1972 September Council Proceedings
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Adjourned Regular Session, September 5, 1972
proachesto value-cost, market
and iocome--e cooferred with
Mr. Russo, and he presented Mr.
Frands O'Conner, ,attorney for tile
appellant with the foJlowing re-
Plastic Center, Inc., 880 lJOCust
St. (Arc,ade Bldg,) Board',s Action,
!Ieduce assessed value from $61,31?4
to $50,562, Settlement, Reduce as-
sessed value from $50,562 to
Fischer, Ioc., 90 Main 8t. (Old
Warehouse), Board's Action, Re-
duceassessed "alue from $10,917
to $7,885, Settlement, '!Ieduce as-
sessed value from $7,885 to $6,535.
Plastk Center, Inc., 3rd & Main
Sts. (Fischer Office) Board's Ac-
tion, Denied, Settlement, Reduce
assessed value from $13,917 to
Fischer Realty Co., 200 Main 81.
(Julieu Hotel), Board's Action, De-
nied, Settlement, Reduce assessed
value from $78,480 to $77,130.
TIle attorney for the preceding
property owners accepted this of-
fer and I would ,recommend to
the Conference Board that the set.
tlements be appro\'ed,
James J. Gregory
City Assessor
Councilman Pregler moved that
the communication be received and
fiJed. and made a matter of re-
cord- Seconded by Councilman
Thoms. Carried by the following
Yeas - M'ayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e' r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
Communication of Bike-A.Thon
Committee indic'ating that the mo-
ney realized from tile August
20th Blke-A-'l1bon meet be given
to the City along with some fur-
ther recommendations and ""ndi-
tions, presented and read.
Councilman JDstmaun mo\'ed
that the nð<!s be suspentled in
order to let anyone address the
Council if they so desire. Second-
ed hy Councilman lBitter. Ca'med
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
AdiourMCI regular _sion, S....
tember 5, 1972-
Council met at 7:30 P.M. (.D,S,
Present - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms, City Manager Gil.
bort D, Chavenelle.
Mayor Moldenhauer read tile call
and stated that service thereof had
been duly made and this is an
TMEBE'R 4, 1972, called for the
purpose of acting upon suêh busi-
ness as may properly come before
tile meeting,
Communication of Le'ague of Io-
wa Municipalities submitting a
plan of action, a resolution en,
dorsing the League prog,ram, a I
first Suggested letter to candidates,
all relative to 1m State Legisla-
tive action, presented and read,
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
the communication be referred to
the ne"t meeting. Seconded by
Councilman Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Angust 18, 1972
DUbuque Oity Council
To the Members of the City of
Dubuque Conference Board:
RE.: P,rotest of assessment of
real estate owned by Fischer, Inc.
Fischer Realty Co. and Plastic
Center, Inc.
On May 21, Hm, a protest of
assessment on the abo"e properties
was filed with tile City Board of
Review, The Board lowered the
assessed valuation on two of the
properties and denied the petitions
on two other properties, All four
deêisÍJOns were appealed to Dis-
trict Court.
Before going to Court, CUy So-
licitor R. N. Russo .and I con-
sulted with Thoma's Valentine, a
professional appraiser with the
Continental "'ppraisal Co., as to
what the fair market values on
these properties would he 'at the \
present time. After wewing the
properties and using the three apo
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5, 1972
M,r, Steve Strong of the Bike-
A.Thon ,group addressed the Coun-
cil by stating that approximately
Nine Hundred Dollars was realized
from the a-c.tivity, They would be
willing totnrn this over to the
City providing they would have
a voice in the programming of
bicycle paths and any future bi-
cycle activities,
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
the communication be referred to
the City Manager to be consider-
edat the time of the Murdock
report which report was referred
to the -Mallager at the Council
meeting of August 21st. Seconded
by Councilman Bitter. Carried by
tile following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, 'Ib>ms.
Nays - None,
Communication of Ruth Nas,h
stating that arrangements ha"e
been made to purchase a house
at 47"-73, 4th Street, with a view
toward restoring its original front
and hoping to qualify for amend-
ment to the Zoning Ordinance re-
lative to historical buildings, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Molden-
hauer moved ,that the communica-
tion be referred to the Plauning
& :OOning Commission.
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
Communication of Ma'yor Mol-
denhauer submittin,g his weekJy re-
port to the Council, dated Sep-
tember 4, 1972, presented for the
record. Councilman Bitter moved
that the communication be r e-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Thoms. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor MoJdenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None,
Proof of Publication, certified to
by the Publisher, of Statement of
Receipts, disbursements and a list
of claims for July 1972, presented
and read. Councilman Bitter
moved that the proof of publica-
tion he received and filed. Se-
conded by Councilman Thoms, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - M'ayor Moldenhauer.
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmaun,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
August 30, 1972
To the Honorable M'ayor
and City Council,
This is to ad"ise that I have
approved the following bonds and
desire to have yonr approval on
Merlin Goerdt, D,B-A, Goerdt Ex-
ca"ating, Merchants M u t u a 1
Bonding Co.
Hartmann Construction Co., Mer-
chants Mutual Bonding Co.
Gilbert D, Cbavenelle
City Manager
Councilman Bitter mo\'ed that
t!he bonds be filed subject to ap-
proval of the City Attorney. Se-
conded !by Councilman Thoms. Car.
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmaun.
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
July 10, 1972
Honorable M,ayor
and City Council
On June 5, 1972, Lavern N.
Hingtgen of 1125 Rosedale "'venue
filed a claim for damages to his
vehicle as a result of a washout
in the street at or near 485 West
Locust on May 30, 1972.
I have made an investiga'¡¡on
of this .claim and it appears that
on M,ay 30, 1972, in fact, a heavy
<ain did Occur, It is the opinion
of the City Attorney tbat said in-
cident was not due to any negli-
gence on the part of the city and,
a,ccordingly, it is the recommenda-
tion of the City Attorney's Office
that said claim 'be denied.
R, N Russo
City Attorney
Councilman illtter moved to con.
cur in tile CUy Attorney's recom-
mendation, Seconded by Council.
man Thoms. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - M,ayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann.
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5, 1972
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5, 1972
August 28, 1002 Iowa" by Repealing Section 2 of
Honorable Mayor and Artic]., LV thereof and enactnig
City Council a new sedion 2 in lieu thereof
On Augnst 7, 1972, Mr. Joseph establishing and defining the uses
p, Helling of 44Ø lJowell Street permitted in a Multiple Residence
filed claim for damages alleg~y District, for consideration, Council-
suffered to his car as result of man Bitter moved that tile Or-
striking a piece of sharp rock on dinanœ be referred to the Plan-
roadway at the intersection of Foye Iring & Zoning Commission for re-
and Napier Street in the City of ferr-al back to the Council, Se-
Duhuque, Iowa, conded by Councilman Pregler.
I have examined the claim of Carried by the foJlowing rote:
Mr. Helling, and have emmined Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
the Site .together ~lth tile ~r~t Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
&~~~::~o,:~~ a::~c~o::b~~ Pregler, Thoms.
ligence on the part of the Oity Nays - None,
of Dubuque that would warrant
the payment of said claim, and
therefore I recommend that said
claim be denied.
Original claim is attached here-
Councilman Justmann, Carried by
the foliowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Notice of Claim of Mrs. Cla-
rence Blakemen, in an undetermin-
ed amount, for personal property
damage incurred as the result of
a dead elm tree limb falling on
a s,wing set at 2161 Lincoln Ave.
on August 18, 1972, presented and
read. Councilman Bitter moved
that the notice of claim be re-
ferred to the City Attorney for
proper action, Seconded by Coun-
cilman Justmann. Carded by the
following \'ate:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Notice of claim of Roy V, In-
gJes, in the amount of $38.63 for
damage to motorcycle as the re-
sult of driving over a patch of
oil on Iowa street between 1st and
2nd on August 31, 1972, causing
the cycle to skid, presented and
read. Councilman Bitter moved
that the notice of claim iIe re-
ferred the City Attorney for pro.
per action. Seconded hy Council-
man Justmann, Carr-ied by the fol-
Io-wing vote:
Yeas - Mayor MoJdenhauer.
Cooncilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nay, - None.
Proof of Publication, certified to
by the Publisher, of Notice of pITh-
lic hearing to amend Zoning Or-
dinance No. 3-34 by changing Lot
19 of Key Knolls Sub. from Mul-
tiole Res,jdence to Business Dis-
trict Classification, presented and
Communication of Delos A. Dor-
".-ei er requesting denial of r.eson-
ing request of property located be-
tWl en Foothili Road and Hillcrest
west of Kennedy Road, presented
and read,
Attor,ney Robert Bertsch repre-
senting H. R. W., as owners of
Block 19 in Key Knolls Sub, stated
that the area in question has been
under study for over three years
and tile developer has assisted the
City in planning tile area. Mr.
Delos Dorweiler asked that his pro-
perty be protected along Kennedy
Councilman Pregler moved that
the proof of publication and Mr,
Dorweiler's communication be re-
ceiv,ed and filed and all objections
as to the rezoning be overruled.
Seconded by Councilmen Bitter,
Carded by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None,
An Ordinance amending and
changing Ordinance No, 3.34 known
as the "Zoning Map and Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dubu-
que, Iowa" so as to change cer-
tain property hereinafter described
from "Multiple Residence District"
classification to "Business District
said Ordinance having been pre-
viously presented and read at the
Council meeting of August 14,
1972, presented for final adoption.
Councilman Thoms moved that
final action on the Ordinance be
deferred to the Council meeting
scheduled for September 11th. Se-
conded by Councilman Justmann,
Vote on the motion as follows:
Yeas - Councilmann Justmann.
Nays - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Pregler,
Notice of Suit, in the amount
of $20,000 by Joseph A. Hickey,
a minor, by Frank J, mckey, his
father, vs, City of Dubuque and
Edwards Constructioo Co, for in-
juries received by said minor as
the result of tripping over a' water
hose in the walk portion of the
Town Clock Plaza on June 26, 1972,
presented and read, eouucilman
Bitter m<>\'ed that the notice be
referred to the City Attorney for
proper action, Seconded by Conn-
cilman Justmann. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None,
Notiee of claim of Gerald S,
Brandel, in the amount of $56,41,
for car damage incurred in Eagle
Point Park on August æ, 1002,
presented and read, Councilman
Bitter moved that the notice of
claim be referred to the City At-
torney for proper action, Second-
ed .by Councilman Justmann. Oar-
ried 'by too following \'ate:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Notice of Claim of A, J, Meyer,
in the amount of $168,50, for ga-
rage damage incurred at his home
as the result of a dead elm tree
limll faj]¡ing 00 same at fISI Kane
Street on July 25, 1972, present-
ed and read. Councilman 'Bitter
moved that the notice af claim
iIe refer,red to the City Attorney
for proper action, Seconded by
R, N, Russo
City Attorney
Councilman Bitter moved to con-
cur in the City Attorney's recom-
mendation, Seconded by Council-
man Thoms, Ca,rried by the fol-
towing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Notice of District Court, No,
82148 Equity, St, Joseph Mercy I
Hospital, Plaintiff, "s. City of Du-
buque, members of City Council
and R. N. Russo, City Attorney
as defendants, making an appli-
cation fora writ of temporary
injunction seeking to have the de-
fendants restrain from amending
Section 2, Article 4 of Ordinance
No, 3-34 as it applies to the prem-
ises owned by the Plaintiff and set-
ting a hearing on this matter be-
fore Judge Thomas H. Nelson on
the 31st day of August 1972, at 4:30
o'clock P.M. in the District Court
of I_a, presented and read, Coun-
cilman Bitter moved that the n0-
tice be received and filed, Se-
conded by Councilman Pregler.
Carried by the follMWng vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Jnstmann,
Preg1er, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Attorney Russo presented an Or-
dinanoe Amending and Changing
Ordinance No, 3-34 known as the
"Zoning Map and Zoning Ordi-
nance of too City of Dubuqne,
i, :h, Ciiy o'-'DoO","" low"
S""OO 2, Th" tho f",goiog Am"'-
m"f h" h",tof", b", "'CO,,, by
th, P""iog 00' ZOclog Commi"ioo
of fh, City 01 O"b"",, 'OW"
p""". "'CO,,, 00' ,""f" !hi,
Sth '" 01 S"f'mb". 1972.
W,,", A, Mol'"h""
W,If" A, P'oo'"
Alloo T. Thom,
C. Rob"f J,,'moo,
J""h J, Bitt"
L" F. Fcomm,1f
City C',,"
Pobli,h" offi,i,lIy i, Th' T",g",h-
"'cold N,w""" thi, 8th ,., of
..,I,mb". 1972,
L" F. Fcommolf
Citv C',,".
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5, 1972
~djoumed Regular Session, September 5, 1972
Councilman Pregler moved final I
adoption of the Ordinance. Seicond, ,
ed by Mayor Moldenhauer, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None,
At 9:25 P.M, Councilman Just-
manu moved for a recess. Motion
died for lack of a second,
proof of Publication, certified to
by the pubiisher, of Notice of Pub-
lic hearing to amend the Zoning
Ü<'dinance No. 3-34 so as to change
the Ely 'h of the Sly 'h of Lot I
32 and the Ely 'h of Nly 2' of
lJot 33; Ely 80' of Nly 'h of Lot
32; Wly 'h of Sly 'h of lJot 32
and Wly 'h of Nly 2' of lJot 33;
Wly 80' of Nly 'h of lJot 32; Sly
30' of lJot æ all in L. H. Lang-
worthy's Addn, from Multipie Re-
sidence District Classification to
Busåness District Classification,
presented and read.
No written objections were fiJed
and no oral objectors were pre-
sent at the time of the public
Councilman Pregler moved that
tile proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed, Seconded by
Councilman Bitter, Carried by the
following vote: I
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None,
An Ordinance amending and chang.
ing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as
the "Zoning Map and Zoning Or-
dinance of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa" so es to change certain
property hereinafter described
from "Multiple Residence District
classification to "Business Dis-
trict classivioation",
said Ordinance having been pre-
viously presented and read at the
Council meeting of August 14, 1972
presented for final adoption.
u,u_- ...c..n'..~ AND
Justmann. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregier, Thoms.
Nays - None.
An Ordinance amending end
changing Ordinance 3-34 known es
the "Zoning Ordinance of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa", by repealing
Section I of Article V-A thereof,
and adopting a new Section I of
Article V-A in lieu thereof, to
classify restaurants, cafes and ca-
frierias as uses separate and dis-
tinct from retail stores, and to
_mit the sale and consumption
of beer th.rein, under certain spec-
ified conditions, presented and
Mayor Moldenhauer mored that
the Ordinance he referred to the
Planning and Zoning Commission,
seconded by Councilman Pregler.
