to permit medicol of.
terms and conditions of the fore- fices and accessory uses within
going Resolution No. 2oID-72 and certain described areas of the mul.
being familiar with the conditions tiple residence district, to wit:
thereof, hereby accept the same Presented and read
and agree to perform the condi- ,councilman Thoms movd that
tions required therein. th reading just had he considered
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, tbis the first reading of the Ordinance.
the Hth day ()f August, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Pregler.
William H. Weiblen Vote on the motion was as follows:
President Yeas - Cooem!men Pregler,
Councilman PregleT moved adop- Thoms.
tion of the resolution. Seconded Nays - Mayor MoldenhaueT,
by Councilman Thoms. Carried by Councilmen Bitter, Justmann. MO.
the following vote: mON FMLEJ>.
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilman Thoms moved that
Councilmen Bitter, Pregler, the rule requiring an Ordinance
Thoms. to be read on three separate days
Nays - Councilman Justmann. be waived. Seconded by Council-
Jniy 31 1972 man Pregler. Vote on the motion
, was as fo]¡\ows:
Yeas - Councilmen Pre¡jler,
Nays - Mayor Moldenhauer
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann. MJ)'-
Councilman Thoms moved that
a hearing he held on tbe Ordi-
nance on Septemher 5, 1972, at
7:30 P.M. in the Council Cbamher
at the City Hail and that the City
Clerk be instrueted to publish no-
tice of the hearing in the manner
required by law. Seconded by
Councilman Pregler. Vote on the
motion was as full<>ws:
Yeas - Councilmen Pregler,
Nays - Mayor Moldenhauer
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann. 140:
petition of Melvin & Leonette
Kreiman, requesting a refund in
the amoung of $75. on tbe unex-
pired portion of cigarette license
No. 00, as they have discontinued
busines's on July 29, 1972, presented
and read. Ma~r Moldenhauer
moved that the refund be granted
and tbe Auditor instrueted to issue
propeT warrant. Seconded by Coun-
Honorable Mayor
and Council Members
The City Nanning and Zoning
Commission has held a pw1Jlic hear-
ing on a proposed amendment to
the :OOning Ordinance of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, to establish a
subsection (n) of Section 2 of Ar-
tiele IV, to permit medieal ()!flees
and specified aeeessory uses in
certain described portions of the
Multiple Residence District. The
provisions of this amendment
woold include but not be Jimited
to property ()f Mercy :Medical Cen-
ter as described in the attached
The Commission has determined
the .proposed amendment to be in
accordance with its policies for
future development of h()spital
areas, and therefore recommends
it adoption.
Daniel Dittemore
Development Planner
Councilman Pregler moved that
the recommendation be received
and filed. Seconded by Council-
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
cilman Bitter. Carried by the fol-
l<>wing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition of Flora,nce Deutsch, re-
questing a refund in the amount
of $225., on the unexpired por-
tion of beer license No. 1138, as
he has discontinued business on
June 30, 1972, presented and read.
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
the refund he granted and the
Auditor instructed to issue proper
waiTan!. Seconded by Oouneiiman
Bitter. Oan-ied hy the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nay. - None.
Petitåon of D, A. V. Fighting
Back Chapter No.6, requestin.g I
permission to conduct a Forget
Me Not Flower Drive on August
11th & 12th, or August 25th and
26th, presented and read. Council-
man Bitter moved tbat the Petition
be grauted and referred to the
Manager for implementation. Se-
conded by Mayor Moldenhauer.
Cal'ried by the foll()wing vote:
Yeas - Ma'yar Moldenhau..,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition for suspension of taxes
by Helen M. Bradley, a. submit-
ted by the County, on account of
ÎlIfinnity and ()ld age, on N. 20'
of N. 40' of Lot 8011 A. McDaniels
Sub. located at 1349 Dell Street, I
presented and read. Councilman
Bitter moved that the petition be
referred to the Manager and City
Solicitor. Seconded by Councilma.n
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen B i ,t t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nay.s - None.
Proof of Puhllicati()n, certUied to
by the Publisher, of Notice to con-
tractors of the receipt of propo-
sals for the construction of Liebe
Street Sanitary Sewer 8"-1972, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the proof of publication be received
and filed. Sconded hy Mayor Mold- I
enhauer, Gamed by the fullowing
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann.
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
August 3, 1972
To the Honor"ble Mayor
Memhers of the City Council
Pursuant to your instructions,
sea'led proposa~'s were received un-
til 10:00 a.m., CD.S.T., Thursday,
August 3, 197:1 for the Lie,be Street
Sanitary Sewer, 8 incb - 1972.
The lowest hid was entered hy
M. F. Goerdt Construction Com-
pany. Their bid was 8.7% under
the Engineer's estimate.
I recommend that the eontract
for the improvemem be awarded
to the M. F. Goerdt Construction
Gi1IJert D. Chavenel1e
City Manager
Councilman Pregier moved ap.
pro\'al of the recommendation. Se-
conded by Mayor Moldenhauer.
Carried by tbe following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen B; t t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
(Awerding Contract)
WHiE!RiEAS, sealed proposals
have been suhmitted by contr...-
tors fur the Liebe Street SanitaJrY
Sewer 8 inch, 11112 pu suan! to
Resolution No. 216-72 and notice
to bidders published in a news-
paper published in said City on
July 10, 1972 and July 17, 1972;
Wß:E~EAS, said sealed propo-
sals WeTe opened and read on Au-
gust 3, 1972, and it has been de-
termined that the hid of M. F
Goerdt Construction Co. of Dubu-
que, Iowa in the amount of $3,2œ.3()
was the lowest bid for the fur-
nishing of aU tabor and materiail-;
and performiug the work as pr0-
vided fur in the plans and spedfi-
calJlons; now therefore,
BE Irr RESOLVED by the Oity
Couneil of the City of Duhuque
that tbe contra'ct fur the "hove
mentioned improvement be MVa'rd-
ed to M. F. Goerdt Constructio-
Co. and the Manager he and he
is hereby directed to eJ<..ute a
eontract on hehaJf of the City of
Dubuque for the complete perfor-
mance of said work.
that upon the signing of said eoD-
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
tract and the approval of the con- the proposal to dispose of the in-
tractors bond the City Treasurer terest of the City of Dubuque to
is authorized and instructed to re- Lot 2 of Block 4 and the North
turn the bid deposits of the unsuc- 43 fee< of L()t 1 (Lot 2 of Lot
cessful bidders. 1 ()f Block 5) of Block 5 in Do-
Passed and adopted this 7th day buque Downtown Plaza, also known
of August, 1972. as Parcel 2 and the North 43 feet
Wayne A. Moldenhauer of Parcel 6 in Block 2 of the
Mayor Downtown Urban Renewal Project,
Walter A. Pregler Iowa R-J.5 to Franchise Realty In-
Allan T. Thoms terstate Corporation; and
C. Robert Justmann WHEREAS, pursuant to said re-
Joseph J. Bitter oolution a copy of the Redevelop-
Attest: er's Statement for Public Disclo-
Leo F. Frommelt sure and a copy of the proposed
City Clerk form of Contract for Sale of Land
Councilman Pregler moved adop- for Private Redevelopment was
tion of the resolution. Seconded placed on file in the office of the
by May()r Moldenhauer. Carried City Clerk for public inspection;
by the following vote: and
Yeas - Mayor, Moldenhau..., WHE,REAS, the City Council of
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Dubuque, Iowa, overruled any and
Pregler, Thoms. all objections, oral and written,
Nays - None. to the proposa~ to dispOse of said
Proof of Publication, eertified to interest of the City of Duhuque
by the publisher, of Legal Notice in the above described røal es"
of Hearing to conS<ider the authori- tate to Franchise Realty Interstate
zati()n of the execution of proposed Corporation; now therefore
a.grcements between the City and BE IT RESOLVEJD BY THE 01-
Franchise Realty Interstate Cor- TY COUNOlL OF THE OIII'Y OF
poration for the purchase of Par- DUBUQUE, IOWA:
eel 2 and the North 43 feet of Section 1. That the Mayor and
P'areel 6 in Block 2 in Urban Re- City Clerk he and they are berel>y
newal, presented and read. authorized to entør into a Contract
No written objections were filed for Sale of Land for private Re-
and no oral objectors were present development in accordance with
in the Council Chamber at the the terms of the Disposition Do-
time set for the public hearing. cuments governing such sale with
Councilman Thoms moved that Franchise Realty Interstate Corpo-
the proof of publication be re- ration for the real estate known
ceived and filed. Seconded by as Lot 2 of Block 4 and the North
Councilman Pregler. Carried by 43 fee< of Lot 1 (Lot 2 of Lot
the following vote: 1 of Block 5) of Block 5 in Du-
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, buque DownWwn Plaza in the City
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, of Dubuque, Iowa, containing
Pregler, Thoms. 29.767.681 square feet, su1Jject to
Nays - None. survey.
R:ESOLUTION NO. 242-72 Section 2. That said parcel of
Authorizing the execution of a con- real estate shall he sold for $2.50
tract for sale of land for private per square foot for a total price
redevelopment with Franchisa of $74,419.20 subject to final sur-
Realty Interstate Corporation fey of the land to be conveyed.
WHE:REAS,pursuant to Resolu- Passed, approved and adopted
ti()n No. 21:1-72 dated July 3, 1972 this 7th day of August, 1972.
and a Notice of Public Hearing Wayne A. Moldenhauer
published in the Telegraph.Herald, Mayor
a newspaper of general circula- WaIter A. Pregler
tion in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Allan T. Thoms
()n July 18, 1972 and Jniy 25, 1972, C. Robert Justmann
City Council met on the 7th day Joseph J. Bitter
of August, 1972 at 7:30 o'clock Attest:
P.M. Central Daylight Time, in Leo F. Frommelt
the City Council Chambers, City City Clerk
Hall, Dubuque, Iowa, to consider Councilman Thoms moved adop-
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Pregler. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
PregleT, Thoms.
Nays - None.
office of the Department of Urban
Section 2. That the City Clerk
be and is herøby authorized and
directed to publish notice of puh-
lic hearing to be held on Sep-
temher '11, 1972 and to make cer-
tain documents available for puh-
RESOLUTION NO. 243.72 lic inspection. Such notice shall
Declaring intent 10 sel'l a portion be substantially in the form of
of tho Downtown Urban Renewal Exhibit "A" attached hereto and
Project, Iowa R-TS to Canfield Ho- made a part hereof, and such no-
tel, Inc. tice may cover one or more pro.
WHE~EAS, under date of Au- posals.
gust 4, 1900, the Council of the Passed, approved and adopted
City of Duhuque approved and au- this 7th day of August, 1972.
thorized the receiving of proposals Wayne A. Moldeuhauer
for the sale and redevelopment Mayor
of certain parcels of real estate Walter A. PregleT
in the Downtown Urhan Renewal Allan T. Thoms
Project, Iowa R-15; and C. Robert Justmann
W!HE:REAS, under <late of Sep. Joseph J. Bitter
temher 15, 1969, in res,ponse to Councilmen
said offering, a proposaI for the Attest:
purchase and redevelopment of a Leo F. Frommelt
portion of \he project land was City Clerk
received from Canfield Hotel, Inc.; EXHIBIT "A"
WHEREAS, under date of March Pursuant to Chapter 403 of the
19, 1970, the Canfield Hotei, Inc. 1966 Code of Iowa, as amended,
withdrew their said ()ffer and on the City Council of the City of
April 13, 1970, was fully refunded Duhuque will hold a puhIichearing
all monies paid towards the pur- for the purpose of considering the
chase price of said project land; authorization of the execution of
and proposed agreements hy and be-
WHEREAS, Canfield Hotel, Inc. tween \he City of Dubuque and
has suhmitted anew a proposal the developers hereinafter listed
to purchase a portiou of the pro- for the purchase and redevelop-
j,ct land for redeveiopment; and ment of certain parcels of real
WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter estate located in \he Downtown
403 of the 1966 Code of Iowa as Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-
amended and certain regulations 15 which project includes the area
of the Department of Hiousing and bounded hy Fourth Street on the
Urhan Development, certain docu- south, Centra[ Avenue on the east,
meuts must he made availahle for Ninth Street on the north, and
public inspection and a public hear- Locust Street on the west.
ing conducted prior to the sale Name of Developer, Canfield Ho.
of proje,ct land; now therefore tel, Inc., Address, 66 West 4th
BE IT R!ESOLVED BY THE CI. Street, Dubuque, Iowa.
TV COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF Said hearing will he held in
DUiBUQUE, IOWA: Council Chamhers, City Hall, 13,th
Section I. That the City of Du- and Iowa Streets, Duhuque, Iowa,
huque heTehy declares its intent at 7:30 P.M. on the 1Hh day of
after a puhlic hearing, to dispose September, 1972, and any person
of the Southerly 65 feet of Lot or organization desiring to be
1 of Block 6, Lot 4 of Block 6, heard will be given an oPPOrtunity
and Lot 1 of Block 7 in Dubuque to be beard on tbe question of
Downtown Plaza, also known as the proposed dispositions.
Parcel 3 and the Southerly 65 feet A "Redeveloper's Statement for
of Parcell in the D()wut()wn Ur- Public Disciosure" in the form pre-
ban Renewal Project, to Canfield scrihed .hy the Department of Hous.
Hotel, Inc. in accordance with the ing and Urhan Development and
terms of the Disposition Documents the proposed "Disposition Agree.
governing such sale on file in the ment" for ea,ch of said developers
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
are on file and ",vaUable for in. Attest:
spection at the Dfi'ice of the City Leo F. FrommeR
Clerk, City Ha!l, Dubuque, Iowa City Clerk
between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Mayor Moldenhauer moved adop-
except Saturdays, Sundays, and tion of the resolution. Seconded
holidays. Said documents shall a¡so by Councliman Pregler. Carried
be available at the time of tbe by the fol1owing vote:
public hearing. Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer
Leo F. Frommelt Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann',
City Clerk !'regier, Thoms.
Councilman Bitter moved adop- Nays - None.
tion of the resolution. Seconded OOUNCLL RECESSED AT 11:05
by Mayor Moidenhauer. Carried P.M. RÆCONiV\ENED AT 11:10 P.
by the following vote: M.
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Co~munication and resolution
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, su!>nutted by the City Manager,
Pregler, Thoms. carried for,ward fr<>m meeting of
Nays - None. July 3, 100:1, requesting considera-
tion of authority to execute an
RESOLUTION NO. 244.n agreemen1l: for an extra work or-
Authorizing the submission of en der with the Iowa State lllghway
8il>Plication to nominate the Or- Commission for Dooge Street cor-
pheum Theatre one! site for reo ridor study, presented and read.
gistration with the NatiOll8I Re. Councilman Thoms moved that the
gister of Hi_ic Plocas matter be referred to the next
WHEREAS the City Council of Dfi'icial meeting. Seeonded by Coun-
the City of DUb"UqUe b, as endorsed I cilman. Justmann. Oarried h,y the
the proposed Five Flags Civic Ceo- followmg vote:
ter' and Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
'ÝIiHEREAS, the said proposed Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann.
devel<>pment includes restoration of Preg!.er, Thoms.
the Orpheum Theatre; and Nays - None.
WHÐREAS, the Five :E'lags Gen- August 2, 19'72
ter Fund, a non-profit organiza- To thl; Hono~e Mayor
tion, is soliciting and otherwise and .Clt! CouncIl.
raising appropriate monies and re- This IS to adVIse you that the
sources t<> restore the theater to City of Dubuque Southern Avenue
construct a eommunity center 'and Water Main Extension, a' distance
to provide other site improve- <>f 2,230 feet, has been completed
ments' now therefore substantially in accordance with
BE ' IT RœJSOLViED BY THE plans and specilications by Eeo.
