1970 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1970 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1970 COUNCILMEN - DONALD R. MEYERS, Mayor JOSEPH J. BITTER WAYNE A. MOLDENHAUER GAYLORD M. COUCHMAN WALTER A. PREGLER City Clerk ....................LEO F. FROMMELT City Solicitor ......................... R. N. RUSSO Assistant City Solicitor ........WILLIAM A. CONZETT MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGES FRANK D. GILLOON JR. KARL KENLINE Municipal Court Clerk ..........JOSEPH A. STIEBER Municipal Court Bailiff ............................ • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • .... ELMER D. jOHANNINGMEIER CITY MANAGER GILBERT D. CHAVENELLE Administrative Assistant ........GEORGE A. LIPPER W. KENNETH GEARHART 3-2-70 City Treasurer Library Director GERALD HIRD WILLIAM G. FULLMER City Auditor Supt. of Parks A. G. HEITZMAN RICHARD KRAMER City Engineer Airport Manager JOHN L. WHITE JEFF MOLID City Assessor Urban Renewal Director JAMES J. GREGORY GENT M.Wi~i-1~;NBERG Chief of Fire Department Planning Director ROBERT N. DUNPHY DON GILSON Chief of Police Building Commissioner PERCY LUCAS DONALD J. BANDY ROBERT J. O'BRIEN Electrical Inspector 8-11-70 LUVERN C. NORTON Supt. of Water Works Health Director J. J. HAIL KENNETH K. HAZLET, Street Departrnent M.D. CLETUS ALLEN City Chemist Director of Recreation A. j. ROTH RICHARD J. SLATTERY Sanitary Officer Personnel Director LAVERNE GOERDT WALTER K. BOCKES Food & Restaurant Insnector Systems Director MILDRED KENNEDY NORMAN B. SHAFFER Plumbing Inspector 6-19-70 RICHARD J. FEYEN Regular meetings of the City Council are held on the First Monday of each month at 7:30 o'clock P.M. INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 5-American Trust & Savings Bank, appointed depos- itory of public funds ............................................. 2 " 19-Andresen Thomas E., requesting refund on Liquor Permit No. C-5672 . ................................................ 26 " 19-Airport Dubuque Municipal, conveyance of 18.6 acres to the State Highway Commission, to be used for the improvement of U.S. Highway No. 151 . ............................................................................ 26 Feb. 2-Annual Fiscal Report for the City of Dubuque, Iowa for the Year 1969 ....................................... 39 " 2-ANNEXATION application by RET CORPORATION of 65.108 acres located directly south of Hemp- stead High School and adjacent to Pennsyl- vania Avenue .............................................50, 51, 75, 101 " 2-Andresen Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit......... 55 " 2-Andresen Thomas, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 56 " 2-Andresen Thomas, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit . ............................................................................ 56 " 2-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...:......................................................... 56 Maz. 2--Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Iowa State Hi hway Commission, fot the instal- lation of traffic signals at 32nd and Central Avenue . .................................................................... 71 " 2-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Iowa State Highway Commission for the im- r provement of Rhomberg Avenue f rom Marshall Street to the Eagle Point Bridge ......................... 72 " 2-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Iowa State Highway Commission, for the im- provement of Central Avenue from 4th to the northerly city Bmits ............................................... 72 " 2-Althaus Herbert E. Sr., granted Class "B" Beer Permit . ...................................................................... 93 " 23-Aird Jack et. al., requesting that the John F. %en- nedy Sanitary Sewer be installed in the ditch rather than in the rear of the homes ............. 107 " 23-Airport Grant Agreement with the United States of America for obtaining funds for the develop- ment of the Dubuquqe Municipal Airport......... 110 " 23-Aristo Foods of Iowa Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit . ...................................................................... 111 " 23-Ackerman Earl R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 111 " 23-Ackerman Ear] R., granted Class "B" Liquor Permit. 112 April 6-Armed Forces Day Committee, requesting permis- sion to hold a parade on 14 May ..................... 121 " 6-Asbury Road, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving near the Woodlawn area . .......................................................................... 131, 176 ~. 17 All:....-. v..-. a.......... n..-.L -...Ha:...... i.... n..d nnn.vn4 the preposition of establishing a curfew for the Playground . ....................................142, 144, 151, 153 " 13-American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission to conduct a tag daY• ••••••••••••••••••~---•--•-••-••••••~-~~•-~~ 145 May 4-American States Insurance, Notice of Suit ............. 167 ' 4-Aetna Casualty & Surety, Notice of Suit ................. 167 " 25-A-1 Plumbing Cooling and Heating Co., requesting permission to excavate in the alley at 1765 White Street ............................................................. 211 25-Airport Commission, requesting that the City So- licitor institute proceedings to acquire proper- ty from Merlin H. and Dorothy R. Bradley, and Fred E. ffiett, needed for the develop- ment of the Airport Lighting System ................. ..................................................... 213, 276, 313, 352, 353 U INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page A June 1-American Trust & Savings Bank, requesting con- sideration in field of data processing for the City of Dubuque ..................................................... 217 " 9-American Legion, requesting permission to con- duct aDrum & Bugle pazade ............................. 233 " 9-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permits . .................................................................... 237 " " 15-Andresen Thomas granted Cigarette Permit......... j d 245 245 ., grante Cigarette Permit......... 15-A1Waus Herbert E " " 15-Arthofer Don, granted Cigarette Permit ................. I t d Cl i "C" 245 owa, gran ass quor 15-Aristo Foods of e L Permit . ...................................................................... 246 " 29-A-1 Plumbing & Heating Co., requesting excava- tion permit for South Locust Street ............. 254 " 29-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and In- terstate Power Company, for installation of a transmission line on Cody Drive .................... 257 " 2B-Ames Realty Inc., purchase of property in the Downtown Urban Renewal azea .................260, 317, 372 " 29-Arvanitis George, granted Cigarette Permit......... 263 July 6-Advisory Commission, endorsing the construction of a City Garage ..................................................... 283 " 6-Audit Report of Flood Disaster Grant for the City of Dubuque . .......................................................... 268 " 8-Aeronautics and Space Administration, proposed " ex erimental program for City of Dubuque..... 268, 280 276 8-Alba Cruso A., granted Cigarette Permit ................. " 2G-Abeln Abstract Company, purchase of Lot 2, Block 3 in Dubuque Downtown Plaza ......................... 295, 394 Aug. 3--Adams Realty Corporation and First National Bank, offer to purchase property located in the downtown Urban Renewal azea .............319, 321, 382 " 3-American Veterans of W.W. 2 and Korea, Post ~3, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ......................... 324 ' 17-Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Illinois Central Railroad Company ..................... 340 Sept. 8-Amvets requesting permission to conduct a tag day. 361 " 14-Advisory Commission, requesting reduction in the size of voting precincts ......................................... 397 " 21-Agreement between the City of Dubuquge and Du- buque County, Iowa on Joint CountyCity Law Enforcement Center . ............................................ 410 " 21-ANNEXATION application by Tower ffivestment Inc., of r..,,.~..; south of present corporation limits in Rockdale area, consisting of 11.42 acres .........................................................413, 424, 458, 460 " 28-Airport Commission, advising that they are includ- ing anew hangar structure in their 1971 budget. 423 28-Atkinson Merlyn et. al., requesting installation of sidewalks on Keokuk Street ................................. 428 Ock 5-Avoca Street, request for installation of a street light . .......................................................................... 456, 454 " 12-ANNEXATION application by Robert Waller and William J. Byrne of property lying south of corporation limits, consisting of 55.76 acres..... 459, 460 " 12-ANNEXATION application by County Board of Road and a county kd S i f th l R oc e uperv sors o a e road lying northerly of the Table Mound School. 459, 480 Nov. 2-Agricultural and Horticultural Applications for tax exemptions on parcels of land consisting of ten acres or more ................................................. 487 " 2-Ace Pipe Cleaning Inc., continuation certificate..... 471 " 2-Annexation of property in O'Neill's Riverview Sub. requested by Phyllis Jones ................................. 467 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page A 2-American Veterans of World War II granted Clas , s "B" Beer Permit ................. ... " 2-Atlantic & Pacific Tea Coma ~~~~~~ranted "C" Be g P ~ 488 er Permit. , ... ................................................. „ ................. A visory Commission, urging Council to adopt a Ogg resolution forcing a land developer to set aside ten percent of land or cash for park & recrea - tional facilities „ ..................................... 18-ANNEXATION of pp .................... located on both sidest of R kdal R ad and 498 e o south of an extension of Southern Avenue..... 499 500 Dec. 7-American Rehabilitation Foundation, requesting , permission to conduct a door to door solicita- tion . ............................................................................ » 7-Ammazi Farah, Notice of Claim 509 ............. ..... ............. . 7-Alba Cruso A., ~raated Class "C" Beer permit. ,... 513 517 ...~+ .ecummemm~g tnat a person be allowed to do his own work in his household. 521, 522 " 14-A•1 Plumbing Cooling & Heating Co., requesting , refund on plumbing permits ............... r~30 ' 14-ANNEXATION of Cit "' """' Y Property (Sewage Disposal ProPertY) containing 29.3 acres ......................... 545 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page B Jan. 5-Bitter Joseph J., sworn in as Councilman ............... 1 " 5-Brammer's lnc„ exercising the option on lease of a portion of Lot 1 of Summit Place ..................... 7 " 5-Brunskill's Addition, rezoning of property from single family to multiple residence district classt&cation . .......................................................... 9 " 5-Building Permits prohibited to owners of real pro- perry which is being rezoned . ........................ 11, 43 " 5-Bies llrive Sanitary Sewer 19fi9, preliminary plans and specifications .....................................12, 82, 387, 439 " " S--Bell Joseph E. granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 19-Budget Amended as requested by the City Mana- 20 ger . ..................................8, 25, 44, 109, 170, 208, 221 Feb. 2-Behr's Inc. authorized to construct canopies over udic sidewalk th 46 45 " ............................................... e P 16-Black & White, Yellow & Checker Cab Co. Inc., lia- , bility policy . ............................................................ 59 " 16-Ball Alma, Notice of Claim ......................................... 59, 232 Maz. 2-Brosius Edward, objecting to the prices being paid for trees in the Urban Renewal area ................. 69 " 2-Bartels Place, Sara S. & Edward R., certification of cost of Sanitary Sewer, and establishing of a rnnnection charge for hooking up to the eight (8) inch Sanitary Sewer ......................................... 79, 80 " 2-Brown Edward G., granted Cigarette Permit......... 92, 109 " 2-Bergfeld Janice M., granted Cigazette Permit........ 92 " 2-Bridge Restaurant & Lounge, granted Class B" Beer Permit ............................................................. 93 " 2-Bergfeld Janice Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . ...................................................................... 93, 212 " 2-Bergfeld Janice Marie, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit . ...................................................................... 93 " 23-Becker & Sons Stone Company, Notice of petition, ordering the City to issue a blasting permit... 100 " 23-Ball Karl J., requesting refund on Cigarette Per- mit No. 92 ................................................................. 108 April 6-Board of Health, Regular Session ........................... 115 8-Blasi C. George, complazning of unpleasant condi- tions around Oak Brook Subdivision ............... 122, 149 " 6-Burke Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 138 " 6-Brant Carl N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit....... 138 " 13-Boardman Arthur, requesting a closing time for Allison Henderson Park . .................. ........... 143 " 13-Begsley Fred et. al., requesting a curfew for A1R- son Henderson Park . ............................................ 143 May 4-Bailiff of Municipal Court, salary adjustment re- commended by City Manager ............................. 184 " 4-Beiler Fanny, requesting quit claim deed to va- cated alley abutting Lots 4 and 5 in Grandview Place ........................................................................... 171 " 4-Brown Edward G., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit No. 115 ............................................. 171 " 4-Bisping Herbert F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 188 " 11-Becker & Sons Stone Co. Lability policy ................. 192 " 11-Becker James G., sidewa~lt bond ............................... 192 " il-Breckler Anna Mae, Notice of Claim ....................... 192, 426 " 18-Bechen Francis Mrs. et. al, objecting to the rezon- ing of property in Block 4 of Westside Manor. 200 " 18-Brown Louise M., requesting rezoning of property in John P. Mettels Sub No. 2 from its present classification to Local Business "B" classifica- tion . ............................................................................ 202 " 25-Brown Edward G., requesting refund on Class "C" Liquor Permit No. 6725 ......................................... 212 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page B " 25--Bradley Merlin H. and Dorothy R., owners of real es[ate which the Airport needs for the develo June p- ment of the Lighting System. 213, 278, 818, 1-Butler Hazriet C., Notice of Claim 353, 354 " ......................... 1-Berwenger Boiler Shop, requesting permission to let condenser units remain on top of the Wal- 221 „ ser Moving & S[orage building. 9-Birch Marshall R P 225 „ „ ., granted Cigarette ermit......... 9-Baker William, granted Cigarette Permit 237 „ ............. 9-Brant Cazl A., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 15-Blosch Carl, sidewalk bond 237 237 " ........................... 15-Bailey Ed, granted Cigarette Permit ......................... 15-$urgmaier John ~1 ~ " " , granted Cigarette Permit. 15-Bell Jose gr g ~ •°°~° anted Ci azette Perau9 .................... 15-Brant Carlt'N 245, g 99 245 " " ., 15-Bridge Marian Jranted Class~`C" Li uor Permit. 15-Burke Jose hive granted azette Permit......... P t ' 246 246, 2g2 „ gran ed C azette Permit......... 29-Breitbach Ronald J., Notice of Claim 248, 282 ....................... 29-Baum William, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 29-Becker Robert L 252 261 „ „ ., granted Cigarette Permit........... 29-Beecher Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permits. 29-Beidler Rob rt 2g1 2g1 „ e , granted Cigarette Permit . 2 2 , ................ 29-Bradley Clyde L., granted Cigarette Permit........... 29-Boge Daniel D 8 2g2 „ " ., granted Cigarette Pernut........... 29--Brammers Inc., granted Cigarette Permit 262, 499 ~~ ............... 29--Baumhover Ralph, granted Cigarette Permit.... 29-Bailey Edward A " 2g2 283 " ., granted Class B" Beer Permit. 29-Becker Robert L„ granted Closs "C" Beer Permit 263 . 29-Bailey Edward A, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit . ........ 283 ,> „ .................................................................... 29-Burke Josephine, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 29-Burroughs Jerry & Dallas Murph c l i 265 285 y, omp a ning of drainage problem on English Lane July ................... e-geau LeRoy F. and Rose Mary, Settlement of Suit. 6-Becker Mi i 265, 300 270 „ " nn e Notice of Claim ............. 6-Brimeyer Dona~d C., granted Cigarette Permit 7 ..... 20-Bandy Claudette C., Notice of Claim ............ 20-Blakeman Ronald 2 8 282 " , granted Cigarette Permit.... 20-Bisping Herbert, granted Cigarette Permit 299 Aug. .... 3-Board of Health, Special Session ~~'~~~~ 297 . 10-Brookside Dai Inc., "••~~~""""""""""' ry granted Class "C" Beer Per- 309 „ „ mit . ............................................................................ 24-Blaser Ralphl Notice of Claim 330, 439 „ ................. 24-Billington William R. Jr., Notice of Claim~~............ 24-Bainbridge James R " " 349 34g ., granted Class B Beer per mit . .......... „ .......................................... 24-Bainbrid a James R., ~'•~~~~""""""""' P granted Class "C" Liquor Permit . ........ ~ Sept. " ........................... 8-Buechel Louis, liability ppolicy. ~•~~~••~~~•~~~•~~~~••~~•••~~•~•~ • 8-Bunker Hill Road & Merfeld La 350 358 ne, installation of street Rght recommended „ „ „ ............... 8-Bishops Cafeteria, """"""""'° granted Cigarette Permit......... 8-Baker William H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 359 3g4 . 8-Baker William H., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- 395 mit . ..................................... ....................................... 395 OM. 5-Bradley Nathan C., Notice of Claim ....................... 434 " 5-Becker Lucille W., Notice of Claim ....................... " 5-Brimeyer Donald C., granted Class "B" Beer Per- ~ „ mit . ................................................................ 452 5-Brookside Dairy Inc., granted Class "C" Beer~Per- „ mit . ..................................................................... 12-Bradley Iron Works Inc., purchase of ,..,, """ 452 Lot 2, Block 16, Riverfront Subdivision ~No.t3 " 18-Budget For The City of Dubuque For The Fiscal 458 Year 1971 . .............................................................. 483, 487 1 i ~ I i . ,~ INDEX -BOOK 100 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page 1970 SUBJECT page B C Nov. 2-Backes Leonard J., appointed to the Plumbing Jan. 5-City Council, Regular Session ..................................... 1 Board . ............................:........................................... 471 5-Chavenelle Gilbert D., appointed City Manager..... 1 " 2-Becker & Sons Stone Co., liability policy ................. 471 S-City Manager, advising the Council of his appoint- " 2-Bards Richazd L., Notice of Claim .............. ... ........... 472 meat of officers and personnel under his sup- " 2-Beecher Co. Tnc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 488 ervision and control . ........................... ..... .. 1 „ 4-Bemis Harry J., Notice of Claim ............................. 492, 511 5-City Manager, submitting a detailed distribution ' 4-Blakeman Ronald L., granted Class "B" Beer Per- of proposed expenditures for the fiscal year mit . ............................................................................ 493 1970, and submitting an ordinance allocating " 4-Blakeman Ronald L., granted Class "C" Liquor and making tax appropriations of tax levies Permit . ...................................................................... 494 and other sources of revenue for the fiscal Yeaz Dec. 7-Brown Irene Ana, settlement of suit ......................... 511 1970. .......................................................................... 2. 3 " 7-B. P. O. E. Lodge No. 297, granted Class "B" Beer 5-Chavenelle Gilbert D., bond . ...................... .... 6 " Permit . ...................................................................... e No 297 L d ranted Class "C" Li uo B P O E 7 517 ...... .... S-City Manager, recommending the amendingg of the bud et d t d . , g g q . . . . o r - g as a op e by Ordinance No. 1-70. Permit . ...................................................................... 518 .................................................. 6, 25, 109, 170, 208, 221 " 14-Becke Florence, winner of the Pedestrianway con- 5-City of Dubuque Flood Protection Project, roadway test for submitting the Name TOWN CLOCK fill for Front Street ............................................... 15, 62 PI.AZA . .................................................................... 520 ~ 19-City Council, SPecial Session................................. . . 23 " 14-Baker Robert T., Notice of Claim ............................. 523 .... . . 19-City Manager, requesting that the City participate " 14-Budget Report Of Municipality For Streets And in program to establish a fund for a person to Parking For 1971 ..................................................... 540 work with the Director of the League of Iowa " 14-Baum William J., granted Class "B" Beer permit. 547 Municipalities. .......................................................... 23 Feb. 2--City Council, Regular Session ..................................... 37 " 2-City Manager, recommending denial of petition of P. T. A. requesting street lights ......................... 37 " 2-City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Department reports and a list of claims for the month o>? December 1969 ......................................................... 37 " 2-Claims for the month of December 1969, proof of publication ........................................................... 37 " 2-Conlon Building Co. & Conlon Construction Co., liability policy ......................................................... 38 " 16-City Council, SPecial Session ..................................... 58 " 16-City Manager, requesting permission to attend a Workshop at the University of Iowa ................. 58 16-Car Wash, recommendation of City Manager that a building permit be issued ..................................... 59 " 16-Council proceedings for the months of August, September and October, approved as printed. 59 Mar. 2-CitY Council, Regular Session ..................................... 69 " 2-City-County Law Enforcement Center, request from the Dubuque Metropolitan Area Commission on Crime Delinquency for the establishment of " a Center . ............................ ...............69, 70, 2-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of en• 113, 129 trance examination for positions on the Police " Department . .............................................:..........70, 11B, 397 Z-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of entrance examination for positions as Water Plant Operator ..................................... ............ ~ 70 " 2-Council proceedings for the month of November 1969, approved as Printed ..................................... 70 " 2--City Manager, recommending installation of street lights on Kaufmann Avenue ..................... .... 71 2-City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Department, reports and a list of claims for the month of January 1970 . .................................................... 71 " 2-Claims for the month of January 1970, proof of publication . .............................................................. 71 " 2-Connolly Jane Ann, Notice of Claim ......................... 74 " 2-Chew Patrick, requesting rezoning of property in Westside Manor Subdivision from Slagle Fam- ily to Local Business "B" Classification ............. ........................................................ 75, 140, 152, 200, 222 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page C " 2--City Hall, Third Floor,. report of Rossiter & Hamm rs on the feasibility o~ Architects & Enginee remodeling the 3rd floor ..................................... 95, 196 ,• 23-City Council. Special Session .................................... the month of December s for di " , ng 23-Council procee 1989 aPProved as Panted .................................... Treasurer and Water Department, re- Auditor -Cit 23 f 97 , y - ports and a list of claims for the month o 97 " February 1970 ........................................................ 23-Claims for the month of February 1970, proof of . .. ~ " " . ........................................ publication . ..:.............. 23-Conlon Construction Co., sidewalk bond . ............ authorized to sign papers on behalf Clerk Ci 9 ,. , ty 2,3-- of City Manager ..................................................... ...... 23-Conzett William A., Notice of Claim ................... n 100, 491 " 23--Canfield Hotel ffic., requesting definite action o rchased from Urban Renewal for property Pu ng ....................................... . par lot purposes. •• •• Grant Agreement with the United 108 " 23-City of Dubuque States of Ameaca for the development of the 110 " Municipal Airport ................................................... 23-Chalder D'Lchael R., granted Close "B" Beer Permit. s "C" Liquor d Cl 111 " as 23-Chalder Michael R., grante ....... 112 APrtI Permit . .............................................................. ti-City Council, Regular Session .................................... 8-Civil Sernce Commission submitting report of amination {or positions on the Fire 116 " entrance ex DePartment . .......................................................... 6-Culver, Congressman John C. communication re- f the Of{ice of the Civil De- l 118, 397 o garding refusa fense to grant application for architect's fees tion of the 9th Street Engine House. 1~ for a por 6-Chapman Myrtle, Notice of Claim ........................... Council that he will attend in d ^ g vis fi-City Solicitor, a a Seminaz relative to adopting an ordinance hour of Allison Henderson Park. [n l 121, 143 " g os for the c 6-Cox Roger B., re9questing rezoning of Lot 2 and t of Lot 3 of M. L. 176 to Two Family Resi- 122 par Bence District Classification ............................... •' B-C1TY OF DUBUQUE~m70r~ONCRETE C 1U~B 174 225, 541 " 6-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1970 HUT mr~-nva .+.~~ ASPHALTIC CONcnc.at. PAVING PROJECT 542 NO. 1. ..............131, 178, 212, ........................... improvement with Hot Mix- o 226, " B--Central Avenue, Laid Asphaltic concrete paving from the N.P.L. th Street to the N.P.L. of Lot 2 of Lot 2 i n of N of Mineral Lot 363 .......................................... . „ 8-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1970 BITUMINOUS CON- 132, 176 CRETE PAVING PROJECT NO. 1...........~•~535, 180, 227, 502, 134 538, 539 ............................... , ING C P '~ 6 O I ~ O D - NO Wl PAOJECT CUAB AI, INTEGR l'g 136, ............................................... 180, 227 ............................ j3~--Cjty Sohc tor,Ssubmit ing lopinion concerning the Athaon-Henderson Park eprsodes, and recom- mending that the Council provide another site 143 for the Allison-Henderson group . .................. 149 „ ecial Session .................................... 20-City Council, Sp " 20-County-City Authority, submitting report for the 49 20--City AudltorBTreasurer and~Water Department, re- f claims for the month of t o ports and a Bs 150 IlVDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page C " 20-Crtssy Drive residents complaining of water drain- age due to the lack of a storm sewer on Crissy Drive . ........................................................................ 153 May 4-City Council, Regular Session ..................................... 163 ' 4-Crime Commission, submitting a resolution con- cerning the feasibility of flnencmg a study of a joint law enforcement facility ......................... 163 " 4-Claims for the month of March 1970, proof of publication . ........................ ............................ 163 " 4-City Manager, recommending salary adjustment for the Clerk and the Bailiff of the Municipal Court . ....................................................... .... 104 " 4-City Manager, advising that the alley running from Glen Oak Street to Vernon Street will be re- activated, and, Ridgeway Avenue will be seal- coated . ...................................................................... 165 " 4-City Manager, recommending denial of petition of Hillcrest Investment Inc., requesting a storm sewer through their property ............................. 165 " 4-City Manager, recommending that the 1970 "Dog Pound" budget appropriation be Increased by $3.000 ................................................................ 170 " 4-Conrad Vincent A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 186 4-Conrad Vincent A., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit . ...................................................................... 187 " 4-City Assessor, recommending settlement with Roshek Realty on real estate assessment......... 18S " 4-City Assessor, recommending settlement with Ken- nedy Mall Inc. on real estate assessment......... 189 " li-City Council, Special Session ..................................... 191 " 11-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of examination for position of Housing Inspector. 191 " 11-Clark Oil & Refining Corporation, requesting rent- al of city owned property adjacent to their Dodge Street Service Station ............................. 193, 251 " 18-City Council, Special Session ..................................... 198 " 18-City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Department reports and a list of claims for the month o{ April 1970 ................................................................. 198 " 18-City Manager, recommending extension of closing hours for the Parking Ramps and further recommending an adjustment of parking rates. 188 " 18-City Engtneer, recommending that Harold & Rob- ert Molo be granted permission to construct a sanitary sewer on John F. Kennedy Road......... 199 " 18-Conlon Construction Co., requesting that a con- tract for the Pedestrianway not be awazded if it is not in accordance with plans and spec- iflcatfons as advertised ......................................... 207, 209 25-City Council, Special Session ..................................... 209 " 25-Connery William T. and Lucina G., conveyance of Lot 2 of Sub of Lot 4 and Lot 2 of the Sub of Lot 3 of Gilliam's Subdivision to the City of Dubuque . .......... ................................................ .. .. ... 213 June 1-Ctiy Council, Regular Session ..................................... 217 " 1-Claims for the month of April 1970, proof of publi- cation ........................................................ ......... 21'T " 1-Council proceedings for the months of January and February 1970, approved as printed......... 217 " 8-City Council, Special Session ..................................... 231 " 9-City Council, Adjourned Special Session . ............ 232 " 9-Conrad Vincent, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 237 " 9-Chalder Florence E., granted Cigarette Permit. 237 " 9-Canfield Hotel, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 237 " 9-Cramer Ralph J., granted Cigarette Permit......... 237 IlVDEX -BOOK 100 197U sUBJECT rage C " 9-Corbett Earl G., gi'8nted Cigarette Permit ............. " 15-City Council, Special Session . ............................... 15-City Manager, reporting on request for use of " Jackson Park . ........................................................ 15-City Manager, submitting copy of certified audit 240 report of ParkmB Funds for 1989 ..................... 240 " 15--City of Dubuque 1969 Concrete Curb and Gutter ...... Project No. 1, completed and accepted... 24`1 245 " 15-Clark Super 100, granted Cigarette Permit ............. tt P it 282 248 " " . ............ e erm 15-Chew Patnck, granted Cigare 15-Conrad Vincent, granted Cigarette Permit. ...... , 248, 262 " 15-CROSSROADS, petitions requesting enactment and enforcement of laws and ordinances to control the Crossroads coffee house ................................. 247, 249 „ 29--City Council. SPecial Session .................................... " 29-City Manager, submitting report on Burden Av- .................................... layground nue 2~ " ................. p e 29-City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Department reports and a list of claims for the month o~ " MaY 1970 ................................................................... 29-Claims for the month of May 1970, proof of publi- 250 ........................................ cation 250 " ................................. 29---Cullen Charles W. et al, requesting stop signs at the intersection of Goethe and Sheridan Streets. 254 " 29-Cody Drive, installation of street lights recom- 258 " mended . .................................................................... 29-Cock 'n Bull, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 282 29-Creslanes Bowling Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. 262 282 " 29-Cahill Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit......... " 29-Creslanes Bowling Inc., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit . ...................................................................... 265 " 29-COUNTY-CITY OF DUBUQUE AUTHORITY, aR- pointment of Raymond Goedken as Commis- sioner ......................................................................... 285 July 6-City Council, Regular Session . ................................ 287 279 " 20-City Council, Special Session ................. 20-Council proceedings for the months of March and April 1970, approved as printed . .................... 279 " 2d-City Auditor, Treasurer and Water Department, reports and claims for the month of June, 280 " 1970 . .......................................................................... 20--City Manager, requegstin~ permission to attend a 280 conference in San Diego .................................... " 20-Canfield Hotel, requesting installation of a street 285 light . ......................................................................... 20-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1969 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER PROJECT NO. 1, schedule of assess- " ments ......................................................................... 20-Chalder Michael, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 285 X7 " 27-City Council Special Session .................................... 27-Claims for tie month of June 1970, proof of pub- 0 " Bcation ....................................................................... 27-Connolly Howard & Ann, Notice of Claim ............. 300 301 Aug. " 3-City Council, Regular Session . ................................ 3--City Manager, submitting audit of the 1969 City 310 Records, certified by O'Connor, Brooks, Ahr- endt and Brooks ..................................................... 310 " 3--City Manager recommending installation of a 311 street fight on Iowa Street near 4th ................. " 9-Conrad Plumbing & Heating Co., requesting refund on a heating permit ............................................. 313 •' 3-Creslanes Bowling Inc., granted Class "B" Beer 323 Permit . .....................................................................: 10-City Council, SPecial Session .................................... 326 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page C " 10-CITY OF DUBUQUE HOT MIX-HOT LAID AS- PHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT FOR 1969, completed and accepted.........327, 361, " 10-Coriell's Dubuque, Lot 32A and Lot 40A, approval 362, 364 of plat ....................................................................... " 17--City Council, Special Session .............. .. 329 332 17-City Auditor, reports and a list of claims for the „ month of July 1970 ................................................. 24-City Council, Special Session ........................ .. ' 332 343 24-City Manager, recommending that structures locab ed at 942 Dodge Street and at 1203 Grove Ter- race (garages) be dismantled and the premises cleaned up . ................................343, 344, 420, 24-Claims for the month of July 1970, proof of publi- 486, 534 cation ......................................................................... " 24-Colt 45 Drum & Bugle Corps, requesting permis- sion to have a c 346 oncession stand located at the end of the parade route ......................................... " 346 24--City of Dubuque, contract with the Iowa State Highway Commission for maintenance of pri- mary mad extensions within the city ............. Sept. 7-City Council, Regular Session . ................................ 348 357 ~~ 8-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ................. 358 8-Conrad Paint & Hardware Eac. & Conrad Plumbing » & Heating Inc., liability policy ........................ 358 8-Council proceedings for the month of May 1970 , aPProved as printed . ............................................ " 14-City Council Special Session ..................................... " 358 397 21-City Council, Special Session ..................................... " 401 28-City Council, Special Session ........................ " ""' "" 423 28-Carnegie Stout Libr "" ary, submitting proposal for Purchase of a Bookmobile >, ................................. 28-Curtis Straub Company, liability policy ................ ... ' 423 425 . . 28---City Tmasurer, Auditor and Water Department re- , ports and a list of claims for the month of August, 1970 ......................... .......... 28-Claims for the month of August, 1970, proof of 425 » Publication . .............................................................. 28-Council proceedings for the month of June, 1970 425 , „ aPProved as printed ............................................. 26--CITY OF DUBUQUE 1969 BITUMINOUS CON- ~5 CRETE PAVING PROJECT NO. 1., completed » and accepted ................................................. 429. 28-Commodity Warehousing Corporation of Chicago, Agreement with the City of Dubuque for the 475, 478 purchase of Lot 1 of 1 of Block 5 in River Front Subdivision No. 3 cancelled and down PBYment of $5000 forfeited ................................. 430 Oet. 5-City Council, Regular Session ................................... " 433 5-Conrad Plumbing & Heating Co., requesting exca- » vation permit at 901 West Third St .............. 439 ... 1&-City Council SPecial Session ..................................... " 454 12-City Council, supporting a proposed statewide sales tax which, in turn, would be distributed » to cities and fawns on a per capita basis..... 455 .... 16--City Council, Special Session ..................................... 463 Nov. 2--City Council, Regular Session .................. " ~• ~ ~ 2--Chamber of Commerce, commending the City on the 1971 Budget presentation ......................... " 2-Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad q67 relative to the operating and maintenance o>s traffic signals from 12th to 17th Street ............. " 2-Council proceedings for the month of July, 1970 470, 511 , aPProved as printed . ............................................ 470 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page C " 2--City Treasurer, Auditor and Water Department, re- ports and a list of claims for the month of " September 1970 . ................................................. 2--Claims for the month of September, 1970, proof of 471 " publication . .............................................................. 2-Cedaz Street Force Main, completed and accepted. 471 483 " 2-Couler Valley Collector Sewer, completed and ac- cepted . ...................................................................... 484 " 2-Chalder Florence E., granted Class "C" Beer Per- . 488 " tmt . ........................................................................... 4--City Council, Special Session ........... ... .... ..... 491 " 4-City Solicitor, submitting a report on the Theodore 497 495 " R. Ellsworth case ..................................................... it-City Council, Special Session ..................................... , 497 498 ' 16-City Council, Special Session ..................................... lf>-City Auditor and City Treasurer, reports and a list of cleans for the month of October, 1970....... 498 " 18-Clarke College, granted Cigarette Permit......... " ` 504 504 " Beer Permit ...... B 16-Cosimo's Inc., granted Class " i6-City Manager, requesting authorization to apply for a federal grant for construction of the Sewage treatment plant. .. ... .. 505, 649 9 Dec. .. 7-City Council, Regular Session..._...._......._......_... ~ 0 ' " 14-City Council, Special Session ..................................... 14-CityAMrendt andeBrooksc nduc~the aurt~itBof the City for 1970, and that the State Auditor make 522 " ................................................... the 1971 audit. .. 14--Chalder Alvena, Notice of Claim .. .... ........... 523 " 14-City of Dubuque Budget Report For Municipal 540 Streets And Parking For 1971 .......................... 549 " 29-City Council, Special Session ..................................... INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT page D Jan. 5-Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, appointed of- ficial depository of public funds ......................... 2 " 19-Dubuque County Medical Society, requesting the City to underwrite any deficiency in the cost of immunizing children against Rubella or Ger- man measles ............................................................. 26 " 19-Dubuque Association of the Blind, requesting per- nussion to conduct a candy sale ......................... 26, 46 Feb. 16-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Co., liability policy. 59 Mar. 2-Dubuque Metropolitan Area Commission on Crime and Delinquency, requesting consideration on the establishment of a City CountyIaw En- " forcement Center .......................................... ... 69 70 Z-Daughters of Union Veterans, Mary Agazd Tent , Tent No. 35, requesting permission to conduct " tag days ..................................................................... 93 " 2-D.B.Q. Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 93 2-Deutsch Florance T., granted Class "C" Liquor „ ...... . Permit . .................. ............................................. 93 23-Dubuque Historical Society, relative to condition " of Ute Hamm House ........................................... 98 .. 23-Dubuque County Conservation Society, expressing appreciation for the City Engineer submittin g an account of the new Sewage Disposal plant and on Pollution ......................... .. .. 96 23-Deutsch Florence, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 111 April 6-Dubuque Symphony Orchestra Auxiliary, announ- cing their {trogram for the season by having " a ticket dnve . ........................................................ 119 6-Davis Earl C., et. al., requesting relief from drain- age problem caused by storm water from Lu- ther Manor and west side of St. Anne's Drive. 122 6-Dubuque Advisory Commission, regnesting the Council to adopt a resolution whereby land developers would set aside 10% of land in sub- divisions for recreation purposes ....................... 122 13-Dubuque Tot Lot Association Inc., liability policy. 140 13-Daniels Street, request for installation of street 140 „ lights . ................................. ... ................................... 13-Dubuque Area Legal Services Agency, requesting 140 Mayor to proclaim May 1 as Law Day ............. 145 13-Dubuque Yacht Basin Inc., granted Class "B" " Beer Permit . .................................................. 146 2p-Dubuque County Library Study Committee, submit- " ting re ort . ............................................................ 149 20-Dubuque Cheese Factory, requesting permission to connect to the sanitary sewer May ......................... 4-Dog Povnd budget appropriation for 1970, recom- 153 mendation of the City Manager that it be in- " creased by $3,000 . ................................................ 189 4-Dubuquette Drill and Color Guard, requesting per- mission to sell buttons to support their ac- tivities . .............................................. .. .......... 4-Dubuque Memorial Day Parade Committee, re- 171 questing permission to hold a parade ................. 171 18-DBQ Inc., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ............. 207 " 25-Dubuquge Packing Co., requesting vacation and conveyance of portion of Sycamore Street. ................................................................ 212, 218, 243, 291 June 1-Donovan Construction Co., sidewalk bond ............. 217 1-Dubuque Blacktop Co. Inc., granted permission to attach four compressor units for Air Condition- ing on the rear wall over public alley at 1473 Central Avenue ....................................................... 223, 224 INDEX -BOOK 100 INDEX -BOOK 100 Page 1970 SUBJECT Page 1970 SUBJECT _ - E ~ Jan. 19-Eska Company, purchase of Lot 3 of Lot 1 of Block " 1-Dubuque Golf & Country Club, granted Class "B' 2'L9 5, Riverfront Subdivision No. 3 ......................... 35, 78 Beer Permit. ...... .................. " " Feb. 2-Eisenhower P.T.A., etition for street li ht denied. 37 " A 1-Dubuque Golf Country Club, granted Class 229 " lt~Easter Seal Society of Iowa for Crippled Children, Liquor Permit ......................................................... requesting permission to conduct a tag day. 60 " 9-Dorweiler Delos A. & Lois M., requgesting rezoning Mar. 2-Erschen Alice H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 93 of property in Westchester Subdivision from 2-Eagles Lodge Aene No. 568, granted Class "C" Multiple Family to•Multiple Family with Pro- 2 34 282 Liquor Permit . ........................................................ 93 ............................... fessional use classification. 23-Eisbach Paul, granted Cigarette Permit................. 