Car,ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregier, Thoms.
Petition of Jaycees requesting
a refund of $325 on the unexpired
portion of beer license No. 2393
as they have discontinued business
8-19-72, presented and read
Councilman Pregler moved that
the refund be granted and the I
Auditor instructed to issue proper
warrant. Seconded by Miayor Mol-
denbauer. Carried by the follow-
ing rote:
Yeas - Mayor MoJdenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
Petition of Phyllis IJicciardi re-
questing a refund of $225. on the
unexpired portion of heer license
No, 1569, as she has discontinued
husiness on 8-21-72, presented and
-d- Councilman Pregler moved
that the refund be granted and
the Auditor instructed to issue pro-
per warrant. Seconded by Mayor
Moldenhauer, Ga,rried by tile fol-
lowing rote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition of Phyllis Licciardi re-
questing a refund of $75. on the
uneJ<pired portion of ciga-rette Ii- I
cense No. 169, as she has dis-
continued business on 8.21-72, pre-
sented and read. Councilman
Pregler moved that the refund be
granted and the Auditor instructed
to issue proper warrant, Second-
ed by Mayor Moldenhauer. Car-
ried by the following rote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays & None-
P"tition of Denny French, re-
questing a refund of $75. on unex-
pired portion of cigarette license
No. 32, as he has discontinued
business on July 24, 1972, pre-
sented and read, Councilman Preg-
ler moved that the refund be grant-
ed and the Auditor instructed to
issue proper warrant. Seconded by
Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by
the following rote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer.
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
Petition of Herman J, Meyer,
requesting a refund of $75. on un-
expired portion of cigarette llcense
No. 92, as he has discontinued
business on 8~1-72, presented and
read. Councilman Pregler moved
that the refund be granted and
the Auditor instructed to issue pro-
per warrant. Seconded by Mayor
Moldenhauer, Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann.
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None,
Petition of Karigans Restaurant
requesting a refund of $225- on
the uneJOpired portion of beer li-
cense No, 1442, as they have ap-
plied for a combination license,
presented and read. Councilman
Pregler moved that the refund be
granted and tile Auditor instructed
to issue proper warrant, Seconded
by Mayor Moldenhauer, Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays None,
Peitition of M,elvin L & Leonette
Kreiman requesting a refund of
$442.50 on the unexpired portion
of combination beer & Liquor Li-
cense No. C-21&! as they ha've dis.
continued husiness on 7.30,72, pre-
sented and read, Councilman Preg,
ler moved that the refund be grant-
L~ F, F"mmelt
Cltv C","
p"bU,hed o"'o,.lIv " The Tel~,".h.
Hmld New,."" 'hi, 8th dov of
so.tomb", 1972,
L~ F. F"mmelt
Councilman Bitter moved final
adoption of the Ordinance. Second-
ed by Mayor Moldenhauer, CaT-
ried hy the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Jnstmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
August 25, 1JI72
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
The petition of Pbil Langas for
the issuance of a Class "B" beer
permit for his premises looated
in the Local Business "A" District
has been referred to tile City At-
torney for the preparation of pro-
ceedings for the authority by the
City Council to issue such Class
"Boo beer permit to his premises,
Ac,cordingly, I am enclosing a
proposed amendment for the au-
thority to issue Class "B" beer
permit to premises located in lJo-
cal Business "A" Classifiœtion,
I am also enclosing a proposed
form of amendment to the beer
ordinance recently adopted,
I ilelieve the foregoing two a-
mendments will grant the authori-
ty to the City Council to issue
a Class "B" permit to Mr. Lang'as.
However, I do not recommend
your taking such course of action,
R, N, Russo
City Attorney
Councilman Pregler moved that
the communication be received and
filed, Seconded by Co u n cilman
424 Adjourned Regular Session, September 5, 1972
ed and the Auditor instructed to \ Yeas - M'ayor Moldenhauer
issue proper warrant, Seconded by Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann',
Mayor Moldenhauer, Carried by Pregler, Thoms.
the following vote: Nays - None,
Y,eas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Petition of ~er:y Trimble re-
Councilmen Bit t e r Justmaun questmg permISsIOn to conduct a
Pregler, Thoms.' ' Rosary procession on Sunday Se,p-
Nays - None. i~~b~~;:'~~~:~i~~n~ ~7:~:
Petition of Hempstead High Virgin Statue, presented and read.
School, by Deb Kopp, requesting Councilman Pregler moved appro-
permission to conduct a Home- val of the petition with referral
coming parade on October 6, 1972 to the City Manager, Seconded by
presented and read. Councilman Councilman Thoms, Carried by the
Pr,egler moved that the petition following vote:
be granted and referred to the Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
City Manager. Seconded by Coun- Conncilmen Bit t e r Justmann
cilman Thoms, Carried by the fol- Pregler Thoms,' '
lowing vote: Nays' - None.
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Petition of Mike Mellon et al
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, (19 signatures) requesting the in-
Pregler, Thoms, staUation of a street light in the
Nays-None, 2500 to 2600 Mock on Pinard street,
. , ' presented and read, Mayor Mol,
. petltion of Pat Dillon et. al (7 denhauer moved that the petition
slgnatures) request~ng the mstal- be referred to the City Manager
lation of a street J1ght on Green- and Electrical Inspector for in-
fleld Street, presented and read. vestigation and report, Seconded
Councll,man Pregler mov,ed that hy Councilman Bitter, Carried by
the petition be referr:d to the City the following vote:
Manager ~nd Electrical Inspector Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
for mvestlgatIOn and report. Se- Councilmen Bit t e r , Justmann,
conded by Council~an Thoms. Car- Pregler, Thoms.
rled by the followmg vote: Nays - None.
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Petition of James Ostert, as
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, spokesman for a Citizen's commit-
Pregler, Thoms. tee requesting a place on the agen-
Nays - None, da to discuss Chief O'Brien's recent
Petition of Kiwanis Cluh of Du- handling of the disturbance in,
buque requesting permission to volvmg the Chosen Few Motorcycle
conduct a "Kids Day Peanut Sale" gang, presented and read.
on September 22, 1972, presented Mayor. Moldenhau~r moved ,that
and read. Councilman Pregler the petition be recelv~d a,nd filed.
moved bhat the petition be granteð Seco?ded by Councllman BItter.
and referred to the City Manager. Carried hy the followmg vote:
Seconded by Councilman Thoms, Yea~ - ~ayor MoJdenhauer
Carried by the following vote: Councilmen BIt t e r, Justmann,
& M M Id Pr,egler, Thoms.
Yea~ ~yor 0 enhauer, Nays - None.
CounCllmen BItter, Justmann, Mr. Don Manabl and James Os-
Pregler, Thoms, tert addressed the Council relative
Nays - None. to a disturbance caused by the
Petition of W. J. Hill, agent of Chosen F- Motorcycle gang that
Burlington Northern Railroad, reo came into the City on August 26.
question closing of Market Street 1972, at 11th and White 8treet,
between 3rd street and 1. C. tracks Chief O'Brien submitted a report.
hetween Blocks C & F in Booths through the City Manger, relative
Addn. to accomodate a small in- to the Incidents on August :!I;th,
dustry, presented and read. Coun- mainly denying the idea that favor-
cilman Pregler moved that the pe- itism was shown to any particular
tition be referred \0 the City Ma- group in the community through
nager and staff. Seconded by Conn- an ..ctual and knowing role by
cilman Thoms. Carried by the foi- the police, as a,C'CUsed by the com-
lowing vote: \ plainants.
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5, 1972
Mter consideralble discussion I
M'ayor Moldenhauer moved that
Police Chief O'Brien's report be
received and filed, Seconded by
Councilman Bitter. Carried by tile
follo,wing ^">Ie:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Na,ys - None.
Mr. MaultW presented a list of
complaints from various .citizens
to the Clerk for 1he record. Coun-
cilman Bitter moved that the writ-
ten complaints iIe referred to tile
Council to be considered at a meet-
ing to be held on September 8,
1m, at 4:30 P.M, Seconded by
Councilman Jnstmann. Carried by
the following vote:
Y,ea,s - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Proof of Publication certified to
by the PUiblisber, of notice of time
and -place of hearing to consider
proposal \0 dispost of Lot 1 or
2 of 1 of M.L. 345 in the City
of Dubuque to Joseph D, Vogt
Jr. and Martina A. VogI, in ex-
change for Lot 2 of 1 of Lot 163
of L. H. La,ngwortby Addu. also
for a grant of easement over Lot
1 of 1 of 163 in L. H. Langlwortby's
Addu. presented and read.
No written objections were filed
and no oral objelctors were pre-
sent in the Council Chamber at
the time set for the public bearing.
Councilman Pregler moved that
the proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Thoms. Ca,rried by the following
Y'eas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann.
Preg,ler, Thoms.
Nlays - None,
WII-IEJRtEAS, pursuant to Resolu- i
tion of published notice of time
and place of hearing published in
the Telegmpb-Œierald, a newspa'per
of general circula,tion published in
the City of Dwbuque, Iowa, on
August 4, 1972, and August 11,
1072, City Council uf City of Du-
buque, Iowa, met on the 5th day
of Septemher, 1972, at 7:30 <>-clock
P,M. (Central Daylight Time) in
the City CouncH Cila-mber, City
Ran, Dubuque, Iowa, to consider
the proposal to dispose of interest
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to
Joseph D. Vogt, Jr. and Mlartina
A. Vogt in and to Lot One (1)
of Lot Two (2) of Lot One (1)
of Mineral Lot 345 in the City
of DulJuque, Iowa; and
WHE~EAS, City Oouncil of Du-
buque, Iowa, o"erruled any and
aU objections, oral or written, to
the proposal to dispose of inter-
est of City of Dubuque, Iowa, in
the above described real estate
to Jose,ph D. YogI, Jr. and Ma'r-
tina A. Vogt;
SO!LVEiD by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section I, That the disposal of
interest of City of Dubuque, Iowa
in real estate \0 Joseph D. Vogt,
Jr. and Martina A, Vogt covering
the following described reaI estate,
to-wit: Lot One (1) of Lot Two
(2) of Lot One (1) of Mineral
Lot 345 in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa be and the same is hereby
approved, and that no abstract win
be provided. Mayor and City Clerk
are hereby directed to execute sa,id
deed on behalf of City of Dubuque,
Section 2. That the City Clerk
he and he is hereby authorized
and directed \0 deliver deed of
conveyanoe to Joseph D. Vogt, Jr,
and Martina A. Vogt upon re'Ceipt
of grant of exclusive and perpetuaI
right and ea.ement \0 construct,
maintain and repa,ir a water ma-in
in Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 163 in
L. H. Langworthy's Addition to-
gether with right of ingress and
Section 3. That the City Cierk
he and iIe is hereby authorized
and directed \0 record a, certified
copy of this Resolution in the office
of the Dubuque County Recorder.
Passed, approved and adopted
this 5th of September, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Rohert Justmann
Joseph J, Bitter
Leo F, Frommelt
City Clerk
426 Adjourned Regular Session, September 5, 1972
Councilman Bitter moved adOP- ItESOLUTION NO. 289-72
tion of the resolution, Seconded RESOLUTION to fix a date of
hy Councilman Pregler. Ca,rried meeting at which it Is Prot>Osed
by the following vote: to take action for the issuance
Yeas - Mayor MoJdenhauer, of $1,000,000 Sewer Bonds, ,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, WHEREAS it is necessary and
Preg'ler, Thoms. for the ilest interests of the City
Nays - None. of DuD:>uque, Iowa, and its inhabi-
RESOLUTION NO, 288-72 tants to build and construct cer-
WHEREAS, Westminster Church tain sewers and improve tile sewer
Corpo""tion has delivered Warran- outlet and purifying plant in and
ty Deed dated the 23rd day of for said City and it is necessa<y
August, 1JI72, conv,eying to the City that the cost thereof, to the amoung
of Dubuque, Iowa, the following of $1,000,000, be now provided for
descr;iIed real estate: hy the issuance of bonds pay",hle
Lot 2 Westminster Presbyterian from the proceeds of taxes levied
Church Pla<e in the City of Du- on aU the taxable property in said
buque, Iowa and; City as authorized and permitted
WHiEREAS, the delivery of said by Section 396.22 of the Code of
Deed to the above entitled real Iowa, 19m, as amended, but it
estate SlhouJd be accepted by the is necessary to first provide for
C'ty of Dubuque. notice and hearing in the manner
NOW THERJEFOŒtE BE IT RE- and form required by Chapter 23
SOLVEiD by the City Council of of the Code of Iowa;
the City of Dubuque, IoW13: NOW, WEJRiEFORE HE If!' RE-
Section 1. That the Warranty SOLV'EID by the City Council øf
Deed of Westminster Church Cor- the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as fol-
poration dated August 23, 1972, con- lows:
veying to the City of Dubuque, sedion I. That this Council meet
Iowa, the foilowing described real at the Council Chambers in the
estate: City Hall in said City on the 26th
l.iot 2 Westminster Presbyterian day of September 1972, at 12:00
Church Pia.. in the City of Du- o'clock Noon, at which time and
buque, Iowa be and the same is place proceedings will be institut-
hereby accepted, ed and action taken for the issu.
Section 2. Toot the City Clerk ance of $1,000,000 Sewer Bonds for
be and iIe is hereby directed to the purpose of paying the cost,
record said Deed in the Office to tha,t amount, of building and
of the Dubuque County Recorder. constructing sewers and improving
Section 3 That the al>ove de- the sewer outlet and purifying
scribed rea[ estate be and tile s,ame plant in and for said City.
is hereby designated as part of Section 2. The City Clerk is here-
University Avenue of the City of by directed to give notice of pro.
Dubuque, Iowa, posed action for the issuance of
Passed, approved and adOPted said bonds, setting forth the a-
this 5th day of September, 1972. mount and purpose thereof, the
Wayne A, Moldenhauer time when and pla~e where said
M-ayor meeting will be heW, by publication
Walter A. Pregler at least once not less than fifteen
Allan T, Thoms I (15) days before said meeting, in
C, Robert Justmann the "Telegraph Herald.",. a news-
Joseph J, Bitter paper published and having a gen-
Councilmen eral circulation within said City.