CITY OOUNCLL OF 'l1HE CITY n.omy Excavating Company of Lan.
OF DUBUQUE roWlA' SIng, Iowa'.
,. Gilbert D. Chavene1le
$ect~on 1. That the .Mayor of \ City Manager
the C~ty of Du1?uque IS here!>! Councilman Pregler moved that
authorlZ~, a.nd direCted ,to subm1\ the communicati<>n be recei, ' ved and
an Application to No~IDate the filed. Seconded by Councilman Bit-
Orp~eum Theatre and ~lte ~or the ter. Carried by the following vote:
NatlOnal Register of HistorIC ~- I Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
ces, to the.Nation3l Park Senvices Counclmen Bitter, Justmann,
of the UnIted States Department Pregler Th()ms
of the Interior through the State Nays' - Non~
Liaison Od!fi~er .for the Na?onal FINAL ÈSTIMATE
Trust for HistorIC Preservation. RESOLUTION NO. 245-n
l'assed, approved and adopted WHEREAS, the contract for the
UHS 7th day of Angust, 1912. City of Dubuque Southern Avenue
Wayne A. Moldenhauer water main exiensioo has been
Mayor completed and the City Engineer
Walter A. Pregl... has submitted his final estimate
Allan T. Thoms showing the cost thereof including
C. Robert Justmann the cost of estimates, notices, in-
Joseph J. Bitter spectIÎ.on, and preparing the asses-
eouneilmen ment and plat, now therefore,
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
BE IT RESOLVED, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
That the cost of said improve-
ment is bereby determined to he
That none of the cost tbereof
shall be asessable upon private
property and $19,962.00 shall he
paid from the WlATER,WORKS GE-
NEItM. Fund of the City of Du-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of August 1972.
Wayne A. M()ldenbauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Rohert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter August 3 1972
Councilmen To the Honorable Mayor'
Attest: and City Council
Leo F. Frommelt We are snhmitting for your "p-
City Clerk prov.al the preliminary estimates,
'Councilman Pregler moved adop- plans and specifications and re-
tion of the resolution. Seconded soiutions of necessity for the fol-
by Councilman Bitter. Carried by lowing:
the following vote: Projects as listed under HUD-
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, WS-IOWlA.1J9
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, CONTRACT II SECTION I, WA-
Nays - None. CONI1ItACT II SEOl'ION 2,
Accepting Improvement) WEST 3= STREET
WHEREAS, the contract for the F,EEiDER MAIN EXTENSION -
City of Dubuque Southern Avenue PARK HILL
water main extension has heen CONTRACT II SECTION 4,
compieted and the City Manager FE'EDER MAIN EXTENSION -
has examined the work and filed HIGHWAY #20
his certificate statiog that the same We recommend that the final
has heen completed according to plans and specifications, as sub-
the terms of the contract, plans mitted hy our engineer's Henning-
and specifications and recommends son, Durham & Richardson he ac-
its acceptance, now therefore, cepted, that hids he taken and
BE IT RESOLVED, by the City contracts he a,warded after finai
Council of the City of Duhuque, a'cceptance. by HUD.
that the recommendation of the Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager be approved and City Manager
that said improvement he and the Councilman Pregler moved ae-
same is herehy accepted. ceptance of the recommendation
BE rr FURTHE'R RESOLVED Seconded hy Councilman Thoms.
that the City Treasurer, he and Carried hy the following vote:
he is hereby directed to pay to Yeas - Mayor M()ldenhauer,
the contractor from the Water- Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
works General Fund upon the Pregier, Thoms.
ahove described improvement in Nays - None.
amount equal to the amount of
his contract, less any retained per-¡ RESOLUTION NO. 247.n
centage provided for therein. Approval of preliminary pians,
Passed, , adopt, ed and approved specifications, form of contract
this 7th day of August, 1972. plat and all <>ther documents for
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
AMan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. F,rommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Sec<>nded
by Councilman Bitter. Carried hy
the foilowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
the . coostruction of Contr,act II, Appr<Jl'led:
S.ection I, Waterworks MooernWa- Wayne A. Moldenhauer
tion-ilm-HUD.WS.IOWA-99, in the Mayor
estimated amount of $564,810., pre Walter A. Pregler
sented and read. Allan T. Thoms
. Councllman Pregler moved adop- C. Robert Justmann
bon of ':he resolution. Seconded Joseph J. Bitter
by Councilman Thoms. Carried by Councilmen
the following vote: Attest:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Leo F. Frommelt
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann, City Olerk
Pregler, Thoms. Councilman Pregler moved ap-
Nays - None. proval of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Thoms. Carried by
(Necessity for Im,provemanf) the following vote:
R,ESOLUTION NO. 248.72 Yeas - Mayoc Moldenhauer
WHEREAS, proposed plans spe- Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann:
cifications, £arm of contract' have Pregler, Thoms.
beeu duly prepared and a,pproved Nays - None.
by the City Council of the City (FIXING DAT,E OF HEARING)
of Dubuque and are now on file RESOLUTION NO. 249.72
in the office of tbe City Clerk WHEREAS, the City Council of
showing among other things the the City of Dubuque I()wa has
following: given its preliminary 'appr()val on
1. An estimate ()f the cost of the proposed plans, specifications,
the proposed improvement for and form of contract and placed
same on file in the office of the
CONTRACT 11 SECTION I City Clerk for public inspection for
ED that the City Council on its BiE IT THEREFORE RiESOIUV-
own motion or upon petition of ED th,.t on the 21st day of Au-
property owners, deems it advis- gust, 19'12, a public hearing wiU
able and necessary for the public be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Coun-
welfare to make the hereinmen. cil Chamber of the City of Du-
tioned improvement, and unless buque at which time the objectors
properlY ()wners at the time of for the proposed improvement may
Vhe fina,l consideration of this pro appear and make objection to the
posed resoluti()n have on file with proposed plans and specifications
the City Clerk objections to the and proposed form of contract,
am()unt of the cost of improve- to the coot of the improvement
ment, they shall be deemed to and the City Clerk be and he
have waived aU ohjections thereto. i~ hereby directed to eause a no.
Said improvement shall be con- !tee ~ the iime and. place of such
structed and done in accordance hearmg to he,!ublish:d in some
with the plans and specifications newspaper publ1~hed 10 the City
which have been prepared there- of Dubuque which shall he not
f()re by the City Engineer which less than ten (10) days prior to
have been approved by the City the da~ fixed fo~ its consideration,
Council and are noW on file with and saId Cle~k IS further instruct-
the City Clerk. That the cost and ed to adve~se for proposals for
eJOPense of making said improve~ t~e eon~truction of the af()remen-
ment wili1 he paid from the Wa- tioned Improvement.
terworks General Fund and a Fe- ~assed, ad()pted and approved
deral Grant. thIs 7th day ()f August, 1m.
'!'he above resolution was intro- Wayne A. Moldenhauer
ed ~oc
due , aPJ?rove~, and. ordered Walter A Pregl
placed on file Wlth tbe CIty Clerk Allan T . Th er
this 7th day of August, 1972. C. Rob~rt J~'.::~ann
. APprov~ and plaeed on file for Joesph J. Bitter
final aetion. Couneilmen
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved adop-
tion of the resOintion. Seconded
hy Conncilman Thoms. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
(Ordering Construction)
OF DUBUQUE that pursuant to
a Resolution of Necessity No. 243-
7'2 which was duly pltssed by this
be and the same are here1Jy or-
dered and constructed by this
Council upon its own motion and
with or without the petibion of pro-
perty owners. All the work shall
be constructed in accordance with
the plans and specifications here-
tofore adopted and n()w on file
in the office of the City Clerk.
that the cost and expense of the
said improvement be paid from
the Waterworks General Fund and
Federal Grant.
that the City Clerk be and he
is bereby ordered and directed to
advertise for propos,als for the eon-
struction of the various improve-
ments herein provided for in the
manner provided by law.
that this resolution being deemed
urgent and of IMMEDIATE NE.
CESSIrfY shall he in force and
eJ'fect from and after its passage
and adoption by the City Council.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Couneilman Pregler moved ad()p-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Thoms. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor M()ldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None. August 3, 1972
To the Hon()rable Mayor
and City Council
We are submitting for your ap-
proval the preliminary estimates,
plans and specifications and re-
solubions of necessity for the fol-
Projects as listed under lIDD-
We recommend that the final
plans and specifications, as suh-
mitted by our engineer's Henning-
son, Durham & Richardson be ac-
cepted, that hids be taken and
contracts be awarded' after final
acceptance by HUD.
Gilhert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Bitter moved that
the communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Thoms. Carried hy the fdIlowing
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
R,ESOLU'I'ION NO. 251.72
Preliminary Estimate and appro.
val of plans, spees., form of con-
tract, and all other documents for
the construction of Contract II,
Section 2 West 3I2nd Street-SeeUon
3 Park Hill-Section 4 Highway 20-
Waterworks Improvements 1 9 7 2
Feeder Main Extension HUD-WS-
IOWA"99. in the estimated amount
of $495,491. presented and read.
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Thoms. Camed by
the £allowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Mdldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, JustlDiann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
380 Regular Session, August 7, 1972
(Necessity for Improvement) Councilman Bitter moved appro-
RESOLUTION NO. 252-72 val of the resolution. Seconded by
WlIEltEAS, proposed plans, ope- Councilman Thoms. Carried hy the
cifications, form of contract have following vote:
been duly prepared and approved Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
by the City Council of tbe City Councilmen Bit t e r Justma'nn
of Dubuque and are now on file Pregler, Thoms.' '
in the office of the City Clerk Nays - None.
showing among <>ther things the
1. An estimate of the cost of RESOLUTION NO. 253-72
the proposed improvement for WHEREAS, the City Council of
CONTRACT II the CIty of Dubuque, Iowa has
SECTION 2 - WEST 32ND STREET given its preliminary approval on
SECTION 3 - PARK IlILL ' the proposed plans, specifications,
SECTION 4 - IDGHWAY #20 and form of contract and placed
WATERWORKS same on file in the offiee of the
IMPROVEMENT - 1972 City Clerk for public inspeCtion
ED that the City Council on its SECTION 3 - PARK IlILL
own motion or upon petition of SECTION 4 - mGHWAY #2J
property owners, deems it advis- WATERWORKS
"ble and necessary for the public ]MPROVEMENT - 1972
welfare to make the hereinmen- F1EEDER MAIN ExTENSION
tioned improvement, and unless HUD-WSJOWAOO
property ()wners at the time of BE IT THEREFORE RESOW-
tbe final consideration of this pro- ÐD that on the 21st day of Au-
posed resolution ha,ve on file with gust, 1972, a public hearing will
the City Olerk objections to the be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Cou!ll<:il
amount of the cost of improve- Chamber of the City of Dubuque
ment, they shall be deemed to at which time tbe objectors f()r
have waived all objections thereto. the proposed improvement may ap-
Said improvement shall be con- pear and make objection to the
structed and done in accordance proposed plans and specifieations
with the plans and specifications and pr!>pOsed form of contract,
whiCh have been prepared there- to the cost of the improvement
fore by the City Engineer which and proposed form of contract,
have heen approved by the City to the cost of the improvement
Council and are nOW on file with and the City Clerk be and he
the City Clerk. That the cost and is hereby directed to cause a n<>-
eXpense of making said improve- tice of the time and place of such
ment will be paid from the Wa- hearing to be published in some
terworks General Fund and a Fe- , newspaper published in the City
der"l Grant. \ of Dubuque which shall he not
The above resdlution was intra- less than ten (10) days prior to
duced, approved, and ordered the da~ fixed fo~ its consi~eration,
placed on file with the City Clerk and said Clerk IS further Instruct-
this 7th day of August, 1972. ed to adverti.se for proposals for
Approved and placed on file for t~e con~truction of the aioremen-
final action. boned Improvement.
A ed Passed, ,adopted and approved
ppnOY : this 7th day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Mayor Mayor
Walter A. Pregler Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert J?stmann C. Robert Justmann
Joseph ~. BItter Joseph J. Bitter
Councilmen Councilmen
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
Councilman Bitter moved adop- tlon of tbe resolution. Seconded
tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by
by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote:
the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. '
Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None.
Nays - None. August 3, 1m
(Ordering Construction) 1'0 tbe Honorll!ble M,ayor
RESOLUTION NO. 254.72 and City Council
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE We are submitting for YOur ap-
OITY COUNCIL OF THE OITY proval the preliminary estimates,
OF DUBUQUE that pursuant to plans and specifications and reso.
a Resalution of NecesSiity No. 252- lotion of necessity for the following
72 which wa.s dUly passed by this project listed under HiJD.WS-IO-
Council fur WA-99.
SEC'.\1ION 4 - HliGŒJiWAY #20 SEWER 1972
WATEtRWORKS We recommend that the final
lMPiROV:EJMENT - 1m plans and specifications as sub-
FÐEIDER MMN EXTENSION mUted be accepted, that bids be
HUD-WS-IOWA-OO taken and contracts be awarded
be and the .ame are hereby or- lI1!ter fin.,l acceptance by HUD.
dered and constructed by this Gilbert D. Obavenelle
Council upon its awn motion and City Mana,ger
with or without the petition of pro- Councilman Bitter moved that
perty ()WDers. All the work sball the communication be received and
be constructed in accordance witb filed. Seconded by Councilman
the plans and specifications here- Pregler. Carried by the following
tofore adopted and now on file vote:
in tbe office of the City Clerk. Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
BE IT FURTHER RESOlNED Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
that the cost a,nd ""Pense of the Pregler, Tboms.
s'aid impmvement be paid from Nays - None.
the Waterworks General Fund and RESOLUTION NO. 255.72
Federal Grant. Approval of preliminary Esti-
BE IT FURrnER RESOLV:ED mate, proposed, plans, s,pecs., fOJ'm
that the City Clerk be and he of contr""t and all other documents
is berehy ordered and directed to for the construction of Contract
ad'vertise for proposals for tbe con- No.1 Center Grove Valley Sani-
struction of the "arious improve- tary Interceptor Sewer 19n-HlJ!I)
ments herein provided for in the project Number WS,IOWA-99, in
manner provided by law. an estimated amount of $317,5[3.00
BE IT FURTHER. IM:ISOINED presented and read.
that this res"Iution heing deemed Councilman Bitter moved that
urgent and of IMMEDMTE NE- the resolution be adopted. Second-
OESSITY shall he in force and ed by Councilman Pregler. Carried
effect from and after its passage by the foll<>wing vote:
and adoption by the City Council. Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Passed, adopted and approved Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann.
this 7tb day af August, 1972. Pregler, Thoms.
Wayne A. Moldenbauer Nays - None.
Mayor ('Necessity for ,Im,provement)
WaIter A. Pregler RESOLUTION NO. 256.72
Allan T. Thoms W!HEREAS, ,proposed plans, spe-
C. Robert Justmann cifications, furm of contract have
Joseph J. Bitter been duly prepared and approved
Councilmen by tbe City Council of the City
Attest: , I of D. wbuque and "",' e now 'OBi. I1e
Leo F. Frommelt in the office of tbe City Clerk
City Clerk showing among other tbings the
Councilman Bitter moved adop- following:
, ,
, ,
382 Regular Session, August 7, 1972
same on file in the office of the
City Clerk for public inspection
1. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvements for
EÐ that the City Council on its
own motion or upon petition of I
property owners, deems it advis-
able and necessary for the public
weHare to make the bereinmen-
tioned improvement, and unless
property owners at the time of
the final consideration of this pro-
posed resolution have on file with
the City CIeri< objections to the
amount of the cost of improve-
ment, they shall be deemed to
have waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been pl"'pared there- I
fore by the City Engineer whiCh
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Cicrk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be paid from the Sani-
tation Se.wage Rental Fund and
a Federal Grant.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved, and ordered
placed on file with th~ City Olerk
this 7th day of August, 1972.