111 Community School District, requesting 9-Dubuque April 6-Edwards Construction Company, sidewalk bond. 117 . permission to use fireworks at the home foot- ~ 6-Eagle Point Pazk, improvement with Bituminous » ball games ................................................................. 9-Dubuquge Packing Company, granted Cigarette 237 June Concrete Paving. .................................................... 2-Ecumenical Housing Inc., requesting participation 134> 180 Permit . ...................................................................... in the Federal Rent Supplement Program in Golf & Country Club, granted Cigarette 9-Dubuque 237 " conjunction with the Kennedy Manor project. 219 " . Penmt . ..................................................................... granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. Diener Joseph L. 239 " 15-Elks Club, granted Cigarette Permit . .................... 15-Eagles Club, granted Cigarette Permit..................... 245 246 " , 9- 15--Dubuque Sertoma Club, Itability policy ......... ............ 241 29-Edith Street Sanitary Sewer Extension, preliminary " 15-Dubuquge Manna, granted Cigarette Pernut......... estimate .................. .................................. ...... . 257 " A.V. Club, granted Cigarette Peraut ..................... 15-D 245 ++ 29-Erschen Alice, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 261 ~~ . 15-Diener Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit . ............ ~`2 29-Eichorn Lester & Marie, granted Cigarette Permit. 261 settlement of claim ............................. 29-Dewey Lyle, 261 '• 29-Ellis Victoria, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 261 '~ , 29-Dunbar I.inme, granted Cigarette Permit. ••••.•••~••• 282 29-Erschen Alice, granted Class "C" Liquqor Permit. 265 +' 29-Dunne Bill, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 262 July 6-Evarts Gene, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 276 " 29-Donovan Melville E., granted Cigarette Permit..... 262 6-Evarts Gene, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. .... 277 " ..... 29-Deutsch Fforance, granted Cigarette Permit.... Aug. 24-ELECTION on County-City Law Enforcement Cen- " 29-Dubuque Yacht Basin, granted Cigarette Permit. 277 ter to be placed on November ballot ............. July 6-D.B.Q. Inc., granted Cigarette Permit . ................ Dubuque Auto Exchange Co., requesting replace- 20 Oct. ... ...... 352, 401, 410 424, 446, 447, 448, 12-Erne Marjorie, Notice of ~Ciaim ...................... 487, 492 454 - ..,• ................................... went of a street light. 285 Nov. 2-Ehlers Donald H., appointed to the Electrical " 27-Duggan Marie, requesting a street light at Harold 301 Board of Appeal ..................................................... 489 & Clarke Drive ......................................................... 4-Ellsworth Theodore, report submitted by the City " Dubuque Vaccum and Sewing Center, reques ng 27 1 Solicitor . .................................................................... 495, 497 - peraussion to have a Maxwell Street" sale. 30 Dec. 7-Edwards & Sons Construction Co., requesting re- " 27-D.A.V. Fighting Back Chapter No. 6, requesting 302 zoning of property in Duggan Farm from Sin- permission for a tag day ..................................... 310 gle Family to Multiple Family classification. 515 Aug. " 3-Driscoll Earl D., sidewalk bond . ............................ Dubuque Sertoma Club, requesting permission to 10 6 14-Emergency Fund, transfer of $93,036.97 to the Public Safety Fund .................... ............................ 543 - sell fight bulbs for Retarded Children s Day. 32 „ 14-Ehrlich Thomas Frederick and Rosalyn, convey- " 10-Dubuque County Fair, requesting proclamation of 326 ance of property to the City of Dubuque......... 545 " County Fair Week. ........................... ..................... 24-Detablan Emma Mrs., ordered to dismantle and clean up premises located at 942 Dodge Street. .............................. 243, 344, 520, 534 Sept. ................ .................... 8-Dubannexation of lthe Table Moundt'School ssite 361 " 21-Donovan Gerald, Notice of Claim . ....................... Disabled American Veterans Club Inc., granted 5 404 2 Oct. - .................... Class "B" Beer Permit.... -- -•••~-•••••••~~ 45 454 " 12-Dalsing Frieda, Notice of Claim ................................. Davis James C., appointed to the plumbing Board. 2 471 Nov. " - 2-Duncan Malachi Jr., appointed to the Human 489 c D Rights Commission ................................................. 7-Dubuquge County Tuberculosis and Respiratory . e Disease Association, requesting permission to 515 " have a bangle day . .............................................. 7-Disabled American Veterans Inc., granted Class 518 «C" Liquor Permit ................................................. INDEX -BOOK 100 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page_ 1970 SUBJECT Page p F Jan appointed City Clerk ................. 5-Frommelt Leo F. 1 July 6-Flood Disaster Grant, Audit Report of the State . , 5-First National Bank, appointed official depository of public funds ......................................................... 1 of Iowa . ................................................................... 6-Fire Fighters Assn. requesting permission to ad- 288 " 5-Flood Protection Project, City Engineer requesting " dress the City Council. ~ 272, 399 Corps of Engineers to include roadway U S 20-Fullmer William G., Library Director, explaining . . fill on Front Street and a road ramp at Haw- to the Council remarks made by him and print- and one at Shiras Avenue......... thorne Street 15, B2 ed in the newspaper concerning construction " , 5-Fischer & Company Inc., offer to purchase proper- ty in the downtown Urban Renewal area lo- ~~ of a new library. ................................................ 20-Frederick Roy, sidewalk bond . ................................ 279 279 Gated at 8th & Locust Streets.....16, 17, 1B, 20, 294 20-Frommelt S. J., requesting permission to excavate „ 19-Finn Michael J., Notice of Claim ............................. 24 in Huff Street....................................................... 5 ~ " (Sunshine Circle) requesting re- 19-Finley Hospital 27-Fire Engine Bids to be received for a New Pump- , fund on Cigarette Permit No. 109. ........... presenting the City of Du- t National Bank 16 Fi ~ Aug. in Engine ............................................................... 3-Fount & Iowa Streets, installation of a street 300, 428 Feb. , rs - buque with a check in the amount of $5,000 light recommended ................................................. 311 to be used in connection with the new Pedes- 3--Fire Limits for the City of Dubuque revised to con- trianway Mall. ................................... """"""'~~~"~~' 84 form to the recommendations in the American Mar ........ 2-Fena Adele, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 93 Insurance Association re ort. P ........................... " " 311, 312 . " 2-Fischer Bowling Lanes Inc., granted Close "B" 3-Fettgather Ramona, granted Class Beer Permit. B 323 Beer Permit ............................................................ 93 99 d 10-Fon ell & Sons Inc. requyesting permission to excavate in South Booth Street 328 " " 23-Furry Dale, Notice of Suit ......................................... 23-"Finley Hospital Week" proclamation . .............. 107 6 . ..... .. 17-Flem~n Mary C., ap ~-~~~ ~-~~~ ~~ - g C pointed to the Low Rent H i i April " 6-Flood Insurance Program for the City of Dubuque. improvement with Bituminous Con- tom--Fenelon Place 117, 2 8 ous ng omm ssion . ............................................ 24-Fleege, Dora, Donald and Lorin, and John & Agnes 338 , Greta Paving from E.P.L. of Burch Street Weida, ordered to dismantle and clean up of Raymond Place ............................. P L to E 134, 180 premises located at 1203 Grove Terrace. (gar- " . . . 6-Fifth Street, improvement with Concrete Paving with Integral Curb from Locust Street to Cen- SePt~ ages) ........................................................344 420, 8-Fire Station at 9th & Iowa Streets vacate ......... 485, 486 359, 416 tral Avenue . ............................................................ 136, 184 8-Ferring Theodore J., granted Class "B" Beer Per- „ " 13-Flynn Company Inc., ,sidewalk bond . .................... objecting to youths taking over 13-Ferris Robert Mrs. 140 init. ................................... ......................................... 8-Friedman Leona R., granted Class "B"Beer Permit. 395 395 , Allison Henderson Playground ............................. 1'~ 14-Frommelt Leo F., authorized to sign city papers in " 13-Fautsch Louis F., reappointed to the Civil Service 147 Oct. absence of City Manager ..................................... 5-Fries Cyril J. granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 398 452 " Commission ............................................................... 20-Fleming Thomas Mrs., appointed to the Low Rent , . 5--Fries Cyril J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 453 Housing Agency . .................................................... 161, 187 Nov. 2-Foran M. A., Notice of Claim..................................... 472 May 4-Flynn Ready-Mix Company, grant of easement for Z-Freiburger Cletus et. al, regquesting rezoning of Flood Protection Works ......................................... 172 Lot 2 of McDaniels Park Hill Subdivision to June 1-First Fresbyterian Church, requesting traffic lights at Grandview, Grace and Delhi, and also Multiple Family classification ............................. 2-Freeman Dorothy K., settlement of suit ................. 474 491 at Asbury and University Avenue ..................... 225 16-Fire Codei recommendation of the Dubuque Code " agreement with the City of 9-First National Bank Committee that the 1695 Fire Prevention Code , Dubuque Urban Renewal Department for the be amended to the new 1970 Code . ............ 498, 513 acquisition and development of land in the Ur- Dec. 7-Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted Cigarette Per- " ban Renewal Area . ............................236, 296, 9--Felderman Laverne, granted Cigarette Permit..... 321, 382 237 mit. ............................................................................ 7-Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted Class "B" Beer 517 9-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Cigarette 237 Permit . ...................................................................... 7-Felderman Laverne G. granted Class "C„ Beer 517 " Permit . ...................................................................... 9-Fischer Bowling Lanes Club, granted Class "C" 238 , Permit . ...................................................................... 7-Fraternal Order of Eagles granted Class "C" Liq- 517 " Liquor Permit ......................................................... 15-Fondell & Sons Inc., liability policy .:....................... 240 , uor Permit............................................................... 518 " 15-Fischer & Company Inc., liability policy .......:......... 240 245 " 15-Fettgather Ramona, granted Cigarette Permit... " Erne & Lee, granted Cigarette Permit. Don 15-Fuller 245 " , , 15-Fries Cyril J., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 245 246 _ " 15-Fens Adele, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 261 " 29-Fenelon Patrick, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 261 " 29-Ferring Theodore J., granted Cigarette Permit..... 262 " 29-Friedman Leona R., granted Cigarette Permit..... 262 " 29-Fink Milton F., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 262 29-Frederick Carl, granted Cigarette Permit ............. " 29-Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 568, granted Cigar- " ette Permit . ........................................................... 29-Fettgather Ramona, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- 263 -•; ., mit . ............................................................................ 265 INDEX -BOOK 100 pagy 1970 SUBJECT 1970 G ., 2-Gemini Ina. requesting permission to conduct an ................... Feb 47 . Uptown Art Fair ................................ f Easement of Retirement Investment t ~ „ o 2-Gran ~I Corporation to the City of Dubuque, Iowa..... Pointed to the Human Rights ea 57 ., 3~ Dec. P , •• Z--Gish Paul, r ........................... Commtssion . ................................. " 16-Grant of Eastmeat of Thruput Teraunals for Flood ............ 81 protection Works ........:.............................. .. 7`1' Mar. 2--Green Marie, Notice of Clam ................................... Aril 8-Glynn SaRY, Notice of Claim ....... ........................... uesting vacation of a portion e 120 q , B---Gross Patrick G., r abutting Lot 32 of C. A. Voelker Ad- lle f 1~ y a o dition off of Paul Street .................................... '> g-Grass Leo B., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer ..... 122 ........................ Permit No. 69. ................ „ 6-Grass Leo g„ requesting refund on Cigarette """ 123 ...................................... Permit No. 96. """ •, g--_Grandview Avenue, improvement with Hot Mix- ncrete Paving from the C i o e Hot Laid AsPbalt of Road to the south end • S.p.L. of Kerrigan 13 ...... . 2, 176 street. ............... ......................................... g-Greteman N. J., reaPPointed to the...Police-Fire Pension & Retirement Board. 139 140 .,••.•.•..•.•••..••..• •, 13-Gemini Inc., liability PohcY ................... Loo B., requesting refund on Class "C" " 13-Grass 1~ . Liquor Permit No. 3470 . .................................. l~s., appointed to the Low Rent Hour- 181, 187 e Jam „ 2p_-Grant ... e ~ ~ ................................................... Sisters of The Presents th : e May 4-Grant of Easement by lion to the City of Dubuque ......................... . anted Class "B" Beer Peraut. N 173 2~ •, gr 19-Gantert Harry anted Class "B" Beer Permit. •~•• June 1-Giunta Marco, gr bility policy ................ li 208 a 15-Goerdt ConstruMion Co., ..... •' 15--Gordon Lorraine, granted Cigarette Permit. ... ranted Cigarette G ~5 ., g '• 15-George Francis F. & John ............ 245 Permit . ........................................................ " 15-Gantert Harry, granted Cigarette Permit• •~•••••••~•• ranted Cti/sarette Permit.......••••~••••~ 245 245 2~ 15--Giunta Marco, g ' 15-Golinvaux Charles, granted Cigarette Permit......... ~ granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ine 2 , „ 15,-Gordon Lorra " 15-Glynn John F., granted Cigarette Permit............ ~ 28 261 " 15-Glynn John J., granted Cigarette Permit. •••••• " 29-Gantert Harry N•, granted Class "C"Liquor Permit. 265 29--'GU the COUNTY-CITY OF DUBUQUESAUTHOR- .. 265 ............... I,ry ........:..:............................................... July B--Garago M.umciPal, endorsement of the Advisory mmssion for the construction and Rn2 C 445 om 67, ................. 393, inB .................................................... Aug. 3--Gra MDowntowaHUrban Re- Fth ri ' e n tl' chase PiaPei .319, ...... . 384, 502 ........................ newal area ......................... ,> 3-Giunta Marco, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. ted to the Low Rent Hous- 324 " 17-Grant James W.,, appoin ... 336 ing Commission .................................................... ° 17--Ginter Joseph & Donna, granted Cigarette Permit. ted Class `B" Beer Permit.... 339 339 an 17-Ginter Donna, gr 17-Ginter Donna, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 340 Sept. 6-GARAGE preliminary plans and specifications for f a Municipal Garage for the construMion o the City of Dubuque .......................................... 393, 445 Nov. 2--Giese Sheet Metal Co., requesting refund on air- and heating permits. .•••~~•••••~~••• i 475 ng condition „ ,Glynn John F., granted Class `B" Beer Permit. 488 INDEX -BOOK 100 SUBJECT G 2--Glynn John J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 2-G]ynn John F., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 2-Glynn John J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 18--Grant Raphael W., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 18-Grant Raphael W., granted Class °C" Liquor Permit. 7-Garfield Avenue, installation of street Rght recom- mended . .................................................................... 7-Gordon Lorraine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 14-Grutsch Julia G., settlement of claim ..................... PagF 488 489 489 504 505 510 517 522 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page H Jan. 5•-Hillazd Joseph, requesting refund on Liquor Per- 12 " mit No. C-1556 . .................................................... 5-Herburger Florence Brede, granted Class "B" ~ " Beer Permit ............................................................ Housing Autnority, establishment recommended by 19 - .......... the Councrl of Churches. .......................... 23, 51 11 24 " 19-Hartman Loras E., Notice of Claim ......................... lat of l f , " o p 19-Highland Farm Subdivision, approva ~ Lotlof loflof lof 2 ................................. Feb 2-Henschel Richard C. & Mildred L., approval of plat ~ . of Block 3 and 4 Thomas Farm ......................... " 2-Heiderscheit John J., granted Class "C" Beer Per- ~ " nit ............................................... 2--Hirsch John R., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 56 " 16-Hadley James, objecting to lack of action concern- ing astorm sewer back up at his home on 186 58 " ............................................................... June 1969. 16-Huebner Luise, Notice of Claim ................................. , 59, 99 16-Housing Agent Established for Ctty of Dubuque. 65 Mar 2-Hal p b U t h , Pedestrian an Renewal r he ld be used in cou " .......................................................................... Mall. 2-Hansen Harry W, settlement of claim ..................... 69 74 " " 2-Hennings Ronald, Notice of Claim . .................... 2-Higley Howard, reappointed to the Electrical Ap- peal Board . .............................................................. 94 April 6-Heister Robert Mrs. et. al., requesting the opening of alley running west from 1400 Glen Oak 121 north to Vernon Street ......................................... " 6-Heeb Street Retaining Wall, completed and accept- " ed . ............................................................................. 13-Huseman Richard & Louis, sidewalk band. ........ 123 140 1`~ " 20-Herrman Maybelle, Notice of Suit. .. " 20-Hillcrest Investment Inc., requesting consideration for installation of a storm sewer from Key Way north to property line of Dr. Link property. " 153 " 20-Heeren Karen, requesting refund on Class "B 153 " Beer Permit No. 74 . ............................................ 20-Hentges Dorothy Rose, granted Cigarette Permit. 159 " 20-Hentges Dorothy Rose, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit . ............................................................................ 160 " 20-Hentges Dorothy Rose, granted Class "C" Liquor 160 May Permit . ..................................................................... 4-Hendricks Mary T., claim denied ............................. 167 167 ' " 4-Heitz Bruce J., Notice of Claim ................................. 4-Heeren Karen, requesting refund on Class "C" Liquor Permit No. 6445 . .................................... 171 " 4-Henningson, Durham & Richardson, and Cullen, Schiltz Associates submitting final report on water supply and water treatment ..................... 171, 172 " 11-Hanten Salome Mrs., Notice of Suit ......................... 192 " 18-Horizon West Subdivision, approval of plat of Lots 3 through 6, Block 2, and Lot 3 through 6, Block 3 . ................................................................... 204 " 25-Highland Farm Subdivision, approval of Planning & Zoning Commission to rezone property lying on both sides of Chaney Road south of Kauf- mann Avenue, from Single Family to Mul- 271 211 " tiple Residence . .................................................... 25-Humke Maurice, requesting permission to extend , four compressor units which would overhang in the alley behind 1473 Central Avenue......... 211, 224 Jun e 1-Hall John F., granted Class `B" Beer Permit. 229 '• 1-Hos Virginia, granted Class B" Beer Permit... 229 1-Hall John F., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 230 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT p~ H " 1-Hos Virginia, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 230 ,• 9-Haye Rose S„ Notice of Claim ..................................... 233 " 9-Hentges Dorothy R., granced Cigarette Permit. 237 " 9-Hall John F., granted Cigarette Permit ...........:......... 237 " 9-Ileiderscheit John J., granted Cigarette Permit. 237 " " 9-Hunt George R., granted Cigazette Permit. .... 9-Holiday Oil Distr. inc granted Cigarette P it 237 23 " " ., erm s. 15-Hirsch Cazl, granted Cigarette Permit. ......... 7 245 Hennen Laverne, granted Cigarette Permit. 245 " 15-Hos Virginia, granted Cigarette Permit . ............ 245 " 15-Healy Joyce, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 245 " 15-Hanson Arsenius, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 245 ~ 15-Henry dohn, granted Cigarette Permit . ............ 245 ~ 15-Hancock William, granted Cigarette Permit......... 245 " 15-Hirsch John R., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 248 " 15-Helling Anthony A, granted Cigarette Permit.... 29-Hantelmann Ri h f~ 248 " c ar , granted Cigarette Permit... 261 " 29-Hoag Maatine, granted Cigazette Permit ................. 281 518 " 29-Harug Drug Company, granted Cigarette Permits, , 282 421 29-HHllard Richard T., granted Cigarette Permit. ... , 282 " " 29-Holiday Inn Motol, granted Cigarette Permit......... 282 " 29-Henry Thomas C., granted Cigarette Permit......... 282 29-Herburger Florence, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- July mit . ............................................................................ 6-Henneger Albert, Settlement of Suit .............. 205 270 " ........... 6-Herburger Carl, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 278 6-Heaver Lloyd W., granted Cigarette Permit.... 2ryry Aug. 3-Hartmann Construction Co., sidewalk bond. 310 3- artig K. A, offer purchase property in the Down- towa Urban Renewal area " .............................319, 24-Hayden Lane, installation of street light recom• 320, 383 Sept. mended . ..................................................... 8-Hanson Araenius A., granted Cigarette Permit..... 1 343 343 " " 4-Hill Mamie, Notice of Claim ..................................... 21-Hickson Madeline, settlement of claim ................... 398, 403 428 434 28-Hardin David V. Notice of Claim ....::....................... , 427 Oct. H & B American Corporation, bond continuation cer- " tificate . ...................................... ... ............ ................ . 5-Holiday Oil Distributing Inc., granted Class "B" 434, 471 Beer Permit .............. ................ .. ~ 4 2 " 5-Holiday 031 Distributing Tnc., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit . ..................... ......................... 453 16-Helliag Anthony A. & Bette 0., granted Class "B" " Beer Per'mit ............................................................. 