Attest: Said notioo shall he in substa,n-
Leo F, Frommelt tially the following form:
CoUI>Cilman Justmann moved a. ISSUANCE OF SEWER BONDS
doption of the resolution Seconded The City Council of the City of
by Councilman Pregler. Carried Dubuque, in Dubuque County, 1-
by the following \'ate: owa, will meet on the 26th day
Yeas - M,ayor Moldenhaner, of September, 1972, at the Oouncil
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Chambers in the City Han, Du-
Pregler, Thoms, huque, Iowa, at 12:00 o'clock Noon
Nays--None. for the purpose of instituting pro-
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5, 1972
ceed. ings and taking action for the I
issuance of $1,000,000 Sewer Bonds
of said City, bearing interest at
a rate or rates not exceeding six
per cent (6 percent) per annum,
for the purpose of de<fraying the
cost, to that amount, of building
and constructing sewers and im.
proving the sewer outlet and pur-
ifying plant in and for said City.
At any time before the date of
said meeting a petition or petitions
setting forth objections thereto
may be filed in the office of the
City Clerk as permitted by law.
By order of the City Council
September 5, 1972,
Leo F, Frommelt
City Clerk
Section 3. That aU resolutions
or parts thereof in conflict herewith
be and the same are herelby re-
peaIed, and this resolution shall
be effective forthwith upon its pas-
sage and approval.
Passed and approved September
5, 1972.
W,ayne A, Moldenhauer
Leo F, Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved a-
doption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Thoms. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Tboms,
Nays - None.
,RESOLUnON NO. 290-72
R'ESOLUTION providing for the
advertisement of $1,000,000 Sewer
WRERJEAS the City Conncil of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has
heretofore determined it to be ad-
visable a,nd necessary to build and
construct certain sewers and im-
proVe the sewer outJet and purify-
ing plant in and for said City
and it is necessary and for the
best interests of said City that
$1,000,000 Sewer Bonds contemplat-
ed to be issued to pa,y the cost
thereof, to that amount, be offered
for sale in the manner required
hy Chapter 75 øf the Code of Iowa;
NOW, 11HiEJREFORE, Be It and
It Is Herelby Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, as foUows:
Section I. That Sewer Bonds of
said City in the amount of
$1,000,000 be advertised for sale,
su,ch bonds to be da,ted Novemiler
1, 1972, bearing interest payable
May I, 1973, and semi-annually
thereafter, and maturing in nu-
mericaI order $100,000 on Novem-
ber 1 of ea,ch of the years 1974
to 1983, inclusive, and toot bids
be requested for action thereon
at the Council Chambers in the
City HaIl in said City at 12:00
o"cIock Noon, on September 26,
1972, and that the City Cle~k be
and he is hereby authorized and
directed to publish notice of such
sale once each week for at least
two consecutive weeks in the "Te-
legraph,Herald", a newspaper poo-
lished and of general circulation
in Dubuque County, Iowa, such
advertisement to be in the form
customarily emploYed for that pur.
Section 2. That aU resolutions
or ørders insofar as same may
be in conflicc herewith be and the
same are hereby repealed.
Passed and approved September
5, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Recorded September 5, 1972.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Sealed bids will be received until
12:00 o'clock Noon on the 26th
day of September, 1972, at the
office of the City Clerk in the
City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa, for the
purchase of $1,000,000 Sewer Bonds
o! the City of Dubuque, Iowa, at
which time such bids will be re-
ferred to the City Council of said
City at its meeting to be then
held at the Council Chambers in
the City HaIl in said City. Open
bidding will be concluded not later
than 1:00 o'clock P,M. and, after
the hest open bid bas been deter-
mined, the sealed bids will be pub,
licly opened and the bonds will
be sold to the highest bidder for
cash. SeaIed bids will be fully pro-
Said bonds will be dated Novem-
ber 1, 1972, in the denomination
of $5000, bear interest at a rate
or rates not exceeding Six per
cent (6%) per annum, payable May
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5, 1972
1, 19T3,and semnannually there- ' conditioned. Said opinion will be
after, registrable as to principal printed on tile bonds and wi1! re-
oniy, and will mature in numerical cite that under existing federal
order $100,000 on November 1 of laws, regulations, decisions and of-
each of the years 1974 to 19IIß, ficial interpretations, the interest
inciusive. None of .aid bonds will on said bonds is exempt from pre.
he optional for redemption prior sent federal ineom.e taxes, Each
to maturity. Both principal and hidder must furnish a certified or
interest win be pay",ble at the cashier's check drawn on a solvent
office of the City Treasurer, Du- state or na,tional hank or trust
buque, Iowa, Ea'ch bid must he company for $20,000 payable to
for all of said 'bonds upon terms the order of the City Treasurer
of not less than par and accrued of said City as a guarantee of
interest and shall specify the in- good faith, this amount to iIe re-
terest rate or rates for the bonds tamed pending full performance
in a multiple of one-quarter or by the successful hidder and to
one-tenth of one per cent provid he forfeited to the City as agreed
ed that only one rate shall be Jiquidated d..mages npon failure
specified for a single matnrity and to take up and pay for the bonds
not more than three rates may when ready in accordance with
he named for the issue, Repeat- his bid, which must be reduced
in-g a previouslY mentioned rate to writing on the Official Bid Form.
will not constitute an additional \. The City Council reserves the
interest rate. Eac.h instaR.' ment of right to waive informallties in any
interest will he represented by a bid, to reject any or all bids and
single coupon on ea,ch bond. The to determine in its sole discretion
bonds will he awarded to the hest tile hest bid.
bidder determined upon the basis \ Tile City Council has authorized
of the lowest total interest cost the preparation of an Official State-
at the rate or rates designated ment containing pertinent informa-
in his bid from November 1, 1972, tion relative to tile City. For copies
to the respective final maturity of that statement and the Official
dates, after deducting any pre- Bid Form, or for any additional
mium. information, any prospective pur'
These bonds will constitute ge- chaser is referred to the under
neral øbligations of the city pay- signed at tile City RaN., Dubuque,
able from taxes levied upon all Iowa, or the Municipal Financial
the taJOabJe property in the City Consultants to the City, !'law D.
without limitation as to rate or Speer & Associates, Inc, 20 Nort'
amount. Said bonds are eJ<I><!lCted Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois
to be delivered within thirty (30) 6û6O6. Telepbone: Area 312-346-085\3,
days after the sale, delivery to By Order of the City Council
he made against payment in im- of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
mediately available funds at any Leo F, Frommelt
mutually agreeable bank or trust City CleM
company in tile City of Chicago, Dated September 5, um,
Illinois, Dubuque, Iowa, or Des Councilman Pregler moved adop-
Moines, Iowa, without ex¡pense to tion of the resolution. Seconded
the purchaser. Sbould delivery be by Councilman Thoms. Carried by
delayed heyond sixty (60) days the foilowingrote:
from date of sale for any reason Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer.
except failure of performance by Conncilmen B; t t e r, Justmann,
the purcha'ser, the City may can- Pregler, Thoms,
cel the award or the purchaser Nays - None.
may withdraw his check and there- RESOLUTION NO. 291-72
after his interest in and liabiJity BE 1T RIESOlJWID BY City
for the bonds will cease. Tile City Conocil of Dubuque, Iowa that A,
will furnish the printed bonds and G. Heitzma,n, City Auditor, is here-
tile approving opinion of Messrs. by anthorized to execute for and
Ohapman and entler, Lawyers, in hehaJ¡f of Dubuque, Iowa, A
Chicago, Lllinois, together with the public entity eatablisiled under the
transc1'lipt and usual closing pa- laws of the State of Iowa, this
pers, including non-litigation certi- application and to file it in the
ficate, and all bids may be so appropria'te State office for the
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5, 1972
purpose of obtaining certain Fed-
eral finaneial assistance under the
Disaster Relief Act (Public Law
606, 9Ist Congress).
Passed and approved this 5th
day of September, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Mlan T, Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Jose'ph J, Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Pa'ssed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of September, 1972,
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C, Robert Justmann
Joseph J, Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution, Seconded
by Councilman Pregler. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
WHE.REAS, applications for Beer
Permits have been submitted to
this Council for approval and the
same have been examined,
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the following applications be grant-
ed and permits issued upon the
compliance with the terms of the
ordinances of the City.
Emma Margaret Scherer, 1187 I-
owa Street
Arsenius A. Hanson, 139 Locust
Leona R. Friedman, 620 East 16th
Ralph J, Grabow, 1050 University
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of September, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A. PregIer
Allen T. Thoms
C. Robert Justman
Joseph J, Bitter
I, Leo F, Frommelt, duly ap-
pointed and City Clerk of Dubuque,
Iiowa, do hereby certify that the
",bove is a true and correct copy
of a resolumon passed and approv-
ed by the City Council of Dubuque,
Iowa' on the 5th day of Septemher,
Hm. Date: September 6, 1972.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk I
Councilman Justmann moved a- i
doption of the resolution, Second-
ed by Councilman Pregler. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
BE IT RESQlLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that the following having
complied with the provisions of
la,w relating to tile sale of Cigar-
ettes within the City of Dubuque. Attest.
Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Leo 'F, Frommelt
CIgarettes an~ Cigarette Papers City Cierk
wIthin sOld CIty. Councilman Bitter moved adop-
James Lange, 2600 Dodge Street lion of the resolution. Seconded
University of Dubuque, 2050 Uni- 'by CouncÜm~n 'Pregler. Carned
versity Avenue by the folloWIng vote:
Mississippi Valley Milk Producers, C':'~~~lm;;' :n~: :r01~~t~~~~'
Assn., Inc., 1875 University Ave, Pregler Thoms.' ,
Mississippi VaHey M'ilk Producers, Nays '- None,
Assn" Inc. l5i46 Central Avenue 'RESOLUTION NO, 294-:72
Mississippi Valley Milk Produ~ers, WHERÐAS, applications for ~er
Assn. Inc., 2311 Windsor Avenue permits were filed 'by the witlûn
Adjonrned Regular Session, September 5, 1972
n.amedapp. licants ,and they have \. C.'LASS "C. "...!COMMER iC'IAL)
received the approval of this Coun- BEER & LIQUOR LIC'ENSE
cil; and BeSSlie Sfikas, 926 Main Street
\WmRlEiAS, the ¡premis.es t.o. be I William H, Baker, 1004 University
occupied by such appllcants were Avenue
inspected and found to comply with
the ordinances of this City and
they hlWe filed proper bonds,
SOINEID by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the Manager be authorized to cause
to be issued to the following named
applicants a Beer Permit.
Emma Margaret Scherer, 11111 Io-
wa Street
Arsenius A, Hanson, 100 lJOCust
Leona R. Friedman, 620 East 16th
Rolph J. Gral>ow, 1050 University
that the bonds filed with the ap-
plications be approved,
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of September, 1972,
Wayne A, Moldenhauer
Walter A, Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J, Bitter
Leo F, Frommelt
City Clerk
Conncilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Pregler. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
councilmenB i t t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None,
\WJjEIREtAS,appli"a1ions for U-
quor licenses have been submitted
to this Council for 'approV'al and
the same have been examined:
SOINEID by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the following applications be grant-
ed and licenses issued upon the
œmplianlCe with the terms of the
OHAIPTEiR 1M-as amended ,hy the
~ 'General Assembly, 19'111.
William C, O'Neill., 55 Locust Street
James Richard Bainbridge, 1376
Locust Street
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of September, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A, Pregler
All.an T, Thoms
C, Robert Justmann
Joseph J, ,Bitter
Leo F, Frommelt
Coity Clerk
Couneilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Pregler. Carried
hy the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
RESOLUTilON NO. 296-72
WHERiEAS, a,pplications for Li-
quor licenses were filed ¡by the
within named a.pplicants and they
have received the approval of this
CounW, and
WHERiIDAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applic,ants were
inspected and found to comply witb
the State Law and all City ordi-
nances relevant thereto and they
have filed proper bonds,
SQíLvœJD by the City Council of
Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager
he anthorized to cause to be is-
sued to the following named ap-
plicants a Uiquor license.
Bessie SÐikas, 926 Main Street
William H. Baker, 1004 University
William C. O'Neill, 55 Locust St.
James Richard Bainbridge, l375
Locust Street
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5, 1972 431
Passed, adopted and approved MO'l1IIOtN DEOO FOR LAO!{ OF
this 5th da'y of September, 1972. A SECOND.
Wayne A, Moldenhauer There being no further business
Mayor Councilman Bitter mo\'ed to ad-
Waiter A Pregler journ, Seconded by Councilman
All.an T, 'Thoms Justmann, Carried by the follow-
C, Robert Justmann ing vote:
Joseph J, Bitter Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Councilmen ,B i t t e r, Justmann.
Attest: Pregler, Thoms.
Leo F. Frommelt Nays - None,
City CIeri!: ~o F, Frommelt
Coity Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tion of the resolution, Seconded I A d
b .Co . ¡¡. p. 1 C 'ed I pprove ....................................1972
y unc man reg er, am
by the following vote:
CoY~~, - M~yor MoJldenha.uer, I Adopted ......................................1972
nn~men BIt t e r, ustmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Na,ys - None,
Councilman Bitter moved tlIat
the City Solicitor draft legislation
to prohibit smoking in the Council
Chamber during official Council
sessions, Seconded ¡by Councilman
Justmann, Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Nays - Councilman Thoms.
Councilman Bitter moved to
amend 'present Ordinances to eli-
minate necessity to have roll call
vote . on rec. eiving and filing com. I Attest: ..,...............................,.............
munications, City Clerk
Special Session, September 11, 1972
on August 26th while the so called
Chosen Few Gang was in the City,
Councilman Bitter moved that the
statement be received and IDed.
Seconded by Couœilman Pregler,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer.
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Mrs. Fred Cole of 218 E. 13t'
Street told of burning of cats and
B-B shot at her windows, Mr. Joe
Adams of the Adams Tap related
incidents that happened in his ta-
vern the night of August 26th, The
Chosen Few Motorcycle gang us-"
clubs and chains and roughed up
his wife along wtith the customers
Mr, Ail Weitz of 2009 Burden was
of the opinion that there is not
enough manpower on the police
force. Mrs. Rhonda Donath stated
that they have been molested in
the area of 13th street for l'
last two years. Mr. Ken Fischer
a former policeman, stated that
the City has a good police force
but was critical of the Chief, Mr
Koerperick, a recently reSligned po-
liceman, according to Mr. Fischer
was a good officer.