Approved and placed on file for
final action.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer Attest:
Mayor Leo F. Frommelt
Walter A. Pregler City Clerk
Allan T. Thoms Councilman Bitter moved adop-
C. R()bert Justmann tion of the resolution. Seconded
Joseph J. Bitter by Councilman Pregl~r. Carried
Councilmeu by the following vote:
Attest: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Leo F. Frommelt Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
City Clerk Pregler, Thoms.
Councilman BitteT m""ed awro- Nays - None.
val of the resolution. Seconded (Ordering Construction)
by Councilman Pregler. Carried RESOLUTION NO. 258.72
by the following vote: BE IT RESOLVEiD BY THE
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, OITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, OF DUBUQUE that pursuant to
Pregler, Thoms. a Resolution of Necessity No. 256-
Nays - None. 72 which was duly passed by this
the City of Dubuque, Iowa has SANiTARY INTERCEPTOR
given its preliminary approval on \ SEWER 1m IRID-WS.IOWA-99
the proposed plans, specifications, be and the same are h~reby or-
and form of contract and placed dered and constructed by this
ED that on the 2.1st day of Au-
gust, 1972, a public hearing will
be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Council
Chamber of the City of Dubuque
at which time the objectors for
the ,proposed improvement may ap-
pear and make objection to the
proposed plaus and specifications
a~d proposed form of contract.
to the cost of the improvement
and the City Cl~rk he and he
is hereby directed to cause a no-
tice of the time and place of such
hearing to he published in some
newspaper published in the City
of Dubuque which shall be not
lcss than ten (10) days prior to
the day fixed for its considHation,
and said Clerk is further instruct-
ed to advertise for proposals for
the construction of tbe aforemen-
tioned improvement.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhau~r
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J .Bitter
Regular Session, August 7, 1972 383
Council upon its own motion and solidation, and required flow mea-
with or without the petition of pro- suring and sampling devices.
perty OWuers. All the work shall We recommend that the final
be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications, as suh-
the plans and specifications here- mitted .hy Our Consulting Engi-
tofore and now on file in the office neer's Henningson, Durham & Ric.
of the City Clerk. hardson and Cullen-Schiltz & As-
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED sociates, he accepted, that hids
that the cost and expense of the be taken and contracts be award-
said improvement be paid from ed.
the Sanitation Sewage Rental Fund Gilbert D. Chavenelle
and Federal Grant. City Manager
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Councilman Pregler moved that
that the City Clerk he and he the communication be re,ceived aud
is hereby ordered and directed to filed. Seconded hy Councilman Bit-
advertise for proposals for the con. ter. Carried by the followin,g vote:
struction of the various improve- Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer.
ments herein provided for in the Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
manner pr()vided by law. Pregler, Thoms.
that this resolution heing deemed RESOLUTION NO. 259-72
urgent and of IMM'EDIATE NE. Approval of preliminary plans
CESSITY shaH be in force and specs., form of contract, plat, and
effect from and after its passage all other documents for the con-
and adoption by the City Council. struction of Phase II, Waste Water
Passed, adopted and approved Treatment Fa'CÎlities, Contract II
this 7th day of August, 1972. consisting of dome type covers on
Wayne A. Moldenhauer existing trickling filters and pri-
Mayor mary clarifiers, a building struc-
Walter A. Pregler ture over the grit and grease ba-
Allan T. Thoms sin, complete odor control system
C. Rohert Jnstmann reqIrired ventilation modifications,
Joseph J. BItter site preconsoHdation and required
Councilmen flow measuring and sampling de-
Attest: vices, at an estimated cost of
Leo F. Frommelt $1,100,000.00, preseuted and read.
City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved that
Councilman Bitter moved adop- the resolution be adopted. Second-
tion of the resolution. Seconded ed by Councilman Bitter. Carried
by Councilman Pregler. Carned by the following vote:
by the foHowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Mo1denhauc:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilman Bit t e r, Justmann,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms.
Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None.
Nays - None. (Necessity for '"",rovement)
August 4, 1m RESOLUTION NO. 260-72
To the Honorable Mayor WHEREAS, pr()posed plans, spe-
and City Council cifications, form of contract have
We are submitting for y~ur ap- been duly prepared and approved
proval the preliminary estImates, by the City Council of the City
plans and specifications and re- of Dubuque and are now on m,
sülution of necessity for the fol- in the office of the City Clerk
lowing project. showing a'mong other thingS the
PHASE II following:
WASTE WATER TREATMENT 1. Ao estimate of the cost of
FACILiTIES the proposed improvement for
This contract consists of dome WASTE WATER TREATMENT
type covers on existing trickling FACILITIES
fi'ters and primary clarifiers, a CONTRACT II
building structure over the grit This contract consists of dome
and grease basin, complete odor type Covers on existing trickling
control system and required venti- filters and primary clarifiers, c
lation modifications, site preeon. building structure over the grit
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
and grease basin, complete odor
control system and required venti.
lation modifications, site preconso-
solidation, and required flow mea.
suring and sampling devices.
ED that the City Council on it,
own motion or upon petition of
property owneTS, deems it advis-
able and necessary for the public
we1diare to malœ the hereinmen-
tioned improvement, and unless
property owners at the time of
the final consideration of this pro- I
posed resolution have on file with
the City Clerk objections to the
amount of the cost of improv
ment, they shall be deemed to
have waived all objections therete,
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordanc
with the plans and specifications
which have heen prepared th
fore by the City Engineer which
have heen approved by the Cit
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost a:
expense of making said improve-
ment will be paid fr()m the Se
tation Sewage Rental Fund and
a Federal-State ,Grant.
The above resolution was intro-
dueed, approved, and ordereò
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 7th day of August, me.
Approved and placed on file for
final action.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
City Clerk for public inspection
This contract consists of dome
tYI>e covers on existing trickling
filters and primary clarifiers, a
building structure over the grit
and grease basin, complete odor
control system and required ven-
tilation modifications, site precon-
solidation, and required flow mea-
suring and sampling devices.
ED that on the 21st day of Au.
gust, 197e, a public hearing will
be held at 7:30 P.M. in the Oouncil
Chamher of the City of Dubuque
at which time the objectors for
the proposed improvement ma.y aP-
pear and make objection to the
proposed plans and specñcations
and proposed form of contra.ct,
to the cost of the improvement
and the City CleTk be and he
is hereby directed to cause a no-
tice of the time and place ()f such
hearing to be publisbed in some
newspaper publisbed in the City
of Dt>buquewhiCh shall be not
less than ten (10) days prior to
the day fixed for its consideration,
and s.ald Clerk is fwther instruct-
ed to advertise for proposals for
the construction of the aforemen-
tioned improvement.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. MoldenhaueT
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Josepb J. Bitter
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
72 which was duly passed hy this August 4, Urn!
Oouncil for Street Commissioner Cletus Allen
l'HASE II has made arrangements with the
WAS'l1E WATER TREATMENT county and school districts for the
FACILITIES joint purchase of such supplies as
CONTRACT II motor fuel and tires.
This contract consists of dome 1 am attaching his letter re-
type COvers on existing trickling commending a proposed resolution
filters and primary clairifiers, a that the city. enter into a coopera-
building structure over the grit tlve purchaslOg arrangement with
and grease basin, complete odor the county and the schools.
control system and required venti- I request that you favorably con-
lation modifications, site preconsol- sider the ~esolution.
idation, and required flow mea- GÜbert D. Chavenelle
suring and sampling devices, be Clty Manager
and the same are hereby ordered Councilman Bitter moved that
and constructed hy this Council the communication be received and
upon its own motion and with or and filed. Seconded by Council-
witbout the petition of property man Pregler. Carried by the fol-
owners. All the work shall be con- lowing vote:
structed in accordance with the Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
plans and specifications heretofore Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
adopted and now on file in the Pregler, Thoms.
office of the City Clerk. Nays - None.
that the cost and expeuse of the WHEREAS, the Citizens and
said improvement be paid from Ta"payers of the City of Dubuque
the Sanitation Se,wa-ge Rental Fund are entitled to economy and elfi.
and a Federal-State Grant. ciency in the administration and
BE I'll FUJ¡,THER RESOLVED operation of their municipality;
that the City Clerk be and he and
is hereby ordered and directed to WHEREAS, it is a recognized
advertise for proposals for the con- fact that the centralized and coop-
struction of the various improve- erative purchasing ventures be-
ments herein provided for in the tween various governmental agen-
manner provided by la,w. cies results in considerable savings
BE I'll FURTHER R'ESOLVED to the community; and
that this resolution being deemed WHEREAS, it is an economical
urgent and of LMMEDMTE NE- and practical matter for the City
CESSITY shai\1be in force and of Dubuque to participate in such
effect from and after its passage a program for the purchasing of
and adoption by the City Council. such items as general supplies,
Passed, adopted and approved gasoline, motor oil, fuel oil, tires,
this 7th day of August, 197.2. and-or other related or non-related
Wayne A. Moldenhauer items; and
Mayor WHEREAS, the City Oouncil of
Walter A. Pregler the City of Dubuque desires to
Allan T. Thoms be a party to the joint purchasing
C. Robert Justmann effort being developed betwe,en the
Jese,ph J. BitteT various agencies in Dubuque Coun-
Councilmen ty;
Leo F. Frommeit SOLVED by the City Council of
City Clerk the City of Duhuque that the City
Councilman Pregler mov,ed adop- enter into a cooperative purchasing
tion of the resolution. Seconded program with Dubuque County, Ie-
by Councilman Bitter. Carried by wa and the Dubuque Community
the following vote: and Western Dubuque County Com-
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, munity School Districts for the pur-
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, chase of items commonly u.ed by
Pregler, Thoms. all agencies;
To the Honorable Mayor that other advancements and ap-
and Members of the City Council plications, in the field of coopera-
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk Attest:
Councilman Pregler moved ap- Leo F. Frommelt
proval of the resolution. Second- ,City Cle"k
ed by Councilman Bitter. c"rried Councilman ,Pregler moved adop-
by the following vote: tion of the resolution. Seconded
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, by Councilman Bitter. Carried by
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, the foBowing vote:
Pregler, Thoms. Yea.s - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Nays - None. Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
RESOLUTION NO. 761-72 Nays - None.
WŒIE'ß;EIAS, the City Council ()f (Ordering Construction)
the City of Dubuque, Iowa' has RESOLUTION NO. 762.72
given its preliminary appro,"al on BE rrrRESOíLVEJD BY THE
the proposed plans, specifications. CiTY COUNC1L OF 'I.1HE CITY
and form of contract and placed OF DUBUQUE that pursuant to
same on file in the office of the a Resolution of Necessity No. 260.
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
Joseph J. BitteT
Regular Session, August 7, 1972
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter m()ved adop.
ti()n of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Justmann. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
WHEREAS, applications for Li-
quor licenses were filed by the
within named applicants and they
have received the approval of this
Council, and
WHERE,AS, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants were
inspected and found to comply with
the State Law and all City ordi-
nances relevant thereto and they I
have filed prop"" bonds,
SOLVE!!) by the City Council of
Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager
be authorized to cause to he is-
sued to the foHowing named ap-
plicants a Liquor ¡¡ceMe.
James Joseph Klauer, 1646 Asbury
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
tive purchasing be explored and
if practical, expanded in the future.
P-assed, approved and adopted
this 7th day of August, 197~.
Wayoo A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
J'()seph J. Bitter
bave received the approval of this
Council, and
WHEREAS, the premises to be
occupied by such 'applicants were
inspected and found to comply with
the State Law and a!\ City ordi-
nances relevant thereto and they
have filed proper oonds,
SOLVED by the City Council of
Duhuque, Iowa, that the Manager
be authorized to cause to be is-
sued to the following named a,ppli-
cants a Liquor license.
Donna M. Ginter, iI42 Main Street
Pete S. Sfikas, 401 Central Avenue
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of August, 197~.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
hy Counc;!man Justmann. Carried
by tbe following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
WHEREAS, applications for Li-
quor licenses have been submitt-
ed to this Council for approval
and the sa-me have been examined,
BOINE)[) by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the following applica.tions be grant-
ed and license issued upon the
compliance with the terms of the
OHWPfl'EiR l!11-as amended by the
64!th General Assembly, 191'1.
Donna M. Ginter, 34e Main Street
Pete S. Sfikas, 401 Central Avenue
l'assed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
hy Councilman Justmann. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
WHEREAS, applications for Li.
quor licenses have been submitted
to this Council for approval and
the same have been examined,
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the following applications be grant-
ed and licenses issued upon the
compliance with the terms of the
OHAPTE'R 131-as amended by the
64!th General Assembly, 191'1.
J-ames Joseph Klauer, 1646 A&bury
Passed, adopted and a,pproved
this 7th day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Justmann. Carried
hy the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, i
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, ,
PregIer, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Mr. Givens of Beef Supreme Inc.
addressed the Council seeking ap-
proval for construction of a car
wash on J.F.K. Road near the
inte sectioo of University & U.S.
Highway #20. Some discussion
arose a,s to traffic hazards in-
volved in the installation of a car
wash at this location. The City
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Coundlman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Justmann. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Coune;!men Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
WŒJE-REAS, applications for Li-
quor licenses were filed by the
within named applicants and they
Engineer found no unusuaI objec-
tion to the installation of the car
wash. Mayor Moldenhauer the n
moved that the petition be grant-
ed. Seconded hy Councilman Preg-
ler. Carried hy the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Pregler,
Nays - Councilman Justmann.
There being bo further business
Councilman Bitter moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Leo F. FrommeIt
City Clerk
Approved ....................................197'2
Attest: """"""""CiÏŸ"Ci~~¡':""""""'-
Special Session, August 14, 1972
Special Session, August 14, 1972
to let anyone present address the
Council if they so desire. Seconded
by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Mrs. Carl Finzel spoke io be-
haH ()Í ber letter by stating that
dosing off tbe drive area in the
summertime was of n<>t too much
concern, however io the winter
time it becomes serious, as it is
tbe only way to get out, due to
the length of time it takes to
plough the main thoroughfare.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the communications be received
and filed, and referred back to
the Park Board to solicit the aid
()Í the Traffic Department, pos-
sibly call a neighborhood meeting.
for an equitwble solution. Second-
ed by Councilman Bitter. Carried
by the foilowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Communication of Mayor Mol-
denhauer dated August 13, 1972
being a weekly report to the Coun-
cil, presented and read. Council-
man Pregler moved that the com-
munic,ation be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Thoms.
Carried hy the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Communication of Mrs. J. Wal]¡¡s
Wi"dl, expressing an interest in
the purchase of a city'owned lot
on Avon Street, known as Lot 9
in M. A. M'eDaniel Sub. in the
City of Duhuque, Iowa, presented
aod read. Councilman Bit t e r
moved that the communieation be
referred to the City Manager and
City SlJüeitor. Seconded by Coun-
cill.man Pregller. Carried by tbe
follow:ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Couneilmen Bit t e r, Justmmm,
Preg!er, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Notice of Claim of Jnseph P.
lfuWng, in tile amount of $æ..61,
for da'ma'ge to a mre on his car
as the result of striking a sharp
piece of cu~b aJt Foye and' Napier
Street on August 5, 19'1e, presented
and read. Councilman Bitter
moVed that tile notice of claim
be referred to the City Attorney
for iDVestigalion and proper aIe-
tion. Seconded by Councilman
Pregler. c"rried hy the fuIl1owing
Yeas - Mayor MOlidenbauer,
Oouocii1men Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Notiee of Claim of Julius A. We-
Ill, in the amount of $113.86, for
damage incurred as the resnlt of
a backed-up sanitary sewer at his
home at 595 O'Neill St., presented
and read. Councilman Bitter
moVed that the notice of cla.im
be rererred to the City Attorney
for inve'stigatioo and proper action.