484 16-Helling Anthony A. A Bette O., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ........................... .. ............................ 464 Nov. 2-Hillard Richard T., granted Class "H" Beer Per- " mit . .................. ....... ................................. 2--Hillazd Richard T., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- 488 mit . .................................................... ............... 2-Hefei Lawrence et. al., requesting vacation of a 489 portion of National Street ..................................... 491 4-Henry John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 493 Dee. 7-Health Sub-committee, submitting minutes of No- " vember meeting . ................................................... 512 " 7-Hungar Richard, Notice of Claim . ........................ 512 7-Hantelmann Richard J., granted Class "B" Beer " Permit . ............................ ..................................... 517 7-Hartig Drug Company, granted 4 Class "C" Beer " Permits . .................................................................... 517 " 7-Hirsch Carl, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 517 7-Hantelmann Richard J., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit . ......................................................... ..... 518 " 29-Hirsch John R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit... g53 INDEX -BOOK 100 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page_ 1970 SUBJECT I ~ Jan. 19-Iowa Coaches Ine., offer to purchase a parcel of 34 Feb. 2-Jac Mar Inc., requesting permission to construM an 8" Sanitary Sewer in Judson Driv f land in the Downtown Urban Renewal area..... State Highway Commission, Agreement with 2 I e rom Asbury Road south ..................... .......................... Mar. owa - the City of Dubuque for the iastalla4on of traf- Mar. 2~Tohnson Clara L., granted Cigarette Permit......... fit stgnais at the intersection of 32nd and Cen- 71 May June 25~7anlin Plastic Company Inc., Notice of Claim....... 1~Tacobson Ida E., settlement of suit " ........................... . tral Avenue. •~••••~~~~~•~••••••••••••~••••~ 2-Iowa State Highway Commission, Agreement with the City of Dubuque for the improvement of ................_......... ohaston Wayne, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 15-Johnson Clara L.i granted Cigarette Permit......... 2 Rhomberg Avenue from Marshall Street to the 9--.Tones John C., Lability policy .............. Eagle Point Bridge . ............................................ 72 July 20--Justmann C. Robert, appointed to the Advisory Commission " 2-fllinois Central Railroad Co., notice to We City of exemption of any liability in the case of John 74 Nov, . ............................................................ Z-JUStmaan Karl E., withdrawing all interest in the Carria e Hous G Wolfe, a volunteer flood worker ......................... requesting that Allison Hender- 23-Ihreke Carl et. al. ~ g e on rove Terrace..................... 2~Tones Phyllis, requesting annexation of property ' ' " , son Park be closed at 11:00 P.M. daily ............. Iowa Street Traffic Signals and Street Iaghts, coin- 23 108 ~~ to O Neill s Riverview Subdivision..................... 2-Jonhson Claza L, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. - pleted and accepted with the exception of 110 Dec. 2-Johnson Clara L., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 1:4 Tochum Charles G Notice of Claim April three street lfights ................................................. 20-Iowa State Department of Health, advising City ., .............:........... that no permit is required for service conneo- lions to the sanitary sewers in the Main Street PedestrianwaY . ........................................................ 154 May 18-Iowa Street Tree Planting and Landscaping, com- 203 June pleted and accePted . ............................................ 15-Iowa Commission For The Blind, granted Ciga- 245 July rette Permtt . .......................................................... 6-Iowa State Auditor, submitting audit report for 288 Flood Disaster Gtant ............. City of Dubuque Aug . 3-Iowa Street mstallataon of street light recommend- . ed by ~ity Manager ............................................. 311 " 17-Illinois Central Railroad Company, Licensing 340 Agreement with the City of Dubuque. .. 24-Iowa State Highway Commission, coatraM with the City of Dubuque for maintenance of pri- mary road extensions within the city ............... 348 Sept 8-Ingles Ronald L. & Agnes, Notice of Claim ............. 380 . 8-Iowa State Hi hway Commission Agreement with e Street Cor- d 'D f th g o or e the City of Dubuque ridor Study ....................................................................... 386, 387 Nov 4-Iowa State Department of Health, issuing permit . for construction of Lift Station and Force Main "Hamilton Glen" Apartment complex..... 498, 520 Dec. 14-Iowa State Comptroller, approval of transfer of $193,038.97 from Emergency Fund to the Pub- lic Safety Fuad; and $78,046.00 from the Ge- neral Land Sales Fund to the Project Expendi- tures -Iowa R-15 Fund ......................................... 543, 544 Page 46 92, 109 210 220 237 245 251 299 465 487 488 489 523 197D Jan. Feb. Mar. April May INDEX -- BOOK 100 INDEX -- BOOK 100 Page lg7p SUBJECT Page SUBJECT K K ~--J{nighta of Columbus, granted Cigarette Permit..... 202 S---Key City Bank & Trust Company, appointed t1e- 2 „ " 2g_._Kenavas Thsoflore G., granted Cigarette Permit..... 262 posttory of public funds .................. arette Ci d ~••••-•--•••-•• " 29-Krajnovich Elizabeth M., granted Crgarette Permit. P " " 262, 322 g on S--Kisses Archie, request<ng refun 12 er- 29--Kanavas Theodore G., granted Claw Beer B Permit No. 21B . ....................................................... 5-Kuehn Archie T., requesting a restricted plumber's 12 init. ..................................................,,........................ 29--Sra,7'novieh Elizabeth M, granted CSasa "B" Beer P it 263 32 263 ......................................... license . .......................... granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... Ries Donald 5 ~ 21 erm ...............,.............,........................................ . 29-Krajnovich Elizabeth M., greAted Clese °C" Liq- , 3 , - 5-Kies Donald, granted Class "C„ Liquor Permit..... Road Samtary ~u're nned K saand i ry July quor Permit ............................................................. 6-Reymeer end Key Largo Streets, complaints con- 265, 323 y e l9- a lfm na p Road }0 32nd Street, P 34 76 78, 124 •• cermng drainage problem ..................................... ' 271 , , specifications . ........................................... er Permit " B " ~ 8-Kerigaa s Restaurant, granted Cigarette Permit..,.. 7 l f 277 . e $ 2-Kirchberg Joyce A., granted Class uor Per- "C" Li 2 - - lennedy Road Sanitary Sewer-1969, fmm Iiau A Old Ti Atlil ti Cl b t q 2-Kirchberg Joyce A., granted Class `'~' mann venue mers e e u o ......... ................ init Place, coin leted and acre tad. 306, p p ................ 365, 266 . Kaufmann Avenue, installation of street lights 2 71 Aug, 24-Ralek Richard, Notiee of Claim ................................. 347, 403 - recommended by the City Manager. rogress report on~Wa- sti 24-Ke~edy Jahn L. & Ma Lou, regnesting rezpnigg of property in Olds PSate on the east atde of N. ng p 23-Koch Company, reque r Treatment Facrlitres by Hawkins Construe- t Grandview between Kanfmana Avenue and e lion Company and Korshoj Construction Co. 107 Rene Street ............................................................. • 361 Inc . .......................................................................... esting rezoning of property Sept. ~g Valley 8-Kennedy Road Sanitary Sewer, from S rn Road t 32 e pr inar d St t st Sid E A . 2&-K¢Ry Frank E., requ in M.L. 67 from Two Family to Multiple Famrly 1~ e y o e , a n r e, m plans aqd 9 ci9cations .....................990 - 391, t 443, 494 ................. District Classification .......................... 6-Kennedy Road improvement with Hot Mix•Hot Laid Aspha{tic Concrete Paving from the N.P. " e Per- 8-Kennedy Mall Cinema Inc., granted Cigaret init . ................. . ...........,............,..,.....,......... ....... ...... . 28-King Minnetta A., Notice of C1aiW ............................. 394 427 L. of Pennsylvania Avenue to the S.P.L. of ... 132, 176 Oct. 5-$opple Market Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 452 ,.,•.•..•••„•..,..... Asbury Road ............................. rovement with Bituminous Con- t ,• 12-Rensmgton Place, request for installation of a street light 455 510 , rmp 6-Kane Stree crate Paving from the W.P.L. of Carter Road ................................... f street d 134, 180 Nov. ......................,........,,..,,.,,..........,,,.,......,.. 2-.RniRbts of Columbus, re nestigg peimission to , . .... o west to en ement with Bituminous Con- excavate in alley at 781. Locust St .............. ... .. 474 6--Key Comers, improv of Sharon Drive to L P om W f 2,Kelly i~ane, request fot' installation of a .street . . . r crate Pavin g ..... ....... ................... hie Drive Ri 134, 180 " h .......................................................................... 1 491, 5 0 ..... c the E.P.L. of improvement with Bituminous ive D 2-Rey City Investment Co., requesting permission to 91 , r 8-Keymont of Key Knolls P L from E excavate in Kennedy Road ................................. 4 . . . Concrete Paving Knolls Sub. ........ . f Ke 134, 180 16-Runkel Alberta, Notice of Suit ................................. 499 y Sub. to W.PZ. o ent with Bituminous Concrete B-Key Way, improvem of Pennsylvania to the N.P. L P N . . . Paving from of Lot 6 m Block "A" of Key Knolls Sub. L 134, 180 . 4-Kennedy Mall Inc., protest of assessment of real ....... 1~ estate. .............. ................................................. . „ von.. Ratnh E. Mrs., requesting street light on 191 11-Klauer Wiinam rated Pros 25-Kraft Leo Mrs 25-Klett Fred E., June >_-nmgms ua B" Beer ] " g-Bretz Raymom purchase a Garfield A 15-Kies Don, grai " 15-Kehl Robert, '• 15-Kopp Eugene '> 15-Rohl Francis " 15-K-Mart, grant " 29-Kane Street, mended. . •' 29-Rirchberg Ge " 29-Kopple Harry „ 2o-Rarhevas Jam .................... ............................ . to purchase a pportion of va- 255 2111 192 30, 351 , , , .reet . ............ :e of Claim ............................ 210, 347 of property which the Air- needs for the development 276, 213 313, 352 , System . ................ granted Class Councrl 510 , 229 :rs., requesting permission to 0 of alley in the rear of 1516 234 251 e Permit ......................... 245 246 .rette Permit ............. Cigarette Permit. ........ 246 Cigarette Permit. ........ 246, 246 Permit . ....................... of street light recom- ........ 251 .................................. nted Cigarette Permit. 261 ,garette Permit . ............ ~isarette Permit ............. 262 IlVDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Pago L Jan. 5-Lorens Inc., conveyance of property in the Down- town Urban Renewal area to the City of Du- ............................................ bu ue 15 " ............................. q 5-Leibold Thomas, offer to purchase ~__r:._:; located in the Urban Renewal area located at 8th & Locust Streets .....................................................18, 19, 23 " 19-League of Iowa Municipalities, requesting funds to pay for the salary and expense for a person to work with the Duector of the League......... 23 Feb. Z-Lyons Delores L., Notice of Claim ............................. 39 2-Cores College Social Life Committee, requesting a parade Permit ..................................................... the d fo i A t bli h 48 r gency es a s e ng 18-Low Rent Hous City of Dubuque . ............85, 311, 334, 354, 498, 520 Mar, Z-Love Donald M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 93 2-Love Eenneth Jerome, granted Class B" Beer 93 " Pesmit . ...................................................................... 2-Lucky Stores Inc., granted Class "C" Beer Permits. 93, 112 " 23-Cores -College, extending invitation to attend a 98 symposium on Pollutton ....................................... April 8-Locust Street, improvement with concrete curb and gutter from the S.P.L. of Fourth Street to the S.P.L. of Eighth Street .......................129, 130, 174 0-locust Street, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid As haltic Concrete Paving from the S.P.L. of Fourth Street to the N.P.L. of 10th Street. 132, 17B " 8-Lea Lane improvement with Bituminous Con- nia l f ? Pennsy va aving from the N.P.L. o crete 1 f C 134 180 orners ............... Key Avenue to the S.P.L. o , 13-Lenger Joseph R., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. of i f i 148 May rezon ng ng o 4-Langas Philip et. al., request property at 1105 Loras Boulevard from Local Busmess `A' to Local Business ' B" classifica- tion . ........................170, 217, 252, 288, 499, 510, 520 „ "' 11-Link John T. sidewalk bond ..................................... f unsani- l i i l 192 n ng o a es E. et. al., comp 11-Leppert Char tary conditions at 1725 Wood St ......................... 193 „ " 18-Luber Lloyd P. sidewalk bond ................................. Notice of Claim ......................... 18-Leslein Chris 1M{rs 198 199, 282 " ., 18-Link John and Marilyn M., approval of plat of Lots 3 thru 6 of Block 2 and Lots 3 thru 6 of Block 3 of Horizon West Subdivision ................. 204 June 1-Ltcciardi Frank do Phyllis, granted Class "B" Beer Permit . ...................................................................... 229 1-Li1' Giant Food Store, granted Class "C" Beer Pen mtt . ............................................................................ 229 " 9-Larson Frank A. Jr, relative to parking situation t 234 288 reet ............................................. at 1717 Rane S . Cigarette Permit..... 9-Ludescher John J., granted 237 " . 9-Lynch William J., granted Cigarette Permit........... 237 9-Lucky Stores Inc., granted Cigarette Permits....... 237 " 9-Love Phillip Robert, granted Class "B" Beer Pea " mit . ............................................................................ 9-Love Phillip Robert, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- 238 mit . ............................................................................ 239 " 15-Lester Catherine, granted G7garette Permit ............. 248 " 15-Luksetich Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit......... 246 " 15-Love Donald M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 246 15-Corns College, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 248, 262 ^ S~Lenstra Thelma, granted Cigarette Pertnit ............. 246, 282 15-Llndecker Thomas, granted Cigarette Permit......... 248, 282 " 29-Love Donald M., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 281 29-Licciardi Frank & Phylhs, granted Cigarette Per- mit . ............................................................................ 281 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT pie L " 29-Leary Anna K. & Joseph Lenger, granted Cigarette " Permit . ...................................................................... 29-Lil' Giant Food Stores, granted Cigarette Permits. 262 282 July 8-Low Rent Housing Agency, submitting minutes of " the Board . ........................267, 332, 359, 454, 6-Lacy Kate B., conveyance of property to the City 498, 520 of Dubuque for Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15 . „ ................ 6-Lan as Philii ................................ e li~ ~ t ~ ~~~~~~ 272 „ „ 8-Lov Kennet J~ anted C~arette Pe rmtt. ~~~~ 6-Love Philli R., gr g g ........ P granted Ci arette Permit. ........ 276 278 . 6-Love Kenneth J., granted Class "C" Liguor Permit. 20-LAW ENFORCEMENT CF.NTF.R .o......,,..e..a..u.._ 278 sale of a --- -- ___.._.. .............~ parcel of Urban Renewal land for the " construction of a center . .......................... .. .' 20-Cores College, re uestin "" 4 g Permission to hold a bon- 279, 352 „ „ fire homecrommg celebration ............................... 20-Lester Catherine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 284, 301 297 . 20-Lundh Alvin E., appointed to the Advisory Com- Aug. mission . ................................................... . ................ 3-Leibold Associates, offer to purchase property in 299 „ the Downtown Urban Renewal area ................. 10-Leifker David W. Notice of Claim 319, 322 " , ......................... 17-LOW RENT HOUSING COMMISSION established 326, 428 , ' for the City of Dubuque .....................334, 454, 24-LAW ENFORCEMENT ~r,.vi~x propositi t b 498, 520 on o e put on the November election ballot ............ Sept. ..... ................................ 352, 401, 410. 424, 448, 14-Leslein Geraldine M. Notice of Claim 487, 492 , ..................... 2S-Library submitting proposal for the purchase of a Boo~Cmobile g9g Oct. .................................................... 5-Lewis Wayne T., requesting opening of alley be- 423, 425 tween Center Place and Race Street ................. 438 471 Nov. " 2-LOeffelholz James B, Notice of Claim ..................... 2-Licciardi Frank J. & Phyllis granted Clas "C" , 472 Dec. , s Li- quor Permit .................................................. 7-Lynn William J., granted Class "C" Beer P i 489 erm t... g17 INDEX -- BOOK 100 1970 _ SUBJECT Page Nk Mar, 2~icIau~tilin Raymond & Leonette, granted Class ~ April "B' Beer Permit ..................................................... 6-McNamara Earl J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 138 20-McCauley Connie, supporting drive to rid the City and County of pollutton ............................. 1~ 7 June " S--McCauley Howard F. granted Cigarette Permit. McDonald A. Y. Mfg• ~o., granted Ctgarette Permit. 9 23 ' - 15-McLaughlin Leonette, granted Cigarette Permti. granted Cigarette Permit. Earl J 291 " ., 29-McNamara 29-McCartY Marcella, granted Ctguette Permit......... " 292 285 „ Liquor Permtt. 29-McCarty Marcella, granted Class "C " >' Lrquos 24-Mclaughlin Leonetta, granted Class "C _- . _-----......... 285 July 6-McCarthy Casl et. al., requeating an mvesugac~u„ o£ a drainage problem on Keymeer and Key Largo Streets. ........ ... ..... ........... 271 " 26-McNeil J. Timothy, appointed to the Advisory ~9 Commission . ........................................................... ° 27-McGovern Mark do Fred, granted Cigarette Permit. 306 Sept. 14-McCaw Warren, appointed to the Advisory Com- ................................................................... mission. 399 Nov. 2-McCarty Marcella, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 488 Dec. 14-McDonald John J., Notice o£ Claim ......................... 523 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT page M Jan. 5-Moldenhauer Wayne A, sworn in as Councilman. 1 " 5-Meyers Donald k., elected Mayor for the ensmng fiscal year ................................................................. 1 " 5-Mercy Medical Center Gift Shop, requesting re- fund on Cigarette Permit No. 70 ..................... 12 " 19-Mayor's Industrial Commrt~ee, recommending sale of property in Riverfrant Subdivision Na. 3 to The Eska Company ............................................. 35, 78 Feb. 2-Mulert Margaret, Nonce of Clatm ............................. 39, 99 " 16-Meyer Herbert, objecting to the condition of Mountain Lane, and requesting that the street be put on the 1970 street program ................... 58, 165 " 19-Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, re- questing permission to have tag day ................. 80 Mar. 2-Municipal Streets and Parking Report for the year 1969. ~ 81 " 23-Merchants Mutual Bonding Co, submitting certifi- cate of authority ..................................................... 9B " " 23-Miller Delbert G., Notice of claim . ........................ 100, 492 23-Midwest Developers, requesting that the city fur- nish the pipe for the construction of a storm se- wer on the south side of Pennsylvania Avenue. 107 April 6-Moldenhauer Councilman, requesting consideration for the renovation of the City Hall so 3rd floor could be utilized for offices that aze now out- " side the City Hall ................................................. 118 B-Mennen Ecko, Notice of Claim . .............................. 120 " 6-Main Street Pedestrianway, Urban Renewal Pro- ject Iowa R-15, approval of design and use by the Planning & Zoning Commission ..................... " ...................................................... 125, 154, 156, 13-Midwest Developers, requesting street lights on 207, 209 Daniels Street ......................................................... 140 " 13-Moore William, requesting a parade to illustrate the cost of the conflict in Vietnam " ..................... 13-Martens William, requesting permission to con- 145 duct an "Earth Day" parade . ............. .. 146 ' 13-Morarend Lois M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 146 " 13-Morarend Lois M., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 147 20-Mt. St. Bernazd Seminary requesting rezoning of property in Highland Farm and St. Rose Place from Single Family to Multiple Residence Dis- trict Classification . ................................................ 153 May " 4-Majerus Jeanann, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 186 4-Majerus Jeanann, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 187 " 11-Matts Stuazt, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... l9g " 18-Molo Harold & Robert, granted permission to con- struct asanitary sewer on John F. Kennedy Road . .......................................................................... 199 June 9-Mays Drug Store, granted Cigarette Permit......... 237 9-Miller Gerald E., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 237 " 9-Mescher Vincent W & John F. Tench, granted Cigazette Permit ..................................................... 237 " 9-Meyers Kermtt, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 237 " 9-Merchants Hotel, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 238 " 15-Matts Stuart, granted Ctgarette Permit ................... 245 " 15-Mihalakis Shirley, granted Cigarette Permit......... 245 " 15-Majerus Jeanann, granted Cigarette Permit......... 246 " " 15-Morarend Lois M., granted Cigarette Permit......... 246, 262 29-Muellich Harry, requesting rezoning of Lot 2 of 2 of Out Lot 670 from Multiple Residence to Loc- al Business "B" classification ............................. 255 " 29-Meyer Catherine, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 261 " 29-Myers Russell E., granted Cigarette Permit......... 261 " 29-Montgomery Ward & Co., granted Cigarette Permit. 262 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page M " 29-Meyer Herman, granted Cigarette Permit. ........ 282 " 29-Mr. Steak, granted Cigarette Permit ......................... 262 " 29-Neill Cyril N., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 262 " 29-Meyer Catherine M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 263 " 29-Myers Russell, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 265 " 29-Meal Cynl N., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 265 " 29-Murphy Dallas & Jerry Burroughs, complaining of draznage problem on Enghsh Lane. .......... 