Jackson Street 1913-1917 -1917 1 1913 Jackson St. 0 -Gus Papke _ 2 000 Remodel 3 story Brick Bus. Bldg. B.P. 795 3- 23- 48' B.of A. Petn. for Var, of Art IV, Sect. 4 (b) & (c) Waive side and rear yard requirement for erection of addition on south lot line and 6 from north lot line 6' from Alley Granted Docket !1o. 26-69 200.00 It repair Int. 2nd floor Br. Bus. Bldg. B.P. 298 6 -3 -68 B.of A, Petn. for Var. of Art. IV, Sect. (b) & (c) for erection of addition 40" from north lot line.Denied L pocket No 36-71 1917 Jackson Street 0. Conrad Plbg. & Htg. Additinn rear & remodel int br bus bldg B.P. 378 6/11/71 , 20,000.00 0- John Glynn C- E Dbq Roofg New flat rubber roof, sd, SF BP26240 10 -19 -94 $2400.00