Seconded by CouncRman Pregler.
Carried by the foliowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregller, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition of Midwest Developers
ro". requesting vacation of a por-!'
tion of Stoneman Road, presented
and read. Councilman Bit t e r
moved that the petition be referred
to the Planning & Zoning Commis-
sion. Seconded by Councilman
Pegler. Carried by tbe fulilowing
Yeas - Mayor MoldeIÙlauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - Nnne.
Petition of Mrs. William Heid-
enreich requesting donation of City
truclœ to assist in a newspaper
rec~ng drive, presented and
Councilman Justmann m 0 v e d
that the petition be referred to the
City Manager to eXJpl\ore the recy-
dling idea. Se'conded by Mayor Mo-
ldeIÙlauer. Car~ied by the following
Y..as - Mayor Moldenhaner,
Counci!lmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler. Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition for suspension of taxes
dne to infumity or old age, sub-
mitted by the County of Dubuque,
fur property located at 2460 Hill.
orest Drive and owned by R~ert
G. & Gertrude Ogaard, presented
and read. Councilman Bittter
moved tbat the ,petitio<! be referred
to the City Manager and City At-
torney. seconded by Councilman
Justmann. Ca~ried by the foIdowing
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregller, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition of Mark P. MCGovern
requesting a refund on the unex-
pired portion of cigarette license
No. 243, in the amount of $75.,
as he bas discontinued business
on August 8, 1972, presented and
read. Couneilman Pregler moved
that the refund be granted and
the Auditor instructed to issue pro-
per warrant. Seconded by Council.
man Bitter. Carried by the ful-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmeo Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
N"ys - None.
Resolution Authorizing the City
Manager to exeeute an extra wo~k
order with the State Highway Com-
mission to cover additional ex.
pense in the Dodge Street Corri-
dor Study, alUng witb his eommu-
nication requesting consideration,
bronght forward from previous
meetings, presented and read.
Councilman Justmann m 0 v e d
that the extra eXipenditure be ills.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the eo:penditure be authorized. Se-
conded by Councilman Thoms.
Vote on the motion was as fol-
Special Session, August 14, 1972.
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.D.
Present - Mayor Molcktnhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms. City Manager Gil.
bert D. Chavenelle.
Mayor Moldenhauer read the call
and stated that service thereof had
been duly made and this meeting
is called for the purpose of wcting
upon such husiness as may pro-
perly come hefore the meeting. I
Mayor Moldenhauer presented
the name of Keith Malone as an
appointment to the Advisory Com-
mission to fill the unexpired term
oof Rev. Allen Maruyama to June
1, 1974. Councilman Thoms moved
ratification of the appointment. Se-
conded by Councilman Bitter. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Communication of Iowa S tat e
Highway Commission submitting a
Utilities Accomodation Permit in
connection with proposed construc-
tion of a water line along High-
way, requesting proper execution,
presented and read. Councilman
Pregler moved approval of the per-
mit and the Manager be given
authority to sigu. Seconded b y
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor MoldeIÙlauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann.
Pregler, Thoms.
~~~m;ni.;'.~~o~ of Mrs. Carl Fin- I
zel, in editorial form, beiog an
editorial published in the Telegraph
Herald, objecting to the construc-
tion oof cement posts at the end
oof the drive thru Flora Park, to
prevent tbrough traffic, presented
and read.
Communication of Dubuque Park
Board submitting various reasons
why the parking lot area at Flora
had been blocked off, in rebuttal
to Mrs. Finzel's letter which ap-
peared in the Telegraph Herald
presented and read.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the rules be suspended in order
August 9, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
1 am returning the petition for
street lighting on Brunswick.
The area has been investigated
by the electrical iospector and it
is recommended that a 4000 lumen
incandescent fixture be installed
on an existing pole at the rear
property line, between Z829 and
2S33 Balke Street.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Mayor MoldeIÙlauer moved ap-
proval of the recommendation. Se-
conded by Councilman Pregler.
Carried hy the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Special Session, August 14, 1972
Yeas - Counellmen Pregiler,
Nays - M'ayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann.
Councilman Bitter moved that
the Mayor, Manager and Solicitor
make a detailed study of proposal
to come back with a recommenda-
Councilman Thoms moved tha,t
the matter be referred baek to
the Manager and City Solicitor.
Seconded by Counciiman Pregiler.
Councilman Bitter moved to a-
mend the original. motion to pro-
vide that the Mayor or member
of the Council be authorized to
sit in on the conference. Seeond-
ed by Councilman Justmann.
Carried by the fdllowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
CouncHmen Bitter, Justmann.
Nays - Councilmen Pregler,
An Ordinance amending and
changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known
as the "Zoning Map and Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa" so as to change certain
~;:":"~UI;,;::~e~:::;;nce ";;;;:~~ I
classification to "Business Dis.
trict" classification, (Lot 19 of Key
Knolls Sub.) presented and read.
C<Junciiman Pregiler moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of tbe Ordinance.
Seconded hy Couneiiman Jus t-
mann. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - May 0 r Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the rule requiring an Ordinance
to be read on three separate days
be waived. Seconded by Council-
man Justmann. Carried by the fol-
l()wing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
P,-e~leT, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Councilman Pregler moved that
a public hearing be MId on the
Ordinance on September 5, 1972,
at 7:30 o-clock P.M. in the Coun-
cil Chamher at the City Hall and
that the City Clerk he instrocted
to publish notice of the hearing
in the manner required by law,
See<>nded hy Councilman Jus t-
mann. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - M'ayor Moldenhauer,
Counciimen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pre¡\er, Thoms.
Nays - None.
An Ordinance amending and
changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known
as the "Zoning Map and Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa" so as to change certain
property hereinafter described
from "Multiple Residence District"
classification to "Business District
classification" (22nd Street at
Jackson and Whita streets), pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first re'ading of the Ordinance.
Seconded by CouncíiJman Jus t-
mann Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldemauer,
Couneilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - Nooe.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the rule requiring an Ordinaræe
to be read on three separate days
be waived. Seconded by Council-
man Justmann. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann.
Pre¡\er, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Councilman Pregler moved that
a public hearing be held on the
Ordinance on September 5, 1972,
in the Council Chamher at the
Oity Ran at 7:30 P.M. and that
the City Olerk he instructed to
publish notice of the hearing in
the manner required by law. Se-
conded by Councilman Justmann.
Carried by the fOl:lowing vote:
Ye'as - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
At 9:30 P.M. Councilman Just-
mann moved that the Couneil go
into executive session to discuss
Sewage Treatment rates. Seconded
by Councilman Thoms. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Special Session, August
Coun.cilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, I
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
At 11:04 P.'M. the CoUß!Cil recon-
vened in regular session. Council-
man Bitter mov,ed that negotia-
tions on sewage rental re-ports as
relating to private industry regu-
lations were discussed. Seconded
by Mayor Moideuhauer. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
The.re being no further business
Councillman Bitter moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Mayor Molden-
hauer, Carried by the following
Ye'as - M'ayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, I
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Olerk
Adopted .....
Attest: .... .........................................
City Clerk
14, 1972 391
Special Session, August 21, 1972
WHEREN>, the Ci.ty of Duhuque
has been without tama!> service
far many months passed; and
WIIIEMJAS, the City has been
negotiating with Jeanette Luerkens
and William Luerkens, who have
petitioned for permit to operate
a taxicab service in tbe City of
Dubuque; and
WŒIEJR;EiAS, Jeanette Luerkens
and William Luerkens and the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, have reduced
terms of agreement in writing re-
lating to the issuance of taxicab
permits to said petitioners hy the
Q!ty of Dubuque, Iowa, and tbat
the focm of contNlk:t should be
Section I. That the agreement
by and between Jeanette Luerkens
and Wi~lliam LueTkens and the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, covers tem>s
and conditions of the issuanee 0'
a taxicah permit or permits dated
August 21, 1972, be and the same
is hereby approved and confirmed.
Section 2. That the Mayoc and
City Clerk be and they are here-
by authorized and directed to ex-
ecute said agreement fur and on
behaM of the City of Dubuque,
Section 3. City Manager is here.
with directed to issue taxicah per.
mit or permits in accordance with
ordinances relating thereto.
Section 4. City Council herewith
acknowledges and coDJ!irolS that
a pu1JLìc hearing has heretofoce
been held on the petition for taxi.
cab permits and no objections have
been made tbereto.
Passed, approved and adopted
this 21st day of August 1972.
Wayne A. MoJdenbaueT
WaUer A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Session August 21, 1972.
met at 7:30 P.M. (D.
Present - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bi t t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms. City Man ager
Gilbert D. Chavenelle.
Mayor Moldenhauer read tbe call
and stated that servtice thereof
had heen duly made and this meet.
ing is calied for the purpose of
conducting a .public hearing on wa-
terworks moderni..tion - W. 32nd
Street, Park Hill, Highway #211
feeder mains - Center Grove Val.
ley sewer - Waste water treat.
ment facilities, and acting upon
sucb other business as may pro-
peI'iy come before a regular meet-
ing of the Council.
Communication of Cal Murdœk
of the Recreation Department sub-
mitting a report on bicycling, pre-
sented and read.
Mayoc Moldeuhaue moved that
the rules be suspended in order
to let anyone present address the
Council if they so desire. Seeond-
ded by Councilman Pregler. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Coune~men Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pre~er, Thoms.
Nays - None.
CaQ Murdock spoke to the Council
as to future plans for the bicyclists.
Some requests were made as to
possible bicyclle routes and tra£fic
regulations. Couneìlman Justmann
moved that the report be referred
to the City Manager witb eadiest
report to the Council. Seconded
by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried
by the f()!lowing vote:
Yea's - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Jus1Jmann,
Pre!'JÍer, Thoms.
Nays - None.
petition of Damaris Eichman et
al (containing 2850 signatures) sup.
porting bikeways the City of Du.
buque, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Bitter moved the the peti. \
tion be received and Ñled. Se.
conded by Councilman Justmann.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pre~er, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Mayor Moldenhauer. Oarned
by tbe following vote:
Yeas - May 0 r Moldenhauer,
Special Session, August 21, 1972 393
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, of Dubuque, Iowa, and is owned
Pregler, Thoms. by Mr. Milton Bader, 743 Bluff
Nays - None. Street, Dubuque, Iowa, and Mrs.
Communication of Mayor M()ld- Byrdena Bader, 1264 Unive,rsity
enhauer, dated August 20, 1972, Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa.
submitting his weekly report to Donald J. Bandy
the Council, presented for filing. Building Commissioner
Councilman Bitter moved that the Robert N. Duuphy
communication be received and Fire Chief
filed. Seconded .by Councilman Harold F. Zimmerman
Pregler. Carned by the following Housing Inspector
vote: After receiving this report, I per.
Yeas - May 0 r Moldenbauer, sonally inspected tbe premises.
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmanu, As a result of this inspection
Pregler, Thoms. on June 21, 1972, I prepared the
Nays - None. foIlowing uotice. June 21, 1972
Printed Council proceedings for Notice
the montb of May 1972, presented Mrs. Byrdena Bader
for approval. Councilman Pregler 1264 University Avenue
moved that the printed Council Dubuque, Iowa 52001
proceedingS for the month of May Dear Mrs. Bader:
1972 be approved as printed. Sec- 1 have personaIly inspected the
onded by Councilman Bitter. Car- building known as 256() Elm
ried by the following vote: Street, Dubuque, Iowa, and I""ated
Yeas - May 0 r Moldeubauer, on Lot 83 in E. Langworthy Addi-
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, iion, City of Dubuque, Iowa, and
Pregler, Thoms. find the conditions as they have
Nays - None. been reported to me by the Build-
To The Honorable Mayor and ing Commissioner, Fire Chief and
City Council the Housing Inspector substantially
During the past few months correct. A copy of whose report
many complaints have been re- is hereto atta'cbed and by refer-
ceived regarding the condition of ence made a part bereof.
a structure and premises located According to City Ordinance No.
at 2560 Elm Street, Dubuque, Iowa. 35.52, you are berøby given ten
I directed the various City De- (10) days notice to dismantle the
partments to make a complete in. building and clean up the premises.
spection of this dwelling and premo Gilbert D. ChaveneIle
ises. This inspection was made on City Manager
June 20, 1972, and the following City of Dubuque, Iowa
is the report: June 21, 1972
June 20, 1972 Notice
Gilhert D. Ohavenelle Mr. Milton J. Bader
City Manager 743 Bluff Street
Dear Sir: Dubuque, Iowa 52001
On Februa,ry 1, 1971, a fire Dea'r Mr. Bader:
caused extensive damage to a two- I bave personally inspected the
story, brick and frame, single fam. building known as 2560 Elm Street,
ily building at 2560 Elm Street, Dubnque, Iowa and located on Lot
Dubuque, Iowa. 83 in E. Langworthy Addition, City
As the result of tbe Ñre this of Dubuque, Iowa, and find the
building was posted by tbe City conditions as they bave been reo
of Duhuque Housing Department ported to me by the Building Com-
as unfit fur human bab,jia,tion. missioner, Fire Chief and tbe Hous-
The conditions that are present ing Inspector substantiaily correct.
offer a definite fire hazard, a A copy of whose report is hereto
breeding pla,ce for rats, an attrac- I atta,ched and by reference made
tive nuisance far children and a a parr! bereof.
det11iment to this area. I According to City Ordinance No.
We recommend that immediate, 35-52, you are hereby given ten
steps be taken to rectify tbis con. ! (10) days notice to dismantle the
dition. i building and clean up the premises.
This building is lœated on Lot I Gilhert D. Chavenelle
S3 in E. Langworthy Addition, City I City Manager
Special Session, August 21, 1972
()f Iowa provides in sul>stance that
a person wbo by reason of age
of infirm;!y is unable to contri-
bute to tbe public revenue, may
file a sworn petition, with sup-
portin,g data, wi1Jh the Board of
Supervisors, which may tbereafter
order the County Th'easurer to sus-
pend the coll.ection of taxes for
the eurrent year or the Board may
cancel and rem;! said taxes, pro-
vided that such petition shall have
first been a,pproved by the City
In view of the foregoing and
in view that the Board of Super-
visors have examined and been
adv,ised of the facts and in view
of tbe fad that the supporting
data clearly shows the eligibility
of tbe petitioner for relief, I re-
commend City Council approval to
each petition.
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Councilman Bitter moved appro-
val of the recommendation and
directed Clerk to sign the appli-
cations. Se<:onded by Councilman
Pregler. Carried by tbe foll.owing
Yeas - M'ayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
August 1Q, 1972
Honorable Mayor and
City Councilmen
Mr. Carl J. Danglemeyer filed
claim against tbe City of Dubu-
que claiming damages as a result
of seeping water from a service
line, and c!:a,iming damages there-
from in the amount of $428.80.
This claim was referred by the
City Attorney to the appropriate
city agency who has advised tbe
City the they have denied said
Alecordingly, it is recommended
that said claim he denied.
Original claim is returned here-
R. N. Russo
City Attorney
Councilman BitteT moved appro-
'i'al of the recommendation. Se-
conded by Councilman Pregler.
Canied by the fonowIDg vote:
Yeas - Ma.yor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pr.egier, Thoms.
Nays - None.
July 20, 11m
The notice has not been com-
plied with and I recommend to
the City CouncR that the provi-
sions of Ordinance No. 35-~ be
enforœd and that the owner of
said bnilding known as 2580 Elm
Street, DulJuque, Iowa, and located
on Lot 83 in E. Langwortby Addi-
tion, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be
required to dismantle said build-
ing and clean up the premises.
'Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Counei!.man Bitter moved appro-
val ()f the recommendation and
the Clerk he instruded to pul>lish
proper notice and a publi<: hearing
he held on September 11, 1972.
Seeonded by Councilman Pregler.
Carried by tbe foll()wing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r. Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
August 18, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Cooncil
I herewifu sul>m;! the repovts
of the City Auditor, City Treasur-
er, Water superintendent, Health
Department, as weJil as a list of
cIabn" paid for the montb of July
Gilbert D. CJhavenelle
City Manager
Councilman pregler moved that
tbe reports he received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Bitter.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
August 15, 1972
HonorabJe Mayor and
City Council
On July 21, 1972, Petition f()r
Suspension of Taxes by Helen M.
Bradley was referred to City Coun-
cil by Leo Ungs, Admini.strator
of Institutional A<:counts, and on
Angus1: 9, 1972, Petition for Sus-
pension of Rea! Estate Taxes by
Robert G. Ogaard was referred
to the City Council by Leo Ungs,
Administrator of Institutional Ale-
Each of the foregoing petitions
was referred to the City Attorney,
who reports thereon and rec()m-
mends approval by the City Coun-
cil of eaeh of said petitions.
Section 427.8 of the 19711 Code
Special Session, August 21, 1972
August 17, 1972 therein for the dispensing of drugs,
HonoraJble Mayor and presented and read. Mayor Mol-
City Council denhauer moved that the petition
That John B. Mayr filed a he referred to the City Attorney
claim against the City of Dubuque for proper action. Seconded by
claiming damages in the amount Councilman Pregler. Carried by
of $250.00, and this matter was the following vote:
referred by the City Attorney who Yeas - M,ayor Moldenhauer,
was advised on June 23, 1972, that Counciimen Bit t e r, Justmann,
it had settled said claim with the Pregler, Thoms.
claimant in the amount of $204.21. Nays - None.
Accord,ingly, said file should be Proof of Publication, certified to
considered closed, and tbe origina'¡ hy the Pwblisher, of Notice of time
Cia', im is 'attach edhereto., ' I and p lac, e 'to dispose of int e, re, st
R. N. Russo in real estate, heing a vacated
City Attorney public street lying within portions
Coundlman Bitter moved a¡>poo- of Bethany Addn. & St. F'rancis
val of the "",ommendation. Se- Sub. being deseribed as Lot A
conded by Councilman Pregler. ()f 1 of 1 of Bethany Addn. Lot
Carried by .the following vote: A of 4 of St. Francis Swb., Lot
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, A of 1 of 1 of 3 of St. Francis
Coundîlmen Bitter, Justmann, Sub (except WAil' of N.l32O') Lot
Pregler, Thoms. A of 1 of 2 of 1 of 3 of St.
Nay,s - None. Frands Sui>. (except W.4(f' of N.
Notice of claim of Thomas J. 1320') Lot A of 2 of 3 of St.
Bardon, in the amount of $116.44, Francis Sub. (eJœept W.4(f' of N.
for property damage incurred as 132!J') all in Section 12, 'l1wt> æ
the result of a hacked-up sanitary N. R. 2 E, presented and read.
sewer at 2345 White Street on Au- No written objections we,re £iled
gust 2, lII72, presented and read. and no oral objectors were present
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that in the Council Chamher at tbe
the claim be referred to the City time set for the public hearing.
Attorney for investigation and re- Councilman Bitter m()ved that the
port. Seconded by Councilman proof of puhlication be received
Pregler. Canied .by the following and filed. Seconded by Council-
vote: man Pregler. Carried by tbe fol.
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, lDWing vote:
Councilmen RUter, Justmann, Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Pregler, Thoms. Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Nays - None. Pregler, Thoms.
NotÎlCe of claam of Joseph P. Nays - None.
Hickey, a minor, by Frank Hickey ORDINANCE NO. 44-72
his father, for personal injuries An Ordinance vacating the public
by said minor as the resu!lt of street which shall hereafter be de
a fall over a water hose in the scribed and plaited as Lot A of
Town Clock Naza area 00 June Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Bethany Ad.
26, 197e, presented and read. Ma- dition; Lot A of Lot 4 of St. Fran.
yor Moldenbauer moved that the cis Subdivision; Lot A of Lot 1
claim be referred to the City At- of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of St. Francis
torney for investigation and re- Subdivision (except the West 4(f
port. SeMnded by Councilman feet of the North 1,320 feet If1are-
Pregler. Carried by the following of); Lot A of Lot 1 of Lot 2
vote: of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of St. Francis
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Subdivision (except the West 40
Councilmen Bit ,t e r, Justmann, feet of the North 1,320 feet there-
Pre,g1er, Thoms. of); Lot A of Lot 2 of Lot 3
Nays - None. of St. Francis Subdivision (except
Petition of Declaratory Judgment the West 4(f feet of If1a North
by St. Joseph Mercy Hospital of 1,320 feet thereof), all In Section
DuI>uque decreeing that Mercy 12 Townshi.p 89 North, Range 2
Hospital is entitled to the issuance Eest of the 5th P. M., being in
of a building permit for the con- Dubuque Township, Dubuque Co.....
structÏon of an ofIfice building for ty, Iowa, now in If1a City of Du.
physicians and include an area buque, Iowa, and which lies within
396 Special Session, August 21, 1972
portions of Bethany Addition and Councilman Bitter moved final
St. Francis Subdivisions in tI1e City adoption of the Ordinance. Second.
of Dubuque, Iowa, ed by Councilman Pregler. Carried
said Ordillance having been pre- by the followiog vote:
viously presented at the Council Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
meetÎI>g of July 17, 1972, presented Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann
for final adoption. Pregler, Thoms. '
Nays - None.
WHEREAS, pursuant w Resolu-
tion of published notice of time
and plaœ of hearing pub\i$hed in
the Teleg~aph-Herald a newsI)ape<
of general circulation published in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, on
July 21, um, and Jniy 28, 1972,
City Council of City of Dubuque,
Iowa, met on tbe 21st day of Au-
gust, 1972, at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
(Central Daylight Time) ill the Oity
Council Chamber, City Hall, Du.
buque, Iowa, to consider the pro-
posal to dispose of interest of the
City of Duhuque, Iowa to Sisters
of SI. Francis of Duhuque County,
au Iowa Corporation, and Mount
Calv,ary Cemetery Association in
and to a public street lying withill
portions of Bethany Addition and
St. Francis Subdivision in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, which shall
hereafter be platted and described
"" follows: Lot A of Lot 1 of
Lot 1 of Bethany Addition; Lot
A of Lot 4 of St. Francis Sub-
di"ision; Lot A of Lot 1 of Lot
1 of Lot 3 af St. Francis Sub-
division (except the west 40 feet
of the north 1,320 feet thereof):
Lot A of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot
1 of Lot 3 of St. Francis Suh-
division (except the west 40 feet
of the north 1,320 feet thereof);
Lot A of Lot 2 ()f Lot 3 of SI.
Fraucis Subdivision (except the
west 40 feet of the nol'th 1,320
feet thereof), all ill Section 12,
Township 89 North, Range 2 East
of the 5th P.M., heing ill Dubu-
que Township, Dubuque County,
Iowa, now ill the City of Dubu.
que, Iowa; and
WHEREAS, City Council of Du-
huque, Iowa, overruled any and
all objections, oral or written, to
the proposal to dispose of interest
of City of Duhuque, Iowa, ill the
above descrihed real estate to Sis-
ters of St. Francis of Dubuque
CO1mty, an Iowa Corporation, and
Mount Calvary Cemetery Associa-
- - - t'
-- "d '0< Oo""aoe
~~~~~:/:¡¡~J~]~ "d adopted !hi'
"" do> 0 ' 1972.
. ayO< A. Maldenh"e'
Waite, A. p,agle,
All" T. Thom'
c. Rob'" Mlm"n
Jo"ph J. Bltte'
Leo F. F<ammelt
City Cle,k
Pobll,",d offlo"lIy In The Teleg",h-
Ifmld New,""e, !hI' 25th day of
A"",t 1972.
, Leo F. F<ammelt
CIty Cle,k.
Special Session, August 21, 1972
QUE, roW.-\.:
Section 1. That the disposal of
interest of City af Duhuque, Iowa,
in real estate to Sisters of SI.
Francis of Dubuque County, Iowa
in real! estate to Sisters of St.
F,rancis of Dubuque County, an
Iowa Corporatwn, and Mount Oa'l-
vary Cemetery Associ..tion cover-
mg the fullowing described real
estate, to"Wit:
.-\. puhldc street lying within por-
tions of Bethany Addition and
St. Francis Subdivision in tbe
City of Duhuque, Iowa, whic!>
shill hereafter he platted and
descrihed as follow: Lot A of
Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Bethany Ad-
dition; Lot A of lJot 4 of SI.
Francis Suhdivision; Lot A of
lJot 1 of lJot 1 of Lot 3 of St.
Francis SUbdivision (except the
west 40 feet of the north 1,320
feet thereof); Lot A of Lot 1
of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of
SI. Francis Subdivision (e"""pt
the west 40 feet of the north
1,320 feet theTeof}; Lot A of lJot
2 of Lot 3 of St. Francis Suh-
division (except the west 40 feet
of the north 1,320 feet tbereof);
all in Section 12, TownsIrip 89
North Range 2 East of the 5
P.M., being in Duhuque Town-
ship, Dubuque County, Iowa,
now in the City of Dubuque,
be and the same is bereby ap-
proved, and that no ahstra"t will
be provided. Mayor and City OIeTk
are hereby directed to execute said
deed on hehali of City of Dubuque.
Section 2. That the City OleTk
be and he is hereby authorized I
and directed to deliver deed of
conveyance to Sisters of St. Fran-
cis, an Iowa Conporation, and
Mount Calvary Cemetery Associa-
tion upon receipt of payment of
$50.00 and costs of pul>Hcation.
Section 3. That the City OIerk
be and he is hereby authorized
aud directed to record a certi- ¡
fied copy of this Resolution in tbe I
o1iffce of the Dubuque County Re-
Passed, approved and adopted
this 21st day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Pre.gler. Carried
by the following v:ote:
Yea.s - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Communication of City Engineer
White recommending that permis-
sion be gNfnted to Mr. Ronald
McDonald to insta'll a s"""ial side-
walk and bird bath at 548 W.
7th Street, presented ..nd read.
Councilman Bitter moved thM the
communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Mayor Molden-
hauer. Carried hy the foHowing
Yeas - M.ayor Moldenhaue<,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
An Ordinance euthorizlng Ronald
McDonald to construct sidewalk
and or bird bath located on Lot
18 Coriell's Dubuque, in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa.
presented and read.
Councilman Bitter moved that
the reading just had he consider-
ed the first reading of the Or-
dinance. Seconded by Mayor Mol-
denhauer. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Councilman Bitter moved that
the rule requiring an Ordinance
to be read on three sepa~ate days
be waived. Seconded hy Mayor
Moldenhauer. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Special Session, August 21, 1972
L.. F. ",0~,11
(.itv CI"k.
No. SO.72
Th' ""d",i",d h"i", ,"d ,"d
bei" familiae wllh th, ",m, ,"d
,o"di".., 01 O,di","" No. SO-72
h",bv, ." 'hem,,"',. lI"i, "',"'-
'0," 0' ",i",. " OW"'" 01 'ho 'bo'-
,,", p""""" """ th, "m, ,"d
"~CO, to be boo"d bv th, co"dllio",
,"d ",oem,"', th",i" co""i"d "
be p"""m'" bv ..,min""
D",d Aooo" tð, 1972
Bv Ro"'d P. M,OoMld
P"pee" OW""
Pobll,h,d officl,lIv i" Tho T"ege..h-
H,,"d N,w...." thi, 25th dov 01
Aooo" 19n.
L.. F. Fcom",,"
CM CI"k.
See""" 3. Th,t th, p"mi,,"" h"'-
i" "'"'ed i, """"V co"ditio.,.d ""
..,mit"" "",m,"' ."
'J A"om, '"v ,00 ," lI,bill" ."
. - " "op"",
com th, ex-
" m,,"""-
, ,"d/" bl,d
Councilman Bitter moved final
adoption of the Ordinance. Second-
ed by Mayor Moldenhauer. Car-
ried by tbe following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhaue,r,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann.
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
An Orclinance to regulate the pro-
duction, transportation, processing,
handling, sampling, examination,
grading, labaling, and sale of milk
and milk products, the inspection
of dairy hercls, dairy farms, and
milk plants, the issuing and re-
vocation of permits to milk pro-
ducers, haulers, end distributors:
and the fixing of penalties,
presented and read.
Mayor Molde"hauer moved that
the reading just had be consider-
ed the first reading of the Ordi-
na"ce. Seconded by Councilman
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor MOldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann.
Nays - Councilman Thoms.
M'ayor Moldenhauer moved that
the rule requiring an Ordinance
to be read on three separate days
be waived. Seconded by Council-
man Pregler. Carried by the fol-
lo"ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldetlhauer,
I Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann.
Nays - Councilman Thoms.
P","'. ,dop"d ,"d ,op""" thi,
"" dov 0' Ao,"'. 1972.
A. Mold,""o"
- - 'A, P",I"
All," T. Thom'
C. Rob", J,,'m,""
Jo",h J. Biff"
Special Session, August 21, 1972
., iNhi'" ,,';;,";hí; 8~d¡~~'",~':h~1rí,';
i" 'oil '0'" ,"d ,ff,ct. " ""id,d
P""d, "pcov'" ,"d .dop"d thi,
",' d" of A""". 19n.
W"" A, Mold,"h.."
W,II" A. P"""
C. Rob", Jo"m,""
J."ph J. Bitl"
L.. F. FcommOIl
Citv C'"k
Pobll"'d olli,i,lIv i" Th, T"""ph.
H""d N,w,p.." thi, 25th d" of
A09'" 1972.
Leo F. Fcomm,"
City CI"k.
Jt. 8/25
Mayor Moldenbauer moved final
adoption of the Ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Pregler. Car-
ried by tbe following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Nays - Councilman Tboms.
An ordinance fixing and establish.
ing monthly permit fees 10 be, paid I
by every p&rson, firm or corpora-
tion operating a milk plant and I'
bringing into or sending into or
receiving in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, milk or milk products,
presented and read.
Mayor Moldenhauer mOVed tbat
tbe readiog just had be considered
the first reading of tbe Ordinauce.
Seconded by Councilman Pregler.
Carried ,by ,the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Coun~ilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Nays - Councilman Thoms.
Mayor Moldenbauer moved tbat
the rule requiring an Ordinance
to be read ou tbree separate days
be waived. Seconded by Council-
man Pregler. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenbauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Nays - CoW1cilman Thoms.
s""'" I. Ev", "",,", "'m"
"'"""'00 th" op""" , milk pi",
,"d bno" io".""d'i"',." ",",,'
io th, Citv of Dob",",. low,. milk
" milk ""d"". " h",," d"'oed,
,h'" "V , moo'hlv ""mit 'oe of 1.5<
"oood, of ,"ch milk"
,. Th, Citv H"'th 0111",
io"""", th,
, ,," "'id h",-
th, 20th d" of
,," mooth. comme",l" wl.h 'h,
20th d" 0' Octob", 1973, th, p,,-
mit'" ,h'" '", w,th th, Citv T",,-
~r";nlfk d",.~... -,-, '
"". "'" ".""iei"lI" ,i'i"d,
"'i"co", "'<"" ""0" it, 'm ",
'moo"" "id " th, Cllv 01 Dob",",.