265, 300 July 20-Manahl Dennis K., granted Cigarette Permit......... 297 " 20-Mueller Don, submitting resignation from the Dock Commission ................................................... 298, 341 " 20-Mettel's Sub No. 2, Lot 1 of 4, recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission that the property remain in the Multiple Residence District classification ............................................. 281 " 20-Mettel's Sub No. 2, Lot 1 of 3, recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission that the property remain in the Multiple Residence Dis- tnct classification . ................................................ 280 Aug. 10-Molo Oil Company, offer to purchase property located in the Downtown Urban Renewal area. ................................................................ 328, 338, 414, 415 " 24-Mississippi Valley Milk Producers Association, fav- oring voluntary annexation of the Dubuque Cheese Factory .................................................343 NICIPAL GARA E li i l S 499, 500 Sept. ans an , pre m nary p 8-MU G specifications for construction of ..................... 393, 445 " 8-Neill Cyril, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 395 " 28-Muscular Dystrophy Association, requesting per- mission to hold their annual drive ..................... 424 " 28-Magnall Richard, sidewalk bond ................................. 425 Oct. 5-Miller Robert P., Notice of Claim ............................. 434 " 12-Millius Robert & Violette, settlement of assess- ment recommended by City Assessor. ........ 454 Nov. 2-Mihm Virgil H., Notice of Claim ........................ ... 471 " 2-Myers Russell E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 488 Dec. 7-March of Dimes, requesting permission to conduct a door to door campaign ..................................... 5111 " 7-Moore Heights Sanitary Sewer Extension, complet- ed and accepted ..................................................... 518 " 7-Miller Gerald E. Jr., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 517 " 7-Miller Gerald E. Jr., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit . ...................................................................... 518 " 14-Mihalakis Shirley, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 547 " 14-Mihalakis Shirley, granted Class "C" Liquor Pernit. 547 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 - SUBJECT Page N Jan. Feb. 5-Neumeister John, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 2-National Tea Company granted Cla "C" 20 , ss Beer Permit . ........ » ................................................. ............. agle John A., conveyance of property for Urban 58 Renewal Project Iowa R-15 " ............... , ,. 16-Noel John E., - """""""' anted Cigarette Permit ............ .... 16-Noel John E ®1 62 " . lCr--Noel John E.,' grant d Class "C" Liquo rpermit ~ g3 April " . .... 6-Naumann Gerald, Notice of Claim .............. 6-Ninth Street, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid 120 Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the E P L of „ . . , Locust Street to the E.P,L. of Main Street..... t.-Ninth Street im 132, 176 , provement with Concrete Paving with integral curb from Main Street to Cen „ " - tral Avenue ...................... ................. 20-Nielsen Marvin, Notice of Claim ~•~ 136, 184 " . 20-Ney Raymond, granted Class "B" Beer •Permit..... 20-Ney Raymond, granted Class "C" Li P 1 0 May quor ermit... 4-Newton Bernard N., granted Class "B" Beer Per- 188 » wits . .......................................... 4-Nauman Stanle """"""""""""° Y R., granted Class "B" Beer Per- 188, 398 " mik ............. 4-Nauman Stanley ~R., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- 186 June mit . ........................................................ 1-Norwood Nelson M., """""""""' granted Class "B" Beer Per- 187 » m~t . .......................................................................... 9-Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., requesting per- 229 mission to excavate in alley in rear of 1700 Central Avenue „ ~~ ............................... 9-Noel John E., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 9-Nabors of Iow 233 237 ' a, granted Cigarette Permit . ............ 9-National Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permit 9 N 237 238 245 . - ational Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit . , » .................................................................. 15-Ney Albert J» granted Cigarette Permit ................. 15-Norwood Nelson 238 245, 439 » " , granted Cigarette Permit, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29-Ney Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit , 248 " ................. 29-Neumeister John C., granted Cigarette Permit..... 29-Ney Albert J " 282 282 July ., granted Class C" Liquor Permit..... 6-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 285 , City to participate in a proposed experimental „ , ' Program . ..................................................... B-Nauman Stanley, granted Cigarette Permit.... 20-Nease Vada Jean 288, 280 277 " " , granted Cigarette Permit.... 2l1-Neese Vada Jean, granted Class "B" Beer permit. 20-Neese Vada Jean " 2g7 297 , granted Class C" Liquor Per- mit . .. Aug. Se t ................................................ . 3-Ney Albert J, ........................ granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 21 N 288 323, 439 . P - auman Cletus, requesting return of security de- Oct. posit on Nauman Addition ................ 16-National Tea Com an ' ' °°~°•••••• p Y, granted Class "C" Beer 412 Permit. ... ov. " ............................................. . • .................... 2-Nabors of Iowa, granted Class "C" Beer Permit..... 2-Nash Finch Company granted Cl "C" 464 Ogg , ass Beer Per- mit . ... Dec. ........................................................... 14-Nielsen Marvin, objecting to the occupancy •of a 488 rooming house at 1270 West 5th St ..................... 529 ~, INDEX -BOOK 100 SUBJECT Page 1970 O Jan. riaAtton~ of taxcleviescand other ~'Ordl maikng approp of revenue to the expenditures for sources q' d y 6 n n 70 an 19 1 uar ning Ja the fiscal ear begi ending December 31, 1970, and authorizing cer- 3 4 tain transfers of fun s. .. An Ordinance Amending and 51-69 . 5-Ordinance No. changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the d Zoning Ordinance of the City "Zoning Map an " so as to change certain property of Dubuque hereinafter described from "Single Family "Multiple t o Residence District" classification 9 Residence District" classification ....................... Ordinance amending Ordi- 70 A " n . 5-Ordinance No. 2. known as the Zoning Ordi- 3-34 ce No , . nan nance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by re- (M) of Section 1 otT Article ti on pealing subsec II thereof and by enacting a new Subsection (M) of Section 1 of Article II in lieu thereof n- to permit the renting of one or two in a lt d u vate residence to not more than two a ......... 10, 42 " guests. ................. ............................................ 5-Ordinance No. 3-70. An Ordinance prohibiting is- ers suance of Building Permit to Owner or Own f Real Property which is being rezoned......... 11, 43 " o 19-Ordinance No. 4.70. An Ordinance Amending the ance din Authorized by o - 1 l 25 ~ Budget as 70 208, 221 ................................... . Feb. ..... Z-O'Brien Robert J., objecting to the bmiung ers in private dwellings to number of room 41 alleviate traffic conditions ................................. An Ordinance Authorizing rr70 No " . . Z-Ordinance Behr's inc. 1491 Main Street To Construct 46 45 Canopies Over The Public Sidewalk ................. An Ordinance amending and , " 16-Ordinance No. B-70. changing Ordinance No. 334 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City so as to change Lot 1 of 1, of Dubuque, Iowa, Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 2 of Byrnes Sub- f 2 , Lot 2 o Lot 2 of 1 of Lots 24 and 25 to Bonson diivsion , Stewart's Subdivision, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of t 1 of 2 of Byrnes Sub. L o Byrnes Sub. No. 2, from Multiple Residence District Classihcatton to Local Business B District Classification. 100 60 ....................................... . (Dodge & Bryant Sts.) .. , Mar. 2-Ordelassifying recently ann0exedaterritorynto the ' Multiple Res- City of Dubuque, Iowa, as a in- idence District" which real estate is here after described, (11ET Corporation) ................ .. 75, 101 ~~ 2-Ordinance No. 8-70. An Ordinance vacating por- tain streets and alleys in the Down- tions of cer ........ Urban Renewal Project Area ............. t 85 " own -Ordinance No. 9-70. An Ordinance amending and 23 the - changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as d Zoning Ordinance of the City Zoning Map an Iowa so as to change certain prop- of Dubuque , erty described as the NEly. 36' of Lot 20 In Cook's Addn. in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ' A" classification to from "Local Business "Local Business "B" classification, (V'a 101 150 142 , property-Rhomberg & Windsor) ........... l e l , " 23-Ordinance No.~ ~?Knee No. as the known 3-34 INDEX -BOOK 100 1'970 SUBJECT O "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to change Lot 1 and Lot 2 in Westchester Sub. No. 2, and Lot 26, and Lots 32 thru 36 in Block 12 is Westchester Sub. from "Two Family Residence District" classification to 'Multiple Residence District" classification . .................................................. . . 23-Ordinance No. 11-70. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33.49 known as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa, as amended, by re- pealing subsection 14 of Section D of Schedule VIII and repealing subsection 22 of Section D Schedule VIII thereof which repeals the pro- hibited perking of Motor Vehicles between the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. oa Tuesdays and Thursdays on the north side of Loral Baulevazd from Bluff Street to Central Avenue on Mondays and Fridays on the south side of Loral Boulevard from Bluff Street to Contra] Avenue and on Mondays and Fridays on the south side of East Twentieth Street from Central Avenue to F1m Street ............................. 23-Ordinance No. 12-70. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 3399 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by Re- pealing Subsection 7 of Section A of §chedule VIII thereof and by Enacting a new Subsection 7 of Section A of Schedule VIII in Beu There- fore to Prohibit the parking of motor vehicles on Iowa Street from West Tenth Street to West Seventeenth Street on certain designated days and hours ....................................................... 23-Ordinance No. 1370. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33.49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as Amended by re- pe~ling Subsection 7 of Section B of Schedule VIII end by enacting a new subsection 7 of Section B of Schedule VIII to prohibit the parking of motor vehicles on Iowa Street from West Second Street to West Fourth Street and Street on certain designated days and hours... 23-Ardinance No. 147D. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33119 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Tewa" as amended, by re- pealing Subsection (d) of Schedule VII and enacting a new subsection (d) to Schedule VII in lieu thereof to prohibit the parking of ve- hicles in the alley between Central Avenue and Iowa Street from West Tenth Street to City Hall property and from West Thirteenth Street to West Seventeenth Street ..................... 23-Ordinance No. 15-70. An Ordinance Amonding Ordinance No. 3399 known es the "Traffic Code of Dubuqque, Iowa" as amended by re- pealing subsection (c) of Section 1 of Schedule I and enacting a new subsection (c) of Section I of Schedule I in lieu thereof to provide that traffic shall move northerly only on Iowa Street from West Tenth Street to Loral Boule- vard . ......................................................................... 23-Ordinance No. 1&70. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3399 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by re- pealing subsection (a) of Section I of Schedule Page 102, 142 102 103 103 104 105 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT O I and enacting a new Subsection (a) of Section I of Schedule I in lieu thereof to provide that traffic shall move northerly only in the alley between Iowa Street and Central Avenue from West Tenth Street to Loras Boulevard.... .. " 23-Ordinance No. 17-70. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by en- acting anew subsection 18 to Section A of Schedule III thereof to provide that eastbound and westbound vehicles on Hillcrest Road must stop before entering the intersection of Keyway and Hillcrest Road ............................. " 23-0rdinance No. 1370. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by re- pealing Section 99 of Schedule VI thereof and enacting a new section 99 to Schedule VI in Beu thereof to prohibit the parking of motor - vehicles on the west side of Iowa Street from .Second Street to First Street, and both sides of Iowa Street from Fouth Street to Tenth Street ......................................................................... April 13-Oleson Harl, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... ' 20-Oak Brook Subdivision, installation of street lights recommended for Butterfield Road and Ken- sington Place ........................................................... " 20-Ordinance No. 19-70. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 24-09 by repealing Section 30 thereof and enacting a new Section 30 is lieu thereof to provide for the closing at Allison Henderson Park . .................................................... " 20-Ordinance No. 20-70. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 334 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, so as to change the Sly. 150' of Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 25, in Block 4 in Westside Manor Subdivision from Single Family residence distriM classification to local business "B" district classification ................... " 20-Ordinance No. 21-70. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, so as to change Lot A of Block 10 and Lot 16 of Block 11 in Sunrise Heights Subdivision, from Single Family res- idence district classification to Multiple Family residence district classification . ........................ " 20-Olden Robert Rev., appointed to the Low Rent Housing Agency ................................................161, May 4-O'Neill William, sidewalk bond ................................. 4-Ordinance No. 22.70. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 37-65 known as the "Street Parking Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa" by Repealing subsection 6.2.8 of Section 8.2 of Parking Meter District B thereof removing both sides of Seventh Street between Iowa Street and Main Street from said parking meter district . ........................................................ " 4-Ordinance No. 2370. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 3349 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa", as amended, by en- acting anew subsection 19 to Section A of Schedule III thereof to provide that eastbound and westbound vehicles on Keymont Street INDEX -BOOK 100 Page 1870 SUBJECT - Page O must stop before entering the intersection of Vizalea Street and Keymont St " 105 reet .................. 4-Ordinance No. 2470. qn Ordinance Amending 1~ Ordinance No. 33.49 know " n as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by ea. ,. acting a new subsection 7 to Sectio n E of Schedule HI thereof to provide that eastbound vehicles on Keymont Street must stop befo t re en ering the intersection of Keyway Street n et 106 .................... 168 4-Ordinan a No. 25-70 An~~~Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 33.49 know " n as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by en- acting anew subsection 20 to Section A of Schedule III t hereof to provide that eastbound and westbound vehicles on Scenic View Driv e must stop before entering the intersection of " n cet D m 4-Ordi an No. 169 2670aAn Ocd inance amending~tl~e budget a s approved by Ordinance No. 470 1~ . ...................... 170, 208. 221 1-Or and Chanot 2770' An Ordinance Amending g Ordinance N o. 334 known as the "Zonin ning Osdinan C the City ofgDub quendI 149 o h owa ange Lot2of2oflof2ofl of2ofloflot F aL. 67 in the City of Dubuquel from Two t13' Residen D ce istrict Classtftcation to Multiple Residence District Classification (Chew 151 . property-T.F.K. Road) . ........................ 192, 18-O'Neill Denise, granted Class °B^ Bee 222 p r ermit June 1-Ordinance No. 28-70. An Ordinance Amending ~ Ordinance N o. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Ordep Dubuque I wyng y b o , ealing subsection (1) of Section 2 of Article IV th ereof and enacting a new subsection (1) to Section 2 of Articl IV i 152, 222 e n lieu thereof, to specify the uses to which structures having historical and/or „ 1-Orlin n~ceeNora2&70fAn nOrdinancee put............ ~' 253 Authorizing Dubuque Blacktop Co. Inc., 1473 Central A n t ve- ue o attach four (4) compressor units for Air Conditionin o t g n he rear wall over the Public a11eY . 152, 200 ..................... 223, 224 1-Ohnesorge William J. et. al,~~objecting to backup , water from the 32nd St 187, 336 reet detention basin..... 9-Ordinance No. 30-70. An Ordinance amending and ~4 changing Ordinanc 165 e No. 334 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubu " que, Iowa so as to change Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 2 of Highland Farm; Lot 3 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Highland Farm and Lot 2 of 2 of 2 f o St. Rose Place; Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 2 of Highland Fa fro Si rm m ngle Family Residence District" clas- sification to "Multi l 167, 168 p e Residence District clas• ,~ sification (Mt. St. Bernard p ) ert 9 O' p y . - Neill Irene et. al., ob'ectin ""~"'""""' 233, 271 to parked on Southern ] g wrecked cars " 9-Office Grill, granted Cigarette permk ~4, 240 " ..................... 9-O'Hara Richard, granted Cigarette Pe ~7 9-Oeschger Thomas 237 ~ ~~ , granted Cigarette Pe rmit. .....,,, 237 9-O'Neill Denise, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit ... 239 1970 INDEX --- BOOK 100 SUBJECT 0 15-Ordinance No. 31-70. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by re- pealing subsection b. of Section 3 of Schedule l thereof to provide that vehicles shall no longer travel westbound on East Ninth Street from White Street to Central Avenue ............. 15--Ordinance No. 32-70. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33.49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by re- pealing Subsection d. of Section 2 of Schedule I and by enacting a new Subsection d. to Section 2 of Schedule I in lieu thereof to provide that traffic shall move southerly only oa Main Street from Loras Boulevard to West Ninth Street and from West Sixth Street to West Fourth Street ............................................... 15-Ordinance No. 33-70. An Ordinance No. 3349 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by repealing Subsection a. of Section 4, of Schedule I there of and enacting anew Subsection a. to Section 4 of Schedule I in lieu thereof to require traffic to move Easterly only on Eighth Avenue from Hill Street to Locust Street, and enacting a new Subsection d. to Section 4 of Schedule I to require traffic to move Easterly only on East Ninth Street from Central Avenue to White Street and enacting a new Subsection e. to Section 4 of Schedule I to require traffic to move Easterly on West Ninth Street from Locust Street to Central Avenue ......................... 15-Ordinance No. 34-70. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33A9 known as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by re- pealing Subsection c. of Section 3 of Schedule I thereof and enacting a new Subsection c. to Section 3 of Schedule I in Beu thereof to re- quire traffic to move Westerly only on West Ninth Street from Locust Street to its Westerly Terminus and enacting a new Subsection d. to Section 3 of Schedule I to require traffic to move Westerly on East Tenth Street from White Street to Central Avenue end enacting a new Subsection e. to Section 3 of Schedule I to require traffic to move Westerly on West Tenth Street from Central Avenue to Bluff Street ......................................................................... 15-Ordinance No. 35.70. An Ordinance vacating the Northaofthe North side of 16th Streeet running Northerly to the South side of the vacated por- tion of East 19th Street and authorising pub- lication of Notice of Intent to dispose of inter- est to the Dubuque Packing Company ............. 15-Osco Druge Inc., granted Cigarette Pernut. ........ 15-O'Neill Denise, granted Cigarette Permtt ............. 16-Olsen Dorothy, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 29-Orpheum Theatre, requests for the preservation of the Theatre ......................................................... 29-Ordinance No. 36-70. An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No. 334 known as the "Zoning map and zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa^ so as to change block Page 241 241 242 243 243 246 246 246 247, 249 1970 July Aug. INDEX -BOOK 100 SUBJECT 10, Sunset Park Subdivision No. 2 from "Slagle Family Residence District" classification to "Multiple Family Residence District" classifica- tim .................................................................._.......... 29-Ordinance No. 37-70. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance known as the "Traffic Code of Du- buque, Iowa" as amended by adding a new sub- section 21 to Section A of Schedule III to pro- vide that westbound vehicles must stop before entering the intersection of Evergreen and Karen Streets ........................_................................. 29-Optometry Center Lx., purchase of property is the Downkown Urban Renewal area. ........259, 29--Olsen Dorothy M, granted Cigarette Permit. .... 29-OIeson Karl H., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 29-Olsen Dorothy, granted Class °B" Beer Permit. 20-Ordinance No. 38.7p. An Ordinance amending Or- dinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by enacting a cew subsection 105 to Schedule VI thereof to prohibit parking of motor vehicles oa the north side of Kane Street from Ken Court to on the nght. 17-Ordinance No. 43 dinance No. ; ing Meter O amended by Section 6,1 of dinanee No. 33.49 known as the "Traffi-c'~ode of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by enacting a new subsection 22 to Section A of Schedule III thereof to provide that east and west bound vehicles on Goethe street must slog before ent- ering the intersection of Sheridan Street......... is Grorto, requesting a parade permit ............. ;onnor, Brooks, Ahrendt and Brooks, audit re- port certified for the fiscal year 1969 ................. Itnanee No. 40-70. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 56-61 known as the Buliding Code of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Article 53 Fire Limits, and Section 5300 Fire Limits Established . ................................... ..... finance No. 41-70. An Ordinance Establishing a Fire Limits for the City of Dubuque, Iowa for the purpose of protection of closely built com- merc~al districts against the hazards of fire spreading from building to building, by supple- mentary Restrictions on the construction per- mitted within such limits ........................__......... finance No. 42-70. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 3349 known as the Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa, as amended by repealing Sec- tion 12.1 thereof and enacting a new section 12.1 thereof and enacting a new section 12.1 is lieu thereef requiring tha4 when two vehic- les enter an intersection from different high- ways or public streets at approximately the same time, the driver of the vehicles on the left shall yield the right of way to the vehicle known tce of wwa° as 6.1.5 of A and by m 6.1 of removing :en Main Page 253, 263 254 318, 337 201 262 263 283 284 302 310 312 312 333 r i4 INDEX -BOOK 100 ~' SUBJECT Page ..~,,. 1970 Street and LocusthO Avenue betweengIowa of Fag ~ '. north side Street and Locust Street from said parking ,,,,, 334 ,,..w ' meter distnct .......................................................... 17-Ordinance No. 44-70• An Ordinance Amending Or- ffic Code "T ; ra dinance No. 33-49 known as the Iowa" as amended, by enacting a ' of Dubuque,. new subsection 106 to Schedule VI thereof to of motor vehicles on the south ki , ;'. ~„ -, ng prohibit par side of Wilbur Lane from Alice Street to G 334, 399, 404 .............. Terrace . .............................................. a Ordi n- 8 llo ee ~ ~o - W Sept. t and Alleys in the ng of cer n Str 37 405 5 town Urban Renewal Project Area ..................... Per: 8-Oeschger Thomas A, granted Class "B" Beer , 395 . IDlt . ................................................................... " 21-Ordinance No. 47-70. An Ordinance vacating por Streets and Alleys in the Down- t i n a tions of cer town Urban Renewal Project Area and Amend- 404 ing Ordinance No. 4570 ........................... ............. " 21-Ordi eg stalling in oreforrbuIIdings i 8 n the ulation for of pipes, fixtures and other apparatus for i ng bringmg in the water suPPly and remov the City of liquid and water carried wastes, in and the issuance of permits therefor: Dubuque , to pprovide for the inspection of such plumbing n t o and to s ent of suchr ul~ and regulatio fo c em lties for the violation thereof: prescribe pena to create a plumbing board providing for exam- eseand prescribing arpenalty for e o s r lic fee f doing plumbing work or engaging in the t a license and to repeal Or- h ou plumbing wit dinances No. 21-55, 40-55, 6455, 16-59, 5359, 406 214 and 23-64 ........................................................ " 21-Ordinance No. 4&70. An Ordinance Approving d Between Dubuque County, Agreement by an and City of Dubuque, Iowa Relating to Iowa nter C , e Joint County-City Law Enforcement . ... . . 410 ........ . . Building .................................................... 21-Ordinance No. 50-70. An Ordinance Amending the Traffic Ordinance No. 33-49 known as Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as Amended by re- tion 22 of Section A of Schedule pealing Subsec IV thereof and enacting a new subsection 22 to Section A of Schedule IV in lieu thereof to lim- r vehicles on Clarke Drive. t 412, ~5 o it parking of mo y y ............................. +' 28-Ohmert Donald L., liabilit po c n 3-34 known as t e 28-Or Changing Ordinan No. f the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance o wa" so as to change Lots I o City of Dubuque, d 10 of Block 1, and Lots 8 9 and 10 8, 9 an Westchester Subdivision from "Mul- i n Block 2 tiple Family Residence District Classification ess "B" District Classification. i " 427, 473 n Local Bus to °° ZS--Ordinance No. 52-70. An Ordinance Amending ction 2 (i) of the Zoning Ordi- S e Article IV, nance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa to include f Lot 2 of Out Lot 670, and 2 o Lot 2 of Lot t ~ c i l aon to eo patrkdi ing lot addit said Pr Perty in on INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT page O the other uses permitted in the Multiple Fam- ily Residence District . ........................................ 427, 473 Oct. 5-Ordinance No. 46-70. An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa so as to change certain pro- perty hereinafter described from "Sin¢le Fam- " 5-Ordinance No. 5370. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 37-65 known as the Street Parking Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa by repeal- ing subsection 6.1.8 of Section B.1 of Parking Meter District A and enacting a new Subsec- tion 6.1.8 of Section 6.1 of Parking Meter Dis- trict in Beu thereof to limit the parking of motor vehicles on Streets hereinafter desig- nated . ........................................................................ " 5-Ordinance No. 5470. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 37-65 known as the Street Parking Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa byre Bal- ing subsection 6.1.9 of Section 6.1 of Parking Meter District A ..................................................... 5-Ordinance No. 5570. An Ordinance Amendingg Or- dinance No. 37-65 known as the Street Park- ing Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa byy re- pealing subsection 6.2.10 of Section 6.2 of Park- ing Meter District B thereof, removing both sides of Ninth Street between Iowa Street and Main Street fmm said Parking Meter District. " 5-Ordinance No. 56-70. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 78 by Repealing Section 31 thereof and enacting a new Section 31 in lieu thereof to prohibit giving a false or fradulent re ort of a crime, a fire, or an accident by calling any peace officer, physician, hospital, ambulance service or fire department. .. Nov. 2-Ordinance No. 57-70. An Ordinance Establishing a grade on an alley east of Alpine Street for distance of 263.5 feet between Reeder and Dodge Streets . ......................... ........................ " Z-O'Neill's Riverview Subdivision, request of annexa- tion of proPerty . ................................................ " 2-Osco Drugs, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............. " 2-Oleson Earl H., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. " 4-Ordinance No. 58-70. An Ordinance authorizing Constance Supple and Mildred Brady to con- struct an electrical outdoor lamp at 1270 West Fifth Street . ............................................................ Dec. 7-Ordinance No. 99-70. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 10-68, commonly known as the "Fire Prevention Code for the City of Dubu- que, Iowa by repealing Section 1 thereof and enacting a new section 1 in lieu thereof to provide that the City Council adopt the Fire Prevention Code Recommended by the Ameri- can Insurance Association being particularly the 1970 addition thereof . ................................ 7-Ordinance No. BO-70. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No. 3349 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended, by adding a new subsection 23 to Section A of Schedule III thereof to provide that eastbound and west- bound vehicles must stop before entering the 435 438 437 437 438 474 487 488 469 495 513 a uriali --- BODK 100 INDEX -BOOK 100 Page 1970 SUBJECT Page 1970 SDBJECT .._ _.._ d ~ and Refuse; Providing for the Licensing ahd intersection of Washington Street and East . ......................... 513 regulation of Private Garbage and Refuse Gol- leetora; Prescribing Rules and Regulations for 25th Street ................................... An Ordinance Amending Or- 81.70 Hauling Oarbage, Refuse and other Waste Ma- . " 7-Ordinance No. 3349 known as the "Traffic Code ance No di terials within or through the Clty of Dubuque; . n of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by adding a 6 to Section C of Schedule X i Prohibiting the Deposit of Litter within the City of Dubuque; Providing Penalties for on new subsect subsection 7 to Section C of Schad- Violation thereof; and Repoahng Ordinances and a new ule X thereof to require eastbound vehicles ield the r>~ht of way before entering the t 38-53 and 3-88 ......................................................... " 14---Ordinance No. 67-7D. An Ordinance Amending Or- 526, 527 o y outh intersection and the north intersection 514 disance No. 4.68 by repealing Section 12 There- s . ... John Drive and Graham Circle. .... ... f St of and enacting a new Section 18 Sa lieu there- . o " 7-Ordinance No. 62-70. An Ordinance Amending Or- 49 known as the "Traffic Code of to eatabliah fees for the use of the public landfill ....................................................................... 529 dinance No. 33 of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by adding a Section D of Schedule X t 29-Ordinance No. 8(t~70. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Pennsylvania Avenue for a distance o new subsection 7 thereof to require westbound vehfcles to yield - of 2,77E feet from the west property line of the right of way before entering the south m St Rey Knolls Subdivision to the City of Dubuque . tersection and the north intersection of 515 westerly corporation limit ..................................... 550 John Drive and Graham Circle ............................ Ahrendt and Brooks, to audit Brooks ' 522 , Connor, " 14-O the City for the Year 1970 ..................................... 83-70. An Ordinance Amending Or- dinance No O " . r 14--- dinance No. 37-65 known ae the a S~noe anPb s- Meter District B and by rep g in s D g - l lion 8.23 of Section 6.2 of Parking Metet d s t n l B an reet th S and Nl tween FSghth b e Street removing both sides of Locust Street between ts from said Parking e St r e Sixth and Seventh ... 524 ...................... Meter iHstnct . .............................. •~ lq.-Ordinance No. 8470. An Ordinance Amending Or- t ark- t " ree S dinance No. 37-65 known as the ing Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa" by re- ki ng peaking all subsections of Section 8.1 Par 2; 6.1.3; 8.1.4; 6.1.7; 1 8 1 1 6 A . . ; . . : Meter Dlstrlct cting new subsections 6.1.2; 6.1.3; d ena 6.1.8; an 8.1.4; 8.1.5 end 6.1.8 to section 8.1 Parking lieu thereof to limit the i n Meter District A Parking of Motor vehicles on streets herein- "° 524 ............................................. after designated. " ° 14-Ordinance No. B5-70. An Ordinance Amending Or- 33-49 known as the "Tr Rae sli N ng o. dinance of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by Pe f Schedule VI thereof and re- subsection 83 o pealing subsection 84 of Schedule VI thereof ubsection 83 of Schedule and enacting a new s new subsection 84 of Sched- i ng a VI and enact ule VI in lieu thereof to provide thole ~°ng on f rom p hides shall be prohibited both sides of Locust Street from Second Street rth Street to Eighth Street and F o ou f om Stye both sldea of Locust Street from Eighth Street south side of West th e to Ninth Street and on Ninth Street from Bluff Street to Iowa Street and both sides of West Ninth Street from Iowa ... 525 ....... Street to Central venu ...................... 66.70. An Ordinance Providing for No . 14-Ordinance Municipal Collection of Garbage and Refuse; cribing Rules and Regu- P res Defining Terms; lations therefore; Establishing a Collection Fee e are pp therefore; Requiring City Manager to pr c- ll e Delinquent List" and Providingfor the co tion of Delinquent Charges as provided by law; Collection of Garbage t e Restricting the Pnva .....J INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page P Jan 5-Pregler Walter A., sworn in as Councilman......... 1 . " 5-planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of ppetition to rezone property in Davis Farm Addition from Multiple Residence to 7 " Business "B" classification . ................................ S-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending the amendment of the Zoning t~rdinance to permit two roomers in each dwelling unit other than the faauly rending there ..................................... 10, 42 " 5-planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the adoption of an ordinance prohibiting the issu- ance of building permits to owners of real es- state for which a zoning reclassification has been initiated ........................................................... 11, 43 " 5-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ex- 12 cavate in North Booth Street ............................. " 19-Project Concerns submitting recommendation as to their participation is low rent housing for " the elderlY ............................................................... 19-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of plat 23, 51 of Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 2 of Highland Farm is the City of Dubuque, Iowa ............................. 28 Feb. Z-Pia rezonin o~ ro ert oloatted at Dodge and Bry p from Multiple to Local Business ant Stroets, 39 " " 100 80 " , classification . ....................................... B 2-Prospect Street vacated, recommendation of the , Planning & Zoning Commission that the street " be made available for sale ..................................... proval of plat a i sion i C 47, 328 , p omm s ng 2-Planning & Zon of Block 3 and Block 4 in "Thomas Farm Ad- dition" in the City of Dubuque ............................. 49 Mar. 2-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending ap- roval of rezoning of property in Westchester p Subdivision, lying adjacent to Woodland and from Two Family to Multiple Resi- Dana Drive , dence .................................................................. 73, 102, 142 " 2-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning of property located oa Rhomberg Avenue, north of the Wareco Service Station, " " B from Local Business "A" to Local Business 101 73 142 150 " , , classification ........................................... 2-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending , the classification of recently annexed area south of Hempstead School and adjacent to Pennsylvania Avenue to Multiple Residence. 75, 101 " 2-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to 76 excavate in Mineral Street ................................. " 2-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation of certain streets and alleys in the A 85 83 rea... .. Downtown Urban Renewal Project , " Z-Planning &, Zoning Commission, approval of plats of Rortions of the Downtown Urban Renewal Protect........... 89, 90, 293, 348, 373, 449, 450, 530 " 23-Park Board, advising the Council of the condition 96 " of Hamm House Museum ..................................... 23-Park Board, advising the Council that they will not spend additional man hours on patrolling Alh- son Henderson Park... ~ " 23-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to 107 excavate in South Locust Street ......................... " 23-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ex- 107 April cavate ~n Lincoln Avenue ..................................... 8-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning of property in Sunrise Heights Subdi- __. _. ~~ INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page P vision from Single Family to Multiple Family „ classification ................................................... 119, B-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of the Main Street Pedestrianway in the Urban Re- 152, 200 al Project Iowa R-15 .............................. „ ............... ................................ 125, 127, 154, 156, 158. 6-Pennsylvania Avenue improvement with concrete curb and gutter from the W.P.L, of Lot 2 of 207. 209 1 of E~ SW~/s Section 21 T 89 N. R. 2E west- " erly to the Corporation limits ..................... 129 6-Pennsylvania Avenue i = 130, 174 , mprovement with Hot Mix Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the W.P.L, of Lot 2 of 1 of E'fs-SW~/4 Section 21 T 89 N. R. 2E westerly to the Corporation Limits „ ....................................................... 6-Pennsylvania Avenue, improvement with Hot Mix- Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete paving neaz West- 132, 176 " ridge Drive, reconstruction . ................... 132 ......... 13-Powers Philip and Martha, Supreme Court decision in favor of City concerning the condemnation proceedin gs on a parcel of property fronting oa John F. Kennedy Road ............... .. 13-Park Board, requesting the Council to amend the 141 Park Ordinance so as to establish closing hours ~~ for any specific park ......................... 13-Peoples Natural Gas, re uestin •~~~~•~~•~~~~~••~"'•• r ~ o 43 i excavate at intersection of the alle y on Olive " Street ................................................................. 13-Peoples Natural Gas, re uestin ~ ~•~~~ • 4 g Permission to 145 May exvacate in Clarke Drive ....................... 4-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending 145 denial of petition to rezone property at 2508 Roosevelt Street from Single Family to Local ,> Business "A" District .............................. 4-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending ~ap- 1~ proval of petition to rezone property in M.L. 67 from Two Family to Multiple Residence class- ification ro ert i b , p p y s ounded by Memy Medi- cal Center and Holiday Inn " " ........................... 4-Poire Catherine M., dismissal of suit. _~~~~~~ ~~~ 166 4-Petrakis Charles K, et. al., complaining of ~ac- cumulation of snow on Central Avenue in the " 2500 block ......................... ..... 4-Presentation Sisters, grant of easement to the City 171 ,> " of Dubuque ............................................................... 11-Pear Marie M., Notice of Claim ..................... ~'•~~~'~•~ 173 192 11-Peoples Natural Gas, re uestin " q g permission to ex- " •••~•• 11-PapeaNOrbert G. etM. a1.,Srequesting rezoning of 193 property at 3370 Asbury from Multiple Family " ~~ to Business B" classification ............................. 18-Pins Arthur W. & Margaret C., withdrawing ap- plication for rezonin f "O 193 ~~ g o ld Timers Athletic and Supper Club Place." ......... 18-Plannin & Zoain """""""""'"""" a ~ p of Lots 3 through 6, Block 2 aa d Lots 3 through ~~ 6, Block 3 of Horizon West Subdivision.... 204 25-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending ap- proval of rezoning g i Hi _..r,,.,y n ghland Farm Subdivision from Slagle Fami)_v to Multiple " Residence classification ................. 25-Property Owners required to make connections 211 from thesewer, water and gas mains oa streets to be improved with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphal- tic Concrete Paving . ............................................ 212 INDEX -. BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page P June 1-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending rezoning of Block 10 of Sunset Park Subdi- vision Na 2 from Single Family to Multiple Residence C186S1fICatlOa . ........................................ 217 " 1-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition of Philip Langas to rezone property at 1108 Loras Btvd. to Local Business "B" classifieation . ................................217, 268, 510, 520 " 1-planning 1ti Zoning Commission, recommending the vacatim of a portion of Sycamore Street to the Dubuque Packmg Company ................................. 218, 243 1,Plaming 8a Zoning Commissioq, recommending denial of petition to rezone from Single Family to Two Family, Lot 2 of 2 and a portion of Lot 3 of 3 of M.L. 178 ..................................................... 218 " 1-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the amendment of the Multiple Residence District to allow structures to be used for Museums, Tours, Meeting Rooms, Private Dinner Parties, Restaurant, Cabarets, Gifts Shops and Antique Shops . ........................................................................ 223, 253 " 1-.Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ex- 225 cavate in Fremont Avenue ................................... " 1-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting permission to ~5 excavate in West First St ................................... " 9--Peonies Natural Gas, submitting 1969 Operating 232 " tstement . ................................................................ 9-Palmer Drugs, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 237 " 15-Pervy Street, 1969 Curb & Gutter Prnjeet, com- 244 " pleted and accepted .:............................................. 15--Polfer Joseph, 6n'anted Cigarette Permit ................. 245 " 15,Potter Robert, granted Cigarette Fermit ................. 216 " 29-.Peru Road•Davis Street Sanitary Sewer, pr~limin- ary plans and specifications . .................... 257, 314, 389 29--Pepin Madeline, granted Cigazette Permit ............. 282, 301 262 " 29-Pins Arthur, granted Cigarette Permit . ................ 262 " " 29-Potter Robert, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 29-Plumley Donald, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 262, 499 29-.Pusateri Michael F., granted Cigarette Permit..... " " 262 263 " Beer Permit......... B 29--Pins Arthur, granted Class 29-1?ins Arthur, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 265 " 29-Pnsateri Dfichael F., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit . ............................................................................ 265 July 20-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending denial of petition to rezone Lot 1 of 3 of John Mattel's Sub No. 2, which is located on P " . Asbury Road .. .......................................................... 20-Planning & Zomng Commission, recommending 280 denial of petition to rezone Lots 318 and 317 in Lennox Addition ................................................. 281 " & 20-Planni ~ v ~ i ~ f p perty sioa Westchester Snbdi m which would authorize professional offices at 2105 Kennedy Road, as requested by Delos 262 " Dorweiler . ................................................................ 20---Pazadiso Joe, reappointed to the Advisory Com- „ mission . .................................................................... 20_.,_pl~q~g & Zoning Commission, recommeadin8 299 that Lot 1 of 3 and Lot 1 of 4 in John P~. M~t- tel's Sub. No. 2 remain in Multiple Residence ... District classification .......................................... 281 " 27--~Plumbiag Ordinance, submitted by the Building 301 406 Aug Code Committee ..................................................... t 10--Pr'°s ~ t ea ~ , . ~d pl pprovai of DUbuqu 40A Coriell's 329 J INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT page P " 17-Plumley Donald, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 399 " 24-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning of property located at Clarke Drive and Heeb Street from Single Family to Multiple Residence .......................... .. ..................... 346, 435 " 24-Pusateri Michael F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 349 Sept. 8-Pazlung Ramp on Iowa Street, informal bids to be taken to correct the ticket dispenser area. 358 " 8-Pennsylvania Avenue, installation of street light recommended ............................. ..................... 