Special Session, September 11, 1972
--------'-- - --------
Councilman Bitter. Ca,rried hy the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer"
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, I
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None. I
September 7, 1972
The City of Duhuque
and '
The Dubuque Park Board
Mr. Edwln B. Lyons, who was
a œsldent of Dnbnque, passed
away on September 14, 1970, As
you a,re aware, Mr. Lyons was
greatly interested in the cultural
and civic advancement of the City
of Dulbuque. During his lifetime,
he demonstrated this in many ways
including the estahlisment of the
well known "Peony Trail" a' n d
through his many donations to va-
rious civic, ch"rita'Me and educa-
tional organizations connected with
the Dubuqueland are,a. Mr. Lyons'
estate was adminlstered hy his
son, Edwin Lee Lyons and The
First National Bank of Duhuque,
as Co-Executors of his estate. That
administration is now complete and
Item 4 od' his W,u provides as
"All tile rest, residue and re-
mainder of tile property which
I own at the time od' my death
,of whatsoever kind, hoth real and
personal and wheresoever sltuat-
ed and including property which
I hereafter a'cqtnre as well as
that which I now own, I give,
devise, and bequeath to First Na-
tional Bank of Dubuque, Iowa,
my son, Edwin Lee Lyons, a,nd
Robert W. Olewell of Duhuque,
Iowa, as truste.es without bond,
for the uses and purposes herein
set out and with all of the powers
given to my trustees by the sub-
seqnent terms and provisions of
this will. It is my will and I
direct that this trust fund shall I
be dedicated in the uncontrolled
discretion od' my trustees to the
purpose of acquiring additional
park a,reas for the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, either within or with-
out the corporate limits, and the
development of such areas into
parks and playgrounds, a forest
preserve or a nine-hole par 3
golf course, it being my will and
direction that the fund may be
used for any or all of such pur-
poses, I am not averse to using
part of the fund for prowding
Special session, September 11,
Council met at 7:30 P,M. (D.S.-..,)
Present - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms, City Manager Gil-
bert D. Chavenelle,
Mayor Moldenhauer read the call
and stated that service tbereof had
been duly made and this meeting
is called for the purpose of CON.
FIELD HOTEL INC. and acting
upon such other business as may
properly come hefore a' regular I
meeting of the Council.
Communication of James E. Os-
tert requesting to be placed on
the agenda to read a report to
the Council in the ;Police Ohief
O"Brien case. Councilman Pregler
moved that the communication be
received and filed. Seconded hy
Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
Pregler, Thoms, the Manahl statement, along with
Nays - None. the testimony given hy the resi-
Communication of Dubuque Po- dents, he referred to the Mayor
licemen's Protective Assn. object- and Council for study and con-
ing to the discussion of police po- sideration,
licies in an open forum, present-
ed and read, Councilman Pregler Communication of Mrs. Aule2r.
moved that the communication be C. Eherhardt heing of the opinion
received and filed. Seconded hy that if a freeway is to he found
Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by necessa,ry that it be routed around
the following vote: and not through the City, present-
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer. ed and read. Councilman Justmann
Councnmen Bit t e r, Justmann, moved that the communication be
Pregler Thoms. received and filed, Seconded by
Nays' - None. Councilman BItter, Carried hy the
Councilman Pregler moved that followmg vote:
the ru1es be suspended in order Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
to let anyone present address the Councilmen Bit t e r Justmann
Council if they so desire. Secon~ed Pregler, Thoms,' '
by Mayor ~oldenhaner. Carned Nays - None.
by the followmg vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Communication od' Jean Hillery
Conncilmen Bit t e r, Justmann age 13, making an appeal for pas:
Pregler, Thoms. sage of legislation covering bicycle
Nays - None, paths in the City, presented and
Mr. Don Manahi read a state- read. Mayor Moldenhauer moved
ment to the City Council rel.tiv- \ that the communication be re,
to the incidents which happened ¡ ceived and filed. Seconded by
a baseball park, athletic field or
recreation center and equipping
the same, Upon a,pproving an)'
proposed purchase or improve-
ment as herein contemplated, the
trustees are authorized and di-
rected to pay and distribute from
time to time to the Dubuque Park
Board or to the City of Dubuque,
as tbe case may be, so much
of the trust fund as the trustees
deem suitable and appropriate in
carrying out the objects and pur
poses of the trust as herein ex-
The funds of the above trust
are presently invested in high
grade stocks and bonds having a
present market value of approxi-
mately $290,000,00.
It is a pleasure for the trustees
of this trust to be a,ble to com-
munica'te this information to you
Edwin Lee Lyons
Robert W, Clewell
National Bank of Dubuque
Thomas K. Killion
Vice Preident and
'!'rust Oifiœr
Councilman Pregler moved that
fue communica-tion.be received and
filed and the City Solicitor be
instructed to draft a resolution of
thanks. Seconded by Mayor Mol-
denhauer. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Communication of League od' low
wa Municipallties relative to plan
of action as to informing the Le-
gislature of desired legislation for
1973. (forward from meeting of
Septemher :ith) presented and
read. Mayor Moldenhauer moved
that the communication be referred
to the Coundl meeting scheduled
for September 25th. Seconded by
Councilman Preg'ler. Carried by
the foliowing vote:
Ye,as - Ma,yor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
Communication of Dubuque
County Democratic Club submitt.
ing a resolution opposing the north,
south freeway plan as presently
proposed, presented and read.
Special Session, September 11, 1972
Councilman Justmann moved that desire to have your approvai on
the communica,tion he received and same.
filed. Sec,onded hy Counc~man Bit: SIDEWALK
ter, Carried by the followmg vote. .
Yea - Mayor Moldenhauer, RIchard Ruden, Merchants Mutual
. 'J Bonding Company
Councilmen Bit t e r, ustmann, Gi1bert D, Gbavene'lle
Pregler, Thoms, City Manager
Nays - None,
Councilman Bitter moved filing
September 5, 1972 approv,al of tile bond subject to
To th~ Honor~1e Mayor approval of the City Attorney. Se-
and Coty CoUlrell,. conded by Coundman Thoms. Car.
The area PhylJrlch Drlve-Nor- ried by the followmg vote:
land Drive-Keystone \?rive bas Yeas - Mayor Moldenhaner,
been inspected by the cIty electro- Councilmen Bit t e r Justmann
cal insp""tor and it is recommend- Pregier, Thoms.' ,
ed that four 175 watt mercury Nays - None.
vapor lights be mounted at the
foilowing loœtions: September 11, 1972
At the property line between To the Honorable Mayor
1877-1885 Phyllrich Drive. and City Council
At the intersection of Phyllrich It is requested that Leo From-
and Keystone Drives. meilt, City Clerk, be permitted to
At the property line between sign city pa!pers on behaH of the
1874.18æ Norland Dr,ive. City Manager during my absence
At the intersection of Norland from the city September 15 throngh
and Keystone Drives, September 22, 19'12.
Gilbert D, Chavenelile The city papers will in large
City Manager part consist of eXipeDse vouchers.
Councilman Bitter moved appro- Gilbert D, Gbavenelle
val of the rec~mmendation. Se- \ City Manager
cond ed by Councilman Th oms. Car- C il. B'~ ed .~ t
ried hy tile following vote: ' ounc man l,~r mOY wa
Yeas - Ma'yor MoMenhauer, the reque~ be approved, Secon~d
Co il, B.' t t e Justmann I hy Coun~ilman Pregler. Carried
unc men 1 r, ' by the following vote:
Pregler, Thoms. Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Nays - None, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
September 7, 1972 Pregler, Thoms,
To the Honorable M'ayor and Nays - None,
City Cound Notice of claim of Kim Schnee,
I am returning to you the pe- in the amount of $95,00, for loss
tition requesting street !ighting on of bicycle which was crushed under
Greenfield Street. a retaining wall that collapsed on
Tbe location has been viewed Mthanser Street during a storm
and it is recommended that a 175 of August 1, 1972, presented and
watt mercury vapor light be in- read, Councilman Bitter moved
stalled at the property line be- that the notice of claim be re-
tween 615 and 625 Greenfield ferred to the City Solicitor for
Street. proper action. Seconded by Coun-
Gilbert D, Cbaveuelle eilman PregJer. CalT,ied by the
City Manager fo1!owing vote:
Conncilman Bitter moved appro-; Yeas - M'ayor Moldenhauer,
val of the recommendation, Se- i Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
conded by Coun"¡¡man Thoms. Car Pregler, Thoms,
ried by the following rote: Nays - Nolie,
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Notice of claim of Mrs. W. J.
Councilmen B i It e r, Justmann, Uthe of 2850 White Street. in the
Pregler, Thoms. amount of $171,95 for eXipense and
Nays - None. damage incurred as tile result of
September 7, 1972 a baêked-up sanitary .sewer on 8-
To the Honorable Mayor 2,72, presented and read, Council-
and City Council man Bitter moved that the notice
This is to advise that I have of c'laim be referred to tile City
approved the following bond and Solicitor for investigation. and re-
Special Session, September 11, 1972
port. Seconded by Councilman I
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None,
Notice of claim of Priscilla E.
Dreesens, in tbe amount of $129.63,
for car dama'ge incurred as tile
result of driving into an excava-
tion in E, 16th Street between Sy-
camore and Cedar Streets on Au-
gust 23, 1972, presented and read.
Councilman Bitter moved that the
notice of claim be referred to the
City Solicitor for investigation and
report, Seconded hy Councilman
Ptegler. Carried hy the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, I
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
Notice of claim of Kathryn Mary
Grwhow, in the amount of $35,00,
for car damage incurred as the
result of driving into a hole in
the street at 1100 S, Grandvi",v
Ave, on Septemher 1, 1972, pre-
sented and read, Counei1man Bit-
ter moved that the notice of claim
he referred to tile City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Se-
conded by Councilman Pregler.
Carried hy the following \'Gte:
Yea's - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None,
Notice of êlaim of Richard E,
Welu in an undetermined amount, I
for personal injuries received while
riding in a car when said car
was struek by a fallen tree limb
on Pierce Street on July 11, 1972,
presented and read. Councilman
Bitter moved that the notice of
claim be referred to the City So-
licitor for investigation and report,
Seconded by Councilman Pregler.
Carried by the f<>llowing rote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
Notice of claim of Dixie Jane
Welu, in an undetermined amount,
for personal injuries received while
riding in a car when said car I
was struck by a fallen tree 11mb
on Pierce Street on July 11, 1972.
presented and read, Councilman
Bitter moved that the notice of
claim he referred to the City So-
licitor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Coun'cilman Pregler.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - M,ayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None,
Petition of Frank Hardie Adver-
tising Inc. requesting permission
to install a small sign at the Union
Bus Sta'tion in the U"ban Renewal
area, presented and read. Council-
man Justmann moved that the pe
tition be referred to the Council
meeting scheduled for September
25th and the petitioners be noti-
fied. Seconded by Councilman Bit-
ter. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition of Richard & Shirley
Fuerst requesting vac'ation and
purchase of an aUey to 1Jhe rear
of their home at 1895 Roosevelt
St., wlrich is now being used by
the neighbors to park boats and
cars, presented and read. Council-
man Bitter moved that the petition
be referred to the City Manager,
Engineer and l'lanning & Zoning
Commission for investigation and
report. Seconded by Councilman
Pregler, Carried -by ,the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
!'regier, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition of Newt Marine Service
requesting ~onsideration as to the
possible ,purchase of Dubuque Boat
and BoHer property located in the
harbor, presented and read, Coun-
cilman Justmann moved that the
petition he referred to the City
Mana,ger 'and City Sollcitor for in-
vestigationand report. Seconded
by Councilman Bilter. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen B; t t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None,
Petition of Dubuque Senior High
School requesting permission to
conduct a homecoming parade on
October 13, '1972, presented and
read. Mayor Moldenhauer moved
that the petition be approved and
referred to the City 'Manager, Be-
Special Session, September 11, 1972
w:HEiRiEIAS the City Manager has
reported to the City Council that
the Imildings and premises located
on Lot 83 in Langworthy Addition,
known as 2560 Elm Street in the
City of Dubuque, Dubuque County,
Iowa, are dangerous to life and
health because of their condition
and that demand has been made
by him upon Mr. & Mrs. Milton
J. Bader, 517',1, LorasBlvd., Du-
huque, Iowa, as owners of said
property that fue condition com-
plained of he corrected and that \
said owners have f. ailed to correct Section 3. Tha.t upon com¡pletion
the condition¡¡ ,within the time pro- of said work, the City Manager
vided by the notice; and, I shall certify the cost thereof to
WBiEJ¡;EAS on August 21, lOOI!, the City Clerk.
the City Council set said report Section 4. That upon receipt of
down for hearing at 7:30 o'clock said certificate of cost from the
p.M, Central Daylight Time, Sep- City Manager, the Oity Clerk shall
tember 11, 1972, in the City Council thereupon certify said cost to the
Chamher in the City Hail in the County Auditor of Dnhuque Conn-
City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, ty, Iowa, and it sihatl be collected
Iowa, and directed the City Clerk with and in the same manner as
to give notice of said hearing; general property taxes.
and, Section 5. That the City Clerk
WlHERiEAS it appea,rs by return be a,nd is hereby directed to re-
of sefflce now on file in the re- cord a certified co.PY of this Re-
cords of the City Council that no- s"lution in the office of the County
tice of said hearing was given Recorder of Duhuque County, 10-
by ser"ing hy 'Registered 'Mail on wa.
conded by Cound1man Pregler,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moddenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Jnstmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Proof of puJ¡Ilication, certified to
by the publisher, and proof of
receipts by registered mail, to Mil-
ton J. & Byrdena Bader, of notice
of public hearing to consider City
Manager's report on condition of
property located at 2560 Elm
Street, presented and read.
Mr. Milt Bader addressed the
Council by sta-ting that he would
like to sell the property as it is.
Councilman Pregl.er moved that
the proof of publication ,be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
CouncrumanBitter. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Angust 24, J.972, and by publica-
tion in the 'Telegra¡ph Herald news-
paper on Angust 25, J.972, and,
WHiE'ltEiAS pursuant to ,said no-
tice on order of the City Council
a pubilic hearing was held at 7:30
o'clock P.M. Central Daylight
Time on September 11, 19'm, in
the City Council Chamber in the
City Hall in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, at which time the owners
of the ahove described real estate
were afforded an opportunity to
be heard and witnesses concern-
ing the 'condition of the property
and the ha.ard was heard; and,
WŒffiIR,EiAS the Council has duly
considered the testimony of the
wiinesses and viewed the premises
and has reached its determination.
Section 1. That the structure
known as 2560 Elm Street and
located on Lot 83 in Langworthy
Addition, in the City of Dubuque,
Dubuque County, Iowa, be and the
same a're hereby fuund and de-
clared to be dangerous to life,
health and .property and a nui-
Section 2, That the City IMana'ger
be and he is hereby authorized
and directed to cause the structure
kn<>wu as 2560 Elm Street and
located on [.ot 83 in Lanworthy
Addition in the City of Dubuque,
Dubuque County, Iowa, to be dis-
mantled and removed,
Special Session, September 11, 1972 437
Passed, adopted and approved sued upon the compliance with the
this 11th day of September, 1972. terms of the ordinances of the
Wayne A. Moldenhauer City.