Soc""" 2. Th,' O'di"",, No. 41-56
b, ,"d th, "m, i, h"'bv """,d.
P""d. "pco"d ,"d 'doPl'd thl,
W"oe A. Mold,"h.."
W"", A, p"""
C. Rob", Jo"m,""
Jo"ph J, Bitt"
Leo F. F"mmo"
Citv C"'k
Pobli'hod offl,i'II, i" Th, To'e-
""h.H""d N,w,","" thi, 25th d"
" Aoo",' 1972.
L.. F. Fcomm",
City CI"k,
Special Session, August 21, 1972
M'ayor Moldenhauer moved final
adoption of the Ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Pregler. Carried
by ,the following vote:
Yeas - M.ayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Nays - Councilman Thoms.
WiHEiRJEAS, City of Dubuque has
made a,pplication to the Iowa Sec-
retary of Agriculture for authority
to conduct milk .inspeetion p r 0-
Section 1. That the application
and agreement for authority to
conduct inspections, eopy of wIDeh
is hereto attached, be and the same
is hereby approved.
Section 2. That the M,ayor and
City Clerk be and they are herelJy
authorized to execute saidappli-
cation and agreement.
Passed, approved and adopted
this 31st day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Pre¡j!er moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried
by the foilowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Nays - CouIIICilman Thoms.
Petition of Rohel't A. Sullivan of
1.320 Locust St. requesting rezoning
from present Multiple Residence
Classification to Business District
Classification, presented and read.
Councilman Preg'ler moved that
the petition he referred to the Ran-
ning & Zoning Commission for in-
vestiga.tion and repol't. Seconded
by Councilman Bitter. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
CouncilmenB it t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition of Henry Ge.hard et al
(32 signatures) <>bjecting to the
granting of a beer license toPhi!'s
Pizza ¡because if would disturb the
peace and tranquility of the ueigh-
bo.hood,presented and read. Coun-
cilman Pregler moved that tbe pe-
tition be received and filed and
referred to the City SOlicitor on
Phil Langa. rezoning trip. Second-
ed hy Mayor M<>idenhauer. c"nied
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petiti<>n of Gary Germaine et
al requestiog permission to con.
duct an al't faÕi' in the 1700 to
1800 blo<:k on Centa-al Ave. on Sun-
day August 27tb, presented and
read. Councüman Thoms moved
approva!1 of the petition with re-
ferral to the ManageT. Seconded
by Councilman Justmann. Carried
by tbe following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pre¡j!er, Thoms.
Petition of Peoples Natural Gas
requesting permission to excavate
on Lincoln me. behind the Holy
Trinity Church, to serV!Ìcea new
customer, presented and reI> d.
Coundlman Pregler moved th"t
the petition be granted. Seconded
hy Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor M<I1denhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
pr<>gler, Thoms.
Petition of Pe()ples Natural Gas
requesting permission to eX'Cavate
on 2084 Avl>l()n Road, to repair
a leaking gas service, presented
and read. Councilman Pregler
moved that the petition be granted.
Seconded hy Mayor Moldenhauer.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Petition of Kenny Rehabilitation
Institute requesting permission to
conducl their annual door-to-door
fund drive, ,preferably in Novem-
ber, presented and read. Council-
man Bitter m()ved that the petition
be referred to tbe City Manager
for IDS approval and cooedination.
Seconded by Councilman Jus t-
mann. Cal'1'ied by the foHowing
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Special Session, August 21, 1972
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmaun, I
Pre¡j!er, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition ()f Jaycees Inc. request-
ing a refund of $235. on the un-
eJOpired portion of beer license No.
3394, presented and read. Council-
man Bitter moved that the refund
be granted and the Auditor issue
proper warrant. Seconded by Ma-
yor Moldenhauer. Carried by tbe
following vote:
Yeas - M,ayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
August 15, 11172
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
This is to advise you that the
Rockdale Road Water Main Exten-
sion has been completed substan-
Hally in accordance with plans and
specifications by M. F. Goerdt Con-
struction Company of Dubuque, 10-
w~. recommend that the Rockdale I
Road Water Extension and work
incidental thereto constructed by
the M. F. Goerdt Construction
Company of Dubuque, Iowa in and
for the City of Dubuque, Iowa be
approved and accepted.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Pregler moved that
the recommendation he approved.
Se,conded by Councilman Bitter.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Pregler,
Nays - CouncUman Justmann.
WHEREAS, tbe contract for the
EXTENSION bas been completed I
and the City Engineer has sub-
mitted his final estimate showing
the cost tbereof including the cost
of estimates, notices, inspection,
and preparing the assesment and
plat, now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, ,by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
l'ha{ the cost of said improve-
ment is hereby determined to be
That none of the cost thereof
shall be assessable upon private
property and $185,035.54 shall be
paid from the Waterworks Gene-
ral Fund of the City of Dubuque.
Passed, adopted and approved
tbis 21st day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommàt
City Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved that
the resolution be adopted. Second-
ed by Councilman Bitter. Canied
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Pregler,
Nays - Councilman Justmann.
(A Resolution Accepting
WiHEREAS, the contract for the
EXTENSION has been completed
and the City Manager has examin-
ed the work and filed IDS certifi-
cate stating that the same has
been completed aœording to the
terms of the contract, plans and
specifications and recommends its
acceptauce, now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that the recommendation of the
City Manager be approved and
that said improvemeut be and the
same is hereby accepted.
that the City Theasurer be and
he is hereby directed to pay to
the contractor from the Water-
works General Fund upon the
ahove described improvement in
amount equal to tbe amount of
his contrad, less any mtained per-
centage provided for therein.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 31st day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
WaIter A. Pre,gler
Allan T. Thoms
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved adop-
tion of the res<>lution. Seconded
by Councilman Bitter. Canied by
the foJlowing vote:
Special Session, August 21, 1972
Special Session, August 21, 1972
vating, Contractor in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby leV'ied on the
several lots, and parts of lots and
parcels of real estate an as named,
situated and ()wned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as
set forth in the !all()wing schedule:
John F. Kennedy Road Sanitary
Sew... - East Side, North of
Spring Valley Road - l!rnl.
Oia.rence E. 11hompson, 2-8, N.E.
,,"-Section T. 89N R2E of 5th P.M.
William John & Ma'rgaret Aird,
24-8, N.E. ,,"-Section T. 89N R2E
of 5th P .tlIL, $1,1M.32.
William John & M'argaret Aird,
2-1-1-8, N.E. ,,"-Section T. 89N R2E
of fith P.M., $751.73.
Ju1lius & Lorraine Bonz, 1,
Brueck Subdivision, $954.83.
John J. & Pearl F. Kohnen, 2,
Brueck Subdivision, $954.83.
John J. & Pearl F. Kohnen, 3
Brueck SwbdiviSlion, $954.83.
John J. & Pearl F. Kohnen, 4,
Brueck Subdivision, $954.83.
Total $7,000.65.
8" Vitrified T!le Sewer Pipe 608
Din. ft. at $5.30, $3,217.10.
8" x 6" Wye Bra~hes 4 No.
of at $11.00, $«.00.
Concrete Manholes, Complete, Ht
in ft. of Sidewall 37.æ \in. ft. at
$25.00, $930.75.
Co~rete Mawholes, Bases, Com-
plete 4 No. of 0It $61).00, $240.00.
Manholes, Complete, Rings and
Covers 4 No. ()f at $55.00, $220.00.
3" Hot Mix Street Patch 38.53
Sq. yd. at $12.00, $462.38.
%" Base Stone (6" Driveways,
10" Street) 235.8 Tons at $3.50,
Sod in Place 778.5 Sq. yd. at
$1.00, 778.50.
Construction Cost $6,'1'18.01.
Engineering & Inspection $588.82.
5% - &! days $41!.&!.
PROJrol' COST $7,355.35.
City Share $351.70.
ASSESSABlJE $7,000.65.
City Share
8" VTP, 40 Lin. ft. at $5.30, $201.20.
%" Ba,se Stone, 43 Tons at $3.50,
Total $351.70.
Passed, adopted and approred
this 21st day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Waiter A. Pregler
Allan T. ThoIJ1S
C. Robert Justmann
Josepb J. Bitter
viding for the payment of the as-
sessed cost of said improvement
and a public hearing has :been
held, pursuant to such notice and
all objections made thereto ha,ve
been considered and determined;
SOLVEiD by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment oftbe assessed cost of John
F. Kennedy Sanitary Sewer - East
Side, North of Spring Valley Road
- um. there shall :be issued se-
wer bonds in the amount of $7.000
Dollars in anticipation of the de-
ferred payment of assessments le-
vied for sue!> improvement.
2. Such bonds shall :be caRed
sewe'r bonds; and shall bear the
da'te of Septem:ber 21, 1972; and
shall :be numbered consecutively;
and they s'hall be numhered, di-
vided into series, and be in such
denominations and for such ma-
turity dates as are shown in the
following table:
Series No.1, Bond No. 1-2, De-
nomination $500.00. Maturity April
1, 1972.
S""ies No.2, Bond No. 3-4, De-
nomination $500.00, Maturity ~r¡¡
I, 1m.
Se,ries No.3, Bond No. 5-6, De-
nomination $500.00, Maturity April
1, 1974.
Series No.4, Bond No. 7-8, De-
nomination $500.00, M,aturity April
1, 1975.
Series No.5, Bond No.9, De-
nomination $500.00, Maturity April
1, 1976.
Series No.6, Bond No. 10, De-
nomination $500.00, Maturity April
1, 1977.
Series No.7, Bond No. 11, De-
nomination $500.00, Maturity April
1, 1978.
Series No.8, Bond No. 12, De-
nomination $500.00, Maturity April
1, 1979.
Series No.9, Bond No. 13, De-
nomination $500.00, Maturity April
1, 1980.
Series No. 10, Bond No. 14, De-
nomination $500.00. Maturity April
1, UJIIl.
3. Said bonds shall bear interest
at the rate of six per cent per
annum, payable annually in accor-
da,nce with coupons thereto at-
4. Said bonds shaH not make
the City of Dubuque liable in any
Yeas - Mayor MoJdenhauer, I
Councilmen Bit t e r, Pregler,
Nays - Councilman Justmann.
!'Too! of Publication, certilied to
by the Publisher,s, of Notice of
Special levy of Spec,ial Assessment
and intention of the Council to
issue bonds to pay for construc-
tion of John F. Kennedy Road
sanita'ry sewer from Spring Val-
ley Road Norlh-East Side, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Preg-
ler m()ved thOit the proof of pul>-
ncation be received and filed. Se-
conded by Conncilman Thoms. Car-
ried by tbe foliowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoma.
Nays - None.
Statement of City Clerk certify-
ing that notices of levy were mail-
ed to property owners subject to
assessment to pay for cost of con-
structing Jobn F. Kennedy Road
Sanitary sewer from Spring Valley
Road North--east side, on July
19, 1972, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Pregler moved that the
statement he received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Thoms.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Molidenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Statement of John F. Runde, a
member of the Engineering De-
partment, certifying that notices
of levy and p\1blic hea<ing w""e
posted in the assessable area of
J.F.K. Road Sanita<y Sewer from
Spring Valley Road North - east
side, on Jniy 26, 1972, presented
and read. Coundlman Pregler
moved that the statement :be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Cou~i1men Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Tboms.
Nays - None.
RESOlNED by the City Council
of the City ()f Dubuque, Iowa: That
to pay for construction of John
F. Kennedy Road Sanitary Sewer,
North of Spring Vaney Road -
Ea'st Side, by Tschigg!rie Ex...
Lco F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Thoms. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Proof of Publication, certified to
by the Puhlisber, of Notice of hear-
ing to authorize the iS8uance of
sewe,r bonds in the amount of
$7,000.65 to pay for cost of con-
structiog John F. Kennedy Road
Sanitary Stm'er from Spring Val-
ley Road North - east side, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Pregler m()ved tbat
the proof of puhncation :be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Thoms. Carried by the foJllowin,g
Yeas - Mayor M()ldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Sewer Bonds for the
pur,pose of providing for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of John
F. Kennedy Road Sanitary Sewer
- east side, north of Spring Val-
ley Road - 1971
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the improvements
hereinafter described has :been
completed and tbe City Manager
has certified the completion the",-
of to the City Council and the
City Council has ascertained the
cost tbereof and has determined
that $7,000.65 Dollars of the cost
tbereof shall he assessed against
the properly subject to a&sessment
therefore; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
videdby law, has heen published
by the City Clerk stating the in-
tention of tbe City Council to is- I
sue bonds for tbe purpose of pro-
404 Special Session, August 21, 1972
way, except for the application hereon of ,said special tax, 1ihe
of said special assessment funds. full faith aud diligence of said
5. Said bonds shall provide that City of Dubuque are here,by irrevo.
they may be payable at any time cably pledged.
prior to the maturity date stated IN TESTIMONY WiHiEREOF the
therein at the option of the City OLty of Dubuque by its Council
of Dubuque and shall be in substan- has caused this bond 00 he signed
tiaUy the following form: by its Mayor and countersigned
by its City Clerk and tbe Seal
No. of said City 00 be thereto affiXed,
Series No. this 21st day of Augnst, 197~.
Sewer Bond
The City of Dubuque in the State City Clerk
of Iowa promises to pay as here- (Form of CouPDn)
inalter mentioned to the hearer On .1ihe day of
hereof, the sum of five hundred the City of Duhuque, Iowa, ¡pro-
dollars with interest tbereon at mlses to pay to the hearer, as
the rate of six per cent per annum provided in said~nd, ,tbe s~m
paya!ble annually, on the p esenta- . Dollars, m.the ofbce
tion and surrender of tbe interest of the CIty Treasurer m tbe CIty
coupons hereto attached. Both prin- ?f Dubuque, being monfus'
Clipal and interest of this h()nd mterest due that date 00 Its
are paya'ble at the office of the Bond No. dated
City Treasurer in the City of Du-
buque, in the State of Iowa. This Mayor
bond is issued by tbe City of Du- .
bu'lue under and by virtue of Cha¡p- CIty Olerk
ter 396 of the 1954 Code of Iowa, 6. That the M'ayor and City Clerk
as amended, and 1Jhe Resolution be and 1ihey are herehy instructed
of said City duly pas'sed on the to cause said bonds to be pre-
21st day of Augnst, 1972, being pared and when so prepared to
Resolution No. 274-72. e",ecute said bonds and tbe City
This Bond is one of a series Clerk be and he is hereby in-
cf 14 bonds a.ll for $500 00 num- structed to register said bonds in
bered from' 1 ,through 14, ail of a book k~ for that purpose a~d
like tenor and date, and issued to tben deliver them to the City
for the purpose of providing for Treasurer.
tbe deferred payment of assess- 7. That tbe City Treasurer is
ments levied for the John F. Ken- hereby instructed to sell said bonds
nedy Road Sanitary Sewer, East in the manner prQvided hy law,
Side, North of Spring Valley Road, the ,proceeds of said sale to be
1971. as described in said Rcsolu- placed in a special! fund ,to be
tion, in said City, wmch cost is known as Special Assessment Fund
payable by the abuttinJgand ad- = and paid out by him to pay
jacent ,property along said im-' the ,cost of said contract.
provements and is made by law 8. That 1Jhe interest coupons at-
a lien on all of said pr<>perty. tached to the bonds be signed with
It Is payable onily out of tbe Special the facsimile signature of the Ma-
Assessment Fund 1292 created by yor and countersigned with tbe
the collection of .said special tax, facsimile signature of the City
and said fund can be used for Clerk.
no other purpose. 9. That as £ast as funds allow,
It ;shereby certified and recited beginning with tbe secood year
that all the acts, conditions and after the payment of interest due.
things required to 'be dQne, p~e- these ,bonds shaY be called and
cedent to and in issuing this series retired in the same order as num-
of bonds, have been dúne, happen- bered. The notice of election to
ed, and performed, in regular and call these 'bonds shall he given
due form, a's required by law and by regUJIar United States Mail ad-
said Resolution, and for the as- dressed to the last known address
sessment, colleetion and payment of the ,pUl'Cha,ser.