359 " 8-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of final plats in the Downtown Urban Renewal Area. ............................................................................ 373, 449, 450 " 8-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of agree- ment between the City and the Highway Com• mission for a preliminary engineering study of th f e t i r e eway sys em n the City of Dubuque..... 386 " S-Planning & Zoning Commission, approval of pro- posed Municipal Garage ......................................... 392 " 14-Peterson Lloyd, reappointed to the Airport Com- mission ......................................... .... ............ 399 " 21-Planning & Zoning Commission rernmmending ap~ , proval of plans for the Law Enforcement Cen- ter . .................................................................... 401, " 424, 446 21-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending rezoning of property in Westchester Subdivi- sion located on the south side of Asbury Road, approximately 800 feet west of Kennedy Road, to Local Business "B" classification...........401, 427, 473 " 21-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending amending Article IV, Section 2 (i) of the Zon- ing Ordinance to include Lot 2 of 2 of 2 of Out Lot 670 so that an offstreet parking lot can be constructed (17th & Locust Sts.)......... ...................................................... 402, 427, 473, 427, 473 " 21-Petsch Philip F., Notice of Claim ............................. 403 " 28-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending the a roval f th l t pp o e vo un ary annexation of property south of the present city limits......... 424 Oct. 5-Plowman Rich M., Notice of Claim ......................... 434 " 5-Peoples Natural Gas, requesting excavation permit at 2354 Lincoln Avenue ......................................... 438 Nov. 2-Petrakis John, requesting that Petrakis Park be cleaned up or that his name be disassociated with the park ........................................................... " 2 Plumbin Boa d i t f L 470 - g r , appo n ment o eonard J. Backes, James C. Davis, Walter A. Pregler, Robert G. Steichen and Dr. Robert G. Vernon ................... 471 " 2-Palmer Robert A., Notice of Claim. ........................ 472 " 16-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommendingg the anne ation f t b x o proper y on oth sides of Rock- dale Road and south of an extension of South- ern Avenue as requested by Mississippi Valley Milk Producers Association ................................. 499 Dec. 14-Public Safety Fuad, transfer of $93,036.97 from the Emergency Fund ............................................. 543 " 29-Planning & Zoning Commission, recommending approval of plat of Block 1; Lots 1-21 inc. f Bl k N 2 L t o ac o. ; o s 1-13 inc. k Lots 41-50 inc. in Block No. 3, Sunset Park Subdivision No. 3 . ........................................................................ 551 INDEX -BOOK 100 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 _ SUBJECT Page 1970 SUBJECT page R R Jan. 5-Russo R. N., appointed City Solicitor ......................... 1 i r t:' : 4-Roshek Department Store, protest of assessment of real estate " " 5-Remp Mildred M., settlement of suit ..................... rs or Boarders in private dwelling unit 5 R June .,~.. ........................................................... 1-Richman Richard, settlement of claim............ •••~ ••• lss 22p " - oome limited to two persons .....................................10, ng .................................. 19-Roll Gilbert, sidewalk bond. 40, 42 23 ' "` .. 9-Radloff Minnie R., granted Cigarette Permit......... 15--River Valley Community Action Agent ,request ing a cash l d f 237 " 19-Rang Rata M., settlement of claim ............................. 24 e y ge o P $5000 from t e Cit of Dubuque for the 197D-71 ear 24 " 19-Rubella or German Measles, Dubuque County Med- ical Society requesting financial help from the ~~ ~ ~ ~ y ............................. 15-Ruegnitz R. S, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 4 245 " City of Dubuque ..................................................... offer to purchase a parcel of 19-Riekena Doris M. 28 a • ~ 15--Rin Richard J., ' g granted Cigarette Perant............. 29--Recreation Commisston, requesting a meeting with 246 , land located in the Downtown Urban Renewal ,?.. the Council concerning the housing of the Gtrls Center . 32, 81, 295, 304, 350, area . ........................... 381, 457 ; - ............................................................. 2~Reisdorf Joseph E., granted Cigarette Permit 255 261 Feb. 2-Report for the City of Dubuque for the Fiscal Year 39 ......... 29-Rainbo Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permit..... 262 " 1969, subantted by the City Auditor ................. Notice of Claim ............. 2-Rettenmaier Vincent Mrs. 39 ., 29-Rem Thomas J., granted Cigarette Permit. •• •••~- 29-Ran all' F d 262 , 2-Retirement Investment Corporation, Grant of Ease- 48 s oo arama, granted Cigarette Permit..... 29-Rohek's Department Store, granted Cigarette Per- 262 ment to the City of Dubuque ............................... ant . ............................................................. ~ „ 2-RET CORPORATION, application for aanexation ............... 29--Ring Louis A., granted Cigarette Permit 262 of 65.108 acres located dcrectly south of Hemp- ................. 29-Riverside Bowl, granted Cigarette Permit 263 1 stead High School and adjacent to Pennsy - i A 51 50 ............. 29-Reisdorf Joseph Edward, granted Class "C" Liquor " venue ........................................................... van a 2-RET CORPORATION, requesting rezoning of re- , „ Permit. """"""""""°""""'•""'••••• -- 29-Riverside Bow] Inc., .......................... granted Class "C" Liquor 5 Gently annexed azea to Multiple Residence Dis- Permit ........................................ .. 265 " ........................................... trict Classification. 59 it N ti f S 51 166 167 July ......... ................... 6-Riley Owen, submitting resignation from the Du- , ................... ce o o u 16-Rainbo Oil Company, , buque Advisory Board. ~°-°~°•••°°°~•° ~ " 16-Resurrection Mens Service Club, requesting per- ~~ °•••••••••°•••• 6-Report for the (,Sty of Dubuque Office of Emer- mission to hold their softball tournament at 60 gency Planning Flood Disaster Grant for the " Riverfront fields in June, 1970 ............................. 16-Russo R. N., to defend action in U. S. District penod of April 25, 1969 to April 25, 1970......... 6-Riekena Doris anted Cc arette Perm t g 268 2 Court, wherein Joseph James Piluzza is plain- , i . 6-Rettenber Max g ~~~~~~•~~•~~~• g granted Ci azette Permit 76, 517 276 tiff and certain members of the Police Depart- g7 ............. 27-River Valley Community Action Program, request- ments are defendants. •••~--~••••••••••~•~••••••••••-•••••~••••• lag $2500 for the 1970 Summer Governor's Mar. 2-Report of Water Department Audit for the year Youth Program. ...................................................... 302 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1969. ........................................................... 72 Aug. 3-Roden Richard, sidewalk bond................................. 310 2-Russo R. N., bond ......................................................... 72 3-Rose Charles, objecting to any action of the City " 2-Rogers Veola, Notice of Claim ................................. 74, 98 concerning property at 708 Providence Street. 309 " 2-Richard Construction Co., requesting rezoning of 3-Riverside Bowl Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Per- property in Sunrise Heights Subdivision to mit . ........:............................................................... 323 Multiple Family Residence classification........ 76 10-Roth Marie et. al., requesting erection of a re- " 2-Report of the City of Dubuque 1969 Municipal taming wall at 1313 Dodge Street to prevent Streets and Parking ............................................... 81 - further soil erosion............................................... 326 2-Richard James, appointed to the Board of Zoning 17-Ridge Motor & Machine Co., objecting to other Adjustment . ............................................................ 94 businesses hampering their operation on East " 2-Rossiter & Hamm, Architects & Engineers, sub- 12th Street ............................................................... 332 witting a report on the feasibility of remodel- d floor of the Cit Hall th 3 i 94 17-Reynolds Hal F., appointed to the Low Rent Hous- in C i ......................... y r ng e g ommiss on...................................... ................. 336 " 23---Recreation Commission, submitting their 1969 ac- 24-R & S Enterprises, purchase of Lot 2 of Block 6 tivity rePort ............................................................. 97 in Dubuque Downtown Plaza. 350, ••~•• ~•~ 381 457 ril A ..,....... B-Ruprecht Helen, Notice of Claim ................... 120 Pt- 8-Randalls Foodarama, granted Class "B" Beer Per- , p ' 6-Rhomberg Avenue, improvement with Hot Mix- Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the » mit . ............................................................................ 14-Ream Ida Mrs. Notice of Claim ............. ~ 395 398 N. P. L. of Marshall Street to Wisconsin 21-Ro er g s Katherine Mrs., Notice of Claim ................. 404 Bridge . ...................................................................... 132, 176 ~ 28-Reisen Ralph A., sidewalk bond.............. ~ •~•'~~~~~~••"~~~~ 425 " 6-Richie Drive, improvement with Bituminous Con- Oct. 5-Reisdorf Jose h, p granted Class "B" Beer Permit... 452 Crete Paving from the N. P. L, of Pennsylvania Nov. 2-Robinson Gerald L., granted Class "B" Beer Per- Avenue to the S. P. L. of KeY Corners ............. 134, 180 wit. ............................................................................ 488 " 13-Ruble Terry, Notice of Claim ..................................... 141 2-Robinson Gerald L., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- 20-Rollingg Mary Anne, supporting the lawnsitters at mit . ............................................................................ 489 AlBson-Henderson Playground .......................:.... 151 16-Robinson Gerald L., granted Cigarette Permit..... 504 " 20-Reynolds Hal, appointed to the Low Rent Houscng Agency ....................................................................... 161, 187 May 4-Riverside Bowl, requesting permission to vacate er Boulevard to thorne Street from Ker H p aw Iake Street for the Dubuque Boat show........... 170 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page Jan. 5-Steger Heights, rezoning of property from single family to multiple residence district classifica- tion ............................................................................. s " S--Sanitary Sewer Bies Drive 1969, preliminary plans and spemfications . ............................................12, 82, 387 " 5-Stierman Jerold F., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit . ............................................................................ 20 " 5-Stierman Jerold F., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit . ............................................................................ 21 " 19-Saffran Construction Company, liability policy..... 23 " 19-Sherman Joseph R., offer to purchase a parcel of land located in the Downtown Urban Renewal area . ............................32, 81, 295. 304, 350, 381, 457 " 19-Sanitary Sewer, Kennedy Road, west side, from Spring Valiey Road to 32nd Street, preliminary F b plane and specifications . ..... ... .......34, 76, policy ns Construction Co liabilit hilt & S 2 S 78, 124 ~ e . " ..... ., y c o -- a 2-Spanish American War Aurziliary, requesting per- mission to conduct a tag day ............................. 47 " 2-Sheppley Foundation, presentation of a fully equipped Ambulance to the City of Dubuque. 55 2-Sjobakken Gerald, reappointed to the Human .............................................. Rights Commission.. 57 " l6~tork Charles E., appointed to the Human Rights COmmISS10II . ............................................................ 84 Mar. 2~unrise Heights Subdivision, request for rezoning of property to Multiple Family District clas- sification . ..................................................76, 119, 152, 200 " 2--Sanitary Sewer, "Sara S. & Edward R. Bartels Place at Center Grove", certification of cost, and establishing a connection charge for hook- ing uP to sewer ....................................................... 79, 80 " 2-Schumacher Earl, granted Cigarette Permit......... 92 " 2--Sheldon Aubrey H., granted Cigarette Permit......... 92 " 2-Schwaztz Lawrence, granted Class `B" Beer Per- mit . ........................................................................... 93 " 2-Schumacher Earl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 93 " 2-Seherrer Charles, addressed Council relative to property purchased from Urban Renewal for a parking lot ........................................................... 95, 108 " 23-Stecher Amelia, Claim denied ................................... 98 " 23-Stevens Jack Alan, requesting permission to pur- chase Lot 2 of 1 of 2 of George Jecklin Farm. 107 " 23-Sorensen George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 111 " 23-Schumacher Earl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 112 " 23~orensen George, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit . ........................................................................... 112 April 6-Stoltz Ed J. et. al., requesting the sealcoating of Ridgeway Avenue ................................................... 121 " 6-Schiltz Development Corporation, requesting per- mission to install underground wiring street Bghts in Sunset Park ............................................. 122 " 6-Shiras Avenue, improvement with Hot Mis-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving replacement west of Rhomberg Avenue intersection ............ 132, 178 " 6~haron Drive, improvement with Bituminous Con- crete Paving from the N.P.L. of Pemisylvania Avenue to the S.P.L. of Key Corners ................. 134, 180 " 6-Sorensen George, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 138 " 13--Steuer Dale H., Notice of Claim ................................ 141 " 13-Schumacher Frank Mrs. et. al., requesting that Al- lison-Henderson Playground be kept open all night . ....................................................................... 143 " 13~herman John, reappointed to the County-City AuthorttY ................................................................... 147, 173 INDEX -BOOK 100 1979 SUBJECT pie "$ ,. S 20-Scholbrock Margaret, requesting Permission to open a beauty parlor in her home on R oosevelt -. Street . ................................................ ............... ` 20-Sertoma Club, re uestin ~~ °°' q g permission to have a ' 152 , circus on Industrial Island ............. ........ .' 211--Stecklein Richard N., ""~~~""" granted Class "B" Beer Per- ' mtt . ........................................................................... '- ffi?Y 4-Spiegel William, liability policy ............... 159 1~ 4--Saffran Construction Company sidewalk bond ..... - 4--Spiegel William, sidewalk boat 185 ....................... .... " 4-misters of The Presentation, "" grant of easement to _.. the City of Dubuque. 165 ........... " 4--Sherman John, a ................................. ;. ppointed Commissioner of the „ ~ City-County Authority . 173 ................... ....................... tewart Street, installation of a street light recom- ~ 173 +~~ ~ mended by the City Manager ............................... i"' ~ 18-Smith Construction Inc. liability polic 191 , y ................ .`~ 18-Schromen Kenneth sidewalk bond 198 , ................. .......... ' 18-Schollmeyer Paul W, granted Class "B" Beer per 196 ,~ nut . ........................... ................... 25-Soden John R., requesting enforcement of four E06 ear maintenance bond covering St. Celia Street ............................................................. lone l~uaset Park Subdivision No. 2, Block 10 approval 211 + of the Planning & Zoning Commission to re- wne from Single Family to Multiple Residence classification . ...............' ................. lacy l~impson Edward J. et. al. objecting to~san~•~~~~~ 217 ~~ condiflons at 708 Providence Street ................. 1-~fikas Pete S. & Gust Karigan, granted Class "B" 224, 251 » Beer Permit ............................................................. 9-Schueller Marie E., Notice of Claim ~~ 229 ........................ 9--~Schneller Mathias A., granted Cigarette Permit..... 9~chaffert L G t 232 237 , , ., gran ed Cigarette Permit ............. 9-Super 20 Drive In Theatre, granted Cigarette Per- 237 ,. mit . ........................................................................... 15--Swift Plumbing & Heating, liability policy ..... " 238 24p ........ 15~hwind Frank, granted Cigarette Permit ............... " 15--Schwartz Lawrence & Ethel granted Ci t 215 , gare te Per- mit . ....... ................. ........................... .. ,. 15-Siefker John S., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 15-Sorensen George a t d 245 248 , gr n e Cigarette Permit ............. 15--Steffen John, granted Cigarette Permit 24g ................... 15-Sands Donald, granted Cigarette Permit ................. " 29~pr£ng Gteen Court, installation of a street light 2q8 248 , retrommended .......................... , ................................. 29-Sanitary Sewer, completion and acceptance of 8 251 ,:,:: inch sanitary sewer, owned by Harold Molo and John A Link ~ . ............................... 29-Sanitary Sewer, relimina ~ ~~~~~~ ~' p l ~l 258 lions for the constructlon of the Pe u Road „ Davis Street Sanity Sewer .............. 257, 258 29-Savary John L., grante Cigarette Permit ............. „ 29--Schumacher Earl, granted Cigarette Permits......... 29~ears Roebuck & Co 281 282 mpany, granted Cigarette Per- mil . . ........................................ » 29-Shanahan Francis, granted Cigarette Permit......... " 29-Sauer Eugene, granted Cigarette Permit ~z ................. 29-~tampfers Department Store, granted Cigarette 282 „ Permit . ................................. ..................................... ,~ hike-Richardson, anted Cigarette permit ........ 282 262 " 29~ho11meYergPaule W~grantedpCigarette Permit... ~~ 29-Schumacher E l 282 ar , granted Cigarette Peratit......... 29-~tecklein Richard N., granted Cigarette Perndt..... 282 282 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page. S >' 2q--Spiegelhalter Melvin A. granted Cigarette Permit. granted Cigarette Permit ............. a E 282 262 , mm 29-Sclerer " 29--Spiegelhalter Melvin A., granted Class "B" Beer 263 Permit . ...................................................................... " 29---Savary John L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... granted Class "B" Beer Permit. •••• Sand Donald T. " 29 283 283 , - " 29---Schumacher Earl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. " 29-Savary John L., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. " 283 285 Liquor " 29-Stecklein Richard N., granted Class "C 285 Permit. •"" ° " 29-Sand Donald T., granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 285 " 29-Schollmeyer Paul, granted Class "C" Liquor Per ~5 mtt . ............................................................................ July 6--+Schiel Judith A. granted Cigarette Permit::....: .:: 279 20-Schromen Ken, ~iabilty policy............ " 20--Sycamore Street, conveyance of unvacated portion 1 to Dubuque Packing Company ....................... ... " 20-Sfikas Pete S. & Gust Karigan, granted Class "C" ~ 298 Iaquor Permit ......................................................... >' 20_--Smith Doyle Mrs., reappointed to the Advisory 299 Commission ................ ......................_ ....................... >' 20--Sigwarth Anthony Rev., reappointed to the Ad- ~ visory Commission. . " 2?-Steffen Steve Mrs., Notice of Claim ................._...... 301 " 27-Schiel Donald G. et. al., requesting lighting on bu A ry s University Avenue fmm Loras to 302 Road. ........ ....... " 27-Sanitary Sewer, John F. Kennedy Road-1969, fmann Avenue to Old Timers Athletic K f au rem completed and accepted.........305, Club Place 365, 368 , " 27-Sweet Harold, reappointed to the Playground & 307 Recreation Commission ......................................... " 27-Swift Adrian, reappointed to the Board of Heating, 307 Ventilating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration. Aug. 3-Spiegelhalter Melvin A., granted Class "C" Liquor 324 Permit. ................. " 10-Scherer Emma M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 330 402 333 " 17-Schlueter Marie, Notice of Claim ............................. 17-Schreiber F. J., appointed to the Dock Commis- ................. , 342, 489 sion ...................... ................................ ...... " 24-Studier Adeline, ordered to dismantle and clean up premises located at 942 Dodge Street......... 344' .............. 343, 420, 534 ...... ............................... ............... 24-Slyer Harold, Notice of Claim ................. ...._........... 3 358 Sept. 8--Stewart Excavation Company, liability policy....... Kennedy Road from John F . 8-Sanitary Sewer, Valley Road to 32nd Street, East Side, Spring • prelucunary plans and specifications .............. 390, 391, .................. 443, 444 ................................................ " &--Sfikas Bessie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....... " g---Sfikas Bessie, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 395 ~ " 21-Senior High School, requesting permission to con- 412 duct a homecoming parade ................................. " 2&-Strub Robert L. et. al., objecting to the proposed annexation of area south of the present City Rmits . ........................................................................ >' 28---Schreiber David, sidewalk bond ................................. 424 425 Oct. 12--Sfikas Pete, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... " 12--Sanitary Sewer and water lines to serve the an- 462 nexed properties of Tower Investment and Waller-Byrne Table Mound Mobile Home Park. 462 " 18-Spielman Charles J., granted Cigarette Permit..... "B" Beer Per- 463 " 16-Spielman Charles J., granted Class ~4 mit . ............................................................................ INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 -_ _ - SUBJECT pie S " lfr-Spielman Charles J., granted Class °C" Liquor Permit . ......................................... .. .......... .......... 464 Nov. 2-Steichen Robert G., appointed to the Plumbing " Board ...........:............................................................. 2-Steines Leltoy, Notice of Claim ................................. 471 472 523 - 2-Supple Constance & Mildred Brady, requesting , permission to construct an outdoor electrical lamp ................................................................ 