Walter A. Pregler I1heodore J. Ferring. 3&\ East 13th
Aillan T, Thoms StTeet
C, Robert Justmann Passed, adopted and approved
Joseph J, BItter this 11th day of September 19m
Councilmen Wayne A, Moldenh'auer '
Attest: Mayor
Leo. F. Frommelt Walter A. Pregler
CIty. Clerk Allan T. Thoms
CouncIlman Pregler moved adop- C Robert Justmann
tion of the resolution. Seconded J~seph J. Bitter
by Mayor Moldenhauer. Camed Councilmen
by the followmg vote: Attest:
Yeas - M~yor Moldenhauer, Leo F. Frommelt
CouncIlmen BIt t e r, Justmann, City Clerk
Pregler, Thoms. Councilman Bitter moved adop-
Nays - None, . . , tion of the resolution. Seconded
Proof of Pubhcation, ~ertified to by Councilman Thoms. Carried by
by the Publisher, of notice of puh- the following vote:
hc hearmg for the purpose of con- Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
sidermg authOriZatIOn of the exe Counctlmen Bit t e r Justmann
cution of proposed agreement for Pregler Thoms' ,
the purcha,se of Urban Renewal Nays '- None'
property to Caufield Hotel Inc.. .
presented and read. RESOLUTION NO. 299.72
Attorney Charles Kintzinger ad- WHEREAS, applications for Beer
dressed the Council in behalf of Permits were filed by the within
Mr, Soherrer, owner of the Can- named a.ppJicants and they ha've
field Hotel, in support of the pro- received tbe approval of this Coun-
posed purchase. Mr, Wittenberg cil, and
announced that the a>proval of WREiR,EAS,tbe >remises to be
sa,le on this property has not been occupied by such applicants were
approved a's yet by HUD. inspected and found to comply with
Councilman Pregler moved that the ord'inances of this City and
the proof of publication be re- they have filed proper bonds;
ceived and filed. Seconded by Ma- NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE-
yor Moldenhauer, Carried hy the SOLVED by the City Council of
following vote: the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, th, Manager be authorized to cause
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, to .be issued to the following named
Pregler, Thoms. applicants a Beer Permit.
Councilman Justmann moved ap. Theodore J. Ferring. 3&\ East 13th
proval of the sale to Caufield Ro- Street
tel Inc. subje'ct to approval of BE Iff FUR'I1H.ER RESOLVED
IIDD. Seconded by Councilman Bit- that the bonds filed with the ap-
ter. Carried .by the following vote: plication be approved.
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer. Pa'ssed, adopted and approved
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, this 11th day of September. 1972,
Pregler, Thoms. Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Nays - None. Mayor
R,ESOLUTION NO. 298.72 Walter A. Pregler
WEiEREiAS, app!ic:>Hons for Beer Allan T. Thoms
Permits have been submitted to C. Robert Justmann
this Council for a,pproval and the Joseph J. Bitter
same have been examined: NOW Councilmen
'IHE'RE'FORE, Attest:
BE ur RESOLVEID by the City Leo F. Frommelt
Council of the City of Dubuque, City Clerk
Iowa, that the following applica- Councilman Bitter moved adop-
tions be granted and permits is. lion of the resolution. Seconded
Special Session, September 11, 1972
Passed, appro\'ed ..nd adopted
this 11th day of September, 1972.
Wayne A, Moldenhauer
Walter A, Pregler
Allan T, Thoms
C, Robert Justmann
Joseph J, Bitter
Leo F, Frommelt
City Olerk
CoUllCilman Justmann mo\'ed
adoption of the resolution, Second-
ed by Councilman Bitter. Ca,rried
by tile following rote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhaner,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
There being no further business
Councnman Pregler moved to ad.
journ, Seconded by Councilman I
Bitter, Carried by the following
Yeas - M,a'yor Moldenhauer,
Counciimen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None,
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Special Session, September 11, 1972
by Councilman Thoms, Carried by
the foliowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen B ¡ t t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None,
WIHERÐAS, applications for Li-
qnor licenses have been submitted
to this Council for approval. and
the same have been examined,
SOINEID hy the City Council of
the City of Dnhuque, low.. that
the following a,pp1lcations be grant- I
ed and licenses issued upon the
compliance with the terms of the
(JHM'Œ'ER 131--as amended by the
&Ith General Assembly, 19711,
Olarice E, Ad..ms, 1091 WiJlite
Duane C, Koeller, 1701 Asbury
Passed, adopted and approved
this 11th day of September, 1m2,
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A, Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C, Robert Justmann
Joseph J, Bitter
Leo F, Frommelt
City Olerk
Councilman Bitter mo\'ed adop-
tion of the resolution, Seconded
by Councilman Thoms, Carried by
the following vole:
Yeaß - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Counciilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
WŒJiÐRIEAS, applications for Li-
quor licenses were filed by the
within named alPplicants and they
have received 1M IIIIIfOftI of t\>I3
Council, and
WIllEREiAS, the premises to be
occupied by such applic..nts were
inspected and found to comply with
the State LIIIW and all City ordi-
nances relevant thereto and tiley
have filed proper bonds,
NOW 'l1HE~ BE Iff RJE,
SOIN1ED by tile Olty Council of
Dubuque, Iowa, that the Mana,ger
be authorized to cause to be is.
sued to the foJ!.owing named ap-
plicants a Liquor license.
Clarice E, Adams, 1091 White
Duane C, Koeller, 1701 Asbury
Passed, adopted and approved
this 11th day of Septemiler, 11m!,
Wayne A, Moldenhauer
Waiter A, 'Pregler
Allan T, Thoms
C, Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Bitter moved adGP-
tion of the resolution, Seconded
by Councilman Thoms, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit tor, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
WIHER-EiAS, the people of the
City of Dubnque, Iowa were shock-
ed at the receDi episodes resulting
in tile deatll of eloven I...aeli Oly.
mpic athletes; and
WŒlER-EiAS, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa speak-
ing as the voice of the peopie
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa de-
sire to eJ<press their heaTtfelt sym-
pathies to the people of Israel:
Section I. That the Mayor be
..nd iIe is bereby authorized and
dir8èted to oencI commUlÙ'C8tion to
the Israeli Embassy at W"shing-
ton, DoC, expressing the heartfelt
symp..tbies of the City Council ol
the City of Dnhuque, Iowa for and
on behall of the people "'the
City of Dubuqne, Iowa to the fa.
milies and to the people who lost
a, priceless treasure in the death
of the Israeli Olympic athletes.
Approved ,.........,........,...............,1972
Adopted ".........................,...,....,.1972
Attest """""'citÿ"ëi~;t""""""""""
Special session, September 18,
Council met at 7:30 P,M. (D.S.T.)
Present - Mayor Mold...hauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Absent - City Manager Gilbort
D, Chavanelle (out of City)
Mayor Moldenhauer read the call
and stated that service thereof had
been duly made and this meeting
is called for the purpose of con-
ducting a public hearing on the
receipt of bids for the construction
of Dome Covers and Grading for
the Waste Wate'r Treatment Faci.
lities and acting upon such other
business as may properly come
before a regular meeting of the
Communication of Dubuque
Board of Realtors submitting a
resolution passed by their body
on September 13, urging the Coun-
cil to vote fa"orabJy for the pro-
posed Freeway. presented and
read. Councilman Pregler moved
that the communication be re-
ceived and filed, Seconded by
Councilman Justmann. Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Mdldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Communication of League of Wo-
men Voters suggesting the appoint.
ment of a Citizens Committee in
planning and representing all areas
of the community in the develop-
ment of tbe freeway, presented
and read. Councilman Pregler
moved that the communication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Justmann. Carried hv
the following vote: .
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer.
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justma-nn,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
Communication of John P. Sch-
reiber et ux, suggesting that the
Council consider all aspects and
impact of tbe freeway on the com-
munity and not just the economics
of it, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Pregler moved that the
communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Special Session, September 18, 1972
Justmann. CaNied by the follow.
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann.
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
September 12, 1972
Honora,hle Mayor
and Council MeI11ihers
In accordance with the respon-
sihilities of the Dubuque Planning
and Zoning Commission as pre-
scribed in Chapter 373 of the Code
of Iowa, we herewith aubmit this
report and our recommenda'tions
on the Dubuque North-South Free
way Corridor Study.
The Dubuque Planning and Zon-
ing Commission ha's endeamred
to maintain a Comprehensiw Plan
for the orderly, unified develop-
ment of the entire community. The
Comprehensive Plan for Duhuque,
or G-men Plan, has anticipated se-
veral long term trends in the Cor.
ridor Study Area that run counter
to local goals for a stabJe and
attractive community. The purpose
of this report is to re-examine
the Comprehensive Plan and its
goals for the further development
of the Corridor Study Area, and
to evaluate the proposed North-
Scuth Freeway location in relation
to that Plan.
We have also recommended se-
veral steps which we feel would
be essential to the success of the
Freeway design process. We hope
you wi11 find them helpful.
George Deininger,
Councilman Pregler moved that
the communic'ation be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Justmann. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e' r, Justma-nn.
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Communication of Kiwanis Chrb
calJing attention to "Kiwanis Kids
Day Peanut Sale" and submitting
a list of projects showing that over
$6000. was given to various youth
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
the rule's be suspended in order
to let anyone address the Council
if they so desire. Seconded by
Councilman Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Special Session, September 18, 1972
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
Mr. Glenn Johnson of Kiwanis
submitted an activity report, Coun-
cilman Pregler moved that the
communication ,be received and
filed and Council fuily support the
proj""t, Seconded by Councilman
Bitter, Carried by the foilowing
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit ,t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Communication of Dubuque Pip-
ing Contra'ctors Assn. Inc. wishing
to be recognized a. an organiz'a-
tion and bargaining party and to
work on any committee, presented
and read. Councilman Pregler
moved that the communication be
referred to tile Manager and Per-
sonnel Director for investigation
and report. Selconded by Council-
man Thoms. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Counci1men Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, l1homs.
Nays - None.
September 13, 1972
To the Hionorable Mayor
and City Council
On September 12th, the Dubuque
County Democratic Central Com,
mitt.. requested a permit to walk
from Loras College with R. Sargent
Shriver to 1125 Main St. and as-
Due to the timmg of the reqnest
permit #268 was issued for Thurs,
day, September 14th, commencin¡
at 3:30 P..M.
Gilbert D, Cha¥enelle
City Manager
Mayor Moldenhauer moved to
conCur in the acoon of the Mana-
ger. Seconded by Councilman Just-
mann. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Molden,hauer,
Councilme,n Bitt e r,. Justmanr I'
Pregler, Thom's.
Nays - None.
September 14, 1972
To the Honoralble MayOr
and Oity Council
I am returning a petition fc
street lights on Pinard Street.
The Area has been inspected a'
it is recommended that a 4000
lumen incandescent light be ir
stalled at the rear property Uoe
between 25(14 and 2540 Elm Scr
Gilbert D, ChavenelIc
City Manager
Mayor Moldenhauer moved ap-
proval of the recommendation. S:
conded by Councilman Justmann,
Carried by the fol1owing V(
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhaucr,
Councilmen Bitt e r, Justm
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
September 13, 1972
Honorable Mayor
a,nd City Council
During the extensive negotiations
for ,the securing of ea'semenis and
rights-of-way in connection with thE
entire flood control program one
item has remained outstanding and
that is the finalizing of negotia-
tions with Mr. John Luber.
As you know, Mr, Luber Owns
a parcel of real estate immer'.;
Iy adjacent to Moldt Electric on
the east and abutted Front Street
and by reason of the erection of
tbe flood wa'll the access to t'
Luber property was materilly af-
fected thereby necessitating COm-
pensation to Mr. Luber for the
denial of access to and from his
property as relates to Front Street.
Extensive negotiations have been
held with Mr. Luber who has fi.
nally made offer of settlement in
the amount of $1,000.00 and it is
the recommendation of the City
Attorney that said offer of settle-
ment be accepted and the City
Audik>r be instructed to draw war-
ra,nt paya!hle to Mr. Luber and
trans'mit same to the City Attor-
ney for delivery to Mr. Luber Upon
receipt of duly executed releases
and discharges.
R, N. Russo
City Attorney
Councilman P,re!1er moved ap-
proval of the rec'ommendation. Se-
conded hy Councilman Justmann.
Ca.-ried by the following ¥ote:
Yeas - Ma'yor Moldenhauer.
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justma,nn,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
September 14, 197'2
HonoraJble Mayor
and City Council
On March 2, 1972, Patricia M.
Scott wa's awarded $5,000.00 by
District Court jury after the tria'l
thereof, and judgment entered
against bite City accordingly.
Special Session, September 18, 1972
442 Special Session, September 18, 1972
Since the return of the jury ver- and wife, in tile amount of $200.00
dict, tile Qity Attorney's ~ce ha- and transmit same to the City At-
made the usual post-trial motions, torney for delivery to LeRoy Stei-
aU of which have been overruled, nes and Betty Steines upon receipt
The plaintiff has made an offer of executed release,
of settlement of sa,id jury verdict Original claim is returned here-
for the total sum of $4,250.00 and with.
the costs of the proceedings, and R, N. Russo
said amount be payaible in the City Attorney
amount ~ $2,250,00 presently and Councilman Pregler moved alp-
the remaUlder of $2,000.00 payable proval of the recommendation, Se-
on or before January 5, 1973. conded by Councilman Justmann.
It IS the recommendation of tile Carried by the following vote:
City Attorney's office that said of Yeas ~ Mayor Moldenhauer,
fer of, setIJlen;ent be ~c,cepted and Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann
the City Auditor be instruc,ted.:o Pregler Thoms, '
dra,w warrant payable to Pa,trIC13 Nays' - None
Scott and her attorney, Victor H - ..
Sprengelmeyer in the sum of Notice of OJaim of E, D, For-
$2,250.00 and transmit s,a,me to th< slund, III the am~unt of $1711,00,
City Attorney for delivery to plaIn, for car da".'a;ge ,:""urred as the
tiff npon presentation of pa'rtia, r~sult of dnvrng Illt~ an excava-
satisfaction judgment, tion on North Grandvaew on 9-011-72,
Court costs in the amount presented and read. M'ayor Mol-
$92,18 be paid. Copy of the pro- denhauer moved that, the <;i'~im
ceedings is attached hereto. be referred to the City SolicItor
R N Russo for investigation and report, Se-
City Attorney conded by Councilm~n Pcegler.