Special Session, August 21, 1972
10. Pa.ssed, adopted and a,pprov-
ed thIs 21st day of August, 1JI72.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Rohert J...tmann
Jose¡ph J. Bitter
LeoF. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by ,Councilman Thoms. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councl1menB i t t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Proof of Puhlication, certified to
by tbe Publisher, of Notice of Pen-
dency of Resolution of Necessity
for pwblic improvements and hear-
ing upon ¡proposed plans and 'specI-
fications, form of e<>ntra<:t and cost
of improvements, for Contract N
Section 1 Waterworks Moderniza-
tion 1972 IIDD-~IOWA-99, pre-
sented and read.
No written objections were filed
and no oral objectors were present
in the Connell Cl>amherat ,the
time set for the public ,hearing.
Mayor Moldenhauer mo\Oed that
the proof of pwblicatioo be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Couneilanan Bitter. Carried by the
following vote: I
Yea's - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
CouneUmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
(Necessity for Improvemant)
WlHEJREIAS, PnQposed ,plans, spe-
cifications, form of contract have
been duly pr"Pared and a,pproved
by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque and are now on file
in the offfiJoo of the City Cieri<
showing among otber things .the
1. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement for
ElD that the City Council On its
own motion or Ulon 'petition of
property owne,,", deems it advis-
able and necessary for the public
weifare to made the hereinmen.
moned improvement, and unless
property owners at the time of
the final consideration of this pro-
posed resolution have on file with
the City Clerk objections to the
amount of the cost of improve-
ment, they shall he deemed to
have waived all objections ,thereto.
Said improvement shall be eon-
structed and done in accordance
with tbe plans and s,pecifications
which have been prepared' there-
fore by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
e"P"nse of making said improve.
ment will he paid from the Wa-
terworks General Fund and a Fe-
deral Gram.
T.be a,bove resolution was intro.
duced, approved, and ordered
pla,ced on file wIth the City Clerk
this 7th day of Augnst, 197~.
~proved and ,placed on file for
final action.
The foregoing resolution was fi-
nally passed and adopted, as pro.
posed, by the City Council this
21st day of August, 197~.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. ,Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. RolJel1t Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. FrommCllt
Oity Cierk
Mayor Moldenhauer moved fi-
nal adoption of the resolution. Se-
c()nded 'by Councilman Bitter. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor MoldelÞhauer,
Couœilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pr.egler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Decision of Council upon objec.
tions to plans, specifications, form
of contract and cost of im.prove-
WŒiElREAS, ,proposed plans and
specifications and form of contra,ct
I have been approved by the City
~ Special Session, August 21, 1972
Council of tbc City of DuI>uque Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
and pubJic notice ,given as ,pro- Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
vided hy Chapter æ af the Cooe Pregler, Thoms.
of Iowa, 197a. ,pertaining to !>I1blæ Nays - None.
contracts and bonds, and the time Proof of Publicatioo, certüied to
and place fixed for the hearing by the Publisher, of Notice af Pen-
of all objections to said plans, dency of Resoluition of Necessity
specifications or eontraot for or for pUlbJJic impr()vements and Hear-
cost af snell improvements, said ing upon proposed plans and spec;-
time bein,g tbis 21 day of August, fications, form of contract and eost
1002; and of im¡>rovements fur Contract 11-
WHEREAS, the City Council met Section 2, We'st 32nd Street Sec-
in regniar sess!()n this 21 day 0: tion 3, Park Hill-Section 4, High-
August, 19'12, at 7:30 o'e!ock P.M. way #20 Waterworks I=rovemen(
at tbe Council Chambers in the F.eeder Main Extension llIJD-W\S.
City Hall for the ,purpose of hearing lOWA-OO, project, presented and
all interested parties and conmder- read. No written objecltions were
ing any and all Objections which filed and no oral "bjectors were
have been filed to lJhe pr<>POse" present in tbe ()ouncil Chambe:
plans, ,specifications or c<>wad for at the time set for the public
or cost <>f the i_rovement herein hearmg. Councilman pregler mov,
described and proposed to he ed that the proof of ¡n>blication
made; and he received and filed. Seconded
WŒJIEIREAS, aD. interested parties by Councilman Thoms. Carried by
have been given an opportunity the foD.ow!ng vote:
to be heard and all ()bjections Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
whicl1 have heen duly weighed and Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann.
c<>usidered; nOW, ,therefore Pregler, Thoms.
BE !IT RJESOIlNEÐ by the c>ty Nays - None.
Conncil of tbe City of Duhuque, (NecHsÎty for Improvement)
that all objections wbkh have been RESOI-UTtON NO. 252.72
made and filed to ,tbe ¡>lans, s;peei- I WŒJIEIREAS, proposed plans, s,pe-
fications, contract for or cost of ciflcations, form <>f contract have
said illDprovement herein deseribed been duly prepared and approved
and pr<>POsed to he made, be and by the City Council of the City
the same hereby overruled and of Dubuque and are nOW on file
such plans, specifieaAions and form in the office of the City Olerk
of contract heretofore approved are showing among other things the
hereby adopted. following:
BE !IT F1URTHER BESOlNED 1. An estimate of the cost of
that this resolution containing tbe the pr<>POsed improvements for
decision of this Councl upon all QONTRiAOl' Ii!
objections which have been filed SECfnaN z.-WEST 3I2ND STRiEE'f
to the plans, specifications and SECTION 3-PMK HLIJL
form of cost said i1D4>rovement be SEJC'l1\ON 4-WGHWAY #00
made a matter of ¡permanent re- WATÐRWORKS
cord in connection with said im- 'LMJ"RO\OEMENT-1OO2
Passed, adopted and a,\>proved HUD-WS-IOWA-OO
this 21st day <>f August, 1972. BE 111: THiEBEFORiE R'ESOLV-
Wayne A. Moldenhauer ED that the City Council on 1t1s
Mayor own motion or upon petiti()n oi
Walter A. Pre,gler property owners, deems it ail",s-
Allan T. Thoms able and neiC<'S,sary for the pnblic
C. Robert Justmann weifare to make the hereinmen-
Joseph ~. Bitter tioned improvement, and unless
Councllmen property ()wners at the time af
Attest: tbe fina. consideration of this pro-
Leo F. Fromme!! posed resolution have on file with
Oity Clerk the City Clerk ohjeetions to the
Mayor Moldenl>auer moved adop- amount of lJhe cost ()f improve
tion of tbe resolution. Seconded ment they shall be deemed to
hy Councilman Bitter. Carried hy have' waived a1l objectionS thereto,
the following vote: Said ¡_rovemem shall he con-
Special Session, August 21, 1972
structed and done in a'CCordance I
with the plans and specific,atioI>' I
wbic:,þ have been prepared there-
fore by ,the City Engineer willob
have been ~pproved by the Cit'
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of mal<ing said improve-
ment will he paid £rom the Wa
terworks General Fund and a Fe-
deral! Grant.
The ab()v,e resolution was intro-
duced, am)roved, and ordere
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 7th day of August, 1972.
Approved and pla.ced On file for
finai action.
The foregoing resolution was fi-
nally passed and adopted,as pro-
posed, by the City Council tlKs
21st day of Angust, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
WaIter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
Joseph J. Bitter
C. Robert Justmann
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved fi-
nal adoption of the resolutJion. Se-
conded by Councilman 'Dhoms. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor MoJdenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregier, Thoms.
Nays - N<>ne.
Decision of Council upon objec.
tions to plans, ~ifications, form
of contract .net cost of improve-
MIÐREAS, proposed plans and
specific,ations and form ofcontrad
for tbe F'EE[)EiR MMN EXTEN-
SIONS 00NmRA0T IT, Section 2,
West :!2nd Street, Section 3, Park
Hill, Section 4, Highway #00 ha'Ve
been approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and public
notice given as provided by Chap-
ter 23 of the Code of Iowa, 1001
pertaining to pUlb1ie contracts and
bauds, and the time and place
fixed for the hearing of all ob-
jections to said plans, speoifica-
lions or contract for or cost <>f
such improvements, said time be- I
ing this 2J. day of August, 1972;
WHBREAS, the City Counoil met
in regular session this 21 d'ay <>f
August, 1972, at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
at the Council Chambers in the
City Hail for the purpose of hear-
ing all interested parties and con-
sidering any and ail objections
which have been filed to the pro-
pos'ed plans, specif,¡cations or con.
tract for or cost <>f tbe improve-
ment herein descrilied and pro.
posed to be made; and
WiHEREAS, aU interested ,parties
have been given an opportunity
to be beard and all objections
which bave been duly weighed and
considered; now, tberefore
BE !IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Duhuque,
that all objectiorus which have been
made and Wed to the plans, S¡pe-
cifications, contract for or cost <>f
said improvement herein described
and proposed to be made, be and
the same hereby overruled and
such plans, speeilications and form
of contra'ct heretoõore approv,ed are
hereby adopted.
tbat this resolution containing the
decision <>f th.s Council upon ail
objections which have heen filed
to the plans, specifieations and
form <>f cost sa,id improvement be
made a' matter of permanent re-
cord in connection with said im-
Pa'ssed, adopted and approved
this 21st day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman 'Dooms. Carried hy
the foJJowing vote:
Yeas - M,ayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Proof of Publication, certified to
by the Publisher, of Notice of Pen-
dency of Resolution of Necessity
for public improvements and Hear-
ing upon proposed plans and ope.
cifications, form <>f contract and
east of improvements for Contract
1 Center Grove Valley Sanitary
Special Session, August 21, 1972
The foregoing resolution was fi-
nally passed and adopted, as pro-
posed, by the City Council this
21st day of August, 1.9'm.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
Joseph J. BÎitter
1nterceptor Sewer 1972 HlJID-W\S-
lOWC!\-OO, pro)ecl, presented and
read. No written objections were
filed and no oral objectors were
present in the Council Chamber
at the time set for tbe pamc
hearing. Counoilman Pregler mOV-
ed that the proof of pul>1ic"tion
be received and filed. Seeonded
by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried
by the foll()wing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Attest:
Councilmen B i t.t e r, Pregler, Leo F. F,rommelt
Thoms. City Clerk
Nays - Councilman Justmann.Councilman Pregler moved ado¡>-
(Necessity for Improvement) tion ()f the resolution. Seconded
RESOLUTION NO. 256.72 by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried
WŒIEREiAS, pr<\posed plans, spe- by the fo1Wwing vote:
cilicatioDS, form of contract have Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
been duly pr<\pared and approved Councilmen Bitt e r, Pregler,
by the City Couneil of the City Thoms.
()f Dubuque and are noW on file Nays - Councilman Justmann.
in the office of the City Clerk Decision 01 Council upon objections
9howing among ()ther things the to plans, specifications, form of
following: contract and cost 01 im,provemenls
1. An est,mate of the cost of RESOLUT,ION NO. 271-72
the proposed improvement for WHEREC'\S. proposed plans and
ooNl'RACfl' NO.1 specifieations and form of contract
BE IIf THEREFORE RESOLV- WC!\-OO have been .-pproved by the
ED that the City Council on its City Council of the City of Du-
own moti()n or upon petitJion of buque and public notice given as
property owners, deems it adVlis- pro\<ided ,hy Chapter :!3 of the Code
aMe and necessary for the public of Iowa, 197[, pertaining to public
welfare to make the hereinmen- contra... and bonds, "nd ,the time
tioned improvement, and unless and place fixed for the hearing
property ()wners at the time of of all objections to said pl"us,
the final consideration of this pro- specific,ations or contract for or
posed resolution have on file with cost of such improvements, said
the City Clerk ()bjeoilons to tbe time heing this 21 day of August,
amount of the cost of Improve- 1972; and
ment, they shall he deemed to WHIEiREC!\S, the City Council met
have waived all objections thereto. in regular session this 21 day of
Said improvement shall be con- August, 1972, at 7:30 o'clock P;M.
structed and done in "ceordance at the Council Ohamhers in the
with the plans and specifications City RaN for the purpose of hear.
which have been prepared there- ing a8 interseted parties and con-
fore by the City Engineer which sidering any and all objections
have been approved by the City which have been filed to the pro-
Council and are now on IDe with posed plans, specifications or con-
the City Clerk. That the cost aud tract for or cost of the improve-
expense of mal<ing said improve- ment herein described and pro-
ment will be paid from the Sani- posed to be made; and
tati()n Sewage Rental Fund and W!\lEiREC!\S, all interested parties
a Federal Grant. have been given an opportunity
The "bove resoluti()n was intro- to I>e heard and all objections
duced, approved, and ordered which have been duly w"¡ghed and
pla'c.ed on file with the City Clerk considered; now, therefore
this 7,th day of August, 1972. BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Approved and placed on file for Council of the City of Dubuque,
final actlot' that all objections whiM have been
Special Session, August 21, 1972
made and IDed to the plans, sped- Counctlmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
ficati()ns, contraCit for or cost of Pregler, Thoms.
said improvement hereio described Nays - None.
and proposed to be made, be and OOUNCIL RECESSED AT 10:28
the same hereby overruled and P.M. RECONVENED AT 10:35 P.
such plans, specifications and form M. Mrs. Heidenreich and Mrs. Har-
of contract heretofore approved are tig spoke to the Council by making
hereby adopted. inquiry and looking for proof whe-
BE IT FUR'l'HER RESOLVED thcr or not the cover over the
that this res()\ution containing the filter beds at the Wastewater
decis,ion of this Council upon all Treatment Plant will work, as to
objections which have been filed odor.
to the plans, specific'ations aud (Necessity for Improvement)
form of cost said improvement be RESOLUTION NO. 260.72
made a matter of ""rmanant re- WHEREAS, proposedplans,spe.
cord in connection with said im- cifications, form of contract have
provement. 'heen duly prepared and approved
Passed, adopted and approved ,by the City Counc'¡¡ of the City
this 21st day of August, 1972. of Dubuque and are now on file
Wayne A. Moldenhauer in the office of the City Clerk
Mayor showing among other things tbe
Walter A. Pregler following:
Allan T. Thoms 1. An estimate of the cost of
Joseph J. Bitter ,the proposed improvement for
Councilmen PHASE II
Councilman Pregler moved adop- This contract consists of dome
tion of the resolution. Seconded type cov,ers on existing trickling
by Mayor M()ldenhauer. Carried filters and primary Cilarifiers, a
by the following vote: building structure over' the grit
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, and grease basin, complete odor
Councilmen Bit t e r, Pregler, control system and required ven-
Thoms. tilation modifications, site precon-
Nays - Councilman Justmann. solidation, and required flow mea-
Proof of Puhlication, certified to suring and sampling devices.
by the Publisher, of Notice of Pen- BE IT THEREFORE RESOLV-
dency of Resolution of Neeessiity ED that the City Council on its
for public improvements and Hear- own motion or upon ""tition of
jug upon proposed plans and spe- property owners, deems it advis-
cifications, form of contract and able and necessary for the puhlic
cost of improvements for Pilase welfare to make the hereinmention-
n Waste Water Treatment Facili- ed improvement, and unless pro-
ties Contract n, consisting of dome perty owners at the time of tbe
ty"" covers on en.ting tricloling final consideration of this proposed
filters and primary clarifiers, a resolution have on file with ,the
building structure over the grit City Clerk objections to the amount
and grease basin, complete odor of the cost of improvement, they
control system and required ven. shall he deemed to have waived
tilation modifications, site precon- all objections thereto.
solidation aud required flow mea- Said impro'o'ement shall be con-
suring and sampling devices pro- structed and done in accordance
ject, presented and read. with the plans and specifications
No written objeCitions were filed which have !heen ,prepared ,there-
and no oral objectors were pre- fore by the City Eugineer which
sent in ,the Council Chamber at have been approved by the City
the time set for the hearing. Council and are now on file with
Councilman Pregler moved that the City Clerk. That the cost and
the proof of pwbIication he re- expense of making said improve-
ceived and filed. Seconded by ment will be paid from the San-
Councilmau Thoms. Carried by the itation Sewage Rental Fund and
foll()wing vote: a Federal-State Grant.