2-Sanders Donald E., appointed to the Planning & 474, 495 " Zoning Commission ................................................. 2--Sclmitt David M. Notice of Claim Ogg ` a.. " ` , ........................... 16~hireman Bernazd J., Notice of Claim ..................... 492 49g l6~chultz John Mrs., Notice of Claim ..................... 499 .... 1B-Sewage Treatment Plant, applcation for a Federal °` Grant for the second construction phase......... t a;~,, Dec. ~~ ................................................................ 505. 7-salvation Army The, requesting permission to 508, 549 yp " have a Bell Ringer's Booth ............................. 509 " ... 7~immons Dortha K., Notice of Suit ......................... 512 ` 7~ixth Street, request for installation of a street - light . .................................................. 7-Sanitary Sewer to Service Lot 2 of 1 of 1 •of 2 •of 516 2 of Grote Place, which is an extension of Moore Heights Sanitary Sewer, completed and ,. " accepted . .................................................................. 7~chaffert L. G, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 516 517 ..... 14-Streets and Parking Budget Report For The Year " 1971 . .......................................................................... 29-Sunset Park Subdivision No. 3, approval of plat of 540 Block No. 1; Lots 1-21 inc. of Block No. 2; Lots 1-13 inc. & Lots 41-50 inc. in Block No. 3......... 551 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page T Jan. 5-Telegraph Herald, appointed the officials newspa- 2 per for the City of Dubuque ............................... " 19-Teasdale Ivhldred M., Notice of Claim ..................... 25 Feb 2-Tressel Paul, Notice of Suit ....................................... 40 . 2-Thomas Farm Addition, approval of plat of Block 3 and Block 4 ......................................................... 49 " 2-Thompson's Food Markets Inc., granted Cigarette Permtts .................................................................55, 138, 237 " 2-Thompson's Food Markets, Inc., granted two Class "C" Beer Permits ...............................................56, 138, 263 " 16-Tower Investment Co., requesting permission to connect to city water located on Rockdale ................................................................. Road ......... 60, 412 " : 16-Thrnput Tennmals, grant of easement for Flood Protection Works . .................................................. 61 Mar. 2-Terry Agnes M., Notice of Claim ............................... 74, 167 Aril 6-Trt State Paving Company, liability policy ............. ter 117 ' 20-Tritsch Ralph B. Mrs. complaint relative to wa drainage Problem ................................................... 149 May 4-Transamerica Insurance, Notice of Suit ................. 167 " 11-Thal William, objecting to Playground activity on 311 267 Burden Avenue . ........................191, 249, 25(1, , " 18-Tree Planting and Landscaping on Iowa Street, completed and accepted ......................................... 203 June 1-Tri State Paving Company, sidewalk bond ............. 217 9-Tressel Allen E., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 237 " 9-Trapp Morita, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 237 " 9-Tigges Dons J., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 2 3 8 " 15-Tschiggfne Excavating, liability policy ..........:........ 2 4 0 15-Tschiggfne Raymond, granted Cigarette Pennrt..... 246 " 29-TUrnau Opera Company, relative to preserving 249 " the Orpheum Theatre ............................................. 29-Trausch Bakery, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 263 " 29-Tarry Leone, granted Cigarette Permit ................... 263 July 6-TOWN CLOCK Removal and Relocation Project, preliminary plans and specifications ................. ................................ 274, 275, 302, 3(13, 314, 326, 355 Aug. 17-Thompson Frank Mrs., objecting to the condition t t 332 ree . of a sidewalk on Locust Street and First S " 8-Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Project for 1970, on Locust Street, Fourth Street, Fifth Street and Ninth Street .....................388, 389, 413, 428 " 8-Tobacco Village, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 394 " 8-Tarry Leone, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 395 " 8-Tarry Leone, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 396 21-Tower Investment Inc., requesting annexation of property south of the present corporation limits . ......................................................412, 424, 459, 460 Oct. 5-Tigges Doris J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 452 Nov 2-Tax Levy Emergency, application to levy an Emer- . gency Tax ................................................................. 468 " 2-Tax Levies For The Year 1970, The Taxes To Be Collected In The Year 1971 ................................. 469 " 16-Traffic Signal Project No. 1 at Dodge & Bryant Loras & Grandview and John F. Kennedy Roan & Pennsylvania Avenue, completed and ac- cePted . ...................................................................... 501 16-Tigges Dons, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit..... 505 Dec 14-TOWN CLOCK PLAZA, name chosen for the . Urban Renewal Pedestrianway by Florence Becke ......................................................................... 526 " n F 19-Tim n n o B ti n P e ~~ n tow w Dubuque D in lock 3 of l Plaza ........................................................................... 535 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page U Jan. 5-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, Ac- cepting delivery of deeds to certain parcels of land in downtown Dubuque.......15, 61, 272 294 295 " 19-Union Asphalt & Roadoils Inc., dismissal of suit, , and settlement reached ......................................... 24 " 19-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, Sale of $3,262,000.00 " Project Notes ................................................... .. 29 30 19-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, advertising of De- , " molition & Site Clearance Bids .............31, 91, 124 554 19-Urban Renewal Project, sale of parcel of land to , Doris M. Riekena and Joseph R. Sherman of Iowa Coaches Inc.....32, 81, 295, 304, 350, 381, 457 Feb. 16-U. S. Corps of Engineers, requesting additional right of w f fl ayy or oodwall on the riverside of the Floodwall Project . ......................... ... 62 Mar. 2-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, vaca- tion of streets and alleys, approval of plats of vacated streets and alleys, subdividing and dedicating certain lots in the downtown urban renewal area. ....85, 87, 88, 90, 125, 127, " -~--~••••••~--~-~ .............. 292, 370, 372, 375, 376, 23-United States of America, Grant Agreement with 379, 450 the City of Dubuque for the development of the Dubuque Municipal Airport ......................... 110 April 6-United Fund of Dubuque, support to future efforts to centralize Community Health programs by the City, County, School System and the " V. N. A ................................ ........................... 116 6-Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, Main Street Pedestrianway, approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission. ......125, 127, 154, 156, " ............................................................................ 158, 20-Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15, Sale of 207, 209 $3,235,000 project Notes. ........158, 159, 193, May ............................................................................ 194, 4-United States o£ America, right of entry in con- 368, 416 nection with the Mississippi River Flood Pro- " tection ProJect ......................................................... 173 11-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, ap- proval of Amendatory Contract Amending Con- " tract No. Iowa R-15 (LG) ..................... .. .... 196 18-United States of America, renewal of lease cover- ing 0.85 acres in Ham's Addition which is used for a Naval Reserve Training Center ................. 199 June 9-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R,15, ap- proval of Fixed Price Competition Method for offenng certain land in the Downtown Urban " Renewal project . .................................................... 234, 272 9-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, invita- tion of proposals for the redevelopment of property located at 7th and Main and 9th and " Main Streets . ..............................235, 319, 320, 382 384 9-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, intent , to exempt certain real estate from acquisition on condition that the First National Bank ac- quires the real estate and enters into an agreement with the City for redevelopment " purposes . ................................................236, 296, 29-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, sale 321, 382 of paroels of land to Optometry Center, Inc., and to Ames R lt I 2 July ea y nc........... 59, 260, 317, 6-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, invita- 337, 372 tion for proposals for redevelopment of prop- erty located at northwest corner of 5th & INDEX -BOOK 100 SUBJECT Page 1970 U Locust and midway between 4th and 5th on 414, 415 ZO-URBAN sgENEWA]M PROJECT IOWA R- 5, pub rtam lots for public right of way and dtvidmg ce for other purposes.........L92, 369, 373, 377, 451, 458 dedica: REN " 20-URBAN ' ~ ES s o . purposes ree for rtam llot .......... 293, 870, 374, 378, 380, 450, 531 ...................... 2p-URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA R-15, ap of Downtown Plaza.....293, 348, t l e a proval of p .. ....... 371, 374, 376, 378, 380, 450, 530 . ...................... ~pt• 8-URBAN' ~Eont actPforJ sale o~Vl nd for are- thoriztng development with Graham's Style Store For ......... . 384 502 Men. ..................... ....................................... . „ R-ttBBAN RENEWAL PROJECT IOWA H_15,Fau- '° 21-URBAAN Rf B of ck 9 PDowntown~ Pazking Purposes ................... Nov. 16-United States of America, De phase~twopofcthe SewageaTre Dec. 7-Up°Y7e " 14--UrbCL „ 14-URBA of to 14-Urban de „ ~9~rTRBA rnd on now ca: ~~- --- 384 to Permit. 394 -15, reten- for Public ............... 419 .... nt of In- Grant for Plant....... ..,,,.. 505, 508, 549 Christmas ............. 515 ....... led TOWN 520 IOWA R-15, sale .rban renewal area 532 n ............................. R-15, chargeoff of 533 :OWA R-15, Sale of :o,;aa t971) ............. 553 INDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page V April 6-VanderMeulen Kennth R., Notice of Claim........... 120 ' 6-Veterans Park Road, improvement with Bitumi- nous Concrete Paving from W.P.L. of Balboa into Veterans Park ................................................. 134, 180 " 6-Vizaleea Drive, improvement with Bituminous Con- crete Paving from the N.P.L, of Pennsylvania Avenue to the S.P.L. of Keymont Drive........... 134, 180 " 20-Visitation Academy, thanking City and County officials for allowing the students to partic- ipate in Youth for Government program......... 149 May 4-Van Duelman Carl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 186 18-Veterans Memorial Park Restroom Facility, com- pleted and accepted ............................................... 202 June 1-Vyverberg Richard Mrs., Settlement of claim......... 219 29-Van Duelman Carl, granted Cigarette Permit......... 262 Aug. 17-Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission to conduct a tag day ............................................. 333 Sept. 8-V. F. W. Freedom Signature Week, proclaimed by MBYOr Meyers ................................................... 396 Nov. 2-Vernon Robert G. Dr., appointed to the Plumbing Board . ........................................................................ 471 INDEX -BOOK 100 1870 SUBJECT Page W Jan. 5-Welsh Eva L, settlement of suit ............................. 8 " 5-Westside Manor Subdivision, petitions pro and con for the rezoning of property from Single Family to Local Business "B" classification..... .................................................... 9, 10, 75, 140, 200, 222 " 5-Weber Merlyn L., requesting s refund on Liquor Permit No. C-1565 . ................................................ 12 Feb. 2-Water Department, application for Assistance Funds from the Federal Government Home Finance and Housing Agency ................. .... 38 " 2-Woodward William, Requesting a deed to vacated Prnspect Street. ....47, 192, 201, 255, 330, 351, 421 " 16-Washington Street Neighborhood Council, object- ing to the recent court ruling on the rezomng of their area ........................................................... 60 " 16-Williams Roger D., granted Class 'B" Beer Permit. 83 " 18-Williams Roger D, granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit . ............................................................................ 83 Mar. 2-Water -epartment Audit for the year 1969 ............ 72 " 2-Wieser Maurice, Notice of Claim ............................. 74, 270 " 2-Wa Tan Ye Club, requesting proclamation of Wa Tan Ye Week . ........................................................ 75 " 2-Westchester Subdivision, property lying adjacent to Woodland and Dana Drive, request for re- zoning from Two Family to Multple Res- idence . ..................................................................73, 102, 142 " 2-Westside Manor Subdivision, request of Patrick Chew for the rezoning of property in Block 25 from Single Family to Local Business "B" classification . ................................75, 140, 152, 200, 222 " 23-Weig Tom J., Notice of Claim ................................... 99 " 23-White William, granted Class "C" Beer Permit..... 112 April 6-Winkler Louis J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit No. 236 ............................ ............... 123 0-White Street, improvement with Hot Mix-Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Paving from the N. P. L. of 4th Street to the N. P. L. of 10th Street..... 132, 176 " 6-Wedig Kathleen L., granted Cigarette Permit......... 138 " 6-Wedig Kathleen L., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit . ............................................................................ 138 " 13-Water Department Development Report. ........148, 171, 172 " ZO-Witt William, appointed to the Low Rent Housing Agency ....................................................................... 161, 188 May 4-Wooten Craig, requesting steps to be taken to eliminate problem of pollution ........................... 163 " 4-White Jerry A., relative to pollution problem creat- ed by internal combustion engines ................... 183 " 4-Willy Construction Company, sidewalk bond......... 165 " 4-Welsh John M. et. al., objecting to the proposed paving of South Grandview Ave ......................... 177 " 4-Woolworths Department Store, granted Cigarette Permit . ...................................................................... 185 " 18-Winkler Louis J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit. 208 " 18-Winkler Louis J., granted Class "C" Liquor Per- mit . ............................................................................ 207 June 1-Walgreen Company, granted Cigarette Permit..... 228, 248 " 1-Walgreen Company, granted Class "C" Beer Per- mit . ............................................................................ 229 " 1-Wieser Maurice M., Notice of Suit ............................. 233 " 9-Wareco Systems of Iowa, granted Cigarette Per- mit . ............................................................................ 238 " 9-Warehouse Market, granted Cigarette Permit....... 238 " 9-Weiner Eva Lee, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 238 " 15-Walsh Stores, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 245 INDEX -BOOK 100 1870 SUBJECT Page W - " ` 15-Westeffield Martin & Esther, granted Cigarette " Permits . .................................................................... 15-Walgreen Company, granted Cigarette Permit.... 245 246 29-Walsh James E., requesting permission to excavate in Pennsylvania Avenue ....................................... 255 ', 29-Weiner Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 261 " 29-White William J., granted Cigarette Permit......... 261 ~' 29-Wunder Eileen, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 261 29-Wong Chuck N., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 262 " , 29-Woolworth Company, granted Cigarette Permit..... 262 . 29-Welter Harold B., granted Cigarette Permit........... 262 a 29-Winkler Louis, granted Cigarette Permit ............... 262 " ~ 29-Wertz Donald E., granted Cigarette Permit........... 262 :., 29-Williams Roger, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 262 " 29-Wunder Eileen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 263 - 29-Weiner Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 263 " 29-Weiner Eva Lee, granted Class "C" Beer Permit..... 263 - " 29-Wunder Eileen, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit. 265 29-Weiner Helen, granted Class "C" Liquor Permit .... 265 ' July 8-Winkler Beatrice, granted Cigarette Permit......... 277 6-Wedig Kathleen L., granted Cigarette Permit......... 277 „ 20-Wahlert Robert 0.i requesting permission to ex- .,, tend Moore Heights Sanitary Sewer ................. 285 .... 27-Welsh Enterprises Inc., granted Cigarette Permit. 306 27-Welsh Enterprises Inc, granted Class "C" Beer ~'~;?j Permit . ...................................................................... 27-Wright Kay, reappointed to the Playground & Rec- 306 ~(. reation Commission ............................................... 307 ;~ Aug. 3-Wernecke Dale & Albin A. Rhomberg, requesting rezoning of property in A. P. Woods Addn. .. and Umon Addition to Multiple Family Res- idence District ................................... .... 327 17-Witt William J., appointed to the Low Rent Hous- " ing Commission . ....................... ..................... 336 24-Weida John & Agnes, ordered to dismantle and clean up premises located at 1203 Grove Ter- " race (garages) . .................... .........344, 420, 485, 24-Warne Kenneth A. et. al, requesting two hour 486 parking on Clarke Drive between N. Grand- view Avenue and St. Ambrose Street ............... 347 412 Sept. , S-Wilbur Lane, installation of street light recom- mended for the intersection of Wilbur Lane and Allce Street ..................................................... 360 " 8-Ward Minnie, Notice of Claim ................................... 3gp 14-Wolf Agnes Ann, Notice of Claim ............................. 398 Oct. 5-Wahlert High School, requesting permission to conduct a homecoming parade ........................... 438 12-Water Services and Sanitary Sewer to be extended to service the annexed property south of the present corporation limits ................................. 481 Nov. .. 2-Woodhouse Lucille, Notice of Claim ....................... 472 ` Dec. 7-Water Department report for the moath of Oc- " , tober 1970 ................................................................. 509 29-Wertz Donald E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit. 555 INDEX -BOOK 100 IIYDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Page 1970 SUBJECT X Y Mar. 2-Ravier Hospital Gift Shop, requesting refund on ~ ';- Feb. 2-Y. W. C. A., requesting that "Youth for Govera- Cigarette Permit No. 182 ..................................... 78 ~ meat Day 1970" be established for April 13, 14 and 15 ................................................................. April 13-Y. W, C. A., requesting the proclamation of a ,` 'Dubuque Y. W. C. A. Week" ............................. -:~ -~ June 29-Young G. Mrs., Notice of Claim ............................. Oct. i2-Y. M. C. A, requesting permission to conduct a ,:: :'` Halloween Parade .................--------.--_. ~`. :~, Page 46 148 252 455 Regular Session, January 5, 1970 IlVDEX -BOOK 100 1970 SUBJECT Z July 20-Zeimea Patrick, granted Cigarette Permit ............. Oct. 5-Zwaek Anton, liability policy ..................................... Paga Z97 434 ~~TY COU.NCIL ORFICIAL Regular Session, January S, 7970. Council met df 7:30 P.M. Central Standard Time. Present-Mayor Pregler, Council• men, Coachman, Meyers, Mc- Cauley, 9chults. City Manager Gil- bert p. Chavenelle. Mayor Pregler read the gall and stated that service thereof had been duly made, this being the REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING and also the PIRST MEETING OF THE NEW FISCAL YEAR OF 1970, avid is called for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come before the meeting. The entire Council exchanged pleasantries and good wishes and were grateful of the opportunity of having served with each other, in the best interest of the com- munity. City Clerk Frommelt swore in Messrs. Joseph J. Bitter, Wayne A. Moldenhauer and Walter A. Pregler as Councilmen for the reg- ular term commencing the second secular day of January 1970. Councilman Coachman moved that Councilman Donald R. Meyers be elected to serve as Mayor for the ensuing fiscal year of 1970. Seconded by Councilman Molden- hauer. Carried by the following vale: Yeas-Councilmen Bitter, Couch- maa, Moldenhauer, Pregler. Nays-None. Councilman Meyers not voting. Mayor Meyers swore in C i t y Manager Gllbert D. Chavenelle, City Clerk Leo F. Frommelt, City Solicitor R. N. Russo to serve in their various capacities for the Xear 1970. RESOLUTION NO. 1.70 A Resdufion providing for the appointment of a Cify Manager, City Clerk, City Solicitor, pre- scribing }heir salaries and fix- ing }heir bonds. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the following officers be ap- pointed, subject, however, to the right of the council to declare such gf(ices vacant, or remove the af- ficers therefrom at the pleasure of the Council with or without cause, and to be paid the com- pensation provided for in the de- tailed distribution of proposed ex- penditures for 1970 and that the City Manager provide a $5,000 bond and the City Solicitor provide a $1,000 bond, apt their expense, and that the City Clerk be covered under the Blanket Honesty Bond. City Manager-GilberT D.~ Chave- nelle. Eify Clerk-Leo F. Frommelt. City Solicitor-R. N. Russo. Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of January 1970. Donald R. Meyers Mayor Walter A. Pregler Wayne A. Moldenhauer Gaylord M. Coachman Joseph J. Bitter Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Counciman Couchmaa. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Meyers, Council- men Bitter, Coachman, Molden- hauer, Pregler. Nays-None. January S, 1970 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: As City Manager I wish to ad- vise your Honorable Body that all officers and employees who I have power to appoint and are under my supervision, direction and con- trol, and whose appointments con- tinue at the pleasure of the Man- ager, and who are now serving in the respective capacities shall be paid salaries in accordance with the pay plan submitted to the Coun- cil, a copy of which is attached hereto, and in accordance ba the detailed distribution of proposed expenditures for 1970, which the Council established a~t the time of the budget hearing and adoption. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Mayor Meyers moved approval 4f tt16 recommendation. Secopded