Councilman Pregler moved ap-- Carried by the followmg vote:
prov,al of the recommendation. Se Yea~ - M~yor Moldeni1auer,
conded by Councilman Justma,nn, Councilmen BIt t e r, Justmann,
Ca,rried by the followin¡g vote: Pregler, Thoms,
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Nays - None,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Notice of Claim of Gener,al Oa-
Pregler, Thoms. sualty ad"ising the City of its lia-
Nay. - None. bility in the ca,se of Mrs, Modesta
September 15, 1972 Kemp falling on a defective side-
Honorable Mayor walk at 52 Bluff Street, which is
and City Council owned by their insured John V.
Mr. and Mrs, LeRoy Stetmc Backes, said injury happened on
2104 Andrew Court, this City, fHed August 24, 197,2, presented and
claim against the City of Dubuque read. Mayor Moldenhauer moved
in the amount of $250.00 a's the that the notice of claim be referre<l
result of damages resulting from to the City Solicitor for investi-
a backup of sewec. ga-tion and report, Seconded by
This ma,tter has received exten- Councilman Pregler. Ca,rried by
sive study and examination and the follow,in.g vote:
survey and the v'arious points of Yeas - Mayor Moldenhaue,r,
contention ha,ve appeared through- Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
out this proceedings to suggest ex- Pregler, Thoms,
tensive and protracted litigation Nays - None,
for the City of Dubuque in the Noitce of claim of Raymond L,
event that said claimants desire Martin, in the amount of $60 for
to pursue their claim, car damage incurred on Rockdale
Accordingly, the elalm,anta haw Road on September 13, 11172 due
made an offer of compromise and to condition of gra"el and mud
settlement of all their claims for on the road as the result of a
the snm of $200,00 and it is the storm, presented and read. M'ayor
recommendation of the City At- Moldenhauer moved that the no-
torney's office that said offer of tice of oIaim be referred to the
settlement be accepted and that City Solicitor for investigation and
the City Auditor be instructed to report. Seconded by Councilman
draw warrant payable to LeRoy Pregler. Oa,rried by the following
Steines and Betty Steines, husband vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, I
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Na~s - None.
Notice of claim of Myron Hames,
in the amouut of $29.Œ3, for ex-
pense incurred as the result of
a hacked-up sewer at 1190-92 Rose-
dale on August 2, 1972, presented
and read, M,ayor Moldenhauer
moved that the notice of claim
be referred to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Se-
conded hy Councilman Pregler.
Carried by the followin'g vote:
Yea. - M,ayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Petition of Delos DomveHer re-
questing rezonin.g of Lot 10 of
Block 3 of Mettel Link Sub, from
its present classification to Busi-
ne'ss U'B" c!ass-i!ication, presented
and read. Councilman Pregler I
mo\'ed that the petition 'be referred
to the Plannin.g & Zoning Com-
mission, Seconded by Councilman
Thoms, Carcied by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenl1auer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None,
Petition of Merl F. & Margaret
E, Goerdt requesting annexation
of :t1 acres frontin,g on Sheridan
Road and Peru Road and rezoning
of Multiple Residonce District and
wbsection (m) thereof to allow
a mobile home park on the fol-
lowing described property: Lot 1
of 1 of 1 of 3 of 1 of Sub, of
1 of 1 of M. L. 3I?4, Section 12,
Twp 89 N, R. 2 E. 5 p, M. and I
lJot 1 of 1 of M, L. 323, Lot
1 of 1 of 2 of M, L, 324, and
Lot 94 in O'Neills llivervlew in
Dubuque Twp, presented and read,
Councilman Justmann moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager for proper procedure. Se-
conded by Councilman Pregle,r,
Carried by the followin.g vote:
Yeas - M,ayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None,
Petition of Brrolœide Dairy lI>C,
reqnesting a refund of $75 on the
uneJ<>ired portion of cigarette li-
cense No, 239, as they ha,ve dis-
continued husiness on 9-5-72, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Preg-
ler moved that the refund be grant-
ed and the Auditor instructed to
issue proper warrant. Seconded by
Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by
tbe foUowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moidenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None,
Petition of William L. Mc,
Donough requesting a refund of
$225 on the unexpired portion of
Class B Beer permit No, 265ß,
a:s he has discontinued business
on 9-9-72, presented and read.
Conncilman Pregler moved that
the refund be .granted and the
Auditor instructed to issue proper
warrant. Seconded by Mayor Mol-
denhauer, Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Preg[er, Thoms,
Nays - None,
WilIJEREo\S, on the 21st day of
August, 11172, the City of Dnhuque,
Iowa, for va,uaible consideration,
did quit claim unto Sisters of St.
Francis of Dubuque County, Iowa
and Mt. Calvacy Cemetery A.socia-
tion all of its right, tiNe and in-
terest in part of a pltbllc street
lyin¡g within portions of Bethany
Addition and St. Franc!s Subdivi-
sion in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
all pursuant to (1) Ordinance No,
44-72 vacating said street, (2) pub-
lished notice of the time and place
of hearing to consider the propos,al
to dispose of the interest of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa in and to
said publlc street, and (3) Reso-
lution No, 269-72 disposing of any
interest of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa in said re",l estate and au-
thorizing and directing the execu-
tion and delivery of deeds of con-
veyance to Sisters of St. Francis
of Dubuque County, Iowa and Mt.
Calvary Cemetery Association quit
cla'imïng any and aùil interest of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa in said
real es,tate; and
WIIEiREC'\S, s,aid real estate va,
cated and disposed of by the City
of Dubuque, Iowa was described
in said quit claim deed's executed
and delivered to Sisters of St. Fran-
cis of Dubuque County, Iowa and
Mt Cal\'ary Cemetery Association
Special Session, September 18, 1972
hy reference to a plat which had, division (except the west 40 feet
not yet heen filed of record; and of the north 1æQ feet thereof),
WBiEREcAS, there is now on file being comprised of the 25 feet
in the real estate records of Du- wide street and-or road lying on
buque County, Iowa" as Instrument the east side of lJot 1 of lJot 2
No. 6378-72, the plat of said public of lJot 1 of Lot 3 of St. Francis
street which was heretofore quit Subdivision (e""ept the west 40
olaimed by the City of Dubuque, feet of the north 1ß2,() feet there-
Iowa to Sisters of St. Francis of of) and also including the 40 feet
Dubuque County, Iowa and Mt. wide street and-or road lying east
Calvary Cemetery Association on and west from east side of said
August 21, 1972; a-nd lot to west side of said lot, aU
WHiERiEcAS, the City of Dubuque, in Section 12, Towm¡¡'¡P 89 North,
Iowa now determines that it should Range 2 East of the 5th P,M.,
execute and deliver to Sisters of being in Dubuque Township, Du-
St. Fr,ancis of Dubuque County, buque County, Iowa, now in the
Iowa and Mt. Calv,ary Cemetery City of Dubuque, Iowa, aêCOrding
Association quit claim deeds to to the recorded plat thereof, in
the real estate by reference to confirmation of the prior quit claim
the aforedescribed plat which is deed dated August 21, 1II7e, con-
now fiied of record in Duhuque veying the same property to Sis-
County, Iowa, aU in coufirmation ters of St. Francis of Duhuque
of the prior quit claim deeds exe- County, Iowa,
;uted and delivered to said gran- Section 2: That a quit claim
,ees. deed should he execnted and de-
NOW: TI-IE,REFORJE, BE IT llvered by the City of Dubuque,
REOOINEID BY 11HE CITY COUIN, Iowa conveying to Mt, Cal"ary Ce-
CIL OF THIE 0IrI'Y Q-F DUBU- metery Association the following
QUE, IDWA: des,cribed real estate w..w1t'
Section I: That a quit .claim Lot "A" of Lot 2 'of Lot'3 of
shou!.d be executed and de1ivered St. Francis Subdivision (except the
by the City of Dnhuque, Iowa con- west 40 feet of the north 1320
veymg to Sisters of St. FranclS feet thereof), ileing comprised of
of Dubuque County, Iowa the fol- the 25 feet wide street and-or road
lowmg described real estate, to- lying on the east side of Lot 2
WlLott: "A" ~ '-t -, Lot -, of Lot 3 of St. Francis Subdi-
v~. ~ 1, '" 1 v, vision ("""ept the west 40 feet
Bethany Addition, bemg COmprised of the north 1300 feet thereof),
of the 40 feet wIde street and- all in Section 12 Township 89
or road lying withi~ Lot 1 of .~; Nor,th, Ra-nge 2 Èast of the 5th
1 of Bethany Addlton, ,Lot A P.M., being in Dubuque Township
of . Lot 4, of St. Fran~ls Subdi, Dubuque .County, Iowa, nOW in the
VISIon,. bemg comprised of the. 40 City of Duhuque, Iowa, aœording
feet wide street and-or road Iymg to the recorded plat thereof, in
between Lot 4 of St, FranCis Suh- confirmation of tbe prior qnit claim
d1V1SlOn ~nd. Lot. ~. of, Lot ~.~; deed dated August 21, 197'2, con-
St, FranciS SUbdiVIsIon, Lot A veying the same property to Mt,
of Lot 1 of Lot. 1 of Lot 3 of Calvary Cemetery Association,
St, FrancIs SUbdiVISIOn (eJ<lCept the
west 40 feet of the north 1320 Section 3: That the Mayor and
feet thereof), being comprised of City Clerk of the City of \mbu-
the 40 feet wide street and-or road que, Iowa are hereby authorIZed
lying within Lot 1 of Lot 1 of and directed to execute the fore-
Lot 3 of St. Francis Subdivision going deeds on heha!:f of tile City
(except the west 40 feet of the of Dubuque, Iowa,
north 1320 feet thereof) and ex- Section 4: That the City Clerk
tending from above said Lot "A" of the City of Dubnque, Iowa be
of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of lJot 1 of and he is hereby authorized and
Lot 3 to the south line of and directed to deliver the foregoing
between Lot 2 of Lot 1 of St. deeds of conveyance to Sisters of
Francis Subdivision and Lot 4 of St, Francis of Dubuque County,
St, Francis Subdivision; and Lot Iowa and Mt, CaIl"ary Cemetery
"A" of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of lJot Association upon the execution of
1 of Lot 3 of St. Francis Sub- said deeds.
Special Session, September 18, 1972
Section 5. That the City Clerk
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa he
and he is hereby authorized and
directed to record a certified copy
of this Resolution in the office
of the Duhuque County Recorder.
Passed, approved and adopted
this 18th day of September. 1972,
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Waner A. Pregler
AD.an T, Thoms
C. Itobert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
We respectfully request your Ho-
morable Body's authorization to ex-
ecute this "Consent Order" on be-
half of the City of Dubuque.
Gilbert D. Chavenelle
City Manager
Conncilman Pregler moved that
the communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Mayor Molden-
hauer. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann.
Pregler, Thoms,
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
That the City Manager be and
is bereby authorized and directed
to execute a Consent Order with
the Iowa Water Pollution Commis-
sion, a copy of which is attached,
concernirug the discharge of llme
sludge from the municipal water
treatment plant facility, including
the required facilities which will
eliminate the pollution condition,
and 'construction schedules, as be-
ing accomplished to abate the pol-
ution of the Mississippi River be-
low Dubuque, Iowa.
Passed, approved and adopted
this 18th day of September, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhauer
Walter A, Pregler
Allan T. Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J. Bitter
Leo F. Frommelt
City Cierk
Councilman Pregler moved adop-
tion of the resolution, Seconded
by Councilman Justmann. Carried
by the followillg vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen BIt t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
September 15, 1972
To the HonoraJble Mayor
and City Council
Re: Iowa State Water Pollution.
Control CommissIon, Consent
Order. :
As a result of the meeting can-
ed by J. Edward Brown, Hearing
QŒcer of the Iowa Water Pollu-
tion Control Commission on July
25, 1972 in the State Department
of Health Office ill Des Moines,
Iowa, the CommissIon has served
the City of Dubuque with a "Con-
sent Order", 11his places the City
under penalty of law to comply
with certain constraints concern- Attest:
ing the discharge of lime sludge Leo F. Frommelt
from the municipal water plant City Clerk
to the Mississippi River. Councilman Pregler moved adop-
A copy of the Consent Order tion of the resolution. Seconded
has been attached for your re- by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried
view. You will note that a time by the foIJowing vote:
table as to the completion of dif- Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
fere,nt phases are set out in de- Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
tail and the City of Dubuque shan Pregler, ~homs,
submit a progress report e^,ery Nays - None.
60 days beginning September 1, Proof of Publication of notice
197~. of taking bids of construction of
We have been informed by the Waste Water Treatment Facilities
Iowa State Department of Health Phase IT - Contract llA-3 ea.
that the signing of this Consent 9' dia, PrimOary Clarifier Covers
Order by the City is mandatory and 2 ea. 195' dia. Trickling Fil-
in order to continue the discharging I tercovers; Contract lIB - 1 ea.
of lime sludge until the comple- Grit Grease Unit Cover, Exhaust
tion of the required waste treat- AIr Scrubbers, flow metering and
ment faCilitie.s which must be com- sampling, electrical; Contract lIC-
pleted by M'arch 1, 19'/6, Secondary Treatment Site Grading
446 Special Session, September 18, 1972
30,000 c, y, presented and read \ par'k, Jeanette Streinz 7G3 AHa
No written objections were filed Vista, David Berger 2281 Paisley
and no oral objectors were present Court, 'Robert Hu,mke 1046 W, 3,rd
at the time of the public hearing, St" Steve Strong 193 Kaufmann
City Engineer White stated that lWe.
the hids received on the covers Councåman Pregler moved rati-
seemed to ,be in line, Ifuwever fication of the appointments. Se-
the hids on the ventilation system conded by ColIDcilman Bitter. Car.
and the Grading bids were too ried hy the following vote:
high and they would like to re-bid. Yeas - Mayor Moidenhauer
Councilman J>regler moved that Councilmen 'Bitter, Justmann'
the proof of ,publication be received Pregler, Thoms. '
and filed and the City ,Engineer Nays - None,
proceed with the dome construc- There being no further business
tion, Seconded by Councilman Bit- Councilman Preg'ler moved to ad-
ter, Carried by the following vote: journ. Seconded by Councilman
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Thoms. Carried by the follGwing
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, vote:
'Pregier, Thoms, Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Nays - None, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann
Mr. Richard Fuerst of 1895 Roo- Pregler, Thoms, '
sevelt St, addressed the Council Na~s - None,
relative to the conditi<>Ils existing Leo F. Frommelt
in the alley to the rear of his City Clerk
home, He wa's assured that his
written petition is receiving due
attention, Approved ..........",............'" ...1972.