Ye~s - Mayor Moldenhauer, The abov,e resolution was intro-
Special Session, August 21, 1972
duced, "pproved, and ordered
placed on me with tOO Oity Clerk
this 7tb day of AugulSt, 1972.
Approved and ,placed on file for
final action.
Record of 'Final AcIo¡>tion
'lIbe foregoing resolution was Ii-
nallypassed and adopted as 'pro-
posed, 'by the City Council tIrls
:!lot day of August 19'72.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A.Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. ROOert Justmann
Joseph J. ,Bitter
Leo F. 'Fr()mme1t
Oity Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved final
adoption ()f the resoluti()n. Second-
ed by Councilman Thoms. Car-
rted hy the following vote:
Yeas - MayDe Moldenhauer,
Councilmen 11 i t t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Decision of Council - objec-
tions to pi...., specificatÑ>nS. form
01 conlrad and - of improve-
WHEJW,AS, propo.sed ,plans and
specifications and fur,m of contra:ct
'l'REA.'MŒNT PLANT have heen I
approved by tbe City Council of
the Ciity of Dw>uque and public
notice given a. provided by Chap-
ter 23 of. the Code of Iowa, 1971
pertæining w public coowaets and
bonds, and the time and place
fi:xed for tbe bearing of all ob-
jections w .aid plans, specifica-
tions or eontrad: fur or cost of
such ¡mp ovemeDts, said time be-
ing this :!l day of August 1972;
WHEREAS, the CIty Council met
in regular session this 21 day of
AngUst, a972. at 7:30 o'cloek P.M.
at the Council Chambers in tbe
Oity Hall for the purpose of bearing
aU int...ested parties and consi-
dering any and ,all objectioos _II
have been filed to the proposed
plans, specifications ()rcontract for
or cost of the im¡provement herein
de-seIiJhed ænd proposed w be
made- and
WHEREAS, aJ¡¡ interested par-
ties have been given an oppontunity
to 'he heard and all obje<:tions
which bave been duly wteighed
and c()nsidered; now, therefore
BE IT RiESOI.NiED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that all ()bjections whkh have heen
made and filed w the plans, spa-
cificatio"s, contract for or cost of
said improvement herein described
and proposed W be made, be and
the same hereby overruled and
sUICh plans, specifications and form
()f ,contract lreretofore ap,proved are
hereby adopted.
that this resolution cont<clnM;g the
decision of this Council upon all
objections which have been filed
to the plans, speci&ations and
foam of cost said improvement be
made a matter of pe.emanent reo
cord ineonnec1lion with said im-
Passed, adopted and a,pproved
this 21st day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Ailan T. Tboms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J- Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
Councilman Pregler moved ad<Jp-
tions 011 the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Thoms. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Juslmann.
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
NO. 274-70
WlHiEREAS, under date of Sep-
tember 8, 1970, the OIty Council
of tbe Oity of DU!buque adopted
Resolution No- ;¡¡¡4-70 awroviI;g ,the
plat of Lot 1 of Bk>cl< 4, Lot 1
of Block 5, and Lot 2 of Bk>cl<
5, each in Dubuque Downtown Pla-
za in the Oity <If Dubwlue; and
Whereas, the third WHEiREAS
clause of the said 'Resolution con-
tained a reference to an in<:orrect
City Lot number; now tberefore
'SECTION 1. That that portion
of the third WHEJREAS clause
which reads
". . . . 'being eomprised of Lot
Special Session, August 21, 1972
2 of Ciity Lot 224, City Lot 224A, Section 2. That the Direcwr of
City Lot 244B, . . . . .. the Department ()f Urban Renewal
is herehy amended to read is hereby authorized and directed
". . . . heing comprised of Lat to deliver said Deed to Franchise
2 of City Lot 224, City Lot 224A, Realty Lnterstate Corporation upon
City Lot 224B, . . . . .. receipt of the purchase price of
Passed, approved and adopted $74,4C!O.25 on the hasis of $2.50 per
thi,s 21st day of August, 197~. qsuare foot.
Wayne A. Moldenbauer Passed, a¡pproW>d and adopted
Mayor this 21st day of August, urn!.
Walter A. 'Pregler Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Allan T. Thoms Mayor
C. Robert Justmann Walter A. Pregler
J~:'J.;,':itter I ~~-~-~--~.._._--
Jose,ph J. BItter
LeoF. Fromme1i
City Clerk:
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Pregler. Oarried
hy the following vote:
Yeas - M.ayor MoJdenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Autnorizing the exacution and de.
livery of deed to Franchise ,Real.
ty Intentate Corporation for sale
of land in the Downtown Urban
Renewal Project, lowaR-IS
WHEREAS under date of August
21, 1972, the City of Dt>huque and
Frwchise ReaMy Interstate Cor-
poration entered into a C()ntract
for the Sale of Land in the Down-
town UI'ban Renewal Project, Iowa
R-WS, for private redevel()pment;
W!HEiREC<\S, Franclrlse Realty In-
terstate Corporation has complied
with the conditions of s'aid Con-
tract and has requested the City
of Dubuque w execute and deliver
a Deed for the land described here-
in below; now therefore
BE IT ThESOLVED by the City
Council of the City <If Dwbuque, I
Section I. That the Mayor and
City Clerk are hereby authorized
and directed W execute a Deed
to Franchise Realty Interstate Cor-
poration for the sale of Disposition
Paneel 2 and the Northerly 43 feet
of Disposition Paneel 6 in Block
2 in the DoWUJtown Urban Renewal
Projeet, Iowa R-15, legaUy descr.b-
ed a. Lot 2 of Block 4 and the
Northerly 43 feet of Lot 1 of Block,
5 in Dubuque Downtown Plaza in '
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, contain- I
ing 29,.768.101 square feet.
Leo F. FrommeJt
Clty Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the res()lution. Seconded
by Councilman 'Pregler. Carried
hy the follow:ing V'Ote:
Yeas - Mayor M<Jldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
P,regler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Clty
Council of the City of Duhuque,
Iowa, that the follDWing having
complied with the pro\"isions of
law relating to the sale <If Cig.
arettes within the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, be granted a 'permit w sell
Cigarettes and Cigarette Papers
within said City.
David C. Schmitz, 504 Bluff Street
that the bonds filed with the appli-
cation he approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 21st day of Awgust, 1972.
Wayne A. M()ldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
AHan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Josepb J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman BHter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
hy Councilman Pregler. Carried
hy the followiug vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t er, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
WHER'EAS, applications for Beer
penmits have been submitted to
412 Special Session, August 21, 1972
this Council for approval and the plicants he and the ,same are here-
same have been examined; NOW by ~pproved.
THERÐFORE, Passed, ad<J)ted and ~pproved
BE IT RESOLVE>D by the City this 21st day of August, 1972.
CoUI>cil ()f the City of Dttbuque, Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Iowa, that the following appllca- Mayor
tions be granted and permits is- Walter A.P'regler
sued upon the compliance with the Ailan T. Thoms
terms of tbe ordinances of the C. Rohert Justmann
City. Joseph J. Bitter
William L. McDonough, Riverside Attest:
Softball Field Leo F. Frommelt
Great Atlautic & Pacific Tea Co, Counci1man Bitter moved adop.
Inc., 33:J3 Asbury. Street tion of the resolution. Seconded
Randall's international, 2600 Dodge by Co1illCilman Pregler. Carried
Street Plaza 20 by the following vote:
Wayne A. Moldenhauer y.e~s - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Mayor Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Walter A. Pregler Pregler, Thøms.
~~:~~~~ann Nays - None.
Joseph J. Bitter RJESOLUTION 'NO. 284-71
Councilmen WHEREAS, a,pplications for U.
quor licenses have heen swbmitted
to this CouncU for approval and
the same have been examined,
SOLVEn by the City Council of
the City of Duhuque, I()wa, that
the f()llowing a¡pplica,tions he grant-
ed and licenses issued upon the
complianee with the terms of the
CHA!PTER 131-as amendedhy the
64th General Assembly, 197!1.
David C. Schmitz, 504 Bluff Street
American Veterans WW iI-Korea,
Vietnam, 36 East 4th Street
Passed, adopted and 'aJPproved
this 31st day of August, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Ailan T. Thoms
C. RObert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Cøuncilman Pregler. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - Nøne.
WHEREAS, a¡pplLcations for Beer
permits were filed by the within
named applicants and they haw
received the apprøval of this Coun.
cil' and
Ý/BEREAS, the premises to be
occupied hy such applicants were
inspected and found to comply with
the ordinances of this City and
they have filed ,proper bonds;
SOLV,E>D by the City COuncil of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa that
the Manager he authorized to cause
to be issued to the following named
",pplicants, a Beer permit.
Wi1liam L.McDonough, Riverside
Softball Field
Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.,
Inc., 3003 Asibury Street
Randall's l¡¡,ternational, 2600 Dodge
Street Plaza 20
that the bonds filed by such ap-
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Co1illCilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded'by
Councilman Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Møldenbauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Th<>ms.
Nays - None.
Special Session, August 21, 1972
RE50LUnON NO. 285.72
WlHEItEAS, applications for Li-
quor licenses were HIed by the
within named applicants and tbey
have received the approval of this
Cou]cil, and
WiHEIREAS, the premises to be
occupied Iby such ~l>p1ieanœ were
i!1spected and found to coDl)ly with
the State Law and all City or-
dinances reievant thereto and they
have filed proper bonds,
SOLVED by the City COuncil of
Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager
be authorized to cause to be is-
sued to the following named "'p.
plicants a Liquor license. I Approved """"""'.....................1972
David C. Schmitz, 504 Bluff Street I Adopted ......................................1972
American Veterans WW I[-Korea- I
Vietnam, 36 East 4th Street
Pa,ssed,adopted and approved
this 31st day of August, 1972. I
Wayne A. MoldeDl!auer
Wa1ter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. ,Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
'Councilman Bitter ,moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Pregler. Carried
hy the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Møldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
There ,being no further business
Councilman Bitter moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
l'regler. Oa~ried by the fullowing
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen B ¡ t t e r, Justmann,
Pr¡egler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Attest: """""""""'...............................
City Clerk.
Special Session, August 23, 1972
S,pecial Sauion, August 23, 1972.
Council mle at 4:00 P.M. (D.5.
Present - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Pregler, City
Manager Gilbert D. Chavenelle.
Absent - Councilmen Justmann,
Mayor Moldenhauer read the can
and stated that service tha,reof had
been duly made and this meeting
is caned for the PURPOSE OF
acting upon such other business
as may properly come before a
regniar meeling of the Council.
Proof ()f publication, certified to
hy the Publisher, of Mayor's Pro-
clamation and notic,e of Election,
to issue honds in the amount of
$2é5,OOO to construct County-City
Law Enforcement Center, present-
ed and read. Conncilman Bitter
moved that the proof of public'a-
tion be received and filed. Second- I
ed by Conncilman Pr,egler. Carried
by the foilowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Preg,er.
Absent - Councilmen Justmann,
Nays - None.
proof of pwblication, certified to
by the publisher, of sample ballot
to be voted upon at a Special
Municipal Election on August 22,
1972, presented and read. Council-
man Bitter moved that the proof
of publkation be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman I
Pregler. Carried by the foilowing
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Pregler.
Aboent - Councilmen Justmann,
Nays - None.
RESOLUTION canvassing and de.
claring the results 01 a special
election on a Joint County-City Law
En/orcemont Center Building bond
WHEREAS this City Council did
herctofore, at duly convened meet.
illgs heM on July 24, 1972, and
July 31, 1972, ca1i a .peeial elec-
tion to be held in an1 for the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, on August
22, 1972, and ordered that therc
be submitted to the qualified elec-
tors of said City at said electicn
the following proposition:
Shall the City of Du,buque, Iowa,
issue bonds in the sum of $2O6,OG~
to pay its portion ()f the cost
of c<mstructing a building to be
jointly acquired, constructed,
used and occupied by Dubuque
CoUDty, Iowa, and by the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, for county
and city law enforcement pur.
WŒlEREAS theelecti<>n on said
proposition was duly and lega,;!y
held on said date and the Jud!es
and Clerks of said election have
filed their returDiS, which have heen
duly examined and verified; and
WHBR-E'AS the County Commis-
sioner of Elections has fiJJed witb
this Council a copy of his ReIpOrt
on the results of said e\ection,
which Report has heen duly exa-
mined and verified;
NOW, 'J1\-liEiREroltE, Be Hand
it Is Hereby Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, as fo1iows:
Soction 1. That it is hereby
found, determined and declared
that the election on the proposi-
tion referred to in the preamlble
hereof was favorable thereto; that
tbe total numher of affirmative
votes on said proposition at said
election wa's equal to or more than
sixty per cent (60%) of the total
votes number of votes cast for
and against said proposition at said
election, and said pr()position is
hereby dleclared carried.
Section 2. That a record of the
votes cast by precincts on said
proposition is hereby made as fol-
y" No tive
252 57 16
241! 117 1
4;5ó 119 4
2!Y7 7,1 4
197 54 2
Special Session, August 23, 1972
Tenth 34Ø 60 5
Eleventh 300 00 0
TweJifth 4œ 70 2
Thirteenth «0 1ß2 3
Fourteenth 300 WI 1
Fifteenth 341; WI 2
Sixteenth 3G4 110 3
Seventeenth 524 105 0
Eighteenth 302 m 2
Nineteenth 398 94 0
l1wentieth 276 40 1
1'wenty-first 345 85 I
Twenty-second Z19 76 2
Twenty-third 313 1IJI 4
Twenty-fourth 376 92 0
Twenty.,fifth 2/19 51 1
Section 3. That a record of the
a'ggregate votes cast on said pro- I
pos:tion is hereby made as follows:
For: 8,012, Against, 2,1'13, Spoil.
ed, 61.
Section 4. That all resoiutions
"~d orders or ,parts thereof, in
'0 far as same may be in conflict
herewith, are hereby r~pealed and
this resolution sha1i become effec-
tive immediately.
Passed and appr<>ved August 23,
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Leo F. Frommelt
City Olerk
Recorded August 23, 1912.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Mayor Moldenhauer moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman P~egler. Carried
by the foll<>wing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Pregler.
Nays - None.
kbsent - Councilmen Justmann,
Communication of City Manager
submitting the budget recommen-
dati<>n for the year 197ß, in the
amount of $10¡l86,706, to be fi-
nanced with a tax rate of 48.40
mills, levied on an estimated
$104,447,387. value of pmperty sub-
je<:t to taxation, presented and
M,ayor Moldenhauer moved that
the budget for 1m be referred
to the Council. Seconded hy Coun.
eilman Preg[er. Carried by the
folWwing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Couneilmen Bitter, Pregler.
Nays - None.
kbsent - Couneilmen Justmann, I
There being no further business
Mayor MoldenOOuer moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Pregler. Carried Iby the foilowing
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Pregler.
Nays - None.
Absent - Councilmen Justmann.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Olerk
Approved ......................................1972
Adopted ........................................1972
Attest: """""""ë3iiÿ"Ci~~k""""""""