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Jackson Street 2268
2268 Jackson Street. B.of i. Petn. to naive rear and requirement for erection of.Gerege & Storeroom. Granted Docket No 13 -43 0- Francis Be sten 0- Dubuque Rfg. Co. Reroof pert of fr, dw. B.P. 273 6/2/41 $8.00 0 - 8d. Viertel C -Ed. Viertel Eredt 4 areger B.P. 178 6/3/43 ^0.00 P Reside two family frame dwellg.B.. 125 5 -8 -48 600.00 1 2.23 Jackson =t O4dy Viertel C p Build porch in rsr c: f.n e ,oellinc _lac® 1 75,_ 7/19/44 70100 0 -John Gillespie Erect Frame Garage B.P. 849 11- -16 -53 450.00 0. Jerry Payne C. Harvey Breiner Reside & Resoffit 2F Fr Dwllg B.P. 426 6/19/73 4,100.00 0- John Payne C- OWner New roof (part) 2F frm BP25951 10 -12 -94 $900:00