,Councilman Pregler moved at
8:37 P,M, to go into executive I
session tG discuss personalities and Adopted ......................................1972.
names for appointment to the
Youth Services. Seconded by Ma-
yor Moldenhauer. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen lB i t t e r, Justmann,
Pregier, Thoms,
Nays - None.
At 9:28 J>, M, the Council re-
convened in regular session and
the Mayor announced the following
appointments to the Youth Ser-
vices Council: Pat Engling 28'%1
Central ANe" 'Ellen Ernst I!OO Mt.
Carmel Road, Pa,ui Healy 2005
Simpson St_, Jan I;ynch 1Jl85 Solon
St" Miobael TlJroup 2lBO Keyway
E:e'DRob~d Slatte~ :43LocLe~ \ Attest: .......,.....,.......-.........'....
St., eDa:i~ Sh==n 2335 èoven~ry City Clerk
Special Session, September 25, 1972
Special _Ion, $eptem"-r 25,
1972.,.. ..
Counci,1 Met at 7:30 P.M. (C.
D. T.) '.. ... ..,
Present - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms. City Man a ger
GII"-rt D. Chavenelle. "
M,ayor 'MGldenhauer read the call
and stated that service thereof had
been duly made and this meeting
is called for the purpose of au-
"",rizing tile publication of Notice
of Sale of Project Notes, Fifth
Series 1972, and the receiving of
P_als for the Sale of said note
for the Downtown Urban Renewa'
Project low. iR-15, and acting n.
pon suc'h other husiness as may
prooerly come before a regular
meeting of tile Council,
ou Cl man Pregler moved that
the rules be suspended in order
to let anyone present address the
Council ¡f they so desire. Second-
ed by Councilman Justmann. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pre.ler, Thoms,
II'lr. Lester IStreinz, Secretary and
Manager of the Duhuque Automo-
bile Club, presented the 'M,ayor
with a ,Pedestrian Safety Inven-
tory Special Citation Plaque, for
cities from 50,000 to 100,000 popu-
lation, indicating a ,perfect Casual-
ty Record for 1971. Mr. Streinz stat-
ed that fifteen cities out of one
hundred forty nine reported, but
only three cities in the State of
Communiea'tion of South D u.
buque Businessmen's Committee
requesting to forestall approval of
the Dodge Street-Locust Street
expressway routes until a thorough
study is made regarding a feasible
aiternate route, presented and
read, Councilman Bitter moved
that the communication be receiv-
ed and filed and referred to Coun-
cil and Consultants. Seconded by
Councilman Pregler, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Preg'ler, Thoms.
Na~s - None,
Communication of M, V, Nichol.
son suhmitting copy of a letter
sent to the Highway Commission
objecting to the proposed freeway,
presented and read, Councilman
Bitter moved that the communi-
cation be received and filed and
referred to the Council and Con-
sultants. Seconded hy Councilma,n
Pregler, Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
CounciJmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
Communication of Joseph C. Hie-
bel requesting a iavorable vote
on the proposed Ú'eeway, presented
and read. Councilman Bitter mGV-
ed that the communkation be re-
ceived and filed and referred to
the Council and Consultants. Se-
conded by Councilman Pregier.
Carried by the follGwing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
CommunicatiGn of Mary Juer-
gens indicating that the proposed
freeway would he of great hene.
fit to the populace and urging ap
proval of the project, presented
and read, Councilman Bitter mov-
ed that the communication be re-
ceived and fiJed, and referred to
the Council and Cousultants, Se-
conded by Councilman Pregler.
Carried hy the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, ThGms,
Nays - None,
Communication of Sacred Hea'rt
Parish Board Gf Education object-
ing to the present Couler Valley
alignment of the North-South free-
way, presented and read, Coun-
cilman Bitter moved that the com-
munication ,he received and fiJ.ed
and referred to the Council and
consultants, Seconded by Council-
man Pregler. Carried hy the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas - !'Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Communication of RGbert M.
Tunstall indicating complete sup.
port of the proposed freeway 520
West and 5IJ1 SGuth and a new
I bridge to replace the old one in
448 Special Session, September 25, 1972
the north end of the City, presented Printed Council proceedings for
and read, Councilman Bitter mov- the m<mth of June 1972 presented
ed that the communication be re- lor approv"l. Councilman Pregler
ceived and filed and referred to moved that the printed Council
the Council and consultants. Se- proceedings for the month of June
conded by Councilman Pregler. 1972 be ,.pproved as printed. Se-
Carried by the following vote: conded by Mayor Moldenhauer,
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Carried by the following vote:
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer
Pregler, Thoms, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann'
Nays - None, Pregler, Th<>ms, '
September 18 1972 Nays - N<>ne.
T<> the Hon<>rable Mayor ~nd Proof of PUiblication, certified to
Memhers of the City Council by the Publ"her~ of Statement of
In accordance with the provi- ~~~;~~~~~:~t: f~~~ o~~la::'~t:n~
sions of Chapter 365 ~,the Code August 1972, presented and read,
of I<>wa,. 1JI71, the Cml SerVlce Councilman Pregler moved that
CommIssIon conducted Promotwn- the proof of publication be re-
a! Exammatwns on July 26,. 1972 ceived and filed. Seconded by May-
for, the posItIon of .FIre AssIStant or Moldenhauer. Carried by the
ChIef Trammg OOicer. The test following vote:
consISted of p.P.A and local ques~ Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
tions . an~ answers plus an oral Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann.
exammation, Pregler Thoms
The following members of the Nays' - No~e
Fire Department passed the writ- SePtember 19 1972
ten and or"l examinations with To the Honora'ble M"yor '
an average of seventy per cent Members of the City Council
or better. This is to advise that I have
Ruden, Richard W. 84.2% approved the following policy and
Link, Lyle R, 76.3% bond, and desire to have your ap-
Andresen, James p, 75.7% proval on same.
Cherrier, WilJiam E, 74.4% Comprehensive Liability
Miller, James C. 72.6% Curtis Staub Company, State An-
Pregler, John P. 71.4% to mobile & Casualty Underwri-
All promotions from the Fire ters
Department, from the aroremen- Sidewalk
tioned test should be made from Paul M, & Lyle J. Dimmer, The
this list. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co.
Gerard B. Noonan D-B-A Dimmer Bros. Concrete Con
Chairman traêtors
Louis F. Fautsch Gilliert D, Chavenelle
Marvin A. VanSickle City M.anger
Civil Service Councilman Pregler mOW<! for
Commissioners filing of policy and bond subject
Attest: to approval of the City Attorney,
Leo F. FrommeU Seconded by Mayor MoJdenhauer,
City Clerk Carried by the following vote:
Subscribed and sworn to before Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
me this 18th day of September Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
1972. Pregler, Thoms.
Eugene J. Berens Nays - None.
Notary Pnhllc Notice of Olaim of Peter R. Tim-
Councilman Pregler moved that merman, in the amount of $400.,
the communication be received for "",pense and damage iDcurred
and filed and made a IlUltter of as the result of a sanitary sewer
record. Seconded by Mayor Mol- back-up into the basement of his
denhauer, Carried by the following bome at 1980 Lincoln Ave. on Au-
vote: gust 2nd and September 13, 1972
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, presented "nd read,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
Pregler, Thoms. the notice of claim be referred
Nays - None, to the City SoJicitor for investi-
Special Session, September 25, 1972
gation and report. Sec<>nded by
Councilman Thoms, Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor M<>ldenlJaner,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Notice of ClAim of Richard A,
Meyer, In the amount of $«!S.,
for damage incurred a's the result
of a sanitary sewer back-up into
his home at 2œ5 Roosevelt Street
on August 2nd and September 12th
11m!, presented and read. Mayor
MoJdenhauer mo\'ed that the notice
of claim be referred I<> the City
Soiicitor for investigation and re-
POrt, Seconded by Councilman
Thoms. Carried by tile following
Yeas - Ma,yor M<>ldenbauer,
Councilmen Bitt e r Justmann.
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None,
Notice of Claim of Kenneth N.
Kunkel, in the amount of $587.95
for Wima,ge Incurred as the result
of a sanitary se"i'ær back-up into I
the hasement of his home at
1971) Lincoln Ave, on August 2nd
and September 13th, 1972, present-
ed and read, Mayor MoJdenhauer
moved that the notice of eJa;m
be referred I<> the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. se-
conded by Councilman Thoms. CaT-
ried by tile following bote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
Notice of claim of James R.
Denman, in 1II1e amount of $222.60
for damage incurred as the re-
sUilt of a sanitary sewer back-up
inl<> the basement of his home
at :M3 N Booth Street on August
2nd and September 13, 1972, pre-
sented and read. Mayor Molden-
hauer moved that the notice of
claIm be referred to the City So-
Jicitor for investiga-ti<>n and report.
Seconded by Councilmau Thoms.
Carried by the following \'ole:
Yeal - MIl,.,.. Mnldenbauer, I
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Notice of claim of Miss Rose-
marie J, Wick, in an undetermined
amount, for, perso,nal Inju,ries reo/'
cet\'ed in a fail at l6tib and Cen-
t..1 Ave" on August 20, lII'm, pre-
sented ,a,nd r<>ad, Mlayor Molden- I
hauer moved that the notice of
claim be referred to tile City So-
licitor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Thoms,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None,
Notice of Suit by Clin~ue Inc.,
in the amount of $5,993.50 as the
result of a dispute over payment
of connection fees for water BeT-
vice as "greed on October 28, 1968
alUeocting properly owners along Sy-
lvan Drive, BIes Drive, & Kebbie
Drive, presented and read. Mayor
Moldenhauer moved that the notice
of Suit be referred I<> the City
Sollcitor for investigation a'nd reo
port, Seconded by Councilman
Thoms. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor M<>ldenlJauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
Petition of Dick Loetscher re-
questing permlssi<>n to exc<wate
in Pennsy].-ania' Avenue for sewer
and "'ater instaHations, presented
and read. Councilman Bitter mov-
ed approval of tile request. Se-
conded by Mayor Moldenhauer.
Carried by the following \'ole:
Yeas -Mayor M"ldenbauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None,
Petition of Loras College Home-
coming Committee reqnesting per-
mission I<> conduct a parade on
October 14th from ten A.M. to
Eleven Thirty A, M., presented
and read. Councilman Bitter mov-
ed appro"al of the request and
referral I<> the City Manager for
implementation. Seconded by May
yor Moldenhauer, Carried by the
fo1lowin¡g vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer.
Councilmen B'i t t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
N~y. - None,
Petition of Dubuque Ja~ re-
~uesting permission to conduct their
annual Honey Sunday project on
Oct"ber 1st, presented and read.
Councilman Bitter moved approval
of the request with referral to
the City M,ana,ger for implemen-
tation. Seconded by Mayor Mol-
denhauer, Carried by the follow
ing vote:
Special Session, September 25, 1972
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, tinued business on August 1, 1972
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, presented and read. Counciima;,
Pregler, Thoms, pagloc moved that the refund he
Nays - None. granted and the Auditor instructed
Petition of Metz Mfg. Co. re- io issue proper warrant. Seconded
questing vacation of an alley run by Counciiman Bitter. Carried by
ning throu!h their property be- the following vote:
tween E. 16th Street and E m Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauc
Street and between E!imand Pine, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
prior to disposal of their proper Pregler, Thoms,
ty, presented and read. Conncii- Nays - None,
man Bitter moved that the pet!- Petition of Frank Licciardi re-
tion he referred to the City Mana- questing a refund of $125. on the
gel' and Plannmg & Zonmg Com nnexpired portion of Liquor Li-
mISSIon, Seconded by Mayor Mol, cense No, C4W! as he has discon-
denhauer. Carried 'by the following ;inued business on Septemher '
vote: 1972, presented and reAd. Coun-
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, cilman Pregler moved that the re-
CouncIlmen BItt e r, Justmann, fund he granted and the Auditor
Pregler, Thoms. instructed to issue proper warran
N"~s & None. . Seconded by Councilman ELiter,
PetItion of Frank HJ1rdle Adver- \ Carried by the following vote:
ti5ÎJlg requesting permission to e- Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
rect a Sign at the Ulllon Bus Sta- Councilmen Bit t er Justmann
tion reading "Greyhound Lines" Pregler Thoms.' '
said sign to he 2' x 4' (forwa N,.YS' - None,
from meeting of 9-M-72), presented
and read. Mr. Art Esslinger of RESOLUTION NO. 305-72
the Hardie Sign Co. reAd a pre- Authorizing the publication of no-
pared statement relative to the tice of .ale of proiect Notes (fifth
erection of the sign, There was \ series 1972) and tI>e receiving of
some concern eJ<pressed that grant- proposals for tI>e .ale of said notes
ing this installation would have for the Downtown Urban Renewal
some bearing on future sign erec- \ Project, Iowa R-15
tions in the Urban !Ienewal area. WHERiEAS, under date of July
Councilman Thoms moved ap \ :11;, 1967, tile City of Dubuque en-
proval of the sign request, Se- tered into a Loan and Capital
conded by Councilman Bit t e r, Grant Contraet for the undertaking
Carried by the following vote: of the Downtown Urhan !Ienewal
Yeas - Councilmen Bitter, Project, Iowa R-lS; and
Pregler, Thoms, WHERJEAS, under date of July
Nays - Mayor Moldenhauer, 3, 1972, the Council of the City
Councilman Justmann. of Dubuque adopted Resolution No,
Petition of Mercy Medical Cen- 2l3-72. authorizing to he issued,
ter requesting that tho Board of from time to time, Project Notes
Adjustment direct tho Building in connection with tile Downtown
Commissioner to issue a bniJding Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R,
permit for construction and oper- 15; and
ation of a physician's office build- \WJ!E)R!EAS, under date of Jun°
ing with facilities for dispensin 12, 1972, the Council of the City
and sale of drugs, presented and I of Dubuque authorized the issuance
read, Councilman Thoms moved I and sale of its Project Notes in
that the petition he referred to ' the aggregate principal amount of
the City Solicitor- Seconded by $1,400,000 to finance certain under-
Couneilman pregler, Carried by takings in connection with the
the following vote: Downtown Urban Renewal Project,
Yea's - Mayor Moldenhauer, Iowa R.15; and
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann. WlHERiEAS, in order to refinance
Pregler. Thoms, said outstanding Project Notes and
Nays-None, to provide additional funds fur pro-
Petition of Jerry L. Udelhofen re- ject activities, it is necessary for
questing a refund of $75, on the the City of Dubuque to sell Project
uneJ<pired portion of cigarette li- Notes (Fifth Series 1972) tota-ling
cense No. 105 as he has discon, $1,725,000; now therefore
Special Session, September 25, 1972
Section I. That the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorized
and dire,cted to publlsh ac,cording
to la,w, "Notice of Sale. Projec
Notes" in the form of EJOhibit "A"
attached hereto and made a part
Section 2, That the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorized
and directed to accept and tahulate
proposals for the sale of said notes
and to send telegrams of accep.
tance to the low bidder or bidders
all in accordance with instructions
covering such transactions as pro-
vided hy the Department of Hous-
ing and Urhan Development, Unit-
ed States of America.
Section 3. That a meeting of
the Coundl of the City of Dubuque
shall be beld after the bid opening
date of October 1!l, 1972, to adopt
such resolution or resolutions ne-
cessary for the consummation of
the sale of Project Notes (Fifth
Series 1972) to the lowest bidder
or bidders.
Passed, approved and adopted
this 25th day of Septemher, 1972.
Wayne A. Moldenhaner
Walter A. Pregler
Allan T, Thoms
C. Robert Justmann
Joseph J, Bitter
Leo F, Frommelt
City Clerk
City of Dubuque, Iowa
(,Name of Local Issuing Agency)
Sealed proposals will be received
by City of Dubuque, Iowa (herein
cailed the "Local Issning Agency")
at Couucil Chambers, City Hall
in tbe City of Dubuque, State of
Iowa, until, and publieiy opened
at, One o'clock P,!M, (E.S.T.) on
October 11, 1972, for the purchase
of $1,725,000 of Project Not", (Fifth
Series 197,2), heing issued to aid
in financing its project(s) as fol-
Amount, $1,725,000. Series, Fifth
1972, Maturity, May 4, 1973.
The Notes will be dated Novem-
ber 8, 1972, wUl be paYaJble to
bea'rer on the Maturity Date, and
wUl bear interest at the rate or
rates per annum fixed in the pro-
posal or proposals accepted for
the purchase of such Notes.
All proposals for the purchase
of said Notes shall be submitted
in a form approved by the Local
Issuing Agency, Copies of suøh
form of proposal and information
concerning the Notes may iIe ob-
tained from the Local Issuing
Agency at the address indicated
above, Detailed information with
respect to the conditions of this
sale may be obtained from the
September :11;, 1972 issue of The
Daily Bond Buyer,
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Leo F, Frommelt
City Olerk
'Counciiman Pregler moved adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Thoms. Carried by
the foJIowing vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None,
Communication of League of Io-
wa Municipa-lities relative to a plan
for the 19m Legislature, (forward
from meetings of 9-5, 9-11,) pre-
sented and read, Councilman Bitter
moved that the communication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Pregler. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit tel', Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None,
Tbe following State Legislators
and Candidates were in attendance
and took part in discussing the
proposed LegIslative program for
1973 as outlined by the League
of Iowa Municipalites. Senator
Gene Kennedy, Senator J 0 h n
Walsh, Representative Micbael
Blouin, Mr. Robert Carr, Mr, Jo-
seph Clark, Mr. William Heitzman.
Mr. Robin Steele.
'lJhere being no further business
Councilman Bitter moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Counciimen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None,
Leo F, Frommelt
City Clerk
Special Session, September 25, 1972
Special Session, September 26, 1972
Approved ....................................1972
Special session, September 26,
Council met at 12:00 noon (C.D.
Present - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, J"stmann,
Pregler, Thoms. City Manager Gil-
bert D. Chavenelle,
Mayor Moldenhauer read the call
and stated that service thereof had
been duly made and this meeting
is called for the purpose of adopt.
ing a reSGlution providing for the
sale and award of $1,000,000 sewer
bonds and approving and authoriz-
ing the agreement of such sale
and award, also adop'ion of an
ordinance authorizing the Issuance
of $1,000,000 sewer bonds and
providing for the levy of tax.. to
pay for same and acting upon
such other business as may prop-
erly come before a regular meet-
ing of the Council,
Proof of Publication, certified to
by the Publisher, of notice of meet-
ing for issu"nce of sewer bonds,
presented and read, Councilman
Pregler moved that the proof of
publication be rec1eved and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Bitter.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bitter, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None,
Proof of Publication, certified to
by the Publisher, of Notice of sale
of sewer bonds in the amount of
$1,000,000 presented and read. No
written objections were fiJOO and
no oral objec,tors were present at
the time set for the public hear-
Councilman Pregler moved that
the proof of publlcation be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Bitter. Carr,ied by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None,
Mayor Moldenhauer issued a can
for receipt of oral bids. No one
present responded to the call and
the time for receipt of ora,l bids
was terminated.
Adopted .......................,.... ......,1972
Attest """"""""ëïtÿ"'ëi-;k""""""
The followirug sealed bids were
opened and read:
Bidders Price Coupon Rates,
Net Interest Rate.
Continental Illinois National
Bank and Trust Company of Chi-
cago, AWAJ(J)ED, 100.0729, 1974-
78 3%%, 1979-81, 4.00%, 1982-83,
4%%, 3.99261%.
Walston & Co., Inc" New York,
Manager Sbea'rson, Hammill & Co.,
Inc., New York Blair A. Phillips
Co., Inc., Davenport, 100.0159, 1974,
4% %,1975-783% %,1979-814.00%,
1982-83, 4%%, 4.01678%,
Harris Trust and Savings Bank,
Chicago, 100.2319, 1974-80, 4.00%,
1981-82,4.10, 1983,4,20%,4.0274%.
The Northern Trust Company,
Chicago, Manager Dain, Ka,lman
& Quail, Inc., Minneapolis Shaw,
McDermott & Co., Des Moines Cen-
tral National Bank and Trust Co.,
Des Moines, 100.0101. 1974 4% %,
1975-78 3.90%, 1979-81, 4%, 1982-
33, 4\14%, 4,05921%,
LaSalle National Bank, Chicago,
Manager Blunt Ellis & Simmons,
Chic'ago Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood,
Inc., Minneapolis, 100.0120, 1974-
4\14 %, 1976-79, 3.90%, 1980-81,
4.00%, 1982-83, 4'14 %, 4,0643%,
Mercantile Trust Company, N.A.,
St. Louis and Carleton D, Beh
Co" Des Moines, Jointly, 100,360,
1974-81, 4.00%. 1982, 4.20%, 1983,
4.30%, 4.076%',
Iowa-Des Moines Nation,al Bank,
Des Moines, 100,0568, 1974-80, 4%,
1981, 4.10%, 1982-83, 4%%, 4.0859.
R. G. Dickinson & Co., De s
Moines, 100,0270, 1974, 4.20%, 1975-
79, 3.90%, 1980-83, 4.20%, 1983, 4'4%
The First Nationa,l Bank of Chi-
cago and William Blair & Com-
pany. Chicwgo, Jointly, 100,0707,
197<1m, 3%, 1978-80, 4.10%, 1981-
83, 4.30%, 4.10605%.
A. S, Hart & Company, Inc"
Memphis, 100.0000, 1974-80. 4%, 1981
4.20%, 1982.83, 4,30%. 4.1246%,
Van K a' m pen, Wauterlek &
Brown, Inc., Chicago, 100.0300,
1974-76, 4%%, 1977-79, 4%, 1980,
4,10%, W81-83, 4%%, 4.1576.
The First National Bank an d
Trust Co., Oldahoma City, 100.1059,
1974-79, 4%, 1980-81, 4.20%, 1982-83,
4.40%, 4.16525%,
Chemical Bank, New York, 100.
0977, 1974-79, 4%, 1980,81, 4.20%,
1983-83, 4.40%, 4,1665%,
Special Session, September 26, 1972
First National Bank in St. Louis,
Manager Reinhold'; & Gardner, St.
Louis American Fletcher N a 1'1.
Bank & Trust Co. Indpls., Van
Horne Investments, Inc., Omaha,
100.0619, 1974,77, 3.70%, 1978-81,
41/4%, 198283, 4.40%, 4,1704%.
Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc., Chi-
cago, 100,0193, 1974-76, 4,30%, 1977,
4.10%, 1978-<79, 4%, 1980, 4.10%,
1981-83, 4.30%, 4.197%.
First National City Bank, New
York, 100,0300, 1974-75, 5.10%, 1976-
79, 4%, 1980-83, 4'4%, 4,2251%,
The Chase Manhattan Bank, N. I
A., New York, loo.O6Œ, 1974.78,
RESOLUnON NO. 306-72
R,ESOLUTION providing for the
sale and award of $1,000,000 Sewer
Bonds and approving and authoriz-
ing the agreement of such sale
and award.
WHiEß;EAS notice of sale of
$1,000,000 St>wer Bonds of the City
of Dubuque, in Duhuque County,
Iowa, has heretofore been given
in strict compliance with the pro-
vis,ions of Chapter 75 of the Code
of Iowa, by puhlication of notice
for two or more successive weeks
in a newspa'per published in Du-
buque County; and
WŒIEJRJ')AS an sealed hids have
been received and pI"ced on file,
after whkh open bids were called
for and received, the highest of
which open bids was as folowws:
the bid submitted by None, con- I
sisting of par and :<ccrued interest
plus a premium of None, with
the honds to bear interest at the
folWwing rates per annum:
Year of Interest
Maturity 'Rate
19'/14 None%
1975 %
1976 %
1977 ,,%
1978 %
1979 %
1980 ' ,%
1982 %
1982 %
and thereafter such sealed bids
were opened, the substance of the
best sealed bid being as follows:
the bid submitted by Continental
TIlionois National Bank and Trust
Company of Chkago consisting of
par and accrued interest plus a
premium of $729.90, with the bonds
'.....~ .
to bear interest at the following
rates per annum:
Year of Interest
Maturity Rate
1974 3%%
1975 3% %
1976 3%%
1977 3%%
1978 3%%
1979 4.0%
1980 4.0%
1981 4.0%
1982 4'4%
1983 4'4%
NOW, 'I1HE~, Be It Re-
solved by the City Council of the
City of Dubw¡ue, Iowa, as follows:
Section I. That upon being ad-
vised in the premises it is hereby
determined that the bid of Con-
tinental Illinois National Bank and
Trust Company of Chicago for the
purchase of $1,000,000 Sewer Bonds,
as advertised, bearing interest at
the r,ates specified in the preamble
hereof, is the highest and best
bid received and that said bonds
be and the same are herelby award-
ed to said Continental Illinois Na-
tional Bank and Trust Company
of Chicago.
Section 2. That the form of agree-
ment of sale of said bonds to
Continental Illinois National Bank
and Trust Company of Chicago
be and the same is hereby a,p-
proved, and the Mayor, City Clerk
and City Treasurer are hereby au-
thorized to execute said agreement
for and on behalf of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, and to affix the
corporate seal of said City thereto.
Section 3. That all resolutions
or parts of resolutions in conflict
herewith be and the same are
hereby repealed,
Passed and approved September
26, 1972.
Wayne A, MoldenbJaner
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Recorded September 26, 19'12,
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
Councilman Pregler moved adop-
tion of the resolntion, Seconded
by Councilman Bitter, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None.
Special Session, September 26, 1972
Councilman Pregler moved that
the bid checks be returned to the
unsuccessful bidders. Seconded by
Councilman Justmann. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
An Ordinance authorizing the is-
suance of $1,000,000 sewer bonds
and providing for the levy of taxes
to pay the same,
presented and read,
Mayor Moldenhauer moved that
the reading just had he considered
the first reading of the Ordinance, I
Seconded by Councilman Pregler.
Car<ied by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - NQne.
M.ayor Moldenhaner moved that
the rule requiring an Ordinance
to be read on three separate days
he waived. Seconded by Council-
man Pregler. Carried by the fol-
'owin'g vote:
Yeas - M'ayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
No. - - $5.000
PRESENTS, T"" the C'ty of 0,-
b",e, '" the Co,"tv of O,b'QUe ami
State of Iowa, "" va',e 'ea.'v"",
'.-om.e, to,~.av--I» """-,0' if "'~
Special Session, September 26, 1972
,It"h'" 10 be exe-
""imile ,io""""
,"d "id Citv Ci"k.
bY lhe ex"u"o" of
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P~'" ,i,",I"," "'ei, ",p"live
f",imile ,ioo""'" .."",", O" "id
<OU"""" ,iI the "", dox of Novembe"
Moxa< of the City of DubuQUe,
Citv CI"k of fhe Citv ot
Dub",", low,
iFo,m of COU",,",
No. - -----
D" -, 19-, "'e ""W",
of lhe City of Dubuo", '" Dub","
COU"tv, 'OW" wU' pox 10 "",-
" - Doil", i-----'
" the offi" of City T",w"" Du-
buo'" 'ow,, fo' i""",,1 doe th,t
d"e 00 '" Sew" Bo"d, d,red Novem-
b" 1, 1972, No,
City C'"k
(Fo,m fo' '..i",,'i~ of Ow"",h'p'
N,me of 5I9Mlu"
D'" of '..i,'e"" of Citv
.""i,I,,"on OW"" T""","
" he"by ",itied ,nd "'""'med in
S""o, S. Th" "'e p.-o<"'" "",'v-
ed f~m lhe "" ",_'~, "!>~'..!'J,,!i"
""0'" ,obi"
S""o, 6. Th,' " "",oi,ed by
Ch,pl" 76 of th, Cod'
fo' Ih, p"""", of peov
'OYY eod <oil,ct'o" of ,
"x wffi<'eot 10 pox
"id bo"d, " it fail,
fo pox eod di"h"ge
Ih',rof ,I m,,~,it~, \h""
Fo' 'h, yeoc 1972 , tox wflidenl
fo produ" the wm of $39,250 fo'
Fo' tho yea, 1973 , "x wffl<'en'
fo p,odo" the wm of $139,250 to.-
pe'""pa' eod i"'",""
Fo, lho y", 1974 , "x wflide",
fo peodo" th, wm of S135,500 fo,
pei",'p" 'nd ""","
Fo, Ih, yea, 1975 , ,'x wffld",t
to peodo" Ih, wm of $131,750 fo'
pe'"ci..' ,nd ,",-"
F... 'h, ye" I
fo ..,odo" Ih,
Special Session, September 26, 1972
Mayor Moldenhauer moved fi-
nal adoption of tile Ordinance, Se-
condedby Councilman Pregler,
Carried by the following vole:
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen B I I I e r, Juslmann,
Pregler, Thoms,
Nays - None,
There being no further business
Mayor Moldenhauer moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Pregler. Carried by the following
Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer,
Councilmen B: i t t "r, Justmann,
Pregler, Thoms.
Nays - None.
Leo F. Frommelt
City Clerk
City Clerk